TITE OMAHA DAILY BJ3E : JFJUTDAY , JULY 19 , 1895. SF'EOIRL NOTICES. for these rolnnins will b tikrn mill 12I3O p. in. for the rienlncnnd until K p. m. for Ilio mornlnc and HumUy edition. A.iTtrllKcrf , by reqrmtlnc numbered he I' , inn linve answers Hildrrwrd to a iiniulicrMl Irttrr In rnrc of 'Jlio lire , An- iwrm no n.lilMMO.l Mill be ilrllToroil upon I Itpriitntlon of tlio rlirrk 01117. Hates , 1 J-2c n word , lint Insertion , lo n word lirrrafler. JvothliiR taken for liss limn 3Cc lor lint Imertlon. Jlicso nUiprllicmenls must lun cnnsecU' lltely. SITUATIONS WANTED. INTELLIGENT AND INDUSTRIOUS BOY. n rears oM. Kraduatc.1 from Kellnm school Usl term , wants place In olllcc vvherc he can learn one business. Address Andrew Nelson. 811 N SUh strcel , or 1112 Hartley , care Her & J o. ANV ONI : uiio WANTS A peen nxi'nni. meed house girl apply to > N. 25lh HI. , in basement. A 901-u VTANTKD. 1'OSITION AH COACHMAN. WITH prlvnto family , Rood references. AjJ"JJJg { ! , , . ' WANTED MALI , HELP. WANTED , l.W ) MOT TO WHITE MB TODAY for tlie r c lit | ( nbtolutely free. In tilnln ryi'y envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility , eilmusted vitality , etc. Address C. J.wnlker _ , Box 1111 KaUnmzoo , Mich. U-M463 WANTED , MAN ON BAI.ATIY TO TAKE Oil- atnt In clly. If mirc ul will fjf' ; ' * 2' ll D < WB- ncemtnt. Apply afler 9 a. m WANTED , LIVE. INTELLIGENT AGENTS IN Omnhii to orttanUe clHtu of three to live families for our famous orrhard home * Innci In central Mlsi l lppl. Th tide of Immigration l Rolnn soulh where there are no hot wlrfls , no cold winters , no bllz/ards , no crop f-illurcs Where two to Ihrne crop * can b raised each year Where Ihere Is no ruch Ihlnc as n fall- urn If a man will work ono-hnlf as hard ni lie does In this counliy Cool yumiwg. mild win- tern , sure raylnB crops of fruit and Knrilen truck , richest neil on earth , nest r'"l'I ' , ' fflclllllei. 0o. W. Ames , general agent. 1017 Farnam . n M.l street. J3maha. _ } i 00 "TO JIM 00 SALARY PAID SALESMEN for clears ; experience not neeMHary ; extra In ducements to customers. Bishop & K''n ' ' , ? ' B-MSOS 13 Louis. Mo. - Ai.RiMnN TO snir , PITTIT LEDORUS , HILL. registers nnd other ipeclnltlci to mercli mtj by Knmpte : sldo lines. Model Mfff. Co. South Ucnd. Ind. Il-MS.l 23- WANTED , SALESMEN TO SELL OUR LEAD- IHK bninds of clears. First-clam termj to hustlers : no drone * need apply. Address Hi ; Uildt Clear Co. , Clnclnnall O. II M91J V LABORERS FOR B. & M. RY. CO. IN WYO mlnif. Work Kuarantee.1 Free transportnllon Kramer & O'Hearn. lllh nnd Farnam slreetR. WANTED , BTOVn SALESMAN MfST HI ! A man of road experience In the stove ImMn Address U II , Ilec. n MiKu 10 TEAMSTE118 ON IIAH.11O WOHK IN South Dnltota , free transportation. Kramer S. O'lleirn , llth and Tarnam streets. WANTKU. MAN OP AIJOl'T 25 TO-3o YEAIIS of nee Rood niWn-KS , clinracler ana habits. Hint has hud soimkn.iwle.lue of cnmmeiclal repirllnn. I'eimnnent position If MtlHfnelnry. Ail.lr . W 17. ee ll-Miffl 31 W ANTED HELP. WANTED. LADIES TO SELL THE eafe protector ; perfectly harmless , absolutelv rellabU : easily aujuxted ; s-IU nt sight.na < for terms. A.Mreim Dent. 7 , La C'row Spe. daily Co. , Ln Cro fc , Wls WANTED. A OETIMAN OIllL street. Mrs. Allui Koch C M9M 21 * JFOK KENT HOUSES. HOUSES. V. K. DAHL1NO. lUniCEll HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE Cm. TIIH OF. Davis Company. 1505 Farnam. U-4C HOUSES. BENAWA CO. . 10 : N. 15THST. _ U. E. COLE CO. . LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA. 7-llOOM EAST rilONT C-ROO1I FLAT FOIl RENT. 1313f DODGE D-SM > , . . RENT. FLATS NEWLY PAPERED AND cleaned , norlheast corner llth and Hownrc streets. Flflem dollars a month. Inquire won 314 , First National Bank building D 741-25 FOR RENT. riVE-ROOM COTTAOES. North 22d street. Eight dollars per month. In qulr * room Jll. First National Hank building iiOIIT-ROOM HOUSES NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. 11501 and J25.00 per month. Inquire2S1S Ci.pl- D iSS-W * lol ave. RENT-TWO 6-ROOM COTTAGES. O.NT furnished. 802 8. JOth. Modern. roil RENT-A HOUSE. NO. 1721 DODGE , ALL modern Improvements. Apply next dn ° f . . . COTTER RESIDENCE. LARGE GROUNDS 1524 Sherman Av . V D. Wcad , 10th an Douglas. D 'XI 13 S.ROOM HOUSE. CORNER 2mi AND Douglas street * . Inquire 2MH I'arnani street. D MQ66 JCR KKNT b'UKI ) aHEr BOOMS WANTED. LADY ROOMMATE. HOUSEKEEP InK rooms. : M6 St. Mary's. E 13 Jy 26 * Fl'RNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. 221 N Hill ititet. B M S3 25 roil RENT. ITRNISHED ROOMS. WITH OI vvlthiut bourd SOI 8. Win. E-MS&J A13 ri'HNisiiED ROOMS TOR LIGHT houwkevplng , 1112 Boulli llth. E-807-21 * HOUSEKEHl'INO ROOMS. CONVENIENT cheap. ci > l. larse lawn. Mil St. Mnr5's. _ L Myjl 13 LARGE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITI alcmc , modern , for 1 or 2 ladles or man an lft , In a private family. References 823 S SOlli strcel. E MD30 21 IURNISHED ROOMS AND BOaBD MCELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM WITI buai.1 for t\vo ; private family , no other boon : < rs : best home comforls. 811 No. 21 t. bet California anil Webster. F 501 TO TRADB , DIlESS SUIT , CHEST MEASURE 3d Inches , worn twice ; cost 175 , for hone. Kim or an > thing. S 42. B e. F-133 UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT I SUITES OF LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $200 per room , rt-fs. 1049 So. 20th. G-90S-21 * 1 C B RENT A JJU OFFICE ; FOR RENT TIIE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING Sl Farnam street. This building has a lire proof cement basement , complete steam hea Ing fixtures , water on all Itoors , gas , etc. Ap ply at Iha oirke of The Bcc. 1 910 FOIl ItENT. FIRST-CLASS THREE-STOR nd basement , brick store bulldlm : . No. li"U Far nara etreel Sullabl * for any kind of busloei Iteasnnible term ? Inquire room 311 First Ni llonal Hank building. ' I-740-2.S AQENT3 WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. 13 TO tlO A DAY AD dress tha Handy Heater Co. , S31 New York Llf bids Ounln. Neb. J 174 Kj21\TAL AGENCY. a. Q. WALLACE. RENTALS. 315 BROWN BLK L M703 ' . STOKAOB. 111TST STORAGE B11LDINO IN OMAHA U S ROV. bondrd warehouse ; household ioods starei lowest raes. 1013-1013 Leavenvvorth. 