THE OMAHA DAILY BEJEt IffifDAY , JULY 12 , 1805. ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , orncn , - - NO. 12 PCAIIL Delivered by carrier to any part ot the city. H. W. TH/rON , Lessee. TntjRPIIONCB UuilnPii omce , No 43 ; nigh editor , No. 22. Af/AO MliATJOJV. Buy your cigar ? , pipes , tobaccos and cane In Grand Hotel Cigar store. Grand hotel. Council Bluffs. Newly Mi nlshcd. lleopcned Oct. 1. 13. F. Clark , Proj The Old Soldiers and Sailors assoclatlo r of Pottawattamle county will meet at th sourt house this evening at 8 o'clock. Last night was Installation night at cam No. 12 , P. 0. S of A. After the exercise clears and a general good time was In ordc until a late hour. Ivanhoo comrnandery No. 17 , K. T. , wl meet In special conclave this evening to cot Jer the order of the temple. Alt Sir Knight are cordially Invited to attend. All members of Council Bluffs lodge N 270 , Ailclenl Order of United Workmen , ai requested to meet al their hall In the Me rlam block this evening. Uy order of Masti Workman. John and Jennie Miller , who are charge with robbing Oscar Bellgh , the barber i the Union Pacific transfer , will have a pr llmlnary hearing this afternoon at 2 o'cloc in Justice Cook's court. Raymond , the 9-nionths-old child of M and Mrs. James Wlckham , died last nlgl of cholera Infantum at the family resldenc 401 FrankHn avenue Announcement of tl tlmo of holding the funeral will be mat later. i The Latter Day Saints' gospel tent hi been removed to the corner of Pierce ai Grace streets , and meetings are now bell held each evening. Much Interest has bei taken In these meetings so far , and sever accessions have been made to the church. Mrs. Anna Alexander died at the age C3 years yesterday at the Woman's Chrlstli association hospital. The funeral will tal place Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock fro the Swedish Lutheran church , of which s wai a member , Ilov P. M. Linden ofllciatln The discovery was made last night th the residence of Olllcer E. Easdale , at 4 Avenue Q , hud been broken Into during 1 absence and thoroughly ransacked. At late hour last nlfiht Mr. Easdale had n ascertained whether anything had been take Constable B r. Stevlck , charged with ma Ing a false return on a search warrant t \ liquors , took a change of venue yesterd from Justice Vlen to Justice Cook , and t case , which was to have been tried yeste day , went over until Saturday afternoon 2 o'clock. The Free Methodists will hold their four quarterly meeting In their church on the ce ner of Twelfth and avenue B , beginning tl evening and continuing over Sunday. Ever body Is Invited to attend , llev. J. Wilson , district elder , presiding. J. Urlttaln , pastor. Dave Bush was bound over to the gra Jury yesterday by Justice Cook on the char of committing a criminal assault upon An Parkhlll. The evidence was of a nauseatl character , but was drank In eagerly by crowd of loafers until the court ordered t room clnarcd of all excepting witnesses The Salvation Army are having a unit demonstration In their hall today , at p. m. , and at the First Baptist church , ci ner of Sixth and First avenue , at 8 p. The meetings will be conducted by St Captain Cousins , assisted by Adjutant a Mrs. McAbeo of Omaha No. 1 and Capti Annan of Omaha No. 2. ? George Uudlo , the great Kirk's soap n tier , very much regrets that his name w unintentionally used In connection with a c : In one of the lower courts a few days ai The name that should have been used v Chris Uudlo. George Is too busy selling sc to find tlmo to do anything more than r Into town occasionally and renew the i qualntanco of his family. At the time 1 case In question was up he was 500 ml from Council Bluffs. Frank Hermes and Clara Cozad , who charged with entering Into a conspiracy abuse the former's father , Edward Hcrm were brought before Justice Vlen again y terday for having violated the agreem upon which they were released the day w fore. They went to the old man's ho h Wednesday night and had their supper , wl the old man , who would not stay with th any longer , had to stay outside. They w compelled to furnish an additional bond ; renew- their promises to allow the old n to enjoy the peaceable possession of his pr erty. _ Fire and tornado Insurance written In t companies. Money for farm loans at ! rates. City property for sale or trade farm lands In Iowa. Lougeo & Towlo , Pearl St. _ lirown'n O. O. U. Screen doors. C5c each. i Gasoline stoves from $198 up. One-pint Mason fruit Jars , per doz. , 4 quart .Mason fruit Jars , G9c doz. ; half-gal Mason fruit Jars , 79c doz. 21 pounds granulited sugar for $1. One pound plug tobacco for 15cj one poi smoking tobacco for ICc. Five gallons gasoline- for C5c. Salmon , per can. _ l' 1'AK.iatt.U'IIS. Miss De Land of Perry , la. , Is the guesi Miss Joslc Durgan. Harry Hardln of Gretna , Neb , Is In city visiting his relatives. B. F. Clark , proprietor of the Grand ho left last evening for a trip to Chicago. Mrs. Horace Cadvvallager and daughter Ottunuva , la. , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. Baker. D. W Otis and family write fiom Cli tauqua , N. Y , that they are enjoying tl summer outing very much. W Misses Hattlo and Dllllo Atkins ot Cim natl , O. , are guests of their sister , > Charles Luring , on Fourth street. George H. Hathaway , son of the late J Hathaway , Is In the city from Pueblo , C visiting his mother and other relatives. J. H. Martin , son of Officer G L Mar has returner from College Springs to at take up his residence in Council Bluffs. W. W. Chapman and wife have retur trom a trip to Colfax. Mr. Chapman Is < a little better than when ho went away Miss Mary Southwlck , daughter ot