Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JULY 25 , 1805.
Wheat Went Uji in Long Jumps , Closing at
an Advance ,
Corn \Vnn Stently nnil lllKher , hut
the Trmle Watt Only Moderate
Hxcciit In SlintM Stock *
anil lloiiilN.
CHICAGO , July 2l.-Whoat went up In
long Jumps today , closing at nn advance of
4'jjic ' for September. Light receipts scared
the shorts and their vigorous covering
caused the bulge. September corn nnd onts
each gained Ho und provisions closed
slightly higher.
At the start In wheat there were buyers
nt nearly Ic advance and In complete con
trast to yesterday morning's report of the
Liverpool market , which came weak , fol
lowing a strong market here , It was emoted
firm , notwithstanding yesterday's Ic decline
nt Chicago. In half an hour from the open
ing September , which started from CS'.io to
CS'.fcc , had risen to 70c. or 3c per bit , ad-
vnnco over the previous day's closing price.
The Chicago Inspection sheet gave today's
receipts as twenty-one carloads , eighteen of
which were now wheat , and not one of the
latter was up to the contract grade. A year
ago today 3S9 cars were received here and of
that number 317 carloads graded contract.
The total amount at HIP western primary
markets today was 293,000 tin. , as ngalnst
1,061,000 bu. on the corresponding day of the
ytar before. Philadelphia was the only port
from which nny wheat was cleared , nnd 2ti.-
100 bu. was the amount , nnd of Hour the
totnl shipments were 10.903 bbls. The Min
neapolis and Diiluth receipts were 147 cars ,
ngnlnst 276 earn a year ago. The bad condi
tion of the winter whent was emphasized
by the receipt here of orders this morning
from millers In Michigan nnd Kansas for
10,01)0 bu. for each place for Immediate ship
ment. After the advance to TO c noted
above , the scalpers reduced the price to
Gff'ic again , but there was a constant affec
tion shown all day for nn elevation above
the 70o level , nnd It on numerous occasions
knocked up against 70Un. Near the close
the shorts became anxious for wheat nnd
n wild advance resulted. Cudahy. 1'iirrt-
rldgo nnd other big shorts were buying
heavily nnd the smaller fry joined In the
race for cover. September reached 72' c
and clorod nt 72'/ic. '
Corn was steady and higher , but the trade
was only moderate except In spots. The
advance wns almost or perhaps wholly duo
to the excited rise In wheat. The opening
prices for September wore nt from 41Vfcc to
44Uc. nnd tlio highest for the day was paid
n minute from the cloe , 4IT4c being then
quoted , nnd the latent tradlni : was at 44T c.
May rose from 3.Vic and . " .7ic ! at the bo-
Klnnlng to SCc near the end and reacted to
Oats were firm nnd somewhat higher all
nround. The market wns almost n sympa
thetic one. No Independence was noticeable
outside of a continued good spring demand.
September opened nt 22'&c , sold up to 23Uc
and closed there.
The provision market wns apparently In
debted to the advance In wheat for a recov
ery It made near the close , nnd which left
pork 7Hc higher for September nnd 2'c
higher for January than nt the close of the
previous cession. Lard nnd ribs wore vir
tually unchanged In the end from yester
day's closing prices ,
Estimates for Thursday : Wheat , 47 cars ;
corn. 2C5 cars ; outs , 150 cars ; hogs , 18,000
"The " leading futures range' d follows :
Article i. J I III tli. I LT.V. | Gloix
Wlient.No. 2
July 67 ! (
Sept. . . . . .
Doc UH 74)4 )
Corn No.'J. .
July 41H 44V H
! 4H
S2 ! > <
10 70 10 R5 10 C7W 10 I
10 67 ! 10 b'J > 10 07K 10 I
0 .in G 3S n HO G .11
( I 7 ! 0 40 G n 0 40
0 27 } G V,0 0 2' ? ' 0G 0U HO
n 10 0 17W G 10 G 17
0 F.'K G If G 12 ! G 1.1
n ( io B ( JO C C7 ! <
Cash flotations wpro ns follows :
FI.OL'H Hlendy nnd unchanRed ; winter pat
ents , J3.2Jiff3.7r , ; winter strnlKhts. M.WiH.W
uprlnR patents. J3.75iiI4.25 ; spring straights , $2.90
03.25 ; bakers , tl.90R2.20.
W1IKAT No. 2 sprlnc. TlUftTlUc ; No. 3 spring
nominal ; No. 2 led. 71i0713ic.
rCORN No. 2 , 44Sff.ic ( ; No. 3 yellow , 44MS1
"oATS-No. 2. 24Uc ; No. S white , 2S14029UC
Na. 3 white. 2Sj2SVic.
HYG-No. 2. 4 So.
IIAHLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal
No. 4 , nominal.
KI.AX HiHI-No. 1 , $1.23.
PROVISIONS Pork , mess , per Uil. , $10.75f
10.80. Ijird. per 100 Ibs. . $0.25fTG.27 > 4. Hhor
ribs sides ( loose ) , JG.10JTC.15. Dry salted shoul.
dem ( boxed ) , S.37U(5.0 ! ( ; short clear sldei
( Nixed ) , > G.60fiG.C2'i. (
WHISKY Dlsllllers' finished goods , per gal.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
On the ProlitJ ) oxoiiiniro toJ'iv th ? bitltsr mar
ket was flnn : creamery , 10l7Mc : dairy , 103
IDc. KCBH. firm ; ll llfe. Cherso , 7a7 > { c.
NKW YOHIC ( ; i'\iit.\L SIAUK15T.
OiloiitluiiH oil the 1'rliivtini
CoillIllllllltloH 1111)1 StllllCH.
NEW YORK. July 21.-FLOUR-Rfcelpts , 15,800
bbls. ; exports , 2,800 bbls. ; market decldedlj
higher on f print ? wheat and a BOO ! local demand
buyers willingly paying lOo more ; clo. ed strong
winter ttrnlshts , $3.Wfl3.70 ; Minnesota patents
J3.75R4.Ofl : winter extras , J3.00H3.20 ; Mlniipsota
bakers. $3.1003.20 ; FprliiB low srades , $ ;
ily 3. DMf.1. ' ? ! ! li1ir , > "tea < 1 > " supeitlne , $3.2ij(3.40 ; fancy
Bpir .
northern. _ . - - . . . _ _ . - . . _ . . „ "
ered. Oiitlons iilKher lind'vxcllril'all 'iTny" ; cloVet
nt the ton and 3'tfT3' c over last nlcht. Shorts
were badly Ktampeded. starting with unexpected
nlRher cables nnd then running prices up on
themselves by the very frenzy of their buylnc
Had crop news and rumors of war In Euron
weiw Ineldentnl bull features. No. 2 red , Srp
teml > er. 72HW7ric , closed 75 ic.
CORN Receipts , I17.COO bu. : exports , 129.700 bu
Spot market , llrmer ; No. 2. 49Se. Options higher
but not active ; fine crop prntpeeta dlscouraKlni
bull operations ; closed H % c over last nlttht
July , closed 49&C ; September , 4aHC49Jic , clo <
OATS Receipts , 36.800 bu. ; exports , 30. 4M bu
Bpot closed llrm ; No. 2. ISftc ; No. 2 white , 3H4c
Options were dull to the point of slUKKUhnni
nnd closed almost nominal nt W-Hc advance a
SS'ic ; September , 27c , cloe < l 27c.
HAY RtronKer ; ehlpplns , $7.0088.00 ; good t
choice. $8.DOfflO.O < ) .
FEED Quiet ; brnn. 77GSOc ; mlddllnRS , S0 ! 5c
city feed , kWSSc.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , old
SWSc ; 1894 orop , 6ft 9c ; coast , old , 35c ; 1S91 crop
Kff9o ; Ix.mlon market steady.
HIDES Firm : wet salted NeW Orleans pp
lecled , 45 to C5 Ibs. , nominal ; Texas selected
(4 to ' CO Ibs. , nominal ; Ruenos Ayres , dry. 20 t
24 Ibs. . Jle ; Texas , dry. ! 4 to 30 Ibs. . 12 13c.
LEATHER-Qulet , but llrm ; hemlock sole
Duenns Ayres , to heavy weights , 23c ; acid
A\OOI < Firm ; domesllo fleece , ISffJSc ; pulled
PROVISIONS Beef , steady ; family , $12.tOi ]
13.W ; extra mm * , JS.lWiiS.W ; beef hams , S1K.SO
Cut meats , llrm ; pickled bellies. "HtiKc , Lan !
steady ; weitern utruni cloted at $6 < iSept ; m'oer
| a.KI : ifllnwl. ulriuly. Puik , steady.
