Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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"Wheat Wont Down with a Ktuh and Closed
Three Oouts Lower.
Corn Mnrket Opened Weak nnil to Sonio
Extcut AmUted In DepreM-
Inp ; Wheat Knrljr In
the Day ,
CinCAQO , July 8. Wheat went down with
a ruth today. September closed 3o lower
than on fUtunlny. Heavy shipments of ex
porting countries , small ilccrcaHc In the vli-
Iblo nnd liberal llqulJatlon caused the de
cline. The other markets followed wheat ,
corn closing 2Uc lower , outa lo lower nnd
provision' } nt declines.
Wheat slatted weak , and even after the
weather ccrvlco bureau had predicted frost
In the Dakota * , Minnesota and Nebraska ,
the price , which began to rally , dropped
lower than ovor. The principal r > af.ons for
the Ignoring : of the notthwcst conditions
was the heavy quantities of wheat which
the other exporting countries continuously
pour Into the ports of the Importing cott
tries , according to n dlspnteh received early
In the day from New York , which gnve the
quantity shipped during the- week nt 9,520,000
bu. , while the weekly requirements of the
Importing countries are estimated at not to
exceed G.700,000 bu. per week. The receipts
nt Chicago today were twenty-six carloads ,
of which twenty-one were new , nnd three
cars wore No. 2 red nnd the remainder No.
3 and No. 4. One of the bearish features
which cnnttlbutcd to the weakness \\hlch
kept Incteasing all forenoon was the esti
mate of UK ) cart of wheat for tomorrow's
receipts here. The new wheat Is evidently
about to move , nnd without some export
bUHlnfs the visible supply ID not likely to
keep dccteasing much lonucr. The decrease
for last week was 1,202,1)00 ) bu. , ln tead of
over l.&OO.OOO bu , , as had been lookctl for.
The totnl visible IB now )0,3r.9 ) , < XK > bu. , com
pared with 51,114,000 bu. a year ago nnd
U.819,000 bu. two yeats ago. The amount of
wheat on ocean paFoage dcorcaped 1,120,000
bu. during the week- , but the fact that Iltis-
Bla wns reported to have shipped 4GOO,000
bu. last week. Atgentlne nearly 1,000,000 bu.
nnd India 1,240,000 bu. swept nil other ex
isting conditions out of sight nnd was of
the greatest assistance to the bears. The
latter party In the market were encouraged
to Increase their short lines , and the longs
were disheartened and sold also. From
71Hc , which wns reall/ed for a few lines al
the ttart , the price of September na4 workcO
down by successive Biases to 68 > 4c by about
12:20 : o'clock. The clearances from the At
lantic ports nnd New Orleans were Insig
nificant , since last reported amounting to
only 4,243 bu. of wheat and 13,500 bbls. of
Hour. The market toward the end gave no
evidence of the existence of the slightest
degree of apprehension regarding the ejffocl
of the frost predicted for the northwest.
About twenty minutes from the close the
price made another slump , going down to
( > 7 > Ac at the time referred to , and closed at
The corn market opened weak nnd
some extent assisted In depressing wheat
early In the day. Near the close wheat be
came the weaker of the two and causei
further depression In corn. The continuation
of the most promising outlook for an Im
mense ciop wns of course the chief cause 01
the weakness. Old corn was paid to he held
In liberal ( luantltly where none was pre
viously supposed to exist. According to one
author there nro about 500,000 bu. of corn
held nt Memphis , Tenn. , which will have to
BPek a market elsewhere than In the south
The receipts today were 170 cars , Inclusive
of 12 fiom Irregular city elevators. After
selling as high as from llc to 45c near the
opening , the price worked down near the cni
to 42'/4c nnd closed nt 4214C.
Like wheat and corn , oats took a big tum
ble today und experienced duilng that de
cline a very heavy trade. Considerable long
stuff came out on the market and there was
heavy li dividual Fellingby Cudahy of May
Counsclmnn of September and the crowd fr
general of both deliveries. To some extent
was the weakness In sympathy with the
more Important cereals , but the market wns
not lacking In Independence. September
ranged from 24c to 22Hc , resting nt 22TSc.
The trade In provisions was light. Early In
the day the market was firm , but later It
came under the Influence of the falling
grain markets , and prices closed at consid
erably below the level of Saturday's prices
The decline In pork amounted to 17Ac , In
lard to lOo and In ribs to 12y.c. The 'day's
run of hogs was 25,000.
EstlmaUs for Tuesday : Wheat , 100 cars
corn , 210 cars ; oats , "i5 cars ; hogs , 18.0CK
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUK Winter patents , $3 90ff4.20 : winter
straights. J3.403.50 ; spring patents , $3.W01.S ;
eprlnir stralKhts. $3.10a > 4.00 : Inkers. } 2.10 < { f3 00.
WlinAT No. 2 rprlnir , C6K6C3 } c ; No. 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 1 red. COHWCC'ic.
rn'IV No. 2 , ' 4c : No. 3 yellow , 42' c.
OATS No. 2 , " 3Hc ; No. 2 white. 27V4iJSe : ; No.
2 vvnlte , 2iic.
IlVIJ-No. 2. OOc.
UA11LUY No. 2. Wo ; No. 3 , 4304Cc : No. 4 ,
FLAX Bnr.D-No. 1. 11.38.
TIMOTHY HRI2D Prime , $5.75.
1'IIOVISIONS Mesg pork , per bbl
12.00. Lard , per 100 Iba. . JG.4 > JaiC.42 > S. Short ribs.
Bides ( loose ) . JO 2"J0.30 ; dry salted shouldi'rs
( boxed ) . 15.5085.GT/6 : short clear , sides ( boxed ) ,
t6.75tTO fil'4.
11.24.WHISICV Distillers' : finished goods , per gul. .
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
Articles. Uocelptft. Shipment ! ! .
Flour , bbls. , 7,000
\Ylicut bu. . 2.1,000
Corn.bu. , . . 137.000
Oats , bu. . , , 3,17,000
Kyo bu
Parley , bu. . 4.0JJ
Ontha VroJuoj oxohanre todnv the buttcfr mar
ket was steady ; creamery , lOSlUHlc : dairy. 1UJ
14c. KCCS , steady ; lUMUHKr. Cheese ,
Closing Qnntatluni oil the Prlnulpil Com-
moclltlca and Mnpl .
NBW YORK , July 8.-FLOUU-nccelptii. 20,200
bbls. ; exports , 7,700 bbls. ; Balis , 12.JW pkgs. ; mar
kct weak and lower to sell , owing to the demoral
tuition In wheat. City mill patents , Jt.7SQ5.oO ;
winter patents , J3.90O4.15 ; city mill clears , J4.15
O4.25 ; winter straights , J3.iO@3.H ! ) ; Minnesota
patents , J3.Kfi4.00 ! ) ; Minnesota bakers , J3.OOiT3.40
winter low unities. J2.43O3.00 ; tprlng low grades
J2.0002.GO. Ilvo Mour , quiet ; safes. ICO bbls. : BU
pcrflne. J3.8Mj4.15 : fancy , J4.20fl4.30.
COHN UCALr Weak ; Bales. 20,000 sacks ; ycl
low western. tl.09Ql.10 ; llrandyvvlnc. J2.S5.
WHKAT Receipts. M.100 bu. ; exports , none
Bales , 8,530,000 bu. futures , 20.000 bu. tpot. Six )
weaker : No. 2 red. In etoie nnd elevator , "OVjo
nlloat , Tl ic ; f. o. b. , 72'ic alloat ; No. 1 hard
77c f. o. U , alloat. Options were completely dc
moralized today by excessive liquidation , encour
used by mucli better reports from the northwest
lower cables , foreign selling , a large gain In
Kngllsh visible nnd heavy Indian , Argi-ntln
und Hussion shipments for the week ; close <
nt smiS'io. lower ; No. 2 red. July , 70 4f73\c
closed 7 Hc ; August , 71 74c. closed 7Htc ; Bep
tember , 71V4C71J.C , closed 7194c ; December , 731.
OI6T.C , closed 74V4C.
COHN Receipts , 162,600 bu. ; exports , 82,000 bu
Balei ) , SS5.0UO bu. futures , 2K > .0 * > bu. rpot. Bno
weak ; No , 3 , 46 } G48o In elevator ; 47V4o ntlout
48Vitf 8'4o f. o. b. . afloat ; yellow. 47"ic. Option
extremely weak all day under a pressure of Ion *
corn brought out by very favorable crop no
counts ; closet ! 2H02o net loss ; July , 4GUHSc
closed 46Vto ; August , 4JO < SUc , closed 47c ; Bep
timber. 47UB49KC. cloned 47Hc.
