& "fflli ! EDITORIAL SHEET. ' THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO ESTABLISHED JTJotfE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JU TE 30 , 1895 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Setul-Anmtal Clearing Sate of Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING . . . . Yes , the greatest sale for the summer season will commence nt Hayden Uros. ' Monday. Will place on sale entire stock of Men's Suits in 4 lots. Lot 1.-A11 $1.75 to $ r.00 Men's nil wool Cherfc / > t"J C vlot Suck Suits , all sizes , 34 to 42. Sale aO' JL O price 'slrnpTo Black and Blue Serge and Che'vl- * . Cj T Ef , ot Suits , In sack or frock styles. Sale 35O - / C ? price Lot 3. Alt $12.00 to $1C.OO line suits In fancy . Worsted * . Silk Mixtures nnd finest Chovldl Q T CS otK. In nil shades , all sizes , 31 to 42. Sale 33 O A O price Lot 4. All $18.00 to $2" . 00 very finest made- Suits In the best fabrics nnd all the latest tUO 7 C * cutn and styles ; equal In appearance to L\jlM J. tU $10.00 made-to-order Karmenls. Sale price. SUAIMER CLOTHING- Men's fancy Mohair nnd Alpicn Coats and . . , . , . , _ , _ Vests ; the real $3.00 nnd $1.00 value forffij qji.uv Kft fltlU . ffil.7ri | $ i.no and . * : Boys' Ixin ? Trousers Suits , placed In two ffi J . ftl . lots ; all $ 00 nnd $1.50 suits now for kJ - .t < - All $7.50 to $11.00 suits , sizes 13 to 19 years , S5.50 Men's AVhlte and Fancy Vests nt EOc , 75c , $1.00 All Wool Knee Pants In sizes 4 to II years. 2.TC Sale price Choice of all 7Bc and $1.00 very fine Knee Sfic Pants , sizes 4 to 16 years , for i v * If you buy any clothing without first look Ing over our r.lo"1 ? yu : miss It sure. House Furnishings. Dinner sets , $5. 100-plece dinner sets , French shapes , underglaced decorations , finished In gold stripes ; these sets would bo cheap at $15. This price Is for to morrow only. Decorated toilet sets $1.87 each Patent stopper root beer bottles , $1 per dozen : 3 dozen hold 5 gallons of root beer. beer.Mason fruit Jars pints , 70c per dozen ; quarts , 80c per dozen ; half gallon , 90c per dozen. The Little Egg Separator separates the yolk from the white in one second , lOc , . Tin top Jelly glasses 25c per dozen Crystal sauce dishes I'/fcc each Wine glasses 2c each Imitation of cut glass sugar bowls..Ic Imitation of cut glass butter dishes. ,4c Imitation of cut glass spoon holders , Be. Imitation of cut glass creamers , 3c each. each.Embosped bisque vase lamp and shade to match , Egyptian style , makes a beau tiful present only $1.50 each. Milk crocks 5o each. Glass lamps 12c each. Salt and pepper shakers le each. White granite chambers 29c each. Tea kettles for gasoline or oil stoves , make good sauce kettles 13c. Refrigerators $5.95 each. Dish pans 13c each. Water tumblers 2o each. Coffee pots 7c each. Ice cream freezers $1.15 each Albeta teaspoons , 13c per set ; as good as rilver. Albeta tablespoons 2o ( ! per set The Success water filter. In 4-palIon for family size to 10 gallons for hotel size , at $3.95 to $9.95 each ; the linest natural filter In the world ; makes the dirtiest water as clear as crystal. Special Sale of Men's Furnishings , 500 dozen of Men's four-in-hand Eng lish wash ties , worth BOc ; reduced to 12V4c 500 dozen four-in-hand Grass Cloth tics , 12'.io ; worth 25c. BOO dozen four-ln-hand Slssal Cloth ties 12 < 4c ; worth 25c. 500 dozen Silk Teck Scarfs , worth 35c and 50c ; go at 12 % c. Ladles' Furnishings. Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests , 4o ; worth lOc. lOc.Ladles' Fast Black Cotton Hose , 4c ; worth lOc. 1 case of Ladles' regular 7Bc Corsets ; reduced to 4Sc. Ladles' Fast Black Seamless Hose , 12He ; worth 20c. 1 lot of Ladles' Night Gowns , worth 7Bo and $1.00 ; reduced to EOc. 1 lot of Gowns worth $1.50 and $2.00 ; reduced to 9Sc. 1 lot ot 26-Inch Sunshades ; fancy han dles ; worth $2.00 ; reduced to $1.25. 