THE OMAHA DAILY BEJSH TirTRSDAY , JULY -I , 1895. VALKYRIE III FINISHED LAST Both Britannia nnd Alhn Defeat tbo Wai- eon Crack on Actual Time , CORRECTED TIME MAKES MATTERS WORSE Opcnln ? Krents of Ilia .Mud Honk Yacht Club It.iro4 n NurprUo In Several for I bo rollovtcri of the Sport. HUNTERS QUAY , Firtli of Forth , July 3. The challenger for the America's cap , Val kyrie lit. started this morning In the race for the Mulr challenge- cup , her competitors being Ailsi and Ilrltannla. To the dismay of these who had built great hopes on Lord Dunravcn's now yacht , Valkyrlo was s ) uarelv beaten In a good breeze by bath Allsa and Urltatinla. Ilrltannla beat the new yacht by seven minutes ten seconds , corrected tltne , and AMaa defeated her by ono minute fifty- eight seconds , exclusive of her tlmo allow ance. Valkyrie heeled over a great deal In c fairly stiff breeze , and with her working top. sail set had her Ice ralJ under water whet Ilrltannla and Allsa were carrying their clut topsails and going along much stlfTer. This was on the reach back to Kllcreggan on the second round , and , consequently , It Is not as tonUhlng that the yachtsmen of Great llrltalt are not an sanguine as they were of bringing the Amerlpi's cup back to these shore ? . Valkyrie III In the race today allowed Alls : tw i minutes fifty-nine seconds , and she al lowed Drltannla four minutes two seconds When the darting gun was ilred at 10:30 : a m. Ilrltannla and Allsa crossed the line al most together , with Valkyrie a couple o lengths behind. Karly as it was In tin race , it was evident when the yachts passei Cloch lighthouse that Valkyrlo was makliu a pt-or showing. The three yachts , however raced In fine style from Skclmorllo toward : mark boat No. 3 off Ascog , Isle of Hute which Ilrltannla rounded ono minute ahead o AlUi , the latter being half a minute alien of Valkyrlo. There was very little clungi from that time on until the yachts rcache < the Kllcreggan mark beat No. 4 on the firs round. Up to this point Valkyrie hart beei steadily falling behind , and she fell away stll more perceptibly on the beat homo aftei rounding the Kllcreggan bent mark. HHKKZE STIKKHNRI ) SLIGHTLY. The breeze Increased slightly In strengtl after the yachts started to reach mark boal NO. 2 off Skelmorllo on the second roiim1 and It was found necessary to take In Val kyrie's club topsail. Allsa and Drltannla however. , held on to their club topsails am stpod up nicely to the wind. There was lltth change in the positions of the yachts wher Skelmorlie mark boat was rounded on tlu second round , but Valkyrie had dropped fur ther behind. The recession In the wnn order continued to the Ascog mark boat No 3 on the second round , which Ilrltannk rounded a mile ahead of Allsa , which wa : still leading Valkyrie by about two miles Valkyrie stood up badly on the stibsequcni easy reach to Kllcreggan and at a smallci topEull , but she had lost ground , which she never regained , and only half-hearted peoph greet'd Ilrltannia's victory. The yachts passed Cloch lighthouse on their way to Kll creggan on the second round In the followinf times : Britannia , 2:16:16 : : ; Ailsa , 2:25:21 : : Valkyrie , 2:27:01. : : At this stage of the racf Urltatitila was looked upon as bMng a cer tain and easy winner , barring accidents. Tht yachto reached back to Kllcreggan on tlu second round In a strong breeze. Valkyrie seeing thnt slio was still falling astern on liei competitors , spt her working topsail In ordei to try to Improve her speed. Hut she heelec until her lee rail churned the water , whlh Itritannla and Allsa , still holding on the ) : club topwlls , were bowling along splendldlj and standing up much stiffcr than the cut challenger. In this order the yachts roundec the KIlcreRgan 'mark boat and strode fron hora with Valkyrie hopelessly beaten bj both Ilrltannla and Allsa. TIME AT THE FINISH. The following were the times of the threi big yachts at the finish : Ilrltannla. 2Sfi:37 : : Allsa. 2:37:13 : : ; Valkyrlo III. 2:39:13. : : There fore , according to these figures , Drltannh beat Valkyrlo by three minutes eight seconds ends , actual time , and by seven minute ; ten seconds corrected time , giving her tin rllowanco of four minutes two seconds vvhlcl Valkyrie grants her over a fifty-mile course On the other hand , Allsa beat Valkyrie b ; one minute fifty-eight seconds actual tlnn and four minutes , fifty-seven seconds witl her time allowance of two minutes fifty nine seconds. At the club house of the Mudhook Yach club , after the race , all tlio yachtsman as sembled looked very glum. "There Is no good sending her to America better send Ilrltannla , " was the g.-nera comment. Sufficient proof was given by thi America's cup challenger today that ch has quite fallen short of expectations , line no point of sailing did she show the leas ground for proving that she will be a rea aspirant for America's cup honors. Although the main interest of'the da ; was in the race for the big yachts there wer not many people who did not wltn-'ss th' ' race between Howard Gould's Hprres'iotf built yacht Niagara and Lord Lonsdale' Eucharls. The Intter won decisively In to day's hrccze on both reaching and In wind ward work. Encharls was more tender thai Niagara , but she has a clean deliver ; and Is expected to go even better In llgh winds. Dakotah was allowed twelve minute and fifty seconds by the other yachts com prising this event , as she Is barely ai -eleven-rater and her competitors were al about twenty-raters. Dakotah was expcctei to save her lime allowance , but Kuclmrl finished first , three mlnuten ahead of N'lag are , and won the race outright. Xinlt was a little behind and Dakotah was fourth Captain Carter , Ilrltannia's skipper , sal after the race that he was very sorry Val kyrlo III lost the day , a * > , although he ex peeled to run a boat to win , yet the feelln of patriotism took first place , and lie fearei that Valkyrlo HI had a poor chance of win nlng the cup unless she improved. CAMllKIIHil- WINS F1SO.M OXrolll Athlotlc Contest Hetween tlio llnlvrrnltlp < > ttl il by tlin Thron Allln linn. LONDON. July 3.-The annual athletl games between Oxford and Cambridge mil versltles began nt the queen's rlub ground nt 4:30 p. m. today. The prospects of a International contest between the wlnnln team today and a team ropresontlng Yal university greatly Im-rcnstul the Intcrec taken In the meeting between Oxford an Cambridge today , lloth teams arrived her from llrlghton this murnlnir. Uesults : J. (5. ( .Jordan , Oxford , won the 100-yard dash. Timti : 0:11VJ4. : Watson. Cambridge , won the weight pul ting contest , with : i" feet 9 Inches. G. A. Gardner , Oxford , won the high Jum with D fct't nine liu-hes. The one-mile was won by W. 10. Lutyons Cambridge. Time : 4.2.1 2-5. AV. K. Oakley , Oxford , won the hurdl race In 0:1G : 2-5. The quailer-mlle run was won by A\ Fitzherbert , Cambridge. In 0:50. : 'The running broad Jump was won b Mendelson of Cambridge , who covered : feet -IVs Inches. Jn throw Ing the hammer , O. II. Ilobertsor Oxford , w-oii with Hit fet 7 Inches. The three-mllo run was won by V. i Horan of Cambridge , who thus scored th victory for his unlvi'islty. The time wa 14:03 : 2-5. The fcoie at the end of the game stood : Cambridge , C llrntH : Oxford. 