Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Beau ia the Wheat Market Find Some
Consoling Nows.
There Were Reports of Lower Liverpool
rrlcvft ami Hotter Itnlttrni from Tlio < o
Ulitrlct * In Which TliroililtiB
I * Itelnit C rr > .l On.
CHIPAOO , Juno 27.-I.ower I.tvcrpool
prices ) nnd bettor threshing' reports hrotiRht
Joy to the beam In the wheat market today ,
Bf titcinbf-r clnilntf with 11 lo. of 1'Ac. Corn
cloned ' c lower nnd onts % , c lower , but
provision ! ! cisuln Ff-orcd ttdvancca.
Wheat wawcnk on the curb yesterday
nftt-rnoon and iiKnln this morning. ThlH rc-
n-ctcd the > gcnrral fcollnir. nnd was In
line with tbr dlrcctlnn laltfti by the market
nt the oricnlnK. V\rl \ "ales were nearly le
per tin. under the previous day's closing
quotation ! ! . One or two lots were disposed
of at aulte le dcellnc In the price of July ,
tnit September was so radically weak nt
the start that It did not drop over
% o to % e. Weakness continued to be the
f e at tire of the market duilntf the forenoon ,
with one or two sudib-n temporary rallies
ptcceedltitf from apprehensions of In
the northwest. Ileports of threshing re
turns ( lowed In from St. I.rmls , u-Kardless
of co.,1. They did not pursue the usual
t-jtirso of stieh mi-FsiiKi'i1 , In that they KIIVIJ
1/oth Bides of Ihe story In one day. Good
nnd bit'l retutns conti-ndi-d with each other
for the attention of the ppi-eulntrirs today.
7livlnh : had a surfe-lt of cahimltles of late ,
they xvcre In the moud to welcome n c-hiuiKC
nml listened to the voice of their now
eliflrm. The weather bureau ptedlctlon of
1U1U frffts tonlcht In North and South
Pnkota , Minnesota nnd Wisconsin did not
have tnnrh Inlluenee when llrst announced ,
but It went down Into the Inner e-onselons-
ntps of the traders and tirule known its
presence on several subje-iient | occasions.
September and .Inly kept within 1 ICe of 2e
ivinrt Uurltitf the session. The former
opened nt from 73VjC to 7374e and xvas fairly
steady around the npe-nlnjf prices for a time.
It woiked up to 7"c , then sold off to 72p ,
lecovcrel a llttel , and droppo.l to " c. II
recovered to "IHfrc. declined to 72c , nnd
. . iidvrfnrod to 73e , but wax down to
7lc ; again as the- session was approaching
Its close. Chicago Inspection In nlxty stores
wns thirty-two cars , lint only llfte > cn cars
. .iime- from outside of the city. Mlnm-apolla
nrd Uuluth received Ufi cars , compnroil with
1M5 a year ago. Kxpo-rt irleiirnni-en from At
lantic ports were 213,003 bu. . Including ID.OOfl
libls. of Hour. Foreign marke-tH were Irre-g-
ular. Paris and Ile-rlln were llrm. but Ant
werp nnd Liverpool wore weak and lower.
Dulltil ! advised 200.000 bu. of wheat Fold
thcro for export , and Now York advices
were that foreign buying orders were close
to n working basis , Se-ptcrnber closing at
from 72"ic to 7.1c.
The corn market was weak , liut there
was an apparent reluctance to pell It short.
The receipts were I.1 ! ! ! cars today nnd 140
cars are estimated for tomorrow. Canal
corn taken Into store was 5,100 bu. , nnd
371 000 bu. were Inspected out of store. Cash
No. 2 corn was In good demand at the July
prlco. New York reported four boatloads
for export. July , which closed yesterday at
4Sc , opened nt from 47c to 47-ic , and from
that gradually down to17c , nnd cloyed at
47'ac. Freight engagements Included CO.OOO
bu of corn.
The oat market was not ns lively and In-
toiestlng as It has been for the nast three
days. About the Fame kind of business
wns going on , how-over , only on a smaller
scale. There was a heavier supply of long
stuff still offe-red. principally by commission
lioiiEt-s for their country customers. The
tone wns easier and price * suffered a fur
ther decline. September ranged from SC'.gc
to Su'ic , anel rested at 2j" < , c.
Provisions were strong and higher , but
the amount of fresh transactions was small.
The bulk of the day's business consisted
In changing over July contracts into Sep
tember. Hog receipts were 20,000 head , or
6,000 head less than yesterday's estimate ,
nnd tomorrow's run Is not expected to exceed -
coed IS.WO. The estimate of stock ? , canned
meats and lard shows le. s on hand than
wns generally supposed. Pork closed with
n gain of l".sc , lard 2V4c , and ribs 7' , c.
Estimated receipts for Friday : Wheat , 2f
curs ; corn , 110 cars ; oats , 200 cars , hogs ,
18,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
KLOUR. Dull : wlnl r patents , J3.IWT1.I1 ; w'n- '
ter stralKhts , J.1.40ir3.9' ) ; fprinj patents SI OKf
J.J'S 3.20. 'print : stialKhts , J3.IW1.UO ; takers. jilOfp
WHEAT No. rprimr , 7107lc ; No. 3 fprlne ' ,
nominal ; No. 2 ml. 70Ti 72c.
cnrS NO * ' ' ' i'l'i ! Nu' 305'tMlow47c -
' "
' < %
ti'- ' -
LAX SHRD-No. 1. tl 401'
4HIJ 1 ' | Ul It' , J , t > > >
Menn pork , per bbl. , $12.47fT12.M
, s'CM' Hhort f" " . 'I'1"1 ' ( Icifise )
; - < 5 : dry sailed shoulders ( Imxxl ) , J5.37H5 ]
8'ii/L ? ! ! ° , Ct.cleI > r"lllei ' < ( boxed ) . { li.7C.87',4.
' 8""fra' nnl8llfli B ° ° 'lsPe l-
, . - - I' " , " "WiinMtoliv iho butter mar-
uci was Htendy : cru.uiirrv. Ial7c ( ) : elairv loj
140. ti'ga , nteady ; 10' < 4Uc.
Clieeuo. U ! 7io. !
P NU\V VOltiv ( SKNKItAL .M. '
Closing Qtitr.-ulnnv on thu IVInotnU Co-n-
ni-illtle > 4 unit Mnple" .
NEW YORK , June 27. FLOI'R-Recelpts. 11 30
bbls. ; exports , 13.300 bbls. ; sales. 14.WK ) pkRn
Market weak nnd Inactive. SprlnB wheat brand
offered freely. Quotations revised : city mil
patents. J4.7J&3.CO ; winter patents , J2.905J4.2S
city mill clears. Jl.10ffll.26 ; winter stralshts js's
hMVir ! 0t'l.lmU'ntH' 3-W < = ' > winter
T , , . ' - - : ex
trus , J3.OMiJ.50 Minnesota
; bakers , J3.C5 < j3.75win
jSoor2MBranU8' tWM > \ " > rln l' v Brnde"
l-.u-Jf.c Hl. iy , > Hour , quiet ; mles. 150 Lbls '
T ? ' " . , . : t4.25 ; fancy. ji.40f4.W. , '
CORN . . . MLAL . Weak ; sales , SOO bbls. : yellov
< ! , I-n. "
- Hrandywlne , J2."iO.
with a few brief rallies , and closed IWl c low-
A feature- was the pressure on July , which In
creased the discount under September to I'.i
Cables were wcnk , weather news from the imnl
west better , and threshing returns more favot
ubto , nil Klvlnar an air of weariness to the mat
ket ; No. S red. June , closed at 75o ; July. 74 ! ; -
, XUi ) lS ! or " " S1'WK > b""Port : * , 18.CCO bu.
nail-si , 4S.KIO ( bu. futures , 58.000 bu. siwt. Kpei
market dull and weaker ; No. 2. 62ic In elf
vnt-ir : T3i4c alloat. Options nile < l .inlet an
we-attfr under favimible crop news , and close
? , ' , Ho nel ilccllmJuly. : . t2f ; r3Kc. clo c < l n
KUcj Auinijt. 62Kff53ie. ! clom-.l at 53c ; Hepteni
ber , 83Mi51 4c. closwl at 53\c.
OATS llecelpts , 62cno bu. ; exports , 100 bu.
sales , 137.W bu. futures. 140000 bu. spot. HK |
market fairly active an < l lower ; No. 2. "Mt
No. 2 dellve-red. SOfliSOiJc : 'No. 3. 2S > } c ; No.
white , 33c ; No. 3 while , 32i4c : track , mixed west
ri-n , 3ICT114 < - ; track , white weatein , 3)83S ) (
Options weaker on talk of better crop prospccti
nnd closed o lovver : June cleisrd at 29i4f Jup
H'J ' , C , clmv.1 ut ai c ; September , rj' tl23' ; '
HOI'S Steady ; state , common to choice , oh
55c. TacllU' coast , old , Sftic ; ISSI. 4C8c ; IMI
eli n maiKet. steady.
LKATHKH-Qult-t hemlock sole
; , lluencxs Ayre
lljrhl to heavy vvelvhts , 22f23c ; acid , 21fi2lc.
HAY -Quiet ; KOO > | to choice. J .fA > ir7.0.
