8 THE Oar AH A DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JULY 5 , 1895. i ! iI ONTINENTAL ,1i , LOTHINC ,1m HOME : , m " A' ! , N. E. Cor. isth and Douglas Sli'tcts. i i After-the-Fourth-Is-Over then comes our 1 i Great . . ii July -Clearance i i More tlnrn $95,000 worth of Men's , Boy's and m Children's Clothing to by offered unreservedly at positively the lowest prices ever made on up-to-date wear. It's an old story that happens every year i but not near so truly realistic as this year. i "We own lee tutich ini ini You Clothing may own it cheaper , " than we do. at this Sale inb for in a few weeks we'll be selling winter clothes b and the light weights must go. ji § N Your Choice of Lightweights. Ii I i Over fiOO high cost fancy Worsteds all the richest vicunas nil the best grades of Hrcktmum and Reck Worsteds in sack and frock i otylcs in till si/.cd from the tumllest to the lurtrest euitn tliut were sold horotofi.ro and arc excellent values at the regular prices of $20 , irj y2'2 and $25 this biilo your choice for Your Choice of Lightweights 3000 Men's regular $14 , $15 and 317 suits and wool'chiviots in brown and medium mixtures ecrgos , worsteds , in blue and black all this season's goods made for our finest trade the prices on these . ' ! 000 suits will bo during our July Cash Clearance Sale Your Choice of Lightweights Our 2000 Men's this season suits worth $10 , $12 and $11 not a low grade fabric , not a cheaply trimmed suit in the lot they are exceptionally well made and are in all sorts of colors and patterns in this our Great July Cash Clearance Sale at ' Thousands of pairs Men's Pants in this July Cash Clearance Sale at $2.73 S2.o'0 $2.00 $1.73 and Boys' Long Pant Suits The Chiviot , Worsted and Herges the S7 , J8 and $ ! ) kind brand now 1805 pattern- . go at the July Cash Clearance Sale for AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Fourth of July Celebration Was a Decided Success. ONE THOUSAND PERSONS IN THE PARADE Exorcise * nt Synillciito 1'nrk Where "Jpeoclics , Mii'luumt Utimrg llctil Uio Crowd rracruin Carried Out In llotull thiClu City ( iiiunlp. Tlio 119th anniversary of Iho nation's birth was llttliigly celebrated by South Omaha cit izen's yesterday , and , strange to relate , no serious accidents or tires marred the pleas ures of the day. All interest centered In the Young Men's Institute celebration at Syndicate park , of which elaborate notices had been given. A street parade , announced to start from the Young Men's Institute hall en Twenty-fourth street , between N and 0 , drew a large crowd. Owing to the unfavorable weather In the early morning the Omaha contingent booked to participate In the parade was n little late , consequently the order to fall in was not given until nearly 11 o'clock.V. . J. McCrannas grand marslnl , and. was as sisted by the following aides : Thomas Hector - tor , Joseph Hsgers and Charles O'Hara. Twenty-two societies were represented , but the ranks In many were only partially filled , It had been expected that about 2,000 per sons \vould turn out In the parade , but ow ing to the rain , there were but 1.000 In line when Marshal McCrann gave the order to march. The column swung around the cor ner at Twenty-fourth and N streets and started west. Ilehlnd the band inarched a detachment of police under command of Chief Uronnan. Next In line was the Thurston Ulflea of Omaha , thirty-five strong , under command of Lieutenant Foy. The winners of the Galveston cup were dressed In white duck pantaloons , dress blouse , black belts and fatigue caps. The Itlfles were fre quently cheered along the line of march Other organizations iithe \ luiet were ; I'hll KcaFuey I'ost , drand Army of the Republic ; Nobraikn ledge No. 227 , Ancient Order of United Workmen ; South Omaha lodge No. CO , Ancient Order of United Workmen ; I'latt- dcutcher vereln ; Court Allemanla No. 103 , Independent Order of Forester's : Court Prok- cpvelky No. 200. Independent Order of For esters ; Tclgo Sokum ; Clgarmakers' union ; Hosewood camp No. 27. Woodmen of the World ; Knights of the Maccabees ; Hibernian Knights ; divisions 1 to 7 , Ancient Order of Hibernians ; St. Leo branch , Catholic Knights of America ; Carroll council , Young Men's