Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    TII33 OMAHA .DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , JULY 9 , 18i)5.
n. . Enrron.
rtULi3UiD !
OF RunscnirrioN.
Bully HM ( Without Bundny ) , On" Ycnr . $ S M
Dally KM und Hunilay , Oncar . ID M
nix Mr MM . 5W
Thrre M.iilln . . . . . . i 1 M
Bunday lit * , Ono Yenr. . . . , . , . 304
flalunlHjr lit ? . Ono Ycnr. . . . . . , . . . . 1 " *
\Ve klUee , One Trar. . * i
Omnlm. The Mia Hall'llng.
Koulh Om.ilia , alnjier Utk. , Corner N ami : ith Sts.
Council Ilium. 12 I'cail Htrocl.
Chlcacu omcp , SIT Chnrnb-r or louini < TC < > .
New Ywk IKorn' , 1J. II and 15. Trlbun UutUlng ,
\Viulilii2lon , IM7 K Blrrt. N. W.
All rommimlciitton * Marine ta nc - ami till.
toilal m.illor nlioulJ be ncldrcfued : Ts tliff KJKor.
All Mlrrs snJ romlltnnrra nhuiiM b
nrecsoi to Tim Il 1'uMMilns Coiniuny.
Omaha. l > mri . cli-clu nn.l . trw'.olllca onlois to
bo mnd iuiiMc to Hie uider of tlio company.
1IHIJ rtilll.lHHINU I'OMl'ANV.
Ocorso II Tzsclmrlt. eeerctnrr of The Hc Puh.
llnlilni ; rompany , bolns duly sworn. ny trml
llio octuil numb'r of fall nml comi'lflo tuples ot
the Daily. Morning , Levelling no < l ' ' ? " ' > ? "
printed during lli < t month nt Ma > ' , ISOj , won ai
1 48,030 17H
2 15.001 H 19.07J
3 19.0111 13 0.16)
4 18.310 20 19.001
5 ZO.tlO II 19.101
6 tt.OVi X 15,101
7 19 , ( l U 19.0SS
8 1J.MI
9 11.IM B 11) ) 0
1ft 13.0H < ( ! 2c.mO
11 U.021 27 13,031
12 IMS' tt 1J.072
n 19.037 - , . . 13.105
14 19.011 50 1J.1M
is i .m SI " .SIS
10 19.174
Totn , . ,
on '
Ix > ns ftaluc'ilonii for unsold nn.l return * . !
copies .
Dally nvrrnc
Sworn to bctora mo and iuilnerltx J In my proa-
Labor 1ny Is the next general public
holiday :
- -
Nebraska Is no plnco for llic optn-atlou
of fraudulent Insurance ! companies.
The Nebraska fanner who planted
bcotH this year for the first time will
BOOH realize what a good stroke he
lly the way , how many bicycles were
returned for taxation by the assessors
who have just completed their annual
rou ndi ! : > V
Thankful for small favors the retir
ing secretaries of the State Hoard of
Transportation draw their salaries until
October next.
Secretary Morton will be allowed to
Indulge Ills financial advice If he will
only see to It that the promised corn
crop Is properly harvested.
The famous fifteen puswle Is not a
marker to the muddle Into which the
penitentiary deal has been involved
quite unfoiwen by the principals.
The teacher who has not been able to
go to the great convention at Denver
will still be kept informed of the pro
ceedings of the assembled pedagogues
in the columns of The lieu.
The state auditor stubbornly refuse ;
to deliver the DWKUII warrant ,
although the attorney general has given
an opinion that he may do so 1C ho will.
But Churchill la not on Moore' olllelal
The court bailiffs have not yet pub
Hcly announced their judicial slatti
which the fall convention Is to blindly
ratify. They will await the action of
the bench on the validity of the new
police commission law.
Why should the taxes be canceled on
the old Cozzens house simply because it
'lias ' been rented at a nominal sum for a
theological seminary ? If the seminary
should take rooms In the New York Life
building would the proprietors be justi
fled in asking remission of taxes ?
Dorgan is quite willing to make de
ductions from his award of ? ; U-108.00 {
for the materials which his wards have
since consumed. Ills anxiety to make
tills sacrifice must confirm the Impr
Rlon that he was not coming out of the
.small end under the original appraise
"Corn was never In better condition.
Tills is the report that Is coming ir
from almost every part of Nebraska
It is giving promise of one of the big
gest corn crops the state has ever seen.
One successful corn crop will make people
ple forget even the possibility of
Omaha theater goers will be pleasen
to know that Omaha the coming sea
son is to have a much higher standard
of attractions tliau heretofore. It Is
duo not only to brightening prospects
for good business , but to vigorous local
competition between two first class
play houses.
South Omaha , notwithstanding the re
duced tax valuation , proposes also to
reduce the tax rate for the coming year.
If the city authorities will also carry
on the government within the reduced
revenue and avoid another overlap they
will manifest a spirit of economy that
the taxpayers will appreciate.
