Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1895, Image 1

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Acta of a Bolivian Mob Complicate the
Differences with Peru.
Offer of the Peruvian * to Arbitrate the
Question * nt Itmio It Was Thought
Might Unit All Liability of
Trouble ,
( CopyrlKhtcd , IBM , by the Amoclatril Press. )
LIMA , Peru , July 19. ( Via Galveston. )
The modification of Bolivian demands upon
Peru for a salute of her flag , which was In
timated'In an exclusive cable dispatch to the
Associated press via Galveston yesterday ,
consists In an agreement to submit this portion
tion of the demand to arbitration. This pro
posal seemed to Indicate a path of speedy
and peaceful settlement of the dispute be
tween the two countries. Hut today's news
from Bolivia seems to threaten further com
plications. The latest Information received
here from La Paz Is that a mob ot rioters
tore down the arms from the Peruvian lega
tion there and stoned the Peruvian minister.
The government Is waiting for reliable details
of the trouble at Li Paz before deciding
what further steps to take.
Chlnrne In 1'ormoMt 1'rmo Much llettor
I'lcl'torn Thnn Thoio on the Mainland.
LONDON , July 19. The Times' Hong
Kong advices say that the Japanese are
abandoning the eca expedition to the southern
part of the 'sland of Formosa because the
monsoon makes landing Impossible. They
must inarch 200 miles on land , despite the
y floods. The army at Tamsulan Is await
f/ ing reinforcements from Japan. Fever and
dysentery are rife. The Japanese vanguard
at Tung Chang has been repeatedly attacked ,
Its convoys surprised and Its outposts har-
rasscd. Out of thirty-two Japanese attacked
nt Tokoham only four escaped , the rest havIng -
Ing been killed or committed suicide , fearing
YOKOHAMA , July ID. An official dispatch
received hero from the Island of Formosa
nays that the Chinese are making a stubborn
defense of that territory. After the capture
of Lung Taupao , on June 14 , an attempt was
made to effect a Junction between two Japa
nese battalions at the river Takakua , but the
attempt failed , and a squadron of Japanese
cavalry , which was suddenly attacked by n
superior force of Chinese , was cut to piece *
only three troopers escaping. The Junction
ot the battalions vvaa effected on July IS ,
Horrible Kxnniplo of Youthful pcpnivlty In
LONDON , July 19. When the chief stew
ard of the National line steamer , Francs
now on his way to New York on board thai
vessel , reaches the United States , he wll
receive terrible news. His sons , Robeil
Coombs , 13 years ; old , and Nathan Coombs
11 years old , murdeicd their mother a
I'lalstow , an eastern stibuib ot London , on
July S. The bo > s stabbed her while she
' was asleep and kept the body for nlno days
In the house In which the < _ rlme was com
milled. When the remains of the woman
were discovered the two boys were playing
cards. The only reason given by the lad ;
( or their crime Is that Mrs. Coombs whippet
the youngest of them.
The murder of Mrs. Coombs has causec
great excitement In the nclghboihood o
Platstow. and Is attracting much attention
on account of the horrible details connected
with It. Tlio. two boys were brought up
In court this afternoon and told the whole
Etoiy of the crime ,
At 1'erfcut Liberty to .Make Mups or Cann-
illun I'rorlnrei ,
MONTREAL , July 19. The minister of
mllltla , when shown a dispatch from Wash
ington eaylng that the United States govern
ment had secretly sent spies Into Canada
to study the topograph'cal situation and moans
of defense In the event of Invasion , said
"I do not believe a word of It. There Is no
necessity for sending spies over here , where
everyone IB at liberty to come and make his
own surveys. " This view hardly comports
with that held by the late secretary. Sir
John Thompson , who , anticipating such a
movement on the part ot the United States
and the co-operation of Canada with th
United States lo secure this Information , hai
Bpeclal legislation passed In parliament In 169.
( o met such a contingency.
Condolence * to the Widow.
VIENNA , July 19. The WIenner Allge
main Zeltung publishes a dispatch from Sofia
saying that a telegram has been rccelvcc
there from Emperor Francis Joseph , expressing
pressing sympathy with Mmo. Stambuloff In
the loss she has sustained by the death o
her husband. Deputations from the province
nro arriving at Sofia to attend the funera
of the ex-premier. Numbers of floral offer
Ings have been received at the Stambulof
residence. The police of Sofia have arrestei
Gcorglff , . who was seen running away afte
the murderous attack on M. Stambuloft .Men
day night. _
Mt-xicaii Miner * In Itevolt.
CITY OP MEXICO. July 19. The miner
employed at Corro do Lore , state of Mexico
to the number of between 150 and 200 , yes
terday rose In revolt against tho'r ' employer
and taking refuge In a neighboring tovvt
fortified themselves and are now defying th
authorities. The manager of the "mine tool
flight , being In ImmoJIate danger ot assas
Ancitoit for thn MamliitlnfT Murilrr.
SOFIA , July 19. Three ot th associates o
Major Panltza , who was executed for con
splracy at the order of Premier-Stambuloff
were arrested today , one as the assassin o
M. StambulofT and the others as the accom
pllces. Two gens d'armes have been dls
missed from the force and will be tried to
connection with the murder.
Turk * Iiullcnant Over the Outrncr.
CONSTANTINOPLE , July 19. Although
the newspapers hero are prohibited fron
making any reference to the murder of M
Stamboulorr , the Bulgarian statesman , the
people are wildly Indignant , and are no
sparing In their censure of the police am
government of Hulgarla.
Itolnrorci input * tor ( uliii.
MADRID. July 19. SLx additional bat
terles of artillery will be sent to Cuba during
the present month and during the month 6
September reinforcements to the number o
30,000 troops will bo dlspitched to tbat Island
under the cam ma nil of General S. Pola Vlja.
lUiiTdonln Srenm tu He In Kami-it.
KUSTE.NDJI. Roumanla. July 19. The
whole of the Malesh district ot Macedonia
north of Strumnltza U In the hands of In
KurgontH. The brldgea across the river hav
been demolished.
Sullnn of .Morocco 111.
IlERLIN , July 19. The Kolnlicho Zeltung
hai Information that the sultan ot Morocc
la seriously ill a Fet.
I'lve llratht from the Wreck.