Institute , Omaha ; Columbia council , Young Men's Institute. South Omaha. The procession marched , to Twenty-sixth ftret.1 gad turned goutlt , going as Mr as Bojs' Long Pant Suits The regular $10 and $11 suits extra strong and well made in this .Inly Cash Clearance Palo for Boys' 2-Piece Suits Neat and natty designs all szes ; and prices bijr assortment to choose- from. This July Cash Ol-g Slf\ / i ci " . . MP I -/W Clearance Sale at$3.,5o , I $275 , $2.25 , $1.95 and * Boys' Shirt Waists July Cash Clearance Sale prices and Beginning our Great July Cash Clearance Sale Saturday , the 6th of July. 4. HOUSE : . CJ street , thence east to Twenty-fourth and lorth to D street , the entrance to the park. In a carriage at the rear of the procession rode Hon. Eleaser Wakeley , Hon. Lee Ks- telle , Or. George L. Miller and T. J. Nolan. Notwithstanding the heavy rain of Wednes day night , the park was In fine condition. The ground was damp , but there wag no mud. As coon as the crouds got Insl/lo thn grounds they1 scattered , consequently n small change In the printed program was necessary. The speaking was delayed for fionio little time. Many who had inarched In the procession left the grounds for re freshments and the younger folks strolled down to the lake. Judge Wakeley made a brief but eloquent address , giving the history of the origin of the American flag. T. J. Nolan read the dec laration of Independence , and after the singIng - Ing of America by the children , Hon. Leo Kstello of Omaha delivered a short speech , which was full of Fourth of July patriotism. After this there \\as dancing , panics of all kinds and music. The celebration \\as a success. Itoitilt of thn Itiiln. The contractor who Is putting up the Mahoney - honey building at Twenty-fifth and N streets does not read tha weather reports. When work on laying the brick foundations was stopped Wednesday evening a quantity of sand was left In the gutter at the corner , completely blocking the catch basin. The rains came and th ? big pile of sand turned all of the water Into the excavation. Thurs day morning the foundation was about two feet under water , anilwork will have to be suspended for several days In order to let th ; bottom dry out. oil tlio hntlomil Colon. After the sun came out Thursday fore noon and dried up the mud holes In the street crossings , the merchants along Twenty- fourth and N streets decorated the fronts of their places of business. Many of the store fronts looked very neat , others only showing small American flags. Taking It all together , the streets mentioned were fairly decorated , considering the fact that no united attempt had been made by the citizens to do honor to the nation's birthday. I'll ! the City to Seine hxpenie. The rain yesterday morning washed so much slush anil refuse down N street that the eewera were clogged. Street Commis sioner Iloss started a gang of men draining the overflow off the bottoms and the rallroai tracks. Tha stoppage of the sewers was caused principally by papers thrown Into the street , wrappings of fireworks pack ages , etc. This caused the city considerable expense and the oftlclals a large amount of annoyance. _ Lily Uottlp. Mrs. A. T. Everett has returned from a two months' visit with friends at Hastings. Several large parties went out to Sarpy Mills to picnic. Councilman Jim Dulla es- cirted a tally-ho party to Bellevue. A sn-ak thief broke Into Markeson Hros. ' kaloon on lower N streets Wednesday night aud stole a gallon or two of whliky , 200 cigari and a ttnall aomPt of ca h , A negro Boys' Long Pant Suits Your choice of more than 2. > 0 of the highest grade of Worsteds and Chiviots in this < K > * y 7 = 1 July Ca h Clearance 'T / Vi2 Sale at " le 3 ° b has Miss Alice Havens leaves for Hoston , Mass. , International y ' to rePre "t Nebraska at the convention of the ' Young Pee ple's Society of Christian Endeavor. Wednesday evening Mrs. William Ku- 'acliT. residing In a cottage opposite the aleiTV'0tCV'0le,1' ' ' lett ller baby " 'Charge of , , , a little girl and went to a dance nt a hall near by. The children upset the lamp ana set the house on fire. The prompt arrival of hose company No. 1 prevented any serious loss to the cottage or contents. IJotli chil dren