Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Higher Cables and Reports of Cash Busimts
Eent Wheat Up ,
General IVcllnj : Jtut l're lon to tlio Open-
lot ; uf the hxcli.incaVas that \Mreut
IIIcli Knougli for
tlio 1'rcscnt.
CHICAGO , June 2C. Higher cables , re
ports of cash business nt New York and
llbernl short covering sent wheat up today ,
September closing % c higher. Corn closed
? so lower nnd oats Uc lower. Provisions
tnadc Blight advances.
The general feeling Just previous to thu
start this morning was that wheat was
high enuugh for the present , and the action
of the market for about live ifilnntcs ap
peared to strengthen that conviction. In-
Bldo of another ten minutes n complete
change occurred In the mind of the ciowd ,
which by that tlmo was clamorous for the
Eraltl for July and September delivery at
Ic per bu. over the price a majority ot
them were trying to sell for at the start
nml for live minutes after. The two
months kept -apart from ITic to 2c to nn
even 2c jwr bushel. July sold nt the open
ing at from "l c to 71 lie nnd roe In the
time referred to to from 72'ic ' to 72Hc. Sep
tember advanced nt the same time from
73c to 74Hc. The slight downward ten
dency fit the opening was on account of
the cessation of the rain In the northwest
nnd the reduction of the temperature there
to a iiolnt sulllclent for the growth of the
plant without being Injuriously stimulating
or prornotlve of rust. Ht. Louis showed an
advance there of about He over the closing
prices of the day before. That at once
brought Into prominence the disappointing
> lelds fiom the winter wheat threshings ,
repot IK of which weic sent hero In greut
numbers and which coumknl so alarming
that the traders could not help giving ox-
jirei'slon to their feelings by a lively wrestle
among themselves for the rather mcagur
supply that was for sale , while It was most
badly wanted. The business was largely
local In character. The San Francisco dis
patch cent here yesterday , stating that Cal
ifornia would not have over half a crop , was
thoroughly discredited by further advices
received today , which gave conllrmatlon
to Dradstrcel's figures as published on Sat
urday , giving KUUOKIO ! ( bu. as the Indicated
yield. Chicago receipts were nominally
twenty-four cars , but only llvo of these
cntno from outride the city , Mlnncaiiulls
nnd Duluth received H'S ' cars , us against
2Til a year ago. Kxi > orts from the Atlantic
waboard Amounted In wheat nnd Hour to
about 1W.OOO bu , The Llverjiool market
opened up % d on account of the advance
here on the day before , and closed with a
further l d advance on account of our
strong Miurt In the morning. Hcrlin also
sympathized by nn advance of from % marl' '
to 1 mark , but Paris ruled weak and In
different to outside Influences. September ,
after Its early advance to 74c , worked
gradually down until it touched 73Hc , abou
live mlnutus from the close. About thu
time a report from New York of vesse
room having been taken for fifteen boa.
loads for export started tlio market upward
ngaln , nnd It did not take many minutes
to get back to 74"c. ; It clofcd at 74M > c.
The corn market was Inclined to be weaken
on favorable crop reports , but wns uplteh :
by the late Ftrength In wheat. Some
mand for shipments helped It also , ii.
bu. being ( -old to go east during the i-esslon
Tlio receipts were 133 cars , thirty-two o :
which were transferred from private coun
try warehouses. There was some heavy
Belling In the forenoon. Some orders to
buy May were received from country men
In Illinois and Iowa. July sold as high as
48c ncnr the opening nnd from that down
to from 171lo to 471ic. It reacted afterward
to 4SUC nnd closed nt from ISc to 4S'c. (
Another heavy day's business was trans
acted In onts. The tone of the market waj ,
very weak , due to some liberal lines being
offered but not disposed of. Sepember vol'
at from 2Cc to 2G'/ac ' , and clo ed at "G'lc.
The provision market wns quiet but llrir
nnd clotted slightly higher for nil the spec
ulative articles. The highest prices were
realized about the opening , but the marke
clo&ed up Ilrm after being rather weak a
one time during the forenoon. The ne ,
pains at the close were quite moderate , be
ing from Go to 7'.4c In pork. 5c In lard , nnt
2MjC In ribs. Hog receipts were 21,000 heai
nnd quoted from Cc to lOc higher.
Cat I mated receipts for Thursday : Wheat
BO cars ; corn , 127 cars ; oats , 192 cars : hogs
25.000 head. '
The leading futures ranged as follows :
nuolallons were ns follows :
filendler , dull ; winter patents , .
' " < rilK"ts. | W.40IJ3.1.0 ; sprlnB pens
- . spring btmlghts , J3.10WI.CO ; baker ?
_ i. l\l ( J , JO ,
No. 3 spring ,
} ic : Nee - yellow. 47c.
o2 w"l
RYE-NO. 2. coc.
HARLEY-No. 2 , 52c ; No. 3 , 47 50c ; No.
1'LAX SEEINo. . 1 , $1.K ) .
TIMOTHY Sr.EO-l'rlme , J5.7S.
I'llOViaiONS-Mesi pork , per bbl. , J1J.30212.4I
lard , per 1W Ibs. . . JO.40fi-C.C2V4 ; short ribs , Hide
( loose ) , JG.30fl6.33 ; dry salted shoulders ( lioxed
J5.37'4r5.M ' ) ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , JG.62'4
'YVIIISIyY Distillers' nnlshcd goods , per gal
The following were the receipts and shlnmen
today :
Onthn Proliui oxcti.iiifo to4.iv the butter mar-
yel wai steady : croainery. 10U17c : datrv. 10j
Uc. teen , steady ) 10M'411l < c. Cheese , OH 7Hc.
Closing ( Ju-itutlimi on ths Prlnulpil Co n-
moilltlni nnil S'tuplc * .
NEW YOUIv , June 26. FIXDl'R-Hecelpts 11-
100 bbls. ; exports , 12,2X1 bblK. ; sales , 1,600 pkus. ;
market steadier nnd mixlemtely active on spring
patents ; winters linn and more active ; city mill
patents , I.85 S.15 ; winter p.ileuts , $4.20JM3-
city mill clenis , J4.10 4.40 ; winter straight.
I3.804J4.15 ; Mlnnerota patents , J4. 1084.50 ; winter
extras. | 3.W3.75 ; winter low Krailei. iz'sotfj to-
prln low grades. JMWffZ.M. Ilye flour. nulet ;
JaUjs , 200 buln. ; superfine. , M.Mifl.Si ; fancy. (4.49
COHN MEAL-Qulel : sales. 2,000 sacks ; yellow
weitern , _ I1.14 ; Hrandywlne , J2.UO.
nd elevator , 764c ; afliult , " 7'/ic ' ; f. o. b. 78"ie
float : No. 1 noithcrn. Sic , dellvereil ; No. 1 ha'nl'
Uc , delivered. Options showtd strengtli all
day , with several reactionary periods , ilue to over
confident buying on the part of Iho bulls. The
itlrnulatlne factors were too much rain In the
northwest , better cables , outskle buying nt Chi
cage nnd poor threshing returns , all tendlnir to
foster bull nentlmtnt ; cloned n o higher : No 2
red , May , KUUttttc. cloml ut bSHc ; June clokcd
nt 7C-14c ; July , 7iii 76 8-10c. cloned at 7 < He ;
August , 7C . .c , cluHrd ut 77c ; Sep ember , 1014
T7i c , closed nt 77Hc ; OctoU-r , 77W78i.ic. closetl
at 78'i.o ; December , " 8i4fi73Hc , closed at 79\c.
COHNHecetpu , 119.SKK ) bu. ; exports , 03,700 1m.i
( ales , 3IO.OUO bu , futuien , 13,0i ! bu. flwt. .Snot
market uulel nnd eauler : Nn. 2. 62hc In elc-
valor. Ue afloat. Options advanced early with
wheat , but soon yielded to ( piling pretsure. and
Iwtter crop news ; closed heavy at Uo net de
cline ; July , CSHtlMlie , virnat \ \ H2ic ! ; Septem
ber , UMiMbe. closed at f,4c.
* * * T V * * u , i * iiin- , * . 74\t * * > > v , nut n , ill ) Aril I'Pl-
ern , Sic , track , white Henlern , 35 4)c. Options
opined firmer , but fuM | oft under realizing , and
closed unchanKcd to o lo er ; June clo eil at
S Hci July. KiH ! ! to , cloaiil nt 23'ic ; Septem
ber. 23Hi3i\.c , cloned at SOc.
LEATHEIt Slivng ; hemlock vole , Huenoa
Ayrv * , light to heavy , 22i2Je ; aclJ. JHi2le.
1IAYquiet ; goiHl to choice , Jl.W ! 7.00.
HOI'S Hull ; stale , common to choice , old , 34 ?
Cc , mi , 4j c ; Pucltlo coait , old , 3Q6c ; 1S1M , 4i (
HIDES Firm ; wet sailed New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to 6i Ibs. , 6'tc , nominal ; Trias , se-
lectKl , b ) In GO Ibs. , 7c , nomlnul : Huenoa Avres ,
dry. J ) to 24 Ibs. , 15c , norn'nal ; Tvxus , dry. 24 to
SO llw. . 12K1SO.
\VOOU Finn ; domestic fleece , 16fl2 o ; pulleil ,
I'HOVIBIONR-Itcff. ijulet , family , J11.W013.01 ;
extra meet , jn.l'XTi 15.10. I'ut mcalc. nrm ; plrklcd
belllm. ! 0.21 < | tit. plcklrd ihouMeri , JS.MJO.l r ;
pickled linniH. JS.JSIil > 00. iJirO. firm ; western
tloam cl"icd at 18 78 ; rales , 10 > tlercoa at 15.75 ;
city ut je.U'tiie.ll. July clored at Jl.fcS. nominal ;
September , J7 07 , nominal , refined , firmer ; con-
tlntnt J7.15 , K A. . JTtt ; comiHiund , Ji.25. Pork.
( teady ; new inris , JH. HUM.
ilUTTEH Qultj wrstein dairy , (814c ; weitern
creamery , UtflSc ; wc t n luciory , ttfllc ; Kl
ein * . 18c ; Imitation creamery. llC > r < ; tlnte da'ry ,
lU/ln . stntc iTeumery. 17'v1M ' i- .
