THE OMAHA DAUDY BEE : ! riURSDAY , JULY 11 , 1895. SPEG1RL NOTICES. AflTcrtlieiiienu for tiiemi rolurons will b fahrn until 12131) p. ni. for the rTciilnjrnnd cntll H p. m. for tlio morning mil Snmluf union. AdTurllieni , lijr requesting n nnmlinrcil nn tinrn Runner * mlilrrMctl to n timbered letter In rj ra at Tim lli > e. An- ratrs so nilclrrniiail will ho drllrnrnd upon IMirntntloii of Ilia cherk only. Itnten , ll-2cn word , llrnt Insertion , lo n woril litrcnflor , Mitlilng tulten tor lit * tlinn 20c for tint Intortlun. 'I lirso tKlTrrtlnrnients most ton romccu- tltrljr. BIIUATIOMB WANTED. BITUATION WANTED. 1IY tlltUO CLttllK. rtKlsloml , cnn furnlnh best of reference * . Ad dress T M , I ee. A 760 10 \VANTii : > . A POSITION A8 to a widower or single gentleman ; personal In terview desired ; reference * . Ad < lr * A. II. , gen. del. , pAsloince , I'lattBinnuth , Neb.A A M76.1 13 * WANTK13 M.AL ? . WANTED. 1,000 MEN TO WHITE MIJ TODAT for the receipt ( absolutely free , In Dlnln Ke-Ue < l envelope ) which cured me of nervoun d lilllty. exhausted vitality , etc. Addre C. J. Walker. Itox lilt Kaliuna oo , Mich. n-M H _ WANTED , MAN ON HALA11Y TO TAKE On- Gtn In city. If successful will receive ad vancement. Apply after t a * m. tils nans- U . 1I-MK8 JM _ _ W TO 1M 8AI.AHY I'AIH SAI.EHME.V FOR cigars : experience not nocd-nary : extrn Induce ments to customer * . Ulshop & Kline , Ht. Ijoiila , Jfo. U MG33 12 * WANTED. EXPEIUKNCKD DHY GOODH CAL- Ter , address giving age , experience , tnlary anil references , "Dry Goods Carrier No. Z. St. Ji > - " II-7B-1B eph. Mo. _ WANTED , MVi : , INTELLIGENT AGENTS IN Omnlm to organize clubs of three to flvo famlllcii for our famous orchnrd nomi-i land In central Mlmliwlppl. The tide of Immigration In going Boitth where Ihere nro no hot winds , nn cold winters. no billiards. no crop failures. Wlicrc two to three crops ran be ralifd each yenr. Wliern thure In no BUch thing us a fallen - on * If n man will work one-hnlf ns hanl as he dooii In this country. Cool Bummers , mild win- tern. sure paying crops of fruit and garden track , richest Boll on earth. best rnltrond facilities. Geo. W. Ames , general nKwit. 1611 Tarnam street , Omaha. _ U M753 \ \ 'ANTnrAN"nNEIuTETIC MAN WITH GOGH hunlncM ability can make ! ll > oral contract and find permanent city or country position with an old established collcctlnB company. . Bollcltlnc business on commission thnt will net J100 P < M month. Addres with stamp and state experi ence. R.iycrB & Company , La Cleile Illdit. . 8t , Ix > ul . Mo. It-761-15 _ WANTED , BAI.ERMEN , TnAVEUNO ANT local , beat special or side line : choice of tor. rltorr. W. G. Templeton. Gen'l Act. . 40 > N. . T. Life. 11-702-10 WANTED BELP. WANTICD. GOOD WOMAN COOK. CALT cvcnlnns , Chadwlclt's. 2M3 N street. P" " " Oinahal C-763-10 _ _ _ WANTED , GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK , MRS Wright , 2014 Seward St. C 761-12' JOK KENT HOUSES. HOUSES. F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TilE CITY. THi : O V. Davis Company , 1505 FarnJni. D 4GO HOUSES , UENA.WA & CO. , 10 ? N. l U. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA. U Alft > 9 RENTAL AGENCY , C20 BO. 16TII ST.D D 170 3 ELEGANT C-ROOM COTTAGES JUS" built , J22.50. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Far , l > 4 < 1 nam _ 7-ROOM EAST FRONT MODERN , 332 N ; 4I > T1I , tfrr 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. 1313 DODGE. D 53) EIOHT-ROOM HOUSES NEAR HIGH SCHOOL J15.00 nnd 2S.OO per month. Inquliu 2Cia Caplto * D 027-11 B > O. FOR RENT TWO C-ROOM COTTAGES , ONI furnlihcd. 803 S. 30th. Modern. C-ROOM COTTAGE , 837 N. BTH. r.NQUHU 82 * Hnuth IStli st. U-727 II FOR KENT. FLATS NEWLY PAI'EIIED ANI cleaned , northeast corner llth nnd Ilow-ar r street * . Fifteen dollars a month. Inquire rom SH , First National Hank building. D 711-22 FOIl tlENT. IflVE-ilOOM COTTA-OES. 140S-1 North l street. Eight dollars per month. In nulra room III , Flint National llanlt. imlldlng. D 713-23 IOK BENT 1'UItftlbilEU BOOMS FUHNISHED nOOlIS DOC WEEK. 710 S. 14TII H 9101 y2 3 IIOOM3 FOIl IIOUSUICCEI'ING FOR. MA ; und wife ; rent taken In boaiii.3I' > N. 17th. ROOM FOU TWO. PRIVATE FAMILY. MOD crn. C07 a. Sth Ave. -M:2i 13 * NICELY FUUNISHED. COOL. Qt'Iirr HOOM In private family , only six blocks from IIQSI olllce. M13 Douglas st. K C48 11 * FUIINISHED FRONT ItOOM FOH TWO GEN tU men. All mo'crn. 2100 Cuss at. K to ! ! NICELY FURNISllEl)7MtTai i : 11OOMS , GA ! steam heat. 711 S. 16th , third lloor rlshU li-MCSH 13 * BOIITH FHONT nOOM , NICELY FUIlNIHHEn 1516 Howard. IS 754 10 * IIOUSKICKUIMNO UOOMS. CONVUN1E.V1 cheap , cool , Inrsa lawn. 2C11 at. Mary's. B MtM-li * I FUItNISHElJ UOOMH FOU LltiHT n6TJsi kreiMng. Iniiulre 1019 DoOec- . U MH1 IURNISHED ROQJI3 ANDBO&R ] NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM WIT ! board for two ; private fjmlly ; no other- bonn era ; best homo comforts. ( U No. 21 t. be California nnd Webster. F 301 TO THADD. DRESS SUIT , CHErtT UE.A3UR ! 30 Inches , worn tnlce ; cost (75 , for horse , gur or anything. 8 42. Bee. F-1J3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO REN' ' . X OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT A 2M 3. ! Uh tt. G-351 .THREE ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPING. Z026 S" Mnrj's avenue. O 013 1 VNKURNISHEK ROOMH. WITHOUT CHIt drrn ; city v..itcr. r.'U OUIf&uUa strc.-t. G 721 10' FOR RENT. 5 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WIT ball ) , near Hanscom 1'urk. llbtl So. :3lh st. G 75S ll * H Iv HUNT STOlvkis AND OFJTICE roil "RENT THE 4-sTORY DRICK IUILDIN < PH l'irnum mrcet. This hulldlnp ; has a Hi proof cement basement , complete steam hea las IKUircB. water on all lloon , cne , etc. A l > ly at tlio olllca of The Die. I OH RENTFIRST.CI.ASS THREE-STOH nnJ bavemcnt , brlrli stora building. No. 1003 Fn nnm street. Suitable for any Kind of buslm- ItrumnriUf tenns. Inquire loom 311 First N liuilal liiink building. _ I 7 < 0-23 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AN1 > WOMEN , $3 TO J10 A DAY Al dr * the Handy Heater Co. , 831 New York LI tldg. , Onnha , Neb. J 471 ' RENTAL AGENCY. Q. a. WALLACE. RENTALS , 312 BROWN I1L1 STORAGE. UE8T BTORAGB IH'ILDINO IN OMAHA. U. KHV. bonded warehouse ; household urwU niorc law st rulys. 