G THE OMAHA DAILY HIDE : yiUDAY , JULY 20 , 1805. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Energy of Yesterday's Advance in Wheat Left tbo Market Weary , THAT CEREAL STARTED A LITTLE WILD It AVa Soon t'nrcnl Down ami Made to Drop Some of UN Ho Sud denly Aciinlreil lliilllnli CIIir'AGO , July M. The energy of yrstcr- tlay's Be ndvniK'o In wheat left the marlcot weary todny. Compared with the closing prices of Ihe day before , wheat Is 1-Hc lower , corn has lost I'.ic ' , oatsie ' nnd pork lOc. Whent Marled n. llttlo wild , but It wns soon forced down nnd inatlt * to drop pome of Its BO suddenly acquired bullish enthusiasm ( September sold nt from 72c up to 72Vic nt the stall- but Holler * nt 72c were more nu merous than buyers , nnd at nbout Ilfteen minutes from the opening nil that wns wanted nt 71'4c ' could bo obtained for n mln- ute or BO before buying ngnln assumed sulll clcnt urgency to CUUFC n reaction. The big ndvuncc of thu day before canoed the Liver pool innikut to come In with n sympathetic rlso of Hid per centnl. Oulsldo of that there was no new feature of a striking diameter. Chicago Inspection was OS car loads , 42 of which were No. 2 red and four of these No. 2. On the corresponding day of the year before the receipts here were 437 carp , of which 318 were of contract grade. The total of the receipts nt the pri mary western markets today wns 307,000 bu. , computed with 931.000 bu. a year ago. Thu receipts at Mlnnenpolls nnd Dtiltith were 15l ! cars , compared with 3til carloads on the Hlmllar dny of the year before. The export clearances from the four principal Atlantic seaports were cijunl In whent and Hour together to only 114,000 bu. Closing cables weiu nil llrm. Liverpool closed at an advance of l'd ' since yesterday. 1'nrls Im proved fiom 10 centimes to 20 centimes ; Antwerp , 25 centimes , nnd Berlin from 1VS to 2marks. . News from the Unkotas and Minnesota wan of the uncontrndlctory chnr- nctcr , silRgcstlng that thu crop must be necessarily ns the news concerning It Indi cated. A winter wheat millers' association Is credited with the report that In Ohio , lllltiol * , Indiana and Kentucky threshing returiii ! show a yield of ono bu. per ncre more than thu government report. The market bernmc very ragged nnd somewhat nervc.us after the first decline to 70-4c. It recovered to 71'ic after that and still litter It had a break to TUV&c , with another recov ery to 71'ic. Shorts were apparently not happy1'nrdrldgu stopped more than one decline by the fieedom of his purchases , and the terrors of yesterday's Cc dump In prices dwelt rtcudlly In the minds of the shorts. On the other hnml. the scalping crowd had no hesitation In wiling nt Tic nnd over , nnd from these opposing forces a movement wns kept up In Ino price of September between 70c nnd 71 ? c. About live minutes from the close 71SJC wns tlu1 current price , but at the close September wa down to 7040. The corn nmrkot wns dull nnd henvy , with prices inclined downward for the mosl part. Thu trading wns light and the trans actions conllned mainly to the operation of the locnl scalpers. The receipts -were 322 calf. A chipper took about 1CO.OOO bu. ol ppot corn , principally at Ho per bu. over the September price. September opened nt from tec to 44 c , declined to 43c unil clo ed nt 4.1ic. The early market for oats was llrm on July and weak on the more remote futures. The wenkncFB In futures was principally the result of advices from the Dukotas" and Iowa stntlng that conditions were very line , September opened % c lower at 22c , sold from Zlc to 22V4c and closed nt 22vic. The provision market was generally heavy nnd the traders listless nnd Indifferent. The opening was at n slight advance In consequence - sequence of the receipts of hogs amount ing to only 11.000 head. The weakness of corn nnd downward tendency In wheat lint n , depressing effect nnd mndo Itself felt in lower prices for hog products. After openIng - Ing at 110.90 , September pork declined to J10.75. Lard rose 2'/ic ' nt the start , but losl before the close , leaving off without change slnco yesterday. Hlbs became quite weak after a 2'fcc advance nt the start nnd restei' with a loss for the dny of He. Kstlmntcs for Friday : Wheat , 75 cars corn. 375 cars ; onts , ISO cnrs ; hogs , 10.00C head. The lending futures ranges na follows : Articles. | Omii. | Ulrli. J > v. I Clou. \ViicntNo. 2 July 71M fOK Sept. . . . . . . TUt " * 70J6 Lk-c. . . . ; . . . Corn No.1. . . July 44 < 43M 43H Sept 44 > K 4.W May 3fH CaloNo. _ ' . . . July. 23J < Sept 23 May , 1OX ! Torlc per bbl Sept. 10 DO 10 00 10 70 10 75 Jan 10 73 , 10 77K 10 70 10 70 I. si (1.10011)9 0 35 0 3.1 fl 30 6 3K Oct. 0 17M 0 H7X 0 17 ( , 0 37 ! Jan G 30 0 3'Jh 0 30 U 3' Short Illos- t'cpt n 20 0 20 6 15 Oct 11 17K 0 17 0 10 0 12 Jan fi 02 H 6 ll- ' C tl'JId 6 til ! Hi Cash quotations were as follows : KLOUII Stendy nnd unchanged ; winter pat ents , J3.illi3.7Si winter slrnlKhts , J3.OOjf-l.lW- sprlne patents. J3.7. . 4.23 ; spring straights. J2.9C f3.25 : bakcis , Jl.90ff2.20. WllEAT-No. S Hprin69W72Tlc , ; No. 3 sprlnB , nominal ; No , 2 red. cu % 70Hc. CORN-No. 2 , 43 t43tc : No. 3 yellow , 431 C43 ! r. OATS No. 2. 2lc ; No. 2 white , 27&023C ; No. 3 white , 23 26Uc. UVK-No. 2 , r. HARLKy No. 2. nominal ; No. S , 33c ; No. t. nominal. FLAX SKED-No. 1. JI.29. TIMOTHY SEKD Prime , } 3.7B. PROVISIONS MPFS poik. per bbl. , J10.70raiO.75. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . JG.2.1. Short ribs , sides ( loose ) , l6.05fiG.10 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . J.VG7HW C.7B ; rhort clear sides ( boxed ) . JO.'GOfiG.G'U. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , J1.2H , The following were the receipts and shipments today : Articles Kecetpts. Shipments. Flour , bbls , 3.000 Wheat bu. . 21.000 rorn.lni. . . . 251.000 Oats , bu. , . , 11,000 flyo bu Parley , bu. . On the Protuuj oxotinnro toiUy the bnttur mar ket wan arm : creamery , Io l7Kc : dairy , 103 ICc. ECCB. linn ; lUlllNe. Chocno , 7 7 > < c. MSW YOIIIC cyaxKit.Uj MAHICET. UuotittloiiH nu the I'rlnelini CoiuiiioilltlfH anil StiipleH. NCW YORK , July 23. FLOUR-Recelpts , 14.40C libls. ; exports , B.SOO bbls. ; market firm , will spring palenls and Imkcrs In good local demand low grades , quiet ; winter slralRhls , J3.503.70 Mlnnesola palenta. J3.75C4.00 ; winter extras , J3.UC C3.20 ; Minnesota bakers , J3.1003.20 ; spring low grades , ILSSeiSO. Rye lljur , steady ; supertlnc unrmie J3.25ff3.40 ; fancy , IJ.WflJ.7S. CORN MBAIQulet : yellow western , J1.001,10 WHKAT lU-celpts , 24.100 bu. ; ex ) > ortB , 42,00 , ) bu. spot Irn-Bular ; No. S rinl. 47 ? c ; No. 1 northern 77o delivered ; No. 1 haul , 78o delivered. Option * lost | iart of the odviuice today and closed lUl'io lower ; early weakness resulted from efforts to ruallto on local holdings , and Ihereafter prices chanited frequently , with a late sharp advance on war talk and a final drop to the close. Talk was still bullish , however , caused laritely by re markably IlKht winter wheat movement and smut In sprint , ' wheat , nnd bears were very nervous ; September. 74WW75HC , closed 74 > ; c. CORN Receipts , 7fOO bu. ; exports , 71,200 bu spot weaker : No. 2 , 4SV4C. Options weakened very decidedly under favorable crop advices , larRO receipts nnd local pressure ; closed lower ; July closed at 48Hc ; September , 43XC4i ) > 4c OATS Receipts. 16,800 bu. : exports , 1,700 bu spot llrmerj No. 2. c ; No. 2 white , 32c. Option ruled dull nnd lower with corn , closing at Uc decline ; September , 26c ; October. 27c. cirKfe r < ioir < t' ! brn" ' T7080c ; nildilllngs. SOSSSci HOPS Quiet ; slate , common to choice old Stfio ; 1SS4 rrpp. SfiSc : coast , old , StfSc ; ls,9t'crop' , 5r9c ; London market steutly. * , Orlenns sc i IS0. V ? to lb > - " "nnoi i Texns seleetnl 60 to 60 Ibs. , nominal ; lluenos Ayres , dry , 20 to * ! > ; . _ "o : Texas , dry , 21 to Ibs. . 12tflSc. LEATHER-Strong ; hemlock sole , itueno Ayres. light to henvy weights. 