TILE OMAIIA DAILY J3EE : ' FRIDAY , JULY 12. 1895. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , VtdterllifniriiU for thme rnlunin * will l > takrn until 12mo p. m. for Hie rvrnlncnnd until H | > . m. for the inuriiniir BII. ' ftuntlay edition. AUYerlUrm , by rrqnrntlnj : n numbered I , inn linto BiiMirm niltlrrnned to n nnnihcrcd letter In ruro of Thn ll f . An * mtrn no niltlirniicil will lia delivered npon I Icirlitntlon of Ilia check nnljr , ltiltr , 1 l-2c n word , IIrut limrrtlnn , lo n word litrrnfler. Nothing tiiknn for Im tlmu BCo lor tint Insertion. Ihcnc Bdvrrtlnemcnt * niu t ion roiurcu- lively. \ ( SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED. A POSITION AS HOt'SEKKBI'KU to n widower or olnisle Rpnll"rni n. penmnnl In terview dculred ; tffertr.con. Addrojn A. H. , gen. del. , poslofllce , 1'latUmouth , Neb.A A SLGj 13 * \VANTKi > HEI/t. WANTED , 1,000 MEN TO WHITE ME TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free. In plain fenlcd tnvelope ) whlrll cured me of nervtnn debility , * xhauM l vitality , etc. Address C. J. Wnlker. Pox U Kalnininoo , Mich. H-M463 _ WANTBIJT MAN ON HALAHY TO TAKE Oil- ACTS In city. If successful will recelvn ad vancement. Apply ufler 9 n. in. 1MB Douit- la . II-M330 Jy23 _ _ _ _ ICO TO > t. HAI.AHY PAID SALESMEN KOH clKnm ; experience not necessary ; extrn Induce ments to customers , nithop & Kline , HL'-I'I | ' ; ; , " > \VANTHO. KXPKRIENCKD OUT OOOD3 CAt.- ler , mldress Klvlne due , experience , Fntnry nnd references , "Dry Uoods Carrier No. 2. St. Jo- cpli. Mo. " lt-723-ir. _ WANTHD. LIVK. INTBU.IOKNT AGENTS IN Omnti.i to oritnnlzc clubs of three to n\p families fnr our fnmotisi orchard homes Innn In central MlMlnnlppl. The tide of ImmlKrntlon U Koine outh where there are no hot winds , no cold wlnlern. no 1 llzuinls. no crop failures. Where two to three crops can be raised i-nch year. Where there Is no surli IhlnB nn n fnll- uru If n man will work one-hnlf n hard a * he does In this cmintry. C'ool summers , mild win- tern , sure pnylns crops of fruit nnd Karden truck , richest neil on earth , best nillrnnil facilities. Oeo. W. Amen , Bfn rol ° I-'W1VSU ! Fnrntirn street , Omnha. _ . _ _ ' _ _ WANTKD-AN K.VKIIOI5TIC MAN WITH OOCW buslneja ability can mnkf lllwnil ctintrnct ami find | > ormnnent city or country portllon with nn old fslnbllshed coll-ctlni ? company , sollcltlnB buslneFH on ccunmlsslon that will net JHX ) per month. Aililrra with stamp nnd state experi ence , Savers & Company , La Clode Hide. , M. Louis. Mo. ll-761-la _ LAIIoiuJus ON IIAILHOAD WO1HC IN KOUTIl DAkotn. Fieo transportation. Kramer & O'Henrn , llth & Farnani Htree _ It 7.6-11 * WANTKD. TTllST'-fLASS OENKIIAL I1LACK- Binlth : steady work and prompt pay. trunk Vim BlyUe , Anita , la. H-M.8S 12 * _ n WANTED SALESMEN , TIIAVKMNO AND I/J- cnl , best special or rtde lintchnlco ; of territory. it W. O. Tcmplelon , Oen'l. AKM ! N. 'i. Llfp. H iG2 10 WANTED Ptia-flLE HELP. WANTED. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. MRS. Wright , 2iJ14 Svwuid St. C iCI-12 2 PRIVATE FAMILY COOKS AND SECOND Rlrls ; hotel cook for out of town. Canadian nf- lice , 1323 Douglas- P-MiM 11 * _ WANTED. A COMPETENT AND EXPERI- cnced nurce. nt the South Omaha lionpltal. Ap ply In person on Monday. July 13 , at 3 p. in. , nt hospital l.ulldlnK. C-M.01 II * _ WANTED , OlTlL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work ; small children In family salary , JI.OO per weelc. Address , giving references , A. 11. Mer- rltt. Douglas , Wyo. _ C M.97 13 HOUSES. F. K. DAULINO , BARKER BLOCK. O 4G * HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1503 Farnuin. D 4CO HOUSES , BENAWA & CO. . 10 ? N. 1JTH J5T. 11. E. COLE CO. . LARGEST LIST IN OMAIIA. L ) AHGS HENTAL AGENCY. 620 SO. 16TH ST. D 4tO _ 7-ROOM EAST FRONT MODERN , M2 N. 40TH. D 1S5 JylS * _ _ 6-HOOM FLAT FoTr RENT. 1013 DODGED EIGHT-ROOM HOUSES NEAP. HIGH SCHOOL J.15.00 nnd 125.00 per month. Inquire 231 Capitol avc. D C27-11 * FOR RENT T\VO C-HOOM COTTAGES , ONI ! furnished. - 80. S. SOth. Modern. 6-ROOM COTTAGE , 937 N. 25TH. EN'Ql'IRE K2H South 13th St. D-727 H FOR HUNT , FLATS NEWLY PAPERED AND cleaned , northeast corner lllh and Howard streets. Fifteen dollars a month. Inquire room 311 , First National Bank building. D 741-22 FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES. 140S-K North 22d utreet. Eight dollars per month. In quire room 311 , First National Bank building. D 712-2 : Rl FOR RENT , FURNISHED HOUSE. 1120 SOUTH 32d tr t. Inquire 523 1'ark avenue. ft avenue.D M792 14 * 1-Cja. c u.i > a FURNISHED ROOMS MC WEEK. 710 8. 14TH E-910 Jyl2 * t ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING FOR MAJi and. wife ; rent taken In board. 315 N. 17th. E-SJ4-H _ _ ROOM FOR TWO. PRIVATE FAMILY. MOD- ern. WI S. 23th Avc. K M327 13 * NICELY FURNISHED. COOL. QUIET ROOMS 111 prlvnto family , only six blocks from pout onice. 2013 Douglas st. E 15H * FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR TWO GI'.N- tl.'men. All mo'ein. 21Mi Cass t. 1C 649 12 NICELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS , GAS ateam heat. 711 S. ICtli , third lloor right. : * - _ i-M6SSJ3 _ JIOUSEKKEPINO ROOMS. CONVENIENT cheap , cool. largo lawn. 2G11 St. Mary' * . i ; I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOI'SE koei nff. Inquire 1913 Dodge. E M771 FOR RENT. ELEGANTLY FURNIHHEI rooms. Addrc < T 52. Dec. E 777-15 * BOIITH FRONT ROOM NICELY FURNISHED 1516 Howard. E-7SO-H * VERY PLEASANT NORTH OR SOUTH ROOM ! nnd board. 2J01 Douglas. E 778-17 * WANTED. 7.ADY ROOMMATi : , HOUSEKEKP Ing rooms , 020 St. Mary'o. E 61J .Iy 26' 2 OR 3 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping ; no children. 207 S. 25tli avenue. E M7SS 14 * DESIRABLE SUITE OF ROOMS ; ALSO SIN glc room , with or without board ; reference. 221 Fuimun street. E M7i ! 