Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAILY HIDE : f'frllUHSDAY ' , JULY 4 , 1895.
Trade WR& Dull Yesterday in All Dopart-
of Speculative Btuin . s.
\Teakncin Wa Ilia IV.ttiiro nt tbo Knrly
Irndlntr , tlio OpriilnK Tr.annactloi.t
Inutile 1'lncc H Quarter Ilrluvr
Tucitlaj'i Flnnl 1 Igurci.
CHICAGO , July - dull today
In all departments of tlio speculative busi
ness. The lioltdny tomorrow had much to
do with tlio small trade , but besides that
thcio la a gruat lack of outside speculative
Investments. Wheat was weak uud ubout
% c lower. Corn averaged firm nnd gulnctl
from Uc to He for September , und oats
closed Uc higher Piovlslons were firmer
and show smalt gains.
"Weakness wns the feature of the early
trading , the opening transactions taking
ptnco at from lto to 3 c below the closing
figures of jestcrclay. The main source of
tlio weaker feeling was In the northwest ,
% vhero the wealhci was of the most favor
able character for the wheat plant. Out-
clde of that feature of the situation the
news of the day was rnoro bullish than be
fore , ns the following enumeration of the
principal Items will demonstrate. The Chicago
cage receipts were only nine cars , two of
v/hlch were new wheat , one car gindlng
No. 3 hard nnd th other No " , red Mlnnc-
npolls received nlnetj-eight cars and I Hi-
luth sixty-live , or 1C3 cars In all , compaied
with 006 jcsterdny The chief western w In
tel \vl.ent malkets received wheat as fol
lows : Kansas City , 1,600 bu , St Louis.
17,3a7 bu ; Toledo , 2,000 bu , and Detroit ,
Vii bu. The shipments from Duluth toda )
amounted to Zi/oouu bu , making for two
cliiys GJOOOO tin shipping 'Ihe exports of
wheat unit Hour from the Atlantic ports
\stro heavy In comparison wllb the avnr-
nge of the last ten da\s , the- total amount
ing to the equivalent of 4.IHK ! > 0 bu , 21IOUO
bu. of which were In the clmpo of wheat
The early ll\erpool cables quoted nn ad
vance there of ' 4cl per cental , but the later
cables lepoite-d n. cli-cllne of ' 4d since ves-
terday , the latter dee line re-suiting probnbl }
from the- weak opening nt Chicago Berlin
cables reported llrmness anil a slight nd-
vance , whileI'arls pent no report and Ant
werp reports were a repetition of > ester-
day'H quotations The seaboard reported
Borne Inquiry for export , but chlelly for
llour , nnd Duluth wired that there were
buying oidetH fmm abroad for Hour In that
market The market here , after a decline
from around 71' ' c at the opening to n point
be'ovv 71r , nnd a recovery to around 71'ie
settled Into sluggishness nnd assumed the
usual characteristics of tlio dav preceding
the great national holiday The business
of the boaitl wns Inteifeied with In the
latter half of the session b > the patriotic
real of some of the younger members and
trading wns spasmodic The price of Sep
tember was kept between 71c and 71V4t ,
with the lower edge of the range prevail
ing near the end The closing price for
September was from 7mc to 71'ic , and for
July from CIH4c to C9'4c.
The corn market had some weak spots ,
but on the whole ruled llrm , compared with
the limpness of the market The
fluctuations weie confined to a range of
about le The seaboard ndvl ed n good ex
port inquiry and sent their orders for exe
cution here About forty boatloads were
reported held nt the- seaboard , which means
the shipments of that quantit > flom here
Ilecelpts here were riomlnnllv 104 cnr , but
ten of those were merclv transferred from
Irregular houses September opened easier
nt 4fic , declined to I5\r , rose to 4G'4c ' , and
after fluctuating between from ICc to 4C' c
the most of the day closed at from 4 < PJe
to ( , %
The action of the oats mnrket was quite
reversed The pirtleswho of late have sole !
freely nt weakened prices were btijlng to
day because of a sharp advance Some
good sized f-hort lines were covered during
the latter part of the session September
Blurted ut from 2l'jc to 21'ic , weakened
to inHc , rallied o from 24c to il'fcc , back
to 2lc , nnd llnnlly recovered to Jl c
The provision trade was rather dull , but
the market was strong and It was fount ]
dllllcult to buy much without advancing the
price July deliveries were principal ! } in
demand , nnd Indicating nn unliquidated
: shortage for this month The hog receipt *
were enl > 22 OuO , and for tomonow'a run
but 21,00i ) head are looked for 1'rlces al
the close showed the following advance for
Ihe day Jul > pork , lOe , September , 2'fec ,
July lard , Sc ; July ribs , lOc ; September
ribs , EC
Estimate * for Thursday and Friday
Wheat , 10 cars ; corn , 150 cars ; oats , 2m
cars ; hogs , 21,000 head.
The leading futmea ranged as follows :
Articles | OEM | uuh | Low | CloiI
Wlical.No 2
Julv. , nn
Sept . . 70W
Dee 7iHiivJ 7JK
Corn No 2
Jul )
Cats No. a. . .
July. . . . 2 M 23X
hopt. . . 21H
May. . 27 (
Pork per bbl
July. . II ! 20 12 27ii 12 17' < 12 17
Sept , . I1. 45 12 45 12 3-"i 12 35
Julv. . 0 VJ 0 92H 0 6-J4 0 fi'J'i
bept . . . U 07 W U G7H U U2 ! < 0 06
Short Hllin-
July. . . n 3'i ' 0 42 * < 0 35 0 10
K t. 0 SI -0 f > 7't ' 0 024 0 DS
Cash flotations wcro aa follows'
TLOl'll Weak , w Inter pattntB , J1 10fM 00. win
ter utraJghtH , > J 4iiji j no , spring paiints , | 1 90S
425 , eprlne straights , J3 101j4 00 , bakus. J2 10i
WIU3AT No 2 Fprlne , C9'i 72'ic. No 3
nominal , No 2 led ' v. ' . ' .
{ OIIN No. 2 , 45',4j4SHc , No 3 jillow , 45'4 {
OATS-No. 2. 24c ; No 2 white , SI
Nix 3 white , 27 : > 4SiiSic.
IlYINo , S , &Hj'lt
IIAIlLr.Y No 2 , 50051C , No 3 , 4r , ? 4'c ! , No 4
I'l-AX SKIjn-No 1 , Jl 31
TIMOTHY Siii-l'rlme , Jl 90JTO Oi )
IMlOVIhlONS Mess pork , ptr bhl , J12 riiT12 ( ° 'i
lard , per 100 Ibs } C.2' , , Blioi t rlhs sides ( loose )
JO 3 51 ti ( ft , di > Killed BhouldiiH ( boxinl ) , 5\5i5Uc
short char sldrn ( l ixill , CS < fC'4c |
WHISKY IJlstllltiB' tlnlshed Bowls , per ml
SUGAItS-Cnt loaf , uiichanii.d
Thc follow Ins wtie the receipts and slilpinenti
OnthH Prolnov c > ccnanjti todav the butter mar
* 11 was Hte.idv. creauie-ry , HtJlU c dtiry , 103
Uc. Ergs , lOHailc Chct-Hu. U'iWH'io. '
Cloilnc ( timtntluni on tlio Com-
meielltlei unit Stiiple * .
