THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SAZTUTIDAY , JULY 20 , 1805. , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , - - NO. 12 PEAHL BTItEET Delivered by carrier to nny part of the city. II. W. T1LTON , Lessee. TnLr.PIIONKS-IJmlncM omce. No. J night tdllor. No. 22. M/AM/t .V/i. < At 11 o'clock last night the Infant son of A. J. Durfce died. ' Over CO finest brands of cigars In the world at Grand hotel cigar atore. Grand hotel , Council Bluff * . Newly fur nished. Ileoponeil Oct. 1. 13. V , Clark , prop. Manager Atkins had put In a new long distance telephone In the pavilion at Grand Plaze , Lake Manawa , and made It a public telephone station. The hot weather has Increased the demand for Wheeler's king temperance beer to such en extent that he brewery Is run to Its full * cst capacity night and day. Mcmebers of Abe Lincoln post are earn estly requested to be In attendance this even ing , as there Is to be a very Interesting meeting. Hugh W. Ooss , adjutant. Special conclave of Ivanhoe commamlcry , Knights Templar , this evening at 7:30 : o'clock to confer order of ths temple. The prompt attendance of all Sir Knights Is courteously desired. Married , at the parlors of the Grand , by II. O. Cook , B. M. Klmmcl and Daffy llarll- gan of Omaha , Neb. ; alfo M. 13. Russell of Warsaw , Ind. , and Mary 13. Tolsmer of Toledo , O. Grace , the 19-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Olsen , died at 4 o'clock yester day morning , after a three weeks' Illness , of cholera Infantum. The funeral will take place this afternoon ut 2:30 : o'clock from the family residence , 135 Main street. Maggie , wife of William Peters , died of heart trouble yesterday morning at 4 o'clock , aged 52 years , after a three days' Illness , at 830 13ast Pierce street. The funeral will occur this morning at 10 o'clock and the re mains will be Interred In lloomer township , Kd Martin bought the gray team yesterday which has been used In propelling the patrol wagon ever since shortly after the war. The price paid was $50. The city Is now left without any team for the patrol wagon , and word has gone forth that the detective force Is to be muzzled for a few days. The carnival at the First Baptist church Thursday evening was a success. Perfect In nil of Its many appointments , the program consisted of selections and numbers In Instru mental and vocal music. The booths were neat and attractive with their numerous oc cupants true to life. A full house enjoyed the well rendered program , In splto of the In- terse heat. The refreshments cume In very acceptably t the close. Four or five new tents were added to the tented llelds at Manawa yesterday. There Is a whole canvas city on the banks of the lake now. The tents are still about evenly divided In number on each side of the lake. A military party from Fort Omaha with seven tents took up Its abode on Manhattan beach yesterday. C. A. Atkins , Clint Byers anil Mrs. Browncll w'th ' their families will Join the colonies on Monday. Manuel Lund stole a suit of clothes that . " ) ho found at the Northwestern depot yester day. U had been left there for a minute b > a man who had been shopping In the city and was on his way home. Manuel opened the bundle , and finding the suit was for f boy 4 years of age became disgusted am threw It away Into eomo weeds near the depot. He was caught In the act and lodged In the. city Jail , with the charge of larceny against him. Amos Clark , who was arrested the other day on a charge of larceny preferred bj Ezra Swlgart , was discharged by Justice Vlen yesterday. The crime , If any was committed took place more than five years ago , ant Clark went to Nebraska. He returned i couple of months ago and the two men wen Into partnership farming. A dispute arose nnd Swlgnrt , In order to got even will Clark , Invoked the aid ot thd court am tried to get Clark punished for the outlaws offense. Swlgart has been supported by th county for years , and the county will havi to pay the costs ot the senseless prosecution which he set In motion , In addition to the cost of his support. Flro and tornado Insurance written In bos. companies. Money for farm loans at Ion rates. City property for sale or trade fo : farm lands In Iowa. Lougce & Totvlo , 23 Pearl St. At O. < ) . l > . llrniTii'n this Week. 21 pounds flno granulated sugar for $1.0 1 pound llattlo Ax chewing tobacco 1C 1 pound smoking tobacco 15 Columbia river salmon , per can 10 Tomatoes , per can S Corn , per can r > 1-pound can Price's baking powder 35 Ilnlnwater Maker , per'box 21 Hoot beer , per bottle , 7 1-pound package gloss starch , per pkg. . . S 1-pound package corn starch , per pkg. . . Breakfast oats , per package Quaker oats , per package 9 Iceland's soda , per package 7 Screen doors , 1 % Inches thick , any you want , for G5c. Adjustable wlndo\ screens for 35c. Ice cream freezers cheaper than ever. V are overstocked and must unload them. And now potatoes at lOc a peck at BROWN'S C. 0. D. Ten days' sale of wall paper and house fur nishings at the Boston store. The Standard only second to the Hardman. Miss Ella Mahoney ot Sioux City Is visit ing Mrs. Andy Kastncr. Mrs. Howard N. Hattenhauer has returned from a visit to Storm Lake. Miss Jessie Gilbert has returned from Hillsdale - dale , la. , where she visited friends. The engagement of Dr. F. T. Seybert and Miss McUermott has been announced. Miss Maud Duncan of Omaha Is visiting Mlsa Edna Patterson , 1724 Sixth avenue. Mrs. M. J. O'Neill has returned from Waterloo lee , la , , where she has been for a year past. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and family have returned from Spirit Lake , where they have been spending the past two weeks. Miss Bartlett ot Omaha , who has been the guest of Miss Maud Murphy on South Eighth otreet for several days this week , leaves for homo today. Mrs. Ellen K. Denny of Vlnceniies , Ind. , Is the guest of her brother , Rev. J. G. Lemen. She Is the organizer ot the National Women's Christian Temperance union. She held a meeting at the county Jail yesterday after noon , Mrs , M. B , Ayres of 810 Avenue B was called to Missouri last week by the sudden death of her brother's child. She arrived borne yesterday , accompanied by her brother's wife , Mrs. W. H. Morgan , and her two chil dren , who will spend a week lu the city. "I would not use ammonia baking powders In my own family , " says Dr. Drew , state chemist of Minnesota. Dr. Price's is purest of cream tartar brands. V. M , C\ < t , Ciiiifvrenccii. The secretaries of the Omaha and Council Bluffs associations put their heads together Thursday evening , and summoning to tlelr aid , In person or by proxy , some of their workers , planned for a series of midsummer out of dcor conferences upon the subject "How to Iteach Men. " The first meeting- will be held in Omaha next Friday evening. There will be an address fifteen minutes' long , to bo fol lowed by a line ot practical tUEEestlons and questions that will be exceedingly helpful to all who attend. Taken up , bay horse , G or 6 years old. white spot on right side , part white left hind foot , weight about 1,000. Inquire of James Holder , 14th street and Avenue D. Yea. the Eagle laundry is "that good laundry , " ana U located "at 724 Broadway. It In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel.157. llnrllnctnn llnulu Kxrur lun To St. Joseph and return Aug. 4th. $1.50 round trip , 11.50. O. M. Brown , Tkt. Agt. The gas company's special prices for serv ice pipes will be continued through July. Head Davis * ad. Davis sells hammocks Cheap , i JTbo Harunun , the plino par excellence. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS F , W , Voiwinkle , a Well Known Inimrar.03 Man , Becomes Insane. MIND HAS BEEN FAILING FOR YEARS Not Until Yriterdiiy , However , Hill Ills Symptoms llecmno Aliirinlnc Condi tion Attrlbutml to an Accident lie Met with bevcrnl Years Ago. F. W. Voswlnkle , a well known Insurance man nf this city , became a raving maniac yesterday. For years his health has been steadily declining , and It was apparent to bis Intimate friends that his mind was af fected. Several years ago he was driving near Fulrbury , Neb. , when he became the victim ot a runaway accident. Being thrown from his buggy , he struck the top of his head on the ground so hard that an Inden tation was formed In his skull which , It Is believed , Is responsible for his mental ail ment. Some time ago ho went to Salt Lake City In the h ? > pe of being benefited , and the ex pectation of his friends was that Instead of coming hero he would go to Wisconsin to visit his father. Thursday night he sud denly appeared at his homo on Fourth street and stayed there over night. Yesterday mornIng - Ing his wife left him In his bedroom , but finding ho did not come down , after some time , went back and found him sitting with a razor In his hand. He had slmved off his oustache and all the hair on his head. As n explanation for his queer action he said e had been baptized Into the Mormon church n the tabernacle at Salt Lake City , and had ecotrje a Mormon bishop. He said he had. come back with a tnUslon , hlch was , to take all the people of Council luffs back to Salt Lake City with him. He ad decided to hold a mass meeting In Bay- its park and deliver an oration from an 1m- rovlsed platform. His talk and acting were o strange that a plan was concocted to get Im before the commissioners of Insanity , urlng his visit to the court house he hade o bo handled very carefully , for he seemed o be on the point of becoming violent. After n examination It was decided that he should 0 taken to Clurlnda for treatment. Improperly compounded baking powders are iOt uniform In strength. Forty years' expe- lenco has made "experts" of the compound- rs of Price's Baking Powder. Clnrn Will Get llrr < lo\r Iry. Harrison Latham's father did not succeed n getting signatures to a bond to Insure the oung man's staying away from Council Bluffs and letting Mrs. Clara Wyman alone , nil the trial of the criminal case against Im was commenced In Justice Cook's court esterday. Latham himself went upon the ( and and testified that on one occasion he tayed at Mrs. Wyman's house from 10 ( 'clock Wdnesday night until after 3 'clock the next Friday morning , occupying ilrs. Wyman's couch. ThU testimony was orroborated by Latham's father. Mrs. Wy man , however , upon the stand , denied that hey had used the same bed , but admitted hat ho stayed In the house several nights. Latham's neck was ornamented with a long chain , of which