* < ! t-ccccccccccccccccccccccccoo EDITORIAL SHEET. § THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ccccccccccccccccccccccccc PAGES 9 TO 16. * ESTABLISHED JUSr.B .19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUSING , JULY 7 , 1895 TWENTY PAGES. SIXGFLE COPY 15TVE CENTS. % & * $ & * * HAYDEN "i Tt " > > t " ' BARGAINS THAT OUTSHINE THEM ALL. & ' * i You needn't look elsewhere for lower prices it's a waste of time We outdo ourselves this week with an array of bargains so ridicously priced that even you will concede that the only real genuine bargains are at HAYDEN BROTHERS. July Clearing Sale of Men's Roys' itnd Children's Summer Clnihlitir. A firent Trou.scr Snlu for This , Week. AVe place on sale Momtnv our entire slock of men's nil wool Tiousers In 3 lots ; not a pair I ha I in not worfh nil of $2.25 , and up to $ ij.r.O . : to make this sa'e ' the' greatest cut price pant sale ever held In Omaha , your choice of our entire punt slock Monday nnd all week f r tiSc , $ 1.75 ami $2.50 Men's Thin Clothing at half price Ibis Week. fc\ Any $2 light Coal and Vest for $1.00 Any $3 light Coat tind Vest for SI.50 Any if\ \ light Coal and Vest for $2.00 Sample line of men's While and Fancy Vesl.- , worth frmn . „ $1 to $3 , on hale .Monday for 4OC Boys' Long Pant Suits , si/.e.s It ! to 1J ! years , about Ili5 odd suits , worth fiom .fl to $ ( ! , a. * _ - on sale Mondaj tor JpA'io Children's Junior SultM. sixes 3 to 0 years , at prices lower than ever known before riH wool suits for ? 1.0 , woitb ? 3 ; tine trimmed Mills worth 15 for.- CMMvon's AVa h PnnK sl-/es 3 . „ ' to II years , worth -I.V. for. . . lye Children's all wool ICnee PnnK sixes I to M years , on .valo Monday , worth ! XV , for , 25 c AIl.Tr.c to fXV line Knre Pauls , palenl.w.ilnl Imud , wn ran ted = rk not to rip In wain ? , sale price oUC Dress ( ioods llavlmr just completed our Inventory wo llnd we have ni.vninnlated an Im mense ipniniiry of tcinmnit.i , which-wo ate going in dispose of at 2."ic on Hie dollar. These icmnnnttv comprise nil " kinds of Dies * Gooils , worth from 'We to ? l.ro yard. All go at 23 yard Monday , The Iwlancp of our half wool _ CluClllK nl oC All our 25e half wool Challls , 30 Inches wide , nt All our -Ilk1 and fiDc all wool _ _ Challis at 2&C 40-liieli Nuns' Veiling at 20c 10-Inch ICnck Brlllanlines at. . 39c 10 Inch all wool black and col- A _ ored Cashmln-e ut 10-Inch black and colored all wool Serge ut 1C. Inch Storm Serge , navy find _ , . , , black , nt 3UC Held's fnmons Lansdownp qual ity , gniinintr-ed , IT'lnch Coating ScrRc , In black , _ „ wnrlh SOe OUC < f(5-lnch ( German Henrietta , silk -f finished , black and colors. . . . OVC oO'liii.-h Duck Sullings , exclu- - t plvc pattt'rns l jC Silks AV'e are through Invoicing nnd w < find we have a great many Items in Silks which we are desirous of cloMng i out. .Siiai" of tin- lots aie lee small lo advertise , and If theie Is anything yon want In Silks come In and look at them and you will surely tind what you want in n very small price. Wo will Kpll on Monday all the bc t guide Swivel Silks , formerly worth r > 0o and Me _ _ yard , nt 25c Choice of tiny Swlvol In the house nl this price. Japanese Wash Stlkv , in stripes , yard 15c Chrck nnd Corded Wash Silks , yard 25c Natural Pongee Silks , 20 Inches wide , yurd Black India Silks for summer _ „ dressus , 27 liu-hos wide , yard * 3"C Fancy Taffeta Silk for waists , . _ large a > ortniciit , per yard. . OilC Beautiful quinllly extra heavy = rk double warp Snrahd , yard. . . OlIC Plain colored Japanese Silks In -gj all colors , yard oOC Special Bargains iti Remnants I'OU THIS \VREK. Wo have Just received another largo lot of mill rcimmnlH * n Chnllls , Per > cales. Striped Mtmde Shirtings. Fancy Colored Mulls , Plain Colored Mulls , Light Colored Mulls , I.iht Colored Slrljied Shlrllnsti , Duok .Siiltlusd , ete. , at Sc a yurd. Tliw beat lor of Whlio Goods Hoiti > nants over ofl'cieil In Ui > : cliy at .ru < u yard some of these tuoJO Inches wide. llleuehed Muslin HeuiuauU , IlUo yard. Snnnucr Flannel Skirt patterus , 25o White- Wool Flannel , IS no-inch all wool Flannels , i.5c ynrd. Shaker Flannel , Qc. * " y - S OnthiR Floimal. 