HIDKS-riini ; wet salte-d New Orleans , se
let'teil. ' 45 to His. , 6'ic. nominal ; Texas , n
le-cle-il. CO t CO Ibs. . 7c , nominal ; lluenoo Ayre
dry. 3 Oto Jt Ibs. , 15e. nominal ; Texas , dry. : i t
20 Iba , U' jl3c.
\VOOIr Finn ; dome-stlc Ib-t-ce ; 10G2Scj pulled
rUOVISIONS-lW-cf. quiet ; family , Jll.BOfJlS.a
cxtia mr-ss. JI7. Hi 19.00. Cut me.ils , flrm ; pickle
RllouUlers , 1C. Iwird , tinner : vtrsteiii steam close
al KM UHke , ! , sales , to tierces at iC.7on .SO ; ell
nt IC.i : > , lr6.15 ; sAb-g , ICO tierces ; July cloird t
tt.W , nominal , ivlloe.1 , tinner ; i-ontlnt-nt. il.\
f\\e \ , JfXn ) tleroetf H. A. , J7.W : vompounJ , SJ.2
1'ork , tinner , new mem , tll.UOll.X.
Hl'TTKll-Stt-aily ; vvrstetn elalo' . M14c ; wes
nil creamery , IMiKc ; western factory , SfilTi
} ; iiiniitf , Imitation creaiiu-rv Hfrl5c ; slat
dairy , IHflCc ; stale creamery. 17'-i TlSe.
( linKStKlrni. : . utate. laire Mite ; nmnll. 6
C8t c , part fklms. 2UO'tC1 full klms , l < 1t)2c.
iaalleavy ; itato aud rcnn } lvanla , Uh
14f. wes'-rn fnih. lisailf ; receipts C3IC | ikr .
TALLOW-Hleady , city , IVtOIVtc , country , 4Vtf
PKTHOLnfM-Weak : filled closed nt $1.13
IK'HIN ' Hteailyi strained , common to BOO ! ,
TlfllpENTINC-Qulet at Hff * 4e- .
RICB Htf-nily ; domestic , fair to extra , 4JI&ic.
Jamn | , 84T4C ,
METALP PlB Iren , n-m ; American , JI0.5)fll3.5 > .
'npper , steady ; brokers' price , 110.50 ; oxcmmfw
rice , (10.M. I wil , llrm ; brokeis' price , J8.12H.
xclinnne price , J3.7S. Tin. steady ; sal s on
change , S > tons July ( In , JIJ.M ; SO tons June ,
I3.SV. 25 tons Octnl.r , jn.Xft ; 75 tons Octolier.
13.90. Platei' , strong. Spelter , firm ; elomestle.
COTTON SEED OIL Dull ; prime crude , norn-
mil : prime summer Jellow , 2J1I2 I4 < ' ; off sum-
I < T yellow , 25WJ5V4C ; prime summer white , 2i
Condition of Tritdo un t ( jimt-itloi * on
Ntnple * und I'tine * ' Pr.t luce.
According to the report of the assistant dairy
omnilsslnner there are .125 dallies now In opeia *
Ion in Minnesota. The majority of tl > m arc
o-operatlve concerns , owned and controlled en-
Irely by the farmers where they are located ,
vho derive n direct bent-Ill from tli-lr product ,
t Is cctlinatf d the total output of thctf 325
lalrlea fur thu reason of li ! > 3 will amount In
ound numbers to 30.00),000 pounds of butter ,
'or this product Hie fanners receive n rate thd
ear round of 20c per Ib. which would amount
0 10,090.00. There are.In Frreborli and Slcclt-
onntk'H lift ) dallies. In v.hlch were made In
tune over l.W.WQ pounds of butter. Thcfo
wo counties compile the banner butter growing
llslrlct of tl.e state. In 1W4 the Minnesota pro-
luctlon of buller nmountiil to 20,000,000 pounds
mil the istlrnated fO per cull Inere-.ise In bused
UKin | the lepoits recelve-d of the priHluctlon thus
iir this > ear. The farmers who contributed In
June to thisp fifty eTenmeiles , and by whom the )
uiu ovvru'd enlliely , number 5.0JO.
Country pirxluce did not show any material
change III prices yesterday. Quotations :
ECH1S cnolcu stock , lOc.
1IPTTER I ackltiK stock. SVfcc ; choice to
fancy , lo < t 12c ; gathered country , 14c ; eep.irator
creamery , 15c.
LIVE POI'LTRY Hens , C'iit7c ; roosters , 3c ,
irlng chlekens , J2.UOH3.WjnT ilnz. . or 15 < ai6c. pe :
b. ; dueks , > c ; turkeys , OMic ; , 5c.
VEAI. Choice fat. 70 ' .n llw Ibs. , arc quoted at
large and coarfre , Hi'uV.iC.
; iSE : Wisconsin full cream , PC : YOUIIR
American" , lOc ; twins. He ; Nebraska and Inwa.
full ct-eam , lOc ; Nebraska and Iowa , part nMnis ,
4l7c ; LlrnbiiiBi-r. No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ,
Swiss. No. 1. 14c.
HAY Upland hay , J7 ; midland. J" ; lowland.
. -.tV ) ; ryestiuvv , J" ; color makes the price on hay.
Light bales sell Iho besl. Only lop grades bring
.op p-lees.
PIGEONS Per doz. , JI.Witl.50.
The potato market Is hiiidly as llrm ns It was
at Ihls point and yet there Is no weakness mani
fest In the market al the leading points of
supply. Advices received from Wichita repnn
1 tinner maiket , while Aikan aa shippers wire
thai the demand Is 1n excess of the supply even
it the very high rlgute ui-ked for stock In thai
state. A ear of potatoes grown In Kantum near
Kansas City was 111 yesli-iday , but the trouble
with the stock that comes from ro far north
Is that It Is too Miiill. Con utners have become
accustomed to the line huge potatoes iceelven
ftom AiknnsiiM and they do not talto kindly lethe
the very Miiall polntneH flilpped fiom some
other sections. Local growers are commencing
: o peddle out bomBIWVII p jtatoes among con
sume ! , nnd that mu l have n tendency lo cm
off much ot the demand for the stock shipped In.
Toniatocn are selliiiB way down for Ibis lime
of year and the stock Is very fancy , especially
the Mississippi. Quotation * :
I OTA TO E.Old ttock , ( , OC75c ; new potatoes ,
clinic- stock , lUlc.
ONION'S Hermuilas , per crate , none ; Califor
nia , in sacki. per bu. , $1.15.
OLD IIEANS Hand picked , navy , J2.20 ; Lima
beans , per Ib. . 51/4t5t c.
CAIHIAl.E On orders , 2'c. !
RADISHES Per dz. > . btinche * . 15c.
OHEEN ONIONS Per nor. bunches , 15e. -
LETTfCE I'tr doz. , r. | 2'c.
ASPARAOPS Choices stock on orders , 35030C
r-r doz. bunehes.
CPCI'MIIEIIS On orders. SOiC ° c pr doz.
PEAS On olders. per bu. , Jl.u < lj 1.25.
STRINtl llEANS-On orders , per ' ,4-bu. box.
WAX IIEANS On orders , per < 4-bu. box , CO
Jl 75c.
TOMATOES Florida stock , per C-basket crale.
( JJ1.50 : Mlssiss'ppl ' stick. p ° r 4-baskct crate , Jl.fti.
SI'MMER Sejl'ASH Per doz. , on orders , 25fi
40c.WATERMELONSlVr doz. , crate , ! , J3.CO.
The offerings of berries of mot all kinds were
fairly liberal. lllaiklieriies and black raspU-r.
ries were nol so tilenty ns they have been or ,
H < une days , nnd as the trade Is taklm ; them moro
freely It keeps the supply pretty well cleaned up.
Prices were a little llrmet- than they have been.
Red raKpberi IPS appear to bo very scarce and
hardly enouBh are coming to make a showing on
the matkct. The few that arrive bring verj
lilgh prices and are all taken by the local Irade
. 'o that there are none to ship out. Colorado
strawberries are quite plentiful and of good
quality. Quotations :
RED RASPDEIlltlES Per 21-qt. case , Jj.OOtf
PLPMS--California , per box , choice stock , J1.40 ;
southein , per case. J2.
APRICOTS California , choice stock , per box.
J1.40 < i71.75.
CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per box. Jl.0101.10.
SOUTHERN PEACHKS Per case , il.10fil.25.
APPLES Southern , per H-bu. box , G5fi75c.
STRAWI1ERRIES Choice shipping stock , per
case of 21 qts. . J2.75.
CHERRIES California , per 10-lb. I > ox. J1.73.
nOOSEllERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.00T2.25.
SOPTHEHN CHERRIES Per 24-pl. case , J.'S.
HIJACK RASPHERItlES Per 'J4-qt. case , 12.75.
nLACKIlERRIES-Cholce stock , per 2t-qt.
cace , J2.00.
ORANGES Nuvfls , per box , none ; choice
seedlings , per box. J2.W ; Mediterranean sweets ,
(3.0D ( ; fancy St. Michaels , J3.25.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , SCO size , JC.25- ,
SOO size. IG.M.
HANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , J2.25
{ j-50 ; medium size bunches. J2.WjJ2.2o.
PINEAPPLES-Pcr doz. , Jl.75ff2.25. according
to size.
FIOS-Fancy , Uc ; choice , 12813c ; California.
bags , 7c.
HONEV California. HfllSc.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon JUBS , per doz. , J12 ;
Blxby. 5-gal. cans , J3.
NUTS Almonds , Ho ; English walnuts , eofl-
Fhelled , 12c ; slandiirds , lie ; Illbcrts , lOo ; Iliazll
nuts , lOc ; pecans , 'Jc ; peanuts , raw , Cc ; roasted ,
DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc per Ib. ; fard
dates , small boxes. lOc per Ib.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J3 ; half bbl. , J3.
COCOANUTS I'er hundred. } 4.
