8 THE OMAHA DAILY J5EE : 'THURSDAY , JULY , 1805. Expresses Much fatiufaction Over Increased Oonfidenca in the Business World. BELIEVES THE TIDE IS ABOUT TO TURN HOVT lie l ! < cntd ! IInlsie\nln'n I'lirclmio of Navigation Coniiinr | Stock \V hen ttio bliort Mini Will ( lo-Kspcctn No National Legislation Soon , President and Managing Receiver Clark or the Union Pacific left last night for St. Louis. After a rest of a day or two , ac companied by Mrs. Clark , the senior re cclver of the Overland system will go to Xow York to spend a fortnight , Incidentally attending several meetings of the receivers i ! I and straightening out some kinks In the system. Ho will also bo In attendance upon the special master In chancerj's court , which | ! 'f * tvlll bo erected at some ccol retreat near fc Nevv York , where ho will take testimony * k upon the question of unpaid coupons ant ! the advisability of belling some of the equip ment of the Kansas Pacific. The "cripple * , ' ' as the chancery olllce has dubbed the non- pajlng properties , will also occupy the at tention of Judge Cornish and It is to bo present at these various hearings that Mr I Clark goes cast at this time. He anticipates returning to Omaha about Jul > 23 and wll ! shortly thereafter , with Mrs Clark , make a . ( trip through Yellow stone National park If I ho can so arrange his business. Mr Clark , talking to a Dee man , said tha i Indications pointed to an upward tetidencj V. In the stocks of the granger roads , for the U i reason that If all the present conditions were jl realized a tremendous grain crop wouh have to be moved this fall "l-'rotn the eas , come cheering words of heilthler business Be conditions. The manufacuvrers of stee jJH rails , steel plates and other railroad supplies I ] ' ? are putting on Increased forces and running 1' | to full cainclt > Tills , is a hopeful blgn am J maybe we are at the turning of the tld which will bring us renewed prosporltj Hero in the west , wo can hardly hope for any material change until the ccops are garnered , for wo are essentially an agrlcul tural people , hut the eist , which tefleUs the prevailing sentiment of the coiintr } , shows stronger hopes In the future than for two jears past and we cannot help hut benefl from this change In economic Ideis , evci though Indirectly 'The notice posted yesterday at th" Cheyenne shops that the receivers vvoiih i pay the t > amo scile of wages , > s now paid a , the Denver shops will , I believe , be acceptei > by the employes without a murmur. Tin Denver seilo Is high nnd I think a man can llvo as cheaply In Cheyenne as Denver , vvhlcl Is a great factor As occasion requires , ad [ | dltlonal incu will he put to work at tin ' Cheyenne shops , although the rumors tha the shops there were swamped with order : for repairs are wholly unfounded We have force enough to take care of any repairs nee essary at thia time Porces will only be In i > creased as the business of the road war ! i rants ' 'ft ' Upon the question of the Short Line being " severed from the Union Pacific , Mr. Clarl said that he presumed tlio property vvoul pass out of tlie hands of the present re celver' , hut It would be some time before th silo was accomplished and the propertj transferred to the new company purchasln ] It under the Junior lien. As to tlio purchase of some $13 000 000 o stock of the Oregon Hallway & Navlgatlor compiny by A A H Hols evaln for $1,250 , 000 , Mr Clark saw In the transaction a determination < termination nn the pirt of Mr Hoissoviln ( to protect the Holland interests lie rcpre i sents In tlio reotganlzatlon of the com piny , which Is now In process of Incubation Mr. Clark refused to commit himself who nskcd If ho thought the Oregon Hallway K Navigation company would ultimately be , , ( como a part of the Union Pacific when th , pioneer rall.oad of the west came to be re organized. Upon the qiten'on of Irglslatbn at the no session of corgre's looking to tx way out o the fog through Which tlio Union Pacific I passing. Sir. Clark was averte to giving an opinion , except to say that he thought n legislation would bo attomptel at the com Ing session , present conditions being allow e to work out the prob em of the roids future "Mr Holbsovain , " said Mr Clark , "laborc for two winters to accomplish Fometh'n ' that would lift the roaJ out of the mlro Int which It Ind fallrn by reason of hard times Most ample provisions were suggested t congress looking to a reorganisation of th property ; mo t liberal offers were made t the government , as the future , I bUIcve will disclose , but congre = s taw fit to d nothing I bellove Mr Bolts-vain ha ? grow tired of attempting the s'e.iilngly Impo-slbl nnd Is now proceeJIng to protect hlmsel I which Is lit ? right " A\i ! limitM on Uniiin 1'iulilo T.IIIIM Superintendent