NEW YOIIK. Jul ) 3 riXl'Il Ilecplpta , 1330
bbls ; exports , 14 100 bbls , sales , 13 000 pkgs
Market rather quiet , with sellers disposed t
name coiice-ssloiis on both winter and sprln
grades , lit ) mill patents | I7H500 | , winter put
tnls , 139004 15 , clt ) mill clears. II l'iJT4 ' ii , win
ter straights , $3COfi3 < K ) , Mlnne-sota patenis 139
W4 15l..wJllt .l'Ul411 WO'iUM. ' Mmnesotn bik 12 Ml J 65 , wlnte-r lenv grudis | J 4aff3 00
i-prlng nejw gmeles , } 20Ui2r ( i Mum
ilul , good to eholce extra IJlOiii.15 Ue > lloui
supcrllue. 3Sjii415. fane )
Oiitlons unpnnl vve-nk on thefailure' of the pre
dieted hot winds In ihe > noithnesi to nuterlalUe
was fairly steady with pimll range nil dn > . un
closeel nt 'j 'ic net lom , Jul ) HI eme > lime wa
Hie dUcouut under Sipiemlwr , no foifltn nu
outelde buslni.s nnd e-xport trade vei ) small
No. i red July 7J'ifi7J 13-lbc , closed at 73' ' c
Augtist , 74Ml74 4c closeel ut 74 , c , Decembe-i
77tinHc. closul ut 77i c
COUN He'ce-lpls , 27 Sent bu . exports. 13.700 bu
NllfH , 6M 000 bu futures nnd UO 000 bu spul
Spot ste-udy. No 2 , 4t'ic In e-Ievutor. 604c uiloa
and olXdul e' fob , , No 2 walte , ! > 34
& 3ic ( ulleiut Options oprne'd euitir undri tcaiU
cre > p news , but milled sharpl ) later un talk e
big export bulng , le-porte-el at bu nn
closed unchuiiKeel tn > : c lower , Jul ) e limed u
4a'/i5 ; August 50i50itc elosenl at 50V , bepten
trr , WmtSlc , cleibtsl at Ui\c
OATS ltec lpts , SC.Oiio bu , exports. 6 3eM bu
salts , IIS.OUU bu futurn and M 000 bu IHJI
Sjuit opene-el weak nml closeHl firm , No 2 , 27U (
2So ; No ! . de-llvered 28'iii tc , No 3 , 2B ' , li27i
No. 2 while Jltl c , No. 3 while , 3)i | jle
truck , vvhlti ) vv exit-in , 31d ) c. OptloiiH we > ak earl ]
but finally rallied with corn and Uosed unebange
to Uo higher : July closed nt 27' , c , Septe-inKi
27Hb c , elosid ut "isf.
HAY Finn , thlpplng , 15.6006 tA ) ; Roenl I
choice. ! 660fSOO |
HOPS Qiile-t , state * common to choices eli
3l5o ; 1834 , Dijb'ic ; I'acllic coabt , old , 3ij5o , U
til So.
HIDES Strong , wet salted New Orleans m
lected , 45 to K > Ibs. nominal ; Ttxaa. nominal
Hutnoa Avre . 21'jc ' , Texan , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs
itl I3c.
LKATHKH-rirm. hemlock sole , lluenr
Avri-n , Hkht to heavy weight , JJitJJc , acid , I
(1 24o.
j domestic lleecc. ICS.'Sc , pullee
1'UOVlSIONS-lIcof tiMd ) . famll ) , 11050 ;
1360. extra mesa , l$03 < j ! > 50. beer hanm , 119001
19 W : packet , I960fll00. Cut ine-uta , llrm , iilcl
leel b llle . 16 75W7 25. plcklrd burnt , 19 - > U10 d
1-nnl , quiet but iteady ; western ntcam cloned o
W.U ) July option clotca at J4.70 , nominal ; get
tcniber , 159o nnmlnnl , refined , stpndy. Peirk ,
dull , new miss tlo WQH.Ji , family , 113 , shot !
char. 113 000 ISM.
Ill nLIl-Qiilft , wpMorn dairy. < OHc. west-
in cream- ! ) ' 12filc , western factorv Ef/I2c ,
tmltntkn ( trnmrr ) . llfiISc , Jiglm > , He , state
diirv. 1Ur ]
PiTUOLir.M-lxiwer. : fnltnl clojed nt II 43
Id. Kilned N w V.ik , 178) , Philadelphia end
Inltltnorp. 17 40
TALLOW His ) , cllv 4V. countr ) , 4'4c. '
HO-UN Uulet , strained , common tu good , II 55
H 121. , .
11 ItPHNTINIQulet at 29029'4c. '
Illi'i ; tendy , domestic , fair to extra , Wie ;
apan 3l < f/4'4c.
MLAt-ms : Qiilft : New Orlrans , open keltic ,
IM ! to choice , 2 * > fJS2c
MITTAI.S-PIg Iron ntm American Jl ) 501T
100 Coiper , steady , linkers' price , 110 M , ex-
hango price 110 Vlff 10 f2'4 Lend , ktrong , lirok-
rs' price I312H , exi hnngf price 131 Tin-
tend ) . Strnlts , | 14 infill 21 , plnles dim Speller ,
ulit , domestic II CO Sales on 'change , 21 toni
\nsu t tin nt til 10 2.1 tn * Noveinbe-r nt iU 1 °
< 1)TTONmii : : > OIL quiet but steady , prim"
iude < 23c nominal , off summer ) ( .llow , 252JJiC | ,
irlino summer vv.ilte. 2c (
Condition of 'trade uiul Ijuntttlnis on
Sliiplo nml Puncf Prmlnrr.
The market on country produce * did not show
my material change jcslcrday so far ns prlce-s
.ore com crned The demand was fair nml
nines stead ) . Quotations :
HOGS Cholcrslock , SVuWlOe.
lIUTTmt-PacklnR slock , "OSe ; cho cc to fancy ,
0fl2c , cmun ry , ISc ; sepaintor crcam-
r > , ire-
I.IVI3 POfl.TIlY-Ilcnn , C'45T7c , rooslcrs , 3c ,
pi Ing phli Kins , J2 On < H3 30 rcr do ? . , or 12I/13C per
Ii du , I s Se , tuikcjH Gi)7c ) , ge-enc' 5c.
VIJAIj I he Ice fat , TO tu 100 IbB , are quoted nl
j7c , laige and coaise , IfiVfec.
Clirnsi : \ \ lFcon ln full cream , 9c ; Youmi
\morlcnns 10c , Uvlns lie , Nehmskii und Iowa
nil crcum 10c , Nebraska nnd Iowa , p irt skims ,
'n' < Mmburgpr , No 1 , lOc , brick , No 1 , lie ,
-wisp , Nn 1 , lie
IIAY-l plnnd hay $7 , midland , $7 , Invvland ,
0 W , rvc- straw $1 en or mak-s the price" en h >
, lKhl hales soil the best OnlJ top guides brlns
"ptVlUONS-Pci doil 0091.CO.
The maiket on ve-g tables Is quiet. Potatoes
lave * ceibed to uttruct any great amount of nt-
piitlon Tomatoes me lint held ns llrmly us
he ) wcto u phi rt time ngn. Quotations :
POTA'IOHS New potatoes , choice ttock , S05J1
ONIONS Hemudas , per crate , none ; California ,
n sai Ks \ -r bu . Jl 13.
OM > HIIANS-Hnnd picked , navy , J2 20 ; Lima
ipans per lb uStfTViiC
( AllllAttn-On oide-rs , 2c.
HAI'IMliPer do. , buncben lie.
Oltr.HN ONIONS Pel ( biz bunches , 1c.
UnTl'e'L Per do ? , WiJOe
ASI'All V.HI S Choice stock on oidets , 33Q50C
; > ei do b inches
< I crMWUS On orders. 40TSOc ppr doz.
PUAUn link-it. , per bu , il
SIltlNC m\NS on ciulpr , | > cr 4-bu box , COo
TOMATO1. ! MlFfllssli pi stock , pel 4-baskcl
crale , il "U , 5 ti > 10 ease lots. 90o.
SI MMnit bCH AMI Pel doz. on orders. 23Q
40c ATiitMitXNS ) Per do ? , crated , $3.
dllUUN P13PPI3HS Per bu , il OOyi U )
TUB receipts of California fruits are very light
und the market Is llrm
llcrrle-s are arriving In bud shape nnd Iherc
ire few that will stand re shipping. Good ship
ping stock vvas llimcr > csterda >
Some notion of the probable output of peaches
n Oeureiii m ly be formed from HIP following
HKIIIIS published bv the- Columbus Hun ot that
state ; After a careful compulation the Sun
llnds Iho number of peach tret-s In thecommer -
clitl orcluuds of Georgia to be 982,300 , of which
651 few me In the- Tort Valley dlslrlet and 2SO.OO )
In ( MatFhallvllle region
Iowa fruit men arc placing this > car's jlchl of
pples at 71 P r cent of n full crop Qu itatliuiK
Uii ) UAhl'lliUIUiS : Per 21 ( [ I. case , $1201) )
00.PI.1'MHCalifornia per box choice stock , $150
175 , t-outhein per caseil7 , * > $ * JOO
APltK'orS California , choice- stock , per box ,
$1 r,0 l 75
CALII OIINIA PnACIIIIS Per box $1 10l 23.
SOL'TIIiUN PiACllib I-PI ca e. tl 10W1 K
APi I.i : Soulhern , per ] ii bu box , GofrjT'Jc
SrUA\V'IMHHIis ; Choice shipping stock , per
case e f 24 cits , } . ! 75.
l-lirilUIi.s UiwhlnRton per 10 lb box , il 23 ,
liomc grown I er 21 ( it case , fJ5'ii273 (
CIOOSiilhKHII3S Per 24-qt ca c , 12 IW2 | 23
IJOMi : OHOWN ClIKllUlKS Per 24-ijt case ,
"llI.ACK UASPUUHIlinS-Per 24-qt. case , 12.73
llhACKIinilUlES Choice stock , per 24-qt.
case , i2 & ( ) ii2 73
OHANOHS Nave-Is , per box , none ; choice sepd-
llnga , pel IKJX , $2.1,0 , Mediterranean sweets , i3 00
' J 2.1 , fnncj SI Michaels , none
1J.MONP nxtin fanc > lemons , 3CO size , $623 ,
300 size id 50.