he seemed very choice , nd on his little ) finger wan a ring. Both of hem , the testimony developed , belonged to Mrs. Wyman , and Latham claimed she had oaned them to him to wear since their roubles commenced. The Jewelry was ol < 'ered ' In evidence by W. C. Hendrlcks , , atham's lawyer , but Latham stoutly re- 'used to turn It over to the court or any body else. Then Emmet TInley , attorney for he prosecution , also offered the Jewelry In evidence , and secured an order of the court enforcing his demand. Latham took oft the hain and ring with a bad grace and gave hem Into the keeping of the Justice. If Mrs. Wyman proves ownership they will be ; urned over to her after the trial. The at- : orneys had not finished their .arguments at : he hour of evening adjournment , and th : case will be resumed this morning. Mid-Summer liirgiiin Huston btore. $1,00 crochet bsd spreads , 75c. tl.HO Marseilles spreads , 9Sc. 33c and 39c Turkey red table damask re duccd to 25c a yard. All wool French cuallles reduced to 2Gc 1 yard. Big line of wash goods In lawns , dimities , aconeU and Swiss at 9c a yard , Baautlful line of dimities at 12',4c a yard. 25c zephyr ginghams , 17c a yard. 25c quality ladles' tan and brown hose at iflc a pair.FOWLER FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , la. Jlruco Comiimmlnry'A I'llerlmniro. A neat pamphlet has just been Issued by ; ) ruco commandery No. 34 , Knights Templar of HeJ Oak , outlining the trip contemplated next month to the triennial conclave at Bos ton. The Council Bluffs knights will not gen n a body , but quite a number ot them wll ; o with their Red Oak friends. The trip .akes In Niagara Falls , Quebec , Montrea and Toronto , making stops at each place long enough for the tourists to take In the prln clpal points of Interest at each one. There will be a trip down the St. Lawrence and to he White mountains before going to Boston , where four days will bo spent. After the conclave the Fall River line of steamers wll bo taken to New York , where another day will bo spent. Then each one will be allowed to take the route he chooses homeward , and many of them -will visit Washington , lialtl more , Philadelphia and other eastern cities , The Dudley Buck quartet of this city wll accompany the knights throughout the trip The pamphlet contains sixteen pages am ! ms cuts of some ot the more attractive place to be visited. The Burlington Is the routi selected from here to Chicago , and the Grand Trunk from there eastward. 1.UKL1NOTON ItUUTE. Iteilnrtd Itiiten. To Hot Springs , S. D. , sale July 19 , Aug. ust 2 and 23 , one first class fare for roun trip. Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Bos ton , Mass. Sale August 19 to 24. American Pharm-.ceutlcal association , Den ver. Colo. Sale August 11 and 12. National convention Kceley league , Har- rlsburg , Pa. Sale August 16 to 22. Toronto , Ont. Sale July 15 to 2,4. Charlton , la. Sale July 19 and 21. In addition I have on sale Summer Tourist tickets to various points In the United States and Canada. Call and get copy of map and Illustrated write up of the great Yellowstone National park. 0. M. BROWN , Ticket Agent. Only ( 'no or Miiny l.cttrr' . MONROE , Neb. . July 15. 1893. "Your Wheeler's King Temperance Beer goes like hot cakes. Please ship me Immci dlatcly two barrels * W. King Temperance Beer. " ROBERT A. VICKERS , Druggist. Manufactured only by the G. R. Wheeler Brewing Co. , Wheeler & Hpreld. wholesale dealers , Council Bluffs , la. Hurt In u run may. Mrs. Schultz , who lives seven miles In the country , was driving down Main street last night with her ton when the team took fright and ran away. Both occupants we.-- thrown from their seats and considerably bruited by their hard contact with the pave ment. They were taken to the St. Joe house , where Dr. Robertson attended them until they recovered sulllclently to be taken home. The electric fountain at Manhattan beach will be Illuminated each' evening from S:30 : to 9 and 9:30 : .o 10. The steamer Liberty will connect v Ith all trains to and from Manawa. First boat will leave Manhattan beach at 7 a.m. to accommodate the camp ers at Manhattan beach who wish to catch the early morning train to Omaha. John Shlcketanz. Sr. . has moved hlj bar ber shop to 400 Broadway , two doors west of Maurer's china shop. Everything new at Durfee Furniture Co's. \Vnut u IHvltimi of tlm I'rupertr. County Attorney Saunders. as guardian ot Fred Hartlug , commenced an action lu the district court yesterday to have a division of ninety ucrei of land and $250 In cash now In posiesslon of J. P. Hess , who li guardian for Charles Hurting. Both tlm Hartlng * are In sane and confined In aiylumi , The petition that the property , which now appears In Charles Hnrtlng's name , was deeded to him In 18C7 In trust for the benefit of his mother and brother Fred. The county at torney aiks that the estate be divided equally and that each half be charged with the sup port of the man to whom It belongs. . Thomas Officer and W. II. M. Pusey filed a petition for a foreclosure ot a mortgage given to secure a note for $700 , given by R. S. Morrow and II. A. Rico and their wive ; . Charles Conery sues John Hammer for an unpaid balance of $190 claimed to be due him as wages for labor performed In the last two years. t-uturilny livening Snip , Saturday evening we place on sale 200 .dozen gents' white lawn string ties , with silk stitch ends , a fine quality , worth 35c to 40c In any house , Saturday evening 12',4c ' dozen. 