Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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Office , 12 Pearl Street. II. W. Tlltoti , Malinger and Lessee.
MI.NUll Mn
Grand hotel , Council DIufTg. Newly fur-
nlidied. Uecpcned Oct. 1. 1' . K. Clark , prop
MM. Jane Hammer's funeral will take place
this evening at 7 o'clock from the family
Tlie Merchant Maroons went to Weston
Sumhy and beat tlio club of that place by a
' , BCTe cf 9 to 0.
The iJodso Light Guards anl Ihurston
Ilinos will have a drill and dancing party at
Grand I'lara , Manawa , next 1'rlday ever Ing
Howard N. Hattenhouer has taken charge
of the Chicago papers In Council Uluffs , hav
ing bought the tmrlncft from Henry Mudge.
A marriage licctifo was Issued yesterday
to Herman Kodenberg , aged 22. and Bertha
Eklund , aged 24 , both tit Pottavvattamle
M. Hand , who keeps a second hand store
Hi 711 Uroadway , reported to 'ho police yes-
totday that a gold filled watch was stolen
from his place of business Sunday.
Lost In Grand Plaza , at .Manawa , Monday
night , lady's gold watch , with sliver Trilby
hnart attached , Initials "L. B. P. " Kinder
plonse leave at Dee odlcs and get reward.
Miss Clara Klammant will entertain a large
number of her friends at a country dancing
party Thumday evening at her home In
Mlnncola. I'lfty Invitations have b'.an re-
> celvcd by society people of this cuy.
Peter Smith has commenced the erection of
a bjilldtng on Tlfth avenue near Eleventh
Btreet , with the expectation of moving his
bakery there as soon as It Is completed. The
brick niatoui vvcro put at work yesterday.
A joung woman from Omaha dropped her
watch at Grand Plaza , Manawa , last evening ,
nnd It wai picked up by two men , whom Ed
Sherlock and others from Council Uluffs saw
In the act , Mr. Sherlock says ho can Identify
the men when ho sees them ,
Henry Henderson , who was charged with
stealing i trunk from the residence of an
other darkey named Saunders , was given a
preliminary hearing before Justice Cook yes
terday. The prosecuting witness was on
hand , but his story had so many conflicting
points that Henderson was discharged.
The Young Men's Christian association gave
Mr. George G. Wallace of Omiha a warm re
ception and an earnest hearing on Sunday ,
when ho spoke on "Four-Storied Men. " It
Is pleasing to note the IntdiBlty of the asso
elation work In spite of the hot weather.
The educational meeting of the board of di
rector * will be held tonight.
Alice V. IIloss began suit In the district
court yesterday for a divorce from Milton
P. Hloss , a painter of this city. They were
marled In Manchester , la. , In 1878. She
alleges that since the marriage her husband
has become addicted to the habitual use of
liquor. She asks the court to give her the
household furniture as alimony.
Mrs. Anna Pralor , who Is known us the
"Queen of Spades , " has been running a
house where darkles most do congregate , on
Uroadway below Seventh street , since her
house WHS burned out several weeks ago.
Yestcrdiy she was pulled by Deputy Mir-
Blial Fouler for running a saloon without
first putting up the necessary amount with
the city government. She was unable to
furnish a bond and went to jail.
A tramp giving his name as Kr.vik Majcr
made the rounds of the hoiucs In the
vicinity of nighth street nnd Avenue B Us
evening asking for a cup of tea. The people
thought ho was u housebreaker on a re-
connoltcrlng tour and sent word to the
police , who placed him under arrest. He hai
somo'food In his pocket and evidently vv.tntei
some tea to wash It down. The police arc
Inclined to believe that hs Is just what ho
claims to be , a tramp of the regulation
Fire and tornado Insurance written In best
companies. Money for farm loans at low
rates. City property for tale or trade for
farm lands In Iowa. Lougee & Towle , 235
Pearl St.
None finer than the Hardman Daby Grand
c. o. it. imow.vs
Special Snlc on MIIHOII Fruit Jnrx.
Pints , per dozen , 40c.
Quarts , per dozen , COc.
Halt gallons , per dozen tr c.
BROWN'S , C. O. D.
rnitso.VAi , I'AU.vr.KAriis.
A. S. Hazelton returned yesterday morning
from a trip ot a couple of weeks to Denve
and the surrounding country.
Assistant United States Attorney Thoma
H. Casidy has returned from Keokuk , wher
he attended a session of United States court
Mrs. Ilradbury Is confined to her home a
the residence of Mrs. Uehblngton on Pak
l venue with a severe attack of malaria
W. M. Maxwell and J. n. Dcnder of Oak
land v , ere In the city yesterday looking up
legal advice with a view to purchasing ad
dltlonal ground for school purposes at home
Mr. and Mrs. R. Morgan have returnet
from Denver , where they went expecting t
reside. Mr. Morgan failed to find the llmat
suited to his needs , and he has como back t
make Council Lllufls his home.
Charles Nicholson , Charles Hiibsr , M
Welker , Will Kecllne nnd Robert UudJtz wll
leave next Saturday evening for Cedar Rapid
to attend the butchers' state convention. Cac
will wear a plug hat , and the delegation wll
undoubtedly reflect great credit on their horn
tow n.
IlnrlliiKtnii llonte
The excursion advertised for St. Joseph
Mo. , Aug. 4th has been declared off , and In
stead of running It to St. Joseph an cxcur
slon will bo run to Kansas City. Train vvl
l ave Main street depot at 10.45 p. m. Sat
urday , August 10 , and will arrive at Kansa
City at 6:40 : a. m. Sunday. Returning , wl
leave Kansas City at 9:45 : p. m. and wi
arrive In Council Blurts at G:45 : a. m. Monday
Pare for the round trip , $2.50.
W. J. DAVnNl'ORT , A. D. P. A.
The gas company's tpcclal prices for * erv
Ice pipes w 111 ba continued through July.
The Hardman piano wears like iron.
Jiixt 111 Time ( o He Slekr.
Yesterday morning A. U. Aniils , represeni
Ing J. W. Squire , reported ut the marshal'
office that a family named Yerln had jus
moved Into one of Mr. Squire's houses a
1214 Third avenue without having an
authority for doing so. He wanted an office
to go at once and eject them. When th
officer went ho found that jthe Yerlns. to
gether with Kittle Law son , Jennie Williams
and other old and tried friends of the police
had taken possession. One of the chlldrc
vvns sick , and City Ploslclan Trey nor wa
railed to aiccrtaln the trouble. He pro
novtnwl the disease diphtheria , Nothtn
could bo done but to leave the family tn pos
scfcslon , and they arc there > et.
lleil Cellar Kenee 1'oNl * .
Twelve carloads standard red cedar fenc
posts , 10o each , by tbo carload.
Read Davis' ad. Davis sells hammock
cheap. _
The Hardman Is full and rich In tone.
