THE O31AIIA PAIJDY Blffo SUKDAY , JfULY 7 , 1895. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. AdvcrtUemeiitl for tlieie coluiuni will be iRkru kntll 13130 p. m. for the otenlntrand until 8 p. tn. for the morning nd Sunday ttiltlon. AeltertUeM , by rcqnciitlns nombrrcd check , tan hu o nnttrcr * ailUrr eil to numbered letter In care ot Tito lire. An- wtr to aililreMciI will bo delltereil apun irti mint Ion of the check only. lUte , 1 l > Sc n wont , fir t Insertion , lo a word hereafter. Nothing tutcon far IcmtlmuSGc for tint Insertion. llicio aelTcrllieuienn miut inn roinecu- lively. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED- STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL otllcc ninn wauls position July 1-t. Five > irs cxr > erlen.'e Rent riftiences. Adihe s c w. Cunrittd , Valentine , Nebraska. A MM WANTED. SITUATION IN MEAT MARKET ; Uvc jears' oxpulence. Addtcus Lock ll"c Jii , Tel.nir.ttli. Nch. A-M6X. 7' WANTED. SITUATION AS HOUHEKEEPEIt 'n KMl ! family : B" ° d refeicncer. Addie i 3 . Bee. A-Coi . VOUNO LADY WANTS TO TEACH PUPILS ( any grade ) , In family for Unid eluilnu July nnd Aueunt ; bent ref. T 33 , Bee. WANTED.BYEXPERIENCED HTENOO- rapher , office vvoik nil or inrl of each iliiv , "il- aiy model ate ; reference. Address r'J : WAlNTEU MAX.E HELP. WANTED. 1000 MEN TO WRITE ME TODAY for the ; receipt ( at.HOlulely free , In plain fenteu envelop" ) vvhlLh cuied me of nervoui ilrli I Uy. exhnuBled vltalllj. < lc. Address C. J. _ ylj1/- Box 13(1 ( Knlumaitw , Mich. n M < 6 \VANTEDTMAN ON SALARY TO TAKE ORders - ders In city. If fUiifFsful will rwflv ' \ancenicnt. Applnflu 9 a. in l.iu \\i\f \ \ \ trim 1 > * * * WANTED , tNinnr.Tic : : PAI.ESMIN : IN IOA A , Ntb , S. I ) , Col. . Knn nnd Mo . nil tin ; tent- tory > ou tnti work : \ < ry inomahle , no drones , oniloJiic Mump for iep . W O Temple- ton , fln. Agt , . HIP nml liuiiilat proof jif < ; . 405 N. Y. Life. Omnha. Ntb. It-MKMT ( CO ' 10 $1M ) HAI.AIIY PAID SALESMEN J'OR clears ! c ; nerleiite not nec ffnr > . txlrn Induce * rocntB to tuRtotueii. IJMiop & Kline , M. I"11. ' Mo. U-.MC33 12' _ SALESMEN , TO DRFO TRADE. SIDE LINE or othtivvlrv. J.V. . KnlKit. 217-22. . Plate , m. . Rarlno , Wl * . _ ll-Cn . ' WANT no , SALESMEN TO SELL PORTRAITS nnil fiHimii to meitlmntH for "premium pur pose" . " IVipcnrcn nml com , 01 salary to put ties who can Klve Kpcmliy. Aildri-Rs Impe. lai I'ortrnlt Co. , 445 Wuluuh iivenuc , ClilcnKor > WANTHD , nri't'Tins TO onaANiat : i.onans on llbcrnl > ratly ? nlar > , u Rooil rocoul an to numlici nml nl/o rf loclqra orBTnlicil "urlm ; paBttar lll IIP rcrmtrtd. AddivtH (1 Dfll , 12 > i'liuiklln hi. , CldcnKO. n CU HAN Tolu'i'nniNTnND riiiANCii orrrirn. B lniy $1,200 jiiirly itforinces iiml { C > 0 capllnl rfqulreil ; icfficnciB KlM > n. Ailili i room _ 1S , Actnu IjIdR , Intllanjpolli' , Ina. _ n ( .04 i * WANTr.D. SAI-KSMAN ON COMMISSION TO Bill cnlenilarH nnd mhritMtiK upeclr.lHed to inercluintB nnd innnufntturlnB ( iFll * ' dull , only Imntlom earn > 00 nml expenw i ) wanted. N. C. .1 A Co , IX Molnei In IJ dtt-i' WANTCD , BIX BAI.lVsMIJN AND HIK SAbi : - ladlPB , to trn\H. Onll Momlny by 10 n in Itoom 6. Ill N. l'tl > strut. AK ! < for Mr Wanner. 618 i" _ WANTED , 2 NK'.VH AOHNTS. r.OOD DAY iun ; nl o collcltor nml collector , S'-iw ) mnntli ' Jan l > ticrg , 1314 I'ninnin 11-715 _ WANTED Ft MALE HELP. Aim YOU IIONPST. honKn. If BO inBaRC with us for ISM , $300 n month. $3 MO n ytnr : > ou can tnaUe It ean > , sir hourR ft diy. Our HKcnta do not complain of hard tlmcH 'VVhy ? Ihey are inaklni , ' nmnny ptllliiB oui perfection Ulfh Washer ; the only ptnctlcal family washer imnufactitrrd : washes' , diln nnd prllshci dishes perfectly In t o mlnutPK. no experience necen-aiy , n ehllil of 8 onoiatei It eaully ; cheap nnd durable , wclsht , thirteen ; made of anil-runt sheet steel , cupacltj , 00 pieces : $10,000 for Its < nunl. esery family w.ints one ; ) ou don't hive to\us ; as soon ns peoiile know > ou have It for Bile the > Fend for ft dish washer ; each aBent's territory pro tected : no competition ; we furnish sample ( nclBhg six poumls ) In nice case to lad > agents lo take eiders with ; one awent nmle 2tl 51 llrst len days. Addicts for full pirtltular * I'erfec- tlon MfB. Co , nnglcnood , III. C M40I 10 * WANTioTomi. ron IIOHRKWOHIC. MUS. frank Wllcox , S. W. cor. 20lli nnd DoiiRlas LADIES1 MAKC $20 A WHUIC AUDUHSSINCl en\clppc' folding clrculiis , etc. , at their honus. Heply with nl.inip. Tiancea I. Lane , Hammond , Ind. _ C C56 ' * AM. LADIES IIAVINO A THW IlOl'nS I.ntS- ure each da ) should write me at once reBardlntj pleasant homo woik which easll > pn > s $18 weekl > ; this Is no deception nnd will certainly piy you to ImeMlgate. Heplv with stamptd in\ elope , Mrs. S. A. Htebblns , Lawrence , Mich. C CCS 7 * JFOK KENT HOUSES. HOUSES. I' . K. DAnLINO , DAIUCUIl 11LOCK D-115 _ _ IIOURHH IN Al.t. I'AHTS OF 11113 CITY. THi : O P. Da\l Company , 1C05 Farnani. D 4CO HOUSES , UUNAWA & CO , 10 ? N. 15TH RT. U 407 U. E. COLK CO. , LAHdKST LIST IN OMAHA D-M403 _ _ hUNTAL , AQUNCY , C23 SO. 16TH ST. | D 170 _ _ 2 RI.UOANT C-IIOOM COTTAOHH Jl'SI built , $22 50. ridellty Trust company , 1702 Tar- nam , U 171 ( ROOM MODKIIN HOUSII , 29TH ST. & TOP pleton. Hartman & Itobblns , 210 lice bldB. D 821 J)9 _ 7-IIOOM UA8T I'llONT JIODUHN , 302 N. 40TII -18J J ) IS- itoonnN e-nooM COTTAOH , lawn nnd shade. 2121 Miami street. D M313 ron HUNT , THI : nosa IIAHNUY , NRVT 20th. fcee ! Midler , the confecllom r. D MMi ) 8 6-UOOJI TLAT I'OIl ntNT. 1919 IX ) DO 13 D MO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EIOHT-IIOOM IIOUSKS NCAU HICIII SCHOOL $15 00 and $25 00 per month. Inquire 231o Caplto n\e. U-C27-11 * oorrAcin i on TWO MONTHS Apply at 823 1'ark u\enue. D MC31 8 _ FOR HHNT T\\O 6-UOOM COTTAGES. ON : fumUhed. SOJ B. SOlh. Modern. D-MCCS-13' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FON IIHNT. CHHAl' , MODHIIN COTTAOi : , Si : rooms , furnished. Address T 35 , llee. D MC77-9 * rou nr.NT , S-HOOM norsn. ALL MODIH lmpro\ements. large rooms , hard wood llnlsl No. 400 N. 23rd. D MC71-9 _ Toil linNT , I'LllASANT 8-HOOM COTTAOI paxed strett , double parlor , carpels and xin furniture for sale. Call at 2515 1'arker'st. D MC87 8 * FOH HUNT. ri'KNISHKD IIOU8K , MONTH July nnd August. Inquire 1120 South 32d e room 15 Commercial Nut' I. bunk bulldlni ; D b94 7 I HOOMS , WITH HATH , 3035 C.U.irOUNI , etrett , reduced to $ u w. 8 rooms , a23 llnrne street , reduce l to $17.60. _ U 713 7 rt'UNimino norsK , Twhi.vB IIOOMI modern , part or all. 600 8 28th. U MTOJ 13 * i t-HOOM COTTAQi : , 8. B. COH. MTU AN f Jackson. D-MC'JS 17 * XOH RENT i-UKNlbHED HOOME FUIINISIIUU HOOMS MG WUUK , 710 8. 14T1 K-910 J > 12' _ i nooMS KOU iioi'SEKnuriNQ ron MA and wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N , 17th IIOOM FOll TWO. riUVATU rAMILY. MOI * rn. 607 8. 23lti A\e. 12 M57 U * FI'RNIHHKP ROOMS TOH LIGHT HOUS1 keeping. t9 & 21 l n\c. _ 1ilDS ! 8 < FIIONT nOOM AND ALCOVU AT 1711 IXJDO street. C MC3C 8 * _ NICHLY KtmNISHUD. COOL. Ql'Iirr HOOJ In prhule famll ) . only six blocks from poi otflce. 2015 Douglas nt. E 0 11' ntONT HOOM rou T\vooi : U.-men. All mo e n. 21C4 Cues t. i : 0(3 12' NICii.Y FL'IINISIIUI ) Ol'TSiniJ UOOMS , 0.