100 dozen ladles' 15c quality tan hose Sat urday evening 5c pair. The above goods we bought very cheap. Come for them Saturday evening. Sale begins at 7:30 : p. m. BENNISON BROS. , Council Bluffs. \VIII ChooKc DulrgiUr * . The democrats of Council Bluffs will meet In the various precincts this evening from 7 to 8:30 : o'clock to choose delegates to the county convention , which Is to be held at Avoca next Wednesday at 1:30 : p. m. The fol lowing arc the meeting places : First ward , first precinct , Wheeler & Her- eM's office , select eight delegates. First ward , second precinct , blacksmith shop , corner Broadway and Stutsman , select eight delegates. Second ward , first precinct , city building , select ten delegates. Second ward , second precinct , ofllcc , corner Broadway and Seventh streets , select seven delegates. Third ward , first prclnct , Creston house , select seven delegates. Third ward , second precinct , Main street hose house , select seven delegates , Fourth ward , first and second precincts , court house , Farmer's hall ; each precinct select seven delegates. Fifth ward , both precincts. Shields' store , corner of Fifth avenue and Eleventh street. First precinct select eight delegates ; second precinct six delegates. Sixth ward. Twenty-third and Broadway , select eight delegates. It makes finest flavored , moat tender , and wholesome food Price's Baking Powder. Tonluht in uniiid I'lnzi. Chicago Ladles' Military band concert at Lake Manawa Saturday evening , July 20 , Mrs. Mae Munro , director. PROGRAM. March Illinois Battleship . W. G. Yule March The Liberty Bell . Sousa Overture At the Circus . Warren Bcebe Waltz The Sweetest Girl of All , with Vocal Chorus . . . . , . March Terra Gotta . Dedicated to the Chicago Color by Prof. D. S. McCosh of that city. Concern Medley . W. II. Thomas March The Rifle Regiment . Sousa Waltz Rosa , Sweet Rosabel ! , with Vocal Chorus . Serenade Pleasant Dreams . W. S. Rlpley PART 2. Waltz Visions of Paradise . C. W. Bennet Violin , Cornet and Piano Selection . Particular attention Is called to Mrs. Mae Munro playing cornet and piano at the same time. Waltz Grand Plazi Favorite You Ain't Mad , Bill , Are You ? with Vocal Chorus Chicago Ladles' Military Band March. . . . Composed and arranged by Mrs. Mae Munro , America's female Sousa. Overture Corlnna . E. Boettger Admission , 10 cents. Round trip tickets , admitting to the Haze , all bath privileges and the switchback railway , 35 cents. Colonel Reed's chlvalrlc letter to the ladles published In The Bee the other day at tracted a great deal of attention. It was a unique and graceful Invitation to thorn to enJoy - Joy the pleasures of Lake Manawa , and It Is being accepted by thousands. Manawa never was so popular , never so pleasant and alto gether delightful as this season. ICed Coilur I'cnre I'osts. Twelve carloads standard red cedar fence posts , 10c each , by the carload. A. OVERTON. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county clerk : Name and address. Age. Clarence Walker , Council Bluffs . 21 C. Lower- , Council HI tiffs . IS D. H. Ktmmel , Om.iha . 13 Daffy Hartlgnn , Omaha . 20 M. K. Honsell , Warsaw , Ind . 42 .Mar } ' 13. Toshner , Toledo , 0 . 41 Special sale of fine shears. Fine button hole. scissors about half price. One-third of ! on all shears and scissors and heavier re ductions on our stocks. These are both the Dungan stocks and our own. Sale one week only. Cole & Cole , 41 Main street. Colonel Reed has put on a special ticket good from Council Bluffs to Manawa and re turn , Including entrance to Grand Plaza , all bathing privileges and several rides on the switchback , for35c. The Grand Plaza bathing beach Is. now by all odds the finest on the lake. _ Stevlok'n Id-turn \ \ -trulglit. . Henry Wagner , who , through feellnga of spite , had Ed Sherlock's saloon searched a couple of weeks ago and since then has had Constable B. F. Stevlck arrested for making a false return on the search warrant , prose cuted the case against Stevlck in Justice Cook's court yesterday with such success that Stevlck was promptly discharged. Ho worried along without an attorney , and told upon the witness stand that he saw Stevlck and an expressman take the jugs and bot- les that hud been confiscated out of Justice Vlen's office down to Sheriock's barn on Ninth avenue and left them there. The ex- imxman who helped SlevlMjwas alto put ir , > n the stand and In a mpjilirc confirmed Wagntr's report. But when the cross-exam nation commenced their stories could not be made to dovetail as well as might have been wished. VI Stevlck admitted that he look the stuff nto Sherlock's neighborhood ; , but tworo vlg- orouily that he destroyed If In a vacant lot near Sherlock's house. At the close of the isarlng Stevlck was discharged. Hardman pianos , Council Bluffs , 103 Main 31. Good wall papei , 2Vfcc a rolf,1 'at the Bos- Ion store. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ' " Hardman pianos , Omaha , 113 K , ICtb. - > H'KSTKIt.V I'JXSIUXS. l.lnt of Then Itcccntly lU'iiU'inbercd by the tU'iirrul (1 > ririiiueiit. WASHINGTON , July 19.