11 * ROO.U3 AN1J BOaRI NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM WIT1 board for two ; prlvuto faintly ; nn other board rrs ; Lest lioinn comforts. Ctl No. 21st. tel Callf ina ! nnd Webster. F 901 TC TILVDB. DRESS ItJIT. CIICST MhAHUlU 36 Inclie.t. worn twice ; cost 175 , for horse , gun or anything S . Beo. F-1J3 : OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT A" 2W H. tllh st. G93 1 _ VQR RENT , S UNFI'RNISHED ROOMS W1T1 bath , near llunsccni 1'jik. Ho So. 29th st. G 75 $ 11 * OFFIOEt l-'OR RENT-THE 4-STORY lir.ICK BUILDING 916 Fain.im street. TliU bullJInc I'an ' n tire proof cement banemcnt. complttu ateam heat Ing llxlurv * , witter on all Itoors , cni , etc , Ap ply at tha olllca of Thu Bee. 1 910 * FOR RENT. FIRST-CLAS-'S THREE-STOIT und baHement , bilck store building. No. luo ] fat nain htr t , KultabU for nny kind of hunlnea Reasonable tetms. Imiulru r'XJin 311 First Nn tlonul Bank building. I 7H-22 _ "AOKN TS WA NTED. MEN AND WOJIEN. Jj TO JH A DAY. AD dre Iho Handy lleuter Co. , $31 New York Uf blilg , . JJra-vha , N U J tZ * VOK RENT. OIXJD STORK ROOM.ToXJO. I' lirlcU op-rn. hounei at Sliflby , 1.1. . now nndi- contructlon. nnd ready l r oceup-tnoy Sfpteni ber I , \\-i\l rent rcHsonably , wlv > l * nr In pml fxcollt'iit locality. F u : furt'ier ( inrtlcuUis at ] dreu 1'hlllp Bohlunder , Shi-lby. l.i.J J M7M 13 * W AN T ED T OR BN1\ WANTED. BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVAT fniully br Ki'Iltlemaa anil wife ; brat at rrfxi cncu . AddrtfM T 61 , Bee. K M7 li WANTED. SUITE OF 3 bu * TuRNismJ rooniH t r light lu > i vke plnci l" t nt icfei diced. AdilivM T 3i , Beo. K M7W U * WANTIIuTrO RENT FUHNlSlIEb HOI'Vi : , ta 9 monw , f'T 9 nmntht 1 > rar ; KitUfarior rcferenceif furnl > hrJ. Addrr * 1 * . O. bur 21i. 1C M7SI H * KE TAL AGtNCY. Q. G. WALUVCB. RENTALS , til BROWN BLK STORAGE. 1IEST KTURAaiJ BCII.DINO IN Oil A HA. I * . . - tondfj warrhouie ; hotiichold u Ji t < ' . ! rau * . _ 101-1015LLeuvtnw [ tlt. MI7i " " BTORAfJE. FRANK EWHRS , 1211 HARNKt MtIS _ _ ' 1 > ACIFIC STORAGE & 'w\REIIOrSE CO. 1 J10 Jouts iu. General itbruse ana lorusn-d i U 144 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED , SECOND-HAND BICYCLE IN GOOD condition. Call 603 Plen-o street. N M79I 14 * FOR SALE HORSK3 AND WAGONS TWO-SEATED CARRIAGES , PHAETONS , hwivy spring wngon anil buggies , 1M South 18th St. P-774-U * Jb'OU bALii HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chas. R. Lee , 8th and Diuglnt. \ Q-173 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. . AMES. NEB. , nai 400 tons good baled hny for sale , Q MISO FOR SALE-OLD LfMBEll , CONSISTING OF scantling 2x1 , 2x8 , 2x10 , 6.\3 , ihlulap. sheeting , sliHng. doors , windows , etc. , at the Associated Charities wood yard , E07 Howard st. Q-J57-Jyll SECURITIES FOR SALE. \Ve have a number of first mortgages in amounts o' JlOO to J3.POO nt 6'4 to 8 per cent for fal * > . None but gilt edged securities handled. Call nnd sec us. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St. Q 3S7 31 FOR SALE , GOOD FAMILY MILK COW. 42D and Hamilton. ; Q M6M FOR SALE , CHEAP. EXTRA GOOD SIX- hole steel range. 2C33 Hnrney street. Q CS2 12' FOR SALE. NEW TENT , 10X11 ; A BARGAIN. Call or address 20 = 1 Hiiinllton St. U 772-12 * THOROUGHBRED IRISH SETTER PUPS FOR sale nt a bargain. Jlobvrt Ivens , Persia. In. Q-M70U 12 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED , HUNTING DOGS TRAINED FOR chickens and quail ; satisfaction guaranteed erne no pny. For terms address G. S. RnmbaURh , Central City , Neb. H M6S3 13 * CLAutVOYANTS MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business mediant , sin year at 113 N. 16th. S 181 . A'JL'O. MADAM SMITH , 502 S. 13TH 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , milphurlne nnd sea baths. T-M034 13 * MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1421 DODGE. MRS. DR. LEON , ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric bath. Parlors restful and left-railing. 412 North 14th street. T M733 IS * FINEST BATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS IN city. Mmc. Howell , 311 & 320 8. 13th ; thoroughly practical chiropodist nnd manicurist attendant. T M876 Jyl2 * _ " 11 NORTH K.TH ST. , ROOM G. "lIATHS , 8E- lect massage by an expert. Anna , from Chi cago. T 726 14 ; _ TUKlllbH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY cxclusi.-cly for ladles. Suite 103-11J , Bco bids. LADIES' BATHS. MME. POST. 319',4 ' K. 15TII. Pi.HbONAL. VIA VI CO. . S45 BEE BLDG. ; HEALTH BOOK free ; homn treatment ; lady attendant. U433 B7HAAS , FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Banquet , hall , residence and ginve decorations. 1313 Vlnton street. Telephone 776. U MIS4 BATHS. MASSAGE , MME. POST , 3194 ! S. 1STJI. U 453 A PRIV.VfE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos. Jewels , bicycles , etc. ; business strictly confidential. Address , PostolTlce Iox JJiJ. _ _ _ _ _ _ U M7'j2 _ ARE YOU SICK7 MEDICINE AND TREAT- mcnt We. nt 203Vfr N. 16th st. U 133 Jyl7 FOR FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , vault work , etc. , fee or nddresi W. G. Temple- ton , gcn'l. ng't. , 403 N. Y. Life. U M697 a CASH ADVANCED ON PUBLIC EMPLOYES' salaries. Commercial Trust Co. . 419 lien Btilc. U M733 SUMMER BOARDING AND PICNIC GROUNDS , nt Hazel Dell mimcry. Hrlggs station , Ncli. . 13 minutes ride from Webster street depot on C. St. P. M. & O. R. R. depot , poitolllcc nnd church nt grounds. Pleasant drive or wheel rides from city. Benutlful grove nnd good Fptlns water. Tents for rent. Refreshments served on crnunda. For particulars address J W. Day , BrlKBS. Neb. U-737-13 MRS. JACOBSON HAS REMOVED FROM 1SI2 NU'holis st. to 610 North 20th st. U 7M-13 * AHT'TTirCVLD JACK. IF LIVING CORRESPOND with J. B. James , Mansrt-Id , Tl"Ka Co. . Pa. Other papers please copy- W M760 IS * MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TllUST CO. , 315 N.Y. LIFE , loans nt low intes for choice security In Nc- brnaUu and Iowa farms or Oninha city property w 4S6 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. THE O. 1' . Davis Co. , 1505 Fuinam St. W 437 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAtin , 515 N. Y.fLIFE. . LIFK INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City , Ho. CAPITAL. $2.000.000 ; SUItt'LUS. JCOO.OOO : U. 8. Mortu-aKO Trust Co. , New York ; for 6 per cent loans on city property apply to Pusey & Thomas , agents.room 2'J7 ' , First Nat. lllc bldg , MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Lore & Co. , Paxlon blk. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at G per cent. W. B. Melkel , 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAIIA property. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam. LOANS ON IMPROVED A UNIMPROVED CITY pioperty.V. . Farnani Smith & Co. , 1320 Knrnam. INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. . New York , offer any part 100,000 eastern In vestors' numca , who have money to Invest ; jiut compiled. Writs for particulars. , \ \ MuSl Jy2 MORTGAGE LOANS. LOW RATES. J. D. Xlltle , 16th and Douglas. Omnlin. U 31770 A10 HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONF.Y TO LOAN ON FUKNITUnK. PIANOS. huisea , wasona , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of coeds ; strictly conlldcntlal ; you can pir ; 'he loan off at any tlma or In any " ' " " " ' " ' 'OMAHA MOnTOAOB LOAN CO. . : M so. iom St. . xr1M. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITUIIEND plannj. Fred Terry. 430 Ilaiiige tlk. X IJ7 MODEL LOAN CO. . 4iXJ Nn\V YORK LIFKll X 1S1 JylC' BUSINESS CHANCES. 12.000.0. ) STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN BEST town In eastern Nebraska , for land and , caiO or equivalent. Address S 23 , care Off.YM93I Y-M93I 1 SOLID INVESTMENTS ; BRICK BUSINESS block , water power Mauling mill , line lea busi ness. II. C. Alter A Co. . Sheridan , W > o. Y M313 FOR SALE-STOCK OF MILLINERY ; BEST " location In the city. Gcod reason for"selling. . , Address at once , T 16. lite. Y 430 ! 2.70rt. DRUG STORE DOING GOOD BUSINESS. J. J. Gibson , 1st National bank. Y M701 II J2.5CO , SALOO N IN ONE OF THE LEADING hotels. J. J. Gibson , 1st Nut. Bank.Y . Y M'OOll ONE-HALF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE und obmrart business In central Nebraska foi sale. T 4 > . Omahn , Bee. Y-M731 A7 FOP. SALE , GOOD DRY GOODS BUSINESS" Involre about st.O > < XOI ; goal location ; In county grat In western lown ; gix > d reasons for soiling. Addrcs-n - T 51 , care Be" . Y M'CT ' FUR SALE , COMPLETE FIRST-CLASS" Di-Getto's system abstract books Ada ma county , Nob. , with 20 year * ' established l.nilnosi ; full Information nnd prlcu Elvcn. AiMrcxa IMV > , Haallngs. N b. Y XI7W 21 \LL oil ANY PART OF THE BANKRUPT Ktoclc rf wall paper , moulding , nxturex , etc. . ol HHiiwm & Co. . 519 N. ICtli street , will be oM nt private < ale to tha hlghxst bidder above limit llxed by com I. C. H. Wnlwcrth , ns lxm' 419 Be * Bldg. Y-M7S3 II FOR JiXOUANGE. WANTED TO TRADE , NEW STANDARD Bi cycle for draft horse weVhlng lS > w pounds or more. E. J. Oavl . llltt Farnani lit. Z tTl I WANT MEltcTlANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOR teul cctato und cash. H. A. Wngnor. Omaha. FOR TRADE. EQUITY IN RENTAL erty for cottage , southwejlern part of town. Addren T 47 , Bee. Z-M731 li _ WANTED. TO EXCHANGE OMAIIA PROP erty. free of Incumlirancc- . for an engine o ubout flve-honie iwwer. either steam or gni'jlliid ' Address A. I * . Manning , Fremont , Neb. _ I HAVE THREE OR FOUR GOOD FARMS I want In exchange for liorsts. a. J. Rothnell , N b. < C M76n 21 * WILL TRADE REGISTERED ST. BERNARI pup for cantorn. faMlng Nil. slnnU harnv > o furnlturr. Addre T S3 , B.-u. Y. 779-H * I IIAVB TWO BRICK HOr UM AND LOT Of- 31th and Furnnm flrvet , Omarm ; M t dcolmbli ri-fUh-nra propelty In Omahn. which I want ti tlaJ > fnr u gotnl ! UMJ mixk. , Aiklic d r. U 22I ' Mnnn iitrrel. Onialuv. X JI7II It * a SALE HEALKSTAT . * * AHSTIlACTS.THiBYRON _ . FARM LANDS , C F HARRISON. N. V. Mf < RE7I3A1U * H I BARGAINS. I1OISFS. LOTS AND FARM , ulit ur trade. F. 1C. Darling , linker block. TOR BALE His AL ESTATE. Continued. DO YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL MODERN oottnge home within walking distance from P. O. . Inside ono mile ? We have two of them Just completed thnt are models , nd we will sell them at greatly reduced prices nnd take In a * .500.CO to JSW.OO lot as p.trt payment. These are located on Hurt street , Ju t enst of nth street. Will be open Sunday. Call and In spect them. Remember we will take your vacant lot as part payment. Why will you pay rent on a house nnd then pay taxes on meant property wnen you can make uch n dent na thlx ? See these beautiful homes or call at our atllco nd we will be mcwt pleased to how them. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street. MPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise you , If taken within 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. RE M IARGAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertlcs nnd farms. John N. Frenzer , opp. P. O. RE-iOl IOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Garvln Bros. , tlO N. Y. L , RE 503 , T A BARGAIN. CORNER LOT. PAVED street , 3 cnftnges , 6 , 7 nnd 8 roomi ench , brick basement , wnler nnd sewer conenctlon , In best residence pyrt'on ' , monthly rentnl III. Apply by letter to Jcun Schons. 510 Bee building. RE-311 Jy2J VE GOT 'EM TWO EAST FRONT LOTH IN West end. near Evnn.i. line residence , nt SI.050 ench : east front. Just mrth pntk , nt J1.700 ; east front lot , 42d nnd L'nvrnworth. nt J275.01 ; line lot. 36th and I avenworth , J1.100 : 320-ncrc furm. 2 < ) mlleH southwest Omaha. 114.0' ) per acre ; these prices mean now , not In HIP fu ture. Lyman Waterman , 822 N. Y. Llfelldg. _ _ ! It E 773-11 MEDIOATj. iMAHA ELBCTno-OALVANlC INSTITUTE , room 41C N. Y. Life liliVR ; treatment of all uterine troubles , leucorrboea , painful or sup pressed menstruation , catarrh nnd throat trou bles ; It In now th recosnlzed remedy : hemorrolds ere cured without knife or puln ; Indy attendant. . M75G 14' BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. IN MUTUAL L. & 11. ASJS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2. 3 yenrs old , always redeemable. 1701 1'artmm at. Nattlnger , Sco. S19 KMV TO OKT A HOME OH SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omahn. L. & II. Ars'n , 1701 I Joe bldg. O. M. Nattlncer. S < ? c. ro PAWNBROKERS. L MAUOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. B1CJT01.E ; ; . i. O. DAXON. W2 N. 16TII. B03 TEIIL1NO 111JILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1315 Hotvard slri-et. SKI ! TUB VISIBLE HALL I1EAHINO8 ON Ilelay Special. Will Barnum Dro. , 120 N. lltli. . 003 A. L. DEANK & CO. . 1116 FAHNAM STHEET. EOT DICYCXE A GUN CO. , 2410 CUM1NG. DOS AND TILES iVOOD MANTELS. ORATES , TILES FOR lire places , vestibules and Inrgu floors ; write for prices. Hilton Rogers & Sons. Oiniha. 509 SHORTHAND A. . C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. M-J1S IARPENTERS AWI > UUII/DERS. . E. MOURILL , PAPER HANGING. HOt'SE skn painting , brlclc work , plasterlns ; off. It. 1 , Darker bllf. ; tcl. 7Mj shop 913 N. Slth st. C. . K. IIL'HKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1613 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 512 SWANSON A VALIEN , 1701 CUMING. TEL 1W3. 