* 1 TTT15 OMAHA BAILY UEJSi MONDAY. JULY ] . I.SOS. SPEG1RL NOTICES. AilTrrllti'iiieiitii for ( here columns will lie ! ' ' " * or tl10 toornliiR > n > humluj llUlon. AilvtrllM'ri , by rcfirritlnc n mini be red < ) irck , tnii Imve nnnvfers iiililriMiitl to n numbered letter 111 rurn of ' 1 lin lire An I t-Mem no mlilrcMeil will l > o di'llTorril upon I turnlntltm of tlii ) clirrk only. ! ' 'U > " . 1 l-tc ! Moril , llrst ln i'ltlon , lu a unril licrcaflor. Nothing tiiUon for li ts limn "fio lor llrflt Inerrtlim 'I lireo uUvrrtliti'iiirnts mint iun tougecu * Uiely. SITUATIONH WANTED. ; WANTID 8TKNouitAi > mu AND olllro man wnnti pojliun Jul > in KUe > < " " ouperlento. Uc t refi r nri 8. AJdrtBa ( ' A\ . Viil iitlnp Nel.rnfkn WANTED MALE , WANTKD , 1,000 MHN TO WIHTK Mi : TODAY for thn receipt ( nbmlutcly free , In plain -alpl envelope ) which curwl me of nervoun ileblllly , ' txhnunlnil vltalliy. etc. Adilrens C. J Walk-r , llox 1 5(1 ( , Kataniazoo , Mich _ IJ-Mm WANTISD , rillST f'LABS Ul'HOLSTr.HKH TO w irk by day for a Bliort lime. Adiln-mi H llee. II MJ10 fir ! \VANTiO. MAN ON HALAIIY 'IO TAKI3 Oil ilirn In rlty If lui-rmfu1 will rivel nil MintcmtnU Apply aflur 9 a. in 1616 Iou - Itin IJ M136 J > Blli : LINi : . 00 < M ) HAL1WM1JN CAN API ) HIIIIP in unoo'-uplpil Kiomi'l. ' . MAJI iHHt lear iirneil l.SuO. Samplis ( Mllis. ) frw. j .jj" \VANTHU , aAMMMliNn-W" ! JHST S 13LL IN O Ilnn on the rout , liberal iulir > . also KUIe line men for j | .clully. California Cider Co , t h | . 11-M4 3 * iAH'i YOU 11ONUST , SOlllMl , 1NDUSTHIOUB7 11 HI , enuaKO wllb in for IKS'i. 53M a. month , J3.GOO n jear , you can make It < aay : Ix houm n day. Our imentH do not toniplaln of hard tlinpM Wliy ? 'llicy are making money selling riir Pfrffctlon Dliili Washer , the only practical family wadlier manufailuieU , wailn-s , drlri ) nml t" MBlii-K illihi-it perff-eils In two mlnulei. no expiTlenco nec < ury , a rlilhl of 8 operates IL IIH | | > i hi'iii | and iluialilc , v\elsnt ; , thlru-on pounilH. tnaile of nntl-rut nliect steel , ctiiarlly. | 1W plec < " ) , J10 OOil for ll iquil. ivery family wants UUP , > ou don't have to niinui. as sunn nn people know juu liavn It f'ir s il * tlieymml for a illnh vvashi-r : each iiB nt'H teirltory pro tected , no cumneiltlon ; we fill nluli simple ( vvclBhs hlv poumlH ) In nice case lo lii'ly net-ills to tak orders vvllh onn nt-'enl miulo J214 M llrst tfil iliyo. Addrens for full winlLUlarn IVrfec tlonJHfR Co. , itiBl'wUd ' , 111 C M l _ 57uiTvt'ANTi : I'OIl aiJNHHAL HOl'SIIWOHIv At 1119 ChlrnBO ' C--M178 GOOD (11UL roil OINLI\L ( nut si\vnun : SID" ) Mint C 3S2-2U * \S'ANTit : > , KTiNOlHArilill. : YofNO LAUY must I1 clllelent , euirect nml willing In woik Aildrcss , elating salary wanted , T 3llee _ FOK KENT HOUSES. iiousns , r. K. DAULINO , 110tWiS : IN ALLl'AUTHOKllliClTY THU O. r. Oavls company , 1W5 Iiirnnm. 1) 126 Iiqt'HiS , IIUNAWA & CO , 103 N. 10TH ST. ii. u. COLI : co. LAiioisT Liii' TN OMAIIA. roii HUNT un.suiADLH n roonifl , 211 S 24 Hi st , 530 7 room-t , ! I20 N. 27th uv e J22 50. rnoms , < tn7 Cass St. . 510. 9 romnt , 4027 Davenport st. $ 'a. ' n rannm. 3l0 Jnckwin t 58. r. ronum S.M1 1'rntt t . J7 Ben rtiMII ) Trusl Co , 17D2 rarnnm Bt D-431 jTl'JNTAL AO13NCY G20 SO. 1CTII t T. D-727 , T\VO 9-UOOM Illtlclc IlOfSIIS. lJ9PA 11K avenue , facinK llansrom park , nearly new. lilird wood llnlsli , nrst clait modern con veniences. Inrjuiro 1115 Soulh 52nil utreet D -M3M LATH. WITH HANOI : AND nil modern convinleneet ; avvnlnns. scrtens and Janitor m-ivlco. Call at corner lint. 701 S. IClti Bt. , from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. George Clomer. O-MC91 _ i KI.r.OANT 6-IIOOM rOTTAflS ! JUST HUI LT , 122,00 , ridelity Iruat company , 17D2 Tarnnm. D-W2 ' KOOM MOIinilN HODMIO. SiTH ST. fc I'Ol1- . .on. llartnmn & Itoblilns , 24) lie lililjr Z.11OO.M L'AfeT rilONT MODKIIN. 3C2 N 4'TH ' D ! S5-Jy-lS IINIMIOOM MODIHN nousi : , DITACIIID. lieanlirul lawn , sliado tices. C03 South 2Stli. Apply to J. II. 1'arrotte , Uouglas block I ) 207J4 FOR HINT-SIX IIOOM nousi : NT.AH zvrn and CunilnB BIS. . ID 00. Imiulro nt 828 So. 18th it IIOt'SiS ' : AND STO11UH , P. D. WEAD. IhTH , t DiiUBlnii. 8SJ-J8 TLTITII ALL modem lnipiovenicnt , 4C3 So. 21th ave . J.'O Oi ) inonlb 389-J9 * p-r _ _ " I HUNT , KITCHIIN , L1VINO AND II1ID- m , w llli imntry , ctilna. clothes , water clotet Ink , 17 , 2S10 Fninuni st , choice. 1)344 KIIN C-llOOM COTTAGi : , IJUAtJTIPUL , n and simile. 2124 Miami street. D-11313 IT HOOM Honsr.s NIAK : IIIOH SCHOOL , , 00 anil J-o 00 per nioiith. Inquire M6 Capitol 10. D-3SI-3- aooM coTT.san , s. n. con. IOTII AND J.iclmon. 1)las 5 _ DOWN TOWN 3 AND 4-UOOM I'LATS KOU famlllea. K. K Darling , 42 Riikor bloeK D-424-1 _ cn.NTitAL. i'Nigu.\LiD. : : MJVIN rivi : HOOM licuse * nnJ Mali. Tlzanl , 2J1 N. 24ih roil ItlJNT-T\\0 C.IIOOM furnished 806 S. loth. Mnilun TOR KliNT iUX'-NlSHEC KOOM3. lil'NT. " " ELEQANTLY irilUNlSIIED rooms. ( WI S. 13th. E 010 Jj2 rUKNlSHKU 113OMS COO WEEK. 710 S. lITl E-OIO-J > i : _ _ " Z UCOMS fOll HOITSEKEEI'LNCI roil" MAN ami wife ; lent taken In bouru. 319 N. 17th E-kil NICELY rUUNISHEl ) OUTSIDE 11OUMS , QAS : nlo.uu hfiit. 711 S. ICth , UlllJ lluoi. ilKht i ; SI356 31 _ MODEItN 10-ItoIM lIOt'SE Fl'UNISIIER Unit taken in board Corner 2Sth anil Jncltsnn E-3SS-1- _ _ JCK'ELY ri'HNISHEP HOOMS roil LIOH1 ur Kintlemen O' . j Norib I'lli. E-.MII51- ITOII RENT -rriiNi-.il r.no TNT eil rnomti for ItuUHtUoeplng All cnn- \unlfnci-a No. Still I > oinl.i9 St. E-M. , Itn.M roT\VO 1'ItIYATE FAMILY Mil ) tin 607 S ; ith \e. E - M'27U IURNJSHED KCOMS AND BOO.RD V B7t : LY rt'HMHEi > SOUTH ROOM \VITH brartl for two. pnxatn famll > . no other Iward- crs. best lion ' t * nnf > rls. til No. 21 t. bnt California and \\ebsiei. F OUI TO TRADE. DR1 > M SUIT. CHEST ML'A UIIE Sii Inches , wurn iwlte , cant JI5 , for hors . cmi , or n > i ) tiling. 3 < J , Hit. F-133 KLIXIANTLY "l'l IIMSHED ROON1Sv"ml lioard ; all modem conveniences. I''lf. Webster. ' ' -SW ' ' r _ _ _ _ _ ri'.ijASA.vT. COOL ROOM rou TWO. wnu iMunl , 10 DO IB st. I" 3SI 2 * LARGE TRCINT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. IN private fumll } , icfcrcnces. > 13 Farnini ; St i' 4J3 5 * THE t'TOPIAN , nil DAVENrOItT ST , Kl'Il- nlHhnil nnd unfiunl heil IIKMIIS v\ith boaij traiijk'iit uccomiiuil.itloiia , rules u < a.sonuble r los s ro HENT. NICELY ruuNisiiKD mat tionl room , vvllli nlcove nnil boy window all iniHlem convt'iili'iicrn. lioanl , l.vwn anrround tlm lioutf. CJ3 S. SltliHtrt-et. I' Mill ) ! _ AND IIOAHO. KiJ DODOE ST T M45J-3 * ROOMS. HATH. riRST CLASg I Imanl , J5.00 per week. Wcbiter hotel , l.il ) IIoHunl street. r M561 ( SUMMER HOARDERS AT LADIES' HALLT HillevUH collMKi ! , llvllcvue. Cliy , aceommo < U. tloas. Rali-a 14 to f > 00 per wrek , r 3s8-a' TOR KENT rt'HNlSHED ROOMS WITH boaiil. ISil lllnne ) T-M5G5 5 TTiir"nTirLsiTrE. ISTH AND uop"an : cooi , nxnna , largo lawn , excellent table , transient : accommodated , r MM 7 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO REM I OR S UNFL'ItNlSlIUU HOOMS TOIt IIUNT V tM B. Hlh St. O 9SI _ t FJIONT ItOOllH , 16H LKAVEN\VOnTH ST Tllllln KOOMSi HOUtJElCEEI'INCI. WM 7 Mar > ' nv nue. O-1I371 3 * _ ft PnONT UOOMS. CITY WATEU ANlTlJATJI nvwly uarmtJ ; nt (3 , ITOI Capitol av < > . [ U MI- _ _ _ _ _ QKHOJNT b'i.0 iiAMi OFFICE ; _ TWO.iTQIlY liHCIcr"ttXM , AND CS KKKT truck a co , 71J B. 13lh. at your own prlc * . H Ji CoT Co. . 