RICE POPCORN In Ihe ear. on orders , per Ib. ,
HIDES No. 1 Bie-en hides , ti.c ; No 2 green
hides , EC ; No. 1 green sailed hides , ! ) C ; No. 2
green salted hides , S'.sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to li
Ibs. , S < fU | > c : No. 2 Veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. . . 12c ,
No. 1 dry ( lint hides , 1214c ; No. 2 dry lllnl bid , s ,
12iNo. ; . 1 dry salted hides , 12c ; partly cured
hides. He per Ib. less than fully cuied.
SHEEP PELTS-areen salted , each. 25 JCOc ;
green tailed fhearllngs ( short wonled early skins ) ,
each , DItUc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , E 10c ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early rklns ) , No. 2 , each , c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebtaeka butcher wool pelts , per
pound , actual w eight , Mi So ; dry Hint Kansas and
Nebrntku murrain wool pells , per pound , aclual
weight. 4foCc ; dry llln' Ccloiado butcher wool
pelts , per pound , actual veight. . IfiGUc ; dry
Hint Colorado murilnn wool peii : , , icr puund
aetual weight , 4JCc. Have feet cui off , as II la
untie * * lo pay fielght on them.
WOOL. UNWASIIKD Klne heavy , Cf7cnne
IlKht. 85IOc ; quarter-blood , 10112e ; seedy , burr
nnd chaffy. 5Wc ; celled and broken , coaise. , i
9c : coiled and broken , fine , C < i8c.
WOOL. WARHBD Meiilum. ISJTlSc ; nne 110
16c ; tub washed. ICJMSc ; black. 8u ; bucks Cc
las locks , 232C ; dead nulled , iflCc.
15.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J10 ; No. 1 small , J7 * b'eaf
hlacit , cubs No. 1 , buue. Jii.4it8.00 ; No.'l. m ,
dlum , ! 5.00&6.00 : No. 1. small. Ji ; uear blaJk and Rocky mountain. No. i lii e'
J18iOfiU.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J14 ; No. 1 nnil'
J10 ; bt-ar. blaek. Montana yeaillngs. No i' '
J12 No. 1 , medium , J8 No.
1 larBe . . . . _ , n. . ; l. tn-.t..n . . , .t.a K' ; . l _ small , IV l
No. 1 , medium , COc ; No 1 , binall , coo ;
No. 1 , lulnf , fi ; No. 1 , medium , JC ; No. 1 ,
Jl.SO ; rnaiten , No. 1. larce. } - ' : No. 1 medium
II. W ; Na. 1. email , 11 ; mink. No. 1 , I arse. { i
65c ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 35c : mink
ilaik. No. 1 , large , 65c ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No
1 , small. ! 0c ; mountain lion , perfect head an.
fr r. No. 1 , large , il. 0002.00 ; Imperfect tklns
IG.MO7.00 ( ; No. 1. small. IS ; oiler , pale. No. 1
J7 ; No. 1. medium , J5 ; No. 1 , tmall. < l
raccoon , No. 1 , large. 6Jti'70c ; No. 1 , medium
5'V ' ; No. 1 , lame. tOcWJ-.W ; tkunl ; , black , cared
narrow striped. No. 1 large , 50c ; No. 1. me
t U. . IUII.V , 4. . ! , . I , IIIVUIUI1I. fm. I > U. i
i > inall , Jl.W : wolf , prairie. No. 1 , larKe , CiOOOc
No. 1 , medium. COc ; No. ! . small. ( Oc ; beaver
per tkln. No. 1 , large , J5.00OCCO ; No. I , medium
H.W : No. 1 , iniall. | 2 ; beaver kits. No. 1 , | jrie
JJ ; No 1 , medium. tl.M ; No. J , email. ; 5c
inUfliiatB. winter. No. 1 , larue. ifJlOo ; No. 1
mi-dlum , 9c ; No. 1 , small , 7c ; mutkrats. fall
No. l larse. 406o ; No. 1. medium , 7cj No. 1
mail. Cc ; rnutkrat kits. ! fJ3c.
I otton .M : > rk l.
NEW ORLKANS. Junn 27. COTTON-Kutures
quiet but uteadv ; sulei. 4C.200 l > ale < ; June , J6.5
bid ; July , J4.5.1 bid , AuiruM , )6.t343 ) < i.C.I. Septeni
t-r , JC.S6 < | . 7 ; October , t .37 < r .M ; No
reml r. C.S7fi6.s : Ifcwrnlwr. J .6
< i .fa ; January. JC.CO i6.6S ; February , J6.71flr..7
March , 16.76 6 7S ; mlddllnir. C'.c ; li.w nilddllnt :
< Htd soot ord-.nary 7 1' 1Cnel and t-o s re
crlptt , 109 bales ; ttock , lU.vXO tulfs ; gales , Kn
YORK. June r.-CoVrON-Eatyj mifl
Jllnjf , 7cexport ; * to the continent , 76 bab-
airs , z.WO tali si tplnni-ri , 1,400 talc * , Sl > '
UO,3iS bales.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lEcaillns , Sugar nml Clilc.irjn Oni Monopu-
llr.ed Attention nf Speculators.
NEW YORK. June 27. This was Held day on
tlie Stock exchange for Reading , Sugar nnd Chicago
cage Gas. Rumor was busy with the conl shares
In general , nnd Hooding- particular. It was re
ported thai the real sales age-nlB nt their meeting
loday would vote lo re-strict the production nnd
that n harmonious agreement would be reached ,
It was also paid Ple-nionl Morgan had decided to
take In hand I'.ie settlement of the coal tt"iihlf-s.
but that gentleman declined to express hlmsflf
on tills. TourhlnB Reading , U was nsseili l the
control of the toad had been teemed by the
New Jertey Central people , but of this story n i
conflrmallon could be secured. On the Hlenilli ;
of these runnrs , vague as they were , there wns
a rush to buy Reading1 , and the putclmses of
filler coalers wvie In usual volume , wltli the le-
pull that Delaware & l ickavvanni gained 2 %
per cent , New Jersey Central 1 % per cenl , Read
mit Itn per i-ent , and Delaware M lltldp-in , whleh
had list H tier cent at the nponlnx 2H in-r cent ,
and Kusiui-linnna | & Western preferifd , which
had rcceiled 1 % per cent In the early trndlnif ,
receivernl 1 per rout. The failure of the coal
agents' meeting lo re < ne-h an enrly agreement nnd
the lack fit verllUatlon fit Ihe nthcr lirniois In
duced Kiillzlng sales In the late ; nfti'mooii and n
brisk n-ie-lli n set In , tin- closing llguie-j showing
Inpscs from tlie highest p < ilnls louched of I'i per
c-jnl In New Je-tcey ( Vntral , 1 % per cmt In lle-iiel-
Injc , I'i p ( r cent In Delawaie & HuiNon , 1'i per
cent In Delaware & Lack.iwanna , and Susque-
innnn K Western prefer ! e-d lust li per cent of
Its rally.
ignr was erratic. After nn ently Bain of ' }
per e-cnl It hruk 1'4 Per cent , but quickly re
covered thf elerllnii. Later the shares fell 3 K
per e-ent , with n llnal recovery t.i lb"i. whlth Is
21j per t-inl beli.w the last pale of yes etd.iy.
It was rumored on t'.ie exchange Ihnt the heu > y
salrs of this HI K I ; t .day was In liquidation of
a bull piid form d SOIIIP tlm ago. Chicago ( las
made tin ; he-ivlcst declin.ot the day , breaking
7 per cenl from last nlghl's doling and % p"r
cent from the highest julnt of them unlng. At
the lower Ilituies there was fair huvlng , which
e-iu ed a rally of 2'i p r cent , the closing being
at a reai lion of ' 4 per cent and u decline in thf
day of nn per ctnt. The geneial nrirket oprnexl
irregularly , bul generally lower , and In the enrly
l--ittnu 11 fractional decline took ( ilace In most
stiK-ks limit In while Tennessee e'oal ile-cllmd
I'i , per cent and : lion VA per cent
under c of the bull movement In the
> il pharos , the rest of the lift recording an
advance ranging up lo 2'i per cent , tlefore noon
prices began to sa In sympathy with the wealt-
tvi's In Chicago ( Jus and Sugar , bill Ihe iices-
slons were sllghl nnd were milckly reenvcred.
In the late trading , however , the whol list was
mid down from ' to 2 per cent. Colorado I-ur-1 ,
Mies nil IMcllle. llurllngtoti. Coiii-olidated ( las
and Tolmcco led and the market closed heavy
and In I n- main lowir on the day. The uillway
mortgages were quiet at Improves ! prices gen-
e-mlly. The sales weie Jl.fi2i.oo.