\ team heat , 711 S. 16th , third Door rlchl. U-MCS8 13 3-URNI8HED ROOMS AND BOaR NICELY Fl'IlNISHED SOfTU HOOM WH board for two ; private family ; no other boai en ; be < t home comforti. Clt No , ! l t. b California and Wetstcr. 1 * 90 TO TIIADR. onnsa SUIT. CHEST ME.ASUH M tnchti. worn twice ; cost $75 , for horse , EU or anything. B 42. Dee. F It ! PLEASANT COOL. ROOM FOll TWO , WIT board. M10 Dodge it. CU 9' TUB "HILLSIDE. " J8TH AND DODOi : , ( XX rooma ; largo lawn ; excellent table ; tranilei accommodated. r MMS 7 Toil 11ENT. NICELY FURNISHED BOl'T cait front room , with ulco\e and bay wlndo all modern conveniences , board ; lawn turroui th bou < k fZI U. in U U V Ji W ID UNFUUNISHED BOOMS TO BENT 2 Oil 3 UNrUHrUSIlBD ROOMB TOIl RDNT AT tM 8. 24th it. O-MI TllltUC ItOOMS. HOUSCKnCPINQ. JOI4 ST. Mnry't n\enue. O CU i-on"nnNrT UNi'imNisiino DiNiNO nooM and kllelien , olko loums fin third floor. 6')3 N. JiSUijit. G-675-7' iiousuKniprNu ROOMS. coNynNinNT. cheap , cool , larg la n. 2 < ll fit. Mnre o rorn LIGHT touth and east vvlndun , eveiy convenience. 714 N sail ulicct , U- lie > I OK KENT STOKEs AND OFFICES foTtTliNT-Tiii4.sToit\riiiui.ic iiun-DiNa 015 etnct. Tliln Imlldlng lmn a lire- prune lenient I .is'.intnt , complete ntenm licit- Ing flxtuics , wutel e > n nil lluorn , gas , itc. Ap ply ut Hie ofllco ot The llee. 1-510 ' roit HUNT , m > K UOOM ciinAi' . iNeii'iun room 4V ) , llee tulldlng. I M702 S * AGENTS WANTED. MHN AMIVOMi.V , 3 TO 10 A DAY At ) . drebs the Handy Ilentet Co. , 831 Ke\v York Life .JdJIf'J ° ' " 2l'aj ' N'cl- J 411 WANTIH ) , HUNDUKn * } Of AQKNTS TO BIH.l. "flip N'j\v IMucatlou" to school boanls. Men Mill nlxty Beta last mnntli to nlnxlp illrtnits. Thu Ulumoml I.ltho. Tub. Co. , Mlnnenpolh , Minn. .t MCI1 l > * AQRNTd WANTKD IN nVHUY TOWN TOR our pint * . \Vi > furnlnli * elf meusute lilunkn and rumple * 1'or pjrtUulnix uddrfsn the Cus tom Mule IMnts Co , 2.5 Dearborn st . Chlcnitu , III. J-W2 8' AORNTrf WANTI31) , NEW WALL MAP V. P. ami woilil , six feet lonir , eleven lieumlful rolnnt No expTlcnec needed You tnnnot make monny eacli-r. HiMul * 5c for Fnmplc or write , llnud , McNidly i < 'o. , I'lilc-iKO. J WAN'WD. AC1I3NTS TO SUM. SASH LOCKS anJ dour hoMcm. Hnmpli' capli lock free by mill for 2c Mntnp Hen sellers ever Invented. Hints welKhtn )1200ucln > . Wilteiiulck. Itro- Imrd & Co , Hex 77 , Philadelphia J WANTIU ) , ACin.N'TS , rANVASSiR : , MALE Oil fdiiale , something new In I > dlfi' phoe . of irrtnl merit , bl c pay and Hxclunlvo pale Kimramecl AildriK * Manufacturers' Shoe Co , 433 Unlnn Bt. , I.jnn Mnss. J WANTED , AOHNTS TOIl Ot'K ASIIKSTOS e'lny c < klnK waie. WHRCS > " to $7 n day. PHV eveiy week Cinttul tiupp ! > Co. , Clntln- nall , Ohio. J AOENTS CI.EAU.JIO TO } 21 UAII.V PUTTINC1 up our tall In hotila , cost * the hotel nothliiff AilJrchfl Ulectilc GlHft Cull Co , Minneapolis , Mlli'i J-CJ7 7 WANTED , ARE.Nrfl TO BEI.t. HOI.ENE , THE only pupitatlon eve" made that will pn ltlicly keep } oir Hiioc cole * from e\fr wearing out. No competition ; bands of mono for aK < nt I'tlec iic , by null , S'iC. oleno MfK Co 1223 Wab.iHli avi. . Chicago. J MCCO ! i * WANTED , SALESMEN POU NEW PAPER pincll innile of piper , not wood , sharpon-i with out a knife , S.IMO l 0 Bold eact , iibiolulily ntw wet. BiveH fiO per cent ; mlopttd bv railroads , pxpre- companies hinKx , ttc. I'.urar llioi , 01 Dinllxim Kt. , ChlcnKO. J C01 " I HAVE THE 11EST AOENTS AKTICLE ON eaith , send portal fnr particulars , nothing like It , indlt tci nil woithy , vumltd by ivcijbody , no fraud , peimaiunt I'lovvlnR lui lm < < * fnr lion- tat people. 1 hc.0 Noel , gioloRlut , Chicago. J OC2 T * AC1ENTS WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN. II" > nu wnnt to mnKe from } 1 no to jr > C" ) per dij fond for our U'rms at once fur Dalny tllsh- washer , that took the premium at the World H fair. I'h-mdler A. Co. , 524 W. Wil Bluet , e'hl- eao. Ill J-M712 7- WANTED TO BENT. \\ANTED , IIOAIID AND HOOM roll LIGHT hmiM'wmk , by lady with B.iort buslni ss IIOUIH A < ldtc a T 41 , llee. K 693 7 * WANTED , TIIHEE UNPtniNISIIEU ItOOMF fur light hou-wliecplng , with modem con venlencis , b ) man and wife. Addio s T 4A Ike cillke. K M707 10 RENTAL AGENCY. a. O. WALLACE , RENTALS , 312 BROWN 11LK L M703 STORAGE. IIEST S1OUAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. IT. S EOV. bonded warehouse ; household iooda ptored lowest rates. 1013-1015 Ltavcnworth. M 470 STORAGE , PRANK EWERS , 1214 HARNEY.M473 M473 I'ACIPIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO , 0)8 S10 Jones sts. General storage and foinardlng M-478 WANTED TO WANTED , SECOND-HAND HOTEL STEEI range , port coal , must be In good repair ani cheap. Gl\o name and full description. Lncl box 40 , Denlson , la. N MC21 7 * WANTED , 3 G-ROOM CHOICE COTTAGES , have the customs s , $900 to Jl.SOO. R. C. Pat teison , RamKC hloik. N MCiC-0 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOR BALE 30 ROOMS FURNITURE : CEN tral location , 18 boarders , good reasons fn celling , great baigaln. AddrchS S IS , Hoc. O MS70 FOR SALE HORSESWAGONS.ETC POR SALE ONE OP MY IILACK PON1 mares Pied Mohl , 1522 Dodge. 1' 203 PEDIGREED SHETLAND , HEAUTIPUL , FAS ! and gentle , flee driver , track record of four minutes. At Harncy st. barn for three da s , ' " l'-M63t POR SALE A NK E PAMILY HORSE ANf plneton , cheap. C. C. bhlmer , 11 N Y Llli bids. P Ml.33 0 POR SALE , CHEAP. GENTLE SADDLE PONY suitable for joung ladj , Is iiNo a good driver Apply to coachman , 219 S. 2Jti | Bttiec P M714 10 POR SALE , SADDLD HORSE , SUITABLE POI lady or gentleman. Address T 44 , llee.P . P 719 ! POR SALE , NICE TOP 11UGGY. ADDRESS 1 43 , Hew. I' M718 S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HARDWOOD COMIHNATION HOG AN ] chicken fence , Clius. R. Lee , Oth and Dougla < Q 179 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES. NEtt has 400 tons good baled hay for Bale. Q M4SO TOR SALE OLD LUMHER , CONSISTING O Bcantllng 2x1 , 2x8 , 2x10 , 8x8 , shlplap , sheetlni Elding , door ? , windows , etc. , at the Associate Charities wood } urd , 807 Howard si. Q-957-J > 14 SECURITIES FOR SALE. We have a number of llrst mortgages In amount o' $300 to $ J 000 at 6'i to 8 per cent for sal < None bin gilt idged securities handled. Ca and eee us. FldUlly Trusl Company , 1702 Parnom St. Q-387-31 POR SALE GOOD PAMILY MILK COW. 42 ! and Hamilton. , Q MC'iS FOR SALE , REGISTERED JERSEY , RICI heavy milker , $5500. 2111 S. 17th. Q-M68'i 10' POR SALE , CHEAP. EXTRA GOOD Si : hole etetl range. 2W3 Hunuy street. Q 6S2 12 RKAITIPPL , GENUINE PPG PPPI'IES , $0 ( Mall ordeis prompt ! ) tilled. 003 S. 40th St. , b tween Marcy and Mason , 3d lioutf. lioutf.Q Q 11703 S" I THOROUGHIIRED IRISH SETTER PtU-S PO sale at a baigaln. Hubert Ivinx , I'irsia la . Q-M700 1J < MISCELLANEOUS. "WITHIN THE GOLDEN CIRCLE. " LATEh puhlleittlon on Cripple Crctk and Us mine 1 , llnnilboiiivly Illustiuted. Mailed fife hy ll VVoods Investment Co , Coloiudo bprlngs. Col R N WANTED. HPNTINO DOGS TRAINED PC chlckins and quail ; satisfaction guamnlecd no pay. Pop teims address G. H. Rambiug Central Clt ) . Nib. R MOW 13' WANTED. APPLICATIONS POR BOOTH PUT lieges anil dining hall for reunion week. Augu S to 31. HastlngB. Noh ; Nebraska G , A. R. i union. Kan UK-NebniBku Interstate reunion. N braika Nallonal Guaids encampmenl , NVbrnt Rind union reunion. Fr I Renner , secretai HastlngB , Neb. R M643 ; 1'OR RENT , Ul RIGHT PIANO ; POR SAL1 lieu Ice box. kitchen table , chairs , etc. C. Monday morning , SSC6 Hamilton ntnet. ntnet.R R6J 7" CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , R liable builnesa medium , 6th year at 119 N. 161 . ' S-4S AMGUJA. GOODMAN , ASTROLOGER AN PlrTnrail t. can ba consulted at mil ai Maaon. Depot holel. 