THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TI.H'IISDAY ' , JULY 4 , 1395. THE OMAHA DAILY BE- COUNCIL nu.'Krs. OFFICE , - - NO. 12 PnARL BTIIEE1 tr carrier to any part of the eltr. II. W. TILTON , Icnoe. nlntn omc , No. ! night KMtor , No. 23. M1.M1H , lf ATJO.N. Buy yetir ' ( gars , pipes , tobaccos and canes t Grand Hotel Cigar More. Grand holel , Council muffs. Newly fur- nUhed. noopen-d Oct. 1. E. P. Clark. Prop. J Unity Guild will hold Its regular meetIng - Ing Friday afternorn at the home of Mr ? . SllPhtcr , SCO Llnr > m avenue. Friends cor- dlally Invited Justice Conk performed the marriage cere monies yesterday for Thomas C.olsey and Alice E. Sides , and Charles Ilrown and ri. n. Stringer , all of Omaha. The 11-day-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Weston died at 1 o'clock yesterday after noon at the home In Lewis township. The funeral will takf place this morning at 9 o'clock. John Mlthen commenced an action In th district court ) e < iterday to foreclose a tnort- - s' Kage given to secure notes amounting to ' $8.000 , executed by Patrick O'Connor In favor of the heirs of Michael Million. In a llttlo burst of premature patriotism last night mi awning In front of Clint Ilycrs Btoro caught fire from u huge cannon me cracker Some water from buckets extin guished the blaze before much damage was done. The lesldpncc of John T Uine on Avemiel nnd Tenth ftrcet was broken Into Tuesday rtight and n number of articles of more or less value were stolen. It Is supposed by the trainPM that mike the Northwestern round house their hendnuarters. W T Duncan , who was charged with as- Faulting several little girls , was turned loose by Justice C > ok yesterday morning , but wa Immediately rearrc , t d on the charge of b at- Ing a board bill , lie represented to the landlady that he was traveling In the in terests of Ilarnum's clrcm1 , and his storj has since then turned out to b ° a fabrica tion. Pat Gallagher , charged with stealing a pair of trousers from Tom Hughes , was discharged ) esterday after A hearing In Jus tice Cook's court. Ills pal , Frank Williams , who was caught with the trousers In his possession , entered a pica of guilty under the Impression that he would be given a Jail sen tence , but when IIP found ho would be bound over to the grand Jury for larccnv from a building withdrew his plea. Ho will have a hearing Saturday. B. W Hoilron ot Vllll ca wrote a letter t ( a Swede telling him he had some evidenci that would convict him of bootlegging , am tliicatcncd to use It unless he received wlia ho thought was a fair price for his keepliu his mouth shut. The Swede , who was nol BO Ignorant us ho looked , turned the mattei 'over to the United States authorities , am Hodson was arrested , given a preliminary hearing on the charge ot sending unmallabU matter througli the malls , and bound ovci to the federal grand Jury yesterday. A coupl" of well dressed nun became tlrec : of tripping the ties ) esterday afternoon am sat down to rest at Crescent. The fact o : their wearing good clothes and becoming llrei lit Crescent aroused the suspicions of an of fleer ot that plac- , and he hurriedly tent i telegram ( collect 2" > cents ) to Marshal Can nlng , asking If anybody here had been robbed If any one had been robbed the officer wouh undoubtedly have anestcd tlie strangers * Hut , fortunately for them , no robbery hm been reported to the police , and the cagli eye of the Crescent Hawkshaw had to lee ) s'K for new worlds to conquer. Fire and tornado Insurance written In bes companies. Money for farm loans at lov rates. City property for tale or trade fo : farm lands In Iowa. Lougeo & To le , 23 ; I'carl St. Don't overlook the fact that the Spctmai stock Is being sacrificed at any price to sell If you do you win miss the bargains In dr ; . Roods , clothing , shoes , hats and all fcason able standard goods that you mti't buy. Th larger the crowd the quicker the goods EC and the greater the sacrifice In values. The Hardman , the piano par excellence. Tom Clark hag returned from Egypt. E. F. Johnson of Red Oak was In the clt : yesterday. Mr and Mrs. Adolph Dcno are the parent of a new son. II. E. Wlatt goes to Reels today to dellve an address of a patriotic sort. The family of W. R. Kemp have gone J Okobojl to keep a summer boarding house. Mlwes Nettle nnd Laura East of Cllnto will visit Mrs. George W. Hewitt this wcel < Mrs. William Maloncy and her llttlo daugh tcr , Grace , have returned from a visit to Lin coin.Miss Miss Sophie Miller left yesterday for Chi cage to spend several weeks vlbltlng rela lives. George H. Reed of Waukcsha , WIs. . Is litho the city , the guest of P. M. Pror. He Is 01 his way home from Denver. Mrs. J. S. Robertson and children left las evening for Nevada , Rock Island and othe ' points In the eastern part of the state. Mr. George W. Dartlctt , wife and daughte of Denver are In the city visiting Mrs. Ilarl lett's parents , Captain D. H. Clark and wlfi Mrs. Carson and children of Hamburg ar visiting on North Eighth street. They wl KO to Denver before they return to vis friends there. John T Hazen has gone to Avoca to glv the American blul a pleasant day. 11 IP dei titles , Adolphus 1C. Hooker and Mack Gooi win , have gone to Neola and Hlnton static respectively for a similar purpose. The Misses Fannie Swire , May Sims , Ma Perry , Vermont R-ynolds , Cora Gretzer , Ar K nle Williams , Ada Alnsworth and Su lUdollet will depart Friday afternoon eve the Union Pacific for Denver , thence t Green Mountain Falls , a beautiful summc reiort , whsro the party will enjoy cam life. They will occupy a special Pullma ileeper. J , R. Illack arrived In the city yesterda from California In response to a telegrai onnounclng th ; sudden death of his fathi last Monday. The funeral took place at 1 o'clock yesterday from the home , near Grli weld , too soon for the son to reach horn The deceased , Milton P. Illack. was SO yeai of age , and was one ot the old settlers i Pottawattamle county , having come here I 1S54. llro n'ii C. O. II , Screen doori , 49c each. Hammocks , 40c. Gasoline stoves from $1.93 up. One-pint Muson fruit jars , per doz. , 49i quart Mason fruit Jarn , Me doz. ; half-gallo Mason fruit jars , 7 ! > c doz. 21 pounds granulated sugar for (1. One pound plug tobacco for IGc ; one pour smoking tobicco for 15c. Five gallons gasoline for C5c. Salmon , K per can. MEATS. Sirloin and porterhouse