: THE OMAIIA ! DAILY MKE : FllflDAY , JULY 5 , 185)5. I MCI ) MADE THE C01NC HARD Big CiorcJ Faced tbo Rain to 801 the Healt- ZiUion Stakes Run. BRIGHT PHOEBUS MADE A GAME P'C : Won by I.em Than n Length from Kretinti Inn Driving 1 Inlnli II inilnprlnc ; ltet t ApplcKiitu IIiMlly ( Ivor tliu futurity Courno. \ ) NEW YORK , July 4. In splto of the pour ing i.ain , tlm attendance at Shcepjhead Bay toJay s'.as quitelarge. . They were drawn to the track by the Realisation stakes , which vsas the richest S-yiar-old csent ot 'he year. The track -sas a sea of mud and siheti the first race ssas ( .ailed the couriX ) from the bfnd to Iho Judges' itand looke-d like a pond. It vsas nearly J o clod : when the bonus In tlie Realization stake ssere calli-d to the post. 'Che betting had been llscly , opening with Kcenan as favorite nt 7 to 10 , sshlle Bright "v. A Phoebus wni > next In demand at 3 to 1. . . Counter Tenor wan at 10 to t at.d the others nl 15 to 1 , sslth the exception of King Arthur HI , , who was at 30 to 1. The horfs gat the Hag with Cromwell In Iho lead. Pasting the str.nd at the end of the first half mlle he bad four lengthn the best of It , with Con nos&leur a head In front of Krenan , he tsso lengths ahead of Counlcr Tenor and the others following. The pace ssas fast nnd they got to the mile post sslth Cromwell yBtlll running easily , but only three lengths In front of Kcenan , who had displaced Con- iiGssleur , while the latter was Use lengths In front of the field. As Ihey swung aiound the fat turn Into the stretch It ssas evident that the thrco' leaders had been raring their tars off and that they were about ready to cjultAt the mile nnd an eighth post Bright I'hoebiH Deemed to be the only horse vslth anything left In him , and as they rounded Into the btrctch Relff got down to his ssork end the gjmo colt responded svlth ono of hlo Irresistible rushes Steadily and surely Br ght Ph ebus was gaining with a tlre- le-s stride. Oriinn was working hard with whip and ipm on Kcenan , while RelfT was far forsvaid on Blight Phoebus pushing the colt to Ids hardest and trying to add to the r.d vantage ho had and at the same time holi his mount together for the last fesv strides A sixteenth of a mlle lenulncd , and botl Jockey ? ssero straining their mounts Thl was shortened to a fesv yards , then , a bourn forward , and Reiff got Bright Phoebus Rifely past the Judges , winner of the big stakes by Ihreo-quartern of a lenglh , sshllo Kcenan Leaton , but not disgraced , came In secom end the ruck far behind King Arthur I ! niangcd to get third money. The first race ssas a surprise , for the favorite , Applause , did not shosv at the finish being unable to extend herself in the gel Roy del Carreres , the topssclght , sson ou rfter a hot finish vslth Hanwell In th third race all sscre scratched but Handspring and Applegate , aboul equal fasorites Ther vsas never any doubt , for Handspring rai taiily all along , leading Applegate to th > bend , sshen ho came away and won as h pleased Overlon has appealel from the declsioi of the slosvards of the Coney Island Jocke club , and the case sslll be heard by lh Blowards next week Summaries : Flisl lace ruturlls1 course Res del Car reres (7 ( lo 2) ) sson , Hanssell (8 ( lo 1) ) econi Aurellan (10 ( to 2) ) thlid Time 1 IS'4 Second race , one mlle on turf , selling Doggett ( f. lo 1) ) sson , Corncob (5 ( to 1) ) second end Api II Tool C ! to 1) ) third Time1 47 4-r Third race double esenl , Futurity course Handspring ( I to 1) ) sson , AppUgate ( esen Bicond Time 1 n 1-B Fourth race , Re illzatlon stakes mile an flso furlongs Blight Phoebus 115 ( Relff S 3 to 1 , won ; Kcenan. 122 ( C.rlllln ) , 7 to K 1 Hccond ; King Arthur 111 , 122 ( Tural ) , SU to 1 tblid. Time. 2 II . ' -u Kltfh race live fill longs Rnmlero (3 ( t b ) vson , Bi sk ( I to 1) ) se < end , Lorraine (1 to 1) ) third Time 1 01 , ! 5 Sixth race , U furlongs , selling- Kearney" (7 ( to lo ) vson , Thyra (15 ( to 1) ) sec ond. Stephen J ( esen ) third Time 1 Ifi l-r Ses'-nth race mile and a furlong on turf Lucky Dog (1 lo 4) ) sson fiom St Luke- ( to 1) ) . Time : 2 03 3-5 NOT itooM I.MHU.II rou TIM : cicovv Momoa I'll ! llm Diitirn C.runt Stiind to Sr the I cmrtli of .liilv Ilitiulldip CINCINNATI , July I For the first tlm In years Cincinnati had races on Ihe Fourlh of July today. The beautiful grand stand of the Oakley race track was so crowded w.th women scarcely 100 men could find room In It except In the aisles , steps , lawns and paddock , sshlch were packed with pee ple. The atlendaiico was fully 15,000 The evenl of the day was the Fourlh of July handicap , value $5000 , one mil ? and a quar ter The great 3-year-old , Llssak , ssas the public fasorlte , going to Ihe pot at S to C Faraday opened at .t to 1 , and went to b to 1. Cash Day was at 3"j to 1 and the Flelsch- inann entry was as good as 7 to I. The race vsas a beauty from a spectacular point of \Iesv Lls ak went to the front at the fall of the fi ig and led Ihe field Into the stretch \shere Cash Uiy headed him ard St Maxim came alongside the rail Faradav , ssho vsas fifth entering the stretch , came -sery Etrong In the last eighth , but h ° had waited too long. St Maxim sson by a he id from Cash Day , who beat Faraday for the place The lime ssas 2 08 , not as fast as anticipated , but tlie first part of the race was slow. The quarter ssas mil In 0 lGvt , Die half In 0 52 % , elx furlongs in 1 17 % and the mile In 1 41. Brossn Dick's colt , Ulys es , broke tlio local record at five furlongs , running It In 1 01VI healing the strongly played favorite , Sir Play The Iwo mile race was won by Cresasso In 3 30 , exciting as much en thusiasm as the big handicap. Results riist race , pulse , flso furlongs. Ulysi-es (1 ( to 1) ) sson Sir PI ly (7 to 5) ) second , Royal Cholco ( U to 1) third Time1 Otti Second i.aco , selling , mile and = esenty jnrds. Ace (9 ( to 10) ) sson Enthusiast ( I to 1) ) bocond. Rasper (7 to 1) ) third Time 1ibVa Third race , purse , four and a half fur- longr : Sallle Cllquot (1 ( lo J ) sson , Keeps (8 ( to 1) ) second , Fietful 115 to 1) ) third Time 0.5.1' 4 rouilh race , Fourth of July hnndU ap , value to vsInner $ .1 ( XX ) , mile and a quarter 81. Maxim ( t ) lo 1) ) sson , Cash Day (7 lo 2) ) becond , Faradas (5 ( to 1) ) thlnl Tlmo 2 Ob Flflh nice , telling , tsso miles1 Cresasse (4 ( to 5) ) sson , Peabody (1 ( to U second , Saddle- liiiirs (4 ( to 1) ) thlnl Time 3 .o Sixth race , selling , sit and a half furlongs J'orthos (5 ( lo 1) ) won , C. B Cos. is to 1) second end , Sister lone (1 ( to 1) ) third Time 12 Sesenth race , selling six and a half fur longs. St llarlo (3 to 1) ) sson , C iptaln Dr.ine (3 ( to 1) second , Joe .Muck (7 ( lo D ) Ihlrd. Time : 1 21. Out tlm llnttur of tlio liar UliM. KANSAS CITY. July -Tho bookies \sere hit verv haul al Exposition paik to day and the big Fourth of July crowd