TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEl , tONDAY , JUNE 24 , 1S95. SPE01RL NOTICES. AilTcrtlftcmrnt * for these rolumn * will t > tftlirit until 12130 ] i. ni < for tlio cvenlncnnd until 8 p. mi for tlio morning nil hundajr tuition. AiIirll TH , by reqnritliiK n nntnlicreil clieclt , ran hnve nnsircr * mlilrrssed to n numbered letter In care at 'Jim lc . An- ntm no nddrcusril " 111 lie clrllvnrcd upon 1 H filiation at the check Lilly. Jtatc * , 1 J-"c it floril , lint li.nerllon , Ic a wortl liortnflnr , Nothing taken for lia > than ! 4Co tor llrst Insertion. lliciio advertisement * mint inn roiuecu- tlrely. SITUATION ! * WANTED. iWOl'LD ANY KIND PEOPLE SHELTER A pour lint rexpcclable Engllahman while ho can , hear from the old country ? WllllnR to do nny i kind nf work for his board and lodging Ad- dicss S 59 , ! ) . A M29G-24 * .V/ANTEO-STENOURAPIIER . AND GENERAL otllco man wnnts position July lt. live > carj expert lice. Hint references. AddrcM C W. CAnlleld , Val < -ntluc. Nebraska. A M203 WANTED WALE HELP. . WANTED. 1,000 MIN : TO WRITE MI : TODAY fi/r tlio receipt ( absolutely free. In plain ncaled . envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility , -xhansted I vltnllly , elo. Address C. J. Walker , 1 Box 1,341 , Kalamazoo , Mich. D M423 RANTED , rinsr CLASH UPHOLSTERER TO woik by day for a short time. Address H M , Bee. 11-M311) [ WANTED , MAN ON HA LA IIV TO TAKi : OP. , rtcru III city. If successful will ri-celve ad vnnccntcnti Apply after 9 a. in. l.'lfl DOUR Inn. U MUG J > 23 WANTED KIiBl.flLB HELP. iHK YOU HONEST , SOBER , INDUSTRIOUS ? If PO , engage with us for 1S93 ; (300 a month , 13,000 a > enr ; you can make It easy , six hours . day. Our agents do not complain of hard time' . Why ? They are making money selling our Perfection Ulsli Washer , the only practical family wunher manufactured , washes , drlca and polishes dishes iierfectly In two minutes ; no experience necessary ; a child of 8 operates It c.VHlly , cheap and durable , weight , thirteen pounds ; tnnila of nntl-nist sheet steel , capacity li pieces ; J10.000 for Its equal ; every family wants one ; you don't have to canvas , as soon OS people know you have It for sale they send for a dish anh r ; each agent's territory pro tected , no Lompotltlon , we furnish sample ( weighs lx pounds ) In nlco case to lady agents to tako'oiders with ; one agent made J2I4 r.l llrst ten days. Address for full particulars Perfec tion Mfg Co. , Engluwood , III. C MI24 \VOMAN Oil MAN t\X > K FOR HOTEL Ot'T ' of town. U3.00 ; family cook for countty. S' > 00 , i dlnlns room Rlrls , house slrls. Canadian cilice , 1 1VJJ I > ou lfli . C M231 24- OH KENT HOUSES. nd , r. % K , DAIIMNO , HAUICCU IlLOCII D I2j JIOlHiS ! IN ALL PA TITS OV TU13 CITY. Till : O. K. Davis company , 1505 rarnam. D 4W JIOL'SL-H , IJnKAWA & CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST. D 127 II. E. COLE CO. LIST IN OMAHA D M4J3 UINT DnsiiiAiiLn HOUSES. I roiniJ , 211 S. 21th St. , } 30 7 rooms , 4203 Cumins St. , $22 1 7 rooms , 920 N. 2Tth nve . J22.CO. 0 rooms , 4 )7 ) Cass St. , S10. ' 9 rooms , 49/7 Daxenport St. , $10. f > rooms , 3120 Jackson fit. , $8. r rooms. 3111 Pratt St. , $7 Bee Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Tarnnm st. D 431 JtDNTAL , ACJUNCY CM SO. 1CTII ST. D-727 ( TWO 9-HOOM nillCIC IIOUSHS. 1339-11 I'AIIK avenue , faclns llanicom raik , nearly new ; hard wood finish , first clasa modern con- 1 VLnlencca. ffiulre 1115 South 32nd street 6 AND 7-ItOOM PLATS. WITH IIANGE AND nil modern con\cnlcnccs ; awnings , screens and 1 janitor service. Call nt corner Hat , 701 S loth ' Rt , . from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. George Clou cr. D M59I c-nooM corrAans JUST I'ldellty Trust company , 1702 1'arnnm. 8-IIOOM MODTIUN HOUSi : . 