CHEEHK Firm ; flate , large , Cc ; smull fanes
S USSc ; part nklms , & 4c ; full skims , I'ifllHc.
ROSIN Quiet ; strained , common to guud , $1.5.
POTATOES Dull : Virginia Rose. $ l.5flU.OO
Long Island. Jl. 7382.00 ; sweets , U.0004. & ) .
TALIXJW Steady ; city , 4'.lc ; country , 4Uo.
PKTROI.El'M-Qulet ; United cloiwd $ l..w bid
mined , $7.U ; Philadelphia and Haltlmore , JT.ti.
I > hlladfh > hla and I lull I more In bulk , $5.10.
Tl'RPESTINE-Qulfl : 2S JS > ic.
RICE Steady ; domestic , fulr to extra ,
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle
coed to choice , Wl32o.
MHSKMiiXNS : Ilbls. . ll.OOC4.Oi ) .
FRK1GHTS To Llvetp.wl. Ill in ; grain , bj
sleum. mtfM.
MI'TTALS P.'K Iron , firm : southern. HJ.ROC14.00
northern. 112.00014.00. Cupper , strong : brokers
price , Ill.ltH ; exchange price , 111.40. Lead
stronir : brokers' price. IJ.SO ; exchange price , $1.45
Tin , firm ; straits. ll4.60frit.U : plates , marke
firm. Spelter , ijulet : sales on 'caange , Ww >
Ibs. August conp r nt tll.u.
COTTON SKEl > OIL Steady ; good demand foi
prime nnd off grades summer yellow ; sales In
rlude 200 bbls. prime summer yellow at tie , am
1W bbls , off yellow at tl'.jc.
Dry flood * Market.
NCW YORK , July 24. Agents have advance *
prices 08 fplUwi : Security Sterling Our Owi
and Jack Homer , JO-lnch : bleached : : cottoni , He
Hcnratlon and NX Plus Ultra , ji-lncli. Uo ; Hrld
a-llrac , J5-lnch , ' . ( c , and Pioneer Mills , SS-lncli
( Ic ; Uncle Itemus , it-Inch , brown. Ho ; Darkle :
IVronel cambric nuiflln , Vic , and Forget-me
Not and Farmers' Choice , 96-Inch , bleached , a
value. These fleures show the tandency of th
market for cottons. There has been a wide
for fancy ud colored cotton * and raor
wnii effecleil. Light weight woolens
continue to attract creat ntt ntli i , and ord rs
or spring mo itlmulatlng. Printing cloths.
nil , with ralti of rpoti nt 2ic ! , plus 1 per
ent. .
'onilllloii of Triulf nnil ( luntiiUnnn
on .Slnpli ! nnil r'uncy 1'roilncc.
The receipts of exes are llglit und the market
Vfry firm. QiiotHllon < :
EOaS-Cholcc slock , lOHffllc.
llUTTER-I'ackliiK nock , TUCSc ; choice to
nncy , ICjJUo ; gathered creamery , 15c ; separator
reamery , Kc.
LIVE POl'LTRY-lUns , CfJCHc ; roosters , 2c ;
> rlng chickens , pef lb. , 126 13c ; ducks , 7c ; spring
uclo , lOc ; turkey * . frftTe ; geeev. be.
VEAl < -Cliolcc fat. 70 to 100 It * . , are quoted nt
0CHe ; huge nnd course , 4(7r.'ic.
ClIEHHE Wisconsin full cream , Oa ; Youns
Americas. llff2c ! ; twins , IHfttf. Nebraska nnd
own , , 'ull cream , l c : Llmburger. No. 1 , lOc ;
rick , No. I ,11c ; Swlfs. No. 1 , 13c.
HAY I'plnnd hay. $7.50 ; midland. $7.SO ; low-
and , $7 ; new hay , $5.M ; rye straw , $5 ; color
lakes the pi Ice on hay. Light bales tell the belt.
Only top grades hi Ing lop prices.
PiaiOONS Per doz. , $ l.u * > 1.25.
Tomatoesnro not so plentiful ns they were.
Ionic grown stock Is not sulllclenlly abundant
o make much of n ho lng In the market , while
t the fame time receipts by rail have been
ght. Quotations :
fPOTATOES New potatoes , choice stock , 300
o'NIONS licrmudas , per crate , none : California ,
n sacks , per bu. , SJcJMI.OO ; home grown , MRi e.
OLD IJEANS Hand picked , navy , $2.20 ; Lima
beans , per lb. , .
CAIIIIAOU On order * , rncked , l4c.
JlADISHi ; Per dnz. bunches , loc.
OREEN ONIONS Per dciz. bunches , lOc.
LETTUCE Per doz. , 15W20C.
ASPARAOt'S Choice stock on orders , „
per doz. bunches.
CUCUMRiRH-On : oulers , D0 35c per doz.
1'EAS-On ordtrr , p r bu. , Cl C5c.
STRING DEANS Un orders , per bu. . COflO.ic.
TOMATOES Choice stock , per 4-batkct crate ,
5f(9ic ) ; K to 10-cnp.p lots , Kk' .
HUMMER fc'QUASH-Pcr doz. , on orders , 2gg
\VATEIlMEI.ONR-Per doz. , crntod. $2.5003.00.
QUEEN PEPPERS-Pcr bu. . $1.0081.DO.
WAX DEANS Per bu. . GOgcr , " ,
OAl'LIFLO\VKR-Per doz. , ; 0cf$1.00.
0 two dozen , 4MlTOc.
OALUIFI.OWEIt Per doz. , 7ricOJ1.0' ) .
CKLERY Home grown , per doz. , 4DJJ45C
One car of California fruits arrived yesterday.
he market Is well tilled up on peudics , Quota-
Ions :
PEARS California Daitletts , per box , $2.DO ; 5
( l 1'1-bnx lots , $2.2. ' .
HKD RASP1IERRIES No shlptilng stock.
PLUMS California , per box , choice stock , $1.50
.75 ; southern , per case , $1.2. > .
APRICOTS No shipping stock.
KOUTHERN PKACHEH Per 6-basket crate ,
APPLES Choice shipping itoik , bbls. , $2.000
.25 ; cooking npples , $1.75 2.00.
OAL1KORNIA PEACHES 1'er box , 90c ; G to
0-cnse lots , S."e ,
KTIlAWHERHIES Cho'ce fhlpplng stock , none.
CHERRIES Nn shipping stock.
QOOSEDERRIES Nu shipping stock.
DLACIC HASPDKRRIEH No shipping stock.
DLACKIllOllRins Choice stock , per 24-cit ,
case. $ . ' .OOff2.- > .
GRAPES Alkansas stock , per G-batkst c/ate ,
1 00 fi 1 25
There was n car of lemons In jcsterday and n
car of California oranges Is expected to arrive
cxlay. Quotations :
ORANGES Navels , per box , $3 ; choice seed-
Ingn , per box , $2.50 ; Mediterranean sweets , $2.75
J3.00 ; fancy -St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fruicy lemons , SCO size , $ C.000
C.r ; 300 size , ) C.25@G.X ! ) .
DANANAS-Cholce large stock , per bunch , $2.15
62.50 ; medium nl7 < < bunches. $2.0002.25.
PINEAPPLES-Per doz. . $2.
coxnrrio.v or WOOL SIAHICIJT.
In Many II < 'N | > IT < H ( lie ncneriil Clinr-
ncti-r of Traili * IN I'lioliiiiiucil. '
DOSTON , July 24. The American Wool and
Cotton ReiKjrter will say tomorrow : In many
recpects the Ecneinl character of the wool mar-
cet has been much the same as last week , no
emarkable change being noticed , though n
'nlr aggregate business * has been consummated.