I' ' Euwln Southwlck and wife. Is at her unt In Marlon county , rusticating during her cation. D. W. Archer returned yesterday f Ohio , where he went to attend the funera Mrs. Archer's mother. His wife will ren In the cast on account ot the serious ness of her fa * her. Miss Mignonette Talbot of Columbus , Is visiting her cousins , Mrs. Oscar Kee and Miss Frances Walker. She was I at the Deaf and Dumb Institute here left when she was 11 jears old. E. Eisdale , who has been with his fat for a visit with relatives In Olathe , K returned yesterday. He reports Kansas magnificent condition from an agrlcult standpoint. His family will remain tl for another week or ten days. Don't overlook the tact tnat the Spot itock Is being sacrifice * } at any price to K you do jou will miss the bargains In goods , clothing , shoes , hats and all ecu able standard goods that you murt buy. larger the crowd the quicker the goods ami the greater the sacrifice In values. h. W. Ul-lls III. N. W. Wells of Schuyler. Neb. , prcsli of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Hall and Bridge company , was taken serlo 111 last evening while on the way to On In company with Superintendent Dlmm Ho was taken to the Omaha National b where a ph > slclau was called to attend 1 After a tlmo he was able to get on a n bound for Council Bluffs , and with the slstance of some of his friends reached loom at tha Grand hotel. Dr. Macrae , attended him there , pronounced his die biliousness , and said that his heart seriously affected. Mr. Dlmmock re in a with him all night. Wntta OAK Five thousand feet S-lnch top , 12 t < feet long , at 9 He per lineal foot. A. G ton , Council Dluffs , la. The gas company's fcpeclal prices for i ice pipes will bo continued through July. Head Davis * ad. DivU selU hamra cheap. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS City Council "Disposes of Much Eontini Business at an Informal Meeting. WORK DONE IN COMMITTEE OF THE WlULI Subject of Jl < quiring Uncnni Engaged li btroot Irulllc to liavolilo Tlrt ! IMsciiBBccI nt Length. When the city council met last evening I was discovered that the call byvhlch 1 was convened was not In accordance with th rules , as It failed to elate the purposes fo which the special meeting was called. Th council adjourned at once and met as committee of the whole. Among the quet lions discussed was the repairs upon No. engine house. Alderman Grahl thought th building was safe , and on motion considers tlon of the subject was deferred. The alle In the rear of Groneweg & Schoentgen' ' wholesale house was ordered repaired by th street commissioner. The question of buylng additional horse for the lire department was discussed. Th committee recommended that three ne horses be purchased and two of the old one bo disposed of. Alderman Drewlck moved thi the horses to be disposed of be these worke on the patrol wagon. Alderman Shubert's ordinance requlrln wide tired wagons for street trame we brought up. Some of the aldermen wante the ordinance confined to the heavy wager plying between the two cities carrying s ! or eight tons , but the majority wanted It i apply with proper restrictions to all stre trafllc vehicles. It was referred finally to committee of three to be appointed by tl mayor , and the clerk was Instructed to co respond with other cities and ascertain tl regulations In vogue. The mayor appoint ! Shubert , Greenshlelds and Grahl. The remainder of the evening was passi In an Informal discussion of the proble presented by the condition of the Low Broadway paving The street commlslson < was ordered to cease covering the blocl with dirt. The question of the gravel pi on the city property was Introduced agal with the variation that a rocky ledge r cenlly discovered Jutting out of a bank ( the city property near Dig lake be Invest gated. The street commissioner was I ' structed to make Investigations as to tl quality of the stone and ascertain If It w suitable for macadam and report to the cou ell. Various schemes were discussed for repal Ing the street , such as repaying a track the center , covering the blocks with clnde and filling up the holes with sand and grave The tearing up of a strip In the center w passed when the fact was announced th such a course would relieve the proper owners from all further obligations in t ! way of unpaid tax. So likewise was the cl der suggestion when It was shown that t' entire to\\n could not produce enough In tv years to cover the surface. Aldermen Sh bert and Urewlck brought the discussion a practical point by declaring emphatlcal that such repalrluf , and all that had be done so far was a useless waste of mone that the cost already Incurred would ha repaved In a permanent manner sever blocks , and they favorsd only such metho as would give permanent and substant : streets. After some further discussion t s council adjourned. 