7. B 611-9' ' ADVICE THAT I1KINOS bl'CCESS. NEVI tn the history of clalnojancy Imvu pirt pri enl and future events been so trull , n told as by Prof. K. Leroy , ihe n ti j and trance medium , lie -will Uvt t uthi advice OH all buitneea , law. money nutlet a a all family affalri ; Ihe fulure plainly reveali lover * unlled , Iroublis healed , reunite * the > < aruted , from whatever cau e , and caucei hap marrlagei ; gives names of frlendi and enemV aUa of the pne you will marry , tells what It. do and where to go to be lucky. All In troul It.JJ call. Oince. 1713 Capitol avenue ; no sic da rtuoaahi * . Uoun , I * . m. to 7 p. m daH I KTO. MA7)AiTf4MiTH. ft slirrii ziTpLooit. ROOM J ; muRnetlc. vnpnr , alcohol , Blenm , ulphurlne JUL'Li" ' bnl L * TMM n * A8SAdu7 MADAMI3tUnNAHD , PINEPT n.Vrit AND MAPPAOE PARLOUS IN cltv. Mine. Howell , 81 ! Ai 823 8. Uth ; llKirougily praitUnl clilrcpodlst imJ manlcurltl nttendnnl. T M876 Jyli' jo7 NbllTH 1STII "S-E HOOM13. * UATH8 , SE- jecl iimsnaKu by an expel I. Anna , from Cnl cage , T-M56S 7 _ MRS. DR. L7ON. : ELEGANT MASSAGE AND elcclil6 bath I'nrliti restful nnd refreshing. 4H North 14th rtre-t. T M5C9 7 TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS ! ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Sullc 109 110 , Bee tilda. LADIES' II ATI IS. MME. POST , 310',4 S. l&TH. PERSONAL. VIAVI CO , 346 11KE 1ILDG. ; HEALTH HOOK free ; home tnatmcnt ; lady attindunt. U483 B HAAS. FLORIST , PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Iliimiuet , hall , lerldence and Brave decorations. 1813 Vlnton BlKtl. Telephone 776. U M484 HATIIS , MASSAGE , MME. POST , 319'4 S. 11TH. U 45 A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos , Jewels , bicycles , etc. ; bimnefs strlttly conlldcntlftl. Addnss , Postolllte lox 525 U M702 ARE"YOU sine ? MEDICINE AND IRF.AT- ment We. nt 205'i N. 16th st. U 153J > 17 WANTED. SOLDIERS OR OTHER PARTIES who de'lie lo luke choice gov'l land In lank- Ion rcsirvatlon , situated along Missouri river , Charlei Mix Co. , S O. Address Hubert Van Pelt. Mlti hell. South Dikotq. U M584 9 * MEN' AND WOMEN TAUGHT TO MAKE eraon porlrallH In ppnrp hours al ihelr honus by a new , copvrlRhted method ; thoie learning my method will bp furnished woik by me by which they can earn $8 no to $1600 per week Send for parllcuhus. II. A. Grlpp , German qrllsl , T > ronc , 1'n. U DO YOU SPECPLATE7 Then oend for our liook , "How to Speculate Successfully on Lim ited Matglns In drain nnd Mock Market * . " Mnllul free. Comnlock , Hughes & Co , Illalto Imlldlng , Chicago. U CC7 7 St'PERPLUOPS HAIR. WRITE FOR FREE Infoim.itlon how lo remove hnlr permanentl ) without plKhtiKl Injury lo Bkln ; superior to electric needle. Curlls Co , 1S6 32d si. . Chlcigo. U CS4 7 * OR FIRE AND Ilt'ROLAR PROOF SAFES , vatill work , etc. pep or address W. G. Temple- Ion , gen'l. ng't. , 403 N. Y. Life. U MC97 nO L. P LET ME KNOW IN THE PERSON- alt of 1H1I Hee how lo address jou ro an lo let > ou know where I nm. M U 710 7 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIFE , loans al low rates for choice security In NP- biaska and Iowa faims or Omaha clt > property W 4S6 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1105 Farnain st. W 487 CITY LOANS. C. A. faTARR , 515 N. Y. LIFE. W 4S8 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , r. O. Chcsney , Kansas CltyfMo. . > \ 489 CAPITAL. $2,000,000 ; SURPLUS. $ COO,000 , U. S. Mortgage liust Co , New York ; for 6 per cent leans on cltv propert ) apply to 1'usey S. Thorn is , ngenls , room 207 , llrst Nat. Ilk bldg. W 490 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Uiennan , Love & Co. , 1'axton blk. W 191 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE ut G per cent. W. 13 Melkel , 1st Nat. Ilk bldg. W 492 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co , 1702 Farn im LOANS ON IMPROVED . UNIMPROVED CITY properly. \ \ . Furnum Smith & Co. , 132i ) Farnani. INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO . 10 WALL ST. , New \ork , offer any parl 1OT.OJO easlern In- \estois * name * * , who have mone ) to Invcsl , Just compiled. Wrlle for parllculurs. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , elc. , al lowest rales In clly ; no removal of goods ; slrlctly contldcntlal ; you can raj" 'he loan off al any lime or In any amounl. amounl.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO . JOC So. IGth St. , X IDC MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry , 430 Ramgc blk. X 497 MODEL LOAN CO. , 403 NEW \ORK LIFE X 13J Jyl6 BUSINESS CHANCES. $1,000 m STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN DEST town In pastern Nebraska , for land and casi or equivalent. Addiess S 29 , care Hee. 3 fcOLID INVESTMENTS , URICK BUSINESS block , waler power flouring mill line Ice bus ) , ness. II. C. Alger & Co , Sheridan , Wo FOR SALE STOCK OF MILLINERY ; BEST location In Ihe cily. Good reason for selling Address at once , T 1C. Bee. Y 430 FOR SALE , AT A BARGAIN. 20 SHARES Of Union Life Ins Co slock and one member , ship In Ihe Omaha Board of Tiade. Addrem T J3 , Bee. Y-MC37 ' , $2y 00 STOCK OF DRUGS , BOOKS AND STA llonerv In weslern Iowa town of t > 00 Eas ; teim < < Best reasons for selling. Address B Manilla , IH. Y M644 7 * AN ACTIVE. PfSHINO MAN , WITH $500 T ( engage In n p irlnershlp with a manufaclurlm house lo establish and conlrol sub-agfiits , busl ness large nnd profitable. Address Manufnc turer. Box 72S , Billlmore , Md. hUCCESSFUL SPECULATION SEND FOR OUI book , "The Scalper , " explains Ihe besl methoi of Iradlng In grain , slocks and provisions 01 limited margins AH scalperb make money Sptclal fa-llltles offered lo operalors , both laig and Bm.ill , alxo wrlle for market Utter publlshe < ngularl ) . I mslng . Co , 114 Qulncy slretl Chicago. Menllon Ihln paper. $2.700. FINE DRUG SI ORE. $2roo , furniture In boarding house. .200 , saloon In one of the lending hotels. 12,000 , dry goods and furnishing * . il.IKH ) , bakery nnd confectionery. COO , furniture , 8-room houre. cenlral , [ i'O. Ice cream and confeclioneiy. 1133 , furniture , C-room collage. All kinds of buslnera chances. If jou don't fc whal you want , call at my olllce. Buslnet contldenllal. Reference , 1st Nat. bank , J. J. GIBbON , 317 Isl Nat. Bank. Y-704 7 $2.700 , DRUG STORE DOING GOOD BUSINESS J. J. Gibson , 1st Nat. Bank. Y M701 8 $2 $ EOO , SALOON IN ONE OF THE LEADIN hotels. J. J. Gibson , Ut Nat. Bunk.Y . Y M700 II RESTAURANT. GOOD ONE , CHEAP. PAYINI well. R. Williams , 411 McCugue block Y MC90 9 WANTED. AN ACTIVE PARTNER WIT : $30000 , gentleman or lady. In u good ptIr old establishment. Address T 36 , Bee.Y Y 679 7 * FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED TO TRADE. NEW STANDARD 111 Oilo for draft horse we'ghlng ' 1,500 pounds e mote. E. J Davis. 