PUEBLO. Colo. , July 19. Five deaths I
now the record ot the Santa Fo wreck a
Monument Wednesday , Drakcman Charle
Gardner having died of his Injuries at La
Junta this afternoon. All other * will re
cover. The fearfully mangled body of Mrs
Cooper wa not found until early thl morn
bT mm Linn JI.KUTW.\
'onterfntlTo OnlniStill Heine Ueportcil
i : cry I > ny.
LONDON , July 19. II. Rider Haggard , the
nthor , who Is standing In the conservative
nterest for east Norfolk , has made his elec-
lon tour tn a four-horse drag , and has been
oughly treated , mud and stones being
brown In some cases. Near Ladham , one
f the party , Mlsg Hartcnp , had her head
ut by a flying missile. At Stalham the party
was obliged to take refuge In a hotel , which
was besieged. The police were dispatched to
ho rescue. From north Walsham to Nor-
vich and Hartmouth. the situation ot the
> arty Increased In gravity , and at midnight
ho mounted police were summoned.
Most of the elections were In the counties ,
and the votes will bo declared tomorrow.
The returns , so far as received , show : Con
servatives , 274 ; liberal unionists , 46 ; total
unionists. 320. Liberals , 86 ; Parnellltcs , 6 ;
McCarthyltes , 44 ; total opposition , 13S. The
net unloist gain up to date Is fifty-five.
The following additional returns have been
received from the contested election districts :
Flfcshlrc , east division : Rt. Hon. Herbert
II. Asqutth , liberal , 4,332 ; J , Gllmour , con
servative , 3,0li' ; liberal majority , 716. At the
election ot 1S92 Mr. Asqulth , who was score-
: ary ot state for homo affairs under the Rose-
jery government , had a majority of 294. Con
sequently ttio liberal majority In this district
lias been Increased by 426 votes.
Northumberland , Wansbeck division : C.
Fonwlck , liberal and sitting member , 4,629 ;
J. J. Harris , unionist , 2,422 ; liberal majority ,
3,207. At the last election the liberal ma
jority was only 2,776 , showing a gain ot 431
Durham , Bishop Auckland division : J. M.
Paulton , liberal , 6,032 ; Major Hall , conserva
tive , 3,735 ; liberal majority , 1,279. The lib
eral majority at the election of 1892 Ln this
district was 3,077 , showing a loss of 1,780
Lincolnshire , Seaford division : Rt. Hon.
Henry Chaplin , conservative , 4.663 ; Fox , lib
eral , 2,687 ; conservative majority , 1,666. Mr.
Chaplin , who Is the sitting member and the
new president of the government board , liaJ
a majority of 907 votes at the election of
189J , a gain of 759.
Suffolk , Stow Market division : I. Mal
colm , conservative , 5,144 ; H. Walker , liberal ,
3,701 ; conservative majority , 1,443. This le
a gain of another scat tor the conservatives ,
as nt the last election the llbsral candidate
had a majority of 144 votes.
Kent , Favorsham division : F. G. Barnes ,
conservative , 5,738 ; S. Harrow , liberal , 4,557 ;
conservative majority , 1,181 , The conserva
tive majority at the last election was 204 ,
showing a gain of 977 votes.
Glamorganshire , middle division : Alfred
Thomas , liberal , 5,612 ; C. J. Jackson , con
servative , 2,935 ; liberal majority , 2,677 Mr.
Thomas , who Is the sitting member , at the
last election had a majority of 2,967. Liberal
loss , 290 votes.
Tyrone , North division : Hemphlll , liberal ,
2.948 ; Wilson , unionist , 2,857 ; liberal ma
jority , 91. The liberals gain a seat by the
election ot Mr. Hemphlll. The conservative
majority In this district last election was 49
votes , showing a loss of 140 votes.
Qloucegtsbiro , Stroud division : C. A.
Krlpps , Q. C. , conservative , 5,175 ; C. P.
Allen , liberal , 4,511 ; conservative majority ,
C61. The conservatives gain a scat by this
election. The liberal candidate at the last
election bad a majority of 203 votes.
Edlnburgshlre , Midlothian division : Sir
T. D. Gibson , Carmlchael , llbeial , 6,090
Major N. Dalrymple , conservative , 5,631
liberal majority , 419. This Is the scat In
Parliament which Rt. Hon. William E. Glad
stone has represented since 1880. At the
last election Mr. Gladstone polled 6,845 , to
5,155 polled for his opponent , a majority ot
690. The election Just ended , therefore , shows
a loss of 231 votes.
Londondeny : Knox division McCarthylte
2,033 ; J. Ross. Q. C. , conservative , 1,993
McCarthyite majority , 40. This Is a gain
at a seat for th : McCarthyltes , as Mr. Ross
at the last election defeated Justin McCarthy
by 26 votes.
Monmouthshire , South division : Hon. F.
C. Morgan , conservative , 5,815 ; C. Cory , lib
eral , 5,203 ; conservative majority , 612. Mr
Morgan , who Is the sitting member , bad a
majority of 721 In the last election.
Tlpperary , South division : F. Mandevllle
liberal , 1,722 ; Moore , Independent , 1,222 ; lib
eral majority , 500. Mr. Mandcville , sitting
member , had a majority of 1,798 at the las
election , a tilling off of 1,298 votes.
Essx , Malden division : Hon. C. II. Strutt
conservative , 4,615 ; C. Dodd , Q. C. , liberal
4,608 ; conservative majority , 7. Hy this the
conservatives win a seat here , as Mr. Dodd
the defeated candidate , was a sitting mem
ber. At the last election Mr. Dodd police
158 votes more than his opponents , a loss In
the present election ot 165 votes.
Yorkshire , West Riding , Holmflrth division :
H. J. Wilson , liberal , 6,001 ; Ralne , conserva
tive , 3,459 ; liberal majority. 1,642. Mr. Wil
son , who Is the sitting member , had a major
ity of 3,720 at the election of 1892 , showing
a loss of 1,628 votes.
Wiltshire , northwest division : Sir J. Dick-
son Perlnder , bart. , conservative , 3,848 ; II. J
Thornton , liberal , 3,390 ; conservative major
ity , 604.
Sir J. Dlckson-Perlnder , who Is sitting
member , at the election of 1892 bad a major
ity of 229 , showing a gain of 279 votes.