-Speclnl.-Pcn- ( ) slons grnntcd , Issue of July 3 , 1J.83 , wore : Nebraska : Original Henry U , Myors , Omaha , Douglas. Increase Silas Hunt , liloomfleld , Knox. Iowa : Orlglmil James Mc.MlllIn , Atlan tic , Cnss. llclssue Henry D. Perkins , Sioux Haplds , Uuenu Vista ; William T Mudlas- bon , Lynnvlllc , Jasper. Original widow Kstclla McNelll , West Cedar HapldB , Linn. South Dakota : Original widow Marga ret Smith , Clark , Clark. Increase David A. Wnrncr , Forest City , Potter ; Hunry A. Hunisilale , Canova , Miner. Colorado : Original Frank S. Winters. nllas Samuel Itoss , Spencer , Gunnlsuii ; Philip Helms C.uls , Klowa. Hclpsne David W. Drult. Elizabeth , Klbert ; Otliniel L. Bright , Harris , Arapuboo. Montunn : Original-Samuel Collctt , IJoze- irmii , Giillutln. Issue of July C : Nebraska : Increase William W. Innes , I'liilnvlew , Pierce : William Thatcher , Raymond mend , Lancaster. Increase Hamilton Evans , Pleasant Hill. Saline. Reissue Horatio G. Townsend , David City , Duller. Original widow Catherine E. O'Brien , Omaha , Douglas. Iowa : Original Ellas T. Simpson , Elkhart , Polk ; Uennett O. Fosburg , Iruton , Sioux ; William L. Clianey , lies Molnes , Polk. Increase George D. Cuff , t'tlca , Van Uuren. HI-IH- sue Cornelius Pratt , Elkport , Clayton ; Wil liam Bortel , Grlnncll , Poweshlek ; George O. Scott , Wndemi , Fnyette ; Joseph Pugli , Allerton , Wayne ; Kphrlnm It. Osmer , Hazle- ton , Huchanan ; Samuel F. Price , Uunbury , Woodbury ; Milton Yc.iger , Akron , Ply mouth ; Christopher Ixjlirmaiin , Dubiique , Dubuque ; Hussell W. Calkins , Anita , Cass. He-Issue and Increase William H. 11. Corey , Donl. on , Crawford. Original widows , etc. Mary ICnlght , Council Bluff" , Pottnwattn- mlo ; Sanders Ketiyon ( father ) , Mlnburn , Dallas ; Minors of John Findley , Hlbbsvllle , Appanoose. South Dakota : John n. Francis , Wes- slngton Springs , Jermild. Colorado : Original Jorden Frcenlo , Den ver , Arnpahoe. llclssue Nelson S. Wil liams , Berkeley , Arapnhoe. Wyoming : Helssui. George W. Knight , Cheyenne , Laramle. Montana : Original George W. More- bouse ( deceased ) , Great Falls , Cascade. In the manufacture of Price's Cream Bak Ing Powder there Is used a large proportion of all the cream ot tartar consumed in this country. ll il liifrinsa i llm 1'ntent. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , July 19. ( Special Telegram. ) Judge Shlras of the federal court has filed a decree In the , case ot Mast , Fees & Co. of Springfield , 0. , against the Iowa Wind Mill and Pump company of this city , finding the latter guilty of Infringement on patents held by the former. Commissioner Francis has been appointed special master In chancery to take testimony and determine the amount of damage due plaintiff. The case will be carried to the. court of appeals. l"u I r In Southmmt Ncbr.mka unil Showera In till * > iirth\vf < t t'cirtloii. WASHINGTON , July 19. The forecast for Saturday Is : ' For Nebraska Fair In feouth'east ; showers and cooler In the northwesern portion variable winds , becoming northwesterly. For Iowa Fair ; variable winds. For Missouri Showers ; variable winds becoming southerly. . . . , , For South Dakota Shpwcrsf cooler ; winds becoming northwesterly. For Kansas' Fair ; warrrler In the western portion ; southerly winds. I. o c.i i Uncord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER ni'llBAU OMAHA , July 1'J. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of the past four years 1893. 1834. 1833. 1892 Maximum temperature. . . . 83 91 SI 93 Minimum temperature. . . . C7 70 G2 10 Average temperature . 75 SO 73 Sti Precipitation . 00 .00 .00 .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day and slttce March 1 1EP5 : Normal temperature . 79 Deficiency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulated excess Hlnce March 1 . 210 Normal precipitation . 17 Inch Deficiency for the day . 17 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 10.75 Inches Deficiency since March 1 . 7.78 inches lU'ports from Other StiUou : at M 1 * . M. "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. u A.vii . ' , Observer. The U. S , Government Tests Show the Absolute Superiority of Royal Baking Powder. ( Data from the latest Official U. S. Governmtnt Report on Baking Powders , Department of Agriculture , Bulletin ij , fage 599- ) 0 OYAL is placed first of the cream oj tartar powders ; actual strength , 160.6 cubic indies of leavening gas per ounce of powder. ! , , Every other powder tested exhibited jr'much lower strength than the Royal , the average being 33 per cent. less. Every other powder likewise showed the pTesence of alum or sulphuric acid. 1 > i - 'flie claim that this report shows any other powder of Superior strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood ! by the jj ) Government officers who made the tests. * W rl B ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , 106 V/ALL ST. , NEW-YORK. 51 < iraliiim One quart Oraliam f.our. one tablespoanful brown sugar , one te3tT ° onful "It. three tea- ipoontuls Royal Hiking Powder , one ess , ono pint milk. Sift together Graham Hour , sugar , salt end powder , add beite.n eg ? an 1 milk , mix