that sstnt out carried away all the mones. Fiso favorites and tsso second choices sson thu PCS en events on the card All the taces were AS ell conte-sled. and though tomeof ' them vsero run In the- mud , good time ssas ' made. Ksuits. . First race six furlongs , selling Ten Spring (2 ( to 1) sson , Mamie S U to 1) ) second end , Cutlln (7 ( to 1) third Time 1 IS Second race. Use furlongs ear-olds John Boone ( even ) sson , Lady Doleful ( I to 1) second , Evidence (7 to 1) ) thlid Time : 'Third lace , six furlongs , sellingSchuyl - klll ( i to 1) vson , l.u CiiutU ( i to 1) ) second , Iclllus (8 ( lo 1) ) Ihlrd Time. 1 13's Fourlh race , mlle nnd un eighth , Ladles' handicap : Euna ( I to 1) sson , Uonsdale (1C ( to 1) ) tecoml. Fonsihssay ( I to 1) ) third. Time : 2 O2'i Fifth raceninesixteenths of a mile , gen tlemen riders John P ( J to 1) vson , Bon Harrison ( S to 1) ) second , Nellie Casteel (0 ( to 1) ) third Time : I Olv Sixth race , slnnd a half furlongs I.tonell (2 ( to 1) ) sson , Ilarnoy Aaron , Ir (8 ( to 1) ) second , Hlllsboro (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time 1:27 : Seventh race , flvo nnd n half furlongs Slomus (2 ( to 1) ) won , Valdemur ( S to 5) ) .sec end , Alvu. (8 ( to 1) ) third Tlmo. 1 12H. IiKtntlutor rnivrx n I t sprinter. SAN FRANCISCO , July -Six races madi up the holiday program and favorites car ried off the second , third und fourth. In- stiilhitor proved himself to be one of Hit r.ml 3-y ear-olds In the counlrs by running live and a half furlongs in l of * This vsut Ms llrst sprint race , his other luces Imsltif been at seven furlongs or u mile Results. First race , Ils * fuilongs , n'lllniDu rnngo , 104 ( Jonen ) . S to 1 , sson , Reno , Id ( Plrnott ) . 11 to 6. second , Sllstr State , lo ( Chevalier ) . 7 to C. third Time 1 OP4 Mount Curios , Soledad. Regal und Outrighl ulso ran. & cancl race , half tulle , maiden 2-ycar- olds. Tiberius , 105 ( Ch'vailer ) , 2 to 1 , won , UHI Ir li ots I'OVMcr ( ) . 3 to 1 , second LlndusIM i , nils. 107 ( Shan ) , 10 to 1 , third Time 0 I'.i'i. Brltnmiln , Jack Atkins , nolle Oak , Pansy , Ml-3 Cunningham and Knclnu alyo mil Third race flvo and a half furlong * In- stnlliitor lit ( JoliesV 3 to B. vson : Nelson , 112 ( llniu > M > v ) , 10 to 1 , second ; Iload Hun- nrr , 112 fWobir ) W to 1. third. T.me : 1 7'j lloyal riu h nnd Howard also tun. Fouilh race , mile and a sixteenth , handi cap. Roma , M ( Chi-sullc'l ) , 18 to 5 , sson. Fltrtllla , S7 ( Joni's ) , lr. lo G , ( second : Del Nolle , 102 ( Hulmlihf ) , 10 to 1 , third Time. 1:4S'J : ' LittleClippie , Cuminl'slon nnd Thornhlll n' o ran Fifth IHIM , mile and u half , huidlo : Mcs. tor , 111 ( II' < lnrlch ) , b to 1 , sson ; The Lark , IIS ( Clancy ) , 4 to 1. second ; l > perance. 12" ( Maynaid ) , 8 to D third Time : 2 49 > < , . Moigan U , Gold Dust and Ilanford also ran. ran.Hlxth rarf > . Use furlongp , Celling ! Itlco , 101 ( Jones ) , , * , 10 1 , sson : Blue Bell , 107 ( Shaw ) , 3 lo 1 second. Orntle- , 102 ( Plg- gott ) , 7 to 1 , third Time. 1 Ol'/fc. ' Venus nlo ran. I -MnniliV Opi ulng Ht Mils * itikrr. MlLWAfKLi : July 1-Tho llrst iiwtlnu of tin- Jockey tlub ssas held nt State Fair | pnk todny and dn ss n crossd of 15000 pco- j pic 'lhe > tin k ssas fast nnd exciting tin- Hhes SSCTO Ihc ordrr In all but the fomtli ace. thu Mllwnukio Dtrby , which vsas sson y Buck MaHsle Rp ults- Fltsi i .up , innuguuil clash , six furlongs : | , ihll cr ( I ? to 1) ) won , The Rook ( J to 1) ) coiid , Hid John (7 ( to 1) ) llurd. Time 1 13 sts n fi.ioM > , s , ; i-scar-olds nil upssaids Tom Basic (4 ( to 5) vson. Aunt i 'a ' ( t , U ) li Kernel , LimctQ (5 ( to 1) ) third I i I Thlid lace , mlle end tssenty y lids , | - vcui i Ils ni I > i | vard" Klrj ? Itc.w (6 lo 1) ) won , 'Isl-i d2 lo -eccnd. . Ft Hi (4 ( lo 1) ) Ihlid , 'inc. ' 1 41 ! I 1'iii.lh Mllwnikeo mile 1 ' rnce , Derby , nnd li.arief r 1-\ei i-nlds worth $1 ono to I i iiuii'i It'i'k MIISI-I , . \\(1. ( MI . < Young n to I -econd. i . Caprlsl (2 ( to 1) ) thlnl. TimeJ 11 > 4. Fifth LIU. Use furlongs Fay Hello (5 to 1) ) ron , Ardelle (3 ( to 1) ) second , SKty (3 ( to 1) ) liltd Time1 1 02. OUNTAIN riilltY'S : OKIAT IJAl tillers nt foiilvllle Put In u Hot Afternoon on u 1'imt I nirk LOUISVILLE , July 4-This has been n lent bicycle day In Louisville In the inron- ng1 ssas the run of the Prince Wells road ace , the gn ale-si annual road raceIn the outii , having ninety entries , Including men loin the suiroundlng states. In the nfler- 10011 vseie the tnuk laces at Fountain "erry , and tluse sseie follosse-d by Tssy- i ill's twenty'four hour ride- for the record. Vttiiidance at the track , r > 0 % Rpsulls- First lace , one mile , class A , novice H V Mlcldendorf , Louisville , wen , Fred Veage , Chicago , second , Phillip Bornssas- er thlid Time 2 41 1-5 Second race , one mile , class B , novice H Van Hcirlck vson , pu-e-d by DcC'ardy and Skelton Tlmo. 2.frjJ-5. ( Former record , 11 I- " . . Thlnl race , one mile , handicap , class B W. J Evans , Lansing , Mich , (12.1 ( yards ) , von , O Trimmer , Portsmoulh , O < lr)0 yards , Mcond , J Skelion , Chicago ( CO yards ) , hlid Time 2 0 ! ) 3-5. Time of scratch man , Jc Curdy 2 II. Fourth rnce , handicap , two-thirds of a nlle , class A Ossen Klmble ( scratch ) , sson , .und , Chicago (15 ( yards ) second , Ed Fltch- ner , Louisville , third Time 1 485 ) Fifth rnce , cli s B , quaitcr mile Dc- Cardy sson , Van Ho rick second , Skellom bird Time : 0 T. Slxlh race , one-half mile , cla = s A' Karl Theme sson , Ossen CJImble second , George- Das Is Worth third Time 1 41 4-5 Seventh , half a mile , handicap , class B Avails ( I.Dyards ) sson , Trimmer (80 ( sards ) second , Van Herrlck (20 ( yards ) third Time 1001-5 Dc-Caidy , scratch , time 102 1-5 Eighth race , the Derby , one mile , cla s A , : lme limit 2 3i , Run In heats. thee quail 's ing were Ollser , Klmble , I-efevre , .Mitchell , Hooper Bossier , Cox , Tnome , fasscett , Wcage , .1 B Bossier J B Boss ier , Chicago , sson. Fied Weape , Chicago , second , Karl Theme , Loiil = sille , Ihlrd Time 2 H 1-5 , paced by a tandem Ninth race DeCaiJv rode an exhibition sins stall mile , paced by Isso landum Time 1 .It ) 3-3 Tenth lace , J Skelton cla = s B An exhi bition half mile , paced by tandem T me ) IS 3-5 Eleventh I ace , quarter mile , class A Fltc liner sson , Disls Worth se'cond , Mluhell third Time 0 J15 D W Tssymun immediately after the conclusion of the races , started on his tsscnly-four hour trial , against his recodt of ' 82 miles. Ho will have ten fast men to p ice him. _ _ _ _ _ _ [ | MSIlii > OM.Y IMI1IS AI-AKT Coliurii , Iloclcar nml VVcxicI CIcMe Together In u Unit Mlle Kiie-e. SIIELBINA , Mo , July 4 Five Ihousand entliiislastlc people nvv the races today at Ihe meel of the Mlsosurl League of Ameri can Wheelmen. The meeting1 was the- most "nicec-hsfull ever held In the state