TUB 031 AHA BB.1J3 ; . SUNDAY , JTOY 14 , 1805. Tim OMAHA SUNDAY K. llOSliWATnU. KPlTOn. . inj ivnnY MORNINQ. Tinii3 : OP HtmscnirTioN. Dally I > ( Without Sunday ) . Om Your . * * M n.ill > * IM and Hundiir. Ono Year . 19 J fix Mmilh * . 5 00 Thrco Month * . ; nimdtj- * . Olio Year . J JJ HnlunUy Ik-c , On * Year . ' * ? Wrtklr lite , On * Year . OKTICH * ' Omahn. The ! ) < nulMlns. . . . . . _ , . Roulu Ornnlm , Hlniftr Itlk. . Corner N nn < l 21th Bl . Council HliilTn , 12 IVarl Kttwt. icncr ) omc . 117 Chnmlxr of . New York Ito.mi , , 13. II ( inrl 13. Tribune Hullillns. \Vanliinfilon , HOT r Slitx-t. N. W. . All twnmitnlcnllons rrlnMnc to news m } ? , * } ' ' . torlal nuilitr MmuM t.c mUri-i" " ! : To tlie l.Oltor. iicairwss urrrnns. . . npf "hou < l DO All l.tn > ltifn Htrrs nn.l rnmtt nJ-lrw-nl to Tl.f . lfP I'ul.lMiln * "i " ' ' ' " ? ' Omnhn. Pr fl . clioot.H nml pnjlomcB "Men . to t > 5 inndr tmyahlq to tlio enl r of the compnnj. Tim 111:1 : rt.nuaiuNQ COMPANY. " BTATI : M KNT blr I m'tU , ATI ON. of Tiio ll-- I * uh- Oeorco U. TmelmcU , ureri-tary ; lihlnic , company. tiolMK duly Kworn.iyi that t\\r \ \ ttual numlx'r of full nnJ coniplfto roiileii of tlio ' ' ' ' ' ' IMllyl i'lMnniVip'n'lni'nnT'HunYlay : l'l - prlnu durlnB tlio month of May , 1WJ. was at f ° ll J 1 . 41.0.M ° 5 . lti.001 . . " 3 . 19.011 ! 13 . z I. ten 4 . 1VM1 Ji ) . 19.0H } | . ! . 19.101 ! r . iD.or yt . 1 19 101 7 . 19.1)91 si. . 11 < X . I9.0C4 54 . . 18 Wt 9 . 19.1K r , . lion 10 . 11 Ml 11 . 1-1024 J2 . 2J.H5 . . . - , 11.10.- 13 . . . MOOT . II . 11.014 19.151 II . 19 121 15,213 U . 19,174 TM-,1 d ductlim4 for unsold nml rplurnnl co | > l ei . " Rally meriuca SunJny. OiondK 11. TZSCIUJC'K. Sworn to Mom me and smlncrlbed In my pre - y ° rNf"V Notary p. . . , , , , , . KypiT Hollvlii IK cxiKTlimmlliiK with the ultlnintuni clodK'o on ioor ) little rent. California's annual fruit crop Is vrorth more tlmu the product of her gold mines. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chicago's hoodie aldermen have been tryliiR apparently to melt Ice Into mouoy. _ _ _ _ _ _ Civic parades in Hoston now must take place under the protection of armed guards. Tills is the pinnacle of lioston culture. Another thing that has not fallen In Iiflee materially since the alleged "crime of 1S7.V Is the price charged for keening and feeding a horse. Maryland's free coinage convention was one grand fizzle. It looks as If the free coinage conventions , conferences and congresses had had their day. There Is lots of room for speculation Jn the "other causes" to which At torney Oeneral Churchill attributes the dismissal of his deputy , Mr. Summers. The National Association of Bill Toaters Is holding a convention In Albany. We have nor , however , yet gone so far as a national association of bootblacks. The next time tire legislature passes a penttentlauy appraisement bill"It wants 1o stipulate very explicitly that the ap praisers are not to draw their fees until It Is known whether the state Is going to derive any benefit'from their work. Town dentists threaten to question the constitutionality of the dentistry law In the courts. They have been made to feel the teeth of the law , but as these teeth were not submitted for dental operations the privilege Is not quite ap preciated. _ _ . IMill Armour Insists that there Is no money to be made In meat packing tinder present conditions. Hut Mr Armour wild this just as he was about to depart for Europe , where he expects to spend some of the money which la IF- made In meat packing In this country. California newspapers Insist that Mr Carlisle's private secretary Is out there solely to feel the pulse of the Carlisle presidential boom. The secretary says ho Is there on ofllclal business of the government. The truth Is probably be tween the two business and politic * may be mixed In equal proportions. The position of deputy attorney gen cral made vacant by the removal of.Mr Bummers was after all not given to Mr Winter. It did not strike far from him however , when It fell to Mr. Day. Tin attorney general was hound to keep within the calendar and should Mr. Daj decline he will doubtless pass the job 01 to Mr. Knight r Immigration societies of several Ne braska. counties are distributing literature turo describing the resources of theli sections of the state , with a view to at tracting Intending settlers. These county Immigration societies can nccoin plisli and arc accomplishing mneh goot In the way of building up Nebraska Counties which still have large tracU of uncultivated lands and have not yel organized associations for this purpose should fall In line without delay. President Andrews of Brown mil verslty says that the panic of 1871 ! , Inso far ns It was caused by currency con traction , was caused by coutractloi ' abroad and'not In the United States President Andrews It must be remem bcred Is generally considered a frlem of the free silver movement. Hut If hi * statement Is true It must take the wine out of the sails of those agitators whc have been ascribing that panic to the terrible "crime of silver dcmonctlza tlon. " If the law of 1S73 had nothing tt do with the panic that followed Its enactment perhaps several other evil : are wrongfully ascribed to It. The original copy of the federal con Btltution has just been photographed herder order Unit an exact fac-slmlle may hi displayed , at the Atlanta exposition The federal constitution ought to b Indelibly photographed