4 llrati LONDO.V. July 3.At the conclusion c the universities' tents today V. ' . J. Oakle ; president of the Oxford Athletle rluh. sal to n reporter of the Associated press ; "Wei the question of Yale's challonEC now rest with Cambridge. " Subsequently the reprc t'cntutlvix of Oxford nnd Cumhrldge nu and considered Yalo's proposals. At th close of the meeting the following olllcl : Htntomrnt was Issued. "Tho comm'ttcc decides that as Harvar refused to ngroe to their part In the origin : proposal It would not be deplrahlo for O ; fan ) and Cambridge to meet Yale slngli hunded , which reason the committee n grotH , In vlmv of the sportsmanlike pn pcsal of Yule. "As any othur American combine seen' under ( ho clrciimitnnces to bo impossible , new only remulns for Cambridge , us U winner of today's contust. to deolil whether the can consldor Y le'n ulmllengi This they propoto to do immediately nn will ( TQmniunlcAla their decision nt the eu : llcst possllile dute. Ynln's proposed date too late for the Cambridge October term. " r Alhletlct t'liili. HASTINGS. July 8. ( Hpeclal.-Hustllif ) ti to have a new athletic erouud. A stoc company has been organized , with I'd Mar quis ns president , Kthel Haynes vli e presi dent , H. C' . Morln secretary nnd Herbert Oliver treasurer. It Is styled the North Side Athletic club. They lmv lenseil t n acres on I hi- north side of the old Hewitt property for three years nnd will rommencc work nt once to got In shape. They are to hav one of the best bicycle tracks to be f"iind In the stnte , anil their object is tn have some llrst-class rares here before nnd during the relink n , The ground will also be used for ba. e linll , feint ball , shooting matches , ote. Those who have charge ol the matter are pushing It hard. t.'AMKS Ol- Till : \TIUNAL , lialtliiioro Take * n l.lltlo Tighter drip nn Ilr l I'lnrn In the Knee. NEW YOUK , July 3. Now Yorks lost limit eighth straight game. This time the Haiti- mores took them Into oatnp. It took ten Innings , however , to do the trick. Score : New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 ft I Humiliate 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1-C Hits : New York. 11 ; Haltlmore , 10. Errors : New York , 3 ; Baltimore. 2. Earned runs ; New York. I ; Baltimore , 1. First base by errors : New Y < .rk , 1 ; Baltimore , 1. First buffl on balls : Off Untie , 1 ; off Hemming. 1. Left on bases : New Yoik , 7 ; Baltimore ! . U. Throe-tm p hit : Btodle. Stolen ba es : D.ivls , Jcnlng" , 2 ; Glcasoti. Double idays : Hem ming to Olenson to Clarke ; Jennings to Chuke. Hit by pitched ball : McGraw , Urodl" . Passed halls : Kan-el. Batteries : Husle and Knrrel ; Hemming , Esper nnd Hoblnson. Umpires : Emslle nnd Tuthlll. Time : Two hours and cloven minutes. At tendance , 2,000. . COLONELS NO FFN NOW. LOt'lSYlLLE , July 3. Cincinnati won to- day's game by superior woik In every par ticular. Inks was knocked out of Ihe box 111 the fourth Inning. Cincinnati's Melding was the feature. Attendance , 781. Score ; Cincinnati 0-1E Louisville 0 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 0- ( lilts : Cincinnati. IS ; Louisville , n. Error.- ) ; Louisville , 5. Earned runs : Cincinnati , 7 ; I-oulsville , r. . FltMt base on balls : Off Phil- lliia 2- off McDeimott , 2. First b.ine on er rors : Cincinnati , ' . ' . . Struck out : By Phillips , 1. Three-base bits : Collins , McDermott , Iji- tham. Twn-ba e hits : Latham , Miller , Hog- Hover , Phillip * . Warner. Secrltlco hits ; Hogt lever. Double plays : McPheo to Smith to Pnrrott. Hit by pitched ball : Preston , Batteries : Phillips and Murphv ; Inks. Me- Dennott nnd Warnrr. I'mplre : Keefe. Time Two hour * . BEANEATEHS FALLING DOWN. BHOOKLYN , July 3. The visitors were completely nt the mercy of Gumbert'f curves. StlvPtts pllched well , but was PC orly supported , which accounts for al least three of Brooklyn's runs. Score : Brooklyn -f Boston 0 U 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 ! Hits : Brooklyn , 7 ; Boston , -I. Errors ; Brooklyn , 4 ; Boston , 4. Earned runs Biooklyn , 2. First b.ise on balls : Off Gum- h < -rt , 2 ; off Stlvetts , 4. First base by errors ; Brooklyn , 2 ; Boston , -1. Left on bases Brooklyn , ii ; Boston , G. Struck out : By Humbert , 2 : by Stlvells. 2. Home runs ; Duffy , Tread way. Thiee-baso hits : Ban- non. Stolen bases : Hannoti , 2. Batlerles ; Humbert nnd Grim ; Stlvetts and Ganzel. Time : One hour and fortv-llvo mlnules , I'mplre : McDonald. Attendant. 3.7UO. P1HATES' HAGGED FIELDING FATAL. CLEVELAND , July 3. Today's game was hotly contested from lirst to last. The nigged Holding of the visitors , coupled with a few timely hits , gave the home team the victory. Attendance3,0i)0. ) . Score ; Cleveland 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 * .1 Plttsburg 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 lilts : Cleveland , 10 ; Pittsbtirg. 10. Errors : Cleveland , 3 ; Plttsburg , 3. Earned runs : Cleveland , 1 ; Pittsbnrg. 3. First by errors : Cleveland , I' ; Pitf-burg , 3. Left on bases : Cleveland , 5 ; Plttburg , . First on balls : Off Cuppy , 1 ; off Jordan , u. Struck out : By flippy , 3 ; by Jordan , 3. Three-base bits : Steiuel. Two-base hits : Puppy , Cllngman , Stenzel. Stolen bases : Burkett , McAleer. Double pla\s : Blake to ; Cuppy to Childs ; Tebeau to McGair. Wild pitches : Cuppy , Jordan. Batteries : Cuppv and /Simmer ; Jordan and Sugdeu. Umpire ; Jevno. Tlmo : Two hours and twenty-live minutes. SENATOI5S GET ANOTHER. WASHINGTON. July 3. The Senators gained a big lead in the seventh , and It was never overcome , but the Phillies made a game flpht and almost tied the score In the ninth. Attendance , 2.SOO. Score : Washington 0 0 0 2 0 2 7 0 0-11 Philadelphia 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 H Hits : Washington. 11 ; Philadelphia , 15. Errors : Washington. 1 ; Philadelphia , 4 , Earned runs : Washington ; Philadelphia , fi. Two-base hits : Thompson ( " ) . Three- : lilts : Carlwright , Hassamaer. Me- tti'ire. Home runs : Hamilton , De'.ehnnty ' , Stolen bases : Boyle , Cartwrlght (2) ( ) , Glass- ccck. First base on balls : Off Maul , 1 ; oft Lnmpe , 4. Hit bv pitched ball : Olasscock , Left on bases : Washington , 4 ; Philadelphia , (1. ( Struck out : By Maul , 2 ; by Lampe , fi. Batlerlos : Maul and McGulre ; Lampo and Clemenls. Time : Two hours an 1 llilrly mlnulea. I'mpires : Uedheffer and Murray STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lo-t. P.Ct Baltimore 52 33 1 ! ) iB.l Boston ( B 32 21 CO.