Staffordshire , Lltchfleld division : H. C
Fulford , liberal , 3,902 ; Major L. Darwin
unionist , 3,858 ; liberal majority , 44
Major Darwin , who Is the sitting member
here , had a majority o ! four votes at the
election of 1892 , showing a lobs of forty-eight
votes. This Is a seat gained for the lib
Northamptonshire , Middle division : J. Pen
ile r , conservative. 6,048 ; Rt. Hon. C. R. Spen
cer , liberal , 4,082 ; conservative majority , 282
At the last election Mr. Spencer , who Is the
sitting member , had a majority of 432. Con
sequently , the conservatives gained a seat am
714 votes In this district.
Herefordshire. Ross revision : M. DIdulph
liberal unionist , 4,573 ; Withy , liberal , 2,828
liberal unionist majority , 1,745.
Mr. Uldulph , who Is the sitting member
had a majority of 437 at the last election
liberal unionist gain , 1,308 votes.
Devonshire , Torquay division : Phllpots
conservative , 4,205 ; F. L. Barrett , liberal
4,030 ; conservative majority , 175.
At the last election the conservative candi
date had a majority ot 394 , snowing a loss ol
219 votes.
Dumfries : Sir R. T. Held , Q. C. , liberal
3,989 ; W. Kurray , coubervaM-e , J.97C ; llbera
majority , 13. Sir R. 'i. Reid , who U
the Bitting-member , at the last election had a
majority of 532 , showing a loss of 519.
Edinburgh ; H. A. Asher , liberal , 1,853
C. T. Garden , unionist , 1,161 ; liberal major
Ity , 692 , Mr. Asher , who Is the sitting mem
ber , had a majority of 641 at the last elec
tlon , showing a gain of 151.
Cardiganshire : V. Davis , liberal , 4,927 ; J
Harford , conservatIverJJ.748 ; liberal majority
1,179. The liberal candidate at the last elec
tlon polled 1,971 votes more than his oppo
nent , consequently there was a falling off of
792 votes In the election of yesterday.
The following candidates have been electet
without opposition :
Sussex , northwest division : J. H. John
stone , conservative.
Mryo , east division : John Dillon , autl-
Kilkenny , couth 31 vision : Samuel Morris
Cuvan , east division : Samuel Young , antl
Galway , west division : O'Malley , Me
South division : David Sheehy , atltl-Parnell
Antrim , middle division : Hon. Rober
O'Nell , conservative.
Longford , south division : Hon. Edward
Blake , liberal and Irish nationalist.
Old Settler round Oeail "
STANTON , Neb , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Joseph Johnton , an old resident o
this city , was tound dead tn his bed thle
morning. Mr. Johnson wan up to a year ago
engaged In the Implement business here am
wag formerly judge of this county.
ItlTer K plorer Meet Death.
GREAT FALLS , Mont. , July 19. Dick
Hansen and John J. Hall started via the
Missouri river for St. Louts. The boat was
overturned five miles below Big Falls and
the men drowned.
Font Tco Small to Accommodate the Crowds
in Attendance.
\lo Sonil nroctlni ; t the People of Tozus
In Their I'.ITorU to 1'rcvent tlio Corlictl-
i'llzilmmanii Fight Conpratu-
luted by General Morgan.
BALTIMORE , July 19. With prayer and
song the second day of the fifth International
convention of the Baptist Young People's
Jnlqn of America was begun. State banners
wire planted throughout the tent and around
these rallied the delegates and \lsltors from
the several states. Each band took posses
sion of the tent for a time and a noisy time
t was. "Maryland , My Maryland. " "The
Star Sjiangled Banner" and "The Hed , White
and Blue" were mingled with hymns until
Ontario came up with "God Save the Queen. "
Finally the great choir got an audience , sang
"America" and comparative calm prevailed.
The states soon broke out again with calls
top the convention of 1897 to DC held within
their own boundaries , Rhode Island , Wis
consin and Texas being particularly con
spicuous. It Is expected the convention of
1897 will be held In Brooklyn. Devotional
exercises were conducted by Rev. A. F.
Chaffee , D.D. , South Bend , Ind.
The committee on Important topics con
gratulated the union on the rapid and re
liable growth.
The election of officers of the union then
took place and the following were chosen
unanimously :
President , John H. Chapman , Illinois ; vlca
president , P. F. Hothong , New Jersey : J. H.
Shenstone , Toronto , Ont. ; George II. Taylor ,
D.D , West Virginia ; recording secretary ,
Uev. H. W. need , Illinois.
Dr. Chapman was called on for a speech
by a waving of handkerchiefs and he
promised to carry the banner of the joung
people for a fifth year , highly appreciating
the great honor conferred.
Oregon Invited the convention to accept Its
hospitality In 1897 , and Ohio followed , saying
If the place for holding the convention waste
to bo fixed so far ahead Ohio gave notice she
would soon want the convention. North
Dakota announced the condemnation of
lotteries and the liquor business by the
New York presented letters from the
private secretary of Governor Morton , Mr.
Ashley W. Cole , and from Mayor Schleren
of Brooklyn seconding the Invitation of the
delegation to hold the convention of 1897 In
Michigan reported 13,000 Baptist young people
ple , and thus the state and provinces con
tlnued to the close.
Denver demanded the convention for 1897 ,
and while delegates throughout the tenl
shouted "Amen , " a fantastically dressed per
son marched through the main aisle bearing
a quadrilateral banner Inscribed :
"Pike's Peak or Bust In ' 97. " "Go west
young men , and take the ladles. " "Ho , Den
ver , ' 97. " "Ono mile above Brooklyn. "
California presented the youngest repre
sentative yet appearing In the convention , Mr
George M. Purnelt of Sacramento. Ho was
obliged to take the platform In response to
the calls of the convention , and there re-
peatel his speech , winding up with a wore
for Denver In 1897.
There was no session In the tent this after
noon. Instead there were held twelve "work
ers' conferences" In various churches , the
general topic being "The Young People's So
clety as a Working Force. "
Delegates and visitors who did not assist
at the workers' conference enjoyed this after
noon In short excursions through the public
parks and to points of interest In and about
the city.
At the beginning of the evening exercises
there could not have been less than 10,000
people within the tent , and It was not long
before nearly as many people were on the
outskirts. "Holy Is the Lord , " by the choir
was the Inspiration fop the praise service
which was conducted by Hev. W. II. Osborn
of Tampa , Fla.