11 178 PACIFIC STORAGE i WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S ( It Jones sU. General storie ami forwardlns. M-471 WAN TED TO UUY A NEAT HOME NEAR FIRST M" B. Clll'RCH nnd the besl house lluit can be had south for ] 1000 cash , unil some acre tmtt chenp for cash. F. D , Wead , 18th aJ IHiiial.iv N-9CO 19 FOH SALE HORSES AND W. * . O 3N 8ALB FINE \RRIAOE TEAM , GELD Ings , exact males , jounn Renllo , K > .1 Irnvel trs Address or mil on Dr W. 11 JulllnKs 403 Paxton bUk. Omaha. NfU , P-9 iOlt Ml c b L LAN KOUS HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AN chicken ftnet , Chai , R. L , ith and PKCURITIF J FOR SALE ! , We have a number of nrst morlgsces In tinount o' | W to S3. ' > 00 at C > , to 8 per cenl tor sile None but Kilt edged secuillles Iiandlrd , Cii end tr us. Fldallly Trust Company , 1701 Farnam St. VQR BALL GOOD FAMILY MILK COW and Hamilton , . } V . \ BALK \\1LL SELL AT SHI ' July JO. 1S3J. KMiorte power Ira. I n enu i Ult Inquire \\m. B , 2j ) auJ . i II U'.U . Omaha. q.X .33 Jl CLAIRVOYANTS tRH DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. UK- liable business medium. Bin year at 119 N. lth. M BSAOJi. ji/xTllb. XTO. lAUAM HM1T1I , 5023. 1TT1I. JD PLOOII. ROOM J , magnetic , vapor , alcohol , itcam. sufphurlns and sen balhs T MTH * ) 3 NORTH 18T11 BT. . ROOM 0. BATHS , H Iv ied massage by nn expert. Anne , fruin Chlcauo. T 009-20 * IAHSAC1K. MADAMIC BERNARD. lI Mllfl 1)11 I.KON ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric tmtli Pnrlon restful nnd refrjshlnic. 412 North lllh street. T MB ! ! ' TUKXibH UATHS. URKISH BATHS ; ONLY t'LACB IN CITY ekcluslsely for ladles. Suite 10S-1W , Ben bide. LADIES' BATHS. MM1X. POST. 3 W S. 15TIL PERSON AL < VIAVI CO . 148 DEB BLDO. : IinAI/TlI BOOK free ; home treatment ; Iidy attendant. UI33 a HAAS , rLortisT. PLANTS , cur FLOWERS. Banquet , hall , residence nnd crave uocpnuions . 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 77 . U M484 BATHS , MAS3AOD. MME. I'OST. 1I9V4 A 1'IUVATE PAIITY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos. Jewels , blocles , etc. ; business trlctly confidential. Address. Finn AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , vault work , etc. , eee or address W G Temple- Ion , gen'l. ag't. , 403 N. Y. Life. U MC87 nil AHH ADVANCED ON PUBLIC EMPLOYES' salaries. Commercial Trust Co. . 4M Ue 'RIVATE ' HOME FOR WOMEN IH'RINO timflnenvnt. licit of references Kjven. 3jl9 N. 2Slh slreet. U-M8CT AH' -INE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED ISAl'MLEY , 17lh and SI. Marj's uve Telephone 0. ASTROLOGY : KNOW YOt'Il DESTINY ; YOUR fulure scientifically foretold , explanatory clr cularn mailed frw Prof Mncdimald , a trol oger. llox 818 , lllnghumlon , N. 1 MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for cholca security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city propel ty HONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. V Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam st. W 487 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 51i N. Y. LIFE. LIFE INSURANCE 1'OLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chcsney , Kansas Clty Mo. CAPITAL. $2,000,000 ; SURPLUS , JOQO.OOO ; U. S. Morlgags Trust Co , New York ; for 0 per cent l i.n-T rn city property apply to iHisey & liiom.s , agents , room W7 , I irst Nat. Bk bid , } . MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. IJrennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. 1J. Melkel , 1st Nat. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co , 1703 Farmim. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smllh & Co. , 132) t-nrnam INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO . 10 WALL ST Now \oik , offer any part 1 ) ,0 eastern lr vc tors' names , who have money to Invest ; Just complied. Write for MORTGAGE LOANS. LOW RATES. J. D Kittle , 16th and Douglas , Omaha.M770 M770 AID 12.000 TO 120,000. F. D , WEAD , 1C S. DOUOI.AS W 3J1 * 31 MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , nagona , etc. , at lowest raits In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay "lie loan off at any time or In any amount. MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SOS S3. IGtll St. . X 4M MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry. 43) Raingo bill X T BUSINESS CHANCES. 112.00900 STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN BEST town In eastern Nebraska , for land and c.n'i or equivalent. Address S 29 , care Ilee.Y . Y M931 1 SOLID INVESTMENTSr IIRICK HUSINESS block , itater power Ilourlng mill , tine Ice bull ness. H. C. Atger & Co , bherldan , Wyo. FOR SALE-STOCK OF MILLINERY ; REST location In the city. Gcod reason for sillln Address at once , T 16. IJee. Y 130 ONE-HALF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATF and abstract business In central Nebraska foi sale. T 45. Om-iha , lice , Y M731 A7 FOR SALE , COMPLETE FIRST-CLASS SET DeGutte's sjstem nbstnct books Adams county Neb. with 20 > ears" established business , ful Information and pries given. Address box 7bj Hastings. Neb. Y-M783 21 FOB. EXCHANGE. I HAVE THREE OR FOUR GOOD FARMS I want to exchange for lionet. U. J. Rothnell , Omaha. Neb. Z M76J 21' HAVE 12-UORE. IWEECH-LO V.DING SHOTgun - gun : want to Ira.le for boys' safety ; must be In first-class condition. Address T SH lire Z-M 2i ) FOR TRADE FOR MERCHANDISE. CLEAR choice Improved farm In. eastern Nebraska Fo particular * address Gtiorge W. Hutton. Cole riilgp. Neb. Z MS32 2Ir FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. AUbTllACTS , THE UYRON REED COMPANY RE S FARM , LAND3 , C. F. HARRISON , 912 NY. Llfe HE 773A10 * IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMA1L al pilcca that will surprise > ou , If taken \ > lthlr 2 weeks. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE MO FOR SALE. .SUHrilllAN PROPERTY AT 1'AIU pi Ices , 10J acres G miles \\ist of Omiihn post olllcu at Jll" .00 per acre , Fur pattlciilnrs In quire 708 N > Y. Life llldsr RE-MSll 1J BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARM ul or IraUe. F. 1C Darling , llurl.er bln < ! ; . RE m HOMES ON KASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lols , acres , faims. Uarvln llros , 210 N. Y. L , ' RE-JO. FARM HAROAINS. IOWA OR NEI1RASKA. O. time. Improved and unimproved. R F Wll Hams. Room 411 , McCague block UARUAINST SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP ertlea and farms. John N. Frenzer , opp P. O RE 501 AT A BARGAIN , CORNER LOT" PAVE slreet. 