As a rule , the Immediately available supplier
of the various wools are Ftlll limited. Hut
: aklng the collective business transactions ot
Now York , Itoston nnd othcrx Into considera
tion , the market Is slrong ami steady , ami
prices are maintained. It Is quite noticeable
: ! mt while pairs have aggregated n large figure ,
Individual purchases have been for pmatl lots ,
There In a gi-neral realization of the fact that
wool Is very cheap , after figuring the utmosi
advance obtained since May. A comparison ol
till * week's prices with those of 1893 will settli
this beyond cavil. The territories have asserteil
their value as being IndUpensable In the stuic-
lure of the average finished article , nnd move.
ments of thl kliul of slock have been verj
large. The request for foreign wools has beer
well sustained , full prices being asked nnd oh
rained. The pales In New York , Dostnn nni
Philadelphia amount to a total of 10.301,250 Ibs.
ngalnst 9,031,100 Ibs. for the correcpondln ?
period of 1MII. The sales In Doston for the
week amount to C.5S3S5fl lt . There Is n gooc
maigln for ndvnnce In nny grade of wool handle *
In this market. Thr trade as n rule Is hope
ful nnd confident. Stock has changed handi
at current prices ,
LONDON. Julv 21. At the wool auction sale :
today 15.G87 bales were offered , of which WX
were withdrawn. The selection was good nnc
the bidding nnlmatcd. America was a llbera
Following nre the sales In detail : New Soutl
Waleo , 2.S84 bales ; scoured , dliln 2 1 ; grensy
374 T9V4d ; Queensland. 1,788 bales ; scoured , S dfi
1 2d ; grensy , 4fi9d ; Victoria , 1,894 bales ; scoured
4dffls 3d ; greasy , 4URIOU-d ; South Australia
TO bales , greasy , 4Hfid ; Tasmania. 325 bales
secured , OWIOVjd ; New Zealand. 7.853 bales
scoured , CJidffls 3d ; greasy , 4'ifflOiI ; Cape o :
Opod Hope and Nntol. 3SI bales ; pcnurcd , 7dS
Is ' , id : grenny , 5',407)td. ' The auction sale ;
close July 30.
rlocM SIlKliUy Off nnil Only Mo < lcrnt <
( iiiiuiiltli-H Sold.
MINNEAPOLIS , July 21. The Northwestern
Miller says : The flour output laft week at foul
points , with comparisons , wns. In barrels : Mln'
nrnpoll * . July 2.1 , 1S95 , 175,805 , July 13 , 1895 , ICO-
215 ; July 21 , 1894 , 153,000 ; July 22 , 1813,187,291 ,
Superlor-Diiluth , S4r.2i > . 84,125 , 62.4SO. 41,180. Mil
waukee , 28.800 , 22,250 , 29.635 , 38,700. St. Louis ,
49.400. 42.WO. 72,400 , 50,150. Total. 333,525 , 299,050 ,
J17.,1.i , 31 , ,220.
Quotations were easier nnd those firms showing
higher on patents thnn others reduced theli
minimum figures. The foreign market wan nol
much changed ; only moleiate quantities of paten
nnd clears were worked. Country millers , win
nre still running verv lightly , reem to find clean
a little hnrder to dispose of , especially recondi
Export shipments from Minneapolis were 41,90
barrels , ngalnst 39r,50 the week before ,
The spring wheat of Minnesota nnd the twc
Dakotns Is now conservatively estimated nt ISO.
000,000 bushels. The feed market Is still excellent
Khorts nnd middlings being very scarce and 2i
cents higher. Foreigners did some buying a
near 2rts Gd nnd 21s for patents nnd 17s nnd 17i
< K ! for clears c. I. f. I.umlon , Immediate ehlp
The mills nt Milwaukee are running quite Ir
regularly , \j\fl wrek there was some Increase Ir
fie number of orders taken and the marketi
appear to have a better tone. Importers an
showing n trllle more Interest , apparently glvlni
romc credence to the view that the price * are n
the 'jottnm. Milwaukee millers still feel thi
effects of their competitors cutting prices. Tin
demand for feed continues brisk with prlcei
At St , Ixmls the mills nre mostly running or
new wheat , old ( lour being held at 15 cents nnd 21
cents per barrel premium. The week's sales ap
pmxlmated 10.000 barrels domestic. The expor
trade was extremely dull.
St. IiOiilH ( ! o in- rill MnrUol.
ST. LOUIS , July 24. FLOUR Higher ; patents
$3.t { } 3.G5 ; extra fancy , J3. 304/3.40 : fancy. $2.904
3.0) ; choice , $2.7502.85.
WHEAT There was n wild rush to buy n
the opening by shorts nnd others anxious t
get long , nnd ns there were few sellers to mee
It a rapid and heavy advance resulted , Th
Kansas Millers' association report that not nve
40 per cent nf ( l crop , nut to exceed 10,000,00
hu. , was fit to mill , and that 7,000,000 bu , wnul
have to be Imported , wns the big hull card frnr
the opening. Lute cables were nil strong , nn
domestic markets went boamlng during th
latter part of the serfdon , the advance belli
over 4c ; No. 2 red. cash , ca io ; July , 71ic : Ser
tember. 71Hc ! December. 74c bid.
CORN Market rather neglected , because of th
Interest In wheat , which continued BO stron
that the price of corn was advanced , thoug
not over ? ; c ; market tnme ; No. 2 mixed , cast
4ii4c bid : July , 40c ; September , 42\c bid
OATS Dull. Lut stronger for futures ; spol
higher : Nn. 2 cash , 2Cc bid ; July , 25 ! c ; Sec
tember , 22 ic.
RYE-Stromrer : 44Hc bid.
FLAX SEED- Lower ; spot , $1.23.
GRASS SEEDS Timothy sold at $5.20 fo
delivery for first half nf August.
CORN MEAL $2.flO2.03.
RRAN Salable on east track nt frte.
HAY Choice timothy , llrm nt $ ! .50 15.00. olO
this side : new. $ ( ) , this side ; pratrli
easier : new , $7.50fi9.50. this side.
DUTTER Scarce and firm ; separator crrair
ery. IGfll'c : fancy Elgin , 20c.
WHISKY tl.23.
LEAD Strong ; sale * , two cnrs Missouri o
$3.2 : three ears Missouri nnd 240 tons Augui
nt $3.22 < i ; ten cars part desilverized for Ser
tember nt $3.25 , '
SPELTER-Firm at $3.CO , though sales r <
portiM of three ears , basis St. Louis at $ S El
PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess ! Jobbliu
$11. Uinl , prime Btrnm , )6 ; choice. $0.15. Itaror
Inned shoulders , J5.3TJ ; longs , $6.75 ; ribs. 16 87H
shorts , $7. Dry salt meals , taxed shoulder !
$5.eH : longs. $ .S7Hi ribs. $6.50 ; shorts. } I 75
RECElPTS-Flour. 2.000 bbls. : wheat C9 K
bu. : corn. 7.0iiO bu , ; oats , 25,000 hu , '
SHIPMENTS Flour , J.OOO bbU ? ; wheat. 15 OC
bu. ; corn , C.OOO bu. ; oats. 4.000 bu.
middling. 6Hc ; low middling. Uc ; good onllnary
& 15-lCc ; net receipts , 4S bales ; gross , 4 $ bales
exports , to Great llrllaln , 5.543 bales ; coantulte
1W bale * ; sales , zty bales : ttock , H4.45J bale * .
ST. LOUIS. July 24 , COTTON-Qulet. l-H
lower : mlddllnf , 6 ll-16c ; salrs , none ; recrlpti
208 bales ; shipments. 275 bales ; ttork. IS.O'IS balei
NEW YORK. July ! 4. COTTON-Steady : mid
dllng. 7c ; grons receipts , 1 bale ; exwrls | to Grea
llrltnln , 34 bales ; salts , 52 bales , all tplnners
stock , 1S , ( XX ) bales. _
New York HulU nnil Ilt-urn FlicUt.
NEW YORK , July 11. The wheat bulls toda
pushed the bears to the wall and mad * them pa
from lo to lUc advance for the wheat they sol
short with such a lavlili hand last nlcht. A
tint there was only a fair rise In prices , bu
shorts seemed nervous over the unexpected ad
vane * In private cables and rumors or Europeai
wan. Tb bulUm quick , to pcrcclva am
llmulate by vigorous doses of calamity crop
s , until the bear traders , frightened nrne-
cnlly nt their own shadow , turned panic Mrkken
nd bought AS they hsve not bought In months ,
( coining more frenzied nt evtry Jump , until
cptember , the nctlve option , climbed from 72'4o
t the opening through various stages to ii-W ,
losing nt the high point. Last night It closed
t 71Sc. After the close bulls' talked very en-
huslastlcally of n return to the high prices
eached early In the year , but conservative trnd-
rs feared n. setlmck unless the country should
mine to the rescue and get Its powerful Influence
fhlnd the movement. Total transactions for the
ay were 10.740,000 bu.
