Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1895, Image 1

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    - * rjf ' * * . - T.5
Appanooso Ocunty Man Ohoicn to Bo the
Next Governor of Iowa.
Work of Naming the State Ticket of tlio
Ilntvltcyo ItciiubllciiiK Soon Over
Ilitrlnn'i force * llroko Avrity
from Their C mllil.itc ,
Lieutenant Governor MATT PAIIHOTT
Judge ot Supreme Court..JOSHUA GIVEN
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Hallway Commissioner
DES MOINES , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Contrary to expectallons , the re
publican state conventlpn rushed Ihrough Its
work loda.y and adjourned sine die aboul G
o'clock. 'General F. M. Drake of Ccnlcr-
vllle was nomlnaled for governor on Iho
Blxlh ballol , Hon. Malt Parrott of Waterloo
for lieutenant governor on the second ballol ,
and Supreme Judge Given , Slale Superln-
tcndonl Henry Sabln and Railway Commis
sioner George W. Perkins were renomlnaled
for Ihclr rcspecllve poslllons by acclamation.
The convent'on ' will pass down In hlslory
: ' as ono ot the mosl memorable In the annals
of the party. The Intense Interest taken In
the contest for nomination for governor at
tracted wide Jtlcntlon and drew to the con
vention thousands of the leading republicans
of Ihe slale. The morning session was lardy
In getting togelhcr , owing to the protracted
sessions of someof the district caucuses ,
which began al 9 o'clock. The session was
devoted entirely to the lemporary organiza
tion and the speech of Temporary Chairman
Lane of Davenport. The convention hall wai
packed to the doors , but the attendance at
the afternoon session was overwhelming. The
Btatlng capaclly of Iho hall Is aboul 3,600 ,
but fully 1,000 more than that number
crowded In , filling every Inch of floor space ,
nnd thousands moro were turned away unable
to gain admittance.
An Interesting Incident of the convention
was the reception of Senator Allison by the
convention at the morning session , whlcl
clearly showed him the unanimous choice ol
the Iowa republicans for president. At thf
conclusion of Iho prayer Senalor Allison was
observed lo ascend the stage and movi
slowly toward a seat on the platform. Tin
distinguished statesman nnd presidential can
dldato was at once recognized , and rising t <
their fe et the delegations on the lloor and tin
thousands of ladles and gentlemen of tin
audience sent up a mighty shout. The en
thuslasm culminated In a scene such as I
witnessed but once In an average lifetime
Men slood upon chairs nnd wildly wavei
their hats nnd cheered with almost feroclou
ardor. In the mldfct of the scene Senate
Allison , smiling and deeply touched at th
reception tendered him by the republican
of Iowa , was escorted to the front of th
stage nnd presented to the audience. Agali
the vast concourse that filled the tabernacl
went wild with enthusiasm , which was re
pealed when Temporary Chairman Lane
few minutes later menlloned the name o
Senator Allison In connection with the presl
dcntlal ofllce. Again Iho senalor , blushln
llko a timid school girl and his eyes suffuse
with tears of pleasure , was conducted bofor
the audience by George G. Wright. Bowln
nnd pleasantly recognizing the esteem an
love In which ho IB held by the clllzcns o
Iowa. Senator Allison moaeslly rellred an
took an Inconspicuous scat at Iho rear c
the stage.
The platform In brief reaffirms the fcall
of the party In Iowa to the national partj
congralulallng Iho people upon the evidence
of returning prosperity , labor re-employet
wages restored and Industry re-establlshe
on a progressive basis , all of which Is al
trlbr.ted to Iho prospecllvo return of the r <
publican party to power ; deplores the de
Blructlon of the reciprocity agreements b
the democratic party ; affirms the declaratlo
of the Minneapolis national convention o
the currency question , quoting that plan
entire , nnd urging an International agrei
mcnt on the silver problem ; welcomes tli
honest and Industrious Immigrant , and di
clares no other should bo permltled lo comi
favors llberallly lo Iho nation's defenders I
the way of psnslons ; congratulates the peopl
that the state will ho represented In the nej
congress by two republican senators an
cloven republican congressmen , and "wl
with especial pride remember Ihe services i
our senior senator , whoso long and honorah' '
record entitles him to full confidence nnd et
during affection , and hall with satlsfactlc
the universal desire of the republicans i
tha state to continue him In his present fiel
of usefulness until called lo the larger ser
Ices of the nation. "
The convention met this afternoon at Ca
vary tabernacle with 1,243 steaming , swe
terlng , pushing , anxious delegates In attcm
mice. The convention was called to ordi
by Chairman Blythe of the state centr
oommllteo. Temporary Chairman Lane
Davenport Ihen delivered an address. M
Lane said :
Genllcmen of Iho Convention : I wish I
thank the commltleo nnd Iho republicans i
Iowa for Iho honor you huve conferred. 1
nllowlng me Ihe privilege of opening th
convention. I congratulalo you upon tt
magnificent harmony existing at the pre
cnt tlmo In the republican party throiiKlioi
the stuto. I congratulate , you that the r
publican party not only Is In control i
Htate affairs , but has the entlro represent !
tlon In both brunches of Iho legislature
national affairs. This Indicates the u
( tuallllcd confidence ot n majority of tl
A few yonrs back , through senseless dl
Bcnslons In our own ranks over qucstloi
not political , wo were temporarily dcfcati
In state affairs. I congratulate you on tl
wisdom of your lust two conventions , nnd
trust the result of that experience will I
euro a continuation In that direction.
The republican party In the past hns bo <
In favor of a protective tariff ; In favor
American wages for American labor ;
favor of American Industilcs and Americ ;
products ; In favor of America first ai
Kngland last. There we stand toda'y. U
tier the fostering influences of Ihe protect1 !
tnrlff , and reciprocity , enacted by the r
publican party , we had prosperity , KOI
Union , plenty of money. Industries we
established , encouraged , developed ni
maintained , so that American labor , Amei
can capital , produced nnd supplied to
large extent the wants of the Amerlci
people. Under It labor was ennoli'.t
Through It was made possible the Amei
can home , unknown to nny other countr
or nny other people. The American heir
tlio foundation , thn stability of this gover
inrnt. Legislate away the ability to bul
nnd maintain In America the home , and y
will 1111 the country with a cluss of rovln
reckless. Impoverished people that must r
Eult In anarchy.