The presentation of Chrlstlon culture ban
ners for senior work then took place. Dear
born Street Baptist church , Buffalo , won the
banner for the Bible Readers' course ; the
Conquest Missionary course banner went to
the First Baptist church of Qulncy , III ; the
banner for the Sacred Literature course was
won by the First Baptist church of Amherst
Nova Scotia.
Enlistments for the Christian Culture course
of 1895-90 followed the presentation exercises
The report of the committee of resolutions
was read by Rev. Dr. Hagar of Montgomery
Ala. The report Is as follows :
We. the Baptist Young People's union of
America. In convention assembled , recogniz
ing the first day of the week as the Lord's
any , and ns the day set apart by the laws
of the land as the day of weekly rest fron
regular toll , therefore be it
Resolved , That we will by Influence am
example seek to promote a better observ
ance of the day as the day of rest and wor
ship , and Jo this end wo will use all proper
means to secure the enforcement of the
bunday laws ; to discourage the publication
and circulation of the Sunday newspaper
the running of Sunday excursions and the
opening of places of public amusement con
trary to the law : and
Resolved , Furthei. that we extend our
hearty sympathy to the noble people o
'lexus who are now using all their powers
to prevent the occurrence of the proposed
COrbett-Fltzsimmons light In the Lone Star
state , under the conviction that such a Ugh
would tend to demoralize not only Texas
but the whole of the civilized world.
The report was unanimously adopted. Gen
eral T. J. Morgan of New York , ex-Indian
commissioner , made a short address nm
congratulated his audience upon the fact thai
there were 4,000,000 Baptists In the Unltec
States , and that they are all engaged In the
Interest of the "Little Red School House. '
Rev. M. B. Wharton , D.D. , Norfolk , Va. . told
the story of "Romanism Getting Its Clutcl
Upon the World Through the Tempera
Power , " as ho related the history of Baptlsl
missions and advocated their support am
txtenslpn. Rev. II. C. Dlckson of Brooklyn
N. Y. , delivered an address on "Christ for
the World. "
Benediction and a hymn following the ad
dress brought the services to a close.
* c.irtr ir.i ortmuit.\Kn ,
.One Flreninn Mot III * Death anil Tour
\\ern Serloiuly Injured.
PHILADELPHIA. July 19. While going
to a flre today a hose cart attached to engine
company No. 18 was overturned at Nine
teenth and Vine streets. Five or six of the
firemen on the cart were seriously Injured
C. Rider's skull was fractured and he was
so badly bruised that he died In a few
minutes after his admission to a hospital
Peter Collins. William McMahon , William
Murphy and Patrick O'Connell all rccelvci
serious Injuries ,
tonvt l.ibnr at Discount.
DBS MOINES , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The state executive council Is Jus
now engaged In solving the convict labor
problem at the penitentiary at Fort Madison
The contractor who employs the state prls
oners In the manufacture of furniture has
asked for a deduction In the forc3 of em
ployes and pr'ce ' per day which Is paid them
The prison labor furniture cannot l > 9 sold In
any city of much size In the country be
cause a bovcott has been Instituted agalns
the product of prison labor by labor unions
It can only be done by going into rural tils
trlcts and selling It by Job lots. This Is very
arduous and nonpaylng work for the state
Another thing which Is detrimental Is that the
contractor of prison labor at Fort Madison
has to pay more for hla raw material than
the manufacturer who employs union labor
If the executive council does not reduce etthe
the number of employes at the prison or the
wages the contractor will not employ them
Until lleiervo Giln * a Little.
WASHINGTON , July 19. There wag a ne
gain of about JS3.000 ID the gold reserve to-
Tlirco-roiirths of tlie Prliil V'upsr Ml U
Alreailr In the U nlv
CHICAGO , July 19. The Tribune tomor-
ow will say : Some of the largest paper
njnufacturers In the country , representing
about three-quarters of the total output of
he rolls used In the newspaper business ,
mvo been at work several weeks trying to
perfect the details of a combine of the several
companies In one big corporation. It was
practically admitted today by Interested par
ies that the plan would ba carried out. The
deal Involves at least $30,000.000 and possibly
several millions more. By the plan propose J
he mills are to be purchased outright by the
new concTrn. The average price will bo abojt
' 20,000 for each ton of tfally production
lants equipped with modern machinery will
get the best rating , while the smaller ones
using ready made raw material will be op-
jralscd lower. According to the promoters of
; he plan , the prices of paper will not be ad
vanced. They say the only Object In the con
solidation Is to save money In putting their
production through the market- With a cen
: rul office and branches In all the large cities
the total output can be marketed at an esti
mated saving of $3 a ton. M Russel , presi
dent of the Montague Paper company of Mas
sachusetts , Is the prime mover In the plan
The total dally output of the country Is said
to bo about 20,00 * tons and of this amount
nearly one-half Is represented by the concerns
already supporting the "centralbatlon" plan
The movement has been "Worked up almost
exclusively In New York and New England ,
and members of the western manufacturers
liavc not yet been approached on the subject.
It Is said the Manufacturers Paper company
Is ready to enter the combine. This Is the
largest corporation In the country , being the
authorized sales agent of the Hudson River
Pulp and Paper company , thd Turner Falls
Paper company , and Laure.ntlde Pulp com
pany , limited.
TKX.IH 1.A110H 31 Lit HILL VXIT1.
Stitto Conference Culled to Dlsrims bopnrnti-
I'olltic ill Arttoii.
DALLAS , Tex. , July 19. The State Feder
ation of Labor , the Federated Trades of
Texas , and the State Farmers' alliance have
amalgamated to all Intents and purposes , and
a Joint call has baen Issued for a mestlng of
the three organizations at Lampasas Springs
Tuesday , August 20. The call Is signed bj
James Scott , president of the State Federa
tion of Labor , George N. Beach , State Fed
erated Trades , and W. A. Carper , R. A.
High and John Dwyer of the state alliance
The call closes as follows :
"Recent findings by the court and recent
action by the authorities have put the very
existence of labor organizations In great
Jeopardy , and If tlnse- decisions and actions
are allowed to pass unchallenged the right
to organize Is logically denied. It Is no
exaggeration to say that never In the history
of this nation have so many and so grave
Issues confronted organlzed'.labor as now , and
never was united , Intelligent action so Impcr
atlve. "
All labor and farm organizations are urged
to cend delegates. It Is believed that sep
arate political action will be one of the re
C.ll'TUHEll AMKltlCAX Jlt > llEltUK\ :
Canadian OITlcliils Cln-ni They \Vcro In
Dominion Water * .
