G TIIE OMAHA DAILY J3EE : : FRIDAY , JULY 5 , 1805. THE OMAHA DAILY COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE. - - NO. 12 PCARb BTttHCl Delivered br carrier to nr put of the city. II. W. TILTON , Lotteo. TEIni'HONnS-llu ln iu cHlc * . No. ! night editor. No. n. Buy your cigars , pipe ? , tobaccos and canes t Grand Hotel Cigar store. The regular meeting of the Royal Arcanum will take place this evening. Grand bolel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur nished. Ilcopened Oct. 1. E. T. Clark. Prop. The funeral of Mrs. Barney Grahl will occur this morning at 10 SO o'clock from the residence , Sixth and MyniUr Blrer-ts , the tlmo liaNlug bcvn changed. A largo delegation of the Ganymedcs , the Omaha Wheel club and the Turner Wheel club paid Falrmount park a visit last even ing and watched the fin-works from the lielglitn overlooking the city. Not over 150 pcrsoni attended the athletic sports at the driving park jesterday under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association. While some of the events showed good work on the pirt of the young men participating , there were no state rec ords broken. Sam Friedman's little girl was firing off crackers ycstcrdiy afternoon at his store on Broadway when a bunch she held In her lap caught fire. A fu tlado naturally fol lowed , and the little one's diess was quickly Ignited. She was somewhat burned about the limbs before the bla o was extinguished. ' I'a I nn on nt park was never In better shap ; for the use of the public than yesterday , and It has seldom had any more generous pat ronage. The rain had fettled the dust and cooUd the air , and dozens of private picnic parties from Omaha and Council Bluffs en joyed themselves. The motor company was unable to carry all the passengers even by running twice as many trains as usual. Bluff City council No. 7 , J. O. N. A. M. , Installed the following offirers at their last ngular meeting Wednesday evening , July 3 ; C. , C W. Noonen ; V C , E. F. Wagener ; II. S. , H L Ward ; A. R. S. , 0. C. Brown ; V , G. , John Schwab ; treasurer , O. Talbotl ; conductor , J. II. Schantz ; ward , T. A. Ellis ; I. S. , F E. Carley ; O. S. , L. Httchklss ; trustees , M. B. Snyder , G , W. Turner and Ed Canning. Thp business men of Council Bluff' , who through their Merchants' and Manufac turers' association , are working zealously for securing better mall service , do not get much support from the local paper , which whines BO pitifully for home patronage. That paper says "the movement for better train serv ice has failed. " The business men , how ever , have too much nerve to endorse any such pulling down of the flag , but will stay In the fight to the finish , and are expecting nothing short of complete victory. Grant Heath , an umbrella mender , stoppert at the residence of C. R. Hannan on South Eighth fctreot yesterday and was given th Job of fixing an umbrella. Not long after he commenced he quit , and announced that ths job was beyond him. When the owner of the umbrella examined It she found that the handle , which was of some little value was missing She Immediately notified the police and Heath was arrested. At the sta tion he admitted that the handle might be In his grip , but said It got there accidentally. William Dodd , a farmer working some dis tance east rf the city , ran up against "nlckle in the tlot machine" at the corner of Broadway and Bryant street yesterday afternoon. He blew in about GO cents bet ting on the green before things came his way , and when the green finally won the five nlckles which he expected to land failed to materialize. When he voiced his woe In accents that were loud and profane he was calmly thrown outside by the bartender and landed In the city jail , charged with dis turbing the peace. Flro and tornado Insurance written In best companies. Money for farm loans at low ' rates. Clly property for sale or trade for farm lands In Iowa. Lougee & Toivle , 235 Pearl St. Don't overlook the fact that the Spetman stock Is being sacrificed at any price to sell. If you do you will miss the bargains In dry goods , clothing , shoes , hats and all ecason- nblo standard goods that you muK buy. The larger the crowd the quicker the goods go , and the greater the sacrifice In values. J. II. Clark and daughter , Kittle , spent the Fourth at Jefferson. G. M. Duncan has returned from southern Texas , favorably Impressed with that country. Miss Jennie Pile has gone to Lexington , Neb. , to visit her sister , Mrs. C. I. Dickey , for several weeks. O. E. Beswick is confined to his bad as the result of a fall from a scaffold. Several ligaments were ruptured. i Mrs. Albert Luring , who has been very 111 for several weeks past , has gone to Sioux City to take treatment for consumption. The Misses Hattlo and Dllllo Atkins of Cincinnati are expected to arrive soon for a visit with their ulster , Mrs. C. E. Luring. A. J. Burton , county superintendent of schools , left yesterday for Denver to attend the meeting of the National Teachers' asso ciation. Judge W. S. Lewis of Glcnwood was In the city yesterday on his way horns from Avoca , where he delivered an oration at the Fourth of July celebration. E. C. Parsons , Ray llixby , H. K. Smith and Ed Duquette have gone to Jefferson to take part In the wheel meet for the state championships. Harry Hattenhauer , who talked of going , changed his mind and de cided to ride at the three meetings on the national circuit to be held at Chicago , St. Louis and Council Bluffs. Rev. G. W. Snyder returned yesterday from his four weeks' trip through the east. He attended the general synod of the Luth eran church at llngerstown , Md. , and the Women's missionary meeting at Williams- port , Pa. He also visited friends In Dayton nnd Wooster , O. His wife and daughter , who accompanied him on the trip , are still In Dayton and will remain there visiting rel atives for another month. Mr. Snyder will preach at St. John's church next