steak , lOc. RounJ steak , S'&c ; chuck steak , G'.ic. nest rib roast. Sc ; chuck roast , 5c and C Dolling beef. 3c and Sc. Mutton chops , Sc. Leg o1 mutton , 7c. Bait pork , Cc. Dreakfast bacon. lOc. Compound lard So. Picnic ham , Sc ; boneless ham , lOc. Sugar cured ham , lie. Marrliigo I.IOIMISSS , The following marriage licenses were Issui by the county clerk yesterday : Name and address. Ag Thomas O.Vol c y , Omnln Alice li. Sides , Omaha Chtirlex Drown , Omiilm B. li Stringer , Omaha Ilobert Wilson , Oklahoma City. I. T . . . Mary Cruvvfoiil , Oklahoma Clt ) , I. T. . . . Ferdinand Koukoeky , South Omnhn \Vllhelmlim 1'utiol , South Ormiliu M , J. Von Kirk. Mills county , lown l.yda M. Jackson , .Mills county , Iowa. . . . The 2 p. m. tram to Lake Manavvu U ( excursion train every day In the week e teptlng Sunday. One fare pays for the rout trip , tickets good to return on any train du Ing afternoon or evening , Yea , tbe Kaglo laundry Is "that goc laundry , " and U located at 724 llroadna If la doubt about this try It and be convince Don't forg t name and number. Tel , 157. , Davit , agency for Mjnyon'i remedial. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS' ' Treasurer Heed No Longer Imitates llora- tlus at East Omaha. BRIDGE REPLEVINED BY ITS OWNERS Suit HrniiKlit In ( lie United Stutci Court to Compel tlio County to Itclemo I In I'rry Until I.nto In September. The Hast Omaha bridge , which was seized Monday Ijy Treasurer Heed of I'ottavvattamle county , Ion a , vvbo claimed tliat taxes \\ere due and unpaid uion | the structure , was re- plevlnod > cterday morning by the Nebraska Construction companj , a writ having been I'Mied from the United States ccurt. Although the amount of taxes due Is Irss than $2.800 , the value of the prop'rty v\a named In petition at $23,000 and a bond of $50,000 had to bo put up , C. II. Hannan of Council muffs and A. S. Potter and J. U. Wtibitcr of Omaha signing as sureties. Wal lace McKadden , the deputy sheriff , who had been holding the bridge for the county treas urer , received a call from Deputy United States Marshal IlllUeg and was given orders to leave. lie \\as allowed time to gather up lil blanket anil departed , after taking a re ceipt from UlllvNCK for "one Haldvvm engine , three chairs , one bucket and the cast hall of the bridge. " The deputy United States marshal Immediately turned the bridge over to the construction company and the case will be tried un Its merits before Judge Wool- son September LM. The bridge people claim that last Saturday Deputy Treasurer Mil hen promised A. S. I'ottcr , general manager of tin bridge company , that ho would vv.ilt three ilnyH before taking any dcclsl\e steps U collect the taxes , but that ho made the le\ > before t\vo days had elap ° ; d. They say thai had this promise been kept settlement mlghl have been made without legal measures beitif resnitid to. A > r\v Trriitnifiit fur l.iulle * . A week or more ago one of the most re- mat kable women In America was In Councl Hhiff for a few diys. The Inly was Schultz. tlie head of the great Schultz Ocr man Compound Co. of Whitewater , \Vu ? doing a business aggregating hundreds o : thousand of dollars annually. Madim Schult : has perhaps cured more hopeless cases o chronic disease Inomen and men than an ) other physician un the continent , and she ha : done It without the administration of medl cine , except by absorption In her compoum medicated baths. With Madam Schultz wai Madam Maddux , who has been her ctile assistant for fe\eral years. Mrs : A. Helte : has been cliofen to handle the remedies fo : thlt- part of the country , and Madam Muddu' will remain with her for several weeks to ill rect the work , nnd perhaps remain per manently. The ladles have fitted up bath In the Vic'orla house , the upper floors of tin S.inborn block , corner Broadway and Bryant and are glxlng the full course of treatment The course comprises thirteen distinct line and five kinds of baths. Ily the treatmen women are made beautiful and healthy am renewed through every nerve and fiber. I'eo pic , and especially ladles , suffering from an ; form of disease will be counseled free am learn much to their advantage by calling am Investigating. Inquiries by mall solicited Address Mrs A. 11 Middux , S2G Broadway. Mrn ( iftti U II irper'nVopft. . Mrs. Jack Harper , who recently achieve fame In Council Bluffs and Omaha by hav Ing for a husband a man who became mlxe up In a suicide scrape , In whlc a young Omaha woman was th victim , and then sUlf pd to Dakotj called at the police station ye'ter day afternoon with another tale of woe. He fairy stories have already been told prett promiscuously , how some ono put dynamlt In her coffee pot with the Intention of blow Ing her and her daugltter to kingdom conn and how some one else was carrying on systematic purpose to put both of them on of the world. In order to get away froi the enemies , either real or Imaginary , wh are besetting her path , she moved to Counc Bluffs , changed her name to Baker , and I now living at the corner of Avenue II an Twenty-third street. A few nights ago s > h missed a team of horses , and she WTS siir her enemies had found her whereabouts an stolen the team. Yesterday they turned U | safe and sound. In the possession of a ma who live ? south of the Union Pacific duni an'd works for a loci ! florist. He said the came to his barn and he took them In. II was perfectly willing to give them up whe she paid him $2 for keeping them. Bi Mrs. Harper was not satisfied with till : and seriously meditated having him arrestei 'Sho was dually dissuaded by the polk from doing anything rash. Host ON si out : . Council HlufTx , Invvn. Special Inducements offered on all summc merchandise. Big reductions In wash dress goods. Special prices on ladles' shirt waist ? . Special prices on lad'es' ' belts. All remnants of wool dress goods wort from KOc to $120. at 2f c a yard. Special prices on underwear. Special prices on ladles' silk gloves an mitts. 