THE O lAHA DAILY BEEt" TUESDAY , JULY 0 , 1805. SPBC1RL NOTICES , .Ailirrtlirtneiits fur thesn column * 11111 IM > Ukrn ttitII 12ii : ( ) p. in. for the uTentncand until H p. in. for tlio nioriiluir > < Sunday edition. AflTerlUcrgrj \ rrqtirstlnc n nnmbnreil heck , rnn hnro nnswrra ndilrmsril to a Numbered letter In mrn ot 'Jh lee. An * mrrs 10 ndilrcMcd will Im rtrt.Tcrml upun | itirnliillnn of the clirrk only. Jtntrv , 1 I-Hc a won ) , llrit Irierllnn , la n word licruiflcr. Settling tHkeii for lit * than SBo for llrst Intrrtlon. lliFRO nUvrrttnerurnts most ion rntisecu- lively. SITUATIONS WANTED. AND OENHRAL office man wnnts position July lit. Five yrnrs' nrxrrlrncff. llent trfercnc'ti. Address C. w. Canneld. Valentine. Ntbraski. A M 2 WAMTKIJ. 1.000 MUN TO WIHTP. ME TODAY tor the receipt ( absolutely free. In plain sealed envelop" ) which cured me of nervenn ciplilllty , eihnustl vitality , etc. AdJicss C. 3. Walker. Box 1311 Knlamntoo , Midi. _ n MICT WANThn , MAN ON HALAUY TO TAKR Oil- deni In city. If puccpssful will receive ad vancement. Apply n'tcr 9 n. m. IMS Iut- ) .OT TO J150 HAI.AHY PAID 8AI.RSMRN FOR clfinrs ; experience" not necersnry ; < " < trii Inuuce- mnnts to customcis. lllehop & K"ne _ 5ia'lK | ' ' fAN'THD , 11V HINOLK MAN ( AUinUC'AX ) . llKlit enijil'iyinent ' for board. Address ! . l . lord , I' . O. Hex 3S8. U .39-8 * W AJM TKU BELP. AIU3 YOU IIONRST. BOIIUH. INHUHTRIOUSt If so cnsnico with us for ' 893 ; * 300 n month , ,1,000 n year : yna ran make It easy : six hours a dny. Our nijcnts do not complain of hard times. WhyT They nrc maklni ? money Mlllnc our perfection Dish Wnslier ; the only practical family wnslier manufactured ; drlti nmt pi llstios dlslies perfectly In two minutes ; no experience neccmary ; n cnlld of 8 onortiles It easily : cheap nml durable ; weight , thirteen pounds ; mnile of nntl-rust fhcct stfcl : capacity , 100 pieces ; 110,000 for Its equal ; every fumlly \vnnts on ; you don't have to camns : as noon m people know you lime It for Bale they send for n dl.h washer : each nRcnt' territory pro- tecteil ; no competition : we furnish sample JO1C KENT HOUSES. HOURHS , F. K. DAHLINO , BAIUCEH IIUXJK. iiouara IN ALbPAUTsoFTun CITY. Tan O F. lnvl Company , IMS Fnrnnm. 11 IC6 jiousia , IIRNAWA 4 co. . . 10 : N. ISTII ST. JJ 167 H. R. COI.K CO. . LAHOnST LIST IN AC1RNCY. C29 SO. 16TII BT. D-470 2 JLIOANT ( i-nooit COTTAOEB JUST built , 22.W. Fidelity Tru t company , 1702 Fnr- nam. " * ' ' _ O.KOOM jioonnN IIOUHI : , MTII ST. & Pleton. llnrtman & Uobblns , 240 uS 7-IIOOM KAST FIIONT MODU11N , 352 N SlODEltN e-UOOM COTTAOn. IIUAUTIFt'I. lawn anil shade. 2121 Miami Direct. U M11J 6-IIOOM FLAT FOH HUNT. 1919 nioiiT-nooM nouans NKAII mail SCHOOL , J15.00 nnd J23.00 per month. Inquire 2lii Cnpltol nve. 1) 27-11 * FOH HUNT TWO G-HOOM COTTAQI3S , ONH furnlshcJ. 802 H. 50th. Modern. FON IlKNT. CII12A1' , MODRllN COTTAOR. SIX roornn , furnUhed. Addrius T K , live. D M677-9 * FOR UKNT. 8-IlOOM HOUSR. ALL MODHUN ImprovemenlB , large rooms , hard wood nnlfli , No. 408 N. Bui. 1 > M671-9 FtniNIHHRD IIOITSR. TWRIA'R 11OOM3 , modern ; ptut or nil. 001 H , 2Slh. D-M70J IS * C-llOOM C01TAOI3 , 3. E. COR. 1DTII AND JnckEon. ll-MODS 1. * 6-llOOM COTTAOU , 937 N. Kill. S2S South ISth BU ii tii 11 FOII ur.NT. vuu.N'isiini ) norsi : , MONTHS July nnd AURSUt. Inquire 11SO South 33d. 01 room 13 , Natlonnl bunk hulldliiR. JU3.JMT i ; ROOMS WC WKUK. 710 S. 1ITH , i-81D-JyK 3 HOOMS FOR lIorSUKKHPINO TOR MA and wife ; rent taken In bonid. 319 N. 17tli. ROOM FOR TWO , PRIVATE FAMILY. JIOD- trn , m S. itli Ave. U-M537-13 * FOnNIBHCD HOOMS FOH LIGHT IIOUSH- keeping. 610 a. 21st ave. K MKB a * NIC13LV KUHNISIUID. COOL. QtHlTT HOOMS In private family , only * lx blocks from post olllce. glfi DouRlns t. U < J46 11 * FiniNISIIii > FIIONT HOOM FOR TWO HUN- tUmcn. All mo'oin. 2K Casi at. i : W 12 * FTiiTNiaiiiTiTcnrrsiDi : ROOMS. OAS heat. 711 a. ICth. third Moor rlRht. i-JIC38 13 * CHUPINO ROOMS. PONVIININNT cliejp. cool , Lirne Inwn. Z611 Bt. Mnry'B. K & 1ITO-9 * SOUTH FRONT ROOM , NICELY FURNISUHD. 15ia llov\nrd. 13-721 10 * I-UliNlSHED BOOMS ANDBOfl.BE NICHLY FUHN1SIIKI > SOUTH ItOOM WIT1 board for two ; private family : no other board en ; best homo comforts. 611 No. 21 > t. be I California nnd Webster. 1' 901 TO THADE , DHKSS SUIT. CIHSST MEASURE 96 Inches , worn twice ; cost } 75 , for horse. Run or anything. 3 2. Dee. F IK PM7AHANT COOIj HOOM FOH TWO , WITH board. iilO Podge 8t. Cll-li * FOH HINT , NICKLY FUHNISHHI ) SOUTH cnit front room , with alcove and buy window all modern conveniences ; board ; lawn nirrnund the house. 622 8. 23th street. F M661 10 * qNITURNISHED KOOMS TO KEN3 2 OH 3 tlNWUNISIIUD 1COO.MS FOH HHNT A' 20 B. 21th t. Q-931 T1IIIRR HOOMS ; HOUSKKnUPINa. 2026 ST Mary's avenue. O C12 3 UNFUHNIHIIIH HOOMS. WITHOUT cinir drun ; city \\nttr. 2JU Cjllfornla atreot. O-72I 10 * AMU OFFIOK ; HUNT THIS I-STOHY BH1CK HUII.UIKC 91C 1'arnam street , TliU bulldlnK has n lire > roof cement basement , complete steam heal 5 UK llxlmcs , nater on all noors , gas , etc. At ply at the olllce of The lc ) . I 91 1 FOK HISNT , URSIC HOOM ClIUAI' . INQI'IU room 4JO , lleo bulldlns. I M703 9 * AGENTS WANTED. MKN AND WOMISN. f. TO J10 A I3AA' . Ar dress the Handy Heater Co. . S3I New York l.ll bigg. . Omalm. Neb. J-4TI ACIINTSVANTID IN IVIUY TOWN iw our panttt.Ve furnish self inoamre blank and camplrs. For particulars address Ilia I'ua torn Made rants Co. , 3 Ucaiburn t. , Chlcaco 111. J-032 8 * WANTUD. AOKNTS TO SUM , SOLKNliTTlfl only prepaiatlon e\er made that will poslihel heep your sioo nolos from e > er wuirtiw ; out No compitlthn : bariels of monev for 1'rN-e. 23c : by mill. S5c. tiolcn Mfir. Co. . 