! mr.e Speculation on 'CliniiKc AVnn
Irri'Kiilur mill UiiH < > tllMl.
NEW YORK , July 24. Share speculation on
ic Stock exchange was Irregular and unsettled
liroiighout the greater part of the day , nnd In
lie final trading was decUUdly heavy In tone.
Jhlcf among the depressing Influences In the
market was the sharp nihnnce In wheat , which
eflectcd reports of a scant crop , nnd ns a con-
oiuence led to selling of the grangers , bother
or the long nnd short account. The general
allway list caught the depression , which was In-
reased to Forrte extent by a slightly hatdenlng
endency of sterling exchange nnd by moderate
ales for the foreign account , mainly on nr-
Itrage. The course of the m.iikot was very
iintlv , with the wildest tlucluatlims In Indus-
rials. Sugar , after nn early ndvnnce nf 'i per
ent , broke l i per cent tci H2TA during the morn-
ng on clique selling , claimed to be lor the pur-
ncc of shaking out weak holders , A rally of
.ii per cent wns followed by a rencllon of 114
er cent nnd n final recovery nf ' .4 per cent , re-
Irlctlng the net lo s to the merest fructlnn.
Chicago Gas fluctuated between 53 nnd 5'i'fi ,
losing within U per cent of the lowest and i
er cent below yesterday's closing. This stock
tax III good buying during the morning nn a
eport that n plan had been evolved by the trust
o get over the legal dllllculllfS supposed to
land In the way of paying dividends. Later nil-
Ire * frnm Chlcitgo asserting that the attorney
; enernl was after the lru t helped lo depre s the
lock. Leal.iiT was notably Ftrmig In the late
eatings , ttie common stock shewing u net gain
f Hi per cent nnd the 3 per cent.
Shortly before noon the coal shares loomed Into
iruinlnence. Rending wns bought en the nn-
louncement by n Philadelphia newspaper that
he Earl-Cott committee had agreed upon a plan
f leorganlzatlon noon to be made public. An ad-
nce of 1(4 ( per cent was made In the stuck , of
v.ilch % per cent wns subsequently lost on n
Ifnln ! nf the story by the counsel to the reor
ganization committee. On small purchases New
ei > ey Central rose 1'4 per cent nnd Suniue'.iannn
Western prcfcritd 1'A per cult , while Delaware
SI Hudson , en Fiiles of MU shares , broke- per
cent , A story ( .which could not be conllimed )
hat New England was to bj tuined over about
September 1 to the new Interests , which have
gained the control , caused that st , ck to Jump
* per cent , the gain being retained to the close.
The enthe market closed very heavy , the only
mpnrtnnt changes In price on the day not nl-
uuly noted being nn advance nf 3 tier cent In
ut. Paul & Omaha preferred nnd declines of 2'/ ;
ier cent In Canadian Pacific nnd 2 per cent In
Jdlson Elcctrlu nf New York.
In the bond market the Alclilron Issues were
leavlly dealt In , and on purchases aggregating
1,000.00. ) the 4i trust receipts Improved 1 per
ent. nnd Atchlsnn seconds trust tecvlpts 1 % per
cent. Atclilson ndjustment 4s when Issued
irought Bl 4 to M. Asld ? f-oni the Atchlson
rndlng. the Inquiry was good for other mort
gages , which caused u general rlna In values.
The aggregate sales of the day reached the large
ntal of $2l ! > 2'.IH ' i.
The Evening Post's London cablegram says :
The ctnck maiket fdny was flat , ow ng to th
xagcerated scare about liulgarlan * . Contnngoes
m Americans were from 2'.4 ' to 3 per cent cuslei
mil Irregular to dull , closing bet tr. Atchlson'a
feature of strength wns the adjustment. Hands
lave risen 2 point ? . Cnna3a Pacifies were I
inve reason to believe that the Japanese govern
ment has Intimated Us desire that the money re
cently raised fur Indemnity shall nil be placed to
ts credit In London. It may even go tempo
rarily to the Hank of England. This Is not gen-
rally known nnd cannot be absolutely con-
The' following were the closing quotations of
the lending stocks of the New York exchange
today :
\IMV Yi > rk M iiiy Market.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 pr cent ; duped ,
PAPER-3C4 per
GOVERNMENT HONDS Firm ; state tends ,
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
IIAIl SILVER 30Ud per oz.
MONEY U per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
both sbort anil three months' bills U 9-16 pe
c nu
Good Demand for Oattlo Suitable for the
Dressed Beef Trade ,
Dciiinnil for I.lKlit Hop * Ilennonulily
Ciooil nt u n-C'ent lloullne
Heavy IIIK ! Mlxcil HORN In
Indifferent Demand.
WEDNESDAY , July 21.
The receipts today were 1,904 cattle , l.CSS
hogs nnd no sheep , as against 1,931 cattle ,
3,100 hogs , no sheep nnd 53 horses yesterday ,
nnd 1,812 cuttle , 2,819 hogs and 279 sheep on
Wednesday of last week. The receipts for
the week : thus far are 0,814 cattle , 5.2S1 hogs
nnd 373 sheep , as against 5,409 cattle , C,7 4
hogs nnd 734 sheep the llrst hulf of lust
CATTLK There were seventy-one fresh
loads In the yards today , as against seventy-
three cars yesterday. As has been the rule
of late , fat cattle were In very light supply ,
while the great bulk of the receipts con
sisted ot cow stuff and-stock cattle.
There was a demand for desirable fat
steers' , suitable for the dressed beef trade ,
but there wore few to be had , either nu-
lives or westerns. Some westerns sold at $4
and some Texans ut J2.90 ,
There were twenty-live to thirty loads of
cows and heifers In the yards , but the sup
ply was none too great for the demand. The
Jtiyers all wanted good cows and helfera
and the market WHS uctlve at fully steady
prices. The offerings soon changed hands
.tnd the yards were cleared ut an early
i our.
The market on light and commonlrii
stock cattle continues In a rather demoral
ized condition. Prices are very low , and In
addition the cattle are plow pale. No one
tippears to want that claw of cattle just ut
the present time , ami holders find It slow
work effecting a clearance. Hood feeders
sold quite freely , some westerns reaching
tJ.70. lU-presentnllve sales :
s'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
8. . . . MO | 3 50
L. . . 700 123 L. . . 531 19- ) 5. . . . S90 240
3. . . . IOC 1 21 13. . . . ! I14 1 Xi ! . . . . Mi 2 45
L. . . MU 120 0. . . . KJ1 200 3. . . . 9SG 243
2. . . . 915 ISO 1. . . . ICQ SCO 13. . . . 1114 213
3. . , . 730 1 DO l..t. .130 2W 37. . . . U70 2 SO
L. . . 933 1 f.0 1..H10 2 17. . . . MM 260
3. . . 820 1 f,0 1..1070 20) ) l. . . . 0'J ' 260
1. . . . 910 I M 3..1W ) 2 ( ) H..1007 26' ' )
2. . . . TO ) 1 C.1 1..D30 2 CO 1..12GO 260
l..K > 20 170 ' l.f. . 820 810 29. . . . 960 260
1..1(120 170 3. . . . 800 210 ! . . . . 912 2 CO
2..10 < JO 1 7. > 3. . . . 1100 215 3. . . . 970 SCO
1. . . , SCO 17.1 9. . . . MS 2 15 G..R03 20)
L. . . ! ' 40 175 17. . . . U-D 2)5 ) 6..S')0 260
2. . . . M > 0 175 10. . . . 941 22) G. . . . MG 2 CO
2. . . . 915 1 73 1..11)20 ) 2 23 3. . . . 973 2 CO
1..1(140 ( ISO 1..120 223 S. . . . ! ! 2 65
L. . . HsO 185 21. . . . SCO 223 1..12iiO 2 f.r
2.- , 1 8i ! 10..994 232',4 3..1173 290
8. . . . 675 15 13. . . . 1113 2 S5 1..1110 3(10 (
1..10.7) ) 1 90 2' ) . . . . S97 24) ) 1..1150 383
6..10(13 ( 190 7. . . . 814 240 1..1300 360
7. . . . 9S2 1 90
5. . . . 612 190 S. . . . 697 210 13..723 245
7 390 2 ( K ) L. . . 610 210 fi. . . . 791 260
3. . . . 683 200 ! . . . . C.S7 215 1..740 275
4. . . . 447 203 2. . . . 6.T5 230 7. . . . 821 290
1..1000 160 1..15IO 215 1..12SO 2 31)
L. . . 920 190 3..1100 213 1..1010 2 S3
I..1300 200 1..13.V ) .2 20 1..1000 240
2. . . . 8S5 200 3..10M 225 1..12SO 240
2..1120 2 W 1.840 ' 225 2..1260 240
L. . . HO 2 00 1..1060 725 1..1320 240
3 14.V ) 210 1..1250 530 1..12IO 240
L. . . C90 210 2.,1200 (2 ( 33 1..12CO 2M
CALVF. , .