11UUL.INGTON ItOUTE. s Itcduccil ltute . p To Hot Springs , S. D. , sale July 19 , Au list 2 and 23 , one first class fare for rou trip. Triennial conclave Knights Templar , B < ton , Mass. Sale August 19 to 21. American Pharm'.ceutlcal association , Df vcr , Colo. Sale August 11 and 12. Baptist young people meetings , Baltlmo Md. Sale July 16 and 16. National convention German Epwoi league , Chicago , 111. Sale July G to 11. National convention Kecley league , Hi rlsburg , Pa. Sale August 1C to 22. Denver , Colo. Sale July 12 to 20 , a August 8 to 17. Toronto , Ont. Sale July 15 to 24. Charlton , la. Sale July 23 and 24. In addition I have on sale Summer Tour tickets to various points In the United Sta and Canada. Call and get copy of map and lllustral write up of the great Yellowstone Natloi park. 0. M DROWN. Ticket Agent Yes , the Eagle laundry is "that g < laundry , " and Io located at 724 Broadvv If In doubt about this try it and be convlnc Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Slriiclc Ujr Ilor e' Hoof. Uceve , the llttlo 5-year-old son of Fi M. Loomls , was seriously hurt In a runaw yesterday forenoon In front of his home Washington avenue near Oakland. He 1 started out with his joungcr brother tote to the home of relatives on Oakland aven Just as they reached the street , walking h : In hand , a team belonging to a gardener nan Kempster dashed around the corner , w the harness and a few scraps of a wai of hanging to them. In his excitement Ilei dropped the hand of his little brother , 1 tunately , and the team ran between tin Ono of the horse's fore hoofs struck him the forehead , cutting a bad gash , but siraller boy escaped Injury entirely. S eral stitches 1-ad to be taken in the woi inflicted , but ho luckily escaped a fractu skull , and It is not thought there will 11any more serious results. Ir The electric fountain at Manhattan be ; will be Illuminated each evening from I to 9 and 9-30 to 10. The steamer Llbe will connect v Ith all trains to and fr Manawa. First boat will leave Manhat beach at 7 a.m. to accommodate the car ers at Manhattan beach who wish to ca the early morning train to Omaha , n , In Davis , agency for Munyon's remedies. 1. tcpy lliinorcfl. ed The telegraphic columns of The Dee c talned the announcement yesterday'that T. B. Lacey of this city was appointed gn i's commander of the Knight Templar at tl encampment , which has been In progress Spirit Lake for more than a week past. ' choice will meet with great favor am un the knights of this part of the state , for of ono has been more enthusiastic In his vv In for the order than Dr. Lacey. He has 1 11- many prominent olflces in the gift of local Masons. The fact that he was cho this year Is especial cause for congratulat for this Is the year of the triennial conch and there will be a great gathering at I nd ton. Dr. Lacey will represent the state Iowa as grand commander on this trip , ly In so doing will undoubtedly reflect as gi n , credit upon the state and the Iowa knlg Inal as upon himself. al re Our best gas ranges will bake after flai are turned out. Economy of gas the gi question. A few genuine Qulckmeal 1 an gasoline stoves at very low prices. J ill \\hen needed , allumlnum fruit kett illry ry Granlteware verv cheap. Get an Old Dot rym Ice pick. Best in the world. Cole & C mhe he 41 Main strret. Special sale of bales' wrappers at Boston store Saturday. CauRlit In MOIIX i Ity. 'n' ' Sheriff llazen received a telegram yes ay day from Sheriff W. C. Davenport , at SI slha City , stating that Henry Phillips and Get hak S. Potter , the cousin and brother of Mrs : Looman , who ran qlT with her last Satur ik.m . night , are In custo ' - In Sioux City. 7 tor m will probably be brought back. There le Information on tile In one of the Jus 18- tils courts charging Phillips with Kidnap ] ho Mrs. Looman , and another charging Po ise with disposing of Loomun'a household p as erty , on which there was a mortgage. > ed Special sale ot line shears. Fine but hole scissors about half price. One-third on all shears and scissors and heavier . ductlons on our stocks. These are both „ - ° Dungan stocks and our own. Sale one v Bronly. . Army of thn TennxMita. General Dodge ot Council Bluffs , preili of the Army ot the Tennessee , has Is : his call for the twenty-seventh annual union , to be held la Cincinnati , Septen 1C and 17. The annual address will be by Colonel Fred D. Grant. At the close of the reunion the society has an excursion to Chat tanooga , On the evening of the 18th they will be the Invited guests ot the Society o ( the Army ot the Cumberland , and on the next evening there will be a battlefield re union ot the society , and the reunions of the survivors of the commands of Generals Hooker and Longstreet on Friday evening , September 20. The last reunion was held In Council Bluffs last year. llnck from tliu Convention. The delegates to the republican state con vention , with the big crowd that went down to the capital city to lobby for Drake anJ Harlan returned yesterday with colors flying When the convention was flrst over , the liar- Ian men were somewhat inclined to feel blue but a good supper put them In the right sorl of spirits , and by the tlmo they were readj to leave DCS Molnes they had vowed alle glance to the republican standard bearer. Tin Pottawattamlo contingent stuck by Harlan , ac cording to their Instructions , through tiilcl and thin , for five ballots By that tlmo 1 haJ become a dead certainty that Draki would be the man , for he had been galnlnt at the rate of from fifty to 100 on every bal lot. The question of flopping to Drake wai accordingly brought up , and by a vote of 1- to 13 It was decided that I'ottawattamli vote should go to Drake. By the time tin reading secretary had leached the "Ps1 Drake had already enough vot&s to Insure hi : election , and Pottawattamle's climbing Inti the band wagon cut no figure. Some of the Drake men were telling will a good deal of glee how they worked J. J Steadman and tied his hands , so as to preven him from doing any of the line political worl for which ho has made himself so famous Steadman , as Is well known , has claimed ti bo a leading soldier , but ho worked fo Harlan and against Drake , the "soldier candl date. " Treyner , Limit , and some more o the outsiders who were working for Drake sent ono old soldier after another to domain why It was that Steadman forsook the eli flag and worked for a man who had neve been In the war. This went on until nearl ; every one of the 400 soldiers who were oc cupylng seats as delegates had been to him By that time the day was far spent , ani Stcadman's fine Italian hand was cripple * until the next day , when It was too late t do anything. 