I'HEKHE Firmer ; Inrpe , Cii ! * ; unnll , CUfiSUci
putt ny.riK. y-.H'jf , full > lim : 1' ' < iW2 .
KUOH-Klcnily. d'litiand l'inn * > l iinla. 13'tO
He ; uerf'rn fr. h , HUfilZ'si ' ; lerrliiis. f-.i'l iikvs ,
TAM-OW-Diill. rlly ( IS IK'r pkg. ) , 4c ; i-Jirn-
try ( nkgs. free ) , 4Uc.
f'K'niol.KI'M-Wmker ! fnlteil clo 1 nt J1.M
bid ; reflnnl New York. J7.9J ; Phlladrliihla nnd
Ha.tlmore. J7.W ; Philadelphia and Halllrnorc , In
bulk. JS.40.
ItosiN-Qulil ; strnlntil , comni n to good , 11.57
TfltPENTINi-2riff29i.ic. :
HlCISteady ; domett.c , fair lo extra , 4HCUc ;
Jnpun. 3 < Mr.
METAI.H-PIr Iron , nrm ; American. tlO.WO
13. ' . Copper , niybrckers' ; price , J10.M ; ex-
clmngi * pi lee , Jln.5nniO.ty ) . Lead , stiom ; ; brokvis'
ptlce , 1B.12'4 ' ; cxclmiiKC t'flco. .l.r > I(3.2i,4. , Tin ,
barely fteady ; strnlt , JI.I.S'flM.ft ) ; plates ; nnr-
kft linn ; spelter , dull ; domestic , 13.GO ; rales
on 'cTinnirc , 25 tons June tin. J11.8J ; 6 tons June
tin. I13..o.
COTTON HREP OHPn1l : cli'fim ? nomlnil.
with luiyerB nnd tellers npint nnd lemlancy duun-
ward ; oft summer yc'low ' , 2i11fl2'4c ! ; yellow
butter grades , 2Sc , nominal.
OMAHA oi.siit.\i. : ; .MAHKET.
Cunitltlon of Trudo nnd Uuntntln u on
Klnpln nnil I iinoI'r.iilucn. .
The market on old henn Is firm nnd they ap
pear to be In a tittle better demand.
The feeling on eggs U n little ucak In som
quartern and rales at iiyic RfP reKirted | ns being
made by parties nnxloud to clean up stocks.
The question ns to the ? lz of the hay crop Is
n matter of conidilTnblc Importance just now.
New liny Is nrrlMng and the market Is lower
than was Hie case ten days ngo. The notal > l < <
drync'H lart fall throughout the largest hay
producing Mates of the \\est placid the condition
of gm , at the time of the first snow fall , at
u very low condition. Hut It wirs gmeralb
thought that the condition was ndt such as lo
preclude a possibility of n fair crop this praton.
The snow fall was 1I M throughout inoft of thefts
states , thus leaving IIKS than the normal nrnouru
of moisture on meadows , \\hen pptltiK opened.
Then , during the time when an unusual amount
of rain \\iis needed to ndvancu the condition ot
the crop and avoid the thieatcniil fnllute , ther *
was a season of utter diouth. There has been
u good deal said of this drouth , with refi'tenee to
Its erTi'Ct on winter wheat , but Its effect on gnifn
wns quite as bad nnd the d.image then PIIF
tallied aiMiil to the already low condition , has
Impaired the poFFlhlllty of even n fair yield In
all parts of the country between the Allegheny
and Itovky mountains , with the exception ot
the northwest. In Iowa the ruins last rp"lnK
were not early enough In all imrls to bring the
einp full , wlilh1 In the three states of Mlnnrpotn
and the Dakotas there aa u heavy KTIUW fall
the moisture from whleh carried the Krns *
thniugh thu dry fpoll nlix'ly , anil since followed
by an abundance of lain the crop promises to b
nusMnlly large.
In the acreage mown there will , no doubt , IK-
large dWienKO from that of last The
ensus of 1S&I i-hows an asgreijate of 52.OIS.7ii ;
erra mown , while In 1S03 , the next year fn\o M
Ith a goveinment extlmate. there were 4a.C13.4CO
crus liiirxi'Stvd. Ixist year's esMmatc showed u
till further decreaw In acreage mown , bemf ,
ilacctl at 48,324,272 acres. The yield last year
ran placed at & 4.87U08 . tons , at n value of $ IGS. ,
178,321. The gieater part of the hay cut be
ween the continental mountain ranges Is nMu
n the states rniwt affected by the drouth of lasi
all and the luittt spring. Minnesota and the
no Dakota ? , where. proh"CCtH | are i exceedingly
-ood. arc credltiil with having cut 4.0"i8Sir > tons
: ast year. This wax from un ami uf 4,077,401
.cres , or a yield of nearly n ton per acre. It
hexe three stales , lost year , taken altogether ,
alHcd about u ton of liny per acre. It would
iroUibly not be far out of the way to say that
Iris year they will cut 50 per cent more. Uuota
'ons ;
EUOS Choice slock , lOc.
IHtTTKK . acklng mock. S'.Jc ; choice to
'ancy , 10 il2c ; gathered country , 14c ; separator
renmery , l c.
LIVE POt'I/niY-Hens , CJ7c ; roosters. 3c.
prlng chickens , K.W113M per doz. , or 158100 pel
b. ; ducks Sc ; tutkeys , 6If7e ; Re > c , 5c.
VBAI Choice fat. 79 t" Hrj Ibs. , ale quoted at
fl7o ; large and coarse , 45J5'ic.
CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. 9c ; Young
tnerlcans , lOe ; twins , lie ; Nebraska and lown ,
ull creatrr , lOc ; Nebraska and Iowa , part skirns.
if7c ; Mrnbiircer , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ,
wlss. No. 1 , 14c.
HAY Upland hay , 17 ; midland. } " ; lowland ,
6.W ; rye straw , Ji ; color makes the price on hay.
Llght bales sell the best. Only top grades bring
op prices.
P1UEONS Per doz. . Jl.00ffl.50.
There wan n little easier feeling In the potatn
mrket jesterday. The Arkansas growers hav
heir ideas very high and lire asking 75c for good
lock at the point of shipment. It would be
10 trouble for them to get COc , but that docs
lot please them nnd In consequence they arn
loldlng onto ihelr stock expecting an nilvanct
In the market. In th < - meantime homo giov.ii
iDtatoes are conving on and quite n few wer *
rought In by the farmers and gardeners yestcr-
ay. In some capes they sold as low as 70c
iut they were small. Quotations :
I OTATOES Old stock , C5J5c ; now potatoes ,
holce stock. We.
ONIONS Hermuilas , per crate , none ; Caltfor-
ila. In Hacks , per bu. , Jl.l.V
OLD HEANS Hand picked , navy , 12.20 ; Lima
beans , per lb. , SU fSVtc.
CAHIIA(5E On orders. 2Hc.
HAUISIIKS Per doz. bunches , 15c.
QHKEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches. 150.
1-ETTUCE Per doz. , I5fi2lc.
AHPAHAOUS Choice stock on orders , 35Q50C
r doz. bunches.
CDCITMHEHS On orders. COfiCOc per doz.
PEAS On orders , per bu. , Jl.UUWt.23.
KTUING IlEANS-On orders , per Vi-bu. box ,
G0 70o.
WAX HEAN8-On orders , per U-bu. box , CO
TOMATOES-Florlda stock , per C-basket crate.
l.&O ; Mleslsslppl stock , per 4-basket crate , (1.15
SUMMER SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , 400
WATERMELONS Per doz. , crated , J3.CO.
The market was well supplied with fruits of nil
klndn yesterday , llerrles nrc In large supply nmi
reasonably chenp. Quite a gooil many Colorado
strawberries were received and commanded good
prices. They nro not as Inrge or as fine color
ns the Oregon l > errle , but ntlll they are very fair
berries. One thing that Is against them Is the
fact that they arc put up In poor shape. Cole ,
indo t-hlpperb line old boxes , nnd thosa In yestcr.
ilay were put In cases that had come originally
from Arkansas , Oregon nnd Missouri. Nentnerv
Helps the sale of fruit , nnd Colorado shippers will
learn In tlmo that It does not pay to use old
berry boxes. Quotations :
HED HASPI1EHHIES Per 24-qt. case. 15.00.
PLUMS California , per box. choice stock. J1.23
Tl.r.O ; southern. IMT case. J2.
APIHCOTS California , choice stock , per box ,
CALIFORNIA PEACHES-Per box , J1.10C1.25.
SOUTHERN PEACHKS Per case , Il.10fil.i3.
APPLES Southern , per ' .4-bu. box , C.i75c.
STRAWHERR1ES Choice shipping stock , per
> ase of 21 qts. , JJ.7W3.00.
CHERRIES California , per 10-lb. box , Jl.BO.
OOOSEHERRIES Per 24-cjt. case , J2.00W2.23.
SOUTHERN CHERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.SO.
IILACIC RASP1IERR1ES Per 24-qt case , J2.W >
HLAfKHERRIES Choice stock , per 24-qt.
case , J2.23 2.IX ) .
Lemons are commencing to move a little more
freely as the weather becomes waimer. The
market Is very Ilrm. Quotations :
ORANOES Navels , per box , none ; choice
seedlings , per box. J2.50 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
J3.00 ; fancy St. Michaels , J3.25.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , 560 size , 6.23S
C.IX ) ; SW size , Jli.OOjlC.75.
HANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
PINEAPPLES-Per doz. , Jl.7502.25 , according
FIOS-Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12813c ; California ,
bags , "c.
HONEY California. HOlSc.
MAPLE SYUUP dallon Jugs , per doz. . J12 ;
Qlxby , 0-gal. cans , S3. .
NUTS Almonds , Uc ; . English walnuts , soft-
f dolled. 12c ; etandarils. He ; filberts. So ; Brazil
nuts , 80 ; pecans , 9c.
DATES In 60 to 70-Ib. boxes , Lo per lb. ; fard
dates. So per lb.
CIDEII Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3.
COCOANUTS-Per hundred. J4.
HIDES No. 1 green hldex. S'.ic ; No 2 green
hides , 8c ; No. 1 green salted hides. So ; No. I
green salted hides , 8Vic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to U
His. , 8iflOc : No. S veal calf. 8 to 1 $ Us. , 12c ,
No. 1 dry flint hides. 12tfl4c ; No. 2 dry flint hliKs.