In every ssay. The sseather ssas fine and condlllon for pacing us good ns could be wished for In the one-half mile , class B , Coburn , S Hocker nnd Wood ss'cio so close at the finish lhal mere Inches made all the differ ence The racessas run In 1 OGVi Results Novice , one mile. E. Stadc , St Louis , sson ; James Morrosv , second , E Bersch third Time2 21 Class B , halt mile : W. Coburn won , S Hocker second , Herb Wood third. Time Missouri division championship , ono mile A H irdlnp won , G Imbile second , J Eng- ll h third Time 2 32 Class A. handicap , Ivvo miles13 Cham- be rlnln , Brookfleld , vson ; E J Lee , SI Joseph , second , W. Soldan , Macon , Ihlrd Time 4 41 > $ Mile , oiH > n , class IV Coburn won , C ! Max well sicond , F Wing Ihlrd Time 221. Mile , 2 10 class , class A G Helmlch sson J Cabanne second , Eslade ihird Time 2 II'4 ' Tsso miles , lap , class n- Herb Wood vson C ! Maxssell second , Ed Gralh third. Time 5 II Vt oed vson easily Five mile handicap E J. I ee sson , V Ppeek second , D Huberts third Time II II Boys , half mile W Yuncey sson , B Hocker f-ec end Time 110 Mlle > , north Missouri championship' W Soldon sson E Chamberlain se'cond , C Atterbuis third Time 221 Mile , Invitation , paced : W Cobtnn sson , H Wood second , S Hocker third Time- 222 ( sshlch was outside the limit ) The run oser re ulted W Coburn won G Ma\- ssell second , C. Klndeivalter Ihlrd Time , Itinnn-rnn thn C'orhi-lt-i It/itm morn MI'l WACO , Tex , July I State Rcprcsentnlive Mills , speaklUK1 of Ihe Corbe-U-Fltzslmtiions tlghl and the bearing- the statutes there on , said to a reporter of the Associated piess "The law of 1SS1 Imposing an 01 cup i- tlon tax of $ .7X1 on prize lights was repealed bs the act of IS'U , making prizelighting' a luiial offense and providing a line of not le s than sl\tv clavs nor more that twelve months In jail " Mr Mills Is the aulhor of the act of lSS3prohlbltlng _ prize lights. Will Ilitnni ni liitr on Hie t ini't SAX FRANCISCO , July 4-Thomas Wil liam" , president of the California Jockey club , will leave for the cast In a foitnlght. He expecls lo Interest a number of promi nent ossiiers In the east in the Biy District track , sshlch be Intends to purchase for SC.1o.liOO Inside of a month Horsemen con : template the pioposed buy u shressd move and sav the Callfornl i Jockey club Is getting n rheap track. _ _ _ _ _ _ , Untile Unit It. WAYNE , Neb , July 4 ( Special Te'e- gram ) Oser 400 excursionists from Wayne sscnt to Wlnsldo today to celebrate , headed by the Wayne Cornet Palace band , Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias and Modern Wood men Tlio Wayne Young Men's Christian association's ball club defealed Ihe WlnsUo club by a score ot 20 to 9. r\r t I'liiulriid niul l' miiy Ynrcl Kjcnril. ONTAIUOR. Cal , July 4 The world's record for Ihe 220 yards dash , fool racing was broken here loday by George Knoland of Riserslde , who covered ihe dlslance In the fast time of li ) 2-5 seconds. The presious record was 21 4-5 seconds , made by Catey of Princeton college. A . \ > u v v ( > / , . .i1i .s. Next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Ihe Boyd Hoyl's phenomenal succesp , "A Black Sheep , " will be presented'for the first lime in Ihls city. The above announcement will be hailed with delight by theater-goers and the pub lic In general. Charles Hoyt , unqu-stlonably the only playwright who can boast of a long string of phenomenal successes and has never ; known a failure , Is very popular In Ihls clly. > His comedies are always sure of a royal wel ' come ai ihe hands of the fun-lovlng populace , slid anything new from his fertile brain al 1- ways commands wide atlentlon "A Black Sheep" sslll be produced here under Ills per sonal direction , sslth the same great cast [ and elaborate scenery which created such a furore at the Grand opera house , Chicago , for twelve weeks , sshere It played to the largest receipts In th history of the theater , and displaying the "Standing Room Only" sign at every performance. H Friedman was arrested yesterday for discharging a revolver filled with loaded t\LIX \ MADE A CAME EFFORT Trotted a Mile on a Heavy Track in Two , EtVin and Three-Quarters. LAST QUARTER TRAVEL D IN THE RAIN L'nllnUlitil 3117 Trot thn Most i : > cltlnt ; Content of tlio Mectlnctlimltuico \\IIB D.xnppolntlng all Ac- taunt of Ituln. ST JOSEPH , July 4. ( Special Telegram. ) Ths races opened In the rain today and the track was heasy all day , and to add to the discomfiture of the drlscrs , a heasy wind was blowing from the east. Threaten ing { loutlf , which prophesied a heasy rain , kept ' the crowds away , and the attendance did not reach the figure that was expected. I'oi the first time since the meeting opened th' I track was slow. The/peerless Allx attempted to lower her record In the rain oser the heas > track , but did not succeed , although she trotted a very pftty i mile She turned the first quirter In 0 3.2'i ' , the half In 1 03 > 4. the third quarter In i 1 r > ' 4 and made the mile In 2 07 % Considering ' the condition of the track It was a ' remarkable mile. The last quarter was finished 1 In the face of a rain The 2 17 class , trotting purs" $1,000sas a remarkable race Pour horses started Lurllne , Oscar Williams , McVVra and M > ron Mcllenry. In the two heats that were fin- IMied before darkness came on all four horses went under the sslre so close together that enl > the Judges svere able to decide the heats. Time : 2 14 % , 2 14. 2 J2 eu ! M , trotting , purM$1,000 : Kads Wilton , b in. by Wilton ( Klnnes ) 12 2 1 1 1 Wnrii-n I' , eh. K ( Mrtenr ! > ) . . . 1 1 2 2 2 Klin Helmnnt , 1) m ( Mucej ) . . I'at < hen Wllkes Maid , br. in. ( King ) 4 G 3 t 4 Oretner , br s ( Tossnley ) . . . . 11 1 7 li 7 SupeilntelKlent , b p ( Stnntz ) . . . 13 3 6 7 fi I'rlmcbr in ( Martin ) S7505 nizpah , b m U'atter'-oi ) . . . . C I ds Marble , br m ( Van Sant ) . . . . 3 12 ils Lorlta , cb m ( McDowell ) 10 C 8 dr Hllser I3dKi > , b in ( Curry ) 7 U dr Content , b. rn. ( DunfLcO 0 S dr Arena , oh in ( Hermit ) . 'I ds Time 2 iri4 , J U , 2 l.4 2 IS' * 20 220 da s , pacing , pur e , 11,0ft ) . Hnirs Holton , br by Dictator Wllkes ( MaulxbN ) Agamemnon , b ( Maces ) . . .125' Clear C.rlt , br K ( Tuller ) 442 President Wllke . b g ( I'ajno ) . .6532 \MK&n \ T , b K ( Fennell ) . . I idy Pendleton , It in ( Martin ) . li dr Whlrley , lilk K ( Patterson ) Us Time 2 17 , i 1S'4 , 2 J1'4 , 2 22'4. KAIN OOl TTfi : riUXSIt V.M SHOUT Heavy Truck Mncln tlio Oolite ; hlovr nt tltr littltluinro llnrnoii > Mcollnu' . BALTIMORE , July 4 At the Gentlemen's Drislng park races today Ihere vsero 3,000 people. Before Iho program ssas half fin ished rain began to fall and continued during the day. Summaries Flrsl race , purse $500 , for 2.18 class , Irot- ters. Quarter Maich 2411 Litlle Leo 1 1 T 10 Parlomlmo 5721 Ike Wllkes fi 2 7 3 Kalhariiie S I 8 C 2 Momoe Wllkes 3348 \ \ liter Heir S G 1 f. Gray Fit Ids 7 5 5 5 Eddy 10 ! l 10 7 ! Julia O . 