100 dozen Ladles' Silk Mitts , 25c ; worth 40c. Millinery Department. Sailor hats , elegant line , plain and trimmed , each 19c up Beautiful trimmed hats $1.25 , $1.50 All lace hats , trimmed with flowers and ribbons $1.75 Dresden China patterns In ribbons. . 25c Taffeta ribbons , new designs . . . ,39c , 25c Wo wan1 every lady to give this de partment a call before purchasing mil linery , and the goods and prices will speak for themselves. Jewelry Department. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. 1,000 silver-plated belt buckles ; worth BOo and 75c , sale price 25c 1,000 ladles' shirt waist sets ; worth EOc and 75c. sale price 25c 200 sterling silver belt buckles ; worth $2 each , sale price 9Sc BOO ladles' , gents and children's gold- filled rings , plain chased and with sets ; worth 75c and $1 , choice 25c 300 babies' solid gold bind and set rings ; worth BOc each , sale price. . . . 13c 260 sterling silver thimbles ; worth BOc each , sale price 13c 100 ladles' and gents' gold-stiffened hunting case watches , worth $10.00 each , sale price $3.93 Ladles' and gents' hand-engraved gold-filled hunting case watches , warranted to wear 20 years , fine Elgin or Waltham movement , worth $25.00. sale price $12.50 275 ladles' and gents' rolled gold- plated watch chains , worth $2.00 and $3.00 , sale price ' . 9Sc 500 pieces of silverware , teapots , caks baskets , sugar bowls , pickle castors , dinner castors , cream pitchers , syrup pitchers , spoon holders , etc. , all warranted quad ruple-plated , hand-engraved , worth $3,00 , $4.00 each , sale price $1.48 EYES TESTED FREE. Satisfaction guaranteed. Eyeglasses and spectacles , 15c up. Watch and clock repairing at reduced prices. Bed Spreads. A good lightweight bed prsac' ir summer 49c A superior quality 69c An extra good one , full size $1.00 An Al honeycomb spread , best value In town $1-25 We have an elegant Marseilles spread wo will sell for $1.75 For one day , 100 pieces bleached cotton toweling , heavy weight . . . . 3' , c 75 pieces all linen toweling , unbleached ' bleached . 5c 50 pieces bleached and unbleached twill toweling 8c An extra good quality bleached toweling We A full line of all linen towels , both In damask , huck and Turkish towels , at 5e , lOc , 12' c , IBc , 25o Carpets. The last veek before Inventory goods of all kinds will be sold at less prlca In carpet department than ever known In the city. As a sample : A good all wool carpet for 40c yard A good China matting for Sc yard A gooJ Brussels carpet for 40c yard A few patterns Javanese Wilton carpet for 50c yard The best floor oilcloth , while they last , for 20o yard Chenille portieres from.$2.00 pair up Lace curtains 50c , 75c to $1.00 pair Some very fine ones $1.EO to $2.00 Curtain poles , complete 15c Brass rods and poles very cheap. Carpet sweepers $1.00 , $1.50 to $2.00 We have a few first-class sewing ma chines to close out for $10.00. These ma chines are worth $35.00 at any agency In Omaha. Wall Paper. Balance of stock must be sola at ones. 4V c , Be and 6c tor a good paper. Meats Cheese HljRnr-Ciircd , Js'o. 1 , Hams fut \ LlmbergorChccso Ar ut , , , - * at . * * * < Suzar-Curcil Bacon Q ut O Wisconsin Cream ] | Huston Long Cut Haws at & 12 1-2C Silt fork g - Pickled' Pork " ' > J l-2c&15c at * Coin Beef Nuufcbatcl at at Trlpo and Pigs' lout C.