TIIE OMAHA DAILY . JULY J5. 1S05. SPEG1RL NOTICES , ntii fur ( time rolntnn * nlll to dm until 12iao IK , m. for tlin CTrn until H p. in. for the inornlni : Bid .Sumlnj tuition. AclTcrllmrn , l > y rrqnmtlni ; nnmbfireil ( lircbt inn Imvn BiunfrH illrrB ( i-l tn n uunihcrcil letter In rum of 'llio llco. An- > ncm no iichtrcMod will lie ilrllvoruil upon ) rctrtitiitluii of tlio chrrk only. ltatr < , 1 l-2c n wur < l , Unit limcttlon , ! c n word lirrrnflrr. NotliliiB Inkeii tnr ln tlmn aflo for llmt Inprrtlon. Ilimo nd i-rtlieiiipnt * rtinut inn rnnircu * thely. SITUATIONU WANTED. AND olllc mnn wnnM IMHI'II ' > n July 1st. Five > " xp < " ( cm c llfst mf.-r nrM Auilreiu t. v. Canllcld , Vnlcntlne. Nebrjika. A M2D2 WANTEU JlALi , HELP. WANTED. l. ' ) MEN TO WHITE ME TODAY f'.r the receipt ( absolutely fr.-r , In plain sc.il" ! envelop" ) which cured me of nervous ileblllly , eibnutd : vllnllty , elc. Address C. J. Walker , Hot 1311 Knliimaioo. Mich. H M4M WANTEtr MAN ON SALAHV TO TAKE Oil- dcrs in clly. If nui-cefsrul will re-elve nd- vnnriMiienl. Apply after 1) ) a. m. l"'l' ' > D n- bu. H MAW J > - > WANTED l-.hlU.rim HELI' . AUK YOF HONEST. SOIIKtl INDI'STHIOFS ? If soriKase with u- . f-r IsM. J.l'i-1 ' a m- l > , JJ.trt ) a yi-nr ; yon ran make It c-n y ; six hours n il.iy Our nui-nlK ilo not complain uf ji.iril times Why ? They nre rnaklnif in-inuy s-lllnir , our t.erf.--ll..n Dish W.isli-r : thunly prncllcnl family washer manufnctiii.il ; W.IH'I.-S ' ( IrliH nnd inllMip-t illslirn perfectly In two mlnut s ; mi cjt | , il.-ni > - iii-i-H niy. c'i'M ' ' of s .merute * diiiablueluht , tliliti-i-n U rniilv i-h'-iip ami ; IKiunili. mail. ' of anil-rust sheet nl > -l : mpaclty , 100 iii-.p ; Jl'i.Ofur ' ) Its riiunl ; " \ > -iY family want' "nynii : ilnn'l liav to canvn < ; as sonti na iiiplknnw you linvo II fnr sabtliy Heml for a dIOi washer ; each nB-nt'H territory pro tect il ; nr > lomiietltlon : > furiiHIi siinuile ( we.Khs six pnumls ) In nice ens.to Imlv ' ' to take orders with ; one ncent mail" 1211 Mllttt Un days. Address for full paillcu ais 1 Mtt.- lion MfR. Co. , EiiRlewood , III. < sll" _ ' ' _ WANTED.'A HMAHTTNIIAT OIULTO LEAHN facial inasHaiscnlp ami hair treiitinent , to rem-'vp HUrlliiotis | hair by electilc ii.-eillc. lair ilnwiinK. manicure , clilrup llat. fl < ; . l'l ' > - J ! " ; m < illit"ly : ; refeiences rciiulrcJ. im-in "ee Imliaing. J _ C'OMI'irfT-NT OIllL FOH OENEIIAL HoFSE- woik 4931 Webster street , Dundee 1 | [ | > ( - , . j. . IIOl-SKS. V. K. UAHUNO. 1IAUKEH llOt'SES IN ALL 1'AHTSOFTIin CITY. THE O F. Davis Company , 1W5 Farnam. D IIt > UHE3. HENAWA & CO. . 19 ? N. 15TKS _ iTTTcOM- . , LAHC.EST LIST IN 1'OH HFNT DESIHAI1LE HOUSES. roms , , 211 H. 21th St. . $30. 7 r ems , ! > M N. 27th n\e. , $22. . 1. 8 rooms. 4' 7 1'ass st. . JIi ) . 8 rnoms , 4KI Davenpoit St. . $10. f , r'loms , 3I21) .laclcson pt. . (9. r. rooms , 3113 1'ratt St. . J7. Hoe Fidelity Trust Co. , 1.02 ! AOENCV. C2)"io. ) 10TH ST.n n i : 2 ELEOANT C-HOOM COTTAC.ES J''ST Iniilt , J2J.50. Fidelity Tiust company , I'M I.1'ir' nam. _ _ _ . * II-HOOM MODEHN IIOI'SE , 29TH ST. K 1'OP- filetun. llurtman & llobblns , 210 Dee ' " - 7 UOOM KA3T FIIONT - bcnuUful lawn ; HlimlituvH. . Wj huulh au\ . Apply to J. II. 1'urrotte. Uouglas block. JIOIlKRN B-IIOOM POTTAOK. lJiAUTIIfl'I. l.iwn nml kliadi2121 Miami street. D Man B-IMOM COTTAOK. H. 12. COll. 19TII AND Jurkson. U-\'M 5' roil IIKNT-TWO 6-I100.M CO1TAQUS , ONK furnl hiil. 806 a. 30th. Modurn. , . rott nnsT. THK "UOSK. IIAUNKY. NIAR 23th. Hee Muller. the conf ctloni-r. IJ MoS'l ' 8 UODOK. I.-OK niNT. A n-nooM noi-sn. AIA , MOD- rin ImproviMnentB. and 3 cottnKV. Thou. Bwlfl. 405 N. l.ritli. Jrt NT a . .Q.HED i UOOMS WC 3 HOOMS FOU IIOUBKKK131'INO FOR MAN and wlfn ; rt-nt taki-u In lioard. 319 N. I'- \'f 5S I HOOM FOH TWO. l-niVATIJ ern. 507 S. 25tli Avf. K-M327-13' Fl'UNISHKI ) 11OOMS _ FOH LIGHT IIOIISK- P liceiilng. H H. glut nve. K-MM2 ! l _ I , I XJKNlaHE D KO QMS AN b'S OaRD rriiNiimFn SOVTH UOOM WITH board for two ; piUiit fiimlly ; no other Iw.iid- ere best home romforts. 611 No. Slst. t 't. lifornia nml Webster. V W\ \ F4i _ LW TO - THA B" bnUsi BllIT , CIIUST Mt-ASUIlB F.I . 36 Inches , worn twice ; cost J75 , for liorse. Run , Liy " or niiythlng. " _ S42 _ , Ue. _ 5JlLM _ LAUGH" I-'UO"NT ifooM WITH ALCOVI : . IN iirtvato family ; references. ' 'J13 Farnnm St. EIiOANT IIOOMH. I1ATII. FIHST CLASS Uinril , 13.00 per week. Webster hotel , 1&1U Howard street. F MSCI 6 FOR ItTTNl'-FtrnNlSHMD IIOOM8 WITH boahl. 1S2I lllnney slieet. F M3C3 5 Tin : "iiiLi.RinR , " ISTH AND PODOK ; COOT , ronsis , Isirit- . lawn ; excellent table ; tiaimlenU nccommnilated. F M5C6 " FOU HUNT , NICKLY FtTHNISIinD HOUTH- ciwt front iixim. with nlrov nnd l y window ; nil m-xlc > -.mvenlencen ; bi > nrd ; lawn vurnmndu the luiiM' . t22 S. Mill street. F Mjil-i C 1'I.KAKANT COOI , HOOM FOH TWO. WITH be-id 2310 Dodife st. C14-K * TJ N F UR NI3HED ROOMS TO RENT roTt 3 FNFlTtNlSHED HOOMS FOH HENT AT | 2M S. 2llh st. O 531 N. THUEE HOOMS ; HOt'SEKEEI'INO. 1020 ST. . Mary * * avenue. (1 C12 KENT ST" AJJXJ OITFIOEd TWO-STOHV lllUCK. ! KXM. AND 66 FEUT llackuiic. 715 S. 13tb. nt your own price. H. i ; . Cole Co. . 10 N. IS'I' ' fct. 1 716 Jytf FOH HUNT THK 4-STnUY IIHU'U I1F1LDINO , I OPi Farnum Biieot. Till * luilMInK has n fire proof ' nii-nt bas.'iiu-nt. c.impleiisixain h.-at- . Inr llxiurea. wnler on nil Hours , en * , etc. Ap. ply at lliu olllce of TinHee. . ] "Stv & TWO-STOHV HIllCK , J2Xf,6. AND M FEET tracK.me , .18 H. lllli. al your own prlc.II. . E. t.iltf ; Co. . 1M N. Ull' st. 1-716-JyC AGENT 8 W AN TED ! MKN AND WOMEN. $ J TO J10 ADAY AD- drrsi the IIun-l > Healer Co. . bill New York Life lilJn . Omaha. Net.J 47 ! O. C. WALLACE , HENTALS. 512 F.HOWN llj.K. STOHAOE , FRANK KWKHS , 114 HAUNKY.M473 M473 illWrVrOIlAUK HFILIiINO IN OMAHA. F. S. RUV bonded warehousboureliild ; c ' ls stored ; IUWIMI rate * . 1013-1015 Leuvenuorth. M 4'li VACIFIC STOHAlTi : ' WAUKHOFSi : IX ) . . ) S V10 Junes uti. Heneral fctoiaKC and fnrwardlnK. Jl I.S WANTt.l > TU . HicoNi-HANn : noTi-i : , raiiKt' . uft i-cKil ; urnsbe In R * 1 repair nnd vhe.ip. Qlvo name und full descrlpllmi. Lock box 41. DenUun , la. N MCJ1 1 * FOR SALE FU.-4KITURK. Foil PALU-Ji ) HOOMH FfHNlTIJHi ; ; CUN- tr I 1 cation. IS boautor * . Kuo.1 leasons for o'.llnK. B''eat baigaln. Addrcsi S IS , Hue. TOR SALE HORSKB , WAOON8ETC ron eAM--o"NK OF JIY III.ACIC I-ONY marf . Ficd Jlolil. 