Secretary of State Illnrlchsen , who
made himself quite notorious as the
chief promoter of the recent free silver
convention of Illinois , may possibly
resurrect himself from Uie oblivion Into
which lie has fallen In time to partici
pate In tlu next contest for control of
the Illinois democratic state convention.
The Heo pleads guilty to the charge
that it luis In the past aided In the
election of many republican candi
dates for olllce. That fact does not
disqualify It from now protesting against
the making of slates In star chamber
uesslon which party convention * an-
expected to blindly swallow as a mere
matter of form.
Several prominent party leaders have
lately expressed themselves as confi
dent that President Cleveland could
have a nomination fur a third term If
ho would only say the word. Mr.
Cleveland apparently does not share this
confidence. lU'foro he announces his
readiness to run again he wants more
positive assurance not only of the pos
sibility of nomination , but also of the
possibility of success after nomination.
The Iowa republican state conven
tion wilt meet at DCS Mollies tomor
row to nominate candidates for gov
ernor and other state ofileers. There
arc half a iloiteii pronounced as
pirants for the gubernatorial nomi
nation , fie that there is promise
of a lively contest In the con
vention , with even a possibility that
some one not yet mentioned will be se
lected. There arc two or three popu
lar mid available men among those
whose names are likely to be presented
to the convention , either of whom
would undoubtedly command the full
strength of the party and be elected by
n good majority. There need be no
apprehension that the convention will
fall to nominate a man worthy to be
tlw standard bearer of the. party.
Every delegate , It is to be presumed ,
vflVivnllze the Importance of having
u -leader this year , immediately pre
ceding the presidential contest , who
will Inftisp the party with aeal and en
thusiasm and place Iowa in as strong a
position as she lias ever occupied among
republican states. Perhaps almost any
republican can be elected , but tills does
not warmnt carclcssni-HS or indifference
in the Hi'li'cllon of a candidate. Ho-
cause all the. conditions favor repub
lican success Is no reason why the party
should be less solicitous regarding the
chann-tcr , the qualifications and the >
availability of its standard bearer. On j
the contrary , It is quite as essential
under such clrctimstancfS as when the
conditions are less favorable that it
should select its best and strongest
man one who will not only rally to
his support the full strength of his own
party , but will draw from the ranks
of the opposition. There Is no danger
of too large a republican majority.
Not less Important than the selection
of good candidates is the duty of the
convention to clearly and unequivo
cally declare- the position of the party
on * the 'live issues and especially on
the currency question. It is not doubted
that the great majority of the repub
licans of Iowa are opposed to the free ,
unlimited and Independent coinage of
silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. They
believe , as practically all republicans
do , In bimetallism the concurrent use
of gold and silver as money , under con
ditions which will maintain their par
ity. Tills being so , the convention
ihould In the platform plainly proclaim
he attitude of the party , so that there
can be no doubt or question of its op-
losltlon to the free coinage of silver
is that proposition Is now presented.
There Is nothing to be gained by treat-
ng this question In any other than an
iibsolulely clear and straightforward
ivny. There is no middle ground for
hose who believe that the debasement
: > f the currency through the free coin
nge of silver would result in immeas
urable disaster to the country. The
friends of a sound currency can
offer no compromise that will give the
slightest countenance to a policy the
central Idea of which is repudiation.
The republicans of Iowa will not only
strengthen the party by speaking
) lainly on this issue , but they wHl set
i wholesome example' to the rcpub-
icans of other states. All the indica
tions are that the free silver sentiment
; s on the decline. It Is losing ground
everywhere outside of the sliver pro
ducing states and even In those it Is
manifesting less aggressiveness than
formerly. Reviving business and : re
turning prosperity are refuting the fal
lacies of the free silver advocates and
furnishing the most forceful and con
vincing of arguments for the mainte
nance of our sound monetary system.
The republicans of Iowa , can make no
mistake by speaking out clearly ,
strongly and fearlessly for a sound
; iml stable currency.
It appears that the controversy be
tween Franco and lirazll regarding
the claim of each "to certain territory
lias assumed a somewhat serious phase ,
ui armed conflict having taken place
between French soldiers and Hrazlllans ,
: uul it Is reported from Washington that
the French government has demanded
redress , while the congress of Brazil
has passed a resolution sharply calling
for an explanation from France. It
xeems that this boundary dispute has
been standing for a period antedating
the founding of the American union
and arose while Brazil was a colony
of Portugal. Notice was taken of It , It
Is said , iu the treaty of Utrecht , which
was made in 17K5 , and again In the
treaty of Amiens , made in 1SOU.
A Washington dispatch suggests that
the revival of the controversy in a
somewhat aggravated form may call
for the attention of the United States ,
for tlie reason that the Monroe doctrine
applies as much to this case aa to the
boundary controversy between ( ireat
Britain and Venezuela. This strikingly
illustrates the tendency to strain the
application of the policy enun
ciated by President Monroe in
182i ; , more than a century after the
boundary dispute between France and
Brazil arose , and also serves to show
how greatly that doctrine Is misunder
stood. To say that a principle 01
policy declared by the United States
seventy-two years ago applies to n con
troversy started more than a hundred
years before in regard to territory in
this hemisphere claimed by two Knro-
pean powers Is manifestly absurd.