7Gc summer corsets at 44e each. 19c Swiss ribbed vests at lOc each. FOWL.KU. DICK & WALKER. Ihiuln I * Known llerr * "Dr. " Alexander Dowle , the Chicago fait healer who has been finding Jordan such hard road lately with the number of com scraps which he has been compelled to taV part in , Is well known In Council Bluffs1 , I : hating preached at the Baptist church sever , times. On one occasion he and Dr. P. i Henson , a noted Chicago divine of the Ba ) 1 list denomination , were upon the rostrui ° together , Dowlo doing all the talking an Iluiison a good share of the listening. Dow ! had a most unpleasant habit of making Etrong point In support of Ma faith and the turning around , saying to Henson , "That what my bible says ; does your say that , U Henson ? " And Dr. Henson uniformly hate to admit that It did , whether ho agreed wit "Dr. " Dowlo's new-fangled notions or no and the perspiration rolled In streams off h face until the service was over. Miilrn Dliiiiiunilft Itfrovereil. Mabel Hart , who took Belle Glover's dli niond earrings , \alued at (50 ( , away from hi last Saturday night , was tried before Justii Walker yesterday and dlrchaged , the evident show Ing that she took the jewelry with tl understanding that she was to buy It. turned out that the earrings were pawned an Omaha second-hand store , and Irei Lewis , a member of the same Sunday fclio class to which Miss Hart belongs , did tl pawning. She called at the city marshal ofllcc yesterday with the diamonds In h possession , hut before she could give the up she was seized and put Inside , with tl charge of vagrancy against her. She was su sequent ly turned loose and the earrings we turned over to the woman to whom thi originally belonged. Mr . \ . I ) . . \inil Hurt. The first serious accident of the glorlo 3rd of July occurred last evening. Mr. ai Mrs. A. D Annls , with their little child , we pieparlng to take a buggy ride. The rig w stai.dlng In front of their residence at 3 North nighth street , and Mrs. Annls and t b.iliy were sitting In the buggy , while M Annls had ono foot on the step , ready climb In. Jubt then a mischievous > oungst threw a fire cracker under the horse ui frightened him. He started to run before M Annls could seize the lines. Mrs. Ann threw the baby out and It fortunately escap Injury. The buggy was overturned and Mi Annls was thrown out , spraining one of h ankles and sustaining a number of sevc bruUes. The horse ran up to Avenue where It fell Into an unfilled lot and was badly hurt that It had to be killed. T buggy was smashed to kindling wood. Mliltu OIK I'llinc. Five thousand feet S-lucli top , 1 ! to feet long , at Olio per lineal foot. A. Ore ton , Council Dluffi. la. id Tlio D.iy nt Mull UYU. Manavva was visited yeiterday and li evening by the largest crowd cf the seasc The High school cadets had their an ax picnic , a number of their yuung laly friends joining with them In making the most of the amusements afforded by the management of 'he Grand Plaza and Manhattan beach. A compmy drill was given In the afternoon on the lawn In front ct the pavilion , ami sup per was served under the trees. The first appearance of the Chicago Lidles' band In full uniform was the signal for a gccxl deal of applause. The band rendered seme very fine mu'lc , both alterno'n and evening , at the Qr nd Plaza pavilion , and made a favor able impression , judging from the hearty cheering that followed each selection. The boats between the Plaza and the beach were well patronlred , although the water was rather cool for bathing , the moonlight and the water making a combination that was Irresistible. I It VI- HOOKS 1)11 Mil' bTOT HIM l.uthiiin'pt loin I.iuicln nt MrVj nrin'n Uitivt I ( Tort * lit Kur-ipc. Harrison Latham , whose antics hive amused the newspaper reading public for several weeks past , Is again In jail and there are two more charge ? filed against him , Mrs. Clara Wjman being the complainant In each case. According to Mrs. Wyman's statements Uitham has Insisted on paying her his unwel come attentions. She barred and bolted all the doors and windows In order to keep him away , but one night , about three weeks ago , she EMVS he broke the lock on an outside cellar door and pushed his way up through a trap door Into her bed room. She has slnco then tried to ketp him out by piling her furniture up over the trap door , but when the trap door became too heavy to be lifted h broke Into the room by the door and did his lovemaklng with unabated ardor. Monday night , Mrs. Wyman savs , he witched until he paw her go out Into the vard about 9 30 In the evening and followed her unawares. When he came up to where he was standing he caught her by the waist and compelled her to sit down on the cool rover of a cistern , and kept her sitting there until 3 o'clock In the morning , listening to the airy nothings which his fancy wove for her. So far as Kmmet Tinley. Mrs. Wyman's attorney , has learned she did not make any Perceptible outcry to show her dislike of Mr. Latham's unconventional pioceedlngs. When Latham was relented from custody bonds to the amount of about $2 fiOO were fttrnl'hed by his cousin. William Underwood , on the understanding that when he was re leased he was to stay away from Mr ? . Wyman. But ho has failed to keep his promise and H Is understood that all his relatives will let the , law take Its cour e and allow him to be locked up. The two charges filed against him jerterday were malicious injury to property and assault , and In default of bill Justice Cook committed him to the county jail. He will have a hearing on both charges Saturday morning. Mr * . Until Dciul. Augusta Bertha , wife of Alderman C. B Grahl , died at 1 30 a. in. yesterday , aged 57 years nnd 1 months. She was born In Bran denburg , Prussia. She leaves a husband an 1 four children , Harry , Klsle , Court and Ben jamin. The funeral will occur Friday after noon at 2 30 o'clock , llev. Dr. Askln officiat ing , at the family residence , corner of Slxtli and Mynster streets , and the remains wll bo burled In Kalrvlcw cemetery. Sweet Pea Dlospoms , 5 cents per doz. stems : six doz. 25 cents. MRS. D. S. PRYOH , 423 IJast Washlng'on Ave. Bo ° ton Store will be closed all day today , July 4. ftnlilrd I IniHiuli'prn. . The police last evening raided the room' over the New Turf exchange saloon , ownei ] by Innian & Schefferll , for gamblers. Ron- lette , stud poker and faro table" were found and blx parties were arrested. Schefferll was the only one who gave his right name. The police recognize among the other five Charles MltPhell and Ilutterfleld. All were release ! on a bond by Schefferll. v , .M , > . . riHit iniv. The plans have been completed for at athletic field day at Union Driving park thli afternoon from 2 to G o'clock. The assocl.i lion boys have made rapid advancement It the