Sunday morning. ItroiMi'n O. O. O. Screen doors , 49c each. Hammocks , 49e. Gasoline stoves from 51.'JS up. One-pint Mason fruit jars , per doz. , 49c ; quart Mawn fruit jary , C9c doz. ; halt-gallon Mason fruit jars , 79c doz. 21 pounds granulated sugar for $1. Ono pound plug tobacco for 15c ; one pound smoking tobicco for 15c. Five gallons gasoline for C5c. Salmon , lOc per can. MEATS. Sirloin and pcrtorhouso steak , lOc. RounJ steak , SVic ; chuck steak , 6llc. Best rib roast , Sc ; chuck roast , EC and Cc. Boiling beef. 3c and 5c. Mutton chops , Sc. Leg o' mutton , 7c. I Salt pork , Cc. Breakfast bacon , lOc. Compound lard Sc. Picnic ham. Sc ; boneleas ham , lOe. Sugar cured ham , lie. The 2 p. in. train to Lake Manawa Is an excursion train every day In the week ex cepting Sunday. One fare pays for the round trip , tickets good to return on any train dur ing afternoon or evening. Yes , the Eagle laundry is "that good laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway. If In doubt about this try it and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Dnnikn Man Won. The people of Avoca enjoyed an old- fashioned celebration of the national holiday yesterday. Farn.crs from miles around flocked Into the town and red lemonade and peanuts were enjoyed to the full limit. One of the principal features of the afternoon was a tug of war between teams selected from the Danish and American citizens. A couple of dozen fellows ranged themselves along a ladder and for twenty-six minutes hand running they tugged , pulled , < wrlthed and twlkted. until finally the Danes got their f opponents on the run and kept them that way until tno referee gave them the tug Judge W. S. Lewis of Glenvvood delivered the oration of the day. Wlilla OAK 1'lllnff. Fife thousand feet 8-Inch top , 12 to 6 feet long , at 9Hc per lineal loot. A. Over- ton , Council Blufli. U. , -v i NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Neighbors Join in the Cluso for a Negro Who Insulted a Little Girl. CAME VERY NEAR BEING A LYNCHING Irnto rmhcr Unit Him , with Illi I'lst Un til the .Vcgro'a 1'itcn mill till Aiiull * ant's Hit IIml In lie bout In for llcimlr * . II. K. Barber , a colored man from Omaha , vvaa at the head of a red hot procession that wended Its way down Sixth avonun. armed with revolvers and other weapons , and If a rope had been handy the chances are that bcforo morning Mr. Harbor's ebony form would have ornamented the highest tree In that part of the city. Ho chased the little 11-year-old daughter of William Flynn , a Jnlon Pacific conductor , who lives at 1011 Ixth avenue , making an Indecent exhibition f himself and making Insulting proposals o her. In her fright she screamed for help ml hel father's attention was attracted. In lde of three minutes a crowd of twenty- vo neighbors was on the brute's trail , and s the chase went on the crowd Increased , t the corner of Fourth nvenuc and Slx- centh street , where he was finally overtaken , liero were fully 100 people , and cries of String him up" and "Go get a rope" were card. The joung man who caught him was tall fellow , armed with a big revolver , and s ho turned the fellow o\cr to Mr. Flynn , he father of the little girl who was In- ulted , he remarked : "He was a good run cr , and wouldn't ha\e stopped If It hadn't ecu for the gun. " Mr. Flynn yanked the fellow up the street ty the coat collar , raining down blows upon Is head and face until It was hard to tell ihether Flynn's hand or the darky's fade .as . the bloodier. Flynn had to go to Dr. eybert's office to have his fist dressed , and ho darky's face was a mas of blood. A ilrso watch was kept of the city Jail all ast night to see that the neighbors of Mr 'Ijnn did not try to carry out their first Ian and lynch Barber. : mu\T citouDS tisir I.AKI : MANAW oimtnblo Mntlo nn InclTrrtiml Knld on Col'inrl Itocd'H Drink l * | nvmnrv. Yesterday was a red letter day for Manawa. The facilities for reaching the lake- were ever fo perfect and were never taxed to uch an extent. During the day and even- ng Colonel Heed's motor trains carried 10- people. The greater part of them were rom Omaha and adjoining towns. It was a good Matured crowd and easily handled , and t took In all the side shows and pleasure esorts. The Chicago Ladles' Military band urnlshod music for the afternoon and cven- ng. Many of their selections were very Ino , and were heartily encored. While the rowd was great at all times , It was not great at any one place. Every boat on the ako was In service. The fine breeze made magnificent sailing , and everything In the hape of a sail was afloat. The Manhattan beach people estimate that their steamers carried 2,000 people across the lake. The bathing was fine , and all the suits and bath- ng facilities of the beach were In use. Only two Incidents occurred out of the or dinary all day. That eminent reformer and staunch prohibitionist , Dllly Deck , organized a raid on Colonel Reed's bar at the busiest line during the afternoon. The word had been given out that a raid waa contemplated , nd about forty of Heed's friends got In head of the constable and carried away ivory bottle and original package In the place and hid them until the danger was over. When Beck came down to glut his vengeance there was nothing but plain pop and cigars on hand , and the constable was ent away empty-handed. After an Intcrrup- lon of a few minutes live bottles found their iv ay back to the accustomed places and the popping of corks went on as merrily as ver. It Is reported that the Incident came very near hav'ng ' an exciting sequel. It Is said that a crowd of out of town picnickers , whoso supply of beer was thus untimely shut off , orginlzel nnd laid a plan to quietly take Beck out Into the lake and duck him. It was not executed and the Incident was quickly forgotten. A slight accident happened at the Man hattan beach boat landing. The movable apron , which dropped a short time ago and let a loid of