23c ; acid. 21V4c. \\OOI Firm ; domestic lleece , lSJf2Se ; pulled PROVISIONS Href , rosy ; family , J10.60U12.60 extra mess. J7.50fc8,00 ; beef hams. Jl8.00 fl8 50 pocked. J9.MMll.oo. Cut meals , sternly ; p cltie. bellies , J7.23U8.W ) . Ijird. weak ; western steam cUwed nt J6.GO , nominal ; September closed a | tt.fa. nominal. DUTTER Firm ; western , 9HO13c ; western creamery. 12617HC ; factory , 8V4U12vJc ; Elgin 17 liCHEESE CHEESE Steady ; state. Inrjre. 6O7 c ; small H&SHc ; part skims. 2O5c | ; full sklnis. lliClKc KGGS-Quiet ; western , fresh. ItliBlSHc. HOSlN-yulet ; strained , common to Bwd , JI.63 POTATOES-DulI : Vlrclnla Rose. J1.60 : . ( lo Long- Island , Jl.754j2.00 ; sweets , J3.00G4.60. TURPENTINK-tlulel : 2SC2SKC , IlICB Stendyj domestic , fair to extra , 4HO VJc Japan. > MOLASSES Steady ; New Ol leans , open kettle good to choice , 96320. PEACH ES-60cCC 1.7S. APPI.KS-ltbls. . TScfiJl.M. WATERM ElXN8-eOc. MUSKMEIX > NS-Ilbls. . Jl.0004.00. KREIOHTH To Liverpool , nrm ; grain , by tram. 1UOM. METALS Pie Iron , quiet ; southern , J11.600 liW ; northern , HiWJli.W : Cctptr , irokern price , 111 H'i ' : MtfinnKO price , Ill.M , ml , stmnffi brokers price , J3.IO ; exchnnc * irk-r , JJ.47H. Tin , mrody to firm ; straits , lll.no M.K ; plates , steady , Spelter , quiet , J3.I.'P3.BO. COTTONBEin ) OII < Steady : good demand for prime nnd nff grndos summer yllow ; tntcs In * Itido 200 bbls. prlmo summer yellow at 28c , nnd 60 hbls. nrr yellow nt 27He. OMAHA. GP\nilAI < MAUICHT. onillllon nf Trnili * "Mil ( Itiolatlonsi on Stnplc unit Kn ! ! < > Produce. iOlB-Cholcfl slwk , lO'.jfJllc. ' llUTTER-Pncklng stock , 7iCSc ! ; choice to fancy , 1201tc ; leathered creamery , Uc ; separator creamery , 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens * i6H ; roosters , 2c ; spring chickens , per Ik , i : 13c ; dinks , 708c ; spring ducks , IUc ; turkeys , CS(7c ; geese , 6c. VKAL Choice fat. 70 to iOo Ibn. , lire quoted nt 6iiC > tc : large and coarse , U(5',4c. ( CHEESE Wisconsin full crenrn. 9c : Yoiins Americas , HCl'-'c ; twins. HQlzc ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cienm , lOc ; Llmburger , Nu. 1 , lOc ; brlrk. No. I , llc ; Swiss , No , 1 , 13c. HAY Upland hay , J7.M : midland. J7.50 ; low land , J7 ; new hay , J5.60 ! rye straw , J5j color iinkes the price on hay. Llcht bales cell the Lest. Only top grades bring top prices. PIGEONS-Per dcz. . J1.00W1.23. VEGETAULES. POTATOES New potatoes , choice stock , 30 ® K * ' o'.S'IONS Uertnudas , per crate , none ; California , In mirks , per bu. . WcWJl.OO ; home grown , 60f(75e. OLD DEANS llnml picked , navy , J120 ; Limn Limns , per Hi. , 5'if6\ic. CAIlllAOi : On orders , racked , IHc. RADISHES Per dnz. bunches , lie. GREEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , lOc. LETTUCE Per doz. . K. | 2UC. ASPARAOt'S Choice stock on orders , SSflSOo per doz. bunches. crcUMHERS On orders , J0 35c per doz. PEAS On orders , per bu. . 6U (65c. ( STRING IIEANS On orders , per bu. . 60S 5c. TOMATOES Choice stock , per 4-baskct ciate , 8.i' ) ci 6 to lO.rnso lots , EOC. SUMMER SQUASII-1'cr doz. , on orders , 23JT c. c.WATERMEI.ONflPer doz. , crntrd , J2.COB3.00. GREEN PEPPERS-Pcr bu. . $1.0001.60. WAX IIEANS-IVr bu. , 60063 ; . CAt'LIFLOWER Per doz. , 7JC0J1.00. to two dozen. 40WWC. CAI.UIFLOWER-Per doz. , 75cSJ1.00. CELERY Home grown , per doz. , 435J43C. FRUITS. PEARS-Callfotnla Ilnitletls , per box , J2.50 ; B to 10-box lots , J2.23. RED RASI'IIEIIRIES No shipping stock. PLUMS Cnllfornln. per box , choice stock , J1.6) 1.7u ; soulhem , per cnpc , J1.25. APRICOTS No stilppine stock. SOUTHERN PEACllES-Pcr G-basket crntc , J1.2.VH1..VI. AI'l'LES-Cholce shipping stock , bbls. , J2.00S 2.23 : cooking npples , Jl.76if2.00. CALIFORNIA PEACHES-Crnwfords , per box , 3c : 5 to 10-case lots , 75QSOc ; Hide's early , 60 fl 73c. STIlAWHEIlRIES Choice shipping stock , none. CHERRIES No shipping stock. GOOSEIIERRIES No shipping stock. IILACK RASPIinilRIKS-Ni ) shipping stock. 11LACK1IERRIES Choice ( took , per 24-ql. cnfe. J2.00O2.25. GRAPES Arkansas stock , per 6-basket crate , ji.008120. TnoP1CAIj pnuiTS. ORANGES Nmrls , per box , J3 ; choice seed lings , per box , J2.60 ; Mediterranean sweets , J2.75 03.00 : fnncy St. Michaels , none. LEMONS Extra fiuicy lemons , SCO size , J6.00 ® 6.23 ; 200 size , J6.ri06.60. KANAKAS Choice large flock , per hunch , J2.25 Q2.50 ; medium size bunches , J2.00if2.25. PINEAPPLES Per doz. . J2. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fnncy , 15c : choice , 12fll3c. HONEY California , 14@12c. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon jugs , per doz. , JI2 > Hlxby. 6-gnl. cnns , J3. NUTS Almonds , He ; English walnuts , foft- ehelled , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , lOc ; Drazll nutz , lOc ; pecans , 9c ; peanuts , raw , Cc ; roasted , 7cDATES DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Ge per Ib. ; fard dates , small boxes , lOc per Ib. CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. . J3. RICE POPCORN In the ear , on orders , per Ib. , 2He. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES-Np. 1 green hides , tifec ; No. 2 green hides , 8c ; No. 1 green salted hides , DC ; No 2 green salted hides , 8Hc : No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 13c ; No. 2 venl calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , lOiilOUut No. 1 dry flint hides. 120Hc ; No. 2 dry flint hides 12c ; No , 1 dry raited hides , 12e ; purtly cured hides , He per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , encli , 2360c ; green salted shearlings ( short wooled enrly skins ) , each , CKlSc , dry shearlings ( short wooled tally skins ) ' No. 1 , each , 6IOc ; dry shearlings ( shoit wooled early sklns > . No. 2 , each , 6e ; dry Hint Kansas nnd NebniXM butcher wool pelts per pound , nctunl welgnt , 6 < ff8c ; dry flint Kansas nnd Ntbraskn murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4@6c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 486V4c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound actual weight , 406c. Have feet cut off , as U Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow , 4 f < (4c ; No. 2 tallow , 3V4 Z4e ; grease , white A. 4f 4'c ; grease , white D , 3'c ; grease , yellow , 24 3c : grente , dark , 2J4c ; old butter , 2Q-2Jc ! ; bees wax , prime , 17T20c : rough tallow , 2c. WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy , 67o ; nne llBlt,8W9c : quarter-blood , 1012c ! : seedy , burry nnd clmffy , kiff9c : colted and broken , coarse , 7sj 9c : rotted nnd broken , fine. 6@8c. WOOL , WASHED Medium. 15iJ18e ; flnc. 140 16o : tub washed , 16fflSc : black. So ; bucks , Cc ; taglocks. , 2g3c ; dead rllllfd. 6gCe. St. I.oulM CJeiii-riil Miirkct. ST. LOUIS , July 25.-FLOUU-Hliher ; patents. J3.M03.6j ; extra fancy , J3.30g3.40 ; fancy , J2.900 3.00 ; choice , J2.73 | 2.S5. WHEAT Today's market was the reverse of yesterday's , prices declining nt the opening on weak cables and renssurlng crop news ; Inter cables were better than expected nnd the clo. e was nrm. but below yesterday's finals for op- lions ; Fi t higher : No. 2 red , cash , 69ic ; July , 69'fcc ; September , 691ic. CORN Weak on large receipts and splendid crop prospects , becoming better later , but the close wns tame ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 4IV4c asked ; July , 404c ; September , uc b'd. OATS Dull and easier , with little trading In futures nt the decline : spot dull ; No. 2 , cash , 26c bid ; July , 26c ; September , 22ic ! asked. RYE Higher ; No. 2. In elevator , this side , 43Hc. FLAX SEED J1.23 for spot and J1.234 ! for July delivery. GRASS SEEDS Timothy , lower ; J4.90 for AUKiixt : other feeds nominal. CORN MEAL J2.00Q2.05. IIRAN Higher ; 64H ° . enit track. HAY Stendy : new prairie. J6.0009.00 , this side ; timothy , } 12 for one car new , this side. IIUTTEH Scarce nnd firm ; separator creamery , 16 17c ; fancy Elgin , 0c. EGOS 8ift V4c. WHISKY Jl.23. LEAD Higher nnd very stiff. J3.23 being freely bid nnd no sellers below J3.50 Inte. Speller held sillily at J3 60. PROVISIONS Potk. standard mess , $11. Lard , prime stenm. 