OATS-IlecelptB. 9.KOO bu. ; exports , none ; Bales
215,000 bu. futures , 80,000 bu. ppot. Spot weaker
No. 2 , 2 4ti27'ie : Nn. 2 delivered. 27HffSc
No. 3. 26 27c ; No. 2 white. S34ff34c : No. S white
S2 } 33oj track , white western , jlStfWc , Option
declined heavily under a free movement um
brilliant crop prospects ; closed Iffl'So loner
July closed 2 $ > to ; Beplember , Sr ( > Ci7ic ! , closei
HAY Stronger ; shipping , JG.OOC7.50 ; good t
cholre. JS.004J9.00.
HOPS Dull : state , common to choice , old
3R5o ! ISM , 6CSH ° : Pacjfla coast , 3t/5o ; 189
tljDc ; I-omlm market , steady.
HIDES Strong ; wet suited New Orleans , * e
lected. 45 to C ! Ibs. , nominal ; Texas , neltctei
M to W Ibs. , nominal ; Duenos Ayres , dry. 29 ti
24 Ibs. . 4Hc : Texas , dry , 24 to SO Ita . i13c.
LEATHER Firm : hemlock sole , Bueno
Ayres , 23c ; acid , 21HG24e.
WOOU Finn ; domestic fleece , 2202Sc ; pulled
PIIOVISIONS Beef , quiet ; family , J9 KXI13.M
Cut meatn , nrm. pickled bellies , J7.00O7.5C
pickled hams , J9.50O10.00. fjinl. dull ; wester
cteom closed at J6.70city. . J6.10M4.3) ; September , nominal ; .rvfV/itd. easy ; continent , J7.05
Houtli American. J7.40 ; compound , J5. Pork
IIUTTBR Easier ! western dairy , 9C14o ; west
rrn creamery , 12Bi7Uc ; western factory. 8l2o
ruplnn , 17 HO ; ImiuaJon creamery , llGISc ; otat
dairy , llttno ; itato creunecy. lltfUUc.
tt % Ux * , ( UU > o ; small
p.irt skims , J'i 5c ; full iklms , Hi02c.
KUdS rirm , slnte nnil ) 'cnn hnnln , N'iO
4Hc : western frefli , IZVIJc ; receipts , 6.570 tike * .
TALI.OW I5n y ; city , 4Kei country. < V c.
PnTUOUUM-Qul"lj United clnsfd nl I.4J
1(1 : refliud , Now York , I7.C5 ; Philadelphia anil
iHlllmore , J7.CO ; Philadelphia and Daltlmore , In
ullf , > .1D.
HOSINStfiuly ; ulralnnJ , cuminon to good ,
Tl/IU'KNTNi-Qulet / : at SS 4 mie.
niCB Stendy : rtnrnfsllc , fair to extra , 4'4
( Uc : Jnpnn. 3Kfl4Vc.
JIOI.ABsr.SHlcnily ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
owl to choice. lOffJSc.
MnTAI.H--l'lT ( Iron , Btrong ! American , 111.0)0 )
4.M. Copp r , ( limj brokers' price , Jl.Wi'4. Lead ,
li in i brokers' prler. $1.1214 ; exchange price ,
3.3' . Tin , firm ! ctrnlts , t4 ! 2.1. Plates , market
ultl but firm. Fp'lter , qnlet : salci on 'change
9 loin July tin , one day's notice , (14 20 ; 23 term
N v mbfr 1 , t. o. , one day's notice , $14.15.
COTTON Hino OIIr-Qulet : prime cmde , 23o
nominalj off erode. 21fl22 > . , prime summer yel-
ow , tCQIOHc ; off summer yellow , ZJZ.Vc.
Conilltlon of Triido anil yuntittlmi oil
Rtuplo ntnl Kunor Produce.
In th eiistcrn matkcts ladles ore lower nnd the
natural lenult ti n decline In the price of pack
nff Block In tills marl. el.
The week opened with a good firm piultry
KgBB do not show niuh change In values , but
here In a wide rnngu In prices. Quotations :
KGOS-Cholcc rtock , SfflOc.
' ' 7c choice to fanes'
lllJTTI'Il I'ncklne stock. ; ,
0T12c : gathered cnumcry , l&c ; separator cream
ery , 18c.
MVn POUr/TIlY-Ilons , C'O7c ; roosters , 3c ;
spring chickens , IS.eKnfS.SO per d-u. , or iyH : pet
h. ; Uutks , So ; Epilnif ducks , 12 13c ; tinkers.
'cJ Keene , Sc.
VI3AL Cholro fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted at
CJfTc ; laritu nnd coarse , 4U3'jC.
CIIHHSK Wisconsin full cream , Oo : Younn
\m < > t lens , llic ; twins , llfl-c ; Nebraska and
lovui. full cream , lie ; I.lmburser , No. 1 , lOo ;
brick , No. 1 , lie ; Svvles , No. 1 , 13o.
ItAY Upland hay. $7 : midland , J7i lowland ,
Cf/Oi r > c ftraw , (3 ; color makes the price on hay.
L.lRht bales sell Uic best. Only top grades LrliiR
' : op prices.
PIOIJONS Per doz. , Jl.00gi.50. '
The supply of watermelons on the mnrUrl l
tiTKe and the price Is not ipilts fo hlnh as 'i
vvns a few da > s HBO. ' Q"orpm , Alub.iim a' d arc shipping stock at the picstnt time to
his market.
A few cantaloupes are arriving from TCMIS.
Tomatoes are coming In thick nnd fast nnd the
nmikrt Is lower as will be luted from the quota-
lions given below ,
There have been heavy * nlns In the Kaw val
ley nnd potatoes are worth ns tn'ich there as
lieie , so that shipments from thut section are
practically uhut off and very few potatoes are
cumlnit In. As there li no gicat call for p trees >
oes at the commission houses It would seem thai
he local gardeneia must be supplying the gK-ntei
portion of the potatoes required lir picseiu in >
sumption. Quotations :
1'OTATOES New potatoes , choice stock , C5 ®
* c.
ONIONS nemudas , per crate , none ; California.
In sacks , per bu. , 11.10.
OLD IHANB Ilaml picked , navy , $2.M ; Lima
beans , per lb. , oViifoVic
CAUIIAau On orders , 2c.
ItAIJlSIinS Per do/ , bunches , 15c.
aitiCN : ONIONS-Per doz. bunches , 13c.
LITTICU i'cr doz. , isgsoc.
AHPAIIAOUH Choice stock on orders , 35QEOC
per doz. bunches.
CtlCUMUIJKK On orders , 40c per doz.
PIJAS On orders , per bu. , 75c.
STJtlNG IJJJANb On order , per V5-bu. basket ,
TOMATOES JIlF.slsslppI stock , per 4-baskel
cinte , 85 lSOc : 5 to 10-cuse lots 7S ® 0. * .
SUautriK SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , I
WATERMELONS Per doz. , cra-ed , J'.70.
OltHKN PEPPERS Per bu. , J1.00W1.50.
WAX HEANS Per 14-bu. basket , 50c.
CANTALOUi'n.-i Per doz. , a Ziifl.u ) .
A few Colorado Btmwberrles lire comlnjr , bul
yesterday's supply was of poor quality.
A fresh car of California fruit arrived yi' . .Hr-
day mornlne.
California apricots arc about rlnyoJ out and
It Is no easy matter to find ttocl. that Is f
enough to slrip out on orders. The crup l
been short nnd prlcei at the can.ierlcs hnvu b'tn
so high that there was not nutoh Indu ement
for growers to ship their ureen frnlt.
Chtniles aictiy scarce and will soon be a
thing of the pact. At the present time It Is
doubtful If theie IB any bhlpplng stock In the
dty.A good many blackberries were received yestcr
day , but they ueie mostly In bad shape and
were slow sale. Supplies have been coming
from Kansas nnd Missouri , but now home grown
nte beginning to xhow up In small quantities.
Colorado gnmem also want to ship to this
market. Ulackbcrrles , however , do not near
like strawbciries nnd the public soon grow tired
of them nnd the demand falls off.
The only rabpberrles In the market are home
grown nnd prices aie firm.
Apples are becoming more plentiful every day
and It looks now as If this market would be
Hooded In the near future. Thcie appears to be
plenty of apples In the surrounding territory.
