THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICI3 , - - NO. 12 PEAIII * STREET Delivered tjr carrier to any part of the city. II , W. TILTON , Lcnee. TnLnntONHS Dullness omc . Ko. 4J | nlzhl tdltor , No. 23. Mlf > OH M Grand hotel cigar store carries th * finest line * of cigars In town. Orand ho e1 , Council muffs. Newly fur- nlMied. Reopened Oct. 1. K. 1' . Clark. Prop. Th ? Degree of Honor auxiliary to tha- An cient Order of United Workmen will cele brate Its flrat anniversary till ? evening. Uly Camp Aid toclely will meet this aft ernoon at the reMdenco of Mrs. I' . H. Wind. 738 Washington avenue. All Uoyal Neigh bors if America are Invited. Kvcry member of tent 32 , Knights of the Maccabees , Is requested to melt at ope- clal review llili cvenlnK for Initiation of candidate * . Hy order of commander II. K. Avis , llio 7-montlis-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry liroak * . died of congestion of the lungs yesterday morning ' ' ' - < i at tu.TC . * ' , Idcnee. 10U Axenue F. The funeral will lake place this morning at 11 o clock. Inter ment In Falrvlcw cemetery. Patrick Hannephan , a well-to-do farmer who has a penchant Jor wooing the flowing bowl , was fined $10 and costs In police court yesterday morning. Ills son called at tne Jail yesterday afternoon and made arrange ments for gelling him out. Mrs. Wllfong and James Maslerman. who llvu on Avenue I ) and Twenty-third street liavo had considerable trouble at different times- , and Mastcrman claims the woman IB trying to run him off the place , as the did his predecess-ors. As a. way of getltmrcen with him for tome real of Imagined Injury , lie tays she sent her boy with a slcldf Into his garden and had him mow down a lot of pea * and other garden truck. He ( lied an informa tion In Justice Vlen's court yesterday charg ing her with malicious trespass. Fire and tornado Insurance written In best companies. Money for farm loans at low- rates. City property for sale or trade for farm lands In Iowa. Lougce & ToMe , .3u Pearl St. . A polish tbtt will make your piano or furniture look better than when you bought It. It's cheap and all right ; get It at IJIx- by'H , 202 Main street. Vo ; sale , new Sterling bicycle , rode 15 miles , 22 Ibs. , $00. Addiess B 27 , Dee omce. IMiMiOA.II'.tll.tC.K.ll'llS. ; . Mr. and Mrs. John Strange of 1912 Avenue D are the proud parents of a girl baby. . Dr. II. S. West leaves tomorrow for a ten days' fishing trip In northern Wisconsin. Evangelist V. T. Plcrson Is now rustlcallng In New Jersey and will not visit Council Illufts until In the fall. Mrs. John Hlshton. who has been visiting Alderman Hemy Hishton and family. leaves today for her homo In Spokane , \\asli. Ernest Cook , who has been conlsdered re covering from a dangerous attack of malarial , fever , lias had a relpam and is again In a critical condition. Miss Flora Lctson of Hasllngs , Neb. , IP vlslllng her grandparents' , Mr. and Mrs. Charles IJaugh. In this city. She leaves today for Des Molnes to spend a few weeks with friends Ihero. Council Uluffs Is represented In the grad uating elapses of eastern law schools and uni versities this year by Torrey Everett , son of the late Horace Everett , who graduated from the Columbia law school. New York City ; ; Lockwood Dodge from Harvard Law school * , nnd his brother , N. P. Dodge , Jr. , from Har 'm vard university. W. P. Adklns of South Omaha and Miss Cora Stlmfon of title city were married Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's parent * , Mr. and Mrs. F. Stlmson. Hev. J. E. Simpson of Grace Episcopal church ofllclallng. The ceremony was wit nessed by Iho Immediate friends of the par ties. Mr. and Mr ? . Adklns left after the ; ceremony for their new home on Missouri avenue , In Soulh Omaha. HOSIOX 8TOHK. Mlil-Stininii-r 'Hln nf Underwear We offer men's gauze underwear , all s'zcs , worth 39e , at 23c each , COc n suit. Dig line of men's fancy random underwear ' , regular 35c grade , at liCc each , GOc a suit. Gents' fancy random , blue mixed under wear silk bound , pearl bultons , our regular COc grade , on sale at 33c n garment , or CCc ttGents' French nalbrlggan underwear , full [ fashioned , goods , worth 75c , nt r,0c each. Gents' full lisle thread Egyptian ribbed , regular 7Gc quality , on sale at 50c each. Gents' fancy ribbed underwear , regular nrlce. EOc , to go nt 30e each. Ladles' fine Swiss ribbed vests , worth lOc. reduced to lOo each. Ladles' fine lisle vests , worth 50c , on sale " ' ° noys'a heavy ribbed bicycle hose , worth 25e , on sale at 19c n pair. Children's heavy ribbed hose , all sizes , warranted fast black , worth lf > c , on sale i at ' ' black hose , worth 35c , at 20c a Pa'r' ' FOWLER. DICK & WALKER. 401-405 Broadway , Council IJluffs , la. The popular demand for Wheeler's King ; Temperance Ilecr , formerly known as Copps Cheer , Is beyond all precedent. It Is taxing the productive cipaclty to Ihe utmost. It Is no longer an experiment with dealers , but a fixed demand has followed Its introduction everywhere. Furnished exclusively by Wheeler & llcrcll. Council Illuffs. Vfi-dlrt fo MnrrlH. The case of Peter Welse against Morris Bros , went to the Jury In the district court yesterday afternoon , nnd nt S In the evenIng - Ing n verdict was returned In favor ot the defendant In every particular. Every Inter- rogalory given to the Jury was answered favorably to the defense. In reply to Iho i Interrogatory terrogatory as to whether the nole had been altered subsequent to Its signature by the defendants , the Jury dec dcd that It had , and that balm ; the case the note and consequently the mortgage which were given to secure It were rendered Invalid. The 2 p. m. train to Lake Manawa Is i an excursion train every day In the week ex cepting Sunday. One fare pays for the round ' trip , tlckels good lo relurn on any train dur ing afternoon or evening. Slnvc ! ! 