TJIE OMAHA DAILY J113I3 : TO US DAT , JULY 2J ) , 1805. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL lU.L'l-T'S. OFFICE , . - NO. 12 PEAnt , STnEET UcllvcrcJ by carrier to my part of the city. H. W. Tlt.TOX , Letsce. Trn.ri'llON'ns-IJuslncM ontce , .Vo ; 45 ; night tdltor , No. ZJ. 31J.\UH 3IKA1IUK. Over GO finest brands * of cigars In tlie world at Grand hotel cigar store. Grand hotel , Council IllulT- . Newly fur- ulslicd. ilcopcncd Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , prop. P. P. McQuIro of Fremont county and Toblthy PadRltt of Pottawaltamle were mar ried by Justice Cook ycitcrlay. Walter \Vlnslilp , who smashed his brother's face Saturt'ay ' because of a dispute over a witcli , was fined < fl.20 In police court ycster- rtny. rtny.Tlio Tlio Concordla Loan and Trust company filed n petition In the district court yester day for a landlord's writ of attachment for the property ofV. . W. Uledlcr ft Co. to sat- lify a claim of $225 for rent. Joke Shoupe was fined $9.30 In police nourt yesterday for drunkemiiins. and he paid One amount out of what the city o\vcJ for billing dogs. During the day lie tendered his resignation to the city council as poundmas- fcr. fcr.J. J. V. Miller , who was arrested several days ago on the charge of acting as common carrier without a license , was tried yester day and discharged , because the city could no * prove that ho uas doing the work for Mt i. Ilnnnah , the 7 months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Larson , died of cholera In- fanttim yesterday morning at 5:30 : o'clock. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock from the residence , 1218 East Washington avenue. Another section of the Harrison-Latham- Clara Wynian cate was chewed off and mas ticated by Justice Cook yesterday , and a de cision will be rendered today In the eases in which he Is chargtd with assault and ma- llclnuuly damaging a house occupied by Mra. Wymin. Ud Lewis was arrested yesterday on an information filed In Justice Cook's court clmrglng h'm with the larceny of a gray lie executed a chattel mortgage on tin animal In September , 1833 , and now , It U alleged , had cold It to another party than 'je nlortgagee. The 7-year-old hey of a farmer named Corllps. living at HIllsdHle , la. , was lost yes terday afternoon. Ills father went to Omaha and It was with difficulty that the boy could be restrained from following him. Dick Illcketts at last succeeded In bringing the boy and his father together again. \V. S. Hlgdon , who started out for Tcka mah , Neb. , with some other wheelmen for the purpose of making a century on Sunday , broke the rim of his wheel at Honey Creek. He walked as far as Crescent , leading | IB ! wheel , borrowed a wheel there and completed the 100 miles before the regulation sixteen hours were up. Some of the people living nsar the corner of Thlrty-llfth street and Tenth avenue , near the corner of the Union Pacific dump and the river , made a complaint at the police fetation shortly before midnight last night that a man living there had come home drunk and was raining a row , threatening to burn out the house and murder his family. Charles Kills , a young man employed 01 ono of the local papers , was out boat riding qt Lake Manawa Sunday afternoon with a companion named Hose , who Is engaged In the government work on the river. Just us Ellis went to step from the boat to the dock Hess gave the boat a Jerk , the bow struck the dock and Kills turned a somersault over the slil ? of the boat Into eight feet of water. Ho was rescued without anything more seri ous than a thorough wetting. Helen Shcfller , Cora Johnson and Kate Tlrown , three old ladles , were arrested yes terday , the two first for vagrancy and the last for keeping a disorderly house. All thrcs were Jugged a short tlmo ago. They have a house at the corner of Ilroadway and Fifteenth street , one of the main articles of furniture In which seems to be a "grow ler. " This , It Is claimed , has been In evi dence pretty constantly for some time past until the neighbors have become disgusted and taken measures to have the nuisance abated. There will be a special conclave of Ivan- hoe commander/ . 7 , Knights Templars , on Wednesday , July 24 , at E p. m. sharp , for work In the order of the temple. A re ceptloi will also be given from 8 to 11 p. m. to the newly-elected grand commander , Mr. T. D. Lacey , who Is a member of this com- man3ory. All orators of Ivanhoo and their ladles are cordially Invited to be present. Visiting tlr knights and sir knights of sister commanderles , with their ladles , are s ; o- clally Invited to be present. Iy ) order of the executive committee. Fire and tornado Insurance written In best companies. Money for farm loans at low rates. City property for sale or trade for farm lands In Iowa. Lougce & Towle , 235 Pearl St. noun : . Iteilurcil Ilu tea. To Hot ' . S. D. sale Spr'.ngs , , July 19. Aug ust 2 and 23 , one first class faro for round trip. Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Dos ton , Mass. Sale August 19 to 24. American Pharm.ceutlcal association , Den ver , Colo. Sola August 11 and 12. National convention Keelcy league , Har- rlsburg. Pa. Sale August 1C to 22. Toronto , Ont. Sale July 15 to 24. Charlton , la. Sale July 19 and 21. In addition I have on sale Summer Tourist tickets to various points In the United States and Canada. Cull and get copy of map and Illustrated write up of the great Yellowstone Nationa park. O. M T1ROWN. Ticket Agent. nig reductions on summer underwear and hosiery. Hoston Store. l.'llN. F. F. Dawley of Cedar Rapids was regis tered at the Grand hotel yesterday. J. F. Watts and S. II. Allen of Des Molnes are stopping at the Grand hotel. G. II. Morrison and his two children fron Perry are registered at the Grand hotel. F. T. True has gone to his old homo In New Hampshire on account of the Illness o an uncle. Mr. and Mrs. .George Palmer of lied Oak were In the city yesterday , guests of the Grand hotel. A. A. Covalt Is In the city visiting his parents. Ho has left DCS Molnes and Is MOU teaching a band at Osceola. Mr. and Mrs. ( ijiarles Atkins , Mrs. Hurling nnd Miss Carrie Wlthrow leave for a tw < weeks' outing at Like Manawa today. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Atkins , Dr. Lacey an : ton , Thomas , returned yesterday from Splrl Lake , bringing a fine box of llsti. They re port having nil elegant time. Only one of the $15.00 Quick Meals left Two bicycles left ; 20-Inch ladles wheels close out at cost. Only 7 refrigerators fron our large stock ; very low prices. mtuvv.vs r. i > . i . Kp-clnl flour Sit'o Thlt Week. t' * 9 Ilrown's XXXX Fancy Patent , per sack.$1.0 ( lluffnlo Fancy Patent , per sack 9i Lone Star , per sack 71 Ituby 60 Halt-toil's Health Hour C. > Wheat graham Hour 5 Hyc graham Hour CO Corn meal 1 Hemember , a'silver dollar package In every 20th ek. of Ilrown's XXXX Patent and ever1 sack warranted. C. O. I ) . 11IIOWN. 1- < 1 Cinliir I'l'llrn I'oits. Twelve carloaus standard red cedar fenc posts , lO c pact1 , by tlio carload. A. OVEUTOX. Hardman pianos , Council Illuffs , 103 Main Bt. Mnrrlngn l.lrrnur * . The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county clerk : Name and address. Age Thomas Cunningham , St. Louis 33 Mary c'ottrell. St. Louis 2 r. F. MrOulre. Fremont county , la 3 Toblthy Padgltt. Pottawattamlo county. . 4 J. W. Maifulrc , Lincoln. Neb 3d Jlertha King , l.liuoln , Neb JI. C , Heller , Omaha 3 J , J. Woosley , Omaha , 4 The gas company's epcclal prices for serv ice pipes will be continued through Jul , NWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Electric Llglit Company's ' Bill Gets An other Hearing Before the Council. SENT BACK TO THE ORIGINAL COMMITTEE : nclu cr Instructed to 1'rep.iro Plain ( or butter > < rlile | 1'oiiniliiiimlor Slump nml ( Im I * Accepted * The city council licM a special meeting ast evening , with the mayor anil all the aldermen but Ilrown present. The resignation of the poumlmaster , Colonel Jake Shonp , was read and accepted on motion of Chairman Ulchton of the com mittee on police and health. His bill for $15 balance duo him for killing dogs was laid over until the next meeting. The Judiciary committee reported adversely on the petition of L. A. Caspsr for reduction of assessment. The sum of $3,000 was ordered transferred from the police fund to the general fund , to be used In taking up general fund warrants. W. A.Wood & Co. pressnted a request for permission to do public weighing nml agreed to abide by the ordinance recently passed. C. W. Ilrown stated that a recent survej ] f Fifteenth avenue east of Fourth street lias cbangcd the old line ? as originally laid out and worked considerable Injury to sev eral parties who had built there. The mat ter was referred to the committee of the whole and the city engineer , to report at the. next meeting. Alderman Harstow moved that the city engineer b ? Instructed to draw up plans for ? ew r bridges on Hrynnt , Main and Mynster streets and to calculate as nearly as possible the cost of building them. The motion wat. cirrled and the engineer was given until Thursday morning to draw the plans. Ai that time a meeting of the committee of the whole will be held , at which tluy will be considered. Manager Wright cf the Gas and Electric Light company asked that a committee be appointed to look over the nightly light re ports of the company and the police , which ho had arranged In parallel columns. In May , he said , both the- police and the .com pany had forty-four lights out ; besides these , on which they agreed , the company reporte.l forty-two lights out , and the police 147 , on which they did not agree. In June they agreed on sixty-four ; the company reported seventy-four others out , and the police 172 , on which they did not agree. Up to the present tlmo In July they agreed on fifty- nine lights that were out , the city had sixty- live and the company twenty. Them great discrepancies showed that there was some thing wrong , ho thought. Very often a light would go out for halt an hour or so and then dart up again. If the police happened to come along while It was out It would be reported out all night. In this way the com pany had been done a great wrong by the council , In cutting off the pay to suit thz police report. There was quite a discussion of Mr. Wright's speech. Aldermen Orahl and lUsh- ton thought the company had acted too hastily , while Shubert stood up for the thoroughness of the Investigation they had made. Hrewlck favored a compromise. The matter was at length referred back to the committee which first had It. consistIng - Ing of Shubert , IJrown and Brewick , with Instructions to make another Investigation and report to the committee of the whole Thursday mor'nlng. Alderman Illshton interrupted a motion to adjourn to make a kick. Alderman Ilrown had sold a team of dilapidated fire horses without consulting him , although ho was a member of the committee. He wanted It understood that If ( Ma sort of thing was going to bo repeated they could count him out. In talking the thing over the fact waa developed that the team was gold for $45 , which , It seemed to bo a nearly unanimous opinion , was about $20 more than It was worth , and the aldermen expressed them selves as well suited with Urown's action. Not tlio Unit \ot. The Durfee Furniture company's special sale of rockers , couches , parlor suites , etc. , has created such an Interest that the man agers have determined to continue It until the end of . .he month. $40 leather couch for $33 ; $15 couch for $11.25 ; $5 rockers for $3.75 ; $3.00 rockers for $2.25 ; $1.50 rockers for $1.00. 