Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TITUttSD\ , JULY 25 , 1895.
i Office , 12 Pcorl Street. H. W. Tlltou , MnnnRcr.
InpSTFroffrai IraiTraTlr l rrpTrrSTrai rnHfraM raTFraHraFiTSl 151 fro ! fraTfralTrafrSl rrnllnillRilirallrtillrariT ll Sllnllmlimllrari rSTi
The Union Veteran legion will meet this
Over DO finest brands of cigars In the
\vorld at Grand liotcl cigar store.
Grand hotel , Council HluffB. Newly fur-
nlahcd. Reopened Oct. 1. 13. K. Clark , prop.
A company of ladles of the rirst Hiptlit
church are at wcrk cleaning out the. Interior
of the church building.
John Groom , a nurl'ngton ' railway fireman ,
Is suffering severely from Injuries to his
spine catued by a fall from a hay mow.
The Ladles' auxiliary of the Union Veteran
Legion will give an Ice cream sotla ) , with
cards and dancing , at Woodmen's hall this
George A Haefeker commenced a suit In
the district court yesterday to foreclose a
mortRigc gl\en by Ualah Hover and wife
for $1,550.
Kcv. L. P. McDonald of-North IMatte , Neb ,
will boll divine tervlco and preach In St
I'aul'a church i.cxt Sunday at 10:30 : a. m.
and 4 o'clock p. in.
The Hlclurdson Drug company of Omaha
filed a petition In the district court yesterday
to foreclose a mortgage of $2,672 on some
property owned by William W. Lowe.
Some of the men working In the Hock
Island jards found a gold watch yesterday
lying in a grtaso box. It Is suppose ! to
have been hidden there by a tramp , but there
Is no clew as to the owner.
William James , Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Noonen , who died Tuesdaj , will be
burled this afternoon. Services will bo held
at the residence , 1011 Seventh avenue , at 2
o'clock , and at the Congregational church at
2:30. :
nd Lewis , who was arrested several days
ago on the charge of disposing of mortgaged
property , was dluc-harged yesterday by Jus
tice Cook , a satisfactory settlement having
been arrived at by the parties Interested.
Only SO cents was Involved.
Mrs. Hldklns Is the name given by a
voinan who was found last evening lying
dead drunk In n barn In the rear of the Inl
tlal meat market on Uroaclwny , near Sixth
street. She was given a berth at the city
jail foi the rest of the night.
The Latter Day Saints' gospel tent has
been moved and Is now located the
corner of Washington avenue and Hlghth
street. Meetings will commence tonight
nider Williams will speak on the subject
"Will the Heathen He Saved ? "
The meeting of the Orapo Growers' asso
ciation will be held Sn tin day afternoon , In
stead of this afternoon , as was first an
nounced. Arrangements will be made for till
ing the space allotted to the association In the
Omaha fair. All Interested , whether members
or not , are Invited to be present.
J. G. Lemen was appointed guardian ol
Lettlc North yesterday by Judge Smith , and
the girl was taken to the Christian home
The Investigations of the judge led him to
bellevo that the child bad been subject to
the grossest of ' 11 treatment at the hands
of her mother and the step-father , whom
she married a few weeks ago.
W. T. Duncan , who represented hlmsel
to be the advance agent for Uarnum &
Ilalley's circus , and became Involved In sev
eral unpleasant affairs , was tried In Justice
Vlen'a court yesterday on the charge o
using fal o pretenses In Inveigling $150 ou
of Max Oleson. After the court heard the
evidence Duncan was turned loose.
Charles Hosebrough , alias John Doc , came
over from Omaha yesterday to sell carpets
and lace curtains for a firm of that plica
While hero he filled up on Iowa liquor
which proved too much for him. On Broad
way , near Scott street , he used some low
and profane language which led to his or
rest. Ills rig was taken to a livery stable
near the city Jail.
Justice Vlcn tried the case of the stat
against Van Onnan and found him guilty
of carrying concealed weapons. The peculla
thing about the case was that Van Orman
carried the weapon boldly In his hand dur
Ing the engagement nt Cut Off between the
Terminal company's men and the squatters.
Tbo court held with the Louisiana courts
and "Biddy" Dojlo , who used to bo on the
police force of this city , that "faith , an' the
wlpon was caticaled because I saw It. "
Fire and tornado Insurance written In best
companies Money for farm loans at low
rates. City property for sale or trade for
farm lands In Iowa. Lougco & Towlo , 235
Pearl St.
Only Oiit > of Mini } 1,1'HiTN.
MONUOE , Neb. , July IB , 1895.
"Your Wheeler's King Temperance Beer
goes like hot caltes. Please ship mo Imme
diately two barrels W. King Temperance
Manufactured only by the O. U. Wheeler
Brewing Co , Wheeler & Herold , wholesale
dealers , Council Bluffs , la.
Mrs. W. A. Miuirer hag gone to Hot Spr.ngs ,
B. D. , for a short stay.
C. P. BtcUott has returned from Atlanta ,
Oa. , to make hla home here. .
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Loomls , on
Washington avenue , yesterday , a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hicks are expected
home today from a visit to St. Paul and Min
Mrs. Donaldson ot North Platte. Neb. , Is
In the city , the guest of Mrs. IM Kejs on
Fourth a\enue.
Superintendent II. W. Sawyer has returned
from the teachers' con\entlon at Denver , and
from Klrksvllle , Mo.