'n .MlMn'xe. Constable Stevlck , who Is the authority for the statement that Mary Keltner , J. R. Dell's domestic , who disappeared some time ago , had been located In a house of (11 ( fame , turns out to have been very much mistaken. Mar shal Canning Investigated the case and found that the woman Stevlck referred to Is well known to the city authorities , and came from another Hell's house. Miss Kellner's where abouts Is In as much uncertainty a ? ever. .Inno Millinery alp. All trimmed hats at a great reduction. $10 hots for $8 ; J'2 hats for $7G ; hats for J3 ; $5 hats icr $2.60 ; a nice trimmed t for $1. These prices will continue for the next SO days. Miss Ragtdale , 10 Pearl street. \Vhltn ( I.IK I'llinir. Five thousand feet 8-lnch top , 12 to 2G feet long , at O o per lineal foot. A. Over- ton , Council muffs. la. Aiuunl I'lrnlr. The annual picnic of the Council Bluffs High School carets will bo held at Manawa 'Wedneslay , July 3. All cadeU will meet at the High school Wednesday at 9 o'clock. There will bo an ethlbl'lon drill afternoon and evening. Alumni cadets and all their friends are cordially invltej to participate In the day'f outing. A special train will leave Broadway and Ninth street at 10 o'clock , , Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry , " nnd Is located at 724 Broadway. H In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. We will make special prices for running ccrvlce pipes for gas to your residence for the month ot June. Call at Gas offlca tor Information. . For rent , furnished and unfurnished rooms. 710 Flr t avenue. A nlcs aisortment of chllilren'i wa h ulti t Metcalf uro . 'NE\VS ' \ FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Pottawnttamio Oonnty Republican * An- nouuco Themselves on the Governorship. SOLID MARIAN DELEGATION C I33EM KtTnrls to Swing ilio Convention to Drnki- n 1'nllurr ttcsoliitloiM of Instruction Sent Through After a Stubborn UoptMlllon. Not In ten years , as one of the delegates yesterday put It. has there been n conven tion of the republicans In Po'Uwattamlo "county held when of 177 delegates 177 or 17i were present , When the clans began to gather at the courl hoiwe It was evident that a tremendous' Interest was felt In the out come , and Ihls was the mere wondered at In asmuch as every one supposed there would be such nn overwhelming majority of Harlan men present that the nomination of dele gates to the state convention would be merely a matter of form. Hut the surprising Interest wns due to the fact that during the morning the rumor crept about that the Drake men , unabashed by the positive way In which they were sat upon last Saturday evening in the primaries , had been quietly trying to secure proxies from the country delegates who might not have read the papers , nnd so would not be expected to know anything special was In the wind. Hut there were no filch Ignoram uses on nny of the delegations , as subse quent developments showed. The result of the convention was. In short , that a solid delegation wns elected by the Harlan men and Instructed to vote and work tor the nominal on of ex-Senator James Harlan for the gubernatorial nomination. This was not accomplished , however , with any great amount of ease , and fern n time it looked as though the resolution of Instrucllon would be voled down , notwithstanding standing- the overwhelm ng majority of the Hurlanltes among the delegates. F. A. Turner of Avoca , in the absence of Chairman T. C. Dawson of the county cen- tral committee , called the convention to order and named \V. H. Kilpack : of Neola as temporary chairman. His choice was rail- lied by a vole , nnd Mr. Klllpick look the chair , after telling In n short speech his rea sons for being a republican nnd urging the delegates to act with the same harmony by which In the last state campaign the republic ans had bevn enabled to sweep down th com bined forces of democracy and populism and the result could not be doubtful. On motion of F. G. We3ks of Carson , J. H. McArthur of Oakland was chosen temporary secretary. CHOOSING THE COMMITTEES. On ( motion of Jacob Sims the delegates then passed [ , out by districts to select members of the | ( committees on credentials , permanent organization , resolutions and delqgates to the slate convention. While most of the delegates were outside the visitors had pretty much a monopoly of the room. Among the "v.sllnrs" were n good , big sprinkling of Drake men , who had been frozen out nl the primaries. One of them. T. J. Evans , arose and said : "Mr. Chairman , where do we meet ? " There wns no response , for the chairman was beyond two Bolld walls lining up the men of his district. Evans sat duwn amid the laughter of his fellows , and William Arml , Spjucer Smith. Ernest Hart , F. A. Sackell. Colonel linker , Cap. Hubbard. John L'ndl , Clly At torney Hazelton and several other unfor- lunnles wandered disconsolately out In the darkness , where there wns weeping and wall ing and gnashing of teeth. When the dlslrlcls came In they made their , rcporls , arranging the committees as 'mfollows , : Resolutions T. R. Bardsley , J. K. Annls , 0. It. Summit , I. U. Mallock , Jacob Hauser , W. E. Halnbrldge , J. J. Steadman. Credentials A. L. Preston , A. D. Putnam , n. , G. Auld. T. S. Davis , Dr. Frazlcr , H. J. Chambers , W. F. Sapp. Permanent Organization II. C. Spangler , Walnut ; W. U. Duller , G. M. Putnam , A. F. Clallerbuck , N. A. Crawford , George W. Hewllt , Dr. M. B. Enyder. Delegates F. A. Turner , W. M. Orr , Frank Shlnn , T. W. Castor. D. I ) . Dalley , Dr. F. S. Thomas , Jacob Sims. SAUNDERS STILL SANGUINE. While the committees were out deliberat ing G. W. Hewitt called on C. G. Saunders for a speech * Mr. Saunders said It was rather hard for him to bo called on to hurrah at his own funeral. "I never had much oratory In me , and what lltlle I had was knocked , out of me last Saturday night. Hut I expect to go down to toI Des Molnes with these Harlan men , and I rather think they will ccmo back cheering : with me. If Ihey don't , I shall come back cheering with them. " The remainder ot his speech was a good- natured rosst of democracy , delivered In Saunders' besl style , and was enthusiastically applauded. Dr. O. W. Gordon , T. R. Rards'ley , Colonel W. F. Daker , Spencer Smith , C. H. Converse and J. J. Steadman made speeches. Chairman Hewitt of the committee on permanent organization , recommended N. M.or Puspy for chairman , J. H. McArlhur for : clerk , nnd II. J. Chambers for reading clerk. The report was received unanlmou'ly. Mr. Pusey took the bench and made a brief , but good Inaugural address. After the report of the committee on credential ? , the committee on delegates made Its report through H. J. Chambers , maklr.g the following selections : F. M. Keeney , Pleasant township ; Hugh Prllchard , Knox ; W. E. Frazler , Layton ; H.A. . 