L. . . 200 223 1 2M 360 3. . . . 136 425
L. . . 260 223 4. . . . 240 .ISO 3. . . . 210 423
3. . . . 270 260 19. . . . 191 J 75 4. . . . 152 425
12. . . . 330 290 1..J 130 400 1..180 4M
L. . . 110 360 L. . . 170.400 1..160 460
L. . . S10 260 21. . . , 721 : K 1..915 310
19. . . . 695 265 5..81C S 85 22. . . . 910 310
L. . . 700 260 10. . . . 657 285 I ! . . . . 951 310
3. . . . 610 260 . . . . 6.11 290 2..850 310
3. . . . 643 265 25. . . , 901 J 00 15..957 315
19. . . . COS 2 fi 19. . . ; SIS 3 M 15. . . . 941 315
6. . . . 620 275 4. . . . 767 3(1) 3..1020 323
L. . . 780 280 1. . . , 840 301) 24..1100 323
L. . . 834 280 3. . . . 6CO SO. ) 2..9C3 325
9. . . . 694 ' 2 SO l.8'lfl ' 300 16.,1090 330
9i. 843 I12.S5 .CO.i,1013 3.70 , .
William Troops.
1 cow 1050 J2 00 1 feeder 1010 J3 00
2 COWS KG5 2 75 6 feeders. . . . KSO 3 23
7 cows 978 2 75 4 feeders. . . . 942 3 23
5 cnttH SS2 2 75
O. W. Ryan.
10 cows IMS 2 65 2 steers 1185 I 00
3 cows 1196 2 C3 17 steers 1217 4 W
I cow 1140 265 7 Ptcers 1234 400
1 feeder 1WO 3 25
A. CnarbennRh.
3 feeders..10C6 2 75 67 feedcrs..1I31 3 45
F. K. Mnion.
C cows 913 210 17 feeders..1013 325
1 feeder 11CO 3 23
A. Jabbott.
1 bull 12SO 180 1 cow 1130 240
1 bull 1020 1 80 3 cows 960 2 40
Scows 970 185 Scows 78S " 45
1 cow 760 1 85 IS rows „ RS7 2 SO
4 cows 963 1 R5 3 Ktn . tli.in9f ! 2 50
16 cows 9 5 240 9 sirs , UK. . .1202 303
Hartlett Richard.
2 cows 845 2 ( d IS cows & hf . 912 3 23
66 cows 927 265 10 steers 1193 3 G3
12 cows 911 2 73
HOC.H Owlnff to the unevenness of yester
day's market , comparisons between the twn
days are dllllcult to make. Leaving out of con
sideration the few earlv sales of yesterday the
llRht hogs sold today from steady to 6c lower
The demand was reasonably Rood for llRht hogfi
and desirable loads were soon picked up.
Heavy and heavy mixed hoRs were not In n
Rood demand. The packers did not appear to
want them unless they could Ret them nt their
prices , and their prices were Co ami In some
cases lOo lower than yesterday. The maiket
was slow nnd Rrew worse toward the- last , the
SHEEP There were no sheep here to make
. . market. Quotations nre nominal. Pair 'to
choice natives are quotable nt $2.M@3 75fair
ID good westerns nt $2.25j.1.50 ; common nnd
stock sheep , $1.7.W2.25 ; good to choice 40 tc
100-lb. lambs. $3.00 ? 5.50.
Trail IIIK AV M Fnlrly Actlvo lit Cuttle
ThroiiKhoiit < hc liny.
CHICAGO , July 24.J- ntlc ( receipts today were
est'mated nt I6,0"0. Trndln'S was fairly nctlve , nnd
while droves that were wu'rth more thnn $5 were
In good demand , commriri ( o medium dejcrlptlons
were dull nnd on nn average lOc per too Ibs.
lower. Steers that soM nllfrom $3.50 to $4.90 were
about lOo und'uhelcommoner '
lower , cattle were
the hardest to get rlilf'tif ' , lleef cattle sold nt
from $4.50 lo $3.60. The stacker nnd feeder
trade has Improved and In many cases prices are
as much as ISe hlghei4tMt * last week sales rang
ing from $2.40 to $4. ITmvs were ful'ly active at
ruling prices , most itf t : e wiles of cows nnd
heifers being nt frofiOl.t' ' to $3.50 , Hulls so i
lit from 11.90 to $3.40 and veal calves at from $4 4C
to $4.J > for deslrabli\4irMiWs. Texas cattle were
In good demand. an/W/IShdable lots sold at un
changed prices , but other kinds were weak Few
were choice enough./Pimnsr $4 , Western rang ,
ers sold freely at rlrVn1 prices , and among th
sales were 2o2 Dakota , steers averaging 1 ill | n
at $4,10. Wyoming syjrg Averaging l,2o ibs. sold
Qt * 4 30f
. . , "tlmateil at 22,000.
and as IS.OiiO were Ifffj'f'fr from yesterday the
offerings reached 35,0\iO" head. This was a inucli
larger number than fauW.bc disputed of nt thli
time , und prices w * 3)1 ) lower. The demand
was better than It has. been lately , and it full
business' was transacted , shippers wanting a gooil
< 4.85 to $ ' . for heavy and at from $5.10 to $5.11
for light lings.
Sheep supplies ar # much greater than are
neednl to meet the reduced requirement ? of the
buyers , nnd there was a further decline of from
! 5c to 20c per 100 Ibs , tinlay In sheep and Iambi
the receipts being al > out 13.000 head , Sales were
flow nt from $3 to $4.SO for common to choice
spring Umbs , and sheep were extremely dull ul
from $2.W to $4.20 for Inferior to extra , few
selling above $3.75. Texas sheep sold at from
$3 to $3 , and westerns at from $3 to $3.35.
Receipts : Cattle. 15.000 head : calves. 1.2W head !
hogs , 22.000 head ; sheep. 13,000 head.
X - v York Live Siot-U Market.
NI3W YOHK. July 24. I1KKVKS Itecelpts ,
2kW head ; on sale , "i curs ; market very dull :
stvers , steady for good , lower for others ; oxen ,
bulls and dry rows 10f)25a lower ; yards nol
cleared ; native streis , poor to choice , $4.0ii5.GO ;
tags and oxen , $2.7504.25 ; bulls. $2.00213.25 ; do
cows , $1,7503,40. European rabies quote Amer
ican steers at 10'ifrHHe , dressed weight : re
frigerator beef at 7K610C. Kxports today. IK
beeves and Z.3&0 quarters of bef ,
BHEKP AND IAMI33 necelpts. 14.JOO head !
pa etUe , 10 , ; ) bead ; mark t very dull ; betti intei
jnd lambs Uff' ' c lower ) over 4,000 head un-olcti
ihrtp. poor to prime. } l tyiOI.OOj Ulnbs , common
o -trlctly choice , IS.oOflS.W.
HOOS-IIecelpls. 7.1SO html ! market v ry dull ,
He lowcrj sales at 5.23te.65.
Shipped ( u CtilviiKO mill So III C'nttle
Colonel Pratt of the I'rnlt & Ferris Cattle com
pany wns nt South Omaha on Monday with a
rain of fourteen cnrs of entile. The colonel was
not pleaded , nnd corning to Omaha , delivered him
self of the following : "They tried to rob me
lawn there , and I reloaded the lot nnd vent
hem to Chicago. The presence of my herd
'eemed ' to swamp the yards. They offend me
1.2.nnd split them up , but I couldn't see It
hat way , nnd so 1 will ship them taut. "
One buyer nsked If n bid of 11.35 would be con-
ildered nnd was told tiiat It was $4.60 or nothing.