300 different styles of rockers to select from. 336 and 33S liroadway. The electric fountain at Manhattan beach will be Illuminated each evening from S:30 : to 9 and 9:30 : ( o 10. The steamer Liberty will connect v 1th all trains to and from Manawa. First boat will leave Manhattan beach at 7 a.m. to accommodate the camp ers at Manhattan beach who wish to catch the early morning train to Omaha , F.mlorH'npr Ttirir Pastor. Rev. II. I' . Dudley , who will soon close his third year In the pastorate of the First Methodist church , has announced his Inten tion of not accepting a call for another year , or rather , of not seeking It. lie has spent three years of very hard work , and as .the prospects are favorable for at least another year of the same kind of life , ho desires to let a new man step In and take up the burden. At a recent meeting of the trustees the following strong resolutions were adopted without dissent : Whereas , The three years' pTptorato of llev. II. I' . Dudley will close with the pres ent conference year , nml wo deem It lilting that some express-Ion of the appreciation of the otllclal board of Ilroaihvay Methodist Episcopal chuich with riferenco to his lanors among us be p'aced upon our records , therefore Hesolved , That his earnest Christian char acter , devoted labors as pastor , nml the zeal , fidelity and PUOCCS-S with which he has dlxchniged the duties and borne the burdens cast upon him by reason of his olll- clal connection with this church , merit unit receive our earnest appreciation and hearty thankc. Ucsolved. That Mr. and Mrs. Dudley may close their labors among us with the real ization of duty well performed , and with thu knowledge of the kindliness and good wlil of our entire membership. Hesolved , That they will always be held In our affectionate remembrance and will leave us with the best wishes , not only of the members of this board , but of the entire church , for their future prosperity , happi ness and success In their chosen mission wherever the hand of Providence may lenO them. Awful llor I'rlcrs. Fruit Jars , qts. , 55c doz. ; 2-qts. . 75c. 1 gal. genuine maple syrup , $1.10. 5 gals , gasoline , COc. 1 Ib. uncolored Japan tea , 15c. 2-qt. Ice cream freezer , $1.15. Sack Golden Crown Hour , guaranteed good , $1.00. Fancy patent flour , $1.1C. At the grvat lOc store , 318 Broadway. The Standard only second to the Hardman. Read Davis' ad. Davis sells hammocks cheap. llnycotl for liner. A meeting of the Council Bluffs Central Labor union was held Sunday for the pur pose of taking some action with reference to the proposed boycott of Omaha beer , as n means of assisting their brother unionists In Omilia. On account of the small attendance no definite action was taken further than to appoint a committee to call at the various saloons and ascertain how many saloons are handling Omaha beer. At the next meeting , which will be held August 7 , arrangements will be made to celebrate Labor day , the first Monday In Sep tember , In an appropriate manner without the aid or consent of any other city on earth. Will I IITB Hll Killbit. The Council Blurts Grape Growers' asso ciation will have an exhibit In the Nebraska state fair to be held In Omaha In September. A meeting IB to be held at their rooms , 101 IJroadway , Thuriday afternoon for the jmr- pobo of making the necessary arrangements. The members of the association wUh the co operation of all Interested citizens and In vite them to be at the meeting. The secre tary of the Horticultural society was here Saturday In comumnlcatlon with the officers of the anclatlon and has promised that all necessary space shall be at their disposal. Anna Itulteil t uln , Anna Wright , a 17-year-old girl who has recently bea turned out ot the reform school af Mltchellville because she 1-d , tlr attend ants too lively a pare , was put .n ch..rge of her mother yesterday by tbe sheriff and taken to the country. She had been an Inmate of the Institution for three years , and up to three weeks ago was employed In the laundry. She was taken to task for not performing hpr work In the way she should and re taliated by throwing the remonstrator half way down stairs and spraining an ankle. An other attendant was grabbed by the thumb , which came out of the ( racas dislocated. The superintendent , C. C , Cory , then took a hand , and the girl pulled out a handful of whiskers , blacked his eye and bloodied his nose. That ended Anna's doings for the day , for with the combined efforts of half a dozen men she was tied down In the cellar. She was confined In a cell from that time until she left the Institution. ItrotmU U ITU 1'riiiluct'il , K. W. Peterson , the manager of II. G. Dun & Co.'s Council Bluffs office , was In the dis trict court room yesterday morning , accom panied by the records of the company with reference to the firm of C. M. Obsrholtzer. There was a case of contempt pending against him , which could only be wiped off the records by the Introduction of the records. Against this 31ms & Dalnbrldge , attorneys for Dun , fought hard , claiming that the records were as much confidential as the communications of lawyer and client , and had no more right to be exhibited In open court than such communications had. Judge Smith held that Inasmuch as Peterson had claimed that his recollection had been re freshed by consulting the records the ques tion became pertinent whether there was anything In the records that would thus re fresh his recollection , and that therefore they tr'"jt be brought out for Inspection. At ength Dun's attorneys succumbed to the In evitable , although they had a protest against the action of the court entered upon the records. They made a suitable apology for I'eterson and told the court that had he con sulted with them he would certainly not have taken the action he did. Matters took a somewhat sensational turn during the afternoon when Askwlth and Or- r , attorneys for II. II. Oborholtzer , sent out subpoenas for thirteen attorneys , who were to be put upon the stand for the purpose of proving. Impossible , that the reputation of I. N. Fllcklnger. attorney for the attaching creditors of II. H. Oberholtzer , was not up to srade. Unfortunately for the court loungers , however , tills portion of the case was not reached , although the attorneys summoned were on band ready to testify when they should be needed. They will probably be put upon the stand this morning. There Is con siderable feeling noticeable among the attor neys , Flicklnger. like Ishmael of old , having his hand fernlnst the rest of them. Only Onn ( if Slimy Letter1. MONROE , Neb. , July 15 , 1S95. "Your Wheeler's King Temperance Beer goes like hot cakes. Please tlilp mo Imme diately two barrels W. King