- Plttsburg r , ' . ! 35 24 f,9. : Cleveland M 35 21 f,9. : Chicago C.l ! .W 2fi 58. : Cincinnati m 32 21 S7. : Brooklyn TM 31 21 5ii. Philadelphia 55 30 25 51. ! New York fR if , 30 40.- Washington * w 22 T ! 10.1 St. Louis M IS 41 30. , Louisville 55 S 47 II.I Games today ( morning nnd afternoon ) Boston nt Brooklvn ; Baltimore at New York ; Washington at Philadelphia : Cleve land at Pltlsburg ; Cincinnati at Chicago Louisville at St. Louis. ONR WnSTKUX ASSOCIATION" QAMK Lincoln ( lets u I'oUpnnpil Onmn from Itoclifnrd In n lUril l''l-lit. TJNCOLN , July 3.-Spcclal ( Telegram.- I'ndL-rwood's wlldness and Lerett's error Ir the third Inning lost today's game foi Hcckford. It was a battle of pitchers , Kim merer coming out lirst best. The featun of the game was the sensational playing o : Holllngsworth. Score : Lincoln 003000001 Hockford 000100000- Hlls : Lincoln. 5 ; Hockford , 5. Krrors Lincoln , 2 ; Itockford , 4. Karned runs : Kock ford , 1. Two-base hits : Ebrlght. Three base hits : Truby. Base on balls : Off Klin merer. 2 ; off t'ndeiwood , 2. lilt by pltchei ball : Bv Underwood , 3. Sacrifice hits : Hill Speer , Klmmerer. Stolen bases ; Kennedy L < -reH (2) ( ) , Truby. Struck out : Kbrlght Kunnedy. Holll'igsworlh , Cole. Doulih plays : Holllngsworth to Ebrlght to Hill Hill to Sullivan. Left on bases : Lincoln K ; Hockford , 4. Batteries : Klmmerer am Speer ; I'nderwood and Snyder. Time : Om hour and forty-live minutes. Umpire : Mr Waid. Waid.STANDING STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct Peorla 51 3.1 IS t. Lincoln 50 32 18 B4. Omaha 50 M 22 5G. DCS Molnes 48 23 21 52. Qulncy -ID 21 25 -ID.i Itockford 51 21 30 41. : .lacksonvlllo 30 20 30 40. St. Joseph 40 It ! 33 32. Games today ( morning and afternoon ) Qulncy at Omaha : flockford at Lincoln Ptorla at Des Molnon ; Jacksonville at St Joseph. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HIOKMS OF TilK WKSTKKM tnVJU Mlnncnpoll MnUei * n Sncrninful Stunt AgnliKt tlin SI" , rani' . ST. PAT'L , July 3. Today the Apostle and the Millers played off the game post poned from May II. Score ; St. Paul 123310002-1 Minneapolis 0 0 2 0 3 II 0 3 * 2 Hits : St. Paul. 14 ; Minneapolis , 24. Er rors : St. Paul , B ; Minneapolis , 4. Butteries Jones , Pepper and Boyle ; Htmly and Wilson STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Plaved. Won. Lost , p.ct Indianapolis 52 31 13 in. Detroit 51 20 23 M. Milwaukee 5 23 'M 52. Kansas City Kl lit 2'i 52. St. Paul M 27 27 50. Minneapolis f.2 21 2S 4 . Toledo Kt 23 30 43. Grand llupids r 5 2J 3.1 40. Games todav ( morning nnd afternoon ) Milwaukee at Kansas City ; Giund Itaplds a Indianapolis ; Detroit at Toledo ; Mlnnvapoll nt St. Paul , morning ; St. Paul nt Mlnneap oils , afternoon. fourth of .Inly ( lamps. The Qulncys and Oinahas play two game today : Qnlncy. Omaha McVey First Ink I.urocque Second Hutchlnsoii McCormli'k Third Nuttres 1'arrell Hhort Ulrlc : Murtos Left Shaffe While Middle Slagl Armstrong Hlght I'ae McGrecvy or Wlnkleman.p.Carrlsh or Darb Holand Catch Lohma First game called nt 10:30 : a. m. Second gam * called at 3:30 : p. m. .Muy TniiiifciIliuiilrt to Denver. PKOUIA. III. . July 3.-Speclal ( Tele cram. ) President Kent of the Wester association today Issued u call for a meet Ing of the association , July 5 , at Omaha , t eonsldor the transfer of the Omaha tear tj Deliver. The Omuha team stands thir In the association , but falls to draw pay-In attendance SlOt'X CITY. July 3.-Special Telf gram ) The management of the Oman base ball team has made a formal offer t Manager Uoycr of the Sioux City basu ba pnrk of Omaha's franchise In the Western association. Mr. Hoyer has taken the mat ter under advisement , nnd the prospect ? are that the offer will be accepted before the end of the week. IIAI.L AMI bl'ltl.Nd CHICK KN Oinnlm Trnm I'leniitntlr Hntertnlned by Iho > prlngllrlil I'ruplc. Yesterday the Omaha Western association team went to Springfield to play an exhi bition game with the club there. It was made 11 general holiday by the people there and royal entertainment was afforded the Otraha visitors. Mews. Spearman , Fox , Taylor , Hamilton anil Burbank were the prime movers In Iho alfalr. t'nder the spreading boughs of H line old grove tables were prepared and there was s-erved such n dinner as only the good women of Spring- Held rouhl prepare. Omaha's ball players , accustomed to hotel lure , hail ilscu and gone without br-akfac-t to catch the train that bore them thither , ami so had the usually keen edge of a beulthv athlete's appetite doubly whetted. Did they do Jii'tlce to the meal ? Ask Man ager McVlttle how many spring chickens Louis Napoleon linl. z con sumed. and you'll gain a faint Idea of the performance of the team at the tablo. Kvery chance was clearly accepted , the piny at the plato being something to mar vel at. After dinner n game of ball was played. It was royal outing for the team. Score of the game : Pprlnglleld . 000001000-1 Omaha . 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 * - CHits Hits : Springfield , 7 ; Omaha , 5. Krrors : Sprlnglleld , fi ; Omaha. C. Two-base hits : Bates. Three-base hlU : Nattr ss. Bat- iMles : Peters , SchulII'- and Hates ; Darby , Balsz ami Pace Time : One hour ami forty- live minutes. Umpire : Carrlsch. Features of the game : Clement , shortstop ; Hates , catcher , _ IOWA L. A. W. MKKT AT .1 ii''FHHSO > TlioiniMls : of llnwlinyo Wheelmen ( Jiitbcr- Hig tottimd tlio Ititces * JEFFERSON , la. , July 3.-tSpeclnl Tele gram. ) Vpward of 500 wheelmen are In the city ready for the big events of Thursday and Friday" and they are arriving by score ? on every train. Everything is In readiness for the greatest meet ever held west of thf Mls l slppl , and with fair weather , which appears almost certain , 3,000 wheelmen and 25,000 people will be here tomorrow. The track has been worked steadily for r week and Is In perfect condition , Ir fact the men on the ground say It H far superior to Gnlesburg ami equal to any path west of Chicago. Several very fas' hra's ' wen- run by class 1 ! men tblf afternoon , nnd barring "trong winds several seconds will be clipped elf state records to morrow and Friday , nnd some of the Chicago cage class H men say the tlmo for a mile will be close to two minutes. The wheelmei : assert that the prizes , which are of diamonds mends , gold , sliver and raclncr wheels , ag gregating over $2,000 , are the ilnost hung ui nt any meet. Ira Thomas of the Oskaloosi racing team was seriously Inlured while