IIANANAH Choice large stock , per bunch , J2 25
2 50 , metllum size bunches , $2 i)0if2 25.
PINEAPPLES per doz , none.
I'lOS I'anc > , 15c , choice , 12013c ; California ,
bags , 7c
I1ONI2Y rallfornla , HfllSc.
MAPI.n Hiltl-P clallon Jugs , per doz , $12 ,
Illxb ) , 5-gal cans , } 3
Nl'TS Almonds 14c , Kngllsh walnuts , pofl-
sbflled 12c , stand ircls lie ; llllK-rts , ino , Hrazll
nuts , lOc , pecans , So , peanuts , raw , 6c , roasted ,
DATKR In CO lo 70-lb. boxes , Co per HI. , fard
dales Htn.ill boxes , lOc per lb
l'IIiiit Pure juice , per bbl , $5 ; half bbl. , $3.
COrOANtTS Per bundled , i4
HICi : POPCOHN In the ear. on ordeis , per
lb . 3'ie
IIIDHS No 1 green hides. 8V4c. No. 2 green
hides , 8c , No. 1 grepn silted hides , 'ic. No 2
green sailed hides 8'Ac ' , No 1 vml calf. 8 to 15
Ibs I3c. No 2 veal calf , 8 to r. Ibs , lOWloi c
No 1 dr > Hint hides 12jl4c , No 2 dry Hint hides
Uc , No 1 dry silted hides , 12c , parti } cured
bides > jc p r lb less thnn fullj cured
HUnHP Pm/TH tlreen salted , each. 23iT60c ( ,
green xalted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each 5ftlr c dr > shearlings ( hhort wooled c.irl >
skins ) ' No 1 , each , IWlOc , dry shearlings ( shorl
wooled carl > skins ) , No 2 each 5c , drj Hint
Kansas and Nebrasku butcher wool pells , per
pound actual weight. 5TSc ( , dij Mint Kansas nnd
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , nctunl
w eight , 4bc | , do Hint Colorado butcher woo
pelts pel pound actual welgit , 4it'ic , dr >
Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound
nctual weight , 4fiGc Have feet cut off , as It Is
useless to pn > fre-lght on them
TAbLO\V AND UUlSAKU-No 1 t.allow , 414(1
4 0 No 2 tallow , 3'Hi4e grease , while A , 4ji
4'4c , grease , white 11 3'4c ' , gre > , me , jellovv , 2\it
3c greape , dark 2 * 0 , old butter , 2ii.ljC ! , bees
wax pi Imp 17i20e , rough tallow , 2c
\VOOI , I'NWASIIHD rine heavy , rj7c * ; fine
llgiit Slilte ( iii.irter-blood , lO ilJc. seedy , burr >
and cliatfy Mt)9c ) , polled nnd broken , coarse , 76
Itc celled nml broken , line , 6 < nSc
\ \ OOLVAhlIiD Medium , 15018c ; nnc , 14R
ICc , tub washed ICBISc , black , 8c , bucks , Cc ,
tag locks , 2Sj3c , dead pulled , SiCo. )
St. Louis < Alurkot.
ST LOl'IS , July 3 n.Ol'n Hardly any de
niand , market heavj and declining , pale ills , $31
f403 ! ; extin fancy , $ JC5@J73 , fanc > , $ J 33173 43
choice $3 10KT3 JO , r > u Hour , $3 7 > fl1 00.
WIirJAT Maiket continue-s unsetlle-d nnd np
pears to be Just tumbling In the balance , await
Ing the movemi nt of the npw crop to m irket en
taking a decided move ono wav or the other h
price Tin1 inclination wns downward loduy , cs
peclally for Iul > . which closed with sellers 1
below vc.sterdio late bid while September wn
salable ' /ic In-low what was asked nt the clos
of ) r8terda > , No 2 red , cash , C9'4o ' b'd. Jul >
6J'4c bid , SepUmber , 70c bid
COHN Kllll weak , beplember selling % c IOWP
enil > The market recovered from Its e.arl ;
wpakness on re > | rts of huge export sales nt th
seabiMid Aa sellers became scarce the prie
iidvnnce-d S4C nnd the clos-p was npar the top
No. 2 mixed cash , 41Ho bid , Julj , 42c bid , Sep
lenibi r 44Mft 41' ' c
OATS The tendency wno still downward thi
morning in the futuie market In svmpalh > will
the decline elFewheie nnd on the crop pro
ppcta , September helling off ' { iSc , bin tonp <
up under Iwtter bu > lng A recovery of ' c too !
place hut did not bold , though the close wa
slight ! ) better thnn > esterdu > ; spot , stronger
No 2 eiibh , J5'4c bid ; Jul } , 23c asked , Beptem
\ r. -27 c
llK Iov\er No. 2 , east track , COc.
HAIlI.m Nominal.
TI.AX Snii > Nominal
C.UASS SiniNoinlnal :
COHN MiAI : < M 15W225
HAY Tlmolh } , $10 OOQ13.CO , cast side ; prnlrlt
$70 > W10CO this side- .
llt'TTIJU Shade paslpr. choice grades In clc
mnnd. sepamlor erenmery. 15616c , fane } Hlglr
MA : ! > I.nto dullnew < nnd depression recovere
nnd market stronge-r , sales ranging from $3 10 t
$31214 Spelter , strong nnd nd\nnclng , sellln
ut 13 I-O3&I with i3CO bid for mole.
\\HIS1CY-I 25
PHOVISIONS Pork slandard mess , $12 't
Uini prime ste-nm ) C 374 Hnpon , boxpd thoul
ele-rs it ! Ml , longs , $7 , rll s. $7.124 ; shoits , $72
Dry sailed ine-als txixiel shouldi rs , $575 , longi
$65:4 ribs $ r. ' , , slKirls. $ G 71
HUCini'lS riour , 1.1VW bl | g , whpat , 17,000 bu
corn , . ' ww bu eiats. 15 ooo be ,
SUIPMnNTS-Klour. 1 000 Ibis ; wheat , 3W
bu , torn , 7.1XX ) bu , oats 7,000 bu.
Llv rpu il MiirriPti ,
LlVnilPOOU July 3-WHiAT-Spol quiet , di
mnnd IMIOT. No 2 reel winter , 5s < H < 1 , No 2 re
spilng fn lOel , No 1 hard , Manitoba , 6s 10i
No 1 California 5s 4d , futures opened quiet , wll und distant positions Hd higher , close
qme-t , with luly unchangrd und othei months < t
biwe-r , Jul ) 6 4d , August , 6s 4'/id , > plembei
5s S' d , October , 6s 6\d , November , 5s C'id. DeCember
Ce-mber , iia "d
COHN Spot quirt , Airerlcnn mixed , new , 4s 3e
futuies opned quiet with near nml distant po *
tlons td lower , clowd eiulet. with July 41 1 we
und either months VI lower , July , 4s 2d , Angus
IB l\d Hepit-mlwr 4 34d
KLOl'H Market dull , demand poor , St. Lou
fane ) w Inter 7s 6d
PHOVIMONS llucon qule't but stead ) , deman
l Kir , Cumberland cut. a , < 730 Ibs , 32.1 , short rlbi
2S Ibs Ki. long Uetir , light. 3Wt $ 11" , 3.1s. lor
clear heavy , 6. > UIK. , 3Js M. short clrnr back
llkhl , 18 lb , 3Js Cd , short clear mUldlts heav
K Ibs , 32s M. clear be-lllrs 1I&16 Ibs. 31
Hiouldeis , square , U'iilS Ibs 31s Hams shoi
cut , HjlO Ibs , 45e < lleef , extra India tufts , ; \
9d. piime mess 61s 3d Peirk , prime men. 111
western. 674 Cd. prime medium , t0s l ard dul
prime western ! 3s 3d , rellned , In pull , 34s
CHKUSi : Firm demand fair , tlnest Amer
can , while , new , 3 * * , lineal American , colors
new , SSK.
lIl'TTKU-rtnest fulled State and good , non
COTTON SiKO OII LIverrwol rellned. IS
PnTKOLKl'M Hillneel , S'id
UUh'llltlKHATOH IIRKf I'ureiiuiirlers. S i
hlndiiuarle-ni. C ed ,
HOI S At London ( Pacific coant ) , 2.