Moreover , It shows an utter misconcep
tion of the real spirit and purpose of
the Monroe doctrine. Properly Inter
preted , that doctrine coud ! only be In
voked In behalf of Venezuela or Brazl
In the event of ( Jreat Britain or France
attempting to seize from those countries
respectively more territory than is now
In dispute. Certainly , If Brazil , while
a monarchy , had engaged In a war with
France over this boundary controversy
the United States would have observed
nu absolutely neutral position. Nobody
would have thought of Interference on
our part because of the Monroe doc
trine. The fact that Brazil is now a
republic does not In the least change
our relations to this ancient dispute ,
nor could AVO with any show ot justi
fication take any part In It so long as
France routined her efforts to holding
the territory she has claimed and oc
cupied during all these years. The
Venezuela controversy does not present
an altogether similar case , but even ante
to that It would be necessary to strain
the Monroe doctrine somewhat severely
In order to make It apply. In the
efforts made by our government to
induce the British government to sub
mit tills Issue to arbitration we do not
remember that the Monroe doctrine has
ever been referred to as warranting
any Interference on our part , although
It has perhaps been assumed by the
British government that the Interest we
have manifested In the matter was by
way of upholding this doctrine.
The growing tendency to strain the
application of the eminently wise and
sound principle enunciated by President
Monroe and to Invoke it In every case
of controversy or dltHcnlty between a
European government and an Ameri
can state needs to bo corrected. Oilier
wise It may lead the country Into seri
ous trouble. Could those who are dis
posed to give the widest possible ap
plication to the doctrine have had their
way there might have been a disturb
mice of friendly relations with Great
Britain over the Nicaragua Incident ,
and u dldleulty of that nature is liable
to happen at any time.
'Jit1 ; POMCH.
At no time since Omaha lias boasted
a metropolitan police lias the force been
as badly disorganized as it was during
the past six months. Torn up by po
litical contention and sectarian agita
tion , and completely demoralized by
corrupt practices , Its olllcloncy was ab
solutely destroyed. Discipline and re
spect for authority had disappeared and
plots and conspiracies were being con
stantly hatched among the rank and
file against each other as well as against
uembors of the police commission. Chief
Seavey had become Impotent because
10 was handicapped by his own short
comings , lie had proved himself a
good drlllniaster , but lacked the essen-
lal elements of an eUleient police
officer. In a word , he had outlived his
isefnlness as chief when such men as
Haze could openly defy his authority.
The work of police reorganization
would doubtless have begun months
igo had it not been for the howling
lervish faction of the A. P. A.'s , who
masqueraded as reformers while con
spiring to turn the police force into a
sectarian political machine. Had they
been inspired by honest motives they
would have laid their complaints before
Governor Crouuse and secured at his
: mnds the removal of any police com
missioner who was not doing his full
duty. They could have achieved the
same result by addressing their pretended
tended grievances to Governor Hol-
comb. That was not their purpose ,
however. At the very moment when
the Churchlll-Uussell bill was pending
before the legislature the leaders of the
gang were bargaining with keepers of
lawless resorts to throw the town wide
open just so soon as their "friends" came
Into power on condition that these re
orls would contribute handsomely to
ward their iJoodle fund.
The ten-dollar per month raise iu the
salaries of patrolmen which was
Ingrafted into the charter amend
ment bill was nothing more nor
less than an Ingenious device to
levy an assessment of $10 per
month on policemen at the expense of
the taxpayers. Had that scheme gone
through tlie howling dervishes would
have been able to draw ) ? lfOO ( a month
from the city treasury toward making
Koine howl.
Now that the police commission has
earnestly entered upon the task of
purging- the police force of incompe-
teney , venality and corrupt methods ,
tlie patriots who flamored so loudly t'oi
police reform are terribly wrought up.
They do not want reform that puts an
end to blackmailing and indecent con
duct and restricts police olllcers to the
performance of police duty. They de
nounce , behind barred doors , the selec
tion of a competent and fearless chiel
by tlie commission and thc-dlsmissal ol
the men who have been plotting and
conspiring to turn the police into a po
litical machine. If there is any well-
grounded grievance , why these star-
chamber conferences ? Is not every
question of public concern a matter foi
public discussion ? Every citizen and
taxpayer Is interested in taking the po-
lli-e force out of polities and in Im
proving its efficiency. If any set of men
honestly desire police reform or have
any grievance to air against the com
missioners , why should they decline to
take tlie public into their confidence
and discuss the matter in broad day
light ?