10 N. 16th U I-71S Jyv FORRENT STORES AND OFFICES Continued. KOH RENT THE 4-STOUY nilirK nUILDINO , SIS Farnom street Thin bulMIng has a fire proof cement basement complete iileam heat- InB nxturcn , water nn ell Moors , gas , etc. Apply - ply at lh otnce of Tin HM. 1-910 nnt'O RTOHE , ixTnE' ? ( MMPLETP. . NO equal price considered. TlrarJ , ! 1 N 21th AGENTS WANTED. MtlN' AND WOMEN , J5 TO J10 A DAY , AD- itr s the Hnndy Healer Co. , Ki N-w York Life bill ? . . Omaha , Neb. J-5I1 OENTfl Oil LADIES TO TAKE OHDEIIS TOH HIP Hnnnen revolvlm ? album. llb rnl rommlii- iilon , bis seller. Call al Home hole ! r C. Harpstrltp. J-M3S4 3I WANTEI > . Ht'Nrriir.I" ? 01' AOENTFTTO SELL "Ttip N'pEdurntlon" to Brhuol ttoaril- * Men nolil lxty sets lust inunlh t > atnBl" illstilrti. ThP Dlninonil Lltho. Pub Co , MlntiPiipMllit. Minn J-M413 ! WANTED TO REMT. _ _ WANTED-Yd ! NO MAHItinD COt'I'LE DE- alms suite if n > nni "r law "liiKlf romn and IxHin ! In imvnto family , bi-st of r fi n > nrp . A'lilro s T 15 HHP K < ri 1 KiiNXAL AGt-NCY. O. a. WALLACE , HENTALS , 312 IIIIOWN I1L1C STORAGE , STOItAQE , THANK EWEUS , 1214 HAHNEY - IIEST STOItAOE Ht'ILDINO IN OMAHA U S. cov. bonded warfhoUHH , hous-'hold cuods Rtoreil ; lovvesl ratfa. 1013-1015 Leavenwortb. MI36 STOVES STOIIED DUIHNO SHMMKIl TEL i0. 1207 DouRlaH. Omaha Steve Itepalr Works. M437 I'ACIKIC hTOUAOE & WAnEHOUSE CO . 9T11 & Junes Bts. Ueneru ) BtorufJ and fornardlni ; . WANTED TO BUY. IK YOU WANT TO SELL HEAL KSTATB quick list with r D. Wead. Wo arc making Bales N-3S5-M HOt'SES TO MOVE. P. D. WEA1) , 1CTH AND Douglas N 313 21 1'OK fc'ALt "URN1TURE. SALE , 30 IIOOMS KUUNITfnK. CENtral - tral location IS boarders. Rood reasons for celling , great bargain Atldrcsj S 13 , Hco 0-.M870 FOR SALE HORSES , WACJONS.ETC roll SALE-ONE OP MY 13LACK PONY mares. Kred Mohle. 1517W Farnnir T-203 FOH , SALE ailbCbIL.ANEOUS IIAHDVVOOD COM11INATION HOO AND chicken fence. Chas. H. Lee , 9th and Dniicln Q 111 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES NEIL , lias 4'ii > tuiid KOO < ! bnleil liny for sale Q MU3 roll KALE. OLD LUMI1EH CONSISTINO Ol HcantlltiL' 2x4 , 2xS , 2x10 , 8x8 , shlplnp , Klit'ctlnx , Hiding , doors , wlmlous , etc. . at the Associated Charities wood lard , 807 Howard st stQ937 JyH roll SALE-A NATIONAL SEI.r-ADDINO cash reKlnter Haa be.'n uscil three months. Warranted good as new. Address T 1. llco otllce. Q"I5 23 MISCELLANEOUS. WILL I'AY tlO roil linllSE AND L'M'IIESS vviiRon to take out camping II days 2215 Web- Btor. H-3D7 29 * CLALRVOYANTb IKS DU H WAHUEN. CLAIUVOYANT. UK- liable business medium , Sthcar at 119 N 16th SII3 IADA.M E AUSTIN , TIIANCE MEDIt'M ANI : Independent rnrd rendvr. Room 3 , WJ S 1311 street Hainburi ; hotel S M371 3" IADA.M SMITH. W2 S 13TI1 2D 1'1/JOIl. IIOOM 3 inaKm tie vnpor , alcoliol , Btcani , suliihurlne and sea baths. T AI435-6 IASSAGE , MADAMK IIEIINAUD 1121 DODC.E , T-MM9 Jy INKS ! ' IJATH AND MASSAC1E PARLOUS . . city. Mine. Honell. 318 & 3.0 S. 15th. ihorouKhl ) practical chiropodist end manicurist attendant 'C-MS7S Jy 12 iS NOU'III IOTII ST. HOO.M 13. 1IAT11S. HE lect massage by un expert. Ann-v , from Clil cago. T-MS6S 7" bath. I'nrlors restful and refreshing 412 North Hill street. T-M5S9 7 TUKKj.au. UATHS. TURKISH IIATIIS ; ONLY I'LACE IN CITV exclusively for ladle * . Suite 109-110. liee bldg Hi LADIES' IIATIIS. MMB. 1'OST. 315H S. 15TH 730 VIAVI CO. . SC ( I1EE 1ILDC1. . HEALTH ISOOI free , home treatment , lady attendant. U4II I ) HAAS. KLOIUST. TLANTS , CUT KLOWERf Ilanquet ball , residence and grave decorations 1613 Vlnton street. Telephone 776. U M4I5 IJATHS , MASbAQE , MME. POST , 31SVj S. 15TH U731 A 1'RIVATB I'AUTY HAS MONEY TO LOAf > en plano . jewels , lilocles , etc Uuslncs strictly conlldentlal. Address I'ostofllco Ho 326. U-M702 HAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS MADK INTi tugs , any size you wish , 1521 Leavenwort sireet. U-M700 Jy6 ARE YOU SICIC7 MEDICINE AND TREAT went 50c. at 205H N. 16th st. U-153-Jy-17 * ILL1NOISANS AUK REQUESTED TO SEND name and address far organizing Illinois eln lo H E. Cole. 106 N. 15th. U 395 5 CONVERTS OLD Adi : INTO YOl I'll , DRIVES nwny thu CHI OH of joins , ivnd In their stead ioives pe.ti.0 nnd contentment I'laitie's I'ur lljoVbl ky Alv > n > n In bottles. V M5M 1 TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & THVSl' CO , 318 N. Y. LITE , loans at low rules f o choice hucurlty In N"- biabl. i and Iowa farnu 01 Omaha cit > pioperty. W-416 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TUT. O K Davis Co. , 1503 rnrnam st. W Ijt CITY LOANS. C. A , STAHuI 515 N. Y LITE W-LO LH'E INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. K O. Chesncj , Kansua Clly. Mo. W-IS3 i-APITAIi , S..OOO.IWO ; Sl'RPLL'S. tMO.OuO. U. S Mortgage 'liust Co , New Yorl. Tor C per cent loans on city property apply to Pusey & Thomas , uueiits. loom i07 rtrst Nat'l bank bldg W-252 MDNLY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH V lout estate. Uiuinan , Love & Co. , Pa.xton lilk 117 „ . TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. U. Melkel. 1st Nat. Ilk MI'B w iis MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA piupi.rl > . Fldillty Trust company. 170J rarnnm. \V-4I3 LOA.NS ON IMPROVED .V UNIMPROVED t 1TY proptrly.V. . Karnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Knrnam W-132 INVESTORS' DIRECTORY CO. 10 WALL ST. New Yotk. offer any part ItfO.OM eastern In- veslois' names , who have nuney to Invest ; just compiled. Write for particulars. W-M381 J > 2S WANTED , APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS , J2.00) to JW.IXIO. r. W. Wead , 16th and Douglas W K > S-29 MONEY TO LOAK CHATTELS. J. U. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAMQE X 4i3 MONEY TO LOAN ON FI RNITUHE AND jilanoa. I'leil Ttrry. 