Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Cholera Infantum Now Men
aces Homes ,
Mothers Warned to Looi Sharp to
Chili's Food ,
Diet Wrong- When Infant Cries
Children of Physicians Fed on
Laotatcd FooJ.
Delicate , Sickly Ones Thrive
Wonderfully on it.
The hot weather puts a pressing question
to every mother a question that demands an
Immediate answer.
It In Impossible to postpone looking the
great problem of Infant feeding fnly In the
face. Has every precaution been taken to
keep baby well during the summer ? Is the
baby running any risk from cholera Infan-
tum ?
People have begun to learn that medicines
for Infants are more sparingly used In physi
cians' than In anv others , and that the wcll-
cdlicated physlchn , hen the mother's milk
fort any reason , Is not sulllclent , brings up
his own children on lactated food.
There nro no healthier or plumper babies
than those fed on lactated food. Fewer cases
of summer diarrhoea and cholera Infantum
occur In .homes where this superb nutriment
Is employed than In others. The rriost care
fully , Intelligently guarded children are those
fed on lactated food. Every Infant who fs
not thriving has poor color or shows small
gains In weight and size , should be given
thin perfect Infant food. It Is relished by
young children , and there Is no difficulty In
Inducing them to take It In quantities suf
ficient to Insure their growth and healthy
condition. During the exhaustive hot days
of summer , while teething and during the
weaning period , lactutcd food stands Its best
test as an Ideal Infant food for all trying oc
When for any reason the mother cannot
nurse the child , or when her milk Is Insuf
ficient or poor In quality , the best trained
nurses use lactated food at once. It Is
known to Invariably make firm flesh , a clear
skin , bright eyes , and to strengthen the body
so that diarrhoea , cholera Infantum and ex-
austlng summer sickness do not easily gain
a footing. And a great blessing It Is to
countless humble homes that for 25 cents a
mother can buy a package that contains
enough to make 10 pints of pure cooked food
This extraordinary -
ordinary lie- Constipation Dlzrfncre , ,
Jnrcnator la
the Falling Sen-
wonderful most satloim. Nerv
ous twitching
discovery of
of the
the age. X. and other eyes
has been tn- .
dorscd by the pails.
Icadlngcclcn- Strengthens ,
tlflo men of Invigorates
Kuropo and and tones the
America. entire i" yttem.
Hudyan la Hudjan cures
purely ycgo- Debility ,
Nervousness ,
Hudjan stops Kmlislons ,
Prsmalureness and develop * s
of the < 11 a-
In weak organs.
charge 20
. Pains in the
days. Cures
by nay or
MANHOOD nit lit stopped
quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsement * .
Prcmaturenetg means luiuotcnoy In the flret
cUgo. It Is symptom of seminal weakness
and barrenness. It can bo stopped In 0 days
The ncvr discovery was madn by the SpecialIsts -
Ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute.
It Is the strongest vltallzcr made. It Is very
powerful , but haimlcfs. Bold for 31 00 a paclc-
ROorC packagrs for ? 5.00plolnBcaJcd ( boxes ) .
Written guarantee given for a cure. I f you buy
clx boxes and are not entirely cured , efx tuoro
will be sent to you free-of all charges.
Bend for rlrculornand testimonials. Address
Junction Stockton.Tlurliot A :
Sun I'ruiiclHco. Cel.
. . for 10 cents
fie Largest piece of GOOD
tobacco ever sold for the money
W * ( ( nil ths mnrTrloui French
llemrilr CALTHOS five. u. | it
le l KUarnnttelhatUjil.TUOf .vlll
fcTOI' IIUrl.urcM.t nml tvn .
JUi ! ; ' " "rhe . \ arlruvtle
d I1ESTOHE 1,0,1 \ | e > r >
Use itanii fajr iftatuJltJ.
A ttn.VOH MOHL CO. .
. Aorrltt * 4tau , tlacUllU , ( .hla.
Florell Made a Mistake at the Feast of the
Moysters ,
Ho Interfere * ulth Ilia 1'rlvtlccei of Ilk
HoitcM mill Itccniito Another Guest
U Culled tu the FenU Knock !
Her Out In Ona Hound.
Frank Florell hit the wrong fellow In a row
at the picnic.
Florell Is a gocd fellow ftfid. went to the
picnic as the guest of the Meysters. The
morning was spent In wandering through the
woods , watching the athletic sports and pickIng -
Ing wlldflowcrs for the children. Flcrcll had
taken an actlvo Interest In the day's fun and
had got on very friendly terms with his 'ioat
and family. Then came the noon hour and
lie kegs of lager were tapped. About this
! mo Mr. Meyster brought up a stranger and
anted to add his presence to the. family
Irclc. Either from jealousy or fiom a fear
tut the beer would not go roui.d , Flurell
rotested. The circle was just the light
Izo at the time and he was opposed to 'uvlng
stranger brought Into the camp to mar the
leasuro of the day's celebration.