The Evening Post's London cablsram snys :
Th" coin and bullion In the Hank of England
decreased only CHWrtia this week , although ISI-
( KK ) net were e-\poited for tinw -k. vlThree :
hundred thousand pounds to the Cape and 500
Imported from Egypt : CIO.OOO from Malta ; 3.IKK )
from Australia and II.OiH ) In bar gold. The
stoik markets weie quiet , but Him , except for
Am-rleans. which weie generally unchanged ,
glowing Ilimer at the close. Union Pacific *
were bd ; for In the street. The other markets
continue tu present more all l actions than Ameri
cans , although the Indications still favor good
maikets all around. The Argentine Issue Is
quite booming.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
AtchlsoTT Northwestern HS'I
Adams Express. . . 14U do Did 1-CDs
Alton. T. H til N. Y. Central Ilia
Am. Express N. Y. AN. E fill
Baltimore A Ohio. Ontario A W 17H
Camul-i Pacific. . . . Orf-ffon Imp 111 $
Canada Southern. . Ornson Nav 28
Central Pacific. . . . O. S. L. A U. N. . . . tlii !
rhes. .V Ohio Pacific Mall SO'l '
Chicago Alton 16U P. I ) . A B 5i
( „ B. A Q I'lltaburt' IB"
Chicago Oas Ptilhnan Palace. . 17'J
Conholldate-J Ga ? . Ml Keadlne IH
C..C. . C. A SI. L. . . . 45II H. O. W 17
Colo. Coal .V Iron. II U. O. W. pfd 44
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . J7 Hock Ibland 7HC
Delawarti.v. Riul. . 1211 ISt. Paul U7JS
Del. . L.ick. AW. . . ( ia > 4 elopfd 1-JI
D.t It. O. pfd 47i > St. P. AOmaha. . . . . HIU ;
I ) . , vC. F. Co 'JUt > | do pfu 117
Krle. li'liSouthf-rn P.'iclllo. . S.M
do pfd.- H' ' 3 Kurlncrr. . . . 110V
Fort Wavno Ui7 iTeuii. Cjsl A Iroa. 30 ! *
( ! . Northern oM. . . is : ? Tux.-is I'.isinc I''U
C. JtK. 1 nf.l T. AO Cent. Dfii. . 'll' '
HocklnirViillov. . . - Union Pacific PJ' (
IlllholR Ccntril. . . 0(1 ( U. S. Extirois 4 ( )
St.P , ADnliitli . . . 20 W. St. L. A P 8' <
K.A T. pfd Hill ? doiM 1HJ4
Lake Erie A Wo it WelN Pniro K-c. . 110
elopfd f. | Wcsteni Onion . . ttl'd
Lnko Shore Kill Wheeling A L. E. . 17i (
LeadTniBt 3t doiifd A'2i !
LoiilHV-lllcAN. . . . C7 ! M. A St. L U1H )
L. A N. A S1 n. A K. (1 11H
Manhattan Con. . . 1PJ R. E Sll
McmnhlHAC in N. L SU
Michigan Cent. . . . 102 c. F. AI a : u
Missouri P.-iuino. . doofd OS
Mohlle A Ohio. . . H. AT. C i !
Nashville Chat . . . OH T. A. A. A N. M. . . . ii
National Conlajo. T. St. L. A K. C. . . . II
do pfd itf do pf.l 14' {
N. J. Central P. H. B 13' <
N. A W. pfel do pfd Km
North Am. ( To. . . . u-t Am. Too. Co llliUi
Northern I'.iclllo. . . ' ( ! * dopfd 114
Ko.P.-ic. Dfd Kill St P. , M. A M Ill )
U.P. . O. i
Nivv fork Money .Miirtee-t.
Easy nt IJilH per cent ; lapt loan , l'/j per cent ;
closed al l' per cent bid.
STERL1NC EXCHANGE A nhado easier , with
actual btiplm'sg In bankers' bills at Jl.SW/ff I.S i
for demand , and Jt.fSM-G'I.S ' i for sixty days ,
iwsted uites , JI > 3SI.M',4 and J4.0004.tOii ; com-
meielal bills. JI.R7 > , .
HOVERNMENT IIONDS Steady ; state bonds ,
hteady ; ralboad b..nds. . s-U-ady.
Cloying quotations of bondi were as follows :
/lit I If I I MTO lVpIf If i tiff P'P
) cmnnd Good but taej3tp1y of Beef Skew
Was Very'lL'iinitedi '
upplyof 1IOR4 Aliicli lrcjttcrTImn n Week
AGO ( load De-timnd from Packer *
anil Prh'es ItaiiKCil 1'lvo
Cents lltslicr.
SOUTH OMAHA , June 27.
The receipts today 'Were 1.323 cattle , 1,075
hogs , 1,278 Bhecp nnd 5 horses , ns against
l,3tt cattle. , 3,174 hogs'and no sheep yester
day nnd110 cattle , 3,000 hogs and 91S sheep
on Thurfday of last week.
IlccelptB for the week thus far nre , 5,151
cattle , 11SOS hogs and 3,150 sheep , ns ngalnst
3,519 cattle , 14,302 hogs and 2,872 sheep for
the came period lust wofk.
CATTMJ Today's receipts * of cattle num
bered forty-eight hjaels , the same ns yester
day , but three times ns many as were re
ceived n week ago. The number of cattle
on sale , however , was mall. Out of the
1,329 head here 703 were southern cattle
billed direct to the packers , leaving only
CM head on sale.
While th. : total offerings of cattle were
small , surl : n large proportion of the re
ceipts cenrlstcd of stock cattle that there
was very little In the way of killers. In fact ,
there were not enough beef steers here to
really make n market. The demand was
good , nnd such cattle ns there were here
were picked up tit good , llrm prices. Some
little cattle , weighing yiS pounds , reached
Cows and heifers were also In light supply ,
there being only three or four loads all
t ild The maiket was llrm at about yester
day's prices. The iremand on the part of
the p.-.elers ; was good , and theotfr'flnR *
changed hands In a very short time. The
prltf.-j paid for cows ranged all the way
I torn $1.40 to ? : i. 10 , but as was the case yes
terday , the bulk went at J2 to $3. A load
of western grass cows sold at $2.S , " > . The
market for calves , as note-d yesterday. Is
high , and de-sliablo veals meet with ready
Bale. As high as J3.GO was paid for some.
rim bUnker and feeder market has sud
denly taken on more activity , due appar
ently to at ; Increased demand nnd more
liberal offerings. A very considerable pro
portion of nil the- cattle offered on the
market teday ccnslsted of Mockers and
feeders , 'llv- splendid outlook for the crop
has evidently stimulated buvlng to some-
extent. Today's offerings were picked up
readily at strong prices. Tin- market could
"nfely bo quoted lOc to .oc higher , and In
Home cases 2Cc higher for the week. Sev
eral good sized bunches of entile , weighing
under 1,000 pounds , sold at $3.40 to $3.45. The
heavier c-attlo sold principally at $3.50 to
J3.,0. Ilcpresenlatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr.
-D. . . . CC2 J3 73 4..1020 $3 SD 4S. . . . 018 J 4 10
1. . . . f90 1 40 1..1070 2 23 ! . . . . 010 2 73
2. . . . M.1 SI 1. . . . SCI ) 223 2. . . . E13 273
4. . . . MK ) 2iO ( 1..10.0 230 9..1010 2 SI
3. . . . 976 200 I. . . . KM 245 1..1130 300
3. . . . SIO SOO 1. . . . MO 250 2..1013 3 IS
L. . . ! ' 60 203 2. . . . 925 250 21 lO'O 3 " 0
3. . . . MO 200 C..100) 2 r.O . 2..1105 3 23
1. . . . 910 200 1. . . . WO 2 C.I 4. . . . 812 340
" " 2..1080 270 1. . . . 010 340
) "
* °
L. . . 720 200 1C. . . . 715 220 S. . . . f91 323
2. . . . COO 210 2 493 2 23 1..1010 375
1..1230 215 1..1.100 230 1..J20 245
2. . . , ! . 0 220 1..14W 2-40 1.-.1020 2 f,0
" " ? . . . - . 1..1230 300
1 > * . .11UU dU .
12. . . . ICO 400 1. . . . 200-6 09 1. . . . ICO 5 25/
1. . . . 310 400 L. . . Kfl 5 GO 1. . . . 120 550
1. . . . 100 500 L. . . 14 * 500 1. . . . 230 5 M
1. . . . 210 D m
5..KKM 2 CO 2. . . . f.05 3 15 21..1001 3 .10
7. . . . tOJ 2 r,3 7. . . . 79V 3 3D 1. . . . liflO 3 fO
402 275 14. . . . 742 330 23..1173 3 C3
: S. . . . K)2 ) 300 48. . . . K5 | 3,49 11..1153
1. . . . Ci'O 3 CO ! 'S. ' . . . 954 3,45 14..1132 370-
C. . . . 7CO 3 15 97. . . . 9I5V 3'43
HOC.S Today's hog run of flfty-fr.ur loads wns
lightly In excess fit yesterday's tecetpts , there
> elng a gain of about 50 head , There was ulVo t\
slight gain over n week ago. As lo Ihe qualll.v
-if the offerings. Ihere was nol much change , but
f anything It was ntit bo'ffood as yesterday. The
market eipened with a gn.od elemand on thepirt
of local packers , and fully 5.C higher. Tlie buyers
appeared to have liberal , ordeis ; , and they vreie
r.ot long In eTict ns a clearance , eve y thing le-big
sold nnd weighed up fMfietime before midday
While the gen * ral mnrkel was 5c higher , Foinf
Halfhmen thought they r'ecf-lved lOc moio for theli
im-ellum weights In pome Instances. One clinic ,
load reached J4.73 , the top. ns against Jt.70 yester
day. Heavy and heavy mixed loads geneinll'
sold at JJ.00184.70. Hogs weighing 200 to 200-ll'C.
went principally at JI.C3fi4.CO. The light Imps
weighing under 20) Ibs. , brought J1.45If4.50. Rep-
lesenlnuvc s-ales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Eh. Pr.
1 330 . . . 4 25 G- 22) 120 4 55
5 2IH . . . 4 40 C9 193 210 4 55
3 350 40 4 41 71 2/13 / 12) 4 t5
2 2CD . . . 4 4j C2 213 fcO 4 55
2 210 . . . 4 45 10 SIS . . . 4 55
7 221 . . . 4 45 70 215 12) 4 55
1 2 1) . . . 4 41 SI lllo 200 4 f.5 .