6e. .V > ' -Crt Wooleh 1'auta ClotL 83o nml J3e ynrd. Linens Now Is the time to buy Table I-ineiis at reduced prices , as we are offering special bargains and good values. r 4-huli Half Bleached Damask , 2ic. : no-inch I'nbleaelied Damask , K."c. Ask ( o see our extra heavy 72-Inch Unbleached Dama k at .r > 0c. And also our 72-Inch Bleached Damask * ask at 7. > e. Bed Damn * ! ; at Ifie , 2."e ; :5So : and fiOc. Bed Spreads at Me , ( We , 7"ic and ? 1.00 c.eh. : A few more of those Dinner Napkins nt $1.00 a dozen. ' Cotton Crash , JJ'X-c ' yard. A good linen Toweling at lOe. Look over our bargain table of Towela Monday. Lawns , Organdies , Dimities , Etc. We have just got through Invoicing , and among many goods In broken lots nnd lines we have several lots of the beacon's best things for summer dresses which we expect to close out entirely this week. There will be for Monday's sale about 100 pieces of Jaconols. Mousellaines. fine Organdies , etc. , which have sold from 12' e to 27e , all go in one lot to close at fie a yard. 10 pieces printed Swisses ( Imported ) , value ! ! .rie , now l."c. 25 pieces Printed Seeded Mou&el- laines. sold nt 2T e , now 12lie. 12 pieces Imported Organdies , sold at 2."c and 'l.'c , now Ifie. 2oc and 35c colored Swisses now sell ing at ITie. Imported satin strip ? Wash Challl. , worth : tr > e. now 15e yard. White Swisses with colored dot , worth 'J7'/Ge to ( iOe , choice 2"c yard. Best soft finish Percales , all colors , lOc yard. Piques , In any color or style , now IOe yard. Challls , all cotton , good print , for Monday 2c yard. Neat styles In good Dicss Gingham , new goods , 5e yard. 2 ! ) pieces Apron Ginghams , Mond.iy 2c yard. 23 pieces of yard wide Percales go at 7c yard. 20 pieces light colors In Saloons for comfort coverings will go at 7'/tC yard. Notion Department Invoicing Is completed nnd we find In this department n big lot of odds and ends that we wish to close out at. ono- half regular price , or even less ; any thing to get them out of the way. 500 dozen I.Inen Thread , 2e per spool. 10 dozen fancy metal frame Mlums ) IOe , worth 25c. r > 0 ( lc/ < . > n all silk Windsor Ties , r > c each. fiOO do7en Perfect Machine Thread , full 200 yards , only 2ci per spool. U packages of good Pins for Ic. Faney Kiastlc Web , 2'.e { pi > r yard. Big job lot fancy and plain Kibbous for Ic per yard nnd up. Ladles' Silk Bells. II5c each. Black and tan Dainint ; Cottou , "c each. The new fancy Side Comb , Ific pair. Whlhk Brooms , fie. worth IOe. Clothes Brushes. IOe , worth 25e. 2."c Feather Dusters , OP. each. 15c Ilofo Supporters , 7'XiC pair. Sheeting Sale Good Wide Bleached Muslin Good Wide Arrow Brand f > c -J'J-inch Sheetiof , Bleached T.4o } , " > " ' " Oc no " ' 100 " " lie 0-1" 84" " 12&c 0-4" " 10'c 10-1" ' " ISo 45-luclf llnl eaclied Sheetlui ; Sc 0-4 " ' ' " . " lOc 8-4 " " - lie ' " 0-4 j * " " * : . " . f..i2vic 10-4" " " 13u Shirting , best Cc and IOe Canton Flannel 3',4c These prices are all less than the first "Tt "casoz TT Mi ? * * ? * SCyf cost."ca - i. g ij COMB AND EXAMINE OUH GOODS. ISfi Special Is your hair falling out ? Are you troubled with dandruff ? If so buy Cherokee Indian Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner. They are the be t In the world. See our prices. Cherokee Hair Grower , $1.00 size , Xic. Cherokee Hair Grower , ROc size , 42o. Cherokee Scalp tVcaner. fiOe si-/.e. 42e. This Is positively the last week that the long haired lady will be oil exhibi tion In our stoic. Sco her without fall. House Furnishing Goods Satin finish Sauce or Fruit Dishes , 3c each , worth 2Jip. Tumblers. 