people slide Into the lake , re peated Its performance and deposited about twenty ) men , women and children into the water. The water was about six feet deep and the most of the people went In over their heads. All were fished out before they were In the water a minute , and there was no clanger of a drowning. The accident was occasioned by the jar of the landing steam boats knocking out an Iron pin that holds up the outer edge of the hinged platform. The thing will bo anchored permanently here after , so that a repetition of the disaster cannot occur. All Interested took their bath 1 good naturedly and counted it as one of the experiences of the day. Altogether the day was one of the greatest In the history of the lake. IIOSTO.N si OKI : , Council IlluffH , Iowa. Special Inducements offered on all summer merchandise. Big reductions In wash dress goods. Special prices on ladles' shirt waists . Special prices on ladles' belts. All remnants of wool dress goods worth from 50c to $1.20. at 25o a yard. Special prices on underwear. Special prices on ladles' silk gloves and mitts. 75c summer corsets at 14c each. 19c Swiss ribbed vests at lOc each. FOWLER. DICK & WALKER. Itrv. I ! . W. Mini Morrlril. The following account of the marriage last Wednesday of llev , E. W. Allen , until a few months ago pastor of the Christian taber nacle In this city , is taken from the Buffalo ( N Y. ) Courier : "Last evening the wedding of Miss Fanny Weed Curtis to llev. Edjrar W. Allen was solemnized at the homo of the brlde'f mother In Park street by the groom's father , llev. Dr. Allen of Vllllsca. la. The bride who wore a white satin gown , was attendee ! by her sister , Miss Alice Curtis , and by Miss Swain of Youngstown and Miss Amy Smltl of Indianapolis. The maids were white silt gowns trimmed with lace and Dresden silk and the maid of honor wore a gown of Ores' den figured silk. Little Miss Nathalie Dieses thai acted as a flower maid , carrying mar guerltes. Dr. Cahln of Chicago < \vas tin best man ami Mr. J. Fred I'ennell. Mr. War ren C. King. Mr. Frank Orove were thi ushers , while Master I'aul Kellogg acted a1. a page. "During the ceremony the bridal coupli stood beneath a bell fashioned of margue rites. The reception room was deeoratei with pink roses and the bridal table was It ferns and pink roses. Rev. and Mrs. Allen departed for tin Thoupand Islands and the Adirondack ? , am they will be at home during August at No 111 Park street. " The llardman. the piano par excellent : * . Tor Milking Nolm. Two boys , II. Lewln and Robert Albrecht , ventured over from Omaha yesterday after noon , armed with revolvers and blank cart ridges , which they Intended to use In showing Iowa people how to have a good time. A ; they were coming up Broadway , 'firing ofl their blanks at nothing In particular , they rar afoul of Officer Murphy , who ran them In or the charge of firing off firearms within the city limits. Albrecht claims to be the ser of the health Inspector In Omaha , and bellboys boys live with their parents near the wes end of the Union Pacific bridge. Davis , geny tor Munvon'i remedlei. Annual Church Meeting. The annual meeting of the First Uaptls church was held Tuesday evening , July 2 The following ts a complete list of the officer for the ensuing year : Pastor , Rev. V. C Rocho ; deacons , Joieph Robinson , II. Pethy bridge , a J. HcNltt , V. U Cva&jj clerk II. L. McNItt ; treasurer , Ovid Vlen ; financial secretary , M. II. Sears : trustees , 0. II. An derson , A. Barrett , P. Wahlgren , C. A. Loucks , R. C. Frallck ; chorister , George H. Brown. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'tir IN THE DAY AT TIIK THAI'S Council lUurr * Gun Club Mrmbero Indulge In nn r.icltlnc Contest. The Council Bluffs Oun club held a shootIng - Ing match yesterday at their grounds near the cast end of the motor bridge , which com menced early In the morning nnd lasted all day. Each man was allowed twenty-five birds and the use of both barrels of his gun. Th6 first money was won by Graham and Hardln. who tied for first place , and the second by Konlgmachcr and Bercshelm , who also tied. Both purses were divided between the winners. The following Is the official score : i : . W. Ilnrt 2W22 2111 * MHO 01120 12120-17 J. C. Hnffmn > r 22111 11112 12210 11120 120'0-20 C. KonlKmncher 21102 21221 1221 12121 12011-22 11. O. Orahnm. . lllll 22112 Ollll 11112 1111-3 I ) . T Stubbl . . . 2J012 2JI2J 2-0l 212'0 12111-20 W. Hhll mlth. . 12 ( > DO 10110 01201 2J100 22202 15 A. W. Hlukman lllll 0010' 10010 11211 11022 17 H n. Hnil 22.il * 1221 0012 * 0220 2.'mi : . 11. M. Sargent . 2212 20102 01202 1011 00110 15 H H Ilolley. . . . 2011 11212 12011 11022 12222-21 W. I'ypiT 211212011202111122101011-20 W. O. Ilnrdln. . 02121 22121 22221 11202 11212-23 1' . II. nvnn * . . . . 2221 * 21212 01020 * 2110 2'KCO-ir ' , A. Here helm . . 21111 21221 11222 12221 10112 * 22 ( ' . H. Cunipbell 11112 11012 21221 01201 01101-20 O. HelnrlcliH. . . . 11211 02011 01220 21111 12010 10 Following the principal shoot came another In which each man was allowed five birds. The first money was divided among Graham , Stubbs , Evans , Holley and Harl , each of whom killed five birds , and the second money between Hart , Helnrlchs , Bereshelm , Relk- man and Miller , rach of whom killed four. The following Is the score : Pyper 0112 0-3 KliiR bury 0202 2 3 Ornhnm 1 l 1 1 1 5 Stubbs 22222 Hoffmavr * * Campbell * 0-2 Oliver 2010 0 2 HlKh mlth 0120 0 2 Hart 1202 1 4 Helnrlch- ? * 2 1 1 2 I Kvans 1122 1-5 Sargent * 3 lleiexhelm 1112 0 4 niekman * 2 1 Ho'.lej 2222 2 5 Miller 2 0 2 1 2 4 Harl 1-5 Hardln 1201-3 Heno 0 0 0 2 0 1 As a finale to the day's sports was a miss and out match. Helnrlchs and Sargent went down the first clatter out of the box. Klngsbury and Rlekman followed , and on the third round Graham and Hardln dropped out. On the fourth Pyper , Hart , Evans , Bereshelm and Miller fell by the wayside. On the fifth only Holley and Harl were