PART I. OMAHA UNDAY BEE.g g PAGES 1 TO 8. ESTABLISHED JUKE 19 , 1871. , OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JUIr % 7 , 1895 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE OIBXTS. ! LIGHT FOR LIBERALS Bucces at the Polls Shines Through Qlooin of Parliamentary Defeat , SALISBURY MAKES MANY BLUNDERS Tory Administration Begins by Antagoniz ing Reforms that Are Very Popular , PUBLIC SENTIMENT TURNS AGAINST HIM Government. Opposition of Liberal Measures Consolidates English and Irish Voters , CAMPAIGN AGAIXST THE LORDS RENEWED Rejection of the Irish . Municipal franchise Dill In tlo Upper House UUci New L\lo \ to the Slova for ItH Mending. ( Copf Hgliled , 1803 , l > y Press Publishing Company. ; LONDON , July 0. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) U Is well wlthlr bounds ( o cay that the profound lack ol tallh In their chances at thb general flection which , within my knowledge , was felt bj most ot the liberal leaders at the time ol their defeat In Parliament , and , Indeed , foi tnonth before , has slven place today to c really confident bellet that they will returr with a majority , perhaps a considerable one Lord Salisbury was never a tactful politician but un bas crowded so many polltlca blunders Into these last ten days that r.i unprejudiced outside observer can only recal ferf. one chapter In history to equal them thi fatuous course of Louis XVI. before tin P revolution. He has already committed thi t conservative party to a most rcactlonar ; policy. While angering stiff-necked tor ; supporters by an undue surrender to Cham bcrlaln's demands for place , he has antago nlzcd the English love for fair play by hli wholly gratuitous Insult to Campbell Banner man and disgusted English regard for truth fulness by n very equivocal excuse for thi unKentlemanly act. OPPOSED TO LIQUOR REFORMS , lie has , with brutal frankness , practical ! ; declared himself against any effort to re form the present liquor license laws , agalns which the whole moral force of the natlo la aroused , and together with other hanll : less crucial and cynical avowals of dlsre , gard Jor an obvious popular sentiment , ha finally made his House of Lords throw ou the bill passed In the Commons , the entlr Justice of which cannot possibly be denied He has thus consolidated Irish sentlmen and L'ngllsh sentiment which favors Justlc to Ireland , and has given an object lesso v- - Jhan which nothing could be utronger to th liberal crusade against the Lords. Lord Hosebery , Sir William Harcourt an 4 John Morley within these last forty-clgli hours have preached boldly and cxultantl 'the extremist radical program for abolltio cf the , veto power of the Lords , for a loci veto of the" liquor traffic , and for homo rul for Ireland. The liberal leaders have agal the courage of their convictions , which ha been rather to be doubted since Gladstone' .wlthdnwal . , and the party seems once agal united and enthusiastic. FAVORS THB ORANGEMEN. The defeat of the Irish municipal franchii bill by the Ixirds yesterday , by a unanlmoi vote of the tory maorlty ] ( seems really the ai of madmen. H passed the Commons at th session by sixty-two majority , while the goi eminent party majority was below ten , gave Irish municipalities exactly what Eni llsh have had for sixty years. The only po slble , although outrageous , excuse for Its di teat Is that In Ulster existing restrlctc . to keep al " franchise enables the Orangemen r" Bolute control of the corporation , anil of a municipal offices In Belfast , Derry nnd so1 oral other smaller towns , while In the othi three provinces It gives the Orangemen repr dentation In municipal bodies entirely dlspr j portlonato to tholr number. In towns who k Orangemen are paramount no Catholics a : ever employed by the corporation In ar h but laboring work , and in Derry , where the are 18,000 Catholics against 14,000 Protestant the only municipal capacity In , which Cath lies are employed Is as scavengers. .Lord Cadogan , the new viceroy for Irelan led In the attack on the bill and thus ga' Ireland notice of what to expect from Lo Salisbury's rule. CHAMBERLAIN ALSO AGGRESSIVE. Meanwhile Mr. Chamberlain , In tl Commons , has already begun li fight with Balfour for the lea ershlp by Intervening on every quest ! ) that has arisen , In conspicuous disregard Custom , which leaves to the leader of tl house the solo right ot defining the gover ment's policy. The unionist coalmen th already shawg signs of speedy dlilntegratlo m\ At liberal headquarters the officials say t mi i night they are amazed at the triumphant to ot reports they are now receiving fro & country party managers. It Is a curious and Interesting fact to us America' that from the moment Parllamc is dissolved on Monday and the general cle tton technically begins , the leaden of tl two parties. Lord Roscbery and Lord Sail bury , will be absolutely debarred from takli ny part In the contest , either by speec writing or work. They suffer this dlsquatl cation , In common with all peers , under standing order passed many years a ; by the House ot Commons , declaring It u constitutional and a breach ot the prlvlleg ot the House ot Commons for any peer participate In the work of a general electlc At the tlmo this resolution was adopted t Interference of peers In their landlord c pacltylth parliamentary elections h reached a scandalous pitch , and the condu ot some ot them had become so Indefcnsll that the House ot Lords was compelled force of public opinion to accept this deer ot the Commons , although U really has force in law. 1 NITRATE NORTH'S CAMPAIGN. In spite of the seriousness of the Issues , i ready some