11. Wilson , Center ; L. F. Potter , Delknip ; A.E. . H. Keller , Grove ; D. G. Auld , Wright ; E. E. Smith , Macedonia ; Rasmus Campbsll , Keg : Creek ; W. H. Kilpatrlrk , Neola ; Jacob Hansen - sen , Hazel Dell ; E. E. Sayles , D. D. Dailey , W. A. Hughsmlth and T. A. Drewlck of the Fifth ward , Council Bluffs ; F. S. Thomas. Fourth ward ; W. E. Balnbrldge and H. A. C'ofe" , Third ward ; W. I. Smith and II. A.J. . ienChambers. . Fourth ward ; O. D. Wheeler , First ward ; C. M. Harl and J. J. Steadman. Second ward ; T. W. Carter. Norfolk ; B. E. Mayne , Council Bluffs ; A. M. Hough , Valley , and Jacob Simp. Council Bluffs. The complexion of this delegation did not suit W. S. Balrd , A. W. Askwlth and other Drake men , and Bnlrd made a redhot. talk denouncing the committee for selecting as delegates men who were not delegates to the cotin'y convention , and also for bunching the delegates up In two or three sections of the city , leaving other sections entirely upreprc- sented. He opposed the adoption of the resolu tlon. on.T. . n. Bardsley talked awhile In support ofL. the report , but did not say very much. A. L. Preston of Avoca , another Drake man , also had It in for the committee for giving Council cil Bluffs fourteen delegstes out of twenty- seven to bo selected , leaving the entire bal ance of the county only thirteen. Frank Shlnn. one of the members of the committee , made a characteristic speech In favor of the roster of delegates as It had already been made out. and the report was finally adopted , there being very few votes against It. PLEA FOR HARLAN. Then came the report of tha committee on resolutions , and the biggest light of the day followed close on Its heels. J. J. Stnadman , whore typewriter had been busy during the morning , read the following appeal to old tolil'ers ' : The republicans of Pottawnttainlo county , In convention assembled , cleslro to express their ndmlratton for nnd confidence In ex- Ser ator Jnine * Ilurlan , now a candidate for the high otllco of governor of Iowa. We recognise his splendid ability ns n stntes- nuin , In the magnltlcent ten-fee ho rendered tt.e gtnto nnd nation while 1'nlted States : Fenutor from Iowa iind a member of that Illustrious galaxy of patriots who consti tuted the cabinet of the Immortal Abraham Lincoln. Recognizing the greatness of his Intellect , the purity of hlH character , his devotion to the state , his unyielding loyalty , bis ettlclent public service , bin unsullied nnme , which for thirty-live years pnst have been nn Inspiration to the republicans of Iowa , nnd recognizing the affection the pee le nnd the surviving veterans of the war liear him , as the only surviving member of Lincoln's co-workiTs , we express llio desire trat the delegation to the stuto convention from this county will recommend him and use n'.l honorable moans to make him the rumlldute of that convention , nnd the next governor of Iowa by 100.CCO majority. Again Preston of Avoca was on his feet. t "Mr. President , " sajd he , "as an amendment I would like to move that this convention exprecs Its aJmlratlon for " just at this Interesting point Ovlde Vlen called him down on a point ot order , but after a few minutes' dldcusskn Chairman Pus y decided that Preston might make i his amendment. "Mr. McFarland , " continued Preston , be ginning rlgbt where he 'left off when he was nfrrujikj , "Mr Parr-It. Mr. Ormsby , Mr. Harsh an.l General DrakV At the mention of General Drake's name the Drake side of the house broke out Into applause , nnd Carl Morgan seconded the amen Iment. Jacob Sims moved that the amendment lay on the table and the mcrtlon aiiiviiuiiiuui ici j vii i IK ; iti uiuf * * ni * iv - - was carried. There was a great deal ot noise , however , made by the frlenda of the amendment , although Its location brought the conviction that n good chare of It came from behind the railing , where the Drake men sat shivering. , "And the gag rule still prsvalls , " shouted Preston , as tragically as he could. HUCK1N.O INSTRUCTIONS. C. II. Converse , a Harlan man from Avoca , made n strong talk In opposition to InslructliiK the delegation. "Vou Instruct your delegates , and you put a collar on them. They can do more for lla.-Iati unln.'tructcl than Instructed. " W. E. DalnbrUgo , who can fairly be saiJ ( o be nnclc-ln-law to the Harlan movement In Council llluffs , said that the republicans of Council Dlufta had showed their prefers""a ences for Harlan by puuiiig In a delegation to thrcchmty convention that stand 4S to 10 for Harlan. and as he believed In a rsrro-e it- ntlvc government , BO he bellevel tlmt the delegates should go Instructed to dn the will which had been so unequivocally expres.-el. 0. G. Saunders of Iho Drake coullnEcnl thought that Inasmuch as > a delegation for Harlan had been chosen , the convention ought to be satisfied , and show Hint It trusted the men chosen , ft'hen he men tioned McFarland there was tome applause , and when he wound up his Ejeech with a tribute to General Drake there waj the greatest outburst of enthusiasm of the whole afternoon. The way the celling cracked and the Incandescent light globes dcnced loJ many to think that the non-lnstructionlsts would be victorious. Hut J. J. Steadman came to the front anl told the delegates that Ihey had been mlpln- terpretlng the resolutions , and that they ilia not bind the dclcgales. but only expressed the deslro of the convention that Harlan should be nominate ! . "If they are tied with a rope , said he , "It's such a woik one that any one ot them can break It If he wants to. " Ho closed with his usual appeal to the old soHIers and reference to Appomnttox and Bull Run. The resolullon was adoplcd by a close votr , some of the Harlan men voting In opposition. The selection of n county central commit tee was postponed by agreement until the next county convention. The place of holdIng - Ing the next convention came up for discus sion , but n stampede from the room ensued. Many of the Council Dluffs representatives loft with the crowd , and as n result. In spile of frequent motions to adourn , made by Council Illuffs men. C. II. Converse's motion , stating It ns the opinion of the convention that the next convention be held In Avoca. was carried. A resrlutlon lo this effect had been previously presented lo Ihe commlllee on resolullons. but was knocked out In the