430 Rainge blk. X-456 MODEL LOAN CO , , 403 NEW YORK LIFE . l _ X 13J-Jyl6 * WUN1U ' 10 LOAN ON KURMTURE. PIANOS , liorces. vvauons , etc. , at lowest rules In city , iw lemoval of goods , strictly conlldentlal ; jou can pay the loan off at any tlmo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTa.VOB LOAN CO . 304 So. 16th St. . . X-470 BUSINESS CHANCES. 112,000.00 STOCK OP MERfHANDlsi ; ix 11EST town In eastern Nebraska , for laiul and tush cr equivalent. Address S 29. cars Liee Y-M934 3 .SOLID INVESTMENTS : URR'K 1IUS1NESS block , waler power llourtnir mill , line Ice bu l. ncs . H. C. Alger & . Co. , Sheridan. Wyo. Y-M31J 1V. . ' , ' .8AI'1- ' ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN AN 1.1'Clrk-al Manufacturing plant , of a hundred per cent proilt , one who U capable of taking chuge preferred. B 07 , care Bee oltlc * . . Y M83T , FOR BALK. AN INTEREST 1N-A NUMIIRIt ono. K oJ paying manufacturlnn buslnegu to a nun who ca-i uUe u h ! time and attention ; It I ) open to Investigation lo any one meaning business. Addrns S 6 . care Dee oitlce. . Y-M333 VOll SALE -CLEAN STOt'IC OP DltUUS. IN. voice about JJ.'WugoiSl ) location , good cigar traiie , s id reasons for clllne Address T 10. H Y SO-3 _ _ _ I'OIl SALE. DOING GOOD IJUSI. P. U Wead. 16th and Uousla * . Y-Mj-23 BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. POIt SALE STOCK OI * MILLINERY , IIKST location In the city U < x > l reason for nclllng. AdilN" at oni'g. T 18 , ll e Y IJU DO NOT WASTE TIME. EVKRY DAY OP strknpsi Is m much tune lost I'nrtify the sys tem ngnlnst iHsea by uslne the only tonic , Clarko'n Pura Ryu Whisky. Alvv.in In bottles , nt dealers Y-MV.I I FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED TO TRADE NEW STANDARD III- cycle for draft home welshing 1.5W i > ounil or more E. J. Davis , 1110 1'arnatn st. Z7 FARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI for stock of hardware or Implenvnts. Knox & Rlsscr , 37W I'eorl si. , Council liluffs. la- * WILL TIIADI : CLIAH UHNTAL rnornuTT In uooil town for equity In Umalia dvvelllnu Iloom 40J. N. Y. Ufc. 2-M1C3 _ _ _ _ UA\'i : A GOD ( DiuviNi ? HOIISI : TO i\- chanpe for n blocte 8. I' , lloalwlck riil llty Trust Co. . 1702 Tarnnm st , , ' < 5 rcf iTxtn ; u jR A COMIIINID : STOCK ov dru s , clocks , watches , jewelry , blank and Behoof I ok5. wall jiapir. window simile' , pHlnta , oils. Klnin , etc. Will Involee , with Ma tures , about J ° ,0i)0. ) Want Improved farm Ad dress A. J. 1'ltzer , Cherryvaie , Kanwt ' I WANT MI-.UCIIANDlSi : IN KXCIIANOi : I-'oll real cBtato ami cash. 11. A. Wagner , Omaha. NICi : UKHIDIINCK Nil HANSCOM I'AIlli KOlt fai in Lar e house and ft acre1 ! for reald nee. Two or three coltagts , full lots fur diwn tovsn pnipi-rt > . 1'iirm nearly l.O'M acies , clear with cash for liuiilnp-ti pioperty Sioik dniKS for ITJOI ! residence. Clear Inti for Rooil horses. ! ' . D. WeaJ , 16th & Douglas. 55 1YCIt CLOTHINO roil OMAHA I'HOPUIITY. I' U Wend , lOlli and DouRlos. X 3S5-29 FOR SALE .icAli 3STATE. USTKACTS , Till : 11YHON U12UD COMI'ANY. UK 158 unoAiNs. iiousns , LOTS AND FARM ; > ule or trade. F. 1C Darling , Barker block. 111 : IM _ _ _ _ _ PllOV-KF OARUttN LANDS NKAR OMAHA at prlres tliat will Biirprlae you. If taken wlth- In 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life Hi45J : lAHC.AINS , SALK OH _ THADC IN CITY IMIOP ertlea und farms. John N. 1'renzer , opp rp. ! 161 IOMKS ON r.ASY I'AYMKNTS. SIILL , AN.U buy lots , atres , farm * . Qarvln Uroj. . 2n > N y o"ir"s < Ci.i : K-iiooM COTTAOI : , KI LL LOT. JiJiOiW , teiins easj. H. C. l'.Ulus in. Itnmee MCK.K Hi : MMI , D12 N Y Life , T A IIAROAIN. CORNER LOT , I'AVEI ) stieet , 3 coltagei , 0 , 7 nnd 8 rooms path , brick liasement. water and sewer conn-ctloti. In best leslilenco poitlon , monthly rentiil > ll Apply by letter to Jean Schons , Cli ) llee bullillne HAVIJ HIIN INSTIII'CTKD HY TIII : owner to sell by August 1 at bet iirleo obluln- nble ono of tinmo t attraetlw leslilenee piop- eitles In Council llluffH New nunlcin bouwu 9 ruomi , several large lots , nleelj Impruveil , tan 1110 pirt of prlii > In good trado. 11 O Mi dee 10 Main street , Council liluffs. Hi : Mt-1) ) 3 AN vu\'ANci3 or"7i > rriR Acii : ON GOOD Nibniska land and Oni.iha property hrlnff blgh r prices than It ever broug.H If vvn bavo a few good cnipH , " Is Ihe pieillitiim of an bonor- alile. consorv alive man of iinana who Is a ! > uc- less Dm't delay , now It the time to buv n\132 near II .t M freight depot , $3.000. , . ' ) \1G3 4 lilocks fnmi court bouse , with 7 r. house , sevver connei lion , J2.SOO. .l-slory 22 ft. brick , r.iinain st , j .OW llrlck 41 ft. , ICth st ( rent $1,2UO ) , tH.WO. Ai'HiS : 6 aorea nr. South Oin.iba. J550. t litre. IlelveJere. nr 1't. Omaha , $ " " ( ) 10 acres , Ilenwn. Jl.GO ) 400 aeres 13 ml. N. W nt f.17 50 _ 160 acres , Iniprovements , coat SIO.O'J' ' ) , J2j,000. 4 r. anil full lot nr rollout , $523. 4 r. near IlansLom p'k , city w , $330 5 r. near No end 24th street car , $730 , fi i $1 3 < > 0 house and lialf lot , $1,000. New bouse anil barn with full lot , cost 1 yr. ago $3,500. for $2.300. Neat cottage , pived at and driveway , $2,000. 8 r. house coiner Cumins st , $ J.OO ) 8 r. , every conv . north H paik , $1300 If > ou don't sou what you want , a U for II Agent for 1,000 owners of Om ilia real estate r D Wcad , 16th and Douglas sis llstnhllnticO 1SS7 Hi : 383-20 DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DRNTIST. 2020 DCHT ST. 457 M. O. DAXON , 402 N. ICTH. 4G4 STIIHLINO nflLT LIKE A WATCH. WUST- cin Electrical Supply Co. , 1013 Huwaid street. 40. ' ) SP.I2 TUB VIS1I1LU HALL IIUAHINGS ON Helay Special. Will Uarnum Uro. , 120 N. luili 4C7 Iin.MINCSTON AND UAQLU. CHOSS QIJN CO. 110 S 15th street. 468 A. L. DUAN & CO. , 1110 TAHNAM STHUHT WU3TKKN BICYCLG & QUN CO. , 2116 CUM1NO 471) MANTELS , GKATSb AND TILES WOOD MANTIILS , OHATUS , TILKS I'OI lire placea , vestlbutea and lar e II jrs , write fu priced. Milton Rogers & S > r.o Dm ilia 471 ELECTRICAL , SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL CNGINL'KHS AND CONTHAC- tors for electric light anil motor planta anil al * kinds of electrical construction , western Hlec trlcal Supply Co. , 1515 Howard st. 482 CAKPENTEKS AND BUILDERS. C K , MOHHILL , PAI'IMl HANOING , HOUSn sign painting , brick work , plnsteilng , off , H. 1 Barker blk. ; t-1. 785 ; shop 913 N. 2Uh at. 481 FOUND. Ol'NiSUNDAY , Jl'Ni : 23D. POCKHTHnoi. with card of Mrs. Wbalen. enn l > o hail by mil Ing anil Identifying , 171S Jackson street , rear W M , Twa > . Kouml 133 st LOST. LOST , A SMALL GOLD COLLHOII PIN. NI3AI 21th anJ rarnum. I'lnilcr vuil please retnin ti 1711 Douglas stluet Lost-3Vj ! UMDERTAKERSAIVJU EHBALMER3 II. K llUHKirr KUNIIRAL DIHIX'TOH ANI embalmer , 1C1S Chicago St. . telephone 90. 