In the minds o every American citizen and mor especially lu the minds of every Amerl can olllce holder. There Is nltogethe too little regard for constitutions h these days. If a photograph of th original document will Ijicitc a dlsposl tlon to observe Its provisions mor strictly the photographs ought to b struck off without stint and distribute ! the whole country. in KAKSAS. Kansas Is threatened with another lrr calamity. This lliuo It Is not drouth , ; rasHhoppcrs , chinch bugs or pro- ilbltlon , but something more to be rcaded than all the ten plagues of 'gypt. The women of Kansas have list Issued a proclamation of uon-lutcr- ourse , as a punishment of the per- ersent'ss of the men , who monopolize he glory of sitting on juries , playing lollcemcn , packing caucuses and boss- ng elections. At the annual picnic of the Kqual Suffrage association , held at Topeka ast Wednesday , the following resolu- Ions were adopted with a shriek and gurgle : Whereas , 17,000 Kansas men declared them- clves against female suffrage at the late lection anil 31.000 Rhowfd tholr opposition > j remaining silent ; be It Hciolvcd , That II Is the duty of every clf-respcctlng woman In the state of Kan- as to fold her hands and refuse to hlp any elisions , charitable or moral reform or po- tlcal association until the men of the state hall strike the adjective "male" from the utfr.iRa clause of th ; constitution , and hereby declare that women's opinions shall e respected and counted at the ballot box , H are nil mon's opinions outside the state penitentiary , the idiot and the lunatic asy- urns. Here Is a threat that will strike terror nto the heart of every man who cle- icMids upon woman to cook his meals , lam liN socks and provide all the com forts of home In this world , and work Hit his salvation for the next. Tin- M'Iglnator of this embargo is said to be Mir ancient and respected friend , < usan It. Anthony , whose life's mis sion has been to emancipate woman 'roni the galling yoke of male oppres sion. lint the question Is , Will the women > f Kansas be able to fold their hands ind keep them folded until they are illowed to vote ? Will they carry out his Interdict to its logical conclusionV If the coercion of the unregenerate Kunsan Turk is the real object of this ( solution , It should not have stopped short of an absolute boycott. Why should the embattled woman of Kan sas refrain from charity and church work and keep on with her drudgery n the kitchen ? Why should the women board and lodge their sons , rotliers , husbands and fathers so long is they are denied' their sacred rights o carry arms In defense of their coun try and do battle for its salvation at lie polls ? There is no doubt that Ptisan H. Anthony struck the nail on : he head when she advocated the policy of non-lntercotirMt as the surest means of bringing the men to time and having he word "mule" stricken from the statute books forever. OST OF AMKKICAI , m.lVtlL IN EUROPK The number of American tourists In Knrope and the amount of their ex- K-iulltures on the other side of the At lantic will be greater this summer than ever before , with the possible ex ception of the year 1880 , when the Paris exposition attracted to Knrope unusually large throngs of sightseers. Indeed , from all accounts It would seem that the number of Americans now In Kuropo has never before been equaled. At the fourth of July ban- Itiet In London the difficulty was to find places for even a moiety of the iippllcants. and a large number of dis tinguished Americans had to be left out. At the Henley regatta last week the attendance of Americans was the larg est over known at any event of this kind in Knglnud , and while the expla nation of this Is found in the fact that an American college crew took part In the races It still shows that the Apierlcan colony In London Is unprece- dontedly numerous. A recent report from Paris stated that so great has been the Influx of Americans that hotel accommodations were exhausted and the visitors found no little dltllculty In securing stopping places. This extraordinary exodus means the transfer of tens of millions of gold from this country to Knrope , constitut ing a very considerable factor in the International exchanges and one that largely contributes to the creation of 11 balance against this country. Inves tigation recently made by an eastern financial journal as to the annual amount of travelers' credits showed it to be about ? < ! 0 , < X)0,000 ) , but there Is reason to believe that a larger sum than this Is taken out of the country almost every year , and there can be no doubt that It will be exceeded this year. It Is undoubtedly not an ex aggerated estimate to place the amount of money that will be expended by Americans In Kurope this summer at $75,000,000 , or about one-twentieth of the currency of the country and about one-seventh of the stock of gold in the United States. Those who can realize the magnitude of this expenditure may wonder that so soon after n period of industrial and business depression so many of our people can afford the ex pense of going abroad , but to a con siderable proportion of these people a foreign trip costs little if any more than they would expend If they re mained at home.Ocean travel Is not very expensive and when abroad people ple are not required to give entertain ments , some of which at home cost as much or more than would pay the expense of a foreign tour. Of course a