613 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer - er , 1417 Farnain St. , telephone 223. oil , W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 1CT1I ST , 515 LOST. .OST , SUNDAY EVENING. ON THE DRIVE from Omaha lo Florence .a lady's shopplnu bail , containing purse , pin with pearl setUns. etc. Leave with Mrs. W. F. Ilechtcl , 2411 Sew. ard St. , for reward. ' I Ust 7S9 12 * , V GOOD THING-PUSH IT ALONG , MAY DE the latest slang phrase , but that's Jujt what we're doing with SIIERIDAN COAL. 8,000 ton sold In Omaha last year. We Rive you 2.00C Ibg. of the best U'yomlntf cooking co.ll for Jl.iO. Victor White , nigr. , 1603 Farnam st. Tel. 127. 517 PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES. J1.00 I'EIl month per head. Charles Cans , St. Paul , Neb. 131 , AHT AWJD LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. GELLENI1ECK. BANJO AND cultar teacher. 1911 Cats street. M 100 CAHPiT OLiAWING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET AND Rt'O ClennlnB Works do their work the best nnJ cheapest. 71S-20 S. 11th st. Tcl. 633. U. S. O. Kuhn , manager ; Patrick Ward foreman. 220 Jy 2i ) HOTELS , AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. ELECTRICAL. SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACT- era for electric light and motor plants nnd ul kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec trical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard st. 510 DENTISTS. THE INFIRMARY IN CONNECTION W1TI the Dental college at Twelfth and Pacltlc streets Is now open , where those desiring to have teeth extracted can hava It done free of chnrsu nnd all other work at merely cost of material 720-21 DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 BURT ST. 533 BUSINESS NOTICES DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N. 16 L21 RAILWAY TIME CARD Lvavea { BURLINGTON & . MO. RIVER.IArrTvM Omahal Union Utpct , lOUi & Maaon St . | Omaha I0:15.ini : Denver Express * y4uam ; 4U5pm.UIk. 11I1U. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ex. 4:0.pm : 4Uipiu Denver Kxpreu 4u3pni : 7OJpin..Nebraska : Lucul ( except Sunday.7:45pm ) : S15am..Lincoln ; ( except tiunJay.llnm : 245ura. ; . . Vast MalKfor Lincoln ) dally. . . . Leaver ICHICAGO , BURLINGTON & UTfArrlvea ' Omahal Union Depot , 10th & Mttaon tila.lOnmha 'iMopm Chicago Vestibule 9:50am : > :50am : Chlcasa EiurMj 415pm ; 7:50um..Chicago : and St. Louis Express. . ti > jair ll:35am : I-acillc Junction Local 5:30Dm : Fmt Mali . 24''tim ! ' Leaves.CHICAGO ( , MIL. & " ST. PAULJAirlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.l Omaha C.oOpm Chicago Limited l:30am H:3Qjm Chlcugo Expienii Cex. Sun ) 6:2opni Leave * ICHICAGO & NORTHXVUa-rt\.Airt\B3 ' OinahalL'nlon Dtpot. lulli te Maitcn Sls.f Omaha lOMOani . Eastern Express . 6:30um : 420pm ; . V tlbuled Limited . 9:2jair : G:55am : . Mo. Valley Local . 10:3Jnn : S:45um . Omaha Chicago Special . IMipm Omahal Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sta.lOniahq EAST. ' ll:21am..Atli ntlc Express ( ex Sunday ) . . .5:33pm : C:2ipm : . NlBhl Eipresj . 9:23am : 4:40pni . Chicago Vestlbuled Limited . l-jpn " " _ WEST. _ _ C:45pm..OUlahomaTexas : Ex ( rx Sun.10-3iarn ) IMOpm . Colorado Limited . 4uOpm : IrfavM I C. , ST. P. . M , & O. ( Arrives Omaha ! Depot , 13tn and \\ebsttr Sis. | Omaha 9:2iim..Ncorasku : Passenger tdaTly ) . . . . : l5mr l:30t > m. . . Sioux City Exoress ( ex. dun..ll,5am ) : 6:10imi : . St. Paul Limited . lo-3Sam Lsavs""j t" . . nT a M'O. VALLEVl Ornahalprpot. JSlii ana Webster 2:10pra : . Fu Mvl ) nd Kxpress . 7. . . 2:10pm.ex. : ( nt.l Wyo. Ex.ex. ( Mou . 9i)5am. : . . Norfolk Express lex , bunday.lO:30an ) : ClCpnr. ! . . . . . . .6t. Paul Erpresj. . IQiMjn Leave * | 1C. C. . ST. .T. & C IJ , OmalmjUnlon Depot. 10th & Ma on Sts.l Omalia > : UUm Kansas City Pay"lprt j "tTJJDrn : pm..K. c. NlBht Kx. Via U. r Leave * I MIflSGUKI 1'AClFUX ( Arrives OmaliaLtpoi | _ , yth end Wtbster St . | Omaha I0:40am : St. Louis Eiure s llooan liiOpra St. Luuls Express COSpm : : apm..Nebraska Local ( * x. Bun. ) 8iCCan Lcavu I SIOUX CITY A "PACIFIC. | Arrlv 7 _ Cmahi | _ pepot , ISth and Webster 3ti. f Omaha . . . . . . . . . . / Paul LI'nilI > d.7. .7777105.154n L ve I SIOUX C1TVPACIFIC. . JAnlvea jOmihalUnlon Depot , 10th A tluton 8ta. | Omaha :51 : nv r.'aionx City rasaennr M.rion : CjMpm . .St. I'anl LlniUixi. ll3tpn ; Ltavea I UNION PACIFIC. lArrl'kTr Om haUnlon | Dtpot , Jflth * Mason 8ta. | Omaha 9 15am Kearnuy Bxpre s lJ30pni ; J:00pm : Overland Flyer 6:10prt : 2OOpm.Bat'c tt Stromib'e Ex.ex. Sun.12:3Cpi ) 7i ; pm Pactflo Express 10:2iara : Fast Mall 4ll : > pm WABASH RAILWAY. 'Arrive * on Uepot. 10th A Ma ton 8U. | Qmahj 4:0aom. . . . . . pi , LouJ Cannoa Ball U-.2on < THE PROFESSOR'S DAUGHTER , BY H. L.YNDE. Si ( Copyright , 1S93 , byjtxlnif Bacheller.l Hllgord round the note upon Ills table upon Is return from the CAJtt'lry club. Picking tt arelesjly up , lie reafl ft follows : "lly Dear Paul : I 'hate ' not foriiotten my iromlse. Am Just finishing up a case that think will suit you exactly. I will confess hat. In many respects , It is the most sin gular of any In my experience. You know vhat this means. Arc you free ? If so , meet no at Central depot tomorrow morning at 8 harp. Sincerely , WUAHTONV IIIlKeril's face wore a satisfied smile as ho hrew oft his coat. "Phil Is Just In the nick f time , as usual , " ho said to himself. "I iave not heard from him since the affair of he 'Left-handed Nun , ' and Mr. Crane was after me today for another sketch. Wonder what's up now. " He sat down before the fire nd Rave way to memories which the familiar vrltlng awakened. Wharton was the most emarkable man In all his acquaintance. Ho mil known him for ten years , but was still unable to definitely classify him. His Indi- Idmllty was striking. Over six feet In lelght , he possessed the strength of a giant. Us accomplishments always impressed Hll- gerd as phenomenal , and he measured him only by the highest standards. Chopin ho Interpreted with the finished ouch and deliberate sympathy of the artist , and his treatment of the violin showed great > ewer and a rare quality of tone. On the ivenlng of the day thnt ho figured as a mln- ng expert In nn Important case , he delivered a profound address on the "Physical Hasls of Mind" before the graduating class of the Cosmic School of Philosophy , which was afterward widely quoted. In some of the sciences his knowledge was that of a spe cialist. An expert mathematician , lie was also a practical man of affairs , at one time serving is bank examiner In the state of New York. His Intellectual energy was marvelous , nnd there was no self-consciousness. It all seemed merely a play of unrestrained force. At one. time ho drifted westward , and