3 20) . . . I 15 4 210 . . . 4 55
C'J 193 . . . 443 SS 2:0 D20 4 C5
rr. . .is ? ic ) 4 4 > 3 MI . . . 4 55
f2 170 . . . 4 45 2 2 . . . 4 55
191 241 4 45 2 211 1GO 1 5714
KI'I 2lO 4 45 71 S'fi . . . 4 CO
97 1C.1 12' ' ) 4 45 77 2'G SO 1 GO
71 22' ' ) 12il 4 50 74 22S Ml 4 60
SS 1X5 SO 4 50 71 210 241 4 CO
Rl 178 lf.9 450 75 215 32) 4 CO
M 191 4J 451' G5 231 12) ) 4 CO
87 193 120 4 M . 53 211 1 ? ) 4 CO
C < i K < ! SO 4 CO f.2 . 234 12) 4 CO
97 1P4 1C1) 4 CO 70 2.,3 2X ) 4 d )
15 211 1C ) 4 M 78 218 K ) 4 CO
21 223 . . . 45i ) C7 241 IK ) 4 f0
,1 200 ICO 4 50 M 261 210 4 GO
3 SJfi . . . 450 58 23.1 ICO 4 CO
4 2.V7 . . . 4 SO fa 23 . . . 4 CO
5 221 . . . 4 50 74 2'"J 200 4 ft )
4 21" ) . . . 4 M CS 250 80 4 C"
S 191 . . . 4 TO K 245 SO 4 C5
7 217 . . . 4M CI 213 SO 4 C5
5 2SI5 . . . 450 G7 Ml . . . 4(5
5 LM2 . . . 4 RO Co 2 > W 4 C'i
4 217 . . . 4 M 5S 217 SO 4 G >
2 1M 1G1 4 M 74 211 ICO 4 C" .
B 273 40 455 10 317 . . . 4 f.5
V > 209 . . . 455 KS 2 fi 120 4 f.5
4. 211 M 4 55 CS 2,1 SO 4 70
3 SHI M 4 f.5 CO . .00 160 4 70
C2 225 40 4 55 CS 201 12) 4 70
12 215 . . . 455 57 317 41 470
M 211 2 0 4 55 57 23S W 4 70
04 UiS . . . 4 f5 C7 2ll . . . 4 73
& 2 232 10) ) 4 65
1 IPO . . . 20) 1 150 . . . 300
4 193 . . . 2 ( * ) 1 UO . . ; 375
12 114 . . . 210 11 141 . . . 385
3 Hi ) , . . 370 3 133 . . . 403
15 119 . . . 370
SHEEP With six loads of sheep on sale lh < !
supply was fully equal to the demand. Thf
maikel was ralher weak and the movement
slow , ( it the same lime Ihe offerings were pretty
well cle.ined up. l-'alr lo choice nallve-h arc
quotable nt J2.r'J3.50 ; fair to good westerns at
J2.i"83.K ' > ; common and slock sheep , J1.75OJ.25 ,
coed to choice 40 to 100-lb. Iambi ) , J3.50Sri.00.
Representative sales ;
No. Av. P.- .
913 western mixed 87 t-'S :
52 native mixed Ill 2(5
5S native wethers IOC 2 75
Miio.uio MY'vrosiv. : .
In Cattle Tlicro Was n Fairly Active lo-
luiinil YeMorditv.
CHICAGO , June 27. In cattle there wns falrlj
active demand today , nnd ns the receipts wer
only about 9fe)0 head , no decline occurre-d In
prices. A few native grntsers were dlppofeil
of ut from J3.CO lei $3.90. but common to choice
steers generally sold at' from Jl to J5.C5 , vvllti
the bulk al fn > m JI.50 tu $5.50 , and strictly cholo
to e-xtrn beeves weie AVbrth from J3.75 to ( > ) .
Speculators vwre holding a fcooil many common
stockers and feedets , l.u 'tlme was a poor coun.
try demand , and sales were slow , the trnnsnes
l.ona being ehlelly at from tJ.40 to J3.73. I-"ew
dcshnble feeders are ofTervd ! arid very fe-.r are
wanted. There was a good demand for cowt
and helfcis nt from Jl.KI'to ' J4. the Inqulty belns ,
as usual , mostly e-enllneil lo choice fat lots. Not
many cows sold below J2" " . , and , comparatively fe.v
weie choice enough to brliiv J3.CO. Hulls sold
nl from M.85 to J3.CO , nnd veal calves were again
In bountiful supply and In fiilily active di.-innm !
ut from J.1 tu t't.'A , not ininy selling above J4.76.
'Hn.- receipts of Texas cuttle' were III the
liorhood of 2U' head , mn&liii ; 9,700 head re-
eelved so far this week. IVvver veiy common
Texan Kravi ers have Ixenliming foiward thaii
heretoforennd the offerinim'Include ' good num
bets of fed lots. The demand wav fair at frcn1
J3 to J3.C5 fur giussers , uithifcd lots sIoWL-r thar
usual at weaker prices. u ,
H > 'g prices cemtlnuu to.rlso. under the Influenci
( it nn active demand from Chicago- packers , tlu
t-ab-K today showing u f fOie-r advance of 5c pel
100 Ibs. The rece.pts are running a KIKI ! ileii
short of last week , and between the lequln-ment.
of local packers and Ihe mi derate wants of easr-
ern shippers Ihere nre not enough good , fnl
grain fed hoes to go around. Choice heav )
weights are | iarllcu'nily active all the time , ant
some prime Me hoga topped the market thb
morning at J5. The receipts were nlmut 10,00'
head , and Ihose left over from Wednesday In
cn-ased the rjpply to ll'i.COO head. Heavy hogi
sold at from JI.CO to J5 for cmnrnoii to choice
mixed loin at fruin J4.r > to Jl 85 und light welgl.'i
at from Jl.4'5 to 11.80 for poor to choice us
roiled. The bulk of Ihe hogs suid ut from Jill
to JI.95 for heuvy und at from J170 to JI.81 foi
About 9.000 shep were received lexlay. and thi
supply was largely lncr < seil by flieep lemaln
Ing over from thf IS itC head lhal came In yes
lerday. The hUfl-ly Includi-el , ts. usual , a llbera
proportion of lumls , while the rhet-p conuli-tei
largely of medium enutes. Choice sluep , b ln :
'arce. were rirm. but buyers wers b.ddlne lowc ;
prices for choice Limbs , und there was no longe-i
any urc ncy In th demand for > uch lamta ai
have lieen sf-lllnir al from JC lo 16.15. I-ambi
eulJ generally at from 13 lo 4S.S ) , and ehiep wen
salable nt fr-m - tl tO In 11.15 for Infeilor to extra ,
vith Mill * thlrlly nt fri.m 3 ij 3.f.O. .
lie. . clplK-.uttle , 9V)0 head , calves , 1,500 hcaJ ;
hoRs , . 'O.OOO h..ul , elii.p , S.UOO
Kiini : tlty l.ivo Mork.
KANSAS C1TV. June 27.-rATTLR-llecclpti. ,
5.71M headj ftilpnifnts , 3,100 hrad. Market slow ,
vmk , 10c timerj Texas ntpeis , J2.758I.2S ; Texas
cown , | t.FX)08.1' ' > ! lieef steers , t3.S5flS.l9i native
cows. ll.5ofM.flO ; slocktrrs and feeders , H.UQI.4,0 ;
nills , 11. W8 a. 75.
11OOS Itecelpts. 6,700 head ; shipments. SW
tend. Market opened strong to lOc hlRher , closed
weak : bull.- , tt.MWI.70 ; heavies , JS.BRflS.M ; park ,
in. ll.6 ffl.SJ ; mixid. JI.Mffl.75 ; lights. } ! .
M : Yorkers , t < .459l..r > 5 ; pigs. JI. ( . > f/.J6.
SHiiP : Itecelpts , MX ) he-ad ; shipments , 400
mid. Market about steady.
St. l.otiu i.lvo .Miirit Mnr.'ict.
ST. LOt'lS. Juno 27. PATTI.K Ueceliitu , S.C'X )
lend : shipments. I.Mifl head ; maiket nlpout rtendy ;
res" < l bee fnnd shi | < p'nB ' slceis , tange , JI.2rifl.V10 ;
iRht str-eis. J8.4'Mil.25 ' ; cows. Il.oucia.o0 ; Texas
ed steers. 3.50f5.0j ; gnus steers , J2.76O3.60 ; cows ,
Iioas-Uecelpts. 4.X > ) bend ; shipments , l.COO
lead ; maiket hv hlRher nnd strong ; heavy , tl.70
ii4.SO ; packers , $1.5541.75 ; lights , tl.Wfn.OO.
Sltiii : : > UPI-I-IIII * . 1,710 head ; shipments , 3.100
lead ; market biwer and only best gradrs wanted ,
natives sold M 12.40tf2.7J ; lambs , tS.lifiti.W ; south
\\vst stuff offered.
Nc\v Vor.5 > lii ( . ' < M'.irUot.
NHU * YOIIK , June 27-HiiViS : : Iterolpts. < C3
pad ; none on sale. CtmipiMti cables qnnle Am r-
can steers nt lO fill c per Ib. , dressed weight ;
refrlgeiator beef at 8'v ' < U9'4c ; no expoits to.lay.
SHEEP ANli I.AMllS Receipts , 0.72 ! ' head ;
m sale31 c.ils : sheep , dull but steady ; lamb. * ,
low. i-iifiic lower ; nlxutt 2i > W head inn .Id.
inulnly slieip ; shce-p , poor to prime , J2.00U3.M ;
amh , common to choice , JI.2"iiC.15.
HOOS Receipts , 4,700 head ; III liter nt JS.fJOff
Meu-lc In Mu-lit.