great many who go abroad are not of this class , and perhaps the aggre gate expenditures of the people of mod erate means Is greater than that of the people of wealth who find In a trip to Kurope pro'litable and needed relief from the demands and exactions of social duties and obligations. Still the annual expenditure , steadily growing , of Americans in Kurope. con stitutes n drain which cannot be re garded with satisfaction , since It Is an outgo which promises to keep the bal ance of International exchange agatnxl this country Indefinitely. It Is Idle , however , to preach to insople who have the means and the desire to go abroad that for this or any other reason they ought to stay In their own country and find recreation and pleasure at tin- many Inviting places to be found here thus keeping their money at home They will not be persuaded by an > considerations either of duty or pa trlotlsm to forego the annual journey to foreign lands , whatever the dangen or discomforts to be encountered. Wo must , therefore , expect the annual ex odus from America to Kurope to con tinue In steadily swelling volume , tak ing out of the country tens of millions of dollars to be added to the wealth of foreign lands. StfMETIIIhU 3WST1I6 DUNK. The managers of the .State Fair as sociation have acquitted themselves creditably In expediting the construction of the exposition buildings. Their tri umphant completion within the next sixty days Is an assured fact , providing the men most largely Interested In the growth and prosperity of Omaha now come forward and do their duty. While It Is true that the magnitude and num ber of exposition buildings and the embellishment of the grounds by far exceeds the expectations of the promoters meters of the enterprise , and therefore Involves a much larger outlay than was anticipated , there can be no halting , faltering or cheeseparing at this junc ture. The work must be pushed to com pletion with unabated vigor and the moans must be raised to meet every bill as It becomes due. The business men of Omaha , notably the retail mer chants , have done nobly In support of the enterprise. In fact , they have done a great deal more than their due pro portion toward redeeming the obliga tions which the State Fair association had Incurred when the location was tlxed at Omaha. On the other hand , the heavy real estate owners and bank ers have not come up to the mark. They have under various pretexts put oft the llnnnclnl committee with very moderate contributions or absolute re fusals to contrblnte and by their want of public spirit discouraged the men who have devoted their best energies and many months of time toward mak ing the fair a great success and thereby advertising Omnhn as she has not been advertised for years. The time Is now at hand when something must be done by the men of means who are vitally concerned In Omaha's Immediate future. These men must come forward with supplementary subscriptions to the slock of the association or contribu tions toward the completion of the buildings aud final grading and orna mentation of the grounds. Omaha never has done things by half ways aud she cannot afford now to recede from the task which her best business men have undertaken. A ( UllK.lT riltltSTIAN * \ > HCR. The Christian Endeavor convention at Boston , where between -10,000 and 50.000 delegates of that organization are assembled , is the greatest religious gath ering ever known , as the society which it represents is perhaps the largest po tent force in the Christian world at present. The membership of the En deavor organization numbers consider ably more than li.000,000 , far outclass ing In numerical strength the old fra ternal organizations , such as the Free Masons and the Odd Fellows. By way of indicating- the numerical superiority of this society a contemporary remarks that the CJrand Army Of the Kop'ublle is still a mighty host , but the Christian Kndeavorers outnumber the Grand Army veterans four to one. Indeed , they are more numerous than the Odd Fellows , the Masons and the Grand Army men combined. The American Federation of Labor Is a vast and pow erful organization , but it might be re inforced by the full strength of the Knights of Labor aud the sum doubled without reaching the two million mark passed by the wonderful army of young Christians whose annual convention Is now filling Boston with the flower of the rising generation lu many evan gelical churches of the United States. The progress of this organization has been wonderful and that It Is a most powerful Instrumentality in promoting the Christian religion Is shown In the reports of the Increase It has made dur ing the past year. Composed of ear nest , enthusiastic and zealous young workers , It Is a persistent force that makes Itself constantly felt wherever established. Originated in this coun try , the purpose is to make It world wide , mid the attainment of this Is only a"question of time. The forma tion of a World Christian Endeavor union is one of the matters under con sideration at the Boston convention , and Its accomplishment Is certain. There is no matter of current interest In which Christian people are more deeply concerned than In the deliberations of the great meeting of Kndeavorers at Boston. nisruniiKn AJMVT IM.VIGHATION. The restoration of Industrial activity In the. United States , making an im proved demand for labor at bettor wages , will undoubtedly have the effect to Increase