151T1. Fnrnain. I'-W ! ) HAHUWOOD COMIHNATION HOO AND chick-Mi fence. Chan. 11. Lee , Sth und Douk-la * . THE KTANDAHD CATTLK 1-O.V'AMES. NEIL , ban W tunj KJud baled hay for < ale. U MIM FOH HALE-OLD H'MIIEU , CONSI8T1NO OF unullliu : 2x4 , xS. txl'J. Bis. uhli'lap. ahtfeiliu ; . cUrlni ; , ilcors. windows , etc. , al the As < oclaie > t ClmrulesoCxJ ) arJ. Wt HownrU it. U-M7-JytI | ' BiCFHlTIiS : FOU SALF. ! \Va lr.it" u iiuuilvr i f urst tmir's-i " * l'i ' ) ' ' > ' < Of tU ) JJ , O Hi 0 t I 6 J.J. -III ft f I' " 7 ctie but Kit 'U | . cd duutltlcj luuUlrJ. ( all Mnd flea UM , Trust CotnrnJ' " - - J'Jir-n K1 t ) - > vl FOR BALE-MIBOELLANEOUS. Continued. _ _ _ _ FOH BALI : AT A sAciYiFici : , AN I-.LKOANT Krnls' rldlnir raddle and bridle. Apply after 8 p. m. , W. So. Sth five. IJ C1J-S * CLAIRVOYANTS MHR Dll. H. WAHHF.N , CLAIHVOYANT. HK- bualm-ss medium , Sth yenr at 119 N. Kith. 8-131 AMHI.tA nooDMAN , ASTItOLOOF.H AND l > TiTTirdllKl. ran be rnntulletl at ll'll ' and Ma ) n. Upp.it hotel. 7. S 611-9 * MASSAOh. HATH3. KTO. MADAM SMITH. M2 8. 1JTH 21) F1XOH. ) 11OOM 3 ; tnnirnptlr. vniKjr , alcohol , stetim. nutnhurme and sea balln. T Mllu-G * MASSAQI : , "MAUAMIinniNAiiD. . 1121 nonon. T MPAI ii" 1'INKST HATH ANI ) MASSAOi : I'AHUIHS IN city. Mme. Howell. 31S & 52' ' ) S. lolli ; th irouB ily practical chli'podiHt and inatilciirl't ntfrnl.int. T-MS7C .l > rj- 305 NOHTII 1CTII KT. . HOOM 13. IlATllrt. SH- le * I maa atfo by un exper * . Annn , from t'hl * C.-IRO. T-MrCS 7 MHH. nn. LION. IMCIANT : : MASSAOI : AND Plwtrlc bnlh. I'nrlon reslful and refieshlnB 412 North lllh stieet. T MWJ 7" TUKKlfciH HATHS. TIIIIKIHH IIATIIK ; ONLY I'LACH IN CITY exclusively fur ladla. . Suite K'J-ll'1 , lice bid ? . 1J- . LADIES' HATHS. MMK. TOST. 31914 H. 15TH. 4S2 VIAVI fO. , SIO linn IlLDfl. ; IIKALTII IlOflK free ; hum * treatment ; lady aU-'inl.int. IHS1 II. 1IAAH , FUHIST , I'LANT.-l. CUT FLOWiHfl. HnniUMt ] , ball , residence and Kravo decorations. 1315 Vlnton stre.-t. Ti-lepliuiie 770. I' .MISI * , MASSAOK , MMH. TOST , 3184 S. 15TH U-4.vi A I'HIVATIJ I'AHTY HAS MONHY TO LOAN on iilan > H. Jewolblcvcli ? ' * , etc. ; bii'lnhs ! Btrletly conlldenllal. Addrest. 1'oslnlllc.- I lux 3ir . f-M7 )2 ) _ _ HAVI : Yotiu OLD CAHPirrri MAHK INTO IUKS ; any size you wish , 1J21 L iivenworlh slre.'t. U M7it ) Jj6 Alii : YOU SICK ? MF.PICINIANI : ) THF.AT- nient &K nt SXJVi N. 16ih st. I' 131 Jyl7 II.I.INOIS'ANS AUK UKQrnSTKD TO SEND n.uii" nnd nililr. ss f r orKimlzInt ; Illln > ls rlub to II. II Cole. Mi N. iJth. L' 33 5 \VANTID. Koi.nit-ns : ou OTIIKH I'AIITIKS wh'i deslrn to lak ehi'loc ' K.IV'I. land In YanU- lou renervatloii. situated nlont ; Missouri rlv.-r , Chnrlps Mix I' . . . . 8. D. Aildie. H Hubert Van 1'ell. Mitchell. Soulli Dakota. U M5il U" VIHITINO DKNVKIl will Hnd llrst clnss acciitninodallonK. cl-ttant location , on car line. 1'rl ie.i onatle. "Ar- llnKton Tennce , " No. 9J2 Ilroadway. Denver. I''loradn. U Sli-S' MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TIIUST CO. . 31S N.Y. LIF13 , 1'iiins nt low nites for chnlce security In Ni > - biuska anil l wa fuilii * or Omaha clt > pioperly MONKY TO LOAN AT I.OWKST HATES. Till : O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Fuinnm St. \V 4S7 CITY LOANS. C. A. STAHIlTsij N. Y. LIFK. \V-4SS LIFE 1NSU11ANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. O. Chesney. Kansas Clty , _ Mo. CAPITAL , t2.WO.tWO ; HFIU'Lt'S. SG'W.OW ' ; U. S. MnrtKaga Tiust ' 'n. , New YmU ; for 0 per cent loans on clly pioperty iipiily t- > 1'usey rt Tliomis , nKents , room 2)7 , l-'list Nut. Ill : bids. \V-IUJ MONI'.Y TO LOAN ON IMPHOVHD OMAHA real cstnte. llrennan , I.ove & Co. , I'uxion blk. MONHY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HEAL HSTATK ill per cent. W. 11. Melliel. lal Nat. Die. bid ? . W ) J2 MONIY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVID OMAHA iirunerly. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm. w-taa LOANS ON l.MI'HOVUD & UNIMl'HOVlCITY : nronerty. W. Furnam timtth & Co. , 132) l-'orn.un. W-4-J4 INViSTOItS' : niHKlTOHY CO. . 10 WALL ST. . NI-W York , offer uny part 101.W ) c.istem In- vi'stors * names , who luv < ' m > ney tu Invust ; just compiled. Wilt i ! lor p.irlleulnm. \V-M3St J > 2J MONEY TO LOAft CHATTELS. MONIY TO LOAN ON Fur.NiTFHi : , PIANOS. borsi's. waK'iiii. ' ete. , nt lowest nili-s In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly csmtidpntlnl ; yuu can pay 'lie loan olt at any time or In un > amount. amount.OMAHA MOHTQAOi : LOAN CO. . yx So. icth St. . X 1D6 J. II. HADDOCK. HOOM 427 , KAMQK HLOCK. X IM MONEY TO I/AK ON FFUNITriU : AND pianos. Fred Terry , 4M IlaniKe blk. X I'J7 MODEL , LOAN CO. , 403 NEW YOHIC LIFE. X 13.1 JylO * BUSINESS CHANCiS. J12n i.l STOCK OF MHIICHANDISE IN IIEiT lawn In enslern Nebraska , for land and ca. : or equivalent. Address S 29 , care Heo. Heo.Y Y M93I 3 SOLID INVESTMENTS ; nilICK UUSINESh block , water power llnurlns mill , line Ice busi ness. II. C. Alger & Co. , Sheridan , \\yo. Y M31S FOU HALE-STOCK OF MILLINEUY ; IIEST locallon In the city. Ocod reason for selling Aildress nt once , T 1C , Ile. Y I'M FOU SALE , J1..VK ) STOCK UIIY OOOD.4 ANI furnishings : splendid location ; will lake Mo cuah und vacant lot. Address T 21 , llee. Y-570 4 FOH EXCHANGE. WANTED TO THADE. NEW HTANDAHD III cycle for draft hoiso welBliInt ; l.MO puunds or more. E. J. Davis , 1110 Farnam si. 55-S37 TO EXc7lANo"l-T A "cOMUINKD STOCK 6T diuits. clocks , walchi-s , jewelry , blank nm KCliDol l oks , wall puper , window nhauVs pxlnls , oils , Klass , etc. ; will Invoice , with llx lures , nbout I9.IXX ) ; want Inuirovett farm. Ad dress A. J. 1'ltzer , Cherryvale , Kan. Z-MSI7 JylO I WANT MEUCHANDISE IN EXCHANOE FOI real ealato and cash. II. A. Wagner , Omaha. / .MIW WI-3 HAVE FOH SAL ? : AND EXCHANdK ALI kinds of nierchanill.il ! stocks , nunufactorloj lintels , banks. Insurance business , etc. Commu nlcnte > our wants to us , and If nnythlm ; ca. dune for you a prompt leply \\ill l < p mad * Nail inal Itifunn.itlon nnd Exchange cnmpan > Omaha , Nebraska. K MG')2 ) i TO L'XCHANC.E. 1CO-ACHE FAHM. PAHTIA Impmvitl nnd clear of nil cnuumbrnnc- . bou- und lot. Who repaits wutchi-s ? Cl.n watch. " 3c ; centilninalnsprlnc , 7- . J. II Day. Jeweler , llee bids. K Mi > 17 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. AUdTHACTS. THE 11Y11ON UIJED COMPANY HE I3S IMPUOVKD IJAUDEN LANDS NEAH OMTlT al prices Ihat will vurpilsi- you , If taUcn wuhl 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 42J N. Y. Life. . HE-roo IIAIULVINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FAUM bile or trade. F. 1C. Darllns , Darker lit-l | { IIAHI1AINS , SALE OH TUADE IN CITY PHO1 crlles und farms. John N. Frenier , opp. P. O HE-oOl HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. HELL AN Luy lols , acres , fauns. Oaivln Dros. . 