1116 Parnain st. TO EXCHANGE , A COMBINED STOCK O drugs , clocks , watches , Jewelry , blank an school book * , wall paper , window shade palms , oils , glass , elc , ; will Invoice , vvllh 11 : lutes , about i'JWiQ , wanl Impioved farm. Ai dress A. J , Pllzcr , Cherovale , Kan Z-M847 JylO * I WANT MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FO teal estate and cash. H. A. Wagner , Omih.i. Z M1W TO EXCHANGE. ICO-AC'RE FARM. PARTI. Imiuaved and clear of nil encumbrance , jc IIOUKO unil lot. Who rialra | vvalches ? Clei \\ntch. 70c : genuine milnspilng , 75c. J. I Day. jevve-ler , Bee lilUtr. Z MC17 11 it CLEAR LOT FOR EQFITY IN C OR C ROO : collate. Give Bt. number und all partlculai T 12. Uce Z 25-7' $1 000 r IRST MORTG AG E PAPER ON 16) ACR farm In Nebra ka. to tnul for clly properl Also ICO-acre farm In Sherman county , Nit hruKku. all good neil , rented and Joining goc town , for city propeit ) . Cull al 1205 FHrnam t Z C51 T FINE GOLD WATCH FOR ROLLER TOP O lice desk. Call 1:03 Pal nam 8t. Z 70 7' TO EXCHANGE FOR STOCK OK GROCERin ICO-acre farm clear of encumbrance , 7 mil from Plulumoulh , county seat of Cats C Nebrunka ; 100 acres under cultivation. A drees Chas. C. Parmelc , Plattsmouth , Neb. Z-673- ' , FOR MERCHANIDSE , IMPROVED FAI1 lands. ICO acred In Merrlck county , Nebraska. 1GO acres In Harrison county. Iowa. 2uO acres In Nobles county , Minnesota. Vuo acres In Pierce county , Nebraska. ICO aeies In Jefferson counly , Nebraska. 1,000 acres In Fall River county. South Daknl lands all over the country for exchange ; doi R wiltu for lift , but slale what you have n what ) ou want ; all buvlnesa confidential ; ref < ence , 1st Nallonal bank. J. J , Gibson. ; Nallonal Hank building , Omaha. Z 703 FOR SALE OR E.XCHANOBFOR STOCK merchandlpe , 32i > ucrea valley land , 2 ml from rounly scat ; part under cultivation , w pay difference In cash , Addreen T ! 9 Bee Z 6597 _ _ _ 1,7W ACRES IMPROVED GRAIN AND BTOC ranch to ejuhango for clly r ] Ul pn > perty , a location , or ruerchinaii * , Fjr iiartlcuh FOR SALE Hfi'AL ' ESTATE. ADSTRACT8 , THE JJYRbl > f'REEO COMPANY , I HE 458 _ IMPROVED GARDEN LANUfl NEAR OMAHA at prlcen that will rurprlse { you , If taken within 2 weeks. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. „ RE 500 BARGAINS , HOUSES , „ LOTS AND FARM : sale or trade , F. 1C purling , Barker block. . RE-4M BARGAINS. SALE OR THADE IN CITY PROP , ertlcs and farms. John' ' N. Vrenicr , opp P. O. HOMES ON EASY PAVMKNW. SELL AND buy lotf , acres , farms. Uarvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. I , , RE 502 AT A BARGAIN , CORNER LOT. PAVED street , 3 cottage" , 6 , 7 and 8 moms each , brick basement , wuler nnd sewer concnctlon , In besl residence t > rt'on ' , monthly rental $4 ( . Apply b ) letter to Jean bchons , D10 llee building. RE 311 J)23 _ FARM LANDS , 0 F. HARRISON , 912 N. Y. Life. RE-837 J > 10 * _ FOR SALIAT A LOW I'lUCK , ONE-HALF cash , balance one nnd two jcnr ? , one of th < most valuable sheep and cattle ranches In eastern Montana. Has 4SO acres deeded land controls thousindfl of 'acres of range landft nd * Joining. This propel ty Is undec feme , haft exlrn good buildings of all kinds , cum 1C" tons of hay , grows oatn and small grain with out Irrigation. A splendid water right nnd ditches , 2 000 head of sheep , horses nnd nil kinds of farming machinery will be fold to gether. When we say this l one of Ihe vety beet stock ranches In eastern Montana , we know It to I e so and reepectfully nxk all Intcndlnc busers lo come nnd see ihe pioptrlv. call on or address Austin North company. Utilities , Mon tana. RE 573 7 FIVE ROOMS , PERFECT ORDER. GOOD LOcation - cation , $710. Only $ U5 down , bal 6 per cent Ames , 1617 Farnum fit. RE 62t8 LARGE ROOMslEPAIRS MADE to eult bu > er , $3"iO ; $2 $ cash , lalnnce 6 per cent. Ames , 1C17 Farnam. RE C2C-S $3000000 CITY PROPERTY , IMPROVED , FOR $15,00000 , will pell pill or all. R. F Williams , room 411 McCngup bloik RE MC'L' 8 PERFECT ORDER. B ROOMS , GOOD CELLAR , east front , $ U'iO , only $ ro each , balance at 0 per cent. Ames , 1617 Farnani. RE GJJi-S roil SALI AT 1EO ! ROCK PRICESrTwTrT Park avc. , corner fronting llanscom park , 100 ft. , corner , name blotk east front ; 50 ft. , Park nvp , e-nst front , no of park ; quick buer gets a bargain. Call on or address The IIron Reed Co , Omaha , or J. If Sullivan , Drovers' Jour nal otllce , Chicago , 111. RE FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE COR 30lh nnd Snhltr sis , cellar cistern , city watel , only $12 50. Samuel Burns , 1318 Fnrnani R E-672-7 ICO ACRES GOOD LAND FOR $1,20000 , ON small piments. R. F. Williams , room 411 Mc- Cague block. RE MC91 9 LAROlf FlVE-ROOM COTTAGE"T FULL LOT vvllh ilslern , clly waler and barn , for $1,300 , In. eluding Kewer and laxes. Inquire of owner , 3019 Plnckney St. RE 717 7 PAWNBROKERS. II , MAUOWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. A. B. ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 pel cenl when 1 , 2 , 3 jears old. alwa ) redeemable. 1704 Fainam si. Nalllngcr , See C19 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Abs'n , 1704 Bee bldg. G. M. Natllnger , Sec 5JO M. O. DAXON , 402 N 16TII. , 503 STERLING BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co , , 1515 Howard street. 504 SEE THE VISIBLE IJALL HEARINGS ON Relay Ppedal. Will Barnum Bro. , 120 N. ISth CO" , A. U DEANE & CO . 1116 FARNAM STREET 1 C.Q7 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. . 2410 CUMING 508 MANTELS , GRAJab AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS GRATES , TILES FOR fire places , vestibules nnd large floors , write foi prices. Milton Rogers & Sops Orrmha. 509 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO , LEADING OPTICIANS 22i S. 16th st. Eje * llsled fre . 7W 7 * MEDICAL. OMAHA ELECTRO-GALVANIC INSTITUTE , room 416 N. Y. Life Bid's ; Ireilmenl of nil ulerlne troubles , leucorfhoea , painful or sup pressed menstruation , CTtarrh nnd Ihronl Irou- blev It la now Ihe recognized remedy , hemorrhoids nre cuied without knife or pnln , lady attendant. M591 7 LADIES ! CHICHEbTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pllla ( diamond brand ) are the best ; eafe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4e , stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In lellcr by return mill. At druggists. Chlchester Chem ical Co. Philadelphia. Pa. GENTLEMEN : LOST MANHOOD. SEXUAL vigor , elc. , quickly leMorcd Seven d.iS Irlal sealed frep Dr. Warren Co , 1 Boelon Ave. Chicago , 111. LOST. LOST , LADIES POCKET ROOK CONTAINING $13 . , also package , on Norlh 19lh. Reward for relurn lo 2011 Harney. Losl C47 7 * LOST , PAIR OF GOLD-FRAME SPECTACLES half round lens. Relurn lo 26.J3 Harney. foi rewaid. Lost MCS1 6 biiOUTHAiMJJ . > r IfJAEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. M 318 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING TAUGHT ns pracllced by an experienced reporter. A. M Hopkins. Bee building. 