3 collages , 6. 7 anil 8 rooms each , brlc iiatpmont. water and .newer conenulon , In best rcsulcnco pMUon monthly rental 141 Apply by teller lo Jean Schons , SIO Bee bulMInK RE 311 Jj23 SNAP. 5-Ft HOPfcE AND LOT , S E JIM F D Wend. IGlh and Douglai ItU-rcJ- BUILDING iteLUAjtf ASSOCIATION. fcHARES IN MUTUAL L. i B. ASh'N PA' C , 7 , 8 per cenl when 1 , 2 , 3 years old. aln ay redeemable. 1701 Farnam si. Nalllnger. Say 619 HOW TO GET A HOME OH SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L & II. Ass'n , 1704 Bee bid ? . G. M. Nattlucor. Sec. 650 EIOVCL.K3. M. O. DAXON , 40J N 16TH 603 STERLING BUILT LUCE A WATCH. WEVT era Electrical Supply Co. , 151 ! Howard sire SF.E THE VISIBLE 'BALL HEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barnum IJro. , 1 N. 13th MJ A. L. DEANK a CO , lilt FARNAM STI1EET MX WESTERN BIC1CLE& GUN CO. . :410 COMING ( OS OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . BEST PL\CB TO Ilt'1 blcd s , suiidrtir * and r | > ulrs. JJJ N. Kth tt MJ3J A U MANTKLS , GRATSS AND TILES \\OCD MANTELS. URATES. TILES FOI fire places. vcMlhuIrs and large floors ; write fo prices Mlltcn Ito.ers & . Sans Qnnlia. C03 CAHPENTEI13 ANU BUILBEUS. C" . E. . MORRILL. P.\pTr. HANaiNO. HoVsE ilcn painting , brlcl : worx. plastering , off. K. 1 BarUer blk : ttL TU , ihcp III N. 21th st , 511 II K. IIUIIKET. Ft'NEUAL DIRECTOR AND tmlalmer , 101S ChlciEO st. . leUphont M. 512 SWANhON i VAL1EN , 1701 CL'MING. TEL 1 < M SI ] M O M Vl'L UNDERTAKER AND KMU.U.M rr I III Famarn St. . te. phone > Kl. lit 1 C. \ \ UAKLR , LNDERTAKER , Gil S. 1CTH ST I IU COAL A GOOD TIIINO inmil IT AIXDNO , MAY BF the Inlest slanr phnse , but that's just what we'r * doing with BHERIDAN IX ) A U I.OOt ton * eoM In OmahA lust jear We Rive > ou 2 ( MO Ibs. of Ihe best Wyoming reeking coil for II S ) Victor White , mgr. , 1805 Farnam st. Tel 1:7. OABPbT CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET AND Rt'O Cleaning Works da their work the best nnd cheapeM , 71S-20 8. 14th St. Tel. U5 , U. 8 , O. Kulm , manaecr , Patrick \\nru' foreman. ! 20-Jy 20 PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES. ll.Ofl PER month per head. Charles Cans. St. Paul , Neb. IM HOTELS. AICTNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR. llth and Dodge. Rooms by dar or wetk. 513 IOTEL BARKER , FRANK HILDITCH MOH. lllh and Jones sis , Ho. Omaha and Sherman live cars pisn the .Ux > r . AMERICAN PLAN. 7 * . rooms at tl.W .lay , BO rooms nt t2.00 diy. European plin. SOc to | 1.0i ) per day. 918 ELECTRICAL , SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTors - ors for clectrlo tight and motor planls and all kinds of electrical construction. Western E'ec. ' t'lcnl Supply Co. 1513 Honard st. 610 DENTISTS. THE INFIRMARY IN CONNECTION WITH the Dental college at Twelfth nml Pacific strerl * j now open , where those dcslrlni ; to have teelh extracted can have It done free of charso and all other Tiork at merely cost of material. 725-21 DR PAUL. DENTIST. 2020 HURT ST. 621 SHORTHAND ANJj I'YPEWRITINO A. C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. M 513 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE I' . OELLENHECIC , DANJO AND icullnr teacher. 1911 Cass street. M 103 LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN , A RED YEARLING heifer , too of left car off Hetnm to Win. 1'oran , 31th and Mason , receive reuaid Lo t OM-1S * BUSINESS NOTICES DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 713 N. 10 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST NOTIC12 TO CONTnACTOHS. Sealed bids will lie received until 12 o'clock m. rridny , July 2 th , 1803 , at the olllcc of the commissioner of public lands and bulld- InRs , Lincoln , Neb , for all labor und ma terials required In the addition * ) nnd altera tions to the Institution for the Denf nnd Dumb ujt Omiihn , Neb , necorilliin to the plans nnd bpeclllcatloni therefor , prepared byFisher At Lavvrle , architects , now on file In the olllce of the commlsdon r of public lands and buildings at Lincoln , Neb , and In the olllce of the architect * ) , GOO Pnx- tou bldff. , Omaha , Neb. Separate bid * * will be received for the work und materials In tlio general contract and for the plumblnc. K ich bid must be accompanied by a certi fied check for live hundred dollars ( WOOO ) , payable to the commissioner of public lands and bulldlnss of the "late of Nebraska , conditioned for the execution of n contract In accordance with sold bid If the hamo bo accepted by the Bonril of Public Lands and nulldlnRt. The right la reserved to reject any or all bids. Dated July ISth , 1895.II. II. C nUSSKLL. Commissioner Public Lands and Building. Jy-lS-d-7-t--s RAILWAY HIE CARD Leaves I BURLINGTON & MO RIVER. ( Arr.ves Onutm [ Union Depjt. IQlli .1 Mnwn Ms IQiniha lu.llam Denver Expieis . . . . l.4)im ) 4M pm Bik. Hills Mont . I'ugct hnd Ex 4.'j5pm 4.J5pm . , .Denver Exprms „ 4 oipni 7 'J ' > pm NcbianKu Luial ( uxu'pt Huiulaj ) . 7:43pm : 8.15am..Lincoln Local ( except Suml u.ll 2jam 2.43pni.Fu8t Mall ( far Lmcoln ) tl.ill/ii. Louvm ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON A 1) fATriTeT Um.ihal Union tlepot , IQih A. Mason bta. | Omu la 4 4" > pm Chicago Vestibule ! loOam 9o : > m Chicago Expread 1:1 : Jpm 7 iOpm . .Chicago A. Mt Louis Express 8 UUam H.&oin Pacltlu Junction Loi.il : ,0pm Fast Mall 2.4ipin ) Leaves [ CHICAGO. MIL. & . ST. PAI'L , Arrives" OmahalUnlon Depot. 10tltAc. _ Masun Sls. | Uroalia ( .00pm . . . .Chicago Limited 3.Ma 11 n.30am .Chicago l.xpie a ( ex. aim. ) . . . 5-2jpm * " Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTH WESTrN | Ariflv'Js" Uinahal Union Dypol. Iplh A. Mason bta. | Om.iha 10.1'Hm Eastern Express _ . , C 3 pm 4.20pm Vestlbuled Limited 9:2).un : fi.Uam Mo. Valley Local lO.S..pm S.4jpm Omaha Chicago Special . 1 15pm Leaves 1 ClflCAOO. R7 L & PACrPIC. lArrlvcs Om.ilnl Union Depol. 10Hi it Ma on Sis | Omaha EAST 11 21im Atlnnllc Exprrn ( ex Sundaj ) . 5.33pm C I'pni . . . . NlKht Expresi 9:2jun : 4 10pm _ Chicago Vestibule. ! Llmlled. . . . l.J pm " * _ WEST. _ _ _ _ C-45pm .Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex "Sun ) I.3min 1.4)pm . . .ColoradoLImlted _ . . . . . . . . 4.UOpm Leaves t C. . ST. 1V M. & O. | Arrives Omaha ! Depot , lilh and Webste- . _ | Omaha 9-2 * > am Nebraska PasHenter ( dally ) . . . 