J 0 nrlnkerhoff of th Union Pacific with headquarters at Kansa City , Is on MB way to a washout but\vec Lisbon and Wallace on the Kansas dlvHo of the Union Pacific , 40G miles west of Kaitha City , which occurred early yesterday morn Ing by reason of the Smoky river and Tarkj creek overflow ing their banks. A big fore of men arc already on the scene of the w ash- out , sent from Denver , according to olilclals at headquarters , and the break will be at once repaired. Hither than delay travel passengers will bo transferred around the washout In wagons , trains from Denver having been made up to convey passengers on the cast side of the vva uout Into Denver However , they are full of expedients at Union Pacific headquarters and if the break takes longer to repair than Is now expected , the Union Pacific will probably run back to Oakley , Oakley to Colby and thence west over the Hock Island. The Hock Ishnd Is reported to bo having trouble west of PhlJllpsburg , Kan. , where a washout has occurred and It nny necessitate a pooling of Issues between these two sys terns to get around the breaks In their tracks The Union Pacific will have little difllculty with Its special N. n. A. excursions , as It will run them out of Kansas City , those coming by the southern route , to Manhattan , thence north to Grand Island and west to Denver over the main line , making but a few hours difference In actual runntng time Late telegrams at headquarters Indicated the ivafchout would be bridged bj evening and trains sent on. Hurry IMC HID 1'rult In London. A London fruit special left Sacramento Tuesday morning , composed of five cars filled with peaches and pears It will be run through to New York faster than any pas sengcr train ever traveled between the Pacific and Atlantic. I'rcmi Ogden the Union Pacific will bring It to Council Bluffs and the Vanderbllt lines will take It from the Illuffs to Nevv York , making close connection with thn American line , wiling Wednesday. This Is the first I/mdon special of the season out of CallfornH and the growers will watch the prices the fruit will bring on the London market with Interest. 1 < > ri ) HH roa lici We find some one who has been cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. and people on all hands are pralklng this great medicine for what It I has done for them and their friends. Taken F In time Hood's Sareap.ullH prevents serious Illness b > keeping the blood pure and all the organs In a healthy condition. U is the great blocd purifier. Hood'i. Pills become the favorite cathartic with every one who tries them. 25c per box. Chenp Itntri to I.oulnvlllo , Ky. Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railway tvlll , during the O , A R. encampment , Louis ville , Ky. , sell excursion tickets September S to 11 , good returning until October 5 , from St. Louis to Louisville at a rate of not ex ceeding 1 c nt per mile. Address J. M. Chesbrough , general passenger- agent , St. Loulf , ( or further particulars. Summer Tor full Information In regard to summer excursions apply at the city ticket of lice of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , 1501 Farnam street , r. A , Nash , general aEOIlt < Attention , Omaha lodge No. 26 , KnlghU of Pythias. will hold Its next regular meeting July 5tb. members are requested to be preient. HAIVHYIO , C. C. BOAED OF HEALTH MATl'EKS ItcpnrtH for June Maclo nt Tcntcrilnjr After noon's Meeting , From the mortality report for the month of Juno submitted at the meeting of the Board of Health yesterday afternoon It appears that Omaha continues to hold Its record as the most healthful city In the world of like population The rate was C.85 per 1,000 of population. The total number of deaths was eighty-two ; of male ? , forty , and of fe males , forty-two ; white , seventy-eight ; colored , four. To thesa deaths are opposed 141 births ; males , slxty- even , females , seventy-seven. The Inspector of contagious diseases showed tint there are eighteen cases of scirlet fever and one of typhoid fever In the city at date. The financial statement for Juno showed an expenditure of $1,217.13 , which , subtracted from the money on hand June 1 , leaves a balance of $2S7C 21. Of the amount avail able for the health department at the open ing of the ) ear , $ SS4I , about five-eighths has been spent In the last six months. More rigid economj IP "till talked of , and the board banks on o recommendation of the Judlchrj committee of the council to make further appropriation when It Is needed. Besides , It Ins been agreed that bills for the removal of dead animals and certiln other things shall hereafter bo pild from the general funds , and this will save the health fund something. Some amendments were pubmltted to the milk ordinance and were referred for Judicial examination