3 8 7 * ELEOTRIliAJiaIJ.flrLIE3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTors - ors for electric light nnd motor plmts nnd nil kinds of eleclrlcal conslrucllon Weslern E'ec. Irlcal Supply Co , 1515 Howard si. 610 CARPENTERS AWJD BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL , PAPER HANGING. HOUSL sign palnllng , brick work , plaslerlng ; off. R. 1 , Barker blk. ; lei. 735 ; shop 613 N. 24lh si. 511 UNDKRTAKKR&.O.W JJ EMBALM 6RS H. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANI embalmer , 1018 Chicago si. , lelephone 90. 612 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEL 10 > .0 513 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM er , 1417 Farnam si. , telephone 225. 614 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER. 613 S. IGTH .ST 515 A GOOD THING-PUSH IT ALONG. MAY Bl Ihe latest slang phrase , but that's Just who we're elolng with .SHERIDAN COAL. 8.000 Ion sold In Omaha lasl ) ear. We give > ou 2 On Ibs. of Ihe best W)0inlng cooking coal for $1 5t Victor White , mgr , 1C03 Farnam st. Tel. 121 517 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. MRS FANNY ADLER , PIANO TEACHER graduate Vienna Conservatory. 808 8o 3J6jj | ' GEORGE F. OELtENIJECK. BANJO ANI guitar teacher. 1911'CMH slreel. M-109 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS-RESILVERED. 719 N K I I u21 CHAMPION STEAMuiiKAJlPET AND Rt'l lpa.nln | , ? Works da the c work Ihe best an elKMpcut. 718-20 B ) } Tel 633 U 8. C Kuhn manager , P lc iWard , , foieman HOTKLb. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W COI 13lh and Dodte. Roums by day or week. -b y 522 d GOOD PASTURE I [ ( > nV'fyoHSES. ' $1 CO PE monlh per head. Cparle iGanii , St. Paul , Nel DENTIbTS. DR. I'AUU DENTIST , 2020 HURT ST 25 > to of efforT * have ptece < Mn6 frtvti/ CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OP THD SITTING OF THU CITV COUNCIL AS A UOAUU OF EQUAMXAT10N. To the owners ot the lots , parts of lotn and real estate ulmttiiiK on or uiljacent to the streets , alle.vs or avenues herein nnmrel or slttmtcJ In whole or In purt within nny of the Ol lrlcta hctctn spcl- lleel : You and ench of you nre hereby notllleel thnt the city council of the city of Omaha will Kit ns n Hoard of r.ciiillzatlon | at Com mittee Room A In the city hall , Oinahu , Nebrncka , on Friday , the 12th day of July , 1K > 5 , from 9 o'clock n. tn. to 5 o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of considering nnd eeumllz- InK the proposed levy of ppeclul ta\eK and np cfunentR nfhovvn by "proposed plan nf as < < essnicnt" now on Illc In the olllce of thu clly cle-rk and corrcctlnc any errors tlitrc- In , and of hearhiK all complaints that the owners of property co to be npscsscd und taxed may make : said special taxes nnd assessments proposed to be levlcel bclns necessary to cover the test of the several Improvements duly authorised to bo nuiilc and now coinpleted , as follows ! To cover the one-half co t of grading the alley between 'J3th avenue nnd 26th licpt , from St. Mary's uvenuo to Half Howard street , nmountliiK t" 055 , which sum It Is propovrd by a report dulv ailoped by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of said alley prorata per foot frontage , accordltiR to the usual scaling back process to the depth of one lot from the alley , 1,522 lineal fee-t nt $032112. To cover the e.ost of grading 2Cth street from Hickory street to south line of Scul ly's addition , amounting to $1,44650. vvhleh sum It Is proposed , by a report dul > adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of 26th street from Hickory street to the south line of Scullj'a addition , pro rata pe- loot front age , according to the usual scaling bne-k process , in depth from the street 127 feet , 1,208 feet nt $1.19748 To cover the cost of grading Tlrd street from Dodge street to Davenport street , arrountlng to $1533(1 ( , which sum It Is pro- pCFed , by n report duly adopted by the city council , to assess on the real estate on each side of 33rd street from Dodge street to Davenport street pro rata per foot front- ape , according to the usual scaling back process. In depth from the stieet to center of block , 1.2SB2 feet frontage nt $03r > 3'lS. To cover the cost of abating nuisance , done by A. H. McDonald , contractor , under wpervlslon of the Hoard of Health , amount- ng to J34 40 , which Mim It Is proposed , bv 1 repot t duly adopted by the cltv council , o assess on the real estate on which such ulsnncc existed , tow It : 41 feet lot 1 block 7 city $800 , t 6 block 93 city 23 00 2 41 feet lot 7 block 03 city 12 SO , ot G Clark's sub of Mlllard & Cald- v. ell's addition S 00 To cover the cost of laving aitlfle-'at ' stone .dewalks , by A. Stutzer & Co , contractors , mounting to $9915 , which sum It Is pro- osed , by a report duly adopted by the Ity council , to assess upon the real estate or which the walk was laid , as follows .ot 2 , block 12 , Shlnn's addition. To cover the cost of curbing and paving , hlcago street from 23rd street to 24th treet , In street Improvement ellstrlct No 15 , amounting to $1,00015 , the price of urblng and paving each to be assessed ire rata per foot frontage In depth from he street as per district created. No urblng to be assesseel on the north side , urblng , R6 feet at $0 C1118 $ 63 2" 'nvlng ' , 172 feet , at $5 880 1,012 90 To cover the cost of curbing nnd paving orby street from Sherman avenue to 20th Jtreet. In sttcet Improvement district No 151 , amounting to $11.870.47 , which sum It s proposed , by a report duly adopted by the Ity council to assess on the real estate on noli side of Corby street , from Sherman .venue to 20th street , pro rata per foot rontage , according to the usual scaling nek process , in depth from the street as er district created. Provided , that no cost for curbing shall i assess against the frontage of lot 20 Illlard & Caldw ell's addition , ns this curb as put In bv private parties. Also provided , that the cost of private cadwav paved shall be assed to the real state for which Inld , 'avlng ' , 2,138 lineal feet nt Jl SW $10.378 41 Curbing , 1.C5S lineal feet at $0 72012 1,410 ( K ) Mvate roadway 8201 To cover the cost ot curbing nnd paving ISth avenue from Dodge street to Davenport eet amounting to $4,92324 , which sum It proposed , by a report duly adopted b > ho city council , to assess on the real os- tite on each side of 38th avenue from Dodge treet to Davenport stieet , pro rata per 'oot frontage , according to the usual scal- .ng back process , In depth from the avenue as per ellstrlct created. 