- . Pine Apple Cheese f)5c lit - ' ' ) ' ' Plcklpil'dVToirgmi. iiiips't -t -t \ , uatlnjj In the tvorld , only.1 Kdatu nt Cheese 41' < C' Rummer Huusaxe Pottud Hum Uovllcd IOC Don't forget when you want fish of any kind to cull on it" , wo huvo a full line on llum'fimVl'ot'tcil ToiiKue. . . . hand all the tliuo. lluydcn Bros , for any- at. , thin ? . Lard Butter Wo don't novel to tell you how good our Wo are lir.vlnp the greatest sale butler Is , you knn\r very well \vu have oa Lard that wns over heard of. the bcit , &o wo will quote you prices : Road tlio prices nnd l > o sure nad nmauVirt.l ! "yi4c , 16c& 18c put la a stock before It goes up. S-pouml > nt , cans bcsI.tird NuS Siat ? ! > " "t'-.9c ? and lie o.pouml cans Lara And tno best Country ButteriO | - 4203 1,000 Waists at 3j ! ) each. 1,000 WAISTS AT 39C EACH. Monday morning we placa on sale over 1.000 waists , Including about 30 different styles , and all sizes , goods that were made to sell at from EOc to $1.00 each , all to be closed out at 39c. Ladies' Wash Dresacs. We are offering our wash dresses In the lighter fabrics without regard to cost. Among ths many styles on sale Is a fine percale dress , lace trimmed , In pretty pat terns , ot blue , hellotropi- , pink , pale green , black and white , at $1.48. Also an elegant lawn dress , with deep flounce , full sleeve and trimmed waist ; colors , blue and white , pink and white , and black and white , at $2.25. And a handsome organdie lawn dress , with crush collar and bows ; colors , tints of heliotrope , blue , brown , pink and white ; price , $2.95. We also Include In this sale a new French organdie lawn dress , with bows and collar of satin , and Valenciennes lace trimming ; colors , tints' of pink , heliotrope , con. , pale green , blue and black and unite ; price , $4.75. We invite special attention to the above lines of goods , as the prices at which they are offered would not pay for the making. All other goods In this depart ment are being offered at special prices. White Goods. Checked nainsook for children's wear 5o A fine quality plaid and stripes at. . 7'c An extra fine quality and a genuine bargain . JOc Striped dimities , a real good quallty.l2 > , ie Dotted Swiss , neat designs . 12',4c A still finer quality . 15c A real fine Al quality ( examine this ) 25c All the rage , the fine plnhead dot. . . 40c 27-Inch white piques In corded and figured , from . 19c to 45c Remnants of white goods at J/4 original price. Remnants of white and colored table linens at U price. New Pianos. Wo have received within the last few days a whole lot of pianos in the very latest designed cases , and most im portant of all , with every new Invention of any value , bought at such low prlcss that we will from this on create some thing of a sensation among piano buyers , saving purchasers at least a hundred dollars on auy high grade piano on earth. We call particular attention to the New Chlckerlngs , New Stelnways , New Knabes , and twenty-five other different makes , nearly all of which have been received within the last few days. New pianos to rent and pianos tuned , repaired and moved. Soiled Sheet Music 5c. We have picked out nearly 2,500 pieces of high grade sheet music , slightly soiled In handling , but that don't hurt the song a bit , no low priced music In the lot , regardless of value It goes on the big table Monday and the week at 2c a copy. Special sale this week of Bodlne and Packard's popular 'productions : "My First Dance , " their new ballad , goes for one week only at 30 cents. Regular price , 50 cents. "Little Queen Irene , " always a staple favorite. All the bands , Including Sousa's , are playing It now. This popular hit has beaten all records on local sales. Special price , 25 cents ; regular price , 50 cents. Your portfolio will not bo complete without a copy of the "Ocean Lullaby , " by Loudon G. Charlton , composer of the world-famed "September ; " n regular 50o song for 35c this week. "Heart's Blos soms , " as pretty as It can be , Roy L. Smith's best song , that we've sold for EOc , this week 35c. The Uargain Counter. Remnants percales. Remnants challles Remnants duck suitings. Remnants white goods Remnants momle shirtings. Remnants summer skirtings. All at Be a yard. Flannelette skirt patterns , each 2Sc Outing flannels at Go Shaker flannels at 5c 3C-ln. all wool white flannel , per yard.25c Woolen cassemeres for pants , good styles at 45c yard. One More Sheeting Sale for Monday. i 4-4 bleached sheeting 3 0 , Be , CV4ol 4-4 unbleached arrow brand 5oj 42-ln. bleached sheeting 7HcJ 45-ln. bleached sheeting 9c EO-ln. bleached sheeting. lOo 7-4 bleached sheeting lie S-4 bleached sheeting. . . 