Into bitter like pcund cake , muffin pans well greased , two-thlrJj full ; bike In hot oven ( Utetn minutes. tu : i < . One and one-halt pints flour , one-half tea- ipoonlul tail , two tablospainiuls , two leaspo-nfuls Hoyal Hiking I'owder , two Uble- ipoonful ? InJ , three eggs , one teaspaonful eich extract nutmeg and cinnamon , thr e- quarters pint milk. Silt tngethcr fl-ur , salt , sugar and powder ; rub In lard cold ; adj milk , beaten eggs and extract ! . Mix Into dough iott enough to handle ; flour the board , turn out dough , give U quick turn or two to com plete Its smoothness. ' Uoll them under th hands Into round balls' size of small egg ; la them on greased shallows cake pan , put ver close together. Bake In moderate oven tlwrt minutes ; when cold elft sugar over them. Micwr i iscnK One and one-half pints flour , pinch sail one coffcecupful sugar , two teaspoonfuU Ilova lUklng PowJer , one tablftpocnful lard , tw eg ; ) , one-half pint milk , one teaipoinful ex trict nutmeg. Sift together flour , salt , suga an ! pdwder ; rub In lard cold ; add beate tggs and milk ; mix In smooth batter as for mi'tflnf , drop with tablespoon on greased biking tin ; tlft sugar over tops ; bake In hot cvn cicl't or ten minutes. llr.mUy Snuce. Proceed as directed for wine sauce No. t , substituting brandy for wine. outheasterti Fart of the State Ezpariences a Oloudburst , JCK ISLAND SUFFERS HIAVY DAMAGES | \o Hundred 1'cct of Tinck Inumlite : < t unit It tillered DniiKcrmn Mimjr 1'i-oplo Leave Tlielr Humes In Thulr Mght Clothes. DBS M01NKS , July 10. ( Special Tele- ram. ) Last night's stonn was very heavy In outhcrn and cistern Iowa and In Missouri. Vashouta occurred In a number of places nd a very heavy one Is reported from West Liberty. Train No. 4 on the Rock Island , vhlch should have been here at 4 o'clock hla morning , did not reach the city until his afternoon. All other Hock Island trains vcstboundvere also delayed. A cloudburst northeast of Iowa City caused a great deal of damage to crops. Five liun- Ired feet of the Ilurllnglon , Cedar llaplds & Northern railway tracks were washed out. tulston creek carried of ! bridges , sidewalks nd fences. Several families In their night- robes waded out of their houses In four feet of water. The Uocky Mountain Flyer from the west on the Hock Island was ditched near the owa river. A fireman had a leg broken. The passengers were badly shaken up. The racks were washed out between Iowa Cl'.y and Downey. v. c. iioiouiuss roil bn JciullooU lu ttui cviciitcimlh District I'lti.illy ItroKcn. AUDUDON' , la. , July 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) At the republican eenatorlal conven- lon for the Seventeenth district held here yesterday , after continuous balloting for welvo hours , a decision was reached on the 92d Ballot late last evening , nominating A. C. Hotchkiss of Adel. In the final ballot Audubon gave seven for Edwards of AuJobon and ono for Ashton of Guthrle , Dallas four- can for Edwards of Audubon , and Guthrle hlrtcen for Uotchklss of Dallas. Then Dal- as county changed to their own man and lotchklss was nominated. UOLFE , In. , July 19. ( Special Telegram. ) V convention for the purpose of nominating a successor to Parley Finch to represent the Seventy-sixth district In the state leglsla- uro convened here Tuesday and has been In esslon since. One thousand four hundred and itneteen ballots were taken up to noon to day without resulting In a choice. Poca- lontas county Is balloting today for W. C. Roister and W. D. McEwen. Humboldt Is voting for Finch , G. L. Tremaln , John Mcr- rltt. A. A. McKlltrlck , N. O. Nelson. E. A. Wilder and C. J. Lund. The best of feeling .rcvalls. The contest promises to be a long one. one.SIULEY , la. , July 10. ( Special Telegram. ) At the Eenatorlal republican convention of he Lyona-Osccola-O'IJrlen-Sloux district each county has a candidate. The deadlock was irokcn this afternoon , Hon. Henry Hospers > elm ; nominated on the lC35th ballot. The other candidates were A. II , Davlson of Hull. ' . T. Plp r of Sheldon and George W. Lister of Slbley. Hospers was born In Holland. In 1830 came to Pella , la. , In 1847 and 1S70 founded the colony of Hollanders at Or.inga City. Ho 1ms served two terms In the lower house of the legislature. limn Mnn Puriloiinl In Honolulu. WEBSTER CITY , la. , July 10. ( Special Telegram. ) Friends In this city reIn In receipt of reliable Information from Honolulu to the effect that Charles F. Gullrk had been par doned by President Dole. Qullck was one ot the leaders In the late Insurrection lo over throw the Dole government and was tried and sentenced to life Imprisonment. Ho Is a relative of S. A. Havens and Hardy Caldwell of this city , anil spent some time here a dozen years ago , making a number of warm friends. riimrrr Mlltitn I nrlor Dcnd. CIIESTON , In. , July 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) Milton Carter , n pioneer of Afton and a prominent politician , dropped dead on the streets ot Afton last night. Ho held a position as police olllccr at Washing ton , D. C. , for several years , and was well known to all the prominent politicians of the country. I ) . II. Sain , ngcil TS , died hero this morning after continuous residence of eighteen years. He was n