In 1S32 , through the deception and fal
promises of tha democratic party , Benjam
Harrison wus defeated and Orover Clev
land elected. A majority of the peoi
thought they wanted n change , They g
It It Is a matter of history In what dos
It came , nnd how soon they learned th
didn't want It. At the time of this ele
tlon the country was prosperous ; manufn
i lories were In operutlon ; labor was In i )
iimnd. Hardly had Mr. Cleveland been I
aiKiirutud before their democratic-
trade promises and threats culminated
panic as severe In Its disastrous results
it was sudden In Its coming. It gave
wurnlng. It swept down upon us. an av
lanche of distrust an : ! fear of dcmocra
Irulslntton , They promised to repeal t
JMcKlnley tariff law , and to enact a law
collect duties for the purpose of "reven
only. " The Gorman-Wilson bill , enacted
the Sugar trust and other comblnatloi
satisfied the people that the democra
party was. truly In favor of a tariff for re\
hue only. But they demand to know w
only cot the revenue. This legislative 01
rage was so patent that President Cle\
land was forced to publicly declare tli
they hud "marked the places where t
deadly blight of treason had blasted t
councils of the brave In their hour
might. " It was so false to the pledges a
promised of the democratic party that t
president publicly denounced It as "pai
K- perfidy and dishonor. " This bill was
opposed to the Interests ot our people , c
Institutions and nur principles , so unanu
ran , that It wan left by the president at I
door of congress , unsigned , unnamed , wl
out n father , n public foundling forever. It
was this class of legislation that made U
possible In the Second district of Iowa to
oxcrcome 9ou0 democratic majority and
elect a republican congreesman ; that made
It possible to nnnul the Illicit marriage con
tract of Weaver nnd the democratic party
In the Ninth district ; that made It possible.
to make Iowa n solid republican delegation
In congress ; that made It possible to sweep
the country with republican victories.
Cognizant of Its gigantic blunder , smartIng -
Ing under Die stinging rebuke of 1801 , who
wondern thai the democratic leaders nt once
attempted to conceal their free trade sacri
fice by turning their torn-loms upon Iho
currency question ?
Now that prospective republican legisla
tion has restored bU'lncss confidence ; now
that the fires In our furnaces are being re
kindled ; now thut Iho wages of labor arc
again being advanced lo the American
standard , let in see to It 'hat the demo
cratic party does not name ooth Ihe bailie-
ground nnd the weapons. Let ui demand
that the tnilff question bo one of the Issues.
Let us force the light , nnd to n finish.
An unexpected but highly dramatic and
nlerccllng feature occurred when Senator
Vlllson came on the platform In the middle
f Chairman Lane's speech. There was a
andemontum of cheering , to which Senator
Mllson responded with a gracious bow nnd
vas then seated. A few minutes later
Temporary Chairman Lane referred to Alll-
on as a presidential possibility nnd the ap-
lause again became so great nnd continued
hat ox-United Stales Senator George Wright
f this city led the distinguished statesman
gain lo Ihe front ot the stage , while he
ilushed like a school girl and tears of Joy
oiled down his cheeks.
After the conclusion of Chairman Lane's
address the convention adjourned until 2 p. m.
The committee on resolutions was com
posed of the following : First district , John
A. Young , Washington ; Second district , W :
. , . Roach , Muscatlne ; Third , J. H. Funk ,
lardln ; Fourth , S. P. Zelgler , Fayette ; Fifth ,
I. Murphy , Benton ; Sixth , Judge David Ryan ,
Jasper ; Seventh , Judge George B. Wright ,
: > elk ; Eighth , Colonel W. P. Hepburn , Page ;
Ninth C. W. Hart ; Tenth , George E. Roberts ,
Webster ; Eleventh , J. U. Sammls. Plymouth.
The following new members of the stale
cenlral commlltee were chosen , the others
holding over till next year : First dlstrlcl ,
II. O. Weaver. Louisa ; Fifth , W. D. Lee ,
Tama ; Sixth , N. E. Kendall , Monroe ; Sev-
cnlh. J. M. Klltletnan , Warren ; Tenth , John
It. Stevenson , Greene.
At the afternoon session Hon. Late Young
was made permanent chairman and made an
exceedingly brief but eplgrammallc address
ns follows : "Nellher defeal nor success Is
any educallon to the democrallc party.
Its every opporlunlly Is a dlsappolnlmenl.
When most It attempts to build It most
destroys. Its best efforts are demonstrated
misfortunes. The country at different times
has attempted to make something out of
democracy , only to fall. Democracy on
rare occasions has undertaken to make some
thing out of the country , only to fail. Us
only good purpose within the past few years
has been to contrast Itself and all Its mis
fortunes with republican administrations and
their successes. It has been the political
night that has caused the country to sigh
for the republican dawn. It has been the
thing to take the country Into the valley ol
the shadow and give tlio American veteran
an opporlunlty to reflect upon what he
had lost. However. It Is not necessary tc
say anything against democrats. They arc
saying all things against themselves. The
counlry Is getting back to republicanism
ns rapidly as opportunlly opens Ihe way. .
In our own beautiful state the republlcar
prospects are only equaled by the crop pro .
pccts , and the two going hand In hand wll !
leave the other political parties In the
stale essentially without an occupation
Fellow citizens , the convention Is now fullj
organized and the chulr awaits your furthei
pleasure. "
The commtlteo on resolutions not belnf
ready to report , the chair announced thai
balloting for governor was In order. Then
were no nominating speeches nor presenta
tlon of candidates , and no changing of vote !
while a ballot was In progress. Thli
facilitated mailers greatly and the six ballot :
required to decide the nominee * for governoi
were taken In about two hours. There wai
Intense Interest manifested throughout tin
tiresome ordeal.
It became evident ns the first ballot pro
ceeded that there would be no nomlnallon
and the friends of the weaker candidate :
Irew sighs of relief. The first ballot wa
about as Indicated heretofore In these dls
latches and resulted as follows :
Drake SCtilOrmsuy 8
larlan 2IS Knmrnr E
'ariott SOSiConuway j
McKarland 11GI Letts 2
"larsh SO Russell 1
Drake and Harlan factions cropped out a
j Intervals when following supposed gains o
j ono side or the other the former would chee
and the latler would hiss. Evidently th
friends of Harlan suspected the galleries ha
been packed ! n the Interest of General Drak
md expressed their displeasure by vigorous !
hissing , and Immediately demanded that un
less the galleries refrained from expressln
their bias that they bo cleareJ. Chalrma
Young admonished the convention to kee
In harmony and the hissing ceased. Th
succeeding ballots tell their own story c
victory and defeal , hopes and heartaches , an
whereas follows :
Second ballot :
DrnUe , . , .
Hnrlnn . S03 Kumrnr
Parrott . . . .
McFarlnnd . 39 Conaway
Harsh . 79 ,
Third ballot :
Drake . 500
Harlan . 3S _ > Ormsby
I'nrrott 248 _ .