12c 9-4 bleached sheeting , 16o 10-4 bleached sheeting 18c 45-ln. unbleached sheeting So 9-4 unbleached sheeting 14o J.0-4 unbleached sheeting 15o Bhlrtlng , Be , Sc , best lOc Canton flannel Wash Dress GooJs. Newest creations for the season of ' 95 ahiwn on our counters Immediately upon th lr popularity being cstabllsheJ. The grtat variety , the careful selecting and th& reasonableness of our prices make us the leaders. JuJt In new percales , buff and black ; they are beauties , best of cloth , sell at 12 > 4c Creps de Jopon Is one of the very .atest , not a crepe crinkle , but an entirely new weave , and are In black and white ; also navy and white ; cell at , yard 12 c Pique , In black , navy or cardinal with stripes , In all shades , arc now only , yard lOc 127 , pieces of fine printed wash goods , sold at 19c , 25c , up to 40c a yarl , all on our bargain table , your selection of any \\111 cost you , Monday , only lOc Black chintz Burmah challis , fine rirlntinp , yard Cc Light colored challis , suitable for dress purposes and sell for sum mer comfort coverings , yard 3' c Ws have the largest assortment of qallcos on display ever made by any houM doing strictly a retail business ; any kind , any color and the best goods made In the print line cost you only , yard EC New ginghams , small neat checks , pinks , new blues and blacks and fine stripes , also tartan plalds > , worth 15c a yard at any time , we ecll them at , yard lOc We have the best line of duck suit ings ever offered on any counter ; they are In any color , 48 styles In nil , and arc the best goods made ; sell at , yard 12V c Notions. We begin lu our prelnventory sale on Monday : Pins , 2 pkgs. for Ic Thimbles , 2 for Ic Cofsc.t laces , 2 pair Ic 2 doz . nursery pins 3c Fine-comb. ! , 2 for Be Machine thread , full 200 yds. , spool. . . 2c Linen thread , spool 2c 4 pkg ? . needles , 14 darning needles , 5 hat and veil pins and SO pins ; this lot Monday for Be Feather dusters , Go Plata- mirrors lOc Elegant belts , metal buckles lOc re Special sale on hammocks on Monday. Pillow shams , stamped , pair 15c 48 yds. embroidery silk for Be .All yik Windsor ties , each Be Qreps' tissue paper , bolt 20c 25c veilings , per yard 9c. 25c hnlr brushes lOc 25c cloth brushes IOC 15c tooth brushes Be Silk-Belts. A.new nobby line of elegant silk belts just received. 1st lot only lOc ; large buckles. 2d lot onjy 35c , beauties. 3rd lot only BOc , finest In the city. " f Tables. Do you intend bujlng any kind of table ? Do you need a table ? We can give you .a gocd , strong 6- foot , square table , bolted legs , 4 leaves , In neat case , for $3.50 Another good , G-foot table , square , oak $3.S5 Square pillar extension table , C legs , new design , oak , polished $0.50 Center tables at $1 , $1.25 , $1.50 , all oak , good finish. Parlor tables , In oak , birch , maple and mahogany at such prices as $1.50 , $2 , $2.50 , $2.85 , $3 , $3.50. Seats for Hot Weather. Room for one or two. Rockers for two , you know. Rockers at $1 , $1.50 , and a fine larga one for $1.95 Lawn sens at $1.75 , $2.75 , $3 ; spjclsl sale on large oak rockers , polished , cano seat , arms , with brace $2.50 Linens ! Linens ! An excellent all linen > bleached ( Jamask , worth 48c 23c An Al all linen , CO Inches wide , worth B9c 35o An extra fine unbleached damask , 72 Inches wide , worth 79c 49c An , ; elcgint bleached damask , 70 Inches wide , worth 75c BOc An } extra fine bleached damask , 72 inches wide 79c % 'all linen dinner napkins , worth $1.19 . . ' S3c ? 