the number of Immigrants , The Immigration of 18)4 ! ) was the small est for many years and it Is believed almost as many people loft the country as came Into It , so that there was no material Increase of imputation from thr addition of aliens. The hard time * hero caused thousands of people to re turn to their native countries , where the conditions wore no worse than In this * country and where some of those whc returned found work enough to at loasl enable them to sulwlst. It is naturally expected that many of these people will come back to the United States as soon as they feel assured that the Improve' ment in business Is likely to continue and that others who desire to bettoi their condition will also come. I'U' doubtodly the present year will show n larger Immigration than hist year and 11 Industrial activity goes on the numbei of Immigrants next year will be large ! than for several years past. In anticipation of this the advocate ? of greater restriction upon Immigration are manifesting a fooling of apprchcn sum that there will be too many peopli come here from the old world and thai there Is danger of an Influx of paupers criminals and other classes whom the laws say shall bo excluded. It Is note worthy that the opposition to liumlgm tlon does not now take quite so radlca a form as It did a few years ago. Thoi public men and newspapers ndvocatoi extreme measures , the effect of which if put Into oM'nitlon ] , would be to com pletely put a stop to Immigration. Bu I slucu the south has been seeking to at tract ImniigrajiiHv and some of the states of the northwest have shown n desire to liicnm * * their population and their productive grower In this way , the people who wanted to close our ports against the alit'ir2deslrlng to better his condition In this republic have modified their demand. ' T'fioy ' still talk of more rigid restriction , but they are no longer clamoring for legislation that would shut out the gopfl as well as the bad of foreign lauds \iil \ | leavc this country to grow lu population by natural Increase alone , a proceAgf development which ' ' would groatly'dclay , the realization of our "manifest destiny. " The antl-lmml- grntionlsts now profess to bo greatly dis turbed lest we shall be overrun by an Invasion of diseased , pauperized and morally pestilent foreigners. There Is n reason for any fear on this score so long as the national authorities faithfully enforce the laws. Congress has made ample provision In the existing statutes for excluding from the country every clns * of undesirable persons coming from foreign lands and If those statutes are strictly regarded by those whoso duly It Is to execute them there will ho no cause of com plaint. For the past four or "live years : hese laws have been very well en forced. It will not be denied that dur- ng that time a few of the excluded classes have found their way Into the country , but the number of such has ) een very small and there has not been recently any charge from the vigilant organs of the anti-Immigration element that foreign paupers , crinfinals or other objectionable persons were getting a foothold on American soli , which may : > e accepted ns good assurance that none ire doing so. We believe the existing laws are all that are needed to protect us against un- leslrablo Immigrants if they are strictly ind honestly administered , and certainly no addition to them Is to be desired the tendency of which would be to increase the ditllcultles In the way of worthy immigrants , for whom there Is still room aud opportunity lu this great country. The suppression of Senator Blackburn by the democratic state committee of Kentucky Is a severe blow to the politi cal hopes of that gentleman ami a dis tinct notice that the sound money demo crats of the state do not Intend to give any countenance or toleration to the free silver element. Blackburn is one of the most radical advocates of free silver in ( lie southuthongh by no means one of the nbli'st , and while ho declared some time ago liaf lie was disposed to submit to the williof the majority he has persisted In 1iW"free silver advocacy. Ills desire Is fo be re-elected to the United Stales senate , but his en forced retironjeiit from active partici pation In the , Campaign will probably destroy whatever chance he had to be returned. TlfV republicans expect to profit by his suppression , since Its ef fect will doubtloB'Jbe to Intenslfy-jind extend the fattloual feeling tha't ' prevailed - vailed among tlioi'democrats prior to their state convention. The outlook for tins repulilJcans-jlUjJJon.tViCky , is believed to bo steadily improving. If there are still a few people In Lincoln county who really need help to pull through until harvest time Lin coln county ought to bo able to provide for them. So long as the .State Belief commission announces its readiness to distribute further aid from the state appropriation just so long will calls for assistance continue to come In. There Is one way to compel the people of the western counties to rely on themselves again as in. the past , and that is to close up every avenue to the remainder of ( Tie state relief appropria tion. The people demand nil accountIng - Ing of the rejlef commission's work. There Is no need of protracting that work because of the spasmodic letters still being received. According to reliable advices , the trustees of the Institute for the Blind are letting contracts and having the work