9S5 feet nt $4 99S21 To cover the cost of curbing Ersklne .trtet , In street Improvement district No 152 , amounting to $49163 , which sum It Ih iroposed , by a report duly adopted by the Ity council , to assess on the real estate in each slda of Crsklne street from 24th treet to 23th street pro rata per foot front- ge , according to the usual scaling back recess , In depth from the street as per UU- rlct createil. Frontage , 710 feet ; rate per 'cot , $06021 The "usual scaling back process" to ivhlch reference Is made In this notice IF x follows : One-thlrel of such pro rata cost upon the one-sixth part of the whole amount of icrounel to be aFse ° seel first abutting upon he street line along salel Improvements. One-fifth part of such pro ruta cost upon he seconel one-sixth part of the whole imount of said ground adjoining thereto. One-sixth part of such pro rata cost upon .he third one-sixth part of the whole amount of said ground next adjacent. And three-tenlhs of said pro rata cost .ipon the adjacent or remaining one-half part of the whole of said ground. You are further notified that said "pro > osed plans of assessment" ate now sub ject to the Inspection nnel examination of nny of the owners of said lots , parts of ots or pieces of real estate , or the Inspec tor or examination of an > other perton nterested In said proposed assessments at .ho oftlce of said cltj clerk , and that bv a report of a committee of said council dul > adopted It was proposed that unless foi gcoa and sufficient cau ° e It may bo other wise ordered nnd determined , that the cost ol said Improvements respectively be assessed on the several lots , parts of lots and piece" of real estate as shown by said proposed plans of assessment. You and each of you are hereby notified to appear before said Hoard of I quallzatlor at the time anel place above specified tc make any complaint , statement or objec tion jou desire concerning any of said pro posed levies and assessments of special taxes. CnnCHHR HIGHY. City Clerk Omaha , Neb , July 5 , 1893 J5d7t RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ( BURLINGON & MO. RIVLR.IArilves OmalialUnlou Depot , lOru ii Muaou bta.l Omaha lo'ltoin Lienvci Express sTlOarn 4.:5pm Blk. Hills. Mont. & i'ugel Snd. Ex. 4:0 : pm 4.Jdpm * . Denver Uxprves 4.0 prrj 7irtpm : Nebraska Local ( except bundiy ) 7 Ijpm 8:15am..Lincoln : v.o ai ( except &unaay.lluara 2icipni..l'"a8t MalKfor Lincoln ) dully. . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON i QTTArrlvea OmahalUnlon Depot10tli _ _ & Mabon Hla.l Omaha i.45pm Chicago Veutlbule 9 50atn .50um Chicago Expreu 4.1Iprn 7.50pm..Chicago and bt. Louis Express. . S.Ouatn 11.35am Pacific Junction Local , SMOpni Mall 24uprn Leaves ICHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrives ( OmahalUnlon Depol , 10th U Mason ijts.f Umaha C 00pm Chicago Limited. . . 9 SOarr 11 3uim. . . .Chicago | . a ( ex. bun ) 5.25prr Leaves ICHICAGO & NORTHVVESrN.Arrives ( OmahalUnlon Depot , lulh te Mason Su | Oinuhu IGMOam Easlern Exprtts 5.40pn 4.21pm Vistlbuled Limited. 9 Ji.m 6.55am Mo. Valley Local lu.J'.pn S 45pm . . . Omaha Chicago bpeclal 1.4Jpn Leaves I CHICAGO. R I. . " 'PACFlcTFArFlvei t OmahaUnlon | Depol , 10th A. Mason bU [ Oinaln ' _ BAbT. 11 20am . Atlantic Express ( ex Silndaj ) . 5.35pn 6Kim : | Night Expitss , . . . 25an 4:40pm : . Chicago VenllhuleU Llmlled l.aSpn WEST. 6.4'pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sun ) lO.STan 1'iOpm Colorado LlmlteiS 4.uOpir Ix-avea I C. , ST. P. . M. i O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot. 15lh and.Vebsler . Bis. I Omaha 9 25am..Ncbraska Passenger CdaTly ) . . , , S.lDpn l:30pm. : .Sioux Clly Exuieea tex. cjun..ll:55an : Paul Limited Leaves . ' y Z MO. VALLBTT iArrlv Omahal Depot. 15tli ano Webster bn. I Omaha 2:10pm : . Fas ; Mfl ! and Express . 4 Vpn 2.10pm. . . ( ex. Sal. ) W > o. Ex. ( ex. iloi. . . . . . 4 55pn I 05am. . . Norfolk bxpress ( ex. hunday,10.39ar ) eilOprr. . til. Paul Exprean . 10:35ai : Leaves I IcrcTTBT. .1. & "criE I Arrives OmaliajUnlon Depol , 10th & Mason Sta , | Omaha ( 50am . Kansas City Dai Express . 5.30pr anopm..K. U. Night Ex. Via U. P. Tran. . S.OOai bmaha ) _ Dfpot , 15th and Wetaler'Sti. . | Oihalia 10.40am . St. Louis Express . 0:00ar : B.'Opm . bt. Louis Kxpreii . S.OSpr Nebraska Local ( ex. tiun. ) . . . S.QOar Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. jArr ea Omahtl Depot , 15lh and Webtler Sl . f Omaha CUOpm . St. Paul Limited ? . . . . 10:35ar : J.eave I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. JAnlves OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason bin. J Omaha ' C Uatr. . bloux Clly Passenger. . . . . . . , in.tfDr C.It pin . Bt Paul Llmlled. . . . . 12.35pr iJaveiT UNION PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmnhaUnlonJ3epot. | loih 4 Mn on Sl | Omaha 8 ( Sam . . . . .Ki'.irlify Express U.30pi 2,00pm Overland Flier D.SOpi 2 00pm Beat'co & Ktronub'g Ex ( ex. Bun.12 ) 30p : 7 00pm. , . . Pacific Exprens 10:2Sai : li- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mall 4.10pi Keav"fiiT ' WAnASllTlAILWAYT jArrlvei Omahiii'Jnlon bepol. 10th & Maion Bl . | Qinah. l.Wpm. . gt , Lo tj A RETREAT FOR SUICIDES The Very Novel Idea Wrought Out by an Inventive St. Louis Genius. SHUFFLING OFF SURROUNDED BY LUXURY Tlio Suicide Knnbleet to I'ntl Ills Career yulelly , Docnntly iitul lleiprctiibly L\erjr ( vnotrii Alonti * fur the < lub I'liiccil at lilt Without doubt thu ln\cntlve genius \\lth tlto niot nn\cl lelea on hnil or sen ll\cs right here In St. Louln , says the Qlobo-Deinocrnt. Ho Is nn onllrnrlly sane business man at that , iiiitl thinks his lilea one which shoulil be In telligently entertalneel by capitalists seeking ; Investments. It I ? a double Idea , ! n tact , the novel portion of which being to cstabllxh u retreat for suicides , where they may shuiilc oft the mortal cell quietly ami respectably. He was looking o\cr the Olobe-Demoorat the other morning when hevus approached by a reporter. "Loolc hero , " lie said , pointing to a certain column , "hero are a dozen suicides reported In this morning's paper. Theto's sciroely a elay that there Isn't a list ot halt a do/en mote Some of them are barreling In de tail. " , some ot them arc not , but they are all of a chatacter to Increase the sorrow of the mourning relatives. It wouldn't be so If they could go oft quietly , be reported as avlng died suddenly and shipped bick to heir homes , or , for that matter , disappear Itogethcr. Now , I have a scheme which Is t once practical and humane , which would suit In letting a man who was really de- ! nnlned to die go off decently , and which ould also result In demonstrating to a great nanwouldbe suicides that after all there s something in life to llvo for , no matter what roubles or sorrows they may have. There lever was a man or woman who had trouble r soriovv that tome one else did not have a ; reater one. I have studied this question a Teat deal , and I know It would do these espomlent people good to compare notes. I ever speak of my views on the subject , be- nuse I have a wholesome dread of being .ailed a crank , but I have worked out a chetno which I think. It would pay to put ute execution , and right here In St. Louis s the place , because It Is so central and eo ; aslly reached from all parts ot the country Como Into my private office and I will show ou my plans. " The reporter followed , wondering what peclcs of Insanity the gentleman would lead If he was ever brought up under a : harge of murder , not that his manner or onversatlon betokened any unsoundnc3 of ilncl , but thai his Idea was so decidedly ueer. Slowly the gentleman pulled a lot of iapers from a drawer. At a glance It could seen that they were plany for a building f considerable dimensions. The drawing , as somewhat amaleuilsh. There wasn't the recNIon about them that there would have > en had they been prepared by a professional raughtsman. "I drew them myself , " was said In ex- ilanatlon. "I have always had some Idea f architecture and put It to use In this car * iccauso I didn't want to let a professional nto my plans until such timcr If It ever ome ? , as I may be able to go ahead. I have icre , as > ou see , the plans for a five-story lotel building. You see nothing peculiar bout It , of course , but jou will be prepared ! or surprises when I tell you It Is for the xcliulvo use of people contemplating doing way with themselves. The public can be dmltted under no circumstances whatevei. 