there came vague rumors of episodes In which his iccullar aptitude for accommodating men with wild eyes and huge revolvers figured prominently. In his singular fondness for netaphyslcs Hllgerd discovered n weakness , 'or he had no conception of the universal truths which constitute true philosophy. Ho was a walking cyclopedia of details , lacking the power of higher deduction. It was not n surprise to his friends whan IB turned his attention exclusively to the irofesslon of his choice. The explanation was clear. In it he found a field for the exerclso of all his wonderful faculties and : he employment of his varied , practical tnowledge. Here he would bring his bold experiment ? In chemistry to the solution of a perplexing problem , and at another time its clear Insight Into the Intricate affairs of a defaulting accountant would be called nto play. It was after his remarkable and success ful Investigation of the- Sanford hypnotic case that the public first gave him fame. His brilliant work since then In many other cases , notably that of the Anehortown baleen - eon mystery , justified this high recognition nnd confirmed the general opinion that he was the foremost man of the day In his line. As city editor of a large dally , Hllgerd frequently came In contact with Wharton , and the acquaintance soon developed Into warm friendship , lie had made public a lew of his most striking successes nnd , when chance offered , he folbwcd him In his work with absorbed Interest. It was Jiut two months ago , 'he reniembered , when Wharton promised him the next unusual case , and he felt glad that the time was at mud. The next morning found him flying through the crisp September air on the C. M. & U. limited , and between his glances out ! at the red and brown landscape Hllgerd blew little clouds of smoke up Into the lazy In terior of the cir. Wharton lay back In his seat with half closed eyes. They were deep , black eyes , covering depths that few presumed to penetrate. Ills face was thin , with straight nose , the chin showing great firmness and decision. Hllgerd thirsted for' information. Commonplacrt .exchanges had been made , but not a hint had his friend dropped relating to the subject uppermost In his mind. Ho grew restless and twisted In his seat. Ho never liked to queston Wharton , but ho could stand It no longer. "Could you give mo a short synopsis of of your of this case ? " he ventured , hesitat ingly. Wharton smiled In his peculiar In definite way. "Of course I could , Paul , but Is It best ? Isn't It always the unforeseen , the unexpected , that Interests the most ? If I anticipate will It not detract from your artistic appreciation ? I would prefer to render the explanation after the fact , as In the case of the nun. with your kind con sent. " He laughed again , and Hllgerd looked ruefully out of the window. "It's uncomfortable this feeling In the dark , " said the latter , "but It certainly al lows the Imagination full swing. What a good stage manager you'd make , Phil. " "You are nattering , " said Wharton. lightIng - Ing a fresh cigar and extinguishing the flame In n burst of smoke. "Did you know Jack Newell ? " he asked. "Only by reputation , " answered Hilgerd. "Wasn't be ono of those brave , trusted ? " Wharton 'nodded. "Tho best man In Munn's agency.o have worked together and I know him. Wharton and the miperinUMident picked up the wax flRure. I may tell you this much ho has either lost his llfo or his llbprty In this affair , I am not sura which. " Hllgerd looked shocked. "Is It so' scrtous , then ? " ho aiked. "It is likely 'to be. " answered the other. gravely. 'Illlgerd thoughfully thumped the ushes frtira'nls cigar. "Where do wo get off ? " he finally asked. Again Wharton smiled meaningly. "We don't get off. " he iald ; Hllgard stared at him incredulously : "Do you mean to say that there U pomebofly on this " "Not yet. " Bald Wha.rtop. Then he rose abruptly and banded ' /Uiserd / ! u paper. "Paul , I must have nanio sleep. Try and amuse yourself. Remelnbcr , the curtain rises at 7:30 : , " and tl laughingly re treated. . , . H was dark when hq.qnrne In again. He motioned with his head , 'and ' Hllgerd , fol lowing , found himself 1tr 'the ' heavily built express car. Ho looked around curiously , but noticed nothing unusual. The messen ger was nt his desk In the corner , appar ently too busy to notice thorn. Ills eye fell upon the only other occupant of the car , within whoso reach rested a deadly riot gun , and he know It was the guard. The latter glanced up as they entered , and thru resumed his reading , with no change of position. "They must bo carrying it large ship ment , " said Hllgerd. Wharton nodded. "Ho sometimes goes along to keep the agent company. Has a reassuring look , hasn't It ? " At this moment a door opened from A small closet which had been partitioned off In ono corner , nnd n short , keen-eyed man stepped suddenly nnd swiftly out. Hllgerd could not suppress a start. Wharton reached and shuok hands with the little man , "Olad to sco you , Jim , " he said. "You have followed my suggestions pretty closely. This Is Mr. Wade , Paul , the superintendent of this division. You have probably hoard of him. " "I believe everything Is In good shape , Wharton , " said the olllclal , nnd tbo two looked over the closet clooely. "Come In here , Paul , " cried Wharton. "I want 'your ' opinion of my latest Inven tion. " Hilgerd followed him Into the llttlo apart ment and tbo door was closed. It was Intensely dark and the air was hot and stifling. They breathed with dllllculty. Wharton opened a little window In the side of the car. and the fresh air , rushing ! n , secmod delicious. Hllgerd stepped to ward him , reaching out his His brain .vela nnd he finds himself gasping foi breath. hand to avoid stumbling. It touched an ar- tlclo that caused him to start back with an exclamation of terror. It was the face of a man , and It was cold and clammy , "For heaven's sake , Wharton , strike a light and tell mo what you've got shut up In this Infernal crematory. " Hllgred heard him laugh softly as ho lighted the lamp on the lUtlo shelf. "Don't be frightened. Paul. I will acknowl edge It is a llttlo peculiar , hut It Is all In the play , as you will soon discover. " Hilgerd was looking toward the window. There in a chair , bending ever , his hands crossed upon his chest , sat the man who had so startled him. Hla face could not be seen , but the attitude Indicated great pal.n. "What Is this man Imprisoned for ? " asked