Mrs. A. T. Fllcklngor and children left last
evening for Independence to > lslt relatives.
Mr. Fllcklnger will follow them In August ,
MUs Inez Barrett , who has been visiting
her brother , II. P. Barrett , on Washington
avenue for several days past , left yesterdaj
for her homo In Baker City , Ore.
G. II. Denton and family have gone tc
Plalnvlew , Minn. , for a visit of four weeks
J. B. Hlschel , chief clerk at the Uock Islam !
freight otllce , has been promoted to the posl
tlon of acting freight agent during Mr. Den >
ton's visit.
K. H. Ott returned from Boston yesterday
occompanled by the Misses Ncttlo Morris am
Hattlo Blood , two of the teachers In the clt )
schools. T cy attended the Christian En
( leaver con\entlon and visited many of tin
eastern cities.
UIKMV.Vb O. O. I > .
Special Flour Sale Thin Wt-olc.
[ 4 Brown's XXXX Fancy Patent , per sack.l.X (
It Buffalo Fancy Patent , per sack. . . . , 91
Lone Star , per sack 71
Iluby . . , . . . . . , . . . . . , Ci
Ilalston's Health flour 61
Wheat graham flour 61
Jlye graham flour & '
Corn meal „ 1
Ilememher , a silver dollar package In ever ;
* 20th k. of llrovvn'g XXXX Patent and ever :
' ack warranted. C , O. I ) . UKOWN.
* r WiiutH u 111 orris
Mrs , S. C. Snyder begin suit In the dls
trlct court yesterday asking for a dlvorc
from J. C. Snyder. She says they vver
married In 1SSS , but have not lived happll
for Snyder Is In the habit of fl > lng Into
passion anl beating the plaintiff and he
eon. by a former husband. She fears he wll
do her physical harm , and asks for a dlvorc
and the right to the possession ot the fan
on which they have been living. The fan
she claims by reason of It having been he
property before her second marriage.
The electric fountain at Manhattan beac
will be Illuminated each evening from 8:3 :
to 9 and 0:30 : .o 10. The steamer Libert
wilt connect rlth all trains to and fret
Manavva. First boat will leave Manhatta
beach at 7 a.m. to accommodate the camf
ers at Manhattan beach who wish to catc
the early morning train to Omaha.
r lltirlliiKtou lloute HxourHlun ,
To St. Joseph and return Aug. 4th. } 1.C
round trip , $1 BO. 0. M. Drown , Tkt. Agt.
Doiton Store clearing sale Saturday , Jul
27. Particulars later.
Read Davis * ad. Davis icIU hammock
The Standard only necond to the Hardmai
> IMOCH.\TS : CMOOSI : nriiJ.vrns. i
'ottitii iittiinil ) * Comity Coin cutloii
1'allM of i\c-llciin-nt.
The democrats of Pottawattamlo county
icld their convention at Avoca yesterday.
The weather was good enough so that ( t
ook but Hale enthusiasm to turn out , and
he democrats from all o\er the county were
present In good numbers. The meeting vns
called to order by H. N. Wlilttlescy , chair
man of the county central committee , v ho
uggcsted the name of Emmet Tlnley for
cmporary chairman , and W. C. Boyer and
3iaude Dye for clerks. The suggestion met
vtlth the approval of the delegates , and be
fore taking his seat Mr. Tlnley made a
characteristic speech , denouncing , as usual ,
lie republican party for all the Ills of hard
lines , and paying his respects especially to
ho republican part } of Iowa for Its cowardice
n refuting to adopt any resolutions pledging
Its candidates , In case of election , to pass a
law providing for the manufacture and sale
of Intoxicating liquors within the state. Tlie
lollowlng committees were then appointed-
Credentials John Currle of Norwa k , C.
A. Sample of Belknap , Tremont Bcnjiunln of
Knox , M. F. Kohrer and W. II Knepher of
! ouncll Bluffs.
Permanent Organbatlon D. B. Dentler of
Pleasant , U N Whltllesey of Kane , Hlley
3Iark of Neola , Conrad Gelse of York , J
Kramer of Lewis.
Ilesolutlons Ira P. Hendrlcks , J. J. Shea ,
H J. Clancey of Council Bluffs , Dr. J W
Hemstcd of Carson , O Dlederlck of A\oca.
On motion of Mr-Benjamin of A\oc.i the
fallowing committee was appointed to se'cct
delegates to the state com cation : C. A.
Samp'e , Iklknap , Lars Jensen , Boonier ;
Oeorgo Dye , Carson ; .1. Senn , James , T. J.
Clark , Layton ; A. U. Jacob on , Lincoln : S.
Djo , Macedonia ; C. AlUmanberfler , Mlnden ;
Hllcy Clark , Neola ; John Currle , Norwalk ,
D. B. Dentler , Pleasant ; James Ll\Ing ton ,
Valley ; Uobert Lldell , Washington ; Warren
Flynn , Wnveland ; John K. Black , Wright ;
John Helm , York ; W. M. Squire , E. S.
Brooks , Thomas Mnloney , J. C. Martin , John
Plumer , Hd Stlmson , John K. Hooper , John
P Weaver , " "Nick O'Brien , A. /lowurd / and
U. C. Pajne , Council Bluffs After the ap
pointment of the above committees the con
vention took a recess until 1 W p. m.