They provide that the license foe shall be $1 per cow for those owning lc s than ten cows. Heretofore the fee was $1 for but one cow and $5 for any number from two to ten. It was thought the latter was a hardship to parties of stmll means and Inequitable In every p nse It Is also provided that all dealers In milk must re port ca es of slckne s of loncer than three dajs' standing In their families or among their employes , and an amendment was of- feied by Mr Duncan changing the word Ilcen o In the ordlnince to permit , ° o that he fees might go Into the general fund In- tead of Into the school fund. Owners of low lots on which stagnant witer les will bs cited to appear before the board July 1" to show cause why their lots should : iot b- > declared nul ances and filled or Iralned by the cltv at the owners' expcn e It tran plrFd that Israel Prank , In addition 0 his duties as meat Inspector had been et to counting the tails of dogs drowned at ho dump , so as to keep lib on the pound- naster Some objection was made to thl > iit the commlrfelon-T said It did not Inter- ere with Prank's other duties and the mat er was parsed rill , I'OIU KIX MOTIOV. Itpprpirnlnl In HIP Np r York ( Vntint. Spned and comfort arc two conditions de manded by modern travelers , but the per- 'ect comblmtlnn Is a rare one. On most Aireilcin railroads high speed Is only possi ble at the expense of danger and discomfort. To combine comfort and safety with the greitest speed , pnrfect equipment and nbsenc" f pharp curves are necessary The most perfect roid-bel and themo't e\cel'ent roll ng stock will rot secure comfort on a rall- oad tint winds sharply among hills , for ) T-sengers must Inevitably be shaken and olttd about by the sudden changes of dlrec- lonThere There Is only one railroad In America that combiner all the conditions essential to the ilghe't speed and the greitest comfort. That s the New York Central & Hudson Hlver H. It. It holds the world's championship for loi.g-dlstnncc fa = t trains , won by recent im provements In equipment and locomotive- building that fairly mark an epich In railroading reading , and Its 100-ton engines borne on nasslve rails weighing 120 pounds per jard now skim with perfect safety around curves at the late of ninety miles an hour. The olldest of roid-beds Is needed to withstand his marvelous speed , and to beir the enor ous locomotives and trains ; and the Nevv Vork Central stands alone In the speed of Its tains because what It does with safety Is miKisxIble to other railroads of Inferior equipment. Hut ordinary tiavelers do not wish excep tional speed when It entails great dlscomfoit , nor Is It desirable to court the fatleue and soreness inseparable from a long journey on a jerky train. A jouiney on the Nevv York Central Is the perfection of luxury. It entails neither fatigue nor soreness , for It Ins prac tlcally no sharp curves , and Its trains move at the highest speed without the slightest shock Its trains arc superb In their furnUh- ngs , every detail of modern luxury Is pro vided , the servlc" Is Ideal To travel on the N'cw York Central Is the poetry of motion The Dry Goods Chronicle. Thro * Ypl'iuvet on o I'nrunn Illprr'p ' A peisonally conducted excurslan fcf"ll : eave Omaha via the Burlington Houte at 1 3r > p m , Saturday , July 13 , for n blcjcle our of the Yellowstone Natloml pirk. Mam moth Hot Springs will be reached at noon Monday , July 15 , and the next morning the ISO-mile clicuit of the park will be begun As HIP paik roads are excellent , this can easily be accomplished In four da > s. The cost of the round trip ticket to Mam moth Hot Springs Is $47 50 Hates at the k hotels $4 00 a day for a stay of a week or le"-s After that $1 00 a day $7500 to $ S3 00 will about cover the entire expense of the trip Including sleeping car fares both ways , meals enroute , etc The party will not conform to any pre arranged cut-and-drled schedule , but will move according to the wishes of the majoiity of Its members and will bo accompanied by Mr J n Buckingham of the general passen ger department of the Burlington Houto at Omaha Address J Trancls , G P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb , for full information. iiuv : > ) M i.iirin , u , , vi K n i M , s. A I It'urhprlionld Know \ll about the Black Hills historic , Instruc tive , It ter'stlng to a greater degree than any other part of the w t. The Hot Springs n South Dakota are there. Delegates to the National Educational as sociation meeting at Denver , holding tickets over the Union Pacific , Imve an unprece dented offer In the way of a low rate , re turning through the Black Hills. Prof Clemens of 1'remont Normal school , Fre mont , Neb , will personally conduct an ex cursion party on this trip Consult him or the nearest agent P , C. & . M V. or Union Pacific