16 ; choice. J6.12H. line-on , boxed fhoulders J6.37V4 ; longs , J6.75 ; ribs , J6.S74 ; shorts , J7 , Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , t5.li2V4 ; longs. J6.37 > ,4 ; ribs. J6.60 ; shorts , J6.75. RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 101,000 bu. : corn. 33.000 bu.j oats , 16,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbls. : wheat , 6.000 bu. ; coin , 8,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. Liverpool MnrkefH. LIVERPOOL. July 23.-WHEAT-Spot. market firm ; demand moderate ; No. 2 red winter , 6s id ; No. 2 red spring. 5s 8V4d ; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 5s 8d ; No. 1 California. 5s 4d. Futures opemrt steady with near nnd distant portions 1'id hlgner. closed tlrm with near nnd distant posi tions Hid higher ; buelnpss about equally dls- trlbuled : July , 5s 6d ; Augiut , Bs Slid ; September , 5s 6 < l ; October , 6s 6iid ; November , 6s 7'.id ' ; De cember. 6s 7ttd. CORN Spot , mnrktt nrm ; Amerlcnn mixed new , 4a 4ld ! ; futures openwl quiet with near ami distant positions ; jd higher ; closed Inactive with July lid higher and other months unchanged fium yesterday's closing ; business heaviest on latest positions. July , 4s 3d ; August , 4s llid ; September , 4s 2d ; October , 4s ZJia ; December , 4 Hjil. FLOUR Mnrket dull ; demnnd poor ; St. Louis fnncy winter , 7s 7d. PROVISIONS Hacon , market stendy ; demnnd moderate ; Cumberland cut , 28j30-lbs. . 27s Gd ; short ribs , 2S Ibs. , 36a Gd ; long clear light , 3SW 45 Ibs. , 34s 6d ; long clear heavy , 55 Ibs. , 33s ; s'lort clear backs , light. 18 Ibs. , 34 < < ; short clear middles , heavy , 65 Ibs. . 33s M : clear bellies , 14016 Ibs. , 35s CO ; shoulders , square , 12018 Ibs. . 3U ; hams , short cut , 14(116 Ibs. , 42s ; tallow , fine N. A. , nom inal ; beef , extra India mets. 77s Gd ; prime mess , 61s 3d ; pork , prime mess , nne western. 67s Gd ; prime meas. medium , 60s ; lard , quiet ; prime western , 32s 6d ; refined , In palls , 33s. CHEESE Market steady : finest American white , new , SSs 6d ; finest American colored , new , S8s Gd. 1IUTTER Finest U. S. , 70s : good , nominal. COTTON SEED Oil , Liverpool refined. Us. LINSEED OIL 20s. PETROLEUM Hellnnl. 8'4d. REFRIGERATOR DEEF Forequarters , SJid ; hlmUiuarters , 6 > , ; < l. HOPS At London Pacific coaat 2. KIIIINIIH City Mnrkot. KANSAS CITY , July 25. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 hard , 64-Ji j65Vjc ; No. 2 red , 67ffGSc ; rejected , 6S0GOC. CORN Lower ; No. 3 mixed and white. 3SV4c. OATS Steady enrly : closed lower : No. 2 mixed 23024c ; No. 2 white. 25c. RYE No. 2. 45c. FLAX 8EEU Stendy ; Ju'y , J1.13 ; Aujuat , $1.1 * September , JI.1I. HRAN-Flrm , 69 61c. HAY Firm. ; timothy , J8.60C9.60 ; prnlrle , J8.00 IIUTTER Firm ; creamery , 13Clc ; dulry , 10 EGGS-FIrm , 8Hc. _ STOCKS AMI I1OXDS. St-cMirltloN IrrcKiilur A nlii but AVcdui-Hilur'n LONHOM llc-covvroil. NEW YORK , July 23. The stock market WHS Irregular again today. Some of yesterday's losses were recovered , end In several Instances light gains were made on the day's transactions , but a majority of the stocks dealt In doted at de clines from the final figures of last evening , London advices reported a weaker market for Americans and the foreign continent was In this maiket as sellers. At the openlmt prices were generally well held , the only Important move ment being In Leather preferred , which showed a ealn of 1 per cent , but dropped immediately Ib per cent to 8614. A slight Inquiry for the coal shares developed , which , became of the scarcity of these stocks , resulted In their Im provement , Suiauthanna & Western selling up Hi per cent , Delaware & Hudson Ht per cent , New Jersey Central H per cent and Reading li per cent. A leading operator who has been prominent of late In the attacks upon Chicago - cage Gas lnue.1 the stock freely , causing a bieak therein of 1H per cent , and the Sugar clique forced the price of that stock 1J4 per cent. Small recesilons were made In the general lint and the market did not recover Its tone until near 1 o'clock , when the grangers cam * In good demand on western and Iloston orders and rose from li to % per cent , the katter m Rock Island. Chicago Uas and Lead preferred euch. gained 1 per cent. In the last hour , under the Influence of an attack on Chicago Gas , which yielded 2U | wr cent , there was a general reaction. This did not exceed a fraction , except in Delaware & Iwickawanna anil New Jersey Central , which lost 1H per cent , respective ) } . In tha final trad- U ) Ueutral UluUlo HM undtr futiurc and I doied 1 per cent below yesterday. The general market wns Irregular nt the rlo e. Declines were et bll hed of 1 per cent In Michigan Central , Manhattan , Lacknwnnns , Erie Teli- rrnph and Leather preferred , 1H fer cent In Minneapolis A St. Louts ( list preferred , and ! > ( pep cent In Chlcngo Gas. The ( inly advance ibove ft fraction Is 1 % per cent In Pullman. Atch- on preferred when issued sold nt from 31 to Jl4. closing at Jl 4j. . . . . llond nere nnlmatnl , bill somewhat erratic. In the late dealings the niUnnctng tendency was quit * pronounced In some of the spcculntlte ssues. The snles wete J2,7&7OiJO. The Evening Post's London cablegram tnys ! The slock markets were still dull today. Ameri cans were wrnk , except Atchlson. which has rl > en further. There Is n general tip here to Miy. Canada Pactllc wns flat nnd down 214 per cent. It wns sold here and from New \ork. Humors of fresh cnpltnl a re revived. The In create In the Hank of England coin nnd bullion this werk wns mnlnly due to the net Influx for the week. Three hundred nnd sixty four thou- snuil pounds In gold cntne from nbroad , the dp- tails being 134uoo received from Australia nnd I237.00) In bars bnugil , while 12,000 was exported - ported to Purls ntfd 13.000 to Mnlta. It Is believed that Hie Increase In other del - l > oslls wns partly due to the commencement of [ he remlttnncc of the Indemnity to the credit of the Russian or Japanese governments. This operation , the details of which are not properly known hero , excites much Interest here nnd has nn Important bearing on both London nnd New York money markels. The following were the Closing quotations of the lending stocks of the New York exchange todsy : Atchlson HH Northwestern Adnnm Exprcns. . . 148 do Did , Alton.1. II 112m N . Y. central 1014 Am. Express m K. Y. AN. K Kl II.Mtlnioru AiOlilo. uaw Ontario fcV. . . . . . . . 17M Canada I'-iclllc , , . . ni Oregon Imp Canada Southern . Oregon Knv. . Central I'.icltio. . . . O. S. L. .V U. N. . . . Chi'B. & Ohio ai.'t ' Pacific Mail Chicago Alton P. D. A K t ! . . H..V Q MIH Plttsbur : 1(10 ( riilcii-'o ; Uns C4 il'iillmnn Pnlnoa. ConsolldatoJ Oat , 1ilj ; ! ) Hea .rtlns. . . Colo. Coal A Iroi. : s U. O. W Cotton Oil Cert . . . nil U. G. W. I'M Dolawaru.t Hud. . 130 Rock Island Del. . Lick. : A\V. . . HNW St. Paul U.&H. G. pfd do pfd 1VI3H I ) , AC. F. Co sili St P.V Omaha. . . . 41 K.rle ISO do Dtd 22 Southern Pacltlo. . 2ft k KortWavuo 1 - . S itf.ir lladnory. . . . li : < H > G. Northern old. . . liH ! TCIIII. Cint A Iron. HU C. &E. I ofd USi lTex.ii i'nililc HocKlntrV.illoy. . . ' . ' 3 IT. &O Con I. nfd. . HIInolH Ooiitril. . . OH I Union Pncllic. . . . St. P. ADuluth. . . . 1 U. S. KicDrjn K..V T. pd 37 i W. St. Ij. Ar P 1) ) Lake Krle A Wait i7sV. ! . St. L. A P. nfd. BOM iloutil 4 ( WelliFairo El. . . 101 LnkoShora 13VXI Western Union . . DIM LendTrunt 'M4Vhoollnff \ tt L. K. . 1 HU LoiilsvllloAN. . . . donfd All U A N. A M. .tSt. L Manhattan Con. . . I ) . A H.O McmDhlH&U If , O. K Michigan Cent. . . . N. L Mlsiourl P.iuino. . C. F. .VI .17)4 ) Mohllo A Ohio. . . _ doufd tilt NnshvlllcCliat . . . 08 H. .IT. C a National Cor.l.to. U T. A. A. * X. M. . . . NaL Cordage DM. " T. St. L. A.K. 0. . . . N. J. Ccntri ! do pfd N. A W. pfd 1.414 S. It. R ljIt North Am. Co. . . . 5U do ptd Northern P.iclll a. . 4ti Am. To > . Cede link No.I'ae. nfd IH'J ' do nfd in U. P. . D. AO St P. . M. & M The lolal sales of slocks lodny were 170.000 shares. Including : American Sugar. 22,800 ; Alch- ( son. 7,2)0 ; Uurllngton , 12,900 ; Chicago OmX 41,500 ; Ul.otlllers , 3,100 ; Mlrsiurl Pacific , 4,2-W ; Rnndlng. 