1'iinl Suyi It' * it I rt-ezii Out. John W. Paul of the Union Land and Im provement company , who has been In Chlcag for several months past waiting for his plan to be consummated , sent a telegram to Th Bee jesterday reading as follows"Comic Bluffs will have the big stock years an packing houses In face of Omaha'a attempte freeze out. " The telegram was shown Finley Burki Paul's late attorney , but ne declined to t Interviewed , further than to say he had n knowledge of what Paul's plans were. H said , however , that no ono In town woul Jump any higher than ho If the telegrai turned out to bo a true one. Similar statements to the ono contained 1 the above telegrams have been given out re peatedly by Paul , and that Is ono thing thu makes the public doubtful just now. Georg J Paul , a brother of John W. , and secretar of the Improvement company. Is quoted o saying that It's an oleomargerino factory , an that It's sweetness will be wafted on th deswrt air In very short order now. He at mils that this was said months before , bi Insists this time It Is a sure go. Yesterday afternoon another attachmer waa sued out by the Harrison National ban of Cadiz , O , against John W. Paul , Georp J Paul and Charles K Collins , for $1,171 They obtained a Judgment In Omaha May 2 : but It has not yet been settled , and they pi their attachment along with the rest. It has always been understood that son : one In the Omaha Swelling works has bee putting up a good deal of the stuff wit which Paul did his speculating , and thi samebody was supposed to De Guy C Bartoi Hut If Barton has any claims against Paul 1 has not yet made them public , with the e : ceptlon ot a small one , which was Include In the suit brought by E. W. Nash , Barton partner. Wnnt a involution. Howard K. Clover , James Grady and Jot P. Jackson are tbe mambers of a compar that was organized a few mouths ago fi the manufacture of gas engines In Count Bluffs. Although they have been In bus ness only a trifle- over three months , troubl hive arisen , and now Clover and Grady ha' made application to the district court have tha partnership dissolved. They we to put In all their time and experience doing the manual part of the business , Jac' son , who Is a locomotive engineer on tl Northwestern railway , living at Boone , w : to put In money as often as It might 1 needed to buy materials , pay the plalntlfl expenses , and carry on the work of man1 fucturlng generally. When the Income e ceeded the expenses Grady was to recel' back the amount he had actually put I The company rented shop room from O. \ Graham on S'cond avenue and Thirteen street , and there Is now due more than $ G for unpaid rent. Grady , the plaintiffs sa has never put a cent Into the concern , ai has not done any work , while the plalntll have done all ths work and advanced , b twecn them , about $80. Liabilities to tl amount of $2,353 23 have been accumulate and they want the court to dissolve t : partnership and compel Grady to agre-2 an accounting. I.nmon lliirilln. William Larson and Miss Elizabeth Hard were married last evening at the reslden of the bride's mother , at the corner Fifth avenue and Ninth street. The cei mony was performed by Ilev. G. W. Snyd of the English Lutheran church , In thepn ence of a few relatives. Mr. Larson occ pies the position of deputy county recordi while his wife is a member of one of t oldest and best known families of Coun Bluffs. They have a pleasant home fltt up on South Sixth street , near Eighth a\ nue , where they will at once begin houi keeping. It Is a sure enough heater and doesn't ct half what the others do. See the new 1 water generator at Blxby's , 202 Main st. makes things boll. Good wall paper , 2' c a roll , at the Bi ton store. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Ten days' sale of wall paper and house fi nlsblngs at the Boston store. U.l ! UF.tOTUKE 1- Des Hollies the Locution of n I'lnnt to T n New Process. TIES MOINES , July 11. ( Special Te gram ) With the county recorder ted were filed the corporative articles of t > g Damascus Steel company of DJS Molnes , wl 10 a capital stock of $500,000. The buslm Id of the company will be the manufacti of steel of Damascus make in various tori under the process discovered and patenl n , by S. H. Daw son of tb\s \ city. The fornu from which Daw son transforms wrong Iron Into the Inrdest steel known to t Iron workers of the world today Is of com a secret. The product has been thorougl tested and the patentee and incorporati of this company see no reason why a mar facturlng plant would not bo a success. 7 discovery is looked upon by chemists a Iron workers as one of the most wonder of this cantury. They see In this new p cess a revolution of the steel Induitry 7 Incorporators consist of fifty well kno business m ° n of this city , and the plant v be located here. TITO ICmnrzzlcrii I.aenteil. he SIOUX CITY , July 11. ( Special Te gram. ) James Storey , a cattle speculal who decamped last February was $2,700 longing to Sioux City and Omaha comn , slon men , has been located at Carlton Ju ge tlon , Canada , where he Is shipping cattle geL Toronto and Montreal. B. Ljle , the e bczzllng bookkeeper ot Ingerson & Wi ay commission men of this city , Is said to ey with him. An effort will be made to h an them brought back. ce ng C'li-tnge tlir Ilettflqii4rtors. sr CIIESTON. la. . July 11. ( Special Ti p"gram. . ) Tbe Anchor Insurance company , ganized In this city six jcars ago , is c templatlng removing the general offices i off located