Record of receipts nt the four principal mar-
it-ls for Tlmislay , June 27 , 1'95 :
Cattle. Hugs. Sheep.
outh Omaha 1.JI21I 4.073 1.27S
. 'hlcngo O.f-i'O ) UOX1
Kansas City 5.70C.701 ) Ml
St. Ixiula 3y ( 4.rnk ) 4.7 i
Totals 2',120 ' 31,775 15,478
\vr.irct.Y : iu.vuu : uK'iiti : iut > \ IUADIO
.Advance In I'rlceH In All Lines Ciiiitliiuo <
to ( iiiiu Mnni'-iitiiiii.
CLl-ViLANI : ) , June 27. The Iron Trade He-
view this week will say : The advance In the Iron
and steel trade Is gaining momentum every
week , and while there Is ni > concealim til of the
fear that things may be moving tco rapidly for
the health cif th- Hade , neb * ly seems to be
serloiihly trying to hold the maiketlown. . With
their pKK'uet engagul from sixty days to six
months ahead and Inquiry and unlcm Mcmlll >
gmwlng , the mills and steel \soiks are swinging
ale ng toward a condition that now lacks only a
few of the elements i f a IKKHII. They me busier ,
meantlmo. In tinning dmvn onleis that cannot
be tilled than figuring about tliH FOUICCS of de
mand or trying to ileteimne how tight tie pres
ent rate will Ur-pp up. TUP call for structural
material , that lias been mote an.l ni'ite ' a llruic
In sti el consumption the past f"W m 'iiths. ' reac'ied
such a iioint In the pre ent maiKet week that
tlie leading piuluefts put 11)1 prices $3 a ton fin
beams and chantK-'s. Th - Manlnttaii Klevated
cnn'rnct am lints to upwind of 3 H'lO ' t'His. which
was placed In the week and went to Pitts'mrg.
The advance In steel rails from } 22 tu > 2I at
eastern mills , deeded on In New Yuik last week.
has already liven follownl by buying. Tne Old
Divmlnlon lines' contract fur in.fwi toni went to
Plttsburg and some cential and westctn buying
of letser tqimage Is refuted.
St. l.ouN ( it'iieril Marlcnt.
ST. LOUIS , Juno 27. Wit HAT A weaker turn
was taken by tlie market and a decline of lc
was established , but rallied late , sold up c and
closed at fully le In-low yesterday ; No. 2 red.
cash , 72'iifi3'ijc ; July , 72iC72- ! atked ; Sup-
tcmlx-r. 72' ' , c bid.
rOUN Declined 1c early , but rallied sonic-
Jate.c.n light lece'pts and better crop predictions ;
No. 2 mixed , cash , 44c. atked ; July , 44,4c bid ;
Septi Illber , t. e bid.
OATS Declined ' STHo on heavy selling but
at lower rates tlifre was belter buying nnd Ihe
market rallied UTiHc ; No. 2 , cash , 25',4c : July.
le ; September. 24'f.c.
HYM Small lots prime sold at C7'.io , ' .4o below
latest previous sales.
COHN MIOAL J.t.2".TJ3.3' ) .
MIIAN ; KiffCBc , cast track.
HAY Tlmnt ly , steady : fll.r,0J11.r , ( ) , east side ;
pralile. fably active ; VJ.C04tl2.GO , this side.
lions Lower at Sic. !
LIvAD Dull , declining , with light detmn'1 ;
sales , seven cars , at $ J.05.
Sl'KI/TKIl Slow and weakening nt $3.42H I1.43.
PHOV1SIONS Poik. Rtnndanl menu , JI2.70.
Innl. prime steam SC.40 ; choice , t .r , , . llacon.
l p l phoulileis. $ .r.H ; longs , 5.sij ; rib * . J7 ;
shorts. J7.12'i. Dry salt meats , boxed Mioul-
d.-rs , J5.C2'.i ' ; longs , f6.37'S ; libs , 50. & ) ; shoita ,
'HncniPTP I-lour. LOW lib's. ; wheat , 13,00)
bu. ; corn. 3.i0 bu. ; oats. 37.IOO bu.
tilUP.MHNTS Flour , C.001 bbls. ; wheat , CrOO
bu. ; corn , 0,000 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu ,
Coffee Murker.
NKW YOIIK , June 27. COI-TKIJ Options
oH-ned slenily at nn advance of 10fi20 points on
strong nunpean advices and buying orders ; ruled
quiet ; business lestrlcted by scarcity of Belle ! *
and unsatisfactory Itmzll cables ; closed Etead >
at 10T20 points net advance ; sales. 10150 IIUKS. Including
cludingMarch. . J1I.40 ; Julv. JII.IO ; Sepleml.ei ,
Jll.SOQH.r.l ; October. $ l4.55ffl I.CO ; December ,
SUM Siv > t coffee. Itlo , dull and nominal ; Jso.
7 , $15.50. Mi.l. ; quiet ; Cordova , 518.2'lfi 19.00 ; sales
R50 bags of Maincaibo , p. t. Wareh'iUH ; de-
llverlis from N w Yolk yesterday. r.,31C bass ,
New Yoik slock today. 220,8(8 ( bags ; United States.
slock , 20S.115 bags ; ullnnt for the fnlted .Slates.
'SO 000 bags ; total visible fur the United States.
.Mil 115 bails agalnft 278.553 bags last year.
HAVIti : , June 27. Maiket opened steady at It
higher ; at 12 m. , steady at W higher ; at 3 p
m. , quiet and unchanged ; eloped quiet at U' net
advance for tlie day : sal25.000 bag ? .
SANTOS. June 27. Market Inactive ; gond aver
age Santos , not quoted ; receipts , 9,000 bags.
, j'mie 27. Market irregular at M
pfg. higher ; sates , 2.000 bass. . . . . ,
IIIO 1)13 .1AN1-3I150. June 27.Market not elc-
scribed ; No. 7. Itlo , nominal ; no quotation ; ex
change , ti'id : n-celpts , 7,000 ba-ss ; cleaied for tbt
ITnlted States. 2.001) baga ; cleared for Kurope > ,
none ; stock , 133,000 bags.
ItnltliiKirii ( Jr.iln J Hrets. !
IJALTIMOIli : . June 7.-KLOrU-null nnd iin-
cliangedreceipts. . 4.r.SC bbls. ; fhlpme-nts , 3M > 3
iiiAT-Kasy ; i and :2 72.4c . ; July
72H 72'ie ; August. 72' 'ii72Kc ' ; S.-pi. inlier. ,1'4
74'ic ; steam.No. . 2 ivd , C9U < ; ; leeeipts.
2953 bu. ; Stock. 3S3,2I bu. ; Fides. 223.MX ) bu. .
s'lUthern wheat , by sample , 70ff , e ; Fouthein
wheat , on grade , C9W7.1t- .
COIlN-Uecelpts , 1S.917 bu. : shipments , 17,14 ?
tu. ; stock. 373.1C1 bu : sales , 70.000 bu. ; Eoutb-
White ' Bouthern yellow corn ,
ern coin , C0ff52'-ic ;
\ - : No. 2 while western. XKfKtr ;
No. ' 2 mixed. 32'tt5Cc | ; receipts , 13.C17 bu. ; stock.
- ; No. 2. COc ; tock. 0.770 bu.
HAY I-'lrin ; choice timothy , $1C.
nuar Murker.
T4Hc : mold A , I 11-lMi I74c ; standard A , 4 J-
4Hc ; confectioners' . 45-lC l'ic : cut lonf. 5 1-W |
5'ic ; crushed. 5 1-lCn5 > 4e ; powdereil. 4H'U I Ij-loc ,
granulated , 4 7-1Cc ; cubes. 4 Il-ica4iic.
NI-VV Yini.rv (1 'tiH .llurisct.
NEW YOIIK. June 27. There was no activity to
Ihe demand , yet cunsMetablo business was doiu.
Illcached and brown cottons weie In steady re
quest and fair to good sales followed. Pi luted
f.ibrlrs wen. lndUeil after nnd BIKH ! sib-s le-
blenehul tn' : current price
Milteil. Tor C1nunrp
Is | i/if4rjic. with Hiles at ths latter. Colored
ofitt'iis ' doing a little be-ter and values Ihin-r.
Tor the closing week of the emannual Beasnn
there was consUl-Table dene. 1'rlnllns clotha
llrm nt 2 13-lCc. _
Mlltvink-n Mnrpt .
MILWAl'Knn , Juno 27. WHH.VT Lower ; No.
2 sprlnif , "l ic ; No. 1 noithein , 7"ic ; Septein.
ber. 73Uc.
C'OHX Dull nnd lower : No. 3. 4S'4c.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 while , KHic ; No. 3 white ,
IIAHLKY lTnchnnB l.
HYU No. 1 , COo.
A1ltineiiioll ( < IVhi-at .
MINNHAPOLIS. June 27. WHKAT Stenely at
Uc decline ; June. ; July.72ift72Uc ! ; Septe-m-
her C'j'lfj70e : on track , No. 1 bard , 'Slic ; No.
1 northern , 73c ; No. 2 northern. 72e.
Fri < e-i > Wlirut < 4.uitiiM' li .
HAN ritANe'ISCO , June 27. WHHAT Easy ;
December , tl.03'1. _
Oil Murker.
ntlKMEN. June 27.-l'iTUOLiUM-7 : marks
_ _ .