6 200 ; Rock Island , lO.S'XI ' ; St. Pnul , 12.CUO ; United States Leather preferred , 6,600 ; Wabnsh preferred , 3,000 ; Wheeling , 4,100. New Ytirk Money Market. NEW YORK , July 23. MONEY ON CALL Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , PRIME 'MERCANTILE PAPER 3N per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Quiet nnd steady , with netual business In bankers' bills nl JI.900 4.SKH1 for demnnd nnd J4.S9t4.89W for slxly days ; posted rntes , J4.MiHff4.90 nnd J4.SIOV4@4.91 ; com- rneii-lnl bills. J4.RS'i. SILVER CERTIFICATES WHflCCTic. GOVERNMENT I1ONDS Slendy. Slnle bonds , dull. Railroad bonds , slronjr. Closing quolallons on bonds were as follows : U. aIB , rer. , naw. R. P. iHtsof 'U6. . . 102 U. S.4n coup.now. D. AH. G. 7s 114 II. S. s. rax D AR. O. 4J 1) . 8. SH.coup JIS" Erie udn U.S. 4 . roK U. H. AS. A. Oa. . . . 107H II. 5. 4s.co-.ip R. II AS. A. 7s. . . U.S.-B. re ; H.AT. 0. Os nn PacificUa of 'II } . . 100 do IN 107 Ala. Clnw A 107 M. K. A T. 1st 4s. . H7M Ala. Clasi 11 107 do'Jd 4s O''i Ala.Cl.isn C H7 Mutual Union Us. . US Ala.Currency. . . . 07 N. J. C. Gen. Rv. . . HUM La. Now Con. 4s. . 118 No. P.K ! . 1st ! 110 Mlneourl On 100 do'.Mi 102 N.C. Us PJ7 N. W. Consols. . . , N.C. 4s. _ 10. do S. F. Deb. Si. S.O.nonfcmd n R. O. Welt. Istt. . . Tenii. now net 03. no St. P. Consols 7s. . Tcnn. new Dot 5s. IDA doC. A P. W Bi. 11SH TCIIII. old Oa 00 St L. A I.M.f3ti. 5. R4U Va. CcMiturlcs. . . . St. L.AS.F.Oi.i ) . 108 dodoforrcd Tex. Pas. lull AtchlBon 4i 70W do'.Ms Atchlson Ud A. . . . niH U. P. IsUof MJ. . . Canada So. 2dv. . . 10874 WcBtShoro 4s L. fi N. unified 4s. saw So. H K IIoHtnn Stuck ( lnotntloiiH. nOSTON. July 23.-Call loans. V/MM per cent : tlmo loans , 3MU4 percent. Closln ; prictn for locks , bo iQsand nilnliu shiirei : A.T. AS. F Win. Contr.M Am. Surar. llil Edison Elea Ills. . Am. Surar nfd. . . . 101 Ucn. Elec. pfd nay SlataOas 11 Alchlsm 2ds _ UellTolephono. . . . 104 AtchUon 4n 79 BoslonAAIDany. . 210 New Enzland Oa. . 112 Uostou AMalno. . . ITS Gen. Electric 09. . . 01 aopfd 163 Win. Cent. tats. . . . 01fiSM C. B.AU HH Allouez Mining Co 7S Fltchburg pfd BO Atlantic 18 Gen. Electric. BOM llostin & Montant ntiu Mexican Central. . nutte k Boston. . . 1HH N. Y. AN. E M Calumet .V lleoli. . S07K Old Colony 170H Centennial S07KHt Ore. Short Lino. . . 0 Franklin 10 Rubuer 41 Ko.irsnrire Union Pacific 41P.H Osccola Went Kill 72 OmiiRV 1KB West End pfd U'JM TamarncK 1C ! ) WcRilnrh.Elea. . . . M Wolverine W. Elcc. out SH Sun PrunclHCO MtiiliiK QuotntloiiK. SAN FRANCISCO , July 23.--rha orHolil cloj- Inr auotatlons for mlnln ; au > 3.i3 toJiy w.irj as folio WH : Allr. i : < Kentucky Con. . . . , Alpha Con C Lady Wash Con. . Annea M Mexican- OS Uclclicr 30 Mount Diablo 1.1 Uc t A Belcher. . . . b8 Occidental Con. . . , 25 Bullion 18 Ophlr 13-i CniiHioma. 11 Overman 17 Chulleneo Con 20 Potosl 38 Choliar CO Savatre 38 Contidenco 3d Scorpion 4 Con. Cat A Va. . . . . 270 Sierra Nevada 40 Crown Point 28 SIlTcrlllll Exchequer 1 Silver Kin ? IS Gould A Curry. . . . . 38 Union Con , 47 HaloANorcroas. . ISO Yellow Jacket. . . . 30 Jimtlco 8 Silver bir * . OOK3JO4c. ! Moxlcin dolUr * . 04H 064740. Drafts , sljrht , 2Hc ; talomptilc. 5s. N'eir York MliiliiK UuotntloiiM. NRW YORK , July 25.-T.ia follaArliiurj t cloBlnc mtnuif quoiitio M : Biilwcr. 'A Ontario 1700 Choler 00 Ophlr 125 Crown Point 35 Plymouth 20 Con. C.V. * Va. . . . 200 Quicksilver. . . . SOO Ueadwooo 40 Quicksilver pM..l oa Gould A Curnr. . . 80 Siorr.i Novadi. , . . 45 Halo A Norcrosa. . 125 Standard 200 Homcstatca 1950 Union Con. 46 Iron Silver 38 Yellow Jacket. . . . 35 Mexican CO London Stuck ( luotiitloim. LONDON , July 25. t p. in. clofui.- : Can. Pacltlo E1H St. P.iul con 70 Krlo 10 N. Y. Contra ! 103 ErleVda ( I8H Pennsylvania . , . 66U 111. Conlr.il 11)014 ) Reading. U Mexican ordinary. 11)4 ! Mex. Con. new Is. . 07K HAR SILVER 30 5-16d per ounce. MONEY U per cent. The rate of discount In Ihe open market for short bills Is il-lCQH per cent ; three months blllH , 9-10 per cent. Statement of tlic Hunk of LONDON , July 23. The weekly statement of lh Rank of EnRland Issued today shows the following changes as compared with the previous account : Total reserve. Increased 613.0)0 ; cir culation , decreased { 17C.OOO ; bullion. Increased 437,633 ; other recurltles , decreaxed n2WO ; other deixislts. Increased 1083,000 ; public deposits , de creased 130,000 ; notes reserve. Increase. IC75.000 ; government securities , decrease. 200,000. The proportion of ihe Hank of England's reserve lo llabllliy. which last week was (8.41 per cent , Is now W.03 per cent. Statement of the Hunk of Frniiee. PARIS , July 25. The weekly stalement of the Hank of France Issued today shows the follow ing changes as compared with ihe previous ac count : Notes In circulation , decreased 72,700- OOflf : Ireasury accounts , current , Uicreased 81.- KA.OOOf ; Kold In hand. Increase , 8.07S.OOOf ; bills discounted. Increased (70,92.'i,000f ; sliver In hand , Increase , 3C40OOO. Foreign KliiiinelalOOH. . PARIS. July 23. Three per cent rentes , 102f I'M for the account. IIERLIN. July 23. Exchange on London , S days' slgM , 20 marks 42V& pfK. IXJNDON. July 25. The IJank of Emtland's rate of discount remains unchanged at 2 per rent. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of England on balance today was { 34.000. Gold Is quoted today at Uurnos Ayres at 2IS.W ; Madrid , 14.M : Lisbon. 2SV4 : St. Pttersburg , 60 ; Athens , 77 ; Rome , 104.47 ; Vienna. 103. Kliiuiiolul Noten. IIOSTON , July 25. Clearings , J14C35OI > ; bal ances , } 1.800,21 C. IIALTIMORE. July I3.-Clearlngs , J1.927.37 < | balances. J22I.735. NEW YORK. July 23. Clearjngs , J93,204,1M ; balances , j ; , 07,7S6. I'lULADELl'IIIA , July 25. Clearings , J12.HS- 828 ; balances , Jl,315,726. ST. LOl'IS. July 25. Clearings , J3,296,210 ; bat- ances , WSE13. Money , Kt6 per cent. New York exchange , 121io premium bid. WASHINGTON , July 25. Today's statement of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , J191.211.193 ; gold reserve , J105.604.123. CHICAGO. July 25. Clearings , JIS.234,000. Money , easy ; rules. 4MH per cent for call loan * nnd MJSty per cent for commercial pu | > er. New York exchange , lie premium. Hankers ( London ) itrrlintr. Jt.W'.i and J4.69H. NEW YORK. July 2S.-The firm of Nes.laf , Colgate & Co. of 23 Wall street today dissolved partnership. The firm dealt largely In silver bul lion and has been recently exporting gold to Europe. It Is not yet known whether a reor- ; tU nrm xJU tf&o pUc * ew- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlo Eccoipls Very Light and No Pat Ones Offered for Sale , LITTLE TRADING DONE 'WAS DRAGGING Market for Klenlilt Feeder * Shown the ( nljI , Iff UIIKN net-over 11 JVIukel front itlic Sliu l > of Mo nil a- . THUnSDAY , July 25. The receipts today wcro 1,505 cattle , 1,056 hogs and 1,407 sheep , ns against 1,91 cattle , 1.6S8 hogs , no sheep nnd CO horses yester day , and 1,601 cnttle , 3,378 hogs nnd no sheep on Thursday of last week , CATTLE The receipts of cattle today numbered only fifty-seven loads , ns against seventy-one yesterday. The receipts , In fuel , were the lightest of nny day slncu Saturday of lust week. The market wns prnctlcnlly bare of fat cattle today. There were no native beeves In the yards and only four or five louds of westerns. Two or three lends out of the number here were not offered on the mar ket. One bunch brought J3.SO and another lend $4. There were really not enough fat steers here tu make nny test of the mar ket , but It would be stiff to say tlmt the prices paid were not much different from yesterday. The feeling , however , wns slow and weak. There were about thirty lends of cows nnd heifers In the yards , fully one-half of the receipts being made up of that kind of cat tle. There was a fair demand , and yet buyers were not so anxious ns they have been during the past few days , and the trade wns a little Inclined to drag. At the same time prices were a little lower nil around. The less desirable among the of ferings were fully 5c to lOc lower. Good llcshy feeders were In active de mand. Speculators were good buyers , nnd In addition to the demand from that source there were several country buyers In the yards. The market was active and the of ferings were all taken In good season tind nt a little better prices. The eommonlsh light Mockers did not show any improvement. There are quite a good many In the yards nnd the demand Is rather limited. Repre sentative sales : cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. L. . . 