In this city , to DCS Mohiw. A nu ehe Ing ot the executive committee was held he Des Molnes Tuesday , and > the change fa\ ek ably considered. It Is expected the remo will occur in January. AVOCH Mure Iliibhoil. nt AVOCA. la. . July 11. ( Special. ) J. K ed ner's general store here was broken I last night and Jewelry , clothing , underw ier and ties to toe amount ot } 200 stolen. INDIAN TITLE IS ASSURED r I ii. Yanklon Sioux Unnecessarily Txoitcil Over the Pipestcna Quarries. LAW CONCERNING IT JS' ' VERY WEAK So Provision for ( Setting the ( lovrrmucnt'p ClHlm 1'roprrly llediro the Court In the Allottc.1 Tlinc-Tltlo llrctmics Absolute August JC. . WASHINGTON , July 11. The alarm ol the Yankton Sioux Indians of South Dakota over the supposed loss liy them ot tlio IMpe- stone quarries Is said by the Indian ofllcc , tc bo based on a misconception. So far from tht Indians ha\lng lost title to the quarries theli rights have never been stronger than now and unless sonic action In the matter I : taken within a month by the United State ; ioverntneni It Is probable the title will be- ome absolute. The last Indian agreement nd appropriation bill passed by congress ontalns the follow Ing clause bearing upon tin ubject : "If the secretary of the Ititerloi hall not , within ono year after the ratlllca- on ot this agreement by congress , refer tin uestlon ot ownership of the said Plpestoni eservatlon to the supreme court , as pro Idcd tor above , such failure on his pari hall be construed as , and shall be , a waive ] > y the United States of all rights to thi wnershlp of said Plpestone reservation , am he same shall thereafter be solely the prop rty ot the Yankton tribe of the Sioux In lans , Including the fee to the land " The bill provided no machinery by whlcl he matter could be brought before the su ireme court. A suit cannot ordinarily bi nstltuted there , and If begun In a lowei : ourt will take much more than one yeai o reach the supreme court An attempt was made to add an amendment to the bill rein idylng this defect , but congress failed t < ake action In the matter Later the attor ey general decided that the government wai lovverlcss to act under the bill The agree nent having been ratified by congress and tin ndlans not being responsible for the fallun .0 provide means of action , It Is conslderei hat the title \ vlllest In them absolute ! ; jn August 15. If a suit were begun In i ewer court before that time It might posslb ) ; io held to keep alive the government' ilalm , If It did not reach the supreme cour within the specified year. Vm.lOW FKVKK SlMUJAUlNa IS COH-1 Iiirlno llnspltnl llurinn Tultlnc Mrnimrr to I'rrvcnt IM jirfnil to th'n < 'ountrj. WASHINGTON , July 11 Advices to th urgeon general of the marine hospital ser\ co Indicate quite an alarming Increase I ellow fever In Cuba and other West India stands. The week ending JUno 29 rccorde vventy-elght deaths In Santiago , while ther s an average ot five deaths dally at Puert rlneipc , a city of about 45,000 person ! There are about 100 cases In the military hss pltal at San Juan de Puerto Hico , and th disease Is rapidly Increasing. The repoi from Santiago says' "The death rate la li creasing at an alarming rate " The state ot affairs la indicated by the n port from Puerto Principe. The mllitar hospital at the latter place Is crowded an the disease Is of the moat malignant tjpi This place Is near the center of the Islan ot Cuba , which would Indicate that the dlse i a virulent and an epidemic and Is makln its way toward Havana and the western en ot the Island. The news from San Jua comes ai a surprise , as nothing had prev'ousl been heard from that port since the 21th i April , when only one dcith was reports San Juan is the capital ot the'Island ' of Puer Ulco , the most eastern ot the West Indie and ono of the Spanish possessions. The report from this point Is dated June and comes from the United States cons there. Ho says that no record of the cases published , but that he gets his Informatlc from reputable physicians. He attributes tl new Impulse In the disease to the preseni there of Spanish tioops , and addsVhl : the military barracks are never qulto fn from disease the present condition of thlni bids fair to produce a ser'ous epidemic fever , It It has not already reached th ttago , during the months ot July , Augus September and October. There are 200 more cases In the military hospital , and tl disease seems to bo Increasing , while tl mortality Is alarming , reaching as high 80 or 90 per cent. " His report Indicates the presence of fev and also of smallpox In the surrounding cou try and In the city outside of the hosplti In view ot these reports Surgecn Gener Wyman Is redoubling his efforts for the pr tectlon ot the American coast against the 1 fection. \Miin : HOUHU CHANOI Colonel Wllion Urges the Kioctlon of i Ofllco llntlillnt ; fur the I'rositlent. WASHINGTON , July 11 Colonel John ! Wilson ot the engineering corps In charge the white house and other public bulldln and parks about Washington , In his annu report recommends that an aproprlation $250,000 bo made for the erection within t executive grounds and directly opposite t treasury building , of a granite structure i omces for the chief executive ot the natlc "This structure , " he sajs , "could bo co nected by a wide corridor with a large co servatory fitted up as a winter garden , wl troolcal plants , fountains and statues ot ei Inent Americans The conservatory coi open Into a picture- gallery , connecting two wide corrHors , with the cast room , a these Improvements would serve a doul purpose , by relieving the mansion of the U rlble crush Incident to the evening ofllclal i ceptlons. I earnestly