4 tail linen dinner napkins , worth $1.39 9Sc $ J fall linen dinner napkins , worth ? : :35 : $1.98 % fall linen ' , bleached napkins , / Ty ° r'n ' C9e 55c ll linen bleached napkins , "worth $1.19 89c Hnen bleached napkins , extra e-quality , worth $2.00 $1,35 Special Hani mock Sale. No , ' 1 , a good fine woven hammock , only 70c N $ . 3 , a beautiful fine woven ham- . fnock , with pllow | , only $1.00 N < i 3 , solU colors , deep fringe , with ftlllow , onjy 1,57 Letter P , ours only , fine woven , only 1.18 Letter O , ours only , fine woven , only 1.48 L'-Jter M , our. * only , fine woven , only 1.78 These three numbers are the finest hammocks made , and will outwear any other hammock In the market. 125,000 YARDS OF On sale Monday morning at prices giving y < ? h proof of the helpfulness of this broadgage store. Most of the offerings are entirely new in design , with a liberal sprinkling of the favorites of this silk buying year. Here are the prices : Printed India Silks , small designs . Genuine Natural Pongee Silks . IOC 50 pieces striped Japanese Wash Silks. IOC Ilros Printed India Silks - Cheney ; resoj - ular ( Kic goods . oOC Cheney Uros. 21-ineh Printed India 4r. Silks . 49C Black Japanese Washable Silks , .17 In. 4r. wide . ! . 49C Yard wide White India Silks ; worth _ „ 50c Our Silks at isc are just as right as they'd have been at 500. Samples cheerfully mailed out-of-town customers. Drug Dcepnrtmcnt. Paris green , per pound 35e Bed bug poison ( corrosive sublimate ) , per pint 25o Persian Insect powder , per pound. . 39c Sticky fly paper , per box , Tangle foot , small size 23o Sticky fly paper , per box , Tangle foot , largo size , per box COc Poison fly paper , Dutcher's , 3 sheets lOc Packing camphor , per pound 15c Best tonic , per bottle 20c Hunyady Water , per bottle 20c Sponges , each Ic to COc Thompson's Wild Cherry Phosphate , $1.00 size EOc 25c size for IBc Horsford's Add Phosphate , $1 size. . 75c 75o size for 40o Scldlltz powders , 3 for lOc , or per box 25c Hire's root beer , per bottle 16e Bryant's root beer , per bottle Sc Atlantic root beer , per bottle So Household ammonia , per bottle Sc Chamois skin , worth double 5c to BOc ' Dronio Seltzer , sample size 8c Small 0c Medium 40c Largo ; ' . 75c Distilled extract Witch Hazel , per gallon 90c Per pint 20c Complete line of Munyon's Remedies at reduced prices. Qlve our prescription department a trial. You will get pure drugs compounded at dry goods prices , not drug store profits. Hardware. Great sale this week on harvest tools. Grass scythe EOc Grass snatte EOc Grass sickles 35c Scythe stones GO Grain scythes 900 Grain rakes ioc BINDERS TWINE. FARMERS ! ATTENTION ! We arc wholesale headquarters for hinders twine , we have some from 4c per Ib. up. Any one In want of binders twine should not fall to write or call on us. We will save you money. Enterprise plumb and cherry stoners only 7Ec. Every family should have one. Rim door locks 7 > 40 Mortlcl door locks 710 Bronzed door locks , In seta i5c Bronzed door locks , In sets 25e Window fastners , each only EC Door bolts , each only 3c Hinges , per pair EC Door bells , S5c and $1,00 , finest in the market. We carry everything In flue builders' hardware at 50 per cent under regular rates. Dried Fruits. Prices down to the bottom on dried fruits. Good raisins , per Ib 31/.Q Dried grapes , 3 pounds for ioc Evaporated raspberries iflc California prunes cc California peaches 7O California npricots gi40 California pears 7i < , c California blackberries 71 0 Currants Tea. Our teas are strictly fresh and war ranted pure or money refunded. A good Japan , 19J.c { ; choice , 25c. A good gunpowder , 19'/.c ; cho'ce , 25c. A good English breakfast , 22c ; extra , A good Oolong , 22c ; extra , 35c. Tea slftlngs.t . Groceries. Teas , coffees , canned goods , cereals , etc. , cheaper than they have ever been for 20 years. 