820 Jl 23 10. . . . 0.13 J2 05 16. . . . S2S J2 45 L. . . 950 1 50 1..11GO 2 10 II. . . . 80S 4 51 1. . . . 900 150 4. . . . 770 210 2..105.1 250 1. . . . B40 160 G. . . . 7IS ! 215 1..750 2 M L. . . KD 165 4..1007 225 14. . . . 79S 2 SO 14. . . . 875 1 IB 1..1030 225 L. . . 850 250 1. . , . R40 1 G5 7. . . . M2 231 19..S45 260 1. : . . 950 175 8. . . . 922 230 10. . . . 90S 260 5. . . . 934 176 12. . . . SG2 230 11. . . . 923 265 4. . . . 927 175 17. . . . M2 335 15..030 2 CO 1. . . . 740 180 23. . . . 920 235 23. . . . 861 2 G3 L. . . 860 200 2. . . . 925 2 35 12. . . . 927 2 G5 1..1040 200 42. . . . MO 235 B. . . . 913 270 L. . . 820 200 17. . . . 745 2.15 20. . . . SCO 270 L. . . 940 200 20. . . . 824 235 1..10W 275 2. . . . 925 200 21. . . . 920 235 2..1110 290 18. . . . 935 200 1..1220 240 8..1141 3 66 HEIFERS. L. . . 620 1 55 1. . . . 450 2 10 6. . . . 004 2 50 3. . . . 450 200 2. . . . 670 220 4. . . . 195 260 S. . . . 516 2 00 L. . . GSO 2.50 DULLS. 1..1330 150 2..1010 200 L. . . 700 2 2 ! > 1..1150 100 L. . . 780 200 2..1010 225 2..1200 175 1..1340 210 3..1093 225 1..1250 175 4..1345 210 4..1030 230 3..1133 185 1..1370 215 1..1220 235 2..1370 185 1..1220 216 2..1065 240 1..1370 1ST 1..15GO 215 2. . . . 845 240 1..1170 190 . 1..1120 220 2 SCO 240 1..1400 200 1..1200 2 C5 L. . . 980 260 STAtlS. j L. . . 920 200 L. . . MO 2M 1..1210 265 CALVES. ! 7. . . . 441 265 2. . . . 211 3 l 2' . . . . 255 400 2. . . . 3S5 275 3. . . . 15G .3 00 1. . . . 170 4 21 L. . . 3SO. 275 1. . . . 2 : > ' 4 00 27. . . . 121 4 2i STOCKERS A-ND PEEDERS. L. . . 620 250 B. . . . G20 295 31. . . . 852 - > 3 25 L. . . 40) 2 50 1. . . . 780 2 95 3.833--3 25 7. . . . 445 2 G5 3..1076 3 00 3 , . . . 863 330 3. . . . G40 275 1..1050 .3 DO 9. . . . 972 330 4. . . . 8G.1 280 IG. . . . 810 310 8..1186 340 9. . . . 832 285 22..1C2 J 15 22..1296 340 3. . . . G36 285 12..10G > i 3 0 10. . . . 979 360 14. . . . 7SS 290 18. . . . U06 325 24. . . . 905 360 3. . . . 014 290 1. , . . 920 325 2. . . . 975 360 17. . . . 724 295 1 IOUO'325 7..1104 303 13. . . . 656 295 U . ' . c WESTERNS. 1 . . NEIJRASJfiA. No. ' " "Av.&eWj.L . 'AVfr. 20 cows 1084 J2 SO ' ' 21 steers 1223 J4 00 1 lecr.-.1110 3 40 ; " C. C. Stephens. 4 heifers , . . . . CS7 2 25 22 feeders. . . . S23 3 30 J. II. Nelss. 2 sirs , tic..1115 3 00 1 feeder 1170 3 30 9 sirs , UK. . . 1116 300 6 feeders.1035 330 2 sirs , UK..1030 3 00 25 feeders..1185 3 45 5 feeders..1084 3 30 30J. J. Koccr. 2 cows 870 1 75 1 feeder. . . ' . . S70 2 50 1 cow 1000 225 10 cows 1016 275 6 cows 991 225 42 feeders. . . . 900 320 1 feeder. . ! . . 930 2 50 18 feeders..1007 3 20 1 feeder 1000 260 260P. P. DC Cora. 20 feeders..10C9 3 00 6 cows H9C 3 23 O. K. Anderson. " 3 cows 1123 2 GO 8 feeders. . . . ! > 33 3 50 2 cows 1005 200 1 feeder 890 350 1 CDW 1000 2 GO 10 feeders..1009 3 50 MnrKrass & liayless. 103 cows S25 2 70 SOUTH DAKOTA. II. Urooklleld. 9 cows 933 200 6 cows 953 273 12. Swallow. 1 steer 1100 330 23 steers 1223 3 SO OREOON. A. Hot-bins. 2 sirs , IIB..1020 200 19 sirs. tiff..1209 3 10 13 cows 1021 240 79 feeders..1020 320 6 sirs , tie..1106 3 10 10WYOMING. WYOMING. J. II. Hunter. 11 cows 1012 270 35 steers 1212 390 HOGS After the sharp break of the past two days the downward course of the markel was checked today. More than lhat. prices allowed some little Improvement. Light lings were In KOoil demand and Ihe general 'market about 6c higher on that class of stuff. Good light weights sold largely at from JI.90 to J4.93. Heavy hogs also looked up , as compared with yesterday's close nt leaft. Some mixed and heavy hogs for which only J4.C5 was offered yesterday weie carried over and brought J4.75 today. The mar ket as n whole was fairly active and nn early clearance was effected. The bulk nf all the hogs sold at from J4.75 to JI.85 , as against from J4.70 to J4.80 yesterday. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr , No. Av. Sh. Pr. 7 2GO . . . J4 60 2S 194 40 J4 75 4 325 40 4 CO 82 250 160 4 75 3 236 . . . 4 05 58 206 SO 4 75 2 2GO . . . 4 G1 70 227 80 4 75 70 213 ICO 4 5 164 . . . 476 63 247 320 4 70 33 237 SO 4 SO 75 274 160 4 70 24 183 . . . 4 10 10 245 . . . 4 70 8) 185 200 4 80 1 250 . . . 4 70 77 217 120 4 S2',4 52 503 . . . 472',5 IG 155 . . . 485 2 215 80 4 75 49 179 120 4 81 1 120 . . . 4 75 97 224 200 4 85 53 270 40 475 1 2JO . . . 4 K 63 243 200 475 36 212 60 485 17 204 SO 475 36 211 80 4 8S 1 190 . . . 4 75 41 196 0 4 W ) 38 214 160 475 73 118 SO 4 90 82 219 160 475 10 168 . . . 490 53 318 80 4 75 17 UO 60 4 9.1 62 20 240 475 SG 192 160 465 38 246 120 4 75 SKIPS AND CULLS. 2 410 . . . 400 SHEEP For the flrft lime since Monday IJiere were sheep on Ihe market , and the receipts were the largest of any day In a Ions time. Among the offerings were some Oregon sheep from Porl- land. The demand was good and evrrythlnir at all desirable met with ready talc. There have beien to few sheep here .of latu that there Is not much upon which to luiie comparisons. H Is fafe to say , however , that Ihe markel. Is a Illlle lower than last week. Fnlr lo choice na- llves are quolable ul from I2.M to J3.75. fair to good westerns at from J2J2S to J3.60 , common and stock sheep at from J1.75MdIJ2.75. good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs at frppi , V to 13. Representa tive sales : y . n No. . . Av. Pr. „ 10 culls tU'-V * M ' 2 ° ° 20 bucks jr ; . , , , 100 2 TO 24 bucks I , , , . ? ; , 112 200 64 native ewes , . . . . , 104 260 20S Oregon stockers . . . . , . .4 97 2 75 371 Oregon mixed j > . .i , > 109 3 23 lambs " 4 w 79 Oregon t-.ii" 89 Oregon lambs { . . . : * 77 400 76 Oregon lambs * ) . .tss 77 4 00 41 nallve lambs 'VJJ " ° * 73 KIIIIHIIN City , L.lve Stoc-k. KANSAS CITY. July JsCATTLEHecelpts. . 6,900 head ; shipments. 3.100'head. Market strong for best , others weukr'lyxni ( leers , I2.00S3.00 ; Texns cows , J2.OJ0I.W ; beef steers. 14.0005.60 ; native cows. Jl.M4i2.60i' ( Dockers anil feeders , $2.00 4.5S : bulls , Jl.7MtZ.83. . HOGS Receipts , 3,70) ti Klf , Fhlpments , COO hend. 6.05. " i i , .i. SHEEP Receipts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 400 head. Market steady. _ Jivw YorU I.lvr .Stock Market. NEW YORK , July 26. DEEV'KS Receipts. < ,209 hend ; no trade of Importance ; European cables quote American steers at lOUeil'.ir , dres ed weights ; refrigerator beef , 7iC10c ; ex- norm today , 125 beeves. Calves , receipts , 148 head ; on sale , 346 head ; slow and weak ; veals , pear to choice , I3.60tj6.25 ; buttermilk calves , (2.25 SHEEP AND LAMI1S Receipts. 5.284 head ; on sale , 8.300 hend ; sheep , weak ; lambs , steady ) about 3 0 > > 0 head unsold ; sheep , poor tu prime , Il.C04i3.76 : l mb , common to choice , M.OO < | S.60. HOaS Receipts , 3,470 head ; easier at | 4.20Q > 5.40. Stock In Record of receipts at the four principal markets for Thursday , July 25 , 195 : Cattle. Hoes. Sheep South Omaha . i . 1.605 1,00 1,407 Chicago . 8.000 12.000 12,00 < i Kansas City . & .W 1 3.70 > > 1.005 St. LouU . 8,300 8.000 3,700 Total * . . 18.706 1S.7M 18,107 SI. I.ontsi Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , July 25. CATTLE Receipts. J.SOO n r 90 rather scant offering * , nnd some sales were mm ! * lit n shndo advance , within the rnnnf Koo.1 shipping nnd ilrrnml beef natives , rang * , t5.300S.7Sj strikers nnd feeders , Jtt.Ofi3.Wi cowl nnd inlicd , .25 < JS.Mi Texns nnd Indian steors. ranee. J2.75fl4.2r , , with the tmlk nf sales nt JS.25 03.7'i cows nnd mixed , I2.00MJ.25. HOOK Receipts , 2.0"0 hcadi shipments , nonei market stronger nnd light fupp'yi ' heavy , II.SOB B.10 ; packers , iute5.no ; light , J4.fWi6.05. SIIKHP-Recelpts. 3.700 hend ; shipments. 