escaped unhurt. A llevrniKO \Vtioplmcn. . Next to being lost at sea there Is nothing that brings on the pangs of thirst quicker than bicycle riding. The hot sun and the constant Inhalation of dust quickly parches the throat and makes the biker long for the n xt stop for refreshments. The wise rider avoids lee water , well knowing Its danger. Alcoholic beverages are likewise tabooed b . cause of their heating propensities , and there is little satisfaction In wishy-washy stuff sold under the broad classification of "soft drinks. " A well known wheelman , In speak ing of this , said : "What to drink Is no easy problem to a man on a long , hot run. The only drink. I know really lit for a bicycle rider Is Hires' Kootbeer , carbonated. There are but few places now at which It cannot bs had , and I tell you It braces one right up , seems to go right down to the bottom of your pedal workers. It Is cooling and refreshing , quickly lowering your temperature and fully satisfying your thirst. I tell you there's nothing like It , and I've sworn off all other drinks when on the road. " Hires' Hoot- beer , carbonated , Is made from the famous Hires' Hootbeer extract by the same formula without adulteration of any kind. Ilesldet being delicious , It possesses many medicinal qualities , making It as popular with wheel men and pedestrians as the good home-nude Hires' Rootbeer Is with the folks at home. Lad li * M , If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia , any kidney or uterine trouble , are emaciated or have superfluous flesh and your doctor orders baths , before going to the expense of a trip , try our baths. Von can have Turkish or HusPlan , medl- cateJ. vapor , electric. * ea salt , sulphur. Mer curial , oil rubs and hot milk bat In. Attendants first class. Massage by an educate. ] masseuse. Lidles' Turkish baths and physical cul ture parlors , 103-110 Hee building. Kitr : to I.nuUtlilr , Ivy. Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railway will , during the G. A. H. encampment. Louis ville , Ky. , sell excursion tickets September S to U , good returning until October 5 , from St. Louis to Louisville at a rate of not ex ceeding 1 cent per mile. Address J. M. ' Chesbrough , general passenger agent , St. ! Lou It1 , for furthrr particulars. fsole tlinnKB 111 Ilmr , Chl'-ago , Ilock Island & Pacific railway's Chicago verilbuled limited leaves at i-40 p m. Lincoln , Falibury , Jlellevue and points tou'h ami west &t 0.15 p. uv. HOW OMAHA JGELEBBATtD People Went to Picnic in ; Sha ly Places or to Witness Athletic Sports. DAY AROSL BATHEU IN A COPIOUS SHOWER Snc ! of FlrpwnrKft I.emi 117 Unit ' 111 , in llml uf I.mt Vpitr unil tlio Nal < c on tlio hired * I iirrrspntnlliicly I.eni IcnturuH or tlio Seldom lias a national holiday been marked by ns little etlr anJ feature In Oma'ia ns jea- tenlay. It was In all respects the most un eventful Fourth for many years anil during tlio day not even the lire alarms that usually follow the path of the small boy and his fire crackers disturbed the monotony of the city. The bnnki and most of the large buslne's establishments \\ero closed and the greater share of the people took advantage of their holiday to gei away from the paved streets and patronize the numerous picnic resorts In the vicinity of the city. Tlio downpour of rain which disturbed the early morning slunibTa of Omaha people brought a momentary disappointment to hundreds who had planned for a day's outing. Hut the rain , which began falling at 4 o'clock , lasted less than an hour and the clouds were all dissipate ! before the Using sun. It was one of the hardest rains of the season while It lasted , and .58 of an Inch of water deluged the pa\emcnts nn.l washel the accumulated refuse into the gut ters. But alter the shower had passed It was followed by a perfect day. The air was freshened by the rain and the sun shone hot enough to make It an Ideal day for picnick ing and refreshing shade. It seems that picnics were the order of the day. There wns no general celebration , and there were fewer people on the streets than usual. An'oarly morning trip along the suburban streets disc-low. ! scores of wagons deekej out with Mowers and ribbons which were waiting to taUo parties of