The cattle were shipped on to Chicago and there
sold at JI.25. or lee per 100 lefs than they
would have brought here. In addition to that ,
he owners were out the cost of transportation
from South Omaha ti > Chicago and the shrink
on the cattle. The cattle netted the owners u
rood many hundred dollars less than had they
jeen sold In South Omaha. .
As to the statement tliat the Pratt & Ferris
cattle Rccmiil to swamp the yanls. there were In
.he jnids ( lint diiy 121 cnrs , of which foiirietn
ielotiged to the Pratt Ferris ( tattle company.
Ml told , there were 2 976 bend r.f entile received
md 2,381 head sold , nnd the balance might have
icen suM had the owncis been willing to accept
wliat was offered.
Colonel Pratt Is not the only man whn has
refused to accept a good thlnn wlien offered.
The Swan Land und Cattle company's cattle were
shlpiied to ChlcaRo on Sntuiday and sold en ar
rival nt (4 ( , n bid of (4 having bt-en return ! at
South Omnhn , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ml > Vfllll-llt < > f UlIKH OoiltllllH'M Sflllllll
\Vlt1l LltlllIlllNltlUNH ,
CINCINNATI , O. , July 21. ( Special Telegrnm. )
Tomorrow's Price Current will my : The
iiovement of hogs continues small , although some
what Increased ; the week's packing was 160 OW
ugnlnst 130,000 the preceding week und 24"i,000 last
yenr. From Match I the to nl Is 5,305,00. ) mil the
same n year ago. Prominent places compare ns
follows :
Place. 1S93. 1 > 94.
luillgo 1 SC5.MO 1,665.000
Kansas City M3ei 752.nno
Omaha : 97.00) ) C',2 00)
"I Lnllls : ' 1201l ) 31IMHO
Cincinnati UC.OOO IMdUO
Milwaukee . .I ! ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! ' . ' . ! ! ! 218',00) ) SuioiiO
( . iv ip its I340io M nee
St. Ju iph 11600 177.COO
4lou\ City 73. 00 12)'DO )
St. Paul 142WO 2H.100
Ottum\va 119,000 123,000
St. IiOiilH Ilv < > Stock.
ST. LOl'IS , July 21. CATTLE Receipts , 3,100
h ad ; shipments , 4iio 'h"ad ; luurket iiguln ia y
and some sales lower ; good shipping to expirt
Ktcerc. (5.30111.75 ; light shipping nnd diebKCd iief
grades. t2.7. > 4r5.20 ; common Btet-rs , J3.00fi3.5fl ;
cows and mlxtd Ftuff , } 2.23If3..0 ; Tfxnt and In
dian steels , ninge i2.75Jf4.60 , with sales chiefly
between (3.25 and 13.75 ; cows and mixed lots ,
VZ.IHI" : . ! . * . " ! .
HO(1S Receipts , 5.0dO head ; shipments1.400
html ; market about 2 < io lower , nn 1 I'ght welKht *
iiulsc'lllng the htnvy ; better prudes , $ I.SOi(5.00 ;
p.ickors. $4.75W5.0 < ) ; light. $4.8)5(5.10. ) (
SIIKI-iP Receipts , SIW head ; fhlpments. 300
head ; market weak ; mtlve sheep , range $2.7f.fC
3.50 ; lambs , $ .1.50ii5.00 ; southwest sheep , $2,75U >
3.25. _
KIIIIMIIII City Live Stock.
KANSAS C1TV , July 24. CATTLE Hecflpls ,
5,700 bend ; shipments , 1,90 head ; maiket steady
for best ; otheis ueuk ; Texas steers , J2.7r.Jfl. 11 ;
Texas cows , $1.9Qfr2.CO ; l > eef steers. $3.0flifl.60 ;
nHtlve > cows , $1.5004.00 ; stockers nnd fcfdeis ,
$2.2504.35 ; bulU , $ I.Miii2.T5.
HOHS Receipts , 4.7IK ) bend ; shipments. 30i )
bend : market closed 10firc lower ; bulk of Holes.
J4.C55I4.85 ; heavies. $4.60fl4. 0 ; puckers. 14.700-
5.0'lj mixed , $4.6004.95 : lights , $4.65.10 ; Yoikerb ,
! 5. ' r5.10 ; pigs , J4.Mifij.lio.
8HKEP Itei-elpis 2,100 head ; shipments , none ;
maiket steady lo lOc lottcr.
Stoek In
Record of receipts nt the four principal maikets
for Wnlncfduy , July 24 , 18)5 :
O.ittle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha . 2.000 i.euo .
Chicago . 15,000 22CDO 13,000
Kansas Cliy . ti.700 4.TW 2.3"0
St. LuLls . . . 3 1'JO ' 5WO 3,803
Totals . 25.WJ 33.WO 10.10)
Liverpool Miii-liel * .
LIVKRPOOL. July 24. 4:15 : p. m. : WHHAT
Spot steady , demand poor ; No. 2 red winter.
Cs Slid ; No. 2 red spring , Cs 7'id ; No. 1 hard
Manitoba. 5s 7d ; No. 1 California , 6s 2Ud. , Fu
tures opened llrm , with neur positions 1'ld
higher ; eloped III in , with near and distant posi
tions WUd higher ; business about equally dis
tributed , July , 5n 3\4di August , Cs 3 } d ; Septem
ber , 5s 4'jd ; October , 5s M ; November , 5s 5yid ;
December. 5s CMd.
CORN Spot llrm ; American mixed , 4s 4lld ,
futuiea openeil quiet , with near nnd distant
ixjsitlnna. Ud lower ; closed steady , with near
positions umhnnged to ' .id higher , nnd distant
positions unchanged to U lower ; business nbjut
equally illstrlbuttil ; July , 4s 3Hd ; August , 4s
lid ; September , 4s 2d ; October. 4s 1',4d ' ; Novem
ber , 4s 2'id ' : December , 4s l'4d.
FLOUR Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy.
7s M. - ,
I ROVIS1ONS Hacon. steady : demand moder
ate ; Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 Ibs. . 37s Gd ; jhort
ribs , 23 Ibs. , 20s ; long clear , llsht , 38 to 45 Ibs. ,
34a Cd ; long clear , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 32s Cd ; short
clear backs , light , 18 Ibs. . 34s ; short clear mid
dles , heavy. 55 Ibs. , 33s ; clear bellies , 14 to 10 Ibs. ,
35s. Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 31s. Hams.
In pall ? , 33s. . .
CHEBSK Quiet ; demand moderate : flne t
American white , new , SSs Cd ; finest American
colored , new , SSs M. ,
OILS Cotton feed oil , Liverpool refined , lis ;
llnoeed oil. 21s ; pptioleum. refined. SHd.
RKFRIOKRATOR HEUF FoiciuuiUrs , 3Vjd ;
hindquarters. C'id. . ,
HOI'S At Ixindrn ( Pac'flc const ) . 2.
Ht'TTKH Finest I'n't.d States , 70s ; good , nom
Coffee * Market.
NKW YORK , July 2l.-COFFnB-Optlons
opened steady and unchanged to 5 points de
cllne. Sales on the cull , 2,500 bags , and for the
whole cession , 3,750 Iwigs. Representative small
fnielgn orders nnd cautious local trading. De
clines checked by llrm cables ; closed barely
, . . , . .
niuien mm * , „ oj u..h-- " - , Vt , .
States , liOOOO bugs ; totnl visible for the United
States , 202,359 bags , against 315,012 bags last
y <
8ANTOS , July 21. Market quiet ; good nverngt
Sanlos , $13.70 ; receipts , 5,000 bags ; stock , 161,000
' '
'HAMDl'RO , July 24. U pfg. higher ; sales.
'llio'Dli ' .TANUIHO. July 21. Market nrm ;
No 7 Rio , $14.10 ; exchange , 11-lCd : receipts , two
days. 5,000 bgs | ; cleared for the United States ,
6,0fk ) bags ; cleared for Uurope , 6,000 bags ; stock ,
150,000 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _
Su nr Market.
NKW YORK , July 21. SUGAR Raw. firm ;
refined , fairly active and tlrm nnd un
changed ; No. C , 4 l-lCRlJc ! ; No.