12c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. IZc ; partly cured
hides. Ho per lb. Ie * than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. 2ISCOc ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled e rly fklnsl.
each , tW15c ; dry bheailings ( slinrl wooled early
iklnb ) . No. I , each , IJiilOc ; dry ihearllngs ( short
wooled euily nklns ) . No. 2 , each , ( c ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , i > er
pound , actual weight , MjSc : dry flint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool- pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 4j6c ; dry flln * Cclorado butcher wool
pelts , per pound , aciunl weight , ice c ; dry
Hint Coloindo murrlan wool peii : , , ier pound
actual eight. 4TCc. Hove feet cut off , as It li
useless to pay freight on them ,
TALLOW AND UREASB-No. 1 tnllow , 4'iO
4ic ! ; No. 2 tallow , 3H flc ; grease , white A. 44i
4Ue ; grease , white U. 3V4c ; grease , yellow , 2 i |
Jc ; grease , daik , i'.Jc ' ; old butter 2 Sic ! ; bcc -
wax , prime. KCSOo : rough laliaw , ic.
WOOL. UNWASHED Fine heavy. eS7c ; fln
light , SiiOc ; quarter-blood , 10lc ; seedy , buny
nnd chaffy. Siiflc ; cotted and broken , coarse 711
9c : cotted and broken , fine , 608s.
WOOU WASHED Meilltim. 15 TtSc ; nne. llfl
16o ; tub washed , l C18c ; black. Sc ; bucks , 6c :
tag locks. 2 rc ; dead nulled. SOCa.
FintS Hear , black. No. 1. larce. jO.COff2i.OO :
Uar. brown. No. 1. large , ja > 00023.00 ; No. 1 , ma.
uiuui , j.vuii .v , " . . , , , i , near , LiacK
Montana nnd Rocky mountain. No , 1. li.ri.-e
J1S.WWSO.CO ; No. 1. medium. J14 ; No. j * srnall
J10 ; bear , black , Montana yeailincs. No 1
large. J1S ; No. l. medium , JS ; No , .mall , t'\ \
No. 1 , medium. COc ; No 1 , mm ! ! , coc ; fljhr
No. 1 , lurxr , J3 ; No. 1 , medium , 56 : No. 1. small
tj ; fox. rtlver. as to .color , according to beauty ,
unall. ' J50 ; fox , tll'ver. pale , accurdliiu to' twenty !
* Kt ? * " * * u. * ttiKutMU * * 41 V > tt Villa 11
Jl ; fox. grey. No. I. larce. TSr : Xu. 1. medium
due ; No. 1. email , 40c ; fox kits. No. l , larce , COc
No. 1 , medium , tuc ; No. 1 , small , SOc ; lynx. No
1 , large , W ; No. 1. mtdlum. > : ; No. L tnull ,
II.CO ; mntt'n , No. 1 , large , J2t No. 1 medium , I
II W No , 1 , tmall , Jl ; mink , Ni. 1 , laree , Wt <
CSc-i No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 33c ; mink ,
dark , No. 1 , l.itge. 6Je ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No.
1. small. > 0c ; mountain lion , perfect head and
fed , No. 1 , large , ll.MO2.OOi Imperfect skins ,
JC.Xin7.00 ; No. 1 , small. JSt otter , tuile , No. 1 ,
large , J7i No. 1 , medium. IS ; No. 1 , tmnll , II ;
inccoon , No. 1 , large , 60870c ; No. 1 , medium ,
JOc ; No , I , large , ( OcQJ2.00 ; tkunk , black , cased ,
narrow ittlpeil. No. 1 , large , r,0c ; No. 1 , me.
dlum , 40e > No. 1 , small , 3Sc ; brond striped , No. 1 ,
large , L'Otfl'c ; wolverine. No. 1 , large , J4 ; No , 1 ,
medium , 3 ; No. 1 , unall , J2 ; wolf , mountain ,
No. 1 , lame , 13 ; No. 1 , medium , J2 ; No. 1 ,
small , Jl.DOi wolf , prairie , No. 1 , large , CStJt'O.'i
No. 1 , medium , We ; No. ! , mnnll. 40o ; beaver ,
| er nkln , No. 1. lagp. : J.VOOOO 00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
JI.50 ; No. 1 , small , J2 ; beaver kits , No. 1 , targe ,
J2 ; No 1 , medium. J1.GO ; No. 1 , small , ; Se ;
murkrnts , winter. No. 1 , large , SfllOo ; No. 1 ,
medium , So ; No. 1 , smalt , 7c ; mu > krnt < . fall ,
No. 1 Inrg" . 4flGrt ; No. I. medium. 7c ; No. 1.
tmall. Cc ; kits. 2I3c.
Speculation In S'ctirltlen U'm ttn ottlcd nnd
Irnillnir : Active.
NEW YORK , June M. Speculation on the
Block exchange today wa un ettled nnd trading
wns only moderately active. Interest In the tt.irk
market was diverted pornewhat to the bond syndl.
cute by the tumors touching the completion of lt
contract with the government. Messrs. IJolmont
nnd Morgan , managers of HID syndicate , would
vnuchiuife no explanation as to the syndicate af
fairs , holding that It Is merely n matter i > . " pri
vate buylnefis. The mooted point is whether the
syndicate Is required to bring any more gold from
iibrond , and neither party to the great contrnct
will Fpcak. The leading factors of today's mar
ket were the BUpplencp * of Iondori trading In
Americans , favorable railroad earniiRt : , conillct-
Ins clop npo M and clique rrat.lnulnt ons. Hi gar ,
which led In the transactions , was forcid down !
per cent on heavy sales' on favorable trade re.
ports. The closing wns nt n reeo\ery of V , pel
cent. Chicago Oas wns FUbJect < Ml to continuous
benr prej-Hirre throughout the day , but wns well
HUpiHirtcd and Hhows n net loss of 1 twr cent.
An attempt waa made to force- the short intere l
In DlFtlllln ? to cover by bidding up the stock In
the early trmllnj , ' , but It was utiKiieci-siifiil. the
bus be'na only t pr cent. Of the coalers. ReadIng -
Ing alone wan dealt In to any extent. The gvn-
eml market advanced during the forenoon , but In
most cahcs lost the gains and a fraction nddi-
tlonnl and cli * d rllKhtlv below yestelday. Thf
other changes are merely fractional.
The' bond market advanced early In the day ,
but gave way unmewliat In th llnnl dealing .
The sales for the day were J2itt > , < Xl.
The Evening I'osl'B Ixmd in raHpgriim Fays ;
Investment accounts were booming lodny. while
( speculative stocks were rather dull. Consols were
quoted at HT7',4 , another "record. " Am"rlrtni5
were Irreg-iilar , closing dull. The market views
here nlK it the completion of the payment of gold
lo the United States treasury by the Fyndlenli
are very vngue. There Is Immense Interest here
in the Chlnem loan , but definite In
known nlmut It.
The following were the closing quotations
on the lending stocks ot the New York ux-
todny ;
AtchlHou U ? Northwestern
Adarria Express. . . 14U do utd
Alton.T. H Cl ! < N' . Y. ( Vntr.ll 10' '
Am. ExpruHB 113 N. Y. , tN. K 4Si
llaltlrnori ) .1 Ohio. U3U Ontario A. W 175 *
CtinadA Pacific. . . . 5:1 : % Orcvon liup 11V }
Canada Southern. . f > f > Orc O'i Nav 2H
Central IMcltta. . . . ! ' < O. H. I * A U. N. . . . ll'u
RheH. k Ohio V'-'i ' 1'acltlc Mull 30 < 4
Chicago Alton 1S3 P. U. , t K ft ! (
C. . 11. & Q * ut ) I'lttsbtir ; 167
Chicago Uan 'io Pullman 1'alaco. . 173
Consolidated Qua. 14IX Iteadlnir 17J {
a.C. . C. iSt. L. ? . . 41) ) U. O. W 17
Colo. Coal A Iron. OK K. O. W. I'M 44
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . VH Hock Island 7B3J
Delawaru.t Hint. . 1'JS'j St. I'aul UHU
DelLaclc. . i W. . . lli'JH do pfd 121
D.A H. O. pfd 47 ! < St. 1 * . A. Omaha. . . . U
t > . It O. F. Co 21 do pfa 11C
Erie ! < ? < Southern Pncllla. . 24
do pfd. ' 1'i
PortWavno 187 Tenii. Coat SL Iron. 3H
G. Northern oM. . . 133 Texan pacific 13H
C. A , a I nfd 01) ) T. & .O Cunt. uM. .
HocklngValloy. . . ' . ' 0 Union Pacific
Illinois Gontril. . . UU U. R Exirus < *
St. P..t Duluth . . . 2(1 ( W. St. L. & P
K..tT. pfd 37X donfd 20
Lake Erto & West 24H WelUFairo Ex. . . 101) )
dopfd HI'-4 ' Western Union
Lake Shore lf.U WhculniffXL. E. . 17"
Lead Trust 3fi donfd MH
LoulBVlllo St N. . . . CiMi M. iSt. L 22
I * it N. A H D. .V R.O M ! < ;
Manhattan Con. . . ll : < 9i *
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' '
Memuhls&C IT. N. L' . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Mtchtcan Cunt. . . . 10-JU C. P. .VI ! HJ
Missouri P.i lflo. . 3' ' donfd 78
Mobile i Ohio. . . .T > H. JtT. C
Nashville Clint . . . 08 T. A. A. & N. M. . . . 2
National Corilia. : 1H T. St. L. AK. 0. . . . 0
do cfd : U dopfd 14' ' <
N. J. Cuntrnl 100)4 ) 9. II. U M
N.i W. pfd 13 dopfd 41 ! (
North Am. Co. . . . 6U Am. Tob. Co Ill
Northern I'dclrtc. . 4H dopfd 114
Ko.Pac.Dfil 1C St } > . , M. tt M 11(1
U. 1' . . D. iO I
The total ples of stocks today were 205,61
shares , Including : American SiiRar , 41,400 ; Amer
ican Tobacco. 4,0X1 ; Atchlson , 3,400 ; Chlcniro Clan ,
23.300 ; DlEtllllnK & Cattlefeedlne , Il.tOO : General
Eloctrlc , 3.7CO ; Kansas A : Texns , 0,500 ; KanFiiB &
Texan preferred , 7,000 ; Now York tVr New KnK-
land , third assessment paid , 4,0:0 ; New York ,
SuKqiiehanna. & Western preferred , B.0 > i
lleailliiir , 17.COO ; St. 1'aul , 3,400 ; silver certificate ? ,
10,000 ; Tennrfsce Coal & Iron , 3,000 ; Texas & I'a-
clflc , 3,100 ; Wheeling & I > ake irte : , 13,700.