pleasure fcteKers to the various shady retorts which surround the city. Courtland lleach , Lake Manawa and the base bill games and athletic field sports entertained their share , and the less pretentious reports were equally well patronized. One of the most remarkable features of HIP day was the extraor Unary falling off In the sales of fireworks. .Moat dealers report that their sales we'e less than half what they were last year an 1 the street sales In particular were very light. The amount of noise on the streets was not In comparison to previous years. Last year the shooting began during the last week in June and on July 3 and I It was almost dangerous to walk the streets In the business part of the city. This year the mayor l sue 1 a proclamation forbidding the discharge of explosives on the streets until the night before the Fourth , and tills was generally obeyed. Even during yester day but comparatively few firecrackers men aced the safety of teams and pedestrians , and none of the small fires that almost In variably accompany the celebration of young America occurred ( luring the day. Those who profited most by the day were the proprietors of the numerous small bakeries In the sub urban districts. These had prepared unusual amounts of rolls an 1 cakes of various brands , but bsfore the middle of the forenoon It was difficult to find even a cookie In stock. The hundreds of families who meditated a day's picnicking had drawn liberally on the baker les for the material for their holiday ro- frc ° l.ments , and thl tort of trade was nearly double what It was la.H year. Many who preferred to spend the Fourth In a. quiet manner took advantage of tht cool recesses offered by Hanscom park. At an early hour family and private picnic par ties began to arrive , and up till a late houi the park thronged with thousands of mei. , woman and children. At lunch time table ? were at a premium , and many elegant luncheons were seen spread upon the smooth lawns of the park. Many came out late In the afternoon and brought their supper with them , and It was near midnight when the last of the crowd had left for their homes and the park was all quiet to the- night watchmen. At < fiurtliiml Hunch. The exceedingly heavy rain of yesterday morning canted Manager Arthur's face to lengthen perceptibly as he came from his room in the Merchants hotel , and It doubt less caused also several thousand excur sionists to remain at home who had pre viously arranged to come to Omaha to spend the day at Courtland. It turned out to bo a glorious Fourth. The sun coming out about ! ) o'clock chased the clouds from the sky and from the face of tha manager of Court- land beach. Picnic parties laden with baskets and camp utensils began to enter the grounds by 10.30 o'clock , and a continuous stream was kept up until after the evening per formances were over. All enjoyed themselves to their fullest capacity. It was the greatest day Courtland beach has ever had , there being over 14,000 persons who participated in the festivities. The advertised program was carried out to the letter. The concerts , day and evening by the Courtland Deach band were one of the principal features to lovers of good music. The unrivaled Phlllon , who Is known as the greatest living equilibrist , while standing erect upon a hollow wooden globe only twenty-eight Inches In diameter , rolled It upon a perfectly flat runway only sixteen Inches wide from the bare of the tower to dome and then across a cable five Inches wide for a d'stance of fifty feet while forty feet above ground , and backward as well as forward. Ho gave three exhibi tions to the multitude , as did the royal Moorish trotipo of Arabs under the manage ment of Sle Hassan Den All. This aggrega tion of athletes , acrobats , tumblers and glad iators is the largest and most perfect organi zation of gymnasts ever under one manage ment. In addition to the pyrotechnic dis play that concludes the nightly perform ances of Phlllon on the spiral tower , last night was given a display of fireworks mag nificent In the extreme. H consisted of set pieces. Phlllon. the spiral tower and the Arab ? continue each evening this week und on Sun day matinee and evening. There will be a double parachnto leap