Mr. Meyster did not like Fbrpll's action ,
'ho beer would last If Florell didn't maka a
og of himself and the c would bo plenty
or all practical purposes. F'orell ' still nb-
ectcd and proposed to rcslrt the aJdltlon of
nether member to the grcup and , like Gen-
ral Peebles of Ponder , would resort to force
f arms to defend his rights. He was ready
o fight the stranger and would Just as soon
ake a crack at Moyste ; as lot. Mrs. Mtyater
ought to make peace In the samp and
trated with Florell. Her rcmons'ranco was
ewarded by a crack In the jaw that ssnt her
o grass. She hurried nemo and went to fie
iflllco station and hod , Florell arrested on the
harge of assault and battery.
Mrs. Meyster la the fi hOu ? men of the
amlly apparently , for hehnibnnJ was , ! n
ollce court yesterday trying to get the
aso dismissed. Mr.Meyster wanted It
ought out on legal lines , an 1 thu "case was
ontlnued for a month to give the police time
o get at the facts.
_ Mlllt , ( irocrriiix mill n right.
Max Schlager contributed $1 to the city
esterday morning for halving assaulted Teddy
Uurke , driver of a milk w.igon. Max did
lot want any milk and told Teddy -o get a
lump on himself and tuko hl mill :
it the store. Teddy retj-tod by s.iylng tin'
10 would move alotg at hit usiul pace anl
hat no Dutchman Lojid hurry nlm v > ry
nuch. Then Teddy wj-l Into another stc
nd bought a few packages ot crrn.tin.-o.
here was some- sugar , and tea. and coffee , and
hreo loaves of bread , and -m IMU the nu'k
: an In the other arm. As hi returned past
Schlager's grocery -ie looked like an easy
nark and Schlager pastrl him ono in thn
iar that knocked him dow/i and mixed .ho
jrocerles and milk with the dirt ot the gutter.
In the trial of thn ca 2 Schlager tried to
irovo that Burke had UIJ y bay that he * as.
; olng to do up "tho big Dutcn duffer , " but
'eddy refuted that c Uiiice by swcarlnj that
ho boy In question had KIOJ'WII the eye out
f Mrs. Burke's pet dog rvo months ago an-1
10 and the boy had not boon on speaking
erms slnco that time. Judge Berka fined
Schlager and Burke h s transferred his
latronago to another grocery ttore. ScMager
IBS bought a cow and will do his own milk
Knrmlus'Kl lleiitly to Ho Trlcil.
There Is a pleasing prospect that the Polish
! athollc church troubles will be settled out
f court. Father
Karmlnskl has been ar-
csted Just thirteen times , and has been dls-
nlssed each time for want of prosecution
nho present case ho refuses to have dls-
ilssed and want : It proven that he abused
omo children of his neighbors. The case
as been continued for an Indefinite period ,
nd there Is a plan on foot to ha\e the matter
Ismlssei while the father is on his vaca-
lon , which he Is going to take soon. Judge
lerka will refuse to go on with the trial of
lie case. There are a dozen complaints and
baut fifty witnesses. No two swear alike ,
nd the court has no hope of ever getting
t the merits of the matter and Is disposed
o have nothing more to do with the church
uarrels In that neighborhood.
Morrd Into -sow OMurtem.
The Thurston Rifles have removed their
leadquartcrs and armory from Fifteenth and
larney streets to the rcoms formerly occu-
iled by the Chambers Dancing academy In
ho Patterson block , Seventeenth nnd Douglas
treets. The new quarters will furnish the
> oys much better accommodations , as the
rooms tro more adapted to their purpose
icing much larger and better ventilated.
It's a notable fact that the up to dale young
whes all ask for and Insist upon Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder.
Two Clerks Are to lie Let Out of the
Trcmurer' * OITIce.
George Sleh and William Altstadt , clerks
n the ofllcp of the city treasurer , received
notice yesterday that their services would
not be required after the end of the present
nonth. These removals are said by
Treasurer Dumont to be In the Interest o ;
economy , as he believes he can get a man
who will bo able to do the work of both men
This man has not yet been named , althougl
Mr. Dumont says he has practically made thi
selection. The new man Is a republican , bti
le has never been active In politics and wll
et the appointment solely on account of hli
ability. * He preferred not to make lijs selec
Jon a matter of public property at present
but the new man will go Into the ofilce to
get an Insight Into his work sometime be
fore the end of the month.
St. 1'iitrlck't iluiruh 1'lc.ilc.
Saturday , July 20th , afternoon and even
; ng , at Hascall's park , athletic sports wll
take place In the afternoon. Other amuse
ments In the evening.
Via the Mintii Ve Itoutn.
For lowest rates on tickets and best ac
ccinmodatlons call on or address E. L.
Palmer , P. A. Santa Fe Route , Uoorn 1 , Firs
National Bank , Omaha.
< Imntumiuii l.nie l.xciimlona Utery
Round trip , Chautauqua lake tickets , good
until October 31 , are now on sale via tli
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway
Handsomely Illustrated descriptive book , wit
any Information desired , will be sent on ap
plication. n. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansas
City , Mo. ; C. K. Wllber. western passenger
agent , Chicago.
You'll find the announcement on the Cth
page tonight that S. P. Morie Dry Goods Co.
give away Ice cream soda water tomorrow.