sprinting at 5 o'clock this evening. The steering head of his wheel broke , hurling him to the ground , cutting and bruising him In ix fearful manner. Ills condition is critical nnd It Is feared Internal Injuries were sustained. d IrketfirH ( iet Awiiy , At C:10 : yesterday evening a team of thf Omaha Cricket club left over the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway for St. Paul. The t am will return to the city on Saturday night , and during the time It Is ab ent will play three matches ol cricket , two in St. Paul and the oilier In Sioux City. Ono of tin1 St. Paul matches will be with the St. Paul Cricket club , \ml the other with the Minnesota Cilcket club , These will be played today and tomorrow. The Sioux City match will be with the Sioux City Cricket club and will be playei ] on Saturday. The team expects to return with al least two victories , although the St. Paul matches are expected to be hard fought. They will be played on eucoaiiul matting , and as the Omaha team Is not used to this It is thought that It will interfere with its play. The team U composed of : 11. Lawrie , captain - tain ; Percv B. Ford , mib-captnln ; George H. Vnnirhn , W. II. Vaughn , H. Harcotirt. J. Francis. J. H. Burnett , J. C. Dnyle. H. Mar shall , C. Young , J. Cameron nnd II. Taylor. It. A. Kemp , president of the cricket associa tion. and Mesdnmes Lawrie , Ford , Vaughn and Marshall accompanied the team. ( icrniiu ) Veteran .Mtirlinincii limy. GLENDALE , U. I. , July 3. This wab veteran's day of the national pchuetzenfest. By 8 o'clock fully f.,000 people were on the grounds. Franz Sicgel arrived late In , the afternoon ami was escorted through the shooting pavilion by GIH Zimmerman. There were forty-seven silver medals , fif teen gold medals and six silver festival cups won today. The high scores In the Columbia Honor target were : H. Barton , Bridgeport , Conn. , 07 ; C. Sllcht , Hoboken , C3 ; Whnyes , Newark. Cl ; W. A. lions , IB : C. C. Hoyce , Jersey City , 0:1 : ; John Ilrbham , Jersey City , f.2 ; C. W. Lotne , Cl ; H. Wal ter. New York , Cl. The following marksmen have each score < ! by placing two bullets within the Inner cir cles on the Slicb Gormanla target : John HebhHin , Jersev City ; G. W. Lot ? , Brook lyn ; E. W. Travis , Philadelphia ; Fred Meyer , New York ; E. Ulobau , San Fran. Cisco ; W. C. Collins , Greenville , N. J. ; E. A Hoi/man , Philadelphia ; J. S. Picker , ] Meurcr , Henry Kroeger and John Bum- berg , New York. Divld City Doesn't .Ml Mmipln , DAVID CITY , Ni'b. , July 3. ( Special Tel egram. ) The Y. M. C. As. of Hastings fel before the superior playing of the home team today. Some of our people fearei that the home team would be weak , owlnj tn Maupin , the colored catcher , luivlnj. jumped the town. Maupin left numerous creditors and has soured the ppoplo on col oied players. Frlol's work behind the ba : today was as good as any ever done bj Manpln. Hasting ! * nnd David City havi played six games , each winning three. They will play two games tomorrow. Score : Hastings . 0 00000200 1 David City . 0 0010012- Hlls : Hastings , 0 ; David City , 5. Knors Hastings. 7 ; David City , 2. Struck out : IJj Perry , 2 ; by Cook , 3. Batteries : Hastings Perry and 'Webster ; David City. Cook am Frlel. Umpire : Mayor Hall of David City llnnnil to llnvn tlio 1'lglit. DALLAS , Tex. , July 3. The refusal o ; Comptroller Finley to Issue a license foi the Corbett-Fltzslmmons mill has had m perceptible effect on the managers of tin F'orlda Athletic club. It Is not even loukot upon ns a "frost. " Thev say that cmlneni lawyers have decided that glove contests are not prohibited by law in Texas and thai the mill will surely take place In the rin In the city of Dallas cm October 31. { 'iiiil-l'iiml * I him Itufiiel. SAN RAFAEL , Cal. , July 3. The Fetnl final games of the lawn tennis tournamen ' took place today , with the following' play ing : D. L. Allison beat H J. Holmes ; F E. Mitchell beat Dr. Phillip * ; II. By-bei bent J. F. Archibald ; Sumner Hardv bea D. L. A'.ilson. Hardy also defeated Georgi Do Long. Tomorrow will conclude tin tournament. _ Some l\nro ! ItecordK I.OWCI-M ) , PATEltSON , N. J. , July 3.- Two record. were smashed this afternoon nt the Touris Cycle meet nt Clifton race track. One wai the half-mile horse track record at Clln ton , which wan lowered to 0:30 : tint by L C. Johnson , paced by n landem. The othei was the backward riding record , Lee Rich ardson making a quarter In 0:13 : 1-5 , uuiitini lls own lecord of U:57Vj. : _ Mntr. I'rin. l.n n tlin Klrst. GUKELEY CENTEH , Neb. , July 3.-Spe ( clal Telegram. ) The tirst of the ball game ; between the Grcelt-y Center team nnd tin Metz Bros , of Omaha was played here thl : afternoon. 11 was considered u good pnme The score was 10 to 3 In favor of the Gree Icy boys. The .same teams play on tin Greeley grounds tomorrow. Jtyitn II. i a Itiicker. SYHACt'SE , N. Y. , July S.-Tomm ; Jlynn. champion welterwelghl of the world received word from Chicago today tha Hugh Muher of Hint city would , back bin for S.'i.O'.x ) against "Mysterious" Billy Smlll of Boston and says he will now forei Smith to light or keep still. l.uttlieg Wins thu Mutch , CINCINNATI. July 3.-Max Luttbej threw Joe Burns In catch-as-catch-cai w resiling In twvnly-llve minutes tonight This gives Lutlbeg the purse which wa ; left undecided In the contest last S.itnnbi ; nlpht , when Luttbeg gave Burns one fall. t'luiiK i Imuip < in Mill * fur llnglniiil , NEW YOUK , July S.-Chess Champion W Stelnltz left for England on board tin Bteamer New York today. Ho will partlci pate In tlio forthcoming International che : tournament to begin on August 5 at Has tings. _ MiilBoiR Uhliiml | | TECUMSEH , Neb. . July 3.-Speeial ( Tele Brain. ) On the local grounds this after noon the Watson ( colored ) ball team of Nebraska braska City was defeated by the Tecumseh : by a score of 11 to fi. Tnrrn Iliiutn Tnko * Tolmln'i 1'liro. TEUUE HAUTE. 1ml. , July 3.-Tern Haute was formally admitted Into the West erti Base Ball league today , succeeding thi Toledo club , Sunday base ball will be per milled here , FAILED TO ! , If EACH HIS MARK Directly Sent fiiMilo Against Timontthc St. Joseph Meeting. GOOD WORK DONE BY THE YOUNGSTERS HnrnoM Horses. t ontlnno to lln n Dr.iwlug Cnrdln Spllo Of Threatening \\cutlior 1'uur Gatill on the ST. JOSEPH. Mo. . July , ° , . ( Special Tele- Brain. ) A strong south wind proventel fast tlmo at the summer race meeting today. Several small showers Interfered with the attendance , hut 4,000 people were present , The track was fast and In prime condition nnd every race was hotly contested and ex citing. Ono of Ihu events of the day was the attempt of Dlroclly lo lower thu world's S and 4-year-old pacing record. The horse was driven by Andy McDowell and made the prettiest mile ever feen on the St. Joseph track , making the circuit without , a break In the following time : First quarter , 0:32Ui : half , lU3i : ; third quarter. 