New York Money Murkrt.
Easy at 101'i per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent
closed , 1 per cent.
1'UI.MU MEIICANTIU : PAI > En-2',453',4 ' pel
STEHMNO EXCHANGE Steady , with actua
bUKinees in bankers' bills nt 4.K ) > 4 4 S3 * , for Oe
mand and nt t4.fSVi0l.SS54 for sixty Jays ; posted
rates , J4.8SV1.W4 and JI.SKiTt.90\i \ ; commercia
bills. ! 4.S7 iiM.tK.
GOVERNMENT ION1)S Ptiting ; state bonds ,
Inactive ; railroad bonds , easier.
Closing quotations of bonds were as follows :
U.S. 4s , re ? . , now. 1 . ' . < > C. 1' . l t of Vo. . . 1U.1
U. S. Is coup , naw. lviH : U. ill. O. 7s
U.S. lis. re/ II'JH I ) , .tli. C . 4s
U. S. 5s.coup Krle .Ms
U.S. 4s , re/ U. II. & S. A. Ill . . . 100
U. S. 4s.coup fi. II .VS. A. 78. . . . 111:1 :
U.S. Vn. rec 1)7 ) II. AT. tt Os 111
Pacific Us of 'U. ) . . 100 doOs 10(1
Ala. Clas A 107 M. K. .VT. 1st 4s. . 84M
Ala. CUrs n 107 do yd 4n 4.14
Ala. Cl-lHi C H7 Union 1)3. .
Ala. Currency. . . . 07 N. J. C. Gen. fts. . . . 117K
La. New Coiu 4n. . " No. l'io. ; laU 118
Missouri Os lOti" do''ds
N. O. Us 115 N. W. Consols. . . .
N.C. 4s 10'JH doS. K. Dob. 5i. 111) )
E. G. nonfund H K. O. West , Isti. . . 7K
Term , now not Us , OJ SL p. ConsoliTs. . 128
Tenn. naw not 3 . 10."i doC. .V P. W 33. 118
Tenn.ouK'n uo St U.t I.M.Gin. S. HI I
Va , Centuries. . . . 02 ! . . St. L..tS.K.O3n.9. 1081-6
dortererre.l 0 4 Tox. Piio. Inn OS
Atuhlson 4s 31
Atchlson I'll A. . . . 274 < U. P. 1M of 'U3. . . lOil
Canada So. ' < M . , . . West Shore 4s 107
L. & N So. II. K 08H
O.U.&N. IHIH . . . .
lloiton Stoo.c ijuuciiinni.
BOSTON. Juno 20. fall loum. 233 per cent :
tlmo loans , 2 'itl pur cent. Closlni pnoss for
toctcs. bondta id inlnln ; sh roi :
A.T.-&S. K W. Eloc. uiiU 5t ;
Am. Sucar. Wls. Central 5t.f'
Am. Sucar pfU. . . . Hen. Klcc. pfil 70
bar t ate ( AH KillHOM Klec Ills , .
UellTclephonu. . . 20H AtchlH in 'Jils 27k
lloston A Albany. . 21(1 ( Aluhlsoii 4o 7ft U
Uoston i Maine. . . nr New Knsl.ind Os , .
C. II. JUJ H..i Hen. Electric 6s. . .
Fllclitmnr 0.1U Wls. Cent. Ists . . . COM
Gen. Kleetnc. U Alloucz MlulntrCo
Illinois Steel Atlantic 17
Mexican Central. . Uostin .V Mimtani
N. Y. * N. B Iliitto A BoiUm. . .
Old Colony Calumet St lleoll. . 200
Ore. Short Lino. . . Franklin 1Q' ' <
Rubber. Koartu rc 14
SanDluzo Osceola 27J <
Union Pacific Quincv 117
WcstKrU TunmracK 133
WcBtKndnfd 80M Wolverine 133OJl
WcKtlnrli.niec. . . . M
Sun Friualtu.i iliniii ; cuoc I ) u > : itl : > 11.
SAN FUANCI5CO , Juno 20.--Ths omUal cloi-
hifr quot.iuonn for mlnln : Htoj'.ci to-l y worj : ii
follows :
A1U 10 Julio.
Alpha Con 8 Justice U
Amies 31 Kentucky Con. . . . 3
Bolcnur 40 Lady Wash Con. ,
Hemi llelchur. . . . UO Mexican. on
Uodle Con : < o Mono , onn
Haitian 12 Mount Diablo 1C
Ilulwer Con 12 Occidental Con. . . vo
Caicdoma. 18 Onhlr lee
Chulleneo Coil. . . . * SO Overman 24
Choilnr 60 Potosi 42
Confidence fii S.iraro 44
L'on. Cm i : V.i 275 Scorpion ,
Con. ISmv York. . . Sl rr.i Narad.i. . . . 03
rrown Point 41 Silver Hill , 3
Exchequer 3 Union Con 3S
nouid iCurrv 84 Utah Con
Hula it Norcroaa. . 07 Yellow Jacket. . . 40
Sllverbir * . 0 ( ! > S * JO > < e. Mmic 11
Sic. Ui-Jlis , tlslit , 2 ! u ; tjldjri.i'its ,
London Stock ( JuoliitlniH.
LONDON , Juno 20. t p. m. cloilnii
Can. 1'aclllo CS St. Paul coin 70
Krle 1(1)4 ( ) H. Y. Central. . . . . . 104
KrleVds GR4 Pennsylvania
111. Central 08 Hemline. . . II
Mfxlcan ordinary. ! * ( Mex. Cull , now la. . 074
IIAIl HIIA'Ell W 16 < 1.
MONEY H i > er cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short bills 9-16 per cent ; three months bills , 9-
1C cent.
per _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ne-.r Yop.t illiurc u me i'.l
NK'.V YOXK. Juno 20.-T4J fullj.vlni arj t'u
rni'imr 'inn. mo i < :
Ilulwer A Onlnr | Ail
Con. C.V. Jt Va. . . . 20u I'irnioiiih . 20
Ileailwoor. : t. Quicksilver. . . . 275
Gould & Curry. . . 30 Quicksilver pfa..1700
Halo A NorcroM. . UO Sierra Nuvnd.i. . . . C.u
Ilomeitako 1000 Staiidai-J 225
Mexican. IU ) Union Con. 30
Ontario ICO Yellow Jacket. . . . 40
rnrclcn I .mini Ml AITnlrs.
IlEItLIN , June 16. ExchanKe on Ixindon , eight
days' nielli. M marks 11',4 pff.
PA1US. June 16. Three per cent rentes , lOlf 70c
for the account , Exchange on 1-onJon , Kt % K
for cliecki ,
IXXVDON , June K. The amount of bullion none
Into the Hank of Eneland on balance today Is
tM.OCO. Gold Is quoted today ut Huenoa Ayres HI
. 43.60 ; Madrid , 11.W ; Lisbon. 2S'i ; SU IVlers-
burp , 60 ; A.ten > , 77 ; Home , 10I.W ; YUuna , 103.
Receipts of Oattlo F iftlThough Not ? o
Large as 6jA'l jestlay ,
K Receipts Cxcccil Those of tlio D.ijr llc-
forr , but I lie Quality Arcrnceil Hot
ter I'rlcrn Itiinccd from 1'lvc
to Ten Cents Higher.
WEDNESDAY , Juno 2 .
The receipts todny were 1.SC9 cnttle , 3.4T4
ogs nnd no Fheep , ns against 1.GC3 cnttle ,
, IS9 hogs. 1EX cheep nnd 100 horses yestcr-
ay , ami 1,471 cnltle , 4,724 hogs nnd 1,143
hoop on Wednesday. The receipts for
he week thus far are 3,823 cattle , 7SK hogs
nil 2,172 sheep , ns against 3.37 ! ) cattle. 10.753
i DBS and 1,951 sheep the first half of last
CATTLE While the receipts of cattle
i'ere lighter than yesterday , they were
beral ns compared with what they have
cen on n good many clays. There were , nil
old , forty-eight citrs of cattle reported In
ho yards , ns ngnlnst fixty-four loads yes-
erday. Of the number received , fourteen
urs were consigned direct to the packers' ,
: > uvlng only thlrt.v-four cars , or ! )47 ) head , on
nlo. Deducting the cattle consigned to the
lackers , there were more head on FUO to
ny than yesterday.
As to the quality of the offerings , there
i-as qtilto n sprinkling of fairish native
leers , but nothing very choiceor fancy ,
i'ho demand wns good , both shippers nnd
xickers being In the field. Everybody ap
red to want cnttle , and the natural con
equenco was a stronger and inuto active
larket. Desirable cittle. In mot cas-s , 10:11 :
fi'lOe ' higher , and that , ton. In the face of a
cportc-l weik ntnriiet at Chi. ago. The buy.
rs Fcemed anxious for the cnttle , and
I'lkncl ' tlu-ni tip rapidly , the pens being
radically cleated early In the day. Some
rotty good beef steer ? , weighing right
round lir,0 Ibs. , brotii-ht JI.S.1. the hlglieFt
irlce of the day paid for full loads. A few
cry handy little cattle , weighing under
.000 Ibs. , sold at $ The majority
-f the cattle Fold Inside the range of $ l.25'o ,
While there were eight or ten loads of
ows and heifers In the yards , the supply
onsl.sted mostly of odds nnd ends , full loads
icing scarce. The market on cows- and
iclfers was stronger In sympathy with the
.dviince on beef cattle nnd the demand
; ood. As high"as $3.CO was paid for a piece
f a load of cows , and some SuO-lb. heifers
old nt J3.S5. The bulk ef the sales , how-
ver , were nt t2.Wft3.lO. Calves are selling
veil , good stuff going nt $ o.OOJJii.f > 0.
There was. more life In the Ftocker nnd
ocdcr division that for fcmo t'me past. The
upply of cattle was larger , and as there
vas n demand for the offerings It looked
more like a market. Good , strong prices
vc-re paid for anything nt all desirable.