Kansas has shipped a good many to this market
and there have btun some In from Iowa points
and southern Nebraska. Quotations :
IUD IlASPUEmUISiS 1'er 24-qt. case , JI.C
PLUMS California , per box. choice stock , Jl.M
2.03 : southern , per case , $1.5001,75.
AP1UCOTS California , choice stock , per box ,
SOUTHERN PEACHES Per case , I1.00G1.25.
APPLBS Southern , per ,4-bu. box. Me ; bbls. ,
CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per box , J1.101.15.
STRAWUEUIHEH Choice shipping stock , per
case of 24 qts. , J2.75.
CHERRIES Washington , per 10-lb. box , Jl.K ;
home grown , per 21 qt. case , J2.502.75.
GOOSniJERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.00S2.25.
HLACIC RASI'DERRIES Per 24-qt. case , Ji75
© 3.00.
ULACKHEURIES Choice stock , per 24-qt.
case , JJ.004T2.23.TROPICAL
A car of oranges was rccci\ed yesterday which
was diverted to this market. The fruit consisted
milnly of seedlings and Mediterranean sweets
The market had been pretty well cleaned up ot
oranges for some duys previous to the arrival ot
the- car yesterday. Quotations :
ORANGES NUN els. per box. none ; choice seed
lings , per box , J2.CO ; Mediterranean sweets , J3.00
@ 3 K ; fancy St. Michaels , none.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , SCO size , JC.23 ;
300 size. JS.60.
UANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch. J2.2J
ff2.50 : medium size bunches , J2.00G2.25.
PINEAPPLES per doz. , none.
FIGS Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12S13c ; California ,
bags , 7c.
HONEY California. H15c.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , JI2 ;
Bixby. 6-gal. cans , J3.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft-
ehelled , 12c ; standards , He : Alberts , loc ; Brazil
nuts , lOc ; pecans , 9c ; peanuts , raw , Co ; roasted ,
7c DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c per lb. ; fard
dates , small boxes , lOc per lb.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3.
CoroANUTS Per hundred , Jl.
RICE POPCORN In the car , on orders , per
" "C >
HIDES No. 1 gieen hides , i'ic : No. 2 jrrcen
hides , 8c ; No. 1 gieen salted hides. He ; No. 2
green salted hides. 814o : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13
Ibs. , 13c ; No. 2 venl calf , S to 15. Ibs. , lOf/lOUt ,
No. 1 dry ( lint hides , il4c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
12c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 12c ; partly cured
hides , ' -jc p r lb. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 23COc ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early sklna ) .
ich , EfilJc , dry shearlings ( short wooled earlj
sUlns ) ' No. 1 , each , WJlOc. dry shparllngs ( short
wooled early fkln ) , No. 2 , each , Co ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
pound , actual weight , 5SSc : dry ( lint Kansas nnd
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight. 4jCc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher woo
pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4i't > Wc ; dry
Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound ,
actual weight , 4gOc. Have feet cut off , as It Is
Useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow ,
4He ; No. 2 tallow. 3iS4c ! ; grease , white A.
4Ucj greaseN white 11 , 3'Ac ; grease , yellow , 2f
3e : grease , dark. 2l4c : old butter , 2f2 cj bees
wax , prime. 17ft20e : rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy. CiJ7c ; fine
Ilght,8f9cj nuartcr-blood , 10f12c : seedy , burry
and chaffy , SJ9c ; cotted nnd broken , coarse , 7ffl
9o : cotted nnd bioken , tine , CffSc.
WOOL. WASHED-Medium. U18c ; fine. 140
IGc ; tub wnKhed , 16@lSc : black , fcc ; bucks , 60 ;
tag locks , 2S3c ; dead pulled. We.
LlVnUPOOL. July 8. WHEAT Spot , quiet :
demand poor ; No. 2 ml winter. 5s 4'd ; No. 2
red spring. 6s 9\4d : No. 1 haul , Manitoba. 6s lOil ;
No. 1 California , 6s 4VS < I. Futures opened dull
nnd unclinnsed. but later decllmd and clcsed
easy , vslth all positions Id lower ; buslne s almul
equally distributed : July. Cs 3d ; August. 6s 3i4r
3Hd : September , Es34u ! : October , 5s 34d ; D
cember , 6s 3d.
COHN Dull. Futures opened dull and un
changed , closed dull , vdth near nnd distant
positions IBl'/id lower ; busln ° ss heaviest on early
portions : August , 4s 1'Sd : October , 4s l4d ; No
vember. 4s 2d : December. 4s 2',4d.
FI.Ol'11 Dull ; demand poor ; Kt. Louis fancy
winter. 7 * ul.
PROVISIONS llncon. quiet but steady : de
mand moderate ; Cumberland cut. IS to 30 Ibs. ,
32a : Miort rlba , 2S Iba. , 3i 6d ; long clear , light ,
SS to 45 lb * . , 33 ; long clear , heavy. 65 Ibs. , 32s
Cd ; short clear backs , light , IS lb * . . 33s W ; short
cleir middles , heavy. K Ibs. , 32 ,6J ; clear bellies ,
14 to 16 lb . , 34s ; shoulders , rquare , 12 to 18 Ibs. ,
31s ; hnms , short cut. II to 1G Ibs. , 45a. liecf ,
extra India mess. 78s 9d : prime megs. 61s 3 < 1.
1'ork. prime mess , fine western , 67s 6d ; prime
medium , Ms. Lnnl. dull ; prime western , 33s Cd
rellned. In palls. 34s.
CHHIISR Steady ; demand moderate ; flnet
American white , new , SSs 6d ; Ilnest American
colored , now. 3Ss 6d.
HUTTf3U Tlnest United States and gosd , nom-
PETHOLntlMCiVetlne.1 8V d.
UnFIUaURATOn IIKEF Forequarters , 3ld :
hlnd.uarters. | 6V4d.
HOPS At London ( Pocino coast ) , 1
K tltr : Alnrketi.
, KANSAS CITY. July 8.-WHEAT-Easler ; No.
s hard. WOC7c ; No. i red , 67t C'Jo ; rejected , CO
s NCl 2 mlxeilt JSMw ° : No- *
No. S mixed. 2HiG2Sc ; No.
. s. 45 .
8iiBDr-July ; ; $ t'1J : Beptember , II.JI.
imAM Weak
at KC5Sc.
HAY-FIrm ; timothy , J9.50011.60 ; prairie , J8.00
RUTTER Frm ; creamery , lit tic : dairy , 9Ollc
IDG OS Weak at Sc.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 7.000 bu. ; corn. 7,000 bu.
oati. S.ouO bu.
SHIPMRNTS Wheat , none ; corn , 1.000 bu.
oats , l.OW bu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Foraljn iriuiincial Affulrs.
LONDON July 8. Gold It quoted at Rueno *
Ayrc U 2U.U ; Madrid , 14.CO : Lisbon. 27U ; St.
'etcnbure , 50 : Athens 77 ; Rome , 10l.47j Vienna ,
UERLIN , July -Exchange on London , eight
ny tight , 20 mnrttt 40V4 pf . . . . .
PARIS. July -Thtec per cent rent" . l 2f
Ji4o for the account. Exchange on London , Zut
"Vic for checks.
leek Opened In Kacnrltlri with Fairly
Artlrn Truillug.
NEW YORK , July 8. The week opened on the
tf-ck exchange with fairly active trading nnd a
trong tone to the speculation. News calculated
o affect the market was In the main favorable.
? rnp advices were generally encouraging , nnd
his Induced purchases of the grangers ; coal
rnde prwpects were reported Improving , and
hero were other Influences at work In Individual
locks. Sugar , which led In the transaction's ,
was bought at the opening for the bull clique In
he stock , a rise being asulsted by the announce
ment of an advance In the price of one grade ot
refined sugar. A gain of 1U per cent was made ,
vhlch was lo t after midday , when n break uf
' ,4 per cent rr ullcd from sales to realize. Sub-
equcnlly there wni n rally of % per cent , but
nter It reacted 1H per cent , with a Hnal le-
uvcry of > 4 per cent , Chicago Gas was erratic ,
here being no news touching the property. The
hares fluctuated between CSH nnd CO , closing A
> cr cent lower on the day. New England was In
rood bu > lng demand , the purchases being made
nalnly , It Is understood , for the account of
lartles who wished to control the company for
he New Haven rond. Rumors were circulated
hat there was to be an exchange of stock with
he Now Haven on n basis favorable to New
England. As the latter road Is to be > sold under
oreclosure tomorrow , something definite must be
orthcomlng , nnd this probably Influenced the
shorts to cover some of their outstanding con-
rnctB today. Under these Influences the stock
sold up 4 per cent nnd closed within V4 P r cent
of the top figures. The general market con-
Imfcd strong until near the close , the Improve
ment nt the high point rang np to 3 per ctnt In
ullman , 24 per cent In New Jersey Central ,
2ti per cent In Canadian Pacific. 1'4 per c nt In
Jeneral Electric , Illinois Central and Knnras &
Texas preferred and 1 per cent In Rending , Chicago
cage & Eastern Illinois pieferred and Louisville
& New Albany preferred. Toward the close the
leavy drive against Sugar depiessed the rest of
the market and resulted In losses which ranged
up to 1 per cent , the latter In New Jersey Cen-
ml , nnd speculation closed heavy In tone.