of repairs begun on the building under their direction. This may hi perfectly proper , but Is it not depriving the State Board of Public Lands and Buildings of Its Jurisdiction In the matter ? The board has boon trying t < i Interfere with work at the Institute foi the Deaf and Dumb on the theory that It lias charge of the authorized repairs. The two institutions , however , stand precisely on the same legal basis. If the state board has jurisdiction over the Deaf aud Dumb Institute , why does it not also seek to exert the same authority with reference to the Institute for the Blind ? The officer of the engineering corp ? In charge of the white house and othei public buildings and parks In aud about Washington again recommends an ap' ' proprlntltm of ? t > . * > 0,000 for the erection of tin executive ottteo building that will relieve the white liouse of the pressure of people who go th , r to transact public , business. Thls'iflplft-oprlatlon has been recommended tpncphgress any numbei of times and It is possible that that body may finally bo'persuaded to accept thr advice. But thiVpresent occupant of UK white house will not be able to open the now executive--offices , although he may be yjTinlttojl Jc > sign the bill mak ing the mnch-stiiiKht-for provision foi lllJ KllPl'OSXflP. The attorney general of Illinois In terprets the law'jOf ; , Unit state to pre vent Insurance , , saints who are members - bers of school noahls or the Iiicunv bents of any offier * public olllce , elec tive or appointlvcs-from Insuring public schools Or other'pulHIe property In the companies which 'they represent. Tlilf Is good public policy everywhere whether it Is 'the 'law ' or not. If in sur.mee agents are permitted to boh ! public olllce they should not be allowei to UKO the Influence of tholr olllclal posl tlons to procure business from whlcl they derive profit. Now It Is the American apple tha has come tinder the ban of the Cornmi government on account of Its nllegot Injurious character. The regulation : prescribed are Intended really to put i stop to npplo Importations from th United States. The real trouble Is tha Americans apples are presalug ban ipon the dcinniuli for domestic grown rult In Uennnny. " Up I Im Slliiwtliin , For the first time In five years Kansas and Nebraska have nil the rain they want. This s also the flnt year that "rainmakers" iave kept out of those states , I.onki Tlmt Wnr. Now York Sun. Of the five women appointed as school commissioners In llrooklyn by Mayor Schleren three arc wives and two are spinsters. All of the three women ap- > olnted as medical Inspectors In New York > y the Hoard nf Health arc unmarried. A spinster seems to have a bolter chance of getting office than a wife. UuUldn of Tholr .Inrlnilictlon. ChlcnBO TltnPt-lteruM. The reported determination of a good por- lon of the senior class nt Yale to deny hemselvcs connubial bliss Indicator a lament able Ignorance of the processes of the 'onialc mind. Tlio young men will not bo consulted with reference to their views en natrlmony. When the proper crisis arrives hey will throw up their hands. A IliuliipKH Iliirnnirtcr , Philadelphia LwlRsr. Another sign of renewed prosperity Is 'omul In the postal receipts of the United States. These Increase \\lth the population of the country , oven In times of business lepresslon , but the rate Is accelerated In jusy seasons , and the Indications , from ircsent sales , arc that 1835 will show us great an Increase as In 1892 , when It amounted to G per cent per annum. Dur- ng the business depression It fell to 3 per cent. Opposition to Snlrlilo. riillailflphla llerord. The western senator who Is quoted as having said that "It would be political suicide 'or me to express my real views on the Inanclal question" Is not alone In Ills de- : cstatlon of the crime of self-destruction. [ n fact , he Is but one of a goodly company , ncludlng a number of presidential possl- jllltles , whose regard for the sanctity of life ms assumed an acute phase since the .Ickllsh silver question has loomed on the lorlzon. _ The Itlvnl VnohU. rhllailolphla LPdKer. Valkyrie III appears to bo Just the kind of r-acht she was designed to be. She won easily from Britannia and Allsa In a light wind. The Defender Is probably better all-around ioat , though possibly not as good as Valkyrlo In a drifting match. If that should be the case the result of the race may depend alto gether on the weather. Va kyrle III was ) ul"t on the reasonable chance ttat In Septem ber this side of the Atlantic the winds would bo light. _ _ Avoiding Kntnnclln ? roiietslons. Olotie-Dcmocrnt. The London Spctator frankly admits that the European world Is thirsting for de pendencies , In seizing Immense possessions beyond the sea , and Is declaring that Its prosperity depends "almost exclusively upon Its power to secure and to protect trans marine commerce. " The United States Is the une advanced and powerful nation that Is not In this pool , and It Is not likely to have occa sion to regret Its absence from the game of grabbing fnsh territory. Lumbering Up thn Snpromo Dooxet. Cincinnati ICnqulror. The Increase of business for the federal courts comes largely from the attempt to burden them with business that they have nothing properly to do with. Their time Is largely employed In rejecting cas.es over which the state courts have exclusive Juris diction. Things have come to such a pass that a lawyer , particularly zealous for