AilmUteil llln CinlU ami < i ( OIT.
John Dunn was tried > esterday on th
charge ot assaulting Charles Christiansen
The evidence showed that Christiansen had
collision with a wagon In which were sev
eral of Dunn's children. Christiansen dli
not Ilka to have his wagon battered up in
was telling the children about It In some
what vehement language , when Dunn , pere
canto up Dunn Jumped onto Chrlstlatue
with more or less force , according to th
nearness of relationship of the various wit
nesses , and thumped him. Dunn did no
deny the thumping act , but the jury , In on
of Iti strange fits of mental aberration , whlc
sometimes takes juries , took only a fe\
minutes to bring In a verdict ot not guilt )
Dunn was discharged Immediately.
Yei. the Eagle laundry Is "that goo
laundry. " ana U located at 721 Uroadway
It In doubt about this try It and bo convinced
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
Campers at Manawa and Comfort Seeker
Everywhere : Have you taken advantage o
the great rocker sale of the Durfee Furnltur
Co.T It lasts until Aug. 1.
! _ only plan/ ? worth bavlpg. , the Hardman
AVI 1,1 , .NOT itncoNSinnu THIS.
Ileetrle 1,1 if lit Company flen no Ail-
illtlonal from ( lie CH } Council.
The Gas and Electric Light company has
aken Its city warrant for the light furnished
tiring the months of May and June , and
icro now teems to be but little chance that
will get any more than vvns awarded by the
ouncll a coupkof weeks ago. When the
tanager of the companyt raised an objection
o the amount of the award the mater was re-
erred back to the committee which had had
: under consideration before to make another
nvestlgatlon. Tlie committee met with the
ompany's representatives one night and
alked the thing over with a good deJl of
xhaustlveness , both of time and temper ,
Alderman Drown of the committee now an
nounces that the committee will do nothing ,
unless It Is merely to reiterate the report first
The fact Is that the council can do nothing
nore , except by a violation of the rules.
When the matter was referred back to the
committee no motion was made to reconsider.
'ho rules provide that a motion when car
ried can bo reconsidered only at the same
meeting or at an adjourned meeting. There
are to be no more adjourned meetings this
nonth , so that a reconsideration Is out of
he .
question. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mill-Summer Clearing Sale.
Store crowded from morning till night.
Thousands taking advantage of this oppor-
unlty to secure desirable merchandise at
> 0 cents on the dollar. Dig reductions In
tress goods and silks. All wash goods at a
sacrifice. Hosiery and unu > rwpar at greatly
reduced prices. See values offered In laces ,
notions , white goods , gents' fuinlehlngs ,
gloves and mitts , handkerchiefs , ladles' capes
and wrappers.
401-105 IlroaUnay.
Council Ululfs , la.
( iooil .Money In
Hetty Cash and Amelia Hamilton have been
making the rounds of the towns In Iowa ,
Nebraska and Kansas , raising money , osten
sibly for Mount Zlon church In Fort Scott ,
Kan. The other day they decided , Inst ad
of going nround together , to separate and
meet at Red Oak , from which point they
would come on to Council Bluffs and go 01 ,
with their money raising.- Doth women are
coloud , and each carried a book signed by
the pastor of the church , vouching for them
The conttact belong originally to Mrs. Cash ,
however , and her name was the only that
appeared in the letter of lecommendatlon
She sublet the contract , and yesteiday found
that the other woman had turned up missing
They had agreed to meet Sunday morning.
Mrs Cash thinks the other woman has gone
off on her own hook , intending to raise as
much as possible without turning It in to
her. The p cullar thing about the case Is
that according to Mrs. Cash's statement
she gets half of nil she makes. She says
she has made on the average between $5
and $ C a day ever since she has been out
and she hai been out eleven weeks All
the subscriptions ore In small sums , ranging
all the way from 5 to 25 cents , and she has
had no trouble whatever in making her
alleged charity business a profitable one , ,
Mine. Merlll MeM nt MlilnlKli ( .
For a year or two Mme. Helen Merll
has hnd a manicuring estab Ishment In the
Merrlam block , but of late trade has not
como her way quite so universally ind she
has had to allow her back rent to accumu
late. A day or two ago , after repeatedlj
dunning her , S. H. Wadsworth , the agent
for the building , told her she would have to
pay or get out. She promised to sell a diamond
mend and get "money to pay the $80 she owec
him for rent. Yesterday morning when he
came up tow n Mr. Wadsworth was somewha
surprised to learn that his tenant hnd movei
out all ot her furniture during the night an <
hnd disappeared herself. After investlgat
Ing he found that she had hid the furniture
stored In n room over the Vienna restaurant
evidently thinking that It could not be at
tached for rent after It had left the build-
Ing. He Immediately liad a writ of attach
merit Issued and took pcssesslon of the fur
nlture. _
Iteilneeil Kate.
To Hot Spt'ngs , S. D. , sale July 19 , Aug
ust 2 and 2J , one first class fare for rounc
Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Bos
ton , Mass. Silo August 19 to 24.
American Pharnv reutlcal association , Den
ver , Colo. Sale August 11 and 12.
National convention Keeley league , liar
rlsburg. Pa. Sale August 1C to 22.
In addition I have on sale Summer Tourls
tickets to various points In the United State
and Canada.
Call and get copy of map and Illustrate.
write up of the great Yellowstone Natlonn
park. 0 M BROWN. Ticket Agent.
WorK < ui ( illherCH Lake.
A. C. Graham has been for several weeks
past superintending the work on what Is
to be known , for want of n better name , as
"Gilbert's lake , " an artificial pond that Is to
be constructed east of Ulg lake. In the re
glen about Mynster Springs. The work of
grubbing out the stumps has now been com
pleted. night acres have be ° n laid bare and
10,000 stumps have been removed. In about
two weeks the work of grading Is to bo
commenced. A cut of Eeven or eight feet
will Le made , forming a large basin. Into
which will run the water from the springs ,
-utllcli are so numerous In that locality. It Is
estimated that It will take sixty-six days for
the basin to be filled by the water brought
to It In a four-Inch pipe , without making
any allowance for seepage or evaporation.
The city will have the right to use the lake
during the summer for boating purposes , but
for nothing else. _
Wheel ItiniH.
The following runs will be made by the
Ganymede Wheel club during August :
Sunday , August 4 , to Illalr , a distance ot
sixty miles ; start at 7 n. m.
Wednesday , August 7 , to Florence , a dis
tance ot twenty miles ; start at 7.15 a. m.
Sunday , August 11 , to Rusor's park ,
twenty tulles ; start at 7 a. m. This will be
a joint run with the Turner and Omaha
Wheel clubs.
Wednesday , August 14 , to Manawa , eight
tulles ; start at 7 30 p. m.
Sunday , August 18 , to Dunlap , 118 miles ;
start at 4 a. m.