Cunclltlnns Knvorub for ( lujel
\VASHINQTON , July 3. The present prices c
iterllnir exchange are calil to be fully aa high , I
not a shade higher , than has ever been roc rded
since the. war NotwlthMnndlrg this fact , the
Trf-asury depnrlint-nt has so fnr received no In
timation of any probable withdrawals of gold
for export , nnd none Is locked for In the near
future nt Unst. It Is admitted that under the
ce millions which existed prior to the last bond
Issue large pxportntlons would be looked for ,
but great rellnncc Is placed In the ability nnd
purpose of the ftndlratp to furnish nil bills Hint
inn ) be cnllcil foith to meet the present with-
drnwnls frum Ihe
Speculation In Socurltloltii Quite feature-
le Yenterd ty ,
Nn\S' YOIIK. July -Speculation on Ihe Rtock
exchange wan fpalurplisji toda } The foielgn
selling was nboul pipial to HIP bulng , nnd both
combined did not add mateitally to the volume
of business A notlcenblc fe-nturc wns the nl > -
splice of rumor save for Ihe revamping of old
stories , such n the resolution to suspend divi
dends on Chicago Ons nnd the acquisition of
the control of .Sew nniclnnd bv the New llnvcn
inanagcnii nl I..ttle or no menth n wns had of
there rumors , and Ihe market moved In Its slug
gish course ns the biier or sellets were more
umpious The e penltiK was gencrnll } lltm
'railing soon became slagnant , and for want
f suppoit prlc-s icceded 'afflV per cenl , Chi-
igo tlas lob-inn nnd Colorado I'm-l being the
Ulef puffere-is Chiengo Ons was sold down
nalnl } "ti orders from Chicago Shorts began
i cover nl Ihe lower llgmcs which had the Pf-
el of moving the llguris upward nlong n rnnge
xlendlng 1'i per cent , the- latter for New I'ng
mid. vvblih made tlie gain on vc } small buy.
ng , owing lo the si.ircll } of Ihe slock Sugar
hlcngo Oas , Iluhber common and prefeired. To.
irco nnd Norlhweslern weie also prominent In
ndvnnii' 'Ihe appietlntlon In Hubl r wns
uc to the filing of the compin8 ' tlnanclnl
tnteinint with the tock exchangeOn pur-
hnses of 'W shires Colorado 1 uc I rose 5 per
ent to We . common ndvanclng 1 per cent In
' hour realizations cuu ed n le-nctlon of Sy
pc-r cent the hitter In < h cage O is There
us n slight pressuie against HIP gnngeis In
he final sales but the maiket cloud generally
lend } , nnd In Ihe nut In higher on the da } ,
hint among the- advances me llubber pie- ,
i rrpil , 1 % per cent Manhattan nnd Colomdo
uel nnd Crlorndo Tut I prcfprred , 2 ppr cent
lecllncs Chicago Ons , ! ' ( , ppr cent nnd Ixnils-
Ille nnd New Alban } preferred , 1 per cent
Ilonds were dull but higher O live-stem , Hnr.
Isbtirg and San Antonio llr ts sold at 10i. RKnlnsl
> % the last previous siles Chicago Oas llrsts
ve-ie bid for nt W4 iigi nst n sale nt 10 on
alurila } last Siviinnnli and \\eslern firsts trust
eeelpts reacted 1" l"-r cent to 574 and recovered
The livening Post's London cablegram sajs the
lock maikits were vei } quiet to-1n } , cxrept for
outh African shares In which the excitement Is
ntenpe Amerlcins wete dull without business ,
nil us n tule prlies were 2V lo DOc lower.
The following were Hip closing citiotntlons of
he leidlng stocks of the Njw York exchange
* ex-div. * * offered.
The total sabs of stocks today were 159 "V.
shnres , Including American Sugar , 29 COO
\merlcnn Tobacco 5.6-10 , liuillngton 000 , Chi
c.igo Ons , 2451)0 , Colorado rucl companv , 5800 ,
Jlstlllers , 12,300 , Northwpslern , 3000 , Heading ,
3KO , Hock Island 4900 , SI Paul , 11,400 , South-
em prpfened. 5 7CO , 1'nlted Stntes llubber , 5,100
\ \ heellne it Lake Hrle , 9,700.
> r\v York Mnncv iHrkef.
NH\V YOHK , July 3 MONPA" ON CAT.iT.r-
ll.isy nt l'A5i2 per cent , last loin 1'A per cent
closul 1'A ' per cent
cent.rHHMNO EXCHANOn Dull , but nrm will :
actual buslne-sH In bankers' bills at $4 &I4Q
89si for de-mnnd , nnd $4 M'i4 ' 8Si for slxtj
las , iwsted rates , $1 S94 ' 14 nnd $49004904 ,
commercial bills. $4 % { | Ms
Mi.vnu cnm ITICATKS C7it67'4c '
OOVnilNMIINT HONDS riim , state bonds ,
lull , rnllrond Imnds , tlrm
Closlnit quolatlons of bonds were as follows :
MlmieupolU \ \ hciit Mnrket.
Se-ptemlM-r , 67l 4J677 c , December , Cliytc , on tracl
No 1 bard 71'4C , No. 1 not them , "O'Jc , No
northern 69'4e
ri.Ol'H-i.isy. : Hrst patents 13 Sflff4 20. socnndi
| jf,0f310 , Hist elears. | 3 45ft3 V > se-cund clear
| J 955/3 Oj ; export bakers , ti M83 20.
I'rUco Wliciit Q utntl mi.
SAN rilANCISCO , July 3 WHUAT Steadj
December , II 0271 , clear d , 1J4.C34 centals wheat.
I InnncUl ftoten ,
11OSTON. July -Clearings , 121,639,739 ; bal
linets , 12 388 le.2.
NUWOIIK , July 3. Clearings , 1123.522,3 ; :
balances 19 0)1 104
IIAI.TIMOIU : July 3. Clearings , 14514,67 !
bnlanees II JJ4 Hfi
PHILADELPHIA. July S Clearings , 115,167 ,
lS6 ( l > nlnnce-s , J2o.7 251
HAN FUANCISCO. July 3 Sin Tranclsc
Stock exchange has cloud until July 8
hT UH'IS July 3 Clearings , I4763S63. ba !
anees , 1708,573. Mone ) , 5j6 per lent. New Yor
exchange , 4iknri'inlum bid
WASHINUTON Jul ) 3 Toda ) s stnlement c
Ihe ceuidltlon of the trensur ) . Available cas
balance. II'U OCb 001. gold reserve. 1107550770
CHICAGO Juli 3 Clearings , | 2iU7.KW ( Ilus
ness nt the banks dull , with mune ) too plrnt
at 41144 per cent for call loans und 5Sfi'i ' pf
cent for commerilal paper. Ne-w Yoik exihnniii
30c premium BterllnK. posted rales , | 4 WHi
Forclen I'lniinrinl Affielri.
1IKULIN , July 3 Exchange on London ,
d.iin sight. 20 nialkn 491 , | ifg
PAUIS , Jul ) 3 Tltrro twr tent rentes. 102
too for the act punt. Uxehange : on London , 2 :
UgC feir chieks
IX3NIX3N. Julv 3 T Id it quoted at IJuenc
Avre.-s at 217. Madrid , 14 M Lttlion , 27U.
I't-lenburg , 60. Athens 77 , Home , 104 47 , V :
fnna , 103. llur illver , 30 < ( d P r or. , nellers. Tli
amount of bullion cone Into the ilank of
on Lalancs today Is lIl.OvO.
Short Receipts of All Sorts Continues the
Main Feature of Trndo ,
I'ew Cattle OITBroil Quickly 'Inhnn nt
Strong Prices UIIKII liirn llpvmrcl
nud Scorn n Ocnrrnl Ailtitni'n
111 Prlem.
July 3.
The receipts todnj worn 1,117 ciittlu , 2COi5
hoirsj anil 120 sheep , HH iiKtilnut 1'JI8 c.ittlr1 ,
nnd 74G sliitp yestenliiy. uiul
1.339 cnttle , 3,663 IIOKK mill no sheep on
Wednesday of ln < < \\ct-k
The receipt * for the week thui far on-
3Mr rattle , 7,737 hogs mid li.l ! sheep , IIH
iiKiUnst 3.823 cattle , 7S.0 nous and 2.17J
sheep the Ilrst half of last \\utk.