In augurated this evening. Mme. Gribble , who was the first lady aeronaut , three years ago , to go up In a balloon at Courtland , begins with tonight and makes a parachute leap from the balloon , as does also Prof. Le Jlurno. The Tyrolean warblers will be at the beach on Sunday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' tiulvattnii Army Crlrlirntlon. The Salvation army caught the spirit of the Fourth of July , ( adding the religious to the patriotic tentlmtnt. Last evening the Omaha corps , with'the ' assistance of the Council Hluffs corps- paraded the street ; , tli ? features being as announced yesterday morn'ng. ' All of the chief nations of the world were represented In costume. This was several hours after a consecration meetIng - Ing at 3 o'clock In tha afternoon. Ths pro cession circled Into the usual form at I-'lf teenth and Douglas 'Streets about S o'clock and the crowd was lirgfr than usual on ac count of the unusual tight presented by the parade. The fir rt services were out of ths ordinary only because Sergeant McAbee callel It a celebration of the Independence of touls as well as ac lebration of the In dependence of the country. Devout police men , under the lead df Sergeant Cook , saw that In the circle formed by the soldiers of the cross no inlqultlous firecrackers should b < > thrown. It was remarked that this was the only rFourth cf July procession In Omaha. During the afternoon the Salvation army told Ice c-eam and other r ° fre-hmcnts be no.ith the shade of the trees on the lot east of the barracks and the patronage was large. l.iiitro.til * IIIMV with Kxcurn omuls. The city offices of the various railroads rc- malned open until noon yesterday , when the city passenger agents and their assistants drew down the blinds and proceeded to enJoy - Joy the nation's natal day. The Union Pacific ran three coaches to Papllllon with members of the Grand Arm > of the Ilepubllc and Woodmen of the World , who united In a p'cnlc The tr.nn left th' ' union depot at 9 a m and left Papllllon last night at 7 r'c'ock. The rain of the early morning msde the Fourth an Id'al picnic day and everybjdy who went to Pap'lllon ' bad a gnod time. The Uuica I'ac.flc carried u car o ! wheel * men to Kearney Wednesday night. The same | road ran a special excursion from Grand Island to Kearney on the occasion of the s'nte meet. The Burlington took the Omaha Guards to Nebraska City yesterdiy. National Ittucutlonal association trains bsgan arriving over the Union Pacific yesterday morning , two specials passing through Omaha yesterday morning at 1 o'clock en ronto to Denver. The llrst special Included the New England delegation , the second the New York contingent of schoolmasters and school- ma'ams. Two more specials will follow this ? afternoon. Minor r 'li < lirntlon > . Kobln Hood camp of the Woodmen of the World at Florence picnicked at Pries' lake yesterday. Riverside park caught Its share of the crowd. Several hundred people spent the day there enjoying themselves at private picnics and drinking artesian well water. I'rnHtril t > y spirit nf tlio Day. Judge Ilerka heM a short session of the police court yesterday morning and was very liberally Inclined toward the small aggrega tion of drunks and vagrants who filed up for consideration. They were alloweil to go out and celebrate on promise of good behavior and several of the prisoners whoso tlmo was nearly up were also called up and the bal ance of their sentences were remitted. TIIK WO.NlH.tU I I , lll.ALIC IlILI.b. A'l TniclicM > lion III KM ( UT AH about the Black Hills historic. Instruc tive , Interesting to a greater degree than any other part of the K'-t. * The Hot Springs U South Dakota arc there. Delegates to the National Educational as sociation meeting at Denver , holding tickets over the Union Pncillc , have an unprece dented offer In the way of n low rate , re turning through the Black Hills. Prof , demons of Fremont Normal school , Fre mont , Neb. , will personally conduct an ex cursion party on this trip. Consult him or the nearest agent P. , E. & M. V. or Union Pacific railway for further particulars. J. II. BUCHANAN. G. P. A. UiVTUI VI , I tlio UtirlhiRton Hoiitr. Here are the Burlington route's best offerIngs - Ings