Wednesday , August 21 , to Manawa , eight
miles ; start at 7 30 a. m.
Sunday , August 25 , to Louisville , sixty
miles ; start at 7 n. m. This will also be a
joint run with the Omaha Wheel club , and
the Lincoln club will be met at Louisville.
Will Text ( lie II ) .IriiiitM.
As a comfortable warm weather occupation
some of the members of the city council arc
talking of making a test olj the fire hydrants
scattered throughout the city for the purpose ,
if possible , ot cutting donn the water com
pany's bill a few notches the next time It
comes In. So far as can bo learned no test
has ever been made , or at least not for a long
time. The ordinances provide that they shall
be able to throw n stream of water a certain
size a certain distance , and the aldermen
fondly hope that the company Is not doing Its
duty , as a generous "dock" would come In
very handy these hard times.
Wheeler' * Klni ; Tt > iiiieriinec Ileer
All Hldht.
MONROE. Nfb. , July 25. Wheeler &
Hereld , Council muffs : Gentlemen Inclosed
please find check In tull ot my first invoice
of Wheelrr's King Temperance Ueer bought
ofyou. . Your goods are excellent and your
prices right. ROI1KRT A. V1CKKHS ,
Only one ot the $1500 Quick Meals left.
Two bicycles left ; 26-Inch ladles' wheels ;
close out at cost. Only 7 refrigerators from
our largo stock ; very low prices. Cole &
Cole , 41 South Main street.
Dexerleil by lllx Wife.
H , F. Hlvely , a gardener living about a
mile from South Omaha , was In the city yes
terday looking for hla wife , who haa deserted
him. About a year ago he married her and
at that time bought her about $100 worth ol
clothing , although he hlmtelt Is still wear
ing Ills wedding outfit , Last spring he broke
ils leg and since the accident has not been
ible to work much , although of late he has
been attending to his garden on his knees. A
veek ago last Saturday his wife left for
Council Ulurfs , ea > lng she could get a place
o work. She has not seen him from that
lay to this , although lie says she was In
So'ith Omaha last Thursday , but did not
omo to look him up. Ho put his case In the
lands of the police.
nntertaliieil nt
The occupants of the "Moorish Palace , " a
entlng party at Grand Plazc , Manawa , enter-
alned a large party of their friends at the
ake last evening. A luncheon was served In
ho tent , prepared by the camp cook , tlie
menu consisting of mashed potatoes , French
chops , salad , olives , Ice cream and cake and
coffee. The young men entertaining were
Messrs. Will Duller , Tom Evans , Ed Me-
Ccsson , Tom Farnsworth , Will Keller , Clar
ence Capell , Frank Capell , Ralph Mueller
and Harry Murphy.
During the evening Will Duller and Harry
Murphy gave a dancing party. Special ar
rangements had ben made with Colonel Reed
by which the central part of the pivllllon was
set apart for dancing purposes , and the
ilies' Military band played dance music
the entire evening.
( lie llaml.
The pMenomenal success of the Ladles' Mili
tary band at Grand Plaza during the past
two weeks has Induced Colonel Reed to le-
engage them for another two weeks , at a
very liberal salary. The young women , by
their good music , as well as by their imlct
and ladylike behavior , have received the
unqualified admiration of the throngs that
have gathered at the lake , and this stroke of
enterprise on the part of Colonel Uecd
will meet with the hearty approval of the
public. _ llolil I'll. '
John Dunn , Jr. , and Pat Sullivan rode from
Manawa to the city Sunday night at a late
hour In Dunn's hack. About half way be
tween the two places they ran across a , man
who stood In the weeds by the side of the
road and held a revolver carelessly In their
direction , ordering them to stand and deliver
Instead of complying Dunn whipped up the
horses and drove at a rap'd rate to the city.
the hold-up artist sending a shot after them.
Veteran * of ( lie I.yte War Uemem-
liereil liv ( lie ( Jeiiernl ( ! M eriinieii ( .
WASHINGTON , July 29 ( Special. ) Pen
sions granted , Issue of July 13 : *
Nebraska : Orlglnnl John Coker , Suther
land , Lincoln ; Chnrles E. Lewl , alias
Frederick Gibson , Ough , Dumly ; James
D. Grnhnm , Phillips Stntlon , Ham
ilton ; George U. Llttelt , Milton , Gos-
per ; William Cook , \Vahoo , Saun
ders ; George Hyerly , Petersburg , lioone
John M No > cr , Stockvllle , Frontier
William H. Walker , Ohlovvn , Flllmore. In
crease John I" Houplnml , Hastings
Adnms. Reissue Levl J. Pnlmer , Liberty
Gage , John II. Dunn , Omnhn , Douglas
Richard N Nlckervon , Palisade , Hitchcock
Daniel E Douglas Johnson Nemnha : Frank
Allison , alias William W. Downs , Lushton
York , John C. Wvne , Peru. Nemaha , Cor
nelius D , Smith , Merna , Custer , Leonnn
II Wright , Lincoln , Lancaster ; Ilenrv C
Foster , University Plnce , Lnnc.ister ; Sam
uel L Farmer , Edison , Furnns ; Davit
Kroachbnum , Sutton , Clny , Cherry W
Cheney , Alnsworth , Ilrown , Adam Ickes
Lincoln , Lancaster , William S Flood , Hnj
Springs , Sheridan ; John W Davis , Wy
more , Cane ; John Austin , Ponca , Ulxon
Iowa : Original Wllliiim M Frv , Jamison
Clarke ; Aaron E. Johnson , Sioux Cltj
Woodlmry , Nathaniel T Carrlngton , Chero
kee , Cherokee Additional Nelson Vnnvvl
Mnson City , Cerro Got do ; Henry H. Moore
Davis City. Decatur , Thomas .1 Daniel
Decatur , Decatur. Increase Henry L
CoolldRe , Bonaparte , Van Huren. Helssue
Frederick W. Hlckox. Mltchellville , Polk
Aldln II. Dwlnnell , Fontnnelle , Adnlr ; Adam
Kly , Centervllle , Appanoose Thomns G
Hryant , Adaze , Greene ; George Uclker
FarmltiBton , Van Huren ; George W. Hos *
Carpon. Pottnvvattamle ; Ernest L Stllson
Corinth Hancock : Robert nurre'.I. Perry
Dallas ; Marel S Blcknell , Tabor , Fremont
John W Bowers. West Union , Fuyette
George Foster , Adnms , Mu catlne ; Carle
Moore , Cambria , Wayne ; Hiram Fuller
Wellmnn. Washington , John Jone ? , O ceoln
Clark : Henry S. Wll'.son , Oilman , Marshall
David H. Morris , Huthven , P.ilo Alto : Slla
T. Jermnn , FarraKUt , Fremont ; Charles H
Herner. Stunrt , Guthrle ; John II. Clark
FrederlCksburfT , Chlcknsavv ; Enoch Mnsee
Cedar Hnplds , Linn ; Joshua M Like , Dnn
buiy , Woodbun ; William Wlnth , Hull
Sioux ; Dnnlel Pope , Knoxvllle , Marion
Colorado : Original James A. Hniward
Denver , Arapahoe , Nel on Cutlet , Sulldn
Claffee , Frnncl co Pcquelte. Stonewall. Li
Anlma Supplemental William W. Stout
Colorado Spnnpp , 121 I'npo
South Dakota : Additional Charles T
Snook , E'inond Kinwbuiy ; Henry E Ash
Hitler , D.iv UeisRtie James L Loonier
Can ton , Lincoln ; Thomns Hob'nton , Ell
Point , Union. Reissue nnd Increase John
Teasdnlc , Alpena. Jciauld.