Hllgerd , with much concern. "Is ho sick ? It seems to me ho needs some fresh air badly. " Ho glanced at his friend. He was leaning against the wall , shaking with merri ment. Hllgerd looked ; annoyed , but waited In silence. Finally Wharton said : " 'That Is Dentley ; dldnt' you recognize him ? " "Dontley ; who In the world Is he ? " "IIo's the messenger wo saw as wo came In. " There was a curtained window In front of the partition. This Hllgerd threw aside and looked out. There was the same man at his desk that he saw on entering. Ho looked again at the flguro In the closet , and 'now saw a strong resemblance. Wharton eyed him In silent enjoyment. "Is this one of your practical Jokes ? " asked Hllgerd ; "If so. I " "No , Paul ; we are very much In earnest. To be more accurate , this Is llentloy's double or ghost. Look here ! " Ho lifted the man up. Hla hands lay limp In his lap , but his head was set with an unnatural stiffness. The eyes stared straight with a fixed look , the face a ghastly yellow , with an artificial flush on each check. Hllgerd locked hard at the Immovable features , and then the light began to dawn. "It's one on me. Phil , " ho said. "But may I ask whether this dime museum , wax figure business hag anything to do with the case In band ? " "It has cverytlhng to do with It , and II will bo clear to you shortly. " He looked at his watch. "Not much time to lose , " he continued. He blew out the light , fumbled a moment In tho' dark , and then steppei : out , with the lifeless double of Bentley dang ling In a grotesque fashion from his arms. He laid the flguro on the floor beside the table. The big safe stood at the opposite side of the car. From It the messenger took several packages and Backs and placed them with others on the table. The former ho took Into the closet. Wharton and the superintendent picked up the wax figure and placed It In tha chair lately occupied by its living model , bending It slightly forward In the position for writ- Ing. They then placsd a pen In the stlfl fingers and spread some papers out on the desk. They fastened wires around Us waist carried them down through staples In the floor and thence to the little room , where they wrapped the ends around a projection In another part of the car lay a long bundle which they unwrapped , disclosing a figure similar to the first. They placed It In the chair belonging to the guard , put a book In its hands , bent down Its head and laid a rusty-lcoking weapon across Its lap. Then they stood back to Inspect. The effect was lifelike and the resemblance perfect. There were the messenger and the guard In every particular ; It would have deceived any one "It's most time we were whistling for the crossing , Isn't It , Wade ? " Wharton asked. Hllgerd felt that something unusual was about to occur , possibly a tragedy , and he could but wonder at the unconcerned , bus ! ness-like manner of the men. Presently there came to them above the Incessant rum bio of the train the long , mournful cry o the whistle. "That's nenton , " said Wade. The four stood In earnest consultation a moment , and then all went Into the little compartment except Wharton , who took a candle off the shelf , lighted tt and went ti the south window of the car , which was nex the double track. Here he moved It back and forth until the panes were half smoked The largo lamps on each side of the car sill burned brightly , and from the dark space where Hllgerd stood everything was dls tlnctly visible. Wharton stopped a momen for a final look , then Joined the others. "The candle was an afterthought , " he said. "It will render our tableaux a little Indistinct , and we want every advantage or our side. " He closed the door and the darkness was Look at Pearline through the wrong end of the glass , if you will ; make all its labor-saving , moneysaving - saving qualities appear as small as you like ; cut them down one- half ; and still there will be left a place for it in every home and an urgent call for it from every bright , progressive woman. It isn't necessary to exaggerate the virtues of Pearline. Perhaps that couldn't easily be done. But without telling of them all , there's enough to prove it the easiest , quickest , safest and most eco nomical thing you can use , in all washing and cleaning. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you. "thu is as goo.1 as" or "the same as Pearline. " IT'S FAI.SK Pssrline ft never peddled ; if your procer sendi you an imitation , be honest t-mf it tech , < JAMES PYLE , New Yerfc nlcnso. HIlRcnl was wrought up to the ilRlicst tension and he jumped when a hand ouchcJ his arm. "Watch the side of the car next the stove , " nld his friend's voice. Hllgred looked tirotiRli tha curtain. Nothing had been changed. There sat the mute figures ns still as death. He gnzcd Intently at the part of he car Indicated. Nothing mot his rye but he plnln , painted boards. At thorn ho stared is If fascinated nnd until his eyes burned ram the strain. He was about to turn away and rest them upon something else when his vliols attention \\as suddenly riveted to a Ingle spot. About half n foot from the door and a Ittlo to the left of the stove there appeared n white gleam , as though from a brilliant tone. Gradually It grew larger , sclntlll.itlng n the rays of the two lamps. Now It 1s the ilze of a silver coin and shines like burnished itecl. Ills eyes are fixed upon It In helpless awe nnd he breathes heavily like ono In a opell. What possible relation can that In sinuating gleam have to those uncanny figure * , hat seem so oblivious to nil. and why should t have caused all these careful , mysterious preparations ? Ho rubs his eyes and looks again. Th ? spot Is gone and the whlto boards glvo forth no sign. Ho glances at the silent dummies and then at the lamps which flicker back at tlm brightly. What'Is that bluish haze loverlng In to ? air , now giving the red flames ghastly color ? Suddenly ho Is conscious of a sickening , penetrating odor. Without warning he Is quickly choked. His brnln reels m.il he finds himself gasping for breath. \bove the buzzing noise In his cars he recog nizes a distinct click. Some one had opened he outer window nnd the incoming nlr never ormed so sweet. Now there Is u grating , metallic sound and ho knows that Wharton s working the wires. Ho looks through the curtain and sees the iloubles tilt In their chairs. Their limbs move spasmodically ; hen each tumbles to the floor nn Inert mass of wax nnd woolen fabric. Groaning and roll- ng the train speeds through the night. 