* f. * i\ *
Think of the thousands of hums 5
nnd bacon that po out from South
Omaha daily ! We select but the
best ones for the brand"S\VIFT'B
PREMIUM. " Smoked lightly
trimmed nicely extra mild not
salty. No man could make them
For Sato by all First-Class Dealers.
'iirloun InterMtlng Atnttcra of the UolnRi
of Central MIsnlMlppI Bottler * .
Says an old Orand Army man writing from
his region : "We arc dolnft well here ,
letter than I had expected. Our neighbors
mve been kind and accomodatlng. I believe
he people honor the old soldier and arc
cady to welcome any ot them that come
icre to settle. Peaches , apples , plums nnd
trawberries do well , while pears do re
markably well. A tree In the town near us
bore 3,000 large pears last seaton.
That garden farming Is successful In our
Rlon there can bo little doubt In any one's
mind who will Investigate the subject. A
ecent letter gives the following record ,
Uilcli seems to be a fair one of actual re
sults : "Planted five acres of Peerless
potatoes ! gathered from this plat of ground
1C I sacks of potatoes , one and a half bushels
o the sack ; sold same for $ S6C or $1 per
bushel : freight paid , $108.7Gj drayage , J9.10 ;
commission , ? Gt.CO ; net profit , $385.55. I
mvo left over 40 barrels of plant seed. "
Half on acre of ground In sugar cane
iroduccd 1C3 gallons of molasses , besides re
serving some seed for planting nnd selling
Eceil cane to the amount of $22.50. Less
than an acre of ground last year produced
) cachcs that sold for $120.
Another party planted 15 acres of Irish
otatoes , from which he shipped C50 barrcli ,
: he gross sales of which amounted to
(1,250.18. ( After digging the potatoes a por-
: lon of the land was planted to corn , ylcld-
ng twenty bushels to the acre. The re
mainder of the patch was merely leveled
with a harrow , and from a spontaneous
growth of crab grass there was cut two
crops of hay , each of two and a half tons
per acre. An early crop of Irish potatoes
can be raised , followed with a maximum
crop of either cotton , corn , peas and pea
liay , or sweet potatoes. Or , last but not
least , by merely leveling the ground off ,
which ensures an abundant yield of crab
grass huy.
A grower of lespedeza hay produces from
two to three tons of hay to the acre , which
retails at $15 per ton In the local market.
Df seed this clover yields from five to ten
bushels to the acre , which sells at from
$3.50 to $5 per bushel. Its meadows furnish
abundance of most nutritious grazing and
need to be reseeded only every three or
four years.
"The question has been asked many times
whether northern Immigration and northern
Industries are welcome In this state. An In
stance can be given where a homeseekers'
exiurslon from the north was due. The
people got out a brass band , closed up the
stores , decorated the town , had a reception
at the opera house nnd opened their doors to
the northern people. That does not look very
much ns If the northerner was not welcome ,
r.nd people who have traveled extensively
hrouch the state Inform mo that the senti
ment Is thn same all through. They want
northern men and northern methods , and do
not care what their politics are. So far as
living In peace and quietness Is concerned ,
the man who behaves himself Is just a's safe
and comfortable in the south as anywhere In
the United States , but If he goes around
hunting for trouble In the south he can flnd
It Just as quick as anywhere else. "
For all Information In regard to Orchard
Homes lands , which are located In this fer
tile section , address Geo. W. Ames , general
agent , 1617 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb. Or-
ganl/o now Into clubs of three to five. In
vestigate this chosen land.
Objects to rnylne ; Uumnccs to Jlcn Who
Uero Doing Ch.irlty Work.
Several laborers who worked last winter
upon South Thirteenth street , bringing the
hills to grade at various points designated
by Douglas county , are clamoring for dam
ages from the county for Injuries they re
ceived by the caving In of the embankment.
Snlveley and.Coflln , two of the men who were
struck by the falling dirt , settled some time
ago for several hundred dollars , giving thei
county a receipt In full. Since then they
have reached the conclusion that they should. .
have had a much larger sum , and each
threatens a $5,000 suit , unless this amount
Is at once paid by the commissioners.
The commissioners have investigated the
cases and claim that the men were given the
work by the county as a matter of charity.
The weather was cold and they burrowed Into
the bank which , caving down , fell on them.
In explanation of the receipts they gave the
county , the men state that they did not un
derstand what they were signing. The com
missioners claim to have witnesses to show
that the men said they understood thoroughly
what It meant when they blgned the papers
and received the money.
Martin Given Morn Tune.
M. P. Martin has asked for and secured
more time In which to draw up a defense to
the foreclosure suit of George E. Barker and
others This action was begun about a
year ago , shortly after the creditor's bill
was started , by which creditors of Martin and
his wife sought to compel them to account for
some of the money they are supposed to have
made In the last few years In the prohibited
district of the city. A compromise was
finally patched up In those cases. In this
suit Martin Is given thirty days extension of
time to compile his answer to show why he
should not be foreclosed on his Ninth street
Tnken to a Higher Court.
The cattle stealing case which arises by
reason ot a raid made on several birds of
cattle In Clay county In August , 1891 , has
been appealed by the South Omaha commis
sion firm of Van Sant , Carey & Co. from
the county to the district court. This firm
was adjudged to pay $478 for a bunch of
cattle which a raider , passing through
Clay county , drove away from D. M.