Prices are , however , generally higher on the day.
Honda were somewhat more animated and
strong. The sales were J1S4" > ,000.
The Evening Post's London cablegram siys :
The Block markets were quiet nnd steady today ,
jut stiong and excited In regard to Kaillrs. Amor.
cans were practically n dead letter , but prices
were well held. There was special Inquiry for
Canadian Pacific , which closed over 6Sc. Hjwycr
Ilros. will probably Issue the Pennsylvania 3V4
icr cent bonds the middle of this week , the
amount being 11,000,000. The Russo-Chlnese loan
contract Is signed and the prospectus Is exacted
about the 19th Inst.
The following were the closing quotations of
: he leading stocks of the New York exchange
: oday : "
Atchleon VU 'ortnwestern. . . . .
Adams Kxpreas. . . 14H do ptd . 144
Alton. T. U 141 N. Y. Contra ! . 10IU
Am. Express 11OH N. Y. A.N. E . S4H
Baltimore .VOlilo. OH Ontario , t W .
Canada Pacific. . . . Orcron Imp. .
Canada Southern. Orrzon Knv. . .
Central Paclne. . . . O. S. L. .V. U. N. . . .
niics. A. Ohio Pacino Mall . 30
Chicago Alton 160 P. D. & E .
C. . n.A Q SGH Plttsburz . 157
Chicago Uas 58H Pullman Palaoa. . 17S
Consollu.itftd Gas. 11:1 : Re.ullnir .
C..C. . C. iSt. L. . . . 40 R. G. W .
Colo. Coal k Iron. ) ? < R. G.V. . Dfd . 44
.Cotton Oil Cert. . . . , Rock Island . 7'JU
Delaware .k Hud. . 131 St. Paul . § § "
Del. , Lack , k W. . . 102 do pfd . l
D. k II. Q. pfd 474 St. P. A. Omaha. . . .
D.iC. F. Co J2 do pfa .
rlo.tT. . . . " . . . . . . . . 10 ! ( Southarn Pacific. .
do pfd. * aau Sugar Refinery. . . . 1 1''ly
FoitWavne 167 Term. Coil * Iron. SUM
G. Northern old. . . Texas 1'aclfic .
_ .tH. I nfd T. JcO Cent , Dfd. .
Hocking Valley. . . J5' < Union Pacific. . . . .
Illinois Centril. . . on U. S. Express . 41
St. P. k Duluth . . . 28 W. SU L. & P . 8
K.kf. pfd cloptd . H > !
Lake KiloiWoat WollsPairo E < . . . 107
dopfd Western Union . . Dl > (
LakeShore 1404 , Wheeling & L. E. . 17K
Load Trust donfd . BSH
LoulBvmo&N. . . . M. & . St. L . 21
L. k N. A KM D. * R.Q .
M mlmttanCon. . . 11H G. E .
McmDlilsAC in N. L .
Mlchirnn Cent. . . . leeCH 0. F. kl . 3tl' <
Missouri Pacldo. . dopfd . HO
Mobile AOhlo . . a &T. c . 2
NashvilleClrU . . . CH T. A. A. A N. M. . . .
National Cor.Uxo. CHIK T. St. L. iK.C. . . .
docfd do pfd .
N. J. Central ion : S. U. U .
N. & W. pfa dopfd . . . . Am. Too. Co . 111
Northern Pacific. do pfd ; . 113W
No.Pac.pf4 St P. , M. M . 115,4
U.I' . . D. kQ
The total sales of stocks were 2&,800 shares ,
Including : American Sugar , 33,700 : Tobacco , O.SOO ;
Rurllngton , 12.500 ; Chicago Gas , 21,100 ; Distillers.
2rCfO ; General Electric , 4,80i ) ; Kansas. & Texas.
2.5UO ; Kansas & Texas prcfertcd , 5,400 ; Louisville
& Nashville , 3.400 : New Jersey Central , 4.400 ;
New York & New England , 6,500 ; Rending , 30WW ;
St , Paul. ll.WW ; Southern prefeired , 11 00) : United
States Leather. 3WO ; Wheeling & Lake Eric.
7,400. _ _ _ |
NPVT York Money .Market.
Easy at 14TH4 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ;
closed at 1 per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE-Strong , with actual
business In bankers' -bills at } 4.8'J ff4.90 for de
mand nnd J4.8S1ff4.89 for CO days : posted rates ,
J4.6304 MV4 ; commercial bills , J4 M.
GOVERNMENT RONDS Firm. State bonds ,
dull. Railroad bonds , fctrontr.
Closing quotations of bonds were as follows :
U. S. 4a , re ? , , now. 124 C. P. 1818 Of 'Sii. . . 100
U. S. > s coup. new. 124 D. AR. G. 7s 11.1
U.S. AH. re ; D. 4.11 G. 4s
U.S. Ss.coup Krlo 2d
U.S. 4erez U. II. A.S. A.Us. . . . 10 I
(7. S. 4s.coup 113 G. R , tS. A. 79. . . . 10.4
U.S.'Jb. re ? 00 II. &T. C. (3s
Pacific Us of ' 05. . 100 dodn IDS
Ala. Class A 107 M. K. AT. 1st 49. . 87X
Ala. Class U 107 do''d4n 02W
Ala. Class c 07 Mutual Union Us , . 110
Ala. Currency. . . . 1)7 ) N. J. C. Gon. An. . . . 11BH
La. Now Con. 4 . . 05 No. Pac. lats 11(1 1
Missouri Os 100 do2ds 1004
N.C. fls 124 N. W. Consols. . . . 142
N.C. 4s 102 do S. F. Deb. Si. 110
S. C. nonfmul 1021M R.G. West. lull. . . 70U
Tenn. new sat Os. 01 St P. Consols 7s. 124IM. .
Tenn. new aot AH. 10.1 doC. &P. W 5s. 112' ' <
Term.oldGs ( ! ( ) St L..t I.M.Oou. 5. 80H
Va. Centuries. , . em Rt.L.&S.F.Gui.t ) . 108
dodefcrrod OH Tex. P.ic. lats
Atchlsou 4s If-H do2ds
Atchlson 2d A , . . . m < 4 U. P. Istsof 'JO. . .
Canada So. 2d * . . . 107U West Shore 4 *
L. k N. unified 4B. 81 So. K. 11 OOH
O. R. &N. Ibis. . . . IQiltj
offered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lloitan Stock fjiiactciani.
BOSTON. July 8-Oall loin % . 2 T/i per cent :
lime loans , 2 'At per cent. Closliiz pri : for
itocks , bo ifla.i-ia mlnliiT shares :
A.T. AS. ! ' OH W. Elep. Dfit
Am. Sucar. Wls. Central
Am. SuirarDtd. . . . 100 Edlnon Klec Illu. .
Uay statoOas 100I'M ' ( ten. Elec. pfd
UclITelophone. . . . 2da
Uoston A Albany. . AtchlBon 4s
Iloaton iMstno. . . 174 New England Oa , .
C. Il.AtJ sow WlB. Cent. lats. . . .
Fltohbure Atlantic
Gen. Klectric. Uo f > n A Montana
Mexican Central. . Ilutto A Bouton. . .
N. Y. AN. E Calmrot V ; Heol.i. .
Old Colony 178 Centcnnlnl
Ore.Shorl Llna. . . Franklin
San Dleiro Kcarmrre
Union Puctflo 13 Onceola
WestEml 13TM Ourucv
West End pfd 88H Tamarack
\Vcatlneh.Elect. XI Wolverine „ .
Han Krmonoj Mining Scuoc ( Ju
SAN Fll\NCISCO , July 8.--Tno oH3lal cloi-
Ing quotations fur inlnluy stocks toJiy vvoro ai
fOllOWB !