railway for further particulars J U BUCHANAN. G P. A. Tirn ( iruil I tour-linn to llnaion. Via the Lake Shore & . .Michigan Southern Hy , one In July and one In August. One fars for the round trip. Stop over at Niag ara Palls and Saratoga if desired , also by boat one way between Albany and New York at the option of the passenger Stop over can also be made at Chautauqua on return trip Hegnlar Summer TuurlEt Tickets to the many delightful mountain , lake and seaside resorts of the east are now on sale. Com plete list of routes and rates with any fur ther Information desired , will bo promptly furnished on appllcitlon B P Humphrey , T P. A. , Kansas City , Mo. C. K. Wllber , West. Pass. Agt , Chicago. I ntlli i , If you have the rheumatism or neuralgia any kidney or uterine trouble are emnclalei or have superfluous flesh and your doc'oi orders baths , before going to the expense o ! a trip , try our baths. You can have Turkish or Russian , med | . cateJ , vanor. electric , sea salt , sulphur , Mer curlal oil rubs and hot milk baths. Attendants first class. Manage by an educated masseuse. Ladles' Turkish baths and physical ctil- tuie parlors , 109-110 Bee building. bplrlt I. iki > , Spirit l.nl \ 'pMt l.nko. Through sleeper > la the Northwestern Line commencing Juno 28 , leaves dally for Splrli Lake at 6 10 p m. from Webster street depot The lake Is the same , accommodations a llttlt better , faro a little lower. City ofilco , 1401 Farnam street Depot , loth and Webstei streeli. J. R. BUCHANAN , d. P. A. One Tare for the Hounil Til p. Tor the round trip to all points within 20C miles. The Missouri Pacific will sell Julj 3rd and 4th. Limit for return July 5th. Cal at city oillce. N E corner 13tn and Farnam or depot , 15th and Webster streets. Nolo I linnee In Tlmr. Chicago. Ilock Island & Pacific railway1 ! Chicago vestlbuled limited leavfs at 4 ' 40 p. m Lincoln , Falrbury Uellevue and points soutl and west at 6 45 p m. tsniniiiitr Tiiurlit THKoti vU llio Are now on tale ; fox folders giving routes rates , etc , call at Watash office , 1415 Far nam street. CT\TP V/l / T nVPPI ) MAlto NO LOiMiEK Fifteen Police Officers Summarily Dismissed from the Service. POLICE COMMISSION BEGINS REFORM tinoiinclni ; tlmt the UUnilssnMVoro far the Uooil of the Service the lloaril Ioim Off the IlcutU at Agitator * . Chief of Detectives Henry P. Haze , Ser eant A. T. Slgwart , Mounted OHlccr H. A. Vllhur , Patrolmen 0. W. Uarnes , A. H. Burr , H. Hint. M. U. Halter. James Kirk , V. H. Storey , George Prescott , M. M. Starkcy , I. Dollard , F. E. Evans , Louis Godola and chn Leary comprise the members of the ) maha police department who lost their stars esterday afternoon. The Hoard of Tire and Police Commls- loncrs held a quiet executive session at 1 30 Commlssionei Strlckler was the only nb- enteo. The commissioners acted unanimously In Ismlsslng the men named , with the excep Ion of the case , of Sergeant Slgwart. In this nstanco the vote stood 'A to 1 , Mr Smith ot'ng ' against the dismissal. The retirement f the fifteen took effect at roll call last even- ng The commissioners dismissed the men rom the service for various reasons , and nnounced officially that It was "for the good f the service " It was furthermore decl/led to abolish the dice of chief of detectives and to place all tetcctlvea under the control and supervision f Chief of Police White. The places made vacant will be Immed'ately Hied. Next Monday at 2 p m. there will ) o a special meeting of the commissioners to consider applications of men who wish to ear the stars It all happened within an hour AtI 20 o'clock the commissioners quietly filed Into heir private office and closed thp door Com- nlssloner Deaver carr'ed a record Irook under ils arm nnd Commissioner Smith subie- inently came out nnd got another big book out of the vaults Then Captain Mostyn was = ent for and remained closetel with the com nissloners for half an hour Thirty minutes later the session was over and the reo-ganl- atlon of the police department had been In- auguiated. CMef White was not present. He was busy ntork on the murder mystery. Secretary Orownleo was author'zcd to not ify the police headquarters of the result of the beard's ac'lon It Is rumored that five more officers are on probation and that It Is possible that there vvMl bo more vacancies on the police force In the near future. I'npn'nr SpoiiUltont lo tlio I'list. The New Veptlbuled Train Service via hicago fi. Grand Trunk , Grand Trunk and Lehlgh Valley Hallwajs , between Chicago , New York and Philadelphia , via the famous St. Clair Tunnel , Niagara Palls , and the LfEiitiful Susquehanna , W > omlng and Lehlgh Vallejs known as the "Switzerland of Amer ica , " offers elegant ainolntmcnt' and Is tflo most picturesque route connecting the'-e leading cities Train leaves Dearborn Station , Chicago dally. 