left , and on the sixth they both dropped out. By agreement they concluded to divide the money between them , and this was done. POWDER AND T.N CAN. Number or I.uds liiuihteil Over and One Serlounly Hurt. Vernon Smith , a boy 16 years of age , resid ing at Sixteenth and Williams streets , pro viding he recovers , will Journey through life with the mark of a Fourth of July accident Yesterday afternoon , with a number of other boys of about his age. Smith was In dulging In a celebration. They had burned their stock of cannon crackers , after whlcl they concluded to burn some powder. An old fruit can was secured. Into this a lot of powder was poured , which Smith Ignited by applying a match. There was a puff of smoke and several boys shot out Into space , rolling and tumbling upon the pavement. With the exception of Smith none of them were se verely Injured. lie , however , was frightfully burned about the head , hands and arms. Ii addition to this , his ecalp was cut to the skull by the rough edge'of the tin can as 1 went flying through the air. The Injured boy was taken to his home and a doctor was called ED HURT BECOMES ED HURT. Ed Hurt , 1818 South Tenth street , took a notion yesterday morning to fill an empty tomato can full of powder and touch It off. He stood over the can 'after the match had been applied. The can went up and cut through the chin and forehead of the boy. This caused a call for a doctor and seventeen stitches were made In the dressing. Hugh Miles , the 14-year-old son of Harry G. Miles , 1820 South Tenth street , piled a lot of powder Into a hole In the ground about 8 o'clock jcsterday morning and applied a match and a lighted firecracker. His face and hands were badly burned. Got Out ( if ( ulit Allvr. MINNEAPOLIS , July 4. Frank R. E. Woodward , the Minneapolis newspaper man , supposed to be lying In a Spanish dungeon In Cuba , has been heard from , and ought to arrive In New York tomorrow. His mother this morning received a brief letter via Havana , dated June 27 , at Port Cardenas , on the north coast , saying that he had embarked on the British steamship Ardandhu for New- York , and would arlrve July C. He says he has had many thrilling experiences and has been wouuded In the arm , but Is all right. Shut Ileiul on the Streets. DENVER , July 4. John J. Mannlx , a brick moulder , who had wealthy relatives in Peorla , 111. , was shot In the neck anl killed on the street last night. The wound may have been caused by a stray bullet , but It Is suspected the shot was fired by someone ono who had a grudge against Mannlx , or John Gray , a negro , who was standing near him. Body to Ho Tukon \Vlicons In. Mrs. M. Ilendershot of Relvey , WIs. , ac companied by her attorney , arrived In Omaha yesterday to take the remains of Henry Conley , who dropped dead at the Union hotel Monday morning , to Relvey , Wis. , where the parents ll\e. Mrs. Ilendershot was Mr. Conley's eldest sister. Knocked the IJrlcltn Down. In the thunder storm early yesterday mornIng - Ing lightning struck the rear chimney In the residence of Mr. Weeks , northeast cor ner of Twenty-sixth and Davenport streets. The current went to the ground through the chimney column , but did no considerable damage. HEAfllKK rOKKUAST. Showers In i : * ru Portion of Nebravlcn , Knlr In Western. WASHINGTON , July 4. The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska Shovveis In the eastern portion tion ; fair nnd cooler In the western portion ; southerly , shiftingto westerly , winds. For Iowa Showers ; light , southerly winds. For Missouri Showers ; wanner in the western portion ; southerly winds. For South Dakota Showers ; cooler ; west erly winds. For KnntuH Showers In the eastern portion tion ; fnlr In the western portion ; southerly , shifting \vefterly , winds. Lnuil Krciml. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , July 4 Omaha record of tem- pcialuie nnil rainfall , compared with .the coriespondlrg- of the pnstfour _ jenrs : Maximum temperature. . . . ? S SO 87 7f Minimum temperature. . . . < 3 fit J2 ; Cf Average temperature 78 70 71 it I'reclpltiitlon CS .00 1.39 .Of Condition of temperature and precipitation NOT WHAT APPEARANCES INDICATE A llnivnlln lulnndi Not , ( hi Dculrnlilo for Conl btnllou 1'urponcrf In the Light of Scientific llcdciircli us nt llrtt Knpliuied , WASHINGTON July 4. ( Special. ) The last monthly chart Issued by the hydropraphlc ofllco of the Navy department Is devoted to an explanation cf the sailing distances be tween various points in the North Pacific ocean. A number of facts In distances are ct forth , which , although at first sight up- ear to be remarkably at variance with gon- rally accepted opinion , are , upon examlna- ion , found to be reliable and valuable. Com- nander Sigsbce , the hydrographer , has pro- ared and Issued this latest chart In com- llance with the requestq of a number of adlng Pacific pilots , who desired to bo In- ormed as to the distances between the va- lous points of prominence In the North 'aclfic. ' The principal point from which culcula- lens are made Is Brlto , Nicaragua , which s the western terminal of the proposed Nlc- laragua canal , and which , If that project is , rought to a consummation , will be a port if much prominence. The shortest distance ictween Brlto and Yokohama would be the o-called "great circle" between those two iolnt , but this Is impracticable as a sailing oute , fdr the reason that the American arc f the circle passes over the southern por- 'on of the North American continent , hrough California , emerging Into the Pacific cean at a considerable distance above San Vanclbco. The shortest practicable distance herefore would be by a route due west from Irito to a point In the ocean where another ; reat circle can be found with a direct course i Yokohama. This route Is 7,145 knots , hl'e ' the "great circle" Is only 7,022 knots. PECULIAR FACT DEMONSTRATED. From Hrlto to San Francisco the distance s 2,700 