Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1895, Image 1

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Most of the Men Who Are to Oomposo It
Ara Already Selected.
Now Mlnlntry Will lie Vompo < oil of Kcpro-
( entntlvcs of llotli Scctloni of tlio
Unionist Party , with Null ) .
bury at lu Hcnil.
LONDON , June 24. The marquis of Salis
bury conferred this morning with lit. lion
Arthur Ilalfour , the conservative leader In
the House of Commons ; the duke of Devon
shire , the unionist leader In the HoUse of
Lords , and with HI. Hon Joseph Chamber
lain , the unionist leader In the House of
Common ? , at lilo house In London , and pro
ceeded to Windsor at 1 30 p. m. In reply to
the summons of the queen , following the
resignation of the Hoebery ministry.
The cabinet crisis continues to absorb the
attention of the clubs , etc. , and the best
Informed speculations regarding the cabinet
ngreo In the belief that Lord Salisbury will
accept the task cf forming a cabinet and anew
now ministry , to be composed of representa
tives of both sections of the unionist party ,
although a dissolution of Parliament cannot
long lie delayed. It may not bo necessary
to fill all the places In the ministry as the
Tlinea Intimates this morning before taking
steps for an Immediate appeal to the coun
try. Then , according to program , the mar
quis of Salisbury would become premier and
president-of the council of ministers and the
duke of Devonshire would become secretary
of stale for foreign nftalrs
Mr. Balfour Is said to be slated for the
ofllco of first lord of the treasury and Mr
Chamberlain become secretary of state
for war. lit. Hon. George Goschen , for
merly chancellor of the exchequer , Is said to
be slated fof the post of first lord of the ad
Lord Landslownc , Sir Henry James and
lion. Leonard Courtney , liberal unionists , are
nleo reported to ha\o been selected for cab
inet positions.
The principal members of the Salisbury
cabinet must bo re-elected Immediately and
the dissolution of Parliament Is expected
within a fortnight.
The marquls of Londonderry , conservative
Is expected to be the next viceroy of Ireland
In the HOUM of Commons today there was
a most animated scene and outside the
houses of Parliament large crowds of people
The speaker , Mr William Curt Gully , took
the chair at 3 o'clock , and soon afterward
the secretary of state for war , Mr. II. Camp
bell Dannerman entered the House amid pro
longed liberal cheers. Mr. Balfour followed
and was greeted with vigorous chosrs from
his supporters.
At 3 30 the chancellor of the exchequer. Sir
William Vt. non Harcourt , entered the House
nnd the liberals arose In a body and cheered
him to the echo.
The supporters of Mr Chamberlain made a
similar demonstration when the unionist
leader entered the House of Commons.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt said "It
Is my duty to make the announcement to the
House that the division of Friday last was a
vote of censure of the eccrotiry of war , than
whom never a more able , respected or popular
minister held office. The government , of
course , associated themselves with their col
league , nnd feeling that they were unable
to pass the votes for supply , the government
resigned and their resignation was accepted
"Under ordinary circumstances it would
have been Incumbent to move an adjourn
ment ; but the seal fisheries bill must be
liassed before July , and when It has passed Its
third reading the government will move the
adjournment of the House. "
The clnncellor of the exchequer then
i\ \ > * } > ) his supporters and acknowledged the
cOh fueratton shown to the government by Its
opponents. Tears were I" the eyes of Sir
William when he uttered the list words.
Mr. Daltour crltlclbed the conduct of the
government. He said he thought the con
Btltutlonal manner of proceeding would have
been to advise the queen to dlswlve Parlh-
jnent Instead of throwing the burden of con
tinuing the government on the opposition
At 3'22 the House went Into committee on
the seals fisheries bill
Most of the members left when the House
went Into committee. Numerous questions
were asl.ed In regard to the agreement with '
Ru la on the Bering fe& question and the
complaints received by the government from
the Dominion of Canada on the same subject.
The parliamentary secretary of the foreign
nlllce , Sir EJward Grey , In reply said that
batlsfactory assurances had been given to
Canada on the points ralicJ In behalf of the
The seal fisheries bill then passed to third
Dr. Charles I. D. Tanner , member for the
mlJdlo division of Cork , antl-Parnelllte
raised a disturbance by exclaiming that ho
did not see why the seal fisheries bill should
bo given precedence over the Irish land bill
The house then adjourned
Jt was rumored shortly after the Hou e of
Commons adjourned tint Sir William Vernon
Harcourt will not present himself as a can
didate for re-election and the concluding
words , of his thanks to the House of Com
mons were In reality a valedictory.
There wore great crowds present In the
Hoitbo of Commons when the premier , Lord
Ilosebcry , rose at 3.40 p m. to announce the
resignation of the cabinet.
The prlnco of Wales , the duke of York anil
the duke of Cambridge sat on the court
benches. The marquis of Salisbury was ab
sent at Wlnlsor , where he had gone In answei
to the command of the ( [ neon.
The galleries were crowded with peeresse8
and a number of members of the House ol
Commons were present In order to hear the
statement of the retiring premier.
Lord Rwcbery , amid deep silence , said
"I desire to make a very brief statement
which the house has undoubtedly anticipated.
After the vote of the House of Commons or
Friday , which was practically a vota of ccn
sura on the secretary of war on a question
of national defense. Immediately after there
had been laid bcfoto the liouso a
scheme for inllltiiy organization , the gov
ernment felt It their duty to place tholi
resignations lu the handa of the queen. Theli
resignations were accepted and the govern'
mont will hold office until their successor !
are appointed. "
The earl of Cranbroolc. conservative , i aU
that the marquis of Salisbury had deslrci
him to tay IIP wished the house to adjoun
until tomorrow. Lord Rosebery rcmarkci
that theiB was only one very Important bill
the seal fisheries , which would be proceedei :
wltli , and he expressed the hope that 1
would pass at nil Its < tages tomorrow. Tin
seal fi herlfs bill then passed Its first read
WASHINGTON , June 21. Although It I
cuitomary to promptly Inform the State du
partment of such an Important change , n
word has > et been received at the depart
ment from Ambassador Bayard , touching tin
downfall of the Roscbery cabinet In London
It Is .assumed , howuver , that Mr. Bayard I
watting until the formal announcement I
mnJo In Parliament , and the new mlnlslr ;
has succeeded In powpr o as to make hi
statement complete. At the State depirt
ment It Is believed that the rhango from i
1'lienI ' to a conservit vc government In Orel
ItrilHln will not effect the relations brtweri
the United .States and Great Ilrltitn , for I
lia come In be a well recognized fact trm
while Drill * * ! polities are subject to nor
violent and sudden mutations than arc Knoui
In the United States , there Is seldom ;
change In the foreign policy of the DrltUl
government , resulting from these upheavals
LV LOUISVILLE. June 24 Hon. Jame * 11
McCreary , chairman of the houia committc
on foreign affairs , l In this city to attend th
democratic state convert Ion , and Is ruauli.
lgaln t Senator Blackburn for chilrnun of th
loumUteo on resolution * . Mr. McCreary wi
a member of the International monetary con
ference , which met at Brussels In 1892.
When seen today by a representative of the
Associated press , Mr. McCreary stated that
his experience with the English members of
that conference gives him assurance that the
advent of the Salisbury ministry will be In
the Interest of bimetallism , as Lord Salisbury ,
Ilalfour and other are more favorable than
Rosebery and his associates were for such a
conference. Mr. McCreary said ho was
more hopeful now than ever before for such
International action as would settle the ratio
between the metals. He not only regards
Lord Salisbury as friendly to an Interna
tional monetary agreement , but also as a
very great statesman , who will be more-
lib ral In his general policy than Rosebery.
There were active friends In England of bi
metallism , and Lord Salisbury would recog-
nlzs them. Mr. McCreary referred to Sir
William Houlds\vorth. Balfour , Chapln and
others who were friendly to bimetallism and
who vvcra clo e to Salisbury While England
hid maintained a gold standard since 1S1C ,
Mr McCreary had no doubt that bimetallism
had many friends among the manufacturers ,
agriculturists and business men In England ,
and that this sentiment was growing , so
that the ministry would be sustained In sup
porting an International agreement
Mr. McCreary thought such an agreement
might be se-curcd without the participation of
England , but when an International monetary
conference assembled In Europe It would be
very encouraging to have the support of the
leading etntcsmen In the English ministry.
The House of Commons has already adopteJ
a resolution that Is regarded as favorable for
an International conference Germany ,
Trance anil the United Sta s have taken
action for such a conference , and If England
will co-operate the metallic problem can bo
Mr. McCreary regarded Salisbury as better
equipped In every way than Rosebery for a
more liberal and more enlightened policy ,
which would cxtenJ to Nicaragua , Venezuela
nnd other American countries In which the
United States Is Interested He thought
England was paying very little attention to
Hawaii , and that the Unl e3 States was payIng -
Ing entirely too much attention to these lltt o
Islands Mr. McCreary said ho was not only
cposed > to the annexation of Hawaii , but
also to any subsidy for n cable from San
Francisco to Honolulu There were fourteen
submarine telegraphic lines In operation , an !
all had been built by private capital. If any
more enterprises were needed the capital
could be found for them ,
1'lrnt Anniversary of the Dcntli of President
( /iirnot ImpnMtvoly Observed.
PARIS , June 24 In the presence of enor
mous crowds of people the anniversary of the
death of President Carnet , who was assas
tlnated at Lyons June 24 of last year by
Caesaro Santo , the anarchist , who was after
wards executed for the crime , was observed
today at the Pantheon with touching cere
monies. In the official cortege were Presl
dent Faure , M Challemel-Lacour , president
of the Trench Senate , and M. Brlsson , presi
dent of the Trench Chamber of Deputies , fol
lowed by the cabinet ministers , ambassadors ,
senators and deputies. The cortege arrive./
at the tomb * t 10 15 a m
M. Taure , In depositing a crown on the
tomb , sild "In the name of the republic ,
on the day on which Is renewed the mourn
Ing of the country , I lay this crown upon the
tomb of President Carnet "
The religious ceremonies took place In the
church of La Madclalne at 11 o'clock.
ICc fii-idt to Allow t'Hviilntt ! to Spctk.
ROME , June 24 The Italian deputies had
a noisy sitting today. During the debate on
the Cavalottl-Crlspl quarrel , Involving charge *
by Slgnor Cavalottl of scandalous connection
on the part of Premier Crlspl with the Uanca
Romana , the president's refusal to allow
Slgnor Cavalottl to tpeak led to an uproar
and the sitting had to be twice suspended.
'I > n ' cilillil * Shot fur Mnrdi-r.
LEMUURG , Austria , June 24 A court
martial was held at Prezymal , Galllcla , whlcl :
tried twenty-six Hussars for the murder of a
sergeant. Threa non-commissioned ofilcert
and ten privates , who were chosen by lot to
do the deed , were sentenced to delta and
the remainder to Imprisonment for life. * The
condemned men have already been shot.
O iidslonu KotniiM to l.onddn.
LONDON , Juno 24. The steamer Tanta
lor Castle , upon which , as the guests of Sir
Donald Currue , Mr and Mrs Gladstone have
been witnessing the celebration of the openIng -
Ing of the Kaiser Wllhelm canal , arrived a
Gravesend today. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone
came to London by special train.
I reto I'riiminlH In llrvnlt.
ATHENS , June 21 In an encounter be
tween the peasantry and the Turkish soldiers
In th ° province of Apocorena , Island of Crete
an officer four soldiers and four peasant
were killed.
Vitltod the miser > rw Vnrk.
KIEL , June 14. Emperor William of Ger
many remained one hour aboard the Unite *
States cruiser New York yesterday.
Chlim Ut fums to Sle i the I.oui
LONDON , June 24 There are rumors In
, London and St Petersburg that China refuse
to sign the Russo-Chlnese loan
.Newfoundland Inun 1 ound Itcmlv Tnkrri
LONDON , June 24. The Nevvfoundlan
loan , tenders for which were opened today
has been oversubscribed.
Terrible Double Triiicedy In the Tcnncsse
ATLANTA. Ga , June 24. Lllllo and Laur
Moore , sisters , daughters of a farmer In the
mountains of Rabun county , Georgia , were
killed yesterday by their cousin , Seymour
Keener. Tour years ego Keener fell In love
with his cousin Llllle. The girl rejected his
advances. Tor two years he endeavored to
pay her attentions , but finally she made him
desist. Ever since he has been threatening
her life Yesterday afternoon the sisters , now
young ladles of 19 and 17 , started from their
home In the Tennessee valley to visit a
. neighbor , who lived a few miles away. They
drove past Keencr's home going and Seymour
< saw them. Directly afterward ho loaded two
pistols , took $ . ' 00 which he * had In the house ,
bade his little sisters goodby and started off
Half way between his own home and that
of the neighbor whom his cousins were
visiting , Keener hid In some bushes by the
mountain road. In the course ot an hour
the young ladles approached , returning to
their home. Keener rushed out upon them
with both revolvers drawn. Miss Laura ,
perceiving her sister's danger , rushed be
tween her and Keener She pleaded for her
sister's life and throwing her arms about
Little's body declared that she would dlo
before Llllle should be harmed. Keener
d tried to tear Laura away , but falling In
this placed the muzzle of a pistol to the
brave girl's head and shot her dead. Then
ho turned his weapon on the older sister ,
Llllle , and fired seven bullets Into her body.
The firing attracted the attention ot persons
living near. They soon found the bodies and
pursuit was quickly made. Keener was over
taken. Ills cartridges were exhausted , but he
fought with a Knlfo and cut James Dicker-
son seriously. Keener says that he t-hot t
Liura by accident. He Is now lu Jail ut
Clayton , lu the htatt of the mountains of
Rabun county. _
KJ/ % lthVKH'1'.S //is .tl'I'OlAIilK J
Ollh'lil Ilmium Mil ArrUci In St. I.ouU
from KOIIIK.
SI' LOUIS , June 24. Most Rev. John
Jowph Kaln yesterday morning received
from Rome the otllcUl document declaring
him arcliblthop ot St L'OJIJ , and translating
Archbliho- Peter Richard Konrlek to the
Etc of mnrclanajpolls In partlbus
Ml UiHii.-li to lln Inniecrntvil Sunn.
TOPEKA , Kan , June 24-Uev Ur. Heatty
hns alieady received the concent of the
vulIons standing committees of the
copal chinch of the I'nlteil States to the
ecu-iteration of Rev UT P Mlllsiiauuh as
* i b'ttiop of Kansas The consecration will
not be ilefered very Ions now that this ecu-
sent is given.
Democratic Party Badly Out Up Over the
Question of Finance.
Iloth ( lold anil Silver Men Claim to llnve a
Majority of the Iclrci to to tlio
btnto Convention \\lilch
Atsciulile Tomorrow.
LOUISVILLE , Juno 24 The democratic
state convention hero tomorrow will be among
the hottest contests In the history of the
commonwealth. Many delegates were hero
over Sunday. All are hero today for the pre
liminary skirmish In the district meeting- * .
Tbo polling of all the Louisville papers shows
the gold delegates to bo In a majority. The
silver men dispute their estimate and charge
that the Lsulsvllle pipers claim most of the
unlnstructed delegates when those'delegates
arc equally divided. The lines are drawn on
the endorsement of the administration , with
Carlisle's friends leading for the administra
tion and Blackburn's friends against Its finan
cial policy.
General Casslus M. Clay Is the admlnlstra-
lon candidate for governor and General P.
, V. Hardln Is the antl administration ciniil-
ate. The silver men will try to force noml-
atlons before the adoption ot a platform
'ho gold men are bitterly opposed to this
rder of business , as they claim that Hardln
s stronger than the free sllverltcs. Hardln
s a pronounced free sllvet rolnas < ? man , as
much so as senator Blackburn , and If noml-
nited wants a free silver plank.
The first test of strength will come tomor-
ow on selection of a temporary chairman ,
ho has the appointment of two members at
arge on all the committees. There are eleven
tongreeslonal districts. It Is estimated that
he gold men will have six and the silver men
! lve on the committee on resolutions from the
Istrlcts , but If tha silver men ths tern
porary organization the platform makers will
stand 7 to C. This Is the fight that Is being
: nado today.
The Post , which strongly supports the ad
ministration's financial policy , today lias a
nil poll of the delegates , showing 435 for
lardln , 378 for Clay and 05 doubtful. The
est says. "Thero arc 878 delegates , 440
necessary to a choice and the poll Indicates
.hat Hardln lacks only five votes. The
.lardln men say that they have the five \ote .
This Is not by any meana certain. General
Gordo Williams was defeated sixteen years
ago by James B McCreary when within five
otes of the nomination. "
Governor Buckner publishes a card today
laying that he will not accept the nomlna-
_ lon for governor and Insists that the sound
money democrats must select some other
man If they cannot nominate Gcne-al Clay.
General Uuckner eays he Is a candidate for
senator on a ound money platform and will
have nothing else
The all absorbing topic Is the reso-
ititlon on the sliver question. The com-
ulttea on resolutions will consist of ono
member from euch of the eleven congres
sional districts and two members at larg.
appointed by the chairman cf the convention.
Tor this reason there Is more content than
ever for the temporary organization.
Carlisle's private secretary and appoint
ment clerk are here , and they were followed
by ex-Congressman Phil B Thompson , who Is
enthusiastic for Senator Blackburn for chair-
nan of the committee on resolution' . Aside
from ttie silver Issue , thcro Is a bitter fighl
between the friends of Secretary Carlisle ant
Senator Blackburn , In which Senator Llnd-
siy , ex-Governor Buckner , McCreary ami
other lenders are with Carlisle , while Gov-
rnor Brown , ex-Governor Proctor Knott ane
others-ire with Blackburn.
There Is an almost endless list of candi
dates for minor state offices and they have
had their headquarter * open several days , as
early birds. In the early sklrmUhlng the
gold men claimed to have a majority of the
delegates , but tlio arrival of Senator Black
burn has Inspired the silver men so that
they are equally confident
There arc so many unlnstructcd delegates
that It will be Impossible to estimate the
strength of the gold and silver men before
the temporary organization Is made , nnd
then It will be seen whether the resolutions
are to be for free coinage or against It. The
temporary organisation will also Indicate
whether either Clay or Hardln controls the
convention. The memb rs of the committees
will bo selected at the delegation meeting
Tuesday , 10 a. m. , and reported to the con
vention at 2 p m. All the delegates are ex
pected by this evening , when each one will
bo seen as to his preferences for members of
the committees , as well as for candidates
There U no doubt about the contest being
very vigorous It Is already warm
Tonight the "sound money" delegates an
nounce ex-Congressman W J. Stone as their
candidate for temporary chairman. Judge
Beckner Is Blackburn's man. At the Win
chester convention last week he opposed the
endorsement of Cleveland and Carlisle. They
will make a test on the vote between liecK-
ner and Stone , the latter being popular
with some sllverites nnd Hardln men Mein-
vvhlle the conservatives want both Beckner
nnd Stone to promise to appoint one silver
man and one gold man as members-at-large
of the committee on resolutions , and In fact
to divide equally the membcrs-at-large of
all the committees. Senator Blackburn , who
has more at stake at this convention than
any of the state candidates , and more even
than Secretary Carlisle , wns disposed to
concede to the conservative plan of an equal
division of the members-at-large on each
of the committees , but the radical silver
men opposed It , and a meeting of the tllvor
men was accordingly called for H o'clock
tonight. The silver men may bo In confer
ence all night preparatory to the fight , which
begins lu the congressional district n.eUlngi
In the morning.
Tonight the contest between the adminis
tration delegates has been more bltur than
ever The fight Is for the temporary or
ganization with a view to seeming the chair
man , two members-at-large of the committee
on resolutions and controlling the lules Lnd
order ot business , so that nominations shall
be made before the platform Is nloptsd. As
General Hardln claims enough votes to
nominate him , the "honest money" delegates
want the platform adopted first.
General Hardln Is reported to have said
he would Insist on a free silver platform ,
and when seen he declined to deny It Hit
friends claim that he could not run on a
Carlisle or administration platform after the
canvass ho has made with Blackburn and
others on the free coinage Issue. There Is a
conservative element wanting the convention
to affirm the national platform of 1S92 and gene
no further on the financial question , but the
sllverites cay that would Imply au endorse
ment of the administration.
Senator Blackburn favored the reaffirming
of the platform of 1S92 , with an additional
affirmation that the pledges of 1S92 have
nit been fulfilled by President Cleveland and
Secretary Carlisle The conservatives argue
that If General Hardln Is nominated , and EO
controls the convention as to prevent the re
affirming of the national declarations- 1S92 ,
that the state ticket and platform would bo
outside the party and that there might be
tome justification In the threatened bolt of
the ultra gold men
The state committee does not name the
temporary chairman of this convention in
advance. Mr. Carroll of the state committee
holds the gavel until the convention elects
Its temporary chairman , and the first thing
In order ! the selection of temporary offi
cers , cm which at this time depends the fate
of senatorial , gubernatorial and other candi
dates and the metallic complexion of the plat
Unlleil Mitlr * I niirt ( Irr ' hurt ,
NEW ORLEANS , June 24-John Devon
shire , rletlt of the United States district
court for the western district of Louisiana ,
was Indicted today on a charge of embez-
rlement of $12,000 ot the court's funds.
AID ron Tin : ciin.tx URHKLS.
Henry Connlgnmnnt of Wat : 'Munition ' *
About Ho lily to Uo Shipped.
NEW YORK. Juno 24. The Cuban revolu
tionists are about to send another big expedi
tion to the Island. This one will bo under tha
command of Colonel Callazo and will start
From a small Island In the WestIndies which
Is owned by an Englishman. Too latter Is In
sympathy with the Cuban came. The landIng -
Ing will bo made In Vutta Abajo. All the
arms and ammunition have already been sent
to the Island. With Callazo go fifteen vet
erans of the last revolution , as well as several
West Point graduates. Six Catling guns , six
Hotcuklss one-pounder rapld-flro guns , 1,500
Winchester rifles and 75,000 rounds of ammu
nition for the rifles ana a largo quantity of
ammunition for the guns are to be carried
by the expedition. The work of landing this
big cargo will be great.
Gomcr ha" sent to the coast all the men ho
can spare to protect the expedition. Three
unsuccessful attempts were made to secure a
steamer In Tlorlda , but one Tvasllro ly secured
from one of the West India Islands.
Revolutionists In this city are elated over
the news that Clenfugos has taken up arm- " .
Clenfugos Is a Spanish stronghold. Thcro are
live Spaniards there to ono Cuban. The
Spaniards are the owners of all large planta
tions In that \lclnlty and Were glvlfig aid to
Campos The Insurgents decided to cripple
them by blowing up their sugar crushing
machinery , which Is very costly , with dyna
mite , and this they did. The destruction by
means of dynamite of the two small forts In
Santiago do Cuba , as well as the railroads In
that province , Is reported by the Insurgents.
In Cuban circles the report that Uurmedcse
with his band had surrendered Is denied.
Dr. Gomez y Castro said : "As n matter of
fact , It was he who acted as loader In the
uprising of Clenfugos. A band of seven mon
In Camnjunnla , near Holguln , surrendered ,
but not In Camajuanl In Las Villas. "
SpnnUh Mln'Mor Cnlli Attention 10 the In-
ronl4tmtclon In Current Iteporlf.
WASHINGTON , June 24. Minister Dupuy
do Lome of Spain says that the report of the
killing of Captain Campos , said to be the eon
of General Campos , Is without foundation , as
Is also the report coming via Tampa that a
sanguinary battle was fought on the 12th , In
which many were killed.
"I nm surprised , " said he , "at the system
atical manner In which this propaganda of
misinformation Is font out from the centers
of Cuban sympathy Tampai Key West ,
Jacksonville , Gainesville and Nassau ,
Bermuda. Hero Is a great public question
on which the facts , If known. would permit
the public to form their judgment. But
these centers keep furnishing reports of
bloody battles , the killing of generals , al
though no such battles or disunities occur
The reports show on their face that they
have be3n manufactured. These evnters send
reports which Ignore the geography of Cuba
A leader Is given at one point today and the
next day he Is given as lea ling a charge at
another point several hundred miles AMay.
The Cuban agitators are also In the habit of
giving the same regiment from scve al differ
ent points. Tampa will first tell the story
of a fictitious battle The nejtt day Gaines
ville furnished another report of the same
battle. Then It comes from Jacksonville , and
a little later from Nassau ) so that the
fighting Is made to serve for , several weeks
This Is being done systematically by the
persons Interested In giving n fictitious Im
portance to the trouble , but "It Is only fair
tint the public should understand the mo-
ttvos which Impel the series of hoax battles. "
( ulnu IiisurecntH Overpower it Uotnclimonr
of Kfcnlur Trnnpn.
BOSTON , Juno 24 The steamer Dreldabe-
leck , which has Just arrived from Sama ,
Cuba , confirms the story of the massacre of
Spanish soldiers at Sama. Several of the
Spaniards were killed and quartered and
nailed to trees near the beach and others
were taken prisoners.
Since the massacre a largo Spanish army
with headquarters nt Glbrara , tome fifteen
miles distant , Is engaged In fighting the rebe.r
In the vicinity of Barclay , about ten miles
Inland from Sama. A regiment of toldiers
Is stationed nt Sama at present and every
vessel that enters the harbor Is now placed
under the care of the Spinlsh soldiers.
Tour of the'o soldiers occupied the deck
of the Dreldabeleck during her stay In tha'
port and watched every visitor who came
aboard the ship. The cargo also was watched
while It was being shipped and care was
taken that nobody came away on the vesse'
who did not belong on her. She was thor
oughly searched on her arrival and every
vessel that enters the harbor from this out
will be treated In the same way. None o'
the crew were allowed to go on shore during
the stay at Sama except the captain.
Manner Hrlilgtitoii I'atn Into Kingston In
a linnmRTil t onctltlnn.
NEW YORK , June 24. A special to the
World from Kingston , Jamaica , June 24 , says
that the crew of the steamer Brldgeton ,
which left Philadelphia May 21 , has deserted
The men have all gone home. The officers
deny that the BrIJgeton had any connection
with a filibustering expedition to Cubi. The
denial was called out by the publication here
of a story that she and the ocean-going tug
George W. Chllds , took men and arms to
Cuba. The Url3gcton followed the Chllds
Into this port. The Childs , which reported
tint the expedition had been lindcd without
a hitch afterward cleared for San Domingo
The Brldgeton remained here for repairs.
She was In a sinking condition when she ar
rived and badly battered , looking as If she
might have encountered a Spanish gunboat
Her captain refused to be Interviewed
merely stating ho had ben through a violent
John Mitrcott nnd Mrs , Ifelllo IJbrey of
firmly Uluml Jnvolteil.
CHEYENNE , June 24. ( Special Tele
gram ) John Marcott , a druggist , and Mrs
Nellie Dubrey , an eloping-couple from Brady
Island , Neb. were arrested here Saturday
at the Instance of Mrs. Marcott ) charged with
adultery. Both prisoner ? were released on
ball pending their hearing ; set" for this morn-
Ing. When the case was called this morning
Marcott failed to appear , having left town
yesterday Mrs. Dubrey 1ms' a husband at
Casper , Wyo.
Itnllronil Company 1nco > pnrateil.
CHEYENNE , June SI. ( Special Tele
gram ) The Wyoming & Missouri Railroad
company filed articles of Incorporation today
with the secretary of state. The object ol
the corporation U to construct anj operate c
railroad from Aladdin , Crook county , to the
eastern boundary line of Wyoming , am !
thence through South Dakota"- a point or
the Missouri river , to be hereafter de
termined. The incorporate are George M
Nix. J Clement Uhler and John M Greene
all ot Pennsylvania. Tbo capital ttock I :
flu-vcnno I iip.T Alxcirli-il
CHEYENNE , June 24 , ( Special Tele
gram ) The Cheyenne Dally Leader , the old
est newspaper In Wyoming , having been es
tablished In 1SG7 , was- absorbed today by tin
Cheyenne Sun , the combined publlcatlor
being called the Cheyenne Leader. Tin
Leader was until latt fall the democrat ) !
organ of the stale. The proprietor of tin
Sun , E. A. Slackj assumes the liabilities o
the Leader and taken Its plant and cubscrlp
tlon list. The new paper will be contlnuec
as an evening publication.
AKOI ! Annrclilit Conimlli Sulrlilr.
I'lTTSHlMlQ. Juno 21. Anton Metzgar , i
reputed anarchist of AllcKhany , coinmlttci
suicide by placing a bomb In his c ir am
tout hint ; It off. Iho vvbolo elde of his hcai
was blown oft. He nus 81 years old ,
Sheriff Mnllin and Porso Start- for the
Agency to Make Arrests.
Inipcotor Mcl.nughllii In Conference vrlth
Ono Hundred mill I Ifty bottlers for
the Purpose of Settling tlio
PENDER , Neb. , Juno 24. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mcll C. Jay of Dakota City , attorney
for the Klournoy Land company , arrived In
render late this evening. Warrants for' the
Indian police who were instrumental In evict
ing Trei Smith from the Tlsher farm on the
reservation have been sworn out , nnd nn
armed posse of men , with Sheriff John II
Mullln , wilt leave for the agency early In the
morning to arrest the leaders of the gang ,
George Rtcchlll , Gus Thumlcrn and Henry
Trench Suit for damages will be brought.
No serious troubfe is anticipated unless the
Indian police resist Mullln's posse.
EMERSON , Neb , June 24. ( Special Tele
gram ) United States Indian Inspector Major
McLaughlln Is holding a conference with
the settlers on the WInnebago reservation
About 150 settlers are present. The Inspector
specter to holding a tort of a court and Is
allowing them to state their grievances. The
settlers desire to lease the lands direct from
the Indians , and not through any middle
men. As It Is now , It la claimed. Captain
Beck lease. ? the lands to his friends , and
when a settler wants the land he Is required
to pay two or three times as much rent as
the Indian receives. The meeting this evenIng -
Ing Is a secret one No newspaper repre
sentatives or disinterested parties arc al
lowed to be present.
NO ri.ut or 'iitouiu.n AT risuiu
Inilliin Ilurruu OfllrluU of tlio Opinion tlio
Mitlli'ra Will Olvn Up.
WASHINGTON , June 24 The renewed
evictions of settlers on land leased from the
Tlournoy Land nnd Improvement company on
the Omaha and WInnebago reservations In
Nebraska are not expected to result In any
further disturbances No official dispatches
have been received here announcing the re
newal of the attempt to dispossess thewl.ltes ,
but the War department has forwarded rifles
and ammunition for the use of the several
cores of Indian police employed In the work
These should have reached there several days
go and ths work of dispossessing the whites
s expected to begin at once. It Is expected
hat within n week the evictions will be
completed and steps taken by the agent to
ecuro to the Indians their full rights as to
he profits of the lands. Commissioner Brown-
ng said today there was little fear of in-
erruptlon or resistance , as the lessees now
eallze that the authorities are determined
o carry out the plan , regardless of any re-
> Vittt 1'LASTKIUI 1A H.lltlt I.IXES
( .nlmn I'lnntcrfl Manv of Them Uniblo to
ItnUo AnothutsCrop.
WASHINGTON , June 24. Consul Baker , at
Saguala Grande , Cuba , under date of Juno
12 , reports to the State department upon the
sugar crop. Ho says :
The sugar of 1894-E having been marketed ,
eaves no doubt of a material decrease from
the yield of previous years. This , together
with the very low price realized by the
rihnters , for the advance came too late to
jcnefit the producer , leaves the sugar grow
ers of Cuba In a most Helpless condition
They now frankly aJmlt that hey will not be
able to secure loans with which to make
the coming crop , which means that not ex
ceeding one-half the usual acreage of new
cano has been planted , and a corresponding
neglect In the cleaning of the present crop
In truth , the condition of the planters of this
island is distressing , and the end Is not yet ,
for when It Is recalled that fully one-third
of the Inhabitants depend upon the planta
tion" for employment and a living , and that
the owners thereof cannot obtain money
enough to engage the labor , actual suffering
must ensue.
rrenfiiiry neimrtmo it HIM No Mnnuy to
Prevent < nltnn I'll li latorln ; ; .
WASHINGTON , June 24 A ques'lon has
arisen In the Treasury department as to the
payment of exp2nses Incurred by the treasury
agents in looking after fillbusterera on the
South Atlantic and Gulf coasts. An expend
account amounting to $17 was received at the
department , but when It reached the warrant
division It was discovered tl at thcro was no
appropriation from which the exnenso of em
ploycs In preventing the violation of the
neutrality laws could bo paid. It was np-
parent that It could not bo charged to the ac
count for the collection of revenues and so
the matter was referred to the State depart
ment In the hope that It could bo paid from
Us secret service fund.
( .old Itece-rxo I xt-cml * SUOO.OOO.nno.
WASHINGTON , June 24. Although the
, books of the Treasury department do not
show it , the gold reserve Is practically above
the $100,000,000 mark today , for the first
time since last December , when It was forced
to that point as a result of an Issue ot gold
bonds According to the treasurer's state
ment today the gold balance Is $99 817,395
but this statement does not Include a con
signment of $1,225000 In bar gold brought to
New York by the Campania on Saturday for
, August Belmont & Co , on account of the
government bond syndicate The gold was
taken to the New York assay office for ex
amination and In a day or two will be de
posited In the United States sub-treasury In
payment of bonds. The treasury books will
show this increase In a day or two , and at
least before the 1st of July.
lU'rlKh Will rnUo V Ion i : the Co it r.
WASHINGTON , June 24. Word was re
ceived today from the captain of the United
States steamer Raleigh , which Is In Tlorlda
waters to prevent Cuban filibustering expe
ditions , announcing that the vessel would
sail foi a cruise westward Although the dls-
patch was Indefinite , It Is supposed the In
tention Is to visit West Florida points , and
also to cruise along the gulf coast as far west
as Galveston , Tex , from which point fili
bustering reports have come.
( irent Ininiirtntloin of
WASHINGTON , June 24. Consul Warner
at Palermo Informs the State department
that durlng the year 1S94 the exportation of
oranges and lemons from Palermo to the
United States was eight times as much as
the exportation during the same time of the
same article to all other foreign countries.
( nil Hamilton \bln to Invel.
WASHINGTON , June 24. Miss Abigail
Dcdge continues to grow stronger and -.v'll '
leave the city within a day or two.
l.iKu MLIIIIIIT Kun Aground.
GENEVA , O. , June 24. The steamer
Iroquols of Cleveland , Captain Jones , ran
ashore about half a mile oft this township at
. " - o'clock this morning. The captain miitook
ll'b light from u burning gas well for Aslita
bula harbor light. Tugs from Ashtabula re
leased the Iroquols about 10 30 , after sixty
tons of ore had been Jettlsonlzed.
MnulrrtMl lit llm I run ken knn ,
WATERTOWN , N , Y. . June 24. George I *
fell , a painter of Potcdam , was murdered
today by his son Ernest , Young Fell re
turned home In a drunken condition and
struck his father and then ran upstairs.
He followed and In a scuflle seized a pair
of shears and struck the fatal blow. Death
wai instantaneous
Nnval Surconni I'unled Over nn Imported
IllnrM In the N'avy.
NEW YORK- ; June 24. The surgeons nt
the naval hospital In Brooklyn arc puzzled
by a peculhr malady prevalent nmoug the
sailors who arrived on the Chicago during
icr last cruise , There arc at the present
me , according to the statement ot Surgeon
i Chief D T. Edwards Dogart , about twenty
' the Chicago's crew laid up In the naval
ospltal nnd hnlf a dozen or more are nt the
'orfolk hospital , where they were taken
out the Amphitrltc , to which many ot the
rew were transferred when the vessel went
it of commission. Although some ot the
en In Brooklyn have been under treatment
r six or seven weeks their condition has
en but little changed The same high
cmperature nnd rheumatic pains In the
olnts , which characterized the disease when
1st contracted , are still experienced by the
Ictlms nnd little progress seems to have
ecu made In successfully contending with
' e Illness.
Dr Ilcgart said the dl casc from which
10 sailors are suffering U well known In
te countries bonier Ing on the Mediterranean
n , and that there Is no mystery about It.
e admitted , however , that they had not as
et made a satisfactory diagnosis of the dls-
aso and the patients did not ECCIII to 1m-
rove perceptibly.
The sailors take a different view of the
ise They sny the doctors nre puzzled , and
uit they have no name for the malady nor
ny satisfactory treatment. The certificates
hlch are sent with eich patient to the
ospltnl nre siip/losed / to fctnte the name of
10 disease with which he Is suffering In
ic case of the Chicago's men the disease Is
ut down under various names The certlll-
ites of some named It typhoid fever , but
10 treatment In these cases was not that
hlch Is used In typhoid fever cases. One
F the most dnngeioiis features ot the
Chicago fever , " as It Is termed at the mvy
ospltnl , Is nn excessively high temperature ,
ne sailor said that his temperature had
un up to 104 degrees nnd thit the tempera-
ire of the man on the adjoining cot had
cached 100. The sunstroke treatment Is
scd In lowering the temperature.
nor ni' A IIUUTIL & / / / . / / /
tevlscil Version of 11 Cowardly AfTnlr In tin
Okluhomii County ,
WASHINGTON , ' June 24 Additional re-
arts received at the Indian bureau on the
rouble growing out of the shooting of Cosah
led Lodge at Arapahoe , Ok ! . , Implicates
Little Man , son-in-law of Soft Belly , of the
hejenne nnd Arapahoes as the party who rc-
ently outraged an octogenarian woman
here , which was the primary cause of the
rouble. There were six witnesses ready to
cstlfy for the prosecution , and the only ono
vho corresponds with the description given
Little Man. Ho was at Arapahoe when
he crime was committed and evidence , It Is
sserted , points strongly to his ijullt. The
ondltlon of Cosah Red Lodge , who was shot
iy the sheriff while under suspicion , Is 1m-
A report from School Superintendent Zeget ,
vho was sent to Arapahoe , says The In-
lar.s are quiet , considering the Inhuman and
incalled for treatment from the sheriff. They
icllevo Red Lodge Is Innocent and Little
Ian guilty There Is a strong resemblance
letween the two.
Red Lodge's version of the shooting Is
ubslnntlally this He was In charge of the
herlff , who told him to get on the buggy
ilth him. He did so , but neither could undrr-
tand the other's language. Trom signs oi
he sheriff ho understood he wns being taken
iut to be thrown Into a well on the out-
klrts of the town , where he saw a crowd
gathered. He preferred to be shot and got
iut of the buggy , faced the sheriff and made
igns for him to shoot. Walking backward a
hart distance to see If he would not , be kept
ils face toward the sheriff to receive the
hot In his head , and when he turned am ,
an away slowly the sheriff began shooting ,
me shot grazing his thigh. Another man
vhom Red Lodpe thought was going to
hoot shot at him several t iies. The Indian
ran toward him , but the crowd came up ,
struck him with a knlfo and fists , kicked ,
cursed nnd abused him and left him uncon
scious on the prairie. The sentiment Is
itrong against the sheriff , who Is charged
vlth laying hlm < elf open to prosecution by
verstepplng his authority.
Captain McKay , commanding the troops at
Vrapaho0 , reports that on notice of the shooi
ng every available man was brought there
and a probible rupture of friendly relations
hereby avoided Indian officials here do
not anticipate further trouble.
cmn-ti ituiMin itv inn , AD H/.WJ
Portions of Missouri , Illinois nnd Kentucky
ST. LOUIS , June 24 Specials to the Re
public from various points bring reports of
heavy rains and atmospheric perturbations
At La Plata , Mo , a heavy rain , hall and wind
storm deluged the place , the hall stones
breaking through the roofs of the houses-
Macon , Mo , was visited by a storm also
Talrbury and Dloomlngton , III , received good
washings. Owcnsboro , Ky. , was visited by a
damaging cyclone. A mare and colt were
beaten down and drowned or suffocated by the
wind and rain The cyclone raged toward
the southeast , destroying trees , crops , wires
and many other things lu He path , which was
nearly a mile wide. One dozen telegraph
poles were snapped off and all communication
east of here Is shut off. In some Instances
trees two feet through were blown across the
railroad track. The crops nre ruined.
r ; ; .sr nibiiLiJ.itiJi' * TU JIE
Will 111' Mnrtrd ut the
zxtlnn Cunimllteo'ft Offer.
CHICAGO , June 24 The eighteen plants
of the Whisky trust will be .sold as desired
by the reorganization committee This after
noon Judge Show alter announced to the at
torneys in the litigation that he had arrived
at such ai < opinion , and to the attorneys he
left the duty of agreeing upon an order of
MO ! satisfactory to all parties concerned
The court said that the property must bo
pledged to the debts of the concern and sub
ject to a return to the receiver If such a
contingency arose Under the rules of the
court the property will be advertised for sale
for thirty days and at the end of that time
fold by the receiver , starting the bid at the
sum ottered by the committee , $9,800,000.
MvMrrl < iM rirumit Iho Presidio.
SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 21. Another mys
terious lire on the Presidio reservation to
day dcctroycil the post canteen and severely
burne-il the barkeeper , Erne-it Italpb ,
n discharged soldier , Itulph was asleep In
his bunk uml vvus not inlssul until the
llames hud gained much headway. III re
covery Is doubtful 'Hie destruction of the
building will entail n loss of JJ.OOO Colonel
Graham ascribes the flru to an Incendiary ,
prob.tbly the tame man who burned the
Kunslicd last week , destroying property val
ued. nt $30,000. _
Will I ry It on K Innnn Nrxr.
KANSAS CITY , Juno -Tho law passed
at the last session of the legislature closing
barber shops on Sunday wns so generally
obeyed that It lias cncomaKed the pollee
commissioners to enforce the Sunday clos
ing law icgurdlng saloons nnd today an
order wan is u d that th license of any
dramshop Keeper who ke < pa Ills iiliire open
on Handily shall bo icvoked
I'litnl I'.fTmt * of l.ntlng DUraipd .Meal.
SPHINGTIELD , III , Juno -Near Arens-
vllle , Morgan county , the family of diist.iv
Kuhnz contracted anthrax fiom eating the
lUfh of a diseased cow. The rmthor and
four d.llelren nre dead The father nnd the
remaining child ore convalescent.
l.frfjo It < M.ird fur n Slnriii rer.
CHICAGO , June 21 The Wt t Chicago
Street Railway company tonight offered n
reward of $5,000 for the capture and convic
tion ot the murderers of J C. Hlrch , the
nlKht cash teeclvtr of the road , who \viia
killed by robbers early Hundty mornlnjf.
Urtiin < iimpilcnlns In OUInlioiiM ,
SOl'TH ENID , Okl , , Juno 2i. Hon. W. J
Bryan of Nebrat > ka spoke In this city ( hi :
' afternoon. He will speak tomorrow al
Oklahoma CUy.
Treasurer Bolln's Bondsmen Decide to Stand
by Him in His Trouble.
UulcM the Council Uctimmls tlmt Ito 11
tire lloltn III 11 itiK On llurrower *
Are Mnklnc i cttltutlon of
the Public Tumli.
The city council will bo obliged to tackls
the question of what shall bo done with re
gard to the conduct of the city treasurer's
ofilce during the rcnnlnilcr of Mr. Uolln's
term. That was decided at a meeting of Mr.