While there uero forty-four loads
of eattle In the yards , only thlrty-
elBht were offered for Hale , the Inhince
bolus cotislirned to the packers Among the
cattle on sale were. KOIIIO | ) retfy good corn
fed steer * , thoucli thele WPIC no very heavy
cuttle One small bunch of l,13b-lb Bteers
brought $4 76 , the highest price reported
slrce Krlday of ln \\eek t The market \vn- !
In about the same londltlori that It has
been In all the week The few cattle re
ceived vvete sold at pond , linn prices , and
the trade was without feature.
The supply of cow stuff was larger than
on some da > s and Hill there were \erv few
loads It was about the usual run of trash
odds and ends
In the nnj of feeders there was one two-
"r"h thl , " liro"Klit J.160 The ma
jority of the sales were of small lots , three
or four head In a bunch The maiket did
not show nny nmteilal change The > arils
will IIP cosed and there will be no market
an July 4. Kepie entatlve salts :
3 c and c J75 00
HOGS Vestoidi > the hoff market went In tin
buyers direction , but todn > thi. selling lnter ti
recei\ed a beiullt. The light receipts anil bettei
markets i > abt tomblne.l to push up prices here
to the extent of 5c The general iiualltj of thi
ofterlnps as not \in good , though thtre wen
Home dcElrnlile loads of heavy hogs As hlgr
.13 $190 was paid for one load of 292-lb hogs , u >
against $4 SO the top \esterrtas The bulk ol
the medium weight lo hen\y hogs sold at fion
J4 i5 to $180. with the lighter weights largch
at from $405 to $170 The inarku was uctlM
at the aiHance , nnd the offt rings being llghi
in eirly clearince was elTectPd Taking quulUj
Into consideration the paikeis clilmed that th < Ii
purchisea showtd more tlnn a 5c aiHance , nm
they were generally tailing the market CL to 10 <
higher , llepipsmtatlve pales :
220 . . . 2 50
1 . . . 120 . . . 4 00 0 140 . . . 4 23
31 114 . . 4 03
.JlIttHP 'There wns only one load of she < ]
received , which hold at about steady prices Hep
resentatlve sales :
No Av. Pr
5 nntlve PVVPS 116 $2 50
1 native lamb fO 550
111 western mixed , fed S3 2 50
Cattle Supply Uns ( Miuillhlle the Uc
munil Um ( inoil.
CHICAOO , July 3 The cattle supply -nai
quite small and the dennnd was so much bettei
than It ban been lately that It was an eas ]
matter to obtain nn advance of from lOc to 15 <
per lei ) llw on most lots that weie at all deslr
able In quality. Common to btrlctly choice n.i
live beef steers were salable nt from { 360 ti
$1 85 , with extra beevis quotable at from > 90 t (
(6 Transactions were larccly at from (425 ti
J5 CO , as the supply ennsiated to a great exlen
of common to enl > f.ifrly fiKHl stock l.xpor
cattle were salable at frumi $5 30 to | 5 SO , nn ad
vance nf 60c per 100 Ibs on prices pild n > eu
aK" Stockers and fe.M ( rs hold tlowly , will
ftideis chlelly at f roni' ' Ji75 to Jl COWB am
helffr wcru In aetlvei clemand und K"od lot
sharid In the advance , ! iS5)i\es \ vvere ut from II f >
to 13 5 > ) In moat llutanrc ? the bulk KOIIK | at 1
and upward with fanly 'HHfr selllnK at fron
(4 tu J4 40 Ilulln Kulil illtrom J. to J3 50 , am
veal calves were In ample sumil ) and Kood de
ma ml once moie ill fn1" ' JJ ii to f 1 10 for In
ferlor to choice grades. About 1 500 Texas cattl
were received maklntr " , tt < > 'i marketed during th
fure half of the vulfWlt.i n lively demani
prlcen adviineenl from lOo ti > 1'x . the most note
wnith ) sales rom lijtln4t uf ftwilve cars uveruKlni
l.i.1 It IB at tl 45 i !
In bogs tixlav re-celpts re estimated at 22 00
head and the hogs l&IL.Alfr flom > estrrday In
rreai-ed the supply to "St 5" head City pac ker
were again good bluer * .und eastein phlpper
took hold fnelv as tlipy'were' anxious tu m ik
shipments before -ndva.nct ? in rallrond rn'e
announeed for next Mvnda ) . Hence the offerlnK
were mofctly sold early In' the diy nnd price
scored another advaiKP < ut oc , 1520 taking th
In-ft lots Heavj sold nt an extreme : range n
from J4 75 to to 15. mlxoj lots at from H V ) t
Vi 10. and pigs largely , at 'mm 144) to 14 K
S.iles eif hogs wereprnc1iallv | nt fiom 15 t
$1 15 for heav y and at from | 4 90 to to 03 feIn
In 'sheep atioul ll.W } head were received toda
and trade- was aetlve at nn advance of l c pe >
10) ) Ibs on goenj grades vvlilcb were not vfr
numerous Inferior to pooit shep fold at froi
Jl 30 to II 60 sales consisting large ) ) of Te-xam
Mexleann Orrgons Montanas and wrhlerns , u
from 1225 to 3 Cliolce heavy chetu were wort
fiiim 13 75 to S4 25 and Fprlng lambs sold at ( rot
12 75 to 50 largely at from II T > to 15 k5
Itecelpts- rattle 8 500 head , uihen. 1,0/J ( head
IIOBS , 2 > . ' , head , shfcp ll.mO head.
MlllK III > IKllt.
Ilecord of receipts nt the four principal marke
for Wednenlay. Jul > 3 , ISM.
Cattle Hogs Shee ]
South Omaha . 1.117 .Mod 1
Chliaso . kf'OO 2JO 110
Kansas City . 2 6.000 5.0
bt. Loulu . . . . . ? .fc.O 4.8JO ,0
Totals . . 16017 31.900 23,1
Now \orlc I. ltd * iti ) x MirUer ,
NiW YORK Julj -IlKnVi:8 : nec lpt
5,306 head , on sale , K > cars Opcne-d actlv
closed tlrm and HllOc hlBher native Btiera , ceil
and gross fed , poor to prime , J440JjSW. Tex in
13 7SSJ4 25. Inferior to fair stlllem , 14 HOU5 !
stags and oxtn , tliQi 20 , bull , (130ira.W ( ; di
cows , il 7503.55. 7'tiropenn cable * quote Amtrl *
can ulcers nt lOijfdl'iC ' dn-fsed wclghls ! re-
frlgerntor 1ef 1 at SUtft'id , exports today , 2J3
becven , 2,256 quarters of l > eef Calve , receipts ,
6270 head , on snle , 61 > ) bond Market de-
mornllied xenls , ic loner : biitlennllki , l < ic
lowe-r. over 1,700 head unsold. Veals peiir to
choice.1oo 6f.O , buttermilk culves $20of250
SIIiiP : AND I.AMIIS-Hecclpts 9.611 head ,
on snle , 52 cars or 12.HW hend Sheep dull and
weak , Inmbs , slow. Hf ( > ie lower , nver 45H ) tipad
unscilel Sheep | sr to prime , $1 iC3 75 , southern
lambs. Inferior to choice $42ffl i" )
Hfum Hecelpts , GOO liead tlrm at $323i)5W )
SI , I.eitiiR l.ltei Moo c .Murlcpt.
8T UU'IS , Jul ) -CATTI.H llecelpts. 3.800
hend. shipments i ooo head , mntki-t strong an !
falrlv nitlve , native dnsscd beef nnd shipping
sli-ers 14 infr * 20 , light Me rs , 13230401) , stock-
< is nnd fpe-ders 12 23(13 rn ) cows $2 3JJJ3 30 ,
Texas intllp lOfflVbetlpr fed steers $3 Miff
4 "Ii , gram steps i2 60JJ3 ' / ) , cows , i2 2383 00 ,
calves i300 700
IKKlH-HecclpIs 4,300 liend shipment * 200
, iid , nmtkel firm , hntvv , $483495 , packers ,
I r , ' 4 ' , . light il fnfj4 S3
SlliiP : : ItPiplpls. ! w < i lipad , shipments none :
inrki t dull nitlves. $2mli300 , n bt of extra
'aw brotiKlit i4 75 , liiiubs sold , i3 " .35/4 / 50 ;
lUlhwrst , II fO 2 23
KIIIIKHS Hy Live -lurk.
KAVSA4 CITY .lul } \TTlr.-Hpcelpls
id iv , 2 TOO head shipments 1 70 head , market
tmng to loc blether , Texns slurs , $2101163 * ,
"exas cows , $ I73 100 , beef st rs. 12 233 | 4) ,
/illve c ws 11001(370. Mockers and feeders ,
" '
- head , shipments , 2200
end , innilcet utiong lo lo < higher , bulk of sales ,
I 65ft 4 83 , henvlis i4C3fi493. p ulcers i4 6)1 ?