past few months and today's events wll be full of Interest. Tnn < ni-R Derailed. Two cars on the Uock Island road wen derailed yesterday forenoon near the Chan tauqua grounds. The train crew avoided In jury , and there was but little damage done The passenger train was delayed about ai hour and a half. Itiiiliriiy't Kf niodlca. We believe In them , have tried them am found them beneficial. Wo have lately hai occasion to try his Sarsaparllllan Resolvent and tlnd It doing just It was said I would. We lately lost a friend. Sh ? had ai ovarian tumor , and she had It cut out. Wi were \vrltten to that the operation had beei very successfully performed. In live day she was In her grave. Had she known o Railway's Sarsaparllllan Resolvent and usei It , she might have been living today. Dr Hadway has not money enough to buy an ; words of commendation of worthless medl clnes from u . Hut when ho shows us rem odlss of unquestioned value , we gladly com mend them. Some have a prejudice again ? secrets In medicines. Why ? The whole pretension tension of medicine has to do with secrets What are prescriptions written In Lath for , but to blind the e > es of the commoi men , so that they shall not know what the : are taking' We commend these medicine of Dr. Iladway to the ainictfd. They hav-i b ° en long enough "under fire" to have trlei their quality. They would have been blow : Into a thousand fragments If the artillery o the "Regulars" could have done It. liu here they stand yet , strong as ever , and ar gaining ground every day. Itnblil KllliMl I IT it ( uhlo I nr. CHICAGO , July 3. Loon Straus , the ex rabbi of Hellevllle , 111. , who was run eve by a cable car last MonJay , died at Si Luke's hospital today. He was 70 years eli and prominent In Jewish circles throughou the west. r. Assistant Secretary of State Uhl will sa Saturday for Europe. The Intercollegiate Prohibition league me In Cleveland Wednesday , The Gayoso Hotel company of Memph ! has ass'gned. ' Liabilities , $185,000. The club house of the Illinois Cycling clu at Chicago was damaged by fire Wednesdaj The state convention of the people's part of Kentucky will be held at Loulsvlllo todaj The pope has approved the podtlon ( Illshop MoU of Denver on the school quei tlon. tlon.The The judge of the municipal court at Pen land , Ore. , has been Indicted for embezzh ment. K. Kennett , who shot his partner at Lc Angeles , Ins been arraigned and pleaded m guilty. The Exchange bank of Sturgeon , Mich has suspended. A shortage In the cashier accounts Is the cause. The cruiser Montgomery Is coaling at Cole and will lall for home with the Nlcaragi canal commission on Saturday. Commander Ido of the navy has been fu nlshed copies of the charges preferre against h'm ' by Admiral Mcadc. Captain Thomas Porter of the secret servli bureau Is an applicant for the wardenshlp i the gcv eminent prison at Lcavenworth. Fritz Seheel , the San Francisco miulclai has fettled with his creditors and has bee allowed to retain his membership In tl unlcn. John S. Treadwell , leader of a gang i green goods men , pleaded guilty at Detro and was sentenced to three years Imprlsoi ment. The I'nltel States has been Invited to pa tlclpate In the International Statistical last lute , to bo held at Uerne , Switzerland , Augu 20 to 2S. According to custom the Missouri governi extended the usual 4th of July pardon James Cook of St. Louis , cent up for mu der , anJ Ssmuel Klnney , sent up from Gret county for the same offense , were the benel claries. Charles Tarclgo , formerly a mall carrli between Frisco and Lima , Colo. , has bee arrested , charged with robbing the malls I reported In Juno that he had been held i and robbed , but later evidence shows he wi "the robber , U.IM'IAU .I.IIOAM / . ) / > / - ! > I' It'll. * Unilcr lscns'lon' llcforc tlio Trnclirrs * I'nnvrnllon at Mmix ll'.v. " SIOCX CITY , July 3 ( Special Telegram. ) There was n warm dldoitslon nt the In dian teachers' Institute Ucrf today relative to the question of allowing dancing among the pupils of the Indian "schools. At n few of the schools this la dOncij on the theory that It Improves the pupils' deportment , A majority of the teachers" seemed to think the plan a poor one , however , and n com mittee was appointed to draft resolutions of disapproval for presentation to the In terior department. At the morning session Mrs. Laura Lut- kins read a paper on the "School from the Matron's Standpoint. " Mrs. L-wls Pllcher's subject was "How Can We Help the Girls After They Leave School. " J. L , Baker spoke on "Suggestions. " In the afternoon A. L. Rlggs addressed the convention on the "Indian Vernacular. " Before the teachtrs' section on address on Indian affairs In general was delivered by Rev. Mr. Frlssel. "The Duties of the Matron" was the topic before the matrons' section. This evening a reception was given the visitor ? by the teachers of the Sioux City public schools. Union Coitnt.v Opposed tn Stilnoiin. CRKSTON , la. . July 3 ( Special ) Outside of Creston It Is quite evident the people of Union county do not want the saloon. On June 4 a committee of Alton citizens started out with a petition , whlrh they Intended to present to the board of supervisors , asking that body to permit saloons to be run In Afton under the regulations of the Martin mulct law. It will require l.fiOO signature' In Union county outside of Creston to secure a saloon for the College Cltv. and there are many w ho do not believe that this number can be obtained , while some think these cir culating the petition will be successful and Ills their petition with the county auditor tonight , which must b ? done to make It law ful. There Is considerable opposition to th- petition. A telephone company operating at Lenox and Cleartield petitioned the city council at Monday night's meeting for right of wa > Into Creston to put up poles and wires. The council gave them the privilege. This makes the fourth surrounding town that has re quested the right to enter this city. Tele phone competition promises to be plentiful. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbon list Sunday. In a-i unostentatious way , celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. They are among Creton's most respected and phllan- trophlc' citizens. _ Two lou i > ! rii Unmnnt Milrldp. AVOCA , la . July 3. ( Special Telegram ) Arcntzn Chrlstensen , a Dane , S3 > ears of age , living east of Walnut , who was vUltlnt ; his daughter , Mrs. Charles Ullleman. com mitted suicide here this morning. He was found by his daughter nt the birn suspended from a nail , having used a piece of clothes- lln ? . Ill health Is supposed to be the cause of the act. HARLAN , la. , July 3 ( Special ) At Ir- wln , In the northern part of the county , Peter Peterson , who was n candidate for mayor ol Irwln last spring , hung himself Sunday night Domestic troubles ara said to have been the cause. Peterson had been drinking heavll ) of late. _ Young Ottnimrit Ytniuiit r < M\npd. OTTUMWA. la. , July 3 ( Special Tele gram ) A capsl/Eil boat , \ias discovered this morning floating three miles above the clt > on the Des Moines river , and underneatl It with h = r hands clasped about the teit was found Miss Kva Clark , one of the most beau tlful young women In the city. The las seen of her was last night about 0 o'clock with a companion , Thomas Reardon. Then are vague theories of foul play , but th ? gen belief Is that Mie and her companlor were drowned by the boat capsizing. A large force is dragging the river for the body of the missing man. A f ro-.Vmrrlriinf * lift TocnUinr. DHS MOINES , July 3. ( Special Telegram The Afro-American Protective atsoclatlor began Its annual meeting In this city to lay with about 100 delegates In attendance. Ap polntmcnt of committees and routine buslnes occupied attention today , ' The officers are Ptesldent , R. N Hyde , Des Moines ; first vie president , H. T. Saw foot , Pekay ; correspond Ing secretary , V. P. Shields , Sioux City recording secretary , Miss Vlrgle Whltslet Nrwton ; treasurer , H. Riding. Sioux City The election of new officers for the year wll take place tomorrow nnd a banquet will b held in the evening. iiPd a Huinnn Kt'pper. ' CltnSTON. la. . July 3. ( Special. ) At Lor liner Mrs. R. L. Higgles has brought a $5,00 damage suit against B. 1C. Gose , a druggist charging him with unlawfully selling whlskj to her husband , causing him , while under th Influence , to b a perfect demon and cousin him to lose his situation with the Chicago < Great Western road. HK'glns' son followe the father's example and also lost his job For these things .Mrs. Hlgglns has brough suit against Druggist Gose. his bondsmei and their property to rcccver $5,000 damages ri r l t nt Iln-Klitr < .it CroUo-i. CRiSTON. la. , July 3. ( Special. ) TVo un succ'ssful attempts were made last evenlnf to rob the safe and money drawer at th Ewlng hotel. The night bell boy fright ened away the first burglar , who made hi appearance about 9 30 In the evening , enterlnf by a side door and getting ready to tap th safe. An hour later , while Clerk Rex wa In the front of the room , he htard the be ! on the money drawer ring , and rushing t the ofllce saw a man disappear through th door that the other thief had entered earlle In the evening. He secured a revolver. 1f 1i 1 Will Ki > i'i i dllclrcn Off tint Mrrnt. f MASON CITY , la. , July 3 ( Special. ) Th ' city council last night passed a resolutlo making It unlawful for children under 1 years of age to be found on the streets afte it o'clock unless accompanied by parents o guardians. The police have been Instruct ? to arrest all such , and unless suitable ex cuse Is given , to lodge them In Jail eve night. Resolutions were also passed for bidding the assembling of three or mnr persons around school housis or church prop ertl's , and janitors were given special pollc power to enforce this order. AV mi I thy VH Mint. OSKALOOSA , la. , July 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) Mrs. Cora Taj lor , colored , wife o the editor of a democratic paper hero , ha brought a damage suit against Henry Lunt a leading democratic farmer and politician claiming $8,000 damages for criminal assaul and for several other matters Lunt Is on of the wealthiest farmers In Illchland town ship , and was the democratic candidate fo representative two years ago. Iiifiintft' i.iiniu ui .limit Cltr. SIOUX CITY. July 3ir-Speclal ( Telegram. Arrangements have been completed her for the location In the city of a branc of the National Infants" , home. The clt has a number of orphan , asylums , but non at which babies ore received. The hoin will be opened In a short time. ' hut HII IOITII VVoinuli. HOPKINTON , la. , J ly q , ( Special Tele gram. ) James H. Llvlpgstqn shot Mrs. / Sloan In the neck last evening with a re volvr. Sloan , his wife a'd daughter ha trouble with Livingston and attempted t whip him , when ho shot In self Uefensi Livingston gave himself iupi iw * ( invo DrakfMi tlfioni , SIOUX CITY , July 3 ( Special Telegram At the Woodbury cqupt'y , republican coi vcntlon today twenty-fhre'o' ' - delegates wei chosen to the state convention at Des Mo'ne The delegates will go unlnstructed , but It understood that almost without exception the are Drake men. I.IIIIK nr Mmix City Property. SIOUX CITY , July 3. ( Special Telegram Ths city assessment for 1895 , which ha juat been completed here , shows a fallln off In the assessed valuation of the clt since 1S93 of $0,726.073. The assessment f ( tills year Is $11,2M.2S4. ) > r Dnnlso or u I'roinlnent I'urmcr. MALVEUN , la. , July 3. ( Special ) A. Dl lahay , a wealthy and prominent farmer ar Etnck raiser , died at his home near Hill : dale yesterday after a long Illness. * r hpenkor Mi'JtT Ilrnnueil Dead. j" 1 CHICAGO , July 3. Speaker Mejcr of tli Illinois house of representatives died at Frei port , III , His death was unexpected , a though lie bad bceu 111 lor some time. It IT II'ITIITIVP T IlTI'f * \ MAN \\1111 \ \ NINE LlvLS ho Tenacious Grip of a Brooklyn Mnu Discounts Thomas Cat. UFILATED BUT STILL IN 1IH R NG tiililicil , tut , blint ntul Hltmii Up , llo llun aloud It All lllght llirro Doclurn Demi Who Trcdlttoit that llo Would Die. As the Fourth of July draws near , says the Vew York Sun , the friends of George Klcln- ) Ub are considering whether It would be ail- Isablc to enter Into a contract with the hos- Itals of Brooklyn to take care of him. They re firm In their belief that he wilt need an ospltal on the Fourth , according to a habit f his. Klelnbub Is the uroprlctur of a beer saloon In North Eleventh street , Wllliams- lurgh. Among his neighbors he Is known as the man with nlno liv.s , " owing to the iiuni- cr of accidents he has pa&icd through wlth- ut being killed. Klclnbub's first accident happened jut after ils sixth blrthJay. He was brn In Germany , t Durmelshelin , on September 2 $ , 1832. On September 30 , li5S , he Indulged In the ba > s' lastlme known as "cut behind. " A farmer's \agon was going along the road when George decided to take a ride. He cut behind he wagon and his right leg got caught In one f the wheels , whirling him round and round. The farmer drove tlf'y puces before he dls- oven-J Ge r o i.nd when I o stopped I o Mind ho lad unconscious , cut and bleeding. Th0 lector at first con Iceruii tno case hopeless. 