his criminal client , who may have violated a state law by committing murder or burglary , does not feel satisfied till he has made an attempt to get the case Into the supreme court of the United States. Tlin Maximum Itnto I.nw , ( , Iluffala IJxpress. „ Nebraska's maximum freight law , which has now gone to the United States supreme court. Is of general Interest as establishing the principle of the right of a state to flu rates for railroad trafllc. The act was passed in 1893 and was signed by Governor Crounse. It has since been In the courts The United States district court sustained th ; railroads , and the court of appeals has decided that It has no Jurisdiction , thereby overturning the decision of the lower tri bunal. Should the supreme court confirm the view of the court of appeals , the matter probably would go back to tha state courts and be fought out there. The Czn'i * Cleiifrixittr. ChlcaRO Times-Herald. Alleged generosity of the czar In offering any amount of gold la Uncle Sam merely on Uncle Sam'a due bill may bo taken with a grain of salt. The > > republlc of France may feel constrained to enter Into an alliance with RussU for a time. China may become the czar's client of her own volition. But a people ple whose Institutions rest on a constitution founded In revolution and existing- a pro test against monarchy w)41 ) not tolerate the Idea of becoming debtors to "an absolute despotism tempered by assassination. " Bet ter borrow In the open market at usurious rate than accept accommodation from Russia as a gratuity. I'urllnnlrnl I'nternnllMn. SprlriKfleld rtepuhllcnn. A curious return to 'old-time paternalistic practices is observable In certain sections of the wesi. Several towns In Minnesota and also In Iowa have adopted ordinances requir ing all children of 1C years and under to be In their homes after the town bell has rung out the hour of 9 o'clock p. m. Now the city of Duluth , Minn. , which Is about the slzo of ftolyoke , has adopted a similar practice. After the curfew boll has rung , any youth or child found on the streets without a written permit from parents or guardians Is liable to arrest. The effect on the mental and moral developments of the rising generation Is ex pected to amply Justify the departure back to the practices of early days. COIlXMtUSH CUI.LAl'SE. Denver Nawst Oarsman Courtney was too sick to look at the Cornell crew row. lie has been something of a hoodco since the time he was too sick to row Ed Haitian at Lachlne. Chicago Dispatch : Cornell's defeat In the Henley regatta by the Trinity Hall crew proved qulto conclusively one of two things either the American crew was badly trained and In no physical condition to rower or clao the climatic changes affected the visi tors disastrously. From this distance It looks as If Cornell sent a crew of cripples across the water. St. Paul I'ioneer-I'ress The - : general ver dict upon the defeat of rno Cornell crew at Henley will bo that It served them right. There was nothing In their past record to Justify them In thrusting themselves forward as representative American oarsmen to match a picked crew cf the e.lte of the university rowers of Great Britain. The result proved that they were kids whose Inadequate phyil- cal stamina had probably been ex'nausteJ by overtraining and they were so far outclassed by their competitors that It was a piece of foolhardy presumption on their part to set thtmselves up as the champions of America against the crack oarsmen of Oxford and Cambridge. Their conduct In other respect ! did not reflect any luster on the American name. Detroit Free Press : The climate was such as to preclude their being In the best ( condi tion , but when all the facts are known It will probably appear that Trainer Courtney was far from being the man for the p uce. There Is evidence that lie exacted too much from his men , sending them over the couruo at top speed far oftener than was be t and calling upon them for more work than was required after they were In good form. Be sides this Courtney Is nof a man to Inspire a crew with courage , for he has none to Im part. His record Is that of one of the fast est oarsmen In the world who never had the heart to make a good fight against a worthy opponent. It Is still generally believed that ho sawed his boat to avoid a race with Han- Ian and Just when he should have been with th ? Cornel B nt Henley , cheering , reassuring and encouraging them lie was reported on tha sick Hit. The boys were something In the condition of soldiers deserted by their leader and this alone would go far toward bringing about their defeat. They were beaten , but there Is galUfactlon In knowing that they did not play the part of bully or disgrace either their alma mater or the country by their conduct. ttKVULAH 8IWTH AT Tlttt t'Vt.VlT. New York World : 1'rof. Huxley wm burled yesterday , and oven hi * mast uncom promising opponents will now agree that he was one of the greatest and belt men of his day. It It hard to sec. however , how lie Is to bo happy In any future state In which ho will have no Chinch of I'nqland bishops to argue with , Iloston Globe : Wonderful things arc pro- mulcted from the pulpits nowadays , espe cially when sensational pro.iehcrs pound the pulpit cushions. Kor Instance , In n sermon Sunday In Now York nov. deorga White- field Mend , In tones of thunder , s.ild : " \Vo know that It Is a common thing for men to spend fabulous turns of money for