In the way of reduced rates. To Boston. Mass. , July E to S ; one fare for the round trip , good to return until August C To Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou and Pueblo , July 4 to 8 , $10.00 for the round trip. good to return until September 1. The city ticket agent at 1321 Farnam street will gladly give you full Information. HALF itTIS IAST. Through furs Int ? : 'pTlnt 1'iirtlos Kn t. Boston July G to S. Baltimore July 15 and 10. Half fare for the round trip. Special parties In charge of excurs.on . managers with through tar service from Omaha. THKUC AHE OTHER ADVANTAGES. Ask about them at the Northwestern Line Ticket cKlce , 1101 Farnam street. R. II. Ritchie , General Agent. G. F. West , G. P. and T. A. ONLY 8:11.73 : To Ifonon nnil ICetiirn Vlil tlinVnl > , ili. For the Y. P. S. C. E , convention the Wabash - bash will sell tickets at above rate July 5th to 9th Inclusive. For tickets or folders giving full Information In regard to routes , limits etc. , call at Wabash office. 1415 Farnam St. , or write G. N. CLAYTON. N. W. P. Ag't , Omaha , Neb. Popular Sec : ! u ll-mto to tlio in : t. The New Vcfilbuled Train Service via Chicago < t Grand Trunk , Grand Trunk and Lchlgh Valley Railways , between Chicago , New York and Philadelphia , via the famous St. Clalr Tunnel , Niagara Falls , and th beautiful Susquehanna , Wyoming and L ° hlgh Valleys , known as the "Switzerland of Amer ica , " offers e'egant ' appointments and Is the most picturesque route connecting these leading cities. Train leaves Dearborn Station , HhlcTgo , daily , 3:10 : p. m. , and hap attached a Pullman Vestlbulcd Sleeping Car for TORONTO. MONTREAL AND BOSTON VIA MONTREAL. During the Summer Tom 1st Season there will also be attached to this train a Pullman Bt'fCet Sleeping Car tor the White Miuntalns and Tourists' Resorts on the Atlantic Coast by way of Montreal and the PorMand Division of the Grand Trunk Railway. The beautiful scenery nlong this route makes It one of the most picturesque and attracilvo tourist routes to the Kast. Baggage can be examined and passed cus toms at Dearborn Station , Chicago , thereby avolJmt ; Unlay and inconvenlenco on enter ing Canada. For Sleeping Car reservation' , rat ° s , time tables , etc. , apply to E. II. Hughes , General Western Passenger Agent , 103 Clark street , Chicago. Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , made up and started from Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to destination. Elegant train service and courteous employes. Entire train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light In every berth. Finest dining car cervlce In the west , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves at C p. m. dally from Union depot. City ticket olilce , 1504 Farnam street. C. S. Carrier , city ticket agent. Limited 'Ilmr , Unliinltril rirnnnrn. Leave Chicago union station 5:30 : p. m. today ; arrive PltUburg , C a. m.j Harris- burg. 1:35 : p. in. ; Baltimore , 4:20 : p. m. ; Washington , 5:45 : p. m. ; Philadelphia , 4 17 p. m. ; New York. 0:30 : p. m. tomorrow. This Is the famous Tennsylvanla Limited , with sleeping , dining , parlor , library , smoking and compartment cars , bath and barber shop ; typswrlter and market bulletins ; ladles' maid and courteous attendants. You can find out all about the unlimited pleasure by addressIng - Ing Derlng , 218 South Clark street , Chicago. Clirni ) rxrurHiotiH Kimt unil AVnut. BOSTON and return , one fare for the round trip , tickets on sale July 5 to S. DENVER , COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO. $19.00 for the round trip , tickets on sale July 4 to S. good for return passage till September 1. THREE special excursion trains from Omaha to Denver , Saturday , July C , at 255 a. m. , T40 p. m. and 6:30 : p. m. Call at ROCK ISLAND ticket office , 1602 Farnam street. Spirit l.til < e. Spirit I.nlippVlt I.uko. Through sleeper via the Northwestern Line , commencing Juno 28 , leaves dally for Spirit Lake at 6:10 : p. in. from Webster street depot. The lake Is the same , accommodations a little better , fare a little lower. City ofllce , 1401 Farnam street. Depot. 