Temperance Beer. " ROBEHT A. VICKERS , Druggist. Manufactured only by the O. R. Wheeler Brewing Co. , Wheeler & Hereld , wholesale dealers , Council Bluffs , la. Itnrllnctnii lioiiin lxciiriloti To St. Joseph and return Aug. 4th. $1.50 round trip , $1.50 O. M. Brown , Tkt. Agt. Special values offered In black and navy blue storm serges at the Boston Store. AssuultiMl in n Mlnard Shoemaker , a young man employed at St. Bernard's hospital , came up from Lake Manawa Sunday night about midnight with a strange story about an occurrence of which hc'clalmed to have been an eye witness. He was at the lake during the evening , when Ed Bell , an Omaha man , whom he had seen before , came to him and hired him to row himself and a young lady , Miss Anna Mc- Cormlck , also of Omaha , over the lake. The three rowed out toward Wray's landing , and when they were fairly out of sight of the lights on the shore Bell exposed his person and made an Indecent proposal to the girl. For a few minutes she said nothing , but when Bell continued his actions Miss Me Cormick asked Shoemaker to help her. Suddenly Bell grabbed the girl and threw her out Into the water , which , fortunately , was not much over knee deep at that place. Shoemaker says Bell pulled a revolver out ol his pocket and snapped the hammer at him. The weapon failed to explode , and they grappled with one another. In the scullle the gun was knocked out of Bell's hand , and Shoemaker then knocked him Into the water. He picked up Miss McCormlck and rowed her back to shore , leaving Bell to get out as best he could , lie brought her up town and pro- curred a carriage , with which he took her home , on Sixteenth street , a block north of Pacific street. In Omaha. Yes , the Eagle laundry is "that good laundry , " ana is located at 724 Broadway. If In doubt about this try II and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Good wall papei , 2c a roll , at the Bos ton store. Ten days' sale of wall paper and house fur nishings at the Boston store. Clilnitt llriMHinl Mote. Joseph Brossard , proprietor of the Bryant house , across the street from the police sta tion , was arrested last evening on ths charge of larceny , and now occupies a cell In the city Jail. The complainant IE Mrs. William Warner , who , until about a month ago , lived at Brossard's house. Since then they have been living at the corner of Tenth avenue and Fifteenth street. Mrs. Warner , who Is the wife of an old soldier , claims she had a purse lying in the corner of a bureau drawer in her bedroom , containing $140. Brossard saw her put It there , according to her story , and when she next went to look for the money $00 of It , three $20 gold pieces , was missing. Mrs. Brossard says that the Warners bought a new organ , and asked her to come down with her husband a week ago last Wednesday night to play on It. They went , but during the evening she did not see her husband in the bedroom , and thinks he would have been very much out of place If he had been there. The police say they have ev idence to show that Urossard spent two $20 gold pieces within the next few days , but his wife claims she knows where he got one of them. Special prices on wash goods at the Boston Store. Hardman pianos , Omaha , 113 N. ICtb. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Iluve fiat Selected 11 Pastor. To the Editor of The Bee : Dear Sir In the Sunday morning edition of The Bee , , of the 21st , I noticed a telegram from Creston , la. , stating that a committee from the Broad way Methodist Episcopal church of this city had waited upon Rev. J. F. St. Clalr of Cres ton and extended to him a call to the charge here. In reply to this I wish to state that on last Tuesday night , at the regular third quarterly conference of the Broadway Meth odist church , a committee of live was appointed to co-operate with Presiding LUder IIfat 1 1 tic : relc > ; itJli _ > f a pastor fur the Broadway chimb. Tlikt i tutnittce has not yet held a meeting , and probably wilt netTer Tor two weeks at least ) and no call has been extended to any one and no rum ? talked of In connection with this clrfruti The report Is wholly unauthorized ami , without founda tion. Yours truly , V . CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE. siovx VITI-'A .11.1 ro . tldimtuli the tlrilsimttim ot Sever : l .Molnliers lit ttm City , < liverilinrilt. SIOUX CITY. la. , July ,22.T-SpecIal , ( Tele gram. ) Mayor Fletcher of this place today demanded the resignations ot' hlef of Police Young , Pcdlce Captain Petty and Chief ot Detectives Morrison. The officers declined to comply unless formal charges are preferred against them. There have been many com plaints lately of corruption and Incompetcncy on the part of the force. lillUWTIl IN IOU A IK. A.N POPULATION Into l > n u rigrres MMHV Contlilcnibli- ( iiilim f ir lh < l'rlnrliil ( UHlrv DBS MOINES , July 22.-Ppecal ( : Tele gram. ) The work of compiling the state ccnrus Is progressing rapidly. DCS Molnes will show about CO , 000 population , a gain of 12,000 In five years. Fifty-nine other cities and towns of the state whose population hat been ascertained show the following : Names. 1SW. ISM Davenport . M.ST2 31,179 llurllliKton . 22.665 2(1,294 ( O.tiltnwn . 14,001 IC.tiTU Muscatlne . 11.451 12,219 Fort Dodge . I.S71 Waterloo . C.07I 8.512 Creiton . 7,200 7.0S1 Falrlleid . 3,331 4,022 Cedar Falls . 8.15'J I.51H Charles City . ! ! .S' 4.2IJ Ltmars . 4,133 5,03" Mason City . 4,007. f.m ( Jefferson . 1.873 2lUi7 Mrniuoketa . 3.07S : ) , ti : : Niwton . 2,5'il : ! ,21 : ! llumptun . 2,0t > 7 25' ! ' . ' Manchester . 2.27"i 2,574 Perry . 2.SSO a.r.ij liecorah . 4,119 3.lft > What Cheer . 3.2IG 2,70 : ! Crei-'co . 'J.OIS L'.W It'dlanola . 1.2.11 2.M' ' . Nevada . 1.W.2 2.I1S Hock Itaplds . 1,391 2,4.1 : ' Iowa Falls . UPS 2.2J : ' C'harlton . 3,12'J 3,215 Montlcello . I.MS 2,07 * Kldorn . 1,677 2,01 ! , I'.edford . LOU 2.W1 Luke City . 1.1CO S.urt. ' Hloomlleld . 1,913 2tt Ames . 1,270 1,927 Anamcsa . 2.07S l.H.V Olenwood . 1.371 213. Slgourney . 1,51.1 1,7K ! Storm Lake . lfiS2 1,017 Se.xmour . 1.0.18 1.G21 Stuart . l. 7 1.5U West Liberty . 