The Iowa State Board of Health Is
said to have adopted a rule that no
physicians' diplomas be recognized un
less Issued by a medical college of not
less than live years standing. The In
tent behind such a rule may be per
fectly laudable , but the result is practl
cally to put an end to the ostablishmon
of new medical colleges. No such in
stltutlon can start with five years' stand
Ing ami no such institution can secure
n five years' standing while its gradu
ates and students are deprived of tin
opportunity to make use of the advan
tages within their reach. Iowa may per
haps have too many medical colleges
already , but it cannot have any ne\\
medical colleges so long as this grea
rule Is enforced.
The ward heeler Is the bane of eltj
politics. Most of the curbstone strlk
ers have succeeded in getting into thi ,
A. P. A. and are now practically ii
control of the order. Any one of then
will sell ills sulVrage for $10 to any 01
all candidates. Many of them con
stantly report at railroad headquarters
and carry out Instructions reeelvei
there. No self-respecting' ropubllcai
can permit tills class of cattle to plcl
candidates and manipulate party can
discs and conventions. With such inei
in position io control party policy In
this city and county tla-re Is no possl
> ty of securing able and eonscien
tlous men for public olllce. They inns
be relegated to the rear.
Mr. Churchill says that Sam Macleot
was not appointed superintendent o
repairs on the Deaf and Dumb instl
tutu building , but admits that he wa
sivMi written authority to take chars
of the work and discharge the me
mploycd tlicre- This Is n distinction
vltliout a difference.
The chnngo tii ho head of the weather
ureau has notiliad any injurious effect
u tlie weatlfri"1rvhleh ; Nebraska Is en-
oylng. All''t nit t can be expected of
lie new .wpirjlttjf man Is that he keep
p tlie good .record of the past month
r more. " '
Inn-urUy > lmv. < I'urtj- .
Ch//aifq / | Tlmfs-lternlil.
Few inon , jcsa value to a party than
lese who emlofic Its errors alike with Its
ortliy alms. " '
I'ulliii ( ii'.iWm tliii Procession ,
Detroit Tree 1'rcss.
It has become a veritable contagion. Now
IB Pullman Car company has made an ad-
ance of 10 per cent In WBRCS and 4,000 men
re made happy , to say nothing of those clo-
omlont upon them. The tIJo of prosperity
, , ? . . ? * ll KOCSl nnl ! there Is no human
osslblllty of stopping It.
falumlil ih. iicipi-ii tint.
Incllnnnpolls News.
When n public ofllccr has no sense or ap-
r.cclati ° n of the dignities or even decencies
nlch by common consent attach to hU place ,
t Is of corse too much to expect that ho
ould feel the Impropriety of remaining In
10 omce which he falls to honor. Dut he
tight to bj promptly removed.
Pl. ln -i n of Heart.
Knnsns City Btnr.
In spite of the efforts of the Constitution
10 people of Atlanta seem to have treated
lr. IJryan rather shabbliy , and this despite
ho fact that the state of Georgia has been
cprescnted ns actually rocking for free sli
er. Mr. Bryan had been encouraged to exact
i small admission fee , and there U where
o made a mistake. Free stiver and a free
liow Is the slogan.
1,111 ' *
I'rrMii * llriiiiirrncy ,
Knnias City Star.
This Is Mr. liryan's declaration ot prlncl-
iles far next year as promulgated at lllr-
ningbrm : "Nothing tn heaven above , nor
n the earth , r.or In hell beneath , could make
ne support a cold standard candidate on a
old standard platform. " Mr. Uryan Is the
sntleman who took such violent umbrage at
the suggestion that he would not be found
with his parly at all times.
Tim c ; < > M.t , , r iiiir t .Moury.
Chlcaso Tlmes-HeralJ.
It Is a significant fact In connection with
ho filmy currency vagaries recently pro-
iiulgated by ex-Governor Boles that n recent
> o.l of the newspapers of the state of Iowa
hews that all the democratic papers with
ttio exception of two nre unequivocally and
inalterably opposed to the fret ? silver 1C to
coinage. With nearly all the- papers In
ho state proclaiming the gospel of honest
npnoy , Iowa can bo depended upon to materl-
lly strengthen the national sentiment in
.ivor of a sound currency , anil her voice
vlll ho p to sound the tocsin of alarm over
he spread cf the free silver fallacy and
urn the stubborn tide of noisy flatlsm.
liitcri ) > nli > nii Illiiii-tiilllim ,
The German and French blmetatllits. It Is
-ltd , favor International bimetallism , at a
nxed ratio , to ba di-termtned by an agree
ment among Germany , France. Great Britain
-n. < the United States , and they profess to
have expectations 'tl/at / Mr. Ualfour's accos-
ilon to ofllco IntOreat firltaln will lie of ma-
erial assistance.Ticre Is no tndlcitlon what-
: ver ( hat Great JlrlUin will recede from the
told standard. Recent monetary conferences
tavo accomplish nothing , and an Interna
tional agreement appears to ba as far off as
ovor. The free sJlYorHes In the United States
cognize , thlc , and even denounce the propo-
iltlon for an international conference 03 a
" heme of the "gold bugs" to kill tlmo. They
also demand thcl this , country shall adopt sil
ver monometallism. regardless of what other
nations may dct Fortunately , the campaign
of education and ; the.b3tterment of the times
lave warded oilthatdanger. | |
Ir tn'njil ' l.nwa.