member of the Methodist church for halt a century. round Ocitd on the 1 tuck * . DES MOINES , July 19. ( Special Tclc- Joseph Clinton ot Carlisle , la. , was found dead on a railway bridge a few miles south east of this city last evening. The body was brought hero and an Imiticst Is being held. He leaves a wife and four children. The de ceased had $2,000 life Insurance In the Odd Fellows' lodge at Marllnsdale , la. It was suspected that ho was slugged and laid 'on the track to obliterate all traces of foul play. IMur IHIIIII llio Honda. CHUAR RAPIDS , la. , July 19. ( Special Telegram. ) Judge Wolf of the district court today refused to Issue an Injunction restrain ing the city council of Cedar HanlilR from Is suing certain refunding bonds to take the place of $20.000 5-per-ccnts and $ GS,000 of outstanding warrants. Suit was commenced last May by 11 , F. Helns when the clly council passed a resolution to do this. Judge Wolf finds their action was legal. I'.iii-iiinnmiMil of MlUlhi Arriinaod. DES MOINES , July 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) Adjutant General Prime has Issued an ofllclal general order relative to the en campment of the First and Second brigades of the Iowa National Guards. The First brigade will assemble at Centurvlllc August 3 , returning to company 'stations August 10. The Second brigade will assemble at Wuverly August 17 , leturnlng to company stations August 4. _ Ilnmtmrf ; Clt.v Murnlml Shot. HAMBURG , la. , July 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) John Alberson , city marshal , while endeavoring to arrest Sam Callahan , was shot and seriously wounded. Callahan ran and was overtaken by a posse which went In pursuit. The scene of disturbance was at the corner of D and Railroad streets. Marshal Alberson Is at home now In a serious condi tion and Callahan Is In jail. Cimc Aciilusl u Dentist Dl CRESTON , July 19. ( Special Telegram. ) The case against Dr. Rosallea of Fontanelle , charged with practicing dentistry without a state certificate or diploma , as required by the state laws , has been dismissed. llarn nnil < uolrnls Destroyed. CRESTON , la. , July 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) A large barn belonging to Den Wray was destroyed by fire this morning during a heavy electrical storm. One horse was biscuits and pastry are the result of using the proper baking powder. is proper in price , ingredients and strength. $1,000 to you if you find anything impure or unwholesome in it. A. pinch of It lian power cnoitgh to do n pound of leavening. CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. Are You Car-Sick When Traveling ? D Car-sickness is as trying teas many people as sea-sickness. It comes from a derangement of the stomach. A Ripans Tabule is an insurance against it , arid a box of I them should be in- every traveler's outfit. nipan'B Tabules : Bald by druggliti , or by rrml ! If the price ( SO cents a box ) Ir sent to The Ill- Q pan * Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce Bt. . N. Y. ] annLZHLHDni ] IL DO If so it Is to your Interest to select that 1'ali which puts oil this necessity of rcpiilntlnj- the longest period. The paints inuntifacturoc YOU by the III-ATJI & MULLIGAN MVG. CO. ( ill this requirement. They have been sold for the pas PAINT ? forty years and have won the distinction of bj- ing the most durable and economical. J DRUG , PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE Carries the most complete stock of Drugs , Paints and Glass in Couiici Hinds. Call or write for prices or color cards. COUNCIL BLUFFS. STEAM DYE VMS the highest atylo of the art. Faded ana ntHltiecI fabrics made to look us good aa new. Work promntly done and delivered lo all parts of the country. Send for price lint. o. .rt. ji/Ac//a.v. „ . Worth * WMttro Dtpot , Council Iowa. I L 112. illlcd , twenty tons of Imy , 300 bushels of ( inrnpft , etc. , burnvil , entalllnR n lost nt 2,000 , with JSOO Insurance In tlip Uci lolncs ot Uea Molncs. Tninip * AtlnoK n > CEDAU UAl'IDS , la. , July 19. ( Spoclftt relogrnm. ) Three tramps tiroko Into the lomo ot Mrs. Kcnedy , near Linn Junction , oday , bound her ami stole a Raid watch , tcv- ml dollars , and mndo their escape. OlQccra ro now In pursuit. Both the method niul rcmiltH when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and nota gently yet promptly on the Kidnoyo , Liver and Howels , eleanpcs the sys tem effectually , dispcia colds , head- tehes and fevers and curcH halSitiial 'jiistipation. Syrup of Figs ib the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptnhlo to the stomach , prompt in \is action and truly hcnelidal in ita effects , prepared only from the most heal thy and agreeahlosnhstaiices , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in CO cent hottlcs by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hamfwill pro- euro it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any iMibstituto. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C0 SAN FRANCISCO , OAL UOUISVIUf. KY. A IV KOJtK. N.r. aiiouan r. SANFOHD. A. w. HEIKMAN. { 'resident. Cashier * of COUNCIL ULUFFJ , Iowa Canit il , . . $1 00,00 Profits , i . . - 12,0000 One of the olJeet banks In lh > tnte ot Iowa. We Bollclt your business and collections. Wo lay 6 per cent on time deposits. Wo will bate to BOO and &ervo you. C. B. JACQUEHIN & C0.7 f Scientific Opticians 1 Complete assortment ot K < > 1 < 1 and steel i spectacles and oyojlassos , KycHOxam- J Incd frco of clmrsu. No. i7 Main St. - Council llliifN. NOTICE TO CONTIIACTOHS. Sealed bids will bo received until 12 o'clock .11. Friday , July 20th , 1S ! > 5 , ut the ofllco oC ; he commissioner of public kinds nnd build ings , Lincoln , Neb. , for till labor and ma terials required In the additions and altera tions to the Institution for the Deaf nnd Dumb at Omaha , Nub. , according to the- ins anil specllleatlons therefor , prepared , by Flchor & Lnwrlc , architects , now oil file In trfu olllee of the commissioner oC public binds and buildings at Lincoln , Neb. , nnd In the ollli'o of the architects , COO I'ux- ton bids. . Omaha. Neb. Separate bids will bo received for the work nnd materials In the general contract and for the plumbing1. Uiich bid must be accompanied by u certi fied check for five hundred dollars ( $ JOO.OO ) , payable lo the commissioner of public lamia and buildings of ( he state of Nebraska , conditioned for the execution of a contract In accordance with said bid If the same bo a' ' et'pted by the Board of Public Lands and Buildings. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Dated July 18th , 1893. ' ir c nimm r T Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings. Special Holices-Coiiocil Bluffs CHIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULTS CLEANED. lid Uurlto , at W. 8. Homer'i , US llroajway. fc''lTuMr KAHM AND OAIIDEN LAND Foil tale cheap and on co > y terms. Day & Hesa. M Pearl street. iOU BALK , A NEAHLY NEW NlNE-IlOOlt lioiibe. with tarn , clutein , city water at housa and bum , fruit , nice shade trem , gn a nice/ ) grmlcil lot Mx225 feet , for 12.3'XI.OO. two-third * cash. 943 Perln avenue. Council IllulTa. RAILWAY TIME CARD L < -u\e l Himi.lNOTO.V & MO. IIIVUU. ( Arrives onmlm jUnlun Llcpot. lOtli jljiBuii Mia. lUniajii 10l&.im : Uvmer lOxpttit. . . . . ' :40ani : 4:3 : pm.HIk. llllls. Moi.t A ; 1'ugel Hnd , Kx. 4 : Gpia 4U : > i > m Denver UxiurBS. . , , . 4juni ( ) 7 : < M > ni..Nc.brusku l val ( excriit HunJay ) . 7:45iim 8Unm..Lincoln : Lorul ( eicriit HunU.iy.llnaiii 2:4iin..J'-ust : Mull ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . _\i-3 | CII1CA(3O , IIVIILINGTON & Q.IATrlvea" OiniiluiUnlin | depot , & MUMJII _ Bt . | Oinaiiq 4:45iim : CliuuKu "VemitJufu. . . 7vjdom : SiMjm ChtiuiM Hxpieaj 4:15im : 7SO : | > ia . .CldcuKu & HI. iuuls lixmew. . 8oonm : lt:3oum : I'nclllc Junctlun l.uca ! Sroum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fa t iiull . . . . - . . . 2:4 : ; ! pm l av fiHfCAiO | : , MlL. & ST. l'ATTrArrTve ; | UmaliulUnlon " ' Uf | > ol. lutli & Muuon Uts. | Omaha 6GOom".r : . .Clilcaco Limited 9 : 30anT ll:30am : . . . .Chlcngn _ h | iic _ < ioi.Hun.irtJjim Leaves ICHIUAOO " & NOlfTHWi:8T'N.AiTlvs | OniihaUnlon ! | Lriot , lOtli Ac Musun UtB. | Unmha 4:20pin : ' . . . . . ' . . ' . ' .VfitlhuleJ 'l.linlt'cd. . ' . ' . " ! " ' sizuu'm C'.OJatn Mo. Vnllcy Local IOUpm : & :4 iJin Oiimhu Chicago [ ivclul. . . . . . ' " Leavt-sl ClfiCAGO , II. T & PACIFIC. lArrive OmaliaU'iiloii ' Depot , lOlh & llaton Hln. | Umalia. _ _ _ _ _ "HAST. _ ll:2' : > .tm . . Atlantic Kxpi-c s ( ex. Sunday ) , . 035pm ; 6.2 pm . NlRht lOxijnsH . & :2Jum : 4:4'Jpm1.x.tiilcagoVestlliuUdLlnilled. : ' . . . l:3pm : [ J7 _ WEST. * 6 : < ! pm. . Oklahoma & Texan Ex ( ex. Bun.10:3am : IMOpm. „ , . . " . , . .Colorado Limited . 4Wpm : Leaved I C. . HT. ! „ M. & "O. 1Arrlve5" | Onmha ! Depot , Uth and WeUter it , | Omaha 9:23am..Nfl.raskii : I'ansencer ( dally ) . . . , Hl5nm7 : 4:30pm : . .Sioux City E prct ( ex. Sun. ) . . llMum : 6ltpm : . . . . St. 1-aul Llmllid . 10l'6jm : LfavrVl K7 Er & 'MOrVAUruy ; 'Arrive * ' Omalial Depot , liih und _ \Vebsier ritB.j Omaha " ' 2:10pm : . 1'u it Mail and'Expasa. " . 7Mp : in 2IOpm.ex. Hat.Vyo. ) . l.'i. ( ex. HOT. I. , 4Upm : , 9C : < fam . . .Norfolk Kxprmx ( ex , L'iinauy.It:3oaiii ) : C:10'in : | . . .ft. I'aul Kxprtm. . lOiMam " Leavei I K. C. . HT. J. & O. II. lArrlveT * Omaha ) Union Depot , 10th fe Mdm Bt . | Omaha , 9Wam : . . . .Kaiuan City Day Kki > , jt . . . , C:30pm7 : ! 4.iiii | .K. C. Night Kx. via U. 1' . Tran. 6 :00a : m Lenvr * | MIRSOtllll I'ACIl-'IU | Arriv * " . Depot , Kill and \\Yl.sttr Sti. | Omaha lOMOam , i HI. Ioula Exprc GiOOanT tllOpm Ht. Loula Exprvmi , , 6:0pnt : 3:3 < M'in Neliratka I .oca I ( rx. Sun. ) :00mn Ltavei I BIOUX CITY & I'ACIFIC. | Arrlvi- OmalmItj | _ _ > ot , HM ( and\Velnt _ r titi. I Umalia ' " ' 'C.I'ipni ' . . .HI. I'aul LluIUJ , , r..7.TlO:3iam" : L ivVl HlOlTX'CITV'ft I'ACIKIC. " | Arrlv"f * OnialiaU'nloii jA'i > ut , loth i Manon Kt l Omalia * iUam : HU.ux'city rar > rnK < > . . . . . . . ; ! ; : | ) . . . . . . . . . . . . Taut Llinltrd 12SJpin ; I.oav'eT C'NION'f'Al'IKIC. lAirUu OniahalL'iilon Drput , loth & Munon 8U. ' umali 9(5nni : , , , , Kurney Kx\irrtt , , , , } l:3t : > i > u\ 2:00pm : Overland Klyir & :3 : [ > m t:00ptn.Ileat'ce : & Htrnm > l > 'K I. * ( x. Bunli'SOpm ) 7:00pm. : , 1'aclflo Kpren. 10 _ . . . _ . FaitMaI..jj ! I/eavri I WARAHI ! IIAILWAY7"Arrive [ * * Omaha'Unlon Depqt , 101 h i Maion Hti. I Omaha i00pm ; 8U 1/iuU Cunaoa