7. 4 IVle : No. 8. 3 15-lfiff4He ; No. u , 3ff4 l-ldcj
o. 10. 3 3-K. r4e : No. 11 , 3 H-lCfl3c : No. 12.
13-ICe ; No. 13 , 3Hc ; off A. , i f4 ic ; mold
1'eorla MnrketH.
PKORIA , July 24. CORN Quiet ; easy ; No. 2 ,
44eNo. . 3. 43'4c.
OATS Film , higher ; No. 2 white , 2Cc ; No. 3
white. 25Vjii25c.
RYE Dull : nominal.
WHISKY Firm ; finished goods , on the basis
of Sl.U for high wlnex.
RKCKIPTS Wheat. 2.100 bu , ; corn , 30,750 bu. ;
out * . 2R.7W bu. ; rye. none ; barley. 700 hu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , none ; corn , 14.250 bu. ;
oals , 2C.100 bu. ; rye , COO bu. ; barley , none.
Oil Market.
CHARLKSTON. July 24.-ROSIN-Flrm at J1.15
TintPKNTINK Nolhlnc doing.
WILMINOn-ON , July 24. ROSIN Flrrnt
strained , $1.20 ; good , $1.25 ; spirits , firm at 25Q1
" "
rAR-FIrm nt $1.30.
TI'RPKNTINK ' Quiet ; hnrd , $1.20 ; soft , nom
inal ; virgin. $2.20. _
MluuenpoIlM AVIieat MnrUet.
MINNKAPOLIS. July 24. WHKAT 70 > ic ; Pep-
tember , CS'.Sc ; December , CSHe. On track : No. 1
haid , 71ic ; No , 1 northern , 71c ; No. 2 northern.
70c FLOUR Firm ; first patents , $3.50SJ3.9 < ) ; second
patents , $3.3003.70 ; llrst clears , $2.W ! { 3.00 ; second
clears. $2.45 ; export bakers. $2.45 3.00.
KIIIIHIIH City Market.
KANSAS CITY. July 24. WHRAT l 72c
higher ; No. 2 hard. GS'.itfavic ; No. 2 red , C7c ;
o. 2 mixed. 08Ue ; No. 2
white SOij-SOHc.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 24c ; No. 2 white ,
27'.ic. . _
KorelKii l''linuieliI ( Xotex.
LONDON July 21. flold Is quoted nt Duenoi
Ayres ICHluy at 250 ; Madrid , 14.BO ; Llstxjn. 26U ;
St. Petersburg , 50 ; Athens. 77 ; Rome , 104.47 ; VI-
enna. 103. The Ilruztllan loan has been entirely
covtred. '
iprlMi-o Wlifiit Market.
SAN FRANCISCO. Julv 21. WHKAT Steady ;
December , $1,03U ; May. $1.0aVj ; new , sellers , 'Jo.
Flniiiielul .VoleM ,
BOSTON. July 21. Clearings , $1C.879,2M ; bal-
anct-s , $1,9C1,624.
HALTIMOItn. July 21. Clearings. $2,421,779i
balances , $235,233.
NKW YORK. July 24. Clearings , JSC3,111,277 |
balances. $6.7112.833.
PHILADELPHIA. July II. Clearings , $11,223-
Ml ; balances , $1W1.7CO.
ST. IXDI'IS. July 24. Clearings , $3,375,097 ; bal
ances. $601,278. Money. Mj6 per cent. New
York exchange , par bid.
WASHINGTON. July 21. Today's statement of
the condition of the treasury shows ; Avail.
Hble rash balance , JlWWU,3a6 ; gold reserve.
CHICAGO. July : i. Clearings , $14.2S9OuO.
Money , easy : rntcs. 4fi4W per cent for cull
loans , and 6S614 per cent for commercial paper.
New York exchange , 25o premium. Hankers
( London ) , sterling , $4.MH j4.aVi.
More Golil lor Kurnpc.
NEW YORK , July 24. Nesalage , Colgate
& Co , will ship $100,000 to Europe tomorrow
by the steamer i'uerst
Kow Transmissourl Association Will Not
Take iu tlio Earth ,
\VoNlrni FrelBht MPII AVreMllnw
tlio ( I lie * II n n < > f Heiliiflnu- - Ml n-
liiiiini WolKlils ) on Cnrliiuil I.otH
Milwaukee Declare * Knelt.
CHICAGO. July 21. neprc'Ecntatlvcs ofthc
tratismlBsourl Hues \vcro In session trying
to arrange tlio reorganization of n passenger
association. All tlio lines Interested were
reported present. There was tonio discus
sion as to whether the association shoutil
bo an association by Itself or part or one
general association which would cover tlio
entire territory from Chicago to the 1'aclflc
coast , Tlio former plan was finally adopted ,
and Chairman Caldwcll and General Passen
ger Agents Frauds of the Hurllngton & Mis-
Bourl Itlvor and Wlshart of the St. hunts &
San Francisco wcro appointed a committee
to draw a form of agreement which Is to be
presented to tlio general meeting tomorrow.
The committee lias decided the association
chnll have- jurisdiction over all trnlllc
originating In the territory between the Mlj-
Foorl river and Colorado common points. It
will not concern Itself wltli business of the
Colorado points. Utah business may be In
cluded later on , but It was agreed that the
lines Interested In that territory should set
tle their differences before the association
would attempt to have anything to say con
cerning Utah trafllc.
The general freight agents of the western
roads are still wrestling with the problem
to reduce or not to reduce the minimum
weights on carload lots. Some of the lines
nro In favor of the plan and ol'iicrs are
against It. The Milwaukee & St. 1'aul has
made the Hat declaration that It will put In
the reduced weights whether the others dose
so or not. This It can do under the present
form of the agreement by simply giving a
formal ten days' notice of Its Intention ,
Kffort in Coinlilnc- All TriiiiNiiortatloii
Lliu-N KiiMt from Ulilc'iiuo ,
NEW YORK , July 24. Conferences prelim
inary to the meeting of the committee ap
pointed by the Trunk Line association to con
sider plans for maintaining freight rates were
held at the Oriental hotel , Manhattan Beach ,
today. The conferences Tk'cre all conducted
with the utmost secrecy. It Is understood
that It Is proposed to form a combination of
all the rates of all the rail and lake lines
under Ironclad agreement to be bound by an
agreement. The plan contemplates the dis
continuance of all existing agreements ; the
merging of the trafllc associations ; the discon
tinuance of soliciting agents , and the estab
lishment of a clearing house for the handling
of way bills , tickets , etc. Also the abolition
of all fast freight lines as such , but permit
ting their continuance as names of routes ,
and the appointment of advisory committees
to act with the governing board of three.
The roads which It Is proposed to bring
under the workings of this plan nro those
not allied with the trafllc associations , and
the hope Is to make freight business profit
able on long hauls , where there has been
more or less loss. The plan finds more favor
with eastern than western men.
MH u I n u ; a \NNfNMinpiit of vsn.o
PHILADELPHIA , July 24. The Press to
day prints the following : The Earle-Olcott
committee has been engaged for a week In
making the final touch of reorganization of
the Heading. In a general way the scheme
proposes to assess the first , second and third
prcfcrenco Income bonds and tlio Heading
stock about 125,000,000. U Is propose ! to
collect this money under a threat of fore
closure of the general mortgage.
Petroleum 1'roiliiccrN Combine.
ST. PETEHSUUHG , July 24. It is an
nounced that an agreement has been reached
at Paris between American and Russian pe
troleum firms , by which all the kerosene
trade of the Mediterranean waters and Nor
way will bo given to Hussla. In the re
mainder of Europe Hussla Is to export 35 per
cent and America 65 per cent of the kerosene
Xejsro I'uiilHliciI for IllH Murder of the
Princeton Student.
TRENTON , N. J. , July 24. John S. Col
lins , the negro who shot and killed Student
Frederick K. Ohl at Princeton last Juno
and who was a few days ago convicted of
murder In the second degrees , today re
ceived a sentence of twenty years at hard
labor In the state prison.
llcfore the sentence he was required to
plead to the Indictment for atrocious assault
upon Garrett Cochran , another student whom
ho shot at the same tlmo , and his counsel
entered a plea of non vult ccntendre. Upon
this plea Collins was sentenced to ten years ,
but Justice Gummcre announced that ho
and his associates had decided to allow the
sentences to run concurrently , thus making
the term only twenty years altogether.