Francisco and his neighbors and shipped to
South Omaha. The commission firm sued
was the last party found handling the cattle
and so was compelled to pay for having hat
the stolen stock In Its possession.
Stoppcil the r.iTliient of Itcnts.
The Randolph Savings bank has secured an
Injunction against J. W. Thompson , prohibit
ing him from paying his rents to Mary II
and Charles W. Mount. In 1891 the Globe
Loan and Trust company loaned money on
part of lots 1 and 2 In block 8 , Hanscom
place. This mortgage the Randolph bank
later on bought. The bank is foreclosing ant
asks for a receiver. It also objects to the
tenant paying any rents to either Mr. or
Mrs. Mount.
lliipri to ( lot Out.
Richard Rice , after pining for thirty days
tn the county jail , has started an action to
get himself released. Ho stole a kit of bar
ber's tools last spring , admitted' ' bis guilt ,
and recelved-Jlilrty days' sentence for petit
larceny. Rice states the criminal judge re
peated to him twice the sentence ot the
court , but made no mention ot costs. The
subject of costs not having been mentioned ,
HIco hopes to get released without liquidating
Suit to He Hrouclii Isoxt Month.
The attempt to enjoin the payment of the
$60,000 levied by Douglas county to pay off a
portion of the poor farm addition judgments ,
It Is not expected will be made much before
August 1. That will be the earliest date
when the commissioners can draw upon this
levy , and so the taxpayers who contemplate
stopping payment of the judgments will not
start the cult much before that time.
If you have never ea'ten biscuit made by
aid of Price's B king Powder , you h ve m sled
one of the enjoyable treats of life.
Air Taylor's Own I'milt.
In the $1,000 damage suit brought by R. C.
Taylor against the World Mutual Benefit at-
soclatlon the company , has filed an answer
explaining why It did not pay Taylor on his
policy for the injuries be complains of. It
alleges Taylor was sick because be refused
to allow a physician to operate upon him ,
and that h ! Injuries were due to bis own
negligence , _
i' ou m\vY , si.tooisii FIULIMU
L'IO llnrtranl'i Acid 1'lioiplialu.
It produces healthy activity ot weak or
disordered stomachs that need stimulating ,
and acts as a tonic on nerves and brain.
You'll flnd the announcement on the'Gth
page tonight that S. P , Morse Dry Goods Co.
give anay Ice cream soda water tomorrow ,
Fre * admission to Courtland beach.
Clmrgo tlmt Itn.inlluC IMncatloit Com-
inlttou Itroonimrndnil the Higher Hid.
The usual squabble over letting the yearly
contract for coal to 'be furnished to the
) oard ot Education Is. now being rung In
with sotno variations ! from the usual pro
cedure , This time Interest Is added to the
performance by the action ot the committee
on sunplles In recommending that the con-
ract for hard coal be awarded to the Ne-
irafika Fuel company ut'$7.95 per ton , when
.he Sheridan Coal company had a bid In on
the same brand of coal , at $7.50. The differ *
enco between the two bids on the winter's
supply Is about $75.
It Is claimed that the action of the commit-
: eo was Induced by the Influence of the
: ) in , ill a Coal exchange , of which the lowest
jldder on hard coal ls not a member. This
s assigned by Victor White , the manager of
: lie Sheridan company , as the reason why
his bid was not accepted. He said that he
was Informed that the committee intended to
recommend the acceptance of the bid of the
Nebraska Fuel company , and that he then
flent to a member of the committee and
asked why his lower bid was not considered.
The member told him that the board had
Ions a coed deal of business with the Ne-
araska Fuel company , and was disposed to
tavor It on that account. In reply , Mr.
White called attention to the fact that the
board was supposed to work In the Interest
of the taxpayers , Instead of the Nebraska
Fuel company , and was certainly bound to
award the contract to the lowest bidder. Then
the member stated that the committee had
already decided to award the contract on soft
coal to a man who did not belong to the com
bine , and If the hard coal contract was given
to a company that was not tn the exchange ,
It would make It very disagreeable. Mr.
White gave judicial notice that there would
be a law suit before the contract was
awarded , as contemplated by the committee.
and the result Is that the award has not yet
been made.
At the last regular meeting , the committee
reported Iri favor of the bid of the Nebraska
Fuel company , but Chairman Lowe qualified
his report by saying that he wa < ! not sure
that It was just the right thing to do and
finally asked that the report bo referred
back to the committee. This Was done and
there the matter rests. In explanation of
their apparent favor toward the higher b'd ,
some of the members stated that the Sheri
dan company had bid on 175 tons of coal and
they did not think that much would bi
needed. Attention was called to the fact
that the bid was in accordance with the ad
vertisement , which called for bids on "about
175 tons" and It was stated that In a coul
bid It was universally understood that the
number of tons named In the contract was
not mandatory , but was supposed to be
merely an approximate estimate.
In discussing the action of the board , Mr
White said that he believed some of the
members had been Imposed upon by the
combine , with which his company had been
at war ever since It had located In Omaha.