ST. PAUL , _ July 19. A 'luluth ) special to
the Pioneer Press says : A report comes from
Crane lake of an encounter "between Ameri
can fishermen of that place and Canadian
officials. The trouble aross over the .Cana
dians taking up and confiscating nets set In
Namekon lake , on the ground that they were
placed In Canadian waters.- ' ? Eight men bt-
longlng to the Arlon FUh company started
out In search of their nets , when suddenly
three boats filled with Canadian officials
darted out from behind an Island and pursuec
them. The little steamer May Carter , on
her way to Crane lako. cama along and Cap
tain Hayes put on all Steam to rescue the
fishermen. In { he excitement the Carter
struck one of the Canadian boats , smashing
It In pieces and spilling four officials Intc
the lake. Three of the fishermen also fell
overboard , but no one was drowned. The
Carter picked up all the flihermen except II
E. Fencke , Emll Ames and William Sim ,
who were captured by the Canadians and
taken to Fort Francis.
Lincoln Alan Ulcotnd Ono of the V.ce
ST. LOUIS. July 19. After choosing At
lantic City , N. J. , for ( he place of holding
the next > ear's convention , the tlmo being
the third week In July , the National Retail
Jewelers association elected the following of
ficers and adjourned : President , Herman
Mauch of St. Louis ; first vice president , 0. O
Stlllman , Philadelphia ; second vice president ,
Richard O'Nell , Lincoln , Neb. ; secretary , W
F. Kemper , St. Louis ; treasurer , Ed G. Loh-
ma > er , Newport , Ky. "
The grievance committee' made a report
favoring the dropping of New York state
from the national organization. The New-
York organization has for gome time been
having a little fight among Its members and
Is largely In debt. The matter was referred
to the Incoming officers , and they were In
structed to try to get a reorganization of the
New York jewelers.
\\cro Somewhat KxtmuHlcd from LncU of
Food null Water.
IRON MOUNTAIN , Sllch. , July 19. Hun
dreds of people surrounded the shaft of the
Pewablc mine last night at 1 o'clock , when
the rescuing party penetrated the fallen rock
and reached the chamber where nlno men
had been Imprisoned since C o'clock Wednes
day evening The men were all alive and un
hurt , but they looked the worse for their
experience , as they had had no drinking
water and nothing to eat at all. They had
drifted Into the fallen rock from their side
twenty feet. Superintendent Brown had
nourishment ready for them , and after par
taking of It they were all driven to their
respective homes ami" ( ho ( work progressed
rapidly. The pipe that'aiippllej air to that
part of the mlno was not b'rokcn and the
room In which the men were Imprisoned was
supplied with oxygen. * ' j
M1.\KUS HTltlKU ft I'll ISA U I.a. .
Workmen Compelled to Quit Work by the
MILWAUKEE , July JPHA special to the
Wisconsin from Negauheevs. [ . , says : The
Negauneo and Ishpemlog strikers visited the
Cascade range , flvo miles south of Negaunee ,
last night and compelled ill the men em
ployed there to quit work. f About 200 men
are working on the range. . Many of these
came to town this morning and Joined the
strikers. Work at ail pilneIn Marqnetto
county , except Champion And Republic , Is
now suspended. The Negaante strikers are
holding demonstrations again , today. Over
1,000 marched to thepirlc , beaded by two
brass bands , at 10 o'clock , Fully 5,000
strikers met at tlio park , but no material
change In the sltuatlqn bpsr * thus far de
Mnux I lly Mnxlier * < autrhr.
SIOUX CITY. Julyj 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) William Hoist and John Perry , two
youthful mashers , were neatly caught by the
police at their own game last evening. For
some time there have besn complaints of men
molesting joung glrU In tha street at night.
Last evening the police matron disguise J her
self and started out to investigate. She had
proceeded but a short distance when she
was accosted by Holtt and Perry , A con
versation followed , and at the woman's re
quest the party started down the itreet to
gether. Not until almost there did tbe-young
men notice that they \xere being led toward
the police station. Both nude a break for
liberty , but at the same time a man who
had been quietly following rushed In and cut
off retreat. They ( pent the night at the police
Elation , but were released this mo'fnlug with
revere reprimand from the police Judge.
Jhoshoncs Eurouto to Join the Bannocks at
Jackson's Hold
TITO Inillnni Killed vVhllo Making an
UrTort tn Kirnpo from Their Captors
Settler * Dciiinnilliip Protection
from itovlng Uumls.
LANDER , Wyo. , July 19. ( Special Telegram -
gram ) Speed Stagnor , a squaw man of con
siderable note who lives on the reservation ,
arrived here today and reports n conversa
tion that ho had with Chief Wasakle of the
Shoshones. The chief complained that nearly
halt of his > oung men had left the reserva
tion , and he feared they had gone to Jack
son's Hole to Join the Bannocks. Signal fires
were seen last night burning ou the Wind
river range , and again tonight. Their mean
ing to the whites Is very obscure.
The Shoshones , who are In sympathy with
the Dannocks , have raised the complaint that
their rations ere short , and that If they did
not hunt they would go hungry. Fort
WashaKle Is not In shape to render any as
sistance to the whites at this time , not having
any cavalry. There Is only one cavalry regi
ment In this department , and this Is gar
risoned at Forts Nlobrara and Robinson.
The people of this section complain of neg
lect on the part of the government , as they
say the fort here Is only a mockery and
could not defend Itself against even a small
band of Indians.
Mr Lelsburg , who has Just come In from
the Shoshone agency , sajs Captain Wilson ,
acting Indian cgent , has Just completed a
loundup and finds that he is short 200 young
bucks It was reportetd at the agency that
the Indian police will be sent to Jackson's Hole
to bring back the > oung warriors who arc
supposed to be In that country.
CHEYENNE , Wjo. , July 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Indians at the head of Green river
ore enroute to enforce those at Jackson's
Hole. The settlers In the vicinity of Green
River are very much alarmed , as signal fires
are burning In the neighborhood. The In
dians are committing minor depredations and
threatening the lives of Che settlers.
Red Johnson , living on the New For !
river , rode Into Green River last evening and
rcpcrtetl that the Bannocks were killing cat
tle and running off horses In the New Fork
Ranchmen living on New Fork river and on
the Muddy and Silver creeks have banded to
gether at Cora postoffice and will make a de
termlncd resistance In the protection of their
homes and property.