Julte n string of western feeders changed
wmls nt J3.3T , and nnother large bunch at
1.40. The supply of native feeders was
mall. Representative ) sales :
> o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
- . . . CM Jl 50 B. . . . 822 J4 40 17..1231 J4 C5
SCO 375 441 28 ! > 40 470
8..1020 385 10. . . . ! > 1G 4 f.O CC..12.10 470
' . . . . ! > 24 4 00 20..11CS 4 50 24..1139 4 K
1..1130 400 1C..1131 4 CS W..1141 4 K
. .914 423 21. . . . 067 455 2..1120 4 M
. .1139 4 30
, . 9S9 140 I..1070'2.- 4.fn.t 2 75
.899 160 1..10W 225 8..1ft2 2 S3
1. . . . 870 ICO l..lllirSf , 13. . . . SKI 2 ( .3
1. . . . ( DO 1 IS 1 ItVil.Z-M 1. . . . S40 300
1. . . . 8.10 175 S..1221 * 2 50- 1..7SO 300
3. . . . SCO 175 13. . . . ! > 27'2 C7 4..1107 313
1. . . . S20 190 1..HC ) 263' 3..1073 313
4. . . . 7CO 200 1. . . . < t30"2COf 3..1091 323
9. . . . 90 < i 200 1..1240 275 2..12"i 323
1. . . . 87J5 2 13 4. . . . ! I77,2 | 75 , " . 12.-.1011 3 CO
1 * * i 8iO 2 25
3. . . . 4ni > 2)0 ] . . . . 4M.2 fo , ; 1. . . . S70 351
1. . . . 410 230 2. . . . FCO ' 3 0V 47. . . . 850 383
3. . . . 693 233 2. . . . CO-2 25
2. . . . 6RO 223 1..13:0 , , 2'rf 'l..15:0 275
2..1155 240 1..1IG01 2G31 1..1740 2 S3
1..1320 275
1..1210 290 1..1J2)M3 ) 60
1. . . . . 370 150 1. . . . 220-4.M. J. . . . ISO BOH
1. . . . 90 2 CO 1. . . . 110EO 1. . . . 160 6 00
3. . . . 202 255 1. . . . lOflv'COtV 1..2IO 521
1. . . . 2SO 3 SO 2. . , , 140-500. 1 , , . . 1W f , M
5. . . . 201 4 OO' . . I' } ; * W ' . . . ' . ' $ SCO
2. . . , CSO 225' 4. . . . 412 283 13..1010 300
3 . . . 723 2 80 9. . . . 617 2 93 22. . . . Ml 3 CO
4. . . . CC3 2S5 4. . . . 9r5 3 00
No. Av. I'r. _ No. Av. Pr.
1 cow 830 Jl 70 * 1 stag. t90 J3 W
18 cows S2S. 1 70 102 feelers. . . . 931 3 J5
1 bull 1320 200 15 calveu 183 500
Nebraska & Wyoming1 Live Stock Company.
1 steer. 1360 323 97 feeders. . . . 8W 340
1 Bteer 1170 3 23
HOGS Today's receipts of bogs showed up
Ifty loads. or . llvo loads rnoro than
ill rived yesterday. The quality wns * gooi
ind the hogs averaged considerably bct-
er than jesterduy. the top bclni ,
jetter than anything on rale yesterday. Tin
juyers were all cwit for hog * anil the marke
opened active nnd stronger. The good heiiv >
nnd heavy mixed IIORK Folil fully 5c blgtier. ns
high ns J4.70 being paid for ono liod. IIenv >
nnil mlxetl loads sold largely nt J4.CiJfj4.65. Tlie
rneillurn weight hops experienced even more o :
n advance than heavy hogs , and they coul , :
Vly bu quoted CfilOc higher. Light loads aver
ntf under 2i > Us. went largely nt J4.40fft.45
with those weighing 2"O Ibs. and a little over ni
J4.WS4.t5. The. market wns active at the ai !
vnnco and the hog were all Bold early , lleprc-
entatlve Rales :
Vo. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. fih , Pr.
1 15 SO J4 20 Cl 203 80 J4 5)
1 2-10 . . . 4 23 84 2)0 120 4 CO
2 210 . . . 4 25 4 325 80 4 60
3 211 SO 430 75 212 40 4 CO
84 166 ICO 4 20 70 221 80 4 CO
6 171 . . . 4 30 77 203 . . . 4 CO
10 207 80 4 30 .84 IDS ICO 4 M
1 16S . . . 433 6 2TI2 . . . 450
4 2.V ) 40 433 CS 232 80 4 CO
S 22S . . . 4 MT. 10 24S . . . 4 CO
5 242 . . . 4 ? r 4 2.17 . . . 4 DO
31 2,11 . . . 433 2 310 . . . 4 CO
8.1 197 123 4 40 1 3.10 . . . 4 60
71 204 SO 440 1 32) ) . . . 4 CO
C3 WC 60 4 40 76 , . .205 40 4 C21
24 2-12 . . . 440 C9 214 80 461
C7 183 SuO 4 40 . 66 243 210 4 63
61 1'JC 160 4 4' ' > (9 211 240 4 K
7 223 . . . 4 40 C7 249 120 4 C5
7 2J1 . . . 4 40 61 232 160 4 63
5 314 SO 4 40 67 211 120 4 C5
6 213 . . . 4 40 72 217 200 4 53
3 221 . . . 4 40 Cli 211 160 4 65
5 170 . . . 4 40 6 ICfi . . . 4 M
2 415 . . . 4 4) 63 228 80 4 65
2 323 . . . 4 40 CO 210 80 4 65
5 22li . . . 4 42'i ' 74 2.11 160 465
9-1 197 240 4 43 73 237 210 4 55
74 199 40 4 43 CS 39 2(10 ( 4 C3
81 1'l2 120 4 45 C9 223 40 4 57' ,
7S U6 200 4 45 70 2TJ SO 4 CO
7 215 . . . 4 45 Cl 2.17 160 4 GO
39 1S7 40 4 43 C7 270 . . . 4 CO
68 215 310 4 15 9 2.10 SO 4 CO
66 19S 2UO 4 43 62 230 . . . 4 60
5 273 . . . 4 45 IS 304 . . . 4 CO
13 202 . . . 445 C3 227 80 4 CO
G 176 . . . 4 45 CO 2ft ) 80 4 CO
2 295 . . . 4 43 12 300 80 4 CO
41 220 40 4 47V5 60 216 80 46)
73 249 ICO 4 CO IS 291 80 4 C2V
C9 2-J4 120 4 M C6 296 . . . 4 C3
'C : 3 240 4 CO C3 2(4 . . . 4 65
62 219 IS ) 4 60 60 2tt > . . . 4 C5
68 243 W 4 CO C6 282 160 463
CO 2-V 80 4 M 67 263 . . . 4 C7' ,
( .2 19 60 4 M C5 300 80 4 67'
90 193 40 4 50 -3 430 . . . 4 70
71 205 SO 4 50 J.GO 31S . . . 470
1 720 EO 3M 4 150 . . . 400
1 710 . . . 360 . " ' ,
G 110 . . . 273 f 8- 107 . . . 335
33 93 . . . 325 . :5. 110 . . . 3 S5
SIIKUP There was nothing to make a mar
ket. Prices were nomlnyjlyj steady. Fair t
cholco natives lire qilnliilji- J2.75ii3.CO ; fair t
gootl western * , J2.CCQ3.Cu ; common and Hoc
sheep. J1.75C2.60 ; good ti/r tliolce 40 to 100-lb
lambs , J3.7565.23. < f ' ' i-
NI-W Vor.t ' 'f ic Murker.
NEW YOniC. June 2S.-ilKBVES-necolits |
2.3W trend : on Hile. 70 cars ; market flow ; steer
u sliado lower ; oxen , bulla nnd ru\va stead )
yards not fully cleared ; n .tl f steers , corn , Root
meal fed , poor to prime , (4.Mfl.0 ; souther
"stlllcrs , " poor to prltrw , J4J4WI3.C5 ; slugs nn
oxen. J2.60S4.70 ; bull * . tt.tafiS.Mdry cows. J2.0
( | 3.40. Uuroan | cables nuote American steers a
10 } iniVic , aiese < l welehlL rvfrlgeralor beef a
SH(9\c. Kxpoits today" , > 4G * beeves and 2.S4
quarters of b ef. n u
fAI.ViS-Hi-celpts , 6J.V3 , h ad ; on * aK G.69
head ; > ery dull , closed 'fifitic lower ; nearly '
head unsold ; poor to choice veals Mild at close a
J3.C04ifi.dO ; buttermilk cAKes ut J2.50ki3.60.
HHiii' AND IjAMHS-Htcrtptii , 9.467 head
sales , S .COO head ; she < p telling mnru frc-ely a
steady prices ; l.unl'S ' unchangeit and In fair dc
mand ; nUnit l. ) bend unsold at clcse ; Bhfcj
ixxir to prime , Jl.COfi3.CO ; southern lambs , ver
common to choice , t3.001j6. S.
1IOOS Itecelpts , ,2I4 head ; lower at JI.S01
Sine ! ; In Sic he.
Ileconl of receipts at the four principal mar
keti for WedneeUay , June 20. liM :
Cuttle , IIoKi. Sheep
South Omaha 1 T.C'J 3,474
ChlciiKO , . 11.0JO 250 > J 15.01 ;
Kunras City , . 7,000 ,600 3 , .
St. Ixiul 2,800 tW ) 1,70
Total ! 22.1CJ 4 ,774 19,9 :
8t. lx > nu > l.l o MIH-K Mnrkot.
ST. LOUIS , June 26.-CATTI.E-necelpt . t.t
head ; ihlpments , 2,300 hud ; market Meady an
Ilrm ; dreuc-d Lett and BAJpplDC itecri , rang
4 25175.40 ; Unlit st r , J3.60J4,2ii ( : cows. I2.001T
! j. Texas entile , strung and n fhndf letter ; ted
PITS. 13.6005.00 , Ktasa floors , Ji.iifr3.51 ; cjws , 7.1.l'0. '
Iloas-He.'elptii , 5.SOO lirndi lilpni"nts. 4M
ifnd ; mnrkcl f trims nnd Sc liiRher ; benvy , J4.G&W
75 ; packers. II.COV4.70 ; IlKht , J4.41114 53.