Issue of July 12'
Nebraska1 Oilglnal Daniel Mather , West
ern. Saline Renewal- William W Millnrd
Hcnver City , Film is. Renewal and in
crense Joseph A Hrlnton , McCook Re
Willow Increase Daniel Iloalen , WKber
Siillne Rol ue Jeremiah Brl bln , Frank
lln , Franklin ; Dewnynn Tennunt , Rec
Cloud , Webster ; William S Clark , Uentrlce
Gage ; Henry Spick. Kennesavv , Adnms
James H Walters , Shelton , Buffalo , John
W Kingston. Arborvllle , York : Thdnm
O'Connor. Lincoln , Lancaster ; S'irmipl Mc
Gooden , Estcll , Hayes ; William A. Glaze
Crawford , Duwo , John S George , Wroi
Like , Cherry , Lorenzo D. Brown. Falrtlehl
Cln > ; David Ormabee , Harvard , Cluy
lown : Increase Eugene Rlchatds , Van
Wort , Decatur Reissue Allen n Holme"
Carpenter , Mitchell ; Henj imln F Svvurtz
Gray , Audubon ; Gnrrott W Schreurs , Mus
cntlne , Mii"cntln < > , Frank Christie. Helmont
Wrlsht ; John Weber , Prornrose , Lee ; John
S. Dryden New Sharon , Mahaska ; Thoma
J. Lirtlnn , Dexter , Dallas ; James H
Wooder , Hnle , Jones ; Seth W. Micy , Col
fax , Jasper ; Alexander Dowd , Oakland
Pottavvnttamle : George W Adnms AlKT.i
Kosulh ; Donald Bin Bert , Lake City , Cal
lioun ; Aaron Shnvv Vim Horn , Henton
James U. Werd , Eldon , Wapello ; Job S
Benls , College Springs , Page ; Alphcu
Cornwell , Pico Mound lloono , Hamilton H
Cr.inshavv , Des Molnes , Polk ; Alonz
Corns , Ro e Hill , Mnhaska ; Joslah F Stone
Sheldon , O'Brien , Samuel Berrv , Mediapo
JK D g Molnes ; Chnrles W. Hicks , Emer
son , Mills ; Charles Chins Davton , Web
cler ; Alfred M. Wilton , Shennndoah , Pnse
Htnry S. .Graham Indlanoli , Wurren , Rob
nt B Pattlson , Plerson , Woodburv ; Irvli
S Boles , ShelUburg , Btmton ; Asa S Albv
Rcckford Flojd
South Dakota : Original Gilbert Nelson
Volga , Hrooklnira Renewal and Increas0
Cyrus M Runkle. Planklnton. Anroin In
creape Albert Hacklns , Faullu er , FaulK
Relhstie Warren Dick , Worthing , Lincoln
Daniel O. RpploBln White , BrooklnKS , E < 1
ward D Palmer , Yankton. Yunkton ; Rob
ert W. Crane , Honchire , Mlnnehnlm ; lean
\jQnK , Pierre , Hushes , Rogers H Younjr
Hot Springs , Fall River ; Scvmour C
Weatherwax Alpen i , Jernuld. Nile P f'a ° e
Redfleld Splnk , Joseph Brooks. Sioux
Falls , Mlnnehnha ; Alexander Martin , An
dover , Day ; James Mnrchen , Chamberlain
North Dakota : Origlml Edmond Haynes
Leonard , Cn s Reissue Burton Hulbeit
New Rockford , Eddy Original widows
etc. Minor of John Towle , Fort Bufon
Wjomlmr : Itl'sue Myion W. Shufe , For
Fred Steele , Carbon.
MontanaRelfsuc Charles Schultz , Kal
Ispell , Flatheud.
IsMie of Julv 10-
Nebraska : Renew al George W Tlnglev
Fnlrfleld , Clay. Increase James SI
Fletcher. Sewurd Sovvard ; James H. He ]
ton , Falrfleld , Clay. Reissue Peter S
Houts , Arizona , Hurt ; Thomas J. Smith
Alnsworth , Brown ; Joslnh P.- Stevens
Humphrey. Platte ; Manasa T. HotlHer
Wnverly , Lancaster.
Iowa : OrlKlnnl William Smith. Clinton
Clinton ; William J Hervey , Little Sioux
Harrison. Additional An el A Patterson
Davis City , Decatur. Renewal John I'
Thompson , Rock Rnplda , I.yon , Renevva
and Increase Joseph Burson , Thurman
Fremont. Increase Orln O Patterson , Web
eter City. Hamilton ; Hiram F HollliiKu
worth , Shetlleld. Franklin. Reissue Davl
Morgan. Eagle Grove. Wright ; John Rich
anlH Pleusnntvllle , Slnrlon ; Ueorffe W
Clark , Goodell , Hancock ; Robert S Find
lav , Oseeola , Clarke ; Daniel F Ilavnen
Wa hlnpton , Washlncton Relxxue and in
crease George W. Graves , Villlsca , Mont
gomery ,
South Dakota : OrUlnnl Charles E. Con
rail , Ellington , Roberts. Renewal nnd In
ereihe Gcorire StonitiuUKh. Eijan , Moody
RelFsue William Lehan , Edgerton , Charle
Colorado : Reissue David .iJiybown Cope
Aranahce ; Daniel Campbell , Granite
nieil Suddenly of Heart Pa 1 1 are.
CHICAGO , July 29. Judge George E
Dlanko of the supreme court died sudden )
at his home here ot heart failure ,
Northeastern Iowa Town' 'Iner Scene of a
Serious AffiJftN
) ne of ( he VledniH Drlteii liiMitne by
the IiiteiiMe I'll I n 'f/iree / 1'er-
HOIIN In it I'reeitrlouH
CoiiilHlo'n. " '
CLINTON' , la. , July 29. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Word has just reached here of a case
) f wholesale poisoning at the little town of
Thomson , eight miles north of here , by which
learly forty people were stricken from eating
pressed meat. Although no fatalities have as
ct occurred many of the victims are not yet
out of danger and three of them arp In a pre
carious condition. A gentleman just from
here says the greatest excitement prevails
and the screams of the victims could be
heard for half a mile.