1013-lOli Lenvenwortji. M I7C U FRANK UWEIiH. Uli HAKNKY. " M473 PACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSn CO. > 111) Jones us. General torac < > and foru.irdlni M-178 WANTED TO BUY. \VANTKn. IIAK viXTirnica WITH stinnoi must be In E < XM ) oonJHl- fall at UU F.i nam st. N 757 10" lARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AN chicken 'fence. Chn * . U. Lcr , Jth and Dc < uga ! Q-175 TUB STANDARD CATTLEcO. . has 400 tons good baled bay foe note. Q 11 W FOR SALE OI.V ) I.l'MBKR. CONSISTING 0 cunlllng Sxt. t8. 2x10 , CxS. hplap ! , ilieelin siding , door * . lndons , etc. , at th At ocl t Charlllc * nooj yard. MI Howard st. BECIURmUS FOR , 3AI.1S. W * rn a number ot Drat mirtcajitt * In mnoun of tM * W JJ.Md at l * Id lr c-nt fur ml None but Rllt eijjjed ycrurlile * lundltl. d and i * us. r Trust Company , 17C1 Purnam Hr ; ran SALK. GOOD FAMILY M i uccV anj Hamilton. jQ - _ * foil BALH , CHEAP , i\TR.V : UOOl > Sfi : bole tPcl range , 24:3 Harney tr * t. t-'IXTl RKS ( IF HMAI.U LLKCH UOOM O\ | . ttt N Y. L. bMir. C > M,4. IP FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Continued. THOROfGlinilED IRISH SETTER PUPS FOI snl ? at a bargain. Hobcrt Ivcn > , Persia. It , Q-M70 12' MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED , IltTNTINQ DOGS TRAINED FOI chickens nnd quail ; satisfaction guaranteed n1 nn pay. For terms address G , S. RamlmURh Central City , Neb. R-MCS3 13 * GLAIR VOYANTS MRH. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE liable business medium , ith year at 113 N. Kin 8 181 MADAM SMITH. 502 S. 13TII 2D FLOOH , IIOOM 3 ; mngnetlc. Miner , alcohol , steatn , sulphurlna an.l s a. baths , T M6St 13 * MASSAGE , MADAME UEUNARD , 141 DODGE. T M621 18 * FINEST DATH AND MASSAGE I'AniAMlS IN city. Mme. Ilowell , 31S & 320 S. 15tli ; thoroughly Practical chiropodist snd manicurist attendant. T M876 Jyl2 * _ MIIS. nn. LECH * ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric bath. Parlors restful and refreshing , 412 North 14th street. T M7M 11 * 303 NORTH ISTir BT. , IIOOM 13. . DATHS , HB- lect massage by an expert. Anna , from < hi- cago. T 10 i * ' TURKISH JBATHS. TURKISH BATHS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively tor ladle * Suite 103-110 , Bes bldff. LADIES' BATHS. MME. POST , 313J4 S. 15TH. IAVI CO , , 348 REE BLDO.r HEALTH BOOK free ; home treatment ; lady attendant. U481 B. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS. CUT FLOWERS. lUnquet , hall , residence nnd grnvs decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telcphona 776. U M434 BATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST , 313'.4 Sf. 71' A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos. Jewels , bicycler etc. ; business strictly conndentlal. Address , Posloljlcr .Box \R'E YOU SICK ? MEDICINE AND TREATment - ment Me. at 208 Vj N. ICUi St. U 153 Jyli * 'OR FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. vault work , etc. , see or nddresn W. O. Templc- tun , gen'l. ng-t. , 405 N. Y. Life. U MC37 aC CASH ADVANCED ON PUBLIC EMPLOYES Biilarles. Commercial Trust Co. , 413 Bee I'ldB. U * M733 SUMMER BOARDING AND PICNIC GROUNDS at Hazel Dell nursery. Rrlttgs slnllon. Neb. 13 minutes ride from Wcboter street dflvit or C. St. P. M. & O. R. R. depot , postolHre am church at grounds. Pleasant drive or whce rliles from city. Beautiful grove and good sprln ; water. Tents for lent. Refreshments nerved ot grounds. For particulars address J. Vi. Day Neb. U .37-13 Ilrlgga. _ MRS. JACOIJSON HAS REMOVED FROM HI ; Nicholas st. to CIO North 20th st. U TO-la * UU1IIHALD JACI TlF LIVING rORRE3PONn Mnnsfleld , Tloca Co. . Pn. with J. II. JameK. * Other papers please copy. _ U Midi 13 MORTGAGE LOANS. LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttle , 16th nnd Douglas , Omaha. U AITT'J ' Aw MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE , loans at low ratM for choice security In Ne braska nnd Iowa farms or Omaha city propertj W 486 _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST KATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. \\-4S7 " CITY LOANS. C. A. BTARll. 515 N. Y. LIFE , LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED O > i or bought. F. O. Chcsney , Kansas t'ty ' Mo- CAPITAL 12,000.000 ; SURPLUS , $600,000 ; U. S Mortgage Trust Cg. . New York ; for C per ceni Innus on city property apply to Pusey S Thom.u , agents , room 2J7 , First Nat. Bk bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH/ real estate. Drennan.'Lovu & Co. , Paxton blk MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL 1MTATI at 6 per cent. W. B. Molkel , 1st Nat. Ilk. bid ? " " MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH/ property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm. * * * LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT ) property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 > ' "nrnnm INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. New York , offer any part 100,000 eastern In vectors' names , who have money to Invest ; jut complied. Wrlto for particulars. , , _ MM1 j , . , MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In cltr no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; yoi can- par 'ho loan , off at any time or In an ; " " " " ' " ' 'OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So.16th St. . X 4M MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ANI pianos. Fred Terry. 