humors .ot the campaign ha arisen. Tom Ochtltree's friend , Colonel .Nor ! is contesting a seat with Herbert Gladsto anil made a speech last night so extraordlna In its offenses against grammar and unlq In style that all England is laughing at t reports published today. He said : "The one pleasure that I ha\e In life Is be born a Yarkihlreman ; the other Is to re about Yorkshire. If I am to be a foot ba well , I am shoving behind them In Londt the same at cricket. Ot course there ls good many hero knows the Interest I take cricket. A good many here knows I cot play eoino ot them even ax my age now. " Then be told a story of a fight he once ti at a radical meeting. "There was one 1 man who was knocking them down , right a left , until the show stopped to see two have a EO. lie came tor tue , and edged him and just gave him one. Well , lat man went right over the table. That Lopped the meeting. " In North Somerset yesterday Mr. Evan .lewellyn , unionist candidate , who was of- enslvely Interrupted by one of the audience , ushed from the platform nnd gave the of- cnder a sound thrashing. The amenities ot olltlcal campaigns hero could give points ven to our Bowery. The acceptance of a baronetcy by Naylor .cyland , apparently as a reward for aban- onlng the conservative party , will probably efeat him In Southport , where he Is opposing Jeorge Curzon. Their two American wives , lowever , will take active part In the contest. PRAISE FOR AMERICAN ACTORS. Augustln Daly's revival of "Two Gentle men of Verona" this week , has brought ilm astonishing tributes from the London ) rcss. The Times calls Ada Rehan the "most finished Shakespcrlan actress of our Ime , " and Clement Scott , the best known of English critics , actually finds courage o say that American actors speak better English than English actors. Discussing Daly's company , he says In the Telegraph : 'The gift to sensitive English ars was the rare gift of elocution. There was scarcely an outlaw ot the lowest grade who could not speak verse better than the majority ot English actors , for the good reason that they have all been taught to speak , whereas every young English actor thinks that it will all come to him by Inspiration. It de- Ightcd the ear , tortured with the false qualities ot English dramatic art. " Lolo Fuller , that other American artist of another quality , has been repeating In Bir mingham and Edlnburg for the past fort night her successes In London and Paris. The London critics will have nothing ol M. B. Curtis In "Samuel of Posen , " and are unanimous In denouncing that play. Since the great flro In Paris last week the municipality is busily at work reformIng - Ing their fire department and will send a committee to New York to study our system , It appears there are eleven steamers In all Paris. BALLARD SMITH. ui * roit T M. nousi : OF LOUUS Mnrquls ot Salisbury Itop'loi to Lord Ilosc- bcrj'a Kecont .Stricture * . LONDON , July 6. The marquis of Sails , bury In the House of Lords today replied t : the speech which Lord Rosebery rccentlj delivered before the Eighty club , In which ho attacked the House of Lords. The premlei traversed Lord Rosebery's statement that the House of Lords had legislative preponderance On the contrary , ho asserted , the House ol Lords had no share In the voting by whlct governments were displaced , nor In the pro. vision ot fitness for the public service. Continuing , the marquis of Salisbury asket what the lords had done to Induce Lord Rose , bcry to submit a proposal which had been Ir Parliament for twenty years ; the House o Lords merely rejected the evicted tenanti bill , which he aiser'ed wa ; Impracticable In thi dliapo presented. To such bills the lords op posed continued resistance. ( Cheers. ) Theii real crime was the rejection of home rule which was the question upon which tin electorate was now asked to decide. If hcmi rule had been passed , the marquis also said it would have been Irrevocable and the coun try has been saved from this situation by tin so-called "manacles" the lords. In conclusion the marquis ot Salisbury ex pressed the opinion that the House of Lord ! deserved the thanks of the country for clear ing the field ot sterile and angry conflicts am for bringing about the consideration of measures uros to ameliorate the social troubles ot tin people. Lord Rosebery replied that the leglslatlv preponderance of the House of Lords excltei opposition , Inasmuch as 500 peers wore fixed barrier for the purpose of retardln liberal measures. The House of Commons ho added , changed ; but the House of Lord never ctnnged. Whatever the result of th elections , so far as the House of Lords wa concerned , It remained the same. In con elusion the ex-premier said that It the con servatlve measures were such as to raise th social lite of the people without Injustice tether t other classes , he promised them the suppoi of the liberals. The house then adjourned. SPANISH TIC.IOl'S UO TO THIi PilOM No Fouiulntlon for the Slntomcut thii ( ipiiornl ( nmpoi U Dlshpartcnoil. HAVANA , July 0. General Anderlus , th commander of the troops here , reviewed fou companies of the battalion of America toda and the troops left for the province of Sant Clara. It Is stated on good authority tha there Is absolutely no foundation for th story published In the United States tha Captain General Slartlnez do Campos woul advise the Spanish government to abando the task of attempting to put down the Ir surrectlon and leave the Island of Cuba to It fate. On tbe contrary , the captain genen Is disposed to lose the last man and spen the last cent In suppressing the revolution. The report of the death ot Amador Guerr