10 S Bd Tlmo 2 21 % . 2.24W , 2 IB's. 2 27. 2 21 Second race , purse 5300 , for 2.27 class trotting- Maud N : Antonlna ! Dail ! Hugo di Lettle 4 4 5 di Peerless C dr Time 2 2414. 2 2l'i. 2 2S , , 2 27 Third , numbers' race , foi 3 00 class , trot ters or pacers , purse $150 , tsso In three \\adu Hampton 1 Dexter 2 Lilly West 4 Wooderry Girl 3 Tr ° ibye. ' . . " ' ' "I ! ' ; ! " ; ; ; . ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ; ! ! ! " 6 Time : 2.40 , 2.11'- . . . CIOMI of tlm Detroit Vlrotlnc ; . DETROIT , July I The nine-day meeting at Delroll Driving p irk closed In a gloriou manner today. The crossd vsas the best o the meeting , save on Derby das. Sunim ir.es First nice , selling , sesen furlongs R ipa tap (3 ( lo 1) ) sson. Booze(2 ( lo 1) ) second , Shut tie ( U to 5) third Time 1 2IA , . Second race , the furlongs Ben Eder (8 ( t 5) ) sson , Hesler (4 ( to 1) ) second , Duchess o Monlrose (8 ( lo 1) ) thlid Time. 1 01'4 Third race , mile and n quarter. Lord Nel son (20 ( to 1) ) sson , Snragossu ( . ! to 5) ) .secom' Sumii ' (3 to 1) third Time 2 07 ? , Fourth race , cle\en-slxleenlhs of a mile Captain Brown ( I to 5) ) won , Tartarian ( I I 1) ) second , Babu Murphy (1 to 1) ) third Time 1 07. Fifth race , seven furlongs Joe Miller I to 1) ) sson , Mas Thompson (1) ( ) to 5) ) seconc" Amelia May (2'i ( to X ) third Time 1 iri'-j. Sixth race , steeplechase , about tsso and quarter miles My Luck (7 ( to 1) ) sson , Sa Oaara (2 ( to 1) ) second , San Gabriel (0 lo 1 Ihlrd. Time 5 1014 , Drlilni ; Itiicesnc Lincoln. LINCOLN. July 4 ( Special Telegram ) There was an Immense crossd out at Lin coin park today , Iho principal altractlo beingIhe Irolllng races , in sshich som speedy lime ssas enlend up for the stocl Frank Parklnglon acted as starter Th first race ssas for y < rllnntH t' S sso In J 07li , drisen by . .1 licoiup , Nelly I second , Blanche L , thlid The 3 00 trot svas vson by George W , C A Turnes driver. In 2 I"1" * , with fls tit-iiters , Mildred H , econd , Russian Prlr cess , third Nora Mack and Baby Vallbc also started In the 231 trol Darker , driven by C W Cockiell , sson In 2 3134 May Day second am. Kilty Aberdeen third Almond , driven by F A Hail , ssas drawn. The 2 M pacing race was won by r.lhc-1 U , drisen b > B A Wedge In 2.124 , Mmn- di-en , second , Crjailto third Iluckeje and Sam Suttiell dlsided fourth money. ' Sx Tlimioitiil A li iiilrd tltn It ices. MINNEAPOLIS , July 4 Six thousand people attended the races at Mlnnehnha Drlslng- park park toda > . Tn the 2:14 : pacc , imisc$1,000 , Badge sson In three Htralght heats e-Bst time2 11U Slumber ssas second end and Hlngro e third In the 2 ll > tiol , pui e $1 ftXl , Maggie Sher man sson tinflrsl , second and tlfih he.ils Be t time 2 H' * ; Kate Phallamount ssns second , sslnnlng- third and fourth heats Best time 2 17'4 Slxtsix ssas Ihlrd In the 2-1 tiot , pun-t' Jl 000 , Kolena sson the llrst , .second and fomtli lnats Best time J ISi1Jeny W ssas second , ssInning the fourth heat , Charmlon ssas thlid , s ln- nl K the third beat Tlmp 2 21 In the . ' 21 pue , pun-e $1 WJ Bit ht Regent sson In tsso straight heats Best time J Wt. Graceful ssas second and Da\y II thlnl. ItiiKlan < on l < t iirlil for Munler. SACHAMENTO , Gal , July 4. Isan Ko- \aley , the Russian convict , has been held to answer before the superior court for the murder of Mr and Mrs H L Weber , after an examination lasting tsso days The last witness examined was Kosaley himself , and he did not tell a sery plausible or connected tale of his ssandenngs about New Year's day , though he claimed to hase been In San Francisco on the night the Webers were murdered. It Is generally conceded that a very strong chain of evidence has been formed agalnsl him. The cash drawer of L. LabowItch's place at Tenth and Bancroft ssas robbsd of $14. Mrt1. W. M Nash was osercome b > heat In a Sherman asenuc car last night about midnight. Burglars entered the residence of Andrew McAndrews , 1314 Davenport street , and stole a quantity of clothing. Blanche Stackpole , a 16earold girl , was arrested Ut > t night on the charge of Incor- rlciblHty on complaint of her parent : . A boy named Greenblatt , who Uses at 1318 Howard , was seriously Injured about the face by the explosion of a toy cannon The shoe btore of A. E. Stoutman , 706 North Sixteenth street , ssas burglarized Wednesday night and a dozen pair of shoes taken , At 11 o'clock lart night the fire department was called to 1314 Maton street , occupied b > L Dernttlne , sshero a small blaze had ben started b > fireworks. The damage amounted to $10. A boy named Smith had a portion of his hand blown off last night by a cannon cracker , and a companion named Vlchek had his face burned. They Use near Sixteenth and Williams. AMAAI.S i , 1.111 : iivi'i : _ - * d w - ( lurrrnor Mtirrll A lilroneit tlio Mtetlng III tlio Af.rrinoliV1 TOPRKA , July 4 The convention of the State Temperance union affrAbled here to day , filling the largest hall In the cltj. Dele gates to the number of oscr COO presented their credentials. The morrinfr ( was desoted to the organization and to general responses to tsso que tons ! , namely , (1) ( ) How many tippling phccs In your locality (2) ( ) What efforts are being1 made to enforce the pro- hlbltcrj law 7 There wag MO re'ponse from Lcasenworth A delegate from Atchlson said the saloons had been closed there since Sat urday night , and one from Tort Scott ald the same thing In reference to his town , but thit presious to Saturdaj Fort Scott had sesen or eight opn siloon ? At noon an adjournment ssas taken tilt 2 p m. Fulls 1,500 people were present at the after noon meeting , the principal fcati.re of which was the address b ) Oosernor Merrill The gosor expressed a deep and sincere Inter- st In the temperance cau e and asserted Me eadlness at all times to co op ° rate with the rlends of prohibition In enforcing the hss nit solced strongly the couslctlon that a Igorotis and well defined public sentiment essential to aid the ofllcers In the work f enforcement The resolutions lay special stress on the utj of all officers of the lass to enforce Its iiandites , the willingness of the people to land by them in the performance of Ihis uty , etc. There ssas a strong element antagonistic o Gosernor Merrill on account of his al- eged Inability to enforce the prohibition aw , but the opportunity did not present clf for his enemies to uncork the slals of heir wrath , and the crltlcl'ins of his course ere generally selled Tonight the meeting as a large one and the speikers were In- lined to be more bitter toward the admln- stratlon. . /\.sir/ov iij r.ac ii'K. Itrco 1'rtnonrni Osorpos or lliclr Keeper * mill If.rct Ihe-lr liberty. NEW YORK , July 4 , The Ihree alleged ostotfice thles'es , Joseph Kllloran , Charles Vllen