SHRKP llecelt'ts , 1,700 , head ; shipments none ;
mrket rpcned active nnd steady , but soon be-
amc dull and IRc lower ; natives sold , J2.00JI2.SJ ;
ambs. > S..94J6.15.
Vltli a 1 nlr Dcniiiiul from .Slinigbtcrcru
1'rlroi Itrniolnuil Mliily
C1IICAOO , June 26. With n fair demnml from
ocal slaughterers nnd others , prices remained
tendy for good to choice entile of light nnd
nnllum weights , but weak for Rinuy lots , nnd
IB heavy sleers wolglilni ; from ILV ) to 1,600 Ibs.
verc salable nt fniin-J.1.75 to J6. but not many
vent lo er than J4 , and sales were
etween J4.50 to J.1.61 ; choice lots belnn ce.-irce.
tickers and feedeis were In llmltfd supply once
nore , and In light country demand at low
ili'es , with sales nuiHly at fiinu 1260 to JJ.9' .
nine \ery light wo Rht it irkvni Hint avtrnse
etween 400 nnd 600 Ibs. are B.-lllnu nt frnni J1.7.1
p J2.23. O WB and lu'lfcis were plentiful , nnd
lie rut lots sold well enough , but p > or tifr.-r.nxs
\ere nt weak prices. H.ilea woie ( jeneiidly mnde
t from fl.i5 to J4 , ulib tinnsielli'iid ' largely
t fr'in > 2.f,0 to .1.,0. , Hulls sold liijutly nt
2.2 > to J3.2.1. The enlf innikct Is dctiiHr.illzed
ly the lecelit heavy lecelpls , nnd prlcts have
cilriwl iilKiui 7.1e ir Mo ll.s. . smee the inrly
i.irt of last week. ( al\fs arc coming here from
II dlieetlons , and rates me made al from J2..1I
o J.i.2.1 , pilnelially | nt from J3.7.1 co $523. Ab iut
, (1W Texns cattle were rrcclvn ! today , und trade
a again fairly nctlvp nt rulltiK prices , with
riles of sleers hugely between 13.60 and J4.vo.
Twenty-live thousand bogs an tno estlinatx
i > r liHlny'M liei-iptii. nnd tliosUfl In Ibe pina
nst night run the supply up t m ire than 2 o j
ie d. The general demand was again llve > ,
ncal packets , rhlppets siud cnihiers being goud
myeiH if di slrable Ints , and niu-u if the olTi'i-
ngs changed owno-nhlp early In the iln > , prlies
mini ; ptiung nt a further ndMince of 5Wl.ic per
00 _ Ibs. The trading Mas nt a laiiRu of from
4..iO to J4.97H fur common to extin tii.i co heavy
Kg' , from JI.60 to tl.SD for cumiiuiii t choice
nlxeil , and fiom J4.43 to J4.75 for n-inmon to
prime light weg ! its. The bulk of siles : nccuricd
nt from $4.75 to J4.M for heavy nnd at fiom
1.6) to J4.70 for light weight pigs.
Slucp offerings continue on n rtiniukiibly llbernl
cale , the arrivals today being otlinatiil at fully
B.iHiii head. There wns a fair dein mil once
more fnun local slaughteiere , and the cholc *
lades weie > tendy , but common kinds gluttrd
he market nt lOc lower. Sheep \\rie salable
it from J1.60 to J4 , with Bait's chiefly nt from
2.7.1 4o J3.3i. Spring lambs \\eiu offeied In
great nbundnnee , nnd Fold freely nt from } 3 to
.1.M , extra bits being wortn from IS to JC.10.
> xan. Oregon , Mexlcnn nnd western sheeji nre
i"-lllng nt from 52.75 ti > f3 In large nimberi < .
Uifelrils Cnltle , II.(00 hrnd ; cnhm , luO head ,
h gs , 25,000 head : s'leep , 13.0) ( head.
Kiiut 11 < ity i.iM'-Kirk.
_ KANSAH CITY. June 2C. CATTI.I Hecclpts.
.000 head ; vhlpin'-ntB. 1,100 In-all ; marktt weak
o lie lower ; Texas steers , J2.604i4.dO : Texas COWH.
2.N53.2i ( ; beef steeis , J2.75ij5.45 ; nntl\e cows.
I.75S(4.10 ; stockers and feeders , J3.iMf4.40 ; bulls.
' HOOS Iteeelpts. C,5M head ; shlpm-nta , 1,300
lead ; nmiket strong to 10c higher ; bulk of ale. .
4.30i4.70 ; hen\leH , Jl.55 4. 0 ; pncken ,' . '
mixed , JI.40P4.70 ; lights , JU5QI.55 ; Yorkers , JI.40
fl.M : pigs , $4.IUV4.3A. (
HH1JKI' Iteeeipts , 3,200 head ; slilpments , none'
narket steady.
St. I.iniu < icnr < Market.
ST. LOL'IS. June X. 1'I.OUU Firmer nnd
endeney upwonl , selleiw nrklng an advance , bin
iuslne light ; patents , M.OOftl.ll ) ; extra fancy ,
3.7.1 3.S3 ; fancy , J3.40S4.50 ; choice , J3.o&3.CO ; ryt
lour. t3.'iayt.W.
WHEAT Tin- bullish conditions that have been
steadily fanning In this market ever plnce the
veek opened , culminated today In a 2c iidvnnce
being paid not. long nfter the opening. Sub e-
Itiently It was very unsettled , but the close wa *
014o ! above yestridny. The scramblu of Fhiutx
o cover caused the inrly advance. No. 2 led ,
ash , 73'ic bid ; July , 73l4c ; Septemlwr , 7314 73140
fOHN Ursplto reports of better crop condl.
Ions , the market advanced Vic nt the opening , In
sympathy with wheat. The early advance was
mt maintained , nnd at the He decline that fol-
, wed there was considerable selling out of loria
corn , notably for July. The clr-se. however , wa %
stronger and a fraction aliove yi-Kterday. No. 2
nixed , cash , 44',4c ; July , 44c atked ; Septembet ,
4Cc asked.
OATS Continued liquidation still further wcnk-
> ned the future mat ket , July down Vic
md September He. The only buyers were Bnort.\
or by carriers ngnlnxt cash pinI'lmsi'.a. Spot
easier ; No. 2 , rash , 25c bid ; July , 24Hc ; Septern-
ier , 2lc.
COHN MKAIy-J3.23i5j3.30.
Hit AN Stronger ; C5c bid. cnst track.
HAY Uiwer ; timothy. $10.O(714.00 ( ( , cast side ;
prairie , steady at JS.OMflO.OO. Uils side.
EalS--Steady : In demand at 9c.
LEAD-Dull ; stronger ; J3.0714.
SI'ELTEll Weik. : with little demand nt J3.41
© 3.47' * .
PHOVISIONS Poik , standard mess , Jobbing.
112.60. Lard , prime stenm , 16.40 ; choice , J6.65.
llacon , boxed shoulders , J6.60 ; Ions" . J6.S7'i ; ribs.
E7 ; shorts , J7.12V2. Dry fait meats , boxed Mioul-
k-rs , J5.C2H ; longs , J6.S7',4 ; libs , J6.60 ; Bliorts.
JO. 75.
UKCEIPTS nour. 2.000 bbls. ; wheat , 7,000 bu. ;
corn , 4.000 lu. ; oats , 33,400 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 4.CCO bbls. ; wheat , 7C0i
bu. ; corn , 12,000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Liverpool Miirltcn.
L1VEUPOOL. June M.-WHEAT-Spot , steady ;
demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , Cs 6'.jd ; No. 2
red spring , slocks exhausted ; No. 2 hard , Man
itoba , 6s 1'id ' ; No. 1 California , 6s 6'id. Futures
opened firm with near and distant p.'Eltlons ' Jd
higher , closed firm wllli near positions Hfl' * < t
higher , nnd dlstnnt positions lUliJl'.til higher ;
buHlni-ss heaviest on middle | x > sltl * ns ; June. 5s
61 ; July , 5s 6Md ; August , 5s 7' d ; September.
5s Sd. Oolober , 6s S'id ' ; November , 5s 9d.
COHN Siiot , film ; American mixed new , 48
% d. Futures opened firm with near nnd dis
tant positions lid higher , closed firm \\llh August
lid higher , anil other months Hd higher ; business
hf avli'st on middle posltlt ns. June. 4s 34d ; July ,
4s 3 > 4il ; August , 4s 4',4d ; September , 4s 64d ! ;
Octotier. 4s fi 4dj November , 4s Glid.
FI.OUll Dull ; demand poor ; St. I ouls fancy
winter , 7s 9d.
PKOVIS1ONS Hacon , nrm ; demand moderate
Cumberland cut , 2S to SO lb31s ; short ribs , 2S
Pis. . 32s ; long clear , light , 3S to 41 Ibs. , 33s ; long
clenr , heavy. 53 Ibs. , 32s ; ehort clear tricks , light ,
IS Ibs. , 33s 6d : short clear middles , heavy , 63 Ibs. ,
32s ; clear bellies. 14HI1G Ibs. , 33s. Shoulders ,
wihnre , 12 to 18 Ibs. , Sirs. Hams , short cut. 14 to
1C Ibs. , 42s Cd. Tallow , fine Noitb American ,
nominal. lleef. extra India mtss , 80s ; prime
mess , C2s Cd. Pork , prime mess , fine , 60s. I inl ,
leady ; prime western , 33s ; refined In palls ,
33s 6d.
CIIKK8K Flim : demand moderate ; finest
American , white ( new ) , 37s ; finest American , col
nriil ( new ) , 37s.
IIUTTmi Finest United States and good , nom
COTTON HRKI ) Oil , Liverpool'refined , ISs.
MNSKKI ) OII.r-22s.
PKTHOI.Kl'M Helmed. % d.
UCT'KKll-IIlATOH 11IIEF For equartcrs , 3d
lilndtiuarterB , CT4d.
HOPS At lxndon ( Pacific coasl ) , t2.
t'offru Marker.