12. ' IVabanh ave , J MGOO 9 * WANTISD. ADVI3HTIHIN < 5 SOI.1C1TOH O : ITUO < | IhliiKi must $23.00. Apply room 4 Btato hotel , i * till II. J M73I J * "WANTED TO HfTNTT WANTCU. TIUUUS INTl'JlNISllUU HOOil tor lleht liouiwkerplnir. ivlth moilrrn cot \cnicii < .fs , b > man and wife. Addmm T 4 Ilee olllee. K M707 10 BENTAI , 0. a. WAI.L.VCK. niSNTALS. 12 DROWN HLli L.-M70J STORAGE. IJHST UTOIIAQE UUlLDlNa JN OMAHA. U. i eov. bonded uureliuiuu ; hautehnlC coeds > toile lo . . 101S-101J Le onh.M _ ci.t ratu. - ven ITS * _ _ _ FKANIC J\VKKB. : ai IIARNISYT" MI73 & \VATliiIOUSK CO. . 9 ; Jcnc sis. kturave und fonardlnc M-47S Au WANTED. 1 J-ROOM THOICR COTTAQIW. b\ * the vurtonwisi ItKX ) to J1.KK1. H. C. Pa tenon. IUiUB tlock. N SUTTC-S TOK 8 ALE-HORSES , WAGON3ETi FOU 8A1J--ONR O ? MY bl.ACK 1 OX inan-s. 1'rcJ Molil , 1322 Doditr. 1' 20 } ? OIl 8AI.1J. A NICK KAMI 1.1 HORSE AN1 phaeton , cnrnp. I * . C , IU N Y 1 11 Llde. IM03 3 FOU SAU2. CIIBAI' . aeNTLBHAUM ! : PONV nulUblo ( or youuK lady Is utxu K RouJ U > cite to rjj chmin , 219 U. 33th mn-et , -UIH 10 * FOB SALE HARDWOOD COMIHNATION HOO AND chicken fcnc . Chat. . H. Lee , th and Douglas. Q-47J IU : BTANDJVHI ) rATTT.K CO. , AMES. NHtt. , has 400 tons Rood baled hay for sale. Q MISO FOR SAL.B-OLD I.tTMRKR. CONStSTINO OF urantllnft 2x1 , 2t > , 2x10 , txS , shlplap , shcetlnit , siding , doors , windows , etc. , at tha Associated Charities wood > ard , (07 Howard st. Q37Jyl I * sncrniTins ron BALR. We have a number of first mortgages In amounts o' 300 to W,0 < at 6V4 tn 8 per cent for sill1. None but gilt edged securities handled. Call nnd < ee us. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam fit. . Q JS7 31 FOH BALI : , GOOD FAMILY MIUC cow. 120 and Hamilton. ; q-Mm ( _ FOHsvLn. ItCQIRTRItRt ) JRRSISY tlc , heavy milker , JS3.00. 2111 S. 17th. Q-MCS3 10 * _ * FOH BAIUt CHH.VP , HXTIIA GOOD BIX . hole steel range. 2C33 Hartley street. Q-KJ 12 * 'HORouaiumisD ' IHISH SCTTIH roi-s FOR sale at u bargain. Jtoburt Ivcns , Persia , la. Q-M70U 12 MISCELLANEOUS. \'ANTJ-i > , Ht'NTINO DOflS TRAINRD FOH chickens and qimll. satisfaction Rtiarantced or nrj piy. For terms address O. 8. RnmhnuKh , Central City , Neb. H MCS3 13 * CLAIHVOYANIS .II1H. DR. II. WARRRN , CLAIRVOYANT , Hi : liable business medium , 8th year at 119 N. 16th. 8 481 MRI.IA OOODMAN. ABTHOLOOHH AND ptrRUdllst , can be consulted at llth nnd Mason. Depot hole ) . 7. S 611-9 * _ : NOW THY FATi pnor. n. I < THOY. THH wonderful clnlrvojant and trance mflluin , Klxe advice on business , law. money mntters and fam ily nrfalrn. The future plainly rc\enled. I overs united , troubles lienled. Reunites the wparnteil , rauseH happy marriages. gl\cs names of friend * , enemies and on * * you \\\\l \ \ marry. TellH hat to do to IKlucky. . All ( n trouble call. Olllce , 1712 Capitol avenue. Hours , 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. S-M721 10 * MASSAGE. JJ/VTHS. XTO. JADAM SMITH. C02 S. 13TH 2D FI/XIIl , ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapcr , alcohol , steam , sulphuflni nnd sea baths. T Mtul 13 * MASSAQU , MADAMR 11CHNARD , H21 T MC23 1S 'INRST HATH AND MASSAOI1 PARLORS IN city. Mmc. Howell. 31S < t 020 S. 13th ; tiiorouutily practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant. T M876 JylS * , IHS. DR. LKON. RLKQANT MASSAOR AND elf trlo bath. I'arlore restful and rcfrcshlnB , 413 North llth street. T M722 11 * OS NORTH 16TH ST. , HOOM 13. 11ATHS. Sl > lect inassaKO by an expert. Anna , from C'hl cago. T 72C H * TUKltlbH UATHS. 'URKISH ' DATHB : ONLY PLACD IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 1C9-110 , Dec bltlR. .ADIKS1 . BATHS. MME. POST. 3WJ S. 15TII. 4S2 PJiKBONAL. VIAVI co. , 346 linn iiLDa. ; HRALTII HOOK free ; homo treatment ; lady attendant. U4S3 D. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Ilanqud. hall , residence nnd gra\e decorations , 1SI3 Vlnton slrcet. Telephone 776. U M484 ; 1ATHS , MASSAGE , JI1IR. POST , 319J ! S. ISTH. A PRIVATR PARTY HAS MONHY TO LOAN on pianos. Jewels , bicycles , etc. : business strictly confidential. Address , I'ostolDce lint 528. U M702 AHi : YOU SICK ? MRDICINR AND TRHAT- mcnt V > r. at 20314 N. ICth St. U-133 J > 17 * A'ANTRD. SOLDIERS OR OTHER 1'ARTIES who ileHlre to take choice cov't. land In Yank- ton reser\atlon , situated nlntiK Mlsrourl river , Charles Mix Co. , 8. I > . Address Hubert Van Pelt. Mitchell , South Dakota. U M3S1 9 * OR FIHR AND llL'RaLAR PROOF SAFES vault vork , etc. , Ket or address W. O. Temple- ton , Rcn'I. ag1 ! . . 403 N. Y. Life. U M697 aC ASH ADVANCED ON PUHLIC EMPLOYES' ' nalarlen. Commercial Trust Co. , 419 Ilee Hide. U-M733 MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE , Itiuui at low rates for choice security In Nf- brnska nnd Iowa farms cr Omaha city property MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Dnvls Co. , 1505 Farnam Bt. W 487 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 515 N. Y. LIFE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas CltyfMo. . CAPITAL. J2.000.COO ; fitlltl'UJS. J.000,000 : U. 8. MortgaRe Trust Co. , New York ; for 6 per cent loans on city property apply to Vusey & TliomJS , ORents , room -07 , First Nat. Hk bMc. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA teat estate , llrcnnan. Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 431 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at G per cent. W. U. MelKel , 1st Nat. Ilk. bldg , MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 132J Fnrnam. INVESTORS" DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer any part 1W.OOO eastern In- vestora' names , who have money to Invest : just compiled. Write for particulars.W W MSS1 Jj23 * MONEV TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horgri. wagons , etc. . at lowest rates In city ; no remo\nl of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 So. 16th St. . X 498 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry , 430 Rnmge blk. X 197 MODEL LOAN CO. . 