8 13pm 4.30pm Sioux City E\prc" s ( ex Sun ) H.jJum 6.10pm St. Paul Limited . . . . 10 oi Leaves ! 1 * E. S. MO. VALLEi. Arrives OtnahnfDeput _ , ISili and Webster rfls. j Omaha 2 10pm .Fast Mall and Express 4 33pm 2 10pm ( ex Sat ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex Mon ) 4 33pm 9 0'im Norfolk Expreis ( ex hunday ) UJum 8.10pm bt Paul Express . . IQ.iSam Leaves I K. C. ST. J. & r. H | Arrives OmihalUnlon D-pot , 10th K Mason Sis | Omaha 9'DOam . . .Kansas City Day Express 6 3)pm ) 9 43pm K C. Nliiht Ex. via U. P. Tran. C.Qlam Leaves ! MISSOURI PACIFIC ( Arrives OmahalDepot _ , 15lh nnd WebsterSls.Oiiiiha _ ' _ | _ 10:4iiam : SI Louis Express. . . . . , 's OOnm 9:30pm : . , . .St Louis Exprei 0.0 > pm 3.JDpin Ni'biaak'i Local ( ex. Sun ) O.UOani Lenvei I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC { Arrives OmihoJ Depot. 13th and Webster His | Omaha a.lOpm I. . . . .feUPaur _ Llmltul I. . . . . . ID.31am L av 71 SIOK. < CITY & PACIFIC. | Arrives OmalialUnlon I > pot , JOth K.M _ isonjjtjj Omaha 6 S un Mcux rty Pnwnser 10.35pm BlKpm SI. I'jul Llnilled 12.JJpm " " " * L"av"e7" | UN I ON PA Cl FIC | Arrlv e OmahalUnlon Depot , Will A Maaon Sla. | Onulm 9:43nm : . . , . .T.Kearney Express 12 3)pm 2 Wipm .Overland'Flyer 3.31pm 2 COpni Beal'ce & Stiumib'ir Ex ( ex. Sun ) . 12.30pm 700pm Paillle Express . .102'un 5 43pm . . Fast Mall 4:10pm leaves 1 WABV.SH R\ILWA ( Arrivet OnnlialUnttn Dpul. . IQIIi .1 Ma = ) n Sts I Onnh" 4.00pm . . . .St LouU Cannon Ball U.pm WOULD KILL THE GUNNERS. A T t nt Indian llenil Dlapuiics of a > uvi Ncheine. A very Important test has been made recently cently at Indian Head , says the Washington I'ost , which will have a bearing on the con struet'on of the new battle ship * , over which there has been so much contention. The test was made under the direction of. Captain Sampson of the ordnance bureau , and he has submitted a report of his nnillnga to Secretary , Herbert , who Is now considering the rival plans of the bittle ships. Tha bureau chiefs and the construction bureau of the Navy de partment differ radically on several features , one of the mo t essential belnp as to doub'.e- slorled turrets , endorsed by tbo bureau chiefs , and b'Jigle-storled ' turrets , ono In front for the heavy guns and the other elevated and just In the rear and containing eight-Inch guns , which U the plan cf the construction bureau. It was claimed by the chief of the ordnance bureau that the eight-Inch puns would be rendered useless In an engsgement lu which the ves el had her bow or stern toward the enemy , because If fired ever the turret con taining the large guns the blast from the rear guns would kill the men In the Blghtlng tower. Captain Sampion ordered the test made by having an night-Inch gun fired over an Inch steel plate , the thickness of the plate designed to cover tbo sighting tower. The muizlo of the gun was twenty-four Inches above the plate , and the first charge bent the plate d : n In the center four Inches , while a recond charge still further bent the plate eight Inches on one end and nine Inches on the other. This plate was about five by four and a half feet , and the supports were equal to those that could bo placed on the ship. ship.This This test has caused the officers ; of the ordtnnce bureau to renew their assertion that tha concusilcn of the eight-Inch gun would kill the men at nork In the upper portion of the turret , and- they point to It as projf o ( their views In a report to the secretary of the navy This test adds another feature of perplexity to the pUn of thu battle sblpv , which Is giv ing the department cnsiderablo trouble. ( CV > pyrl ht , 1S3J , by IrUnsr Uichcllcr. ) 'Could he not have sneaked In on the preceding day and concealed hlmselt ? " 1 ( altered. "He could have. " said Phillips , "provided he wanted to take big chances , but he did not. " , "Howjlo you know that ? " I blurted out lesperately. "Surely you cannot believe that any of us three let him In " "I don't , " said he. "But you said one of the Inmates , " I icrslsted , now anxious to know the worst of ils deductions. "I did , " ho assented , "but was not your Brother one of the Inmates' ' I'm afraid you would not do for my profession. What do you suppose Mr. Hobert Smith got up and dressed himself for nt such an hour ? some time before da > light , remember. I saw by a short glance through his medicine bottles that he was not troubled with Insomnia " "Never In his life , " I broke In. "Well , then. " pursued Phillips , "It Is quite clear that he got up quietly , dressed himself , admitted some one who came by appoint ment ( probably asked for In that letter In the fireplace ) , and was killed by the man whom he admitted. That history deems to me to give a perfect explanation of ivery- thlng. and no other chain of events begins to do so. If your niece , your servant or yourself had admitted this person , or If he had broken In or been concealed In the house , surely jour brother would not have been fully dressed before daylight to receive him. " "And If some ono Inside had killed him , " I added , "they could ha\e locked the door again. " "Yes , " said Phillips , grimly , "It they were fools they might have pursued that method of fastening the crime upon themselves. Your remark shows you just how stupid even the Intelligent criminal can be and usually Is. " I felt myself Hush nt his words and tone , but It would have been worse than foolish to take offense. "Then It only remains , " 1 ! ald , "to Identify the person who made the appointment to meet my brother. " "That Is all , " he replied , rather Irritably , but meanwhile I Imagine It Is nearly your dlnher hour , and. with your permission , I will go to my room and wash up a bit. " To tell the truth , I was not altogether sorry to get rid of my ally for a few moments , until I could recover my composure , I showed him to his room-in silence. "We shall dine In nbout flftean minutes , " I said , as he closed the door Then I went to my niece's room and knocked. At first there was no lesponse , and I knocked again nire decidedly , I heard her moving , and a moment later the doior was opened a few Inches. Her face wa * set In grim lines. "I came to see whether you were not com ing down to dinner. There Is a gentleman hsre " I began. "I should think you would know better than to Invite anyona at such a time , " she said bitterly. "I certainly shall not come down " "But , Mary , " I ploadeii , . "It Is a detec tive from the city , a , tyr. Phillips , and the best man In his profession " "So much th worse1 and she shut the door In my face I w"ent down stairs'again filled with new fears and anxieties. 