Tlmcs-IIoi-ald , c ,
The mad stiuggle of 7,000 or 8,000 pt'ople
to obtain a gllmpjc of the coffin In which re-
3sed the remains pf Dr. Uuchanan after ba
ng prepared for burial was unspoahably dls-
srrcoful , but human nature , In Now York at
[ east , seems to have reached even a lower
depth tlmn tlut. It was actually proposed to
dramatlzo tl.a story .of the poisoner's In
famous life , an ) to repeat on the stage , until
popular curiosity was sitinted. those tragical
scenes which for nearly three years have been
kept bsfore the public eyo.
Happily , by the Intervention of Mrs. Uu-
charu'ti , this shame has been prevented and
the playwright has bean enjoined.
The blame for all these discreditable pro
ceedings may ba traced directly to the lax
criminal law system of Now York , which
suffers astute lawyers to Interpose all sorts
of technical objections and to befog the
Issues with collateral and Irrelevant matters
during the trie ! of the case. So long as a
criminal has money ha is not without hope.
.lOII'.l I'llKS * C03IJIKXT.
Cedar Rapids Gazette : One trouble with
the supporters of General Drake Is that some
of them appear to think no other man is en
titled to the office of governor , and Just what
Drake has done to deserve the distinction
they fall to note. He Is not the only old
soldier. Other men have given money to
found schools. But perhaps their enthusi
asm may be accounted for from the fact that
no other railway president Is a candidate.
ICstliervllle Democrat : So far as the dele-
sates to the republican state convention
have been chosen It is plainly evident that
the prohibition wing of the party la very
active and have thus far been able to con
trol a majority of the county conventions
and have selected delegates favorable to
Drake and Harlnn. two of the old time pro
hibitionists. It Ic-olcs as though tlio question
would cut a wlds swath in Iowa politics this
DubuquQ Telegraph : Tobias Castor , demo
cratic national committeeman for Nebraska ,
has written a letter urging Secretaries Mor
ton and Carlisle to attend the state con
vention to be held September 5 and address
the delegates. If the secretaries consent ,
their reward will be a rebuke. Regardless of
who may address It In behalf of gold mono
metallism , Um convention will declare for
free silver coinage. William J , Bryan is a
citizen of Nebraska , and that-state Is not
Sioux City TImca : A certain democratic
paper having suggested that ox-Governor
Boles in his series of involved silver letters
was making a bid for the presidency , the
Des llolncs Leader promptly denounces the
suggestion as an "unworthy slur on a i.ian
whom the Iowa democracy Iu honoring l > os
honored Itself. " The Leader also observes ,
Incidentally , that , while "It Is too early to
discuss the campaign of 1S36 , " it Is certain ,
"If the time aeenVs 'propitious" ' and ex-Gov
ernor Boles ' * vill gfVe consent , " there will
be no division of 'sentiment among Iowa
democrats that t1iejc'hthuslnsm in behalf of
the "grand old rmjn'1 fwlll rival that of 1892.
Des Molnes LedUcrf One of the most in
teresting studies ffihh'the ' figures of the state
census Is in the luatlar of the growth of the
cities and towns. The decreases , where there
have been decreasjyiiu population have been
almost invariably In rural districts. Generality
speaking , the generalization Is safe that ex.
cept In a few of the newer counties , the
growth has been fn the cities and towns ,
whllo the rural popvJattou has practically re
mained unchanged.Ii the county ot I'olk ,
for Instance , the cltyghas been drawn from
the country , so t\\it \ aVlargo proportion of the
outside townships show decrease * of popu
lation. Iowa Is becoming less a rural and
more an urban community , and the devel
opment In this direction will increase.
It la pretty certain now that the larger
cities of the state .will rank In this order :
Des Molnes , Dubuque , Davenport , Sioux City ,
Burlongton ; Dubuque and Davenport by good
gains , having stepped ahead of Sioux City in
the last five years.
Till ! HBTIMK.UK.VT O * % Uf.JUSTOStt.
Chicago. Record : The great iccrct ot Glad
stone's wonderful mccojs at a public nun lies
In the fact that the people have faith In him.
Whatever his enemloi may say anil they
say many bitter things the fact rcmalni that
the people of England believe In him aa A
man. Above and beyond all his brilliant
qualities ot mind is his sterling manhood ,
which the people not only ot Kngland but of
the \vholo civilized world look upon with
something more than admiration ,
Chicago Inter Ocean : Mr , Gladstone Is
right In claiming for the nineteenth century
unexampled progress In the matter ot fran
chises of the people. This Is true ot Great
Britain and ot the world at large , more espe
cially of our country. It la also true ot the
British reforms that the overwhelming pro
portion ot them were * nftccted by the liberal
party , a * Mr. Gladstone asserts tu his Mid
lothian letter. He might have gone further
and still kept wUhln the limits of truth. The
liberals have not opposed any nf them , and
the opposition party has iwer Initiated any
of them. . .