So far as the designation of 175 tons was con
cerned , that was not binding , as It was always
accepted as meaning more or less. Hut his
bid was properly In accordance with the ad
vertisement. It was clearly the lowest and
his company was undoubtedly entitled to the
contract. This being his position he pro
posed to maintain It at any cost.
The Nebraska Fuel company people assert
that they found favor with the committee
simply because they bid on exactly what they
expected to furnish. They sent up samples
of four sizes of Scranton coal , any one of
which they would be compelled to furnish
If their bid was accepted. According to their
Information , the Sheridan people had sent up
only one sample and that was composed of
mixed sizes , so that under their bid the
board would not be able to compel them to
furnish any particular size.
Druggists say that their pale" ? of Hood's
Sarsaparllla exceed those of all others. There
Is no substitute for ( Hood's.
< 1 in u Ink Firemen MnstiVVnlt lloforo
1'ut Upon the Hull.
' 'Ono oft the dawn passed at tho- last session
of the Nebraska 'legislature was 'senate flic
No. 124 , which Is entitled "An act to pension
firemen of paid departments after a
service ot twenty-one years , and the widows
and orphans of firemen who lose their lives
while In the line of their duty , and to pro
vide for pensioning firemen of paid flro de
partments In metropolitan cltle ? , and cities
of the first class , who shall become totally
disabled \\lillo In the line of their duty. "
As Nebraska Is still but an Infant In the
sisterhood of states and flro departments were
mostly In prospective twenty-one years ago , It
will still be some years before the pension
law will have any general effect. So far as
Is known Jack Galllgaa U the only man who
now claims a service of that period In a lire
department In Nebraska. It Is about twenty-
five years since he first became a member of
the Omaha department and ho Is still draw
ing a salary as flre Inspector.
So far as the olllclal records of the Omaha
department are concerned , no member of It
has served more than eight years. * The
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners went
into official existence In 18S7 and all of the
appointments of the men who were In the
department at < that time are dated then. Of
the men who are now In the department less
than twenty-one were on the pay roll when
the board came into existence.
Asiistant Chief Salter has put In more
time fighting flres than any man now con
nected with the department In an actlvo ca
paclty. Ho was appointed In the summer of
1876 and with the exception ot about eight
months , during which ho was laid up by In
juries received In the service , he has been
on constant duty. G. P. Windhelm , at pres
ent engineer of No. 4 , was In the department
before Salter , but was out for a year or two
seme years ago.
Second Assistant Chief Barnes has been In
the department seventeen years , and consequently
quently has four more years to serve before
he will bo eligible for a pension. George
Blake , who was transferred to the pollco
force the other day , had served fifteen years
In the department. The other men now In
service who were In the department when
the board waa created are : George C
Cragcr , captain , hose 8 ; Lew Cassldy , pipe-
man , hose 8 ; Sam Crowley , driver , hose 9
H. G. Clements , captain , hose 1 ; Frank
Graves , captain , No. 4 engine ; J. J. Lank
captain , No. 2 engine ; Martin Mulvahlll , lieu
tenant , hose 5 ; G. C. Miller , captain , truck
3 ; Peter McGnlre , lieutenant , hose 4 ; John
McBrlde , captain , hose 5 ; C. H. Prlnglo , lieu
tenant , hose 9 ; August Williams , captain ,
hose 9 ; L. H. Wlnslow ; stoker , No. 2 engine
and Joseph Wavrln , captain , hpso 10.
Julius C. Farrlsh , the present secretary ol
the department , has seen twelve years of
service , his first aptiolctment dating from
1883. _
rr Tontlro\fe < 1lclne.
Combining antiseptic with deodorant proper
ties , and possessing ! ian agreeable , aromatic
odor Allen's Hygienic ! Fluid makes a most
acceptable dentlfrlcenor gargle ; It sweetens
and purifies the brcdth and teeth , Instantly
removing all odor of tobacco or liquor. A
most acceptable moutiUwash In the morning
Its use prevents tlio I Inception of all conta
gious diseases. _ _
Free admission to Otnirtland beach.
Work at the grounds ! l progressing rapidly
Photographs of the tPlsherlcs building ar
being displayed at ti > 6 hotels.
South Omaha has c responded generously
with subscriptions to 'the ' fund.
The Knights of Aksarben met Thursday
evening. More money is needed for th
It Is said that a good sum was realized a
the ball game benefit Thursday , which wai
donated to the fair fund ,
There will be a meeting of the Omah
Speed and Fair association and Knights o
AKsarben committees next Monday.
Arrangements for the printing of the 'nvl
tatlons and programs ot the Feast of Mori
damln ball have been placed In the hands C
a subcommittee of the Knights ot Aksirbe :
and will bo Issued In the near future.