93 , mixed I4r.00f4f5 , lights , 14 50 4 75 , Yorkprs ,
465(3475 ( , li'gs il 10Jt GO
! : : ' - , 5OoO hind , shipments , none ,
maiket steadv
nod i , M.\iiKir. :
letter Selection In tlio Offerings at tlio
London > > HPS.
LONDON , luly 3 At the wool aucllon snips
oday 11 413 bales were offered , of which [ 03
ales wrie wllhdrnwn There wns n belter se-
ctlon if iualltv | nnd the market WHS geiod
'he bulk of lustrous en ss brrds were taken for
orkshlre. Me rims weiekepiil } conlertt-d for bv
ontlncntal nnd American bu > iri. The tone of
he miiket was slicing at extieniP prices rollow-
ng nre > HIP sales in detail New South \\nles
211 hnlps , scoured 8'iUTls Hid. greasy 35f
4d Queensland 1611 halts , m unreel lOdSls
'id ' , gri-n-v , 648S'4d Vlctoila , 216 bales
jntiroil , 3'dJfls 2el itrmisj , 4\Q10i < .d Tnsnianla.
: S1 biles , grpusv djT4d NwX"ahind 4811
nips , se me 1 'I4dffils 14d greisv 34 < iil04d
'ipe of Hood Hopennd Natal. 629 bales , scoured ,
'sdfils 3d grens } 6 ir 1id
IIOhTON , lul } -The American Wool and
ottun Heporter will sny tomoriovv The slttia-
Ion In the wool Irndins compared with last
venk exhililts undlmlnl'liod strcng'h nnd nctlv-
ly , Ihe ndvnncr In prices e > ver lhoi > p of thlrt }
lis ngo being at least 2e pel lb on the nv-
rnge Theie- has been a feeling of ipterve on
he part of both deilers and manufacturers In
he markets of New \orK II is.on nnd Phlla-
elphla awaiting reports from thp opining sabs
n l/ndon while ( hlingo nnd the western m ir-
< pts arc watching HIP c h mges In senhond mar
kets with Imprest H'ports from thp I.ond n
nles leglKler prices fr Ihe- article and an ad
ance of lilfirni cording lo the giade nnd
litalll } MniiufiictunrH v\ho have hc > cn sKe-ptlml
f nn advance- the price of raw material Imvp
vlthdrnwn Ihplr salps till after Jul } 8 , when
IP } will llkelv be ii placed upon the market ut
idvanccd prices The total sites In the- four
miikets aggregate 14 ' ' 1 614 Ibs of which S 741 -
14 Ibs wen- sold In Hoston , 2 855 roO Ibs In New
lork. 2181.001 Ibs In Phlln lelphla and 760 0110
bs In Chicago In Hos'fn the nggiegute of
ales fils weik nre 1000000 Ibs of which nearly
liree-UniUrs ] wns dompst' < - The nmount of wool
\hlch has changed hands during Ihe last week la
\stlmnted at between 23 IK ) 000 nnd 23000000 Ibs
"t Is the opinion of n'ne-tenths of the Hade tnat
his mnrket will remain firm nnd that users of
vool will sustain the tlu-oiv At this writing
he mnrkpt is netlve and advancing
ST I.OPIS Jul } 1 UOOI , Stiong but qulPt
Missouri Illinois ptc combing 16e combing
md clothing 161jlr'4c coniho and hrildfd I'fr
5M.C , medium clothing 14'fil44c ( Hght line 12
T13e , henv } dmll > { floi < , e Kamns nnd Ne
irnska modlum 13 < ! 14c light fine lomie. lunvy
inp SjMc , Tpxns Arkansas Indian Teirltor >
'all nnd spring llfillc. coarse nnd low , SJillc ,
It-lit tine 9ilOc , heavy tine 6f < Sc , Dakota , \\o-
nlni * . IMnh medium IJQlIc , coaibp lend low ,
lOOIIc llht line IMjlV , heavy tine , 8'tf9e , tub
vnslipd choice , -04e , fnlr , ISifTic , conrse nnd
ow , 1416c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Vclvnuco Inforniiitlnn Itelttlvo to lite
. \lslblH upplv AfltHt.
NiW YORK , Jul } 3 llradsticet'8 sas : There
weie 120000 ) bu of wheat arrived In Ilurope
Hst we-ck , nnd 10000000 bu fresh shipments for
Europe , pointing to about 2,000000 bu decrease
n wheat alliat for Hurope This Is ascertained
! > } our cable- news In ndvance , nnd ma } be ic-
Ifpd on.
drain exchnngc o'ttglvlngs } psterda } reporled
i decrease of 5 000 000 bu ot- wheat afloat for
K.urope lust w eek
Hifldstieel's exclusive cable repor of vvhent
iiVailablp In Australia bbows there v\ere C SCO 000
iu held there on July 1 , 1fi * > 5 nrnlnut 7,800 000
: m one vent ago , nnd 4 9K ) 000 bu two ye nrb ago
American Co.nndinn Kuropinn nllonl for
[ Europe nnd wheat stocks are le polled
b } llradstieet's to IKIS 000 00 bo ) , about 12 per
cent le s than n sear ngo
roffecMiirkrt ,
NHW YORK , Jul } 3-COITEn-Optlons opened
stendv nt unchanged prkis to 5 points advance
ulPd tlimcr on higher Kuropean cables and
sc.ant offerings Demand loenl nnd light for
coverings shorts , no outside orders closed ste-nd }
at 5 < iili ) points net advance , sales 5 000 bigH
ncludliiK July. 114 JOfiH 33 September ill r.O
OctolH-r , $14 53ijtl4 ( H ) , nnd December , $14'iO hpot
coffee , Itlo eilllit , No 7 , 13i4c , mild , quiet ,
CDidovn , i8 25(119 ( ( 00 , sales , none Wniehouse
lellveries from New "Voik } esterdav , 6 J14 bags.
Nowiork sti > ck todn } . 200,624 bags ,
nfloat for Ihe 1'nited Plates , 243 oot ) tugs , total
visible for Ihc 1'nlte-el Billies 542438 bags , against
a 1 8 bags last venr
SANTOS lulv 1 Quiet- nominal , good average
Santos not quote * ! , receipts , 8,000 bags , Block ,
168 OiKI bigs
HAMIll'UCl , July 3 Quiet , unchanged to ' 4 pfg
ciwer Kales 4 OOO bags
HAVHi ; July 3 COIrii ; Opened Meady , un-
changid to lUf higher , at 3 p in , quiet un
changed lo ' 4f lower , closxl quiet nt iilf net
ndviincp , sales 6000 bags
HID DI' JANHIHO Inly 3 tead } No 7 llln
i4 80 cxchangp , lONd , receipts , B. ( > bags ,
cleaied for United tatps 2 OX ) bags , cleared
for IJurope 1 000 bags , stock , 160,000 bags , cleared
July 1 , 5,000 bags
Itiiltlinoro ( irnln Markets.
HALTIMOnn , Jul > 3 n.orn Dull and un
changed , receipts 1182 bbls. , blilpine-nts , 10,162
bbls , sales , 'M bbls
WHI3AT Sle-ad } , spit and month "l'ij'iic \
Augusl , 72&72' < c September 731473Hc , t-ti imt-r
No 2 red , 6SiA Jc6S\c , recHpts , 4 8.17 bu , ship ,
ments 80000 bu , block 343703 bu . sales 84000
bu , southern wheat by sample70&73c , soulhern
wheat on grade ( > S1i72c.
COHN Stead } , spot 60ig50'ic , month nnd
August , M f-O'dc ' , Septe > mbPr , 50'iii50Uc ' [ , receipts
15,703 bu , shipments 23711 bu , . Block 22J 863
111 , enles , 40000 bu , southern white corn , > 0
$ { 52c. Kiuthern } ellow 5Ji344c !
OATS Vei } quiet and e.isj , No 2 white , west
em 33434c , No 2 mixed , .lO JJle , lecclpta ,
7,683 bu , stock. 111 136 bu
IvilliBiiH < llv I roilocn M'lrltct.
KANSAS CITY , Juls 3 3\IinAT Irregular ,
No 2 hmd , 66jC8c , No 2 red , 6&fo72c , rejected ,
OVSl 63c *
COHN 4c lower ; No. 2 mlxe-el , 391f39Hc ! No. 2
while , 3987400
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22'/4c ; No. 2
while 23c
HE No. 2 MttVc
ri.AX siii-ii : o7 ri 09.