Philadelphia Ledger : Mr. Gladstone during
his slxty-thrco years cf political and ofllcUl
llfo changed his opinions. Until the death of
Peel , In 1S50 , ho was conservative. After
that year ho was a reformer and a liberal ,
HA receded from his extreme views with re
spect to the church , as set fortb In his first
book , Iu which ho held , among other things ,
that government must keep dissenters out of
all share in government. Ho changed front
In respect to Jewish emancipation , Irish
church reforms , the release of negro slaves
and other burning questions of the past. Th's
Is the cour.ago which marks the highest
Now York World : In less than the tlmo
that has passed slnco Mr. Gladstone's birth
the ideas ot the rights of nun which
wore- denounced as devilish during the French
revolution have been accepted and put In
force by the leading countries of the world.
Far as the world Is from perfect govcrnmant ,
unequal as arc present conditions , Mr. Glnd-
stone In his Itfo has seen the greatest polit
ical revolution which over took place In his
tory. It was rather an evolution than a revo
lution , for It has not been generally attended
by any great social convulsion , and except
In America It has not been characterized by
bloodshed. In liU farewell to politics Mr.
Gladstone has a right to dwell with satisfac
tion on the progress of liberty during his
lifetime. Few men have done more for the
frccdcm of Europe than he.
Chicago Times-Herald : Mr. Gladstone's
own part In the achievements of the liberal
party fcr progress la monumental. Tory in
his jouth , like Pocl , he reluctantly , not
eagerly , abandoned traditions to which ho
was born , and devoted his versatile talents
and marvelous energy for nearly half a cen
tury to the good ot his fellow men according
to his light. Unlike Peel , who was forced
to change his convictions , or at least hi ? pol
icy , as the only means of retaining odlco ,
Mr. Gladstone has always resigned place
rather than compromise his convictions , and
the prostration of the liberal party slnco his
undoubtedly forced resignation to make way
for a peer premier furnishes little ground for
hope that in the approaching general elec
tion , from which lila formidable personal In
fluence is to bo effaced , the principles for
which he did heroic battle will find compe
tent leadership.
, A.\J > OTHISlttriSR.
Three largo rooms were needed to hold all
the 80th birthday presents recently given to
Gladstone said recently that he was too
old to have an opinion on tlio new woman.
His "Ideal woman has not altered tn the las *
three-score years and ten. "
The conductor who ran the first train be
tween Boston and Worcester , Mass. , on July
4 , 1835 , is still living. Ills name Is T. II.
Tucker , and his homo Melrose , Mass.
Tho. festivities at Kiel gave the hotel
keepers a harvest. As much as $10 was
charged for a night's lodging in small rooms
In the third and fourth rate hotels of the
William Carroll , a Brooklyn man , declares
his belle ! that the world is getting better.
Ho ousht to be good authority , for he Is now
107 years old and very vigorous in mind for
ono of his years.
It Is a singular coincidence that James R.
Oar-field , who was nominated for state sena
tor In Ohio on Tuesday , received this , his
first political honor , on the anniversary of
the day on which his father was shot by
Since the earthquake In Florence there Is
hardly a street in the ancient town that does
not contain ono or more lighted shrines holdIng -
Ing figures of the Madonna and saints. In
some streets there are as many as four or
five of these shrines , with garlands of cvcr-
grrens and flowers around them and rows
of burning candles before the Images.
Martlnus Slcveklng , the Dutch pianist , Is
dcscsndcd from an old aristocratic family ,
which dates its ancestry back to the fifteenth
century. From his earliest Infancy he dis
played characteristics indicative ot his future
career. He Is a man of magnetic tempera
ment and striking personality , being over six
feet In height and magnificently proportioned.
The late General Green Clay Smith was a
man of plain , blunt speech , but ho had the
qualities that make a typical Kentuckian -
tuckian so attractive nnd agreeable
companion tact , great personal mag
netism and the disposition and ability
to tell a good story. While he was in con
gress ho was presented with a gold-headed
cane by his colleagues as the handsomest
man and ablest speaker In that body.
Now this Is a burglar that Is a burglar.
Instead of sneaking Into a Now York lodg
ing house , according to the manner of most
of his kind , he baldly entered the door ,
tramped heavily up the stairs , making such
a row that all the boarders In the house
thought he was one of themselves , entered an
apartment of an absent one , lighted the gas ,
made a selection of what goods suited him
best , stamped downstairs again and departed ,
slamming the door after him.
Mgr. Capel is going to establish an
Ideal community In the Sacramento valley ,
where he has a big ranch. On one part ot the
land a space will be set asldo for an agricul
tural college. This Institution will be the
monslgnor's especial care. It is his earnest
purpose to educate thopc people In California
agriculture , of which he has made a close
study during his residence In California. It
may bo necessary to carry these settlers for
the first year before they begin to get a
return for their crops , but that very impor
tant point the mon&Ignor hopes to provide
Itliouinntlim a * 11 Vtraiern Prophet.