1:3 : < ! _ ; the mile In 2:09. : Tomorrow Allx will attempt to lowot the world's trotting recoid. The first event today was the unfinished 3:00 : class pacing , In which Dan McPabo and Tom Leo had each two heats to their credit. Tom Lee won the fifth heat and the race this afternoon. Time , 2:16i : . First money went to Tom Lee ; second , Dan McCabe ; third , Gladstone ; fourth , General Sherman. Three-minute class , trolling , purse $1,000 ; 1'annle Holnmn , b. m. , by Bay-ton ( Brewer ) ] Bobby Wllkes , ch. g. ( Alexander ) . . 1 3 2 t Plonxty , b. g. ( Curry ) 2 2 3 E Xavler , b. s. ( Fey ) IJond , b. s. ( McDonald ) G list Time : 2:2ti : , 2:22 : , 2:21-14 : , 2:23U. : 2X : < } pacing , purse $1,000 : Lady Nottingham , b. f. , by Netting ham ( Miller ) . . . i i i Dick , gr. g. ( McDonald ) 2 2 ! ! Erie B , b. m. ( Mansby ) G 3 I Gtayson , b. s. ( Harmon ) 4 7 -I John W , b. g. ( Lane ) 5 5 I Star Doujilas , eh. s. ( Merrill ) 7 C I Carlottu , ch. m. ( Marcy ) 3 Ids Grace Wllkes , r. m. ( Blakcsly ) Sio Impudence , Echo , Crystal Maid , Brown jbyes , Kansas Chief distanced. Time : 2:11 : , * 2:2S trotting , purse $1.000 : Tiotwood , b. a. , by Phallas ( Mc- Heury ) i i 1 Black Hall , b. s. ( Fry ) 4 3 i Pat L. b. s. ( C.irmon ) 3 2 f Packet , ch. g. ( Tyler ) 2 I -i Ida B , b. in. ( Clark ) S 9 ! Silver Seth , ch g. ( Alexander ) 0 S r Eager , b. . ( Slant ? ) 5 5 ( Lily Glenn , ch. m. ( Curry ) 7 ( i 1 Judge Tranbv , ch s. ( Ill'ngham ) 9 7 di Time : 2:111' : , , LM9 ; 2:17'i. : Two-year old pacing , purpp $1,000 : King of Diamonds , b. g. , by Belolt ( Parker ) 7. . . . . . . 1 1 Sulphide , b. c. ( Cummlngs ) i i Manznnltln. b. f. ( Granger ) 3 r Thorndlno , b. c. ( Morgan ) 4 I Midnight , b. e. ( Hosslnir ) n ds H.ippy Union , r'h : s. ( Tilden ) ds Timp ! a-17 ' ' ii. FrontlcoMuiln n ( i iino UUCP. CINCINNATI , July 3.-The best race ol the day at Uaklpy track was a handicap foi 11-year-olds. In vihiuh P.U Dunne's Ponsc colt. Frontier , made a wonderfully fast and game run down the strentch. boating Millie M u head at the post. The time was the best of the season [ < ) r the distance , 1:03 : fet live and a half fuiloiigs , o. I ! . MurrlV Ellen won a selling nice and was um up JTJV ) ovei her entered price of $ .yx > and was bid In by her owner. Summaries : First race , pun-e ; live furlongs : Miss Frances ( : i to 1) ) wet * . Lucella (12 ( to 1) ) FCI- . end , Miss Ross Cl to 1) ) third. Time : 1:02 : . Second race , i-'idllnu. seven furlongs : Ellen (2 ( to 1) ) won. Sisie | 1 ! (5 ( to 2) ) second , Klmoi F (1 to 1) third. Time : 1:2SU. : Third race , nmve , six furlongs : Neutral (7 ( to 1) ) won , The Sculptor ( even ) second , Curator ( S to 1) third. Time : li.- ; , . Fourth lace , handicap , live nnd a hall furlongs : Frontier (3 ( to 1) ) won , Millie M ( ( to 1) second , Kamlro (7 to 2) third. Time : ! : OS. Fifth race , spiling , seven furlonpn : Addk liuchanan (6 ( to 1) ) won , Santa Maria ( rte r to 1) ) second , Yellow Uosc (12 to 1) ) third , I'no KxRltlii ? nnltli nt Uuy District. SAN FRANCISCO , July 3.-Tlirco favorItes - Ites and two second choices won at 15ay District today. The five furlongs handicap was the only feature of the day and was won by Marlon In a very exciting finish. Results : First race , live and a half furlongs , sell- Irg. for 3-year-olds : Bobolink (7 ( to 1) won , Hnnford (4 to 1) ) second , Amlgo (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:0 : $ > 2 Second race , live and a half furloncs , sellIng - Ing : Melanle (7 ( to 10) ) won , Rico ( ! > to 11 second , Venus ( I to 1) third. Time : 1OSV , , Third race , six furlongs. Helling : Carmel (7 ( to 2) ) won , Julia Martin ( S to , " ) second , Nellie O (13 ( to fi ) third. Time : l:17'i- : Fourth race , live furlongs , for 3-year-olds ; Myron ( I to 1) won. Seraphim (3 ( to 1) ) fee- ond. Rlnfax (13 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:01. : Fifth race , mile , selling , 3-year-olds : Remus (7 to r > ) won. Miss ( Jarvln (2 ( to 1) ) second , Greenback , jr. (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time 1:45V4. : _ " _ _ CiirrUnn Will lltdn Toclny. NEW YORK , July 3. The attendance al Sheepshead Iay ! was good , but the card wat poor. Garrison got bis license as a jockej today and engaged to ride Sister Mary It : the last race tomuniiw. Summaries : First race , live furlongs : Fascination (8 ( tc 1) won. Sebastian (5 ( to 2) ) second , Sir Petei II ( I to 1) ) third. Time : 1:01. : Second race , six furlongs , selling : Hurling. ham (3 to 1) ) won , Derfargllla ( even ) second Declare (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:11 : ! - . ' ) . Third race , mile and a quarter : I'rlinrost ( fi to 5) ) won , Lnnsdale ( even ) second , Toir Moore ( C to 1) ) third. Time : 2:12 : 4- ! > . Fourth race , one mile : Southampton ( < i tc 1) ) won , Helen Nichols ( S to , r > ) second , Emm ; ] C (3 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:42 : 1-G. Fifth race , Futurltv coin-so , selling : Mac ] . Brlggs ( even ) won. Premier ( I ! to 1) ) second Heresy (5 ( to 2) ) third. Tlmo : 1:13 : 1-5. Sixth race , mile and a sixteenth , on turf selling : Integrity (4 ( to 1) ) won. Deer Slayei C ! to 1) ) second , Sulonlca (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time 1:19. : _ Driving : il .Mlnm Irili I'.u-k. MINNEAPOLIS , July 3. Results : Flrsl race , free-for-all trot : Fantasy won lirst third and fifth heats and rnce. Time : 2:03 : " Olf 2:11'The : lust qu.mcr In the Una heat was trotted In forty seconds. Dlreuum David I ! and Kentucky Union also .started Second race , 2:2S : trot : The Corporal woi three straight heats. Time : 2U : 4 , 2:2-- : 2-2,1 Wlllet , Dr. C'ronln , Louisa ItV U Clotilda , Templemoie and Gambart alst Thlid racp , 23 : trot : Flora Howling wet three straight beats. Time : 2:2JU : 2 : | is 2:25. : My.itie , IClaln , Brltlaln and Adretoi also started. Fourtli 2:37 : trot : Medium Wood wor three straight heals. Time : 2:30V3 : , 2:31j : 2:2GVi. : Cos-etta , lleiesy and foymphony alsc started. _ , _ 111 : ; I } ti\fil'fi < Kniiiis ( liy. KANSAS CITV.i .luiy 3. A good card and sui erb racing conditjon attended the larg est attendance qfthv , mooting at Exposition park today. LaRcVf ) , an outsider , won the third event , and Pony Hob , at S to 1 , took the last race. ThV1 rither three events went to favorites. ItWXilf * : First race , fotir imd n half furlongs , 2- ymr-oldB : Plug-Ll ( to 1) ) won. King Hnzul ( I to 1) ) second , > a irt : ( u to 1) ) third. Time Second race , ft've-efghths of a mile , Hell- Ing : Roy ( evertVHwili , Leone ! ! (3 ( to 1) ) sec ond. Republic (30/to ( 1) ) thltd. Time : 1:03 : Third race , four aivl a half furlongs : La Rose ( G to 1)vrtn ) , Kinest L (11 ( to 1) ) second end , Northwestern , < 3 to 1) third. Time 0.r : > S. ' ' Fourth race , sta and a half furlongs : Col lector (7 ( to 2) ) won. Snurloy the Smugglt'i (1 ( to 3) ) second , HtlbArp (7 to 1) ) third. T.nie 1 * nl/ Fifth race , slx'and ' a half furlongs : Pom Hob ( S to 1) woit' ' Mltrphy (10 tu D second JIoss Terry (2 ( tQolMttlrd. Time : 1:25. : ( innd Spoil ut I'cnrin. PKORIA. III. . July 3.