Kumrnr . ; 47 Conaway
Harsh ; 3I |
Fourlh ballot :
Drake KO Letts . . . ,
Harlan 331 Harsh . ,
Purrotl . - . . . 221 Ormsby
Kumrar 3S ionaway
Fifth ballot :
Drake 517 Harsh
ls Harlnn 330 Ormsby
Pnrrott 209 Letts
Kumrar 35
Sixth ballot :
Drnke : KM Harsh
1'urrott 231 Ormsby
Harlan 1S Kamrar
General Draka made a brilliant tcn-mlnul
speech accepting the nomination. The coi
vcntlon then proceeded to the nomination i
lieutenant governor. It has all along bee
thought that Lieutenant Governor Dunga
would have no opposition for that posltlo ;
but the friends of someot the defeated cai
dldates for the gubernatorial nomlnatlc
pushed them to the front for the secon
J. position , and a ballot was taken , resulting i
follows : Dungan , 316 ; Parrott , COG ; Ormsb ;
211 ; Kamrar , SO , During the second ball.
Dungan's name was withdrawn and the non
InatUm went to Parrott. State Superlntem
enl Sabln , Supreme Judge Given and Ral
way Commissioner Perkins were quickly r
nominated by acclamation , the resoluttor
were read and adopted with n hurrah and tt
convention adjourned slue die. Most of tt
delegates will leave the city tonlghl for the
respective homes.
The platform was presented to the col
ventlon during the balloting for govcrm
by George G. Wright of Polk county ,
was adopted without debate or dissent. Tl
following are the main planks ;
We , the representatives of the repul
Mean party of Iowa , In convention n
sembled , rcnlllrm our fealty to the grei
principles which our national party fro
lt # birth has steadfastly proclaimed In tl
face of an e\er shifting foe. We coi
Kfutulate the people of this country up <
the evidences of returning prosperity at
tote rcjolco in each Instance of labor re-en
ployed , of wages restored and Industry r
established upon a prosperous basis. 1
the record of the building up of our li
to dustrlcH under republican policy , the
paralysis under the democratic power at
their revival with the repudiation of tl
democratic * party and the dissolution
the democratic house of representative
succeeded by one election upon the pla
form of the republican party , the vlnulc
tlon of the policy of protection is complct
The democratic pa Is convicted of o
tnlnlntr power In IK > 2 under false pretense
In Its platform It declared the prlnclj
of protection to bo unconstitutional , and
y Its campaign It denounced the .policy ;
robbery Hut with complete power In I
hands Its lawmakers have utterly fall
he to carry nut the policy to which they we
h ( Continued on Third Page. )
Estimated that the Total Attendance Will
Reach Fifty Thoutnnd.
Delegate * from tlio Puolflo Const AVotk-
Ine Industriously for the Ncit Con
vention liotton Itoldi tbo I'or-
ni.tnviil lloiiclciuitrtcrs.
BOSTON , July 10. The most Important
proceedings In connection with the fourteenth
annual convention of the Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor , which formally
opens at 9:30 : tomorrow , was the meeting of
the trustees of the organization at noon to
day. The session lasted all the af.ernoon ,
with a brief Intermtalon for lunch. The
chief business to bo considered was the offer
of II. H. Kohlsaat of the Chicago Times-
Herald , who had agreed to pay $5,000 a year
for three years toward the maintenance of
the society's , headquarters on condition that
they bo remove ! from Boston to Chicago.
After a committee had passed adversely
upon the subject and reported the report of
the committee waa unanimously accepted , and
the headquarters will not bo removed from
Boston at present. Tha committee reported
tholr appreciation of the generosity of Mr.
Kohlsaat'u offer , which .they were pleased to
note Indicated that the work of the society
was thereby recognized as being of a national
and International character. The work , how
ever , Is wholly one of Influence. It Is not
necessary that the society should have largo
buildings or Income. ! . Tha work Is success
fully carried on vjit a nominal expense , and
the principles of the organization forbid the
headquarters being more than a bureau of
Information , levying no taxes and seeking no
authority. Therefore they cancluJeJ It to bo
Inexpedient to accept the kind offer. A let-
ttr embodying tlio decision of the trustees
was tonight mailed to Mr. . Kohlsaat.
Beside the routine business and the consid
eration of the question of removal to Chicago
cage , the only matter of general Interest was
the presentation ot the claims' ' of Loa Angeles
Cat. , for the- convention of 1897. The dele
gates from southern California , who pre
sented the claims of Los Angeles , Included
Leonard Merrill , late secretary of the society
Ilev. A. Uyder and Herbert Wylle , all o
Los Angeles. Mr. Merrill made the argu
ment , and urged as the chief among his
reason. ? the fact that the city was the' only
ono on the Pacific slope or coast that ha <
three railroads running Into It ; that Its ell
mate at this time of the year was superb am
unfailing ; that the Endeavorers there had
already raised considerable money In antlcl
patlon of getting the convention , and that
the business men of the place had guaranteed
to subscribe enough to cover the expenses ol
a convention. Tomorrow the claims of Port
land , Ore. , Seattle and San Francisco will
bo presented and the matter taken under
advisement. The trustees then accepted the
Invitation from Mayor Curtlss of Boston to
go with other guests on a trip down the
harbor on the city's boat and to visit the
public institutions of Boston. The trustees
will meet tomorrow to consider the matter
of the 1S9T convention and also to take action
looking toward the expansion of the society
Into a world's organization.
The city was never more lavishly decorated
and never appeared to better advantage than
today. At reception headquarters at Me
chanics' hall messengers are constantly bring
ing reports from the 1,000 white-capped En
deavorers who arc ) at the railroad stations
and boat landings , giving aid and directions
to the delegates who are coming In from all
parts of the country.
The San Francisco delegation , which ar
rived this morning , numbered only ten per
sons , although It was expected to comprise
100. The small number was explained bj
the westerners as being the fault of the rail
roads , which , they said , had at the last mo
ment refused to allow a stopover In Boston ol
more than seven days.
The southern California delegation ol
thirty-five came In early this morning , am
the Los Angeles delegates Immediately begar
canvassing to offset the claim of Portland
San Francisco and Seattle for the Interna
tlonal convention In 1897.- Other delegation !
arriving before noon today Included 300 frorr
Cleveland , forty from West Virginia , 2,00 (
from Pennsylvania , COO from the District o :
Columbia , ICO from New Jersey and a sep
arate Pennsylvania delegation of E50 fron
The reception committee has met no dlffl
culty In disposing of the throngs of dele
gates. The hotels are expected to take can
of about 10,000 persons , and accommodation :
have been made for 40,000 In the city am
suburbs. The great restaurant In Median
Ics hall Is ready to feed 15,000 persons dally
and 30,000 lunches can bo supplied to dele
gates at the two big tents on the common.
Thirty of the sixty members of the bean
were present at the meeting ot the trustees
which was secret. The prevailing sentlmen
I was that no change will be made. Preslden
Clark believed that Boston Is the best plac
for the headquarters , and his opinion carrle
great weight. James Hill , D.D. , of Salem
one of the trustees and one of the most prom
Inent members of the society , expressed him
self as follows : "Mr. Kohlsaat's offer o
$5,000 for a period of 'three years Is a gen
erous one and worth consideration. One ob
Jcctlon to the removal of headquarters I
found In the fact that It would Indlcat
structural weakness. It would be a breal
with the past. We understand the necesslt ;
of being so placed that we can avail our
selves of all proper opportunities to exten
the work In the west and south. Ono mean
would be to open a strong co-ordinate olllc
In Ch'cago ' , completely manned for both tli
United Society and Golden Kule. Some sue
solution may bo made. "
The trustees finally declined to accept th
Chicago Times-Herald offer of $15,000 o
condition of the removal of thewsoclety'
headquarters from Boston to Chicago.