5 What would Phillips think of such actions ? . .They could , hardly tall to strike him as more than1' peculiar. Even in me they ro-arousbd vague suspicions which I had practically laid aside. Still , If sh was going to act FO strangely , perhaps , after all , . It was as well that he should not see her. In this state of mind I sat down to dinner with my guest , pleading the excuse of a bad h3adache on account of my niece's absenc ; . "Very natural , " he replied , as I went on to elaborate my apologies ; "still. I hope to bo able to see Miss Smith bfore my de parture " "I don't know " I began. "To tell the truth , Mr. Phillips , my niece Is , as I believe I Intimated to you , In a very pecullar frame of mind. Perhaps we should be surprised by nothing , considering the shock she has received ; but I feel that I ought to tell you that she resents your presence here and absoltitsly refu es to see you. " "Ah1" he replied , and then added , after a few seconds of thought "That Is rather unfortunate , for It Is absolutely necessary that I should talk with her before coming to a definite conclusion. " "Are you as near success as that' " I ex claimed , fairly startled by the assurance of his answer. "I do not know how near I am , " he an swered , testily , "but surely you can see how ab'tird It would be to go away without ex amining every Inmate ol tke house. " "I don't know how you can accomplish It. Mary Is a very obstinate woman. " "Lst mo suggest , " he replied , more blandly , "that you frankly state the case to her. Say that I am an olllcer ot the law and am com- "She shut the driln my face. " pelled to do my duty , and that , If she will submit tu the Inevitable , my stay and the consequent annoyance to her will be cut short. " 'J ! nil of this ad- I acquiesce In-tho ion sense - \lce , and little moro.jwas said during our meal. When It was concluded I went up stairs again to my nce's | room and repre sented the situation a * well as I was able This tltno I found her.i though Indignant , yet moro Inclined to look ut things reasonably. "Very well , then. " she said "If I must see this this man , I vylll do to ; but bo sure I shall have nothing W tcy to him , nor will I submit to being qucrttloned. " "When will you cotio down ? " I aiked. "Very shortly , " sh' . } replied , and again closed the door. 'T I returned to the library , where I founl Phillips and acquainted him with the suc cess of my iiiUslon. Ho bowed and made some remark cxpresilve of rejret at being obliged to trouble Miss Smith at such a time. Then we sat silent for a few minutes , "I presume , of course , that you will ex amine Mr Ralph ? " I said at last. Before he could answer we heard tha rustle of a woman's gown In the hall , and Mary throw open the door and stood on the threshold , Phillips started to his feet with a short. Inarticulate exclamation. Ills faca was very pale , and I saw him clutch the table as If for support. My nleca eyed him curiously with her head thrown forward anil her llpi slightly apart. Her look-wa at flrt vague and Inquiring , as If trying to remem ber something , and then partook somewhat of the detective's agitation. "I I lia\o nothing at all to say , " she began , "and I won't Bay anything except that I know that tli man you suspect ls entirely Innocent" In a moment she had turned and disap peared. I halt row to remonstrate and to brg her to remain , but Phillips put out his hand and restrained me. "It Is not necessary , " he said. "I know all that I want to know. " Phillips resumed his scat , while I gazed at him wonderlngly and npprehenshely. He was now entirely composed and no sign of his late agitation remained except an In crease ot his pallor and a deepening of the lines of his face. I recalled the paragraph In the superintendent's letter referring to the bad health of his favorite detective , which had almost prevented our obtaining his assistance ; and I again reproached my self for the thoughtlessness which had en tirely Ignored the physical condition of my companion. My reveries were broken In upon , just as I was about to put them Into words , by Phillips rlslnp slowly. "Will you pardon me. " he sold , "if I ask you to let me retire ? I am not entirely well , as you know , but I Imagine a full night's rest will enable me to do better work In the morning. " I now took occasion to apologize for my lack of consideration and to express the hope that ho would sleep soundly , rise refreshed nnd not allow me In my eager selfishness to drive him harder than the condition of his health would Justify. All this I said , as I led the way to Ms roam , but ho waived my protestations aside nnd Insisted that ho would Phillips tttirted to his feet. find himself entirely able to stand all that could be put upon him. After seeing that he had everything he required I bade him good night. "I think I can promise you , Mr. Smith , " he said , with a peculiar graveneas in his tone and manner , "that we aieery ntar the solution of this matter. " Then he closed the door and I went to my own room. Once there I found time to Ihlnk ever the curious scene In the library between my niece and the detective , and the more I thought the more It disquieted me. His list remark , too , seemed to me , to siy the least , ominous , nnd altogether I slept little or none. Continued Saturday. ) SIMPLY MET AND ADJOURNED Uoard of Education fnllod to Got n Quo rum I.nst Mght. The anticipated nonattendance of the mem bers who oppose Dr. Marble for re-election as superintendent of schools prevented the Board of Education from securing a quorum last evening. Bandhauer , Tukey , Thomas , An derson , Burgess and Lunt were present , and , after waiting half an hour for the other mem bers , an adjournment was taken to Monday night. It was at first proposed to adjourn until to night. It was urged that the delay In select ing such ai > Important ofllclal was merely child's play and that It should be settled as soon as possible. It