An Indian scout Just arrived at Market
Lake , Idaho , from Jackson's Hole , reports
that the Whites had disarmed and had unlcr
subjection a number of Indians , whom they
were driving to court In passing through
tome timbered country the Indians made a
break for liberty. Their captors opened flre ,
killing two bucks and a > oung boy. In at
tempting their escape a squaw dropped her
pappoose from her back and It died from
The federal troops at Fort Russell have not
been ordered to move , butj t Is expected that
they may be sent to the frbnf at any moment.
Governor Richards had a long conference
, wlth Colonel Van Homo today In regard to
the situation. Both realized that prompt
measures must be taken to drive the Indians
back (0 ( their reservations. Adjutant General
Stlltzer reached Market Lake , Idaho ,
today and started for Marysvll'.e , immediately.
He telegraphed that a scout reported fifty
Indians In the Carrlbou mountains.
t > T.lltfJD A LUTLK IIMrt O.NUr.
Sulcltlu of One of Denver'n Cx-1'ollco Com-
inlmloMors ,
DENVER , July 19. David J. Martin , ex-
member of the flre and police board , com
mitted suicide today by shooting himself In
the head. Mr. Martin was about CC years old
and was formerly 'n ' the real estate business
Ho was one of the commissioners whom
Governor Walte attempted to remove , and
who Insisted upon holding their offices until
a decision had been obtained In the courts
sustaining the governor's action , thereby pre
cipitating the famous city hall warfare labt
jear. Financial reverses and 111 health are
supposed to have been the cause of his sui
D. J. Martin was born In Virginia In 1$29
In enrly life he was engaged In mercantile
pursuits In Missouri and Nebraska He came
to Colorado In 1S7I. He was a delegate to
the national democratic convention that nom
inated Tliden and was city treasurer of Colorado
rado Springs for two terms. He was a wld-
owr and had three sons , one of whom , J. R
Martin , lives In Chicago , and a daughter
Augiihtln H. Martin says his father had no
financial troubles , but was despondent. He
left letters to his children. In which he said
his usefulness was gene and ho vvjshed to
die. One thing which affected him greatly
was h.a loss.of prestige In the democratic
party on uecount of his association with the
popullatE. _
tiA TJ.K.S DECI.Ui KS 10 UK J.N TEH TIE , 11'Ell
Neither IliK Iln Ever Tnlkml ( 'oncrmlng
III * C'onterKiillon with Iliirrlnon.
ROMR , N. Y. , July 19. Hon. Joseph I.
Sayles has returned home from Old Forge.
To a representative of the Associated press
he said today "I went to Old Forge on
professional business. Incidentally at the re
quest of the Rome lodge of American Sle-
chanlcs I asked General Harrison to deliver
an address on the occasion of the outing of
the Mechanics. Tlio general declined , He
went to the woods for rest and ho Is trying
to get It , with what I call very poor results.
The minute he comes out of his hotel with
his hunting suit on reporters flock about him
and ask for Interviews. As far as I saw he
made no statements to them In regard to
the presidency.
"As to the talk I had with General Harri
son , I consider that my own and his business
exclusively I will not affirm nor deny the
stories printed with which my name has been
( 'As to the statements of Major Poole , he
will naturally look after them. I will make
no statement whatever.
"The statement made by a reporter that I
gave him the story published Wednesday Is
false. I have made no remarks , except that
I would not talk on this subject. "
niiKVKKit ur int.
Firn Children Killed by the railing ot a
ST. CLAIRE , Mich. , July 19. A terrific
storm of wind struck here this afternoon with
hurricane velocity. Several > achts are sale
to have been overturned In the river and two
children were crushed under a falling clilm
ney. They were ths children of .Wllllan
The Hotel Cadillac was unroofed and the
tower of the court house was wrecked and thereof
roof lifted off. Trees and chimneys have
everywhere been blown down and telephone
and telegraph wires prostrated.
Heavy damage to property Is reported a
Courtwrlght , Ont. , Including the wrecking o
two churches.
THI-IIC lo Teit 1'roveil hcicremfnl.
NEWPORT , R. I. , July 19. The torpedo
boat Cushlug went to Codldngton cove this
morning and made a ihot with a new 18-Inch
"baby" How ell torpedo. H developei a ipeec
otjtwenty-nlne am ) one-halt knots , and ex
perts are of the opinion that It will prove a
formidable rival of the Whltehead torpedo
Officers of the Australian school ship Donau
attended the test by Invitation of Commander
Wallace. _
CiintlnHl iilbboin lit Cologne.
COLOGNE , July 19. Cardinal Gibbon * and
MET. Foley hare arrived here.
jiovcorr DO xo sinuous //.I/MI
Trcniury OniclaU Not Worrlril Over the
l.ntett Move of the Knight * .
CHICAGO , July 19. A special to the Dllly
Ncwa from Washington sajs : Offlccrs of the
reasury , from Secretary Carlisle down to his
subordinates who have charge ot banks and
ho currency , were today discussing the
hrcatcncd boycott by the Knights of Libor
against national bank notes.
It WAS about the only subject talked ot.
Hut after a circful consideration ot the qucs-
, lon In all Its phases. Secretary Carlisle ex-
tressed the opinion to one of Ms ndvl'ers
hat no serious results would follow mich a
loycott. His concluslcn was biscd upon the
Igurcs In regard to the circulation ot nallonil
link notes. The amount of these outstanding
lime 1 , 1895 , was only $206,679,490 , and of this
amount about $20,000,000 Is held by banks ,
National bank notes have never been made
egal tender by statute , to that It U true that
t would bo Impossible to force any person to
accept them , as far as they are Individually
concerned. These notes ore available tor the
United States In the payment of obligations ,
except for Interest on the public debt and the
redemption of national currency. They are
also receivable by the government under sec
tion 5,182 as taxes , excises , for public lands
and for alt obligations duo the government ,
except duties' on Imports. Section 6,196 pro
vides that national uinks are compelled to ac
cept these notes as legal tender.