2e each. Fruit Jars , o'Xe ' each. Wine Glasses , 2c each. Tin too Jellies , 2e each. Crystal Glass Mugs , ! ! e each. Gallon Milk Crocks , fie each. . Crystal Cr am Jugs , "c each. Crystal Spoon Holders , ! le each. Crystal Siipar ; Bowls. Ha eaeh. Crystal Boiler Dishes , Tie each. Crystal ! Salt Shakers. 2e eaeh. Cr.\slal Pepper Shakers , 2c each. Tea ICettles , l.'e each.- Melal Teaspoons. le { per set. .Metal Tablespoons , ' . 'lie per K-I. Lamp , Buiuer usid ( 'hlniney , l.'c. ( 'ofi'ee Pols , "c each. $1..r > 0 China Cuspidors for lc ! ) eacl ) . Sioj ) Jars , 7'e ! ' eaeh. Wash Bowls and Pitchers. 2'Je each. ( 'liambers , 20e each. Ii-e .Iug.s , Coe each ; worth ? l..r > 0. Two ear ? of f Mockery on the way which will be hj In a. few days , and w > > will make the lowest prices on Crockery ever made iu Oiimha. Jewelry Department Ladles' nnd gents' 'gold stiffened Hunting Case Watches , slijm wind and pet , American works , $ ; ! .9S ; woith ? 10. Ladles' coin silver stem wind Watches , § 2.1) ; worth $8.50. Ladles' and gents go'd filled Hunting Ca.se Watches , t-'tem wind nnd set , hand engraved eases , warianled lo wear 20 years , line Hlgln or Wnltham uiove- Hit-lit. i)2. | ! ) . l ) ; worth .f 'i.OO. Ladles' 11 let. i olid gold Humlnc ( 'asi ! Watch , , raised oruiimentatJons , beautifully engraved , tine lilgln or Wall ha in movement. $1i.4S ; worth ? " \ Gent's Solid Gold Hunting Case Watch with a lull jeweled ICIgln. Waltluiui or Hock ford movement , &M.7f > ; worth .V45. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles , OSe ; worth S'-.OO. Klegant Silver Plated Belt Buckles , 2.'p , worth 50e. W ) styles In Shlrl Waldt Set.-1 , rolled plato and silver , choice 2. > c ; worth ROc and 7fie. Solid gold Set Kings. 79e ; worth $ J.fiO and .fJ-IKi. Sollil ullver Thmbes ! ! , lUe ; worth , " 0e. yuailiuple pl.ned Butter DNhes , Su''sir Bowls. Spoon Holders , ( Jake Baskets , Teapois. Dinner Castor ? , Pickle Castors Cream Pitchers , Syrup Pllclierti , linnd engraved , latest designs , clioloe ? 1.4S ; worth . < ; tM ( ) . KVKS TKSTKD FHUK. Eyp Glasses and Spectacles , 15c up. Waich and Clock Heiialrlng ut ro-4 duced prices. Special Sale Men's Furnishing Goods r 00 doyen men' Four-in-hand Wash Ties , worth 2"ie , : ! 5c and COc , reduced tO 12jC. . Men's fancy L-nindered Shirts. 25e , worth 50e. Men's fast black cotton Sox , 12'XjC , worth 25 < 100 dozen men's Blackstone Uulaun- dercd Shirts , double back nnd front and New York mill nnisilu , only OOc each , worth 75e. 100 dozen gt-nls' Grass Clolh Ties , In all the new patterns , only 1U'/'C , worth 2c. 2c.Men's Men's Madras Shirts , soft finished , only r.0e each , worth $1.00. 1 lot of umn's till wool Sweaters , wot-lli $2.50 , i educed to $1.50. 1 lot of nien.s 20-iiicb Umbrellas , gloria kill : , $1.25 each , wprth $2.00. Boys' Sweaters , S iTeacli. rtJMws- ' _ Meu's silk Teck Hc rlli , 12 0 , worth Ladies'Wash Waists. LADIHS' SILK WAISTS. I" LADIES' PERCALE DHESSES. LADIES' LAWN DUESSES. LADIES' PEUCALE AND LAWN WUAPPEHS. CHUJDHENS' WASH DHESSES. LADIES' TRAVELING SUITS. Our Innuendo success In the sale of L'adles' and Chlldreiis" Summer Gar- inentM pi-rmlts us lo close out Ihe bal ance of these goods In time to bvi of some benefit to our customers. Every lady nuking purchases hi onr made goods department dining the coin ing week will save at least 50 cents on each dollar she invests. A Piano Offer AVe have all the P'ai'os ' worth hav ing we know II and wo want yon to knou .It and during His coming week we will gi\e you your choice of the. Chlckeriny , Steluway , Knajie , Decker Bros. , Or any one of the other of our 25 or DO different makes for ONE IH'N- DKELI DOLLARS le'-s than any housu OH odrih can sell thtjm. 