was the general senti ment of the members present , however , that the , absentees should be given every opportun ity to select a candidate. They had stated that they were unwilling to vote again until Uev. Mr , Cramblett returned , whlch _ would be Saturday night , and It would be more courte ous to fix the date of the adjournment after that time. The motion to adjourn to Monday night was unanimously carried. Tim I'roi ) Kiitranee. The Tourists' Wheel club , some 100 strong , were at the beach last evening. The announcement made In The Bee last evening that the Courtland Beach association had concluded to open the gates for awhile at least had the effect , In spite of the threat ening weather , to draw a good attendance. Everybody seemed to appreciate the fact that the Courtland beach people had concluded to give them a chance to pitronlzo the beach with uo necessary expense but car fare , and as one man put It , "If the car company will now only do as much for us we will get a chance to visit Courtland. " L I'.IJC Hill.trilS. John Dwyer of Beatrice Is registered at the Paxton. V. K. Qoudy of Lincoln Is stopping at the Dellone. C. D. Richards of Hebron Is a guest at the Mlllard. The St. Joe Base Ball club is quartered at the Barker. Mr. K. C. Pardee , Chicago , Is registered at the Barker. II. II. II. Itoblnson , a stockman of Klmball , Is at the Paxton. W. N. Hlchardson of Red Cloud Is on the Paxton's register. Dr. A. A. Hummel ! ot Philadelphia Is stop ping at the Mlllard. F. M. Moore , a mine owner of Sheridan , \Vjo. , Is at tha Arcade. U. P. Kloke , wife and child of West Point are among the Mlllard's guests. V > r. J. It. Bromwell and wife of Washington are registered at the Mlllard. K. M. F. Lsflang and Hon. J. H. McCoIl of Lexington are at the Mlllard. ( leorgs D. Darr and B F. Krler of Lexing ton are .guests at tha Dellone. John J. Roche , a real estate dealer of Sioux City , Is stopping at the Paxton. C. W. Booth , wife and child of New York are among the arrivals at the Paxton. K. M. Eldred and T. W. Lester , two stock men of Alliance , are guests at the Arcade. O. M. Necdham came to the city overlam from Albion on his wheel and Is stopping al the Dellone. William J. Coombs , Mrs. Coombs and Mrs. Fox of Brooklyn comprise a party of Hrook- lynltes who are stopping at the MllUrd. Mr. T. J Hlckey. Lincoln ; Mr. William Cahlll. Grand Inland ; Mr. Charles Rollins. Grand Island , and Mr. A L. Starr , Exeter are NebrasKans registered at the Barker. At the Mercer C. E. Latshaw. Chicago B. W. Gamming , Lincoln ; J. P Kirk , Ta coma ; Ira Mallory , M Carson , Des Molnes E. Escavlng. Tampa , Fla ; August St George Chicago ; J. B. Dallas , Hastings ; J. M. Buck Holifrege. Neb. ; II C. Wild , New York , J. M Fleming , Fremont. fiehriiHkwnH ut thn Hull * ! * . At the Arcade H N. Miller , Yutan ; Wil liam Hoatth , Alliance : H. U. Kcll > , Nor folk ; H Q Ma BO it , Chadron. At the Paxton James McNIny , Hoi Cloud Alex Bear , Norfolk ; ji S. Miller , Beatrice James C. Dahlman , Chadron. At the Dellone Jay II. Johnson. Lincoln W. K. Cotant nnd wife. Alliance ; Mrs , C McMenciny nivl daughter , Illulr At th Mlltard-Kd P. Wright. IJncoln F. M. Wetherold. Hebron , IU H. Townley Lincoln ; J. Clevenport aiU daughter , We * Point. At the Merchants A L Johnson , Crete J A O rdeal , Mcf ook G. H. Co-n li , Va'on ' tine ; U. lluney. Whitman ; J W. Alien Liberty ; T , N , Eurket , Lincoln. WILL MAKE IT A QllKAT SHOW. fish I zhlblt to lln llellrr Thnn T.vor lle- fore Main I nlr Not , W. It , May , the present fish comml sloner f Nebraska , has been appointed as super- ntcndcnt of the fish department by the board f managers of the state fair. This appoint ment Is preliminary to a vigorous effort to dd to the Importance of the fish exhibit at ho state fair. In previous } ears' the exhibit tas Wen under the direction ot the state com- nlsslon , but It has been thought advisable to ppolnt a superintendent who would be directly indcr the control of the association and could give his entire attention to tha fair exhibit. lr. May Is corresponding with all parties vho might be Induced to participate In the ixhlblt and he expects to work up the biggest how In his department that has ever been eon In thk part of the country. The Manufacturers and Consumers nfnocl- : tlon will have more commodious and satis- actory quarters than was anticipated. It ias been assigned the cast half of the Mnnu- actures building nnd even then the members xpect to need more. The alfalfa palace has been located at a lolnt 100 fret northwest of the Manufactures mlhllng. U was at first Intended to locate he palace near the alfalfa field , but It was eclded that It would be moro advlstblo to mro It In n more sightly location , where It might more thoroughly advertise the alfalfa ndustry. The board has spent n good tlral ot time at the grounds during the session just closed nnd the members express themselves as well atUfled with the progre > s that has been mado. There Is no doubt but that everything will be In readiness to receive the first ar rivals ot exhibits. The local committees on collection report good progress and the money Is coming In iromptly. The Knight ot the Mystic Brush who la at work on the pirado floats sa > s that tBiey will ) e grander and better In uppearatice than hey were nt the New Orleans pageant. Commissioner Utt Is nt work looking for Nebraska born orators nnd a young woman who looks Ilka Trilby to bo the Goddess of Liberty. The I'cast of Mondamln will be given nt Uoyd's nnd nn Immense temporary floor wlil K > constructed to cover the seats nnd trans- 'orm ' the theater Into one largo hall room. Who will be King Kornkrop ? This Is a question discussed very much around the Commercial club. King Kcrnkrop will be the title of the Nebraska King Rpx. The Knights of Aksarben report that the costumes to be used In the parade will bo thu finest of the kind ever attempted. There U some talk of establishing a wag- onetto service between the city ami the fair ; rounds , but It Is purely an Individual cn- : erprlse. The state board of managers has p'aced the booth map on the market , where those de siring privileges can pick their booths nnd make arrangements for occupancy. Martin Dunham la still booming the baby &pnow and says It wlil bo tha happiest feature of the fair. Hotel people are