210 N. Y. I Hi : 103 AT A HAIK1.MN , COHNEH LOT. PAVE ! street , 3 collates , C , 7 nnd S rooms each , brlc basemonl , ater nnd s-wer conenetlon , In bes lesidence portion , monthly untnl } H. Apply b letter to Jcau Actions , CIO Hee bulldlm ; . P.E-SI1 , Iy:3 FOH HALK-J-UOOM COTTAOE. FULL LOT KM ; tcuns easy. 11. C. Pattoison , IlaiiiK block. HE-MM ! FAHM LANDS. C. F. IIAHH1SON. 912 N. Y. Life in37 J > io * FOH SALE-AT A IX\V PHICE. ONK11.L cash , balance one nnd two yenis , one uf tl tnuet valuable sheep and cattle ranches I eastern Montana. Has 4SO ncres ileedtnl Un ivntiola iliousainU of acres of ranjc lands m JulnliiK. This propci ly Is under fenw. ha extra nod buildings uf all Kinds , cut * -I. . tons of bay , grows oats and small irnlu wal nut IrilKnllun. A rplendld water light nn rtltche.4 , S.i X > head of sheep , hoi sex and n Kinds of faimlnR mnchliv ry will b" fold i. Aether.Vhen \ve say Hits Is one of | he voi bu < t rtoik lunches In eastern Montana , we lno It to be so and reKpeitrull ) nfl\ all lneitdlii ; buyers to rome and ii-e the pioperly , call on o addrcps Auntln North compniiy , Illlllnss. Mnn t.ina. UE 17.1 7 ID ACriES OF THE FINEST \HPICN LAND Juit west of city. IKul IH-w stale fur erniiml * imvtxl slrevl. i-lc. , nu city takes , only J3.7W J730nsti iHilunce one tn ten ye-irs lit * pe ll.iti , SOi N. r. Llf * Itn-WM * WILL \CHIFJCK TEN ACHKrt JL'HT SOFTII v. ! -.f city , will take I2..iuO. only one-lont < -a h. Irtlance ono to eight yeurt , per < " -nt. H 31 Vle otllev. HE frJ-4 ) HEiu : is yoru CHANGE. CHOICE IIF.SI tleuce , lut Hear 11 intuum i irU. owil'-r ' crtln cuit Mu t n-Il qulclt. Write h $4 , ll.o mile WILL ALMOST OIVi : AWAY FULL EAST fr "H l t n 4t l U > twt-n I/1.ivt-n "tli iin.l Fur ruini street motor llm' , only H S ( " > . He TitU CHI'UVKST r ( > HN'Fr. IN WEST OMAHA . .r Ilink Ir m Famuli u-J Ijtli , rnly ItlW HieX. . K V I.W * Uldif. HiW. : -l- I'AWNUROKERS. II , MAS',0\\T LOANS MOM.Y. UJ Si. Ki.M BIOiTCLES. O. DAXON , 402 N. 16TH. 503 TTHHLINO IlfILT MKK A WATCH , WEST , crn Hleclrlcal Supply Co. . IMS Howard street. KK THK VIHIHI.IHALI. : . UEAHINOS ON Hclay Siwdal. Will Uainum Hro. . 124 N. nth. W3 F.MINOTON AND EAOI.E. CHOSS OL'N CO. , 116 B _ . lith street. W0 _ . I. . DEANK & CO. , 1116 FAHNAM STHEET. 507 TSTEItN IHi'YCLi : A QUN CO. , S416 CUMINO. MANTELS , GKATES AND TILE3. Mill ) MANTELS. OHATES. TILES FOH fire places , % o Ulml 'S and larce floors ; write for prims Mlltun Hotels At Suns Oni'iha. M ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LECTHU'AL ENOINEEHS AND CONTHACT- ors fur eltrli - llghami inolur plants and nil kinds of l-ctri. al n.nslru. . IMi. Western E'I-C. lrli-.il Supply Co. , 15IS Howard st. DlO CARPENTERS AMD BUILDERS. . E MOHHILI. . PAPEU \NOINO. . 1IOFSE rliin tuliillnK. brick work pln terlns ? ; orr. H. 1 , Darker blk. , lei. 735 , uliop 913 N. 2Ith St. 511 TJNDERTAKERSAND EMBALMERS I. K. llt-HKET. Ft'NEHAL D1HECTOH AND embaliiier , 101S Chicago St. , leb-phone 91. 012 WANSON & VALIEN , 1701 Cl'MINO. TEL 11HO. T. O. MA11U l-NDEHTAKEU AND EM11ALM- er , H17 Fnrnnm st. . teli-phone 223. " * I. W. HAKfcll , fNDEUTAKEU , CIS S. 10T11 ST. 513 \ OOOD TIIINU-I'FSII IT ALONO. MAHE the latest slang plinise , but that's Just whin we're dnlnK with H1IEHIDAN COAL. 8.000 ton < wild In Omaha last jcar. We Kl\e 5 u S.CU'j llm. of the best Wyoming c-Hiklnc co.il for JI.-O Victor While , msr. , lw)3 ) Fart.am el. Tel. 127. Cili MbUiCAL. OMAHA ni.KCTIlO-OAI.VANMc ! INSTtTt'TH r. > m 415 N. Y. l.lf - llld'K ; tr.-atin.-nt < if all ut.-rlno triiuljlt-K. U'Uc.iithorn , painful or fup- picns.-d nuMistruatlon. i-ntnrrli nnd iliront trmi- II-B | ; It Is now the n-cxRiilzft n-nn-.i > , h > inoriliitl.lH me cured without knlf. ' or pain , lady attendant. MM1 7 * SHOKTHANi ) . 0. VAN BANTS SCMIOOL. 013 N. Y. MFK. < WOUTHANI > AND TYI-HWUITINO TAt'tJMT ns prarllc.'il liv nn pvn-rlenced n-purter. A. M. Hopkins. Hfo building. ! * 7 * MUSIC , AUT'irJJ3 LANGUAGES. MIW FANNY ADI-nil. 1'IANO TiA : 'lU2tl. trraduate Vienna Coim-rvalory. SOS So. Stb n. SuS J jy n F. oni.i.nNiini'K. IIAN.IO ANH teacher. 1911 L'asa stiect. M 109 BUILDING &L.UAW ASSOCIATION. llAUKS IN MI'TCAI. I. . & 11. ASrf'N 1'AY C , 7 , s per i-uit ttli.-n 1 , 2. 3 ycnrx t.t.l. nlwnv * icdcemable. 1701 Fainum Bt. NattlnKer , S < vj 519 IIUW TO fSKT-A IIO.MK Oil HF.fl'HF. ( ! < mr > Inten-sl miivInuK. . Apply t < i I ininha I. . A : 1 ! . Am'n , 1701 11-e lildg. 15. M. NattlnKer , S.-e BU3INKS3 NOTIQES. DAMAUKD MIIIUOHH Iircs-'lIA'KItnn. 713 N. 1C. 031 CLEANING. CMIAMI'ION STIIAM f'AUI'KT AND Rl'O I leanlneVnika .1.1 llu-lr ' % .uk the l t nn. . ) cheapest. 718-20 S. 14th St. Tel. C3" . . V. S. O. Kuhn , manager ; Patrick Ward , foreman. HOT.Bl.ti. AITNA norst : arnoi : KAN ) . N. w. con. 13th and Uodgc. Ituoms by day or week. " PASTURAGE. GOOD I'AKTtmi ! FOR IloriHBS , $1.90 PCn month per head , fhuiles liana , St. Paul , Neb LOST. LOST. OOPPKH fOIN t'SUI ) AH HETTINO for rlns : lust on F.irnim stieet ; J5 i unvard for reliltn to thN alttce. l.nat MSlfi ff DENTISTS. 1111. PAUL. DKNTIST. W20 IJfllT ST. 323 RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaven mUIlLINGTON i ilO. . ( liuulialLiiluu UcyU , lOlli & Muauu SU.I Uiiiulm 10:15ain : Uenv i-r bxpr.'a.s. , . . T.T.TI ! ) "J Jarn 4USpiu.Ulk. : 111113. Moat. & J'uget SnJ. K.i. lu.pm : 4:30pm : Uciivvr K i > n.sd 4U3i : > m 7. "ipni..N-liniHka L - al tux.pt ManJ.n.7 ) : : . | > ; n 6lDam..LlnLoln : v..c-ai ( ixcept nuuJaj > ) . . .llom : 2:4ilim..Ku3t : Alulluur Untom ) lUlly. . . . Ieues ( CHICAGO , UfULINUTUN & CJ.Arrl\es | OinalmlUnlun L > eiot , loth & Mason dta.i Omaha < : ipm Chicago Vestllmla 9:00am : 1/iluuin / Chicago Kxprru ) 4.Upm 7:50imi..ChlcnKO : and St. l oulu Inre : . & . . S:0juiu : ll:35um I-ucillc Junction Loral ! i:3juiii : Knit Mull 2 ; < inn Leave * ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. 1'AUL.IAirlvea OmahalUnlon Ueyol , 10th & Alanjii tiia. | Omaha 6.00pm Chicago Limited , , . , 3Kiam : 11.30am CliictiKu I XIHOHH ( ex. Sun ) C iiim Leaven ( CHICAGO & NOKTH\M-JdTN.Airlvea ] OinahalUnion Depot , lutli At Maaon Sju.l Omaha 10i4 lam 1- _ 4Xpm : ( ) Vcslftiuird Limited..illl ; 2 aiii G:5riim Mo. Valley Local 10:3iptr : t.liiim Omaha Chicago Spuclal l:4jin : | Leaves | CHICAG'6. H. I. & 'AUF1U. lAirnea OmahaiL'nlon Dcppl. 101 h fe M s.in Slrt.ioinahg EAriT. ] l-ani. : ) . . Atlantic I'xproan ( ex Sunday ) . . .GUpm : 0 :2"iini : | . Nlht ; : llnpn-sn . 8:25.un : 4lOmii : . Chicago Veallbuled . . . . . . ; ; " " ' " " WUST. _ _ _ _ , Cipni..bkaliuina : ! & Toxns Ux ( ex Hun ) . . 10:3a : m l:40pm : . Colorado I.linlteii . 4uOpm : I.iav3 I C. , ST. I' . . II. & ti. ( Arrives _ Oniaha | DepoU lStnandVebaler _ Sla. J Omalia ' ' 9:3ain..TNclirn : ka I'nwciiKe'f ( dally ) . . , . 