4 SWANSON S. VALIUN , 1701 CUMING. TUL. 1"6 473 SI. O. MAt'L. L'NDUHTAKiH : AND IJllDAI.M er , 1117 Tarnam at , telephone 223 47i c. w. BAKUH , UNDIHTAICUH , 013 s. ICTH ST , 475 D T. MOUNT HAS HL'MOVHD HIS COA olllc to 2W S Itith St. , Brown block , 476 A" GOOD riniNa-prsn iT ALONG , MAY in tlm luleal tlaiig plirni-e. liut that's juat wba we're doing wnli SHL'HIDAN COAL S.OOO ton sold In Omaha last ) ear Wo give > ou 2.00 < Its of tlm List Wyoming co UIng coal for $4 5C Victor \ \ bite , mgr , 1003 Tarnani ht. Tel. 127 401 PASTURAGE. wi : HAVK i'.o ' ACHIS or BLUI : nii.vsa PAS tura for horses , board fence , spring vvator Barton . Phelps , Gllmore , Neb. , or A. W I'lieliis & Son , 207 N. Y. Life bIJg , Tel 1031 47f-July I1 GOOD PASTURE TOR HOHSUS. $1 00 PK. month , i > r head. Charles Gans , St. Paul , Neb MEDICAL. LADII.V cHii'insTiR's : UNQI.IHH PINNY ; rojal I'llla ( diamond brand ) me the best , tafe , reliable , take no oilier , bond 4c , stumps , fo particulars , "Relief for Ladies " In letter bi return mall At drugtfsu Clilchester chem Iral Co . Philadelphia. Pa. . -j Jx'x'f A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. C13 N. Y. LITR M 193 SHORTHAND AND TVPI3WRITINH TAfUH as pracilced by nn expeilenctd repuiter A. M Hopkins , llee building. ! S < j-7 MUSIC , AKT ANd LANGUAGES. MRS. FANNY ADLER. PIANO THACHUR. KraJuate Vienna Conaervator ) . 60S Bo. 16th at 838-J9 OKORUK r QKLUJSUnCK. BANJO AND guitar teacher 1911 Cass street. M-1W BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARKS IN MUTUAL L. & I ) . ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , i per cent when 1. 2 , S years old , alnaya redeemable. 1701 Karnam t. Nattlnger , See. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECL'RB OOOD Interest on > avlngipply to Omaha I. .V B Ass'n , 1704 Bee tldg O M Naltlnger bee 4S1 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N 11 493 OARPBT CLEANING. CHAMPION BT11AM CAtlPirT AND RL'O Cleaning Works dn thclti work the brat and cheipest 71S-20 B. Hth * t * Tel. 65S U 3 O. Kuhn , manager , I'atrck.Waru 1 , foreman. 2 0-Jy- AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. Vv' . COR. 13th and Dodge Rooms ! ? day or neck. ' , 470 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAHOVVITZ LOANS , MONEY. 413 N. 1G ST. RAILWAY TIMECARD _ _ Lfavej IDUlU.l.NUTON' & Mu H1MUI iArrl\ei _ > Uimlial nluli Uiput , lOlli ii Ma ua tfu. | Unwha 10 liaiu . Imnver Cxj.r sa . . . y.taanT 4 oOpui Ulk. Hills Mom < t 1'ugct 8nJ. ix. 4.0 pm 4:3opm : . Ucnv < r Kxpiftij } K 4.i > opiu l > .4.pin..NuLrut.ku Luutl ( L'jtepl iJuiiuuy. . 7.jini | | iiUuni. . LliKuln l.o ul uiutpl ; > uii lay ) .ll.Jiam 2.4Jpin . rusi .Mullifur Lini-oih ) Jui | > . . _ _ _ Leave ) ICIUCAC1O. HI ItLINUlu.N ( > lAr.Ura . _ OinahaiUiiloii Ui > | iot. luili & .Muaun dm I Oiniiln 4 45t > m . ChlcJKO Vestll.uln . S.VMm y.toaln . Chicago Kipieaa . l.liinn 7.0iin..C-lLum | | ) and SI Louts r.xiirti . , a.D am ll:35um : . 1-iiclllc JunUlon Local . D SOjun . lint Mall . J4 ; inn Leaves 1CH1CAOO , MIL & ST. PALL.IAnlves ' nUw Depot. 10th ii .viasui Stsj Omaha r.CblcuBO Limited .lOdin I'llkHK JKtpre s 1 > 'X bun ) . 0 , Uplll Leaves .1 l7iCAtT6 & " NORTHVV Eor.N.iAiilves DiiiahalL'nlon Depot , lutti ttl _ > sun Sis | Omalu ID 4'.nn ' . . . . Eiixtiin t\prHsT ; 7 . . . 67M\nn \ 4,00pm V-.tibul d L niltud tl..im 6C'jiuo : Mo. Valley Local. . . . M 3jpni CAao7 ll7 I. & I > ACil'Hj7 jArrlTe umaha 1'iilmi Ie | it. lOlli .V MnHnu .Sls.Onialia ] 2 UAhT. " 11 Jinn Atlunlli KXIUCMH ( ex Puii'laM ' ' K\in\ \ 6 'MIIII NlKht Pxpn's" . . . 1JiHin : 4 4optn Olilmso V'Htllmlnl l.tinte < l . l..f > pin _ 2 _ \VIST. J fi 4Jpm Oklaliniini . * Texng IX ( f\ Hun ) .10.J"nm 1.40pm Colorado Llmllevi 4UOpm : Leaves I C. , BT. ! . M. A O. lAnlves Omiilul " Depot15tnnndVebslcr _ _ _ Sl . I Qjn.ilm 8 M.im . .Nebraska r ti cr ( dally ) . 1 pm 1.30pm..Sioux City Exmcba u'.v nun ) . . 11 .Jam 6.10pm St. 1'uul Llmlleil 1 > Jmin Leaves' ' y. n. A MO. VALIE"lAnfvcj Omaha ) Depot , lllii unit Wi baler bin. | Omaha ! . . ( . Sat ) VV > o. Ex lex. Moi. . . . + uipin 8:0' : > am. Norfolk Express lex Sunday ) . .10.JO.im j.lOprr. . .j . . . .St. 1'aul Expre 3.J _ . . .lo. ain LTaves f""K C , ST > . & ' " ! l "i.vuhoi" Omaha Union Depot , 10th & .Masi n _ Sts.l Oniuhu _ 9.C01H1. . . KuiiHUH City Dai Lxprcuu . 0 tipin 9.1011111 _ K L' . Niulit fc.x. Via Ul1. _ Tran C'OOam . Uinuhal Liepul , IStli nnJ Websui Sla. ( Uinalm i.40am St. Loula ICxure n C.Ojarn 9.0pm St. Luuls HxprvBt ( ! .0 > pni 3.Mpm.j..Nebraska Local ( < "x Sun. ) . . . . yOCam : ' " " ' ' " - | SIOUX"CITVlt'VACIlMS JA'rTniT" OinahnJne.pot. 15lb Una WebsUr Sla. | Umalia ' ' C'lOpm St 1'aul _ l.linlUnl. . . . . . 10 S5am' . .eaves I SIOL'X CITV & l'\CII'IC. lAnlvni OmahalUnlon Uepoi , 10th & Mason Sla. [ Oiualii _ > air. Sioux City rasatnier ; 10 t'um t.8ipm St 1'aul Limited. . . . . l2:35pm : " Loaves I 1'NION I'ACITIC ( AiilvM OiimlinlUiilon Ucpot , IDlh & Mason 3U. | Omaha " 5 i57iiT" . . .K' ainey r.xpn s . . . . 12..0iin | 2 Wpm . Overlanil l-'l > er & 3"inn 2-OOpm Ileat'cn St Slrninili'u ix ( ex. Sun ) 12'.1 pm 7 > pin 1'aelllo llxpress 10:2o.iln : 13pm I'.isl Mill . . . . 4.10pm fSnv-sl WA IUSII RAILWAY | Arrlve7" Oir.ili-.iiTnlon Ijepoi. IQIIi & M.thnii 31 I D'linh i I 00pm bt Lnu'H Cannon Hall . IJ.Iipm WHAT IS SPENT FOK TOBACCO. eurly fit' II.OOO.OOO ill Tuxn < 1'nIII to till ) I'nlti'il ' Miitr * l.overnnietit. It H evident from \ho \ ( ntennl revenue re ceipts from the consumption of tobacco thai wo are a nation of chewers , smokers and snuffers. This Is discouraging to those who rail against the vice , but then they have the satisfaction of knowing that the Indulgence costs the smoking pub'lic year. Jnst hovv ex pensive It Is to UPQ tolnc'co ' cannot bo easily ascertained , says the iNev\ York Herald , Wit t may bo gauged In ipart from the fact that tlio revenue from ( clbaccu alone during Ihe fiscal year 1891 was $28Cjt.S98.G2. Surely a nation that 'can alTord to expend such an amount In taxes on tobacco for of course the tax comes from the consumer to s > ay nothing of the cot of the material , must have money to burn. That , of courio , a Its end burned up , chewed up or snuffed up. And despite the magnitude c the sum the Internal revenue tax from lobicco In 1S94 shows a decrease from lhal of 1893 of-$1,271- 813 12. The falling off Is naturally attributed to the hard times. lu ono way and another the people of the Un'ted ' States use a great deal of tcbicco , estimated by bulk. The figures show the consumption lo bo about 344.000,000 pounds for the year 1894 , or on the basis of 00,000,000 population nearly llvo pounds per annum for every man. woman and child In the country. To those who have thought that the unpleas ant habit of sniilllng has gone out of exist ence It will bo Interesting to learn that the total domestic production of the article for thu year was 11,027,092 pounds. Think of the enormous number of pinches lhs ! represents Ucspllo Iho Tailing off In the revenue , It Is a curious fact that the decrease Is less from snuff than from any other form of tobacco ex cept cigarette" , which actually show all In crease. The percentages are approximately as follows : Cigars and cheroots , CS.5 ; chaw- Ing and smoking tobacco. 