15th and Webster streets. J. R. BUCHANAN , G. P. A. Its very lamblike and bland to what It was yesterday. There Isn't so much hurrah. \ \ > don't do any hurrah busi ness In ours except on the Ith then we elose up shop and lire the cannon. We are again K'llliif , ' Klmball I'hmos on the same easy terms. A. HOSPK , Jr. Art and Muhlc 1513 ncual.is. Two Declarations of Independence Independence la sublime. LOUR live Itidopi'iitlonoe ! IMotinv the dinVreiK-e between our forefathers. suITorliip opiuvsslim nnil lyrnny , lolling for tlio luxuries of kliijjs , prliiee * tiiul lord * , de prived of freedom. anil yon who enjoy liberty , freedom of speeeh anil a member of a government , and not a subject of a king. Picture tlu- difference between a merchant under tlio pressure of n dlctntlnj ; power anil ourselves , free to ilo as we please ami lutlepoml- I'lit of money-lendiiiK sharks. Wesoll a $111.00 sntt for ? ( t.7.r > . Who mil prevent It ? Of course we don't desire to to on record that we're rebellions , money Just to convince that onr coeds are bought for spot cash only , and therefore could dispose of them as we please. Hut as we mentioned In our last Issue . " ( ) ( ) of one kind , J'.OO of nn- other -suits Is more than we onjlit to have now at this stnjie of the M-asoii. They're worth .fll'.OO a sntt , well worth every cent of It , It times were not so devilish hard. Hut to loosen a purse nowadays require * sacrifice Six Seventy Five for a $1:2.00 : stilt seems to fetch 'em , Judging by the crowds of yes terday and a day before.Ve ; ot Into the secret and are glad of it. mixed all wool Oasslmerelinltiui { cutaway sack , and navy blue serge , single and double breasted sack fashion. Won't fade ; Hn- lass and trimming extra Rood , neatly tailored and precise HUlii } , * . Tlie best yon ever had for $12. r \ A/E BliGIN HOT weather \l V ) i \ with a very warm offer to new beginners. To every one buying their complete outfit of us this week we will give a 'COMPLETE ' DEWED mm SET FREE , Our offer is for THIS WEEK only and the set is shown in our west windows. We arc { showing quite a number of new fall styles 11 Carpetings , including Tapestry and Bod\ Brussels , Moquctte and Axminster. Sev. eral new colorings have been added this season and we have secured every nov elty shown. We are closing- out Alaska Refrigerators at about cost. We are agents for the Jewe Gasoline Stoves there arc dents with Jewels. , h ov Easy Payments ONE PRICE MANHOOD RESTOREDvSS ? tlonol n famous 1'rpnch physician , will quickly t-nruj on of all nervous - vous or Ohinics uf tin' RcncnuUo nriuii > , nidi us ( .osiManhtnU , Insomnia , I'alnsIn Ihu HackSurnliiul K missions , Nprvnim Dclillllj. I'lmplfi , UnfUtifH In Marry , I-'ilmtistlni ; Drnlna. Viirlrm I'lii nn < i Oointlnutlon. It ttnpi all IOFKPN livilnv or nlglit. riPVPiiti quirk. In ss ol dischnrcp , li'cu ' If not chwkpil loails In Hiprimitorrliii'u IIM ! nil the horrors uflmpotenrr. 'Iflin : ni-rli : > uub .alhullviT , 111 fcneyfinml | , | tliniirlnnrvorRftiisof ull Impurities , rPRloreaHiimllwi'iilcorKnnR. . Tlio ii-ason BiirrereM urn not ciifpcl by Doclnrs Is bwausp ninety ppr rpnt i ro troubled w'tl -fi iiillli CUPIDKNK Is thH only known retncdy to euro nlllioiit nn opi-rnllon. ftumii-Htlninuk K A written RUarniitPOKlVPti anil money rPlHiMt-cllfpIr junra clots not cllicl u | iuriunututcurQ . . ) . mull. Hem ! for niEBcliciiliirniiU H-nlmonlnU. AndreiIIA YOI. "WroH'INf " ' ' ! ' . ° IlotSUTll. San rraiicifcn. C'nl. Pn-Kfrlii t'OU BALE BY GOODMAN DRUG CO , * ICUHN & CO. . OMAHX NEBRASKA. n Health is Economy. A well man can do as much D work as two men who are "uncle1" 3 the weather , " and do it better. A box of Ripans Tabules in the office will save hired help , : D Tatmles : Sold by drugftlgU , or by mall If the price W centi n box ) Is rnt to The HI- pans Chemlcul Company , No. 10 Fpruce > t. , N. V. EVERY WOMAN Fometluim ntixU a rollablo monthly regulating medlclu . DR. PEAL'S „ PENNYROYAL plLlSf Are prompt. Rafo ami certain In remit. TlioffsntU Ine ( IT I'rul's ) iifM-rdlsaUDoliit K 'ntfinywuer L Jl.oo. Hhcnnan & tacConnoli Drug Co. . lut i Dodge lr. l , Omaha , N b- | EDUCATIONAL. ILLINOIS ' . CONBEiWATORY. tied .nttrtirtlon lii all d u r6. uionUufUu leal HtudjrVia * Art . Klocu'Iou. l.aiiihi tf > l , A. it , Bm t , Jncluwuvllk , IU.