-Fas t time and e\ citing races WCIP the rule today. Mas Morgan won the uMimstu I 2-.1 : tut. Franc ! M second , NVlbut Chief third , Margaret l fourth. Tlmi2ro'j. : . - Herglna two stralgh : 2-year-old ti-ut : won heats In 2.17 , 2:38 : , Mesutte second. Athlc one D thlid. 2:1'J : pace : \ Vesly P. won In three stralgh heats In 2:1 : S. . 2:1CV4 : , 2Wt : , 1) U sec < ind Lady Von third. . 2:40 : pace. 3-yi'ar-olds and under : HI lei won In straight boats In 2:5 : ! ' , , , 2.-"j. 2J1U : lloland second , Ja' k Mc < Jregar thlnl lionnlo V.'llkes fourth. 2:2S : trot : Deputy won In straight heats li 2:2S' : . . 2.WV22' : , March Onward second Pauline third. Klet-trlc Hell fourth. Cru'or' * lliir .t ( tun I'liplHfetl. NKWMAUKF.T. Jli V 3.- This was th. sue uid ( lay of lh < > Newmarl.ct llrs' Julj mii'Mns Tilwe - t < v runrii-rs l ji | the P.anntio.i rti s , i I rn In. nar. i's Mom , i K uhi h I. > \ i wai I not t'.rt 1. Th c nui n of tni ract TlTe Plantation stakes of C sovereigns eigns each for starters , with severegns aildcd ; lialf the aweopstakes to the second ; for 2-year-old colts and llllles. colts to carry K stone 12 pound * nnd Illlles 8 stotiia pounds. The course wns over ttu last live furlongs of the Manbnry mile. Mr. Porter's Chlnk.irn won , Mr. Douglas llalrd'H Done gal second and Ijoril Radnor's Longford Lady third. IJrnvrrVtieohnrii \Vt-nt Through , Yp .torday afternoon nt 1:30 : n special train of three cars pulled Into the Union depot with 100 Denver wheelmen and wheelwotneii who are on their way to the annual league meet , which opens lit Asbury Park cm July 12. They only remained In the city ten minute' , but 'luring ' that time they whooped things up with their yells at the depot In a manner that surprised the attendants. They call themselves the "Denver isar , League Meet club , " and their cars weto 5 > lcntlfull > adorned with their emblems and iiiottoes. The men wore all attired In neat brown p.intalnoiis and swenteis and woie whltu cups , with an emblem of the club colors , old gold and black. The only Omaha wheelman who ( olncd the party was David .1. o Itrlen. The party Is accompanied by n laigo number of frlemU lr ! MlU at Del rent. DKTROIT. July 3.-Flrst raco. selling , six furlongs : Kmper.x (3 ( to 1) won , Rupler ( Ifl to 1) second , Stone Mason ( I to 1) ) third. Time ; Il4ij. : Second race. nlne-sKteenths of a mile : llnrry Lewis (7 ( to 1) ) won , Musfelman ( cvnn ) second , Sublto (5 ( to 1) third. Time : 0V4. : Third race , Russel house stakes , 52,00for ) 3-yenr-olds , mile and an eighth : Maurice O to 20) ) won , Frank K do to 1) ) second , Hallllng (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 13. : Fourth nice , seven furlongs : Rochet ( S to 1) won , Alamo (7 to 1) second , Tutlla (15 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:29X : , . Fifth race , one mile : Itacon (2 ( to 1) ) won , Medstnr ( C to 1) ) second , Tlppecanoe (15 ( to 10) ) third. Time : l:11Vj. : Itrulrlcn'x ' . Knuliig I'liuiH. 1IRATRICK. Neb. , July 3.-Speclnl ( Tele gram. ) The races to be given tomorrow afternoon at Linden Tree park by the lleatrlce Driving association promise to beet ot unusual Interest and will bo witnessed by a large crowd , If the number of horse men arriving In the city may be taken as an indication. Three races have tilled , there being live entries In the 3W : class , ten In the roadster race and live In the 2:23 : class. A bicycle rnco , one mile and repeat , will be ssmdwlched In with the trotting races. The lirst c\ent will begin promptly at 2 o'clock. I.links l.licn n < > lft ti , KiM'imn. NEW YORK. July 3.-There Is a small entry list for the rich Realization stakes at Shoepshead bay tomorrow. Keenan , with 122 pounds , Is considered so formidable that other good 3-ycar-ohIs have been scared off. Connolfenr , lit ) , and Dolabra. 112 , have been easily beaten by Kcenan ami their chanced seem to be small. King Aithur II Is nt 112 pounds. Hrlght Phoebus , at 115 pounds ) . Is considered the most dangerous of the lot. Thi1 others , Counter Tenor , at lls , and Ciomwell , are considered uncertain horses. 1'ncliig K'.ICR nt AHhltiiid. ASHLAND. Neb. , July 3.-Speclal.-An ( ) Interesting pacing tace took place this afternoon at Sportsman park between Jes sie L , a 2-yoar-old owne 1 iy Alex Lav- el ty and driven by G. ,1. Marsh of Kalamazoo - mazoo , and Benjamin , ij-ycar-olil , owned by James Slmmlngton and driven by him. The race was a half mile , three heats , won by llenjamln. Time : 1:21. : Ilc \\t\\r \ \ After Divon. HOSTON , Julv 3. IkeVelr , the cham pion feitherweipht pugilist , has challenged George Dlxnn to fight at Dallas , Tex. , dur ing the coming tournament , for SUiOO a side. Welt claims that Dlxon e.innit : right fully meet Hilly Plimmcr of Kimland In the proposed nt Dallas until he has wrested the title from h'.m. ' Oiiitilit > IT /iMMiriipy. . Omaha racers and a great horde of Omaha's wheelmen left on the fast mall at 3:43 : yesU-idax afternoon on their way to the state meet nt Kearney. They were over 10J In number and they started with an enthusiasm that promised to bring back several big prizes to Omaha. UUIXU TU KKI.L IlKlt H/.IJ/O.V//.S. Mrs. J.claml Stanford S.ild to Ho Hard I'll Iioil for Iti'ady Money. SAX PUANCISCO , July 3. The Chronicle says that Mrs. Leland Stanford Is about to start for ISnrope , where she will dls-pose of her collection of Jewels , valued at over $500- 000. Among these Jewels Is the famous Empress Kugenle diamond necklace , for which Mrs. Stanford paid a fabulous price. Th Chronicle says that the reason for Mrs. Stan ford's action is her desire to make the Stai. ford university a SUCCESS. The litigatioi nith the government over the Stanford estate has tied up the Income , and funds are hadl > needed to maintain ths university. In order to raise the necessary money Mrs. Stanford will sacrlflcs her jewel * . Moot ! ilin 'I rialVoll. . SAN FRANCISCO , July 3. The naval board appointed to Inspect the cruiser Ol > m- phi has completed Its task and forwarded Us report to Washington. The Olympla was taken to Eea for a cruise of forty-eight hours. Further tests were made In port after her return from ths trial