403 NEW YORK LIFE. X-133 J > 1C * BUSINESS CHANCES. J12.000.0. ) STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN I3EST town In eastern Nebraska , for Imil and casher or equivalent. Address S 29 , care Ilee.YM93I Y-M93I 3 SOLID INVESTMENTS : DRICK 11USINESS block , water power llourlni ; mill , tine Ice busi ness. H. C. A leer & Co. , Sheridan , Wyo. Y M31J FOH BALIS-STOCK OF MILLINERY ; REST location In the city. Good reason for soiling. Addri-ss ut once , T 1C. Dec. Y 130 J2.700 , DRUG STORE DOING GOOD HUSINESS. J. J. Gibson , 1st National bank. Y M701 14 J2.6CO. SALOON IN O 'E OP THE LEADING hotels. J. J. Gibson , lit Nat. Hank.YM700 Y-M700 11 RESTAURANT. GOOD ONE , CHEAP : PAYING uill. R. F. Williams. 411 McCdgu block. Y MC90 9 ONE-HALF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE and abstract In central Nebraska for alo. T 41. Omaha , Ree. Y M731 AI FOR EXCHANGE. WANTF.I ) TO TRADE. NEW STANDARD UI- Oilc for draft horse weighing 1,600 pounds or moii * . E. J. Davis , 11IC Fainam st , 55 837 TO "EXCHANGE. A COMHINED STOCK OF drugs , clocks , watches , Jewelry , blank and ncliiNjl bonks , wall paper , window shades , pilnts. ell . glans , etc. ; will Invoice , with llx- lures. about $9.000 ; want Improved farm. Ad- dregs A. J , IMtzer , Cucrry\ue ! , Kan Z-MSI7 JylO * I WANT MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOR reul retain and vault , H , A. Wagner , Omaha. TO EXCHANGE. IW-ACllE FARM. PARTLY Imppjxcd and clear of all encumbiance , for hau e und lot. Who repairs watches ? Clean watch , 73c- ; genuine mallifprlng , * 6 ? . J. H. Day. Jeweler. Hoe bldg. Z-M617 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. TUB J1VHON REED COMPANY. RE 193 IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA nt prices that will urprl o > ou. If taken within I wtek4. J. 1L Sherwood , 423 N. Y. I.lfe. RE-CO ) IUHGAINS. norsEs , LOTS AND FARM ; sale or trade. F. 1C. Darling. IbuUcr block. RE IM HAHGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP , ertlcs and fauns. John N. Fmiier , opl > . I" . O. RE-S01 HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND luy lots , acres , fainn. Uarvln Broi. . 210 N. Y. U RE Ml- AT A RAROAIN , CORNER IXTT , PAVISD ! re t. 3 cuttaEcs , C , T and S rooms each , brick basement , water and -wtr coiienctlon. In bcit n > ! dci > p'-rtitn. mnnthlr rental 141. Apply by Utter to Jean Jklwm. 44 lira building. RE-SH Jy23 _ _ _ " I'.UIM LANDS O F. JIAItHlBON , fj N. Y. Life. UE-M7 J ) 19 * FIVE ROOMS. PERFECT CmPK rciOOn IXJ. ration , IT'A Only 117 : dvun. Ual C per cent. Ame . SOI Fnniam si REC2iis CORNER. 3 LARGE ItOoVlsT F.EPAIRS MADE to in t Imjer JiW. U > J Ca h. la'A-tn. PT rent , Ara"n 1 17 Farnam. HE-CJ'i-S BECAUSE ITfc THE BEST. PUREST SM05T ECONOMICAL SOLO If 1EN.K.FMBANKGOHPM CHICAGO. FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. Continued. PERFECT ORDKR. E ROOMS. GOOD CELLAR , east front , 59J ) ; only MOO cash , balance Ht 6 per cent. Ames , 1617 Farnam. HE tK-8 160 ACRES GOOD LA ND FOR $1.2W.nO. ON Email pajments. U. F. Williams , room 411 Mc- Cague block. HE MCill 9 DO YOU WANT A HEAUTIFUI. MODF.RN cottage home within vvulklnR illstanco from P. O. , Inside ono mile ? We h.i\e two of them Just completed that nro models , nnd T\e will sell them nt greatly reduced price * and take In n 1300 CO to SS' ' .00 lot as part payment. Thews are located on Hurt street , Just east ot Mth street. Will be open Sunday. Call and In spect them. Remember v\c will take your vacant lot as part pa > ment. Why will you pay rent on a IIOUBC and then pay taxes on vacant property when you can make Buch a deal as this ? See these bwiullful homes or call at our office and ue will be moot pleased to Know them. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street. RE M733 IS BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & U. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 > cars old , always redeemable. 1701 Furnam st. Nattlnger , Sea. 619 now TO airr A HOMH OR scctinn aoou Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II. Ass'n , 17M IJee bldg. O. M. Nattlncer. ftec. PAWNBBOKEBS. II. MAHOW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. Si I ElOiTOLEa. M. O. DAXON. 402 N. ICTH. 603 STERLING BUILT LIKE A WATCH , WEST- cm Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Ilountd street. CO I SEE THR VISIRLE HALL HEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Daruum Uro. , 120 N. 13th. C03 A. L. DEANE & CO. , 1110 FARNAM STREET" 607 WESTERN DICYCLG & CJUN CO. , S410 CUMINO DOS MANTELS , GBATSS AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. GRATES. TILES FOR ( lie places , vestibules and large floors ; write for prices. Milton Rogers & Sons. Omiha. C09 LOST. LOST HETWEEN 40TII AND FARNAM AND 47th nnd Douglas strcctH , a lad\'s gold watch nnd chain. Finder rewarded. K. E. Thomas , 212 Omaha Nafl. Hank llldg. Ixjst 728 * A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. M 318 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTors - ors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western E'ec. ' trlcul Supply Co. , 1513 Howard st. 510 CABPENTEBS AJMJJ BUILDERS. c. E. MORHILL. PAPER HANGING. HOUSE sign painting , brick work , plastering ; off. R. 1 , Darker blk. ; tel. 733 ; shop 913 N. 24th st. 611 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS H. K. 11URKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embnlmer , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 612 SWANSON S. VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO. TEL 1000. 