I'nrnlKii riimnri-tl AITnlrH.
linni.lN. June 27. Kxchnnge on Lendon , 8
days' slKht. 2- ) marks 41 p'g-
PAItlri. June 27. The weekly statement i f thf
Hank of Trance. Isiuul today , shows the follow
ing changes , as compired with the pievlmis at-
ci.imt : Notes In circulation , decrease , ;
tiviiKiiry accounts current , Im-rensc , 3 < .52j,00r ;
goivl In hand. Increase. 1.S25.000f ; bills dis
counted , Increase. S.l'JO.OOOf ; silver 111 band , inj
crease , Z.lW.CKrtf. Time- per cent renli-n , lOlf
r..tfor the account. Kxchange on Ixmdon , 8jf
2Hi < - for < hecks.
LONDON. June 27. The weekly statement of
th" Hank of Kngland. Issued today , shows the
following changes , as compared with the previous
account : Tola ) rewxe. de-creaRi" . tf-M.OOiJ ; clreu-
latlon , Increase , C7t7C W ; bulllcn dicienre , 149-
UiC ; other seiuillleM. InereiiHC , ftli.O' ' ) ! ; ot ler dc-
p-fltB. decrease , 'O W ; public dep-islis , In-
ersaseI8i.0ii - ) ; notes reserve , Uecieiue , 5iiO.-
f/iO ; L'overnnunt securities , lncieise , Cw.OOO.
The promirllon of the Hank of Kngland's reserve
! > liability , vvblch xvai last week W.1C fft cent ,
Is now C1.C4 per cent , liar tllver has advanced
to 3)liJ | i r oz. The It-ink ot Knuland's rate of
discount iimalns unehaiiged ut 2 per cent. ( jd |
Is qui ted at Hueioi Ayrea at S44.W ; Madrid ,
14.0) ) ; Liflon. 28'v : fit. 1'etertljiirc DO ; Athens.
77 ; Home , 14.50 ; Vienna. 1U3. Tlie amount of
bullion gone Into the * Bank of Unvland on bal
ance today la (43.00) .
.Note * .
HALTIMOIIH. June 27. Cl irlns . tMC3,7 5 ;
balances. IUI.S37.
IIOSTON , June 27. Clearings. 116,453.792 ; bal-
unreH , I2.33ti.or. .
Ni\V : VOUK. June 27. Clearings , tM.611Mi3 ;
balanrt-H , H.71-5.474.
PHILADELPHIA. June -Clearing" . | 12 J-
t'A , balanrvi , J1.M1 419.
ST LOt'IH. June 27 Clearings , t3.S59.91S , bal
ances , 749,13l. Money. Mia prr cent. New VwR
Wo premium bid *
Spirited War for Rjtluced Tclopliouo Rates
in Onicago.
Cost of IMcctrlciil Coolilnc A Monster
1'utvcr riiint Itciiov.illii" tlio Coin-
plosions iicctrlcil : ; llcvrlojc
nu'iit In Other
A spirited contest for cheaper telephone
service la being waged In Chicago. The cost
of service In the city ranges from" $120 per an
num for residence * to $150 for olllces. The
Chronicle Is out with a meat-ax seeking an
opportunity to slice the monopoly ham , but
Us labors so far have been fruitless. The
agitation for a reduction Is steadily growing ,
however , and It Is not likely the Hell com
pany can long resist the demand. Chicago
r.itca are nearly us high as the rates In New
York. In these , us In all largo cities , the
malingers defend the high rates by saying
that the larger the number of patrons the
costlier the service for cacti. They boldly as
sert that the cost of operation cf 10,000
'phones Is greater per 'phono than for un ex
change with 100 subscribers. The assertion
Is sharply criticised as an absurdity a re
vel sal of the principle that obtains In every
jiMlnoss. Relief from these exactions by competition -
petition Is not yU assured. The young ri
vals arc fighting among themselves Instead
of llb'iitlng ' the common enemy.
The actual money Inve.-trd In telephone en
terprises organized to compete with the Hell
Is dlfllciilt to nErvrtdln. A number of them
arc manufacturing companies , though Inter
ested , of course , In the pushing of Independ
ent exchanges. Their aggregate capitaliza
tion runs far into the millions. A man con
nected with one of the companies and in a
position to speak advi < edly , tells the Chicago
Tribune that $1,000,000 will cover the cash
t.'iiBt has thus far been embarked In them.
The government , which Instituted the suit
to Invalidate the Derllner patent , wlil carry
iho cause to the United States supreme court
It It can be done , announcement to that ef
fect having been made by Judge Taylor of
the government's counsel. The decision of
tlio United States clrcu t court of appeals ,
there seems to be no doubt , has checked one
or two Important telephone enterprises or-
rjanlztd In the last year. Capital , It Is said ,
Is disposed to hold olt while the Dell con
trols the battery transmitter patent.
The fuel reform movement which banished
coal from o many apartment houses and sub
stituted gas for hutting and lighting educated
the progressive housekeeper up to the e'.cctrlc
fctovo and heater. Kor If the gas Etove wns
good , 1'iie. eltctrlc stove Is better. Nothing
could be simpler In principle , says the New
York Tribune. It Is inertly an Insulated wire
merge J In a plate , which by mere rcslstanca
to the How of the electric energy gives oft
heat. Obviously , there could tcarcely be amore
moro convenient form of lighting and heat
ing. Jf you wish warm water In your bath ,
Just drop In your plate. If you want heat for
your shaving mug , for your chafing dish , for
your baby's milk pitcher , Just turn on the
switch. The temperature can be delig'i.fully
regulated by Uiio electric stove , as thtro Is no
consumption of oxygen and the consequent
giving off of carbonic acid gas. On this
giound alone the electric stove must find Its
way Into the Ideal home. Not only does gas
scrlcus'y complicate the problem of ventila
tion , especially In apartment and city houses ,
but besides poisons the atmosphere and over
loads It wlt'.i ' moisture Gas Is Injurious to the
human voice , and Is held to predispose the
throat to dl-agreeable nnd sometimes seri
ous aiTcctlcns. However , although the prln-
ple of the electric stove and heater Is com
paratively simple , It was found extremely dif
ficult , practically , to make a plate , a rheostat ,
as the electric stove. Is technically known ,
which would at once be moderate In price
and which would not burn out almost Im
The perfection of such a plato by Mr. J.
II. Dclaney at once simplifies the Introduc
tion of electricity Into the home for almost
every purpose. When rcfctrictcd to Illumina
tion alone , the cartful householder might well
have hesitated , although , as has been said ,
on grounds of health alone , there ought not
to have been any hesitation. But now that
heating , cooking , Humiliation , communlca-
catlon , locomotion and power are nil under
control of the labor-saving , time-saving and ,
In every proper sense of the word , moneysaving -
saving push-button , the triumph of electricity
In the New York house anil ) elsewhere
throughout the entire country is.simply a
matter of time.
Mr. Delaney's Invention Is extremely sim
ple. It consists of Imbedding an Insulated
wire In a tile plate , and dispensing with the
old metal back. The Dclaney plalo has been
submitted to the severest possible tests for
some time past and has stood them triumph
antly. Ilclng ot porcelain. It Is peculiarly
adapted to nil sorts of dishes and mugs , and
the use of the non-conductor gives It a gen
eral , advantage v.'nlch , from a scientific point
cf view. Is thoroughly appreciated by elec
tricians. An advanced stage , therefore , In
Oomotlc science can fairly said to have been
reached. The age cf the wood flr3 , save for
rfiitiment , has long since past. The coal
ftove , with Its dust , no | e , waste of heat
unltH , difficulty of lighting , of maintaining an
even temperature , and requiring hours to
heat up and to cool down , has rapidly given
way to the nas stove. Just as the gus stove
will probably In turn \ > 3 replaced by the
rheostat. Kor midnight supper or early
breakfast the electric stove , on account of
Us convenience. Its Immediate availability
and uniform degree of heat , leaves little If
anything to be desired.
Them Is a common belief , outside of
electrical circles , tint electric cooking
must for a long tlmo bo too expensive to be
come general. R. 13 , Crompton , the English
pioneer In this branch of work , has done a
praiseworthy thing In disabusing the public
mind of this Idea. In a recent lecture Mr.
Crompton adduced certain facts \\'nlch estab
lished conclusively the superior economy as
well as efficiency of cooking by electric heat.
The success which has crowned the perEc-
vering effoits of the advocates of electric
cooking has been In a very large measure
due to the splendid accuracy with which they
have been able to measure the temperature
actually obtained and the quantity of heat nc-
tuilly required In various cullnary , opera
tions. As Is pointed out by an English
electrical Journal , until exact data has been
obtained on these points , not even the best In
formed person could credit the tremendous
wastefulness of existing methods. It was
hardly surprising that few people should have
any faith In the future possibilities of elec
tric heating , which , being supplied at the
start with a mere C per cent of the total en-
crgy of the ccal , could scarcely have been ex
pected , ever wlt'i n 90 per cent eillclency ,
to compete- with coal fires , until It WHS ascer
tained that the efficiency of these rarely ex
ceeded 2 per cent. This enormous waste Is
duo to the fact that with thpsole exception of
boiling and stewing , all tlie operations of
cookery depend upcn the radiation of heat
to the substance to becooked. . Take , for
Instance , the process of grilling a chop ; con
sider how much coke has to be burnt bsfore
a bed of glowing fuel fit for the purpose Is ob
tained , and note that after the clear urilling
fire IB In order , 70 per cent of the heat goes
up the chimney , l per cent Is radiated Into
the room or employed In roast ng the cook ,
male or female , as the case may be , and It
wl 1 not be diflirult lo nnderitand that the
chop Itself dcs not receive more than 3 per
of the total hr-at units. On the other hand ,
with a properly arranged grlller , heated by
electrical means , fully U5 per cent ot the
heat energy in the eleclriclly Is utilized In the
meat. The electrically worked kitchen may bo
kept as cool as a dairy If It ba desired , and
the effects on the quality of the cooking and
on the health and tempers of the taft
must bo experienced to be appreciated. In
cooking with the gas stove It Is necessary to
allow ventilating currents of air to pass over
the Bin-faces which are cooking. Thesa cur
rents of air dry up and harden and take away
the flavor e > f the outer portions of the meat.