trip. While declining to anticipate thflr report to the secretary of the navy , members of the naval board ad mitted to an Associated press reporter that the report was favorable to the cruiser. They stated that the Olympia Is perfectly sea worthy. and In construction quite up to th * specifications In every respect. Her ma chinery worked satisfactorily , and the othsr test ? resulte-d In the approval of the entire board. Denies that till ) Uonmn Is 111 * Wife , SAN FRANCISCO. July 3. Daniel H. Foley , a capitalist of this city who was re cently Miert for a divorce , will soon Ille an answer to the suit , it is said. In which he will deny that the plaintiff is his wife. In 1S7C he was married In Massachusetts to the woman who now claims to be his wife and teen afterward moved to Eureka , Nov. , where he bought a gold mine. According to his story Mrs. Foley teen developed an Inordinate- ap petite for Intoxicating liquors and suddenly disappeared. He heard nothing from her for fourteen years and during her absence ob tained a divorce by default. War Itetv.Tcii l.tiiiibi-rincn. MUSKRGON. Mich. , July 3. Il st 1'Ues be tween the old and the new boom companies wercs resumed today. All the new com pany men , forty-three In number , were ar rested on charges of trc.pas' . The oil company will continue every ( 'ay to a-rcst nil the persons touch , ng on tl.elr lands and driving logs on what they call their private waters. This move. If successful , will re sult in the complete blockade of million ? of feet of logs and the cltslng down of every mill In the city within a few weeks. tMrn WorltPM Co on CLEVELAND. July 3. Three hundred wire drawers al the works of the American Wlro company wont on strike today for a 10 per cent Increase in wages. The men made a demand for the advance several days ago and on being notified th's ' morning that It could not bo granted went out in a body. o - I loci ; Inland Track Unihcil Out. KANSAS CITY. July 3. A special to the Star from Caldwell , Kan. , says : Last night a very heavy rain fell in this vicinity. Twelve or fifteen miles Kouth of this phice , near Melford , abuut 1.000 f3et of the Kock Inland railroad track wab washed out. BUTCHERED FOR HIS JIONEH ( Continued from Kirp ! Page. ) locked hltu.oplf in his room early Tuojdny morning , nnd that they had neen nothing ol him sine ? then , llecomlng suspicious , they determined to get Into the room throiiRli the window , when they were mot by the sight which the Interior presented. No key to the door has so far b n discovered , nl- though It can be fastened by a catch on the lock. lock.When When Wcckbnck looked Into the window he did not notice whether the door to the room was open. When he entered , however , a moment later he found that it was open , The lock was examined and It was found that th > door had not been forced. The river In the neighborhood of the spot wlurq the coat , vest and hat were found was dragged for two hours List evening with no result. The chief Is of th ? opinion that the clothes were placed on the river bank simply as n blind to lead ppnplo to suppose that Srdjan had suicided , nnd that the body will ultimately he found In the neighborhood where the crime was committed. Kvery hole , vacant building and box car In thr neighborhood will Bg.tln be searched today under the personal supervision of the chl ° t. a large man , and It Is thought Hint his Indy would have made too large a burden not to have attracted the attention of someone. The railroad tracks , which load directly to the spot on the river where the clothes were found , however , are within two blocks of the Mlkan hous , ' . Late last night a I'nlon Pacific switch man , Hill Hay by name , reported at the police station that he thinks he saw a man jump Into the river at the foot of Jones street about S-20 Tuesday night. Hay was on top of n freight train crossing the bridge to Council Illuffs , and looked back when near the Iowa Blilo. His story gets little credit , however , SALVATIONISTS TO CELEBRATE I'liolr Program tor Todny Im-ltiilr * Street I'M rude anil other E'Yuttmn , Corps Nos. 1 and 2 of the Salvation Army In Omaha , assisted by the Council Bluffs corps , -have arranged to take a part In cele brating the Fourth of July. All day long under the trees on the open lot opposite the Omaha barracks on Daven port street , between Sixteenth and Seven teenth streets , the band will play and the army I.ISMS will sell Ice cream and lemonade. Seats In the shade will be provided for all. A public consecration meeting will bo held at the b.irracks at 3 In the afternoon. In the evening a street parade will march. "The Goddess of Liberty" will be Imperson ated by Mrs. Illff ; "Undo Sam , " by Captain Curran ; "John Hull , " by Mr. Tv > ay ; "Ger many , " by Mrs. O. R. Gilbert and Mr. Gelgengack ; "Denmark , " by Fred Sorren- sen and Miss Myrtle Johnson ; "Canada , " by Mr. Dunn ; "Spain , " by Jilt's Stella Ilarher ; "Scotland. " by Mlsa Laura Clifford and Illram Krum ; "Ireland , " by Lieutenant Wood and Miss Florence Hrobrg ; "Italy , " by Mrs. Pearl Grate and Captain Hone of Council Bluffs ; "France , " by Miss Rlla Mil ler ; "llustla. " by Miss Kllen 1'ape ; "Hol land , " by Ileach Krum ; "Sweden , " by Miss Lena llerg , Miss Anna Klndahl , Miss Klla Lundgrcn and Mr. A. Krlcks-on. The parade will bi ? conducted by Adjutant MeAbee. At the army barracks a groit "nationality meeting" will afterward ba conducted under the direction of Stall Captain Cousins. Sal vation hymns and solus will be sung In the various tongues , and the Salvationists' con quests and present standing In all lands will \ > i described as trophies for Christ. r.iii.uui.trus. S. McMurdle , Logan , Utah , Is at the Pax- ton. William Hlnes , Casper , Wyo. , Is at the Paxton. A. 15 , Townsend , Farmlngton , In. , is at the Mlllard. Judge Dundy will be brought home within a few days ? . Hugh Chlttlck , Hallo Fourche , S. I ) . , Is reg istered at the Paxton. John II. Dysart of the St. Paul Dispatch was In the city yesterday. William O. Gilbert left list night for Louis ville , where today ho delivers a Fourth of July oration. At the Mercer : A. L. Smith , New York ; > \ W. Sipple , Cleveland. O. ; Ira Mallory , Denver , Colo. ; F. P. Smith , Fremont , Neb. ; Kd H. Kelley , Mansfield , O. ; Miss H. L. Moody , Hot Springs ; C. S. Fosselman , War ner , Idaho ; F. N. llaxton , Council Hluffs ; H. D. Martin , Indianapolis ; John Trumball , Chicago , 111. ; Lyman Hrown. St. Louis. Mo. ; T. C. Hall , Ernest Barrett , J. H. Donaldbon , Chicago , III. ; C. H. Ileach , Portland , Ore. ; G. S. Harlaa , Lincoln , Neb. -NchniHUiiiii in I lie HotnK At the Delhine F. A. Patterson , Fremont ; J. W. Perry , Ord. At the Merchants John R. Hoaley , Ogal- alla : H. P. . Waldnm. Henlngton ; S. C. Veal- man. Hustings ; Mrs. 10. C. Halli'w , Mc- Couk ; William Mlcklo , Wescolt. At the Atcade F. R. liulimbach. Ilraln- nnl ; C. W. Priestly , Oakdale ; A. S. Sands , Wilbur ; D. 1C. Reese , Ottkland ; D. H. Crann , Lexington ; Henry Rye , Fiod Hoyt , W. Thompson , ( Jordon. o IA W.I 1. llltKI'I F/KS. Special Officer Keysor last night arrested Charles Robbins for stealing a pair of corsets from the Boston store. At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon a gasoline stove explosion In the resilience of Pat Con- nelley. at 813 North Twenty-third street , started a small blaze that caused $5 damage. II KATJlltK J'KXSlOMi. Vi'trram "f the Itrlielllou Itpiiioniboroil t > r tlin driienil < > ovcri iiicnt. WASHINGTON , Jldy 3. ( Special.