613 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM11ALM. cr. 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 2 3. 611 C. W. DAKLUl , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. ICTH ST. 615 COAX. A GOOD THING-PUSH IT ALONG , MAY HE the latest slang phrase , but that's just what we're doing with SHERIDAN COAL. 8,000 tons sold In Omaha last year. We gl\e you 2,000 His. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for SI.SO. Victor White , mgr. , 1603 Farnam st. Tel. 127. 617 MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. MRS. FANNY ADLEH. PIANO TEACHER , graduate Vienna Conservatory. SOS So. 16th st. S3S-J & GEORGE F. GELLENHECK. ' BANJO AND Rultar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M 109 BUSINESS NOTICES DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N. 1C. 621 OABPET GLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET AND RFO Cleaning Works do their work the best and cheapest. 718-20 3. 14th St. Tel. 633. U , S. O. Kuhn , manager ; Patrick Ward , foreman. 220-Jy 20 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. 'W. COR , 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. PASTUBAGE. GOOD PASTURE FOH HORSES. JI.OO PER month per head , diaries Cans , St. Paul , Neb , 150 DENTISTS. THE INFIRMARY IN CONNECTION WITH th Dental college nt Twelfth and Pacific street * Is now open , when those ili-slrln ; to have tt-eth extracted can have It done free of charge and all other work at merely cost ot material , 729-21 DR. PAUL , DENTIST , 2020 HURT ST. 62F We i nd the msrTflnmi French IteineJr CALTHO3 tr-.v. nurt * lozal guarantee that C'ALIIIOS .till KTOIDUhireta Jk Kmlulnt. CiritK Mi > * rintorrhrn. \ arieocvle oad HKSTOUK 1,0.11 Igor. Useita dl3yifiatisf.ei , Adl .VOH MOHL CO. . HU inrrlrin iftit * , n Till : REALTY M.UtliKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record July 8 , 1S9S : WARRANTY DEEDS. JosephQarneau nnd wife to Elizabeth Garncau , lot 28 and e 13 feet lot 27. block 1 , HllUldc Reserve S 1 Martin Richardson , sr , , and wife to Alvah Waterman. Hi acres In ns nw 13-16-10 . . . . . 60 L N Cockrell to F G Cockrcll , lot 4 , block 2. Llnuottd park 7M William Mueller unit wife rt ul to William Graf , lot 22 , In add to blocks I and 18 , M add to IWdford Placv JM I > M ItuKer and wife to M K Ish , n G7'.t fret of se H lot 4. block IK. Omaha , . . . . 1 Enoch Pratt and wife to J P Finley. e u lot 3 , block 81 , South Omaha , , , 2.40) Ellen Maloney and husband to Stephen Maloney - loney , lot 11 , Malony' add to South Omaha 3 > 1 WARRANTY DEEDS. Felix Lenagh to Peter Lenach. lot 4 , block K. Drown park . . . 1,190 Charles Tlmtell and wife to Nets Nyitrom , lot 5. block 130 , Bouth Omaha 1 Nels Nystrom to Anna TlsaelL. same 1 QUIT CLAIM DKKDS. W I Hawks and wife to Ella Poppleton , lot 19 , block 19. Hanseom Place . , . . 1 Total amount of transfer * (3,10) WASTING DISEASES WEAKEN WONDER. " Jully because tacy weaken you slowly , gradu ally. I > o not allow thli wato of body to make you nroor , flabby , Immature man.IIcallh , strength nnd vigor li for you whether you bo rich or poor. The Great Ilutlyan Is to be liad only from the Hud son Medical Institute. This wonderful discovery was made by the specialist ! of the old famous Hud. son Medlcsl Institute. It Is the stronccit and mot powerful vltall7cr made. It Is no powerful that U Is simply wonderful liow harmless It Is. You can get It from nowhro but from the Hudson Medical Institute. Write- for circulars nnd testimonials. This extraordinary Itojuvcnntar 13 the most wonderful discovery of the nee. It has been en dorsed by the leading scientific men of Europe and America. JIUDYAX ! , purely vegetable. 1ICDYA.V stops premoturcnesa of the dli- charge In twenty dnyi. Curci X.O1T 9IAX- JIOUI ) , ronstlp.itlon , < ll liiMs , falling sensations , nervous t Itching of the pyci nnd other parts. Strengthens , Invigorates and tones the entire system. 11 Is aa cheap A $ any other remedy. IVDmCAX cures debility , nervousness , emis sions , nnd develops nlid restores weak org.uis. Pains In the back , losses by day or night Btopped quickly. Over 2,000 private Indorsements. Prematurencsi means Impotcncy In the first stage. It ha symptom of seminal weak MOM nml barrenness. It can bo stopped In twenty days by the use of Hudyan. Iludyail cosis no more than any other remedy. Send for circulars and testimonials. TAIXTJSn ItLOOIJ-Impuro blood ( Jno to serious private disorders carries myriads of Boro- producing germs. Then conies sere throat , pimples , copper colored spots , ulcers In mouth , old sores and falling hair. You can save n trip to Hot Springs by wrltlnsfor'niood Hook1 Co the old pliyslclausof tlio HUDSON IYIEDICAI * INSTITUTE , Stockton , aiurkct and F.lltaSts. , SPECIALISTS All forms of Blood nu I Skin Diseases. Sores , Spoil. PimpK's , Scrofula , Tumors. ' 1 utter , Koroma uiul lilooJ I'olson thoroughly uloansod from thubystuin. LADJbS Riven onroful anU apodal attention for nil lliulr ninny pzcullur all- mcntH. CATARRH , Throat Limes. Liver. UyapopsU Troubles cured by spo.