1.100 liwtdj nmrket 25ff50c lower ; nntlvp sheep. I2.50O 3.23 ; lambs , JJ.OOC'i.SO ; southwestern , 114082.75. CIIIG.VdO I.IVI3 STUCK. Deiminil AViiHot Arttve Except for Ciirn-l-Vil Lot * . CHICAGO , July 25. With receipt * of not more limn 8,000 rntttpof nil kinds prices were not any hinder. The demand was not ncllve , except for d corn.fcd loin , nnd euch cnttle were not plentiful. Sales were on n basis of from 13.40 to 15.75 for common to cholre native steers , with transactions largely at from $4.60 to (5.50. Hutch- ers' nnd dinners' stuff sold mthcr freely nt steady prices , cows and bulls selling nt from 11.75 to 13.60 , with n few fancy cows nnd hclfcra nt from $3.75 to 14.25. Vcnl calves urc 23c per 10) . lower tlmn early In the week , with sales nl from (2 to J5.23 , chlelly nt S4 nnd upward for Rood ones. The bulk of the stoclten and feeders sell nt from $2.50 to $3.75 , choice ones fetching from 13. W to $4. Alwut l.Oix ) western rnnBeis cnmc In nnd Kood ones were active lit full prices. Texas cattle receipts were about 1,000 head. There was n fair demund nnd the light supply prevented any decline , sales belns chlelly be tween $3.25 lilul $4. Not morp than 12.000 hogs were received , butte to many weie left over from yesterday that the entire supply reached fully 2,1,000 head. Only peed hogs were wanted , and shippers were limitIng - Ing their purchases to small numbers of light weights. Heavy hogs sold at an extreme range of from $4.G5 In J5.15 , mixed lots at from $4.70 to $5.20 for commnn to choice , nnd light weights at from $4.81 to $5.10. Transactions weie laiutly at from $5 to 55.10 for light and at from $4. 8a to $5 for heavy. Theie was n much better demand nnd prices were 15c higher for sheep , while good Inmbs moved up from 15n to 20c. Sheep were salable nt from $1.50 In $4.33 far Inferior to extra , lots , few botnv so poor as to go below $2 or choice enough to sell nlinvo $3.50. Texas sheep were salable at from $2.50 to $3.10 , and westerns at from $2.50 to $ .1.50. Spring lambs were In active demand at from $3 to $ o for poor to choice , the "lest selling Me higher than yesterday. Recelpls : Cattle , 8,000 head ; calves. 1,000 hend ; hogs , 12,000 head ; sheep , 12,000 head , ColTee Market. NEW YORK , July 23.-COFFEE Options opened steady nt nn ndvuncc of 6@10 points on sternly European cables , higher quotations from Ilrazll , niletl generally firmer on fair ware house deliveries , nnd linn ; closed steady nt 20i.10 points advance ; March , $14.Suni4.90 ; July , $15.05 ; August , $15.05 ; September. J10. lfj 1D.23 ; October , $15.1fifl5.20. Spot coffee , Illo , market llrm ; No. 7 , $15.75 ; mild , steady ; Cordova , 118.25019.00 ; \vim house deliveries from New York yesterday , G.529 bags ; New York stock today , 222,348 bags ; United States stock , 3.14.S56 bags ; nlloat for the United Stales , 174.000 bugs ; total visible for thi United States , MSMO bags , against 3GS.90D bags last year. SANTOS , July 23. Firm ; good average Santos. $14.70 ; receipts , 100.000 tings ; stock , 146,000 bags , cleared yesterday. 16H ( ) bags. HAMIlL'lta , July 23. Steady , unchanged to VJ lift ? , higher ; sales. 4.000 bags. RIO DE JANEIRO. July 25. Firm ; No. 7 , Rio. $14.40 ; exchange , 10d ; receipts , 4,000 bags ; cleared for the United States. 10,000 bags ; cleared for Europe , none ; stock , 138,000 ha S. HAVRE , July 23. Opened nulet , unchanged t < , IJf higher ; at 12 m. . dull , unchanged to 'At net advance for the day ; sales. 6,000 bags. Wool Miirkct. LONDON , July 25. At the 'wool auction sales today 16,956 bales were offered , of which 1,300 were withdrawn. Competition was strong nnd the tendency hardening. The fifth series will open September 24 , nnd the sixth series November 28. The llrst series of 1S9G will open January 14 , and the second March 3. The following are the sales In detail : New South Wales. 3,738 bales ; scoured. 5Hd0 Is 2(4d ( ; greasy , 3i9d , Queensland , 1,812 bales ; scoured. 6'JdSls Jd ; greasy , C'i(79d. Victoria , 1.663 bales ; scoured , 2'idffls 3'.4d ; greasy , fi'ifflOd. South Austtalla , 327 bales ; greasy , 4ii/6il. Tasmania. 845 bales : greasy. 4'J 10'.il. New /.ealand , 7,742 bales ; scoured. 69dflls 3',4d ; greasy , 5T10V4d. Cape of Go-x ] Hope nnd Natal , 669 bales ; scoured , O'.tdGls 34d ; greany , 6W7'id. Ilnltliuorc Cralii Market. ilAI-TIMORK. July 25.-Fl.OUR-Unchangeil ; receipts. 7.3UO bbls. ; shipments , 1,000 bbls. WHKAT Klrm : spot nnd month , TUiQilUc ; September , 72Hff72l.Jc ! ; steamer , No. 2 red , CSJf CS',4e ; receipts , BI.7M bit. ; shipments , 32.000 bu. ; stock. 420,100 bu. CORN Esy ; spot nnd month , 49S49ic ! ; Sep. Jriuber , 4S' . { NSHc ; year , 40'.4c bid ; receipts. 2.678 bu. ; stock , 192.900 bu. OATS Steadv ; No. 2 while western. 32c asked ; No. 2 mixed , 30c asked ; receipts , 10,841) ) bu. ; slock. 109.732 bu. RYE Quiet ; No. 2 , 50S52c ; receipts , 503 bu. ; stock , flS40 bu. Cotton Market. ST. I-OU1S. July 23. COTTON Quiet , steady ; middling , 6 H-lCc ; shipments , 35 bales ; receipts , 10 bales ; sales. 70 bales ; stock. 17,989 bales. NK\V YORK , July 25. COTTON Quiet ; mid dling , 7c ; net receipts , none : gross. 2 tales ; sales , CC9 nbles , all spinners ; stock , 18C,1 ! > 1 hales ; total today , net receipts , 505 hales ; exports to Oreal Ilrltiiln , 32 bales ; stock , 357,159 bales. NEW ORLEANS , July 25. COTTON-Qulet ; middling. 6 9-lCc ; low middling , 6 3-lCc ; good or dinary , 5c ; net nnd gross receipts , 361 bales , Including 2 new ; sales , 150 bales ; stock , 94,914 bales. _ _ _ _ _ _ Pry CiooilxOIarkct. NEW YORK , July 25. Agents have advanced bleached cotton ns follons : Lonsdale , 4-4 , to 7'ie ; Illackstone , 4-4 , to 6Hc ; Hope. 4-4 , to 6'4c : Fltch- vllle. 4-4 , to 6Uc : Foiuet-me-not. 4-4 , to 5'ic ; the general tone of the market. More buyers are present and more business Is doing. Print ing cloths llrm at 5 1-1 6c nnd no sales. SiiKnr Market. NEW YORK , July 23. SUGAR Raw , firm ; Muscovado , 89 test , spot , 24c. landed terms ; rellned. llrm ; No. 6. 4 1-lUWHic ; No. 7 , 484Uc ; No. 8. 3 13-16Jt4'ic ' ; No. 9 , 3' ; 4 1-lCc ; No. 10. 3 13-16J4c ; No. 11 , 3 Il-16ff3'c ( , ; No. 12. 3H 3 13-16c ; No. 13 , 3 > jc ; off A , 4'4c ' ; 4Hc ; mold A. 4 ll-16C4c ; standard A , 4 5-10W 4Hc : confectioners * A , 4 5-16Q4Hc ; cut loaf. 5 l-16 5Uc ; crushed , B l-16 ? 3'ic ; powdered. 4i 4 15-10 ; granulated4Hc ; cubes.4 MIHvatikee Mitrketn. MILWAUKEE , July 2S. WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 spring , 72c ; No. 1 northern , 74Hc ; September , ' " "CORN Ixiwcr ; No. 3 , 45Hc. OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 26'ic ; No. 3 white , 26'i 27 c. HARLEY Nominal ; No. 2 , 47'.ic. RYE Higher ; No. 1. 63c. _ Oil Market. CHARLESTON , July 23. ROSIN $1.15. TURI'ENTINE 24',4c. WILMINGTON , July 25. ROSIN Firm ; strained. $1.23 ; Kood , $1.2.i. SIMRITS Firm at 24' { (25c. TAIl Firm nt $1.30. LONDON. July 23.-CALCUTTA L1NSEED- Spot , 37s 3d ; June shipment , via cape , 37s 3d. MliiueaiiollttVlieat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 25. WHEAT Firm , 69c ; September , 676C7V4c ; December , C8'c : on track , No. 1 hard. 70V4c ; No. 1 northern , C94c ; No. 2 northern. OTJc. FLOUR Firm ; Hrst patents , $3.704.00 ; second patents. $3.7003.75 ; first clears. S2.SOOT.OO ; second clears , $2.45 ; export bakers , $2.45@3.00. Dalutli "Win-it t Market. DULUTH , July 25. WHEAT Weak ; No. 1 hard , cash , 71c ; July , 71ic ; No. 1 northern , cash , 71c ; July , 71ic ; September , 63'icj December. 70Hc ; No. 2 northern , cash , CSc. 'FrlMco IVIieat Market. SAN FRANCISCO. July 25. WHEAT Quiet ; December , J1.03'i ; May , Jl.W',4 ' ; cleared , 57,500 centals. _ Jury AViiB AVlllIiiB to Acquit Two. DENVER , July 25. The Jury In the United States court In the case of Robert E. Taylor , Frank Wallace , W. S. Crumley and O , S. Wilder , accused of holding up a train on the Florence & Cripple Creek railroad and rob bing the mall , reported a disagreement to day and was discharged. Later the attorneys for Crumley and Wilder learned that the jury had agreed to acquit these two and convict Taylor but could not agree as to Wallace's guilt. Judge Hallet had then left the court room. An effort will be made to have the Jury recalled to return a verdict In BO far as they agreed. Wealthy New Yorker Ilit > n nt Tncomn. TACOMA , July 25. C. W. Hull , a wealthy resident of New York , died last night on a Northern I'aclflo train , while enroute here from Portland. A stroke of apoplexy was the cause. He was CG years old , and , with II. n. Kirk , his traveling companion , had been spending some time at Portland. They were going to Alaska. The remains will be shipped to New York. Tne deceased Is eald to have been largely Interested In the Singer Sewing Machine company. TUG IIUAI/I'V MA11ICI2T. INSTRUMENTS placed on record July 25. WARRANTY DEEDS. August Uollwltt ar.d wife to Joseph Thoen- del , lot 6. block 11. Patk Fre t $ 1,500 Helnrlch Michel und wife to WIIHum Urue- nlK , lots 1 to 6 , Michel's subdlv 3,000 O H Hamon and huslumd to E J Martin , lot 33 , block 6 , Pudduck Place ( rellle ) , . . . 