After dinner the reports of the committees
on credentials and permanent organization
were adopted , the latter recommending that
the temporary organization bo made per
manent. The following delegates were se
lected to the state convention at Marshall-
town : S. D. Toby of Belknap , Lars Jensen
of Boomer , John II. BUck of Wright , S.
O. Underwood of Keg Creek , O. Mosler of
Layton , Sylvester Dje of Macedonia , Fre
mont Benjamin of Knox , Julius Stuhr of
Mlnden , H. P. Gertz of Pleasant. P. M
Alleo of Lincoln , T. A. Pample of Be knap ,
O. Dlederlck of Knox , W. M. Squire , J. J.
Shea , M C. Goodwin , M. V. Ilohrer , S. B
Wadsworth , W. H. Thomas , Ira F. Hen
drlcks. Emmet Tlnley , Jc'an P. Weaver , W
C Boyer , J. W. Bell of Council Bluffs.
The majority report of the committee on
resolutions was adopted by a vote 1 92 to 87
The report endorses the money plank of the
national democratic convention of 1M > 2 It
also denounces the , republican party for Its
cowardly position on the liquor question.
A resolution was adopted Instructing the
delegates to the state convention to vote for
Fremont Benjamin ot Avcca for state central
Gigantic bargain sale Thursday.
Our entire stock of ! > 0c and 7Gc 30-Inch
figured swivel silks Thursday 19c yard. Don't
miss this bargain. They will all go today
Como early.
One more day to buy boys' 75c , $1 and $1.23
shirt waists at 29j. They will surprise you.
Ladles' $1 and $1 25 calico and lawn wrap
pers going at C9c. Bo sure and get one.
Amoskeag Sc and lOc apron check ging
hams , EC yard ,
1,000 est quality 7-foot opaque curtain
shades on flx-ure. complete , today 25c each.
Wo are selling everything cheap during
this sale. Come tomorrow for the above
bargains. BENNISON BROS ,
Council Bluffs.
nmiilatloii tliat Fallfil to Culminate.
A local paper some weeks ago announced
to Its patrons that a series of prizes would
bo awarded to those ol its subscribers Aho
sent In the largest number of words made up
out of the letters In "Emulation. " A certain
> oung lady of this city was remarkably suc
cessful In the use of the unabridged and for
her success received the first prize , a lady's
blc > cle. This fact was duly heralded through
so much of the land as the paper In ques
tion was able to cover. This was three
weeks ago , but It was not until yesterday
that the winner of the prize saw the fruition
of her hopes. And a green , gnarly sort ol
fruit It was. Tor three weeks the manage
ment of the paper has kept her waiting on
account of some hitch In the proceedings
whereby a bicycle could be obtained without
expense to the publishers of the sheet , save
the cost ot setting up and printing an adver
The young lady was told several times thai
her wheel would be on hand In a few dajs
Yesterday It came , accompanied by a letter
from the business manager of the paper. The
Ijlcjclc Is one of the small sized children's
wheels , while the young lady who Is expected
to ride It Is five feet nine Inches In
height. It has been nt the newspaper ofllce
subject to Inspection for several weeks , bul
every ono was told that It was put there
merely to show the general st > le of the ma
chine , while a full sized bicycle would be fur
nished the winner of the prize. The lettci
contained nn apology for the delay , and a
statement that the baby wheel could bo ex
changed at a local bicycle establishment bj
the payment of the balance , $35 , In cash.
There Is a young man who won the second
, prize In the same contest , "a trip to Splrll
Luke and his expenses while there. " When
he reads this he will probably begin saving
his money to buy his return ticket , Inasmucl :
as the prize offer contained no allusion to UK
homeward trip.
UeiltiiMMl Kate * .
To Hot Spi'ngs , S. D. . sale July 19 , Aug
ust 2 and 2J , one first class fare for rouiu
Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Dos
ton , Mass. Sale August 19 to 24 ,
American Pharmaceutical association , Den
ver , Cole Sola August 11 and 12.
National convention Keeley league , Har
rlsburg , Pa. Sale August 1G to 22.
Toronto , Ont. Sale July 15 to 24.
Cliarlton. la. Sale July 19 and 24.
In addition I have on sale Summer Tourls
tickets to various points In the United State :
and Canada.
Call and get copy of map and Illustratec
write up of the great Yellowstone Natlona
park. O. M BROWN , Ticket Agent.
Suiiilii ) Sfluuil Aiiul\iTMury.
The members and friends of Hillside Con
gregatlonal Sunday school will celebrate tin
ninth anniversary ot the school with a plcn !
and field day In the grove on Thirty-thin
and Like streets today. Games of all kind
will be Indulged In by members of the school
Prizes will be awarded to the successful win
ner In each case.
1'otter'H Prlf.-B
Are always lower than anywhere else.
Bird cages , 50c ; copper bottom teakettle
2Sc ; 10-qt. flaring , heavy tin pall , lOc ; cor
per bottom wash boiler , 75c ; 2-qt. coffee poi
50 lOc ; rolling pins , So each. The Great 10 )
tym Store , 318 Broadway.
The Grand Hotel cigar store received toda
from New York the finest line of canes eve
In the city. Anybody desiring a ttylU
walking stick will do well to call and exam
Hardman pianos , Omaha , 113 N. 16th.
Out for More 1'roiicrt ) .