3 10 p m , and has attached a Pullman Vc'tlbuled Sleeping Car for TOHO.NTO , MONTUKAL AND BOSTON VIA MONTHHAL During the Summer Tourist Season there will also bo attached to this train n PuIInun Buffet Sleeping Car for the White Mountains and Tourists' Hesorts on the Atlantic Coast by way of Montreal and the Por'lind OlvMon of the Grand Trunk Hallway. The boautlfjl scenery along this route- makes It one of the most picturesque and attractive tourist routes to the East. Baggage can be examined and passed cus toms a Dearborn Station , ' Chicago , thereby „ dflay and Inconvenience on enter ing Canada. Tor Sleeping Car reservations , rates , time tables , etc apply to E II Hughe * , General Western Passenger Agent , 103 Clark utreet , Chicago. n\Lr u \ nI.VST. . lirouxlt Van Kasl i > clul I'urtlps IZnst. Boston July 5 to 8 Baltimore July 13 nnd 1C Half fare for the round trip. Special parties In charge of excurs on managers with through tar service from Omaha THERE ARC OTHER ADVANTAGES. Ask about them at the Northwestern Line Ticket office , HOI Farnam street. R R. Ritchie. General Agent. G. T West , G. P. and T. A _ On lielmir of l'r < > Kii' < t Hill , Conviction of officers of the Prospect HIP Cemetery association under an ordinance for bidding the platting of an/ more ground Inside - side the city limits for burial purposes has cau-ed nn ord'nance to bo Introduced re pealing the orJinance under which the con viction was obtained Mr Kennard Is the father of it It Is so worded ns to cover only the Prospect Hill case , where the pur chase of a narrow strip adjoining the ceme tery and which was originally designed for burial garound was made by the assoclatloa to make the contour of the cemetery regular Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , made up and started from Omaha. . Baggage checked from residence to destination. Elegant train service and courteous employes Entire train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light In every berth. Finest dining car cervlco In the west , with meals served "a la carte" The Pljer leaves at C p. m. dally from Union depot. City ticket office , 1504 Parnam street. C S. Carrier , city ticket agent. 9 OMA & . .U.7B To Itouun nnil Hetiirn VI i the Wnhtsti. For the Y. P. S. C. C convention the Wabash - bash will sell tickets at above rate July 5th to ! Hh Inclusive. For tickets or folders giving full Information In regard to routes , limits etc , call at Wabash ofllce , 1415 Parnam St. , or write G N. CLAYTON , N. W P. Ag't , Omaha , Neb. Tlmo Cur. I. Lake Mannwa railway time card In con nection with Council Bluffs motor line Leave Paxton hotel at S 28 a. m. , 1 27 , 3 37 , 4 20 , 5 21 , C 13 , 7 05 , 7 2J , 7 13 , 8 20 , 8 31 , 0 19 , 9 3D. 10 33 p. m. Leave Manavva 7 25 a. m. , 1 07 , 3 33 , 4 30 , 5 25 , 6 15. 7 10 , 7.30 , S 00 , S 25 , 8 50 , 9 15 , 9 40 , 10 30 , 11 40 p. m. On Sundays and holidays trains will run oftener. I miles Attention. Superfluous hair , warts , moles and browr spots remove ! by the "Elec'rlc Process. " Corns , bunions , Ingrowing toe nails , trcatei by a professional chiropodist Medicated and Electric baths , also massage by an experienced and educated masseuse "LADIES' BATH HOOMS , " 109 and 110 Bee Building. ( Only exclusive ladles' bath parlors In Omaha ' ciuu' i\cuiisio.v : UATI : < Via tlio llurllneton Itouto. Here are the Burlington route's best offerIngs - Ings In the way of reduced rates. To Boston , Mass , July 5 to S , one faro foi the round trip , good to return until August 6 To Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou and Pueblo , July 4 to S , $19 00 for the round trip good to return until September 1. The city ticket agent at 132-LFarnam streel will gladly give you full Information. Climp I xcurnluui l utt nnil West. Boston and return , one fare for the rouni trip , tickets on sale July B to 8 Denver Colorado Springs and Pueblo , $19 00 for tin round trlji , tickets on sale July 4. to 8 , goo for return passage till September 1. Three special excursion .trains from Omaha tc Denver , Saturday , July 6 , at 2 55 a. m 1 40 n. m. and C 30 p. in Call at Rod Island ticket office , 1602 Parnam street. .1 .N AO I/A C'E.W CA / A , The Trilby club will give a concert anil picnic at Columbia park. Fortieth am ! Leavenworth , July 4. Admission free. Fire- display la tl0 AFTEft A DEAD Iff AN'S WEALTH. tultft HroURht Against : the I'nutiion Kstntc Iscvtii at tlia'CoiirU. Another creditor has secured permission to appear In court to contest the transfers made Bomo jcars ago by tha Paulson heirs , alleg ing fraud In the transaction. In addition to this the court has been arked to appoint a receiver for the property in connection with ho Issuance of nn Injunction restraining the elrs and executors of the estate from