and Harry' Russell who are ssanted t Springfield , III , escaped from Ludloss treet Jail today. The prisoners ssere about o tak ° their dally exercise In the yard of he Jail. Keepers Edward Schneer and harles Schoen sscre In Ihe office of Ihe Jail , he former sitting with his back to the door nd Schoen ssas walking about the room 'he three men entered the office at the ame time Russell leveled a revolver at he head of Schoen and the two others cov- rcd Schneer with their weapons. They hreaten d to kill the keepers If any outcry was made. Allen took the kevs from ichneer sshlle the other tsso still held their esols'rs at Ihe head of Schoen Wllh the keys he opened the door leading to the ves- Ibule The three men piasd cut , closing he door and locking It. thus making the keepers prisoners 'slthln The keys they h n Ihress Inlo the vestibule Allen opened he front door with a large brass key , and hey were In Ihe slreet , down which they dls- ippeared. On leaving Ihe Jail , Kllloran , Allen and : ius > sell stood on the sleps a few feet from he door and looking up and down the street hey hesitated for a fess moments , when .hey ran toward Broome and Lake streets , ihoutlng loudly "Police police , stop Ihlef , " creating the impression that they ssere In pursuit of a flying thief. At Broome street he men separated Allen running Into Oi- chard stre'l , Russell going down Broome o Essex , street , and Kllloran running toward Orchard street to Grand , and thence In the direction of the Bossery John Apple , a butcher , gave cha e to AI- en and kept him in sight until he reached Houston streel. There Allen lurned around and said "If you follow me any further , I'll fill you with lead. " He made a move .osvarc ! his hip pocket. Apple took to his leels , but looking over his shoulder sasv Allen crossing First avenue In a diagonal direction toward the Bosvery. Sumll showing lit tlm INtpullflt Convention LOUISVILLE , July 4. The populist con vention ssas conspicuous by slight attendanc The convention ssas called to order at 12 o'clock by W. T. B. South , chairman of the state committee , and after a few unimport ant resolutions prellminar > to permanent or- .anlzatlon . the consentlon adjourned untl 2 o'clock. There ssero about 200 delegates present at the afteinoon session. The afternoon ssas occupied sslth speeches by Prof M V. Rork and J. B Osbourne of Atlanta , Ga. Mrs Josephine Ilcnrj of Versailles , Ky. , addressee the consentlon in behalf of ssoman suffrage The consentlon adjourned at G o'clock untl 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to allow the committee on resolutions to report. The resolutions sslll be stiong for free sllser Senator Butler of North Carolina. addresse < the delegates tonight o Tmrn In tbe | 'OIHU HOII | of Itlotprfl. JEFFERSON , Ind , July 4 The falluio o the contractors of the Chicago , Indianapoll : & Rockford to pay the 150 Italian laborers the money due to them according to promlsi has caused them to become violent again and the town Is practlcall ) In their hands They are cra/ed ssith liquor and hase placec combustibles on the bridge leading to the towi and in PCS oral public places , and threaten to burn the place. The women and rhlldrer are terror stricken All the business and public houses are closed and the mei and boys , to a man , hase all been ssiori In nb deputy sheriffs. Under the sheriff an marshal they are guarding the bridge ar other places threatened sUth destruction i bloody battle Is Imminent and Is only kep back by the pleadings of two Call oil priests. Mi i m Hull light for tlio rxpnMtlon. ATLANTA , Ga , July 4 Definite detail hase been recelsed of the bull fight to b glsen In the Mexican village at the Cotto States and International exposition. Th arena sslll bo arranged In the regular ssay and some of the best bull fighters In Mexico , with a supply of trained her es and borne of Ihe finesl bull ? sslll be brought to At lanta. It sslll be an evict reproduction of the famous bull fights of Spain with one excep tion , the bulls' horns will be padded so that he can do no damage The horses sslll like wise be protected by embossed leather shield" , so that the sshole fight may be carried on without the slightest cruelty or a bit more bloodshed thin Is seen at a Wild West shosv. The troupe Is now training In Mexico and I seseral satisfactory rejiearsals have already been made. _ _ ToiirUiH Hotel i urn < " ' . SAN FRANCISCO , Jtlly ,4. The Arrosv- head hotel , one of the noted tourist resorts of southern California , burned to the ground this afternoon The structure ssas built ss holly of wood , and stobd'tirton ' an eminence at the base of the Slerfe ! 'Madro mountains. U was entirely consumed lira short time , as a strong sslnd ssas blow/ng / There ssero about fifty guests In thd1 hotel Very fe\s of their effects ssere Eased. The loss cannot now be estimated The building cost $30,000 There was an Insurance , ofonly $20,000. MHiifnril fiino V\lljl.jt ( lllflliT. SAN FRANCISCO. July 4 , L D McKls- slck , special counsel for th ? government In the suit to recover $15,000,000 from the Stan ford cs'atc , Is awaiting instructions from At torney General Harmoi .19 appsal the case to the United States cpuri , pf appeals. He says he U certain the ? taney ) general ssill Instruct him to appeal Ihe cate , and If he adsirjs to that effect this week proceedings sslll be begun on Monday. Klllnl by a I'riii.lHr Arclilrnt. ATTICA. 0 , July 4 Charles Hull , aged 18 , loaded a gun sslth heasy shot this morn ing and hung It above the door In the sitting room of his father s house The gun fell to the Moor and was discharged. A portion of 4ho load struck Hull mother In the ab domen and h's ' young fitter received the re mainder in her breast The molhcr sslll die , but it Is thought her daughter will recover. It | ) U < ll.iiil It * itoniliil Deb * . SILVER CITY. N M. July 4 The city council has refused fo levy a lax for the pay ment of Interest on Its bonded Indebtedness amounting to $50000 , thus practically re pudiating the bonds The debt was re funded three years ago at 7 per cent There Is considerable excitement over the matter and some of tUe city officials may resign , TELLING DIFFERENT TALES Parties Arrested for Seljan's ' Murder Con tradict Each Other Matcriully. SUSPICION HEAVILY AGAINST BUKOVE I'rlnonrr * Qucfttlnnoil Almost tbo Kntlro liny srlth No I'oMtlso Information Onlnc < l Seurc'li for thn I toil j Continue * to lie fruitless. The ss hereabouts of the body ot Seljan , the man who Is thought to hase been mur dered on Tuesday night , Is still a question that awaits a solution. The case becomes more and more mysterious as the hours pass by and no trace ot the body can be found , although the search for II Is kept up both ay and night The prisoners refuse to glse : ie slightest cless as to sshere It Is , despite : ie facl llml the statements they make be- ome