3ven newspaper reporters will be excluded The people who como to the hotel arrive lecretly and If they arc cured of their ulcldal mania they can leave secretly , so no ine will ever be any wiser. That Is about he only reason for excluding the newspaper epresentatlves. Yen can see that If they ivere admitted to report a case they would jo very apt to recognize people whom the } iv ould bo tempted to wrlto up. Everything ibotit the retreat would be of a first < -lass character , In fact , the furnishings would be uxurlons , as by that we would hope to turn many from the Idea of taking their cwn Ivcs. Every provision would be made to make every man and woman as pleisant as possible from the moment they enter the re- rcat , so pleasant and comfortable that they A ould be made to forget the troubles or sorrows rows that sent them there. Then we would tiavo rules which wo would enforce ver } rlekllv. " The gentleman then took up the plans of he first and second floors. The first glance suggested that they had been cop'ed ' some what after the same floors of the Southern liotel , but their explanation showed them to bo very different In many vvajs , "The rotunda , " said the father cf the idea , "Is very largo and roomy , forming a cross running to each of the four sides. The office is a little to one side of tho" center Two sections of the cross are given up to billiards , one for gentlemen and ono In Ahlch ladles and gentlemen can play to gether. A third section Is occupied as a bowling alley , while the fourth contains the bar , cigar and news stands and Is luxurious ! } fitted up for lounging. Ono of the large corners Is given up to the library , which Is to bo extensive and which Is to contain all the works obtainable on the subject ol sulcdo ! and also all the latest statistics The dally papers and weekly periodicals and magazines will also bo on sale here. The library will bo In charge of a custodian and books may be taken out by guests , on cards. . Just as they are In a public library. Anothet of the corners wUl bo used as a waiting room , divided Into two fcuctlcns for ladles and gentlemen. These rooms will bo vcr } luxurious In their appointments. The othci two corners will bo used as Turkish batli rooms , ono for either sex , and my Idea Is tc have them the finest baths ever fitted up Ir th's ' country. A good Turkish bath Is one of the finest thing In the world for any one who has that tired feeling. Now , the sccoml floor. It will bo a marvel. The rcgulai dining and breakfast rooms will bo large and airy and everything about them will beet ot a character to make a person wantte / ccme back. Instead of wish every meal to b < his last. Plants and fresh flowers will b < used profusely In their decoration. Then wi will have a largo general reception room elegantly furnished , with piano , etc. , ant largo enough for an Impromptu dance o several couples. All of the other rooms 01 this floor will be used as parlors , furnlshec after the home style of different natlonall ties. Of course , we would have the orlenta or Turkish , but then we would have alsi the English home so perfect that the mos exacting of her majesty's tubjects woul < recognize it The same with the German French , Irish and other nationalities , tin Yankee , the southern , the middle states , thi western and the Pacific slopes man. Al would be made to feel as near homo as pos slble. These parlors would , of course , b open to all , the same as the reception room. ' The plans of the first anJ > seconj floor were then slowly folded and laid to on side , the gentleman bolng In a deep stud during the operation. Hesitating even afte picking up the diagrams of the other flojrs ho said : "Ae I told vou at the start , the retrei must have rules. One of these cant mp'ato our agreement by vvh ch the guest tlndi him self or herself not to attempt suicide Insld of three days after entering the retreat. I the meantime he or she Is to get arojnl th Institution- become ccqualnted with other and to make himself or herself perfec'ly a home. If at the end of three ilajs the guc ! Is still determined to commit eelf-murdei we , on our part , bind ourtclvea to pUce a his or her disposal all the means we hav at hand. To Insure ourselvei apilnit an breach of faith on the part of Ilia P.UUSI the fourth and flf'h floors are given to th new arrivals. They are kept there fu three days. The rcom. ) on theto floors ar magnificently furnished and licvo the late ; appointments , but the greatest rare Is take to avoll leaving anything by vvlfch 1 fe coul he taken. Lighted by electricity , there I po possibility of timing en the gas. Th bjth rooms attached are locked cn1 milocke automatical ! } , or by electricity , at c'rtal hours , dlrec * from tto olflc0 , and care I taken the gueiU are not tn them at the tlm they are locked. The. e floors have a nure ber of attendant ! , one to every half doze rooms , so about the only chance the gue : would have to commit suicide would be t bite an artery or strangle himself with [ bed , ( heet. i There U no guarding agalni these , except ns the tutplclon Of the at tendant outside the door might bo arouitd , tn which cam he would not hesitate to force the doors. Then , as I say , If it the end ot three days the guest Is still determined to suicide , wo furnish the mcnnc. " Hero there mas unother pause , and the reporter waited rt patiently as possible for the explanation of the arrangement ot the third or suicide's floor. It came slowly. "The third floor , " said the father of the Idea , "U the only ono on which death , other than a natural one , will bo allowed to occur. The man or woman vxho , at the iml of thrca ilnvs , Insists on earning out the previous plans of sdf-dcstructloti , U removed to that floor. It Is not the4 idea to have thevo rooma elegantly appointed or magnificently fur nished. To the contrary , they will bo ni somber ns they can bo iiuide. Once tliu gurst locks himself In ho U aluno nnd ha * at hand nlmost every means ot suicide known , oven Including the deadly gas , which Is used on tills floor alone. All that can bo seen Is a number of buttons. The prtssnro of ono opens n hidden receptacle In the wall , dis closing we ( POMS for n tragic death , MU'li as a keen-edged knlfo , a revolver , etc. The pres sure ot another button springs a Bfcoml hidden door , exposing tolovv n cabinet ot acids mid poisons. They ate all labeled , but the guest must make his own selections , as wo glvo no Instructions ns to which It the easiest and quickest. A third button sprlnga a sni'ill door which dropd from the celling' , and through the hole Is slowly unwound nil a4 ady noosed rope. Another button causes the cylinder to rewind the rope , lifting the aulcldc clear of the floor when It Is so rcgulitetl as to stop. The preostiro of otlll another button permits the suicide to drown hlmtclf. I