Is confirmed. Aramburo , the Insurgen leader who recently surrendered to the Span Ish authorities at Manzantllo , escaped an ratted another band of Insurgents In th neighborhood of Trinidad. He was pursue by the troops and had a fight , In whlc Aramburo was killed and three of his ban were \\ounded. A small band ot Insurgents has appeare In the district of Santa Domingo , provlnc of Santa Clara , and Its members have burne the city hall at Andalulas , after killing tl : mayor ot that place and four citizens wh took part In Its defense. TIIIICD lEIMDl.SQ UFTIIU SUPPLY U1L At the Close ot ( he llcbno I'.irllmim : Win Prorogued Until July 24. LONDON , July C. An appropriation bl providing money for the public service unt the meeting of the next Parliament passe Its third reading In the House of Commor today. Mr. Edmund Knox , Parnelilte , r.'pri sentlng West Cavan , commence 1 to dlscu : the action ot the House of LorJs In icjectln the municipal franchise Ireland bill , but , c the motion of the Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfou first lorJ of the treasury , the up-aUer ru'.c Mr. Knox out of order. The latter returne to the subject In various ways , but ech tin the speaker ruled him out ot order. M Knox then asked If the government wou Introduce a bill to redress the anomalies < the municipal franchise In Ireland. Mr. Balfour admitted tbe exlctenca of ai omalles In the municipal franchise , but , 1 aided , the government coull not announi any legislation until after the election * . Mr. Cavln B. Clarke , membqr of the Ca't ! nes * . radical , and Mr. Heary "Labouchc.e thj protested against the alleged tendency ot tl government to Increase expenditures In purs1 anco ot a high Imperial policy. Tbe appr prtatlon bill , as already cabled , then passi Hi third reading and ParlUrant waj fo.-ma" prorogued until July 31. Chinese I.oin I'lujlljr Conclude J. BERLIN , July 6. AdUcei received he from St. Peteriburs ; ny that the arrang ments to la ue the 16,000,000 loan to Cbli under Uuulan guarantee have been concludi and that all the papers will L sicued DAVE TAKEN LONDON Friendly Invasion of England's ' Capital by Wealthy Americans , THLY FILL THE HOTELS AND THEATERS Spend Their Money on Every Side with ' Lavish Hand , IMPORTANCE OF THE NIC.-tRAGUAN CANAL Dhcnssed by a Eeturnod English Traveler and Scientist , LORDRDSEBERY MAY MARRY A PRINCESS Queen Victoria i'nUl to Look with Com placency Upon tlio Mntcli Hetneeu the LUo I'rcmler anil Ono of Her Uranildnuchtcrs. ( Copyrighted , H9J , by the Associated Proas. ) LONDON , July C. The leading hostesses , In view of the waning season , the approachIng - Ing dissolution of Parliament and the fierce political campaign which will follow , are dong their utmost to rush their entertain ments In before election. Every night of the past week has been crowded with balls , din ners and parties ot various descriptions and those who cannot find a night during ; the next few days are bslng compelled to aban don tl0 Idea of carrying out their social pro gram and will , therefore , postpone their pro. Jected entertainments or glvo them up alto gether. This year's Invasion of London by Amerl- : ans Is the strongest ever known. They are o be teen at every turn , occupying the besl partmeuts In all the popular hotels and risking all places of Interest. The leading estaurants are packed with them and thej lalf flll the theaters nightly. Finally the Americans flock In crowds to the big musl ( halls and enjoy themselves generally In ever ) ivay possible. They are good customer ! verywhcre , free with their money and con < .ent only with the best of everything. There. 'ore , It need hardly be added' iho Lender hotel keepers , fitore keepers and 'public ' en. ertalners are not grumbling at the so-callet American "Invasion. " It proof was needed of the presence here 01 a multitude of Americans , It was furnished by the crowds of patriotic citizens of tin United States who attended the several In. depende"ce day celebrations In London or Thursday last , and , strange to say , tin screeching of the eagle upon these occasion : seemed to give the lion a certain degree o liealthy satisfaction. The Dally News , foi nstance , commenting yesterday on the ban quet of the American society at the Holbort restaurant , said : "The American InJepen denco day WAS celebrated In LonJon mon publicly than on previous occasions. This 1 as It should be. The day brings no bitter ness of memory to the present generation o Englishmen. But for that day and Its les sons , our empire might by now be a thing o ho past. U Is never so fittingly celebrate : as when Englishmen and American ; meet Ii honor of It at the same ceremony , or at thi Eamo social board. " Then again , during the banquet a cordla message was received by the Americans fron the past anil present members of Emanue college , Cambridge , who were dining li another part of the building , which cause Hon. Wayne MacVeagh , the United State ambassador to Italy , who presided In th absence of Hon. Thomas P. Bayard , th United States ! ambassador to the court o St. James , to remark that blood was thlcke than water. Not to bo bhlndhand In cour tcsy , the Americans cent the Emanuel me a reply , proposing as a. worthy sentiment o the evening , the memory of John Harvard , son of Emanuel college , onJ the father c liberal learning In the new world. CHEAT CROWDS OF AMERICANS. As a further proof cf the presence here o vast throngs of Americans , It may bo aide that at the Savoy hotel ono night this weeli half a dozen famous dinners were In progres ; Mr. George Gould's party was at ono tabl and near them was the party of