hope this Importa matter may no longer bo delayed , aad tli action may be taken at the approaching si slon of congress toward erecting sultal omce buildings for the president of t United States. " Keiluilns Porco lit tliu N ivy YmU. WASHINGTON , July 11. With the exec tlon of the Mare Island , Cal , navy jard , t forces of employes In the various navy yat will suffer severely from enforced reductlo about the 1st of next momn. This will i suit trom the completion of the most I portant work on hand and the failure of ct gress to make provision for further ct structlon. Mare Island will be more lucl for a coed deal ot work w.111 be done tin In rebuilding the hl tprlq > old Hartford , completing the monitor Monadnock , and fitting armor < ind gun carriages to the. n ships. There will bo"mdre or less work all the yards on building wharves and ternal Improvements , butnas. this will done under contract "by private firms I regular navy yard forcesw111 not profit. Kinnnror Save t l i'i1 ' YfHiisliii'ii Mfe , WASHINGTON , July M , The State i partment has received 11r4m United Sta Minister Sill at Chqmujpo. under date May 1C , some additional Retails ot the I ot Pak Yongho , the emperor's nephew. vas found guilty of conspiracy and pro nounced a traitor. The minimum penalty s Imprisonment for life , but the emperor , > clng at liberty to exercise clemency , re- need the term to banishment for ten years , The prisoner wns taken to a small Island on ho coast of Chemulpo , where he will rmss he period of exile. Five common men Im- illcatcd In the same conspiracy were hanged he same night. MILITARY 1' . IbU.NS AT T . i : TO- . ! * Order Clmnglii ! ; tliu I'luou ot Detention ot Army OfTiMidcru rrnniiitgntrd. WASHINGTON , July 11. ( Special. ) Ar Important general order has just been Issued - sued from the War department designating a number ot army posts as places of con Inement tor military prisoners and prescrlb ng rules and regulations for the government of the prisoners during their confinement By this order the following posts are ap minted as prisons- Fort Crook , Neb , Tor fuelling , Minn. , Alcatrar , Cal. , Fort Warren Mass. , Port Columbus , N. Y. , Fort Thomas . < y. , Tort Monroe , Va. , Fort Sheridan , 111 Fort Illley , Kan , Fort Sam Houston , Tex "ort Logan , Cole , and Vancouver Darracks A'nsh This action In designating arm ; losts as prisons was necessitated by tin ransfer of the control ot the United Statei nllllary prison at Fort Leavenvvorth , Kan > om the War department to the Uepartnicn of Justice , and as the Leavenvvorth prlsoi s used only for the confinement of pcrsoni convicted of felonies It was Imperative tha > rlsons should be provided tor the kceplni of those prisoners who are guilty of of 'enses ot a purely mllltaiy nature. None o the above named posts , with the exception of that at Alcatnz , Cal , have ever beei used as prisons They all , however , IIUM mil their ordinary guard houses , but no con fincmcnts of long duration have been servei out at these stations. In order to fulfill th < requirements of the prisons , as prescribed li .ho general order just Issued , special build ngs will have to be constructed at th < various posts , as none ot them have guari houses suitable tor the purposes It was also necessary to prepare rules am regulations for these new prisons , and thcs have been published In the general orde designating the posts. The general plan o the new regulations was taken from th rules and regulations In vogue at Leaven worth.- UAU'll 1'OU imi.l'11'S PLACi : . \ncnncy on tlm Sciiuto Coinmorco ( oinuilt tro Considered a I'luin. WASHINGTON , July 11. There bids fal to be qulto a contest among the republlcai members of the senate from the Pacific coas states for thj position on the committee 01 commerce which has heretofore been filled b ; Senator Dolph of Oregon It Is un or 'too < that Senators Perkins of California. Mclirld of Oregon and Squire of WashlTgton woul each like to eccttro the appointment , whll Senator Wilson ot Washington would accef the position If tendered to him and Senate Mitchell of Oregon might take It with certal conditions. The place Is considered one c esrcclal Importance , as the committee deal with all questlcns of commerce which come before the penato and acts In an advisory ca paclty to the appropriations committee I recommending appropriations tor river an harboImprovement. . Doing the oHcst senator of the five mer tlonej and coming from the same sta'e tha Senator Polph represented , Senator Mltche could probably secure the position If dispose to accept It at the sacrifice ot some othc committee assignments. Ho occupies a p < culiarly commanding position on the penal committees , standing os he does at the hea ot the republican representation on the con mlttees on claims , postofilce and privilege and elections. It Is undurstood , hovveve among his colleagues that he would prefer t allow his own alignments to remain as the are If he coulJ secure the appointment < his new colleague , Mr. McDrlde , to the con merco vacancy. CAN.NOT AllKK MUCH OF A TIGI ! Kmmilor nml Ilollvhi Preparing to M.ili Anr on I'cru. WASHINGTON , July 11. South Amerlcr diplomats In Washington arc much tnteresti In the press reports that Bolivia has pr Dented the ultimatum1 to Peru , which tl latter has rejected , and that Bolivia ai Ecuador have formed an alliance with tl prospect ot making war on Peru. Peru former strength has disappeared since h war with Chill. The Chilians tcok all t ! Peruvian warships , and It Is believed 01 old transport Is all that remains of t ! Peruvian navy. The army Is said to numb about 4,000 men. Bolivia has no navy , ai her army Is said to bo about the same that