more and more conflicting and the lialn of circumstances appear to be pointing Irectly at them as Ihe perpelrators of the oul crime. The police olllclals are confident lat the man was murdered and that the lurderers are the men whom they hase un- er arrest , but neserlhelcs > s the fact stares hem In the face that as long as the body annot be produced there is at present no ase against the prisoners. All day yesterday , from S 30 In the morn- ng until G o'clock at night Chief of Police Vhlte and Captain Mo tyn ssere closeted with some one of the pilsoners. The ex- mlnatlon proceeded slowly , as the services f an Interpreter ssere required sslth each tie , none of the pilsoners being able to alk English The greater part of the time sas Uken with Bukove , ssho has not before been put through the sweating process. BELIEVE BUKOVE DID IT. From what could be gathered from the statements of the olher prisoners the ofll- lals have come to the conclusion that this s the man ssho killed Seljan , and from shut he said In the sweat box yesterday his conclusion vsas strengthened , although nothing posltlse ssas obtained from him So much was gained howeser , ns to verify he suspicion lhat the prisoners knew more jf boss Seljan came to his death than they sere willing to tell Bukose contradicted nany of the statements made by both Mr and Mrs Mlkan He seems to be much shOawder ban either of the other two men under arrest , and more Intelligent , basing knowl edge of three languages To any leading questions , howesor , he , like the other prison ers simply answers "I do not know " In the first place , Bukose denied the statement of the other three prisoners that all the occupants of the house ssere In the louse on Tuesday afternoon He says that iie left early In the morning and that he dll not return until late In the evening , spend ing the afternoon In Jefferson square When tie returned he said that ho only half shased Seljan , while the others said that he com pleted the shaving The othijr three said that while shaving Seljin he cut him In the throat , but Bukove denies this. Further more , Bnkose posltlsely Identified the Jackknife - knife sshlch s\as covered sslth blood , the butcher knife , the awl and the razor as belonging to Seljan , while the others claimed to bo able to tell to whom they belonged MIKAN'S INCONSISTENT STORIES. Mlkan ssas also tiken Into the sweat box late In the afternoon and contradicted many of his previous statements On the diy be fore he told posltlsely sshat ho and the other men In the house had done all the day or Tuesday , being very posltlse of the time sshen anything happened , but yesterday ho forgot eserythlng and ssas unable to tel" what he did on thai day. All thews contra dictions , sshlle small In themselves , are , li : the aggregate , of largo significance to the police , and they are sure they hase the rlgh men and the right theory. There Is another facj , that the prisoner : have failed to explain Mlkari and Bukovi had steady Jobs at the smelting works Du koso has not a cent and Mlkan could only- produce $13. Despite the fact that nclthe ssas sick and neither had much money , It I thought highly suspicious that Mlkan should lay off since the preceding Friday and tha Bukose shouldj not go to vsork on Tuesday In Ihe minds of the police It produces th Idea that the crlmo was meditated for som time. There Is still another Importint contra diction. The prisoners slid that the firs they knew of the disappearance of Seljan was sshen Wcckback saw them looking Int the window of the room sshich ssas bespat tered with blood This ssas shortly befon S o'clock Wednesday morning Ye terday afternoon a man reported at the police sta lion that at C o'clock Wednesday mornln he met Uukose on his way to work and tha the latter told him of the disappearance o Seljin and of the condition of the room. I Is highly improbable that Bukose , If Inno cent , should hase known this and not tel the other occupants of the house before h went to ssork. AS TO THE LOCKED DOOH. In Ihls same connection , too , Mlkan said that he had not se = n Seljan since 8 o'clock Tue dny morning , and had no Idea of what had become of him until he looked Into the window the following morning He slid that Seljan had locked himself In and that the door had not been opened , despite the fact thai Wecklnck , the first outsider ssho entered the house , found the door standing open An examination of the door shows that on the Inside about two f ° ct abose the lock there are three blood marks , as If made by fingers On the outside of the door , about an Inch from the edge , and directly corresponding to the marks on the Inside , Is another blood mark. This mark Is con nected to the other three by a streak of blood , as If some one had accidentally drawn his bloody fingers along the edge of the door and on to the other side There Is no blood In tlie room on the floor near the door , and consequently it Is considered thai Seljan could not himself hase opened the door with out leaving bloodmarks on the floor , drip- pins ssith blood , as he must have been , to judge from the condition of the rest of the room. room.VICINITY SEARCHED AGAIN. Detectives Dunn and Donahue spent all day yesterday In searching in vain for a trace ot Ihe missing body Armed sslth a dark lant ° rn and with poles they explored every hole In the neighborhood , and oxam- Ined every vacant building , but the hunt ssas fruitless Not a trace ssai found As nothing ; has been obtained from the prisoners by the police officials while ques tioning In accordance wilh Ihe theory ot murder , some of them are Inclined to ques tion on the Iheory of suicide II Is not for an Instant Ihoughl probable that Seljan cut his throat and then left th' house and Ihress | himself Inlo Ihe river , because of the fact thai he must have been dripping with blood and would hase lefl a trail. But sshlle not probable , It Is thought not Impossible that the man might hase killed himself In the room and that the occupants , discoserlng this and fearing that they might get Into trouble over the matter , disposed of the body This theory sslll probably be broached to the prisoners today with a slight hope that It may tend to make them talk. Government llnllillncr I > o < llcute < l , SIOUX FALLS , S. D , July 4 ( Special ) The formal dedication of the gosernment building occurred this forenoon Toasts ap propriate to the occasion were refponded to [ by United States Judge A J Edgerton , Judge J. E. Carland , C. II Wlnsor. E. W Caldwell , Park Davis. J. Tomllnson , Jr , II C. Preston , Prof. H. J. Davenport , D R Bailey and DUlrlct Attorney E. W. Miller of Elk Point. Dpiivpr'H rxprm turn Alt imlonn I. DENVER. July 4. The board ot managers of the proposed Industrial and mining expo sition has resolved to pos'pono the enterprise Indefinitely The Idea was to hold a monster exhibition In Denser next