Mr. M. 11 Do Young , proprietor of the San Franclsc Chronicle. At another table. Mrs. Wlrt Dex ter of Chicago was entertaining a number o friends and there were fully twenty mor persons of more or less prominence at th various tables In the room. The registers of Lowes and Gllllg's Amei lean exchanges show a larger number c names entered than for years past. Mr. an Mrs. De Young arrived from Paris a fei days ago and they are receiving much al tentlon In society. They have been th guests of Mrs. John W. Mackay and othe prominent people. The sixty cases of ai objects which Mr. De Young purchased 1 France for the California exposition memorl : museum bavo arrived In London and wl be shipped to the United States on Wednes day next by the steamship Cuthera. Th collection Is one of really marvelous varlet and value. It Includes rare tapestrle : Sevres vases , plates , etc. , wonderful Ivorle of the empire period , Louis XV. and XV furniture and clocks and other admlrabl selections from the best collection It ! possible to draw upon In Europe. There was considerable comment among tli New Yorkers who attended the receptlo given on the Fouryi of July by Mrs. Bayan wife of the United States ambassador , upo the facfthat Mr. William Waldorf Aster , wl was among those present , has aged great ! since the death of his wife. Bret Harte created much amusement i the reception by displaying great anxiety th ; the English butler should announce his narr correctly. The butler announced "Bretl arte , " whereupon the novelist called ot "Bret Harte" at the top ot his voice thre times , and set everybody laughing. There Is much dissatisfaction at the can less manner In which the malls are dl : patcfted to the United States. The Nort German Lloyd company advertised a steami to sail last Sunday and notified the postoftti authorities to that effect. But without gl' Ing notice to any one or changing the di vertlsemcnt , the company withdrew tt steamer entirely , and In consequence tt malls waited at Southampton for sever days. days.FAVORS FAVORS THE NICARAGUAN CANAL. Archibald Ross Colquhoun , the well know explorer and first governor ot Maeonalan has lust returned from u seven months' toi to Nicaragua , where he thoroughly Inspect ! the Nlcaraguan canal route and Centr American canal. He says : "From what I have seen of Nicaragua at In a lengthened visit to the United State especially the southern states , I am mo thin ever convinced of ( he Importance to tl United States ot this project and feel su that It U only under the auspices ot tl United Etatei government that the proje can be carried through as It should be. The canal In my opinion , will be universally of greater Importance than the Suez canal and largely revolutionize the shipping routes ot the world. For the United Sthtcs the canal will not only have the effect ot develop ing the trade of the Pacific slope and south ern states , but will more especially open up tli'o ma'gnlflcent lands of the Mississippi at present lost to the commerce of the world. " There Is much gossip among agricultural classes In regard to the future policy of the government. A great many ot the landed gentry profess to know that the marquis of Salisbury will favor an Import duty on for eign products other than wheat and a number of Irish lories are using this argument In an attempt to secure votes. Mr. Jerome K. Jerome does not seem In clined to apologize to Mr. Richard Crolter In regard to a statement made In Jerome's paper about Slmms. He published Mr. Croker's letter on the subject which was the same In wording as the one written to Mr. Henry Lnbouchcre ami published In Truth , but he adds : "It 'does not tally with my Information , and U would bo to the advantage of the public that the affair should bo carefully Inquired Into. " The rumor that Lord Rosebery Is to marry one of the prince of Wales' daughters Is re vived this week and It Is said he may re linquish politics entirely. It Is understood that the queen would not offer any opposition to the match. Lord Rosebery continues to bo her great personal favorite as her be stowal upon him of the late duke of Hamil ton's Order of the Th.lstle Indicates. Lord Roscbery already possesses the Order of the Garter , and It Is extremely rare for any one not of royal blood to hold both orders , the only other Instances on record being the cases of the earl ot Aberdeen and the duke of Argyle. DISCUSSING AMERICAN ATHLETICS. Commenting on the possibility ot an In ternational university athletic contest Lady Colin Campbell Realm says : "The American unlversltes have nothing like the authority n athletic matters that ours have. Things might easily go wrong. The baser kind of 'port ' hangs about the American tracks from 'alstfylng ' a record to poisoning a competitor. " Reviewing the prospects ot the Cornell crew at the coming regatta , at Henley , Mr. \V. B. Woodgate , the expert English oars man , who has carefully watched the progress made by all the crews which will compete , n the race for the grand * challenge cup , predicts that the Leander aful New college crews will be first and second. Mr. Wood- gate also expresses the oplnlah that the Cor nell crew will not bo able to hold out after passing Fawley court against the longer reach and swing of the English11crews. . The Pall Mall Gazcttei commenting on the same subject , thinks that tfic Cornell men have been doing the reverse of ! Improvement during the past week. Jt has been dis covered , the Pall Mall Gazette adds , that stateness Is a thing to bo guarded against as much as Insufficient preparatlo'n. Mr. D. II. McLean , an did' oarsman of Eton and Oxford experience , who has been