George Qrlswold , a farmer living near the
\lllage , had threshers for supper and twenty-
two sat down to the table. During the day
one of the local butchers made a ( | tiantlty of
> rcssed beef , which was served at this meal.
The fact that It was eaten In large nuantl-
les was all that saved many lives , for within
an hour all became deathly sick nnd suffered
mtold agony. Several families In the tonn
purchased and ate the meat and all were
ilmllarly affected. One young lady was crazed
) > the Intense pain and was found wandering
about In the middle of the night. The
jutchcr claims the meat was not diseased nor
were any drugs used In Its preparation.
oik County leiuoeraM Deelare
TheniMel > e AKaIni ( Free Silver.
DCS MOINCS , la. , July 29. ( Special. ) The
lemocrats of Polk county , at their convention
Saturday afternoon , adopted a sound money
platform , presented by a majority of the com
mittee' on resolutions , tabling a free silver
platform presented by the minority of the
committee by the decisive vote of 87 to
12 , after n spirited debate. This county linn
the largest delegation tn the state convention
and It Is currently believed Its action fore
shadows that which will be taken by the
state democracy when it convenes In Mar-
shalltonn August 7.
The discussion In the convention was en
gaged In by a number of the party leai ! < rs
of the state and Indicates that n split may
be occasioned In the party by the silver ques
tion Horatio 1 < \ Dale , member of the Iowa
Code commission , said : "We ate democrats
when we stand on the national platform of
18U2. " Half the delegates yelled "No ! " and
Hon. W. H. Mcllcnry retorted : "You ran
on that platform last fall and got snone.l
under 75,000 In the state. " Dale was the
democratic nominee for secretary of state last
fall. McIIenry pointedly declared he "was
getting tired of going to democratic conven
tions as a democrat and finding , them so man
ipulated by administration job-holders that
no man could express his honest convictions. "
He declared many sliver men would leave the
party. _ '
Small Cjeloiie a ( Monx CHy.
SIOUX CITY , la. , July 29 ( Special Tele
gram ) A violent wind and rain storm about
3 o'clock last night did considerable damage
In and near the city. Many trees were blown
down and a few small buildings unroofed In
the lower part of town , i The- water stooJ a
foot deep In the streets , for a time and the
bisements of nearly all the buildings were
Hooded. Hall tell heavily for a time and Is
reported to have beaten the corn down badly
In this vicinity.
ANITA. la. , July 29. ( Special. ) A rain
storm visited this vicinity Saturday evening
accompinled by consldei.iblo thunder nnd
lightning. The fine dwelling , house formerly
occupied by" GW. . Boatrlsht , the station
ngent , vvns truck bv Hgltillng | and 'dumged
over $100. Another line rain here this morn
ing , doing the crops much good. Hall did a
great deal of damage ten and twelve miles
south of here Saturday.
ICH Moliics CIIH Ciinlroverxy.
DBS MOINI3S , la. , July 29. ( Spec al Tele
gram. ) The gas controversy between the
Capital City Gaslight company and the city
of Des Molnes will come up In the federal
court tomorrow , Judges Woolson and Shlras
on the bench. Some months ago the city
council passed an ordinance providing that
after a certain date the net price for Illu
minating gas would be $1 30 , Instead of $1 70
as formerly. It was resisted by the gas com
pany and It went Into the federal court with
i petition for a temporary Injunction to re
strain the city from enforcing the new ordi
nance. Affidavits have been filed on both
sides and the dty has filed a demurrer to
ascertain whether the federal court has Juris
diction , claiming for that purpose that the
case Involves no question ot _ constitutionality.
Kllleil In a Saloon It on' .
OSKALOOSA , la , July 23 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Nathan Jones , a colored youth , Is
now n corpse at the city morgue , the result
f a shooting tcrapo In a disreputable resort
Sunday evening. The evidence before the
coroner's jury shows that Jones , with four
vhlto compinlons went to Gllmoro's Blind
Pig saloon , filled up on poor whisky and com
mented to clean out the place. John Eicht ,
the German bartender , pulled a gun and shot
Jones through the heart. In the sculllo Wil
liam Klrkman received a bullet In his right
arm and nicht was shot In the left foot.
Rlclit was captured about midnight and Is
now In Jail. A plea of self-defense Is set up
by Elcht , while the gang will swear against
hint. .
Candidate WI(1nlrnt\H.
IIAKLAN , la. , July 29. ( Special. ) Hon. II.
W. Djers , who was elected to the legislature
from this county two years ago , has stirred
up the local politicians by publishing a card
withdrawing from the race this year. The
nomination was conceded him
Miss Anna Carmlchael , aged 20 , died nv.
her mother's home here on Saturday from
Sheriff Jonas Clark returned from Mitchell ,
S D , Trlday with Jesse Donahoe , the young
burglar who made his second escape from our
county jail July 3.
Fatal ) } Injureil by nil Hmery Wheel.
MASON CITY , la. , July J9. ( Special Tele
gram ) George Waughtel was probably fa
tally Injured this afternoon by the bursting
ct an emery wheel. A large piece struck him
with tremendous force In the abdomen.
Farmer Shot by riii 't'liUiiou 11.
DES MOINKS , la. , Juy ) ) 55. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Last night M. McCarthy , living four
miles west of Cummins , "w'Us'fehot through the
heart and may die. Ho had'gone to the gran-
nry to look after thl MRS before going to bed
lie xvas found soon after In great pain. He
s a widower , 45 years old , and has one child ,
1C years old , The one who did the shooting
s not know n. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AmioiitierN from ( he I'nlpK ( hat He
Will Die III n Fen WeeKx.
DES MOINRS , la. , July 20. ( Special. )
llcv. Daniel McPhcrson created a mild eenii-
tlon In the East Grand Avenue friends
church > esterday morning by rising In hU
position on the platform Immediately fol
lowing the usual sermon , which happened
to bo on the preparation for the world to
come , and announcing that he had received a
call from the Great Commander for his com
mission as a soldier of the cross , and would
not , as ho had been shown , bo hero In the
flesh moro than a very short time possibly
but n few weeks or days. Rev. Mr. Me-
Pherson's daughter , who was tn the audience
with her husband , broke down and vented
her grief In tear * , evidently bellevclng the
call to bo genuine , whllo a largo number of
their friends n the house wcro also moved
to tears. The sccno lasted several minutes
and was quite affecting.
Owing to the standing of the McPhrrsons
the event has excited consJerable Intcrcit In
addition to that given It by the unusual
character of the dramatic occurrence. The
Grand Avenue church Is the largest of that
denomination In the city , and Rev. Mcl'hcr-
son has been prominently Identified with It
for a number of jears. During the past
week or two he has been In poor health , and
was quite feeble when ho rose In church to
make his extraordinary announcement , which
came to the audience like a death knell.
n\eenlnii ( o SatlNfy n .Inil
SIOUX CITY , la. , July 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) An execution was Issued today for
the sale of property of the Northern Invest
ment company to satisfy the judgment of C.