chuckling al the prospect of a big crowd of visitors. The proceeds of the base ball game today ; o to the State Fair fund. The jobbing houses will closeat 4 o'clock to glvo em ployes an opportunity to attend. WANT GRAIN BATES LOWERED Objnct of n Visit tu Omnlia by interested Country Dmilrrs There are a number of men In the city from various points In the state who have come to sec the managers of the various rail roads that run through the state regarding a reduction In the grain rates. H Is expected that there will be quite a delegation to meet the managers this morning , when the confer ence will take place. Among those who were here last night were George D. Darr , B. r Krler. . J. II. McCall and E. M. F. Leflang , all of Valentine , where the movement started. As soon as the Valentine people saw a necessity for a reduction In grain rates let ters were sent out to a large number of points , asking each to send a delegate to Omaha , the whole delegation to meet here today to confer with the railroad managers. Many answers promising to do so were re ceived , and In cases where a delegation could not bo sent promises of support were given. The towns asked to Join In the movement were those on the Union Pacific between Ogalalla and Central Cltyr on the St. Paul branch between Grand Island and Ord and Loup City , and on the Kearney & Black Hills road between Kearney and Callaway. "There Is every prospect that there will be an enormous corn crop this year , " said Mr Darr last night , "and while the crop of smail grain will not be as great or as extensive. It will still be very considerable. If the crops are large the prices for the grain will bo correspondingly low , and under the present grain rates It will be Impossible for the farmers In my section of the country to ship their grain to Omaha or Chicago. At preioni the rate Is 33 cents per hundred weight to Chicago and 14 cents to Omaha. This Is iil- most twice as much as the rate on live stock , and suc'i a difference between the two rates should not exist Wo Intend to lay this condi tion of affairs before the railroad managers and attempt to obtain some rellet for our pee ple. The Commercial club and several prom inent men of Omaha will assist us In our ef fort ? "We have still another object and that is to try to get the people of Omahi to erect more elevators. There Is at present practi cally only one grain elevator In the city. It Is a great surprise to me that this should be so. With rs great a population as Omaha has , and depending as it does largely on the grain country that lies behind. It Is marvelously surprising to mo that there are no more elevators. Surely If South Omaha had only ono packing house It would not be the pickIng - Ing center that It Is today. "The western portion of the state , " con tinued Mr. Darr , "U especially favored this year. There has been an abundance of rain and the fields arc all looking rcnnrkably well. The corn crop , particularly In the low lands. U far advanced. In the eastern part ot the state there seems to be less rain. Between Columbus and Omalu , and especially cast of Fremont , the fields lock dry. In the west , however , we are not lacking far rain aiiJ the farmers are all joyful On Wednesday night wo had a splendid rain In my section of the country. " _ _ _ Free admission to Courtland beach. Mnrl < of ThlovfS. P. Lorenson of Brick station , one of the northern suburbs1 the city , has reported to the police that on Wednesday night some one broke Into his barn and stole a horse and buggy , a set of double buggy harness and a set of double working harness. * Yesterday some sneak thief entered th ? front door of the residence of C. R Bauscr- man at 2409 Hamilton street and stole a watch chain from Mr Bauserman's vest , which was hanging In the hallway W J. C. P. Cramer reported that. Borne one had stolen a young St. Bernard pup from his premises at 3418 Burt street. Illiilsiiu ( ninn I'liflc , The police were notified last night that A L. Hudson , who has bsen missing since Wednesday night and was thought by some people toghave committed suicide , had turned up. He left a bundle of clotlie.s on the bunk of Cut-Oft lake , to which he had pinned a note asking the finder to return the bundle to 2310 Spencer street. From thla kindly act of forethought It was not considered Im probable that he had determined to end his griefs In the muddy waters of the lake. Murrliign l.ltrimiM The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the county Judge yesterday. Name and Address. Age. OcorB ProkselJ. Omaha " May Vuhal. Omaha Nols Miller. Council Bluffs . 23 GiTtiude Brisbane. Counc.il Blurts . 21 lln llcnlt In VUir.l . William McCoy bought a bicycle from the Western Electric company. He made one pavment on the wheel and sold It. Now he U In jail , having been arrested last night on a charge of larceny as bailee. IHKIt. MKYKn-SIrs. Jeanette , nerd 81 yfuni. mother of Max Meyer und brothers. Funeral from ruxldtmte of her daughter. Mrs. II llehfpltl , 41- South Twenty-fourth nvemic , lo Pleusnnt Hill cemetery , Hun- dqy , July 21 , at 10 n. m. . July IS , ISM , at 2100 South Eighteenth , aged S3 years , Funeral front rnHtcllnr PresbyterUn church , July 19 , ut 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn. GHOST DANCERS KEEP BUSY Iko Hascallaml IlisFtlonds with the Grand View Republican Ohib. HOW THEY WILL REFORM THE CITY SCV.TII ! lU-Olllcc Holders l.xplulu the DC. lull * of the Dcnl In lonlldrnco to the Full Membership ot T u Dotcn , The Oraiul View Ucpubllcan club of the Plrst ward held Its first melting lu tha National lull , at Thirteenth ami Williams streets , last night. After a llttlo pro- llmlnaryork , by which an attempt was mailo to complete an organization , the meetIng - Ing was devoted to speechers , among whom the ghost dancers numbered largely. The carl ) portion of the meeting was oc- cuptcil by a little skirt ilanco. It appears , that on Wednesday a half dozen republicans of the ward constituted themselves the club and elected olllcers. 