present at the Henley regattas of twenty years past , thinks that the Conie'.l men are undoubtedly a very fine crew and the best the United States could produce as they have carried everything bpJo're them In America. Ho adds : "They are-.slrnply an unknown quantity In the 'competition foi the grand challenge cup , and if they win we must reconsider our most cherished Ideas of rowing. " fc Mr. McLean also expresses the opinion that the Canadians , with 'tho crew of the Argonaut Rowing club of Toronto , consistIng - Ing of C. H. Munz , F. H. Thompson , E. A , Thompson and R. A. Munz , have a beautiful crew wltSi which to compete for the stew ards challenge cup for fours. He says' ' the ) are a speedy lot of mem WEEK AT THE BJG THEATERS. The cooler weather of the past week has had a favorable effect upon the attendance at the theaters. Daly's came In for i fair share ot patronage , Including several members of the royal .family. The pro. ductlon of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" ha : excited much diverse criticism. There ha : been praise for the manner In which It I : mounted and objection . - to tlie manner Ir which Mr. Daly Interpolated music It Shakespeare's text. Ada Reban and Jamei Lewis have been highly commended by tin critics. M. B. Curtis gave a trial matlnco o : "Samuel o1 Poeen" on Thursday last at tin Gaiety theater. The result Is that thi newspapers have united In a chorus of con demnatlon and express wonder at the fac that "Samuel o' Posen" was successful li the United States. , ' Mrs. Patrick Campbell returned to thi cast of "Fedora" yesterday and Bcerbohm Trei Is engaged In securing a cast for "Trilby. " U transpired during the week that Di Maurler took as his model for Little Blllei the son of a cabinet maker at Hampstead who has since adopted the stage as a pro fesslon. Mr. Tree has engaged him ti play that character It ) the approaching pro ductlon of "Trilby. " The princess ot Wales has always shown i great fondness for adventure , like riding li Buffalo Bill's stage coach and shooting a different shooting contests , etc. , and thi week she. In company wth | her daughters the Princess Victoria and Princess Maud , th duke and duchess of York , the crown prlnci of Denmark and other members ot th royal family , made the first trip In th great wheel after the style of the famou Ferris wheel of Chicago , only larger , whlcl ( has Just been finished at tjio India exhibition a.nd did it In spite of the /act that it ha been generally claimed that the- wheel Is un safe. ' VESUVIUS AND 151NA' 1 $ < EUOrTIO > S icrjl Towns In Their Immediate Vlclultj In Daaufcr.V NAPLES. July C. The { rater of Moun Etna U again pouring forth .fire , smoke an lava. Mount Vesuvius Is also In a state o eruption anJ Is reported to be In a worse con dltlon than Etna. Thq town of Reslnar south Italy , built over the ruins of Hercu laneum , Is threatened. Villages In the vlcln Ity ot both volcanoes are believed to be 1 danger. _ _ Mohammedan * iintl Uliuloot Illot. LONDON , July 0. An official telegram re celved here from Bombay Elys' that owing t the clashing ot a Hindoo marriage processloi with some natives taking part In a Mohan medan fete at PortoanJara , on the Katty war peninsula , the former attacked the Me IiammeJans and drove them from thel mosques. The troops eventually repress * the rioting after three ot the rioters wer killed and 181 , _ chiefly Mohammedans , wer wounded. riUbanterlne Tug It Loir , ( Copyrighted , 1S95. by 1'rees PuUlihlng Company KINGSTON. Jamacla , jTuly 6. ( New Yor World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Th Brldgeton has returned.tBhe Is damage again. It Is suspected that when ihe lei she carried coal and order * for the flllbustei Ing tug George W. Chllds , but failed to fln her. The British cruiser Tartar gave cbai to a steamer supposed to ! ibe Chllds , whlc was cruising close to this bland. OFF ON VACATIONS Emperor and All High Officials Leave Ber lin for the Summer. EMPRESS IS DETAINED BY ILLNESS Bismarck Recovered Sufficiently to Take Long Walks Alone. PROGRAM OF THE FALL ARMY MANEUVERS Germany's Eight to Levy Tolls in the New Oanal Questioned. QUARANTINE AGAINST EUROPEAN CATTLE Export ! from All Coninlnr Districts to America Bhow n Heavy Incrcnao Noted hcholar Lett for Amorlcn Ulthout 1'nylne Ills Dobti. ( Copyrighted , 1E05 , by the Associated Tress. ) BERLIN , July 6. The hot summer weather lias set In and tlio em peror and the chancellor ( Prince Hohcnlohe ) and the other high of ficials of the government bavo left Berlin on their vacations. The emperor's departure was deferred a tow days , owing to tlio Ill ness of the empress. She has now nearly recovered , and remains at Potsdam with the children until her strength Is com pletely recruited. His majesty will return here in the middle of August , In time to bo present at the autumn parade ot troops on the tcmpelhof field. Ho Is kept fully In formed regarding all Important matters during his stay along the coast of Sweden. Throughout bis vacation reports will be sent to him twice a day by special couriers In regard to all government affairs requir ing his attention. Prince Hoheuloho has gone to Strasburg In order to visit the exposition there , and ho will afterward proceed to his Austrian villa at Ataluzce. With reference to the bealth of Prlnc Bismarck , the Hamburglsche. Correspondent announces that ho took a long walk alone yesterday , and on returning conversed with a number of visitors whom ho found gath ered outside the bouse. The program of the big army maneuvers beginning September 1 , has now been de cided upon. They will take place In the valley of tbe