'lually he succeeded in bring ng the lad around all right , but George was left with a > roken ankle. In 1SC3 his parents moved to Carlsruhe. A'hen 11 years old he was iic"Ucntally shot jy sportsmen In the ablnmen and right leg , ust above the knee For seven weeks his recovery was doubtful. Both bullets were extracted , and young Klelnbub finally recov ered. He still retained careless habits , and net with many little mishaps , but none worth recording. Five jcars after ho hail jeen shot by the sportsmen he followed n party to a dance , and got Into a row with n oldler. The solller drew a knife end stibb 0 Klelnbub In tlm he-id , neck and shoulder George defended himself , also using a knife and laid the soldier low , with an ugly woutu In the abdomen. Fearing arrest , he dccid i to make his way to America Ho did not have enough money to pay his passage , so he decided to sail as a stowaway. Tying a handkerchief over the stab wound In his head he managed to stop the flow of blood until he got aboard a vessel bound for New York On November 28 , 1SG8 , ho landed at Cistlt Garden Ills brother had hndul two year" before , and George found him In New Yorl after a search of ten days. Then he got a job In DC Castro & Donner's sugar refiner ) In Wllllamsburgh , married a German girl and went to housekeeping. Ho continually complained of pains In UK head. The stab wound had not heale 1 , am gave him so much trouble that he consulted i phjslclan about It. He called upon Dr Schiller , who had an office on Bedford nve mil' , and the doctor made an examination o the wound. This was In 1872. "My dear man , " said the doctor , "there' a piece cf the knife In your head , and I sup pose It has been there since the day > ou wer stabbed. It appears to be work ng It-e'f out so I'll Just poultice the wound and keep I open. " Klelnbub kept the wound poultlccJ until on day the workmen in the sugar house begar throwing wet clothes at ono another. On cloth hit Klelnbub on the head , knocking of the poultice and bindagc from the wound nm causing It to bleed. Klelnbub washed awa the blood and felt his head. The hard sub stance that had been bothering him for year had dlsappeired. He afterward found It i the poultice. It proved to bo the end of steel blade , half an Inch wide and one Inch I length. Klelnbub repbrted the matter to Dr Schiller , who dressed the wound again and I soon healed. That settled the headaches. At that time Kleinbub lived In Soutl First street. Wllllamsburgh. On July 4 1873. he celebrated Independence day an was severely burned about the hands whll setting oft firecrackers. On the followInr Christmas day. while using a knife to clear a cylinder revolving nt the rate of l.0 ( ! ( revolutions a minute , the Knife got cnugln In n set sciew , flew from his grasp am pierced his left arm nt the wrist , pinning I : against the machine and severing sinews and artery. A'ter that he could not use hli left hand. Up to this time he had beer left handed. The accident made him rlgh' ' handed. Ho was fourteen weeks In bet nursing his Injuries. In ISSfi he opened a saloon of his own One of his customers had a leg broken nm It was decided to rallle a pistol for his bene fit. The raflle was to take place In Klein bub's saloon and there the pistol was left Klelnbub had n pistol of his own , which hi kept loaded behind the bir. His sot Julius wanted to compare the two pistol : and took the cartridges from the loadet pistol and fitted them Into the pistol tlm was to be rallied. A customer came li then and young Klelnbub forgot about tin exchange of cartridges. Later the son wen to supper and the father looked after tin saloon. A man named Haas entered tin place and asked about the raflle. Then hi asked permission to examine the pistol Klelnbub told Haas that the pistol was no loaded and Haas picked It up an ) , pullei the trigger. A discharge followed and a bill lot entered Klelnbub's left side , grazing tin upper portion of his left lung , passim through a rib and lodging In his baek Klelnbub , who was behind the bar , graspei a whisky bottle and procetvled to drink Haas ran out Into the street and summonei help. Dr Hughes of North Sixth slree was the first to arrive. This time Klein bub's relatives thought he would suiely die Dr. Hughes probed for the bullet nnd lo cated It , but was unable to extract It. A this time wagers were laid by Khlnbub' neighbors upon the result. Two weeks late Klelnbub was up and about , attending t business as usual. On July 4 , 1888 , Klelnbub celebrated Inde pendence day by burning his light ear wit a giant cracker. For a week Klelnbub wen around with his ear tied up. On July 4 las f he broke the celebration record by ex plodlng two kegs of powder. That inornln. he had purchased an unusually large quan tlty of fireworks and the neighbors pre dieted III. All day Klelnbub amused hlmsel by firing a big cannon In the yard In th rear of his benr saloon. At night he stnrte In to whoop up things with eky rockets an Roman candles. Then he began to Ugh flower pots , using a torch he had made b rolling up a piece of newspaper. There wer two kegs of powder behind him , one c which had been opened. He placed a Howe pot on the ground , touched It off and thre' the lighted torch behind him. He turne around In time to see a flash. A double e > plosion followed and Klelnbub found hln self on the ground ten feet from where h had been standing. Every pane of glass I the windows about the neighborhood we broken. People ran from their house thinking there was an earthquake. Kleli bub's house trembled as If about to toppl over. When the men In the barroom g < over their fright they hurried to the jan where they found Klelnbub He VM.S stl coniclous. The powder had blinded him an had spotted his face so that he resembled man who had been tattooed , He remalm blind until October. Now his Bight Is full restored , but the powder marks still remai In his eyes and