12x-I'ollceman Sam lu- ) Ilols had himself elected president , Davfil Watts vice president , John Cathrovv secre tary and John Mattlesen treasurer. The secret manner In which the election took place did not please the audience , and after an hour of hot discussion things wore be ginning to warm up considerably , when Jedge Ike Haicall jumped onto the lloor. Ike hail come to make a speech , and ho did not Intend to be disappointed , lie there fore moved tint the election of the olllccra bo confirmed , and the motion carried with a w hoop. Lee Kstello was preient and was called upon for a speech. The Judge seenifil to he somewhat surprised at some of the In dividuals ho saw. and confined himself to a few remarks. He urged republicans to nominate a clean ticket and to stick to It , without going Into the bjvvavti after can didate" . At the conclusion of Kstclle's remarks. Charles Kaeirpfer was called upon for the speech he hid prepared. Charley , however , was appalled at the vast audience of thirty- nine people that faced him , and after telling a couple of stories ho sat down. IKBY HASCALL , IN nVIDHNCE. Then Ikey Hascall , who was Itching on hi * seat because he had come to unload a quin- tlty of his vast wisdom and was afraid that 10 might b ? overlooked , had eome ana beslJo him call for him , and with commendable alac rity he jumped Into the ring In his shirt sleeves. Ho started out as usual with a smutty story , which was hissed , anil then ho oasted for nn hour the citizens' movement , losewater and the police commission. After 10 had made a number of good points In hU nlnd ho noticed that the audience was talk- ng to Itself and was not paying- much atten tion to him. Gathering himself together ho started on the home ttrctch with a startling variety of sentences on honesty and good gov ernment which showed his unfamlllarltx with .lie subjects , and came under the wire In a jurst of applause. Hedfleld was called for. but did not want to talk. Not so V U Walker , ox-police officer of unsa\ory police court fame. Walker was pleased to see the \ast githerlng that hail come to greet him. He , together with a few others , was going to knock out the cltlrons' movement and nothing would stop him. Ho gave It out cold that ho would lead all of the colored voters. l.BOO In number , with the ex ception of eome half dozen , to the polls to \ote for the ticket the republican party would nominate. Especially was ho going to put such a good man as Judge Scott on tha > onch again. In the recent action of the po lice commission ho taw a nigger In the wood pile. With these brilliant bits Walker sub sided. Then a rising , but unknown young politi cian , by name Walkup , delivered himself. Ha told a couplg of smutty stories , but these did not go well with his listeners , and then ho very prudently started out on a roast In a. very dramatic manner. Ho was very young and he adm'ttcd ' that ho did not know much. but he was perfectly willing to tell all ho did know , and It didn't take long to tell jktier. He was particularly sore on the po lice commission and on Chief White , concern- Ins whom he very dramatically remarked that his days were numbered. Some unknown with whiskers sprung an other smutty story , and with that the meet- ng ended , to convene again In two weeks. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Liquor Dealers Object In tha ItunnliiET oT un Uiillcrimod Siiloon. Liquor dealers on Twenty-fourth street who paid their $ COO license tee are kicking hanl because Tom Heard Is allowed to sell beer nnd whisky without a license. Beard never made an application to the city council for a license. On July 4 Beard sold , so It Is claimed , eight half barrels of beer and It ls no trick at all now to go In there and get a glass of liquor , It U said. Several councllmen nnd some members of. the Board of Education as well as chief of police are aware of Cti condition ot affairs. About two weeks ago President Cheek of the Board of education stated that the board wou'.d go after Beard , but nothing has been done about the matter IVnill rushers' Online. Yesterday the Press club met to perfect arrangements for the picnic which comes off at Sarpy Mills tomorrow after noon. The wives of the members have made great preparations for a grand spread In tha park nt C o'clock. Admission to the park only upon presentation of Imitation ticket at the gate. iJcpirtPtl Durllli ; the Joseph Potack , Fifteenth and P streets , reported to the pcllco yesterday tint his daughter Mary , II , was missing. The girl went to bed as usuil Thursday , but when the family arose at C o'clock yesterday .Mary was gono. Th police are looking for the girl , lu city ( losslp. James Plvonka Is In Kansas City. The town ls overrun with Omaha gamblers. A glue factory Is being built at Cudahy's. Mrs. Henry Laufenberg Is vUltlng her Ma ter at Fort Calhoun. Carriages will leave the Press club rooms for Sarpy Mills at 12:30 : und 4 p. m. Mn. C M. Hurlbut or Chicago is visiting her daughter , Mrs. Bruce McCulloch. Otto. tTie 3-year-old son of W. II , Roadman , died last night. The funeral will be held this afternoon. * Perry Bros , the stock commission firm , which had some financial trouble recently , are going out of business. C. A I'vam will give a private dance at the Metropolitan hotel , Twenty-eighth and U streets , Saturday night. W. N Bibcock , general manager of tha Union Stock yard * , will make a short ad dress at the Prets club picnic. J. A. Hake's team ran away on Twenty- fourth street yesterday ovcsJng and smashed the carriage. No one wa Injured. .Macln It Uarni fur the Wednesday afternoon a girl In the family of P. J. Lewis , who lives at 2118 California Ureet , was trjlug to clean out bedbugs by a free use of kerosene. In some unaccountable manner the 'oil was set on fire. A portion ot the flames communicated to the bangs and eyelashes of the girl , and she Is now without those ornaments , although nhe was not In jured. The lire ipread to several rocms and the department was called out. Before thu llames were extinguished tome $200 damage was done to the house and contents , The owner of the building Is Mm. Detwller. Mini ) iuiu : n r T Many a corn" may lurk behind a pollahel slice. slice.A A woman's tact will buy more than a man's dollar. Detroit Free Press : A pretty woman I * ne\er quite without hope. Not inery woman U glad ihe U a. wlf , albeit the world doesn't I IIQW U. The eye can tie more In a minute than the tongue can correct In a week. Some people's fine clothes are no mor than tin pretty label on the empty can. When a man has more money than ho knows what to do with , he very soon Uarus what.