1.9CS 1,47S Ackley . 1.2M 1,4V Saint Charles . 387 1.62. Humboldt . 1,075 1,23 i Hellevue . 1,391 1,498 Faimlngton . 1002 2,29 : . Wilton . 1,212 1,263 Kooauqua . Ul 1,2. > : ' Greenfield . ' . . l.OIS 1.211' ' Grundy Center . l.lfil 1.32 * Aftcm . l,04i l.llo Greene . 90S 1.168 Helnbeck . 731 1,171 Wyoming . M5 1,107 Nora Springs . MG 1,10) ) Uockford . 1.010 1,0:2 : Guthrle Center . 1,037 1,03.1 Noithwood . t . K.r > 9 1.12i' Monroe . 912 1.012 Ccrydou . t 952 1,0,1' Hedrlclc . ' . . 592 1,0- ' . Totals . . 187.828 221,80.1 I'rrpitrlne fur thu IC < < iiiiini. : NEOLA , la. , July 22J-SpeclaI. ( ) All ar rangements are complete now' for the grea ; reunion to bo held here August 21 to 23. Some trouble was had In securing ground and it was thought foe a while It would have to bs transferred to Carscn or Mace donla , but a few days ago the- committee se cured tbe grove Just cast of town , where the Kelly army camped. It Is large enough ti afford ample room for a large crowd , which Is expected. Work has already begun. Wellr are being dug and the ground and grove cleared. This will be a grand success with such men as Riley Clark , B. ' ; P. Brown and 11. Mendel at the head of the committee. Mrs. G. II. Irwln and children returned from Forest City , Mo. , Saturday , where she has been visiting friends. J. S. Smith gave a lawn supper Saturday evening In honor of his brother-in-law and family , visiting him from Nebraska. Tramps are getting very numerous of late. City Marshal Daly has Ind from one to sixteen In the Jail every night the past woek. Last Thursday Mr. Winters of Des Molnes took charge of the Lob man house , formerly run by Betchell , who moved to Council Bluffs. _ On cor I'nlltldtl I'oHltlon. DES MOINES , July 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) The democratic state convention wll be held In Slarshalltown. August 7. The work of choosing delegates will be mostly done by county conventions this week. A few county conventions have already been held. An effort is being made to choose dele gates In the Interest of free coinage , but so far It has not met with flattering success. The question of candidates for governor am other positions Is still very Indefinite. It will be a case of the office seeking the man with the latter making a determined effori to get away. _ Iliirliiflull Hints' IVnrK. MASON CITY , la. , July 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) Two prisoners In Jail made an Inef fectual attempt to escape this evening. They threw pepper In the eyes of the deputy and Jumped for the door. He called for help and Sheriff Clark met the fellows at the door , knocking the leader down and sending both back to their cells The men were William Scherell , sent from Clay county , and Golden , sent from Wortl county , _ ( iitlirrini ; for ilin Imvi : Itcgnttn , MASON CITY. la. , July 22. The Dubuque Sioux City , Cedar Rapids and Ottumwa crews have arrived at Clear Lake. Other crews are expected today. People from all parts of the country arc pouring in on every train. The largest meeting In the history ot the state regatta Is expected. _ Woncllmry t utility Normal , SIOUX CITY. July 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Woodbury County Normal In ptltute opened today for a four weeks' ses slon , with an attendance of 200. un Cmml C'cimtnUi < in A rrlvm. NEW YORK , July 21. The United States steamship Montgomery , Commander Davis arrived this morning with eight members o the Nicaragua canal commission on board She sailed from Colon July 10 and from Key West on the 17th. All on board were well. Workmen lloiimnd Itceiitur I'ny. " GLENWOOD , Wls. , July 22. Five him dred men employed In the Glenwood Manu facturlng company's pla/it / struck for an In crease In wages and regular pay today. - itf NLY pure grape cream of tartar is used in Royal Baking Powder J' Un like other powders , Royal leaves novacid or alkali in the food. 1 llS&l l Ontmoal Slulllnf. One cup oatmeal , one and one-half pints flour one tcaspoonful salt , two teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , one tablespoonful lard , two eggs , one pint milk. Sift together oat- meni. flour , salt , and powder ; rub In lard cold , aii.l beaten eggs and milk ; mix smoothly Into bitter rather thinner than cup cake ; flll muffin pans two-thirds full ; bake In good hot oven fifteen minutes. lit in I rarkrr' . I1,4 pints flour , li pint corn meal , 1 teaspoonful - spoonful salt , I teaspoonful Royal Baking Powder , 2 tablespoontuls butter , little more than H pint milk. Sift together flour , corn meal , salt , baking powder ; rub In butter cold ; add milk , mix Into smooth , rather firm dough , Flour the board , turn out dough , give It a turn or two quickly , roll to thick- nets of > ; Inch. Cut witu small oval cutter , prick each cracker with a fork , lay them on greased baking tin , wash over with milk and bake In hot oven 8 to 10 minutes , bcotcli Scuiiel. 1 quart flour , 1 teaspoonful sugar , ' 4 teaspoonful - spoonful salt , 2 teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , 1 largo tablespoonful lard , 2 eggs nearly 1 pint milk. Sift together flour sugar , salt and powder ; rub In lard cold ; adi beaten eggs and milk ; mix Into dough smooth and Just consistent enouch to handle. Flour the board , turn cut aough , give It one or two quick kneadlngs to complete Its smooth ness ; roll It out with rolllng-pln to ' , { , Inch In thickness , cut with sharp knife Into squares larger than soda crackers , fold eocl In half to form three-cornered pieces. Bake on hot griddle 8 or 10 minutes ; brown on both eldes. < ll.l > ftlll' IIHIS Iccincil ut 8nrtliiR : I'lr.d In Defraud In- urnncu tump tittr * . KENOSHA , Wit. . July 22.-Gcorgo C. 