of Peru. She is entirely Inland sin the war with Chill , when Chill took pc session ot those provinces which had form Bolivia's coast line. Ecuador Is said to In good fighting trim , as she has jti emerged from a revolution and all her peer are In arms But her navy Is Inslgnlficar her only good wa.rshlp having been sold Japan some months ago. It looks , ther fore , to those conversant with the sltuatli that these three crippled countries would n engage In a very formidable war. They ca not fight by sea , and there are great stretch ot desolate and mountainous country betwe them. Chill Is In no way Interested In t trouble. The last war appears to have e tabllshed her firmly as mistress ot the we coast of South America. ( tilneac 1'iivlng for illusion I'oporty. WASHINGTON , July 11. The State c ! partment has received the following advlci under date of June 4 , from Minister Dent on the recent iriots at Chang-Tu , In whl mission property was destroyedIn t riots of Chang-Tu , the capital of Schwan , t Catholic mission building and the house the China Inland and Canadian missions we destroyed. The Catholic bishop was the or person Injured , and he was not serious Virgil C. Hart Is the only American knoi to be at Chang-Tu. Strong measures ha been taken to prevent the outbreak of t rlotoua spirit among the Yangtso towi Chang-Tu Is a place of about 1,000,000 pi pie , and has great wealth. In another d patch Minister Denby said he had secur from the Tsung-ll-Yamcn an order on t Canton viceroy for $630 to pay to the Ami lean Presbyterian mission at Yung-Kong , the province of Kwang-Tung , for losses si talned by the recent riot. o f cr I'crccn Will < ic > t 'Ilielr Money. WASHINGTON , July 11. Secretay Sm ! this afternoon requested the Treasury i partment to pay the $000,000 due to the N Perces Indians In Idaho for their lands , s < to the government a year age. The paymi was stopped two months ago on account charges of fraud of various sorts. Tin have been proven unfounded , and there no further reason for delay. The tribe co prises 1.829 persons , each of whom will i- celvo a little over $2.000. VVim I nkn I'urn mill Slmnlp. WASHINGTON. July 11. A special to I n Post from Norfolk , Va , says the dlspal it from that city printed yesterday stating tl near Waucheprague , Va , a sailboat contain ! thirteen excursionists capsized and six wi drowned , was a fake pure and simple. Monteru rostnmsiura A | > i > olntoil. WASHINGTON , July 11. ( Special Te gram ) A postolfico has been established Elmlra , Grant county , S. D. , with George Farmer as postmaster. Lee G. Willis was today commltslonel pc master at Harain , S. D. le- leer or , b ; . ,1s. nc- ncto tom m- mst st stbe be we oren - are Guaranteed Goods on- IOVV anil niny bo had of all et- Dealers. See all t-linjica at etat your Outtltter'x. or- val You are Interested In getting good rallies always ; jou want good wearing Collars ? you want right shapes , too. Write for our Souvenir of Fashions , ni iy mail After that see your Outfitter , and buy these guaranteed goods. as- nto CLUETT , COON & CO. , MakeM. Factorlei , Troy , N.Y. ! § „ . . * ear tH.lll'KIt VS Advrrto Itopnrt on the IXnbtlstimcnt ot S'ntB ( Ir.iml l.ode < " . ATLANTIC CITY , July 11. In view of last night's accident today's meeting ot the Elks was not as largely attended as the previous session. The first matter brought up for con- slderatlon wag the unfortunate aftalr and the grand lodge adopted a resolution extending sympathies to all members of the order who were themselves , or members of whoso fami lies , were Injured In the accident and In truding the r.rand trustee to Inquire Into he condition , ph > slcal and financial , of the njured Elks. The committee ot laws and appeals rc- iorted adversely on the proposition to cs- abllsh state grand lodges , and to make the resent grand lodge a supreme lodge. The ievs ritual of the order was presented and dopted. It Is said to be unlike that ot any ther order and distinctively Elklsh In char- ctcr. Reports of other committees on rout- no business were also read. ATLANTIC CITY , July 11 The afternoon esslon was devoted to the consideration of outlno business , Including a number of un- mportant amendments to the constitution , he place ot the next meeting was left to he grand trustees , who will make n selec- Ion and report to the subordinate lodges leforo January 1 next. These olllcars were elected : Grand exalted tiler , William G. Mc > ers , Philadelphia , grand esteemed leading knight , George A leynolds , Hartford , Conn : grand esteemed oyal knight , M. B. Allen , Birmingham , Ala. ; grand esteemed lecturing knight , \V. H. Me- Dermott , Columbus , O , grand treasurer , ' 'ercy O. Williams , Brookljn , N. Y , grand iecretary , George T. Reynolds , Saglnaw , Mich ; board , of grand trustees , W. C. Van- derllp , Boston : Joseph B Loubc , Richmond , Va ; Edwin B Hay. Washington , D. C. : grand tyler , George \V. Juno. Indianapolis. The convention then adjourned. ATLANTIC CITY. July 11. No deaths have ct resulted from last night's disaster at the Baltic avenue Casino , although In other re spects the details of the occurrence have not been exaggerated. A conservative estimate places the number of wounded at close to 200. The only ono In Immediate danger of death s Frederick Claproth of Caimlen. The report hat both Claproth and Mrs. Rockwell ol Philadelphia wore dead Is untrue Mrs Rock- ivell was only slightly Injured. Clnproth'e ivlfo arrived here this morning and Is In at- .endanco on him at the ho'pital. All night the doors ot the hospital were be sieged by anxious Inquirers , but before day break all of the Injured had been located al "lotels and hospitals by their