committee room. ' I'.riitvn'H V. O. It. Screen doors , 49c each. Hammocks , 49c. Gasoline stoves from $1.98 up. One-pint Mason fruit Jars , per doz. , 49c ; quart Mason fruit Jarr , 69c doz. ; half-gallon Mason fruit Jars. 79c doz. 21 pounds granulated sugar for $1. One pound plug tobacco for 15c ; one pound smoking tobacco for luc. Five gallons gasoline for C3c. Salmon , lOc per can. MEATS. Sirloin and porterhouse steak , lOc. Rounl steak , 84c : chuck steak , Gl' Best rib roast , Sc ; chuck roast , Co and Cc. Boiling beef , lie and 5c. Mutton chops , Sc. Leg o' mutton , 7c. Salt pork. Cc. Breakfast bacon , lOc. Compound lard. Sc. Picnic ham , Sc ; boneless ham , lOc. Sugar cured ham , He. Metcalf Bros , have a eplendld lice rf fio- : : mcr clothing. llnvn liiinnVor r. As an 8-year-old daughter of Fred Westrlp , a Northwestern switchman , was walking along near the corner of Second avenue and Thirteenth street yesterday morning , she was accosted by a tramplsh-looklng fellow , who asked her lo come Into a box car with him. She ran home , nnd before long a telephone message came In from O. W. Graham's place , asking the police to come down. Officer Murphy caught a man loafing around the vl- clnlly , and when shown lo Ihe little girl she Identified him as the one that she had seen. He was- slated with vagrancy. Another fellow was arrested In the evenIng - Ing , charged with the tame sort of an ot- 3lho fense. the accused being W. T. Duncan , who claims to be an advance agent for Barnum's circus , the girls being the lltlle daughters 18of John Evers nnd C. A. Slmpsin. Duncan was picked up by the police on South Ma.n street and lodged in Jail. The fathers of the girls will file an Information against him this morning. Don't overlook the fact that the Spetman stock Is being sacrlflceJ at any price to sell. If you do you will miss the bargain * In dry KOods , clothing , shoes , hats and all season able standnrd goods thai you muH buy. The larger the crowd the quicker the gooJs go , and the greater the sacrifice In values. Mrs. E. J. Scott , 536 West Broadway , spe cial millinery sale Monday and Tuesday only ; 25c wreaths , lOc ; 7f > c wreaths , 35c ; 75o rose sprays , 25c. A large assortment of choice flowers , lOe , ICc and 20c ; black untrlmmcd hats , lOc , lEc nnd 20c ; trimmed hats , 25o up. Please remember the dales , June 21 and 25. Tivlcc In u liny. If Harry Hattenhaucr had not ridden In the quarter-mile race at Union Driving park Wednesday ho would have lost the honor of holding the stale championship , for while ho was breaking his own tecord of a year ago Sam C. Cox of Chicago was also brrnklng It at Davenport , la. , at the wheelmen' , ! meet under the auspices of the Young M1 n's Clirl - tlon association of that place. He reduced the record from 32 2-5 p-conds to 30'i. Hy reducing It to 30 seconds flat Hattenhaucr puts thrce-fourihs of a second between him and Cox , anJ robs Cox of the honor of holdIng - Ing the state record. Joseph Spsur'H Miiditonc. Joseph Speer of th'1 Eagle laundry has a madstone. Cures dog biles ao/1 snake bites. The Hardman. the piano par excellence Clnclied n Mii-ll Ciiino 31:111. W. II. Hoe , who practiced a shell game In the rear of Phelan's livery stable on Bryant street last Tuesday , was brought up In po lice court yesterday morning for trial. poDr. . T. J. Cady was the principal witness against him. Ho testified that Hoe trlod to get him to match his fortune against the tricky sphere , but Cady fought shy of his seductive wiles , and when Hoe suggested that they form n partnership and work Bed Oak he refused , with some warmth nnd profanity. Hoe was fined $33.20 and cosls , and sent I to Jail to board out the fine. Davis , agency for MIIDVOH'S remcdlss. Sold F > II Insuriineii I omp : ny. W. W. Loomls , ns receiver for the Council , Bluffs Inb'irance company , sold out his charge yesterday to the Continental Fire Insurance company of New York for $223 In cash. The amount paid represents 5 per cent of the 1111- explred policies , and the new company will exchange policies of Its own for them. Judge Smith approved the sale. WITH . /MSB it.IT. Alms vo llofK Tr.iluer llullleil a < < tnlilo Hey Onr Too Often. ST. LOUIS , June 27. Malcolm McDonald , a horse * trainer nt the fair grounds , died 1 at the city hospital this morning from a fracture of the skull , received during a quarrel with a colored stable man. The hospital authorities neglected to notify the police of his deatl ! until after noontime. Little Is known o how McDonald came to his death. Ho Is a horse trainer and yesterday afternoon quarreled with George Flcr , a colored stable man. McDonald was abusive and Fler was unable to stand his taunts , picked up a base ball bat and brought It down with IPful force on his head. McDonald relapsed Into unconsciousness soon after reaching th' ' hospital and was In that condition until h died. Frier escaped and the police are now looking for htm. Didn't I.Ike Tligir Conduct. COIA'MDUS. 0. , June 27. A house In Adams county , occupied by Dyas hen and a Mrs. Pence was blown to s b > ; neighbors last night with 4ynanlte anl hot ! were terribly Injured. Cause , disapproval o the couple residing together. Karl's Clover Hoot wll purify your blood clear your complexly , regulate your bowel and make your bead clear 03 a bell ; 25c , CO and ' t me KID-M-.ti ru/iK it i r/.s\ttin J. I1. Morgan In tlvlmii of l lii- i tritium Itcmls Ollletltl the Itlol tut. ! , NEW YORK , June 27.-rThe baird of pres- ! . . , _ . Idrnts ot the Trunk Line1 association met here today. Tlm deittbriltzeJ condition of i , east and westbound rates tivai the main subJect - ] Ject under discussion , .and' before the meet- ] , i Ing adjourned an agree n'tAt was en'ered 1 I and signed to maintain' une full published \ tariffs on all classcn of-fralllc after July S. H was further agreed tu'a atiy existing con tract nt rates below .iliq authorized tariffs , shall be filed with tiwnmlfllsonr of the | Trunk lliu > or the Gentf-al Trainc assocla- ] i tloi t | : bsforo July 1. TJie passenger situation j i was also discussed andthe final signatures I were received to the axemen ! signed by mot | of the roads Inj May to maintain the regular . westbound rates. , . . The business of the | neetln3 was ronclud.'J , i but there ' were rumo'S llqt there was lo be a ! | social te. slon on board J. 