Oder. The southern army will bo composed of the Guards and the Third army corps. It will bavo the task ol forcing the passage of tbe river Randow This la only practicable , owing to the swamps , between Locknltz and Pcnkum The north army , consisting of two arm ) corps , will oppose the passage of the river The 1st will witness a repulse of tbt 'enemy , wbo , on the next day , repulse theli opponents. On the 3d the army will flghl a battle near Nuerklrchens. PRIZES FOR THE OFFICERS. During the whole time the troops' are en camped In the open this summer , long dls anco and reconnolterlng rides will bo un dertaken by the officers of the army bj special orders ot the emperor , who has of fared a number of silver tankards as prizes The rides will .be governed by war condl tlons. The big veterans' Jubilee festival takei place In August at the Tempelhof field. Al the veterans of war , even the nurses am ladles of the Red Cross society , will taki part In the meeting. The bimetallic leaders In Germany hopi the Bundesrath will authorize an Internationa monetary conference within a fortnight. Germany's right to levy toll on all vessel passing through the Kaiser Wllhelm cana forms the subject of diplomatic corre ipondence upon the part of Great Britain Russia , Denmark , Sweden and Norway. Th claim Is made that Prussia , by assuming pro prletaiy rights oTcr Schleswlg-IIolstctn , als assumed the obligation to lay no tax , trlbut or tariff on vessels passing from the Germai ocean to the Baltic sea. Julius Stclnsihnelder , founder and chief c the Scientific International Bibliographic In stltute , has gone to America , leaving debt amounting to 1,000,000 marks. He Is CO year of age , the con of the old professor and llbrai Ian of the University of Berlin , and a ma of great attainments. By decree of the Bundesrath all Europea : cattle will henceforth be quarantined , th duration of their quarantine depending upo the existence or absence of contagious dli eases In the exporting countries. GERMAN EXPORTS INCREASE. The German exports to America for th quarter ending July 1 show an Increase , th average for all consular districts being C per cent. In the Berlin district the Increas Is nearly SO per cent ; In the Hamburg , 4 per cent , and In the Gera district , 150 pe cent. cent.Francis Francis de Wolf , a young American barl tone , and a pupil of Prof. Stockhauscn , a Frankfort-on-the-Maln , has signed a flve-yeai contract with the Central theater ot Dresdei Dr. Zupltza , the celebrated philologist c Berlin University , died today ot apoplexy. During the discussion or the proposition brought forward for the relief for the dep.-e ; elon in agricultural circles In the Lower Ileus of the Russian Diet today , Dr. von Boettlche : the secretary ot state for the Interior , refe : ring to the currency question , eald that s soon as the opinions of the various feden states were received , the Bundesrath woul take Into consideration the question as I what foreign elates should be nrgatlated wit summoning an International monetar conference. He denied the statement < Baron von Thlelmann , the German ambassi dor at Washington , that he had expressei tt opinion that nothing would come of a dlscui slon of the currency question. The action of the president ot the Kohll In fining the burgomaster ot Kohlberg ! marks for allowing a socialist electoral mee Ing to be held In the assembly room belongln to the corporation has attracted a great dei of attention. It apepars that In reply to tl demand of the president for an explanatlo tbe burgomaster wrote that only part of tt audience consisted ot socialists , and that tbe were good citizens to whom he could m Justly refuse the use ot the room. The bu gomaster adds that , moreover , he had actc In accordance with the views of the magi trate. During tils term of office he hi avoided harsh treatment of any party , ar the result of his attitude has been a decreai In the number of socialists , whose ranks , 1 asserted , would only have been Increa&f by severity. This calm reply elicited a violent re to from the president , who accused the burg master of grossly violating bis duties , ad Ing : "You have knowingly furthered tl cause of the party which bas Inscribed on I standard tbe overthrow ot social order , tl monarchy and Christianity. Therefore I a obliged to make full use against you of n disciplinary powers. " Th majority ot the municipal officers THE BEE BULLETIN. \V ath r Torcciut for Ncbrnufcn Fair ; Cooler ; Westerly Winds. race. 1. bnllubnry Inviting Detent lit the 1'ollft. Klch Amcrlcitni Welcome. Ill London , r.tnpororllllrtm on nit Kxcurilon. Cjrclnno M\roci Over Knntn * . 2. Lincoln hit * llavrn on ( Inmhn. Cornell Will llo\r on Tucatlny. 3. Const Oefomlern Itolmvo Well , V 'tmt the Sllverltrft Propose liolng. Soldier * Drilling In .Mini nt bU I.ouU , 4. Lint \Vrck In Local Soclntjr. ' " Flute. " Music ot Mornrt'a "Mnsto I'hcnomctm of Drenini. B. IIIU Dorenn Get * No Warrant. Society' * Mvlrl nt Lincoln. 0. Council lllunN Locul Mutter * . IO\TI UutiiiDllcnn rroapcct * . 7. How John bclj. n' * Llfo Wus TAUou. AfTuIr * nt South Oin.ilm. Averted nn Awful Crnsli. I'romlnent Inventor doe * Crnzy. 8. Work of County Comml loncr * . 10. "Loin lit School In rliinncrV 11. Hie Tip In n Tniitriun , \\KnliliiKloii' " 1'crpctiml Mio\r. In thu i : < liicnllomil World. Co-Upcrnttvc Homo llallclliiij. IS. L'dllurliil iitul Comment. 13. Peril" of Nntlonul Life. At Work nt the Stnto 1'nlr. Echoes from the . \iitc-Hoora. 1-1. Sclf-.Munler Mitdo iny : , 1C. Commercial anil rinunclitl. 10. Wcctcly tirlst ot Sporllnp ; Uoailp. 17. Hugo Conclusion * t > cuonc < \rlth l Age. rromlnlnR Work ot John Kuvlclson. Prolmulo I'liulug of Htoiim Itonds. 