-lal 'course ' ot trutitmont. WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) made so by too clotto applica tion to business or study , sever * menta train or grief. BEXUAL EXCESSES In middle life or from th effects of youthful foil es , all yield readily to our new treatment for loss of ' trouble ! If out ot city. at home by cert -ti" > n > l' ' Dr.Scarles "CUP1BENE" Cures the effects of self-abuse , excesses , emissions , Impotency. varlcocelo and consti pation. Ono dollar n box , six for $5. For sale by THK OOOD- MAN bnuaco RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ( UURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.Arrives ( OnidhalUnlou Deoct , 10th ii Ma oa 3U. | Umaha 10liam : Denver Express 8IOam : : Hills. Mont. & Puget Snd. Ei. 4JJpm : Denver Exprecj 4:05pm : 7U5pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday.7:45pm ) BUam..Lincoln : Uxj nt ( except aunday.HUOatn 24pm..Fast ; MalUfor Lincoln ) dally. , . . Leaves ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Q.IArrUes OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th At Mason dts.l Omaha 4:4ipra : Chleaeo Vestibule 9SOam : :60am Cnlcaiio Enprraj 4Upm : 7Upm..Chicago : and St. Louis Uxpres * , . 8Xun : ( ) IKMaro PacHlc Junction Local S:30pm : Fast Mall , 2IOpm J > aiel I CHICAGO , MIL. , & ST. PAL'L.I Arrlves Omalial Union Depot , 10th Ac Mason tiu , [ Omaha C.OOpm . Chicago Limited t:30im : lllSOam. . . . .Chicago Express ( ex. Sun ) 6:2Spin : Leases ( CHICAGO & NOItTll\VUdT'N. | Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. Igthf Mason Sis.I Omaha 10IOam : llustcrn" .Eipress. . , 4i : : > , . . . . . , . . tlbul J Limited " Mo. Valley' Local ' ' ' ' 6:45pm. : i'.Oinalia Clilt-ugtf Special Leaves I CHICAGO. lUI t PACIFIC ? OmahaUnion | Depot , 10th At Mason ats " EAST. ll:20am..Atlantic : ExptcsjleSunda . . .3:33pn : < ! :2Jpm : NlRht , express 9:2Jam : 440pm ! " Clilcago VesJlliUl'-d Llm.tvd . ll'5pn 6 : < Spm..Oklahoma & TexanI2x ( ex Sun ) ,10:3 : > am l : 0pm Colorudo- Limited Iu0pm : leaves I C. , ST. P. . M & O. ( Arrives LOmahal Depot. 15th and JtVebsUr 81s. | Omaha ' ' " t:23am..Neoraska : Pa'ijru'eer ( dally ) . . , , bilipn lSOpm. : . .61oux City Exuiesa ( ex. oun..lllJan : .CilOpm . . . . 8U PauT TJijailted Leaves j SVTnTJk'Mp. VALLffn lArrlxes OmahajJDcpot. ISlli anb Wtbsler Bl 2:10pm : . Fa ; "l ! | iExpress i , ' . . . . . Z:10pm.ex. : ( Sat.Vycf. ) . 7Ei. ( ex. Moi _ . . . . :05am. : . . Norfolk l-ipress tcx. t > undaylO:30am : _ 103iair ; Leaves ! Krc. ST. > . & c7li. TArrTveT OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason St . | Omaha " 9.EOam . Kansas City Day Express . STstipn : upm..K. c. Nisht Ex. Via U. P. Tran. . :00aro : Leaves I MISSOURI PAClFlli lArrhes Ornaha [ pepoi. : : th and Webster Sts. I Omaha | 0IOam : St. Louis nzoreu > l:00am : > : Mpm St. Luuls Ilxpress < :0tpm : lKpm..N : < t > raska Local ( ex. dun. ) , . . . :00um : liTavuT BIOUX'CITT & VACIFI& JATrlFes Oir.ahal Depot. 15lh and \Vebstcr Sli. f Omaha _ ! . . . . . . . . . ' "LlmU-JTT.T. 10:3jam : l.tavei I eiOUX CITr & PACIFIC. JArilves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Muon Bts. [ Omaha < : Uarr. Sioux City I'aHcneer 11 Jom Cipro . . . .St. Paul Limited. . . . . . 1238pm ; Leave * I UNION PACIFIC. | Arrh OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Hason8ls _ I Omaha 8 Warn . . . , . .Kearn y ixpress . . . . . .Tl30pm ; t-Mt > m. . . . . . . . . . Overland Fiver 6.10pm Z.COpm Ueat'ce & Ktromili'r Ux ( ex Sun.12:0pm ) 7.0)pm Pacific Kspr ( < ss lOSSan t.Upm Fait Mall l:10pm t'tvs I WAflASII RATL\VAY. 'Arrive ! " "ir-tlii.tjnlcn lif oi , 10(11 ( & Vann 3is Jpmaj ! < _ 4.COpm 7St. Louis Cannon 1)311.1. , .i:35pra : ft Expiprrs ( Copyright , 1S95. by Irving llachcller. ) CHAPTER III. This wan all very well and I listened with lie greatest Interest , but I was none tlio learer aa to what younc Duroc wished mo o do. "How can I bo of service to you ? " I asked. "Ily comlnc up with mo. " "To the casrtloT" "Precisely. " "When ? " "At once. " "Hut what do yon Intend to do ? " "I shall know what to do. Hut I wish you o be with mo all the same. " Well , It never was In my nature to refuse n adventure , and , besides , I had every sym pathy with the lad's feelings. H Is very asy to forgive one's enemies , but ono wishes o give them something' to forgive also. I held out my hand to him , therefore. "I must bo on my way to Itosael to mor row morning , but tonight I am yours , " eald I. We left our troopers In snug quarters and , as It was but a mile to the castle , -we did lot disturb the horses. To tell the truth , I late to tec a cavalryman walk , and I hold hat Just as ho Is the most gallant thing ipon earth when he has his saddle ( laps be- ween his knees , so he Is the most clumsy when he has to loop up Ma saber and M saber tasche In one hand and turns In his oes for fear of catching the row els of his spurs. Still Duroc and I were of an age when one can carry things off , and I dare swear that no woman at least would have quarreled with the appearance ot the two young husjars , ono In blue and ono In gray , vho set out that night from Arensdort post house. We both carried our swords , and ferny ny own part I slipped a pistol from my tolster Into the Insldo of my pelisse , for It seemed 1o me that there might ba Eoino wild vork for us. The track which led to the castle wound hrough a pitch-black flrwood , whore ono could sco nothing save the ragged patch of tars above our lieads. Presently , however , t opened up , and there was the castle right n front of us about as far as a carbine would carry. It was a huge , black place , and bore every mark of being exceedingly old , with urrets at every corner and a tquaro kcop on the side which was nearest to us. In all ts great shadow there was no sign of light ave for a single window , and no bound came rom It. To mo there was something awful n Its size and Its silence which corrc- ponded BO well with Its sinister name. My companion pressed on eagerly anil I followed ilm along the Ill-kept path which lei to the gate. gate.Thero was no bell or knocker upon the