The "dollar popular" subscription Idea ha
greatly strengthened the fund for the au
tumnal festivities and It la thought that wltr
a little further assistance ot this kind ,
program of novelties will be consummate
which will far exceed the original estimate o
You'll flnd tbe announcement on the St
page tonight that 8. P. Morse Dry Goods Co
give away Ice cream soda water tomorrow.
who arc delicate ,
run-down , or
' overworked , and
those who suf
fer from baclc
ache , headache ,
sensations in the
abdomen , and
many other
syniptonnof de
range incut of the
ctnalc function * can find renewed strength
and health by taking Dr. Picrcc's Favorite
Prescription. 1'or the pains nntl aches the
icriods of melancholy and sleeplessness
lothing can do you so much pet inaiicnl
food as thfa vegetable compound. You
nnd specialist to the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute , of Buffalo , N. Y. ) made
n specialty of the diseases of women , nnd
from his large experience he was nblc to
compound a "Prescription" which acted
directly upon the special internal parts of
women. , When in doubt ns to > our ailment
write him , it will cost von nothing. A
Hook , on "Woman and Her Diseases , "
published by the World's Dispensary Med
ical Association , Buffalo. N. Y. , is of inter
est to _ nil women. It will be scut for ten
cents in stamps.
When women nrc afflicted with nervous
ness , irritability , m-rvous prostration or ex
haustion nnd sleeplessness , in nine cases
out of ten the source of the trouble is some
displacement , jrreRtilnrity or derangement
of the special interim ! parts. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription fines permanently
such cases ns well ns that distressing in
ternal di charge from the mucous mem
brane , inflammation nnd tilccrntion.
Jiiootlin.Jarltnn Co. . Mich.
Gentlemen I am more than w tiling to av your
\idunb1ctnedicitie lins cured me of female
weakness nnd a catnrrhal discharge from tile
lining membranes of the special pnrts. I uf-
fercd for jcars with pnin In my back , nc\er a
night was I free Atoiir rtmie t I commenced
treatment with Ir Tierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. I could not ( lecpou n mnttrnso ; it seemed
as though it would kill me. Since taking the
medicine I can bleep anywhere ; I nm perfectly
well. I would not be placed In my former con
dition for any money. Gratefully jotir >
Cures the effects of
self-abuse , excesses ,
emissions , Impotency
varlcocelo nnd consti
patlou. One. dollar b
box , six for ? 5. Foi
i = ale bv THR GOODMAN -
Chlfln > lcr' V.njIliB Diamond limns.
icaloJ wllh blue ribbon Takn
! no other. Ittftttedtinyerav nthtHtU' v
Honi and Imltatlam. M nmicli" , or iradIe. .
In vtftmpf Tor ninlcuUri , trillmoauli ml
"Keller Tor Tmllom" Inlrntr. hr return
) Iall. 1I .0 < 10 TruhnooUU } > ame laptr.
Local , lriur i. ' I'hllcdn. . I't.
Jonrcl at ncnlih Clulnm to He Without
Money to Sltnt Out Tvplio'il rover.
The reports of typhoid fever cases which
continue to reach the Board of Health indi
cate that the disease Is becoming epidemic.
Nearly twenty new cases have been re
ported this month , while up to July 1 , there
was scarcely an appearance of the disease.
Yesterday It was discovered that both
he engineer and the fireman at the county
ioor farm were down with the disease. As
wo or three other cases have appeared In
hat Vicinity , an Investigation will be made
o see If the cause of the epidemic cannot
) e located. In one place , at Thlrtyislxth arid
Jecatur streets , there are six cases , and In
quiry has developed the fact that there were
several cases In that Immediate locality In
893. There Is a well , which has been used
> y the families in which the disease ha :
broken out , and this has now been con
In speaking of the difficulty of shutting
out the disease , Dr. Savllle Is Inclined to la }
.he blame at the doors of the city council
le says that $1,000 would give the board
some chance of getting at the bottom of the
matter and finding out where the Uphold
; erms are coming from. As it Is , members
lave no money to pay for an analysis of
water or Ice , and It Is purely a matter of
guess work. Dr. Savllle says that there It
no question but tint much of the Ice that IE
now being sold In Omaha Is unhealthful , and
nay contain the typhoid bacilli. Cut-Off
ake , In his opinion , has become eo rotten
lint the Ice that Is taken from it Is not tit
for family use. He wants the council to
make an appropriation , so that samples of
ce from every Ice house In the city can be
subjected to analysis , and then the board
can condemn any that should prove to be
unhealthful. Until this Is done he says
the boaid cannot do effective work In stop-
ling the progress of the dh > easc. Other
: ltles have used thousands of dollars In mak-
ng Investigations of this subject , and as a
rssult , the mortality from typhoid has been
reduced from 200 to 300 per cent.
At Denver Augim 14-iil , 181)3. )
For this occasion the Union Pacific will
sell tickets at the rate of one fare for the
round trip from Mlsourl rher terminals to
Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou and
Pueblo. Tickets on sale August llth and
12th. A. C. DUNN ,
City Passenger and Ticket Agent , 1302 Far-
nam street , _
You'll find the announcement on the 5th
page tonight that S. P. Morse Dry Goods Co.
give away Ice cream soda water tomorrow.
Free admission to Courtland beach.
Call for Convention. ,
The call of the democratic state conven
tion , which will bo held In this city on Au
gust 22 , has been Issued by Chairman
Smyth. The apportionment of delegates Is ns
follows : One delegate at largo from each
county and nne additional delegate for each
100 votes cast for Hon. W. J. Bryan for
United States senator at the last election.