July to celebrate the twentieth annlsersary of Colorado's ad mission to the union A gloomy outlook fr financial support Is glsen aa the cause of Ihe failure. Yellim 1 rn r nt Tiimp . ATLANTA , July 4 Thomas Scrutchln , Jr , chief clerk to F M Jolly , district superin tendent of the Plant system arrived in this city today from Tampa , Fla . where he hat been stationed He eay that yellow fever has reached Tampa and that many of tbe Inhabitants are leaving the city , J iti n.iiiMtn 10 tiitt.1' UVT ( Ircnt loir.r AiUnc tint Country Not to lliiliin tlio Mnrrdttiibtil ( Jiteillmi. LONDON , .Tub 4 Th Stind.ird'i ( llotlln correspondent cays that the gieat poweis which signed the Detl'n ' treaty hase pis en a Irlondly statntiiK < o HiiU rlu agaitut rain ing the Macdo.ilan qucUlun. The limes' despatch ftom Con'tantlnople says that there I ? cvciy po lblllty that serious esuits < uc Imminent In Macidonla I.irge sums of moncs hise bf : > ii collected In Bulgirli and Martini rlllox procured anil secietly sent Into Macedonia The Times noes on tu sty : "An outbroik would entail such teirlhl ? atro cities through the Inability of Turkey to control the turbulent Albinlans that the luropetn powers may be compelled to as- mble a congress to dlscif-s the sultan's ffor of a grand system of reforms for the hrlstlin proslnces of Turkey. " SOVPIA. Bulgaria , July .1 1 ho Turkish ithorlties base selred all the bouts on the ser Vardar to prevent the Macedonian bands om communlcitlng with one another. A irt of the population of Kaauiosrokop hsso irmed thcmselsca into .in Insurgent band , llilSIIIIII AlUcvltll I'M 1 1 ,011111. "HAVANA , July 4 Captain General Mar- neCampos this morning reslewcd the ourboti battalion , which iibsequcntly left or the province of Saiti Min Iho city decorated sslth Hi" n it nut colois and iiimenso crowds of pein 'e ' t'lioughoilt ' the lornlng hase been i h'ermc for Spiln , as ell as for the captain goint il The troops olng to the front arc animated by a itiotig eellng of patriotism. _ Mnnpv for tinJutiiin ( nnimlin | , MADRID , July I The minister tor the olonles , Senor Barzula , has arranged with lie Bank ot Spain to advance the funds 1th which to prosecute the cannplgn gainst the insurgents In the Island of Cubj Mr" ( rulclp Scciin-s Her Dltnrrr LONDON , July 4 Mrs. Peail Cralgle IJohn Ollser Hobb * ) has b ° en granted a Isorce on the ground of cruelty and un- althfulness on th * part of her husband. \ < MISlllH Cl II lll.ltPA tltll I'Olirlll. NAPLES , July 4 A fissure has appeared : i the i orth lde of the great crown of 'esusius and a dense stream of las a Is fio.s- ng down the mountain side. t iilal I xptttitott of n UKIIOII. | | BERLIN , July 4 A military balloon cx- loded today In the shed of the' barracks 'hre soldiers ssero Injured and one of them as since died. Signed tliu ItimMnii Loan. PEKING , July 1 The Russian loan has ijen signed. _ _ J1 > UC.IT1U.t'Olt rilK 1NDIAS. Contention nt Hloni City Con- slders .Vlunjr Important Uuotlnnn. SIOUX CITY , July 4 ( Special Telegram ) Before the Indian teachers' Institute to- lay Dr. F F. Michael , agency physician at 'heyenne Riser , N. D , read a paper on 'School Sanitation " He ssas followed by lev. L S. Bailey sslth n paper entitled 'Should Iowa Take Care of the Education of ndlans Within Ihe Borders' " The speaker called attention to the fact that theie are wo tribes In the state , the Sacs and Foxes , or which no provision of the kind Is made and urged that the general gosernment take he matter up A committee ssas appointed o take steps' ' toward forming a perm incut organization of the Indian schools In Hie : iorlhsscsl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .IiiU lrllurv ut Itiirltiii * HARLAN , la , July 1 ( Special Telegram ) Wednesday trornlng Jesse Donahue broke ail here the second tlmo , taking sslth him one C II Dross n , confined for defraudlm ; Donahue ssas In for burglarly committed last winter In March last he escaped by digging .liiough Ihe ssall , but ssas recaptured In Council Bluffs This fast dells cry wa ef fected by picking the lock of the inner cage sslth a broom ssiro. < iinnon Kxploileil nt slniiT nty. SIOUX CITY , July 4 ( Special Telegram Dick Peterson , a 15-year-old boy , ssas sesercly and perhaps fatally Injured am ! $2,000 ssorth of plate glass smashed here today by Ihe explosion ot a cannon impro vised from a piece of gas pipe Ben Wll- lams , ssho is responsible for the accident has been arrested and held In $500 bonds. Itothern Drouitefl. OTTUMWA , la. , July 4 ( Special Tele gram ) The body of Thomas Reardon , ssh was drowned sslth Miss May Clark Tuesday night , was found today within 100 feet fron : where the boat capsized. This explodes tin theory of foul play. IT MADE A BIO HOLE. SVIII Iteqnlre Several Hayn to Itcpalr th < I'tillllp"biiiHiliniit. . . The Rock Island Is having conslderabl trouble with the washout west of Phillips burg , and arrangements ssere made yester day morning sslth the Union Pacific to Its line Into Denver , running via Gram Island The ssasheut on the Union Pacid between Lisbon and Wallace has been re paired and trains east and west aie tun nliig regularly Wednesday passengers wen transferred around the ssashout at Turke creek In wagons , three trains basing bee held there until the damage ssas repilrec : which ssas Thursday morning The. ssashou by reason of the Smokey river oserflossln Its banks was repaired Wednesday nigh > nd oserythlng on the Kansas division o the Union Pacific Is In good condition agali : No. 2 on the Kmsas Pacific left Denver on lime Wednesday and all tlie trains are nosv running rcgulaily. About 1,100 feet of earlh ssas swept assay- by the sudden rising of Turkey creek , but the largo force of men under Superintendent Brlnkerboff had trains oser lh = gulch made by Iho water within tsselvo hours after the washout occurred. .New I'liilic of tlio 'Iioublo Over tliurnt huperlor Slt'ul WorKi. DULUTII , July 4 There Is a new feature In the West Superior Iron and Steel com pany case. Judge Ludwlg of Milwaukee has Issued an order of restitution , directing the sheriff of Douglas county to reinstate Rc- celser Kellcy In charge of the plant and to keep him there. Last night the order of the Milwaukee court was carried Into effect Fifty deputies In charge of Under Sheriff Wilcox ssent to the steel plant , sstilch has been held for T G Alsord , president of the Snperlor National bank , by a party of watchmen The party demanded admittance to the plant aud a surrender of Its posses sion , but the watchman refund to give it up. The deputies then broke dossn Ihc' doors look charge of the plant and placed Mr Al- vord's men under arrest. The men will have a hearing July 5. . Will ( oinpliilu the rinnt. SIOUX FALLS , S. D . July 4 ( Special ) John II Alkcn , general manager of the Northwestern Packing company , J. H Lord , the promoter and financial agent of the