great Iron studded door , ani it was only > y pounding with the hilts of our sabres that wo could at last attract attention. A hln , pale-faced man , with a beard up to his temples , opened It at last. He carried a lan- ern In one hand and with the other a chain which held an enormous black hound. His manner at the first moment was threatening , jut the sight of our uniforms ana of our faces turnel It Into one of sulky re-'erve. "The Baron Straubenthal does not receive visitors at so late on hour , " said ho , speaking In very excellent French. I "You can Inform Daron Straubenthal that I have come 800 leagues to see him , and that I will not leave until I have done so , " said my companion. I could not myself have said It with a better voice and manner. The fellow took a sidelong look at us and tugged at his long black beard In his per- P "To tell the truth , gentlemen , " Bald ho. "Tho baron has a cup or two of wine In him at this hour and you would certainly dnd him a more entertaining companion if you were to come again In the morning. " He had opened the door a little wldor as he spoke and I saw by the light of the lamp In the hall behind him that three other rougl fellows were standing there , ono of whom held another of these monstrous hounds. Duroc must have seen It also , but It made no difference to his resolution. "Enough talk , " said he , pushing the man to ono side , "It Is with your master that 1 have to deal. " The fellows In the hall made way for him as he strode In among thorn , so great Is the 'The Daron Strnuuenllial does not receive vis itors at ) late an hour. " power gf one man who knows what ho wants over several who are not sure of themselves. My companion tapped ono of them on the shoulder with ai much assurance as though ho owned him. "Show me to the baron , " Bald he. The man shrugged his shoulders and an swered something In Polish. The fellow with the beard who had shut and barred the front door appeared to be the only one among them who could speak French. "Well , you shall have your way , " said ho , with a sinister smile. "You shall sea the I SWEET SAVORY SATISFYING SWIFT'S ' PREMIUM Think of the thousands of hams and bacon that go out from South Omaha daily ! Wo Boloet but the boat ones for the brand"SWIFT'S PREMIUM. " Smoked liKhtly trimmed nicely extra mild nof salty. No man could make thorn bettor. For Sale by all First-Class Dealers. SWIFT AND COMPANY , A SOUTH OMAHA. NEB. itlary byphllli permanently cured ID 16 to ! JS days. Ton can bo treated at homo foi Illiotameprlcoundertntaoifuiiranty. II i you prefer to coruo bcr no win contract to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , and no cbarge.lf no ( all to cure. If you have taken mer cury , Iodide potash , and ctlll bate aches and pains. Mucous Vatclie * la mouth , HoroThrout , Pimples , Copper Colored Hpot.i , Ulrcro on ny part of the bodr. Iliilr or Kjf br < > Trs falling out. It U thli Hyphllltlo HLOOL ) POISON tbal we guarantee to rare. Wo solicit the mint ol ti- iiato casea and clinllonce the world fur n case \vecnnnot euro.ihU dliense liaialirars baftlod tl. skill of the moit eminent pliysl- elans. J)80OOOO eaplul bshlnd our uncondi tional irttaraaty. Absolnta iirooNMnt % ! < ] on appllcaUon. AddreM COOK JIKMKU U07 llasonio 'XuuiMle , CUTUAQU. . baron. And perhaps before you liavo flnlsliel you will wish that you had taken tny advice. Wo followed him down the hall , which was stone fluRKed and very spacious , with skins scattered upon the floor , and the hoaas of wild boasts up n the walls. At the further end ho threw open a door and vso entered. It was a small room , gcintlly furnished , with the same mirks of neglect and decay which met us at every turn. The walls were hunt ? with disorderly tapestry , which had como loose nt one corner , ? o as to expose the rotiRh stone wall behind. A second door lump ; with a curtain faced us upon the other side. Between lay a square table strawn with dirty dishes and the sordid remains of a meal. Several bottle were scattered over It. At the head of It facing us there rat a IIURO linn with a lion-like head and a great shock of orange-colored hair. His beard was of the same Klarlnj ; hue , matted and tangled and coarse as n horse's mane. I have seen some strange faces In my time , but never one more brutal tban that with its small eyes , UsUilte crumpled cheeks , nnd the thick , hanging lip which protruded over his mon strous beird. His head swayed about on hla shoulders and lie looked at us with the vague , dim gaze of a drunken man. Yet ho was not eo drunk but that our uniforms carried their message to him. "Well , my bravo boys , " he hiccoughed , "what la the latest news from Paris eh ? You'ro going to frco Poland , I hear , and have meantime nil become , slaves to yourselves , slaves to a little autocrat with his lint. No gray coat nnd threo-cornercd more citizens , cither , I am told , nnd nothing Ami facing us then- sat a IIUKO man. but monsieur nnd madam. My faith , some more heads will have to roll Into the sawdust basket some of these mornings. " Duroc advanced In sllenco and stood by the radian's side. "Jean Carabln , " said he. The baron started , nnd the film of drunken ness seemed to be clearing from his eyes. "Jean Carabln , " said Duroc once more. Ho sat up and grasped the arms of his chair. "What do you mean by repeating that name , young man ? " ho nsked. "Joan Carabln , you are n man whom I long wished to meet. " "Supposing that I had once such.a name , how can It concern you , slncp you must have been a child when I bore ft ? " "My name Is Duroc. " "Not the son of " "Tho son of the ipan you murdered. " The baron tried to laugh , but there was