'P. Morgan's Cor- si'lr , which would entirely eclipse llio day session In real ImporUnce. There have been , hints ' that Mr. ns the reprocntitlv ? i ot European Investors Intended to read the i riot act 13 the nre'ldci.ts o/ certain offenMng ro.ids and Inform tliem lha' it Ihey wishel lo ( lout their , ectirltles In the future they weald do well to stop ihe ruinous habit ot rate cutting. To develop a little real respect for agreements when once mode Is said to b ; 1 the object of their dinner. All Information regarding the dinner was withheld , but It war admitted that a "few" of the presidents might icsslbly dine with Mr. Morgan some where or other , and the Corsair wouU be a good , quiet place. HKIlir .IT , I.V ICopo Cut Into tlm Mctlm'd Neck mill the Illooil flouTil III Mrninn. COLUMBUS , 0. , June 27. Michael Mc- Donough. the Kenton wife murderer , was hanged at 12OS : this morning In the peniten tiary annex. The execution wus a sickening one. The rope cut deep Into the neck when the body dropped , severing the trachae and Jugular vein. The blood spurted over Dr. Jones , one ot the physician ? , who was stand ing under Ihe scaffold , then flowed In a tor rent to the etono lloor. Some of the specta tors turned white , and with difficulty kept their nerve. Tlie heart beats ceased In eleven and one-half minutes. McDonnld. ex hibited the utmost Indifference to his fate up to the time he went on the s-ciffold. Ho was the coolest man who ever sat In the death cell. On the scaffold , however , he became very nervous and his knees were trembling very noticeably when the trap wus sprung. Ho fell only seven feet. However , Mc- Donough was CO yeirs old and lily neck did not have the muscular resistance ot a young man. This was the first bungling execution In the penitentiary In ten years. Mc- Donough's crime was the rtabblng of his wife in Kenton. 0. He had served a term In prison for shooting her , nnd had been released about a year when he committed the deed. HOT ji.txrr.E Him IS.IMHTS. Deputy Sheriff * lluvo n Sp'rltoil inllh Oklithottm ( > utluvv . HENNESSEY , Okl. , June 27. A posse of deputy sheriffs from Woodward , Okl. , who have been hunting Zep Wyatt , alias Dick Yeager , and gang for the past wek , came suddenly upon four of them sixty m.les west ot Hennessey , while they were preparing supper. The officers wera us badly surprised as the outlaws , and after firing n few ehots retreated to a safe 'position. The outlaws took advantage of "the " delay and qulck mounted their horses uhd attempud lo es cape. The officers started In pursuit. Shot * were exchanged as rapidly as their guns could be loaded , and during the fight Charlej Black , a brother of Tnls.t Jack , who was killed In the Cimmarron fight fight weeks ago , was seriously wounded In the hip. Three of the outlaws' horses were killed , and one of the officers was slightly wounded. The wounded outlaw was tie.-l to his horse , and th ? retreat continued to Waters' ranch , > vhere they obtained fresh horses. In the darkness the outlaws made their escape , and the otn- cers gave up the pursuit. The bamll-s con tinued cast and crossed the Hock Island railway one mils south. of Hennessey. A posse from here Isdn pursuit , but eo far behind that It Is doubtful as to a capture. TO UK xxj'.cvrfin XEXT WISKK Or. Itiieli.inin' : fourth I.onio of 1,1 fo Ilim Nearly IJxplrcd , SING SING , Juno 27. Warden Sage has returned from Albany and Is busy today mak ing preparations to execute Dr. Buchanan dur ing the week beginning Monday next. For ' the fourth time Invitations to the execution are to bo sent out tonight. The warden will not say Just what time the execution Is to take place , but It Is generally believed edH. Buchanan will bo sent to the chulr at tl H. in. Monday unless the c-u.-t Inter.'e.-cs. While In Albany yesterday Warden Sage was as sured by the attorney general that Buchanan could bo legally executed on Monday , although the condemned man's counsel claim that he cannot be. The prison officials do not believe that Gov ) ernor Morton will grant Mrs. Buchanan's re quest for another hearing. Dr. Buchanan rijj much annoyed over the announcement that ho Is to be made the subject of a play Boon to be produced In New York. Ho has lns'ructe'1 his lawyers If possible to prevent the produc tion of the play for the sake of his wife and children. Mrs. Buchanan Is also very Indignant over . this matter. T ur orKit a .iiuin > in layer of llcputy "sheriff Conloo Will Ho I.jnchrd rs Soon us t'liptnreil. SPRAGUE , Wash. , June 27. A great num- er of stockmen have been arriving In this Ity anil excitement over the killing of ny uAuncmuiii- ci imi > * tc * * ) eputy Sheriff Conlee by the desperado , Ai red Slmcs , grows more intense. Half a lozen posses afo now out hunting for the iiitderer. Stockmen are so wrought up over ho affair that there is liable to be a bloody > attle should they come across any of the ang who make Hocky Fork their ren'ez/ous. U a mass meeting of citizens this morning 500 rewnrJ wnp granted for tile capture of Simes. It is expected the county commls- loncrs will offer $ t,000. Prominent stock- nen declare they will band together to ex- ormlnato the entire band of cattle rustlers. Last evening the saddle and briaie belong- ng to Conleo's borse were found coverol with ago brush n mile from the scene of the iinrder. At Starbuck Sheriff Baldwin ar- reslcd a woman and two pals for stealing ara mlr of horses from Hocky Ford on May 29. They are supposed to be a part of the Hock creek gang. _ IMOKlbU fOK I'lLlltUSTKKS. Texas Const Ite'.njr < Imo'y Watched by Itfvenni ) Dlllreri. GALVESTON , June 7. Captain Clark : of the revenue cutter Qalvcston , stationed here , has received orders to keep a sharp lookout for Cuban Insurgents ! B , J. Gautler , Spanish consul , whsn asked concerning the reported proposed visit of the Hallegh and Its mis sion , said : "I am satisfied there Is no. fili bustering going on 'herb. ' If any arms i or munlllons of war are btlng sent from here they are being shipped to Mexico , Yucatan or Central America , and from there to Cuba. They can get out ot Mexican and Central American ports qultei-easlly. besides which. It Is only a short dUtunce < to Cuba from these points. I have no Information to send out concerning friends of the Insurgents l" Texas. I know of a f w sympathizers , but they are not of the law