face. In speaking of h experiences Klelnbub paid : "I guess the only way to kill me Is ' put mo In the electric chair. I am scai from head to foot. I have three scars c my neck , two on my left arm. one of in fingers Is gone , my left hand U ut-eles my ankle Is broken , my head bears tl marks of three accidents , I curry a 32-calIbi bullet In my back I carried an Inch i steel In my head for four jears and I no have It up there behind the clock. I ha\ a bullet wound In my abdomen , another I my leg and my face and eyes are spottf with powder. I guess that's enough for 01 man , but I stood It all right and I don know what to expect next. You see , a me who has been shot three times , etabbad i many more and otherwise Injured as have been , gets accustomed to It. But I i tend to be a little more careful this Fouri of July , for I haven't many more lives ipare. But here Is a queer thing Thn of the doctors who have attended me at who have said on as many different occ slons that I could not possibly live thr of these doctors are dead and burle Strange , lau't UJ" Ari/i/.sr VKA TRIM O.N TIIKion * - 'luces mid lloir lo lift Them the Ihcmr * nt thr InpUol. LINCOLN. July 3. { Special ) A Casual Isitor at the state capltot would Itiugmo hat the destinies of the commonwealth of Nebraska hung upon the political appoint- nents to place by the various "boards" into vhlc'i ' the executive department ! " cf the Mate re divided. Jus' , now the appointment of hre secretaries of the State Board of Trans- tortatlon Is the one supreme topic of con- ers.itlon. Of course It was c\poi ( d that he day following the selection cf Messrs ) llworth , Farrall and Sutherland would be onsumed In excited discussion of the event , mt It was hardly expected that this Incon- equentlal topic was to be Inrped upon for a veek to the exclusion of much more mo- j nentuous business of the state * Hut there has itlready be'ti more talk about i he action of the t > oard than has bicn di rected toward any one of the few beneficial | aws passed lust winter for the benefit of i he people of the states Place , place , place appears to be the burden of the thoughts of almost every on" connected with the capital n tin otllclal capacity. There was hardly : ho element of news In the appointment of I : hese three secretaries. The subject had > een discussed for six months prior to the | naming of them , and It was known long In | idvance that some one must be elected , and. n all probability , some one have to make vay for new men Each member of the joard had a c.mdldite. and they could not igr.e. This fact was known for months 'Inally news came from Omaha that a choice mist be made In order that the names of lie new secretaries could be substituted In he pipers of th maximum rate case , and , of course tbe board was obliged lo act. Over 100 liallots were taken , and now that n holro has been made the election of Governor llolcomb last fall created but little more , iost mortem talk In the capltol than the selection of two unimportant secretaries of i really unimportant adjunct of the state ilcpartments. The author who will prepare a book on "How to Get n Political Job and How to Hold It" will find an eager class of buyers In Lincoln. The first edition will go llko hot cakes In the stale capltol. and the next live will bo taken In blocks by the residents of the city. But one can hardly wonder at this deplorable state of affairs when It IP rccol lected that PO large a proportion of last winter's legislation was directed mainly to the passage of bills creitlng "oft political Jobs for people who seem to find grcit dllll- culty In getting the support duo every mnn willing to work , and prefer to accept chtrlt > from the state Instead of the countv Two of the secretarj ships of the Board of Trans portation are political charity Jobs. Two of the secretarj ships of the Board of Irrigation are the same. Three of the secret irvships of the Board of Health the same. There are- dozens of other positions now InriinihTcd with ta\eaters which could be abolished to morrow and the state be the gainer. Tlie banking board Is continually bedov iled t > 5 applicants for receiverships of broken state banks and this branch nf the public business is conducted with secrecy nnd stealth. Coxey's army was no more grotesque than Is Ne braska's grand armyof place hunters which continually haunt the capltol. Murdered Ills Ml * r'ft Svrcnthexrl. GUTHRIE. Okl. . July 3. A tcrrlb'o ' murder is reported from Garvln postolfice , seventy miles cast of here. Noel Gardner was tn be married to Miss Durant Monday , but her brother , Rudolph Durant , objected to the mar riage , and when Gardner and Ceph is Garvlu a cousin of the young lady , called at the home Sunday the brother met them at the door and shot and killed both. The mur derer then lied to the woods and escaped. Ml < slnur Muri hunt MICH In nuldiiiid. SAN FRANCISCO , July 3.A local paper says that Eugene A. Bres'-c of the firm of I. W. McGlaughlln & Co. , whose disappear ance neatly two weeks ago after the some what sensational dissolution of the firm , his been Involved In considerable mystery , was seen night before last In East Oakland bj two persons who knew him well. SIc- Glaughlin & Co. arc the commission mer chants who figured in the Fair deal. Klrli Silvir I'lnil In Cnl nrudo. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS , Colo. , July 3. Great excitement exists in the neighbarhoo of Hahn's peak over the discovery of an Immense menso blowout of silver bearing rock , said to como from a blanket vein. The ore Is said to run several hundred ounces to the .on. There are alrea 'y ' 100 or 500 men on .ho ground and hundreds of claims have jeen staked. \d\rntlnt I'lniMl lor Vlol.itlng iundiiy l.uu. CHATTANOOGA , Tent ] . , July 3. Eleven Seventh Day Adventlsts on trial at Dayton , Tcnn. , charged with an Infraction of the state Sunday law , were found guilty and fined $5 to $8.50 , which they refused to pay and went to jail to work out their fine. Tin ; KIAI.TV : .utiiivnr. INSTRUMENTS "laced on record July 3 , 1895- WAHHANTV DKUDS. I * .1 Tlmmons nnd wlft to Oh.ulns SUokan , s 30 fiet of Int 1. Mock 111. e'orrlK.m 1'I.icf $ 150 Jo l.di Kent mid wife tu J K K' nt k > t 'J , lilnck 3. Koiintre 4th mill , ami n IK f > * ct of f 'i ' cif lot 0V K IJ JCuKvrs' OU.ilium.i . 3,000 II I Plumli find wife to 12 ! ' H > ley , lot C. Pennrlt'H pulidlv . 