terror in his eyes. "Wo must let by-gones bo by-goncs , young man , " ho cried. "It was our life or theirs lit those days , the aristocrats or the people. Your father was of the Glrondo. Ho fell. I was of HID mountain. Most ot my com rades fell. It was all the fortune of war. Wo must forgot nil thla and learn to know each other bottetr , you and I. " He hold out a red , twitching band as ho spoke , "Enough , " cried young Duroc. "If I were to pass my saber through you ns you sit In that chair I should do what Is right and Just. I dishonor my blade by crossing It with yours. And yet you are a French man , and have even held a commission tinder the same flag as myself. Hlso and defend - fend yourself ! " "Tut , tut ! " cried the baron. "It Is all very well for you young bloods " Duroc's patience could stand It no more. Ho swung his open hand Into the great orange beard. I saw a lip fringed with blood and two glaring blue eyes above It. "You shall dlo for that blow. " "That Is better , " said Duroc. "My saber , " cried the othor. "I will not keep you waiting , I promise you ! " and he hurried from the room. ( Continued Wednesday. ) EVERYTHING BUT THE BEARD Eastern t-choolmnrm Shorn the Woolly \ > c u Truly "Now" Woman. The newest thing In the now woman was In the city at the union depot for a few minutes yesterday morning and aroused as much stir and caused as much excitement ns a yellow dog with a tin can attached to his caudal appendage. She had the appearance of the new woman of the most virulent type , nnd she did not seem to cara who knew It. She was a _ school teacher from the east , nnd she was going tlirough with a party of teachers to the Denver meeting. She was dressed In man's costume from head to foot , long brown tweed trousers , a doublo-breasted coat of the same material , across which a gold watch chain extended , and a small hat. In a very few minutes after she got off the car n newsboy spotted her and yelled : "Say , catch on to do woman In man's clothes. " This attracted the attention of all the other boys , nnd when they followed her nbout the nttentlon of every one about the crowded depot was attracted , This did not phase her , however , and she kept up her promenade up and down along the depot platform until her train pulled out. A ftinnllpux Bvnro , If you would dodge the danger of this dreadful disease and escape without oven a scare , trust to Allen's Hygienic Fluid , If rightly used It positively prevents all con. tnglon. A pleasant , personal disinfectant , deodorant and germicide purifying , cleansIng - Ing nnd hcallne , .Mnrrlagn Licenses. The following marriage licenses were la- sued yesterday by the county Judge : Nuine and address. jvcc NcU W , H.'immiiiHeii , HutJi , Minn Kittle Sorensen , Omaha , y , William T. Oulder , Omalm * Maud M. Hussle , Omaha j ] Charles K. Sheldon , Creston , Neb 2 Flora V. Jtobertsoti , Creston , Neb y. William J. IlusKoll , Omaha 20 Belma HerK , Omaha z John A. Johnson , Omaha y Anna a. Olson , Omaha 3 ; John Wlpp. Douglas county Marie Duchholz , Douglas county. . j ; Andrew W. Wolrath. Hnvelock 3T Christine Bwanson , Omaha a /.din Mcoliuu" Suit Agiiliist Oeorco Could JERSEY CITY. July 8. The argument on the motion for a preliminary examination o : Oeorga J , Gould In the lult of Zella Nlcolaui Iluhman to recover a $40,000 check war. post poned by Judge Llpplncott In the Hudsoi county court today. Counsel for Mr , Goulc mates that he understood the argument was net down for tomorrow and Judge Llpplncott thereupon adjourned the case until that time CAI.Il ORMA OK TK.VA4 Via tlm < 4nntn I'n Itouto. For lowest rates on ticket * and best ac commodations cull on or address E. L Palmer , P. A. Santa Fa Itoute , Ilooin 1 , Firs National Dank , Omaha. SOUIH OMAHA CITY COUNCIL Apportionment of the City funil J ml I < Tt I.lrrtno right. All the members ot the city council worn present at the meeting last evening except Mayor Johnston. Mr. llulh occupied the chair. The committee , of which Mr. Ulanchanl was chairman , appointed to Inijulro Into tlm advisability of opsnlng Thirty-ninth street from Q to S streets , recommended In favor of the plan. The annual appropriation fund , Including the following Items , WAS read and patued : Interest . ! , ! > , Kntnry J S.3W Juilitment SWJ . . , , . 3.3IH I'rtlU 8.SID Street repair I 'Indepiitment. . . . OMJ 1'ulillc liRlits . Ov Total JM.I7 * KiiKlneer . 750 In connection with the question of viaduct rep-ilra City Attorney Doud gave It ns hU opinion that the city must g've ' each railroad company a notice of Its proportionate share of the expense nnd n reasonable time In which to begin work. If after n reasonable time the railroad compan'es ' do not make the repairs , It "will be the duty of the city coun cil to make the repairs and charge the cost to the railroads. The total cost of repairs contemplated will amount to nbout $ . ' ,000. A. I ) , llubermann entered a complaint , al leging that ho had been assessed too much on certain lots. Robert T. Mnxwell submitted a new plat ot an addition that had been laid out , and tlio city engineer certified that the grades were In accordance with present ordinances. Some time ago n remonstrance was Died by V , P. Hedges against the granting ot a liquor license to H. H. Sautor. The case hat several times been postponed , but finally came to trial before the city council last night , The remonstrntor lives In the roir ot a building on N street , and ho objects to the noises In the tuloon. A saloon has for years been run only eight feet from the ono In question , but Hedges novcr made any com plaint to the authorities , Attorneys on both sides wasted n lot ot time talking on the