Tiolatlng kind , and I do not believe they are concerned In any secret movement to supply the revolutionists with arms and munitions./ / ' Itumlln Drdlnut to TulK ut tlm Contruet. WASHINGTON. June ' 27. Assistant Secre tary Hamlln , who has been In telegraphic ' communication with Secretary Carlisle ; at Marlon , Mass. , since yesterday noon , posi tively declined to say anything for publica tion In regard to the contract , or whether any part of the gold which was to have been paid In foreign coin was domestic gold. Ho also declined to answer the direct question whether the contract had been modified , ritlmntiim tu a Itntlrund Cnmpinr , COLUMBUS , 0. , June 27. The supreme court today made an entry giving the Pennsyl- vanla system twelve days to settle with i the state or be subject to removal In Cincinnati from valuable railway depot grounds , regained gained through legal action by Uie state. rtru cov\Tiiitrr.tTiits : c.i U' llmnen anI III cry ( MtiMvoit : ! > Vr- rentett ut Itcil On1. . HED OAK , la. , June 2 ? ( Tele gram ) The United St.ncs secret wrvlro agent , assisted by Deputies W. A. Hk-h.irJs ' and E. W. llcllwlg , made two very Im- portant capture * of c'outitorfellers today. They arc William JIm en and Harry Gate- wood , nltas McDonald , old members of the McCarty gang of counterfItcr * . who so boldly operated In the wett. They h J Hbout $100 of the queer on them when .nrrt-jtcd , an.l had disposed of a lout f 10 arouit.1 the race track on the prlvlli o men. They -\ore do- tecled In passing n dollar on a side show man. The coins were all dollnri , made froiv n perfect mold. The oIllcTS had wind ot Ihelr being headed this way and were on the lockout. They are both from Omaha. Hanson gave the whole gang away and con- fossed everything. They will bo taken to Council Blurts tomorrow for arraignment. Mill" mint' r .r liirl.i'i. OLENWOOD . , la. , June 27. ( Teleof | gram. ) The Mills county republican conven- j tlon convened In the court house in nils c ty | nt 2 o'clock this afternoon for the purposa of i , electing eleven delegates to the republican state convention. The attendance was tin- isually large , most of the country precincts sending full delegations. Without any trie- Ion and In the inoft harmonious manner the 'ollowlng delegates were elected : John Y. Slone , R. C. While , N. II. Bycrs , A. J. Chantry. A. II. Dolph , Thomas Paul. A. II. Washburne , H. M. Adklns , Frank Anderson , \ . L. Wolf and R. J. Swa.n. In calling the preclncis on a choice for governor , the result wns ns follows : Hnrlan , iO',4 ; Drake , 38' . ; Harsh , C. nnd McFarland. G votes. There wns no attempt mnde to In struct the delegates. It Is understood that if ter the first ballot they will vote for Har- an. The delegation Is led by John Y. Stone , who Is first , last nnd nil of the time a Har lan man. Mills nnd Montgomery counties are In the same senatorial district , and ns this county Imd the state senator at the last election Ihc cho ce of the nominee Is loft to Montgomery county this year , the Instructions to the delegates being to vote for any good repub lican who may be selected by that county. Imvii l.nwyrr In i ( invention. DES MOINES , June 27. ( Special Tele- gram. ) The Iowa Stale Bar association was In session here today with about fifty mei.i- bers and these ofilcers pr.-sent : President. A. J. McCrary , Keokuk ; vice president , L. 0. Klnne , Des Molnes ; secretary , J. W. Balllngee , Davenport ; treasunr , John N. Baldwin , Council Bluffs. Some fitly new members were added. President McOary this afternoon delivered nn address on "Pro fessional Duty Toward the Courts. " He thought the laws needed to be more uni form , especially on Iho subjects of marriage and divorce. Hcsolullons were adopled recommending three years Instead of two as requisite pr.-paratlon tor admittance to Iho bar , and requiring at least a High school educatlcn. A brilliant banquet was Indulged In tonight. The meeting continues tomor row. Miirhlo nml ( iriinlto Urn .Meet. DES MOINES , June 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Iowa marble and granite men concluded their meeting today. About forty were present this morning. Various topics were freely discussed. Six new members were voted In and talks made about the l prospective gain In membership and passage ot laws to protect the dealer , ? from frauds. The following were appointed , a committee on legislation : J. C. Graham , DCS Hollies ; R M. Schwartz , Storm Lake ; Charles O'Doti- uell , Des Molnes. Program , transportation nnl entertainment committee : C. M. Field. Chicago ; Joe Klrscher , Des Molnes , and T. Id.A. . Kauffman , Cedar HapHs. The next meeting will be at Oltumwa January 9 , 1896 , when new officers will be elected. v rnr > . MALVEHN , la. , June 27. ( Special. ) H. K. Follett , the veteran apple grower , yes terday visited the extensive orchards of Messrs. Stone , Williams , Record , Dr. Powell and numerous smaller ones , and found the outlook very promising. He was especially Impressed with the appearance of lion. John Y. Stone's trees. The probabilities now arc that the crop In this county will exceed that of 1S91 , the big frnlt year. The Malvorn Cold Storage company Is getting samples and prices on materials for barrel making , and expect within a short time to open up their factory with a full force of workmen. _ Ills I'lpnlntpil MU SI liny friends. SIOUX CITY , June 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) W. H , Hurd , who Is alleged to have assaulted his daughter , and who so narrowly escaped lynching at his homo at Climbing Hill , In this county , a few days ago , was re leased today on $2,500 bonds. His friends real Climbing Hill supposed he would Iry to come homo , and 11 party was walling for him with a rope. Hurd was too wise to place- himself ; in their power and will remain hero until his trial. Mindiiy SclKiol ( nnv utlnn Closed , CEDAH HAPIDS , la. , June 27. ( Special Telegram. ) The annual meeting of the Prcs- byterlon Sunday school liiElItuto of Iowa was brought lo a close Ihls evening with addresses by Rev. Mr. Drown of Dubuqiie , , and Rev. Mr. Uarrett ot Iowa City. Nearly 300 delegates have been In attendance upon the sessions of the Instllute. The place nnd lime of holding the next institute Is left In the hanJs , of the committee on lay schools. Mci-lln ? of T.Michor * Arranged , DES MOINES , Juno 27. ( Special Tele- [ gram. ) The executive committee of the State : Teachers' associitlon met at the Savery . housa and perfected plans for the annual meeting on December 31 , January 1 and I 2. The address of welcome Is to b ? delivered by Judge Wright , and President Gates TCllof Iowa coll.'ge Is to respond. Nicholas Butler of New York Is to deliver one of the prin cipal addresses. Slilvern Will MiUo Merry. IUSMALVEHN. . la. . June 27.