31 ; snuff , 55. The increase in cigarettes Is about .125 per cent The actuil revenue nice'veil ' from Iho various varieties of lobacco and Iho ilecrea o or In crease Is as follow s- 'll Wing anil IlliikllR $14 12 ? 108 1 Di-c. Jl.Olfi ST * CO Snnrr . . . . . h'i7i.-5 2 Die 17m 11 I'IK.US ami tiitMioiH . . i : : i.7' .w i o . : ,2iis. ) oi I'lKillitlis 1 . ' . .UII. . ! IU llli 4,1150 CR There are many Interesting things em bodied In the finance report of tlio Tieasury department which contains the Interim ! rove mio statistics. It Is not dlfllcult , therefore to ascertain thai the people of Iho I'nltoi Slates last year consumed mure than 7fiOO , 000,000 cigars , cheroots nml clgirottos. Uvei Hits cm bo i'Ubdlvlded and approximately ac curate figures obtained. They are- Cigars and cheroots , 1,01)0,917,433 , and clgjrottej 3,187.101fihl , a lotal of 7,251 019,014. Estimating Iho smoking population at 10 , 000,000. this Mil alTord lo each an aggregalo of 725 cigars and clgarelles for Iho jear , to say iiGlhlng of Die amount ctclncco con sumed by pipes and clgnreltes rolled by Iho individual smokers. The Untied Stales does not cut a very Important figure In the o.xpor of its clgirs , for out of the four billion am nearly sixty-seven million manufactured the number shipped away was but 2,2I7,0"5. The number of cigars Imported during the perloi was 315.358C90 , a decrease of nearly 15,000 , 000 from Iho quantity Imported during the preceding twelve months. Contrary comil tlons are shown to mark the trade and con sumption of cigarettes. Out of Iho lliree billion and nearly BIX hundred million of do niebtlc manufacture 101,605.300 were exported an Increase of nearly fi.000,000 over 1MI3 During iho year 1894 Uiero wore Importci 3.318-451 cigarettes , which nearly approximate the figures of 1893. HnvvVonlil It I.ouUl vvltli Itlnonic , A feminine reformer wnnts a revival of the old-fashioned tun bcnnot , lays the Louis \lllo Courier-Journal. "I do vv.lsh , " she remarked , "that I couli get about tvvenly women to Join mo In bring Ing the sun bonnet } Into popularity again Many women in thjs city ( lo their owi marketing , and how absurd they look loggo out in ( loners and ribbo.vin silks am laces ; how much more appropriate would he the oh-fashloncd sun 'bumicl. A pretly woman always looks prettier In a dainty while sun bonnet than anything else and what a | ilctureifuo | feature of our markets it would become If our fttruotlvo society dames would return to the pretty sun bon- nels of llielr grandmothers' day. I would like to see school glrli In prMl > aim bonnets , too. If one who woman would only 'make the break' how Boon cur streets would bo fill ? : } with sweet , chattering EC'IOO ! girls In the sweet , old-fashioned sun bonnet. The sun bonnet must have been a southern In vention. 1 wish southern women would re- Mvo It. " ffh2n Diby was sloV , v , o gave her Castorlx When she was a Child , she crljd for Caitorla. \Vhen slio Uianio 5ILs , she cmi ! t j C'a torla. M wn : hi had Children , she gave them Castoria. ( Cop ) tight , 1S93 , by Irving llachcllcr. ) Till : 1'ATAL KISS. He ( instruct ! his steps along DIP vvcll- llihtoil street. A blare iif electric lumps at tracted him. Ho wnll.oil muchnnlcitly In the direction of the brilliant Halite , nml fouiiil himself pre. < ontly on the slilowalk g.ultiK ab sently Into the open wlmlovv of Ihp Olilorf hole ) . A charming oriental reception room , with divans In coloruil Bluff * , mot his It tnnile a richly somber Intt-rlnr , lit vvllh subtitle 1 rml lamps. No one appeared to be In Hie gorgeous room. It was an hour when the RUesls of the great hotel were at the theaters or In thu cafe or anntlur part of the house. The room seemed vac. nt. He was bout to Idly turn awa > and return to the lieater , when , at ntiother window , ho saw omcthlng that riveted his gaze. Klcanor \rmltaKt ho wm oartaln he knew that wll- owy , lin. utlfnl KnglUh IlKiiro ( although hrr ick was turni'd to the win Jowl slooped ml kissed a man , an elderly looking gen- leman , wlio Boeniel asleep. His bald hcnd us thrown back In his ea-y chair ami restol n Its cushioned head rest. Hu was n fat , lethorlc , ruddy , Jolly-lonklng , round-faced Snsllshman. So this person was the senJer f the telegram. So this little oil f.il beast ihe could bring her'elf to kiss. Hurnolt iirneil down tin1 corners of his nnutli , She klitiM him nffei Itonatoly , but did not itliprwl'o t uch or d stnrb the fat little I2tiK- So Ibis little ulit btast she mull l.l llshman. Ho saw her glance ut her tiny Jowoli'd watch "Ah , she realties slio niUht tuu back to the theater and phy Iho part she luvos Cimlllo , " ho mn tercd lnlf bl tcrly. Then ho saw her do another odd tiling. She had Keno half way to the door , then turned batk , and , going svv ftly to iho l-ngllshm in's side , laid her soft , while llltle moiicholr ever his fat face. Then she quickly loft the room , and he vvntched her , a moment later , cimini ; out of Iho Ud 03' pnlranco of the greit ho'cl and entering her cib drive quickly away. Ho looked after her a moment , then onlereil Iho hclcl , and approached Iho olllcu al Iho desk. The clutk was Inlklng lo a servant. "What did Miss Arml'ago want ? " ho askeJ of the boy. The clerk , who knew everybody , had seen her hnrrlodly outer. "Dunno , sir. Tlio Uily came In , asked for .Mr. Lord Somebod > Lord llolton asKeil II Mr. Lord Ilollon had como > et , an1 If t > o 1 was lo fetch Mm. Slio seemed In a learln * Imjry , Iho laWy did yea , sir. An1 I said 'yes' and went ter 'is room , s.lr ; an' ho vva'n't In ; no , nor anywheres lo bo found. You know him as come lonlght on the Teutonic. " "Did > ou look In the reception room ? " " \\"y no , sir She went In there herself , an' vv'en she came out s > he sill , 'No miller' jest lIKe lhal 'No matter ' " Uurnett glanced over the register. A recent - cent signature there may have been half a dozen names below 11 indicated that J. I' . Holtou Lord Holtnn of IHrmlngliam , Kng land , ami vilol hail arrived and lakon suit * No 