knots , and from San Francisco to 'okohama It Is 4,530 knots , making the dls- ance from Brlto to Yokohama via the port if San Francisco 7.23G knots. It will thus e eeen that the distance from Brlto to "okohama via San Francisco Is only ninety no miles longer than by the shortest prac- icablo circle distance from Brito to Yoko- ama , a statement which at first appearance eems almost Incredible. Commander Slgtbee says that the announce ment of this fact will prove of vast Interest o the pilots of the North Pacific ocean , for he reason that many shippers will be glade o take advantage of the science of the dis- ances and In making the voyage from Nlca- agua to China will stop at the Golden Gate , "his makes It possible for steamers to put n at San Francisco for coal or to carry a argo from South America to San Fran- IECO , where It can be dlschargeJ and a new \merlcan cargo can be taken on for the tripe o Yokohama. ANOTHER PECULIAR CASE. Another striking announcement that Is nade by the figures on Commander Slgs- jee's chart Is that the sailing distance from Brlto to Yokohama via ; San Francisco Is horter than the route frim the same points ly way of Honolulu. By a perusal of a map of this portion of 'the Pacific It will o noticed that Honolulu Is only a short dls- ance south of a straight line between Brlto nd Yokohama , while San Francisco appears o be a greater distance north of the same Ine. Yet the distance from Brito to Yoko- tiama via the California metropolis Is 374 < nets less than by way of Honolulu. The ( Us ance from Brlto to Honolulu Is 4,210 knotr and from Honolulu to Yokohama It Is 3,400 knots , making the shortest practicable route > om Brlto to Yokohama via Honolulu 7,610 , ivhlch Is 374 knots In excess of the 7,236 nets the distance from Brito to Yoko- lama via San Francisco. Thus It Is obvlouf hat there is another advantage which the route via San Francisco has. over that by nay of Honolulu. Commander Slgsbee also shows by his chart that the route from Brlto to Hong Kong via San Francisco Is only twenty knots n excess of the shortest practicable distance 'rom ' Brlto to Hong Kong without the ad- rantage of a stop. This will ho shown by ho following official statement : CHOICE OF ROUTES. The shortest pract'cable ' route from Brlto : o Hong Kong , 8,740 knots ; Urlto to San Francisco , 2,700 knots ; San Francisco to Hong Kong , 6,060 knots. Therefore the dis tance from Brlto to Hong Kong via San Francisco Is 8,760 knots , an excess of only twenty knots over the shortest practicable circle distance. Another remarkable state ment which Is drawn from this chart is that the route from Brito to Hong Kong via Hon olulu is 367 knots In excess of the route from Brito to Hong Kong via San Francisco. This is derived from thp following figuresBrito to Honolulu , 4,210 knots ; Honolulu to Hong Kong , 4,917 , making the distance from Brlto to Hong Kong via Honolulu 9,127 , which is 367 knots longer than the route via San Francisco. This latest map issued by the hydrographlc office Is said to bo the most Interesting chart that has been published far some time , and It Is probably the most Important one In view of the statements which It contains. It Is said that It will no doubt do much good in bringing San Francisco Into prominence as a shipping center , as well as an advantageous port for coaling purposes. From the above table of distances It would appear that Honolulu and the other ports In the Hawaiian Islands are not so essential for coaling stations at- the friends of annex ation have claimed them to be. Should the opening of the proposed Nicaraguan canal be accomplished the port of Brito will at once gain prominence as a shipping point , and If the friends of the canal enterprise are suc cessful the table of distances prepared by Commander Slgsbee will play an important part In the navigation of the South Atlantic as well as the northern portion of the Pacific ocean. COAL FOR INDIAN AGENCIES. The Indian cilice has Issued advertisements calling for bids for furnishing coal for a large number of the Indian agencies and schools throughout the country. These bldb will cover the entire supply of coal for the Indian service to bo used during the fiscal year 1896. The advertisements are to be Inserted In a number of papers In the west , but a large part of < Ue I distribution will be made through the Ind'in agents , who will be furnished with copi&s of the advertise ment and directed toi supply the coal mer chants and dealers In tjielr neighborhoods. For a long period , It iwas the cubtom to advertise extensively In various dally papers circulating In the vicinity of the agencies , but lately the Indian'olllce has been re stricted la Inserttng/iJjMlces of this kind and hence the greatMnPortion of the distri bution must be donA by the Indian agents According to the aq\tjrtlsem-nts now being sent out , the bids arp\to be opened at the Indian office in this rrfy on Thursday , July 25 , at 1 p. m. 5 There arc three k/j / Is. of coal asked for Hard , soft and bla > ( mlth. It Is desired that the coal EhalU e , delivered at the agencies and reservun us , but bids may alec be submitted for ti6'delivery ! of all or anj portion of the coal required , at Omaha , Kan sas City. Sioux Cityftr St I'aul. In the specifications sent outi with the advertise ments It Is stipulated that all coal mua JAMES E. BOYD. J. W. DEAN Telephone 1039. BOYD & DEAN OMAHA , NEB. COMMISSION Grain. Px-ovisions & Stocks Koom IH'4 Board of Trude. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. Correspondents. John A. Warren & Co. M Ann IN No matter wh : booK.et on pec- TU AiY i NO ulallon > ou may have read end oun. which U NUVV and u v i i iM n l r UXPLAINI ! ! ) COMPLUTK. It clrarly txplaliu margin trading and UKKINEa ALL. MAHKin EXl'HCSSIONfa. Il' fr and will teach you Bomellilnc. AII BOO AST & CO. . U Trader ! tlulldlDC. Chicago. be clean and free from date and other Im purities. The word ton In the bids will be understood to mean 2,000 po'inds net. PARTICULAR ABOUT THE BIDDERS. Parties receiving awardr. will at once enter Into the contract. All cortracls ore sub ject to the approval of the secretory of the Interior , and are not binding on the govern ment until approved. Bid * tiom persons who have In any nspecl defaulted In any bid heretofore made will not bo considered. Any or all bids will be rejected If deemed for the best IntrrcMs of the government , Each bid must bn accompanifd by a certi fied check or draft upon somu United States depository or solvent national bank , payable to the order of the commissioner of Indian affairs , each check or draft not to bo less than 5 per cent on value of the coal proposed to bo furnished , and shall bo forfeited to the United States In case any bidder receiving an award shall fall to accept the contract. Bids should not bo accompanied by cash , WHERE COAL IS DESIRED. The following la a list of the agencies or schools where coat Is desired , with the amount and kind of coal to be bid on : In Nebraska : Omaha and Wlnnebago agency , Omaha school , 30 tons soft ; Wlnne- bigo school , 10 tons soft ; Santee agency , 63 tons hard , 175 tons soft , 7 tons black smith ; Genoa school , 900 tons soft. In South Dakota : Cheyenne River agency , 225 tons hard , 2 tons blacksmith ; Crow Creek agency , 150 tons hard , 100 tons soft , 5 tons black smith ; Lower Brulo agency , 110 tons hard , 5 tons blacksmith. Rosebud agency : 70 tons hard , 10 tons blacksmith ; Slsseton agency , 175 tons hard , 36 tons soft ; Yankton agency , 95 tons hard , G tons blacksmith ; Flandreau school , 200 tons hard , 100 tons soft ; Pierre school , 25 tons hard 300 tons soft. In Idaho- Fort Hall agency , 100 tons soft ; Fort Hall school , 250 tons soft. In Wisconsin : Onelda school , 15 tons hard , 30 tons soft. In North Dakota : Standing Rock agency , 20 tons hard , 8 tona blacksmith. In Colorado rado : Fort Lewis school , 300 tons soft ; Grand Junction school , 150 tons soft In Kansac : Pottawattamle , 125 tons soft ; Haskell Insti tute , 2,000 tons soft. In WyomingShoshcne agency , 340 tona hard. In Michigan : Mount Pleasant school , 125 tons hard , 60 tons soft. In Mlnno'ota : Plpestono school , 160 t'jns hard. In Oklahoma : Cheyenne anl Arapahoe - hoe agency , 10 tons blacksmith. In New- Mexico : Albuquerque school , COO tons soft ; Pueblo and Jlcarllla agency , 20 tons soft ; Santa Fo school , 200 tons soft , and the Pu > al- lup school In Washington , 175 tons soft. OMAHA GENERAL MARKETS. Condition of Tr.nlo uiul IJiintntln is on Stupln mill i Hiior Pro IUCB. There wna very little dnlnp In the miiket for country iiioilmv nnd the c miml-tslon houses fur the moot part clo ed up cutl > . So man > people KO out of the city on the fourth of July that Uio demand for country pimluce. Instead of being Increased , ne la the cn p on most other llolMass , Is really lighter than usual. The feeling on the maiket wns Kdiprnlly wenk. Holders of eRss nre not feeling very stronff and come of them are talking 11 lower market. Those who have uny number of cases on hand are not refusing 9'4e. ' and nre ulad to sell at that price. An oecaplonal sale of ( .holce bright clock , In Flngle case lota , Is leported at lOc. Quotations : iGGS : Choice stock , S'/zC. Ht'TTnn 1'aiklng slock , TCSc ; cho'co to fancy , 10012c ; gathered criamcry , IDc : scriaratoi cream ers" , IGc. MVU roUI.THY Heno , 6'4fi7c ' ( : roosters , 3c ; ppibiK chlrkcrw , S2W3&0 per doz. , or 12fil3c per Hi , ducks , fcc , spilng duuks , Uil3c , lurkejit , Ci7e : giese , 5o. VIJAIj Choice fat , TO to 100 Ibs , nre fiuotcd at GfrTc , Inlge nnd COHISH , 4 < EMi c. ClinilSli \ \ iseonmn full cream , Oc ; Younn Ami-Hums , lOe , twins , lie , NelnasKa and lown , full cream. lOc , Xi hnifka and lown , p.ut sklni * . CfTTc , l.lmlmiKPr , No. 1 , lOc , brick , No. 1 , He , Swiss. Xo 1 , He HAY Upland hay , $7 ; midland. $7 ; lowland , $ Gf > 0 , rje straw , $ j , color mnkto the price on liny I.lKht link's sell the best. Only top grades bilnfi top pHces. rinuoNS r doz , $1 oojn DO. vioiTAin.iri. : The market on vegi tables Is quiet. Potatoes h. nu ccabul to altiact un > gicat amount of at tention. Tom.itocs , uu not held as lirnily us they were a , Miort time ngi. Quotations : POTATOES New potatoes , choice stock , 80J S5c. S5c.ONIONS ONIONS licmudas. per crate , none ; California , In sacks , | x > r bu , Jl 11. * OID m\NH-H.ind picked , navy , J2 SO ; Lima beans , pel Hi. , C < 4fy3ic. CAIIHAOi : On oidirs , 2c. ltAlISIIis ru doz bunches , 15c. UlinUN ONIONS I'er doz bunches , lie. i.ni-Tfc'i : i-ci doma' ' ? . ASI'AUAGfS Choke Block on ordeis , 35BBOc per ilnz. bum lies. Cff't'MIHMtS On orders 40T50c per doz. PKAS On eiders , per bu , $1. STIMNO IIKANS On order , IH.T H-tm. box , COa. TOMATOnK Mississippi block , per 4-b.ibkel crate , $1 no , 5 to 10-iasc lols , SOo. Hl'MMUIi SQUASH 1'ir doz , on orders , 20Q 40e. 40e.WATnilMIIl.ON -I'er doz. , ciatecV 3. GHUKN I'Ul'I'UUS I'er bu. , $1.0031.10. rill'lTS. Shippers cannot get it tlnough Jhelr heads th.it the 1'ourth of July Is a poor day for fiult and every 5 ear there Is a lot ehlppul In , with Ihe result that It has to sell wuy down. Theic weic quile a good many blackbenles In lodaj- , which receUerh wete glnd to pell nl most any prlee in older to close out Quotations : KiU : ItASI'linillUKS I'er 21-at. case , $1.500 500I'l.UMS I'l.UMS California per box choice stock , U CO 175 , southern pi-i ca e , Jl TjQS.OO Al'IUCOTS lallfoinin , choice stock , per box , $1 MI ) 1 75 SOl'THIJUN PHACIinS 1-er ca o Jl inffil 2o. Al'i I.LS Southein , per ' /3 bu box , t 5i75c. CAi.ironviA piiAffing-ivr box. n 1001 . STKAWlinmitlM Choice ( hipping ( lock , per CM8 of 21 Ot" . , > 1 75. riinitltllJSVMh.nslon , pr 10-lh. box , ll.U ; lioma grown , ftr it qt. rnc" , K.vit2.s ( ( JOOSIJIIICIUUUS Per H-ijI. ca c. H 1O2.3. no\tn UHOWN uiiiuims : rvr 24-41 cast. 12 7t , ni.Acn KAsrnnunius-rcr ! i-nt. , JKS. lIl.ACKllKItnitlS-ChoIco Mock , pir H-qt. care , t.Jti.iO. rnoi'icAi. nu'tTS. OHANOUrt Nn\cl . per Imx , none ; choice feed. HUBS , pot bot. I60 , Mi-dlterrnlienn cncelt , J.11 tl 3 ii , fnncy HI. Michaels , num.