430 Ramge blk. X 437 MODEL LOAN CO. , 403 NEW YORK LIFE. X 1SJ JylO * BUSINESS CHANCES.' ' STOCK : OF MERCHANDISE IN DES- tcmn In fnatcin Nebraska , for land and caa or equivalent. Address S 23. care Bee.YM93I Y-M93I 3 SOLID INVESTMENTS ; 11RICK BUSINES ; block , water power ( louring mill , tine Ice bus ! ness. H. C. Alger & Co. , Sheridan , Wyo. FOR SALE STOCK OF MILLINERY ; BES1 location In the city. Good reason for selling Address at once , T IB. Bee. Y 430 J3.700. DRUG STORE DOING GOOD HUSINES ! J. J. Olbaon , 1st National bank. Y M701 14 J2.6CO. SALOON IN ONE OF THE LEADIN hotels. J. J , Gibson , 1st Nat. Bank.YM7001I Y-M7001I ONE-HALF INTEREST IN REAL ESTAT nnd abstract business In central Nebraska f < nl < ? . T 45. Omaha , Bee. Y M731 A7 A GOOD OPENING FOR THE RIGHT PARTI For sale , a stock of general merchandise ( d < piutmom lore goods ) . Best of hiwlnen loci tlon In a live city of 2,000 Inhabitants ; ici rrnwinnWe. Will Hive good reason : ) for nrlllni Addie.iH T 49. Bee , Omaha. Y M735 11 FOR SAL12T GOOD DRY GOrtTjS BUSINESS imolcc about J4.000.00 ; good location ; In count f U In western Iowa ; good ruasuni for solllnt Address T 51 , cart ! Bee. Y M7IT7 11' SHOE STORE FOR SALE : STOCK tt.SW.OI Ueht Htand ; best trade ; bext city smith ester Io\\n ; rate chanot. A , 1' . O. Box iGJ , Shriiir ilaiih , la. Y M71i 11' FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED TO TRADE , NEW STANDARD B ] cycla for drafj horse welglilns 1.100 pounds c more. E. J. uavli , 1110 Fat nam st. 2 837 I WANT MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOI real estata and cash. H. A. Wagner. Onrilu 2 M100 FOR TRADE. EQUITY IN RENTAL PROI iTty for ciittjK" . routhtt extern part of towi AJilrfM T 47 , lie- . ' . & M7oi i ; WANTED. TO lxCHANGE OMAII.V 1-RO1 crty , free Pf Incumbrnnce , for BIJ engine . about ll\e-hc > r o pnwi-r. either stfum or giisoiln Adilrojui A. P. Manning. Fremont. Neb. _ 5M7S4 12 I HAVE THREE OR FOUR GOOU FARMS want to exchange for hortcs. Ht J. Roihwrl Omaha. Neb. Z MJC ! " 21' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPAN' RE-138 FARM LANDS..C. F. HARRISON , SIS N. Y. Llf KE-657 JylO' DO YOir WANT A BEAUTIFUL MODER cottage homo within walking distance frum 1 O , , Innldu one mllof We hav * \ \ > n of th * > Juki romiilpUnl that lire molds , and wo w sell them nt greatly rcduswl prlcva and take a t30i.OO to ) V > J.CO lot as part payment. These ara lucntcd an Bun it reel , just vast rth street. Will li open Hundjyv Call and I rpect them. Remember wo will tnl. your vacant lot as pa I > aj m nt. Why will you iwy rent on a houno ami tin pay taxes on vacant p > * > ; > city nlieo > ou can mal urh R ileo.1 a * thlaT tVethonn lieaiitlfnl honiei or call at our oBl aiMl wit will be moat pi'.u l lo ulifiw them. Fidelity Ttuat company. ioj Farnnm strrot. RK-M73J IS IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAH at prices that ulll MirprUe you. It taken llli 1 week * . J. H. Sherwood. 43 N. Y. IJfe. BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARJ * 1 * OK UjJc. F. 1C Dm line. ItarKtr block. RD I3S BARllAINS. HALO OR TRADE IN CITY PRO rtl s ana faun * . John N. Fren r , opp. v. i RE 501 HOMES ON EASY 1'AYilEXTrt. SET-U AN buy lots , seres , tnirns. Gan-ln Bros. , no N * . Y. : RK-M : AT A BARGAIN , JOUNVU LOT. PAVE n * t , i cuitasei , ( . 7 sn < l I rooms eaeh. brli luitrir.rnt , nnlcr and. s < nr conaiiotloii. la Lt rrsldince luirt'cn. ' month- ! rental Sll. Amily I letter to Jc-m Sohunx , : ll building. ELECTRICAL. SUPPLIES I. ENQINBKRS AND CONTOACTI s ( > r v' ' > ) Ul % llNhl and motor * olid c kliilt t-t fleiiri i -n triictlon. Westcni K'e tr M S il > y Co. , ! ! U Howard It. 510 " 5HEKHQW5WHAT5tsAr BECAUSE ITS THE BEST. PUREST 5 MOST ECQHOMICAL SOLD EVERYWHERE THEN.K.FAIRBMGOHPAHY. CHICAGO. MEDICAL. OMAHA. HI.KCTUO-QAI.VAN1O INSTITITH , roam 410 N. V. I.lfo llld'Ri treatment of all uterlno troubles , leucorrhoen. painful or sup pressed menstruation , catarrh and throat trou bles ; It Is now the recomilzed remedy ; hemorrolds are cured without , knife or pain ; lady attendant. . M'St 14 * . .ADIESI CIIICIIKSTEn'S IINULISII PKNNY- royal 1'IUs ( diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable ; tnl < e no other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars , "Hellof for Ladles , " In letter by return mall. At drugidsts. Chlchestcr Chcm- leal Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHAKES IN MUTUAL U & U. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , S per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old , always redeemable. 1701 Karnam st. Nattlngcr , Seo. 613 IO\V TO CJET A HOMn OH HKCUKE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply tb Omaha L. & U. AsH'n , 1701 Bee bide. O. II. Nattlneer. See. MO PAWNBBOKEB3. _ It. MAItOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 10 ST. EIOX-QL.EB. M. o. DAXON ; 402 N. ICTU. ua. STCKMNO 11UILT 1,1KB A WATCH. WEST. ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1315 Howard street. SOI _ _ _ _ _ SHE TUB VISIDLE UAIA TICAniNOS ON Ilelay Special. Will Danium nro , , 120 N. 15th , COi _ _ A. L. DEANE & CO. , 1116 FAIINAM STIIEEX 607 VESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. . 241C CUMINO SOS _ MANTELS , OKATi'b AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. CIRATE3 , TILES FOP flre places , vestibules and largo floors ; write foi prices. Milton Rogers & Sons. Omaha. S09 SHORTHAND AffU'jyPEWBITIUa A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 613 N. Y. LIFE , M-J18 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MOIUULL. PAPER HANGING. HOUSI sign painting , brick work , plastering ; off. II. 1 , Darker l > lk. ; tel. 753 ; chop 913 N. 24th at. 511 UWDERTAKERSAJJIi EMBALMERS II. K. UURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANI : cmbaltner , 1C1S Chicago St. , telephone 90. 612 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO , TEL 1MO M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMIJAI.M cr , 1U7 Farnam st. , telephone 225. 614 C. W. UAICER. UNDERTAKER. 613 S. 1CTII ST 613 LOST. STRAYED. A SMALL I1LACK AND WII1TI cow , without horns ; half. Jersey , half Holsteln If found please return to SIS S. 20th and recrlv reward. lost 748-10 * LOST , SUNDAY EVENING , ON THE DRIVJ from Omaha to Florence , a lady's shoppln bag , containing purse , pin with pearl scttlnfi etc. Leave with Mrs. W. F. liechtcl , 2118 Sew nrd St. . for reward. Lost 713 12 * A. qOOD THING-PUSH IT ALONG , MAY U ] the latest slang phrase , but that's Just wha we're doing with SHBIUDAN COAL. 8,000 ton sold Jn Omaha last year. We give you 2,00 Ibs. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for $ I.M Victor White , mgr. , 1C05 Farnam st. Tel. 15 ] 617 PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES , tl.OO PE1 month per head. Charles Cans , St. Paul , Neh IOC M.USIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. GELLENBECK. BANJO ANI guitar teacher. I'll Cosa street. M 103 CARPliT CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET AND RI' ( Cleaning Works do their work the best an cheapest. 718-20 S. 14th St. Tel. 635. U. S. Q Kuhn , manager ; Patrick Ward , foreman. J20 Jy 20 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COH 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 6 ! ] RAILWAY TIME CAR ! Leaves IDUKLINQTON & ilO. lUVUrt.lArrives OinahalUnlou Depot , 10tu tt Mason Sta.l Omaha 10:15am : Denver Express 8:40arr : 4S5pm.l31k. Hills , Mont. A I'ucet Bud , KJC. : IJSpm Denver Kxpreu 4:05pn : 7 : < Bpm..N.ura ku Ixical ( except Sunday,7:45un ) : S:15am..Lincoln Uaai ( except Sunday.llZiun : 2:15inn. : . . Vast &Iallfor Lincoln ) Ually. . . . teaes ICIIICAQO , BURLINGTON & "QTTArrlves" QmahalUnlon Depot , IQlli A Mason Hta.l Omaha 4:45pm : Chlcaso Vestibule 8:50nn : Wam Chicago Uiplfsa 4:15pn : 7SOpm. : . Chicago and at. Lou La Jixprts * . . COOun U:3Sum : Pacific Junction Local 6:30pn : F st Mall J : jpn Ltaves [ CHICAGO , MIL. & BT. PAUL.IArrl es Oiuahal Union Depot , 10th ft Mason Bts.j Omaha C.OOpm Chicago Limited 9:30an : USOam : Chicago Uaprcsa ( ex. Bun ) Leaves [ CHICAGO & NOnTIUVEStrN.jArrlvea OmahalUnlon Depot , luth A Mason St . | Omaha lOMOam . Knatern Impress . . G:30nn 430pm . VVstlUuli-d Limited . 9:2Jaj ] CWam : . Mo. Valley Local . 10:3jp : > i 6:4Spm. . Omaha Chicago Special . l:4iun : Leaves I ClilCAaor"n7ir& PACJFioTTArFl OmahalUnlon LjjepptUUi ) te Ma on atg.Omahc | EAST. _ _ lltMnm. . . Atlantic- Express t Sunday ) . . . 6:33mi C25pm . Night Express . 3:2Jir : 4 ; < 0pm . Chicago Veatlbultd Limited. . . . . _ _ 6 :43im. : . Oklahoma & Texas Kx ( vx 8un.10:3 ) : aT IMOptn . Colorado Limited . 4COpo C. , BT. P. . M. & O. ( Arrives Oniuh.M Depot. 15th and \Vtbattr Sta. I Omaha " " " " CJOpm..Sioux Cltr Exoress tex Bua."ll:55an : E. A IK ) . VALLliV. lArrlvea _ ruu Depot , Uthjuid Webster Hl . | Omaha Z:10pm. : . . . .FaciM t ! and Eipre s . . . . 4S3pTi : l:10pm.e * . Hat. ) Wyo. Exlei. Sloi,4Wljn tC5atn. : . . Norfolk tipreos tex. ) : eilOprr. . . . .6t.Paul _ Express . . .laiMji L avts T K. ST. J.i l II. * ( Arrtvei Depot , 10th tt Mason Bls.f Omaha ansas City Day Uxpreu . 5:30pr C. Nlghtjii. Vla U.l' _ . Tran. . tWni Ltaves I MISSOURI I'ACIEflli. lArrlv.s Omaha ) bepol , 15th and Webstar Hts. I Omahs lDl < Oum . fit. Louts Exoreu . C:00ari : > lMvm. . . > . . Bt. Luuls Krprem . 6:0spn : ii pm. . . . .Nebraska LucsMex. Uua. ) . loean : LiavtTj SIOUX CITY & "V XClFIcI JATrTves Jlmahal Depot , 15th and Wcbiler 81s. f Omaha JlsMpm. . . . . fit Paul LlmlnU . " " LMVM I SIOUX "CITY & PACIFia ) Anlves _ OmahaUnlpnDepol. | 10th & Masuq Ut . ( Omaha :5iair..T..SIoui "city PasaeiiRer . .lo:3iDn taipm . . . . . . . . . .St. Fstal Umlt . . . - . . . . _ . : BUNION PACIFIC ; TArrtTS Oroahal Union Dtpot. loth A Maaon Bis. | Omaha iM5 m . Keamer Kipress . ItlsOpi 2.00pm . . . . . .OverUnJ tflrer. . . . , . 6JOui : : : ( > Oiim.Beaf c * & Stromsb'K Kre % . 8un.ll:30pi ) : 7:00pm. : . Pacltlo Express. . . , . 10:2Sai : M5pni. . . . . . Fast Mall. . . . * . . . . . 4:10pi U "via"TI WABASlE niTLWiY. iArrivM Omahs.ilnlon bepot. 10th A Mason StsTOmahu . . . . StI ni Cannon 1UIL. . . DENTISTS. THE INFIUMARY IN CONNECTION WITH the Dental college nt Twelfth nnd Pacific street * Is now open , where those desiring to have teeth extracted can have It done free of charge ami all other work at merely cost ot material , 7M-t < ) U. PAUL. DGNT1ST. 50M HURT ST. 513 BTJSIMKdS NOTICES DAMAGED MIRRORS nESILVERCD. 719 N. 10. C2L MAJOBIXY FAVORED FUSION Democrats Meet nail Hrso'vo ta Confer with the Citizen * ' Movement Cnnimlttor. The fusion sentiment prevailed at the meet ing of the democratic county central committee too held yesterday afternoon. Henry C. Miller , chairman , explainedthal _ local politics wcro In such a condition thai ho had found It Imperative to seek advice Detailing his views , ho said that the sllvci Issue should be Ignored In local politics. Hi outlined a plan for appointing a commutes to confer with a like committee frtml thi city central committee , which Joint commltte < should confer with the citizens' reform move ment to ascertain what It had to offer am to what It would agree. He said that It wai the common desire to down the A. P. A. ! and the result would be disastrous to dem : ocracy If the citizens' movement waa al lowed to go forward and. unite the democrat and republican elements.In the proposed move ment. Should something- tangible bo offered then the committee , ' having made Its re port , a proclamation could bo Issued to tin democracy and the democrats would deter mine on some basis for1 the division of tin ofllcos. ' r Some twenty members,1 the commlttci were present and a general discussion fol lowed to ascertain htiw'much , If anything cpuld be conceded. J , Connor favored fusloi on. "a fair basis to democracy. " Oscar Pick ard preferred defeat 'and ' a full tlckel Henry Dloom wantej Jo throw out some feel era to find the strength , ot the movemen now crystallzlng. Joltn F. Murphy admlttei that democracy would , be : again defeated unless loss It fused with the , citizens' reform move ment. Glftord opposed fusion because las fall ho had tested a l < eg-vof beer In his die trlct as a votp getter , to Paddock's dls comflture. William McCoombs was In wit the majority. Kd MUllln favored fusion ani good government , .tjocajtse' tbe republican now asking- toe goodtBarernmont < had fallei to support the "good" democrats nominate last year , Philip Andres opposed fusion Peter DIrkbauser eald he haJ discovered i breach In the republican ranks because c the new movement , and If democrats wottl rush In ha thought they would soon hav all the offices to themselves. John O'Connel pointed out the futility , of democrats tryln It alone. "We might as well try to gras the moon , " he said. At this point the fact that democrat.3 Ilk John F. Goad were In for good governmcn through the citizens' movement was suggeste and C. L. Smith showed that In every pre vlous election the democratic expectations be fore election were sure to bo blasted who there had been no fusion. John Zeller wa In for a good compromise , "because a goo thing. " W. S. Shoemaker made a stron talk- for delay In appointing a committee ur til the citizens' movement was thorough ! organized. He wanted lS democratic con ventlon called after the citizens' conventlo and then If the latter had gene wrong th democrats could steer clear ot them. H urged the need that democrats had of suppoi because they hadn't a paper they could bran as "democratic. " George Tlerney was certal that the citizens' movement would be for re form and not for quibbling for ofllcei "Thousands of citizens are keeping silent , bu lending It their support , " he continued. HI motion , framed along \tie line suggested b Miller , that seven men be appointed to confe with a citizens' committee , Miller to be chili man , and the balance- evenly divided an t fusion , prevailed. The * city central commltte will be called on. to appoint li similar com mlttee. A Smallpox Scnra , If yon would dodge the danger of"thl dreadful disease and escape without even scare , trust to Allen's Hygienic Fluid. 