matter pro and con. Mr , Hodges was placed on the stand to provo that the saloon so near his rooms was a milsanco. Mr. Van Duzon , for the defandant , Insisted that questions put to the witness bo confined to the points In the remonstrance filed , nnd the council so de cided. The next objection was that some of" the signers to Sauter's petition were not free holders. Lawyers on both sides talked for an hour or more , but the council , by n unani \ \ mous vote , granted the license to Sautcr. Hedges gave notice of an appeal. Mayor Johnston then took the chair. Thn grade on Twenty-fifth , Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh , north to J streets , was or dered established , _ School llonril .M IT tine. A special session of the Uoard of Education was held last night to confer with the com mittee ot flvo appointed at the Saturday light's mass meeting In regard to voting ) ends for n High school , and for running expenses. Members Olson and Gideon were absent. The question ot voting bonds was laid ever inlll the next meeting. It requires a petition ilgnod by one-third of the qualified voters ot ho district bcforo the board can act on such natters , as voting away public money In purchasing grounds nnd orcctljig buildings. As no such petition has ns yet been filed the joard declared that no action could bo taken , The visiting committees for the various schools wcro appointed by President Cheek and confirmed by the board. It was decided that the recently elected cachers will bo paid the following salaries : Mary Grlcst , $45 ; Maud Thcmas , $45 ; M. E. Wlddus , $55 ; Susan Horan , $55 ; Nolllo Hul- borl. $55 ; Ella Wright , $55 ; Viola Evans. $75 : Nora Cox , $ GO ; Lillian Hald , $00 ; Josie Graln- llsh , $55 ; Ella Uibbs , $ CO. Janitors : High school , $65 ; Lowell , $50 ; Hawthorne , $50 ; Lincoln , $45 ; Weal Side , ( CO ; Ilrown Park. $ CO ; West Albright. $20 ; East Albright , $40 ; fireman for High school , $ IC. _ Current Topln Club. The Currpnt Topic club has been granted the use ot the Hoard of Education rooms Saturday nights during the school vacation. HE HAD TOO MUCH PROPERTY John llwycr'a PoMn slotia the fuu o of Hlf Now lliiliip'ln ,1 ill. Detectlvo Davis late yesterday afternoon law John Dwyer carrying a suspiciously urge bundle , which did not comport well with ils rather poverty-stricken appearance. On nvcatlgation the bundle proved to ho a mini ature pawnshop. There were all kinds of. lowolry , clothing , razors , silver spoons , a revolver and other nrtlclej in It. Dwyer con sequently went to Jail. Among the articles wns a silver match box ongravoil with tha iamo "J. H. Boston , " several gold sleeve JUttons engraved with the letters "K. L. T , " and a match box on which was printed with rubber stamp "Gay Smith. " Dwyer said that ho obtalnoJ the match jox from a friend and that ho bought the other things , but he was foxy , and when prosseJ with further questions , ho refuso.l to answer. The police are of the opinion that ho is a "grafter" and that the goods found upon him are tin spoils ot some nousebreak- K. Ho is not known to tlio police. Officer Loverton last night arrested two uox car vagrants , who gave 'the ' names ot Henry Curtis and Jim Callahan , In Curtis' possession was found a fine new alligator skin pocketbook , on which were the words ; ' "In memory of Charles Berlin , 1834. " Curtl said he had If made for a friend and that It cost him $3 , bat as his general appearance would load an unprejudiced observer to tha conclusion thnt ho had not seen $3 for n yeir , not much faith Is placed In the story , nnd It Is thought that he stole the pockotbook. Cal lahan had a quantity of cheap thimbles. Ilhetiimillo I'ulns Ilnvo Loft , "I was troubled with rheumatic pains In my nrms , limbs nnd body , and also suffered with sickness after riding a long distance. I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and ths rheumatic pains have entirely loft me , and I am now novcr troubled with dcknesj. " A. L. Zlnn , 410 Builders Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. Hood's Pills cure biliousness. KeonnilVnr < l republicans. The Second Ward Hepubllcan club held a meeting last night at Eighteenth nnd Vlnton streets , but as a largo crowd did not turn out an early adjournment was taken. Coun cilman Kment and A , P. Houck made short speeches , In which they urged the member * of the club to put up a clean ticket for tha fall- elections , and to stnnd by It through thick und thin against all enemies , especially the citizens' movement. It was decided to hold three meetings a month , one In each week , except the week In which the South SlJo Hepubllcan rlub meets. The next meet ing of the club will take place next Monday night. The officers of the club were elected recently and are Henry Knodcll , president ; William Alsteclt , vlco president , and H. H , Boyle , secretary. I'OU A 11HAIN 811MULANT Use HorJfnnl's Arid riiniplmte. Dr. W. F. Toombs. Morrlllton , Ark. , sayi : "I Is certainly the finest brain stlmulaut I have found. " LUU.IL JIUKI'ITIEH. Oliver Wllcox and Will Helns were locked ! up last night for Impersonating officer * . They were making a tour ot the Third ward whcu caught. Members of tha Women's Ilellef corps ot the Grand Army of the Republic will moot In the old Metropolitan hull , Fourteenth nnd Dodge itrcotn , tomorrow afternoon , Railroad travel has Increased more than DO per cent oVer that of two weeks ago. Tlm union depot is crowded all day with arriving ; and departing travelers , and the through trains are all crowded. Children Cryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfoi PMcher'e Castoria. Children Cry fog Etcher's Castoria.