With e-le-ctricnl cooking , ttie absence of such
ventilating currents and Hie stillness of the
air prevents such drying and hardening
action ; the meat la found to bo tender and
Juicy right up to the extreme outer sun'aca ;
It Is browned only to a tulllcient extent to
please the eye anil the palate. The various
data of ele-ctrlcal cocking have been brought
down to such Ecleulific cxac'ltude that any
person , no matter how unskilled In the cull-
nary art , can take * In hand the roasting ,
baking , s'ewlng or frying of any Joint or
piece of meat by ele-ctrlcal iiuans. and know
pert , ctly beforehand , not only that the dish
will bo cooked to perfection , but how long It
will take and what It will cost to cook. A
child can learn the ways ot the electric oven
In A few hours , nnd produce as good results
with It , with absolute certainty , even In suclf.
branches ns the baking or browning of pastry
or ornamental gwect dlshcii , which usually
require great experience , as could be nt
tnlncd with the ordinary oven attcr years ot
practice ,
The electric equipment ot the Metropolitan
Elevated railway of Chicago promlies to beef
of much Interest. The generating plant con-
sifts at present of two 1,600 kilowatt or
2,000-liorEo power generators , similar to tho.iO
now op rat ng the Brooklyn City railway
nnd the 1'eople's Traction railway of 1'hllft- '
dolphin , ami jwo SOO kilowatt or 1.070-hors
power genenmus similar to those employed
for ftreet railway service In Buffalo nnd St.
Louis. The commeiclal eillclency of thefo
machines Is guaranteed to be not less than
01 per cent , and they arc designed so as to
stand an overload of CO per cent for a short
time * . They are enormous machines , tha
larger ones weighing 1S7.000 pounds each , or
moro ( linn the average locomotive and tender.
No trolley wire Is used , but In pluc ? of It tha
current IB delivered along the line by a thlrj
rail elevated on stringers mitslde of the
guard timber , as on the el"vated railway at
Liverpool. Each train will consist ot a
motor car fitted up as a smoking car ami
three trailers , the average fi > ocd to be thir
teen miles an hour. A motor will be mounted
on each of the two axles of one ot tli3
trucks of the motor car , each capable o
exerting a drawbar pull of 2.000 pounds at
twenty miles an hour , with thirty-three Inch
wheels. The connections nnd controller nro
so arranged that a quiet ; start may bi1 made
If necessary by UirHng the handle of the
controller to the right , while the ordinary
slow start Is mndo by turning It to the left.
An automatic Interlocking device Is pro
vided In connection with the reversing
switch , by which It Is Impossible to opcralo
the latter , except when the handle of the
controller Is In the proper position. An
other Important feature of the connections
olfers a means by which the two motors are
loaded equally.
There Is little doubt tlmt before long wo
shall be able to regulate the temperature of
our houses according to the season of the
year by means of electric heating or electrla
refrigeration from the electric central sta
tion. In the meantime , an Ingenious system
of utilizing the waste steam of central sta
tions for heating dwellings , olllcc buildings ,
etc. , has been successfully put Into oper.ttlon.
The plan requires either that the engines
shall be In operation at all times or that
live steam bo admitted from the boilerj Int'j
the dlsttlbutlon mains when the engines are
shut down. The plan adopted Is to Etoro
the luat of the exhaust steam by causing It
to raise the temperature of the water In a
largo tank , well protected from radiation , for
use when the engine Is not running. This
hcnted water Is forced through underground
pipes to the cells In the various houses , aivl
through the return pipe Into the bottom ot
the" storage tank. The water leaves the
station at a temperature of ISO degree. !
Fahrenheit , and returns at a temperature of
HO degrees In zero weather. This Email losa
of heat In the water after passing as It often
does through from 10,000 to 12,000 feet oC
street mains is looked upon us excellent
practice , and It Is In a great measure owing
to the fact that the supply Is forced through ,
the mains nt the rate of II2S feet per minute ,
with a pressure of thirty-five pounds at the
pumps. The supply pipes are laid three feet
below the surface of the street , carefully
covered with non-conducting material , and
boxed In. From one station In Toledo twenty-
seven houses are heated , and ot this number
only ten are piped and fitted with radiators ,
the rest being si plled with hot air furnaces ,
which have been turned to account by fitting
them Inside with cells , through which the
hot water from the station clrc.ilalcs , the hot
air being delivered through the hot air pipes ,
as It was under the old furnace system , at
a temperature of 70 degrees In zero weather.
A recent writer declares that while electricIty -
Ity Is known to le a euro for many of tha
troubles that llesh Is heir to , an unsuspecteJ
use Iras ! xeii found for It , and that a flight
taradlc cunent applied morning anJ evening
to the face , neck and fhouldcrs will Increase )
the llesh and greatly Improve the compl xlon.
The electric current Is too often prostituted
to quackery , but in this Instance Its appli
cation seems to bo perfectly natural and
based on the simplest laws of electrical and
physiological effects. Tno treatment Is far ,
more seiiilblo and effective than cosmetics
and washes , end a small pocket battery
will meet all lt icqulreincnts. Much In
beauty Is due to the anatomical substratum
of the flkln ; attractiveness elci > cndlng largely , ,
on the contour , anJ anything that "tones
up" the facial muscles tends to restore and
accentuate their outlines. This modifies Ion
of the muscular tissue Is primarily the re-
. -ult of the Influence of the current upon the
nerves , for the muscles are controlled by the
nerves , both In their movement and In their
nourlfament. The cltect upon the healthi
ness and beauty of iho skin follows on the
Improved circulation of the blood In the
skin. Increased flow of blood means Inc -
c : cased nourishment , capacity to eliminate
deleterious material and lirmncss anJ vigor
cf the skin , so there is llttlo doubt that tlio
Judicious application of a mils' faradlc current
to the face , neck and shoulders of those who
wish to Improve their jwrtonal appearance
can In no way do any harm , and. If patiently ;
persevered In , Is most likely to aid them In
their purpose.
The competition between steam and elec
tricity for railroad traction Is seriously em-
barra.-slng the steam roads , which arc nearly
all burJened with overcapitalization and
bonded InJebtcdncss , nnd name of which have
nearly exhausted their borrowing capacity.
One ot the moat profitable branches of their
business Is the passenger traffic between
largo cities not remote from each other , and
It'is Just at this point that tin ; competition
of the trolley road , ? bears hard' Et. The
trolley utually occupies a public highway
without cost ; Its cars can overcome heavier
grade ? , and the general cost of construction
Is far below that of existing Eteam roads.
Serious cs may IIP the direct outcome of this
rivalry to the Interests of the steam roads ,
Its Indirect results are hardly of less 1m-
por'ance. Kor Instance , It has been esti
mate 1 that electric lines liavo already dls-
plac.d no less than 273,000 horses , and the
movement has not by uny means stopped
yet. At a moderate commutation this num
ber ot horses would requlio alwut 125,000
biifhols of corn or oatrt a day. A d < easts ot
I2.rj,000 bufhela a day Is equal -15.000,000
bushels a year , enough to appreciably affect
Iho prices of those grains. Hut what the
cessAtlon cf thU commercial demand for.
coarse grain fodder In the cities means to the
steam railroads Is nn enormous loss of ton
nage , not le& ? , In fact , than C5 C'JO carloads.
i.A.uiiv : Ttuuiiii ; u.rrns.
Six Tor r.vo llolluri.
The manager of the bath and complexion
parlors at The Hue building has secured the
services of a trained masseuse for one month ,
who , by years of experience and careful
study , can by facial massage and metllcatoJ
vapors , creams and balms , ihako the old to
look young and the young yet moro youthful
all from the remedies nature hcrsclt
teaches. Special attention to hair dressing.
A 1'Yul ilvilllt IIT'H
Offered by the Chlc.-.go , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railwoy , the short line to Chicago , A
clean train made up anil started from
Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to
destination. Elegant train service and
courteous employes. Entire train lighted by
electricity anl heated by steam , with electric
light In every berth. Finest dining car
'iorvlPs In the west , with meals served "a
la carte. " Tlie Flyer leaves at 0 p. m.
dally from I'nlon elcpet.
City ticket Office , 1.101 Farnam street. O.
S. Carrier , city ticket uimnt.
Telephone 1O.19.
Grain. Provisions & Stocks
Hoom lll'j Hoard of Trade ,
Direct wires l-j Chicago and New York. f
C'orrcspondentH : John A. Warren St. Co ,
F. P. SMITH ( Tel , ssHM
Itoom < t. N. Y. Life Hldi ; . , Onuihn.
Branch olllcea at I'rrmont und C'.Hmibun. All
orders iilacetl on the Chl'URo lluaiil of Tiaile.
Corivepumlenta : Holnvurl3. Pup , e & Co. , Chi-
tugo ; Kchrclncr , I'luilC & Co. . Bt. LoulJ. JUtVr
to rimt KMlonal Hank. Omaha.
MAUflIN N ° niutler win" booklet on p c-
ulatlon j'/u ma > lime rtuit n-ml
PII ° > " wl'll11 ' ' NIW ana
M toMl.iiTK. ; It tlnuly cuplalna
margin trudlni ; und DKKINr.H AM. MAIUCirc
IJXI'lUCBSIO.Nri. It's fire anil will teach you
inmethine , A HBOC ! AST 6 IX ) . , 11 Trader *
Uulldlng. Chicago.