WASHINGTON , July 19. At the Treas
ury depirtment It was said that the plan.of
Sovereign , the Knights of Labor leader , for
bojcottlng national bank notes , If carried out.
would prove mora harmful than beneficial to
the laboring Interests of the country , ns It
would contract the currency to the extent
of $211,000.000 without Injuring the national
banks. "It would not hurt the banks nt
all , " said Mr. O. P. Tucker , d'puty comp
troller of the currency. "If people should
refuse to receive their notes the banks would
simply present them to the United Stat s
treasury for redemption and receive legal ten-
ler notes , which they would continue to use
In their business There are only $211,000,000
ot national bank notes In circulation , while
there arc $950,000,000 of other kinds of money
outstanding. "
UAlllKIl llAlin Off TIIK ItAftVllStltfi
\incrlcan < iittlemon .Mint iMoto Out of
Mi-xlco UltlilM ritteiMi Da ) * .
EL PASO , July 19. The customs collector
at Pulmos , Mexico , opposite Demlng , N. M
lias Issued an order to the effect that citizens
of the United States who have cattle In the
Palomas district for exportation must take
such cattle out of that country within fifteen
days , and failure to do so will result In the
confiscation of the cattle by the Mexican
government. This places a number of stock-
ment In this city , St. Louis and Kansas
City between two fires. They bought cattle
In Mexico last winter , expecting to graze
them In Texas during the summer , but the
United States quarantined against all Mexi
can cattle except those for Immediate
slaughter. So the buyers cannot bring their
cattle over to this , country , and If they
remain In Mexico they are to be confiscated
WASHINGTON. July 19. The reported
action of the Mexican customs collector at
Palomas In ordering all cattle owned by citi
zens of the United States to be taken out of
that district under penalty of confiscation Is
not given credence In official circles here
Agricultural department officials express the
opinion that cattlemen , anxious to
secure admission of their stock into
this country through the temporary
suspension of the quarantine regula
tions , originated the story. They are con
fident the order , It Issued at all , was without
the sanction of the Mexican government , and
that no attempt will be made to confiscate
the stock , ns this would lead to Important
developments and doubtless would Involve n
.serious controversy between the two govern
ments. No reason for the arbitrary action of
the collector Is known and officials do not
anticipate any trouble.
Or 110N roil I'ACKISKS
Sioux Fulls 1'Unt rxpeoti to Kmploy
l.arcii I'orce.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , July 19. ( Special. )
Since the packing house project has been
revived and over seventy men given work ,
making a pay roll of about $1,000 per week ,
there has been a careful estimate made of
the probable supply of hogs. Moody county ,
Immediately north of this county , last year
alone shipped 444 carloads of hogs , or about
26,000 In number. This was considered a
good hog county , but a review of the 1891
assessors' reports show that Moody Isn't In
It with other counties near here. Bon llommc
last year shipped over 100,000 hogs. Moody
county could with her supply of hogs fur
nish the Sioux Falls' packing house with
eighty-five hogs dally. The assessors' tables
show that Moody county had only one-quarter
as many hogs as this ( Mlnnehalm ) county ;
one-fifth as many as Lincoln ; one-fifth OH
many as Union ; one-sixth as many as Clay ;
one-seventh as many as Hutchlnson ; one-
seventh as many as Turner ; one-half as
many as McCook ; one-quarter less than Lake
and Miner counties. These counties are all
tributary to this city and can .supply 3,300
nogs for every day In the year. The creation
of the home market will stimulate the
farmers to pay more attention to hng rals
Ing , and within a few years the packing
house can be run at Its full capacity of 5,000
per day. The packing house , according to
General Manager Alken , will begin opera
tions about the middle of November. By
January 1 It Is thought that 100 men will be
given lucrative employment.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. . July 19. ( Special. )
Rev. W. II. Jordan , a member of the State
Hoard of Regents , which la having such a
disagreeable tlmo at present , because of a
deadlock on matter relative to the discharge
of President McLouth , and whether Dr.
Flnnerrud or Mr. Collier Is entitled to a seat
on the board , Is out with a published state
ment on the case. He upholds President
McLouth , denounces In nice tehms the course
of Governor Sheldon In the matter and closes
with the following denial of any unseemly
language * "In conclusion , let me say a word
about the 'wrangling , ' the 'calling names,1
the 'cat-hawling , ' etc. , that we read about as
taking place on the board of regents. As a
member of the board , let mo take this oppor
tunity to deny It In toto. The board Is di
vided In policy , but we have always differed
as gentlemen who have a right to differ
No names were called , no bad language usei
or bard accusations bandied. "
llomcstiiKo Win * u Victory.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , July 19. ( Specla
Telegram. ) In United States court a mo
tion In the case ot the United States govern
ment against Homestake Mining company
was granted for a change of venue from
here to Dcadwood. The case Involves $750-
000 worth of timber. The motion was bitterly
contested , the plaintiff claiming It could riot
get an unprejudiced trial In the Black Hills
and the defense arguing that It cost them $30 (
to get their 300 witnesses here. The case
will be tried in September.
Ilrctklntr Down tlio I xchungo llnte.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The secretary o
the treasury today received a telegram from
Mr. Jordan , assbttant United States treasurer
at New York , stating that W H , Crossman
& Bros , had withdrawn $1,000,000 In gold
presumably for export , from the subtreasurj
In exchange for United States notes. Secre
tary Carlisle declined to discuss the matter
but some officials who have been watchlni
the exchange market express the opinion tha
the shipment Is the beginning ot a movemen
In opposition to the Morgan-Hlniont uymll
rate , who , It Is alleged , are holding up th
rates of exchange , which It Is deslied to
break down.
Mori-menu of ( Iceun Mounter * , July 1O.
At New York Arrived Fuerst Bismarck
from Hamburg ; Phoenicia , from Hamburg
Slcllla , from Stettin : Italy , from Hamburg
Campania , from Liverpool.
At Liverpool Arrived Cevlc , from New
York ; Lucanla , from New York.
At Hamburg Arrived Danla , from New
At Queeoetown Arrived Lucanla , from
New Yorlc.
11t > TnTlTIMTHO ni TTIlMin
'onstnblos ' from Ponder Arrest Inditn
Police Who Were Guruding farms.
Vrnieil with Hlllc * nml Determined In ll
lit Any further Attempt to Uuit
Tin in from the l.nndi
They Occupy ,
TENDER , Neb. , July 19. ( Spec'al Telo-
gram. ) There have been no evictions ) at-
einpted by Captain Deck today. The five In-
Ian police who wpro In charge of Fred Smith's
> lnco , the man evicted ten da ) a ngo , were
akcn In charge today by a constable with
party of flvo armed men from Vender. The
ndlans , upon their promise to at once go
> ack to the agency and canso no further
rouble , were allowed to depart. All the
vlctcd renters have been reinstated and are
round with rifles with which to protect
hcmsclvcs. Over 100 of them were In Pen-
or today for the purpose of securing arms.
t Is thought and hoped by all the people her *
hat Captain Heck will not Ignore the In
unction , but that ho will allow the con-
roversy to bo settled by the courts.