8lipm ; llSOpni..Sioux City ExDiena ( ex. tiun..ll.5nni ) : 6:10pm : St. I'nul Llmltetl U3Um > Irf-avii" ' "F. * ; " & MO. VALI.Efi rXTrlvej Omnhal Depot , I5tu unu Wcluter iiii.\ _ \ Omaha IfilOpm FIWI'MP" ana KxprfMaT. . . . . 4-Vtpm ! : IOpm.cx. ( Sat. ) Wyo. Kn.ex. ( lloi. . . . . . : Sopm 9:0oam..Norfolk Lll'lpssiex. ' wunJay.H:30ani ) : C:10pir. tit. Paul i\ir a. . . . . . . .ll:3an : Leaves I K. C. , ST. .T. C. II. [ Arrives OmahalUnlon Depol , 10th & Ma on Sta.l Oiiialia pMam : KansaH City l > ay Kxpresa 0.3'ipm ' 8 : < opm..u. C. Nmht Kx. Via U. 1 * . Trati. . C:0am : . | A Omaha ] Ijepoi. Hth and Webster Sla. [ Omaha li:40um ) : Bt. L < > ul9 ICxore-'o Spm : St. l u'.s Kxprcsa Sopm Ntbreaka Local ( ex. bun. ) . . . . Ieaves | SIOUX CITY & ' PACIFIC ! [ Arrives Oir.uhfiOcpot. | _ 13th and V.'ebaU-r Sla. | Omalu V:10im : | . . . \.St. 1'aul LImltt-J . . . .TiaiJBa Inve < i I SIOUX CITV APACIFIC. . lArilvea OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & MmjiiS _ j. | piiiaha C:5iair. : . . Sioux City I'a ioii > ; er. . . . . . . .i.inv.un t8Ipm _ . .St. 1'tul Limited 12Mpm : LcaVeS I UNION PACIFIC. JArrlte * OmalmlUnlon Deput , 10th & ilason Sta. | Omaha ! > :4Vim. : . . . K llllHy Cxprvaa 12.30 | > n 2:00pm : Overland Flyer D:3' : > pn 2KO : | > ni.UtMl'co & btromab't ix.ox. SuQ.12w ) : > pn 7OJpm : PacIHe Mxpr.- 105am : : . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . - \ _ . . _ . 4. WAilASlfRAI LVVAY. on bei > otJOtli ft Ma0 ! ' 8 4:00pm St. Louiii Cinnon Hall . . . . II:3Jpm : Truil III Suwdiul. In New Ycrk City there are about 50 vendor * of sawdust , having n capital of (203. COO invested and doing a business o $2,000,000 annually. Forty years .IKO the mills vrcro glad t have the sawdust carted away ; twenty-fir years ago it could ba bought for SO cents lead ; now It brings $3.50 n load at the mills It U used at hote'.s , eating hnuies , grocer les and other business places. It Is wet am spread over the floors in order to make th sweeping cleaner work. I'lumliers use It a great deal about pip ? and buildings to deaden the walls and floors Soda water men and packers of glass am email articles of cvtry kind use It , and doll are stuffed with It. Yellow pine makes t'a best sawdust , as It Is tlie least dusty am has a pungent , htulthy smell. Hut any llgh wood will do. niack walnut sawdust wll not sell and Is burned. Dnu't ( ict tc-arcil K you should hear that in some place t. which you or * going that malarU It prevalent To tlio air polvou which produces chllU am fever , hllloua remittent and dumb ague then U u sjfc and thrrough antidote and preven live , viz. , Iloitctter'n Stomach Hitters. Th great nutl-nialarlal specific 1s olio a rcmed : for biliousness , constipation , dyspepsia , rheu mail cnil Uldiry trouble , nervousness ani debility. ( Coprlglit. 1S3 , by Irrtng Pachcllcr. ) THK LAST ACT. "You som no lonpcr doubtful. Durnctt , " omarkei ! the Inspector , as In the lnislic.l llenco of thci darkens ! house the former np- roncliecl him , atij Mnrgunrlte was saying rein her white dimity bed , to Oaston , In ho piny : "Kind heart ; here you are. you who have ever been otherwise than a friend ; you be- love In me , you trust me , and watch over mo 111 the end ? " Oaston : "I know that you arc good. I am usured. " "You. " replleJ Ilurnett , "I , too , am as- urcd ! " Tlio detective smiled. "It Is difficult to conceive the brain that can act ns she does , " said ho , "and think of so nany momentous attains. 1'crhaps she Is nt his moment planning an escape , or planning ici' own death. " Ilurnett laughed contentelly. The lovc- iBht from her eyes was still Illuminating ils soul. "Walt and see , but be ready. " said the In- spectoi1 , grimly , "for I fear the worst. " The touching catastrophe of the play pro- ceeJcd to Its uiid. There1 hal never been so sweet , to gentle , yet so passionate a Camlllr. fhe loving woman who ha I sacrificed her life for her lover was dying. There was little sign of regret ; there was no effort to harrow up the feelings of the silent audience ; there was Hlnuly a marvelous holding up the mir ror to nature the slnkllig away of a hopeful mil not unhappy girl. "I cannot be In danger. " says Marguerite , pathetically , "for Oaston would not have the courage to laugh at my bedside ; the doctor would not leave me alone. " Then followed that exquisite bit of silent acting before the mirror : the little cry as she totters toward her bed , the heroic effort to keep up ; the creeping , awful fear of loath : the shuddering glance at the door , as If she sew his ghastly presence entering , and the bravo struggle not to faint , not to dlo until her beloved had come back to her rrom the ends of the eartn. She falls at last gasping across the b d ; Xanlne enters and announces the approach of Arnmnd. It gives her a momentary rush of Joy and strength. She sits up. "Glvo mo my medicine , the brandy , Nan- Ine ! Quick ! " "Now follow me ! " cried the Inspector. And lie darted to the seene door. "Don't you see ? " lie cried ho.jrsel.v. "She Is going to actually kill herself. You know the play ; go on , you , as Arma'nd ; sjlze the bottle "of medicine. He quick ! The niidleuce will not notice the Imposition. Hurry ; It may bo " too late ! Detective Davids , known ns the "sleuth hound" of the New York police force , ac tually placed his hands on llurnett's shoul ders and pushed him toward lh stage. "You can't mean that I I really go on as " Armand ? "Do you wish to see her die ? I tell you , ' It's what she will ilo. She will make a dramatic end ; It's my theory of the case , " cried Davids , excitedly. Ilurnett looked at him aghast. Hut there was no Mine to question or argue. With hi * head In a whirl of confusion and ex citement , partly caused by the blow he re ceived In falling froni the- cab on Ilroadway , partly by the earnest and baleful words of the detective , Ilnrnett sprang upon the stage , madly shouting : "Don't dlo , Margtwltet' for my sake , for my sake ! " His acting was certainly very realistic and vivid. A round of applause burst from the gallery. Many In the audience believed It was the true Armand ( Mr. Wlckershnm ) "re turned from his long Journey. " and having the traces of his duel with M. de Varvllle on his pale face , the ordeal IIP had undergone accounting for the change In his- general ap pearance. He was a much more daslUng , much handsomer Armand than Mr. Wicker- sham. Ills fervency In throwing himself upon his knees behind Marguerite's bed stirred the gallery gods profoundly. As for i > oor Marguerite , she was clever enough to keep her wits about her. She be lieved that Ilurnett