C. Harrison for $100,000. The Northern's
property Includes many of the principal busi
ness blocks In the city and Is valued at
several million dollars. The compan > passed
Into the hands of a receiver some months ago
on the application of creditors for about $1-
500,000. _
CluirKeil nidi MealInK OIIN.
CRESTON , la . July 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Today William Shunk caused the ar
rest of Mrs. Tobe Brown nnd her mother ,
charging them with stealing oats from his
farm. The women had appropriated four
sheaves , which at the market price would
amount to about 7 cents ,
At last night's session of the city council
the report of the finance committee on the
examination of the city treasurer's books wab
presented and accepted. The committee rec-
011. mended that all bonds and coupons can
celled and city warrants cancelled be
turned over to the city clerk. H was
so ordered. The treasurer's books and his
cash account tally exactly.
An ordinance ordering the American Water
Works company to locate and maintain fire
hydrants at Twenty-first and W streets ,
Twenty-first and Y streets , and Twenty-flrst
street nnd Bellevue avenue was read for the
first time and referred to the Judiciary com
An ordinance providing for the establish
ing of a grade on Tvvcntfourth street from
U street to W street and on Railroad ave
nue from W street to Madison street was
read for the second time.
Flr.e Chief Fred Smith made a report In
regard to the water mains and hydrants , no
tice of which was published exclusively In
The Bee of Monday morning. Chief Smith
recommended1 that an ordinance be passed
compelling owners of buildings to clean nrea
wa > s and cellars under direction of the fire
department. The report of the chief was
referred to the committee on fire and water
On account of the fact that boys aie fre
quently Injured by Jumping on and off mov
ing street cars on Twenty-fourth street
ninnchard moved that the street car company
place a watchman on the street to arrest
offenders In the hope that accidents will In
the future be averted.
On motion of Hylaml the water woiks com
pany was ordered to place a fire hydrant at
Thirtieth and V streets to protect the South
Omaha brewery. Heretofore the brewery has
had no fire protection whatever , though a
heavy taxpa > er.
On motion of Mies the rules were sus
pended nnd an ordinance was read for the
second and third times and passed requiring
the water works company to place -within
thirty da > s , and maintain , hydrants at
Twenty-first and W streets , Twenty-firHt nnd
Y streets and Twenty-first street nnd Belle
vue nvenue.
Ilynn offeied a resolution to dispense with
the electric light at Twenty-seventh nnd N
strtets , ns an oi.llnance had been passed
ordering the railroad companies to maintain
the light. The motion prevailed.
Kefiinillni ; IloiiilH Iefeaeil ,
The proposition to vote $30,000 refunding
bonds was defeated by a vote of 5 to 4 at a
special meeting of the Board of Education
last night The vote stoodNoes Talbot
Olson , Michael , Slate , Gideon ; ajes Babcock ,
Shrlvei , Cheek , Hagan. This action kills the
last bond proposition.
Now all that can be done is for the Board
of Education to collect the 20 mill levy for
school purposes.
The school treasurer was directed to pay
orders In numerical order nereaftsr. The
committee appointed to look up the liquor
license money reported that fifty-four sa
loons were In operation at the present time
All of these have paid their money Into the
city treasury , but on account of protests en
tered only $11,000 has been paid Into the
school fund.
The Choctavv national election \vlll be
held AugUHt 7.
The engineer at the St. Louis quarantine
stntlon vvus bitten by a rattlesnake Monday
and It Is thought he will die.
A grand jury has been summoned to In
vestigate the alleged corruption of city nnd
county olllclals at Superior , WIs.
Chattanooga people deny that veterans
attending the Clilcnmnuga park dedication
September 19 will be charged exhorbltnnt
The Baltimore 'county democratic conven
tion selected dclegntes favorable to Senator
Gormun nnd passed resolutions commend
ing President C'ev eland.
In a garnishment proceedlnps John D
Rockefeller hns tiled un answer that he
dots not owe Alfred or Lconldas Merrlam
J42J.OOO , or any other sum.
.AVIllltnn Caeser , colored , who was sen
tenced to be executed nt Sing Sing for
murder , has taken an appeal nnd been
Blunted a stny of execution
Charles Ulngo of Huntlngton , W. Vn ,
under arrest for complicity In the murder of
his stepchildren , has confessed that he
stood by nnd haw their mother drown them
In the river.
i-SaK * SSa ! S3feS S * 34
NLY pure grape cream of tartar is
used in Royal Baking Powder. Un
like other powders , Royal leaves no acid
or alkali in the food.
Oillrlt ItllckM heat I akri , No. 1 ,
To 1 pint buckwheat flour , while dry , add
2 heaping tenEpoonfuls Royal Daklng Pow
der , teaspoonful tail , t scant tablespoonful
brown Kugar or New Orleans inolassen to
make them brown , mix well tosether ; when
ready to bake add 1 pint cold water , or
sufficient to form a batter , stir but little ,
bake Immediately on hot griddle. The bak
ing ponder should never be put Into batter ,
but always mixed with flour In dry state.
Same prefer addition of a little wheat Hour
and Indian meal , like No. 2.
iiMwril I'r.ilrr * .
Vi pint milk , C eggi , Vz cupful sugar , 1
gill cream , Common Hatter. Beat milk ,
cream , sugar and eggs together ; strain , put
Into small bowl , tet In saucepan with boiling
water to reach , hallway up the sides of
bowl ; steam very gently until net , about 20
minutes ; place on Ice until cold ; cut Into
pieces about 1V4 Inches long by 1 square ;
dip Into common batter an.d fry , In plenty
of hot lard , a deep fawn color ; servo
sprinkled with sugar. 3
Oruilied Wheat Orlilillo Cake * .
1 cupful crushed wheat , 1 % pints flour , 1
teatpoonful brown sugar , 14 teaspoonful salt ,
2 teaspoonfuU Hoyal nuking Powder , 1 egg ,
1 pint milk. Iloll 1 cupful crushed wheat
In ? i pint of water one hour , then dilute
with beaten egg and milk. Sift together flour ,
sugar , salt and powder ; add to crushed
vvhcal preparation when quite cold , mix Into
smooth batter. Hake on hot griddle ; brown
delicately on both sides ; serve with Hygienic
Cream Sauce.
In UoiioiiNc | ( n nil IiuiH'i-nllvc I ) cm unit li > - tinI'lidlUi ( Inyrt llutn Will
llolil ( iooil for Alt Who Apply Ili-foro Si-pU'tiltior
I vor > liml } ' C'nn Connov ; .