ills- toslng of "any of the real or personal prop- rty left by ex-Senator Paulson. The Arlington State bank began Its suite o enforce the claims It held agalns-t the state. The Midland Stnto bank is the latest itervenor to the suit and seeks to enforce n udgment for $1,708 , which It obtained last December In Washington county. It claims hat It cannot enforce collection unless the qulty powers of the court are set In opora- lon and a series or transfers set aside to vhlch the PauNon heirs are parties. John T. Paul'on died October C , 18S9 , eavlng to a wife and s'x ' children dozens of ots and other propel ty In and about Omaha , Irpctlng In his will that his debts should be jald , however , out of his personal cstite and giving the executors1 , his grown children , no lower to mortgage the istate. In December f 1891 the executors conve > ed to a married l ter , Augusta Lammeiich , propcrtj for an .lleged consideration of $150,000 , on which ihe placed a mortgage with the Globs Loan and Trust companj for $ 'G 000. These and Imllur transactions the bank Is attacking In court. Now llnniitn tint Cnsli. Dennis Cunningham and L H. Kent are n the district court , fighting over n land , rade which fell through , and according to Cunningham's Eton , resulted In his swapping his land awa > without getting anjthing back o show for his trade. Cunningham U now demanding money , as he can not get his de sired land Cunningham alleges that April 21 , 1890 , he : nade a bargain with Kent. In pursuance of It he convejed , by deed to Kent , lots in block 14 , Carthage addition , tog ther with n oiip-seatcd bugg > The title to some land n block 70 , South Omaha , failed , when Cun ningham undertook to convey It , but Kent so Cunningham avers , said that made no [ inference and agreed to accept other land [ Tunnlnghaiii has waited for a transfer ol some COO acres of school land , but as Kent has sold the property to other parties he demands $4,500 in lieu of the property. Minor Imtrt .Miitti r * . The insurance companies which were de feated In the suits brought by J. A. Wake- field on account of the loss of his lumber > aul by fire have appealed theli case to the uprcmo court. Pet ° r Fren er has begun a suit agalns Mrs N. A. Blanchford to recover $550 lit claims that she moved Into the building a 110 North Twenty-fifth street on March 24 1 ! > 90 , and left August 15 , wl bout notice , leav ing unpaid rents. A damage suit for $3 000. brought on ac count of the murder of William H. Chappie against James Ish , accused of the crime , has been instituted In the district court. W S Shoemaker filed the petition jesterday after noon , In whic'i he atks this sum on behal of Ferdinand Me > er , who was appointed ad minlstrator June IS Caroline Day , living on lot 15 , block 5fi Omaha View addition , has been restralnei by an order Issued by JuJge Ambrose fron piylng her rent and E G Whitman , W G Clark and H H Clark have been prohlbltei from taking any steis to collect It. Till property Is In litigation between the Mlchl gan Mutual Life Insurance company an O C Johnson Interveners who claim to have lights have secured an injunction. ITOU rUI.LV'AI'L 1'L.AYI.U Otir" Tnlu 11 infnnl'ft Ac d I'linsplmtc , It repairs broken nerve force , clears Ihe brain and strengthens the stomach. Cnurtliiiift'H I'rogrxm. The attractions nt Courtland beach fo today havd'bcen arranged as follows : Matinees 2 and 4 o'clock with Phllion , th pplral tower , the Arabs , admission to amphl theater. 15 cents 3 o'clock dajlight fireworks on the lak In front of the pavilion Concert by Courtland beach band and Boji theatei orchestra afternoon and evening On account of the extraordinary attraction admission to the amphitheater in the even Ing will be 2r cents This Includes the $1OU < display of fireworks that will by far exceei anything of the kind ever seen In the wes and Phllion on the spiral tower , also th big show of the Arabs. Cp.uglit ll < r In tliiArt. . Yesterday Special Officer Keysor de tected a woman In the act of shoplifting at the Boston Store He watched her until she had reaped quite , a little harvest and then placeJ hpr unler arrea. At tlo sta tion she gave the name of Mary Doe and claimed to resile at Beatrice She had In her po esslon two ladles' vests , a fan , two china saucers , one pair of silk mils , thret bunclies of dress stays , three combs anl a curling iron. The woman was neat appearing , well dressed and carried a parasol into which "he itowed away the articles stolen The police state , however , that the name given by her Is not her real name and that she Is an old resident of Omaha. Complexion powder Is an absolute necessity of the refined toilet In this climate. Pozzonl's combines every element of beauty and purity Expert It tins to I.nwcr IlliU. All bids recently received