1C1. Ho did not care lo Inlcrrcgiilo Ih3 clerk. Ho hurried oul Into Ihe warm night air , and jumping Into n cab dliectod the dr vcr to take him to his club. Arriving before the spacious club house ho ran In and upstairs to the llbraiy In hot haste , ami got down the thick volume of Iltiike's 1'oi-rago. What was his rotation to his goddess. ' Ho would hunt th s little round , fat Englishman lo his vcr\ ancestors ! Uurko's I'ecrniio record read a1- follows llolton ( Sir John I'hlllp Ilcsmlth ) Lord Ilollon , baron of Birmingham counly nml a baronet. Lineage The family of llolton was sealed In Lancahler , afterward Ulrmlngham , as early as 13M. Thomas llolton In 1472 murried a Lancashire lady , by whom he had len sons and lliree daughters. ( Then follow two col umns of lineage , then Lord Holton's Immc- d'ato ' family ) .lames Philip llolton m. KlUabslh. d. of Sir Thomab Kew , I ! , son of John I' . , h 1S37. II , son , Thomas , b. 1S.S9. d. 1SC7. II. . dan , iil7abeth , b. 1843 , d. 1S92. John Philip Ilcsmlth married Lady Camilla Ilarton , I'-fi'J. Issue John I'hlllp , 1) . 1S71 , tl 1S8I ; Henry , b. 1S7J , d. 1S75 ; Camilla Kllwhclli , b. 1S73. UnrKe's 1'eeiage thus showed that Lord Holton hail no son living , hpnce lileanai Arm lago was cither not bin dau'jhter. or , another conclusion. Kleanor , If not his daugh ter , had no brother. He could. In thai case draw Iho one conclusion , thai the "brother' he know was , uniit be , her nusbind. Hut If on the contrary , she wax not the daughter of Lord Hnllon , "bom In 1873" ( which would bring her to about the right age ) , then vvhnl relation did Ihe English penr sustain to her1" Was IIP her undo' Hut lie's I'oorage record s-itlslled him that Lord Helton had no broth ers or s sters living , bul was the only sur- ViVliiB son of a wealthy Ulrmiiighani baronet Who was he. If not her falhnr ? And her real name , Camilla Elizabeth , horn In 1S7S ? Ills knowledge of Iho world made him shut ! dor and gasp at the possibilities of L-or < ! Holton's relations to the beautiful girl. In -vise ho was not her father. Otherwise , wh > had she shown such an apparent affection lor the qiucr little Englishman' Still , clinging lo the om > thought her per feet inmicenco and uprightness of character .he aaaunintion became dealer In his mind /hat / the "brother , " Edward Annltage , was. sr. I only could bo. her husband and I.oro Holton was h r own father. So , he concluded , bho was marrlcil. And yet she had allowed him to fall In love with her. llo\v could this bo conalstent with per fect Innocence , perfect honor ? A > P. truly , If she could do this with her beautiful , smiling face , what depths of de pravity qonld she not atlaln ? Ho became gloomy vvllh despair as ho hurried down lo tils cab and drove bick to the theater. A man never forgives a. woman for deceit In love his specialty. THE SHCONl ) ACT. Entering , he took his seat near the stage before .Marguerite Gantlcr's boudoir , In I'arli. Marguarlle had Just received Armand's let. ter from Nanlne and vvu reading It aloutl lu Count ( Jlray. "Let us both forget that we have known f.-ich other , ami that , for one Instant , we thought ourselves In love. " As s > h. read this Miss Armllage looked up sud- dcnly and caught his glance , as ho Eat near Ihs singe. Certainly It seemed to Hnrnott that "the suddenly , strangely , sweetly blushed , " and jet he felt the words , "Lot us b..tli fore ? ; . " to bo oiltllv applicable ] u t then. Thpy contained wlidom. Still. If If she had begun to love htm ! A devil leaped In his heart ut the thought. Her curious agi tation , as her eyes met his over the loot- V.ilii ! , was not merely worldly wisdom for him , hut It seemed to his tmer'a tense a con- feeslon. As such It set his heart beating again and drove away his timidity anil dU- trust , and he felt ho loved her madly , and fell Into the spell of her charm and her marvelouxly sympathetic acting. Yes , maid or wife , ho loved her ! Thu Marguerite Rautlcr of the play. In Eleanor Armitagr's conception of the part , was given a. subtle and new interpretation. Them won apparent not only the truth that the WMnan who truly lovcu Is alwaja really Vinuuua in lar luve , bul that the won.an wh > 11-y d thU part could herself n l be but nnoiii At the end of the act Hur- nett k pr saing to himself "I believe she Is purity ItbeK , she takes the part of this creature no chastely ; her hlyh soul nrrnio- atua niul shines In M.irfiiiorlte. and nukes this poor creature nf Dumas' it tine Heroin * a creature of soul " Yet Ihe vialsomblancp was so Kre.H , lee , Ihat her Inst words , aflcr Arm.iiul returns , when Nanlne says. 'The cnunt awaits alt answer , " .tiitl Murfiuorlle leplles. 'Tell him thcro Is no niiwci , " made him furiously nnd unreasonibly Jealous of th.it i.tthor boister ous country lover , Hooil tiod1 ho .ifekotl tilmirlt repeatedly , who and what was this Hlorious Klrl ? An atiKel or a , vv licit 7 She makes we stiller so. so.rim rim SICONM : > KNTU * ACTE. Ho roFO from his seat and went Into the lobby. Ho hud no dcslro thtn , In his exalted stale nf fecllnc , If gi > KMilnil the cm tain to si-o lOli-.inoi. A row at HIP duor Immediately ntlrauled i his allenllon. Two sU-rn-looklng men i were trjlug lu get past the iloorkoepjr who stood there. Thcro was nn altercallon. "Do you know mo now' ' " said onu of the men , opening his coat and showing n do- tecllvo's badge " \\.io do jon want ? " asked the manager , coming to the scene. "A party behind the scenes. " said the other , shortly. "Will II stop Ihe play ? Wo can't stop the. plaj " A gr.ivu crlmo has been committed It Is my duty " "I don't euro If all the crimes In Iho calen dar have been committed jon must wait till U o'clock , and the play's over , " replied the manager , angilly. The detectives consulted a moment. "Veiy Eony. Mr. Manager , but Ita our duty. Yon see , sir. there has been a mur der " A murder ? " A murdoi ? " exclaimed Durnctt , who ovpr- hoaril , amivlio nodded lo Svvlfl , the do- lecllve , an olllccr he had known several years. "Don't say It loud , " snld Swift , cautiously. Yes , Mr. lluinctt , > om paper will have It all toniLrruvv , 1 suppose. A murdci It'll malio a big si'iisatlon , I'm thinking. Wo feel suru wo've gut the party , an' the party's well kin.vvn. and the party's a woman , and the party's beautiful , and n big nclress. Yes. " IJuructt turned white. "You see , as all vvo know , an Englishman , Lord Holton , arrived on the Teutonlo at ( > today , went to the Oldorf at 7 , dined nt i > an' was chlorofoimed at ' . ) , or say 15 , to be quite correct , t'hloroformo 1 In the reception room nt the Oldorf people passing In nml out , lee queer , vv.isn'l It ? Now , can wo do our liubliictd. Mr. Manigtr ? 