HHAN Weak lit WfiWc
H1C12IPTSVheal , 5,000 bit ; coin , 10,000 bu ,
oats 4 000 bu
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 6,000 bu ; corn , 78,000
bu , oils , 58,000 bu
MiR r Market.
NI2W YOHK , July 3 St'OAR Tlavv. slend } .
sates , r < x ) tons centrifugal 13 test nl 2 11-lCc nnd
f , nlbo , late } eslerd y , 5110 bigs centrifugal , 98
test , 2 13-16c nnd f und 1 170 bags molabscs 81
test , nt I74c , refined , fnlrls activeNo 0 4 l-10ft
4 > 4c , No 8. 3 1V1GA4V1C , No 9. 3\H l-16e. No
10. 3 1J-16JMC , No. 11 , 3 H-16lfl37/ic , No 12. 3 1-10
< l1\c. No. 13 , J\c , off A , 4 l-ldMfec.
mold A , 4 Il-16ti4'4c slandaid A , 4 5-16fi44c ,
confectioners' A. 4 6-16fri'te ' , cut loaf , 5 1-16fi3HC !
crUFhed , 5 1 IG iT c. granulated , 4 7-16i4Kici
cubes , 4 l-16G4'4c.
I eitton Mnrkrl.
middling 6 ll-16e. low middling b 5-16o , gofKl
ordinary. Cc , net receipts 100 bales , gross , 2ft
bales , exi irts to the continent , 900 halm , coast ,
wise. l.OW ) laics , mles , 150 bales , stock , 10j,5"ti
N1JW YORK , lul } 3 COTTON Steadv , mid
dling , 7 3-lGc , sales 898 bales , bplnneis , 7UT bales ,
stock , 208,8 : : ' bibs
ST. I.Ot'lS. July 3 COTTON Quiet , no sales
reported , receipts , Cl bales , shipments , 810 bales ;
stock , 21,953 bale-tt.
Ivr Voru llry Ooctils vlnrliet.
NHW YOHK , July 3 In the was of new busl-
nibs tbeiu wns very little done The shipment
of goods from the * dr } ' goods district proper has
bee-n exieptlonall } large The cotti n mnrket In
tlB entlrrt } Is the strongest since U9t The nd
vance In the price of wed at the I ondon sales ,
which Is expected to be Incre-ated , nnd espfclnll }
on the light w ols has hael n he.tllh } Intluence.
panicularlv on blankets llannel und similar
fibrlcs Print cloths Him t 2c bid for M-
wjunreu regular , 4 > c for 64-72 und 5\c for 12 SO
I'c'orll Mur l't .
PKOHIA. July -COHN Market dull , unchanged -
changed , No 2 , iS'iC , No 3 , 44 4c.
OATH Markel dull lower , No 3 white , 264fi
27'4C. No 3 white , 26flSC\c
HYI Mnrket dull nominal ; No 2 , 60W6le.
WHISKY Maiket firm , tlnlshed goods , on thi
baelH of il 24 for hlkh 1n < s
HiciiPTS : Wheat , none , lorn , 25,600 bu , oats
t3 1tX > Iu re , nine , builey 701 bu
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 1 200 bu . corn , 2,230 bu
opts , 82,500 bu , r > e. none , barley , none ,
Milwaukee Mitr ! < vt .
MIIAVAl'KP-i : . Jul } 3 WlIKAT-Qulct. No. ;
spring , 70" , No 1 , "Cc
COHN-hte-ad } . No 3 46"e.
OATS Higher. No. i while , 28Hc , No. 3 white
" ' *
'HAlllUV Nominal , No 2 , 4Sc , sample , un
chi nued
HYE Irresular ; No. 1 , 55c.
llulutlibent Murknt.
PfM-'TH. July 3 - \ \ UK -'Weakfr , No. :
hard cash , 72c Jul ) 72'4C No 1 northern
cash , 71iC ( Julv , 71'ic , heplember , C'JHc De
cember , ilHc. No 2 Jiorthcrn , cash , 67 c , No
3 northeni 63c , rejected 61 4c , To arrive. No
1 bard , " 2So , No , 1 uorlhem , Tll.c.
nniiivo HMIP t'lfTi io T tit
Various Opportunities for Dead Games nnd
Hot Boys in the Oily ,
llnll (5ninrf , L'rlcUot Mntr-tir-.i , Toot Unlit
Illrd Shout mill Mnny Oilier Thing *
to Ma fulled OfT fur thu Amiuu *
in cm of the Public.
Wh'le ' the people of this city will nol join
hands In cclcbratliiK the blrthdny of Ameri
can Independence the amusement card that
has been hung out Indicates that Ihcio will
bo mnnj opportunities for Young America
to make the ingle screrni.
Members of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation will celebrate at the p.irk , Twent > -
Ighth and Dodge streets. The cAerclscs w'll '
begin at 2 o'clock p. m. , with a long 111 of
thlctlc sports upon the card , Including basket
bill anil Association foot ball.
The attraction of the afternoon will be a
game of base bill between the law > era and
he doctors. George V. Qilmour captains the
avvers' nine and Dr. Leo the doctors' . The
ganiolll be called at 3 30 p , m. If the nine
linings can not be plajfd b > G 30 o'clock the
game will be completed on the follow Ing
The athletic events will he 100 yard dash ,
ancy foot ball Kick , one-mllo run-
ilng race , foot ball shot at goal , pole \ault ,
> askot ball game , 100-jard foot ball race ,
brewing foot bill , relay running race ( four
nen In each team ) , throwing twchc-poimd
lammcrs , foot ball corner kick Junior relay
running race , foot ball exhibition game.
The winners of the events will be plioto-
; raplied In a group and the picture with the
records of the team wll be placed In the
g > mnatluin as a permanent record of the
day and the victors.
Held Day ill tort Oiimhu.
At Tort Omaha the morning will bo com-
nemorated by a big card of athletics under
he management of Lieutenant Wright.
This will Include the following :
Sack Race Kirbt prize , } 5. second prize , set
ilated epoons , third prize , two bottles of per
il me
Two-mile Illcycle Race First prize to be
lurchased , value , $10 , second prize , bicycle
I'olo Vault Klrst prize , $5 ; second prize ,
JDX of cigars.
One-mile Ilcclo ) Race First prize to b"
purclnsed , value $5 ; second prize , cyclometer
One-hundred- Dash First prize , one
gold watch ; second prize , $5 ; third prl7e , J2.50
Cggand Spoon Race First prize , $5 ; tccond
irlze , set plated spoons ; third prize , three
jottles perfume.
Relay Race 1'rlre $20
Blind Wheelbarrow Race First prlz , a
meat order , tecond prize , $5 ; third prize ,
meerschaum pipe and bottle of perfume.
Hurdle Race First prize , $10 ; second prize ,
? old watch ; third prize , $5.
One Mile Go-as-you-please Race Light
marching order First prize , slher set , \alue
$20 , recond prize , $10 , third prize , $5.
Hose Cart Race Prize $10 and a box of
Shoo Race First prlsre , meerschaum pipe ;
second prize , razor nnd bottle of perfume ,
third prize , box of candy.
Special prize to the member of command
winning the greatest number of esents , $15
Company winning greatest number of events.
The competitors will be confined to enlisted
men nnd the morning's sport will open up
promptly at 9 30 and close at 12.
\\lll < il\c ' 1 In-ill Another ( Imnrc
OMAHA , July 3. To the Sporting Editor
of The Dee : In the Tuesday i\enlng Hee
noticed an open letter from Mr. L M
Ithcem , general manager of the American
District Telegraph company , In which ho
charges the Postal Telegraph company with
unfairness In hiring boys especially for the
.mrpoies of laat Saturday's races , and states
: hat ( here was an agreement between him
self and Mr Umsted by virtue of which
hey wore to ktep the r re'i'ectlvo ' boys out rf
.he final heat , but thit McNIder , the Western
Jnlon boy , evaded his manager and won
tlui ruce.
I regret very much that there should have
been any feeling on the pirt ot any one that
10 was not given perfectly fair treatment
I did not know , nor did any of the olllcers
of the club know that any such charges had
been tnado until the races were over. A
great manv wondered at the time why
Nystrom failed to Bhovv up In the final heat
nnd everybody was then and Is now anxious
: o see him pitted against the Western Union
joy I. for one , would like to see these bojs get
together , and on behalf of the University
club I will say that wo will , either on next
Saturday , July C , or the following Saturday ,
July 13 , hang up a suitable prize for the
Hoys to run for at our grounds , and will
agrco to nssume the entire management of
the affair. Yours truly ,
President University Club.