1,000 llcnr > Nflson ntul wife to Atmli Olstn , lot IS , bloilt ( i , llaKer I'liice . 1,400 DIIDH. Spt t 111 mnptfr to Itn > nl VV llsim , lots 3 nnd 4. lilnrk ! i. Md'uirue'8 mM . 3.DOO fniiicto J II Mriilunt. lot 7. Dock 3. Kuuntzo 4th add . . 1.001 Total amount of trntixfcrs . J 10.011 Mn. Anna finite , wlfo of Ui-lktputjr JJ I' H. Mnrfliul. Cii- * . . Knn. , unf a : X I wn" ilollTprei T of ' HmiiiijMilnutesnml with i-cnrreljr iinyW pnln nftcr mini : V only tno bottles of vi 11 MOTHERS' ' ! FRIEND , " * BoiittylljprprnorV/ r * mull , on reulptory 7k- - - mlirtl.OOl.rrbnll A li..ok "To Jlothei oil free. $ IIAI > HKLI ) Hr.GUI.ATOU CO. , ATLANTA , ( JA Q Nulil by all JlriiKicl'l * . "GUPlDEHh" Cures tbe cftectH of self-abuse , rxcebses , ctnlhslonH , Imnotency , varliocvli ! iiiul cuiibtl nation. Ono dollar fi box , MX for J3. KOI Bale by TIIK aOOU- MAN niU'O CO . and KUI1N & CO. air and beautiful the woman whoXeeps at n tlKuncc ( he com. ple.xion benuUftcru , jia I it t ! < ntul pnrvilcts , \v lilclif ooti tulti the face. A liealtliy clew to the skin , n face without rvtinkk'S anil ' /I / eyes , will be > outs If you ' ( I keep the system ntul thit organ * in good coiitlitlntt Tlie young uitl , orvo. . man often grown ( ink1 , wtinkled ami thin , cats little. cverj thing vv caries her , 'ilie com plains of herself as aching ami MIIC and as sleeping pexnly Often nhc Is trotiblcil w itb luck.iclic , or a lender spine , with a bearing , ilovvn weight in tlie alMlomiMi , or at period ] she- may be incRtiUr , or suffer extreme paiu ftotti lunctional derangements Ir ) I'lerce , chief consulting physician lethe the Invalids' Inslitttlc.ol lUlir.ih ) , N Y . in his long and activeexpetl. ctice , met ninny discs of this kind , fol which lie used ii ptesetiptton which was found to cure mii'li dillicuHics pertminenlly in ninety ftyht perrut of all cases Ilaviii ) : ptoveti Si Miccessful , Pr 1'iereo tint his " Rivorite Presctiption " otillieniaiketatiditislo.d. y fold more latfily than any other uiedicinu for the ills of woman Vat all iunriiotml deraiiRetncnls , displace- mi-tits , ulcftalidii , inflainination. and the drain from the lining membrane * of the special inlet nal uigans of women , Dr. 1'ierce's l--ivorlte Pieseiiption reaches thu origin of the trouble , and corrects , it. Mrs MAKV CHIM a ( fmnkfutl l > nnltin Ci > . , IlltrlttH * "A lew jc.irn ngo 1 took eolil. vvlneli tc ullntin femiile trouble and nlleilal in > vvlutli sxstciu About a year ngo I Itwk rlnlN li.nloneur two a inuiilh , tlumy were \try weaken lug 11 ml piitK m my sidts inure hc < iiiciitlin Icll-idc gtadinllx grew wotvc until fnm ly 1 to take tn bed I li.ul a bid cough nnd could n t re t I com menced taking ycMir > ' lindiLine took it ulxmt four months tnkliiR * c\en tMittles of Doctor , , , Wines I'nvonlc 1'rc XIKS tllM fcriptiou nnd five of lim ( tolden Mcdtcnl ll < u cover ) " Mv uiijlit : Ins inctcased nnd I feel better and stoutu I lime tor ) cnrs , " This cxtm- Constipation , ordinary Ko- DlrzfncfS , Jnvonntor Is Falling Ken- the most KAtloiiK.Nerv wondcrfn' ous twltchltiff discovery jl of the cjrs the nice , nnd other bus been n- pails. dorsod by the leadlngK'len- Strengthens , tlllo men of invlioiutcB ; lAiropo and ami tones tlio America. cntlrcpyfctcm. Hudyan Is Hudian ctirca purely vcgo Deb i 11 ty , Ublc. NervonmieBS , Hudyan stops Km Ins I OUR , Fremalureness nnddevclopes ami restores of the d 1 R- weak . organs. charge In ZO 1'dillB 111 tllO days. Cures back. 105601 LOST by d n y or MANHOOD liijlilstoppcd quickly. Over 2,000 private endoTCmcnK 1'rcmatiircnchS means Imnoleney In iho flnit Ftnto. It la a tymp'.om of Ecmlunl v\caknCK3 ami hnrrcnnesi. It can bo Btoppcd In " 0 davs by thu use of Hudyan , The new discovery wn > ( rnado by thofippclal- IsUofthooldfninousHudson Medical Institute. It h the strongest vitnllrer made. It is very powerful , but haiml s. f-old for SI 00 a pnck- nROord packages for 85 00 ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written guarantee given for a cure. If you buy six boxes and are not entirely curedsix more , will bo sent to jou free of all cr-arces. Send fur elrcularnond toktlmonlnK Address HUDSON MKDIOAI , INSTITUTE , Junction MoclUon , ,1IarUot A ; 1C 11 Instn. Null I'ralicluro , Cal. aiOUUC P. SANFOIID , A. W. RniKMAN , I'rcsiJent. Cashier. of COUNCIL BLUFFS , ( own Capital , - - $100,00 I'rofits , 12,0000 One of the oldest banks In the Mate of low a. We solicit your business and collectlona.Va p.iy G per ctnt on time deposits. Wo will b * pleugcil to see nml ecrvc ) ou , Special Nolices-Couoci CI11MN13VS CLKANCD ; VAULTS CLKANKD. IM Ilurke , at W. B. llomtr's , 13 $ llruailnuy. " " "l'AHMAND aAUUiN LANO POll kau duni ) unii un caay ttliua. Duy & Hew * . 29 1'eurl utrcft. TDK bALi : , A NO "liEMINcffbN TYl'U- writer ; UH KOCH ! au new. SimilHkli Manufactur ing Co. . lu S and 1030 S. 11 a In slreu. roil HALi : , A NHAHLY NI3W NINIMlOOif li u c , with b.illi , Ubttrn , city wutir ut housn and barn , fiult , nice Hliailu iiuia un a nicely Int f.ixji ( fiet. fur I2a > 0 ) , two-thirds cash 94 ! ) 1'iTln uviliuc , Council Illufta WANTIU ) . TWO fllltl.S TO WOUK. IN ICC en am t > .u | > r In ( iraml 1'l.iza , Lake Mnnnwn. Good reftunceu ruiulrul. Apply at ( Jruntl 1'lazii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTIU ) . AT ONC'13. A ( ! OOI > MAN TO WOIUC on fiult firm din furnlHh luniBit to lt\o In , J. H. .Mcl'hiTwji , 1281 Kant I'lerco street. _ IXJST. IILAC'K , HIMC-MNI5I ) C'lUCl I.AIl ruin. Keturn to Mrs. J M. Dueler , 710 1'ierco Btroet. riii : ) MIU , AND nwni.UNo norm : , To miliH fiom Count 11 Illunx tu truilc fur urn > n ciiintrt'riil faun lantl. M ) at ris KI" " ! lantt fop Kill' In riiiii.iin uounty , Du , uiumllp from nillnuiil piliv. II , tOO. r C. lungee , Council In. COUNCIL BLUFFS , STEAM DYE Y/0.1KS / All kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning done In the highest style ot the art. Faded ana stained fabrics made to look us Rood as new. Work promptly done and delivered In all piirta of the country. Bend for price lUt. O. A. MAOIIA.V. Broadway , near Nor'h- t rn Depot Council Llulf. . Jo a Tel. KL Strictly 30c Pure Per Lb , Davis Dfog , Paint and Class House. The largest direct buyers in our line selling at retail in Council Bluffs. If you buy anything in the drug , paint or glass line it will pay you to see us. 200 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa *