Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Criminal Judge Will Decide Whether Ac
cused Shall Be Admitted to Bail Again ,
Flutter of Kicltrment Caused Yratorday by
fc. .Folio Humor that llo Hail Skipped
Ho nnd Illiilfo Quickly
Accounted For.
Conilderablo excitement was created In the
criminal court yeitcrday on account of
the reported disappearance of Jamefl Ish and
wife , who arc out on ball awaiting trial for
the murder of William Chappie.
There was a stirring around among ofil-
clals , and the sheriff's office was notified
that officers should at once look up the
whereabouts of the Ishs. The criminal cou t
made or order that the two parties bo
brought In Immediately. It soon became
apparent that the excitement waa uncalled
for. Ish'a attorney appeared and made the
statement that both Mr. and Mrs. Ish were
In the city and expected to appear In court
Tuesday afternoon. Ish soon afterward en
torcd the court room. HU wife has been
In Fremont visiting with her mother and Is
to appear and show her right to ball this
Ish was called before the bar of the court
\ and the question of Investigating his right
, to ball was ct for 2 o'clock.
"If I become satldlcd that there was a
willful and premeditated murder , Ish will
get no bond ; If I am satisfied that It was not
willful , ho will be allowed to give a bond. "
After a lengthy argument , beginning at 2
o'clock , the criminal Judge announced this as
his Intended disposition of the case.
James Ish Is now In Jail waiting the court's
decision upon the question of the right to
ball under the circumstances of the the Chap-
plo murder case , and considering the enor
mity of the crlmo charged. Immediately
nt the conclusion of the court's announcement
Ish was taken In charge by Deputy Mahoney
and placed In the Jail until his case Is defi
nitely disposed of.
The argument of the counsel for the state
and for Ish pmod quite Interesting , and was
followed by reiffarks by the court , criticiz
ing the county attorney. Ho was accused
of trying to place on the court the responsi
bility of raying whether or no Ish should bo
placed again Under bond.
As Ish had Just been arraigned for mur
dering Chapplo and had pleaded not guilty , It
became necessary for Judge Scott to pass
upon the oral motion made by Frank Ransom ,
Ish's attorney , asking for the right to file
another ball bond. Mr. Ransom began by
stating that the testimony which had been
taken before the coroner's Jury had been
used as the basis on which to bind Ish over
to- district court , as neither party considered
It necessary to take further testimony. Ho
complimented the county attorney on having
corr.o to the conclusion that the case was a
billable one , and dclared that Ish's case was
the old story of a husband slaying the seducer
of his wife , and expressed his
confidence that such a man could
never bo convicted. He claimed that
Ish was released on ball , and properly
under the section of the constitution provid
ing that bill may bo taken In all murder
cases except these In which the proof Is evi
dent and the presumption great.
County Attorney Daldrldgo took consider
able starch out of the compliments passed
upon him by rejoining that when ho wrote
the letor ( advising admitting Ish to ball In
police c.our1 ho did this , first on the strength
of the testimony taken by the coroner's Jury ,
and rccond , because he understood a prelimi
nary examination would bo had In a few
days. Instead , an examination was waived ,
besides some new testimony having been
slnco discovered , and he now thought no ball
should be taken.
Frank Ransom remarked that the state was
making the case out one of homicide Instead
of Justifiable homicide.
The court grew angry and dilated upon his
freedom from all outsldo Influences. He
thought an effort was being made to make
him decide whether or not Ish should have
ball with the consequent responsibility. He
told the county attorney that the
state prosecutor knew nothing of trying mur
der trials , and wound up by explaining tc
the audience , awaiting with breathless Inter
est the next turn of the case , how free he
was from the Influences of money , so thai
however rich Mrs. Ish , the 'mother of James
Ish , or any one else might be , stlJl H could
not affect his decision In the leist.
The court took the testimony of the core
ner's Jury and the statement of the countj
attorney concerning his new witnesses foi
consideration. Ish's attorney Is making r
desperate fight to find out what this addltlcni
testimony , on which the state banks so heaV'
lly , consists of , and has asked to be allowei :
to see the statement when completed.
KioiiT SISTINI : : ! < .I > TO u.\iu > woitit
Mon Ileforo the Crlin Hill Court Arr
Started Tonnr'l the I miltrntlary.
Forgeries and forgers were strongly In evl
denco before the criminal court yesterday
morning and sentences were pronounced. Fret
Niece WUF convicted of obtaining whisk ]
from S. S. Lanyon by forging the name o
Liveryman Jackson to an order for 85 cent !
worth of the liquid. Niece was sentenced t <
n term of one year.
Harry II. Coode , a bookkeeper for tin
Heyn Photo Supply company , was Eentcncet
to seven years for emoszzlpmant. Twi
other cases agalnet Coodo are to bo dls
missed. The embezzlement of $150 wai
proven , but Coodo Is bald to have gottet
away with $1,200. The manner In which hi
covered up his tracks Is pronounced a mas
ter Job ty the state. His operations wen
Instrumental In breaking up the firm's busl
ness. Coode fled about a year ago when hi
peculations were discovered. The death o
Mr. Heyn had given him considerable oppor
tunity to carry on his operations.
John Stock for the crlmo of forgery wai
sentenced to eighteen months. Ho passed i
check for $7.50 for liquor.
H. A , Russell's six children , upon Invest !
gatlon , dwindled away to none. Saturday
when called for sentence for forgery , Russel
represented to the court that he hod i
family of six small children. Investlgatloi
showed this false and he was sentenced I
five years.
Jerry Boden was sentenced to elghteei
V months In the penitentiary for having passei
a $150 false check on a saloon keeper. Ilcdei
pleaded guilty and said that his rapid roai
to ruin had been hastened by strong drink
He proved a smooth talker In court am
wanted a light sentence.
Hurry Green wanted to plead guilty to th
larceny of a quantity of candy from BaldufT
pavilion at Hanicom park last week. Th
court refused to accept the plea and ho wa
arraigned tor burglary.
Ralph Hlgglns and Charles Van Ness li
criminal court had Decision yesterday t
thank their lucky stars that the burglar
the state charges them with planning o
April 25 , last , was carried out on a mornln
when the sun rose at 6:30 : o'clock. Th
court granted these two men new trials , be
cause , while the state claims the saloon I
question , owned by Kriue. was entered a
2 o'clock In the morning , It could not b
proved that the sun may not hav
been up when the raid was mad <
which would mal'p the crime less tha
burglary. Illggtns' mother created a cout
ecene when her son was brought In.
1'ajr for n l.oit I.ce.
Charles Jamea , a switchman , claims h
has been damaged to the extent of $15,000 b
the rcckleis maintenance of. an ob tructlo
upon the runway on top of a freight car e
the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska railway ,
While the plaintiff was traveling to Cour
ell Bluffs from Falrbury lie was tripped b
a board and precipitated to the ground. H
had to have his leg amputated. The accl
dent occurred In November , 1S93.
Minor Court .Mnttm.
The will of General Hawley has been 01
fere * } for probalq In county court.
Gcorgo Schartz has tuert the Cudahy Pad
Ing company' for $25,000 damages on accrue
X Injury to bit right arm , which was
In a sautago machine on August 4 , 1804 , He
claims the machinery wag defective.
A decree of probate has been entered up
upon the will of the late William II. Meg-
Leltcn of administration have been Issued
In the Charles T. Goodman estate to Amelia
Goodman ,
In 1892 Charles II , Howe used a stick to
beat his wife , Rosa , upon the head , besides
falling to provide bread for his children. ,
Mrs. Howe has sued for a divorce ,
The case of the Omaha Elevator company
against Pctercon ft Co. , has been dismissed.
A cult for $5,000 has been brought for a
number of carload shipments of spoiled
Some of the numerous defendants In the
foreclosure cate of Eunlca Baldwin agalnrt
W. R. Hurt have forgotten whether or not
they ever had any service of summons upon
them. A motion has accordingly been Hied
asking to have the default set aside on the
tcoro that It IB the best belief and Informa
tion of the makers of the motion that no
summons was ever served ,
A $15,000 damage suit of Sarah B. Munro
gainst the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
'alley railroad has fallen out of court with-
ut a trial. October 27 , 1834 , Mrs. Munro
us riding from Albion to Omaha. Near
cribner , while the plaintiff tried to get a
rink , an engine collided with the car ,
ironing the passenger to the floor and frac-
urlng her limbs In several places.
Housekeepers of all climes unite In praise
f Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
hey btnrt In Ihirly anil llogln Heaping n
II irvrnt.
Mrs. E. Geddes of Papllllon was robbed of
cr pockctbook while standing In the doorway
f a down town establishment yesterday.
he purse contained $5 In money and her rall-
oad ticket. The robber slipped away before
, o could bo recognized.
The robbery was reported to the police and
n an hour after Sergeant Whalcn and De-
ectlvo Savage had John Cosgrove and George
iladdcn under arrest. Both men are pick-
lockets who follow in the wake of the b'g
how which was In town. Madden Is new to
ho Omaha police , but Cosgrovo was arrested
ere by Detective Savage three years ago.
, t that time he WES serving a two years' term
n the Stlllwatcr penitentiary under the name
f Raymond. Ho was a trusty and had made
, ls escape. A reward of $100 was offered for
ils capture and this was earned by Detective
iavage. Cosgrovo denies that he and Ray-
nond are Identical , but ho was recognized
iy half a dozen officers and a number of
narks on his body completed the tdentlfica-
A woman with two children , who refused to
give her name , was robbed of her purse at
Sixteenth and Farnam streets later In the
ay. The purse only contained a small
iVro You Oolnp to Colorado for I ho Summer ?
July 5th to 8th the Chicago , Rock Island
Pacific Ry. will sell round trip tickets to
Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo at $19.00
'or the round trip , good for return passage
ill Sept. 1st. Teachers attending the famous
ifummer school at Colorado Springs , and any
me who contemplates ) a trip to Colorado ,
ihould remember that the "Rock Island" Is
ho ONLY LINE running THROUGH chair
cars and sleeping cars from Omaha to Colorado
rado Springs WITHOri' CHANGE. Cheap
rates are made by all lines In Colorado to the
hundreds of places of Interest and to all
pleasure retorts. For full Information , maps ,
time cards , descriptive circulars , rates , etc. ,
call at "ROCK ISLAND" ticket office , 1C02
Farnam St.
_ _
Atlantic City. Capo May , l.onpr ( 'ranch.
And summer havens along the Atlantic are
n the Pennsylvania lines. Short route from
Ihlcago over cool Allegheny mountains. Five
dally trains without change to Philadelphia ,
connecting with frequent seashore trains. No
.ransfer. Ask Derlng , 248 South Clark street ,
Chicago , for particulars.
N. I. . tat I'enier July Bth to 13th.
The quickest time and best train service Is
offered by the Union Pacific system. Low
rates and liberal arrangements for a charm-
ng variety of excursions to western resorts ,
comprising a tour through the famous
Yellowstone National park ; trips to San
/ranclsco , Portland and Salt Lake City ; the
'amous ' mountain retreats of Colorado ; the
Hack Hills and renowned Hot Spr.ngs , South
Dakota ; the summer school at Colorado
Springs , and other attractions. See your
nearest Union Pacific agent or address
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam St.
I'crioniilly Cuiiducted hummer Vacation
Tour * .
A personally conJucteJ excursion the firs'
of a series of three arranged by the Burling
ton route will leave Lincoln at 6.10 p. m. ,
Thursday , June 27 , for a nineteen days' tour
of the west.
Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou , the
Gordon of the Gods , Pike's Peak , Marshall
Pass , Glenwood Springs. Salt Lake City , Ogden -
den , Butte , Helena , the Yellowstnne park and
Hot Springs , S. U. , are Included in the Itin
The cost of the trip has been fixed at
$190 and covers every expense of travel-
railroad , sleeping car and stage fare ? , hotels ,
carriage.riJes , meals , etc.
Full Information at the city ticket office ,
1321 Farnam street.
1'Ul ClllimiO IN YOUlt I'OUKKT.
You Can D.I So hy I'nrchaHlnf ; a Copy of
Oloran'H l > lctlo * iiry of ihlcaijo"
This handsome little book Is the recognized
and only standaid "Guide" of Chicago anJ
\a \ the most complete work of the kind cvei
published. It Is alphabetically arranged and
contains everything of Interest pertaining tc
Chicago , Including a splendid "Map" of Chicago
cage , also handsome Illustrations of all the
World's Fair Buildings.
Persons contemplating a visit to the west
ern metropolis should avail themselves ol
this opportunity to secure a copy of this
valuable wotk.
For sale by George E. Moran , publisher
sulto 212 Harald Building , Chicago , III. , anJ
by prominent newsdealers. Price , 25e pel
copy. Morocco-bound coplc3 In "gilt , " $2.0C
Persons ordorfng copies will please remll
by postal ncte or In postage stamps.
Two ( it-rut rxrtir lmm to Iliintnn.
Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Ry. , one In July and one In August. One
fare for the round trip. Stop over at Nlag.
ara Falls and Saratoga If desired : also b >
boat one way between Albany and New Yort
at the option of the passenger. Stop over car
also he made at Chiutauqua on return trip
Regular Summer Tourist Tickets to th <
many delightful mountain , lake and beasldi
resorts of the east are now on sale. Com'
pletc list of routes and rates , with any fur
tlier Information desired , will be prompt ! )
furnished on application. B. P. Humphrey
T. P. A. , Kansas City. Mo. C. K. Wllber
West. Pass. Agt. , Chicago.
Low It lien to K d O.ik , Icntn ,
Via the Burlington route , Juno 25 to 29 , ac
count race meeting at Pactolus park.
Allx , Robert J , Dlrectum , Hal Pointer ant
all the other famous pacers and trotters o
the country are entered.
The Burlington's 9:60 : a. m. train fron
Omaha arrives at Red Oak at noon and i
special train for Council Bluffs will leave Itei
Oak at 7 p. m. , June 25 to 23 , enabling om
to spend practically the whole day at Ret
Oak and to reach home the fame evening.
Tickets and full Information at 1324 Far
nam street ,
Six Tor rivit Dollar * .
The manager of the bath and complexloi
parlors at The Dee building has secured th
services of a trained masseuse for ono month
who , by years of experience and carefu
study , can by facial massage and medicate ,
vapors , creams and balms , make the old ti
look young and the young yet moro youthfu
all from the remedies nature hersel
teaches. Special attention to hair dressing
Immxilhlo to I.lro In Thin Country
Without hearing about the Northwester )
lino's evening "Chicago Limited , " for peopl
WILL talk about tti conveniences , tasteful
ness and comprehensive up-to-dateuesi
Omaha , 6:45 : p. in. ; Chicago , 8-15 a. m. Ves
tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , n la cart
dinners , Pllntsch gas , EVERYTHING. Ni
ctra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11-05 a. m
kC t 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk chccke
at ficineT
City ticket office , 1101 Farnura etreet.
The Great Juno Clearing Sale Begins Tucft-
day Homing.
I'rlcei Cat nml Cut Until There's Not Much
Loft to tut Itmlietn of Mlnrc lu *
All Oxer the Store at
Thl Kiile.
Over Into the small hours of darkness will
our boy.3 be working tonight to get the goods
all marked down lor this vale.Vc have
made greater preparations for this sale than
wo ever did In our lives , and we don't pro
pose to let anything mar the success of It.
Wo will shoo more people with tan shoes
Tuesday and the rest of this week than have
ever been aliott before by all the shoe houses
In the same length of time. When It Is over
they may try to send us to a mad house ,
" ) Ut they won't find any tan shoes to send
ivlth us. We'll sell them all In June.
Children's tan shoes of the best makes In
Bargain baekeU all over the store.
Days' $2.00 tan shoes now $1.45.
Days' $2.50 tan shoes now $1.75.
Doys' $3.00 tan shoes now $2.00.
Hoys' tan shoes now $2.50.
Youths' $2.00 tan shoes , spring heels , $1.00.
Ladles' la Jullettes and light shade Prince
Alberts , some narrow square , some square ,
iomo opera toes , some hand turned , all very
tyllsh , none worth less than J2.GO and most
f them worth $4.00 , June clearing price $1.48.
Ladles' $2.50 black and tan oxfords , 98c.
Ladles' $3.50 tan oxfords , $2.00.
Men's $2.00 low shoes go at $1.25.
Men's Email sizes , 5 , 5'/6. C , CV& , In all
: olors and shapes of $1.00 , $5.00 and $0.00
ans , go at $2.00.
Men's $4.00 and $5,00 Russian leather and
patent leather < hoes cut down to $2.50.
All of Hanan & Son's tan button shoes ,
always $ G.OO , go for $4.00.
You all know these light brown cloth top
button shoes that we've been selling the men
all along for $7.00 with perfect ease , the baj-
anco go for $4.00.
The beauty of this sale Is that there are
no broken sizes , nor even oroken lots of tan
shoey , but they are all new and fre. h goods ,
made by the leading manufacturers of the
We're doing this cutting to close out all
our tans before Juno Is over , and If you
! iave any regard for your bank account you'll
ako In the sale at Its earliest stage.
1419 Farnam Street.
A I"ow ulv.uit me
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train made up and started from
Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to
destination. Elegant train service and
courteous employes. Entire train lighted by
electricity and heated by steam , with electric
light In every berth. Finest dining car
service In the west , with meals served "u
la carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m.
dally from Union depot.
City ticket Odlce , 1504 Farnam street. 0.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Summer Tourlit Tlo.toU vn thnVntmali
Are now on sale ; for folders giving routes ,
rates , etc. , call at Wabash office , 1415 Far
nam street.
l.'ptrcirth I.ctiRiio Clialtnnnncn Convention
Special party for Chattanooga leaves via
the official line ( Chicago & Northwestern
Railway ) at 5:45 : p. m. , June 25th. Full In
formation at city office , 1401 Farnam St.
CfmttHiinnjit and Kcttirn.
The Missouri Pacific railway will sell rouni
trip tickets to Chattanooga at one fare on
Juno 25 and 2G. For tickets and full In
formation call or address company's ofllce
N. E. corner Thirteenth and Farnam , or de
pot , Fifteenth and Webster streets.
A. G. F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
Note ( ha tit ; iIn Tim * .
Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific for Lincoln ,
Falrbury and points south and west leaves
Omaha at 0:30 : p. m. dally , except Sumluy.
Spirit l.nkr , Spirit I.ulip , j > lrlt Lrxtio.
Through sleeper via the Northwestern Line ,
commencing June 28 , leaves dally for Spirit
Lake at 6:10 : p. m. from Webster street depot ,
The lake Is the same , accommodations a little -
tlo better , fire a llttlo lower. City office , 1401
Farnam sUeet. Depot , 15th and Webster
streets. J. R. BUCHANAN. O. P. A.
.Meet with JliiJ' r Iliilfonl.
This evening the members of the
Young Men's Christian association will hold
a meeting. Major Halford will preside.
After the exercUes of the evening are over
a large group photograph will bo taken by
flash light , with the retiring president in
the center W. H. Alexander will deliver
the address of the 'evening , the subject of
which will be revealed as the address pro
gresses. The delegates to the Young Men's
Christian association International confer
ence at Springfield and Hartford will make
a brief report cf these gatherings. J. M.
Glllan will keep the company merry with
recitations and W. R. Morrison with vocal
selections. Other music will be glveu.
Plans for the summer camp will be given by
Mr. . Ober , and the athletic park program for
the season will be discussed.
In alien lands Dr. Price's Raking Powder
Is accorded duo honors as World's fair
triumphant competitor. Orders come contln-
rally from all parts of the globs.
I'ormltR fur New
Permits have been granted to J. S. Knox
to build a residence , to cost $5,000 , 1019-1021
South Twenty-ninth street ; to Samuel C.
Tuthlll , for a laundry building to cost $1,400 ,
2410 North Twenty-fourth street , and to R.
E. English , for a $1,000 cottage at 3453 South
Fifteenth street.
Turklfth Until * .
Also medicated , fculphur , mercurial baths ,
oil rubs , hot milk , perfumed baths ; mani
cure , chiropodist , pedal cure. Wo are pre
pared to do all wo agree.
Ladles , have your toe nails made to look
'Iko diamonds.
Ono free treatment with every bath.
Speclol attention to hair dressing.
109 lice Building.
( ittHimilu or Tex.i * .
For lowest rates on tickets and best ac-
corrniUtlons : call on or address E. L.
Palmer , P , A. Santa Fe Route , Room 1 , First
National Batik , Omaha.
Aiioclntlan Abide * bflUu Dcclilon Nat to
Uliplnjr on Stiito'l'slr < lround > ,
At a meeting of thai Manufacturers and
Consumers atsoclatlorn .of : Nebraska In the
rooms In The Bfb building yesterday after
noon the matter of holding the regular an
nual exposition this fall , was taken up and
llscusted at great length. > The past two years
the association has made 'Its exposition a part
of the state fair , but owing to the treatment
accorded the manufacturers by the Mate
Fair board the two organizations agreed to
part company last year. The manufacturers
requested the board to carry out Its promises ,
but the board refused , and at the close of the
last state fair the association voted In the
future to go It alone. At that time the state
fair was located In Lincoln and It was ex
pected that It would remain there. Since the
removal of the fair to Omaha the situation
has not changed , The Lincoln members all
voted to wver connections with the ttate fair
people when the fair was located In their
city , and now that It has been changed to
Omaha the members of the association who
live In this city do no't feel like changing
their votes. As a result It has been proposed
to hold a separate exposition at the same
time as the fair. The secretary presented
plans for a building 100x200 feet , with the
estimated cost. It Is proposed to put up the
building on some vacant lot down town where
It would be easy of access. After a thorough
discussion of the matter the subject was re
ferred to a committee consisting of M. C.
Peters , A. J. Vlerllng , L. M. Rheem and the
secretary. The committee was Instructed to
look Into the subject still further and re
port at a meeting of the directors of the asso
ciation to bo called In the near future.
A. R. Dempster , vice president of the as
sociation , tendered his resignation on account
of having moved out of the state. His
brother , C. B. Dempster , of the Beatrice
Mill Manufacturing company , was elected to
fill the vacancy.
J. H. Barrett of the Haarman Vinegar
company wn elected a director to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of C. B.
Gedney , who has left the city.
It has been brought to the attention of
the association that H. and L. Chase , man
ufacturers of bags , and the Keokuck Dag
company have been using the label of the as
sociation on goods not manufactured In Ne
braska. This label was Introduced at the
time of the organization of the association
for the purpose of enabling consumers to
recognize Nebraska goods so as to be able
to patronize their home Industries. The St.
Louis and Keokuck companies have , It Is
claimed , copied this label and arc selling
their goods branded with Nebraska's trade
mark. The secretary was Instructed to see
an attorney and ascertain If the association
could prevent other parties from using the
James Heaton , president of the Nebraska
delegation to the Atlanta exposition , was
present , and addressed the meeting on the
Importance of this state being represented
by an exhibit. A resolution favorable to the
project was passid.
In Yotir Illootl
Is the cause of that tired , languid feeling
which nllllcts you at this season. The blood
Is Impure and has become thin and poor.
That Is why you have no strength , no appe
tite , cannot sleep. Purify your blood with
Hood's Sarsaparllla , which will give you an
appetite , tone your stomach , and Invigorate
your nerves.
Hood's Pills are easy to take , easy In
action and sure In effect. 25c.
Illg At rnc.'oui at Courtlini'l.
The troupe of Arabs In their performances
of tumbling , balancing , gun exercises and
feats of strength and activity merit the
applause an appreciative audience be
stows. The performance of Achllle
Phlllon walking up a Hat runway only fclx-
teen Inches wide , upon which he rolls a globe
twenty-eight Inches In diameter while standIng -
Ing erect , from base to top of his high tower
and then across a cable stretched a distance
of fifty feet and forty feet above ground , Is
one of the most taking exhibition ? ever seen ,
fhe cllmax'ls reached -when the grand pyrotechnic
technic display begins. These two exhibi
tions take place every evening this week at
8:30 : o'clock. _
Wnnt the Cniin Tried IIerr.
J. M. Miller , the partner of J. J. J. Jones
while the two lived In Cherry county , now
held under arrest on a telegraphic order ,
is peeking release through a habeas corpus.
Sheriff Parker of Cherry county Is In the city
with a warrant for Miller , awaiting the de
cision of the habeas corpus case against
Sheriff Drexel. Miller Is charged with ap
propriating several hundred dollars of money
Miller's side of the story Is that the monej
is his by. virtue of having been earned as
fees for legal services performed. He Is
seeking to have the case as far as possible
disposed of In Dougla county which , If 1
could be done , would save a trip to Cherry
county , Ua attorneys state.
Ill made pastry promotes dyspepsia. Daln
tlly flavored , nourishing pastry , biscuit am
cake made with Dr. Price's Baking Powde
prevent It.
local f fur Harvard.
Prof. J. D. Greenougu of Cambridge , Mass ,
arrived In Omaha yesterday to take charge
of the admission examinations for Harvan
university. The examinations In this city
take place at the Young Men's Christian as
soclatlon rooms , beginning Tuesday , June 23
at 8 a. m. , and continue June 27. 28 and 29
Prof. Greenough , while In Omaha , will be
the guest of the Harvard club.
The Windsor hotel , 3 blocks from union
depot. $1.50 per day. A. R. Heel , prop.
IIn f Itatrs to limitation ; ! ! ) , Trim.
via the Burlington Route , June 25 and 2C.
Full Information about routes , rates am
train service at the city ticket office , 132
Farn'jm St.
GREKLEY P. M. , died Sunday Juno 23 , In
fant son of Thomas M. and Mary J
Oreeley. Funeral from residence , 703 Hick
ory street , Tuesday , Juno " 3 , at 2 o'clock
p. m. Friends Invited.
CHARLTON Jenette Johnson Clmrlton
wife of London G Clmrlton , after n slier
Illness. Funeral from Trinity Cathedra
at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. 1'rospec
COLLINS-Jordan , June 21 , of heart failure
age C2 years.
Funeral from residence , 2924 Cumlni ,
street , Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
Interment at Prospect Hill cemetery.
SMITH Peter , aged 71 years , died at hi
home , northeast corner Twentieth am
Spruce streets , at 5 o'clock p. m. , Monday
Funeral from the residence at 4 o'clock
Wednesday. Interment at Proipect Hill.
5Sj 5K v i w2J - ? -
The best baking powder made is , as ? shown
by analysis , the "Royal. "
Confr of Health , New- York City.
Issa&Stt rt& Sx&Z zsttS !
Heel' * To 11 cur ,
Wash a large perfectly freih tongue In 3
waters ; then cover well with boiling water , a
little salt , and cook about 12 minutes to the
pound. Strip off the eKIn. Dish when you
have trimmed away the root , and pour over
following sauce : Strain cup of the liquor In
which tongue was boiled ; set over fire , and
stir In 2 tablespoonfuls butter cut up In
Hour , pepper to taste , the juice of 1 lemon ,
and when thli has thickened , 2 small pickled
cucumbers chopped , and serve.
HrcfttcnU 1'lr , 1'rmcll Style.
Take a nice piece of beef , rump or sirloin ,
cut In small > l'cci ' ; Eltce alto a little raw
ham ; put both In a frying-pan , with some
butter and vmall quantity chopped onions ;
let them clmmer together a short time on. the
Ore or In the oven ; add a little flour and
enough stock to make aauce ; talt , pepper ,
chopped parsley and a little Worcestershlr
sauce as seasoning ; add also a few sllcei
potatoes , and cook together for about 2 (
minutes ; put this Into a a ple-dlsh , with a
few slices of hard boiled eggs on the top
and cover with a layer of common patle
Hake from 15 to 20 minutes In-a well heatei
oven. All dark meat pies can be treated
precisely the same way. If poultry , leave th
potatoes out.
To Mince llerf.
Shred the underdone part fine , with som
of the fat ; put It into a small itewpan , wit !
aoine onions ( a very little will do ) , a llttl
water , pepper and salt , lloll It till the onion
U quite soft , and then put some of the gravy
of the meat to It , and the mince. Do not le
It boll. Have a small hot dish with bits o
bread ready , and pour the mince Into It , bu
first mix a large spoonful of vinegar with U
\ Wonderful Record of a Won
derful Man.
A Involution In Medicine Will In.
crcnso I IIP A vertigo l.lfo to ThreeScore -
Score Y i in nutl Ten.
Nearly three years have pascd away since
'rofcssor Munyon startled the country by
ilg declaration that ho hntl made a discovery
vhereby he could euro SO per cent , of all ill-
asps and positively reduce the death rate 30
cr cent.
That his prediction has ben verified Is am
ply attested and proved by the thousands
f people who have been cured.
The Professor says : "Llfo and death nro
erlous subjects , and the greatest crime man
an be KiilHy of Is to deceive or trifle wltli hu
man afflictions. " The Professor believes that
he average human life should bo three score
years arid ton , and that by the use of his
Ittle sugar pellets people can ward off disease
and dip only of old age.
In order that evcryeno may have an op
portunity to test his remedies , Professor Mun-
on has placed them at the remarkably low
irlce of 25c per vial , thus putting them
vlthtn Uio reach of all. Tlie remedies can bo
procured at any drug store. They arc prc-
mrcd on new and scientific principles , are
> lcasant to take , absolutely harmless , re-
Icvc almost Instantly and speedily euro the
nest obstlnato'cases.
A valuable book , "Otildo to Health , " can
) o hail of any druggist free , which Inteill-
; cntly sets forth In plain , simple language
tow anyone may euro themselves.
Mimyon's Liver Cure corrects headache ,
bllllousness , Jaundice , constipation and all
Iver diseases. Price 25c.
Munyon's Dlood Cure eradicates all Im
purities of the blood. Price 25c.
Munyon's Cathartic Insures a free and nat-
iral movement of the bowels without the least
Kiln or discomfort.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all
'orms ' of piles.
Munyon's Asthma Herbs are guaranteed to
relieve asthma in two minutes.
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia
and breaks up n. cold In a few liours. Price
Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs , night
sweats , allays soreness and speedily heals the
lungs. Price 23c.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops headache.
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never falls to
relieve In 1 to 3 hours and cure In a few days.
Price 25c.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure Is guaranted to
euro all forms of Indigestion and stomach
tooubles. Price 25c.
Munyon's Catarh Cure soothes and heals
.he nllllcted parts and restores them to health ,
No failure ; a cure guaranteed. Price 25c ,
Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains
n the back , loins or groins and all forms of
kidney disease.
Munyon's Nerve Cure restores overworked
and overstrained nerves to a healthy condi
tion. Price 2iic.
Munyon's Vltlllzer Imparts new life , re
stores lost powers to weak and debilitated
men. Price SI.
No matter what the disease Is or how many
doctors have failed to euro you , ask your
druggist for a 2Gc-vlal of one of Munyon's
Cures , and If you are not benefited your
money will be refunded.
A full line of
On hand. Mailed on receipt of price.
1108 Farnam Street , Oppoilte Paxton Hotel.
FREE ; .
Munyon's Guide to Health with every pur
chase of Ills genuine remedies from
Fifteenth nnd Douglas , Omalm Agency.
All remedies mulled on receipt of orlce.
This extra Constipation
ordinary Ko- Dltzlncfs ,
juvcnator Is
the railing Sen
ous twltchlug
discovery of
of the
Iho . eyes
age. It and other
has been endorsed .
dorsed by the
Icadlngtclen- Strengthens ,
tide men of InviKorateu
Europe and and tones the
Amerlra. entire tystem.
Hudyan ia Hudtan cures
purely vege Debility ,
table. NcrToiunets ,
Hudyan stops Emissions ,
Premalureness anddevclopcs
and restores
of the discharge
weak .
charge In 20 organs.
P Ina In the
days. Cures back. IOSECI
LOST by day or
MANHOOD night stopped
quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements.
I'rematurciittS means Imootcnry in Uio first
staire. It la a symptom of seminal weakness
and barrenness. It can bo stopped In 20 days
by the use oflludyan.
The new discovery wns tnado by the Special
ist1) oftho old famous Hudson Medical Institute.
H Is the strongest vltallzer made. It is very
powerful , but ImtmlcFS. Fold for 81.00 a pack-
acoorG packages for 85.00 ( plain sealed boxes ) .
Written guarantee given for a euro. I f you buy
six boxes and are lint entirely cured , six more
will be sent to you five of all charges.
Bend for circular-sand tcetimomals. Address
Junction Stockton , Muj-kctd : KlltuNtM.
Sun I'ruiicUco , Cal.
for warm weather wear prices attractively
low. Shirt Waist sale now on.
Housekeepers have washed with
all the soaps advertised and their
woolens have continued to shrink.
(3 ( the only one which is guaranteed not
to shrink underwear and woolen goods.
Beware ol Others. For Sale By alt Dealers.
Dollar Rfty for n black Dnip D'Eto Coat , of peed cloth nnd rntulo
well , is unusually cheap buying ; chonn at $2.00 , reasonable at $2.50.
The kltul wo sell is so vcd with silk at that
Two Fifty for nn all wool flutinel coat and vest liluo brown or
black Is extraordinarily cheap , because the visual nrlco of all cotton Is
that much. But what wo offer hero Is all wool , sewed with silk all
over raised seams , and well adapted for a neat dress representation
A bettor one lor $4.00 ? Wo doubt It.
2 kinds ol serges grey lighter or darker of single coats at
TwoJ Mtj Is another sterling valuo. Hero Is another eeonomleal way
of dress. A coat like this and a white or fancy vest at a small cost
makes a desired change of dress for llttlo or nothing so to speak
provided a ooat Is not of the ordinary sloppy kind the usual summer
coat seems to appear. Our coats are finished , cut and made as good as
these , sold as fashionable clothing.
Wo also carry Coats or Coats and vcstsof Mohair Alpacca , Serge ,
Chlviot , Drap D' Etc. , and positively every named cloth and all
possible styles found under a roof of the most celebrated maker.
Less fancy names and less money for 'em.
* . * ?
HIS is an off year for FAK
IRS who pretend to have all
kinds of cheap sales. You know you
can't fool all the people all the time , and
buyers are using good judgment in avoiding
such shopkeepers.
Our success lies wholly in the fact that
we have employed HONORABLE METI-I
ODS in our business. Every artic'e must be
ust as represented , and values are guaranteed
in every case. We established REASON
goods in Omaha and are rewarded by an
excellent trade in the face of hard times.
We sell either way for cash or on
Mental Alertness
depends very largely on the physi
cal condition. Sluggish blood
dulls the brain. A Ripans tabule
after meals will clear away the fogs
in short order.
nip n Tabuln : Bold br drUKgtit * . or t > r nun ' H
It the orlce ( M oenti box ) U lent to The III-
pans Chemical Company , No. 19 Sprue * H. , N. T.
When In doubl wlut la Ule lor Nervoui DtUllly , I.wi cf Sciuil Power ( In either
fen , ImpvtciKtr , Atrophy , Vjrlcoctle ml other < > kne ef , from iw cjuie , ut
Seilne 1'ilU Drains ( heckeJ and full vlfor quickly retuxeJ. If neglected , tuck
. ItTVwoobV . lrouhl.1 remit . hully. Milled > n > her. , tetled , fori. < xj | 6toiti for fjco. Wllli
llCSUIt in 1 WC6ICS. trt\ 1 < co i.nlrr e rlie > le < > ! fUlilnlee to curt l refund the tnnnei. Addreia
6IIEKMAN & McCONNP.LL DRUG GO . . 1513 Dodge street , Omalm ! Neb.
Kcr Bale by alt First Class Denleru. .Manufactured by the
Factory No. 'Mi , St , Louis , Mau.