'Timing of Pianos done by the most skiled workman , whose woik Is miai- anleed by us or money refunded. New Pianos t'or tent. Sheet Music Sale We had an elegant trade on Sheet Mu sic last week wonder why ? Wonder If prices had anything to do with it , or ( lUi'itltlesV AVe had 25,000 pieces of odds nnd ends of high grade sheet music on sale good many sold nearly half of It. The , balance go at 2c a copy. AVe also 1mvc all t'.ie latest and most popular pheul music- and It goes without saying that wo hell It at Hayden's well known Dry .Goods Prices. % Furniture ' This table will fill a long felt want In every home. A table that Is neat , well made and serviceable In every way ; Is round Instead of square , made of brrch or uok ; large enough for a party of four nnd when not in use can be folded In the easiest manner possible and will occupy only l'/i Inches of space. For card parties , club room , Ice cream , lunch parties and for games this table has no equal. , AVe have these tables now on pale In ? onr Furniture Department at the same ow prices which has given our Furnl- | ture Department a leputatlou far and near. ' We have just received a new style of Lap-Board , made of felt , bound urguml the edge with brass , measure on one side and checker board on the other ; 'in leu , ROe. To save money get your fur niture here. iDriigs .Thompson's Beef , AVIne and Iron , a full pint bottle for 2c.- ! ! 'iTliompsou's Hygela Cherry Phos phates , 25c size , Ific ; ROc fclze , 25c ; $1.00 -filze , fiOe. | Dupont's Sea Salt , in M.I pduud pack- Tages , 13c. tBtxl uug Poison ( corrosive sublimate ) fpr pint. 2.V. AVe are doing business In our pro- . scrlptlon department. AVhyV Be- caiiii < ) we use the purest of drugs nnd pave you 2 , " > per cent oil the cost at other stores. Sponges AA'e have a line line of Sponges that must be closed out , and we will make special prices for this week that will 'surely sell them. . ' " lf , . „ ri ntii L % * % \t fj& + 0 Carpet Department Our inventory Is ilnUhed. We llnd we have more Caipet of all kinds than we need. WK1 make some sweeping reductions through the entire stock. An early call will secure some bar gains. Hardware Great sale on Harvest Tools. Gra.ss Scythes , only r > 0e. Patent Grass Snaths , only 50c. Grain Sickles , only "fie. Grass Sickles , only ; (5c. ( Glass Uakes , only IOe. Jugs , on1IOe. . Water Kegs , only 2"c. Scythes Stones , only fie. Farmers , Attention ! We are headquarters for Binder Twine have it Irom 4e per pound up. Any one In want of Binder Twine should not fall to wilte or call on us. We will save you money. Cherry and Plum Stoners , only 75L1. In Screen Doors , Wire Clolh , Poultry Wire Netting , Barb and Plain Wire we have 110 competitors. , . . _ . _ Guns , Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods Bevolveis. only OOc. Flobert Klllcs , only ? 2.23. Ah1 Kille > . only 7.re. Winchester Bepeatlug Hllles , $10.00. Single barrel bieech loading Shot Guns , only Jfii.OO. Double b.uiel breech loading Shot Guns , only ? < i.OO. Doubla action Uovolvcrg ily gl.25 " " " each. Fishing Tackle 4 Fish Hooks for 1 penny. Fish Lines , from 2c to $1.50. Fish lods. 15c. Fish Hods , Re. Split Bamboo Rodi , only $ l.iR. ( Trolling Spoons , only IOe. Artificial Minnows , 4oc. Special Hammock Sale $1.00 fancy woven Hammocks , 70e each. $1.50 fancy woven Hammocks , witli piKow , $1.00 each. $2.25 fancy woven Hammocks , with pillow and fringe. $1.57 each. $2.00 fancy woven Hummocks , new patent. $1.18. $2.50 fancy woven Hammock * , new patent , cxtiu size. $ I.7S. Hammock