1 guess It may stop the pla > that can't bo helped. Hut sho's got ueive , hain't she ! to go oii-jiln ) acting wlille her victim lies a dead coip-o nut four blocks away ? Can wo go behind and ' ' " git her' Itnrnott full the lobby whirling about his head. Oood ( Jol ! what cnulJ It mean9 "What , man , not Miss Armltage' " e\- clalmud the manager , aglnst. "Not really ? You don't suspect her ? " "YiM , it's hor's the parly. The facts point to her. She was seen by four persons to enter the icceptlon room at ( ho Oldorf. wlicro Lord Holton was asleep taking an uflor dinner nap. She was known to have been In that room about four or five mln- ulos , at about U 10 o'clock. " "This evening' Impossible ! She has not been out of Ihe theater. I'll swuir It ! " said the manager , earnestly. "Oil , yw she came out at the end of Ihe ( list aet. Why. she was seen and recogni/ed , and what's more , she went off and forgot to take her handkerchief with her when she chloroformed him ! Why , It's a dead easy Up ! Yes , sir , she left the ban Ikcrchlcf lu > - ing right ever his face thou got scared , irobably , and hurried back to the theater see her- ' " , , DetPcllvo Swift produced a dainty liclaccd mouchoir , In ono coiner of which were Eleanor's Initials , "E. A " "This Is positive , " said Mr. Swift. "Wo don't want no better proof. " "Aro ) ou MHO he's dead ? " asked the man ager , In a stito of oxclttuiPlil ami bewilder ment. "I dent smell any chloroform on this are ) ou sine he's d ° ad ? " "DfMid ? Well , they called In a doctor a young chap living In the hotel .mil ho pio- nouncpd linn stone dead , presumably of chloioform and the odor was in the air , they tay Oh , yes , I'm sorry to say he's dcnil fast enough. A man of CO. I should say. Very rich. I'm told. A peer and a Birming ham mamsfactiircr. Just arrived In America They told me ho piinish'-d a terrible big dinmr at HIP Oldnif ojslois. clams , trout , venison , g.imn and two quarts of cham pagne. Wi-11 , I'm ghd IIP did rat and ililuk heaity. Ho won't , have no mure chance to eat now. poor old man ! lie's whnri > catin' an' drinkln' IH changed on * for hymns and psalm slimltf. " lliirnptt , recovering from lite 11 nnls'iniPnt ' npsraii lo SPP llilng" with n ilr-arnrss which civlcd a vacnc < urpn * ' a' _ lniiisidf _ hi his own mind aloni ; with It. Hn snvy that Kloanor was surely Innocent. Had ho seen hu In that oriental reception room , and hnd anted the evident affection with which Mie treated the sleeping lusliblimaii. She would not even spoil his imp ! She Klvgpil him would a nun1 lorcsb liisa her sleeping victim ? Yes. the was Innotont and he dotermlnel coolly on his first stop. The detective * mutt nut approach her until after the perform ance Ilo lapped Svvlfl ligliily on Iho shoul der. "You remember me , Mr. Svvlfl ? In Iho Holler diamond case where , I rjilier ( latter myself , we nevvbpapor men oulvvllted you of the police force ? " Mr. Swift , who was a slim , tnll , good- natured man , not very lecn , laughed dos- Sfdly. "Oh , yes , I remember you , Mr. Ilnrnnit. Von were pretty sluirp In tliat Clausen iniir- dor. too , Now you're on thu staff , are jon Just as sharp ? " "A man on a great dally hm to l.eop his wits about him. Hut time r reuses. I huvu a favor to a-'K don't mal.o this uirest ill ! the play's nver Innouint or cullly. It will ruin Mini Arinliagu's career for llftt " "Sorry , but I am under orders , Mr. Diir- uoit seo' " said the honest fellow. "I've ( jut to KO and take her riKht now. " Hurnet' ' gave a amnlheriMl cry of despair and iirotoHt. "You slutll nut ! " lie cried. "Well , who's fioinK to stnp me' " ' "I ! " and Iluinctt ilndaully folJul hit arms and Hood In the detecllvo's way. d'nntlnutd Tuttdiv ) Dilll't l.i t .Till i'11 If you should hear that In some place to which you arf coiiiK that malirla Is proval : it. To the air potion which produce * chills and fever , hllluus remittent nml dumb ague there Is n sjfe und Iliorouyli antidote and prt-ven- Hve , viz , Hotlollur'g Stom.ioh DilturK. The. Kreat antl-tnaldrial sptcine U also a remedy for billlouaneii < cumsllpjiion , dy. > pd | ) > la. rhcu- inatii' and kldn y trouble , iifivaus'fss and debility. Sr 11' I it'if , Spli U l.itlii- , "il'i'lt Liki < Thr ugh sleeper via the Noitlivvg ern Line , ccmiruntinK June 28 , leaven dally for Surit Laho t 0 10 , ) in from WPb'ior r < - i J | iut The laka is the saint ; , ace mmrjau . u I > tie better , fjra a little lower City ollicKOI Karnam stittt Depot , 15th and \Vcbater strcetn- J. n. DUCHANAN. O. P. A. THE DEGENERACY OF POKER A Loud Call on FriomU of the Qarno to Show Their Hands , THE CRYING NEEDS OF THE HOUR The Niitloiml ( liimn In llnngrr lTnli > si I in mrillntrljr Hi'MMioil by the Devotees A I'onfcrcin nof I'tilior Plnyors Hrinniidi'il , The tii'Cil of ( lie liour a poKer That U lo HIV , , i lutlunnl conference of | il.i > er * . \\lio shall pass upon nil tils * puled iisltits , iluchlfl nil mooted queitlons , es tablish \vluit Is canonical anil orllio.lox , anil reject what Is morn heresy nml schism. Of no oilier Bantu. mia the Now York Moral 1 , can It bo so irulhfull > slid that Its laws arc In an absolutely cluotlc coiulltlon. It Is family c.i II i'il tlio national KIIIIO. At gcino tlino of his llfo every citizen of tlio United States lias phyeil It. If not for R.III | , . then for fun. A poker pln > er traveling over the t American rontlnent Units himself ono ol a \ist brotherhood of follow pl.i > ora. Yet ovorywlnro ho lias lo learn ntnl unlonrn , 1t Kvpryvvhoro 1 lie Iliuls the beautiful symmetry of the gaino mirrttt by tlio Intiodiictlon ol snino obJt'ctloMnhlo feature , or tlio loss ol some SI plo.mlm ; anil necessary on 's. Straights , SI which I In Ihoir hlRhe-t ami nuesl develop- nicnt I th EtnilBht Hush m.iKo It Imposjlblo for I the true Kcutlemin tololito hb liiuhor IiistlnctB ' by bettliiR on the certainty that without their recognition would bo preaentoJ by ' four nees straights nro barred lu many portions i of the west On the oilier hand , skips nml "bhzes" and "tiKer " and "Hibernian slr.ilKhts" ami score of other uncouth and Imbecile combina tions , whose \cry names aw.ikcu a shudder In ever } true liver cf the Rnmo. have foutul their .uhocales Inartoua parts of the coun try. Worse slill. nut only does o.ieh section play UP own iniue. but no uniformity exists In any pirtlctilar section. K\t > r > \\lieto thcro Is hopeli-ss confusion on minor points.Vlnt shall bo done If a person opi'tis n Jackpot by mhtako , If n mlsdeil omiis , If a card bo c\'ojcd ilurlnu Hie deal' ] May the opener of a Jaekpot