Alia 10 Hale A Norcrois. . 143
Alpha Con 10 Julia. 3
Anaca 35 JUMICU 12
Uelolier 3U Kentucky Con. . . . 2
lICBti Belcher. . . . 00 Lady Waali. Con. , 2
Dodlo Con 27 Mono , 0
Ilnlllon IS Mount Diablo , 15
BulvvcrCon 5 Occidental Con. . . 20
Caledonia , 14 Ophlr 100
ChallenreCon HI Overman 21
Chotlar 00 POtOBl , 42
Confidence 100 Savaco U7
Con. Cat A Va. . . . . 180 ! Slnrrn Nevada. . . . US
Con. Imperial. . . . . . 1 Silver Rill , 4
Con. Now Yurie. . . K Union Con 40
Crown Point. . . . . . 43 Utah Con 40I ( I
Exchequer 'i Yellow Jacket . . 4B
Gould ACurrv. . . . . 30
Silver birj. OOH307C. Mexloui dolUr ) ,
64)c. ) Drafts , Bight.'Ko ; tjlegraphla. 53.
NR\Y YORK. July 8.-Tha fullowlnj ara tin
closing mi.iinf quot mom :
Ilulupr. 5 Ophir 140
Con. C.V. & Va. . . . 200 Plymouth 20
OeadwooO 73 Quicksilver. . . . 275
Gould A Curry. . . 80 Quicksilver pra.lUOJ
Halo A Norcroia. . 125 Slirra Nevada. . . . fi8
RomesUko 1000 Standard 200
Iron Silver 30 Union Con. 30
Mexican 00 Yellow Jacket , . . . 42
Outarro 730
London btook ( Juouitlimi.
LONDON , July P. 4 p. in. cloilim
Can.Pacltlo 68U St. Paul coin 10H
Kilo 10J ? N. Y. Central 104W
Krlo Villa 10 Pennsylvania. . . . 6fiH
111. Central 00 > { Re.ulliiir. . . HH
Mexican ordinary. 20 Mex. CeiL now 49. . OHi <
HAR SlLVER-30d per ounce.
MONEY V4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills Is H per cent ; three months' bills ,
UfiO-ld per cent.
Financial .Nutos.
BOSTON. July 8.-Clearlnga. J13.729.822 ; ; bal
ancea , Jt,933S9. !
NEW YORK. July 8.-ClearlnB , J68,703.E96
balances. J4.143.340.
PHILADELPHIA. July S.-Clenrlngs. JS.54eJ2 !
balances. Jl.653,124.
ST. IXUIS , July 8. Clearings , 15,053.177 ; bal
nnces , J837.4C9. Money , 6fitf per cent. New York
exchange , 75a premium bid.
WASHINGTON , July 8. Today's statement o
the condition of the treasury ihowv : Available
caih balance , J19540,354 ; gold reserve , J107.541.375
CHICAGO , July 8. Clearings , J17e56,000. Money
easy , < m per cent for call loan * and 5ti5',4 i *
cent for commercial paper. New York exchange
35c premium. Sterling txchange , posted rate *
H8014 004 JlSOJi.
: "at Cattle Scarce nau None that Oould Be
Galled Ohoica.
Inn of Hoes AVni l-lglit anil Those In the
Yards Sold Hrndllat nn Actvntico
of from 0 to 1O Cents Ono Lonil
uf Sheep Itccolvod ,
MONDAY , July 8.
The receipts today consisted of < H3 cattle ,
502 hogs nnd 123 sheep , ns against C92 cattle ,
2,899 hogs nnd no sheep on Saturday nnd 612
cattle , 1.2CO hogs nnd l.OSS . sheep nt the
psnlng of last week. Soxenteen cars tf cnt.
le were reported to arrive In the afternoon.
CATTLE There were twenty-live loads of
cattle In the yards at the opening1 of the
market. The offerings consisted largely of
cow stuff , feeders , etc. Fat cnttle were
scnrco and there was nothing In that line
that could be called choice. One bunch of
very fulr llCC-lb. steers gold nt $4,45 , and
: hnt wus the only bunch of nny consequence
n the ynrds. A few odds and ends sold at
prices ranging under Jt. The market wns
about steady nt the prices which prevailed
at the close of last week.
Cows and heifers word In moderate supply
and the market a llttlo stronger. The de
mand wns good nnd the offerings weie
cleaned up early. Severn ! loads of cows
changed hnnds nt from $2.35 to $2.80 , at which
range the bulk of the sales were made.
There were very few heifers among the
offerings. Calves were In fair demand nt
from $2 to $4.75 , with the bulk of the sales nt
from $3 to $4.50.
Stockers and feeders were In pretty fnlr
request and .changed hnnds qulto readily.
Some pretty fair cattle sold at J3.40 , with
the bulk moving nt from $3.20 to $3.40. Rep
resentative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr.
S. . . . k < > 3 $250 3..890 $3 CO 19..1103 $4 00
1. . . . 590 275 1. . . 13WI 375 EO.11CO 443
1. . . . 7CO 1 00 2. . . . S93 200 IS. . . . 042 240
1. . . . 870 150 1. . . . 735 200 ID. . . . PCI 260
3. . . . 7S3 175 12. . . . 91G 2 JO 1..S70 250
1. . . . 760 173 2.i..1050 230 7. , . . 61 2 f,0
1..1250 200 1..1(100 2 SO 6f < . $93 2 CO
2. . . . 8C5 203 8..1033 233 4. . . . 731 2 CO
3. . . . 893 200 19. . . . 842 235 1 , . . . $10 273
1. . . . 5C1 200 1. . . , 700 235 23. . . . S37 275
1. . . . 893 200 2. . . . 015 235 19..1102 2 SO
1. . . . 8C1 2 CO 6. . . . Ml 240 4..1CC3 310
1. . . . 410 200 2. , . . 4SO 200 3. . . . 300
1. . . . MO 200 12. . . . 41,6'2 15 1. . . . 400 350
1. . . . KO 223 2. . . , SCO 240 1..1070 240
2..K50 225 1..1000 240 2..15CO 240
2..1423 2 30
2. . . . 785 2 GO
1. . . . 170 200 1. . . . 90 3 00 1. . . . 110 450
1. . . . 300 240 1. . . . 20 425 3. . . . 183 4 r.O .
1. . . . 200 250 1. . . . KO 450 ] . . . . 150 475
2. . . . 335 290 1. . . . :60 450 2. . . . 115 475
2. . . . 103 3dO 7 . . . 125 430 3. . . . 173 500
2. . . . 771 225 4. . . . SSO 310 20..1023 325
2. . , . 970 250 22. . . . 625 320 24..9SI 335
1..1070 250 13. . . . 7C3 ' 3 M 20..1072 340
1. . . . 600 260 10. . . . C9S < 3 20 24..1030 350
1. . . . 600 2 85 6. . . . 518 3 20
springer $21 00 r 1 springer $25 00
. c and c 22 Ot ) , i 1 p ana c 6 00
1 c and c 25 00 . 1 p and c 30 00
No. Av. I'r. No ] Av. Pr.
I steer 10SO 13 C5 I'stecr 1070 13 T5
23 steers 1131 3 C3 2J steers ICC 375
CS fleers 10SO 3 70 i \
HOGS The few hogs herd'sold ' fully 5o hlKher
nnd In some cases- loads brought lOc more t.ian
on Saturday. There were" , however , not enough
hogs here to make n market , only seven fresh
loads being reported In tho-'jfirds. The trade was
soon over , with thi > R i < t ( loadi here bringing
$4 9714. as against $ l.W. tQe top on Satuiday.
Representative rales :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. ' 'No1. Av. Sh. Pr.