18.oimin : Her \Vnys nntl Her Worlil. 10. "Men of the Mom HnRi. " 0. LmsoliiB Mountain Lion. Kohlberg thereupon presented an address to the burgomaster , expressing complete ap proval of his conduct. Walter Damrosch has engaged Frauleln Vallmar of Munich , Herr Putlltz , the basso , and Herr Cassele , the baritone , for the Met ropolitan opera house , New York. The United States ambassador , Hon. Theo- iloro Runyon , on the advice of physicians , .bandoncd his Intended trip to Norway and , vent to Carlsbad Instead. Later Mr. Runyon ivlll go to Axensteln , Switzerland , for an fter cure. Mr. Archibald Coolldge , formerly of the United States legation at St. Petersburg , Is pending the summer with some friends In Uissln. The Fourth of July was not officially cele brated In Berlin , or In any other towns In Germany , but the stars and stripes were dls- ilayed on the United States embassy and con- iulate and from a number of buildings , and over the Uncle Sam club , where there was an Informal dinner and patriotic spseches. CIlUmSG TO ItKTUKM TO I'OWHK : x-Prcslilent Htunco Una Illi Agent * lit Work In Venc/.uuln. ICopyilBMed , 1S05 , by Tress PubllshlnK Company. ) CARACAS , Venezuela , July 6. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The activity of the political agents of ox-Presi dent Blanco makes tt evident that he Is In the field to succeed President Crcspo. His en ergy and persistence warrant tbe Inference that ho will be a strong candidate. Although he Is not popular , ho has plenty of money to spend , and that will command support. Ills rule was tyrannical and hta assumption of power bordered on the ludicrous. At ono tlmo ho had himself elected a senator from so many different states that ho constituted lalf of the senate , while at the same tlmo he was governor of several states and presi dent of the republic. He erected statues to himself In all the leading towns. His egotism bordered on Insanity. His absorbing ambi tion Ms to rule all the northern part of South America. An opponent says his plan will be to Induce ambitious people to Join their for tunes with him In a wild scheme of consoli dating Venezuela , Colombia , Ecuador and Peru Into a grand Imperial confederation with hhnself at the head , his ultimate design be ing probably to declare himself emperor , guaranteeing parliamentary government tc the country. Homo rule will bo'a part ol his program. It Is not unlikely his mania has taken this turn , as his ambition Is not limited to Vene zuela. Although ho has amassed $25,000,000 here , he Is still unsatisfied. There is nc limit to his ambition. He has married hi ! daughter Into ducal families In France. One daughter married the young Duke de Morny , the son of the halt brother of Napoleon. Bui Blanco cannot corrupt the leaders of tlu young Venezuelan party , which stands foi Independence , ejection of the English fron the soil of the country , and reforms In the national Institutions. Families descended from noble families of Spain are giving theli support to the liberal cause , especially thi younger members. What Blanco's agent ) are doing In Colombia and Ecuador Is only i matter of rumor. H Is his policy to buy or his opponents , now that no ono cares for hli threats' . His rule drove hundreds of thi leading politicians Into exile , some dying Ir poverty In the United States , Mexico am Franco. Since he left here for France hi has cherished the Idea of returning , am since the death ot President Nunex of Colom bla schemes of Imperial magnitude have beei floating In his brain. He Is an able , cour ageous and daring man with Insatiable ambl tlon. r.lrctrlclty Mot 1'opn'nr There. ( Copyrighted , 18 3 , by Press Publishing Company , COLON , July 6. ( New York World Cable gram Special Telegram. ) Every attempt a lighting towns on Colombia's Atlantic coas by electricity has been frustrated. Not loni ago the entire electric light plant her burned and Colon was left to primitive am Inadequate means of Illumination , thus rcn derlng evening promenades dangerous fo strangers. The Cartagena plant explodci this week , killing several persons .and des troylng neighboring houses. Chlllitn inblntit Hc4lcii9. SANTIAGO. Chill , July 0. The Chilian cab ( net has resigned. One Hundred Thouinml Dollar Itlnze. SYRACUSE. N. Y. , July 6.-A epeclol ills patch from Oswego to the Herald says tha fire In that city destroyed business an residence property of the value of JIOO.OU on which the Insurance was 151,000. A Mn Bond , aged CO years , Is missing , and Is be llcvcd to have perished In the ilamea. St. Jof < pli Dry ( I-Inn A iltn . ST. JOSEPH , July G.-Young. Townscn & Frnrer , one of the well known dry good firms of tlila city , went Into the hands c A. Biltan , us receiver , tonleht. The llabl ttles me $49,700 , of which ; > .009 Is hcl heie , the remainder being due In the cas The assets will aggregate $73,0)0. The tin will bo able to lesume. Alurle Iturniueh * Denied ' n Dtvnrrr. BAN FRANCISCO , July . -Judgo Trou has denied the application of Marie Uui roughs , the actress , for divorce from hi husband , Louis Masscu. Mini IturrouKh * u leges Infidelity as the reason for her sul but the judge decided that the luU 111 produced suHivIciit evidence. WIPED OUT THE TOWN Winonn , Mo. , Destroyed by the Sudden Bieo of a Email Stronni , ELEVEN PERSONS KNOWN TO BE DROWNED Eight Others Missing and it is Feared They Shared the Same Fato. NOT A HOUSE WAS LEFT STANDING People Who Were Saved Scattered Through the Surrounding Oountry. MAYOR ISSUES AN APPEAL FOR AID Cloud burst Sucllcil the Siutll Creek IVhtcb Itun Through tlio Tinsn Into