This representation will give the convention
813 delegates , of which numbei ninety-nine
will be from Douglas county.
Ktuilylr.GT 1'rnctlrul Irrigation.
DENVER. July 19. The ninth annual con
vention of the Association of American Agri
cultural Colleges and Experimental Stations ,
having adjourned sine die last night , most of
A General Advance
Leather hits advanced , shoe flmllnis advanced , and we also take
pleasure to herald the KloiloiiH newn that the \VHKOH of those who
iiiitkc shoes huve nNo advanced.
Shoes are dearer , hut not he re. Tell yon why : All of our shoos
are ordered and contracted for at lea t half year before the season , We
tlon't deal In ready market product. Our fall stock Is here , that's
proof enouj-'h. Others are ahout KottljiK ready to huy for fall season.
As we mentioned hefore , shoes have advanced , hut we shall con
tinue to sell that celebrated $1.00 American calf CJoodycar welt shoo at
f-.riO , same a- < last season , when leather and labor were of the
cheapest ei recorded.
AKo that Paseo calf sewed shoe that was $1.05 will continue to sell
nt that same price. With the advance that shoe will cost you $2.W )
Jsewhere this seabon.
Our men's $ l.'J"i shoe Is belter than ever , made of full stock and
solid throughout , and put together honestly. ThU shoe makes the
best wet kittens' shoe ever placed on the matket.
And what a benefit of the pick ? We carry no women's shoes , hut
a store full of men's. We Inn e but one study to battle with , and In
that we are as nearly perfect as mortal can claim.
To show you that we know a peed shoe from the ordinary and
make up the kind that satisfy , we'll give you a new pair free or
your money back In case a pair doesn't wear as lout ; or as well a
they ought to , or If not perfect In every respect
Shoe dealers complain about that. They claim that we are demor
alizing the business , but the public and ourselves are satisfied , and
that's enough.
A'o lloilcr. A'o Steam. J\'o /7/if/lncrr.
lle t Power for Corn and Kced SII1K llallngf
liny , HmtnlugCioamorlesSepimitors , A.O.
Stationary or Portable.
1 to 12011. P. 8 to SO II. P
Send forCntnloKiic , Price- " , ete..doscrUilnn work tobcdono. .
33il < \Vnlii t HU. , IMIII.AIHuMMIIA , PA.
Chicago , 215 Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So. 15th St.
the delegates left the city today on a special
train for Fort Collins , where they will In
spect the work of practical Irrigation at the
Colorado Agricultural collegs.
Free admission to Courtland beach.
.spoclnl > < Ktitfliiitil l > curNlon .
Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
railway , August 19 to 23. Tickets will bs on
sale via the above line at one faro for the
round trip. The only route via Toledo anJ
Cleveland and along the southern shore of
Lake Crle almost Its entire length , through
the beautiful Mohawk Valley nnd the Berk
shire Hills , or via Albany and Hudson river
boats , If desired , or via the St. Lawrence
river and through ths White mountains. Stop
over allowed at Niagara Falls ami Saratoga ,
and on the return at Chautauqua lake. A
splendid opportunity for your summer vaca
tion trip. Full Information on application.
13. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansis City , Mo. ;
C. K. Wllber , western passenger agent , Chi
I.ucllfx. k
If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia ,
any kidney or uterine trouble , arc emaciated
or have superfluous flesh and your doctor
orders baths , before going to the expense of
a trip , try out baths.
You can have Turkish or Russian , medi
cated , vapor , electric , ssa salt , sulphur , Mer
curial , oil rubs and hot milk baths.
Attendants first clftss.
Massage by an educated masseuse.
Lidles' Turkish baths and physical culture
parlors , 109-110 Dee building.
You'll find the announcement on the Cth
page tonight that S. P. Morse Dry Goods Co.
give away Ice craam soda water tomorrow.
Tree admission to Conrtland beach.
Kpoktiii ; Mil for Drouth MifTrror" .
DENVER , July 19. Rev. T. J. Irwln , a
clergyman from North Pond creek , Grant
county , Oklahoma , Is In the city seeking aid
for the drouth sufferers of that region. He
represents a most deplorable condition of
affairs In the territory. A large portion of
the population are living on cracked wheat
or corn meal and water , and some of them
have no longer money to buy even that.
Woolen Sill g 'Milki n Sin ill Ailv.Tiicc.
WOONSOCKET , R. I. , July 19. At a meetIng -
Ing of the representatives of the Harris
Woolen company , the Llpplt Woolen com
pany , -Perseverance Worsted company ,
Slmp'on & Klrkcalde , and the Tremont
Worsted company , It was decided to make n
small advance to the 1,800 operatives whose
wages were cut In 1S93.
Free admission to Courtland beach.
A Futv V < l\aiituge
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train made up and started from
Oiajha. Baggage checked from residence to
destination. Elegant train service and cour
teous employes. Entire train lighted by
electricity and hated by steam , with electric
light In every berth. Finest dining car
service In the west , with meals served "a la
carte. " The Flyer leaves at G p. m. dally
from Union depot.