d'scird ' his opners and draw to a straight or a flush" No two puKir phiyers lu New YorK would glvo exactly tlio same answer to these queries An eeumcnclal council Is1 , of conrM. Impas sible. Hut tlio Herald la ulllliu ; to stop Into tlio breach iiij , u solf-cotmltiitod pope , with this in aviso , that Its decrees "li.MI not lu taken ns Infallible , exeat hcdra utterances , but as obiter dicta submitted to the faithful for acceptance or i ejection , ni tli ° y may fleet. Perhaps with this uxamplo before them an ccumcnciiil council In other words , national confucnco of poker plajer maybe bo n possibility of the near future. This paper will simply present the problems , offer what seems to l > a the best solution and await future developments along the lines It hai Indicated. CARDS KXI'OSISl ) IN THH DKAU When the dlbcard liis : bovn completed and the dealer Is uiiKiiKud In living new card ! ] ua called for , what must bn douo If he exposes onior more of the cards lie Is doallni ; ' U In a nnifoim rule tli.it ho cannot Klva such caul or caids to the pla > er. 'Ilio rea- bun Is tiullloiently obvious viz. , thnt It Is un fair to the playtr to show any portion of Ills hand to the table. Hut the oxaci conduct al the dealer In such a case Is a matter of con- Hiduubli1 dispute. C'ubtum Is not uniform and to\t books are conlraillctoiy. It is honiQ- times held that the dealer must place the ex- pohuil cards upon the bottom 01 ° the pack and glvo to the player a cot responding mini- bjr frcm the top of t'no puck. This U tlio rule a ? laid down by Iloylo and Hlnckbrldgu. On the other hand , It la sometimes held that the dealer In case of such a mlH- liap should flist 1111 tlio demands of all the other plajors and then ntiiin to the player whoso cat ds were exposed This Is the rnlo lalil down by "Hilly" Kloieiica and senorally follow ud by poker playeis. Jt Is on the w'nulu the nibre tunailjliomt , for In this manner tlio integilty of the de.U Is not Intor- feied with , and uvery plajer , nave only the ono whoao caids wcucxposul , gets exactly the fame eanK which would have fallen to him If tlu mU'nii ; | had not occurred. Kvcry one Ib familiar w.th the Insane da- sire displayed l > > otherwlbr > sob-r and reputa ble pci buns to "pla > curomr" In other wet da , to sco what carda tlicv would Imvo got under ehaiiRed coinlltlnns nf piny. Now Imaglno four or llvo plajeis whojo draw has bom modillcd or changed by following the II ist mle imagine these four or live players elamoilng to bee what they would have ill awn If that raid had not been faced and the deal not disturbed. It Is nn awful picture - turo to duell on , yet Is not only possible but you might say Inevitable. The opener of n Jack pot. has , bjslilos the opening pair , a four Hush or a four straight. May lit ) break tlio pair and draw to his bob- tall . ' Sumo players will not allow him to do this al all. They argue that tin1 prohibition doei away with all disputes and closes tlio duor lo largp oppoi Utilities for cheating. Otheia allow him lo bplli his pair and draw lo his bobtail , provided he puls his discard con spicuously beside him. to that he may show It al Uio end of the hand lo tcsllfy that hu had the neei-Kiary openers. Some authorities pcrveisely hold that tha npencr lias a I ght lo dipcard as ho pleases , with no need to call attention to what carder or caids he has tin own away , as the discard pile , piopoily fed and cured for , should show for itiolf what was each man's discaid. This is all very well , lint In th'ord nary game of poKcr Iho discarding IB never so proclso and aei'iiralo as to Iravo any Hemblanco of udcr In Iho difoard pile. Therefore , tills ruling could not b > made to apply to tlio ordinary game. When a plajor who Knows that ho h do ff lied Is called , may ho throw away bis Innd a 'ill hiii render the pot , er must ho show up Ins hand ? Tlio inle should bo that nil the hands must bo Hlionu after a rail. They belong to Iho lablo. It Is not sulllclcnt thai a player admits his do'cut. The others who have paid their money lo call have 11 light to know what .sort of a gatno 1m play * , lo what de- grto ho narrloa his blulllng. It may happen also that a card tlurpur will cuifets defeat It the cill lias como be fun ) Iho siakosi nru large , bccuiso ho does not care to excite suspicion by winning lee often , .ri 1 pirfora to thow hs ! haml only when thcie h enough profit lo malio It worth while. An anihgous qufktlcu cftun ashod Is whether tlin op"iier of n Jackpot who la net call d < > r who drivva out of the gnmo Is obliged to snow his vvholo hand or merely the oponuH. The nmnvor uhnuld bo that the OPCIIT U always and nnde1 * nil circumstances obliged to show his whole hand nl the end of Iho liot'lng , whuihor ho la called or not. An opening hand , In oilier wards Is lpjo fac'o a calkd hard , and the table has n right to KCO It. A Nicn POINT IN TAIIM : STVKUS. The ne\t doclsion Involves a vtry nlro point. He all attention. The ganii > U table etaknii with three players , A , It and ( ! . Ho- fore the draw A niises Iho ante $ "i and C lerabi-a II $10. A has. only $3 left , which ha puU up f'U a sight. H covur < ( "s taUc Cards are drawn. H leads oil with a b > t of $5 , C ml IPS him $50 ; I ) h scared and drops hU hand. On the show duwn It turns out that It has. been bluffed out with three a > 'ci. A has thro kings. C , who did the binding , has llir e ipipens. Of course the litter lakes all tlio outHldo lt > K Ho claim * more , huw- ever ; ho thinks ho U ontltltil lo His pntiru pot on Iho ground that ho baa bluffed out ills winning li.in.l. and ha * a right to all tli9 redlining xpolU as well as pl.iry A'ays no , that the original pot Is lilt becu'i-o he lias a better hand limn C find l ! > it I ) , having blulYv'l ' out , Jones all right In Mi.- pot , and t > o forfeits lib right to tlio u'ii-l ' ! belting , ho ( till has a right to a sight o ; ' ilia ui Now , lu point of fact , the entire pot. in cluding the original flake * , MionKI go to U , despite hl liaviris I ho lowest hand. For B's hand wi ; big enough to bait A , who , by that very fact , U altogether out of It. If C , by superior play , drives the winning hand out of the game , he acquires all the rights of that winning hand and all Hi resultant gain and glory. Unough for Hie pre < > nt. Thete few do- clsloim ire ihrjwii to the wrrld lo Indica'o ' a f of "hi " p nf w'i ' rS n u' i hit decld il up i PJ I'lv-U u 1 1 i1 It > n ly If poker la lo r n j 'i i n" JL > a I n i I mrr ly local n ' > n 1 1 p < i ol ur rei'len ' , ei'ti r j < r nir ri' ' i > J up n tlr'O P" ma nn ] tlry ar Invlifil i j - enIn \ tucli rjue n iM at may acein to r' aife