'srrln , Bernard Roscnow , and Burticy Block of Chicago and Frank L. Scluefcr and Abe < evlno of Keroshi are under at rest charged vlth destroying the works of the Chicago leddlng company on thu night ot June 2.1 or the purpose of defrauding InRuninc. companies. Ptrrlu wan taken Into custody at Grand Rapids. Mich. District Attorney luckmaxtcr left for Madison Jast night to secure the papers necessary for the arrest of Isaac Robinson and Lewis Jacobson , doing mslness as the Spring Edge Mattress com- iany on West Polk street In that city , who arc also charged with complicity In tbe af- air. When the plant burned Block alleged hat there was a loss of about $60,000. The nsurance amounted to $49,600. The Insur ance adjusters claim that the building and nachliury could easily be duplicated for 20,000. Block was held under $2.000 bonds bis morning , which be furnished. Schacfer and Levlne had their preliminary hearing- adjourned until Thursday. I'ulr , u-llli ViirlnlilottmU Promised fur Nrli-im'cn. WASHINGTON , July 22. The forecast foi Tuesday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; variable winds. Fur Iowa Fair ; variable winds. For MIsFourl Showers In the southern portion ; fair In the northern portion ; cooler , except In the pMumo soutnwest portion , uoritu'tly winds. For South DaUot- Fair : warmer ; varlabh winds becoming southerly. For Kansar I'HlT In the northern portion : showers In tbe southern portion ; cooler In the f-outhcrn turtlon ; noithcrly winds , be coming variable. , inNii i : p-n-d. . OFFICE OF THE WBATHKH IUMIBAU. OMAHA , July 22. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with the iiespondl.ii ; day of the im t four years : ISM. 1831. 1891. 1.-9' . Maximum tempeiatiiie. . . . 72 S3 92 It : .Minimum temp rat : re. . . . 6J fil US 71 Average temperat re . d7 7i ! b'J ' 82 Prei'lpU-itlon . 04 . (0 ( M .11 Condition ot temperature and precipita tion ut Omaha for the day and slncu March 1 , 1S95 : temperature . 7S Dellclency for the dav . 11 Accumulated excess slnco March 1 . 191 Noitivil prvrlpltatlon . 16 Inrh Deficiency for the day . 12 Inch Total priclplt itlori RII.O March 1 10 99 Inch s Dullrluncy slncu March 1 . 8.02 Inches Itiiportx frum Other Stutiimi u : A r. .U. BTATB Of WEATilKll. Oniaba 70 .OZiC.omly. Nortlil'latto. . . . . 01 (111 ( .On'cioiuiy. ' Valentine 74 78 .OUjl'art cloudy t hlcuro IU ! 08 .TIlUlnliiK. Si. LoulH 7H .T'Clomly. it. Paul 74 .T.Clear. Davenport 70 .00 Ulundy. Kuneiut Ctly HO 80 .0:1Clear. : 80U Helena fed * U .110 Olour. Denver til ! til ! . .v. ulomly. Suit Lulto City. . . § ' - ' H'l . ( Hi Clear. UlBIUHlVK 7i ! Is . ( Kl Clear. St. Vincent . . . . 71 ! .00 , Clear Cheycimo ( U /111 / .00 I'art cloudy Milt's Uitir 78 HI ! .00 Part cloudy Kat.lilClly 74 78 . ( III Ciondy. 88 .00 Cloudy. "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Observer. m r ii "I' Pisp'pipii > o A JURiM ILSilHEh. Unimpaacliabls Evidejce Fram a BroA- lyn Official , Mutijon Relieved Hint , Cured Him of Rheu matism In a Few Hours. Judge Nile , whose popularity In Brooklyn was demonstrated by the Immense majorities by which he was elected , and a gentleman of Impeacaable character , In speaking of Professor ser Munyon , says : " 1 consider Munyon's Rheumatism Cure the best In the world When I began to use his remedy I was un able to walk without the aid of crutches at times ; this had been going on for nine years , and the day before I began using It I could not get up the steps to the court room. After taking a few doses I was Immediately re lieved , and In three days was completely cured , Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed to cure rheumatism In any part of tbe body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured In from one to live days. It never fulls to cure sharp , shooting pains In the arms , legs , sides , backer or breast , or soreness In any part of the body In from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness , stiff and swollen joints , stiff back , and all pains In the hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism , sciatica , lum bago or pain In the back are speedily cured. Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy Company , of Philadelphia , put up specifics for nearly every disease , which are sold by all druggists , mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Those- who are In doubt as to the nature ol thealr disease should address Professor Mun yon , 1505 Arch street , Philadelphia , giving full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munycn will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free of all charge. The Remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of retail price. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On hand. Mailed on receipt ot price. 7ni.i/ . ( > ; : I'Kxruitit co , , 1403 Fatnam Stieet. Opposite Pazton Hotel. OUAHA. NEli NERVEFOOD FOOD FOODPILLS PILLS Are a scientific compound of medicines In tended to build up the Nervu Structure and restore to the whole body all of Its normal functions. UKCAUSB THKY AUI3 A NKRVE TONIC whoso work IB benvllcltil nnd lasting. 1'rlcc , Jl.OO per box ; fl for to.OO. Sent by mall. , . , If you are getting nervous nnd can t sleep and don't care whether you go to you nic-als or not You need them If you are cross nnd Irritable without any vlnlblecause or If suffering with any nervous disorder 1513 DODGE ST. , 2d Door West I > . O. , Omnhn. C. B. JACOUIOT&CO , Scientific Opticians Complete assortment of gold audited npeclnrles ami eyejluhsea , Kyenuxaiu- inud free of eliar.-o. No. 17 Mnln St. - Council Illuffs " "Xp"Ba rTs _ Tu " * i oTS * "aadTsa - NOTICE TO CONTHACTOUsl Sealed bids will be received until 12 o'clock m. Friday , July 2Cth , 1S&5 , at the olllco of the commissioner of public lands und buildIngs - Ings , Lincoln , Neb , for all labor and ma terials required In the additions and altera tions to tlm Institution for the Dent and Dumb nt Omaha , Neb. , according to the plans and specifications therefor , prepared fay Fisher & Lawrle. architects , now on file In the otllco of the commissioner of public lands nnd buildings nt Lincoln , Neb. , and In the olllio of the architects , UfI'ax \ - ton bldg. , Omaha , Neb. Separate bids will be received for the work and materials In the general contract nnd for the plumbing. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi fied check for live hundred dollnrx ( { 500.00) , payable to the commissioner of public lands und bulldlngB of the Etato of Nebraska , conditioned for the execution of a contract In accordance with said bid If the name tit ) uicrpted by the Board of Public Lands und IltilldlngK. The right Is reserved to reject uny or all bids. IJuted July 18th , 1605.H. H. C. IHTSSELL , Commissioner Public Lands and Hulldlngs , OMAHA. July Sml. ! ISM. The time for the reception of the above bids la hereby extended to 2 p , m. , Monday , July S3th , 1W5. 3S. d . THIS IS THE RATE NOW OFFERED TO ALL People in the City and These in Distant Homos Are Invited to Ac * copt Road Below the Svmutoms of Chronln number * of people suffer from the nullgn poisons of catarrh , as from other nubile chronic mnliullc.0 , without uny cor rect or dellnlto Idea of the nature of their illllctlon. The following symptoms have been carefully at ratified to enable ninny sufferers to tinduistand just what It Is that ills them. Many disease ? , known under va rious specific mimes , are really of n ca- arthal origin and nature. Evnry part of lu- mucus membrane , the nee , throat , eyes , cais , head , lungs , stomach , liver , bow- Ms , kidneys and bladder , are subject tn dls- and blight by catarrh. The proper ( .ourse for sufferers Is this : Head these " .vmptoms can-fully over ; mark those that ipply to your case and bring this with you to Ir. . Copeland and Shepard. If you live iwiiy from tin- city send them by mall md ask for mall treatment. In cither In stance , and whether by mall or otllco tieatiiicnt , the patient may be assuied of the speediest relief and euro possible to enlightened inc-illi-liie. 'Mm So riti' l < lor till wno licglii In July. llit < IIICIIUH Ilinl fur inch niul rvii > iniiiitli if treulnifiit until i-uriMl tlio ( ! In only IS. % , nud cln.'H T.iSPIII ! fur symptom hliiiil- , irriillnt Ilio tilllro or lice coiuullutlon. I'culn noxv. Csitai-rh > f the llcuil and Throat. : litUsii'il Mnrllng r ilnt In iliu I'rosn Mv I .11 iiniiuitur.v iiiviinpiii : | .nt of all > liu .Mu- ruii * kurl ires , "Is the lirenth foul 7" "If the \olce husky ? " "IXi s'oti sill | up slline ? " "Do you nche all over ? " "I'o ymi bliixv out scnlis ? " "I Ihe nose s oppc.l up ? " "Does your iinse illn'h.irue ? " "Does I.IP lid : " bleed inslly ? " "Is theio lli'ldlnn In the Hiin.it7" "I ) > cru f * fonn In the note ? . . "Is the 1100 soie und tender ? " "Do s'ou Miei7.p u Krent deal ? " "Does tlie nose lull nnd l > um ? " "Is there pain In fiont of head ? " "la tliPii1 pnln ncio s the es'es ? " "Is theie p.iln In the luirk of head ? " "Is youi sente of Finell leavInK ? " "Do sou hu k to clear the tin nut 7" "li , tnere n ilrnmi nn In the tnroat ? " "Is the tluont dry In the morning ? " "Are 5-1 u lorlnK sour sense of tni-te ? " "Do you sleep with the mouth onn ? " Catarrh of thu Stomach An Inlhimumtury Kiivuliiiini < nt ( if thn 'lu- cous .MirfiK'ett tif t liu Stiiiiiat'li. Usually Dili * ti > Cilttirlml I'lilHiniH Itcculvuil Iliriiully 1'roni tlio 1 linnit. "Is there nau en ? " "Are S'ou costive ? " "Is tliere voinlllUK ? " "lo you belch up gas ? " COUNCIL BLUFFS. STEAM DYE W03KS All kinds of Dyeing and denning done In the highest style of the art. Faded and stuiiK'il fabrics mnde to look as good na new. Work promptly done and delivered In all parts of the country. Scad for price lUt. O A. MACIIAff. Dfailway. near Northwestern - western Depot , Council Walls. Una. Tel. 3ii If so it is to your Intercut to select Pain which puts < ) ( T thu necessity of rep.tinting for the longest period. Thu paints manufactured by the IIKATII & MULLIGAN HIT . CO. ( ill this reqn'rement. They have been sokl for thu past forty years anvl have \von thu distinction of b. ing thu most durable and economical. DRUG , PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE Carries the most complete stock of Drills , I'aluts and Glass in C l.cit HI nil's. Call or write for prices or color cards. i groaeM ? gt " 'Tirff irr iiOTiimrn'n-TTTi- - ART Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , and the prettiest fancies of archi tects and homo builders faithfully an d artistically reproduced. PJLATE GLASS- From a tingle window to car lots. GLAZED SASH- All stock sizes , and any special slzo or shape desired furnished at less than any competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAXTTT , OIL & GLASS CO. , The largest exclusive house In Western Iowa. Rend for prices on estimates. Masonic Temple Iluilding. - - * -aUBBWWnuwUf&G33 CI\I < 3 A1. nAIVRIHn'RK ' Attornnyiill.nw , M.HO & oAInDUlUuLi , > ractlce 111 the State nnd Federal Courts. Rooms SOU-7-S-9 , Sr.iv Bart , Block. Council Blurts. Iowa. RAILWAY TIME CARD Ltavca | IICUUNOTON & JIO. HIVHIl. , Omaha [ Union Ufji t , Mlh & MumuiSia.jUni.ilm lu:10um Lii'iiver lJxprtss..7.7T. . . . IT4 lam 4i : iini.ll.k. Hills Mont t 1'uget rind. Kx. 4./Him 4:3iln : | Di'mer HXIUUMI 4u : iuu 7:01 : > i > ni..Nebraska Ixiciil ( except Buuday ) . ? :45un : S-.Uiun..Lincoln I.ut-ul ( xi'rit | Hundjy.ll:2luni ) : l Mull ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . _ Leaves ICIIIC'AUO. IH'ItMNUTOK & ( J.IArrlvcT UmuliuiL'iilon depot , & Mason Sln. | Oiim.m 4:45pm : Chicago Ventlbule 90am : 6Mdm : ) ClilniBu Exiutas 4.5m : ; 7M : ] > m . .UlilcjKu & St. Louis Kxnrti . . Siw.uu ll:35ain : I'uclllc Junction Local S:3U : | > iu Fast Mall 2:4upm : Leaves | CI1ICAC1 < 5. MIL. & ST. l'AUl , . | Arrl\es OmalmU'nlun Depot , IQlli A ; Miiaun HtB. | Gmiihu tuOpm : Chicago Limited ll:3uam : . . . .Chicago L'xircja | ( tx. Leaves ICHICAOO" V'NOUTinVISRT'N.fArrfvcT OnmlialL'nlun Utrput , loth & MuuunjSU. | Omaha 10:40am Knntern Kxpress . . B pm 4:20pm : Vc-atlbuled Limited 'J:2oum : Mo. Vulley Local 10:3. : < pm _ :4Cpm : . . . . .Omaha Chlcugojlipeilul IMlpm LTaveTTUliTCACforTC I. & TAClVlC. " fArrfvvy " OimihatL'nloii Uepul. IQlli & Mutun Sin.I Omaha EAST. . .Atlantic Kxpresa ( ex. Sunday ) . . t:35nm : . . NlKht ixpr83 : . U:2Jm : 4 .4 < ipm _ . „ .CJilcago Vi'stlbul. J Llnulcq. . . . j : jjun " " " _ _ _ _ .2 WKST. _ * _ 6:45pm. : . Oklahoma f : Texas i ; * ( ex. Bun.10:3.'am ) : . . . . .Colorado Limited . 4 .Oupin Leaves" ! C. . ST. I' . , M. & O. | Arrl\e Omuha ; Depot. 