25 Iba. granulated sugar ( coarse ) , . . . $1.00 21 Ibs. fine granulaliyl sugar . $1.00 Quart cans tomatoes . G'/ic Quart cans California egg plums. . . . 12&o Quart cnns California green gages. . 12'io Quart cans California table peaches. 12MC : Quart cans California apricots . 12'ic These goods are put up In extra heavy syrups. 3-lb. can pumpkin , makes good pie. . 7',4c 3-lb. can baked beans . 7V&c 3-lb. can Binder's tomato soup . l2'/fcc 2-lb. can corn . 50 2-lb. can string beans. , . 5c 2-lb. can strawberries or raspberries. 7ic ! 21b. can gooseberries or blueberries. 7 > ic Read these prices on staple articles that every one knows the quality of. Elactlc and all kinds of starch , pkg. 7c Pure corn starch . Go laundry starch . G3c Good rice , 4 Ibs. for . 2Sc Fresh shredded cocoanut ( In bulk ) Ib. 25c Bakers' chocolate , per pkg . 17c Brown kidney beans , Ib . 3c Dew drop syrup ( large Jars ) . 35c French laundry soap , per bar . 3o Sapollo , per bar . Be Pure blueing , per bottle . 3'XsC 3-lb. bars white castllo soap ( worth 7Ec ) . 25c Mustard , per bottle . Be Imported m\eet plckels , per quart. . . 17c Imported mixed plckels , per quart. . . 15c Imported chow chow , per quart. . . . IBc Imported Arabian olives , per quart. . 25c Imported queen olives , In bulk , per quart . 35c Duke's Mixture tobacco , 1-lb. pkgs. , with plpo . 25c Granola , pkg. . . . . . Sc Guns , Pistols nnd Sporting Goods Read the below prices on these goods for the Fourth : Revolvers 90c each. 32 and 38 double action revolvers , only . $1.25 Single breach-loading shotguns , only , $5.00 Double breech-loading shotguns , only.$5.50 Winchester repeating rifles , only. . . $10.00 Best loaded shells , any make or size , only $1.25 per 100. Drop shot , Go per pound. BASE BALL , GOODS. Base balls . I5c up Data . isc up Masks . 20c up Mils . 20c up We- carry everything In Spauldlng'a goods at wholesale prlccu. HAYDEN BROS. . Headquarters for sporting goods and fishing tackle. FISHING TACKLE. Greatly reduced rates for the Fourth. 4 fish hooks for 1 penny. Fish lines from 2c to $1.60. Fish rods . 15c Fish rods . 25o Spill bamboo rods , only . $1.G5 Trolling spoons , only . lOc Artificial minnows . 45o TENNIS RACKETS. We have a large stock of tennis rackets which we Intend to close at the below prices : $8.00. $5.00. $4.00. $3.BO. $3.00. $3.00. $2.50. $2.00. $ T.7G ! $7.EoC Any one. wanting a racket should not fall to attend this sale. Fresh Uonstcd Coffee. A good Rio coffee , IS' c. A fancy Golden Rio , 22c. A fancy Java and Mocha. 25c. High grade Java and Mocha , 27 Vic. Mocha and Java , cracked , 12V&C. Malt coffee , lOc. DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODS ! ' 'Kht ' and co ! . . . . . 40-inch all wool Imported GcYmanTlenrtl x ottas ; worth C9c . 40-Inch all wool Imported German Henil- ctta ( Frederick Arnold's ) nothing better Reid's famous "LanEdownsV ' 40 * 'inches' "wl'de ! ? * r\ regular price $1.25 ; all colors except black. /c/O 46 Inch all wool Storm Serge ; worth C9c . Oc/O SS-lnch all wool fine French Novelty Bull- InKs-for one day only. These goods are worth double . „ . W' 42 Novelly Sultl"8s for this TheseEoods ' 'aro worth up to 'jl.W a 'yard' " BLACK GOODS ! BLACK GOODS ! 40-Inch black all wool Nun's Veiling ; worth COo . 40-Inch Black Brllllantlnes , Just the thing for the new style skirts . 40-Inch Black Hrllllantlnes-thls cloth cannot possibly bo equalled . 40-Inch all wool Storm Serge ; a beauty for bicycle suits . , , . 40-Inch all wool Storm Serge ; this Is an extra - tra fine quality . 38-Inch line all wool Ladles' Cloth ; the proper thing for bathing suits . Your choice of any piece of Priestley's Drees Goods in the liouse ; thcso good are worth up to J2.W . . . . . .