City ticket office , 1504 Farnam street. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Free admission to Courtland beach.
AlaiUn HUD Horn ( ) \ortinoinecl.
TACOMA , July 19. Mrs. Hattle Wills , a
Tacoma woman who went to Alaska last win-
superior to all the others in every re
spect. It is purest and strongest.
Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health.
Oniliuiit I'lour 1'ufN.
One and one-half pints Graham flour , one
teotpoonful salt , two large teaepoonfuls Royal
Baking Ptfwder , two eggs and one pint milk.
Sift together Graham , salt and powder , add
beaten eggs and milk ; mix together Into
imooth batter , as for cup cake , half fill cold
gem pans well greased , bake In hot oven ten
Herman 1'utTn.
One pint flour , two tablespoonfuU sugar ,
pinch salt , one and one-half teaipoonfuli
Royal Baking Powder , three tabUipoonfula
Royal Baking Powder , three tableipoontuls
butter , four egg , two ounces sweet almonds ,
three drop : extract bitter almondu , one-halt
pint cream , one-half cupful sultana ralilni ,
one-half wineglass rum. Rub butter and
ugar to white , light cream ; add eggs ( whole )
one at a time , beating three or four mlnutei
between each addition ; blanch the almonds.
Sift together flour , talt and powder , which
add to butter , etc. , with almond ! , raisins , ex
tract bitter almonds , cream and rum. Mix
whole together Into imooth batter ai for
pound cake ; two-third ) fill well created cups ;
bake In fairly hot oven twenty minutes ; at
end of that time Insert straw gently. If It
cornes out clean they are ready ; If any of
uncooked bitter adheres to straw , muit be
let carefully back few minutes longer.
jcorwec nil llrend , for Djripepllc * .
1 pint barley meal , V4 Pint Graham flour ,
t& pint flour , 1 teaspoonful salt , two teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , 1 pint milk.
Sift together barley intul , Graham flour ,
flour , talt and powder ; mix Into firm batter
with the milk ; pour Into created tin , bake
In moderate oven 40 mlnutei. Cover wltb
paper 25 minutes.
tcr , writes from Circle City , In the Interior ,
on the Yukon , that the country has been
oxerboomed and many prospectors will Icavo-
thls fall. Provisions arc running short anl
what can be had are \cry high priced.
Urittli of A. AI. Wiillnn.
Word was received yesterday of ths
death of A. M. Walton at Los Angeles , CaU
The deceased wont to California last winter
for the benefit ot his health , and for a tlnio-
showed signs of Improvement , but tuberculo
sis wais too far advanced and finally resulted
In his death. Mr. Walton was connected
with both The Bee and World-tlcra'd In a ro-
portorlal capacly ( for a number < jf yegr * and
held the position of city editor on the Sloiuc
City Trlbunosfor a y carorj.nro. ! ) lie was.
one of "the brlfttir newspaper men of Omaha
and had many warm friends here , who will
regret his unexpected death.
Wooden I'lucks ( la to Another siroi-r.
The old wooden blocks wlilch are to bo removed
moved from the Sherman avenue pivcinent
will bo used to repair the wooden pavement
on Farnam street , from Nineteenth street
west. By a resolution which was pasied by
the Board of Public Works yesterday
the street commissioner was directed to make
this change.
The application of John P. Dally , Ernest
Wentz and WlJllam L. Miller for positions as.
Inspectors were referred for future coiuldcra *
ICH | from Ilia Injiir.iii.
LA JUNTA , Colo. , July lO.-RnRlneetf-
Mark Wlckens , who jent down with thfl-
Santa Fe bridge at Monument , Ins died at
the railroad hospital hero , miking the total
number of fatalities thus far. four. Drake *
man Gardner Is lapldly falling , and Is not
expected to survive. The others Injured ard
doing well ,
\Vharf l.nborerH' strlko Still On.
COLON , Colombia , July 19. The strike ot
wharf and ship laborers here continues , busi
ness Is paralyzed and the steamers are Idlel
A detachment of soldiers Is expected herf
from Panama to keep order. j
MEYRIl-rMrfl. Jenncttc , aged El years *
mother of Max Meyer , nnd biothenif
Funeral from residence of bur daughter.
Mrs. H. Hehfold , 112 South Twciity-fomtij
u\enup , to 1'leniuint Hill cemetery , Sun *
day , July 21 , at 9 u. in.
We Offer YOU A REMEDY Which
Insures Solely to Life ol Mother
and Child
" Mothers' ' FrW"
Roll Confinement of Its 1'alu , Horror uml Illsk.
Mjrnlro u od "MOTIIIJIIH1 KJtir.MI" be.
f ere her tint culld-liail no crumps-na * quickly re
lieved guirurlnv but llttld no pulns nlttrtrarcl
recover , , , . . .
E < E < JOUN8.lof.iKllfalB AlB.
f2TSnt by Hall or Kipifts.on iLctl ) | > luf i i Ice *
Sl.OO lier buttle. Hook' ToMutliuV'm-illiil lr .
Sold by nil IlruiriliU.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. . . U. S. A
Does Your f
Underwear Pinch
because it's shrunk ?
If washed with