Out nt tlio Hull Vurlc.
The Omahas and Qulncys will play two
games , the first at 10 30 In the morning and
the second at 3 30 In the afternoon. Both
teams are playing fine ball and It Is likely
lhat thousands and thousands of enthusiastic
rans will turn out to see the sport. Omaha
Is always on hand at the Fourth of July
Barnes and she will turn out enmasse tomor
For the Mintifiiii Men.
The Omaha Gun club will celebrate the
Fourth by a big live-bird and target shoot on
Its grounds at the cast end of the Omaha
and Council Bluffs bridge , commencing at
1 30 p m. sharp. Manager Frank S Parme-
lee has secured a special lot of good pigeons
and the many sportsmen of the city are
counting on a fine afternoon's sport.
Otlior nviinlH llmt Arc llookoil.
There will be a dcg fight and other highly
aesthetic amusements on the Island In the
The Omaha Cricket club Is booked for a
big match game at St. Paul , Minn , In the
The Omaha Business college and the
Loulsvlllo base ball teams collide In the lat
ter city In the afternoon.
Charlie Thomas' foot ball team Is In Butto.
Mont. , and this afternoon will meet
the strong team of that city.
The special program at Courtland Beach
will bo a big feature of the day and at nlghl
the pyrotechnic display will be on a grand
At 9 o'clock In the morning the sccom
Omaha cricket and the Gate City team wll
meet on the grounds of the former and a fine
game Is assured.
The Crescent Gun club will hold a targe
shoot on their grounds east of Lanioreaux'i
Ice house house , East Omaha , at 2 o'clocl
p. m. , sharp.
The cyclers will make merry In specla
holiday runs and divers ways. The Tourist !
will run to Falrmount park In the evening
and the Union Pacifies to Blair In the morn
Ing.The Wllcox & Draper shoe hoi o team plaj
the Missouri Valleys at Missouri Valley thL
morning and advices are that i
great crowd will be present to tec how th'
champion colored team of the west plays bill
The Vllcox & Drapers arc making extensive
preparations for a tour through the stall
some time this month.
Motor 'Iralm fur Toditr.
The Sherman avenue and the East Ornah
street car lines will put on a three-mlnut
service todjy In order to accoinmoJat
the rush of travel that IB anticipated.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo :
Catcher's Castoria.
IIIKI.V : I'.ICKI.MI noi'sn OUTV i/r /
Movrinoiit of HIIRI In tlinrt Slmtti N
I'urtlier Hpitiictloii.
CINCINNATI. July 3-Pp ( | Tclcmm ) -
IVmcrrw'H Piicp Cuirrnt will i.n ) i The mcue-
mrni shows n further redtielluii.tstcrn pack
ing for the wi"k , ZM.OOO , compnlPd with ICOV
the piecenir wool , , and f * 000 1nt } ear. Prim
March 1 the tnlil Is 4 , 6S,0 ) , nsalnst 4,7ii > .W
last scat. Prominent places compare ns follows !
ChliM rc 1,715000 l.tMOfW
Kansas City 74\ooO C7" iVV )
Omih.t Si ooo (7S 000
st. ( .mii * ty co ) r i two
Clnclnnnll 1.1 tXM HI WJ
Indianapolis li3i Hi 177 ( .V )
MllwauKec 201 U-x ) IMOiO
tVdir Haplds 1.8 COJ 82.0V )
SI Jiisel | 112 tmi PI 00 *
St Paul US OKI 102000
Otlutnwn ItWtOO 108 Oi
Slmix CIl } . 68 000 lSte >
H > purrhnrlni ; cooila mule nt the following
Is'ibrnika fmturlca lit > ou cannot find what
) ou want , coinmunliata whli the nmnufac-
lurirs as to what dialer * liniHllo their soodj.
i HIM : .
Manufacturer * of nil kinds of cotton nnd tmr-
ap IJIIKS. cotton fCour riuks nnd twlno a spec-
ult } . C1I-UC01S 8 llth-St.
Ca.loiul clitpnicnts rrnJe In our own refrlso.
ntnr cais lllutKlbUm. . mile i\port , Vienna
i\liort , mul Family i\port , ikllxcrcd to nil
i.uts of city.
tow/ ; , ntntxa
Coffee Houston , Spice Grinders Muinifncttir.
is Ocimiti HiKhiK 1'owilcr nml dLrinin Dry
lop \east , 1114 and 1410 lluine > - t. , Omaha , Neb
' utiti i < ; /.s , r.rc.
put rubber tires nnd ball bearing axles on their
own make \ehlUes , nrul sell a lip btiKBr for
bcaldeatrlte tliun ISth nnU Hurnt-y.
Mnnufacturfr of Gold Mcdil riour.
C. n. IJIack , Manager. Omaha ,
Manufacturers of Parlor rurntturc , I.ounKcs ,
Dining Tables anj I'oldlnt' licils. 2Sth ave ,
L'o > d to bhalcr Sis.
Domestic and Steam Coal We have the best.
Olllce 16O1 I' Teteplumc OIHco 373 ,
Mud , 17CO J. A. Doe , General Malinger.
/HO.V HO/f/O.
Manufacturing and Repilrlng of all Kinds ot
miihlnery , inglius , pumps , cle\atois , prlnllna
prcses , haniters , shutting and couplings 140t >
and 140S IlouaidOmaha. .
Tire Hjdrants , Water and Qas PIpes.spcclals.
Holler Tronts and riflings , Htre'et i'y. ca
wheels Architectural Iron uoiks. Olllce,307 d.
I6tli-st. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work.
Genual Foundry , Machine and Ulacksmlth
Woik I ngltiti-ra and Contructots for Tir
Pioof Ilulldlngs Olllce and woiks. U. P , Hy.
and So. 17th street. Omaha.
Manufacturers of riuld KxtractP , Kllxlra ,
Sjiups nndlncs , compressed trllurntea hypo
dermic tablets , pllla nnd sUuitltlc medical nov-
eltks Omaha.
I , COT1 , CKIIl'i.
Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Herts ; Jobber
rtalhcrs nnd Pillows. N. llth and Nicholas
bts , Omaha.
. .NYMn.trrie. .
209 Fo. llth St. , Tel 254 Medessa Mineral
Water Carbonated , uncquallid , 1'loln for tabl
use unsuniassed.
n.nvii , riiiu
The enl > perfect protection to property. Exan >
Ino It. Host thing on earth. ) lleducea Insur-
ancc rates 1301 Louela8-st ,
Cltu \ ,
Mnnufactuiers of Men's and ISojs' Clothing.
Pants , Khlrta nnd Ovei alls 1202 212 3 12th Bt.
Munufacturirs of all kinds of Paper lioics ,
Fhrlf lloxcs , Sample Cases Mailing Tables , etc. fc
Wedding cuke' und fune ) candy lioxes , druggist N
fiiiil jcweliy boxes. UOS10 Joneset , Oniulio.
l.xclustvc custom Ehlrt tailors.
1113 Turaain-Bt . 'lelephono 90S.
JAMUS i : HOYD J. w.
Telephone 10.TJ.
Grain. Provisions te Stocks
Ilootn lllVj Ho.ireJ of Timle
nircPt vvlre-s to C'lilcugo anil Ni-vv York.
CorrciiponilentB John AVnrrvn eSt Co.
10 to 20 % per Month
can be made ns our "f operallng In
AND STOCKS Pr"i piiiu giving full
Information of perft.V ssst. m 'mi led free Sin *
yuur business only tu , u financially reioii.iiu
house Ixiok us up.
Grain , Klock and liond Urokers.
ISII CliHiiibnr eil IIIIIIIIH i- < , ( IIICAOo
F"P BMITH ( Tf 1308) ) 8 , U. 8TANFOHD
F. P. SMITH & CO ,
Room 4. N. Y. Life nidg. , Omnhn.
llranch offices nt Premont and Columbus All
order * placed on the Chicago lloanl of Trade.
( irie pcindents hcbwarti Dupe-e & Co. , Chi
cago. hchrelner Klack & Co Ht. LouU. Jlefer
lo rirst National Hank. Omahu
MAUU IN No mutter win. t > ueii. , < .i oa tpec
TII All I Ml uUllon ) riJU lua > have reed mrij
iiViiMitur our . U NUW uml
nvni . ) . , . .
IJXPL AINI.I.OMjim.j.ii ( j , diatiy expUin *
.iimmlu trudlnif and DIH'INKS ALL MAllKlTD
HXPHKBHIONB Il' free and will teach rou
omethlnir. AIII10OA&T b CO. . U Tr dcr
Uulldloe. Clilcaco , _ ,