friends and reU. : lvcs. The accident was caused by fiie col. apse of the second floor of the building Immediately over a refresh ment pavilion. Just previous to the crasli Jennings' band had begun to play for the Elks and the majority of the people wen hug attracted to the upper floor nut for thli there would have been great loss of life / party of Now York delegates lingered below but they heard the alarming crackle of Urn bers and escaped to the boird walk outsldi not a second too soon. The great weight o the crowd was the primary cause of the accl dent , but there Is talk of fixing the responsl blllty , as It Is generally known that thi structure was old and dilapidated. It Is understood that the authorities wll Institute an Immediate Investigation , with i view not only to ascertain the ciu o of tin m'shap ' , but also to provide against the pos slblllty of a recurrence of such a catastro phe. Young lotrn Girl Kllloil. CR.ESTON , la , July 11. ( Special Tele gram ) Phone , the 12-j ear-old daughter o Mr. J. E. Howe of Greenfield , was throw i from a horse and received Injuries whlcl resulted In her death She anj her brothc were riding the horse together , and the befell fell off , dragging his sister with him. < nlnr Itiplilg Gill ItunifMl to Dcnth. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , July 11. { Specln Telegram. ) Stella ChIM ? , a 10-year-old girl was fatally burned this -nornlng by an ex plosion of gasoline , dying four hours after ward. Beeclmm's pills are for bilious ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver.diz ziness , sick headache.bad tast < in the mouth , coated tongue loss of appetite.sallow slcin.etc. when caused by constipation and constipation is the mos frequent cause of all of them Go by the book. Pills io and 25c a box. Book free a your druggist's or write B. F Allen Co , 365 Canal St. New York. Annual sales more tlian C,000,000 boxes. SIMS # RAINRIMDfiK Altorney. . t-l u\r , OhllO a MiriDlUl/llLipractlee / , In the Star and Federal Courts. Rooms 300-7-8-9 , Snt ' , Block. Council Bluffs , Iowa. JULY SPECIAL $00.00 BRASS BEDS , Reduced to $33.00. $12.00 WHITE ENAMEL BEDS , Reduced to $6.50. $5.00 WHITE BEDS , Reduced to $2.95 , CHAS. SH1VER1CK & CO. July Special on All Kinds of Furniture , LUXURIANT' ' HAIE Is produced by the CuricrnA Kr ieniEa when , - , . nil otlii r full ' 1 hex clcanno ths ' rilioflrrltitliit | | .only , eruitcd , niul blotchv humor * , Mlmiilato the lulr follicle * nndilritroj ml. cro coplc liifprln ultlcli foeil on thohMr , itid In ticoi ucmf | nhpn - , . . the bent pMrlcliin * mill nil olhcr tcmcdlc. fall , bold tlm ughont ilin n uM. zoo SOAP FLOATS JAS. S. KIRK & COU. . S. A tlnrybyplillia permanently cured In 16 ( a I.5 I days.ou cnn botrcntedat homo lor Itlia tame lirleo undermine Runrnnty. 11 ( you prefer to como hero wo wlH contract to pnyrnllrond farnnnd hotel bills , end no f wo fall to euro. If you have takoniuor * c".ry > . ' . " ' "do PotnMi. nna still Imvo nches and piMna.Mucoua I'atche * In mouth , Horn Throat , rimplc * . Copper Colored Spots , Ulrern on inypnrtof tUo body. IliilrorKyolirown fulling out , It ia this Syphilitic 1IO)1 > TOISON ttml wocunrnntcotocuro WonollcltUiomostobsti- ante cuncs nnd rtiiillenco the world for a cnnn wo pnnnat euro. Mhli cll'onno lins always bullied tl.o skill of the most omluoiitiihyal- tlntiR. SfiOO.OOO cnnltnl behind our uneonclt. lionnl minrnnty. AhsoliitojiroofmientBnnlorton application. Address C'OOIC ItKMKOY CO. . 807 Masonic Tuuntlo. V1IICAUO. JUi. GtOKGD P. SANFOUD , A. W. HKIKMAN , President. Cashier. First National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa Cnpitil , - . $100,00 1'rotits , . . . 12,0000 One of tlie oldest bnnUs In the stale of Iowa. Wo solicit your business and collections \Vt pay C per cent on time deposits. Wo will bf pleased to see and serve > ou ' T * * * T * ? * A f > My % ' j 'W/i C. B. JACQUEMIH & CO. , Scientific Opticians Oornplnto assortment of gold nnd steel spcotivi li > s and oj epliibsus , Even exam ined frco of chniKO. No L 7MninM. - Council Uluffs. Special Notices-Council CHIMNEYS CLEANED : VAULTS CLEANED. ia : lluike , at W. B. Homer * * , D3J > Broadway. fKUnT I-AIIM AND aAHUEN LAND FOIl sale cheap ana on easy terms. L > ay & Hess , 89 Pearl street. roil SALE. A NETltLY NE\V NINE-ROOM lioute , with b-un , clslein , city water al hou and birn , fruit , nice shade ticen , on a nicely Eroded lot 50x223 feet , for } 2 300 0) , two-thlrdj _ jash. : SIS I'erln avenue. Council HluuTs. LOST , CAUD CASE CONTAINING J20 IJILIj mi < l railroad tickets. UUurn to Ueo otllcc and Htl reward 3DDCZ1DE OIIOIIZIP "Health Insurance" is as necessary as life insurance , It means reasonable care and occa sionally a little medicine not much. A Ripans Tabule is enough in most cases. nipans Tabules : Sold by druggists , or by mill If the price ( f/rt tents a box ) Is sent to The HI- pans Chemical Company , No. 10 bpruco St. , N. Y. DO n n Your House st- Heated Free Not from a financial standpoint ex actly , but entirely KUEU from the A A defects which arc so often found In the general run of heating plants. . C- Heating and Sanltnry Ihiulticor , btcnm and Hot Water Heating , 202 MAIN ST. COUNCIL IILUTPS , IOWA. ART GLASS Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , and the prettiest fancies ot archi tects and home builders faithfully and artistically reproduced. PLATE GLASS- Prom a single window to car lots. GLAZED SASH- All stock sizes , and any special size or shape desired furnished at less than any ; competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. , The largest exclusive house In Western Iowa. Send for prlceu on estimates. Masonic Temple IJiilldlng.