New York World.
It appears from the dispatches that Secre
tary Morton's objection to the late chief ol
the Weather bureau was "too much science. "
If Mr. Morton Is correctly represented ho has
no confidence In scientific weather pred'ctlons ' ,
but thinks that a Nebraska farmer with the
rheumatism In the shoulder Is a more reliable
weather prophet than 1'rof. Harrington or
any other scientific predlcter.
This li probably true. Indeed , there Is no
risk in saying It U undoubtedly true. Rheu
matism which has reached the proper stage
Is the best possible weather Indicator , and II
is to all Intents and purposes unerring If II
has become chronic In the light shoulder. A
man who has had rheumatism In the right
shoulder for three years Is only surpassed ai
a weather prophet by one who has It In both
the right shoulder and log. Such a one can
double discount the entire signal service aiti
win easily.
Still science has Its uses. Nebraska rheu
matism has a range of only about fifty mile *
aj a weather Indicator. It Is superior to
science only In the case ot local rains. It la
useless for cyclones , anil It only indicates
clear weather by a feeling of exhilaration
which ls always unreliable , and especially BO
In the case of prohibition families who keep a
jug.Over and above all this , It U not every one
who can afford to have the rheumatism In
the shoulder.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
orvices of this Country in Great Domixnil
as tin Arbitrator.
.Strong I'reitura AVItl lie llroncht Upon
t'ongrcst to Interfere * In the War
llotween Kranuo nml the Na
tive ( loToriiiuont.
WASHINGTON , July S. Documents re-
elvcd hero by public men , Including many
members ot congress , Indicate that strong
iressnre will probably be brought to bear
o Induce the UnltedStatcs , to Interfere to so-
uro the Kcttlomcnt by arbitration of the dls-
mto between Franco and the natlvo govern-
ncnt ot Madagascar , These papers originate
u MjiUg.ucar and the moot recent ot them
> ears tlio dale ot May 12. They come to
Vashlngton under English postmark , showing
hat they have been forwarded from Unit
: ountry under cover to secure their delivery
n America , although at the risk ot much
lino. They are arguments Intended to show
hat the United States and Great Britain
hould Interfere Jointly , but If Grwt Britain
efusea to act that this country should act
ndcpcndently In the matter. The argument
irocccds upon the ground that the question
uvolvoJ is the right of Franco to exorcise J
protectorate over Madagascar.
NOT gum : so iiitovu AS iuroKTii : ; >
Uptlounl with lllihniH Whether Knat Dnjs
. \ro Snapmiilrd.
WASHINGTON , July S. From authoritative
ources It Is learned that a recent papal de
cree ordered priests to absolve poor people
and the working classes from the usual ob-
ervatlon of fasting.
It appears that such a decree was made , al-
hough It differs In some respects from that
tated by Father Ducey. It does not directly
lo away with the rule being observed , but
empowers the bishops to modify the remila-
lens when they consider It desirable. In
loins so the bishops may suspend the obli
gations as to Individuals or to all those
within a diocese coming under the conditions
of suspension , which applies only to those
doing hard manual or mental work. The ob-
Igatton ot Friday fasting la retained , how
ever. as to all classe both In Lent and at
other times. The blsfhops are empowered to
suspend the fasting for people doing hard
manual or mental work on holy days of obli
gation , such as are observed by the church
: alendar and during the days of LPS. , except
for other designated days.
Uolay tn I'littliiK the Snfoty Coupler Kn-
ncliuonti ) In Korce.
WASHINGTON , July 8. The Louisville.
STew Albany & Chicago and I'lttsburg , Sho-
nango & Western railroad companies have po-
.Itloncd the Interstate Commerce commission
.or an extension of tlmo in which to comply
with the act of March 2 , 1893 , providing for
the compulsory equipment of freight cars
with grablrons , nandholds and standard draw
bars. The firmer asks an extension until
June , 189C , and the latter until October 1 ,
1895. The roads composing the Atlantic coast
Ino system have also petitioned the Interstate
Commerce commission for an indefinite exten
sion of tlmo In which to equip with grablrons
and handholds , under the act of March 3 ,
1893 , certain cars described In the petition aa
logging cars of peculiar design. The com
mission has set July 22 as the day for hearing
the petitions. _
O or Locatlnna for Army Pail * .
WASHINGTON , July 8. It Is understood
at the War department that both Secretary
Lament and General Schofleld have made an
inspection with a view to the selection of n
military post on Puget sound. The secretary
looked over the ground selected for the post
it Spokane , which was authorized In the mil
itary appropriation bill. This post cannot bo
established without an order from the sec
retary , This Is alee true of the post on
Puget sound. General Schofleld Is known to
[ aver a post on the sound , and he stopped at
Tacoma today with a view to making an ob
servation of the advantages offered for such
a post. Seattle Is also anxious for the post ,
ind considerable rivalry exists. Secretary
Lament also has discretionary power as to
the location of this post , and previous to hi ?
western trip he was not very much disposed
to Incur the expense of the now post in the
Pacific northwest this year.