15lli and Webater at , _ MJiimha 9:25am. : . . . Nebraska I'atHenKer idally ) . . . . B:15pm : 4:30pm : . .Sioux City Kxprei.ii ( ex. Sun. ) . . ll Lam 6:10pm1.L. : . . .St. 1'uul Limited . 10Mjni : Leavea I F. fcT& MO. VA MU"Y . ' ArrlvTT Omahai _ Depot lliland _ Wybmrr Sti. I Omaha 2:10pmr : . Kaat Mall und Kxprraa . 4:55pm : 2:10pm.ex. : ( Kat. ) Wy < > . Kx. ( ex. Mun.l. . 4.r : > pm D:0r.nm : . . .Norfolk Kxpreti. ( ex. tiunanyi. .10:3oam : 6:10pm : . . . . . . . . . .St. 1'aul Kxprt-m . IQ.Siiim Leaves I K. C. , ST. 1. & C. B. lArrUta OmahalL'nlon Urput , 10th & Mason gta.l Omaha 9Warn : . . . .Knnaaa C'lty Day Uxpreaa . . . 6:30pm : :4ipm : .K. C. N'lelit I'x. Uit U. I * . Tran. 6OJum : leaves I MlSPOimi PACIFIC ( Arrives Omalial Depot , ISih and \VebnterBtR. _ | Omaha 10:1'am : St. I.nuls I'spivx 6Wain : b:3upm : HI. IxmU i : > piCB G:0epm : 3:30pm : Nt-briuUg Loi'al ( t-x. Bun ) jwam : Lciives I 81O17X CITY Sf TAdl'ir. lAirlvti OmahaUeiiol | _ , 15th und _ Wbmtr Kit. | Ouiaiia " " " ' 6.10pm . _ . . . . . . . .SI. raul"Llmlttil" . . . . . 'lo.aooin Leaver "f VlOt'X CITY VPAflKIOl , fArrlin 6S : am..7T..Koux | City I'HH ! nier T6:2lpin : 6:3tim. : | . . . HI. 1'aul . . . . . . . . . . ; : : [ Leaves I tlNiOfTpACMKfcr JArriver OmalmlUnlon Dfuot. Itlth & Ma un Bin. Omalia > :4Sum. : Kearney Hinrrii 12 Jupm t0opm Overland Hytr l : jpm t:00 : | > m Ileal'ce ft Stnim > b'K Ux ( ex. Bun ) . 12 30pm 7:00im : Paring hiprran 10.25ani Ii4ipm .Katt Mall .4.10pm L avr IVAIIAS I iTli AOAVAY I Arrlvei OrnahalUnlon U < pul. 101 li Ai Ma un Hl > , l Omaha lWpm..EU ; Ixiula Cimaoa laUliCpm ) ; "Arc voti llRhi-henilnir' "l yi'tir tuiiRiie conted ? " "Have you miter Iinmii7" "I' ' " urn ImttU nnd plit" " 1 there | Mln ntler callim ? " "Anoii ni > r\'ii nnd mk ? " "I'u you linxc * li'k li itl.iolirT" "Mo vou til in i up nfttr entlim ? " "l Ilieic dl'KUst for Iirrakfit l7" "llnve win illi > tii > M after ealliiK ? " "Is your throai tlllrd llli nllmi'7" "Ho you nt tlmr have dlinrliofn ? " "If Oii-re mull or lilmul to thilieml ? " "If thoic roiiKtiinl luid tnme Itt mouth ? " "l tin-re KiiawliiR rnmnllnn In the Mnmncl > 7" "Pn you lie ! HH thotiKli jou had lend In th Dtnintirli ? ' "Whoti > i > u Kel up riiiMi-nly an- you dltzy ? " " \ \ nen ' your almniuh Is empty do you feel fnlnt ? ! ' . ! . ' " > ' ° ' 1 l'rl1'1' UP material that burns throat ? " " \ \ hen st.imnch Is dill do you feel iwrvaird ? " li of Hronclilul Tubes. An liilliiiiiiiutlory Condition of tlio llronrlila Itiinifillutcly .s.vnipulliiMia With t.'ntnrrli of Iho ' "Have j-on n couch ? " * "Alt'llll lOMIIlir Ill-ill ? " ' IKi > ou muKli nl iilKlit ? " "lla\e MHI lulu in ul , . ? " "Do imi take i-ohl easily ? " "l > n vtiu roiiKh until you piK ? " "lio vnii nunfriithv nialrrlal ? " "lo yini Mill up > i-llow iniitter ? " "I'o jiiu IOIIKM on poliiK to lietit" " | i vou i-oiiKli in tlio niornliiK > T" "In > our rouuli hmt nml hnrhtiiRT" "Do > oii sl > I up little ilipejy lunipH ? " " | H l.ifre tlrklliiB lK > lilml the luluti' ? "Have you pnin lirlilml the liieiistlKiiu- ? "l > o tri'i > ' . " you > ou nii xi'OKliiK we.ilier ? "In there n InnnliiK pain In the lliinnt ? " "ln you roimlioife nlRhts and mornliiKi ? " "Do yuu ha\r to nil up nluhta to ut'l lirenlli ? ' * Catarrh of thu Kidneys. All liilbntuimtui.r iuv : -liinirit | : n : ilin JIu O.IIK Snr.'nco , of ilu. Ulilnry , Sj inpiillintlf U'ltli Ciuiirrhil roNonliis : of iho IllnoU , "Do sour hiimN nnd f-i > t swell ? " "Aie they cold nnd rlainni ) V" "Ifl tliero | iiin In smn'.l ' of luck ? " "Is tue uilnii dull ; nml dmidy ? " "II * n dp.i.idt | foi in when left ttandlng ? " "In then' n ilmlrc to eel up at nlKlil ? " "Do vou ec spotB Ilii.uliiK befoic the cyea ? " "Is th tKIn dry nml Iiaish ? " "Is tlio lialr iltj nnd brlltle ? " "linn the nen-plintlon n bml mlor ? " "Is then * putllnegs uiulur the ejrs ? ' * "Ale then * ilnik HUBS nround the eyes ? " "Hun the skin n waxy look ? " "Pi ) sou pee muilrtiKiint tlilliKB hlp | nsleep ? " "llnviS'ou ehllly feellnKS down the tack ? " "Do the Joints pnln und urhe ? " "Do the lens feel tiw heavy ? " DRS , coiulxi ) &THEPARD , HOO.MS 312 AND 313 NKW YORK LIPB 11UII.DING. OMAHA , NEIJ. Ortlce Hours-9 to 11 a. m. ; 2 to S p. m. . Eve- nliiKD Wednesda.xs and Saturdays only. C to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 in. Mississippi. Tbe Garden of the World I Summers Cool-Winters Mild ! Mean temperature 42 to CO. Average rain , fall 68 Inches. No long cold winters. No blighting hot uummcrH. No blizzards. No drouths. Frto fuel. Uood wutor. The earliest markets In the country. The best prices for fruit and garden truck. Twenty acies properly worked will make you more money and make It easier than the boat 1 100 acres In the west or north. The tide haa turned towards * the south , the land of quick est and surest results wllh the least risk and labor. One half the work you do hero will brlnR you four times the results In thi3 wonderfully rich country ; there IB no such thing as failure. The people arc friendly , the cllmato delightful ami healthy ; ral'.road facilities flrM-clasB. and the whole country bids and pays for what you rulne. Cattle run out the whole year nnd do well und two Iti three crops can be raised each year. Particulars plvon on application ; correspondence - dence solicited. I 1017 Fill-mini St. . Omaha. Neb. I' . BANFOIID , A. W. IIRIKMAN. 1'reildenL Cathler. Fid Nationa Of COUNCIL DLUrrJ , Iowa Cnpit ll , . - . § 100,00 Profits , . . . 12,0000 One of the oldeit bunks In the iiate ot loua. Wo ollclt your tm lne and collections. W l > uy & per crnt on tlmo depoalti. We will bo pledged to eo and erve you. Special Notices-Couocil CHIMNKYB CLEANED ; VAULTS CI.KANED. tid UurUe , at W. B. Iloraer1 ! . tMJlrondwuy. _ I'UUIT KAIUt AND QAItDUN LAND KOIt le cheap and on eiuy term * . Day It llm , n I'eurl mreet. roil SALE. A NKAIILY NEW NINIMtOOU houie , with tarn , cluurn , city water ut lioui * and barn , fruit , nice ihade trcct , on u nicely cradcd lot Wx2i reel , for C.auO.OO , iwothlrJ * cu h. H3 1'erln avenue. Council llurf . _ _ _ WANTUIl , TO IIUY HOUSES , S - iMa 1 2'W-IU liorsri and inultn , Apply lu Jams * Mc.S'auglilun , jr. , 'M Thlid avtnuo ,