2 210 SO f I 75 " 3 230 . . . $485
81 ! Gri 40 4 75 I' C 25fi . . . 4 S3
2 275 . . . 480 , 85 247 120 .4
5 298 . . . 4,80 , 13. . . . . ,193 . . . 4 SO
223 . . . 4 SO' Ot 5. > . { , , . . 2SC . . . 4 'to
5 245 80 4 JO. .u * * & 231 . . . 4 )
12 271 80 4,80 , a. . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
. . , , , . . . . . „ . 4 80' 11" , ! . . . . . - . 4 90
25..210 . . . 4 ST. 71 215 . . . 4 SO
C4 232 200 4 83 C7 223 120 4 50
21.-v. " 218 " 4 85 " ; S1 ,187 120 4 90
. ! . . . ; I" 4 SI 2.5 f.-2. ) " 1.-.I 90
2.,4.300 > . i 4 83 CO ' -JC3 ' SO-4 93
i 250 . . . 4 83 ; . ; ; ; ; ; : . , ; r 4 § 5
4 347 80 4 83 72 217 40 4 93
Cfi 211 240 48.5 6J Ml . . . 4 97 < A
8. . : 281 . . . 4 85
1 410 . . . 450
10 131 . . . 4 60
SHEEP Ono load was received nnd sold. Fair
to choice natives are quotable nl from $2.50 to
J3.60 , fair to good westerns nt from { 2.25 to f2.s ,
common nnd stock sheep nt from $1.75 to $2.23 ,
gooil to choice 40 to ICO-lb. lambs nt from $3 to
$3.50. Representative sales :
No. . Av. Pr.
125 native wethers . 88 $250
There Wns a Fairly Active Demand for
Good ( 'Httlc.
CHICAGO , July 8. There wna a fairly nctlvc
demand for good cat le , and luch lots told tead.Iy
at steady prices , but common steers were slow
of sale at weak quotations. The range of prices
extended from { 3.25 to ' $3.50 for very common
native steers up to from $5.70 to J5.SO for strictly
choice , but the average quality of the offerings
wns nothing to Ixmst of and sales were mainly
at from $4.50 to J5.50. Exporters were fair buy
ers of good to choice beeveu. Canners' cows sold
nt from $1.60 to $2.50 and medium to choice lots
went at from $2 CO to $3.75. while extra cows
and heifers were worth from $4 to $1.85. Hulls
were In demand at from $1.76 to $3.75 for poor
to choice , and veal calves were lather scarce
and higher , with ready sales at from" $2.25 to
$2.60 for poor to choice. The stacker nnd feeder
trade wns moderate at from $2.49 to $4 for com
mon to good lots. There was rather a large tun
of Texas cattle , the receipts being1 In the nelg.i-
borhood of 3,500 head , but the demand was very
good at steady prices , steers being worth from
$3 to $4.60 for common grosser * to nice fed lots.
Sheep receipts today were only about one-half
as large as * on last Monday. Spring Limbs were
numerous and In active demand at from $3 to
$6.10 for poor to the best , prime lots selling
briskly at the top price. Sheep were In demand
nt from $2 to $4.25 for Inferior to extra , wltn
few prime lots'on the market , but a gnod many
attractive looking natives * found bujfis at be
tween $3 nnd $4. Borne pice bheep were taken
for export nt $4. Texas sheep were offered fairly ,
but theto werei very few westerns.
Only about 23 000 hogs were received , against
29,313 on last Monday , and not more than 3,000
hogs were left over from last Saturday , with
light receipts at points east of here. Eastern
shippers were good bu > rs , but choice packers
held back and long before noon It was Impossible
to obtain early prices. Common to prime heavy
lions sold at an extreme ranga of from $4,75 to
$5.42Vi , chiefly nt from $3.20 to $5.35 : common to
extra light weights sold nt from $4.85 to $520 ,
principally at from $5.10 to $5.20 , nnd sales were
made of mixed lots nt from $4.90 to $3.30 and
pies at from $4 to $4.70.
New Yort Lira Moo * Market.
NEW YORK. July 8. REEVES Receipts , two
days , 4,000 head ; on sale , 61 cars. Opened active
but prices weak ; closed dull and lOo lower nil
around ; native steers , grass nnd cornfcd , poor to
choice , $3.9003 80 ; Inferior to strictly prime
stlilers , $4.30 ? 3.75 ; stags and oxen , $3.50 4.50 ;
bulls. $2.4084.10 : dry cows , $1.75@3.00j European
cables quote American , steers at 10'SJJllUc ,
dressed weight ; refrlgeratop beef , 8iS914c ! ; no
exports today.
CALVES Receipts. JTP.rdnys. 2.C59 head on
sale , 2.919 head ; prices'fbrctd Ho Mghcr on light
receipts , but market Virjflfelow nt advance and
200 head carried over ; , ! } , to prime veals , $4.00
GC.OO ; buttermilk cnlvtfj. 1J,252.75.
SHEEP AND LASfliS-tRecelpts , two days ,
10.7CO head ; on sale , IvVWl head ; active ; sheep ,
HOVio higher : lambs , W f'4o higher : sheep , poor
to prime , Jl.COiJJ.75 , Iambs' , common to choice ,
$3.50fl3.GO. * '
HOQS Receipts , two 'Uays , 0.763 head ; higher
at $5.3035 CO. , , . , ,
et. l.ouls l.lvi yok MorHot.
ST. LOUIS , July 8.- * < ] ATTLE | Receipts , 3,300
head ; shipments , 400 lnMtlrWrket quiet , with no
real good grades ofti'njL Native beef nnd ship-
rHiig steers , range , $ I.M5JS > : light steers , $3.25ft
4.00 ; stockers nnd fcedirs. 42.50ft3.60 ; cows , $2.40
R3.40 : fed Texas steer$140ff.CO ) ; Krnsi steers ,
$2.75 3.50 ; cows , $2.00j W ' ; calves. $6.007.50.
HOQS Receipts , l,5W'fKid ; shipments , none ;
market advance ! 10c ° l'Jrlf , but declined again
before the close ; heavTrJKiOfi5.25 ; packer ! , , $5.00
5 20 ; lights , J5.COff6.1 < * . n
SHEEP Receipts , tVt liead : shipments. 600
head ; market slow , < ml.Q > ; to the light supply
good gnulfs wanted ; iituHes. range , J2 0003.00
lambs , J4.50Q4.75 ; good aOXithrvcsttrn Blocks vvouU
sell well. f
Knnmn Gltjr | .tv ntonk.
KANSAS CITY. July S.-CATTLE-Ilecelpts.
6.5UO head ; shipments , SOO rtend ; market barely
steady : Texas steers , J2.40Q4 00 ; Texas cows
$2.00ji3 00 ; U'Cf steers. J3.75O5.43 : native cows ,
Jl.OOSi3.DO ; etockers and feeders , J2.75&4.00 ; bulls ,
J2.23H3.0) .
lioas Receipts. Z.SM head ; shipments. 1.100
head ; market slow but steady ut Saturday's clos
ing nrlccs ; bulk of sales. J4.SOW5.00 ; heavies ,
J4.M6505 ; packers , J4.80K5.05 ; mixed , J4.7085 CO :
lights , J4.CO&4.90 ; Yorkers , $ l.80@4.90 ; plei , JI.K
SHEEP Receipts. 1W head ; ehlpments , none ;
market nominally steady.
htocu In Hlchc.
Record of receipts nt th four principal market *
for Monday , July C , 1S93 :
Cattle. Hoirs. Sheen
fi-iuth Omaha C43 662 12
Chicago , 13,00) K.OO ) 8.004
Kansas City C.600 2 SOU 100
St. Louis 4,000 2.IXK ) l.OIX
Totals 21.143 S0.3CI 8,220
Wool Slarket.
LONDON , July 8. At the wool auction salt
today 16,313 baits Tftre offered , of which. 709 were
withdrawn. An excellent seUctlon was offered ,
md competition was most animated. Amerlcn i
bought largely of superior merinos , Following '
nro the nlc In dplallt 4 S1
* New tfoutliVnl .
m. .j mi ni n111 lie i-vi i i IT\T ? uvi \ 11 ( * IIITTD tv < tv
Queensland. t'.Ut anttt ; gi-numl , i flCln Hi < U
greasy , S'ltJSVid. ' Victoria. 2,177 bnlcs : scoured.
CHilMls 4di greasy. 4UO10d. South AuMinlln , 200
.I1".1 ? : l "s. ° F'd.-Mifc i.Brenty. . . . < 'v Hd'.T s-
imnln , 1 SCO Intcs ; crca-j' . 4'i010d. ' New 7- Icnlond ,
,570 bnlrs , scouted , 9Uil Is Mi grrnsy ,
Cnpo nf Good Hope nnd Natal , 1W bnlcsj 'scoured !
OdCls 2Hd ; Kren y , 3 id.
St , Louis Ucuontl MiirUot.