- . LIIMONV Exlin fat.oy lemons. ! C ) slz , 10.23 ; 3W ( * lrv > . | fi M. 11ANANAH Clinic * Intge stivk , per liimch , i : : j { : - " ) . ni < > illuin rlto bunclieii , ! 'If > t/2.5. riNUAl'l'LIIH- dux. , nciie. MIK'ULLA.NT.OUH. rttlSrnncy , lie ; choice , UijlSc ; California , tag * , "C. llOiNUY-Collfnrnla , H411V. MAI'1,1 ; HMtl'r llnllun Jugs , per dor. , | 1J , Illxliy , f-gal. intm , 53 Nl'TB Aliimniln. 14e ; HnKllnh walmils. soft- MiplliM ] 2c. Hand mis HelilbPlls. . li'c , llinsll mil * . lOc , i > iciuis , 'Jo ; peanulv , raw , Cc , ru.islcO , DATES In CO to TO-IK boxm , C < ? per Ib. ; faid dntps , Kiiiull lioxm , lOc PCI Ib OlDnU-l'mo Jnlcp , | icr liM , $3 , Imlf libl. , 13. rorOANI'TS 1'cr hundiicl. Jl Hid' 1'Ol'COUN III the ear , en ordcis , per Ib . S'.ic. _ . HIUKS AND T'AU.CnV. IIlIliS No. 1 preen lildm , kMii1 , No. 2 Kre-on liltli'd , Sc ; No. 1 Biron Fiiltnl lililis , ; io. No 2 green salted hides , S'/ic ' , No 1 veal calf. S to IS HIB. , ISc , No. 2 veal enlf , S In 15 lb . , ianiiUic ; No. 1 dry Hint hldcn 12itllc ; No. 2 dry Hint hldiR , 12c , Nu. 1 dry palUtI liMi's , 12c , p irtly cuicul hldep , " .o prr Ib. los- < than full > cuied SlIIMfl' I'lII/rK-Oioen imllnl , rarli , ZlfrftV Kieen mlli-il shearllnKS ( xlunt VMinlcd c.irly skln ) . rnih , MflTic , dry FlnnrllnK'4 ( Rhoit wonloil cnily pklni ) ' No 1. each , fillUi' , drj shcallllinn ( Blmit uiHilrd calls Bkln ) , No. 2. c-iuh. io di > Mint KunnaH and Nolua kn bulclicr woiil pelts per pnum ! actual \\clRht , 5Si | ; di ) Hint Kanxai nnd Ncliia-'Ka niurinln wool p < lt , per piniiul. in mill \\elnht , 4iiCc , iln Hint C'ulmadn bud her m 1 'pelt ' * , poi pound arlual welgit. IVti'to dr\ illnt Ctiloiauo murrain \\ool pi IN per p unif artnnl weight , 4i(1cHavp ( feet cut url , us It is I u i'let44 ! tu | ufiel hl nn Iln in TAM.OVV AN'l ) UltllASi : Nn 1 tallow 4'ft 4'ie1 , No. 2 tallow , .T,5f4c , RitaKO , VMilto A 4ij 4'te , Krra e , white 11. 3' i , greisp , % i > iluvv 234' He. Lr'a i . dark 2 0 , old bultei , i ij'iir , bet i VMIX. inline1. 17 i2V , riitiRli tnllnvv - \\OOI < . t'NWASItnil Pine ll 'niW7e ( , line IlKiil.SIfe ; qu itler-bloud. WfiU'i . Einlj bun > and oliaffv , * 6f K , eolted and buiUen , coaise , 7 f S'C , totted anil bioken line , ( .ffSe WOOL , WASHii : > Mi-dlum IMfllSi , nne 14ffl Kc ; tub wnched , ICfilSi''liliuk ke , bucks , Cc las locks. 2j3c , dead nulled , S'uCc , I Iverpntil MurUctR. I.IVinil'OOI , , Julv 4 WIII2AT-Spnt. eteailyi dem.iml | H ir , No a red vvlutii , to 4'jil , No 2 led fprlnt , . OH HU1 , No 1 haul Miuiltoli.i , 5s lOil , No 1 California. f > < 1 rutuitt rlimwl linn with near nnd distant iKisltlons qnlil , hu < ilnesi heavies on middle poMtloim , , lulp.s 4'id , AIIKIISI , 5s l\d : K > ptoinber. f.s r , ' d , Oelolier , Os Cd , No- vomlKr. f.s . G\d ; Uneinliei. 5s 7'4d COllN Hpot. firm , Amerkmi mlxrel , new 4s 3d. PuluiiH clpd flrni , AiiBiiot 3d higher and otlur tniintliB 'fed higher , liuslness heavleft on nilddlo iHisltlnnR , Julv , Is 2' d , August , 4H 2'id Sepleinber , 4s 2'4d ; ( ktnlier , 4s r.4d , November 4s 3d , IJcccmlici , 4x 4d ri.Otnt Dull , demand i > oor ; St. Louis fanc > winter. 7s Cd I'UOVIHIONS Hacin , stendv ; Cumberland ents 2S to 31) Ibs . SJs ; short ribs. 2S Ibs , S.'s long cle n 38 to 4 ! > Ibs. , 3.1s ; long cleats. 4' , Ibs , 3 > , Klioit cleir backs. Unlit. IS Ibs. . 33s Cd , hurt clears middles 41 Ibs .Vs Cd : char bdllis II to 1C Ibs 34s ; phoulders , 12 to 10 llti , 3 s Cd , hums , slioit cut , 14 lo 1C Ibs , 41s. Iteef , extra India mess , nominal ; prime mess , Gls 3d 1'ork , prime nips * , tine wislein , 67n Cd , prime mtss medlnin , fOs Lard , dull , prlino wostein , 33s Cd. retlntd , 31s C'HRUSIJ rirms demand mndi'iate , tlne i Ameilean , white , new , 3Ss Cd ; llntst Ameilian colon d 3Ss M Ht'TTIJll 1'lnest I'nltcd States nnd good , noml nalCOTTONHttBO COTTONHttBO -Il\erpool refined , 3Ss. riJTIlOMU'M llellned. * s liil lliPIliniHATOH : Hiir : roie quarters , 3cl hind ciuartcrs. C il IIOl'S London , I'liclllc coast , 2. Wool Mnrltct. LONDON , Julv 4 WOOIrourteen thousand and twcjily-elght bales of wool werenrfiriil at toda > ' 8 auellon , 40) bales erc withdrawn Thi > selection as an nvciage one Theie ns artlve bidding on American account and prices \\eie very llrm. Salts ln < luded 4 SIS bales New South Wales Keoiuid , T'idflls 2'id. ' greas ) , 410d , C01 balls Queensland , seouutl , SHd Tls Jld greasx. G't iSd , 2 C2J bales Victoria sioured , C\dIilH 2d , gieasj tjiilld. l.K , bales South AuHtialla , Feoured 7 < K/ ( Is 3d , groasv , 3fi4'.d , 7,177 bales New / < il.md sroured. KilJilK 1'id : grea y. 4\j9Hd , I.4.1 * ! bnloa Cape of On " 1 Hope and Natal , scoured , Is SdJ ? Is 4'id ' ; greasy , 34iii7d. I.otiilnii btciolc ( juuiatloiH. LONDON , July 1 - 4 p in. closlnir. CaiiT PacllTo fi S T ( st Paul co u . . . Erie.- KIH N. Y. Central Erlo-'dH Oil I'cMinuylranla . . . Efi't 111 Central ! IO' ' Heading PH Mexican ordlnarv. V0'4 ' Mrx Ceil ne\v4 . . ( litH HAH SILVUIl 30V4d per onncc. The rate of discount In Ihe open market for shmt bills Is < i-li ! pel cent , and for three months' bills , 1-1C per cent. foreign I'lnanclitl Affnlrs. rinilLIN , July 4 Kxchango on Ixndin , eight da > s * sight , 20 maiks 4 < ) ' pfg. I'AIIIS , July 4. The weekly statement of tin Ilank of I'rance shows the folloulng changes as compared w Ith Ihe pre\ Ions account Notes In LONDON , July 4 The weekly statement of Hi Hank of Hnglatid , Itsuetl toda > , shows the follow ing changes a.s compaied with tin previous nc count Total ie > ee , dtreise , f273.0 0 , clrculn lion , Increase , C.OSwO ( , bullion ilecienof4 C27 other hccur.tles , IneieuFe , 1.031 000 ; i thci d p el n Increase , ( KST , ( KK ) , public ileposlis. Ini lease CS3 , COO , not < s , leseive decrtnse , < 37.00i ) , Bovernnient securities , Increase. 