had puddenly gone crazy , hut her quick actress' sense told her that to most of the audience the Incongruity of the entrance of Armand In a dress suit , a splashed and muddy shirt bosom and light overcoat , without a hat , was not noticed. She whispered to the maid , Nanlno. quickly , "Keep Mr. Wlckeifliam off , " and with a stage cough turned to Burnett , who had EPlzed the medicine bottle. "So you have conio nt last ! Armand can It be really my Armand ? Oh. It is not you ? If Is Impossible that God is so good ! ( Whis per ) It must be the devil prompted you to do tlilp , Mr. Ilurnett ! Have you gone mad ? " "Yes , It Is I ; I love you. Do not curse mo ! I have had the most sinister presenti ment that you were about to die that I should never see you speak with you alive again ! " "I'oor Armand. He does love me ! Hut will you'not give me my medicine ? ( Sotto voice ) Yon arc very bold. Mr. Kurnett. I am very angry at you ! I never heard of such presumption In my life ! " Ilurnett ( whispering ) "I dare not give you thn medicine. It may b < > poison. " Ma'g'elite ( whlspsr * ) "Nonsente , Mr. Bur nett ! It Is the proper business. Glvo It to mo. nnd don't let It drop down my neck ! " Hurnett stood by her bedside and pre tended to feed her the medicine , but with a dry spoon. Marguerite "There. I feel better. Oh , I'm so glad you've come , . Armand. Now your father will not separate us ever again , will he ? ( Cough ) . You do not find your Marguerite as of the past ( cough ) , but I MM still young. I shall become bautlful again , because I am now at last so 30 happy ! " ( 'lie clasps Ilurnett to her and whispers ) "You wretch ! How unkind of you ! " ( He hisses her. ) He whispered In reply , "Forgive nit , Mlaa Armltago Eleanor but I am madly In love with you , and I couldn't gland In the wings and see you die In Wlckcrsham'p arms again no , not for worlds ! " ( Kisses her again. ) Marguerite "Say something for the au- dler.ce. Don't speak to me I hate you ! " She was really half between laughter and tours. , . Ilurnett ( aloud ) "Our future Is assured. Only t''ll mo you love mo and you will live ! In a few days we will he married oh , to bo married to my darling ! ' " , ii' Marguerite ( aside ) "Really , Mr. Ilurnett ! I never knew such1 audacity In my life ! Da you think I can crer upeak to you again ? ( Aloud ) Oh , it will be sweet , and It Is such He prelendeil to feed her the -dlclne. . i time ot happiness. Da you know Nlchetle Is to be marrieil ? She weds Quatave thla iiiornlng.'e shall RO , too. It will do us good lo KQ Into a church. Ah. but tell me analn you love me ! ( To him ) Do you really ? " Ilurnett ( to her ) "Oh , Kleanor , you know love Is my only excuiet ( Aloud ) I love you forever and ever ! My darling ! My bride ! " . Mirgucrlto ( aaUo ) "Thank heaven , the arena U soon over ! The manager must be perfectly furloui at you. I'leaso at least pretend to cry a llttlo' ( Aloud ) Oh , tell me you lovj me that U all I aik. Am I forced to glvo you courage ? " ( What must the audience think ? Probably that Mr. U'lrkcrsham has been taken suddenly III. The manager must announce It. 1 can see they are nil In whispers over the new Ar- niand ! ) Ilurnett ( aloud ) "My poor Marguerite ! " Marguerite ( coughs ) "Oo to the drawer In my bureau ; there you will find a locket , t had It painted when I was pretty. When you conio to marry , Armani ] , If your wlfo la Jsalous of Ihe past , as we women so often are , tell her that It Is the portrait of a friend , who , If Oed permits her to dwell In Ilia darkest corner of heaven , prays to Him every day for her ami you. The woman who loves suffers too much when she feels HIO Is not loved. " Armand "Clod knows 1 love you ! " ( Kisses her. ) Marguerite ( aside ) "Mr. Hurnett , I almost believe you to bo really In earnest. ( Aloud ) Ah , hero conio Nlchetts , Ouatnvc ami Oas ton. ( Aside ) How flabbergasts 1 they look ! ( Suppresses a smile. ' ( AinuJ ) Kind friends , welcome. So now you nro married ! When I nm dead , you will speak of me sometimes , will you not ? Ah , strange feeling ! How strange every one looks. " Armand "My God , she Is dying ! ( Aside ) You do It to naturally that It .seems . real. " Marguerite "I nm better. No , I do not suffer I shall live. How well I feel ! How very well. " ( Marguerite- sinks back on the bed nnd dies. ) ( Tableau. ) Oaston "She Is dead ! " Armand ( solemnly ) Oh , I will follow her If It Is true ! " ( Oreat applause. ) ( Quick curtain. ) THK KIN'ALE. As the curtain descondoJ , Sarah , her maid , threw n long , mmllke cloak about Marguer ite's pretty figure , and the latter rose from her couch and stood her full height. She was n sudden nnd miraculous transforma tion from a corpse to a bc.-.utlfitl and angry woman. "What did you mean by this tomfoolery ? " she asked of Dtirnett , her eyes Hashing with wrath. "I I was half crazed , " he muttered , his eyes lowered. "Forglvo me ; I hardly knew I did. I feared for your life. " "You have made me a lutighlng stock be fore the public ! " "Durnctt how the devil what till you mean , " asked Wlckorsham , coming for ward , Indignantly. "I've asked the m.in- ager to explain that I was suddenly taken 111. What In h-hades ? Are you crazy , or what ? " They could hear the manager explaining before the curtain. Hurnett said stlflly : "Later on I will ex plain fully. " "I must say you did It well great om- pressement very sincere ! " added Wicker- sham , disposed on the whole to take It as a Joke. "I didn't know you could act as well ; you shall be my unJeratudy In future , ha ! ha ! " "And I shall never forgive yen ns long as I live , Mr. Hurnett , " cxcl.ilmed Uleanor , tryIng - Ing to keep her Indignation nt white heat. "The IJea of your daring to do such a thing , to risk breaking up the entire climax of the "What dlil you mean by Ilils tomfoolery ? " play ! Oil , it was wicked ! Hut I really be- Ilevo you arc not ycurself ; you look 111 ; are you 111 ? " ( anxiously ) . llurnott dlil not repfy. Her Indignation seemed to soften as she gazed nt him. Just then the call boy handed her a note She. openeJ It hastily , and read aloud In her agitation : "Dear Kleanor I have been taken will another of my apoplectic attacks ) , but am better now , ami write from my bed to tel you to come to me at the Oldorf as sonn as you can. I was nearly two hours utterly unconscious , and supposed to ho dead Yet can see at once how 111 I am. Your loving . . , , c , "KATHEH. " P. S. Come soon , my darling ! " ' 'My father Is III. " she cried. "I must go to him. Call my carriage at OIICP Vthat a night of horrible experiences sen. atlons ! Come , Sarah , hurry. I will am go at once , as I am ! My poor , poor daddy ! " She swept out of the theater with a glance of high Indignation and scorn at poor Ilur nett , who , Instead of meekly hanging hi , head In shame was now clapping his hands as If " " . " . If 1bout llko a veritable madman "tickled to dath. " So Lord Jlolton was not dead , after all ! a3n , loon' poor 'e'l ' ° w ! " remarke. . to ! take rlml ? ; ns l10 m a clBar aml I'1 his departure. "And a ver able , capable critic , too always fair to me > Th ? manager , a clever fellow , came bust ling In. having made a capital little specc ! ami ? ent the audience away In good humor Don t say a word , Ilurnett , " he said Uu it's all right. Her father had a stroke thats all ; and the detective mistook th- odor of lodoform. which n guest happened to bo using for toothache , for chloroform and the handkerchief she laid over Ion Holton s head made them suspct her Thev Jumped too citilck , that's all. Oh by the way where Is Mr. Swift ? Where Is Mr Davids the astute detectives ? I can't seen to nnd them anywhere ! Ilurnett , there's a hot bird and a cold bottle awaiting us eve ? ) ' : . my cxPenseYou're my friend If It hadn t been for you , Swift would hav teeth-Mr1'8 ' "lily' by J ° Ve' ° " ' "lese de Ilurnett grasped his hand and they boll laughed. "And then. " said the former , "that ma Davids wrought mo up to a pitch of frenz by saying she would certainly poison hersel ( dear , Innocent girl ! ) in the death scene And then I went on to prevent It , I wouldn' let her touch the medicine. " "Ha. ha ! ho. ho ! naturally she died , then laughed the manager ; "but keep mum. Don' say a word. Tomorrow see her quietly am explain It all. I'll see her , too. for you Mark my word. Ilurnett , she likes you. I the end she will appreciate your Interference As for you. you never made love better t a girl In your llfo than tonight. All's wel that ends well. I hear that BJward Arml tage , whose real name Is Hogot. has ru away to Ileantown with Fanny Hl hklck. " ' 'Hush ! " growled Hurnett , savagely. "I And the manager took his arm and the walked out together. Two years later , after Lidy Camilla nilza both Ilolton had obtained a divorce from he worthless and dlsilpated husband Henry Hogot , there-wan a quiet welding a the quaint llttlo Kngllsh church , neir Heath dome , Lord Holton's seat near Illrmlnghan The beautiful Mrs. Harold nurnett. to the re gret cf the play-going public , has definite ! left the stage. She spends her tlmo wit the present Lidy Holton In nursing her Ii valid father ( poor Lord Holton never quit got over those American oysters at the Oh orf ) and assisting her husband In writing h ( expected to be famous ) novel , "Tho FaU Clue ; or , a Sonsiilon Bpollod. " Many a hearty Uugh ha * the jolly ol lord had over the Impetuous Armand of h handsjmo son-in-law. Aa for I/idy Camilla , the Is complete ! happy , and that la enough , There Is nothln nrro to bo said , ' 'And they had mo Camilla dead In Aus tralia , did ( hey , and r.'ggoJ up an I later. Oh , these detoctlve.il Hut there Is no thing , Harold , you did make love to mo n n very captivating way on the stage that Ight In New York , nnd some d.iy , just for un , we'll play 'Camlllo' nt some provincial leater for n charity. Will , you , Armand , ear ? " "No , don't ask me. What agony I went trough that dreadful dramatic evening I Ish to bury forever out of sight anj memu ry. To think I feared that you " The rest of Ihe sentence was A kiss , which he Iiml set Iictwoeii two charming words. ( TUB END. ) fA new lory bv A. Oman Doyle , rnlllle.l . "Tha 'xplnlts of IhlKuitler ( .iir.ud. " i-oiminMu-os Sat- rday. ) LITIiRARV NOTES. The title of Sir Kdwln Arnold's forthcoming ook Is to bo "The Tenth Muse. " The price of McOIure's Magazine ami The Cosmopolitan has been reduced to 10 cents. Some delightful summer reading will be ounJ In the "Recreation Number" of The ) utlook. Issued June IS. Harpor's Hound Table for July will con- aln an elght-pago supplement devoted to . play called "The Knave of Hearts , " by Al ert Lee , with Illustrations In two colors iy Edward 1'entleld. There will appear la the July Forum a cry thoughtful review of the pastoral letter f the bishops of the Episcopal church , show- ng , but In a spirit of reverence , how the hurch Is trying to stem an Irresistible tide vlth danger lo Itself. Headers of "I.orna Doone" will bo glad to tear that Mr. Hlaekmoro has written another tory of the same time and place , using some f the characters cf the romance. H Is tiled " .Slain by the IVones : A Record of Jxmoor , " and will bo published In October. Readers of Napoleonic literature will wel- ome. as a great convenience , "A Map of S'apoleon's Campaigns. " Just Issued by the Century company. The map brings Into romlnence every point of Importance bear- ng on the movements of the gren military .ipuin , eliminating . uch geographical marks tot connected \slth his campaigns. Mrs. llurton llarrliMii describes "American lural Festivals" In the July Century. These ncltido such fetes as "Wash Day on the ersoy Coast , " "The Ice Glen I'arado at Stockbrldge , " and "Tho Harvest Home at Onteora. " It makes quite an Imposing lift and Mrs. Harrk-on thinks that It serves as a complete vindication against the charge , so often made , that Americans are an artlllclal and city-loving people. Some of the London newspapers reproduce ho Interview with Mr. Gladstone , recently nibllshc-d In the Chicago Times-Herald , em- > odylng the poem , the authorship of which ivas ascribed to Mr. Gladstone , addrpsred to ils grandchild. Dorothy. The poem has been readily Identified ns having been "cribbed" rom a series of parodies on the Odes of lorace. written by Graves and published mder the title "Hawarden House I'oeme , " ho one In question bilng headed "Ad Dorotheain. " Apropos of "As Others Saw Him. " the atest attempt to make Jesus of Nazareth the contra ! figure of an Imaginative narrative , Mr. Zangwlll says : "Neither Rcnait nor 7arrar nor any Christian writer has ever ossessed the knowledge or the Insight or .ho sympathy necessary to reconstruct the conditions of the slntus qua ante In Jerusa- em nnd 1 know of only ono man capable uf .he task Dr. Schechter , the reader In ralmndlc at the University of Cambridge. This Is the latest guess ns to the volume's authorship. The June number ot The Hook-man , which iS Just out , Is especially Interesting this nonth under Its department , "The Reader. " Under the "Reminiscences of the 1'aet Whlt- ler. " we have a second paper containing some letters of the poet hitherto unpub Ished. Dr. Robertson Nlcoll unearths "The ii'lrat Published Writings of Mr. Rnskln , " mil Dr. II. T. Perk