Jane Ann Dunn has filed a petition In th
district court aeklng for a Judgment agalns
Stephen Dunn and all his relatives for a fort
acre tract of land lying east of the clt )
Mrs. Dunn U the first wife of the lat
SUphen Dunn , sr. , and claim * to have bee
lefertfd by him yean ago. Since they
> arted Stephen Dunn came out west and
married another wife , by whom he brought up
a larga family of chlldern. He also acquired
julte nn amount of property. Mrs. Dunn No.
L now comes In and claims that Mrs. Dunn
tfo. 2 was not legally married , for Mrs , Dunn
SJo. 1 Is a Catholic and never procured a
divorce. She therefore Intends to get hold
of all her ex-husband's property so far as
she can. One suit has already been tried , and
several more ar pending Involving the
same state of affairs.
Boston Store annual clearing sale begins
Saturday , July 27. Store will be closed Fri
day afternoon , marking down goods for this
sale. Bargains In summer goods.
Itcil Collar I'lMioc I'oxtH.
Twelve carloias standard red cedar fence
posts , 10c each , by the carload.
Tore tip ( he Contract.
A little nerve exercised at the right min
ute was the means of saving n well known
lady living In Mornlngsldo several dollars.
About a month ago she received a call from
an agent who was selling book ; on the Install
ment plan , to be delivered and paid for at
the rate of $1 a month for seventeen months
He was not particular , however , about tell
ing the whole series , but handed the lady a
contract which she was to sign , with the
understanding that she need take only the
first month's Installment She signed It , but
when her husband returned home he told her
she had made a mistake. A day or two ago
the agent put In his appearance again , and
the lad ) determined to rectify the mistake
The agent Informed her that he would bring
the rest ot the numbers as fast as they came
"But I had nn agreement with you that I
was only to pay for the first month's books , "
she replied.
"I beg your pardon , " said he , with nil the
suavity of a book agent ; "I have your con
tract in my pocket , signed with your name ,
In your own handwriting"
"Let me see It , " said the lady , and the
agent Immediately handed her the slip of
paper. She no sooner had It In her hands
than she tore It Into fragments and slammed
the door In the cheeky agent's face , leaving
him meditating on woman's ways. He did
not stay long to meditate , however , and has
not been back to trouble her since.
Yes , the Eagle laundry is "that good
laundry " ana Is located at 724 Broadway.
If In doubt about this try it and be convinced.
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
Boston Store annual clearing sale begins
Saturdaj. Store will be closed Friday after
noon , marking down goods for this sale.
In Honor or Coiniimiiilor l.uocy.
The Knights Templar of Ivanhoe com-
mandery united last evening In the effort to
show Dr. Thomas B. Lacey their pleasure at
his election to the Important post of grand
commander of the slate of Iowa. A reception
was tendered him last evening at the Ma
sonic temple. The knights , to the number of
about fifty , gathered nt the rooms on the
lower fioo-s , wheio the/ extended their con
gratulations At 9 o'clock they formed In
line and marched to the assembly rooms on
the third floor , to the music of the Mandolin
club , consisting of Messrs Searle , McCor-
mlck , Majne and Wood-vard , assisted b )
Mr and Mrs C. A Atkins The central
table was arranged In thfe form of a cross ,
with two other tables at the side. After th ?
refreshments had been served the Dudley
Bupk quartet was Introduced and sang a
selection "Comrades In Arms " Sir Knight
Walter I Smith m.-de an address of w pi-
come , to which response was made by
Grand Commander Licey. Addresses followed
by Sir Knights H. W. Rothert , W. S
Straw n of Omaha , Mrs. G. H. Jackson and
C. M. Harl , Interspersed with selections by
the quartet and Mandolin club
Only one of the $15 00 Quick Meals left
Two bicycles left ; 2C-lnch ladles' wheels ,
close out at cost Only 7 refrigerators from
our largo stock ; very low prices.
On Saturday , July 27 , we start our annual
midsummer clearing sale. Wonderful re-
uctlons In summer gooJs. Store will be
losed Friday afternoon. BOSTON STORE.
Hardman pianos , Council Bluffs , 103 Main
Higr CroudN at Manaita.
Every day Is a big day at Manawa now
'ho attendance Is greater each evening
Never In the history of there -
ort has there been such fashion
able and dressy crowds. Last night
\as particularly marked In this respect
"h night the ladles' military band grows
more popular. Not a selection was played
ast night that was not heartily encored The
coung ladles will give a special conrert pro
; ram this evening , with the old favorites that
crowds love so well. The Grand Plara baili
ng beach Is also growing In popularity. It
ought to , for there Is not a finer , cleaner or
nicer bathing beach In this country. A hun
dred new woolen fashionable bathing suits
mve been added. Como down tonight and
ake a swim.
Boston Store will be closed Friday after
noon , marking down goods for clearing sale
. \lilch begins Saturday.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday by the county clerk :
Nnmo und ntldres" . Ace
II M. lirown , Council Bluffs .23
Nellie n Jones , Council Bluffs n
n. W Raymond , Council IV.nrfs 5 ;
Ullu P. Holmes , Council Bluffs 4 ;
George H Slitter , Orrnha 41
Venora R. Dinlel , Glenvvood 57
The gas company's special prices for serv
ice pipes will continued through July.
The Hardman , the piano par excellence.
TiinniiArnic iminrs.
The number of striking carpet weaver at
Philadelphia now numbers S.uuO.
The flagship San Francisco has sailed
from Christiana for Uravesend.
The Catholic Society of the Brothers ol
Mary Is In session at Dayton , O
W. H Taylor , a prominent dry good"
duller of Fort Worth , Tex. , has failed
Tire at Cincinnati Wednesday consumed
the feed and grain warehouse of Henry
A heavy rnln , the first of any consequent
In two months , fell Wednesday at Traverse
City , Mich
Woodland , CM. , officers aio still genrch <
Inu for Train Kobber Brady , who Cbtapec
fiom them
Flro at San Francisco Wednesday con
Fumed the coffee und spice house of Till
man & Bemlel.
Boston Is making great preparations tc
entertain the Knights Templar conclave
which convenes Monday.
W. F. Clark a mall clerk running be
tween Nashville and St Louis , has beet
arrested for robbing the malls.
William Huestpn , cashier for F. D Borke
at Brighton Beach tr.ick. has dlsappearcc
with JI.500 of his employer's cash.
Robert Bruce Langdon , n prominent Min
neapolls contractor , died Wednesday. Hi
built 7,000 miles of railway In his time.
The water has been lowered two and i
half feet In the Utlca mine , at Angel'i
Camp , Cal. There Is stfll 350 feet of wate
In the mine.
The passengers of the grounded stcame
Dove near Toledo were taken oft Wcdnes
day. None of them were Injured. Tin
steamer Is still fast aground.
The negro Kinmett Dlvvers , who as
saulted and then murdered Mrs. Cain a
Fulton , Mo , has been taken to St. Louis ti
prevent a Ijnchlng , which seemed probable
The army signal corps , which left Den
ver peveral days ago , succeeded In signal
Ins from Long's peak that all were vvel
and that It had rained every day since th
party started.
A riot occurred at Mai Ion , O. We-lnesdaj
C caused by the attempts of ofllcers to lev
on the effects of Astley & Sand's circus
The circus men were finally compelled t
settle the claim.
The Llcklnir river , oppo | te Clnclnnat
rose nine feet Wednesday. Great Uamag ;
has been done to lumber and mining Ir
tercsts. Communication -with the uppc
river Is cut dft by washouts.
By the flooding of a coal mine In Japa
forty miners were drowned.
The king of Belgium was loudly cheere
Wednesday when he appeared on the street !
OHlclal reports of the German crop condl
lions show winter wheat , potatoes and ha
Is good , and summer wheat , winter an
summer rye , barley and oats In medium.
' < t
nough to Pay for
Time and Troubfc.
Uxploilc Kuur ClinrKfti of Ij iiatiiltc
Under the Illw hnfu lint Pall
to Iturnt It Opriii Mmlt >
a Small Until. "
TOLCDO , July 24. Shortly after midnight
rain No. 37 on the Lake Shore road , to
hlch was attached an express car which
uns between Buffalo and Chicago , was slop
ed at Heecc sultcli , midway between Arch-
old and Stryker , forty-four miles west of
Us city , When some distance from the
\vltch the enclncer saw the switch was
irned , displaying the red light , and as ho
urned on the air brakes several shots were
red at the cab. One of the shots put out the
cadllght. When the train stopped four rob-
ers went to the express car , In charge of C.
, Nettleman of Buffilo , and ordered him to
pen the door and come out.
Nettleman refused and the robbers threat-
ncd to blow up the car. He then came out.
Vhen the door was opened the four men
ntered. They secured the contents of the
ocal safe , amounting to about $50 , and then
ent nt the big safe , which contained ton-
Idernblo money. Since the Kendalvllle rob-
ery the express company tins supplied Its
ars with dynamite proof safes and this stood
tie test of four dynamite cartridges llred by
he robbers. This discouraged them and they
uinped from the train and disappeared
James P. Stark , u clerk In Superintendent
ohnson's ofllce , of the Lal'e Shore road , was
n the train at the time of the robbery. He
vas seen at his home this morning and gave
lie following account of the affair
"I think It must have been about 1 o'clock
his morning when It happened I was sleep-
ng In the smoking car at the time and was
wakened by hearing several shots as the
rain came to a standstill The conductor
aid the train was being held up I did not
; u outside to Investigate , being satislled from I heard that something was going on.
Shortly after hearing the shots 1 heard four
xploslons of dynamite and then all was still
, ml soon the train pulled out for Stryker ,
vhere we arrived at 1 20. I went Into the
xpress car afterward and the mesbenger
aid he saw only four men. The Interior of
ho car did not appear to be damaged , except
hat the windows had been snot full of holes
he only damage to the safe was a small
lent In thp door. The robbers did not make
nn attempt to get Into the passenger coaches.
When the robbers left the express tar one
if them shook hands with the mesbenger and
ipologlzed for putting him to so much
rouble. "
CHICAGO , July 24. The Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern express train , which was
robbed nt Reece siding , 0. , shortly after mid
night , arrived In Chicago today about on
time , but with the express car In n badly
shattered condition. Every window In the
car was broken , the big safe , though un
opened , showed the walks' of .dynamite . and
the small or way safe lay open In the center
of the car while the train crew and paEsen
gers showed plainly the effects of their mid
light scare.
The express company's olllelal statement
w IB to thu effect that but1 $150 had been
stolen. The trainmen ware ordered to avoid
; ie\\spaper notor'ety. '
The passengers' story Is that the train was
Hearing Reece sidlrjg , a Jonely spot In the
woods near Wauseon , whan the engineer saw
i reJ light showing & . { . the gvvjtc'i. ' He le-
versed his engine and as the tram cnme to a
standstill a volley of revolver shots raided
around the locomotive cab ] and express i u
Hnglneer Tlernan was ordeted to btand out
on the tender In full view and when CondiiL-
: or Darling appsared ho was fnt bck in
side his coach with a half dowi bullets as
pacemakers. Whlb one , man covered the
: nglneer the other three poured n few rouno >
of shot Into the express car as > an eye-opener
tor the messsnger nd ordered him to 3pe i
the door , and threatened to blow the whole
train over Into Indiana If he refused Mes
senger C. D. Nettleton fired one shot at the
robbers and then slowly opened the door
Two of the men sprang Into the car , pitched
Nettleton Into a heap , out of the door , anc
begin operations on the big safe Severa
atte.npts to blow It open were made , but th
big steel doors stood fist With an oath
the dynamiters finally pave It up. They
then turned their attention to the small
"way" safe. Meanwhile the robbers out
side kept up an Irregular tire to prevent an
attack fiom the passengeis Finding the
small safe securely locked , two of the men
picked up Messeng > r Nettletan and dumped
him back In'o h's car with an Imperative
order to unlock the safe doors. With the
cold muzzle of a revolver at the back of
his neck the messenger promptly complied
and the robbers quickly cleaned out the
compartments. After a few uncompliment
ary remarks regarding the Invulnerability of
the large safe the robbsrb backed Into the
weeds lining the road , and with a parting
volley disappeared Into the woods
The trainmen believe that the desperadoes
were old railroad men , hut as all were
masked wllh handkerchiefs none were recog
nized. The large safe which resisted the
attacks of the robbers contained a large
amount of money. How much the officials
refuse to say , but had the safe been opened
the loss would have been very heavy.
CLEVELAND , July 24. The agent of the
United States Express company In this city
has received a telegram giving brief particu
lars of the train robbery at Reece station
last night. The exact amount of money se
cured could not be ascertained , as It was not
known how much local money the express car
carried. The opinion prevails , however , that
the robbers secured batween $800 and $1,000
from the United States Express company.
A representative of the company said : "The
robbery was committed near the village of
Kendalville , Ind , where the big express rob
bery occurred about two years ago , and , In the
opinion of the company , It was perpetrated
by the same gang. The express train pulled
out of Cleveland at G.GO last evening and
arrived at Reeca near midnight. It Is a
lonely region through that section of the
country , well adapted to the purpo = es of the
thieves. Had the company not been supplied
with stationary safes a large sum of money
would have been taken , but the through safes
are so arranged that even the messenger was
unable to open them , notwithstanding that he
had a revolver placed at his head and was
threatened with death. "
Later a telegram was received by Superin
tendent Mitchell of the United States Ex
press company from the messenger In charge
of the car attacked by the robbers saying
that only a few packages \ the local safe had
been secured by the bandjts. All of the
money collections made , ba veen Cleveland
and Toledo and at Toledo were In the large
safe , and the only mondjr lnt > the email safe
was that picked up at slatlo'ns between To
ledo and Reece station. ' It Js now believed
that the largest amount possible for the rob
bers to have secured Is but little more than
$100. i i
ELKHART. Ind. , July 24 < r-Partlculars ol
the train robbery recelvad here say there
were 200 passengers aboard the train. The
robbers drove back all who attempted to
get out , while four of the robbers went to
the express car. During the attempted safe
blowing the robbers seemed afraid of n
rescue. Tor the last explosion a terrific
chirgo was need. The steel chest did not
jlclJ , but the car was raised from the
track. The sides bulged out and the three-
Inch plank floor was shattered. There nero
nine In the party. They were Jocose with
the train crew , saying all were disappointed
at the failure , but would call ngiln before
the mow files. While the explosions wc'o
taking place the fireman slipped away , but
had gene enl > a few rods when the robbers
gave up. Ho was called back , and pro
ceeded with the train. The obstruction of
the track was found to consist of ties
Recce Is an abandoned sidetrack In a hol
low , with den o woods on each side. Years
ago an organized gang of horse thieves op
erated In the vicinity and was broken up.
Many of the same band are slid to still re
side there It Is unofficially stated hero that
the throtnh safe contained $75 000 In gold
WAUSEON. O. . July 21 Five men arc
unler atrest hero on 8U plclrn of being con
nected with the holdup on the Lake Shore
at Reece station Isst night. The detectives
refuse to state what evidence there Is igaln't
them. The tramps who were on the train
Jumped off when the shooting begin and
ran back to Archibald and notified the nil-
road people there , and In less than two hours
a special train , carrying the sheriff of the
county and the several officials of the Like
Shore , with detectives , arrived at the scene
of the holdup The sheriff , with his men , as
well as the detectives , started to scour the
adjacent country.
lion Uniliorrlrr I'liicli Wait la-ll oil < o
HIM Ct line.
SIOUX CITY , la ! , July 24 ( Special Tele
gram ) William J. Finch , the self-confessed
embezzler of $5,500 from .the Amer'cui Ills-
cult company , sajs a fine residence property
In Omaha had been one of the causes of his
downfall. He said the house was built at
a time when he did not have enough mono }
with which to complete It. He had to bor
row capital In order to furnish the place , and
Just then he was transferred to SlouClt >
The house could not be rented , and as he
had to pay rent In Sioux City the burden be-
ramp doubly hard to bear Mr Pinch said
tint all the time he Ind bsen stealing from
the Amerlcin Biscuit and Manufacturing com
pany he had hoped to sell his house In
Omaha and replace the money.
In MiMiiorv of MurilcriMl AVliKos.
DES MOINES , July 24 ( Special Tele
gram ) W. S Richards , the governor's pri
vate secretary , and Curator Charles Aldrlch
of the State Historical society , departed this
afternoon for OkoboJI , to be present at the
dedication of the Spirit Like monument
erected to those killed bv the Indians nt
Spirit Lake In 1S57. Richards will accept
the monument on behalf of the state. The
program will be rendered Friday afternoon
, ind Is as follows , Interspersed with music-
Pra > er by Rev. Seymour Snyder , address of
Hon. R A Smith , president of the day , address -
dross by Hon. Charles E riandreau of St.
Paul , address b > Hon. 0 C. Howe , short ad-
dres es by visitors , poem by Mrs. C H.
Bennett of Plpei'one , presentation of monument
ment to the state bv Hon. C C Carpenter ,
address of accaptance by W. S. Richards.
Accept tlic Inevitable.
DES MOINES. July 24 ( Special Tele
gram ) About twenty representatives of the
bu'Idlng and loan associations of Iowa met
here today to formulate a bill for presenta
tion to the legislature this winter for enact
ment into law far the regulation of loan and
building associations do'ng ' business within
the state That these association are destined
to be placed under state supervision and con
trol at the next session of the legislature Is
evident to the managers , and while they Inve
always heretofore fought any movement hav
ing for Its object placing them on a basis
similar to that occup'ed by savings banks and
Insurance companies , they will bow to the
Ine/ltablo and seek to have a law as harm
less as possible patsed.
ItCllll\ for IlllHlllCNH
SIOUX CITY , Ju'y ' 2 . ( Special Telegram. )
The Sioux City Stock Yards company took
formal possession today of the Union stork
yards , which It bid In nt receiver's sale sev
eral weeks ago. II P. Chesley , receiver of
the old compiny , has been retained as super
intendent and no change will be made In the
.vorklng force.
I1. T. Mensch of Grant's Pass , Ore. , passed
through the city on his wheel todiy on his
way from that placa to Wisconsin , through
which he expects to make an extensive trip
during the next few weeks Mensch left home
May 22 and has covered 2,200 miles since
Lhen. Ho expects to return in the same way
before cold weather sets In.
Sued a Itallroiul Coiiijiiiny.
CRESTON , la. , July 21 ( Special Tele-
gra-n ) A $20,000 damage suit has been In
stituted at Bedford. A Mrs. Healey sues the
Chicago Great Western for that sum because
her husband was killed by falling through a
bridge with his train
Ctnrlos Craven and John Noel of Macks
burg fought over a debt and Craven pounded
Noel frightfully. After beating him he set a
largo bull dog on Noel , and the cur fearfully
lacerated an arm. The wound Is serious.
CI-OIIH III limit \re tionil.
FORT DODGE , la , July 24. ( Special Tele
gram ) General Manager Truesdale , Superin
tendent Gllmore and Vies Presldsnt Parker of
the Rock Island were here tcday , having com
pleted a tour of 500 miles of the Ruthven anil
Keokuk division of the road. They report
crop prospects beyond any previous expecta
tions. The oat crop Is three-fourths harvested
and the smallest amount reported to them
was seventy-five bushels to the acre.
l'n rnier Iiixtiiiid } Ivlllcil.
ADAIR , la. , July 24. ( Special Telegram )
A. Fraiz , a farmer who lives three miles
west of town , was thrown from his wagon
last night and Instantly killed. The team
was running away and In turning a corner
near the edge of town the wagon was upset ,
breaking his neck. He leaves a wife and
three children. _
Ilciiiililloan Convention Demlloelc.
MASON CITY , la , July 24. ( Special Tele
gram ) The Forty-third district republican
senatorial convention In this city Is In a
deadlock. Cerro Gordo county Is sunportlng
H. J. Smith , Franklin county U. S Harrlman
and Hancock Mr. Wlchman. The 452d billet
has been taken , with the same result as at
Free Sliver.
RED OAK , la. , July 24. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Montgomery county democratic
convention held here today adopted by n veto
of GO to 19 a resolution Instructing the de- !
gates to the Elate convention to vote for free
coinage of silver at 16 to 1.
ItlK Aiiltu Camp MccdnnT.
ANITA , la. , July 24. ( Special ) Thc-Evan-
gellcal church people are holding a big camp
meeting here In a tent In Richardson's grove.
About twenty preachers are here. Attend
ance Is good.
Mov enienlH of Ocean Stciiiaern.liilj 1 ! I.
At New York Arrived Havel , from Bre
men ; Neustrla , from Marseilles ; Waesland ,
from Antwerp , Wlllehade , from Bremen.
At Rotterdam Arrived Maasdqm , from
New York.
When salvfesj plntmentg , etc. are used for piles you sometimes get
relief , but nuvtf IV jitTuiauent cure. When you UbO
s.I. s.o y Pile Cure
I.i e
iT you yet Immediate relief nnd n lasting cure. Safe und unequalled for
Itching , protruding or any form of plies.
CouUiiia no mercury , opium or other poisons.
At druggists joe. and $1,00 or by mall from
PYRAMID CO. , - Albion , Mich.