1'apprn In the btanfonl Cuno Itecclvcd.
WASHINGTON , July 8. Attorney General
Harmon today received a letter from Special
Attorney McKiasick at San Francisco , trans
mitting a copy of the recent decision of Judge
Ross In the suit of the government to re
cover about $15.000,000 from the Stanford es
tate. Mr. McKlsslck Is of the opinion that
the court erred In Its decision , and states
the reasons for his belief. He says that If
lie is not instructed to the contrary , ho will
take an appeal to the United States court of
appeals for the Pacific coast circuit. Al
though the attorney general has not yet given
any specific Instructions , there Is no reason to
doubt that ho will direct that the appeal bo
taken. TO A3IOSK ,
Inillnnnpotln Journal ! "Hint woman tils-
penncs n Krcnt deal of nodal lemonade. "
" \Vrmt uo you mcnn7"
"Simply that the la nlxvnya ciylng eour )
things In u mveet way. "
St. Louis nepubllc : She Aren't tlieso
little ( Uippcra quite nxpenslvo ?
He Yes ; but tltpy'ie not luilf so dear as
you arc.
Llfo : "Won't you please tRko oft your
hat 75T\hnl I can sc the HUiX - - . _
"Yes. If you'll stop tnlkrhtf { o youFT-sCrftt"
so Hint , I win hcnr It. "
New York Uecorder : "You In n ndiuctzcn Uoohl You can't shoot uny inoro
tlmn n lien. "
"You're mistaken there. There Isn't a
man In the corps who cnn vurpiibd mo In
proficiency In Hilni ; In beers. ' '
Detroit Tribune : "Alt , old man ! What
nro you doing those iluyst"
"A Htrcat uiir company , " rejoined the cor
poration lawyer , absently.
TVxns Sll'lliiga : If you want to lonrn
jti t where n man rdaiuls , follow him Into a
crowded street car ,
Indianapolis Jouinnl ; "I hnvo just cap
tured n nlot machine maker down on the
bearli , " sold tltp servitor.
"We'll have him served broiled nllvr. " said
the king of Mbwpka , Kilmly. "lie nnd hit
kind liavp l > ccn responsible for u fnlllmr off
of more than 50 per cunt In the missionary
contributions. "
Washington Star : "They do Fay , " re
marked Mrs. Dolnn , "that a shook by elec
tricity don't entirely kill n man , "
"Muybo not , " icpllod Mr. Dolnn. "Hut
that's phwcio the faith-euro idee worrukn
backwards. It convinces ycz HO complutoly
thot yo'ro dead tjiot ycv. hovn't the coura < j
tu coino to lolfc.
Allnntn ContlUntlnn.
Too hot to think , too hot to write
Too hot to sleep by day or night.
( Itcwnro that dot , he'll bite ! ho'il bite ! )
Too hot to prate of good or 111 :
Too lint lo travel or keep still.
( Here comes the Ice mun with his bill ) .
Too hot to Mnlle. too hot to "Igh ,
Hut Htlll to Ilvn tin ) world miiit try ,
( It's really most too hot to die. )
inr. wiiKKr.tx irojr.i.v ,
American Wheelman.
There ti something captivating ,
And , upon my word , clutlng ,
That la qulto exhilarating ,
In the merry cyrllnj ; girl.
Shu Is chlnunnt.
She is piquant ,
And one s kiclumnt
When you see her in the whirl.
And she rides with head erected
Not a single iwlnt neglected
That will inako h r pose respected
As n fascinating girl.
Sh'o t dainty.
Never painty.
Nor la salntv
When Mho rides light through the whirl.
And she dresses for her walking.
Kor her riding , for her talking ,
From her bonnet to her stocking ;
Does this entertaining girl.
She Is witty.
And so pretty ,
Every bitty
Like a ship with sails unfurled.
Both the method and rcmilts when
Syrup of Figa i.s taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses tire sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and curca habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over produced -
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
ite action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from tlio most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Synip of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Want to do a rushing
business we want time , as - _ _
a matter of fact. However , ! j ? jf '
we don't have our own way about it ,
and on Saturdays we- are pushed to de
liver all orders. On that account if you
can call today it v/ould suit us , as our
bundle' boys ask us to make this request ,
and then if there is any trifling altera
tion we'll have time to make it.
We find that about $18.OO hits the
mark oftenest for our Men's Summer
Suits. We'd rather sell you a $25.OO
If you prefer , for reasons of you1 ?
own , to come down to $8.OO , $1O.OO or
we can accommodate you.
Your Moneys Worth , or Well Trade Back.
Browning , King & Co. ,
Reliable Clothiers. S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas Sta