--Speclal. ( ) Malvern will celebrate the Fourth In old fashioned style. Ths exercises will be held : on the beautiful grounds of the Mills County | Fair association. Hon. James McCabe , Coun cil Bluffs , will be orator of the day. JlltlIn the evening the Malvern Home Dramatic company will present the "Octoroon" at the opera house. M irlon'i Now Jliisonlo Tpniplo , CEDAH HAPIDS , la. , Juno 27. ( Special Telegram. ) The corner stone of the new MaFonlc temple at Marlon was laid this after noon with appropriate ceremony. The ad dress was made by Grand Master Ball of Iowa City. Short addresses were also made by Grand Secretary Parvln , General Gecrgo W. Jones cf Dubuque and others. .Mit'lo Tc.'iclit-rH Orifunl/ . IOWA CITY , la. , June 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) The music teachers of this stale organized the Society of Music Teachers of Iowa here today. They elected Prof. J. W. Reh- mann of Des Molnes president , Prof. J. M. Tracy , Des Molnes , and Prof. J. W. Huggles , Iowa City , vice presidenls. The society will meet In Oskaloosa In 1S9C. n.iititv ii.ivw.iien n.i.t XKIIVK UmlertnUlnir to Collect the liutirnnco on the Life of Ills Victim. MINNEAPOLIS , June 27. It has devel oped that Harry Hayward , now In Jail under Ecntenco of death for the murder of Cath- erlne Glng , has made formal application to the New York Life and Travelers Accident Insurance companies for the $10,000 Insurance oj\ the life ot Ills victim. Ho Is eupposed to have taken this action to bear nut his claim to Innocence. The executors of Miss ( ling's estate wHI bring action to have the assignment of the policies to Hayward eet aside as fraudulent. When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castorla , When fiho was a Child , t.ho cried for Castorla. When Ehe became- Miss , she clung to Cailorla , \1a-o. : ho had Children , she gave them Castorla. sunn viKoi'.t JIIHTUIIH Mi.i'T Anntml Convention nt lint tfjirliiRi Very l.iiritcljr Attcntldl. HOY SPRINGS , 3. D. , June 27. ( Sp-clal. ) - The editor * of South iMkuta have , botwcui hour of I'leiistiri ? , succeeded In transacting Ima" ot the business which cam * up tor con sideration ' at the uiinual meeting ot the South Dakbtu Proas asfoclitton. At the Itret fusion goj [ | President Pailon made his annual ad- drcM , In which he referred to the hard times ns belnc about past. He urged the necessity i of nil earnest endeavor being made to get ' more newspaper publishers In the state to Juln the KHxocliitlon. saying out of CO ubllehers lu the state but 120 were memj j bers . As , i means to this end ho sa d that 1 j . county organization In each county , to be subservient to the main organization , would be ) the ( ] plan which he would recommend. He j spoke of the need of some way to tlrlvo the I professional dead bents from the subscription ' lift. President Patlon said he noted with conpleni thai there was a fooling of fcl- lowMilp cx'Stlng between the newspaper men of this atntc. and that editorial quarrels were A resolution. Introduced by R. S. Pearson of the t Howard Press , was passed unanl- I inoufly ' , stating that It wns against the In- I . tcreit of the rural publisher to buy ready i prints which contained advertising , nnd callIng - Ing ) for concerted action in demanding prints which contained no nils , thus allowing thi- tin1)11C' I ) ' to fix and mnlnlnln his own ad vertising rates. C. R. Tlnan ot the Klmball Graphic suc ceeded In getting the nssoclntlon to endorse what he terms bis "hobby. " The scheme , s to establish n form of mutual Insurance com pany among the publishers. Each member who desires to get Insurance puts Jii Into n pool , whlcji Is kepi In charge by n secretary- treasurer , there being no other oflleers. and when a member of the Insurance nssocatlon burns out he receives the full value of his loss up lo Ihe amount of the pool , which will probably bo about $500. Hut should the loss bo less than the pool It Is paid nnd the pool dissolved , nnd another formed by the members adding enough to make up another ? 5 each. Since the organization ot the asso ciation there hns been on nn average but one lire a year , with n loss of le s than The publishers have been paying from IVi to G per cent on their regular Insurance , or from $15 to ? 50 per year. It Is thought that there can bo n largo saving In th s way. Messrs. Tlnan , Reeves nnd Longstnff were appointed a committee to send out circulars Informing the publishers of Ihls new Insur ance scheme nnd to get the plan In force. The reports of Iho secretary and treasurer show Ihal Ihc association Is In flrsl-class shape nnd growing steadily. There Is qu.le a surplus In the treasury. At the last session or the scribes the following - lowing cdlcers were chosen for the ensuing year : President , J. I ) . Reeves of the Grotou independent ; ilrsl vice president , R. E. Dow- dell , Artesian Advocate ; second vice presly dent , G. M. Farley , Madison Outlook ; secre tary , J. F. Hflllldiy , Iroquols Chief ; assistant secretary. R. E. Murphy , Fort Pierre Stock Journal ; treasurer , C. A. Dlake , Wesslngton Times. inL Chairman executive committee , J. A. Hushflcld of the Miller Press ; members , P. I ) . Mungcr of the Carthage News , C. itI. Tlnan of the Klmball Graphic , John Lrng- staff of Iho Huron Huronlte , C. N. Lukes of the Pierre Journnl. The delegates to the na tional association meeting arc : L. C. Taylor. Alexandria Herald ; J. A. Stanley. Hot Springs Star ; J. E. Hippie. Parkslon Advance ; G. M. Farley , Madison Outlook ; H. L. Hopkins , Henry Independent ; II. C. Schober , Hlghnijre Bulletin. The stay In Hot Springs was a continued round of pleasure. The citizens most royally entertained llio scribes. Drives were taken aboul Ihc clly , the plunge bath wns al Iho disposal of flic news man , nnd other things of profit and enjoyment were furnished. Upon the last night of the editors' slay d.In lids clly