NEW YORK , June 2C.-COFFEE Optlons
opened steady nt unchanged prices , but rulwl
tinner on a few buying- orders from Europe nnd
n soarclty of sellers. European and Hni7.lll.-m
advices unsatisfactory and led to caution. Closet !
steady nt 5W13 points net advance ; sales. 8,5 * )
bags , Including March. 114.2.1 ; July , J14.aHHI.23 ;
September , 1143.1 ; October , J14.4' ' > fni.45 , nnd De
cember , J14.85O14.40. Sixit coffee. Illo , dull ; No.
7 , fl.1.50 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , JlS.23ftr9.oO ; sales ,
700 Ings Miiracalbo , p. t. Warehouse deliveries
from New York yesterday , 81ISO bags ; New
York stock today , 220.1C4 lings ; 1'nlted States
stock. 233,831 lugs ; nlloat for the United Stated ,
ZMJ.CHK ) Uigs ; total visible for the United States ,
519.S35 bags , ngalnst 279.016 bags last year ,
IIAVHE , June 26. Opened quiet , unchanged ;
at 12 m. . quiet , unchanged ; at 3 p. in. , quiet ,
unchanged ; cloned quiet and ' .if net advance for
tliH day ; tales , 6,0 > bag ? .
IIAMIIl'HU , June 26. Quiet ; June.t pfg.
lower ; others unchanged ; sales , 3,000 l gH.
HIO , June 20. Paralysis of business ; exchange
has ruled strong ; difficult to quite prices. Ex
change , 97id : receipts , 7.0K ) lugs ; cleared for the
United Stall's. 2.0' ) bags ; cleared for Europe ,
none ; stock , 133.0UO baes.
Itultlrnoro ( Jrjiln lnrket § .
HALTIMOHE , Juno 26. FIXJl'Il Dull nnd un
changed ; receipts. 7.96S bbls. ; B.ipmenls ! , 15.6U9
bbls. ; calei , 1,140 bbls.
WHEAT Firm ; spot and month , 72Vi@72fic ;
July , 72 % < T73c ; August. 73 in74r ; t-'entnnb r. 74V ,
M74'ic ; i-tenrner , No. 2 n < l , C1iv.f09ic | ; receipts ,
9.871 bu. ; slilprnentK , 16.0m ) bu. ; Htuck , 5S5t21 ; bu. ;
sales , 141,0iii > bu. ; southern vvheat. by sample ,
72U7r c ; southern vvheat. on grade , C9'i.j7U'vC.
COIIN Steady ; spot , 62B52ilc ; month. 62'j52iic ;
July. 62fi52'ie ; August , GZttffSflfcc ; Seutember ,
Si'HiMc ; receipts 43.7C3 bu. ; shlpnu'Uts , 52,079
bu. ; stock , 3C0.4SI bu. ; sales , 15,000 bu. ; southern
white corn , 60ft62Vtc ; southern yellow , 53i54c.
OATS Dull ; vtry little Inquiry ; No. 2 white
western. S5',4G3Cc : No. 2 mixed , 32'iS33c ' ; re
ceipts , 6,750 bu. ; shipments , 800 bu. ; slock , 110.-
S90 bu.
IlYE Inactive ; No. 2 , 6S8COc ; stock , 6,779
t\e\v Yiiru Drr ( iiod .Market.
NEW YOHK , June 26. Agents have advanced
Nashua II brown cottons to Cc : Nashua E
brown cottons to 7c ; Amnskeug blue and brown
denims , ' , jc ; Uungdon (1. II. , 36-Inch bleached ,
> .ic ; Hamilton turkey rnl prints , 'ic ; Atlantic
wldu Bhwtlnirs to 2.1c for 10-8 bleached. Mure
buyers were In the market , and ilirie was a
guild Inquiry around , with prints commanding
most attention. Agents made the pr.ces of Simp-
Bon's fancy prints 5',4e , but the Bllver grays
and black and white are unchanged. Printing
clcthu Ilrm at 2 n-lGc. and the mills un
willing sellers at tbat price.
> uiiir Murker.
NEW YOHK. June 26. St'OAn Haw , easier
f.tlr refining , 2 13-16 ; centrifugal , ! i6 lest , S'.i
sales yesterday. 4Oi" " > bugs centrifugal , ! > test
at 3'ic , and 1.UU ) batH mola S4'B , 81 test , nt 2 9-lCc
rellntd. quiet ; No. G. 4fi4 3-1 Cc ; No. 7 , 3 15-1
® 4c ; No. 10.3S4i3 IS-ltc ; No. 11. 3 ll-li
MS'.c ; No. 12 , 3 9-1C4J4C ; No. 13 , SHc ; off A , 4 1-1
JfISc : iniild A. 4 11-16ji4'lc ; standard A , 4 6-W
4'c ; confectioners' . 4 6-lCtf HJc ; iut loaf. 5 1-lOt ;
6i4c ; crushtd , 5 l-16C3'4c ; powdered , 4 4tfl 15-lCc
granulated , 4 7-16c ; cubea. 4 11-l.CCi I'tc.
TnlcMlo ( ir ln .MHTKCI.
TOLEDO. June M. WHEAT Active , higher
cash nnd June , 7iUJuly ; , 75'ic ; August , " ( Tic
September , 76'4c ; Decemlr , 1Jv.
COHN Active ; cash , 49c ; July , 4S 4c ; Beptcm
bcr , 49Me.
O. TB Steady ; corn , 30c ; July and September
27'4c. '
HYR Neglected.
CIXU'EH HEED Ixiwer but steady ; October
JJ.63 ,
\\oo' .Murket.
HOSTON , June 20. The American Wool am
Cotton Heporur will sny tomorrow : The pa >
week haa wltnesaol a tlatterlnir lmiroverrient In
the wool trade. HrporU from New York and
Philadelphia show an Inrrentlnir demand for
thli itapu. Tlio volume of buitn U cot con
fined to ny few particular Rradi-s , but the de
mand Is general nnd Increased rnlli arc nalrd
nil along the line , while prices are coriespond-
Irrgly beller. The report of llorton men nan's
snows a general advance of an average uf Ic per
Hi. A short supply In dometllc lleives Is noted
In the Philadelphia market , which Is nltrluuttd
to nn exceptionally light clip , The riilciito
limikM sliows receipts In execs * of nny hereto
fore , while shipments from that point have been
( Milte hruvy. The sales In Itoston and New
) ork the post week are tlio largest recorded
n many months , iiKgiegatlng ll.G4d.6W lln. , uf
hlch IJoMutl recolds 7 , ( . > 3CXB ) Ibi.
( o'tnii Miirkol.
NEW Oni.nANS , June M.-COTTON-FIrm :
ilddllriB. 6 ic ; low middling , C'jc ; good ordinary ,
18-lCc ; net and gross receipts , 75 bales ; ex | > nrts
o Cltc-nt Ilrltnln. 3S < 0 bales ; coa twl e , 3,472
ales ; fides. 1,100 bales ; stoek. 118,193 bales.
KT. UHMS. June IS. roTTON Stnuly : mid'
llnu , 6 1-lGc : sales , 120 Uilrs ; receipts , 1CJ bales ;
lilpments , CI3 liales ; stock. 21,30 $ bales.
\'iw YOHK. June M. fOTTON Hli-ndy : mid-
Ing , 7c ; net rcwlpts , none ; ( truss. MO linlesi
purls to Oienl Ilrilaln , 2.1S3 ball's ' ; forwarded ,
bales ; sales , 1,649 bales , nil Srtnnors | ; stoek ,
1 J,10I bales.
I'corlu Mwr.rH
PEOIUA. June rO.-COHN-Dull , lower ; No. 2 ,
li" No. S. 4i'4c.
OATS-IMiil , lower ; No. 2 white , 2Sic ; No. 3
vlilte. 2 < 'ic.
HVK Dull , nominal.
WHISKY Firm ; finished goods , on the basis
t Jl.2.1 for high wines.
HKClllPTS Wheat. 1.200 bii. : corn. 10,400 bu. :
at , 418i i bu. ; r.\e , none : barley. 700 lur.
Slill'MHN'TS Wheat , l.MX ) bu. ; cnrn , none ;
.its , 60,600 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , trutii1.
.Mlhviitilff c MirUnt : .
MIMVAlfKEE. June 20.-WHiAT-Flrm ; No.
rprhiK , 72'4e ; No. 1 northern , 7S'iic ; Septom-
( 'ilUN i'nrhnnced ; No. 3. 49'4r. '
OATS Ixiuer ; No. 2 while. Sue ; No , 3 white ,
Oo.IIA III,1IY Dull nnd nominal j No. 2 , COc ; sain-
lie. nominal.
HYIJ-Illglicr ; No. 1 , Clc.
MhineiipolU IVIient Market.
une. 72-V ; July. 72\c ; September. "Hie : on
raik. No , 1 hard , 74'4c ; No. 1 northern , 73'.fcCj '
Nn. 2 northern. 72Hc.
FI.Ol'H Steady ; first patents , J3.FCiM.2sec ;
end patents , ; first clears , J1.45n3.W ;
second cluirs , J2.Wif3.03 ; export l kets , J2.S00
.S ) .
Oil Miirkpt.
TIIIEMEN , June M. I'KTUOUErjI 7 marks 40
t'lIAHI.nsTON. Juno SO. UOSIN Firm ; J1.13.
TL'lll'iNTIN- ! bid.
I'rUrn Wlimt ( > iliitHlliiii .
SAN FHANCISCO , June 2G- WHEAT Stonily :
Dtcemlier , Jl.Ol1. ! .
ftiuinclnl > iiic < .
nAI.TIMOUE. June SO. Clearings , J2.057.CCO ;
vilancru , J4I9I,19.
IIOSTON , June 20. Clearings , JIC,714,1C3 ; bill-
mces , J1.4S3.G73.
NEW YOHK , June X Clearings , J99C37,5ai ;
lalances , J6.2S3.208.
l'lIIIAinil'HIA , June 2G.-Clearings , $11,415-
i3 ! ; Kdi-nces , Jl.712,127.
ST. LOI'IS , June M. Clearings. J3.SS7.320 ; bal-
mc"S , jrilO,4CG. Money , 6i"C per cent. New York
exchange , We premium bid.
WASHINGTON , June 1C. Today's statement ol
lie condition of the treasury shows : Available
cash lial.inccs , J191,931,6CO ; gold In the treasury ,
CHICAGO. Juno 2fl.-C ! irlngs , Jll,141,000.