u Torrent Which Nothing Could \VitlintuiKi SPRINGFIELD. Mo. , July C. A storm , awful In Its terror and totnl In Its work ot destruction , wiped out the town of Wlnona , on the Current river branch ot the Kansas City , Port Scott & Memphis railway , In Shannon county , at 10:30 : last night. That eleven per sons lost their lives Is a certainly , and eight men arc missing. The dead are : IlEV. 0. W. DUNCAN. MRS. G. W. DUNCAN. MATTIK DUNCAN. MIIS. CRAWFORD , married daughter ot Q. W. Duncan. CRAWFORD GERT. OEOHQB NKVINS. NOUMA NEVINS. LITTLE DAUQIITEII OP LLOYJJ \VUIQHT. MAGGIE CANNON. JOHN MOHUIS. MRS. NEVINS. The bodies of Key. G. W. Duncan , his wlfs and daughter , George Nevins , Norma Novlns and the Wright girl were recovered , but the others have not been found. A slashing rain , preceded by a stunning wind , set In at 9 o'clock last night. When the wind ceased the rain Increased Intensely , until at 10 o'clock the water seemed to como down In a continu ous stream. At 10:15 : four feet of water was on the street. In fifteen minutes moro buildings could no longer stand the strain and began to careen and dissolve In the waters. Vivid flashes of lightning pierced the downpour , which came like the falls of Niagara. Houses wore smashed and In the water were hun dreds of men , womet ) and children. It was like a shipwreck In the ocean. Cries or ter ror and shouts for help from struggling peopla clinging to pieces of timber made the scene ono that baflled Intelligent effort to save the helpless , The strong current rushing down the ravine or valley carried many to higher land and places of safety. NOT A HOUSE REMAINED. When the torrent had to a degree subsided the men who had seen 'to ' their own families turned their attention- others , and by 3 o'clock In the morning the worst was over. These who had escaped the sweep of the devastation stood shivering , without clothing or without opportunity to dry themselves. When the day dawned there was nothing of the homes In the town ; there was no shel ter , no food , no clothing. As soon as the destroyed telegraphic communication was re stored Mayor I ) . P. Evans telegraphed to this city for aid. Tonight the Inhabitants ot Wlnona are scattered among farm houses or have gone to neighboring towns. In all thirty buildings were destroyed. Among them were : A. Carter Lumber com pany's building , loss $2,000 ; Mrs. A. 0. Scranton - ton , millinery , building , loss $1,500 ; J. J. Dowcn , three buildings , loss $2,000 ; Church & Kissel , lumber , loss $1JOO [ ; Darr hotel , I'ctty's house and Sill's house were all carried away. The following Individuals lost houses : Tom McCord , 1)111 Howell , George Jordan , Wilson Randolph , John Norrls , George Hayden - den , four houses ; James Hensley , Jack Gil bert , Tom Gallbralth , Lloyd Wright , GranJall loberts , George Karris , Joseph Miller , Rev. G. W. Duncan , D. W. Van and Dan Holmes. The total loss Is not less than $ SO,000. Rev. G. W. Duncan , who lost his life , wa pastor of the Wlnona circuit , and was but recently ordained. He was formerly an en gineer on the Iron Mountain railroad. The bodies ot Miss Muinle Duncan and Mrs. Craw ford were found at 4 o'clock thU morning. The others were recovered long after day break. Some had floated three miles down Plko creek toward the northeast and In the direction of Current river. At places th water was twelve feet deep In Wlnona. It Is now known that Dlrch Tree , eight miles west of Wlnona , had Its greatest storm at the same hour last night. No lives were lost there , however , but Cordcz & Fisher , lumber dealers , lost $2,000 by the deitructlon of their buildings. Other buildings were slightly damaged there. PROSPEROUS LUMIJER CAMP. Wlnona , In point of population and bust- ness , was the most Important town In Shan non county. Surrounding It arc the finest of Uio great pine trees of Shannon county. To the north eight miles the Current river flows northeast and then bends to the south east , touching the Current River branch of. the Memphli railroad at Chlcopcc , a dozen miles east of Wlnona , Northeast and south west ot the town arc hills. The railroad follows a valley cast and west and a deep ravlna goes out northwest toward the river. Along the sides of this ravine or valley were clustered houses , occupied by the fam ilies of the men who had been employed In the Ozark Lumber company * ! sawmill. When the clouds burst on the bills the water rushed down this ravine , carrying all before It. The railway was on a slight grade , but the track was torn up and reildenco houses and business buildings were swept along wllli it Into the river. Church & Kis sel had the lareett general store , and the Missouri Land company had ono nthor buildIng - Ing near the railroad. Doth suffered from the rush of water. Wlnona , at the last town census , had COS people. Eight mllca west ot Wlnona was situated Dlrch Tree , next In sire In the county , with 525 Inhabitants. It had similar lumber Interests and was a thriv ing place. On the morning of July 4 tha town was visited by a downpour that wa almost equal to a cloudburst. Great prepara tions had been made for a celebration , and a mammoth dinner \vas spread under tha trees , The storm swept everything away and many had narrow escapes from drown ing. Again lute In the evening came another flood , a visitation that nay moat disastrous In Its resulti. I l-IVU I'KItSONi JUU.1.D IIV A UVCLONK lUxter Hiirlifc'i Kun. , Vliltcd by u Death Denlluz Ttmtcr. KANSAS CITY , July 0. A ipeclal from Baxter Spring * , Kun , , uyi : A cjrclona wlilHi struck luxUr Spring ! lait night kllle ! five people outright and two etherg were Uy