-Pen- ) nlons granted , Is-sue of June IS , were : Nebraska : Renewal Cllntim li. Condon , Hampton , Hamilton. Increase James Don- ley , Mioken How , Cluster ; Wilbur F. Mc- Cord , Campbell , Franklin. Reissue John L. Sausman , Duatrlce , Gage ; Tromas 1C. Mouie , Stunner , Dawson. Iowa : Oilglnal Henry Iterer.der , Marshall- town , Marshall. Additional Adam Hovcn- den , Odeholt. Sac. Restuiatlon and lelstue Samuel S. Wllsrn ( > .e eas-d ) , Ran or. Mar shall. Increase Chnrle * J. Tanner , Rock well , Cerro Gordo ; C.ileli Dalley , Nw l.m don. Henry. Rels-uo ICdwIn Chapel , Cies'Ti , Kdwaid. Uillial | : wld'jW Rflssut Charljttv F. Wilson , linngor , Mai.-hall. North Dakota : Renewal and Increase John C. Mooic , Luddcn , Dickey. South Dakota : Renewal nnd Increase- James O. Hodgson , Ksmnnd , KliiKsliury ; Auvustm Loneus , Sioux Falls , Mlnindialiu. Colorado : Arlun Hondrli k , Villa Park , Arapahoe ; Hardy Faulkner , Pueblo , Pueblo. IiH'teaso Price M. Jones. Siiguache , taguache. Reissue-Hiram W. Foss , Sliver Clltf. Custcr ; John Ilrnun , Sugiiaehe , Sa- Wyomlng : Oiiglnal Hugh Cullandci , Lusk , Converse. Montana : Original Louis Frick , Ana conda , Deer Lodge. Wild 'II in , ) on tlio I In i r.I of Tnulc. CHICAGO , July 3. There was a wild , patriotic demonstration in the pit at the Hoard of Trade this afternoon , when tome of the younger members exploded cannon lire crackers and other noisy fireworks President llaker suppressed the hilarity and suspended Henry Poule and Frank Patridge for thirty days. They have appealed to the hoard of directors. TME PYRAMID P3LE CURE LeaiU nil other pile cures , I oth In i\uio nit culil and 'n Intrinsic merit. It lin In-en advertltrd by 111 fnendu , liy tlumi who Imvci sulfered the tor ture mid dlicointorl of piU-n , uud whu have fuund Insfiiu relief and u lustltig cuio truiii it * i : e. I'liyslcluiiH recommend it beciiiiHe It 1nb. . olutoly siifn ami can bo used at any tlmo and liy anybody without rUk of Injury or detention from business. C'urcblind , Ulut-dlug , prutruUlng and Itulung pllux. . .soun nvDRUOGisro m BOCTS. NO 8 > t.oo. PYRAMID CO. , PnopRiETORs , ALBION , MICH. TORfUREl ) THIRTY YEARS The Agonies ol Hi ; IniiuisKlon KndiireJ by Rheumatic Sufferers. An Ortogoimrl : ) ! ! Toll \VondcrfulHtoryol Ills Itfiimrknhlo Cure. John L. 0111. residing nt nt North Oranl avenue , Columbus , O. , aged SS years , says- "I suffered from rheumatism for over 30 years. The pains were very severe and often I was unable to move around. I have doc tored with many physicians and taken all kinds of patent medicine , but never received any relief until 1 began using Munyon's Uhoitmallsm Cure , Within twelve hours nftcr taking the lirst dose 1 was free from lulu and am now completely cured. " Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed to euro rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured In from ono to live days. It never falls to euro sharp , shooting pains In the arms. legs , sides , back or breast , or soreness In any part of the body In from one to three hours. H la guaranteed to promptly cure lameness , stiff nnd swollen Joints , stiff back , and all pains In the hips and loins. Chronic rheu matism , sciatica , lumbago or pain in the back , are sperdlly cured. Munyon's Homoepathlc Homo Remedy Company , of Philadelphia , put up specifics for nearly every disease , which are suld by all druggists , mostly at 25 cents n buttle Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor Miinyon , 1R05 Arch street , Philadelphia , giv ing full symptoms of their disease. Pro fessor Miinyon will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of ills advice absolutely free of all charge. The remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of re- tall price , A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On ImnJ. MnlUnl on receipt of price. 1'IIKAI.OK X I'K.M ! . , 1408 Turnam Hltect. Or > | i" llc I'axton HottL OMAHA. NEU. TREE. Munyon's Ouldc to Health with every nur- chaae of his iccnulno iciiiiHllos frnni KUI1N & CO. . Fifteenth nml Dnuglns , Omaliu Agency. All remedies mallei ! on n > celi > t of trice. See this nickel ? Serves to remind you that in nearly every principal city in America you will find one of Nicol the Tailor's stores , where they make the best to-orclcr garments in the world , at prices often imitated ncvcv equalled. Trouserj tb order , S-V to $14. Suits to order , $15 to $50. Overcoats about the same. Over three thousand styles to choose from. Only up-to-date fabrics dis played. Families mailed. Uiirmuntb c\prov od. ALL Ont WOUK MAUN IN THIS CITV IU THI : IIHST joru TAIUMIS. 207 S , I5Tti STREET. ALL OUR wonic MAW : IN THIS CITY DY THC IJEST JOPU TAJ LOUS. CHICAGO. ST. Louis. ST. I'Atiu I1OSTON. IIDNVKR. DnsMoiNBS. PlTTillURCi. WASHINGTON. New YORK. INDIANAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY. SANI'RANUSCO. MINNLAPOIIS. llAtmouu. I'CMI LAND. ORE. LOSANGLLKS. Searles S 3earas ) SPECIAI/ISTa , All forms of Blood mil Skill l > l nisos. : Soros. Spots. Piinples , Sernfiila , Tumor-i. 'Idler , Ku/.onia uiitl Itloo'.l 1'o'Min thoroughly cluansaj from lliu byslum. .LADIt-S given careful and hptM lal attention for nil their many peculiar all- , jVLiin- * . Liver , UyspopsU \mTiuiiblei cured by spuflal 'coursiof treatment. VITALITY WKAKi maclo UtfPAlf tVHPM i WtAK ( Vlt-IM HJ by too ehiHO iiiiilui- | | : llon to liu lnenH or tuily , evero mental KXCUSSKS In mldilU I etniln or irUf. BKXUAL llf or from th effect , of youlhfill foil e. . rill yield readily to our new Vt-atnient trr lo j of \VIIIT > F < Your troublm If ou" 01 city. ihc-usanJi \ ' * ' * ' r.ur.i at homo by oorn r' > . Dr.ScarlSi d dZOO ZOO SOAP J AS. S.KIRK &COU. . S. A rblZxM liiNTB. Today Matinees at 2 and 1 o'clock I'hlllun and the Arabs , amphitheater , lie. 3 o'clock daylight flreworku on the Inko. $1 Show 25c Tonight the nni ! t display of firework * ever Hccii In the west. 1MIIL1ON ) SPIRAL TOWl'.IJ [ Tcmlijlit 850 | Till' AHAll-i I AmpitltliCtttor 250 riiti'.wonus )