Dtrlnt ( Uin Interim between mldnlgh
last night and a late hour tonight , abon
40,000 delegates have nrirved from all tee
tlons of the country. Many trains ar
delayed , but It Is expected that by the Urn
the convention opens tomorrow nearly a
tho' delegates will have arrived. The ai
rangements for housing this great numbe
of strangers are almost perfect , and th
throngs disappear quietly and quickly , a
coon as they leave their trains. The :
delegates who do not place themselves 1
the custody ot the committee register n
the Mechanics building , where 10,000 name
from various states were recorded yestei
day. The first to arrive at the Boston .
Maine station this morning was a party c
100 from Quebec , followed shortly aftei
ward by a delegation of ICO from souther
California. The delegation from norther
California , numbering sixty , was five hour
late , owing to a washout on the line. See
after 4 o'clock this afternoon Ian a wa
.heard from with COO , and the first Indian
section , numbering 150 , followed by 100 mor
to arrive In the morning. Illinois bad th
banner delegation ot the afternoon , whe
1,000 'Endeavorers reached here. Mlnnc
sola arrived at 5 o'clock with GOO. Texa
and Arkansas brought ICO and a small del <
gallon of 300 New Yorkers , who took a
early trip eastward , reached the statlo
Just after sundown. Michigan and Ohli
with SOO delegates , will bo represented carl
tomorrow , Vermont , New Hampshire an
the provinces sent 4,000 during th
day and frcm nearby places C.OCK , more ai
expected early tomorrow. The Florida deli
gallon of eighty arrived by boat early th
morning , Rhode Island's COO delegates wl
arrive early tomorrow , and Ontario's 10
who have been delayed , are also expecte
early In the morning. The banner delcgatlc
ot the convention will be from New Yoi
and vicinity. They ore nearly 3,000 stron
New York City contributes 1,500 , Brooklj
half thai number and the other towns 11
remainder , making the largesl represent
lion of any state outside of Masaachusett
The spirit of the Endeavorers was glvi
a preliminary ten at nineteen meeting * he
simultaneously tonight at nineteen different
churches In the city's suburbs. These
churches are mostly headquarters of the
different delegations. .Large , numbers of
women attended the meetings , together with
mndreds of outsiders. The latter gathered
about the enlranccs early , but were kept
out until the delegations had been accommo
dated , and then In many case ) scores had to
jo turned away. The Cosmopolitan nature of
: ho Christian Endeavor movement was shown
by the addresses delivered , among the speak
ers being Rev. H. S. Jonanyn ot Mable ,
India ; Rev. K. T. SunaJhlnia of Toklo , Japan. ;
[ lev. Richard Burgess , Ca'dlff , Wales ; Par-
tiola HamachaudrzyvaGara of India , Miss
Florence Ban Ollel , Jerusalem , Palestine , and
Rev , Jesse Malez Yonan of Persia.
flrrmtn Kpirorth Crngticm.
CHICAGO. July 10. At least 1,000 people
were In attendance today upon the second
day's session of the German Epworth league.
The convenllon was presided over by
President G. E. Hlllcr of Covlngton , Ky. .
and the devotional exercises were conducted
by Rev. Allert of Milwaukee. The time
was devoted to addresses and remarks upon
the advisability of Introducing the course ,
of study used In the Epworth leagues ot
the Methodist Episcopal church Into the
German leagues. Among those speaking
were Hov. Jacob Kern Of Grand Rapids ,
whoso address was on "Sludy of Iho Bible ; "
Prof. Munz of Mount Pleasant , la. , on "Tho
Study of the World's History , " and Rov.
Otto Nledcrhuth of Gladbrook , la. , on "The
Study of Church History. "
Mnny 1'coplo Driven from Their Homos nl
SnlliiR , Kn.
SALINA , Kan. , July 10. At 12 o'clock
last night the Smoky Hill was thought to
be at a standstill. A fresh flood came al
noon loday , nnd It has 'risen ' flvo Inches
moro , and Is still rising. Five hundred
people have been driven from Ihelr homes
and have taken refuge In the school build
ings , being cared for by active citizens.
In the valley of the river scores of farmers
and their families have had to fly for their
lives , and crops have been destroyed and
stock and buildings washed away. The
damage cannot be estlmalcd until the water
recedes. Yesterday a Swede who lives ten
miles up the river wont with his wlfo on
horseback to an elevated Island to release
some cattle. Whllo there a sudden change
In the current submerged the Island , and
they only escaped from being drowned by
climbing trees. After six hours' Imprison
ment they were rescued by men In boats.
Bridges have been washed away In great
numbers and dams and mill * greatly dam
aged , j
High water has washed away the county
bridge across the Smoky rlvor at Chetalah ,
the only bridge In Hits county across lhal
stream , and traffic from the south Is cut
off. A heavy rain fell lost night and this
morning all over Chautauqua counly. Mld-
le Caney river Is bankful.
A largo corn crop Is now assured , am
hlnch bugs ore a thing of the past. Most
f the farmers arc plowing for fall wheat
t Is still raining there , with Indications
if a prolonged downpour. The \ValmH
Ivcr Is rising , and Is now higher than It
has been at any tlmo for two years. The
armers are Jubilant.
Convict Glvrs tlio liomcstako Compiny n
I'rulltniro I'limtor.
LEAD CITY , S. D. , July 10. Special Tele
gram. ) Somelhlng over onb yea' ? ' ago Alex-
ndcr Slreet , a Iruslcd cmplV'O ' oMhe Home-
take Mining company for t'hlrleen years ,
vas arresled for stealing crude gold. He
vas tried and sentenced lo four years nnd
light monlhs In Ihe penitentiary. Last
prlng James and Nasby , brothers of Alex
ander , and Mrs. Alex Street , were arrested
or complicity In the crime. Nasby con-
essed , giving the officers all the polnlers
ie could. He was placed under $100 bonds ,
while James and Mrs. Alex Slreet were held
n $3,000 bonds each. All efforts to find the
crude gold were fruitless.
Recently , T. J. Grler , superintendent ol
hq Homestake , and his allorney , were at
Sioux Falls on business. While lliero thej
spent a half day In the penltenllary wllti
\lex Slreet , and when they left were armed
vlth a diagram of the place where the sloler
gold was hid. Superlnlcndenl Grler arrlvei
lere al noon loday and was met by hl <
prlvalo secrelary. They Immediately pro >
ceeded to the place , according to the diagram
and In a few minutes unearthed 285 ounce'
of crude gold valued at 'over $5.000. The
treasure was hid In a cemetery close to the
leadstone of a departed citizen.
When the Streets were first arrested II
created a Iremcndoua sensation throughoul
the hills , as they were recognized as ex
emplary people. Ono of the brothers oper
ated a Jewelry store at Spearflsh , which flrsi
ed to the discovery. The fathr of th <
Streets Is a prominent citizen of Hermosa
S. D.
Suit ARiiln t th llome tilcn | Cnmpnny.
SIOUX FALLS , July 10.-r-Speclal. ( ) A for
mal order of dismissal was entered In tin
United States court In the gull brought b ;
Samuel W. Allerton of Chicago against thi
Homestake Mining company ; for possessloi
of C-32 Intercsl In Highland mine No. 2
and Hie value of Ihe output of that portloi
of Iho mine for Iho past sixteen years
the whole amount claimed belni
over $5,000,000. It Is reported tha
Ihe reason Ihe case wa dropped Is tha
Allerton did at ono time have some in
significant claim on the mine mentioned
and went Into the suit banking wholly 01
the hope that the" papers and deeds to th
property had been burned In the big Dead
wood flre. When Allerton was at Deadwoo <
recently ho was closeted with the superln
tendent of the Homestake Mining compan
and was shown the deeds to the propert ;
In question and convinced that be had n
chance to recover.
\\lll llulld the .Norfolk & Yxnbtan.
YANKTON , S. D. . July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A. T. Nation of Bedford , Englanc
representing a largo number , of English creO
Itoro of John T. Pierce , who defrauded foi
elgn capitalists with spurious , school bond
and mortgages , met here today with a num
her of local creditors and diseased the auei
lion of completing the railroad between Yanl
ton and Norfolk , Neb. , , whlcli cnlerprls
Pierce conducted to partial1 completion. ]
was decided practically to , 'bulld ' ' the rca
according to the original plan.
Ihirvritlnc In * onfii I ttUntn.
YANKTON , S. D. , July 10 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Today Ihe hardest 'of the greatei
crop of small grain ever raided In this sec
tlon of South Dakota begun. Harvesters an
binders began Iho attack , upqn oat field
and the farmer Is the busiest' man In th
country. Wheat will be ready for the blnde
In one week. Corn needs t-aln , but Is nc
suffering. '
Sni'ill Hey Torn Ji Vug ,
DE3 MOINES , July lp.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) A boy named Furry , son of we
known parents , living at Thirteenth an
School streets , while visiting at a neighbor' ]
was pounced upon by a vicious dog till
morning , and parts of his Intestines torn ou
It Is not believed that he can recover.
I'lro In a .Milwaukee tiuhutb.
MILWAUKEE , July 10. Fire broke out
Wauwatosa , the western suburb of this clt ]
this morning , sweeping away almost the ei
tire business part of the place within tw
hours and entailing ' a loss of between $ ! 0,0 (
and $50,000. The Inuuranco will not amout
to more than half ot that sum ,
Turned Out Sevcrnl Appointments.
WASHINGTON , July 10. The preslder
today appointed William II. Anderson <
Kentucky to be register of the land office i
Enid , Okl , ; C. F. Carpenter to be chief ei
glneer and Edward Dorrey and Henry (
Slayton to be first Militant engineer * In It
revenue cutter servl .
jorge Number of Instructive Papers Read
Before tbo EJuo.itioual Association ,
ronhlcnt Iliiller Announces Sovnritt Com
mittees , Among Them The < on Itrsolu-
tloim nnd Selection of ( Illlrcru
Nine Dointrtmont Mcollngi ,
DENVER. July 10. TJie subject of tha paper
read this morning at the convention ot the
National Educational association was , "Co
ordination ot Studies In Elementary Educa
tion. " The largest church In the city was
nol largo enough lo hold all the teachers who
came oul In the rain to attend the session.
Charles Degarmo of Swarthmore college ,
Sworthmore , Pa. , read a paper on "The Prin
ciples Upon Which Co-ordlnallon Should Pro
ceed. " He showed that co-relation between
the pirls of each subject should first be
sought and then between different studies.
William S. Jackson of the Cook County
Normal school , Chicago , read a paper on
'What Has Been Accomplished In Nature
Study In Corclatlon. " Ho maintained that
nature study has Introduced making , model
ing and painting Into tlic schools and ration
alized methods of teaching In other branches ,
yet Its relation to other branches , Is little
Dr. Charles A. MoAIurray , of Normal , 111. ,
read a paper on "What Has Been Accom-
pllihcd In Co-ordination In the Field ot His
tory and Llteralure. " The efforl , he said , lo
co-ordlnalo these studies with Ihe olhers has
brought out their qualities as culluro forces.
Combined , Iho Iwo sludles are far more po
tent for good than separated. Reading , his
tory , geography , natural science and language
are like the strands of a rope.
President Butler announced the following
Resolutions O. T. Bridge , Illinois ; D. L.
Klchle , Minnesota ; II. II. Halsey , Wisconsin ;
Joseph Baldwin , Texas ; H. S. Tarbcll , Rhode
Island ; Charles R. Skinner , New York ; W.
N. Sheats , Florida ; W. F. Slocum , Colorado ;
E. E. Brown , California.
Necrology C. E. Bardeen , Now York ; J.
L. Plckard , Iowa ; W. R. Garrett , Tennessee ;
C. C. Hounds , New York ; J. R. Preslon , Mis
The discussion of Ihe. papers was led by Dr.
B. A. Hlnsdale of Michigan unlverslly. He
created somewhat of n sensation by his
criticisms on Iho statements of some of the
papers read. He said they seem to assume
thai all learning was born with this genera
tion of teachers. He was followed by Edward
D. Farrel of New York and others.
President Butler announced the following
committee to nominate officers for the asso
ciation : Alabama , J. H. Phillips ; Arizona ,
J. H. MoNaughton ; Arkansas , W. H. Rivers ;
California , Edward T. Pierce ; Colorado ,
Aaron Gove ; Connecticut , Virgil G. Curtis ;
Delaware , Isaac T. Johnson ; Dlslrlct of
Columbia , W. B. Powell ; Florida , Arthur
Willis ; Georgia , R. J. Gulnn ; Idaho , F. B.
Gau't ; Illinois , Albert G. Lane ; Indiana ,
Joseph Swain ; Iowa , William F. King ; Kan
sas , A. S. Olln ; Kentucky , Henry R. Heads ;
Louisiana , George J. Ramsey ; Maine , John
S. Locke ; Maryland , Charles C. Ramsey ;
Michigan , Miss N. D. Klmberlln ; Minnesota ,
C. B. Gilbert ; Mississippi , J. R. Preston ;
Missouri , J. T. Buchanan ; Montana , R. C.
Young ; Nebraska , W. II. Skinner ; . North
Dakota , John H. Russet ; New Mexico , Hiram
Hadloy ; New York , A. S. Downing ; New
Jersey , James M. Green ; North Carolina ,
Charles D. Mclvcr ; North Dakota , Miss
Emma Bates ; Ohio , E. W. Coy ; Oklahoma ,
D. R. Boyd ; Oregon , J. H. ACkerman ; Penn
sylvania , E. Cramlltc ; Rhode Island , Walter
E. Jacobs ; South Carolina. D. B. Johnson ;
South Dakota , Frank Crane ; Tennessee , W.
H. Payne ; Texas , W. H. Sulton ; Utah , J. F ,
Mlllspaugh ; Vermont , Alfred Turner ; Vir
ginia , W. C. Glass : Washington , F. J ,
Darnard ; West Virginia , W. H. Anderson ;
Wisconsin , Leo S. Williams ; Wyoming , Miss
Estello Reel.
There were nine departmenl meellngs In
various parts of the city , at which papers
, vere read by the following members : Kin-
lergarten Miss Amalln Hofer , Chicago ; Mrs
3. H. Harriman. Providence ; Mrs. James
L. Hughes , Toronto ; Miss Mary C. McCul-
och. St. Louis ; Miss Wllhelmlna T. Caldwell -
well , Denver ; Miss Laura E. Taft , Greelcy.
Secondary Educallon W. H. Smiley , Den
ver ; O. D. Robinson , Albany , N. Y. ; William
Carey Jones , Unlverslly of California.
Normal Z , X. Snyder , president Coloradt
Normal ; M. Y. O'Shea , Minnesota State Nor
mal ; Howard Sanderson , Indiana State Nor
Art Charles M. Carter. Denver ; Miss
Wllhelmlna Zeegmlller , Allegheny , Pa.
Music N. Coo Stewart. Cleveland , 0. ; F
Frendley , Youngstown , O. ; C. H. Congdon
Minneapolis , Minn.
Manual and Industrial n. R. Boolh , Cln
clnnatl ; Charles H. Keyes , Pasadena , Cal.
Albert R. Robinson , Chicago.
Business J. H. Mehan , Dss Molnes , la.
Mrs. Sarah A. Spencer , Washington , D. C.
Hobart Club Charles Dsgarmo , Swarlh
moulh , Pa. ; C. C. Van Llew , Normal , ID.
Natural Science Nicholas Murray Butler
Columbia college.
The evening session opened with singing bj
the Chicago quartet and an address by ex >
Governor Northen of Georgia on the Cottot
exposition , Inviting the association to hold ar
adjourned session at Atlanta during the edu
callonal congress.
Chancellor W. H. Payne of the Universlt ]
of Nashville , Tenn. , was introduced :
"There are fads In thinking as well as li
acting , and If we define on intellectual fa (
as a partial and somewhat superficial modi
of thought which becomes epidemic , runs It ;
course , and Is succeeded by similar phases o
thought , we may say that fads are the rung :
of a ladder on which thoughl rises fron
lower conceptions to higher and thus gain
wider and wider horizons for trulh.
"Education has had and still has Its fads
among which may be named "Follow Na
ture , " 'Manual Training,1 'Lancastcrlan
Ism , ' and 'Apperception. ' On account ot It
longevity and antiquity , nature Is the mos
respectable ot educational fads , and , througl
tbe Influence ot Rousseau and Spencer , thl
fiction has become prevalent In modern edu
citlonal literature.
'Follow nature * cannot be an ultlmat
criterion , for In actual practice there ar
near limits beyond which experience shouli
not go. As capitalized knowledge Is Increas
Ing In volume from year to year , Ihe neei
of leaning on authority becomes greater an1
greater , and ot reliance on personal experl
ence smaller and smaller. Scholarship I
becoming more and more a "mastery of beoka
"The human mind , like other organ
Isms , has Us predetermined mode of actlvll )
This Is Its nature , and to 'follow nature , ' I
a psychological sense , Is to adapt our In
structlon to Ihe mind's organic mode of actlv
Ity. Nalurally , Iho mind proceeds fror
whole to parts , from Iho vague to the del
Inlte , and , In Infancy , from the concrete t
the abstract ; and we 'follow nature' whe
we present the matter of instruction In sue
a way thai the mind may elaborate Its mi
terlal In this order. The tendency of the ag
is toward specialization , but the need of th
ago' Is an education lhat Is catholic an
humane , and wo need to relurn lo nature 1
Ihe sense of seeking simplicity and wholi
ness In human education. "
After a violin eolo by Miss Genevleve I
Waters , Denver , an address on the "Educ :
tlon of Public Opinion" was given by Charlt
B. Skinner , stale superintendent of school
of New York. He said ;
"Clamor Is often taken for public oplnloi
One man of strong character may make hi
opinion take the place of public oplnloi
What Is considered right In one slate c
community Is outlawed In another. Publ
opinion. If properly educated , will become a
Irresistible force for good and right. Publ
opinion has raised the gtanoard of the lead
era of the state of New York. Maybe It wl
some day demand a higher standard ft
school boards and city councils , legislature
and national congresses. Public opinion
. variable and mutt be rightly educated , ar
' every wan ia a tactor In Imparting that edi
cation , Public opinion Is educated by edu
cating Individual opinion. As our children
are educated , so will be public opinion. "
After music by the Eutcrp qimlct the
convention adourned and the members ot the
association atlended a reception by the state
officers at the capltol.
vr.ooit .4r IIMI n IT/I mil KLKS
No Uno Killed tint ( Inn llnnilrcilVero
Moro or l.r Injured.
ATLANTIC CITY , July 10. The social scs-
slon tendered by Atlantic City lodge to the
visiting Elks nt Ihe Balllc Avenue Casino
this evening ended In a frightful dlsaslcr , In
which fully 100 persons \\ere more or less
seriously Injured. The cession had Just
opened and only one ot Iho speakers had
been heard , when , without the slightest
warning , the building , which has not been
used for several years , collapsed , and fully
1,000 persons were thrown to the floor be
neath. Many women , the wives of the visit
ing Elks , wcnl down In Iho ruins. Fully
200 persons who were on Iho first floor of the
building and Immediately below the banquet
hall were crushed beneath the timbers and
lay helpless.
Within a few minutes the police succeeded
In clearing Die space In Ihe Immediate neigh
borhood of Ihe building and placed ropes
around to keep the crowd back. In the
meantime the crowd had set to work to ex-
trlcato Iho wounded from beneath the mass
of timber , and Ihcy were aided In Ihclr work
by Ihe hotel keepers nnd residents near the
The fears of the friends were to an extenl
quieted when It was learned that no lives
had been lost. In the excitement of the
dlsasUr 11 was almost Impossible to procure
accurate details.
The list ot the Injured cannot be fully com
piled tonight , but the following are the more
seriously Injured : James B. Armstrong of
New York , both legs broken ; Mayer Wolfe ,
Atlantic City , lighthouse engineer , Injured
internally ; Charles W. Tolwcll , Camden. N.
leg nnd arm broken ; Antonio Claproth ,
iamden , leg broken ; P. Eckman , Camden ,
> g and arm broken ; Frank llolton , clerk In
lotel Traymoro of this city , shoulder badly
rushed and otherwise Injured ; Charles W.
'ooto of Minneapolis , Minn. , maimed and
irulsed ; Detective James Doyle of Mlnne-
polls. Minn. , badly bruised and Injured In-
The first victim lo succumb to his Injuries
vas Frederick Claproth of SIC Klmer street ,
Camden. Ho died shortly after midnight at
hotel to which ho had been conveyed.
icucs iiuitY THI : IIATCIIIT. :
Am r < ctlona rinnlly Succeml In Adjusting
Thrlr I'lfTcrcncci.
ATLANTIC CITY , N. J. , July 10. Today's
esslon of the grand lodge of Elks witnessed
he completion of Iho peace negotiations for
he uniting of tlio two factions of the great
rder. It was the result ot a secret con-
'crence lasting the greater part of last
night , at which Meade D. Detweller and
icveral officers of Iho Buffalo faction nnd
he grand exalted ruler and grand lodge of
ho Atlantic faction were present.
A commltleo was appointed to escort Mr.
Detweiler , who was the recognized head of
he Buffalo faction , Into the meeting hall
oday. As ho entered the building the en-
Ire grand lodge rose In n bcdy , and with
lands clasped sang "Auld Lang Syne. "
Cheer after cheer rent the air , hals were
brown lo the colling , and the wildest kind
3f enthusiasm reigned. There was a brief
cessation when Mr. Detweller ascended the
tage. Ho grasped the hand of Exalted
Ruler Hayes. Both men were visibly af-
After ho had been Introduced Mr. Det
weller said ho had no Intention to make n
cngthy address , but felt compelled to gtvo
vent to bis feelings. Aflcr addressing Mr.
"layes as grand exalted ruler , amid an
other outburst of cheering , ho continued
by reviewing the differences that have sep
arated the lodge , and declared that It was
ho proudest moment of his Ilfo when In
could say : "Thank God , I am back In tht >
old. "
Speeches were made by Mr. Hayes nnd
others of the grand lodge officers , and the
morning session adjourned.
II. .t 31. MUST ItKLl.\QUll > ll Till ! L.IX1M
iovcrnnicnt HcmaniU Tnonty-PIio Thun-
suml Acrc from thn Itnrltnctou ,
WASHINGTON , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Secretary Smith today directed the
commissioner of the general land olllco to
demand ot the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy
Railroad company the rellnqulshmcnt of
some 25,000 acres of land along the line
of Iho road In the state of Iowa , which It Is
claimed has been erroneously patenlcd lo
them as the successors of the Burlington
& Missouri River Railroad company. The
jrr.nt was made lo Iho latter company to
aid In Its construction and through error
n the selections of the grants this amount
of land was erroneously patented to It. The
secretary now seeks to recover the land
for the United Stales and aa a preliminary
directs the commissioner to demand the
rellnqulshmcnt. In event that the company
declines to accede lo Ihe demand It Is prob
able that eult will be begun.
Nrw for the Army.
WASHINGTON , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) First Lieutenant Arthur Thayer ,
transferred from troop A to troop L ; Flrsl
Lieutenant William C. Rivers , troop L tc
Iroop A , Third cavalry.
First Lieutenant Thayer Is relieved nl
West Point and will Join his troop.
Captain William W. Gibson , Ordnance de
partment , will make three visits durTnp
July from Cleveland to the works of the
Lima Locomotive and Machine company foi
Inspection of steel castings for ten-lncli
disappearing carriages ,
Leave of absence granted : Lleutcnanl
Colonel James H. Bradford , Seventeenth In
fantry , ono month ; Captain William W
Gray , assistant surgeon , two months ; Cap
tain Charles C. Hewitt , Nineteenth Infantry
two months ; Second Lieutenant Charles R
Krauthoff , Fourteenth Infantry , one month.
AViMtnrn roitmiKtnm Appointed.
WASHINGTON , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) South Dakota postmasters were ap
pointed today as follows : Flynn , Auron
county , F. C. Lemke , vice Frllzo Lcmke
dead ; Fort Sully , Sully county , Gustavi
Gergen , vice C , F. Russell , resigned ; Gam
Valiey , Buffalo county , J. V. Drlppa , vlci
Stlllman Moulton , resigned ; Goudyvllle , Hydi
counly , Peler Rlggs , vice H. A. Miller , re
moved ; Hlllsvlew , McPherson county , J. D
Smith , vice E. F. Trlpp , resigned ; Lawrence
Beadle county , G. W. Jackson , vice E. F
Lawrence , removed ; Sprlngvalley , Turne ;
county , Hans Christiansen , vice Mrs. Martin
Norrls , resigned ,
Clement Hedges was today commlsslonec
postmaster al Bower and George W. Davli
al Gllmore , Neb.
HOIIVT I Ilium co Milt Dlnnlnned.
CHEYENNE , July 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) In Ihe federal court today the sul
of Carl Frank of Laramle , who sued th
Union Pacific Railway company for $25,00
for damages sustained by being run Int
whllo crossing the company's track , was dls
missed by the court at the conclusion ot th
plaintiff's testimony. An appeal will b
taken ,
_ _
Hlr of it HnlMns 1'nrty Drowned ,
NORFOLK , Va. , July 10. Captain Bocken
borough of the fishing smack Sallle , brough
the news here today of a report at Glouceote
that a sailing party of thirteen was capsize
near Wauchapccaguo , six ot them beln
drowned. The names of the parties drowne
he did not know.
Clifton 1C. Muyno Imllclcd.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , July 10. ( Spec ! ;
Telegram. ) C. E , Mayne , the former Omah
boomer , has been Indicted by the San Dleg
grand jury for bribery and crooked trans
actions here.
Small Village llnrnecl Out.
LOCKPORT , N. Y. , July 10. Fire d <
stroyed the business portion ot the vllligo
Barkers , In this county , today , Tba Ion I
estimated to bo about $50,000.
Alleged Slayers of John SoJjan Before tha
Folico Court ,
Detail ) of tlio Itloody Crlmo tlmt Wftf
Cuinnilttcd In tlio l.ltllo Catlngo
on 1'lorco btroct Auollicr
\\ltnris Located.
Tlio preliminary hearing of Mlkan , Bukovo
and Drobnlc , tlio three men accused ut the
murder of John Seljan , was commenced In
police court at 9 o'clock yesterday morning.
A crowd of spectators llllcd every Inch of
standing room nnd almost ( ought for , posi
tions that afforded a view of the prisoners
and that they might bo within carahot ot the
witness stand. The prosecution was repre
sented by Assistant County Attorneys Day
and Slabaugh. Chief of Police White and
Captain Mostynero present during ( ho ex
Joseph Strukcl , a bollcrmakcr living at
1245 South Sixteenth street , was the first
witness. He know Seljan and had last seen
him alive on Juno 9. Ho knew that Seljan
lived with the Mlkan family. Ho saw Scl-
jan's dead body at South Omaha. On cross-
examination the witness said lie had known
Seljan for twenty years. Had seen him with
IJukovo and Drobnlc at the witness' house
frequently , but for a month or moro prior to
Scljan's death the visits had been discon
Joseph Berg , 2C3fi Chicago street , know
Seljan by sight as No. 59 , and as an em
ploye In the smelter , where the witness was
foreman. Had known Seljan for year and
a half. Recognized the body ut the morgue
as that ot the man who had workedtfor him
In the smelter as No. 69.
Chief ot Police Ilrcnnan ot South Omaha
cstlfled that ho had seen Scljan's body In the
Iver near South Omaha. The body was
ylng face downward In the water and was
, ulto badly decomposed , The body was
rested In a suit of underwear , with top
hlrt and overalls. There was a deep cut
n one side of tlio neck. Thr. liody was
uken to Brewer & Sloan's undertaking rooms.
iVltness was present when Joseph Strukel
dcntllled tlio body as that of John Seljan.
Police Olllcer Mulcahy of South Omaha
orroborateil tlio evidence of his chief.
Thomas Htiby of Council Blurts testified
.hat he rowed across the river at 0 o'clock
n the morning of July 3. Ho landed at
ho foot of Harncy street , where he found
coat , vest and hat. The vest was liberally
prlnkled with blood. The clothes were
ylng under the bank and but a few feet from
ho water. Ho Identllled the coat , vest and
lat , when presented In court. On cross-
xamlnatlon Mr. Uuby stacked tlio clothes
pen a table and showed the position In which
ho hat was lying on the coat , and held down
ly a stone. Ho notlflcd the police and
emalned there until tlio olllccr arrived and
earched the clothes , rinding a watch and
lialn , some letters and other trinkets. Ho
ivas at the place the evening before and was
sure that the clothing was not there on that
Coroner Maul testified that ho was present
when witnesses hud Identllled the body as
hat of John Seljan. Was present when tlio
autopsy was made by Dr. Summers , Dr.
lavender. Dr. Lorlmor and Dr. Van Ness
were present Ut the autopsy.
Dr. J. E. Summers testified that ho had
nade a post mortem examination of tlio body
f John Seljan. When the autopsy was made
t was found that the upper portion of the
iody had become decomposed to quite an ex-
ent , whllo the lower portion was In good
: ondltlon. There was a ragged wound In
ho throat about one. and a half Inches deep
nd extending across the throat. The carotid
artery and the Jugular vein on the right side
mcl been severed , as had the windpipe and
lie gullet. The wound was ono that would
cause almost Instant death. The lungs were
ivoll lllleil with air. Tins would Indicate
.hat life was extinct when the body was
.hrown In the river. There was but very
Ittlo water In the lungs , though there would
lave been much had the man been thrown
nto the water whllo alive. The doctor was
asked If a man Injured as Seljan had been
could have walked from 1318 Pierce street
o the foot of Harney street. He replied em
phatically that It would bo an Impossible
Milng. Tlio man could not have lived more
than from three to flvo minute * from the
line the Injury was Inflicted. The fact that
the body had come to the surface so soon
was also an Indication that the man was
lead when thrown Into the river and not
illvo. Ho went Into the case at length , show-
ng the nature of the wound In the neck and
the natural result of such an Injury.
Police Officer Marnell told of the condition
of the clothing found at the foot of Harney
street , where ho had gone In response to Mr.
Huby. The vest was bloody , the blood on
the Insldo not having dried. Ho described
the position In which the clothing had been
William Croft , bartender at Kcssler's , testt-
fled that ho had seen Seljan at Kcssler's about
7:30 : or 8:30 : o'clock on the morning of July 2.
Seljan had his dinner pall. There were eight
men at the table and they had two rounds
of beer , for which Seljan offered a $10 gold
piece In payment. Witness could not change
the coin and charged the bill. When Seljan
left the saloon ho said he was going homo , to
1318 Pierce street , and started In that direc
tion. Seljan was In good spirits that mornIng -
Ing and was usually a quiet , well behaved
man. Witness knew the prisoners , but did
not see any of them on that day. Ho did not
think that Seljan had been drinking before
he came to Kessler's. Ho Identified the beer
book of Anton tltikove , which had been
found In the room In which Seljan was mur
dered. Ho had not seen the beer book since
June 2 , as fclnco that tlmo Bnkove had been
paying cash for his drinks.
Mrs. Mary Strukcl know Jolm Seljan and
bad made pome underwear for him. She
Identified the drawern found on Seljan's body
as those she had made for him In April last.
William Wcckbach. who lives at 13U
Pierce street , testified that MllteMlkan
rented the place at 1318 Plercs strost and that
Ilukove , Drobnlc and Seljan boarded with.
Mlkan. He saw Mlkan and Ilukov looking
Into the south window In the Mlkiin cottage
early on the morning of July 3 , He de
scribed the location of the houso. The men
were looking Into the room In which tha
murder Is alleged to have been committed.
Ho asked Mlkan and Ilukove what they were
looking at. They did not answer the flrsl
time. Ono of the men called MM. Mlkan.
Then they called the witness and aske < J him
to look Into the room , as there was blood
there and the man had' ' gone. He looked Into
the room and saw the pool of blood on the
floor. Bukove was tlio man who called
him. Witness went Into { he house anJi saw
the condition of the room. Ho was going
out to report the matter to the police when
ho found the officers coming. _ Jlkan ) and
Ilukovo appeared considerably nxclted.
Ilukove told witness that Seljan had come
home on Tuesday and had locked hlnuclf In
his room and 1hat they had not seen him
since. They ( Dukove and Mlkan ) had looked
through the window next morning
and had found the floor covered
with blood and Seljan missing. When
the witness first looked through the
window the door leading Into Seljan'a room
was open. The pee ) of blood was as large
as a man's hat and wa near the head of
the be : ) . There was also blood on the bed
clothing. Drobnlc was not ouUldo with the
others , hut witness Raw him when he en
tered the house with the officers.
Detective Dempsey testified that Officer
Savage wai 'lie first officer to enter the
house at 1318 Pierce street. Wltnew and
Mr. Weckbach followed Savage. The door
to Seljan's room waa open when th witness
entered the house. Ho described the furni
ture of the room and the finding ot the
butcher knlft. pocket knife , razor and other
articles In the room. Ho gave the measure
ments of the rtvni , showing the size of the
blond snots and the relative position of the
different articles. In hl description of tba
blood stalni he unified that tliwo on the