No plea for leniency was made by Col
lins' counsel. The negro received his sen
tence stolidly and was unmoved even when
Justice Guminere said that a verdict of mur
der In the first degree would have been
proper. _
Fair , with Southerly \Vlmln , Prom-
INIM ! for Xeliraoka.
WASHINGTON , July 21. The forecast for
Thursday Is :
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair ;
southerly winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair nnd warmer ;
variable winds , becoming southerly.
For Kansas and Colorado Generally fair ;
variable winds , becoming southerly.
For Montana Fair ; cooler In the western
portion ; westerly winds.
Local lleeoril.
OMAHA , July 24. Omaha record of tem
perature nnd rainfall , compared with tlio
corresponding day of the past four years :
1RII5. 1891. 1SS3. 1832.
Maximum temperature. . . . 81 00 91 93
Minimum temperature. . . . CO ( .7 71 75
Average tempsrature 73 82 82 8 !
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Condition of temperature nnd preclpltn.
tlon nl Omaha for the day and since March
1 , 1895 :
Normal temperature 77
Deficiency for the day 4
Accumulated excess since March 1 18)
Normal precipitation 15 Inch
Deficiency for the day 15 Inch
Total precipitation clnce March 1 10.99 Inches
Deficiency nlnce March 1 8.32 Inchon
lleportM from Oilier StutloiiN lit 8 I1. 31.
INSTRUMENTS place ! on record July 2J.
1605 :
L A Smith lo I S Westren. lot C , block ,
Potter & C's ndd to South Omaha $ 600
M J Inskeep und hurhaml to John Pardee ,
lot 3. block [ > , Arbor I'lac-e V )
W R Hall and wife to Rebecca Almy , n ! i
lots 1 nnd 2 , block 4 , Newport.- . 2.000
llebecca Almy and husband to S A Hall ,
same 2,001
Guntav Wllg and wife to II O Knox , lots II
and 12 , block 2.1. Wllcox 2nd 3,000
K A Doollltle and hunbnnd to J M Wool-
worth. lot 16 , block 3 , Sulphur Springs. . . . 1
Jacob I'ctrrsen and wife to W F Holmes ,
lot 2 , block 3. Kwllck park J
W F Holmes to M II I'eUr t-n , same 1
Peter Stock , ' and wife to A U Camp , lot 7 ,
Oak Hill 10
Xvtal amount cl tranir t * I 7.5C3
! ) > purchaMng g'JOds made at Iho following
Ncbrn Ku factories. you cm , not nnj what
you wont communicate with the manufac
turers ns to what denlcm hnr.dle tcr | |
, i.v/ >
Manufacturer * of all kinds of cotton and MIN
lap bags. cotton fTour sn.'ks : and twine a spec *
fait- . Glt-eiG-W R Hlli-m.
tiitKn'iitiK.t ,
Ca. ' loni ! shipments made In our own refrlce.
ralor cats , llluo Ribbon , Klllc Kxport , Vienna
l.xport. nnd family Uxpurt , delivered to all
Pints of city.
KN , IHKl\n
Coffee Hoastcrs , Splco Orlndcra , Manufacture
crs German Haklnit Powder nnJ , German Dry
Hop least. 1411 nnd 1416 Hnrney-st. . Omiilm. NeS
put rubber tlro nnd ball lionrlriB axles on their
onn make \ehlcles , and sell n top \IUKKY for
150.00 beeldea. Write them. ISIh nnd Hurney.
Manufacturer of Gold MeJal Flour.
C. Illnck. MnnaKcr. Omaha.
Manufacturers of Parlor Kiunlt.ire. . Ixses.
ninlmr Tables and Folding [ Jeda. SSth ave
loyd to Shalor Els.
Oome.Uo nnd Steam Coal. AVe have the best.
Olllce 1601 Furnnm-st. Telephone : Olllco 37J
yard , 17CG. J'Aoe
' _ - _ oe , General Maimncr.
Xrnnufncturlns nnd Itepaliliie of nil kinds oC
machinery , engines , iiuinps , elevators , printing
prenes , ImnKers , shafting and couplings 140t
and 140S Howard-st. , Omaha.
Fire Hydrants , Water and Oas PIpes.Fpeclal * .
Holier Fronts and Fittings. Street r'y. car
wheels. Archltectuial Iron works. Olllce 30 , S.
ISIh-st. , Omaha.
V ,
Mnnufacturers of Archltectuinl Iron Worlr.
General Foundry. Machine nnd Dlacksnntli
? S l K\nt \ < ! ra nnd Contractors for nn ,
Pioof Oulldlnga. Onice and oik : U. P. Iiy
nnd So. 17th street. Omaha.
Manufacturer Muttressea , Spring Beds ; Jobber
Feathers and Pillows. N. 14th and Nlcholaa
StB. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Fluid Extract * . Kllxlrs.
Syrups and Wines , compressed triturates hypo !
ilcrmlc tablets , pills and nclentino medical nov-
eltfes. Omaha.
209 Bo. llth t. , Tel. 254. Medessa Mineral
Water. Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for table
use unsurpassed.
The only perfect protection to property. ExamIne -
Ine It. Best thing on earth. ) Reduces Insur
ance rates. 1304 Uouglas-st.
Manufacturers of Men's nnd Hoys' Clothing
Pants , Shirts und Overalls.202-212 | 3. 12th st.
1'Al'Ktt JHtXKH.
, . , ot , " " klnils ° ' I'aner Iloxes.
Ph * Iloxes. Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc.
\ \ ldlne cake and fancy candy boxes , drusirUI
a < , il Jewelry boxes. 1208-10 Jones-tt. , Omaha.
' " '
j. ii. -NEBR'ASKA"SHIRTC : }
Exclusive custom shirt tailors.
1515 Fnrmm-Bt..Telephone : 908.
JtlaryByphllls permanently cured In 16 to
135 days. You can bo treated at uomo for
Itnosame prlco undoreatno RUIIrunty. II
f you prefer to come hero wo wlH contract
. . ' . .to PTrailroad faro and betel bills.and no )
cbarge.lf wo fall to euro. If you have taken mercury -
cury , Iodide iiptnsh , ami still have aches ana
1'lmplcs , Copper Colored Hpnts , Ulrcrn oa
nypartof the body , Mulror Kyuhrowg fnlllne
out. It Is this Syphilitic ULOOU 1'OISON thai
VTOcuarunteo to cure. Wo solicit the inont olutl-
uato discs and cliulleiiRO the world for a
cneo wo onniiot euro , -rlili dl-emo tins always
ballled the xltlll of the most eminent physi
cians. 4000,000 capital behind our uncondi
tional runrunty. Abnoltit n proof * sent sealed on
Cures the elfcuts ot
telf-abusc , excesses ,
emissions , Impoiency ,
varlcocclo und consti
pation. Ono dollar a
box , MX for J5. Fop
snlo by TIU-J C.OOD.
1110 Farnam St
JAJIE3 B. I50YD. J. V. ' . DEAN.
Telephone 10.10.
OMAHA. NKI1. -7 |
Grain , Provisions & Stocks
Room 1U15 Uoard of Trnile.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York. ,1
Conespondents : John A. Warren & Co. ' '
V. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1J08) ) 8. U. STANFORD
GRAIN nncllKOVI = ilON9
Room 4. N. Y. Life Hldix. . , Omnlin.
Dranch olllces at Fremont and Columbm. All
orders placed on the Chicago Doaid of Trade.
Ciirtopondents : Kclnvurli. Dup < e & Co. , Chi-
U.K < > 1 richrelner , Mack & Co , , St. Louis.
to First National Hank. Omaha.
can be made by our method of operating In '
GItAIN AND STOCKS. Prospectus glvlnif full
Information of perfect system inallc.1 free. end
your business only to a financially responelblo
house. Look us up ,
Grain , Stock and llond llrckcis. ' 2
3 Chumfacrof Commerce , CHICAGO
No matter what booklet on spec *
TIIAD1NQ ulatlon you may buve read send
v , . , iiviii , for ou"- which Is NKW and
JlXI'LAINIJDfOMPLKTK. It clearly Ixplalni
margin ( railing and DKFINKS ALL MARKK1 !
KXPRKS8IONS. If. free and will tench yoi
something. ARUOGAST. CO. . 32) Traderg