ST. LOt'lS , Jul ) S.-FLOUR-In light demand
nnd tending downward ! patents , S3.iftfl.Mi extra
fancy , J3.KJJ3.75 ; fancy , S3.35O3.43i choice , $3.10fl
3.20. Rjc Hour , t3.7Cni.00.
WHEAT Though not many.orders were np.
pan-nt. the demand was utgent enough to pny Vie
advance for the ralher meager offerings nt the
opening , but the market fell bock DP sonn na the
early buyers were supplied. There vv s n heavy
decline subsequently , September veiling 2Vic below
he top. The decrease of 1,120,000 bu. In the
amount afloat and of 1,200,000 III the visible < lld
not help the mnikct. Liquidation was started
and carried price * dnvvn rapidly and heavily , the
market ruling very weak ! No. 2 red , cash , C7Hc ,
July , OS4jC ! September , 6CWCC'4c.
CORN Between magnificent crop prospects , th
weakness In wheat , declines In all other markets
nnd light ( peculation , the effect nns to let price *
down still more. It taking little pressure on the
selling side to work the mrakel lower. The de
crease of 1,237,000 bu. In lite visible failed to nr.
est the downward tendency , and there was a
argo decline ! No , 2 mixed , cuili , 40V&C asked )
July , 39VJc : September , 40c.
OATS More eelleis than buvcm Is what allrd
this market , from n fpeculallvo standpoint , the
resomces of the new crop ami the rccelpti ot
old In excess of lemnnnts , have iv bearish effect ,
Spot grades lower ; No. 2 , cash , 32 ? > c ; July , 23c ;
September , 22'e.
RYE No. 3. new , Bold at 57c.
CORN MKAL $2.15 < g2.2S.
FLAX HEED $1EO bid for July shipment.
GRASS SEEDS Timothy , for August delivery ,
quoted at $1.95 : other seeds nominal ,
EOQH Steady , with n fair demand , So.
WHISKY $1,23.
LEAD Eany , $3.12'4.
SPELTER rtuveis at $3.53.
PROVISIONS-Pork , stnndaid me s , $12.23. Lnnl ,
prlnusteam. . $0.30 : choice , JC.45. llacon , boxed
shouldeis , $ C.50 ; longs , $7 ; ribs , $7.12 > , i ; shorts ,
17.35. Dry salted meats , boxed shoulders , $5.75 ;
longs , $6.37W : ribs , $5.C2',4 ! shorts , JO.75.
RECEHTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 54,000 bu.j
corn , 17,000 bu. ; oats , 28,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 3,000
bu , ; corn , C.OOO bu. ; oats. il.OOO bu.
Coffee .Market.
NEW YORK , July 8.-COFKEE Options
opened dull nt a decline of 55J10 points : iul l In
active nnd nominal : decline checked by scant
offerings : partial rally followed on local demand
and unchanged ; spot coffee , Rio , dull : No. 7 ,
(14.23 ( ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , $1S.2319.1M : sales ,
none. Wai chouse deliveries from New Yntk
yesterday. 9,793 bags ; New York stock today ,
2S2.C20 bags ; United Stales stock. 327,905 bags ,
alloat for ( ho United Stales , 212000 bugs ; total
visible for the 1'nlUil Slates , 539C3 ! ) bags , against
332,840 bags last vcnr.
SANTOS , July 8. Quiet ; good average Santos.
$13.23 ; receipts , 6.000 bags. Weekly tepoit : Quiet ;
good average , per 10 kilos , $13.25 ; receipts during
week , 48,000 bags ; shipments to the United Stales.
20.000 Imps ; stock , 155,000 bags.
HAMIII'RU , July 8. Dull , " , lf advance ; sales ,
8,000 bags.
RIO 1)R JANEIRO , July 8. Closed ; holiday.
IIAVUE. July 8. Opened steady nt U' advance ;
nt noon , dull , ' .it lower ; nt 3 p. m. , dull , un
changed to vf decline ; dosed Uf. higher to ' .4f
lower ; sales , 7,000 bags.
I'liltlniore ( ! nilu .Mnrlicts.
HALTIMORE , July 8. FLOUR Ehsy ; receipts ,
3,953 bbls. : shipments , 183 bbls. ! rales , 150 bblB.
WHEAT Weak ; spot nnd month. 70tj7. > Hc :
\ugust , 70'SW704c ; September , TlUilil'ic ;
steamer. No. 2 red , CC'4WC7c ; receipts , 7,217 bu. ;
stock. 278,128 bu. ; sales , SC.OOO bu.
CORN Weak : spol and monlli , 48ffi4'i'ic ' ; Au
gust , 4S"ic asked ; stock , 173,290 bu.i Kales , 14,000
OATS Quiet but firm ; No. 2 white wrstern ,
S3V4 f3c ; No. 2 mixed , 30&O31C ; receipts , 9,029
bu. : stock , 107,877 bu.
RYE Lower : No. 2 , 51c ; receipts , 1C2 bu. :
stock , 6,290 bu.
Toledo < lr.iln
TOLEDO. July 8. WHEAT No. 2. rash. 70c ;
July , C9ftc ; August , C9'tc ; September , C9'/fcc : De
cember , 72c.
CORN Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 41c ; September ,
OATS Dull , lower ; No. 2 mixed , September ,
CIXDVER SEED-Dull , steady ; prime , October ,
$5 57H.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 24,600 bu. ; corn , 4,500
lju. ; oats. 1,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 10,000 bbls , ; wheat , 12,000
bu. ; corn , 1,500 bu.
I otton Murkrl.
NEW ORLEANS , July 8. COTTON Quiet ;
middling , C4c ; low middling , Cc ; good ordlnuiy ,
0 l-16c ; net nnd eio s receipts , 1,173 bales ; exports
to Great Britain , 1,310 bales ; sales , 600 bales ;
stock. 103.700 bales.
NEW YORK , July 8. COTTON Steady ; mid
dling , 7 3-lCc : net receipts , none ; gross , 41 bales ,
forwaideil , 25 bales : sales , 1,200 bales ; spinners ,
1,159 bales : stock , 203,792 bales.
ST. LOUIS , July 8. COTTON Steady ; mid
dling , Cc ! sales , 310 bales ; shipments , C20 bales ,
stock , 21,350 bales.
iifrur Jlnrket.
NEW YORK , Julv 8. SUGAR Raw. steady ;
sales , 7C9 tons Muscovado , 89 test , at 2c ; also
Saturday 114 bbls. , 142 hhds. nd 620 bags
molasses sugar , 89 te t , at 2c : refined ,
firm ; No. 0 , 4 l-164'ic : No. 7 , 3 15-lC < ? MHc ; Niv *
8 , 3 -16@4'/dc ; No. 9 , 3T44T4 1-lCc ; No. 10 , 3 13-1
@ 4c ; No. 11 , 3 ll-W3'fc , ; No 12 , 3 O-lCSSKc ; No.
13 , 3c ; off A. 4 1-lWHc ; mold A , 4 ll-16Q'4Kc ' ;
standard A. 4 5-lC4',4c : confectioners' A. 4 6-16
@ 414c ; cut loaf , 5 l-16if3'ic ; crushed , 5 l-16lfI5Hc ;
powdered. 4 4Jf4 ( 15-16c ; granulated , 4 7-16&4Hc ;
cubes. 4 11-lGc.
Nrw Yurk Drv Oooiln Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK , July 8 Agenls have advanced
the price of all mass demlns Uc and Hamilton
staple points Vic. There 1-avo been a great many
L > u.\t > rn In the market , but their Inquiries have
Lteen more for Information than for purchases.
New business In cottons wns light. For clothing
woolens , Ixilh llghl anil heavy weights , there
was a wider Inquiry , and considerable business
was done. Printing cloths linn at 2c.
AIInnc-ii | > ell < iVheiit Mirknt.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 8. WHEAT Very weak ;
July , CCc : September. 64HWHc ; December , C6c ;
on track , No. 1 hard , C7Vic ; No. 1 northern , C6)4o ;
No. 2 northern , C5ic.
FIX3LIR Easv : ( list patents , $3 C5W4.00 ; second
patents , $3 45W3.70 ; Ihft clears. $2 90f(3.00 ; second
clears , $2.43 ; export bakeis. $2. 5S3.00.
Vlallilo Miiiply of tlniln ,
Tlie vlslblo supply of grain Saturday , July 6 ,
as compiled by the New York Produce exchange ,
Is ns follows : Wheat. 41,459,000 bu. ; decrease ,
1,202,000 bu. Com , 7,811,000 bu ; decrease. 1,214,000
bu. Oats , 6.2SC.OOO bu : decrease , 732,000 bu. Rye.
143.000 bu. ; decrease , 3,000 bu. Darley , 70,000 bu. ;
decrease , 64,000 bu.
Mllvvntikro MitrKet .