celebrates "Tho Rise of Mr. George Moore. " Miss HeatrlcHarradun. . universally known as the author of "Ships that Pass In the Night , " has placed her Im pressions of California life on record for Ihe llrst time under the title "Ranch Life In California " Parts 24 and 25 of The Hook of the Fair are the closing numbers of a most unique record of the greatest of the world's exhibitions. Retaining all the admirable features of the preceding numbers these final chapters are also equally Interesting. The chapter OM "Tho World's Congress Auxiliary" gives an account of all the different gatherings of dis tinguished bodies , Including , besides a can- ijreas of representative women , attended by women from every quarter of the world , no less Ihan nineteen others , In which were discussed subjects ranging from political science to household economics , women tak Ing part In all but three , electricity , engl neerlng and real estate. The pages devoteil to this topic were appropriately Illumined with portraits of the distinguished norsons who took part In the proceedings. Another chapter Is devoted to the subject of "Results , Awards and Incidents. " while the list lells the story of "The California Midwinter Inter national Exposition , " an exhibit on a far grander scale than commonly supposed , em- hraclng. aa It did , much that was best In the Columbian , together with many new feature ? of a distinctively western character. Taken as a whole , the 'publishersare lo be con gratulated upon the uniform excellence of the production. Iho largo number and variety of Its plctoral Images , Its fine typography , Its artistic selection and grouping of material , the logical sequence In which th subject matter Is handled. Its clear and vivid de scription , and its simple diction. The Ban croft Company , Chicago. ONB HUNDRED HEAR STORIES Hy Murat Halstead. Paper. GO cents. J. S , Ogllvle Publishing Company. New York , A book of bear stories , related , collected and edited by Mr. Murat Halstead , who has been Incited to prepare this work by his observations through more than forty yearn of active Journalism , that stories of bears : were a constantly popular department In the newspapers. HOW MARCUS WHITMAN SAVED ORE GON Hy O. W. Nixon. Illustrated. Velluii rloth. $1.75. Star Publishing Company Chicago. Whitman's life as a self-denying Chrlstlai mlsdonnry lo Iho Indians , ending In Ihe dreadful massacre ot 1817 , Is fully am graphically told by Ihe author , but It is his patriotic services to his country , at the perl of Ms life , on which the chluf emphasis Is laid ; services which saved to the Unltei States nn empire exceeding In extent am fertility all of Now England , New York Pennsylvania and Ohio. Whitman's storj Is part of the romance of American history The work Is richly Illustraled , with orlglnu drawings. THK LADIES' JUGGERNAUT Iy ) Archl bald Claverlng Gunter. Paper , 50 cents Home Publishing Company. New York. An up-to-date love story , told In Giintor' usual fascinating way. The story , thougl somewhat exaggerated as to Its Incidents gives some delightful portraits of character The heroine Is u wealthy heiress , daughte of a patenl medicine pioneer , who , cnroute-t < Florida , has a lllrtatlon with u strange Englishman , out of which grows a mutua love. A giggling , mischief making bud o womanhood causes their estrangement , whlcl after many vicissitudes culminates In marital union , the Englishman proving to bo a nobleman , and a very quner ono. The dialogue la crisp and sparkling and the In terest Is sustained to the last line. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE'S MONEY Uy Hun. Ignatius Donnelly. Cloth , CO cents. Laird & Lee , Chicago. Mr. Donnelly' * book , like Coin , applies pen cil as well as pen In conveying to the reader the lessons cf finance , with thli distinction , that his linns arc moro eloquent and Mti pic tures moro striking and original. The effects of depression are pictured In strong language and In a cunning way to win the heart of the reader before reaching the real issue as t'J what should constitute the money of the pee ple. Mr. Donnelly bys great strosi upon the effects of scarcity of money and the boneflclal result ! accruing from Its plontldilness , treatIng - Ing these conditions rather ns causes than tins symptoms lhal accompany hard llmei In Ihn ono case and prosperity In the other. Ho proceeds to argue that during war limns veer had an enormous circulation , equal to $07 per capita , whereas we now have but a per capita circulation of less than $1. Ttio latter figure he arrives at by deducting fur what ho oitl- matt-K lying In national , utato and other bJtik * and In the Ireanury at Washington , beildot deducting far shrinkage through Iocs in flros , wrecks , etc. The crime ot 1873 Is alto rung In for all It la worth and some points duvol- oped favoring a belief that Ernest Seyd Old actually visit Washington prior to the acl of Ib73. This Is based mainly on Iho - f i of Mr. Luckenbach of Denver. cy Is severely ecoroj and the "plulocrallc" preai roasted to a turn , while the human hog cf every brand and stamp Is poked with a sharp stick. Mow much truth tburo u la Icnuncl.itlcms and wlnl relation they bear o the cry for moro money each reaJor will 10 able to Judge for himself. 'HE ADVENTURES OK CAPTAIN HORN lly Frank R. Stockton. CSoth. $1.50. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York , l-'rotu McRcath Stationery Company , Omaha. This story Ooils with the adventures of a hlpwrecked crew on the. coast of South Amcr- u e.i , where Captain Horn meets with exlraor- llnary | rxperlonces at the hands of pirates , f lints a great mound of gold , burled since the line I of the Incas , and utter perils ami compll- cations of misadventures finally gains treas ure , both malerl.ll and Immaterial , ns Iho hrovl of a love story that has run through he narrative Is , at the end , tied Into a mo- cejsful knot. MAGAZINES Ol- ' THE MONTH , ADIES' HOME COMPANION' Mast. Crow- ell & Klrkpatrlck. Sprlnglleld , O. HE IRRIGATION AGE-The Irrigation Ago Company. Major Dlock. Chicago. THE WRITER-Tlie Writer Publishing Com pany , Postotllce Dox I..103 , Hoslon. 'HE INSURANCE ECONOMIST The Econ omist Publishing Association , Potter Hullil- Ing , New York. HOOKS RECEIVED. 1AROERY ( ! ! ' IJUETHER-lly S. Raring- Gould. Paper. f.O cents. UnlteJ States Hook Company , New York. UTTERLY MISTAKEN lly Annlo Thomas. Paper. 50 cents. The Cassell Publishing Comiviiiy , ii : East Sevenlt-enth street. Now York. VEDDED TO SPORT-lly Mrs. Edward Kotl- nard. Paper. 50 cent. . 