for furnishing horse feed to the city for the last six months of this > ear have been rejected. This was on recommendation of the city council com mittee on public property and buildings , which reported that with the fine prospects for good crops , much lower bids might be expected In thirty days. Meanwhile the present contractor will furnish tht provender needed. Munro Tnkm Hull ) . George F Munro , chairman of the Board of Public Works , entered upon the duties of the po itlon yesterday. It Is thought Improbable that any change will be made In the clerical fcrce. SWEET - SAVORY - SATISFYING T PREMIUM Think of the thousands of Imms and bacons that go out from South Omaha .Uaily ! Wo Boleot but tlio best otiPH for the brand , "SWIFT'S PREMIUM. " Smoked lightly trimmed nicely extra mild not s'dty. NP man coultl muko them better. FOn SALE DY H II llillTelr. 815So Mill ht ( Vmrtney * Co . Via l > vunK > rt Ht. \Vm HeralutfiCo. llul Honalm. Ht " 3UH It Jim Kwrnani St Win Gentlemen , be ) No IClh ht ( UiKlstonn HriM 1JH D.iluU ht llelniro.l A ll.mwu , Wl No IGlhht l.HQfn | ) roc lib OnHo 13lh ht. ( i o K Munro Co M No J6tliht Henry I'midt 1-W rurnAra Kt honiluer llrox , 21-i r iiranm Ht Hnhart W ilHsras , It 17 Doualan Ht. 1 * lleian 1M)11-arnAm ) Ht hiniuel Drelfui , ' "ilil f urnam bt. llHnry llonnull. ft" No 16th ht. J VV Damop , 1311 NoUhBt. . Jot Houjtka , IfOhliMrmHn Ava. P. V Mnr.h Ml No 16lh ht. H I ) I'aiwini. WO No l th Ht .lohn lUinlcbelc , VPJ1 l.e tenworth , Bt. .1 U VVhlte , lUKe 18th hi II \ 7ari > 4 Urn . ItriHo Mtb St. U \\alcltJtUra \ , ZMFarnnmHt SWIFT AND COMPANY , SOUTH OMAHA , NEB. . THK DOCTOR'S COLUMN. Xfr . J. H . Ptntlon X ClilcnKO. Hnvo n twy > cnm olil vuio lookd well but neenn to hive m > I tutiKlh In Inn bunts , cnn not vwilk up ctalra Itlimit mipport Hive the little patient two drops of Cere- > rlne , extract of the brain , In a little water lirco times dally for two weeks ; then use ledulllnc , extract of the spinal cord , In amo doses , alternating. T. J. M. , Leavetivvorth. Kan Per the rouble of which > ou write , take Cerebrlne , 'Xtract of the brain , In three drop doses hreo times dallv on the tongue for two veeks ; then use Te-Ulne , In same doses W. L. S. B , Chicago. Per jour trouble , 'ardlne , extract of the heart , would bo bet- er than nny form of potassium TaKe t'or- hrlne , In three drop doses , three times dally n the tongue for one week , then use Car- Ine In same dose and manner , alternating Miss II. A. S. , Nevv York Take Ovarlnc n three drop doses on the tongue , three lines dally for two vvcel.s , then use Cere- brine , cx'rnct of the brain , In siine dose , and for the same time alternating \V It K riilcici Will > iu nnmi1 n cure for ltiiilii | ntid lila"kli ml * ' U e Tli > roldlne , extinct of the thvrold pland , In three drop dn es on the tongue , liree times dill > . 'lake one teaspoonfull of S'atrollthlc Salt In a half tumbler of water itie-hnlt hour before breakfast , twice a week H P HMIInuKlit > > M , lln.nUlMi-I mil n utTirir fi nn ihi'inlc not nnil , nn.l nime HI li m > n m hill" , lii\c : dlllii lllIn tilmtlilllK Take Pebrlclde pills , one , three times lally for n week ; then Medulllne , extract of the splml cord , In three drop doses on lie tongue , three times dally. A Sufferer St Louis. Take Tcstino In hree drop doses on the toncup , three times lally. Us > e cold sponguV bulling In the nornlng. and rouph Turkish towel Sleep on inlr mattress , with pleti'y of fresh air In the room. w. T. PAnicnn. M. D. P S All letters of Inquiry on medical subjects dltrctcd to th Columbia Chemical Company , Washington , L > . C. , v\lll be nil- vvertil free , either In those columns or by mail direct. T15 ANIMAL EXTRACTS Tlic most wonderful tlicrnpeiitlc l--c\crj since tliudnysof .Icttitcr. HIr.lllIM ) ) : . - - From tlicDr.iln Tor diseases of the brain and nervous - From tile Spiimt Cord For epilepsy , Locomotor Ata\la , etc. CAHDIM- , - - Prom tlio Heart For diseases of the heart. , Per prcnnture decay. OVAHINK , Tor diseases of Women. T1IMIIIM2 } ) , for P-e/onri mid imputltlcs of the blood. Dose , ' " Drops. Pi Ice. Two Ilrnclints , $1 00. ALL , DHUGG1S1S. Semi for Book i iitiiciii ; ! : iMi.i.s For Malarial Affections nnil all Inflimma- tory diseases of which fever it nn nccctn panlmcnt. Of Inestimable \alup in neural gia ; for sick heailaf he a bpeclflc. Pi Ice , per box of 20 pills , OOc ; 100 pills , J2 NA I'KOI.l 1 lll ( ; SALTS Tor hnbltuil constipation , torpor of the bowels or Innction of the liver , hendathe , ga'-trlc dyspepsia. Intestinal djspepsm , want of appetite , languor and debility. As a mild , effective purgative It has no tqunl Price , DOc per bottle. COLUMBIA < mviic\r. : , COMPANY , VV a liliiKtmi , I ) , ( ' , -j for salt by KUHX & CO , 15th and Douglas A GOOD SWAP. Give us some of your W Ard we She you soraa H IN EVI-RY BOTTLE OP THE FAMOUS CURE ALL. c cm : ' , vii. MI.cni > , blCKM.Sa OK ltI- > i\H ! ] . SBIEl ! T. icli ilo'fc Is worth moie tli in tlnoe uottlos Price $2.00 per bottle. ' 1 hree bottles for S5.00. Ask i nor ilnitfsl-t for i boitn- M.imifactwul only by BLACK TONIC MED. CO. , 5 ! . MM i , MO. Hawley's Unique Cttrlene. 