411 ( KM The propnitlcin or Ihe bank'H ret ei\ In liability which Inst week was Cl.CI per tent , Is now f'J.47 per cent. The II ink of England's inte of dlstoiint lenmlns tin changed nt 2 per cent Consols for money , 107'4 , for the account , 107 6-1C. The amount of bulllnn gone Into the Hank of Hnglnnd lodav Is (3fi ( m ( lull ! Is quoted lit Huenos AMIB , 247 , Mndlld 4150 , Lisbon S7'i. St Petcibburg , GO , Alhens , 77 Rome , 104 47 , Vienna , 103. are Guaranteed Goods nnd may bo liatl of all Ien < liu Dealers , See all { Hiapcx lit your Outfitter's. You are Interested in gettin ? good taints always ; you want good wealing Collars , yi u want light shapes , loo. Write for our Souvenir of Fashions , ftn ay man After that see your Outfitter , and buy these guawitffJ goods. CHT.TT. COON & CO. , Milkers. Pactorles , Troy , N.Y. Your House Heated Free A A Not from a flnanclal standpoint ex- actly , but entirely PUCU from the A A defect ! ) which are so often found In the Keneral run of heatlnK plants. T. a. llcatliientid Sanitary P.iinlnccr , Steam and Hot Water llcntiuu , L')2 ( MAIN ST. COUNCIL III.UITS , IOW A. ART ? GLASS Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , and the prettiest fancies of archi tects and homo builders faithfully and artistically leproduced. PLATE GJLASS- From a single window to car lots. GLAZED SASH- All Block sizes , and any special size or sliapo deslrtd furnished at less than any competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. , The largest exclusive house in Western Iowa. Send for prices on estimates. Masonic Temple Cleaning and Dyeiog of Garments anJ Goods of Every Description , Schomlstick'a Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A ami 2Hh ( St..Council UliillH. Oll'icc , 15'211 < ar iiaiu St. , Omaha. Send for Price List , I could get relief BEFORE from a most horrible rible blood clis- case I had spent hundreds of dollars trying various remedies anil physi cians , none of which did me any ijood. My finger nails came off and my hair came out , leaving me perfectly bald. I then went to Hoping to be cured by this celebrated treatment , but very soon became disgusted and decided to try S.S.S. The eflcct was truly wonderful. I commenced to recover at once , and after I had taken twelve bottles tles I was entirely cured cured byj S.S , when the world- renowned Hot Springs had failed. ' WM. S. LOOMIS , Shreveport , La. Out Hook on Die UiicMit in d In Treitmtnt milltil fter la tuf MJit.t. SWIFT SI'bCll 1C CO. , AUinll.Gl. li Every Housewife III ht.lonocako ot we'd 1)0 euro tlmtotliorriiltes would follow It. Noothor t-o.ii | vvtislu'i wools without sliilnU- liiKuml tin other fiup Is UB ellklcnt ami ru- fn-sliliix In tholmth. Hit j ouu caUujuit ono at your grocer's. RAWORTH & SCHODDE , CHICAGO. Searles&Searles SPECIALISTS. Allfotmsof Blood nul Skin DNo'isos , twos , Spoil. I'lmplcs , S rofulii , Tumors , 'letter , I'e/omu itnd lllooti I'olson thoroughly cleansed fniiii the system. JjADILS Klvun careful . . nnel spei lul iittuntlnn for till iNV.tlii'lr . many pcctlll.ir all * rac < lTARHH. Throat liH.iKLuiiRf. I.lvor , Dyspopsln F\MTroulH" cuied by snodtil ' .vV'courfp of treatment. VITAL1TVV1IAK ) inado \AfPAIS MPN ( WtAK IVI tlN BJ iy too close nppllca- buslnesa or tudy , "evero mental irnln „ nr * rl f BI XUAL nXCESKUB In mldd Uf ? Sr Swm & . .ffJiu of youtblut follies all yield readily to our n w treatment lor lo of _ . | f out Qt olty _ at home by con .Mr u ) | Out ilin. ob. DUFFY'S Pure i alt Whiskey. All Di-uggists- ! 'f ' CHHJ- O Special ; ! And LastCall- The : BucKeye ; Buggy Co. , i ! Have Twelve Vehicles of the I Karbach stock that must be I sold this week. Prices will | be made to sell them. Call * at once. Cor. 15th and Howard St. The Bargains of n Lifetime. t OKKICR CONRTIirCTlNQ Ql'AUTCn- MAST15K-OMAHA. Neb. , July 2 , 1S35. Sealed proposals" , In triplicate , Hulijcct to thn usual conditions , will be received licto until 12 in , central standard time , \Veilnehday. July 31 , 1895 , at which time iind place they will be opened In the pre = eme of bidden ) , for conwtructliiK walkw nnd utuvel rouda nt Fort Crook , Neb. fiovernmi'iH reserves the rlKht to reject any or nil proposal Plans and hpeclfleatloiiB can lie btcn. and all Information obtained on appllmtlon here. Hnvi-lopeB containing propoh.tl.H should ba tWeaLl' iMC. . ! iil\58CReiljaY. \ { PHIUJY , Major and Qr Mr a GCOHGL : p. SANPOHD , A , w. President. Cashier. of COUNCIL UUUFFJ , Iowa Citplt ll , $100,0 Profits , 12,001)0 ) One of the oldest Imnks In the etato of Ion a. \Vo solicit your bu lnem and collecllona. W pay 5 per cent on time dcuoattu Wo will l pleased to leo and t r\u you. SIMS & end Federal Courts. Iloorns SWJ-7-8-9 , Hnt * sart , Block. Council Bluffs. Iowa. Special Hotices-Couocil Bluffs ' CHIUNCYB CUANID ; VAULTS CMANCD. id Uurke. lit W. 8. Ilonur'i. MS Uroaduuy. rjtUI rAItM ANU OAHDE.N LAND FOR sale cheap and on easy ternu. Uay & Ilcia. S3 I'eail slreeU _ _ oiALcAN TYPE- nrllcran Kood BB new. Sunclwkli Manulactur- Co. , 1028 und 1030 B.Mnln _ ilteil. _ " sAUJ. A "NM3AIll7 ? Ni\V NINIMtOOM liuu.-e , ullh barn , cUurn , city water at houis und Imin , fruli , nice nlmdu trei . on u nicely Kiudcd lol 0'ixSii ' fret for J2.3UO a ) , twu-lhlrda cash. SIS I'erin avenue , Cuuncil liluffn , WA.N'TIJIJ. TWO OIUI.S TOVOItK IN ICU cream | uul , r In ( Jruiid I'lu a l.aku Manawit. Cxxxl reference-ii ri-nulred. Apply at Urancl 1'laza. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTED. AT ONVI3 , A OOUI ) SIAN TO WOIIIC on fruit faun. Can furnlxli liuuutto llvu In , J. It. Mcriier m. 1J8I iu t I'lerco iilroet. KIJIU ) M1I.I. ANU DWr.LI.INCl IIOl'HU. 1 tnllcH from C'ouncll Hluff , to tiadn for unun. cuinbcrc-d faun land , W acieg good land fo ale In Tutnam tcmnly. Kla , , one mlU fronj railroad , price , )1,09. ) V , C. LOIIKCC. C uwii Ulutru , lu.