1'nlteJ Stales llork Company , New York. SHOULD SHE HAVE LEKT HIM ? lly Wil liam C. Hudson. Paper , 50 cent * . The C.issrll Publishing Company. New York. MOHIAL. THE MAHATMA -Hy Mjliel Col lins. Paper. 50 cents. United Slates Hook Company. New York. 1ETTY lly Anna Vornoti D.irary. Paper , 50 ccnti' . United States Hook Company , Now York. THE COMMODORE'S DAUGHTER Tly Jonas He. Cloth , $100 : taper , 50 cents. Ljvell , Coryoll & Co. , New York. ARIZONA'S ROAD RUNNER. \ lllrd with TlrrloKH l.i'K * nml u lint I oil of "There Is a bird down In my country , " said Major Rinsont of Arizona to a Denver cporter , "which we call the road runner , t Is an Interesting fellow , this bird , and a nshlon of plover. I take II , with long legs hat never glvo out and which devour ( Us ance with an appetite thai never seems np- teased. Generally two road runners go to gether , for company sake , no doubt. They seem to be great gosslpcrs nnd do a vast sight of talking to each other. They will chase ahead of your horse as you ride along ho trail , nnd keep up the Ktrldo for miles nnd miles nnd hours and hours with a steady side-to-slde mutton much like the gait of a lacing horso. Why they run nlmig nhead of one In this Innine fashion ran only 1)3 Uiessed at. U would seem to bo for fun and . > xerclse. ' "They arc gifted with n great deal of saga cious nmlevolenro toward the rnttle&nukes , with which crawling brood the runner has leadly feud. I Mipposc the rnltlesnnkit . ( ounces upon HIP load runner's eggs nml : nnkcs omelets of them ; or gobbles up their young on : i spring chicken theory. Whatever iho cause of hate , however , the road runner is the deadly enemy of the rattlesnake. They wreak vengeance on It In this way : They espy a ralllesn.tko asleep In the sun. 'Mum' Is the countersign with your road runner ; ho never say a word. He nn.l . hia fellow road runner go about in discreet silence und col- loci the dried , dead Joints t.f the flat cactus , which abound * In tlio ( southwestern deserts. They build a corral about the dozing berpent with them. These pieces of cactus bristle with thorns as sharp and keen as needles. When they have their miako corralled the two road runners aroupj It with yells und the flapping of their little Jlmcrow wings. They revile It and scold It nnd appear to apply all kinds ot hard epithets to It. The snake gets frlghl- ened and Its battles buzz. Hut Ihey don't come near It. They stand at a mifo illstnnco ami rail at It. At last the snake- tries to crawl away , but can't cross the cactus fence , which the road runners have built. Tim spines prick the simko and It draws back. Meanwhile the road runners keep up their derisive racket. With each prick of tha cactus the rattlesnake's wrath Increases. At last. In dospcratii , brainless fury , It begins to blto Itself. Its polTOii Is as deadly to Itself ns to everybody el&o and In a short lime It dies. Great , then , la the mad triumph of the road runners , which I aunt It until Its gasp and exult over the corpse Ilko savages. After the snake Is surely dead they walk oft with airs of cockney satisfaction , nnd , as It were , arm In arm. " MILLIONAIRE SMUGGLER. A Young Spiinlnril with i\ I' ° iirtniio I'lylng Itutlii-r Illqli. Arraigned In the United States rourt at Trenton , N. J. , the other day , wlih a gang of sailors , was a handsome Spanish youth , who was down In the records at a common sailor , and , with others , was charged with , smuggling rum nnd cigars Into Hits counlry through Ihe Hoboken port. Tlio youth's name Is Ettorc Fantoll , ami his counsel , Dr. Lorenzo Nelso of New York City , Informn'l the court that the prisoner pleaded guilty to the charge , but paid : "Upon his honor as a Spanish gentleman , he did not Intend to violate any law of the land. " Then , In making a plea for leniency for the youthful prisoner , the lawyer wove an Interesting story about Kantoll , which ha substantiated by letters and cablegrams from Spain. Young Fantoll was heir In his own right to an estate In Spain worth at least $500,000. The boy had been given abt ) lute control on the death of his parents , und his father had lu't'ii high In the council * of xtal" . The youth indulged his funcles , becoming Inter ested In bull lighting iiml other native sports until lie hud squandered about $30,000 In a few month ! ' . For the naki > ( if the family , Iho government at Madrid appointed a guardian , a high state olllclal , the lawyer said , lo loolc after and correct the young man. In order to discharge his duty the guardian sent young runtoll out to hlt Cuban o.-tato , but hero he soon broke nut afresh nnd was llnally bound , under u Spanish Indenture , to a sea captain for two jcars ; us a commnn sailor. Young Fantnll took to his new duties an I was soon voted the favorite aboard ship. When leaving Havana for Iho Now Jurney share , the prisoner tuld , the old sailors In formed him that he could make plenty of bllver by taking n few thousand cigars and some rum along , und he did BO ; Hold them , and was Immediately urrcsted. Judge Green decided to give the youth an other chance und Imposed the minimum sentence $100 and costs on him nnd rar-h of his companions. Young Ifantoll promptly paid all tines and costs and bowed himself oul of court. FOR AN UNSPOKEN SPEECH. An Irish I.aiul I.naguer > > nllc < J for \Vurds Ho IHilii't huj. A member of the Land league was icnt fruiu Dublin to a certain dlklrlct lo gut up a meeting and make a epi-cch. fayj the New York Journal. On reaching the town where the mealing ; wan lo be held Iho specchmalcer met it friend and. both being genial fellow * , they retired to a public house anil had tomotblng. Thun they began talking oviir old time rcm- InUconcM. and tlm Ural thing the Lanl leJguur know wes tl.ut the tttoiid.nl had coma in to light the lamp. "Orcat goodness ! " ho said. "I was sent down from Dublin lo gel up a meeting hco : , anl now it Is too la'e. " "Ob , well. It doesn't matter , " said tha other. " \cn , but it dow matter , " sail the organ ize' . "I have lo report lo my superior that the meeting was held. " "Oh , that's all right. " said his friend. "Here , you write out a * peech and I will send U to the local papam , which will print It juit as If the meeting wan helJ , ( hen tha folkt In Dublin won't know tht ) difference. " ThU wai quickly ilontt , unj the tpcccti that was never delivered appeared next day In the impcrs. The fun of the thing comes. In over tlio fact that the leaguer was arreited anil was ucntonccd to four month * In Jail for a spepati thai ho never delivered at a invQtlntt that was Dover held. Karl's Clover Root , the great blood purlfl r. Elves freshness anil clearne-s to ( he complex ion and cure * constipation ; 2c , OOc , | 1.00. Sold by Qjodman Drug Co ,