15c Per Bottle. This Is tlie ii'gnltir5c size l.r > it : Doilp'-st. , second door Nest of P. O. Tin1 place vvhi'ie they sell as good a tfla'-s of lie C'leain Soda as you can get for JOe aiiyv\lieio oKe. THE HOTEL REGISTER tlio repref * > nlatl\e organ of the hotel Interest , r ad at nil the prlnclinl of tin nnet ) > thou F mil tiotcln restaurants anil clubs of Amei > k i nnil larttil > In Kurnpe Is now pulillfchlni ; A LIST OI" TllU HKST 1'Al'KHS ud iptcd for lintel ad\ertislni ; ( The liitfln of America pxpind blX MII.I.TnNH or Iior.I.AUK ANNI'Al.IA ltli the nov-papers It Is n IH publishing u complete 1 at of all hum mer Heroit lUtels classified , and places among the \er& tlr t the I'nlHd States ami Ihe ( .land I'nlon Saratoga the lloti I I him plain Clinton county Ijike Chainnlifn , th < Hotel llreslln. I-ake Hopattnn ? N J , the M < st I3nd Ixmir lirnnrli etc etc It I * the enl > paper publishing all about hotels Including bummer and VV Inter lUsorts bend 10 ctnts for bl'MMUU EDITION , or ordoi of American News compan ) , or at any hotel or of nn > newsdealer The Until lUMMer and Tourist Agency Held. quartets foi all hotels , rates , i.itlng and gen- inil Information Till : HUTI 1 * KIXJISTKU COMPANY , 1 Warren strict New York We send the mirrelnm French Items Jy CALTHOS five , uu I let'al KUartMtcctliotCiLTllos * ill t * TOI * Dlftchargmi A LmUftlon * , Hud li'l Ir IKE ° Loit VloSr.0 ° t'sctt and fay if satisfied , Utrm. VON MOHL CO. , Halo Aurrtfta Afo ( CUrlDaftll , Chlo. Two Declarations of Independence Independence h sublime. LOUR llvo Independence1 ! IMetme the difference between our foiefatliei-s , stiffeiinn oppiesxlou niitl lyiany , tolling for the lu\mli t of KliiKS princes nnil ItrttN. tlo- in U i > ( l of fii'cdoiii. and you who enjoy llboily , freedom of speech nnil u iiu'inlii-f of a KOV eminent , and not a subject of a Kln . IMetuto the dlfl'otonco between u merchant under the picture of a dictating power and ourselves , fie < > to do as vvo please and Indopend- out of money lending xliaikx. Vop'll _ a $1" 00 suit for jilTo. Who ciin prevent It ? lf ) course we don't de lto to jo on iceoid tlnit we're lobi'llloulosing inono.\ Just to convince tluit our punN aio luumlit for spot oasli only , and tlii-iofoto could dNpo-o of tlioin as \ \ ( > please. I'ut ave nii'iitlonod In our his * Nsiio fioo of one Kind , . " . ( X ) of an other stilts U inoio than we oiiKht to lime neat this stage of the .season. Tho.v'iooith . Sl'JOO a suit , Moll woith oveiy oont of It , It times wore not so dovlllsh haul. Hut to loosen a pur o nowadays requites saorlllce SlSeventj Plvo for a T-'OO suit seems to feteh 'em , judging by the ciowds ofos - teiday and a day boforo. Wo got Into the .sooiot and aio glad of it. inKed all \\ool r.tsslmoie It button eiila\\ay yaclc , and navy blue sliiK'lo and double bieasled suk fashion. Won't fade ; lin ings and tilmmliiKs extra wood , neatly t.ilkued and picclbo The best jou e\er had for ? 1J r A/E IBLGIN nor weather ) l \ with a very warm offer to new beginners. To every one buying their complete outfit of us this week we will give a COMPLETE OECOSnTEO DINNER SET FREE , Our offer is for T HIS WEEK only and the set is shown in our west windows , We are t-howing quite a number of new fall styles in Carpetings , including Tapestry and Bed } < Brussels , Moquette and Axminster. Sev eral new colorings have been added this senson and we have secured every nov elty shown. We are closing1 out Alaska Refrigerators at about cost. We are agents for the Jewe Gasoline Stoves there arc \ onts with Jewels. Cash or Eu-sy Payments ONE PRICE Health is Economy. A well man can do as much un work as two men who arc "under Ca n the weather , " and do it better. A box of Ripans Tabules in the office will save hired help , j nipan's Tabules : Sold by druggist * , or by mall If the price ( SO cents n box ) U sent to The Ill- pans Chemical Company No 10 Spruce et , N. Y , ni n _ innimacJL 1 UR. IK TII r. ONLT i SPECIALIST ! WHO TltKATI 4U PRIVATE DISEASES. Wcaknm and Kocral UlailfdUflOf MEN ONLY KTerj core vnarftnM so jrmre oipcrlenoe. 8 yearn In Omnlia. lluok Vr& | Kill JL r rnamSU. OSIAIIA , HEB. TRTA * * at < * " " " EXACT SIZE PERFECTS TUB MERCANTILE IS TUB FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGAR. b'Cit fcalo by all First Class Dualois. Manufactured by the , F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CIGAR CO. , Fuctoig No , aOJ , St. tould ,