an Informal reception was tendered lliom al the Evans and atUrosscs were made by the following : "Welcome , " Captain W. leV. Lucas. Editor LaFolIctlo of Chamberlain responded on behalf of the association. The toasl , "Soulh Dakota , Her Past , Present and Future , " was responded to by Governor Shel 1- don , who has been spending tcveral weeks In the Hills. "The Press" was talked about by Editor Tlnan of the Klmball Graphic. Attorney S. E. Wilson of the Springs re sponded to a toast , "The Press and the Bar. " Judge GarJner ot the Seventh Judi cial circuit spoke on the "Dlack Hills. " The reception was a great success. Dancing fur nished a large share of the amusement. I The editors and ladles have gone to Custer I and Sylvan Lake , and from there they will go lo Deadwood , Lead and Spearflsh. They will spend next Sunday here , leaving for their homes Sunday night. DEADWOOD , Juno 27. ( Tele gram. ) The South Dakota Editorial associa tion , to the number of sixty ladles and gentle men , arrived In Deadwood lodny. They were ; made welcome by Iho citizen ? , and spent the day In vlslllng scenes of Interest In the vicinity of the city. In Ihe aflernoon they visited Iho mines of Bald Mountain , on the Elkhorn narrow gauge , and tomorrow morning will visit the reduction works of Deadwood. In the afternoon they will take a Irlp Spearflsh , returning next day , when they will take In Lead City and Its big mills and afterward leave for Hot Springs and Iho cast. From early childhood - ' hood until I was' ' grown my family J spent a fortune trying to cure mot 1 of this disease. I visited Hot Springs and was treated by the best medical men , but was not benefited. When all things had R ° | R R/3 / failed I determined - < termined to [ U M Ii HMJ try S.S.S. and in four B BI ? J a a S months \vau ' entirely cured. The tcrrjblj eczema' ' was gone , not a sign of it left. My general health built up , and I have I never had any return of the disease , i ' , yet known a failure ; to euro. GEO. W. IinVIN , Invln.Pa. , Never fall ! ) to cure , | oven when nil othur I remedies hiive. Our L Irratleorinhloodnml i 9 plin dkeiiKcs mailed ' free to any address , i , SWIl'T SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta. Ca. . i i j I fiS3 ' HKFfern i 11 j I , ' ( ' ? ti < , ? . " - t-iisli nnil J"i n month. I'lltvs $0 iii. | A nt'W I'ltino for ? tS. on onsy ti-nns. | A. IIOSPH.Jr. .Mimic ntul Art , Mil loiicla Searles&Searbs SPECIALISTS. All forms t'f Klonil nnl PUln l > l oi : o . SMirus Spots. I'linph's , Srrofulu , Tumor * , letter. I'c/umti anil lllool I'd MIII tluiroiiKlily cloansoil fiiim course of Ircnlniciit. . , VITALITY WHAKI ( linulo i lion ' to luslncra or etuily , ncvero mental strain or crier. BUXTAt , nXCUSSKS In inliMlB life , , or from the cfffctii of youthful folllei. all ylelil ] rrmllly to our new trcatnwnt fur IOM of troutlfi If out ot curc-I t liome by eori ' i1" ' l' Dr.Scarles A SPECIALTYonrr/0rT ; llaiTbjrplilllapcrmunontljr cured la 16 ta 35da7i > . You can bo treated at homo for tlionamoiirleotindcrsiunogiiiiriintj' . It full prefer to coiuo licro no wlU contract to | mjr railroad faro nnd hotel blllp , and no charge.If wo fall to cure. If you have taken inrr cury , InillUj potiiHh , nnd Mill Imvo nrlics and t.ilnn , Mucous I'Htclicn In mouthSoroThroat , 'Implon , Uopiior Colored ( Spots , Ulcers on my [ mrtofthobodr. IliUrnrU.vnlirowH dilllng out , U Is thla Hyphtlttln KLoOl > POISON thai tropuarniiteotociiro. Wo solicit the moituliitl * ( into caeca nnd clinllciiun the world fora c < . .nvo riinnot cure , 'i'lili rtheruo tins always bullied t ) . Hill II oft tic must eminent pliynN claim. 9BOOOUO cnjiltnl behind our uncondN UonalirunrnutT. Absolut o proof * pontEu.tlml on nppllcntlon. Addrei-o COOK ICKMKUY < JU 307 JUiiDonln Xcuinlo. VU1UAUU. UJU EVERY WOMAN SomcllmcB ceeds a reliable monthly rrgiilutlng incdlcluo. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS , A"oprompt , snfo nndcertnln In remit. The cenu- Ino ( Dr. Teal's ) nuvcrilisnuDolnt. Sent/my where , (1.00. Bliernun & WcConncIl Drug Co , , I HI inct. Omaha. Neb. , anoriGE p. SANFOHD. A. w. HEIKMAN. President. Cashier. Of COUNCIL BLUrrS. Iowa. Capita ) , $100,00 Pro/its / , 12,0000 One of the oldest banks In the etnlo Wo at Iowa. bollclt your business unit collectlona. AV pay C per cent on time dciiuilts. Wo will b pleaded to . see. and BCIVO you. Special flolices-Couocil CHIMNUYS CLEANED ; VAULTS Kd lluike , at W. B. Homer's , DM Ilroadwuy. CLEANED. " KAHM" AND bulu 89 1'enrl cheap ttreet. nnd on easy tunuu. Luy ie IIe . SALE , A . NO. 4 lEMINOTON TVPU- writer ; us ( rood nn new. Sund lili ; llanufactur- - ItiK Co. . 1 < KS and IOM S. Wain street. - 1'OK SALE. A NEAHLY NE\v""N INE-noOSI liuute , ltli barn , elftfrn , city water ut hou.ia utid barn , fruit , niee. &hado tree * , on a nicely Knidfi ] l"t M\22j feet , for t2,3iX ) . < W , two-thlrjl cash. HIS PCI In avenue , Council lliutfa. WANTHI ) . HECON'I ) HAND MIMOOHAl'II. . ID1 ilienp. _ n > der. CuimclMlliiirD. _ " WANTED. TWO O II 1 1 .S TO "wo II 1C IN ICE innlir In Uiaiid I'lazu. l.nke Manawa. Ouod lefeicncua iciiulrc-il. Aiily I'luzu. | ; at UranJ wTxTEI ) . A OEUMAN OIllI. Ton ORNCIlAb huuBuwnik. Trcmont liout-e , Council liluffH. WANTKI > . AT ONt'E' . A OOOI ) MAN TO WOrUC nu f i tilt fm m. Can fuinlsh liouso to live In , J. K. .MiMiiTHUi , 12S1 ia : l IMvrco street. Your House Heated Free- A A Not from a financial standpoint exactly - ij actly , but entirely KRI2C from the A defects which are to often found In the general run of heating plants. llcntliixamt Sanitary Ruulticcr , Stcnm nnd Hot Wnter Heating , 202 MAIN ST. COUNCIL IILUIrS , IOWA. ART ? Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , nnd the pnttlcst fancies of archi tects and home builders faithfully and artistically reproduced PJLATE GLASS- From a single window to car lots. GLAZED SASH- All stock size * , and any special size or shape desired furnished at less than ' an/ competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. , The largest exclusive house In Western . Iowa. Send for prices on estimates. _ , Temple Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments and Goofls of Every Description , Scliocdsack's Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A and 2Utl | St. , Council HluiTs. OlTice , 1521 Vi\f nain St. , Oinaliu. Send for I'rice List ,