MILWAUKEE , July 8. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2
spring , C7VJc ; No. 1 northern , 7214o ; Scplcmbcr ,
CORN I > ewer ; No. 3. 4Cc.
OATS Lower ; No. 2. 3Sc.
RYE Dull nnd lower ; No. 1 63Hc.
Oil Alttrknt.
Cd : spirits petioleum , 8d.
ANTWERP. July 8. PETROLEUM 19f 20c
paid nnd sellers.
11REM12N , July 8. PETROLEUM 6 marks 95
Vnlno uf Good Mornlne.
Philadelphia Inquirer : "Your servants are
always so civil , " remarked ono woman to an
other. "Have you any special training meth
ods that engraft such courtesy Into their man
ners ? "
"Not especially , " was the answer , "but
maybe you can find a keynote to their good
temper In the fact that I always select as a
commencement to each day a cheery 'good
morning. '
"Somehow It seems to oil up the wheels of
domestic machinery , and the work of the day
glides along In a smooth manner that Is en
tirely lacking It by chance I omit this before-
breakfast courtesy. From cook In the kitchen
to the boy who carries my market basket the
'good morning' tonic Is magical in effect.
"In southern households I know the first
greeting ot the day comes from the domestics ,
but when one must cope with the Ignorance
aa well as Indifference of foreigners about
one's household , It Is better to take the Initia
tive In acts of politeness and let them learn
by example. "
ChumraMl with n Itar.
Though the snake season Is well ad
vanced , and the fish season Is now coming
on , the Lemont ( Ore. ) Observer shuns these
well trodden paths and pins Its faith to
rats. The Observer says : Down at the
camp ot section 0 they were troubled with
rats , and In order to exterminate the pest
brought several cats there. One day a nest
of young rats was found and given to a
mother cat and her little kittens. All the
rats were devoured , but one , singular to re
late , was allowed to live. In fact It was
made one of the kitten family , and allowed
the same privilege of nursing as the little
kittens. It ls their Inseparable companion ,
sharing their home and sport , and going
whither It will , unharmed by cat or kitten.
i UUetlet.
Female Regulator ,
D ; Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs.
It Ciiu > e Health to Illonm. and .Toy to
Helen Throughout the llnilre Frurae.
"Mr wife bal been under triiluunt of U Ulinf pby.
slclaui three T r > , without btntnt Atltr mine
turc bottiei of nuinrin-D's rmiui RIOCLITOU ih
can do her own coolcliiir. mlUlnir and nuhlnir. " .
S. H. IlIlVAN , lleadtmon , Al ,
If Gold l > jr dvuggUti at ll.M p r bottla.
No Drouths , No Hot Winds ,
No Floods No Heated Terms.
No Blizzardsr > Cold Snaps , ,
No Long Cold Winters , No Crop Failures.
The Most Equable Climate in America.
The great fruit growing and vegetable raising district
of the South. A soil that raises anything that grows
and a location from which you reach the markets of the
who'e ' . Your fruits and
country. garden truck sold os
the ground and placed in Chicago , St. Louis and New
Orleans markets in 12 to 24 hours. In this garden
spot of America ,
20 TO 40 ACRES
properly worked makes you more money and makes it
easier than the best 160 acre farm in the west. Garden
products are a wonderful yield and all bring big prices.
Strawberries , peaches , plums , apricots , grapes , pears ,
figs , early apples , in fact all small fruits , are sure and
profitable crops.
Two and Three Crops Can Be Successfully
Grown the Same Year.
Timber is abundant Lumber is cheap Fuel costs noth
ing Cattle are easily Braised and fattened Grazing is
fine all the year.
Is heal'hy and delightful ; land and sea breezes and cool
nights. The mean , temperature is 42 to 66 degrees. The
average rainfall is 56 inches. No extreme of heat or cold ;
sufficient rain for all crops.
Offers greater advantages to the intelligent settler. One
half the work you now do here will give four times the
results in this wonderfully productive country. Twenty to
forty acres in this land of plejity is enough to work and
is sure to make you money. Lo ) the work and the re
sults are secured ; there is no such thing as failure. The
people are friendly , schools , churches , newspapers , are
plenty ; railroad facilities fine and a soil whose richness
is unsurpassed , all invite the enterprising man who
wants to better his own condition and that of his family.
The most carefully selected lands in the best fruit and
garden sections we now offer in tracts of ten to forty
acres , at reasonable prices and terms to those who wish
to avail thenselves of the wonderful resources of the
country now attracting the great tide of immigration.
Full particulars given upon application. Correspon
dence solicited.
General Agent , 1617 Farnam-St. , Omaha , Neb
Dy purchasing goods made at the following
Nebraska factories. | H you cannot find , what
you want , communicate with the manufac
turers as tovhat dealers handle their goods.
. jiuitL.ii' jisit rinna.
Manufacturers ot all kinds of cotton and bur
lap bags , cotton ( Tour sacks and twine a spec.
I ally. CU-G1G-C1S S. lltli-St.
Ca. * load shipments made In our own refrlge *
later cars. Blue Hlbbon , Ellto Export , Vienna
export , and Family Export , delivered to all
parts of city.
COFJUSM , Sl'lUEX , It.lKlXU I'OH'JtClt.
Coffee Roasters , Bplce Grinders , Manufactur
ers German Baking Powder and German Dry
Hop Yeast. 1414 and UIC Harney-st. . Omaha , Neb
put rubber tires and ball bearing axles on their
own make vehicles , and sell a top buggy for
JM.OO besides. Write them. ISth and Harney.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. E. Black , Manager. Omaha.
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture , Loungei ,
Dining Tables and Folding Beds. JStU ave. .
Boyd to Shaler Sts.
ica A.\I > .
Domestic and Steam Coal. We have the best
Offlco 1CO1 Farnajn-st. Telephone : Olllca 37 ] ,
yard , 17C6. J. A. Doe , General Manager.
IHON' U'OltlCti.
Manufacturing and Impairing of all kind's of
machinery , engines , pumps , elevators , printing
preses , hangers , shafting and couplings 1400
and 140S Howard-st. , Omaha.
Fire Hydrants , Water and Gas Plpes.speclals ,
Boiler Fronts and Fittings , Street ry. cai
wheels. Architectural Iron works. O lce,307 B.
Klh-st. . Omaha.
Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work.
General Foundry. Machine and Blacksmith
Work. Engineers and Contractors for Fire
Proof Dulldlngi Office and works : U. P. Ity.
and Bo. 17lh street , Omaha.
Manufacturer Mattmtei , Spring Beds ; Jobber
Feathers and Pillow * . N. Ittb and Nlcbolu
8(5. . Omaha.
Mnmifactuicrs of Fluid nxtractp , Elixirs
Syrups and Wines , compressed triturates hypot
dtrmlo tablets , pills and scientific medical nov
elties. Omaha.
! 00 So. llth St. , Tel. 234. Medessa Mineral
Water. Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for tabla
use unsurpassed.
The only perfect protection to property. Exam *
Ine It. Best thins on earth. ) Reduce * Inaur-
ancff rates. 1301 Doug'.as-st.
Manufacturers of Men's ami Boys' Clottilnr.
Pants , Bhlrts and Overalls. 1202-212 3. Uth st.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Pnper Boxes.
ShfU Hexes , Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc ?
wedding cake and fancy candy boxes , driiREliI
ami jewelry boxes. 1208-10 Jones-tt. , Omaha ,
SlllU T FA UTO It mi.
L'xcluslve custom shirt tailors.
1515 rar.min-it.Telephone. 903.
WeakncM and Secret
Il > rdorsof
. cnro Kuarantoed ,
xli yours uxperienee.
8 yearn In Omaha.
Hook irrett.
/ lh A K rn ia SO. ,
Telephone 1039.
Grain. Provisions & Stocks
Room 11114 Hoard of Trade.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co.
F. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1J08) ) S. M. STANFORD
Room 4. N. Y. Life Bldg. , Ottinim.
Branch offices at Fremont and Columbus. All
orders placed on the Chicago Iloutd of Trade.
Correspondents : Hchwartz , IJupee & Co. , Chi *
catro ; Hchrelner. Flack Sc Co. , bu LouU. Ilcftf
to First National Bunk. Omaha.
MAItQIN No matter whf. booclci on pec-
TIJADINQ ulatlon you mar have read teat
IJXI'LAINI ! fur uurs. which Is NUW and
COMI'l.CTR It clearly erpUln.
ti. ll's free and will teach vex
AnDOOABT A CO. , U Ttiitn