The otter of Dm. Coiiclnnil mill
"lu-i'iiril lit trcitl for ! jt , u month , all
iiiil | | ) Inur In July IIIIK liccii iti-i-fitiMl |
l > y MiMiicn of | i -oil | < ' lit Onialin anil
( liroiiKlioul ( ho * v < * Nt tliiiNO from oiil
( lit * city tiiklnir nil * iiutnui' of ( In * In-
oompiiralile MAIL -Til IJATMIiVr.
wlii'rph } MinVrori may In * I'liretl (
tliolr ovv ii liomi'H. ho many IIIIA <
iinki-il mi cxtciixlon of ( lie ! ? , " > period ,
ulio could nol iit'ct'iit iltirltiK ilul- .
that Drn. Copelaiiil anil Slieiiaril nn-
iioiincc ( hut all nho apply until Sci- |
( emlier I u III reoelx * full ( ri > almi < n (
ill ( | IH Ion rale for eneli mitt LM erj
month iindl eiireil. ThiN ulTer lii-
eluiUH coiiHiildidoii anil meilli'lueM ,
and IH ( o all palenM , olil anil lien ,
anil for all illNraneM , Tlie olllueM ol
( lieNe pli > NlelaiiH Imto been Illleil li >
people Million * ( o ooiiic In miller ( lie
Mprelal rne. ' 1'lioNe eoiilemplalliiu
treatment itiii-liiu ; AiiKUNt are nililMi-il
lo appl > early In ( lie iiuinth anil
( hereby ai olil ( he c'romllnu thu ( Mill
occur ilnrliiHT ( he elOMliiK tlujM of
( he iiieelal olft-r.
JIIH ( for
Dr * . Popclnnd & Shcpnrd's conception of
fairness Is Unit mulcted people , peeklnir a
euro for tltelt Inllnnltlo * , should fnllv under
stand the ttentinunt oftorcd them befoicdls-
butslnfr iiiono.\ for Its bcncllli , nnd those
ppljhiK In person at their cilice nro qulto
welcome to a trliil treatment without clmrsc
Kor those taking full treatment there Is no
expunsa beyond the nsscssmcnt of $3
monthly , Including medlcl.ios.
bill : Vr.Vlii > AT 1IOMU.
V I.mly Who \e er Smv ( he lloedirH ,
hut < ! < > t \\fll TliroiiKli tile
Mull Treameii ( .
Mrs. G. \Voolmnii , Julesbunr , Tolo. ,
wife of a incut anil iirovlslon denier , writes
to Di. Sliepatd as follows :
t >
Julcsburg , Colo.
"Recently I wrote for your symptom
Mnt'lc nml liccnn the home treatment tof
ti caiarili I Itn.l hnd Mnco childhood l hail
continual touting nnd singing In the cur *
} Mth a hFiiiliu."ie that never stopped MV
throni was nlvvnya sure , crKana
inpalrod. and the totmlls discharged "oU
Jnw lumps. The btonchlal tubes ylcldVdto
tr-o mnlndy. nnd 1 had Inird work to
urcninp. my chest and IIIIISTM bp'njr sere ami
painful tfio eyes vvws liluitol nnd watery ,
jo that my slKht becnme very Imperfect/
J vrnn nioro Ilko a dead woman than u llvn
have Klvctt me excellrnt hoal'th In ox
Vln"f ° . , ' ? > l'lVy , { ol"wr ' " "IIP" " . 1 praise
' < 1 'crfnl '
I1',0 \v ' iiumo trcitttncnt to nil my '
it icnus.
C1U11 . .TIAMI.MSTr.UM. . f
A I'rpnlilliiu : : , | ( . * K | i.riMioo of the
Coiivliiiul .v .Slicpnril TriMidiiont.
oiT.lV0 JiSv ; PIC > T'1" ' ' " " ' n D DrcsldltiB
clK-r. Urnml .
Island. .Net. . Into of Omaha.
niHl mm of the moxt noted cIprKyineti oi
the Jtcthodht ( lenoinlnutlon , writes.
l-or twenty jrars 1 VV.TM u miffetor from
cafirili of the head , in addition to the
usual offensive nml nnpleusitnt symptom ,
the dlsen ! o had ImtiilitMl inv voice nnd to
potno ovtent Inlet forcil with niv mental
work. Hy mlvlco of friends I took a conrso
"f trcatniont with the I'opelnml and Shepard -
ard iticclnll ts nnd found it to bo Incom
parably sitpcrloi to any other p.8tin . which
I had over resorted to I feel It a duty to
strongly roninit-nd thp o phvsiclnni to all
In need of skillful and faithful treatment. "
The niTeet of Catarrhii ! I'olNoii ltion |
( he Sdimaeh IIH < ; i\eii hy a Well
ICnoMii Omaha Man.
Mr. Ceot-Ke .HiiuiKler | , UTHI HoMiird
street , el ( > , IN ( he ereilll lit tin fop
MeCoril , llnul > A. Co. , ( he rtholeHitlu
wrroeei-N. SiieaKliiK of his relief ami
etire. from ( he liorroi-N of 1 > xiieiiHln ,
"Catarrh of ( he Hoinaeli nearly ,
mliieil my indention for Neternl
jeni-M. AlmoN ( lmmeillaely after
endnu : I Moultl have a dull , heavy ,
pnlii In ( he Ndimneh anil hovvelx , art
( honurh Illleil lip lh leail or initty.
The fooil Tvonlil lie on ( he Ntonmcli
wllhotU illKreNtlitK , eunxliiMT ilfKuoin *
fort , < llMreNM am ! often nausea. A'
iinmlier of jihj sleliuiM tried ( o heli
me , lint none of ( hem Heemeil ( o lilt
It iiiilll I hettnii lh Orx. Copelaiiil
ami Mieimril , ami ( hey emeil me. I
ha\e never hail a nlmi of xtoinaeli
( rouhle xliiee I llnlxheil ( he eoiirse. "
Office Hours 9 to H a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m. . Hve.
nlngs Wednesdays nnd Saturdays only.
C to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 m.
If so it is to your Interest to select that I'.tiu
which puts olT the necessity of repainting for
the longest period. The paints manufactured
YOU by the HEATH & 31ILLIGAN AIl-G. CO. fill this
rcqn'rement. They have been sold for the past
forty y.ars and have won th = distinction of b _ *
ing the most durable and econo.uical.
Carries the most complete stock of Drugs , Paints and Glass in Council
HlufTs. Cull or write for prices or color cards.
Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , and the prettiest fancies ot archi
tects and home builders faithfully and artistically leproduccd.
From a single window to car lots.
All stock sizes , and any special size"or shape desired furnished at less than any
competitor's prices by the
The largest exclusive house In Western Iowa. Send for prices on estimates.
Masonic Temple liuilding.