1,600 Maxwell & Kreernan Co. to O W Mosher , lot 24 , Frremun add , CM M L Wolfe nnd huiband to A F Connftt , lotH 15 and 1C , Hawley Terrace 1 J M Wolfe nnd wife to O F Bhelbv. lot I , 1st add to Lakevlew ; lot 2 , block 1 , lot 15 and e ' .i lot 14 , block 2 , Exchange place 1 J F Sturgeon and wife to Druslllu Parkin , lot 1. block It , Wiull's 2nd. . . 17,000 J M Wolfe und wlfa to I. W Wolfe , lot 2 , lit Hdd to Lakevlew ; lots 1 and 4 , block 1. lot 1J and w H lot 14. block t. Bx- change Place ; lot 22 , block 1 , Bouth Omaha. View 1 DECREASED FOUR MILLION Commissioner of Internal Hovonue Tiles Ilia Annual Report. COST OF COLLECTION HAS INCREASED K\IOII CH of ( lie Ilnreaii Amounted to n Little- Over Tour Million Kxnct Amount Not Yet Obtainable. WASHINGTON , July 23. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Miller has submitted his preliminary annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30 , The total receipts from all sources of Internal revenue for the year were $143,245,977 , a decrease for the lUcal year just ended of $3,922,271 , as compared with 1891. The expenses of this hurcau for the fiscal year ended Juno 30 , 18P5 , will approximate $ IOC3,253 , and deducting therefrom the dis bursements made In connection with the ascertainment and payment of the bounty on sugar , amounting to $10,391 , the net cost of collection will bo about $4,0..7SC1. The exact amount expended for the collection of In ternal revenue cannot be ascertained exactly until all accounts of collectors for the fiscal year are received and adjusted Disbursements on account of carrying Into effect the Income tax aggregated $ SS,7S'J , and the receipts from this source of revenue were $77,130. The percentage of cost of collection as ascertained from the above figures , for the fiscal year ended Juno 30 , 1S95 , Is 2.SI. Deducting the sum of $10,391 , expended In sugar bounty work , and which Is not properly chargeable to the expenses of collecting the revenue , the percentage of cost of collection would be reduced to 2.S3 , and eliminating both expenditures and collections on account of the Income tax the percentage of cost would be further reduced to 2.77. The percentage of cost of collection for the fiscal year ended June 30 , 1S9I , was 2.70. The report shows that $85,259,252 was re ceived from distilled spirits , against $79,802- 027 for the last fiscal year ; $28,617.898 from tobacco , against $29.704,907 last year ; $31.414- 7S8 from fermented liquors , against $31G40- 017 last year ; miscellaneous ( opium , playing cards , etc. ) $513.028 , against $551,483 last year. There was also received $72,130 from the Income tax , which will bo refunded , anil $2.26 from bank cltdilation. I.AIIGEST DOCIC IX TUB AVOIII.U. \ TV Deep Water Quay Soon to He Opened at Southampton. WASHINGTON , July 23. Henry W. Mar tin , consulate clerk at Southampton , has supplied the State department with a full description of the new graving dock and deep water quays at that place which are' to bo opened on the 3d of August by the prince of Wales and the emperor of Germany. Speaking of the new graving dock , he says It will be when completed the largest In the world. It will have a floor length of 650 and a width of 112 feet. Mr. Martin says that an Immense trafilc will be carried ou at the new quays on the rivers Itchen and Test , enclosing this dock , and that they will bb utilized by the Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd steamers as well as those of other large companies for discharg ing passengers and cargoes. The capacity of the dock at high water will be about 14,500,000 gallons , which with a ship In will be pumped out by the large engines used In from one to two hours. The new quays enclose 3,830 lineal feet , with twenty-eight feet of watSr alongside. To show the extent of the new works Mr. Martin gives the quan tity of material used In their construction. It appears there were 2,000,000 bricks , 10,000 loads of timber and 40,000 tons of cement , be sides Immense quantities of granite , chalk and filling material required for the work. TIIAIJI3 IMPROVING WITH MI3XICO. Xow Turin IniT of Great Ailvaitt ie to the Southern Itepnlilli * . WASHINGTON , July 25. J. B. Gorman , the United States consular representative at Matamoras , Mexico , reports a prosperous con dition of affairs at that point In his annual report to the State department , which has just been received. He says there has been a rapid growth of the commercial relations of Mexico with the United States. Crops of all kinds are more abundant than they have been for six years , while manufacturing has Increased In every line. He also reports a marked Increase In exports , due to the new tariff. Among the articles In which there was the greatest activity were wool , cattle and hides , and large advances In prices ucrc realized. Mr. Gorman states that only about 20 per cent of the Imported goods sold In Motamoras last year came from Europe , the remainder being received from the United States. The exports ot fruits were largely Increased in consequence of the Florida freeze. He thinks that a line of fast steamers on the gulf would soon bring the Gulf of Mexico In competition with Florida. Mr. Gorman also says the Improvement of Aransas Pass will result In vast benefit to Mexico and Texas. AII , HRADY TO MOVB TO ATLANTA. Government Exhibit nt the t'otton Expoxltloit to lie Sent ThlH Week. WASHINGTON , July 25. The shipment of government exhibits to Atlanta for the Cot ton States exposition will begin at the end of the week. The government board of management will move Its headquarters In a few days to Atlanta and will hold Its next meeting at that place. Special preparations are being made at the Agricultural depart ment for the exposition. Assistant Secretary Dabney , who Is chairman of the government board. Is determined that the various branches of the department nliall be well represented despite the limited appropriation. The ap propriation for the exhibits of the depart ment was limited to $23,000. Of this amount $9,001 has been already used In the work , leaving a balance of $13,939 , The weather bureau , which receives the largest appropria tion of the bureaus , will send an Interesting practical display of Its methods and devices. U was alloted $4,000 , and $3,015 has already been disposed of. NIMVH for the Army. WASHINGTON , July 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) Major John IJ , Ilabcock , assistant adjutant general , Is detailed to attend the en campment of the Connecticut National Guard at Nlantlc , 12 to 18 of August. Followln assignments to regiments of officers recently promoted are ordered : Lieu tenant Colonel Samuel M. Whltesldo ( pro- mothed from major , Seventh cavalry ) , to Third cavalry , vice Purlngton , retired from active service ; Major Henry J. Nowlan ( promoted from captain , Seventh cavalry ) , to Seventh cavalry , vice Whlteslde , promoted meted ; Captain L. S. McCormlck ( promoted from first lieutenant , Seventh cavalry ) , to Seventh cavalry , troop I , , vice Nowlan , promoted meted ; First Lieutenant Solomon I' . Vestal ( promoted from second lieutenant. Fifth cav alry ) , to Seventh cavalry , troop C , Vice Mc- Cormtck , promoted. Additional Second Lieutenant August C. Nlssen , Fifth cavalry Is assigned to be second lieutenant , Fifth cavalry , troop I , vice Ves tal , promoted. Second Lieutenant Herbert A. White , troop II to troop L , Sixth cavalry. Leaves ot absence granted : Captain Alllen H. Jackfon , Seventh Infantry , one month ex tended. Second Lieutenant Jacques Do- Lafltte , Eighth Infantry , thr.o mant'-'s ; Second Lieutenant Henry A. Ilarber , First cavalry. twenty-one daya extended. WeHleril 1'iixtniiiNterM Appointed. WASHINGTON , July 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) Charles H. Drcver was today com missioned postmaster at Turton and Peter Hlggs at Goudyvllle , 8. D. The postofHce at Armaha , Iowa county , la. , has been ills continued. Mall will go to White Pigeon. The contract for the heating apparatus for the public building at Fort Dodge , la , , was today awarded to L..A. Thlcl of Chicago at hU bid of $3,30 < 5. _ Xo CharKeM AKuliiNt Ifacen. WASHINGTON , July 25. Some Idle rumorg have been afloat ( overal days at the Treaiury department about charges having been pre ferred against Chief of the Secret Service Hazen , coupled with Intimations of hti pros pective resignation. U can be authoritatively etjtctl t.at ( up charges bave been or will bo filed ngalnit Chief Hazen. The only founda tion for Hi o report * lay In the fact that A ( nldtnnt Secretary Htmllit was dliplcaitd with Ils/.on In not reporting to him In poison bo- fora ho nailed to Ktiropo several ( Uys ago to ( citify In the Mondall-Ilownrd curt. For KitrnliililiiHr Indian * Coal. WASHINGTON , July 25.- ( Special Tclfc gram. ) In the ofilco of the commissioner ot Indian affairs this afternoon bids were opened for furnishing coil for the Indian ccrvlco during the fiscal year ending June 30 , 189J. ( There were sixty-five bidders. The bids wcro for furnishing hard , soft nnd blacksmith coal and the supply Is for reservations , agencies and schools In Nebraska , South D.ikolo , North Dakota , Idaho , Wisconsin. Kansas , Wyoming , Colorado , Michigan , Min nesota , Oklahoma , Now Mexico and Washing ton. The list of bidders ombnrccd coal dealers In all stales named , There were halt a dozen Omaha bidders. It Is Impossible to say who will bo the successful bidders , as the Huts nro complicated and li.ivo not yet been tab ulated and scheduled by the Indian ofllco. Awards will bo made , tooii , On Aligutt 1 bids will bo opened at the Indian ofllco for furnishing text books used In Indian schools. _ Income Tax Onlereil Itefnnileil. WASHINGTON , July 25. The secretary of the treasury has formally directed that the money paid Into the treasury on account of the Income tax bo refunded to the persons and corporations respectively entitled there to upon the filing ot refunding claims. Cailet Appolutmentx. WASHINGTON , July 23. Cadet appoint ments to the United States military academy have been Issued to John McCullough of Horton - ton , Kan. , at large ; Arthur A. Oreen , alter nate , Lccomplon , Kim. , at large. TllltKK MUST IIKM1 THE VICTIMS. ItoNii Gordon Coolly TellH the Storr of ( lie Murder. HAnUOUHVlLLB , Ky. , July 25. Hosa Gordon , who murdered the woman near Co- burn , Ky. , yesterday , In a confession Impll- catcJ three men , who slio claims wcro at tha lioiiso at the tlmo of the crime , and held Mary Sutherland and Melissa Brown , her vic tims , while she disemboweled them. War rants have been Issued for the arrest ot the alleged accomplices , and the three will likely be brought hero today. Much excitement prevails over the affair. The reporter se cured a short Interview with the prisoner , In which she spoke of self-defense. She Is a small , bright appearing girl , about 19 , with keen , brown eyes and short curly hair. When asked concerning the crime she very com posedly told her story , nnd how It originated over some callers at the house where uho lived. Miss Gordon expressed herself as very sorry for the occurrence , but showed no fear. The grand Jury will at once consider her case , and a final trial will follow as soon as the court can reach an Indictment. Alabama I'opiillNtM Will Fane. DIHMINOHAM , Ala. , July 25. TJie state executive committee of the people's party met In Birmingham In pursuance of a call by Chairman Adams. The meeting was con ducted behind closed doors , but resolutions given out to the press recommend a fu sion In the next election with the republican party. The committee declared "honest clec- ttlons and the coinage of silver at 1C to 1" to bo the main Issues of their advocacy. XnrHe Arrenteil on SiiMplelon. NEW YOHK , July 25. In connection with the case ot Lillian Low , the young woman found dead In the woods at Washington Heights , Miss Helen Hanson , a nurse In Roosevelt hospital , was anestcd today. She Is a niece of the Miss A. K. Hanson , pre viously arrested on suspicion ot having knowledge ot the causes leading to Mlsa Low's death. * Siveillxli MiiHleal PlltfrlinnKf. NEW YORK , July 25. Charles Johansen , president of the American Union of Swedish Singers , leaves New York today for Chicago , to take part lira meeting to arrange for a great musical pilgrimage to the leading capi tals of Europe. It will bo the first largo body of singers that ever planned a European trip on a similar scale. WEATII13II I'OUECAST. Kalr , iv ltli I.lKlit Southerly AVIiiiln. for XehniNka. WASHINGTON , July 23. The forecast for Friday IB : For Nebraska , South Dakota nnd Kansas Fair ; llgjit , southerly winds. For Iowa Fnlr ; slightly warmer In the eastern portion ; southerly winds' ' . For Missouri Fnlr ; warmer ; southerly winds. Ioeal Keeoril. OFFICE OF THIS WEATHKR BUUEAU , OMAHA , July 25. Omaha record of tem perature nnd rainfall , compnrfd with the corresponding day of the past four years : 1835. 1691. 1SS3. 1892. Maximum temperature. . . . 9i W 91 97 Minimum temperature fiO 07 72 78 Average temperature 79 8.J 81 8J Precipitation W ) .00 .00 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day nnd slnco March 1 , 1895 : Normal temperature 77 Kxcess for the day 2 Accumulated excess slnco March 1 183 Normal precipitation 15 Inch Deficiency for the < lny 15 Inch Total precipitation flncj March 1 10.99 U ehoa Deficiency since March 1 8.47 Inchest HeiiortH from Other Stations nt H I * . M. JAMES B. BOYD. J. W. DEAN1 , Telephone 1039. BOYD & DEAN OMAHA , NEU. COMMISSION Grniu , Pi-ovisions & Stocks Room lllVi Hoard of Trade. Direct wires to Chlcat'O nnd New York. Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co. jr. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1508) ) S. M. STANFORD F. P. SMITH & CO , GRAIN and PHOVISiONQ Room 4. N. Y. Life nidg. , Ottmltti. Branch ofllces at Fremont and Columbus. All orders placed on the Chicago Hoard of Tradov Oinctspondents : Schwartz. Dupce & Co. , Chit ctifr-o ; Kchrelner , Flack & Co. , SU Louis. Rcfef to First National Uank , Omaha. T MAItQIN No matter what booklet nn niinivn utatlon you may have read send Vviii . ' our"- which Is NKW ana HXPLAIMBDcOMPI.nrn. It clearly explains inumln tradlnR and DKKINKS ALL MARKE' ? KXPRCSSIONS. It's free and will teach you something. ARIJOC1AST & CO. . 223 Trader * Uulldlng , Chlc .co. , IRIUOATION BOND SAI.B. Notice IB hereby clven that renletl propos ills will bo received by the bonnl of directors of the Lillian IrrlKntlon district of Cufter county , Nehrnsku , nt their olllco nt the Anil Fcliool house , In H.ild dlatrlct , up to 2 o'clbcIC p. in. of llie/l.rtli day of AUKUSt , 1SS5 , for i'12,000 of the bonds Issued by said Irriga tion district , | 25XX ( of Haiti bond * bolnir In bonds of fMO euch nnd J7.000 of mild bond * liclni ; In bonds of 100 each. All of salj bonda druwlnt ; IntereHt nt the ruto of C pec rent per nnnuin , payable beml-iinnjialljr. The principal nnd Interest of said bond * payable nt the olllce of the stuto treasure * of the state of Nebraska , thn II ml amount remaining due of said homlx payublo lu twenty (21) ( ) yearn from their iliite uiU bondu payable In Instullments after ten years front their date. The Imnrd of directors reserve the rlKht to reject any and nil bids. Act1 dress nil .bids to I * . ! < . Mo tew If , Hoc. , 41 Walworlh , Cnster county , Nebrasltu , V Hy order of the Ixiard of dlreotorn , maj * thla 22nd day of July. 18M. II. P. QATK8 , Pretldent , I . U UETCALli' . Hccretary.