Ilolln's bondsmen , which was heU In com
mittee room A In the city hall yesterday
afternoon. The meeting was called to con-
sUer the question of Mr Ilolln's resignation ,
and after a session of nearly two hours they
decided to take no action In the matter , butte
to leave the re'pouslblllty with the city
Comptroller Olscn la expected to make a
report to the city council tonight , stating
what has been the result of the Investiga
tion Into the condition of the city treasury ,
begun last Tuesday. Mr. Olscn Is said to bo
Inclined to let the affair down ns easily a
possible , and rumor has It that he will refer
to Mr. Bolln's troubles In no more fcvcro
terms than as "Irregularities. "
The Irregularities on which ho Is to report
consist , however , In a shortage in the treas
urer's cash balance that aggregated over
130.000 on the day the bondsmen Instituted
their fruitful Inquiry. When the cah drawer
was opened on Tueuliy of last week It was
found to contain only about $1 SOO. The
cash book , however , showed that there should
have been about $ J3,000. In other words1 ,
there was a difference between the footings
In the cash bock and the money on hand of
some 121,000 In place of this $21,000 there
vvap , as has been stated , a thick bunch of
papers , memorandum tllps , checks nnd as
signments of warrants Of these $11,000
iHtcd back before Jamnry , 1894 , nnd Into the
first term of Mr. llollu as city treasurer.
lint that was not all. The books showed
that there should have been $19,000 In the
Midland bank to the credit of the public
school fund , when , In fact , the deposit In
that bank was $9,000 less. Mr Bolln , It will
be remembered , asserted at one time that ho
had another certificate of deposit In the Mid
land , which made up for the deficit , but this
ceitlficatc was apparently a figment of the
Imagination. The money Is still missing.
Nor was that all. Uesldcs the due bills In
the cash drawer , amounting to $21,000 , and
[ the Midland bulk discrepancy of $ ' 1,000 , thcro
were uncollectublo checks of a number of
city contractor , which aggregated $3,400.
The strange part about these checks Is that
there Is no trace of them whatever on the
books In the treasurer's office. They were
found among the treasurer's papers , but no
record had bcon kept of them and the checkIng -
Ing of the books would have left every ono
In the dark as to their existence.
If these unrecorded checks nro to be added
to the other misappropriations the total will
be some $34,400. If they are duplicated by
some of the memorandum slips the ( otal will
bo $31,000. The actual loss to the bondsmen
will bo considerably less than this sum. They
have been converting ns many of the checks
and assignments of warrants into cash as
possible. They have Induced Mr. llolln to
deed over to Mr Paxton , In trust for them , all
of his property excepting his home , In this
way they hope to reduce the amount which
they will be called upon to make good to
something less than $1. > ,000
A couple of dhys ago Mr. Dolln stated that
ho was willing to resign his office If he was
ailvNcd to do to by Ills bondsmen This re
sulted In the bondsmen being callel together
yesterday and the matter was discussed ! at
length Some of the bondsmen were very
willing that Mr. Bolln should resign and relieve
lievo them of all future responsibility , but
Mr Pnxton nnd others urged that they
should s and by him It wns flmlly pro
posed that the bondsmen .had no Jurisdiction
In the matter and It would not be p oper for
them to give any advlco whitever The
mayor and council had the exclusive right
to say whether or not Mr. Ilolln should con
tinue In , and the only recourse the
bondsmen had was to ask to be relived from
their obligation In catc the council did not
declare the office vacint and they were un
willing to remain on the bond.
This view prevailed ana the meeting ad-
jouined without taking any action W. A.
Pnxton , C J Karbach and W G Wattles , as
the committee previously appointed to In
vestigate Mr Ilolln's aftalra , reported that In
their opinion the shortage would provo to bo
much lets than had been expected Ti'c greater
part of the funds that had been taken from the
treasury for various city officials and private
Individuals had been returned by the bene
ficiaries and others had promised to make
goo. } their loans between July 1 and in.
When this was done the remaining shortage
would bo comparatively slight. The report
wa.i accepted and the further adjudication
of the matter was left to the same com
After the meeting the members of the com
mittee held a confeience with Mr. Bolln , at
which the latter was acquci.ited with the
result of their deliberations After they had
left Mr Bolln stated that he understood that
the action taken by his bondsmen Indicated
that they were willing to stand by him. Ho
said that the effect of their decision was to-
leave the responsibility with the council , no-
was ready to resign If they had demanded
It , but now that they had Indicated their
readiness to stay by him It was another
When asked directly whether or not he In
tended to resign anyway , Mr. Bolln said
that he did not know He could not answer-
Ujitll after he had consulted with his at
torney , but would make up Ms mind some
time today If he decided to resign his res--
Ignatlon would probably bo In the hands ot
the council before night.
A rumor that floated around the city hall
during the afternoon made things lively for
a few minutes. Some one declared that
Comptroller Olsen had tald that every coun
cilman except Howell was Included In the list
of those who had profited by Mr. Bolln's In
ability to refuse financial favors , Lemly
and Ilurkley were within hearing and they
Immediately donned their warpaint anel
started for the comptroller's domain , Mr.
Olsen denied that ho had made such a state
ment as wns attributed to him and tho.
storm pused without breaking
The future fate of Mr. Bolln will be Informally -
formally discussed at a special mc'tlng of the/
council , which has been called by Mayor
Bcmls for 10 30 o'cloek this forenoon. At
that time the situation will bo gone over and.
the members will endeavor to ugreo on eomo
line of action to be carried out at the evenIng -
Ing session. It Is well known that several
members of the council are somewhat on tha
fence with regard to their course In the
matter They had hoped that Mr Dolln
would relieve them of their predicament by
rcilgnlng , but In the absence of n resigna
tion they will have to go on record them
selves It Is known that a resolution which
provides that the ofilro of city treaturer shall
be detlaiedacant Is now reposing In tb
Intlde pucke-t of one member of the council.
and It will be unloaded at tonight1 ! meeting.
Several members have declared thut they ;
would vote for It If they had to htand alont.
The friends of Mr. Ilolln will probably aik to
have the resolution referred to u commltte
and huch a proposition may be ncquletced In.
Doe ItrlliCH H Murder to Light.
DENVER , June 24. A epcclnl to the Now *
from Hororro , N M. , nays ; 'Die howling oC
a dog this afternoon attracted attention tot
an niroyo north of the Cutliollc cemetery
In thin city , where the half hurled body of
J. C. Allsoip. | n punter who Ulmipppare'd
Tebruary It , wns found The head IB mlvB-
Ing uml there me evldcncm of hltt havlnjf
been murlired A coroner's Jury -.vlll ln