neglected to say that the rooms on this floor are all on the outer cdgo of the build ing. The beds arc nnnon , nnd are allow eit to slide down through a space between the wall and u lining , which extends down thtough the second nnd llrct floors. The button sets clockwork machinery nt worlr , giving sufficient tlmu for the guest to go to sleep. Plvo minutes before the time steel bands spring down over the patient from thct side of the bed , holding1 the guest flimly. On the stroke ; of the time the bed ftnku through the floor and the bed and nil tlowly descend Into the basin of water below. There * Is , however , a button In the tide ot the bed by which the descent of the bed can be ar rested , and which the guest can operate , as the steel bands do not confine hl > > arms. AH the descent Is , nrrcs > ted and the clock stopped , here Is a ringing of a bell , calling assistance , 'his same button IK so placed that a person anglng from the celling can kick It and bus summon assistance. It can also bo tressed by a poison who has taken poison or hot himself. I have given this part of the lea a great deal of study , as there In a argo proportion of the people who commit utcldo who pray to bo saved when they tlilnlc hey have placed themselves beyond human Id. The central part of this floor Is' flUecl p at a dtxpcnsaiy nnd operating room , nml > hyslclans and surgeons arc to be kept In lomitant attendance for the purpose of rc- Inlmlng those who have gone to the border and of the dark valley , nnd who wish to re- urn. Connected with the dlspe-ns'ary and pciatlng room art bed looms made as cheer- ul as possible for UPS until the patient can o removed to the floors above. " The Idea connected with this Is n mores nnocent and less novel one. It IK simply team am a portion of the river nt the upper part f the city , so ns not to Interfere with lavlgatlon , and by the power created pro- iuco electric force to supply the city with notlve power and lighting and heating. Thin Iso looks very big , but It Is nothing com- lared to the suicides' retreat project. The iiilldlng for the latter Is designed to bo reeled over the river to the width of tha lam. IiITTLE AH GUEY. ho JInrilcd llnlln of Clilnntovrn Slips vv.lh a IliimUomcr .Mmi. Little All Guey has gone wrong. She was he neatest woman In the San Diego China- own , and hid the smallest feet. She dressed n American clothes If not qulto In the style of the new woman. She upoke Cng.lsh llu- entl } , and Sumlajs easily led others ot her uce In prayer. Ah Ouey was married two years ago In San 'ranclsco ' to Long Kee , an educated Chinese , Abe albo wore American clothes and smoked cigars and cigarettes. They met In the mis sion there , where Ah Ouey led a class , nnd heir \\eddInK was a big affair , with many Americans and Chinese present. There WHB another who aspired to Ah Ouey's hand. Ho worried Long ICce and has ivorrled him ever since. This was IIonv Sing , a highbinder , hatchetman and leader In a strong tong and a hater of Christians and missions. Ah Ruey never said much 111 in , but he was good looking , his round hide being stuffed plumply with rice and his head nl- ivays being newly shaved. Long Kee and his bride came to San Diego and seemed to get along first rate. Long Kee made a good living as butcher at the Hotel del Coromulo. Two months ago a cloud came upan ths ior- 7011 in the shape of Horn Sing , the high binder who made his home In Chinatown , Ho 'omul Mis. Long Kee without difficulty and paid her devoted attention. Long was busy at work and the destroyer kept the young .voman from being lonesome. He-fore Long Kee could find an } thing to Justify him In doing a little hatchet worlc ilnifcclf , his wife had disappeared. This was Tuesday , niid on fhe > same elay Horn Sing failed to appear at bis haunts In Chinatown. Long Kee In a freiuy quit everthing and walked the streets looking for the couple. Ho told his woes to a policeman , and It so happened that the officer had been at the outgoing tialn that afternoon and had seen the Chinese man and woman go aboard. Tha woman boarded file car from the side oppo site the platform and the man got ou another tar. This attracted his busplclons and he < ukcd the conductor to keep an eye on them. The conductor told the officer the next day that the couple went to Los Angeles. Then Long Keo went home and prepared to follow the ocuple. He told friend that It be met Horn Sing ho would cut him In tvvo as "lie. would a tender steak. In i > acklng his effects ho discovered that his wlfo had taken $50 , the savings of several months. This was the last straw , and ha sworeho would kill both the man and woman at sight. After Inquiring of white and yellow men all they knew of the nvnawas. Long Kee got n ticket to Los Angeles and started on the chase. He said he would never come back : until ho hail settled the whole affair. As a consequence Chinatown Is In a fever of ex citement waiting to hear from Los Angeles or San Francisco of a horrible double tragedy , with fat Horn Sing and pretty Ah Uuey aa the subjects for the coroner and Long Keo a the swinger of the avenging hatchet. PASSING OF THE HORSE. Progress of n Ituioliitlon In Modern * of I oromiitlnn , The cause assigned for the failure of a street car company In Denver , says the Chi * cage Record , was that the USQ of the bicycle ! so rcJuced the number of Its passengers that It was unable to meet Us current expenses , The superintendent of a Chicago railroad dot Ing a large suburban buslnera said the other day that the most serious problem the road had to meet was that of the bicycle and that the summer traffic was very terlously re * duced by the use of the two-wheeled roadster. U Is also conceded that the buflnenH of raisins horres Ib very seriously Impalrcj by the largo end Increasing use ot the bicycle as a means of locomotion , A country phytlc'an ' sajd re cently that while formerly he kept three horses he now kept only ono and a bicycle. While this Is true , the t > cope of the blcycld Is being enlarged , and other means of 1'como- tlon employing cither email gas eng' ' ies o * electricity are announced almost weekly In the scientific papcrr. A man In Colorado ha4 Invented a carriage using a gin engine , which , It Is claimed , will enable one to make the distance between Denver1 and Chicago la fcventy-flve hours. Whether this bo verified or not , It cannot be denlesd that methods ol travel are about to undergo as great a changej as t ) at from the old stage coach to the rail/- w y carriage , and that the blcde Is the flrsl step , although a long one , toward such transl' tlon. tlon.The limitations placed on the bicycle prolx ably will always prevent Its use as a means for making extended trips , however perfect " may be for short distances ; for the time re * quired fcr covering long distance * , nhort as It may bo In comparison with a hone's speed. Is too great to give It wide uio for general traveling ; but the storage battery applied tea a carriage , built upon come of the principled that belong now to the b'cycle , will removei the objections ) to the wheel as a mode ot lend distance conveyance. The whole matter Is now limply one of me chanical appliances and some Inventor pre WJM tftivo oU jt > e eiutin