Your House
Heated Free i
Not from a financial standpoint cx-
nctly , but entirely FREE from the
defects which are BO often found In
the general run ot heating plant *
. O.
llc.itliii : ami Sanitary I'nulitcer ,
htcam and Hot Water Heating ,
tS j&P * * * ' 202 MAIN ST. COUNCIL ULUFI'S , IOWA. A
JAS. S. KIRK & COU. . S. A.
Scientific Opticians
Complete assortment of gold unlisted
pcct i lui and eyeglasses , I'yet , oxnm-
nod true of char o.
No. U7Mnln M. - Council Ulufft
I'feildent. Caihler.
Cnpltil , $100,00
1'rofits , 12,0000
One ft the oMst Imnkn In DID ptato of Iowa.
\Ve follclt jour buslntei nml colli-ctloiis. Wa
pay 5 tier cent on lime drixxlti. We will be
to see and tcrtu jou.
Spscial Mollces-CouncilBlufts
_ UdJUurke , at W. 8. Homer * ! , t * ( Uroadnay.
cule cheap and on eaiy term * . Day & ll i .
t ) I'earl treet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
home , wltli barn , ctitein , city water at hou
and burn , fruit , nice * hade tree * , on a nicely
eroded lot KH225 fret , for 122000' ) . two-thlrdi
caih. S43 I'erln avenue. Council lllurft.
receipts and rardi. Kinder return to Mr * . J.
W _ ThapmHn and receive renatd _
8ALi : oii TUADI : . A KINKLY nnnn
running home tvlth hlsn track reroid ; i ; < " l
riukunn Ifir lelllnK. Addrct * or call at 1323
ttreet and the Ninth fatretrt deiKit , on Uroadway ,
a bunch of twelve or ilftccu key * , rindt *
plae Uavi at Uec ofllcc.
L < uve I HUUL1NOTON & MO ItlVUit. ( Arrives
Omaha [ Union Depot. 10th At Mason bla. [ Omaha ,
10.15am .Denvtr llxpiemi u:4uam :
4.Jvpm II.k. 111118 , Mont U l-ugit Hnd. ci ! lioCpni
4.S pm . . . . Denver Cxpirta 4.05pm
7.0. > piii Nebrabku Ixjcal ( except Sunday ) . 7:45pm :
B 1 la in Lincoln Local ( excel.l bunda.ll , um
2.45pm. .last Mull ( foi Lincoln ) dally. . .
LcavM ( CHICAGO. UL'HLINCTION 4t Q | Arrives"
OmalmlJJntoii depot. lUili ti Mutun Hm | omihai
4,45iin | Chicago Vestibule
9 iO.ini . . . . . . . . Chicago nxpieai
7 WIJITI Chicago & st Loula Uxpreas , , 8:00ara :
11 CSdin ruclllc Jun tlon Locul. . . , ! l:30pm. :
. _ . .
Lenv t TCIIICAGOT MTL & BT. "PAUL. ! Arrives
OiimlinlUnlon Depot , 1VU > _ . _ Munon Ht . | Omaha
6 00pm . . . . .Chicago Limited , . . . . . . S.JOam
liaJim . .ClilcuKQ Lxire | B ( ex. Hun ) . . . . _ 6Mp _ HI
Leave * | ClIICAOO & NOimiV\r sT1N | AMvM *
OinahalUnlon Dtpol. IQtli S. Maaon ti'.u J Oinaliq
10:41am : . lu ; teln L'xprrn . li.Jjnin
4.20pm . Vietltmlea Lllnllcd . , 9.20am
6.5Jam . Mo. Valley Local . lO.IIpm
_ Bi4'pm _ . _ Oinulii Jilcu BO hpeilul . . . .
Leaven I CIJTCAGO , TC T " * c l'AOiriC. ( ArrfveB
Oinalial Union Depot , IQtli & Manon an I Olllali %
11 ) ntn .Atlantic 12xpres ( ex , bundu ) ) . . & :3Cp :
C 21pm NUlit Uxiirina i:2ii ) :
4 40pm . C'lilcago Ve tlbuled LlmltcQ. . . . liiip
, " " Tm
C 5pm .OUlalioma & Texas Kx ( tx. Bun ) 10:33atnT :
1.4'jinn ' Colorado Limited. . . . 4,00pm
LenvcHl C , ST. V \ \ . & O. | Anlve '
Oinalia } Depot , 10th and Webster Bt- . I Onuha.
9 Z'.nm Nebraska I'mtkenser iJjIly ) , . , ttiUpinT
4.30pm .Sioux City Uxprex ( ex. Hun. ) . :
C.K > iin _ . , . . . . .St. 1'uul Limited 10iljn :
Leaves I iC & MOfVAL-LUV ATrTvej3
Oinalial Depot , lilti and Webster bts [ Omaha
" "
? 10pm" .Kail Mall and l xpiest . , 4.15pm
2 10pm ( t-x bat ) VVyo. Hx. ( ex. Mon ) 4 : ! > Spnl
0 oiam .Norfolk ixi : > ie ( ex l-unau ) i 10,30am
6.10iin hi. Paul i : | > rti 103Sam !
Leaven I K. C. . ST. J. & C. i : . jArrlve *
OinahalUnlon De-put , 10th & Mutton Sts. | Omaho
9.50am . . . .Kanms City Day Kxiu'cas , n-jonra
ii.4iiiii | 1C f. NlKlit l5x via U. 1' 'Iran C.OOam
OmalwlJepot | , ISili and Web ter8t _ _ J Omaha
10. < 0ani . .T . . .St. I/oul Hxprenn. , . . C.OOam
> .30pm bt LouU Kxpre s . . . GOSpm :
i.30iin . . . .Nebratka lxxal ; ( ex. Hun ) . , a.upam
Leave. I BIOUX CITV & I'ACII'U1. ( Arrlvt *
Omaha ! Depot , 181h and WiLater Sl | Omaha
6:10pm : .St.I'aulLlmjtd , . _ , _ . 11 3-anl' '
Leaven I BIOUX CITV & I'ACU'IC. , Arrlve
OtnahalUnion Difpul , lOlli X. Mmion SU ! Omaha
6.l' um , Sioux city T'uitrnKer , , . . , . ,10 SIpin'
68jpin ; HI. 1'aul Limited U Mpiu
Leaves I UNION I'AClFia ( Arrive *
OniohalUnlon Depot , lOlli & Manon Bt * I Omvh
:4Sam : Kearney Express , 12 30pm"
2,00pm Overland Kly r ti 30pm
2 00pm lleat'ce ft htrt m-b'K Kx ( ex. Hun,12 SOpm
7,00pm I'uclllo L < pre < * . , , , . , . 10 2iain
t-.iipm l'ait Mull i . 4 10pm
Leaves \VATlAHlTnAfilWATfl I [ ArrTveT
Om h > 1Unlon l ) pot , 10th & MasonBt _ I Onulis
4:00pm : Bt. Louis Canuoa Uall . .U.JCpia ,