My Clothes are whiterniy Health better
my Labor less : *
If so it Is to your luterv- to select tliat Pain
which puts off the necessity of rep.tintlni ; fun
the longest period. The paints manufactured
YOU by the IIKATH A : .MILLIGAN All'fi. CO. fill this
ieurenient. | ! They have been hold for the past
forty years ami have won tlrj distinction of
ing the most Uur.ibleaiul economical.
Carries the most complete stock of Drugs , 1'aints and Glass in Council
Hltilts. Call or write for prices or color cards.
All kinds of Dyclnc
and Cleaning don ? In
the hlclust style ot
the art. Faded and
etulnul fabrics made
to look as good a *
new. Work promptly
done and delivered
In all parts of the
country. Send for
price 1UL
C. A. MACllAtT.
' .
J'roprfot >
Drondway , near North *
wnltrn Depot , Council
lllulf. . lovro. Ttl. 122.
Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , and the prettiest fancies of archi
tects and homo builders faithfully and artistically reproduced.
From a single window to car lots.
All stock sizes , and any special size or shape desired furnished at less than any
competitor's prices by the
The largest exclusive house In Western Iowa. Send for prices on estimates.
Masonic Temple Building.
Tint insists upon
keeping a stock of
In the house ?
Why , the wise mother. Because , when
taken intern-illy it cures in a few minutes ,
Cramps , Spasms , Sour Stomach , Heartburn ,
Nervousness , Sleeplessness , Sick Headache ,
Diarrhoea , Dysentery , Summer Complaint ,
Colic , Flatulency and all internal pains.
DOSE Half a teaspoonful in half a tumbler
of water.
Used externally , it will cure Rheumatism ,
Neuralgia , Mosquito Bites , Stints of Insects ,
Sunburns , Bruises , Burns , Scalds , Coughs ,
Colds and all throat troubles.
Railway's Ready Relief , aided by Rad-
way's Pills , will cure Fever and Ague ; Ma
larious , Bilious and other Fevers.
Fifty Cents a Bottle. Sold by Drneclsts
RADWAY & CO. , New York.
Are a scientific compound of medicines In
tended to build up the Nerve Structure and
restore to the whole body all of Its normal
whoso \\orlc Is beneficial and lasting.
Price , $100 per box ; 6 for $500. Sent by
If you are Betting nervous and can't sloop
and don't care whether you ( .o to > our
meals or not You need them If you are
cross and Irritable without any vlslhlecause
or If suffering with any nervous disorder ,
1513 DODGE ST. ,
2d Door West P. O. , Omaha.
Weakness and Secret
rr cure i
SO yennj exinrlenoa.
6 rein In OauLha.
Book free
1 4th . & Knmm NU.
Sealed bids will be received until U o'clock
m. Friday , July 2Glli , Ib95 , at the olllro of
the commissioner of public lands and build
ings , Lincoln , Neb , fur all labor und ma
terials required In the additions and altera
tions to the Institution ( or tliu Dent und
Dumb at Omaha , Neb , according to the
pinna and epeclllcatlons therefor , prepared ,
l > y Klslier & I.awrle , architects , now on !
( lie In the ofllce of the commissioner of
public lands and buildings at Lincoln , Neb ,
und In the ofllce of the architects , CUO Paxton -
ton bids. , Omulin. Neb. Separate bids will
bo received for the work and materials in
the general contract and for the plumbing.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certi
fied check for five hundred dollars ( { MO 00) ) ,
payable to the commissioner of public lands
and buildings of the btuto or Nebraska ,
conditioned for the execution of a contract
In accordance with said bid If the sanio
be accepted by the Hoard of Public Lands
und liulldlngs.
The right is reserved to reject any or all
Dated July 18th , 1895H.
Commissioner Public Lands and liulldlngg.
OMAHA , July 22nd , 1885.
The tttne for the reception of the above
bids la hereby extended to 2 p. m , Monday ,
July 3th , 1595. , Jy. 2J. fl 8.
Bloomers and Sweaters' '
and all sorts of cycle clothes v/ill nevej
start to shrink if you wash them with
It makes flannels beautifully clean without
shrinking. Then again it's the best and
most refreshing in the bath tub. Nona
other as good.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , U. S. A.
Scientific Opticians
Cnniploto assortment of gold audited
jpcct-ules mid eyeglasses , Eyes exnm-
1 tried frco of charge.
No L 7 Main St. - Council Bluffs
President. Cathler.
Capitil , $100,03
Profits , - - - 12,0000
One of the oldest banks In the Ktnte of Iowa ,
Wo millclt your tuslneas and collection * . We
6 per cent on llrnu ( k-poslu. Wo will bate
to tea and serve > ou.
and Federal Courts. Rooms 300-7-8-9 , So ; *
Bart , Block. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Special Notices-Council Bluffs
Uil lluflte. at W. B. llomefi , WS llroadway.
dale cheap and ou tajy terrai. Lay ) & lieu.
M 1'earl itrtee.
house , with barn , cistern , city water at houi *
and barn , fruit , nice sliada treeu. on a nlcrly
graded lat WiZM feet , tor JJ.JOO 00. two-third *
ca h. t i'erln avenue. Council Uluffi.
the "Noniiarlil" "Emulation" prU , very
cheap. MUa Olla C'txk.
runnlntf horite with hlKh truck record : g
reaion * for sellln. A&lreu cr call ar