Spreaders , Re eaeh. Clearing out Millinery Every new idea , along with all of the most excellent European cieations no finer Hats in the world all to bo closed out at ridiculously low prices. Not half nnd In many cases not oup- fourth the value Is asked for Hals and Bonnets that up to now have sold read ily at our regular prices. The biggest bargains In miUInoiy In Omaha , be cause It's the biggest assortment and the smallest pi ices. Dried Fruits First of the new 1SU5 crop have just arrived. AVe will sell you new California Apricots at 9c pound. New California Raisins , 3 Vic pound. New California Peaches , Oc pound. New California Pears , 7'Xic pound. New California Raspberries , 20c pound. New California Pitted Cherries , IOe pound. New California Blackberries , 7 c. New California large Prunes. 7'te. ( New California ( raisin cured ) Prunes , New California Grapes , 3e. " New Impelled Currants , Re. - New Evaporated Apples , IOe. Elastic , Electric and all kinds Starch , 7c. 7c.Condensed Condensed cream for making ice cream , Oc. 3-pound bars Castile Soap , worth 7Cc , inc. 2-pound can Sliced Pineapple , 12'X-c. ' Baker's Chocolate , package , 17c. 1770 , Soaplue , Pearllue , etc. , SJc pack age. age.Sapollo. . 5c. All kinds of Jelly , 20c per pall. Oil Sardines , W/jc per can. Brown Kidney Beans , 3e pound. I pound Duky's Mlxtuiu Tobacco , with plpo , 25c. " 5si White Goods Don't fall to visit our White Goods department before buying , for we can save you money ; and we also have the best assorted slock to select from. White Piques at lOe , 2."e , ttOe , a.rte , l."e and " > 0c. Cheeked Nainsooks , Tie. Plaids and Stripes at 740. India Linens at 7 > , { .c , lOe , 12 ( .c , lee and 2"te. Dotted Swiss at 12' e , IRe , ISe , UOe , 2r > t' , It.'e and -I0c. Kemnants of White Goods In all grades and prices. Butter Very 11 lies t Country Butter made Nice Fresh Country Butter 9c and lie Creamery 14c and 16c And the finest Butter made , our Separator goes at 18c and 20c Cheese Fancy I-'nll Cream Young Amor- < ol lean Cheese l SsC Wisconsin Full Cream 7oC & IOC Llmburger Cheese 4C Brick Cheese . . . .IOe , 12c , 14c Edam Cheese $1.00 Imported Swiss Cheese 20C Uomomboi' you can pet uny Chccso mudo at Iluydou's. Lard Just think , 3-pound cans lard. . 19C And 5-pound cans lard only. . . . OlC Meats Corned Beef . Sugar-cured Bacon . OjC Salt Pork . 6Jc Pickle Pork . 7 C Sugar-cured No. 1 Hams , only. . Q4C ! Pigs' Feet . 5C Potted Ham , Ox Tongue and _ Deviled Ham , nil at . OC Flour Department Get n suck of Flour while It Is so cheap. Bakers' Delight Flour. 7."e sack. Pure Snow FlaKe Flour , S.'ie sack. Minneapolis X Superlative , 1.00 sack. U5 punndu Granulated Sugar , eoartie , < 1.X ( . 21 pounds ( jianulaied Su ar , line. ? l.OO. ; : -pound can Tomalot'S , ( J'.c. ' ( ' - ' IKiiiiiil can Sugar Corn , fir. ,1-pound can good Table Peaches , J'J'X-p. ' : ; -pouuil c.uis all Ulinlrf of Plnnia , l-/jf. ' 3-pound cans Baked Hen us , 7'Xje. : ! -Kiiiiul | tans Snlder's Tomato Soup , 12'XiC. ' - ' pound cans String Beans , ( extra choice ) , 5e. Pickle Department Imported Sweet Pickles , 17c quart. Impoited Kngllsh Chow Chow , 15e iiiurr. Imported Mhed Pickles , 15c quart. Medium Pickles. lc. ) Grated lloi e Uadlsh , lOc per bottle. Read Prices oil Tea and Coffee Fresh roasted Java and Bio ( broken ) , ] 7e. 7e.Fresh Fresh loasteil Java and Mocha ( cracked ) , lle. ) Fresh roasted Bio Coffee , 20e. No. 1 fluUU'u itfo ( delicious drink ) , 22e. l 'auey Java and Mocha , 25c. lllih grades Santos and Maracatho. 27e. 27e.Bo Bo t Old Government Java , and Mo- elm , U pound ? for $1.00 , Japan Tea Sittings , lOc pound. Good Japan Tea , 10e. Banket Fired Japan Tea , 23c. Kngllsh BrcukfiiHt , . ' 15e. First Picking linulUh Breakfast ? <