1 rightly used It positively prevents all con taglon. A pleasant , personal disinfectant deodorant and germicide purifying , clean : Ing and healing. IT IS NOW TREASURER DUMONC Ho Takes Fornnl INmsruslon ot the Uulc unit City I-'uniU. At * the close of business yesterday J. II Dumont took formal "possession of the offlc of the city treasurer- Henry Dolln shoo hands with bis former employes and becam a private citizen. It had been the Intentlo that the ofllce should change hands In th morning , but It was decided that this could b more easily accomplished after the books ha been closed for the day. The finance toir mlttee ot tbe city council checked up th cash , which amounted to $658.43 , and thl was receipted for by Mr. Dumont. The shorl age of Mr. Bolln was not considered In th receipting process. U was allowed to stan with the understanding that the * bondsme would make It good aa soon as It was satis factorlly adjusted between them. It I claimed that the shortage covers both term of ofllce and aUo reals upon the bondsme for the Doard of Education , so that th amount Is to be adjustbd between three dlffei ent sets of bondsmen. ] This adjustment wl require considerable tlmo , and It U feare that It may prove to .fcSUi very complicate process. Treasurer Dumont has named Frank Darke of the Dank of Commer ' s his deputy an ha says that there wllt | > : no other changt In the ofllce forca at present. The official bond which * Jt II. Dumont la n quired to give to the Board of Education wa approved at a speclafp-rdJtIng of the boar held last evening. Tlfe"sCfiool fund was nc transferred to th'e new Hrcasurer yesterda on account of the facUUiM the bond had m been approved , but the < Hransfer will tal place this morning. , president Akin , Seen tary Glllan and Chairman Uurgcsa of th finance committee- were , ppolnted as a con mltteo to be present this morning and se that the Interests of the board are protectei The new treasurer will be directed to con ply strictly with section 2403 of Cobbey statutes , which relates to the proper depos of the school funds. He will also be admor Ishcd that no warrant shall be registered an draw Interest when there Is sufficient mone In the fund to pay It. He will ba required t report on the Saturday preceding each regt Ur meeting of the board tha amount In tli fund and the binks In which It Is deposltei and also to report at the second reguU meeting : In each month the amount of ou standing Interest on Interest bearingwa rantst , the first report of thl kind to t made July 13. Attention ItnlRbtn. All members ot Omaha lodge No. 26 , I ot P. , are requested to meet at Castle ba this evening at 7:30 : to make arrangemenl for the funeral of late brother Qotlelb Zln merman. Dy order of A. J. Harlwlg , C. ( ( Cciiyrlghtid , IsflJ , ly Irvlnp llachtller. ) CHAl'TEU V. "Those rufllans have sclzca her. They will clll her , " I cried. Duroo sprauK down with the Inartlculato shouts of ono whose reason had loft him. lo struck the door so frantically with his naked hand that ho left a blotch of blood with every blow. "Hero Is the key , " I shouted , picking ono from the floor. "She must have thrown It In at the Instant that she was torn away. " My companion snatched It from mo with a shriek of Joy. A moment later he dashed It down on the boards. U was so small that It was lost In the enormous lock. Duroc sanl : upon on ? of the boxes with his head between ila hands. IIo scbboJ In his despair. I could hava sobbed , too , when I thought of the woman and how helpless we were to eavff her. Dut I am not so easily baulcd. After all , his key must liavo been sent to us for a pur pose. The lady could not brljig us that of the door because this murderous stepfather of icrs would most certainly have It In his pocket. Yet this other key must have a meaning , or why should she risk her llfo to place It In our hands. It would say llttlo for our wits If we could not find out what that meaning might be. I set to work moving all the cases out from the wall , and Duroc , gaining new hope from my energy , helped me with all his strength. It was no light task , for many of them were large and heavy. On we went , working like maniacs , slinging barrels and cheeses and boxes pell-mell Into the mlddlo of the room. At last there only remained ono huge barrel ot vodkl , which stood In the corner. With our united strength wo rolled It out and there was a little , low wooden door In the wainscot behind It. The key fitted , and with a cry of delight we saw It swing open before us. With the lamp In my hand I squeezed my way In , followed by my companion. Wo wore In the powder magazine of the castle a rough-wallod cellar , with barrels all around It , and .one with the top staved Wq were In the powder magazine of the castli In' In the center. The powder' from It la In a. black heap on the flobr. Beyond thcr was" another door , but It Was locked. "Wo are no better off than before , " crle Duroc. "We have no key. " 'Wo have a dozen , " I cried. Where ? " pointed to the line of powder barrels. 'You would blow this door open ? " Precisely. " But you would explode the magazine. " It was true , but I was not at the end c my resources. "We shall blow open the store room door , I cried. I ran back and seized a tin box whic had been filled with candles. It was abet the size of my bushy largo enough to hoi several pounds of powder. Duroo filled while I cut off the end of a candle. Who wo had finished It would have puzzled colonel of engineers to make a better petan I put three cheeses on top of each other an placed It above them so as to lean again ! the lock. Then we lit our candle-end an ran for shelter , shutting the door of tl magazine behind us. It was no joke , my friends , to Ila am on all those tons of powder , with the knowlcdg that If the flame of the explosion shoul penetrate through one thin door our blacl ened limbs would bo shot higher than tli c < tstle keep. Who could have believed thr. a half-Inch of candle could take so long t burn ? My ears were straining- the tlm for the thudding of the hoofs of the CossacV who were coming to destroy us. I had a most made up my mind that the candle mus have gone out when there was a smack Ilk a bursting bomb. Our door flew to bits , an pieces of cheese with a shpwer of turnip apples and splinters of cases were shot I among us. As we rushed out we had I stagger through on Impenetrable smoke , wit all sorts of debris beneath our feet , bi there was a glimmering square where tli dark door had been. The petard had don Its work. In fact. It had done more for us than w had ventured to hope. . It had shatterc Jailors as well as Jail. The first thin that I saw as I came out was a man wit a butcher's ax in his hand , lying flat o his back with a gaping- ' wound across h forehead. The second was a hugo do with two of Its legs broken twisting I agony upon the floor. As It reared itself saw the broken ends flapping llko flail At the Borne Instant I heard a cry , an there was Duroc thrown against the wa with the other hound's teeth In his throa He pushed it off with his left hand , whll again and again he passed bis sabi through its body , but It was not until blew out It's brains' with my pistol tb : the Iron Jaws relaxed and the fierce , bloot shot eyes were glazed In death. There was no time for us to pause , woman's scream from in front a screai of mortal terror that told us even now w might be too lato. There were two other men In the hal but they cowered away from our draw swords and. furious facos. The blood was streaming from Duroc neck and dyeing the gray fur of his pi llsse. Such was the lad's flre , howeve that ho shot In front of mo , and It was enl over his shoulder that I caught a gllmpi of the scene as wo rushed Into the chan her In which we had first seen the masti of the Castle ot Gloom. The/ baron was standing In the mldd of the room , with his tangled mane brls ling like an angry lion. He was , as I Jia\ said , a huge man , with enormous vhou /ders , and as he stood there with his fai flushed with rage and his uword advance I could not but think , that In spite of a hl villainies he had a proper figuretor grenadier. The lady lay cowering In chair behind htm. A weal across ono > her white arms and a dog whip upon tl floor were enough to show that our e cape had hardly been in time to save hi from his brutality. He gave a howl 111 a wolf as we broke In , and was up9n i In an instant , backing and driving wll a curie at every blow. I have already said that tbo room gai no space for swordsmanship. My your companion was In front of ,110 in tbo na row passage between the table and tl wall , so that I could only look on wlthoi being able to aid him. The lad kne something of his weapon , and was i fierce and active as a wildcat , but la i narrow cpaco the weight and strength the giant gave him the advantage , n sides , bo was an admirable swordama His parade and repoata were as quick i lightning. Twice ho touched Duroo up < the shoulder , and then as the lad sllpyi on a lunge he whirled up bU sword finish him before he could recover h feet. I was quicker than ho , however , at took the cut upon the pommel ot my eabr "Excuse me , " laid I , "but you bavo st ! to dtal with Btlonne Gerard. " IIo drew back and leaned against tl tapestry covered wall , breathing In.lilt hears ; gasps , for his foul living was against him. . . "Tako your breath , " said I. "I will await your convenience. " "You have no cause of quarrel against me , " he panted. . , . "I ewe you some little attention , " said I , for having shut mo up In your storeroom. Besides , If all others were wanting , I see cause enough upon that lady's arm. " "Have your way , then , " he snarled , nnd leaped at me llko a madman. For a minute I saw only the blazing blue eyes , and the red glazed point which stabbed and stabbed , rasp ing off to right or lo loft , , and yel never back al my Ihroat and my breast. I had never thought that such good sword play wasi to bo found at Paris In the days of the revolution. I do not suppose that In all my little affairs I have mot six men who hadl better knowl edge of their weapon. But he Know that I was his master. He read death In my eyes , and I could read that ho read It. The flush died from his face. Ills breath came In short and thick * gasps. Yet he fought on , even after the final thrust had come , and died still hacking and cursing with foul cries upon his lips and Ills blood clotting upon his orange board. I who speak to you have seen to many battles that my old memory can scarce con tain their names , and yet of all the terrible sights which these eyes have rested upon there la none I care to think of less than that strange beard with the crimson stain In the center , from which I had drawn my sword point. It was only afterward that I hael tlmo to think of all this. His monstrous body had hardly crashed down upon the floor before the woman In the corner sprang to her feet , clap ping her hands together and screaming out In her delight. For my part I was disgusted to see a woman take delight In such a deed of blood , and I gave no thought ot the torrlblo wrongs which must have befallen her before , she could so far forget the gentleness of her sex. It was on my tongue to toll her sharply to be silent when a strange choking smell took the breath from my nostrils , and a sud den yellow glare brought out the figures of the faded hangings. "Duroc. Duroc , " I shouted , tugging at his shoulder. "Tho castle Is n flre. " But the boy lay senseless upon the ground , exhausted by his wounds. I rushed out Into the hall to see whence the danger came. It was our explosion which hai set a light to the dry framework of the door. Inside the storeroom some of the boxes were already blazing , I glanced In , and as I did so my blood was turned to water by the sight of the powder oarrels beyond and of the loose heap en the floor. It might be seconds , It could not be more than minutes , before the flames would bo at the eJge of It. These eyes would bo closed In death , my friends , before they cease to see thosa crawling lines of flre and the black heap beyond. How llttlo can I remember of what followeJ. Vaguely I can recall how I rushed Into the chambsr of death , 1iow I seized Duroc by one limp hand and dragged him down the hall , the woman keeping pace with mo anil' ' pullIng - Ing at the other arm. Out ot the gateway wo rushed and on down the snow covered path unt'l ' we were on the fringe of the fir forest. It was at that moment that I hoard a crash behind mo and glancing around saw a great apoiK of flro shoot up Into the wintry sky. An Instant later there seemed to come a second crasa , far louder than the first , and I saw the flr trees and the stars whirling round mo an1 I fell unconscious across the boly of my comrado. It was some weeks before I came lo myself In the post house of Arensdorf , and longer still before I could be told all that had be fallen me. It was Duroc , already able to go Yet he fought on even after the final thrust ha soldiering , who came to my bedside nnd gay me an account of It. He It was who tel mo how a piece ot timber had struck me o the head and bad laid mo almost dead upo the ground. From him , too , I learned ho the Polish girl had run to Arensdorf , ho1 she had roused our hussars , and how sh had only just brought them back In tlm to save us from the spears of the Cossack ! who had been nummoned from their blvoua by that same black-hearted secretary whoi we had seen galloping so swiftly over tli snow. As to the bravo lady who had twlc saved our lives , I could not learn ver much about her at that moment from Duroi but when I chanced to meet him In Parl two years later , after the campaign c Wagram , I was not very much surprise to find that I needed no Introduction to hi bride , and that by the queer turns ( fortune he had himself , had he chosen to ui It , that very name and title of the Dare Straubenthal , which showed him to be th owner of the blackened ruins of the Cast ! of Gloom , ( The End. A new Illustrate story by H. Lynde , entitled "The Professor' ' Daughter , " commences In Friday's Bee. ) THEIR NAMES ON THE 3JI8 : Police Communion Confirm * Chief White' Selection ot Men. At a special meeting of the Hoard of Fit and Police Commissioners , held yostcrda afternoon , seventeen men were elected I fill the existing vacancies on the police fore. . No action was taken with regard to tli election of a captain or a sergeant. Tl names of the successful candidates for brai buttons are : Al Keysor , J. Hcngen , S. I Collins , M. D. McMahon , James Craven V. D. Lilly , J. A. Starkoy , Carl Carlsoi M. Gentleman. J , S. Uonk , P. M. Tobli Bartholomew Caramcllo , F. p. Murpn- Frauk Percy. James Gorman , Carl L. Mai sen aud H. HcCauley. These are the men who were tclcctcd t Chief While , lu accordance \\ltli tbo actlc of the board at tho. previous meeting. Tt list was dlscuised for upwards of on lieu Strlckler and Smith \vero willing to vo for Bomo of the men named , but they d clared that thoy- would Dot vote for tl list entire. They wanted a separate ba lot , but they ware overruled , and tbe UK named were elected , Strlcklcr and Smll voting "no , " for the reason mentioned. The board adjourned until Friday nfto noon at 4 o'clock , when the nr w pollcemt will bo expected to file their bonds aud I ready to be assigned to duty. ' Gntharcd In by nn Ofllcar. Detective Savage lait evening arrested M. Keller at tbe Grand hotel on the Inform , tlon received from an officer at Co If ox , I The prisoner was charged with being a fug tire from Justice. U li not known what ll charge against Keller Is. Ila laid that I * left Colfax several days ago , where he h ; been In the rqitaurnnt butlncsi. Hi ) claim that there were debts amounting to $2 him and that hisarrrat had bee caused uy his creditors. The Coltax odl < : ha bun notified ; of the arreit. The unrivaled boquct that Cook's Ext Dry Imperial has , hi * made It a fuvorl with all eood Judges. BALL THROUGH HI9 HEART ClottUlb Zlinmcrtnnmt' Uors to Pyiullcnt * 1'nrk unit CnmiiiUi Milclile. Gottlclb Zlmmermann , a welt known German who resided al 1013 Pierce street , commuted ulcldo about 2:30 : o'clock yesterday after noon at the west entrance to Syndicate park y shooting himself through theheart. . De pendency Is supposed to have been the cause f the man taking his life. Zlmmmnann vent down to South Omaha yesterday to looker or work. At ono phco whore ho had ox- pectoil to ge-t employment ho \ > ns dlsap- lolntod and wandered up Into the business tartlon ot the city. There ho mot Rudolph lartz and the men Imd n gluts of beer to other. At this time r.lmmcrmnmi statett tint ho was dead broke and had walked to South Omaha In hope of tlndlng work , hut lad been disappointed. Ho did not appear o bo particularly depressed. About noon ho > ent Into Otto Maurcr'a restaurant and itaycd no.irly nn hour. Ho appeared to be In ils usual spirits and took n glass or two ct ecr. About 1 o'clock ho left MnureF's aylng ho wan going home. That was the ast the people In the restaurant siuv of htm ntll his remains were taken to llrowor & Sloano's morgue at South Omaha. The body wag found by two boys , Frank \ndorson and lien Tombrank. Those ladu vcro RoltiK Into Syndicate park when at the vest entrance they oaw n man sitting lu the Totch of n tree. At first the boys thought hat the man had fallen asleep , but upon a Ittlo Investigation a revolver was found lying t his feet. Tlila frightened the boys and hey notified the police. Upon arriving at ho scene Chief Dronnnn of South Omaha ook charge of the remains until Coroner laul arrived. When Mr. Maul searched the orpso ho found two notes written upon the > ack of Zlmmcrmann's former business cards. One read : "To Mike Maul , or Whom It May Concern : Doir Friend Send mo hcmo , 1013 Plcrco treot , Omaha. G. ZIMMBRMANN. " The other rend : "Please notify Capitol lodge , Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , Knights of Pythias No. 2C. also Omaha Veteran Firemen , of vlilcli I am a member. " 0. ZIMMBHMANN. " After viewing the remains at the morgue ho coroner ordered the body brought to ) maha. An Inquest will not bo hold unless ho deceased had llfo Insurance. Zlmmermann was well known both In Omaha and South Omaha , having been prominent In ' crmau affairs. Ot late his friends have ccpt a watch on him , as he had made ono or two previous attempts at self-destruction. A special meeting of the veteran fireman , f which association Zlmmermann was o mom- icr. was huhl last night In the oIDce of Chief ledell to make arrangements for the funeral. V committee of three , W. L. May , Sol 'rlnco and F. II. Kocstors , was appointed ta ake the matter In charge. The committee vlll purchase flowers and appoint three pill jearers. All members of the association were requested to attend the funeral In full unl- orm. CENTRAL LABOR -UNION ACTS Circle Check Hyitem Aliant Itcuity to lie Tut lu Operation. At a meetlngi of the Central Labor union leld last night the committee on the. circle check system reported that steps were being aken toward the perfection of the system and nsltod for further time to complete ar rangements , which tlmo was granted. It Is expected by the committee that every ar rangement for launching this system will bo n working order by the first of the month. The question of civil service reform In city affairs was discussed by a unmoor of .he delegates , the consensus of opinion being hat some plan of civil service reform should be adopted by the city of Omaha. A commlt- : ae Is now working with the city council Tying to get that body to submit the question : o a vote of the people , It that Is found to ba : he bsst way lo secure the desired end. It s evident from tha speeches made that a strong sentiment In favor of removal of city servants from the Vicissitudes of politics has developed In the Central Labor union and among the laboring men generally In tha city , The question of celebrating Labor day was discussed by several delegates , and n com- mltteo of five was appointed to consider the question ot how. to best celebrate the day : hls year , to report at the next regular meet ing of the union. This committee lit W. S. Sebrlng , J. D. Shupp R. C. Rowley , Au gust Deermau and John Kerrigan. President J. IJ. Shupp recommended that Iho city council bo asked to repeal the or dinance preventing hand bills being passed an the streets of the city. The recommenda tion was adopted. It was argued that the prevention of distributing hand bills kept many printers out of employment and also made the calling ot labor meetings more expensive. It was also argued that the or dinance was In the Interest ot large adver tisers and a detriment to small dealers. President Shupp recommended that a com mittee bo appointed to consider the local political question and make a report at the next meeting of the union , with recommenda tions as to what Is best for the worklngmcn to do in Uie coming campaign. The president expressed dissatisfaction with all political parties now In existence. The following com mittee was appointed : August Beerman , P , J. Donnelly , John Kerrigan , K. S. Fisher. G. W. Sablno , J. L. Dalrd aud K. H. Deck- stead. FOIt-A BRAIN S1L31ULANT Ufa Hartford's Acltl L'lioiplmto. Dr. W. F. Toombs , Marrlllton , . Ark. , sayi : "I la certainly the finest brain stimulant I have found. " HIS COAST WA3 DISASTROUS lllrjclo Itldor Taken n Plnasnnt Itlile nnd Moots a Serious Mlslmp. Yesterday afternoon at G o'clock W. Vnwln , a bicyclist , met with a , serious mishap at the corner of Twelfth and Dodge street * , through his own carlessncss. He was coastIng - Ing down Twelfth street to Dodge on a slight grade , vtth bla feet over the hamllo bars and with his arms folded. On Dodge street , Just east ot Twelfth , a brewery wagon was standing near the curb , the horses being tied to a post. Vnwln turned the corner safely , but while he was passing the wagon his wheel slipped and ran Into the horrc. He was thrown directly under the horse's feet and his face and chest was trampled upon by the animal , which was Jumping about with fear. Bystander * went to Vn- wln'a assistance and carried him Into Glad- dlsh's drug storu on the corner. Dr. Wormernley was summoned and dressed Vnwln's wounds. The most severe Injury was a cut extending from the lower angle ot the mouth to the chin and which went entirely through the flesh. He also had two bad cuts In the forehead and there were a number of others about the. face. Ills chest was also badly bruised. Vnwln lives at Twenty-eighth and Dawn- port streets. Throe Snmll fires. There were three small fires yesterday afternoon. One was In the rear of the resi dence ot Judge Scott at 2033 Dodgestreet. . A pan of hot ashes was dumped against the ilde of a barn and set flro to the structure. The loss was nominal. The 'second fire occurred at 6:55 : o'clock. A member of the family of F. Krampert was boiling lard In the basement of the rrsl- "Jencs , 119 South Twenty-second street , and a portion r.m over on thestove. . It blazed up and an alarm was sent In , but before the de partment arrived tlo : blaze had been put out. There was no Ions , A domestic In a family living In the flat at Seventeenth and Leavenworth itreeti ac cidentally fct fireto some gasoline that wai lying on a stove. A blare was itarleJ , but It wus speedily put out. Th woman's hand was slightly burned , . , TalKeil for ( inlil uuil Oliver. The silver question furnished food last evening for a lively debate at the meeting ot tlia Swedish Republican club. The room was comforably fi'.leil with members o ( the club , gathered to hear the pros and cous which w ro preu'nlca. by 0. C. Labeck and John Steel , tbo former advocating the ciuio of sliver and the latter taking , the position that the country li , and has teen 16 all In tents and purposes , on a gold standard for yc.tri pait , and that as money Is a commodity fie drculatlcn ot Mlvcr will follow and ba governed hy the natural laws of commerce. A J Djhlsroni , preildtnt of th * club , pr -