unseason able fruit , and there ore women In tlila city who pay $200 for nightgowns that can never bo washed. " Memphis Commercial-Appeal ! They ( boy preachers ) nro becoming a uuluncc , nnd cans- InR men of thought to become very tired ; for they and those who encourage them nro making a travesty of the most sacred of hu man concents.Vo have been having them for qulto.a while , the first one naturally creating a sensation. Hut the crop has been Increasing every year , until now , as la the case with the ICngllsh sparrows , there must bo found a way to abate them ur the cause of Christianity will suffer. " Minneapolis Journal : Eugene Ilusch , an Oklahoma farmer , has starletl a now religion. Ho began It with a forty-day fast. Ho has secured forty adherents , moat of whom will not probably fast for forty days. He re quires his followers to give away all their earthly goods and just roam. That In a re ligion that will exactly suit some people , and If Mr. Busch starts this way he can pick up Weary Wriggles nnd Arid Arthur and Parched Perkins along the route and make quite a show of numbers before ho reaches Minneapolis. Hut the people who are to support the reamers may have something to say before the summer Is over. Now York Tribune : A pious Malno lum berman recently purchased a gold brick of a plausible and seemingly opulent stranger , g-et- tlng It at a reduced rate in which there ap peared to be a handsome profit. The brick turned out as usual , greatly to the surprise of the purchaser , who supposed that all bul lion of that kind was Issued by the United States treasury and was as good as the metal of which It pretended to bo composed. It was subsequently learned that the only readIng - Ing which the lumberman In question had permitted himself for the last twenty years was the printed copies of Talmage's sermons , which reached him weekly , containing any amount of religious precept and admonition and promise , but nothing about "gold bricks" and the dark and sinuous ways of the plausi ble strangers who vend them. Thus the credulous and pious purchaser Is a loser In the sum of seven or eight thousand dollars , which might have been saved to him If his favorite parson had devoted a single ex haustive and systematic discourse to the subject of bullion , specifying Its different varieties nnd showing the kinds that ought to bo avoided as an Investment. As Talmage has talked about nearly everything , religious and other , In the last quarter of a century , It seems strange that he has not taken the trouble to unveil to his hearer ? and readers the wicked schemes of the gold brick man , as well as the lightning rod man and other Itinerary workers of Iniquity. A modern brewery threatens to cast a shadow over classic Chautauqua. Seven thousand speeches at the' Christian Endeavor convention , and not a word about silver. Well , well , well ! The next governor of Iowa Is president of the three I's railroad , and Is uncom monly well equipped to read his tlflo clear. The falluro of the Cornell crew to yank the Han's tall forever bars their entrance to the Patriarchal Order of Political Jingoes. Frank J. Sprague enjoys the distinction of having constructed the llrst line of railway operated by electricity In the United States , which was In Richmond , Va. "Chicago modesty" receives another airing In a. local paper. 'Tis well. Confinement In a closet Vails for biennial fumigation at least , with the customary label attached. The Washington Post crowed lustily and plctorlally over Cornell's lonesome Meat , and the day following the editor and tha artist performed a graceful somersault and en gaged a muscular kicker for an Indefinite period. Thirty years ago W , A. Clarke , the Mon tana mine owner , arrived In that part of the world with a pick ) over his shoulder and not so much as a dollar In his pocket. At present his fortune Is estimated at from $20,000,000 to $10,000,000. Many years ago the skull of Richelieu was stolen by some sacrilegious wretch. A few days ago It was returned to the authorities and replaced In the tomb In the Church of Sorbonne In the presence of M. Hanotaux , minister of foreign affairs , and other digni taries. Among the few eminent Americans bearing the name of Jonathan the most distinguished was Jonathan Trumbull , the revolutionary governor of Connecticut , and , It Is stated , that on his account the name "Brother Jonathan" was adopted as a synonym of the good genius of the American republic. Judge Cassoday , who will succeed Chief Justice Orton of Wisconsin , was born In New York City on July 7 , 1830 , and went to Wisconsin In 1857 , settling In Janesvlllo , where ho practiced law until 1SSO , when Governor Smith appointed him to a place on the bench , after the death of the late Chief Justice Ryan. 1IT.AST3 IVJ0.1I It.lH'S MOtt.V. A hobby never has a sore back , Success Is always sure , when we nro will * Ing to pay the price , A hypocrite never fools anybody else as bad ns lie dots hlmslf. , There am people who hive a grc.it deal of religion , but no love. Standing up for prayers means tittle , un less ( he heart gets on IU hnecs. There ar ? people \\ho hate thlsf , who borrow books and never return them. The father should fear to walk \ > hcro It would not bo safe for bis children to tr.tvol. When the dovll ran't get behind the preacher in , any other \v.iy , he sometimes joins the choir. Anybody can be pleasant to pleasant people ple , but It takes