1111- gerd feels himself drawn gently back and iVharton's shadow passes before him. ( Continued Saturday. ) .ir/Jlil' HETVKXKH J-'KU.U CUll.l \ niprlcitnMu > \\'nn I'roioutVlicn General .llurtl U'ui Killed. NEW YOUIC , July 11. Frank Woodward , ho Cuban war correspondent , arrived today on tha steamer Ardandlm from Glbara , np- larently none the worse for his trying experi ences In Cuba. Woodward after manv weeks of hardships managed to reach Glbara. Ho iroccodod Immediately to the United States consular agency , where he mot Jose H. Doola , a Spaniard who Is not only In the United States consular service but an officer In the Spanish army. Ueola , Woodward asserts , treated him In a most discourteous manner , tdvlslng him to give himself up to the Span- ill army , which would mean Imprisonment 'or a long period. Ho was compelled to seek ho protection of the British flag aboard the : ramp steamer Ardandhu , and through the dullness of Captain Walker managed to reach ionic alive. Ilcoln , WooJward says , refused to recognize him as an American citizen ami lecllned to communicate with Santiago do Cuba , where Mr. Woodward stated his papers had been filed with Consul Hyatt , and de- : Iarcd that all American reporters were paid by the Cubans to v.-rlto lies. Woodward tolls the following story of the ileath of General Marti of the Cuban army : Whlto Marti with about 200 Cubans was ro- connolterlng In the vicinity of Glbara he fell In with a force of Spanish troops , numbering nearly 2,000 mon , who wore drawn upon the banks of a small river. The Insurgents' scouts were about to retreat when Marti ordered a charge. The Spaniards , taken by surprise , soon formed a Eqiiaro. General Marti , mounted on a largo gray stallion , which ho spurred furiously Into a gallop , charged madly on the Spanish square , breaking down tholr ranks. The horse became unmanageable and plunged violently , goailed and pierced by the Spanish bayonets. Marti was dragged from his horse and bayoneted and his body afterward riddled with bullets. ( Irnornl "Miirti'n Ih-utli Avcncod. NEW YORK , July 11. A special from Havana says : It Is said In Insurgent circles that Sandoval , who commanded the Spanish troora who surprised and killed Jose Marti while the latter was making hlo way to the coast , has been captured by a flying column of guerrillas commandtU by General Jose Maceo. Colonel Sandoval was Immediately accorded a court martial , speedily coudenmed for treason against the Cuban republic and of the murder of Its chief anJ sentenced to he shot. The sentence was carried out and the body burled. A mark was placed upon tha grave. Wpiit Into the Htimlti of rt K cpver. CHICAGO , July 11. The Mutual Reserve Contract company , an Investment Institution with offices in the Woman's Temple , went Into the hands of a recalver today. The amount of the company's asaets and liabili ties Is not stated. Allncecl Dlnmonil Tlilcf In Custody. TACOMA , July 11. Chief of Police Smith will arrive toJay from Spokane with Leonard Osborne , arrested at Hope , IJaho , Monday. Osborne has wealthy parants In Chicago. He came to Tacoma recently and visited with the family of E. M. Hunt. One day last week the members of the family were absent and It is alleged that during their absence Osbonio rumaged the house and took all the Jewelry he could find. He then left the city H'K.lTIlBn J-'UltKVAST. Partly Cloudy and Warmer In Soutlioastorn N'ebrnika. WASHINGTON , July 11. The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska Partly cloudy ; warmer In the extreme southwest portion ; variable winds , becoming southerly. For Iowa Fair ; Unlit , southerly winds. For Missouri Fair ; preceded by showers In the extreme Foutuern portion ; warmer light southerly winds. For Kansas Partly cloudy ; warmer variable wlndH. l.oritl It' cord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHEU HUREAU OMAHA , July 11. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with the corresponding1 day of the past four years : 1893. 1834. ISM. 1892 Maximum temperature. . . . SO D.1 SO SO Minimum temperature. . . . 5i > fi8 ra n. Average temiwraturo . . . . ( S ) 78 7J Precipitation . 00 .00 T .00 Condition of temperature nnd preclpltatloi at Omaliu for the day and since March 1 1S93 : Normal temperature . 71 Deficiency for the day . 1 Normal precipitation . 18 Incl Deficiency for the day . 18 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 10.57 Inches Deficiency since March 1 . G.GG Inche. Hopurt * from Otlior .Station ? nt 8 1' . M. "T" Indicates tiace of precipitation. L. A. WUL.H1I. Obnerver. TIIK KKAI.TV .MAIUCKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on re-cord July 11 Io9j * WAflllANTY DKI-Uifl. A O Hoffman and wife to J K llorfinnn , lots nnd 7. block 3 , Mount Ouugla * , lit iid > ! tu South Clm.iha . | lCK John lllalia and wlfi > to Ji , i-ph Ill.iha , lot 10 , block S , Drown p-uk . 2W South Omaha Iwmd company In A U Ilur- 1089 , lot 7 , block Ul , Smith Oirmlm . tt QUIT CLAIM mti : > H. Jynils Hchrocdrr. liur.tec , nnd wlf to Slna I ( en niton , Iwt 4 , Moi-k 4 , Olevi'Uivl i'lacr. . . Special master to I'oitumuuth Savlnsn bank , lot 7 , block 3 , llrlsm Ha ca . 1S7 Bame to LV Harris , fxcculrlx Vi tat I , block 2. raddurk Pluctf . 1Q ( U 1 * ivun t > publl'dcdira'lnn of plat of i : an - sdil In lat > 31 and U. block f. . Turk 1'lactt . . . . , . . . . . . . . Total amount ct traufcra . . ! ET A DAY FOR HEARINGS 'robleras that Fnve Boon Bothering the Union Tiwifio Ccmirg Up for Settlement , OPERATION OF UNPROFITABLE BRANCH S Ibllgntloni Arising Uiulnr i : < iulimont | In- ilcnturet mill Oregon .short l.lno Pnitt Duo Coupon ) Al o to llo Tultvii Under Ad\lemont , NEW YOHIC. July It. W. 11. Cornish , unstcr In cliancery In the Union 1'aclllo re- elvershlp litigation , will take testimony In his city next week on the following matters : illy 17 , on questions affecting the contlnuoil poratlon of the St. Joseph & Grand Island .illro.nl. In view of the foreclosure suit vlilch has boon Instituted , nnJ on the matter f the continue , ! operation of the Kansas City t Oinnlia railroad , anil the manner In whlcli ho deficit arising from tiuch operation shall 10 apportioned ; July 18. on the obligation. ) irlslng ' .inilcr the enulpmont trust Indentures f the Union Pacific ; July 19 , on the ( | iics- lena relating to the continued operation of he Atchlson , Jewell County & Western , and ho Atchlson , Colorado & Pacific roads ; also he manner In which the deficits shall bo np- tortloned ; July 20 , on the rjucutlons with re- pect to certain OrcRon Short Line and Utah Northern past duo coupons. rr.itN K\TIS : DISTIMIIII : > rrxm Puc'.lln Outs thn Itulo to NO\T Yorlc Vn the IViimylvjm'ii. CHICAGO , July 11. The western roads vcro disturbed today by threats of urthor rate cutting. The Missouri , Kansas i Texas road complained by telegraph .that he Texas & Pacific had put In n round trip ate from Dallas to Now York at $10.85 , via St. Louis and over the Pennsylvania road. The Missouri , Kansas & Texas threatens to nit In a rate of $15 from Dallas to St. Louis mless It Is authoritatively assured that no nch rates have been made by the Texas & 'nclflc. The officials of the Pennsylvania road Insist that they know nothing of any nch rates , and declare that If the Texas & 'aclflc Is Kclllng uurh tickets It must bo landing all the reductions. The Chlcago-St. Paul lines have agreed to nako a rate September 1C for the round trip 'or all parties attending the Inauguration of ho Chlckamaug.i and Chattanooga parks. The tickets will have return limits to Sep- cmber 25. All the western roads have agreed upon a mslng rate of $00 from California points to he Missouri river and return added to the ales authorized east of the Missouri river o Iloston and return for the Knights Tcmp- ar conclave at Hoston , and to Lonlsvlllo for he Grand Army of the Republic oncamp- nent. All tickets reading over the Shasta -onto will have $15 additional to the rate. IIADHJAI. DKPAUTL'Ki : IN MliTltODS Itntoi to Do Adoptud .liinuiiry 1 Itnaad Soluly on Mtlt-jiie. CHICAGO , July 11. lloails In the Central Traffic association hava agreed to the- most aillcal changes In their history In the pres ent scale of rates. IJeglnnlng January 1 , 1SOG , they will apply between all points In their territory a scale based solely on mile age , and one whlcli can be logically de fended as a proper method of rate making. Under the new scale of rates the cost of transportation will ba advanced on high class articles. It Iu figured as accurately as possible that the new Hcale will Increase gross earnings from 3 to 5 per cent. The new scale Includes all distances from five Lo 450 miles , and covers the six classes. Provision Is made for applying the new basis at all percentage points and on all special commodity rates. Dressed moats will be under third class ; hogs , cattle , calves and sheep , fifth class ; and horses and mules second class. The new scale has been re ferred to the local committees at all com peting points , and rates will bo lined up to correspond. All these reports will bo pre sented at the September meeting , and tha scale may bo then adopted Immediately , In stead of walling until January 1. Utnli onllirrll lloudhnldern Moot. NEW YORK. July 11. A meeting- holders of Utah Southern general mortgage extension bonds was held In this city today at which Peter I ) . Wyckoff , Samuel Carr , Alexander II. Stevens and leaac H. llromley were appointed a commlteto to examine tha property and Its relations fj the Union Pa cific railroad. The committee was instructed to report to an adjourned meeting at as early a date as possible. J > KX riill'S WATKU Finally Tnkcn Into the Court * for Aitjuit- nient. DENVER. July 11. Attorneys for water consumers began proceedings In the district court today to compel the city council to carry out the contract with the Denver Union Water company requiring a reduction of rates to the average of Chicago , St. Louis and Cincinnati. llcslilca an alternative writ of mandamus to compel the passage of an or dinance. provided for In the contract the com plaint asks that Injunctions be Issued re straining the company from shutting off water from private consumers and altu com pelling the corporation. It : agents and em ployes to desist from Influencing the mem bers of the council to act contrary to their duty under the contract. The complainant charges thd the members of the city ad ministration , especially the councilmen , se cured their election by making a pledge , which they bare not redeemed , to adjust the rates according to contract and the water company lo accused of having by bribery. cajolery and threats prevented the passage of an ordinance which would fulfill the pro visions of the contract. At a cenferenco today between the mayor and the members of the city council It was practically decided that the city should pur chase the Denver Union Water company's works. The mayor will request the water company to name a price and terms for the plant at once. TRT.1.8 OF V , K. 3t.tr UK'S V.lltKIHl. former Omnhn Iloumer Now Under Arreit frr Hrlbery. LOS ANGELES , July 11. The Indictment of Clifton E. Mayne for attempting to bribe members of the city government by the San Diego grand Jury has caused his career to bo looked up with the result that a very sensational story Is revealed. Mayno was formerly n "boomer" In Omaha. Hn Is reported to have been one of the most successful real estate dealers In that city. Beginning life as a telegrapher , he soon found his sphere too narrow at tha Ucy , and branched out as a real estate dealer. In a short time ho became ono of the king pins of Omaha's real estate boomer * . In the hej- day of his success ho was reputed to bo worth $2.000,000 or $3.000.000. Finally tha boom burst and Mayno found himself a poor man. After that It Is alleged ha speculated In rc.il estate In Denver and other western cities. Ho drifted to San Francisco and from there to San Diego , where he acquired eomo property. A few months ago Mayne came to Los Angeles and opened a real estate olllco here. _ fnllfoniln Will UATO it Doiili'n Inhibit. SAN FRANCISCO. July 11. California will have the unique distinction at th coming exposition at Atlanta of having a Mate build ing on the grounds and displaying Its ex hibits In the agricultural building. Mrs. 8. f ! . Dooley of Lo Angelon obtained a con tract to erect a California building at a pri vate cnterprlie. but askol a rental no high that the State Hoard ct Trade engaged space In the building. _ _ Ohio Di-miirrutu Strut In \v York. NEW YORK , July 11. Congressman Paul Borg of Ohio U at tbo Holland homo. Humor has It that Mr. Sore l.i hero to meet Senator Calvin S. Brlce and coniult him concernIng - Ing the nomination fcr governor on the demo cratic ticket nheii the convention meets next month. Kx-Stato Senator Jeremiah Sullivan. who la a p.wer Iu democratic politics Is tba Iiuckcyo state , Is also here.