SIOUX CITY , July 19. ( Special Telegram. )
Captain W. H. Heck of the Winncbago-
agency left here for Ponea this afternoon for
i conference with Judge Norrls , who Issued
.ho Injunction restraining * Heck from can-
Inulng the eviction of settle on the reser-
i alien. Ho will go to the agency Siturdiy
o bo present at a council of the Indian chief *
called to consider the troubles there.
WASHINGTON , July 19. The questions
alsed by the Injunction Issued against Cap-
aln Heck , Indhn agent at the Oinalii ami
\Vlnnebigo reservations In Nebraska , were
irlelly considered at a conference between
Secretary Hoko Smith and Commissioner ot
ndlan Affairs Browning this afternoon. H
las decided that no fresh Instructions should.
jo Issued to Ciptaln Duck. Ho Img bean ad
vised all along In the troubles there by the
Jnltod States district attorney and by Special
Counsel Urccklnrldge , and his acts , as guided
jy these gentlemen , In ovcry case have met
with the approval of the depirtment. This
ncthod of action will not , therefore , bo
changed Captain Heck has fully Informed
.ho department of the condition of affairs , but
lias made no request for troops , and the de
partment as > et has made no representations
o the War department on this point. Troops
were asked for some two months ago , but
were refused at that tlmo.
LINCOLN , July 19. ( Special Telegram. )
United States District Attorney A. J. Sawyer
received a telegram yesterday from Captilu
iieck , dated at Sioux City , saying that ho
md been enjoined by the district court at
Ponder from making any defense of his
claims on behalf of the government. Mr.
lawyer wired Heck to await full Instructions
: iy mall , and they wpro forwarded today.
They are to the effect that the Injunction
must be obeyed until It Is dissolved , which
Mr. Sawyer trusts will bo at on early day.
Judge Sanborn has promised to give the mat
ter a full hearing on August 12 on the ques
tion of the demurrer filed by the attorneys
3f the land compny. Mr. Sawyer says that
lie docEi not anticipate any very bcrou3 |
trouble before that tlmo. The condition of
Judge Dundy at present Incapacitates him
Trom taking the matter up Immediately , or
svcn before It can bo reached by Judge San-
Northern nml Southern Men lluvn Itiullcally '
IllnVrent litenn.
CHICAGO , July 19. The silver conference
it the Auditorium today was marked by a
strong difference of opinion between the
southern and northern representatives. At
one time a split In the ranks seemed Immi
nent over a desire of the southern men to
ignore the Hlmctalllc league. They main
tained that the avowed purpose of the leagtm
was to assist the aspirations of their presi
dential candidate , Joseph Slblcy. The men
[ rom the south desired to conduct the work ;
In their section within the ranks of the demo
cratic party , and In the north to conduct the
agitation on a nonpartlsan basis. Mr. Ruckcr
of Colorado asserted the trouble now In the
west was "a glowing belief that the silver
wing was but the tall to the democratic
kite. " Congressman Acklln of Tennessee
liealed the breach by the formulation of a
compromise resolution , providing that a sub
committee of five be appointed to take charge
of the distribution of literature , and that It
bo Instructed to use Its best efforts to avoid
any antagonism with any other national or
General A. J. Warner , the president of th
nimetalllc league , protested agalnst'any line
of work that attempted to carry forward the
silver agitation without being allied to tha
4eaguc. He said that It had done all of tha
work eo far In the direction of agitation ;
that It had spent much money and Ktood be
fore the people as a nonpartlsan organization.
The resolution wag adopted.
An address will bo Issued to the public ,
setting forth the position of the National
Silver league , and the members of the na
tional committee will be empowered to or
ganize the various states.
The proposition to raise funds with which
to carry on the work of silver. evangeliza
tion caused another row. President Warner
of the Bimetallic league contended that the
organization ban been In the field some tlmo
and had expended a large sum of money In ,
the Interests of free silver , and that should
another oiganiratlon be formed to carry on
the Kama work , It would bo considered a di
rect slap at the older organization. The Ill-
metallic league , he said , was regarded by the
people at large as being nunpartlsan. This
aroused Mr. Ralph Snyder of West Virginia ,
who accused tti3 league of being partisan.
and organized to antagonize the existing par
ties. Chairman' Godwin once more united
the warring factions and matters were finally
adjusted by electing Mr. Miller permanent
chairman. The delegates from the west and
north say there will be another meeting ot
the committee In February , when a silver ,
party will bo established.
Ileforo the meeting adjourned the Hlmetal-
llc league secured five of the seven member
ships on the executive committee on national
organization , which Is made up as follows !
Henry G. Miller , Chicago , chairman ; Con
gressman Acklon , Tennessee , secretary ; Gen
eral A. J. Warner , Ohio ; A. T. Suck f , Colorado
rado ; 0. S. Dowen , Illinois ; United States
Senator Hlancbard , Louisiana ; Alison Wol-
cott , Indiana.
Members of the national committee wers
empowered to appoint chairmen for the coun
ties and further organization of the league.
The address to the people has ; not jot been
prepared. _
Union I'uclflo Yimlinniter nt I.urumle ,
Hurt by Hours.
CHEYENNE , July 19. ( Special Tele-
grim. ) D. Jordan , Union Pacific yardmasten
at Lararnle , started for a hunt In the NortU
park Tueiday. Wednesday evening whlla
walking along with his bounds he unex
pectedly came upon three old bears and two
cubs , The hounds started for one of the cubs ,
but the mother made ihort work of ona
hound and kept the reit of the pack at a dis
tance. Jordan , In saving his dogg , got badlH
bruised and scratched. He was brought back )
to Laramle by icmo hunters he had Joined
In the park.
Union I'uclflo .Mil ii Jeiliiii.
CHEYENNE , July 19. ( Special Tele *
gram. ) Ailitant Superintendent 8. S. Morrla
of the Idaho division of the Union Pacific )
railway , with headquarter * at Green IUver <
has sent In his resignation. Ho hai held
this position for five years with great credit
to himself and the road.