gracs > to be pleasant to un pleasant people. VHUl'lt .I.VIJ SILI'KIt , Wllber Democrat : Last year nnough sil ver bullion was mined to mnko cnor { 00,000- 000 at the ratio of 1G to 1 , and It cost the silver mlno owners Ivs3 than $30.000,000 to produce It. Now they want It coined no as to pay them 100 per cent profit. That Is the milk In the free coinage cocaxivrt : Hartlnglon Hcr.ild : The farmer who raises nn abundance of corn , cattle , or hogs will find plenty of money ready to purchnso his products. And Hint fame money will pay off the mortgage , never fear. Just what the northwest Is aching for moro than free sil ver ( with all respect to the white metal ) Is n free and unlimited crop , and If the sign * fall not wo arc going to get It. Dlllcr Record : If we can have the crops wo can get the dollars. If we have no crops wo could not get any dollars , even If 10 to 1 coinage should bo adopted. There Is an abundance of money now to pay good prices for every pound of our products , and when wo get the dollar under existing conditions we can buy a hundred cents * worth of any thing anywhere for the dollar , and that Is the way It ought to be. Troy Budget : An exchange Inquires whether It Is not possible to tnko thu now woman too scrliXKIy to heart. Not when Hhe 1st lovely and wining. Truth : He You ought to know that I love you , Mnb'jl ! llns not my fncu be trayed my feelings ? She No. It has nlwuys been a perfect blank to me. Ilostnn Transcript : "Some folks main tain. " remarked Unss between puffs , "that In Ihe next world wo shnll follow the aamo occupations ni In this. " "And In this world , " snlil Mrs. 1) . , "you nro amoklng- Incessantly. " Detroit Frco Press : "Why nro you not up to Simpson's tonight holding his daughter's hand ? " "HecaiHo I am too much nfrald of her father's foot. " Atchlson Olobo : What has become of thu old-fashloncil woman who wild , "Well , for pity's bake ! " noston Post : She I'm nfrald that It Is not me that you're ufler , but that it Is my money you want. He How foolish In you to aay that ! You know very well I can't get your money without llrst getting you. Chicago Record : Miss Uloomcrs I wonder when Clmrlev New boy will ever learn to ride properly ? Miss Knickerbockers What's the matter now ? Miss Bloomers Why , he works so haw pedaling that he doesn't have breath enough left to propose. Indianapolis Journal : "I wish to ask your permission to pay my addresses to your daughter , " said the old-fashioned young "All right , " said the old gentleman. "If I can pet her perml slon to E've ' you my per mission , go ahead. " _ Somervlllo Journal : Stern Father Do you realize , young man , that up to the present tlmo It has cost mo at least $20.000 to bring UD and educate that gill ? Fond Lover Yes , sir ; and from my point of view I should say , Hlr , that pho Is fully worth It. _ Detroit Free Press r He I came from my hnuso to yours thH evening In ten mlnutoS on my wheel and It Is over two miles. Rho I wouldn't have thought It. HP Why not ? I'm an export. She Oh , because It takes you so iruch longer to go back again. UNSEASONABLE. WnnhlnRton Slnr. "Mv ardent love for you , " he wrotp , "Consumes my very being ; Mv burning passion can you note , Nor pity In the seeing ? " "Alas , " nuoth she , "I pity you ; Your plight Is touching , very ; Hut couldn't you call later ? Do ) Come 'round In January. " , A 11KCUI.LKUT10\ . Waslilncton Star. When the hot sun searches the npphalt street When the trectops shrivel beneath the heat , There comes n memory wondrous sweet , Like a distant soft refrain , Of the time when over the snow we sped ; When the heart was light and lighter the When I , while the Jowelcd moments fled , Went sleighing- with Mary Jane. How the crisp snow sang 'neath the rush- forms did the drifts reveal How rippled her laughter's merry peal , As we scurried along the lane ! Go on. thermometer ! Oo your worstl Send up the mercury till you burst ! That old Impression Is dearest , llrst , That journey with Mary Jane. Displays AUK MEANT TO CATCH YOUU KVK. YOU MAY NOT SFK TIIKKH JUST WHAT YOU WANT. HUT IV YOU AUK 1NTKUKSTKD KXOUOII TO STKl' INSIDH WK HAVW NO MISCIYINUK IN UKGAItD TO OUU ABILITY TO PLKASM AND THOKOUOIIl.Y SATISFY YOU IN WHAT YOU DO WANT. WK IIAVK AN IM- MKNSK QUANTITY OF fllOICH CLOTIIINO-NOT THK "Al C- TION KIND , " HUT THI3 MNKST IN AMKUICA. NHXT MONTH SOMK TIMH IN COMKS OUH FALL STOCK. WK CAN'T I'UT IT IN THK GKLLAIt , NOK OUU SUMMKH STOCK KITIIHK. WK IIAVK GOT TO MAKE UOOM FOK IT IM- MEDIATELY. HUITOSK YOU DON'T WANT A Sl'IT FOH THIS SUMMER ; YOU WILL NEXT. AND IF YOU HAVE UEAD THE PAPERS LATELY YOU ARE AWARE OF THE ADVANCE THAT IS TAKING PLACE IN THE MERCANTILE WORLD. ONE OF OUR $8.00 SUITS OF TODAY WILL HK WORTH NEXT SEASON $12.50. NOTHING YOU INVEST IN WILL PAY AN YLARGER INTER- EST. YO UAN "HONESTLY" SAVE NEARLY $5.00 ON EVERY SL'IT NOW. WE MEAN JUST WHAT WE SAY AND ADVERTISE. OUR REPUTATION HAS TO HE KEPT UP AT ALL HAZ ARDS , AND WHAT WE TELL YOU IS RIGHT. NEVER IN "OUR HISTORY MORE THAN A QUARTER CEN TURY-HAVE WE SOLI ) CLOTHING HO CHEAP , AND NEVER HAVE WE TAKEN MORE PAINS TO TURN OUT FIRST CLA&S GARMENTS. AND WK ARE STILL SLAUGHTERING PRICKS. $12.50 Snlts for $8. $15.00 Suits for $10. $18 00 Suits tor $ la * $20.00 Suits for $15.00 anil $25.00 SulU tor $19.00. WEQUARANTEE EVERY SUIT IN FIT , QUALITY AND FINISH. IF YOU'RK NOT PLEASED WE'LL SWAP WITH YOU. RELIABLE CLOTHIERS , S. WCor. . 15th. and Douglas , OMAHA-