Money , easy ; rales , 4"i | per cent for call loan *
and CiiG per cent for commercial p.iper. New
i"ork exchange. 70c premium. Stetllng exchange ,
Misted rates , JI.W.i'-J4.SuH.
IIOSTON , June X. At n special meeting of the
stockholders of the liell Telephone company , held
lere today , the recommendation of the Imard of
llroctors t nt 10 , ( ) sliares of new Btoi-k be Issued
vas unanimously npptoved , and this stock to
hnrelioldera will be Issued at once.
N ws for ths Army.
WASHINGTON , Juno 26. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Paragraph directing Lieutenant Colonel
nel James II. Bradford , Seventeenth Infantry ,
to take station In the Department of the
1'latto Is amended to direct him to proceed
o Columbus Barracks , 0.
The resignation ot First Lieutenant Thomas
H. McGuIre , Fourteenth Infantry , Is ac
cepted by the president.
Captain James C. Ayres , ordnance depart
ment , will Inspect the ten-Inch disappearing
gun carriages nt the works of the Pond Ma
chine Tool company , New Jersey.
First Lieutenant John L. Chamberlain la
transferred from battery L to battery G.
First Lieutenant Mlllard F. Harmon b ttcry
G to battety L , First arllllery.
Leave of absence Is granted First Lieuten
ant Robert L. Illrsh , Eleventh Infantry , four
months ; First Lieutenant Thomas G. McGuIre.
Fourteenth Infantry , leave until July 31 ; Second
end Lieutenant John T. Martin , Fourth artil
lery , one month ; Second Lieutenant James
Hamilton , Third artillery , six months.
Mar ICxtonct the Southern Kansni.
TOI'BKA , June 20. A party of Santa Fe
gentlemen , consisting of D. IJ. Uoblnton ,
agent of the receivers nnd acting president of
the road ; II. V. Mudge , general superin
tendent ; Chief Engineer nun and Superln
tendent of Machinery John Player , will ar
rive in Topeka from the west this evening
from an extended tour covering the south
western lines of the Santa Fe down to Old
Mexico. It9 \ stated that the significance of
Mr. Iloblnton's trip was to consider the ad
visability of extending the Southern Kansas
line from the I'anhjindlo of Texas In a direct
line to Albuquerque , shortening the dlstnnco
to the Paclflo coast 300 mllee.
I'limncliil Illlllciiltlcs Cnuscd Suicide ,
NEW YORK , Juno 20. Louis M. Cornish ,
a broker will' an office at 2 Wall ( street , was
found dead today In the. library of his home ,
26 West One Hundred and Twenty-flret
street. There was a bullet hole In his right
temple and a revolver nt his side. He had
evidently been dead several hours when his
body was found. No motive for suicide
was advanced by any of the friends or
relatives of the dead man who were seen to
day. Ills physician was said to have re
marked that financial dllllculties led Mr.
Cornish to commit the deed.
Ohio Doinocratlo Convention full ml.
COLUMBIA , O. , Juno 26. The state demo
cratic committee met here this afternoon to
fix the time and place of holding the next
state convention. The Brlce men wanted
Toledo as the plnce and the last of August
ns the date. The Thurman men wanted
Springfield or Columbus and July 1C as the
date. The committee decided to call the
convention for August 20 and 21 , and. Spring
field as the place.
> c\v Appointment ! of Naval Cndcts.
WASHINGTON , Juno 26. The following
caJsts have been appointed to the naval acad
emy : Phillip Kearney , St. Joseph , Mo. ; Rus
sell Montgomery , Portland , Oro. ; Ilunllngton
Jolmstoiip , alternate , Portland , Ore. ; 1) . H.
Wells , Jr. , Salt Lake City ; W. B. Palmer ,
alternate , Salt Lake City ; Byron Klrkpatrick ,
Fredonla , Kan. ; Ralph II. Barger , Smith
Center , Kan. ; A. E. Draper , alternate , Ells
worth , Kan ,
Ilntitli of u Ydtrrnn llor rrtiTtn.
LEXINGTON. June M.-Wood Springfield ,
the veteran turfman. Known from ocean to
ocean us a distinguished Jockey , trainer
nnd owner , nnd In late years a turf writer ,
Is dead at hlx homo hero nt the UKO of Cl
years. Homo years ago he WHS Injured In a
runaway , and has since been unub.e to leave
the city.
TIM : KKAi/rv .u.tiutirr.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record June 20 ,
1S95 :
W n Sage et al to W 13 Sage , lots 1 to
4 , block 3. Albright's Annex . J 600
M K Davis and huhband to C J Davis , lot
0. Mock 134. Sout.i Omaha .
I'eter Wellnnd and wife to ( ! ! Ientz , lot
JO. bloik 1 , Oato City park . 340
W T Seaman and wlfn to U A Nahon , lot
5 , block 8. Central park . gdc
Same to same , w 3'J feet of n f > 0 feet lot
4 , > ck II , Shlnn's mid . 3.300
J II Thompson to O S Harrison , Iut 8 , block
2 , Cherry Hill . 7CO
C S Harrlsi n and wife to J AUupev ,
same . tV
n O HyU-y to J 11 Smealnn , mid ' ,4 lots 1 to
4 , block 14 , Walnut Hill . 2.200
i : O ( llenn and wife to H A Ol nn , w 14S
feet lot 33 , ItKllek's hccond add . 0)0
H I ! Seaman and wife to M J Curpcntrr ,
lots 5. fi und 7 , block 3. ( liuimnrrry park. 6,0X1
Moses Horwlch and wife to Omaha Sav
ings bank w 2J feet lot 6 und e 22 fet
lot 5. block 101 , Omaha . _ 1
Total amount of transfers . J19,43t
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfos
Etcher's Castoria ,
Wo Offer a nomcdy
WhlchlnsurrsSato *
WIVES ty to r.lfo of Mother
and Child.
'My ' wife used only two boltlc.i. She was
easily and quickly relieved ; Is now doing
J. S. MOIITON , Harlow , N. 01
Font lijr oxprem or lunll , on receipt of prlc < s
SI.00 per liollle. Hook "TO MUTlllntb'1
mailed fieo.
Ily purchaslnc goods made at the following
Nebraska factorlcR.Uf you cannot Hnd what
you want , communicate with the manufac
turers an to what dealers handle their seed .
Manufacturers of nil Kinds of cotton and bur
lap bans , cotton ffour enrks and twlno a spco *
laity. C14-CIC-C18 S. llth-Kt.
Ca.- load
shipments made In our own refrlge *
rater cam. lllue Itlbtion , Hllto Ilxport , Vienna
Kxport , nnd Family Export , delivered to all
parts of city.
i'u\nn-n. \
CotTce Hoasters , Kplco Grinders. Manufactur
ers German liaklng I'owilcr and Cicrrnan Dry
Hop Yeast , 1414 and 14IC llatney-Bt. , Ornulia , Neb
v.i ait i AUKS , J-TC.
put rubber tires nnd ball bearing axles on thelp
own make vehicles , and Bell u top LiiBiry for
tM.OO besides. rite them , lith and llarney.
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. E. Black , Manager. Omaha.
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture , ,
Ulnliic Tables and Folding Ieds. 2Slh avc. :
lioyd to SJImlcr Kts.
1VK .l.\l )
Domestic and Steam Coal. We have the best.
Olllce 1CO1 Farnam-st. Telephone : Olllco 373 ,
yard , 17C6. J. A. Doe , General Manager.
Manufacturlnu nnd Hepalrlne of all kinds of
machinery , engines , pumps , elevators , printing
prcses , hangers , shafting and couplings 1408
und 1103 Ho\vurd-t < t. , Omaha.
Fire Hydr tints , Water and Gas Pipesspecial * ,
lioller Fronts and Fittings , Slieet r'y , car
wheels. Archltectuial Iron wolks. OIIlce,307 B.
I3tli-tt. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work ;
General Foundry , Machine and Ulacksmlth
Work. EriKlnevrs and Contractors for Fir
Proof Uulidlngs. onice and works : U. P. ny.
and So. 17th street , Omaha.
JM.Vl/.F.lC'I'l/ffl.VfJ UllUMIS n.
Manufacturers of Fluid Extract ? , Elixirs.
Syrups niul Wlneu , compressed triturates hypo
dermic tablets , pills and scientific medical nov
elties. Omaha.
Manufacturer Mattresses. Spring ncdsj Jobber
Feathers and Pillows. N. llth and Nicholas
Sts. , Omaha.
203 So. llth St. , Tel. 254. Mcdessa Mineral
Water Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for tabl *
use unsurpassed.
ir.rrc'mtis saurian.
The only perfect protection to property. ExamIne -
Ine It. Hcst thine on earth. | Reduces Insur
ance rates. 1304 Douglas-st.
Afanufacturers of all kinds of Paper Ioxc .
Fhtlt Hexes , Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc.
Wedding caku and fancy candy boxes , druggUt
and Jewelry boxes. 120S-19 Joncs-tt. , Omaha.
a uiitr i' . i am it u : * .
Exclusive custom shirt tailors.
1:15 Farnam-st..Telephone 998.
10 to 20 % per Month
can be niailo by our method of operating In
( IHAIN AND KTOCKH. Prospectus giving full
Information of jierfect Hyftrm rnii.led free. BenJ
your biminens only to u financially revponslbl *
iiouue. IxH.k us up.
Grain , Block and Doncl Urokeri. 1
r-i : CtlHinlier of I oiniiiu.fiCIIICAOO
FT P. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) ) B. M. STANFORD
F. P. SMITH & CO ,
Room > t. N. Y. Life IMUu. , Omiilm.
llranch offices at Fremont and C"lumbu > . All
orders placed on the Chicago Hoaid of Trade.
Correspondents : Krhwurts. Uupc * A O , , Chicago
cage ; richrelner , Flnrk ft Co. , Hi , I.ouU. Itefcl
to Flret National Hank , Omaha.
MA 1(0IN No inutur l'i' booklet on pec-
TUAIHNfl ulullbii yju ma > Imve rtad send
I'XPI AINI'li' ° r " " " . Hhlcli Is NEW ana
I < AI ' " " ' "
"cOMPI.UTI-i. It clraily eipluln *
murgiti trading and UEKINEB ALt. MAHKIiT
EXI'ltKbHIONa. IMs frco and will Uuch you
omtthlng. AIUiOOAST tt CO. . U Tfl4 r
Uulldlnr. Cbluxo.