samu company , and Edward Clark , secretary and treasurer of Iho concern , arrived lusl es en- ing from Boston. They say Ihey Intend put- ling a force of men lo work at once on the mammoth packing house , wh'ch was partially completed three years ago , and push the planl lo completion. Alke-n was ssllh Armour Co. for fourteen years and la a practical man and one In every ssay competent to manage the construction and operation of the big plant. Another Ailt inru In U'ttcn * . CLEVELAND , July 4 The Cleveland City Forge company has announced a 10 ptr cent advance In the wages of employes , to take effect at orce. The Increase ssas made vol- uiilarlly on account of the better condition of trade. About 300 men are benefited. ATien Daby was sick , wo ease her CoMorla , When flio ss oa a Child , sbo cried for Cas'orla. When shv bccanio Miss , tlio chin , ; to Castorla , V.'hca liu bad Children , bho gas o them Castoria. SCHMEISER TIRED OF IT Breach of Fnuihe Cnso cad Mnrrlape with n Widow Wearies Him , TRIES TO LEAVE WHOLE THING BEHIND ( lot l.rnto of Ahiriicn from tlm Partner Id Mlintii lie Sold Out niul Wrur furtliei limn riutlniHiiiIIi IrmililM oil Tvro Mdcci nt tlio AllnutU' . Edttuid Sclimelier , prominent In local tiff- ana circles , and also of sonic notoriety , li supposed to line skipped the city ami IcU hi ! wife behind. Ills friends , at least , .110 of tlio opinion that this Is the oa o. Schmelfer ss is the late proprietor of the CUrnun Tribune , sshlch was purchased with the money hislfi ? , the widow of the late 1'Kink I.aime , brought him. Ho ran the paper with more or IMS success , chiefly lesi , until June 11 of this year , when he sold out his stock to O inr Ruing , his partner. Ruing took charge , but ri tallied Schinclscr In his employ In the business department. List Satunlay Schmoiser obtained lease from his emploser to alien 1 the tinner's tourna ment at 1'lattsinonth , and since that time ho has not been seen In the city. A little ln\ecMention was begun ssheu SchmeUer did not get bick , md It was dis cos ered that ho did not BO in Phttsmouth nt all At the same time It wns found that he had left behind all the keys of the olllco In which ho ssas emplojed and as Baring ; is , left osciylhlnt , ' In shape It was also found tint ho Ind removed all his effecta from his residence at CO I South Thirteenth street , eu-n Inclining his winter cUthliiR. Hovs he not them out. appnrs lo be n mys- t"ry , for members of Ms family say that they did not know he had taken them The qnevtlon as to whit had h-come ot Schniol'er was fomesvhat clmred up la t ondiy when Hiring recelvul a letter from im. The letter was postmarked Chicago , n It Schinrl'cr said tint he was called to 'hlcago on business and would be absent or several das but It Is thoiiKht that h is foreser sh iken the du t of Omaha from Is foet. Mrs Lange says that she has ecehcd no word from him and that she has o knowledge- his whereabouts She also j > s that he has taken lone of her prop- ny but esen If this la so It Is paid that er marriage with Schmelser has been an xp'nslse luxury to her , as he Is supposed o ha\c spent n goodly sllci > of the fortuns eft her by her former husband MUCH DOMESTIC DM-TICIM/TY Domestic dllllculty Is as ° lgned by his rlends as the cause of Schmcl < ei's depirturo. "hey s > ay that ho and his wife did not net long well together , especially since u breach f piomlic bull was beRun agalnsl Schmolser a t fall After that time , It Is said , tint ii bitul and wife quarreled frequently and l.at the last set-to took place last week. Irs hange , however , refused to talk about his at all Schmelser landed hero In the latter part f the fall of 1SU2 In the short space of ycai and a half he succeeded In raising : fiimsclf to n commanding position among the ' 00 of the local Ucrman society The method > y which he did this was In keeping with ils pist record , for ho did It by winning ; he affections of a widow of wealth When Rchmeiscr came here he embarked n the business of selling Insect ponderi rind latei on ho disposed of cockroach trips 'o unsuspecting customers until he gained he good graces of the widow of the late i'riink Lange , who , during his lifetime had , amassed quite a fortune Sclunclt r then lisc.mlcd his former compinlons and rose o the dignity of a newspiper publlsner , a business which he claimed lo ha\e followed n his natho country , Hustrla Aslilo from n clmiiRo In politics rfe pursued the even enor of his way and enjoyed the good things which came to him by his last marriage , mill an avenging Nemesis came Into hli liorbon This Nemesis was In the corporeal iody of a comely woman who unfolded n t lo into the ears of German society In whoso : > o om he hid been pitted and reared thut furnished choice morsels of scandal for nany a day. Tills pleasurable cxclt'niiMit reached Its crisis when a few ilaja later the woman begin a $5000 bleach of promise suit against Schmelser This suit d-igged along In the courts until quite rec ntly , when the woman received n judgm > nt ot $2 000 against Schmelbcr , but na In all the other adventures that had been related of him Schmelser again appears to have como out at the long end of the horn. The Nemesis which pursued Schinelser tools the- form of Miss Anna ( Tclger , who claimed that before he left Austria for this lanJ ot the free Schnieiser had won her lose and bor rowed fcundiy kreutrers , forgetting to return cither She followed him to Omaha , and se cured a judgment agalnnt him In the dhtrtct court a few sveceks ago Ills friends claim this has upset his plans here. SMIIU Moore \\lll l ! tlm t'lili f. WASHINGTON , July -Otllclal announce , mcnt ssas made at the sshlte hou c today of the appointment oflllls L Moore of Illinois to bo chief of the weather bureau , Mr. Moore's commission arrlscd this in rn- Ing from Gray Gables. He will ahsumo Ma new duties within a fesdays. . Bcecham's pills are for bilious ness , bilious headache , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver.diz- ziness. sick headachebad taste in the mouMi , coated tongue , loss of appetitesallow skinetc , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills ice and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's or write 13. F. Allen Co , 365 Canal St. , New York. Aunuil eales in ic I him G OiW ( KM boxes. BAD COMPLEXIONS I'iinplcH , blacUu id * , led , rou h und oil } , -Un niul huiulit , drlliln , uiij lulling hill , mid elmplit Imby Llcmlilua nrupipt iiUU nml curid Ly CLTI- < i IIA Hosi1 , moHt cffcclho Un. p mlUnu nml In uutiiyliiK no.ip In t u tturl I , an ui I n piirrnt nnd e \.ri ti of tuilit nml nurjcry ' i/loni ihi stnrlrl Anlmil rxiiin l * ( oebrlm- ir l ain CarJlna forlimil Cunrlni- * II All ( InmKWH KNTa. On Uiui tl nd L ike , Omiih i Double I'ar.iuluitu L up Kvcry anJ Hvory Nluht At 8:30 : O'clock AcJmUilan to ( .roiimU lOa. Amplthunter , I'HV Uudorvcd clmtn U