29TII ST. & POP- plclon. llartman & Ilobblns , 240 llee bldp 1)-S2J-J > 9 _ _ rou HUNT , rou SU&IMUR AND AUTUMN , my residence , corner of Davenport and 32 < 1 sts. . i partly furnished. II. J. Windsor , 1021 Capitol ae. . D 154 CAST FIIONT UODURN. 562 N. 4UTH. D 185 Jy-lS _ _ KINIMIOOM MODUUN IIOUSI1 DKTACIinD , beautiful lawn ; shade trees. W)5 South 28th. i Apply to J. II. 1'arrotte , Douglas block D-217J4 _ UIOHT-IIOOM IIOUSHS NCAR IIIOH SCHOOL , } lo IK ) and $25.00 per month. Inquire 2316 Capitol A\e. D 2ij 25 * fii N. 19-rit sT iirr , 11 HOOMS. MODUUN , tot t' < r , m. 410 N. 31st street , 9 rooms , modern , $33 00. I DJ1 S. 2Cth avenue , 10 rooms , modem , $5)00. 1 i : . 11. Sheafe , 432 I'axton block. DM214 27 * _ TOR HHNT TWO C-UOOM COTTAOC3 , OND furnished. 8083. 30tli. Modern. D 210-27 * ITo IVVUNAM ( \V. M Hogera. 1323 1'arnam street. foit UINT S-IIOOM HOUSB. ALL MODEHN Imprmvinrnti , hard wood llntall , large rooms. No. + ) fi N. Z3rd at. D M 235-56 _ rou IUNT. AT nEASONAni.n rnicu , MY icsldi-ncf , cor. 21th nid St , Mary' ave , , fur- ' nlHlutl or unfurnished , for the Bummer or longer. Mrs. M. Ilcllnmn. _ D M303 j7 ! _ UODHUN C-HOOM COTTAGE. BEAUTIFUL lawn and shade. 2124 Ml-iml street. D M313 11HNT FUHNISHUD HOUSE TILL SOPT. 1st , very desirable location , moderate rent. The O. K , Davis Co. 1BOJ Tamam St. D 1S2 22 1UH KENT i RICK SOUTH I'HONT 11OOM. WKLt , FUU- nlahcd , private family. Call 2412 C.i st. K-M433 PLEASANT IIOOM. low DODOE. i : HUNT. nLEQANTLY rooms. COI B. 13th. KUKNISIIUD KOOMS MC WEEK. 710 8. 14T11 , n 910-JyU- J'l.KASANT. COOL ROOM rOU TWO. WITH board. J510 Pudge St , E 188-2 1 > ItOOMS I'-OU ' HOUSEKEHl'INCl TOR MAN and vvlfu ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th E-831 _ fllONT HOOM WITH ALCOVE. BUITAI1LE for three , with board. 2o33 St. Mary'K A\c Ii 1I28J-2) * FOl'Il COOL HOOMS , FUKNISIinD TOT llth I houHuUecplne. fll. AdUrcga t ) 62. Dec. C-M302 25 * _ rt'HNISHED UOOMS FOR LIC1IIT IIOUSG Keeping. 513 K. 2Ut ave. 13 TU21J it * _ Ki\TIY : rt'KNISHED ROOM FOR TWO. S H. 171 h trcet. * E M9 ID-IS * _ I URN ISHED ] iio"blJS ANDBOaRD 'SO RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with bn.ird , terms reasonable. Call at 210 Douilas. F 880-23 _ NICELY Fl'RNISHKD SOUTH ROOM WITI board Tor two ; private family ; no other board PIP ; best h m < * comforts. 611 No. 21st. l > et Callfmnla und Webster. F 901 FOR RENT. FURNISHEDROOMS. WITI board , liil Blimey street. r M101 ? : LOT 8 2JTH AYE , PRIVATE FAMILY. F Mlg JU 3O TRADE. DRESS SUIT. CHEST MEASURE S > i Inches , wont twice ; cost 175 , for horse , gun , or nnv thing. U 43 , Bee. F 133 10"ROOMS. . FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED or fur light housekeeping , reasonable price CH S. 17th avenue F 1ST 2u * FOR RE.N'T-FI'RNISHED ROOMS WITI Ikxird , 1821 Ulnuey street. I' &I 203-30 * iiAuru : rnoxT ROOM WITH ALCOVE , L > pilvala family ; refer uiccs. 2913 I'mnnm St. F M8S1-IS * _ j-RONT ROOMS ; AI.SO TA11LU HOARD. MIIS niuivhlll. 1513 Chicago. _ r MMS 2J * i'HU ROSE. ? oo HARNKY. NICE Ft'nN'l&'HEI rooms with board ; Kpcclal rates to Rcntlemrn I' MI-J23 * I OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS TOR ISENT A' KB S. Hlh St. G OH 1C11JU3NT A.N.D OFFICES TWft STORY HRIC1C. It.XM. AND C6 FEK1 trackage , 71 ! S. 13ih. at > our own price. II | 15. Cula Co. . li < i N. Uth t. _ 1 710 J > C TOR RENT. THE 4-STORY 11RIPK 11UILDINO 91 $ rurnam ilrett. This ImlMInK haa a tire proof cement basement , complete steam heat ing Ililurn. water on all floors , K ' , e * . Ap ply at tha onica of The lice. 1 910 " AGJSNT3 > IRN AND WOMKN. ti TO 110 A DAY , AD drc the Handy Heater Co. , S34 New York I. If bide. , Omaha , Neb. J 913 WANTEO. TiUNniun9 or AOENTS'TO SEL The New UduciHou" tn school toards ; mi- sold ulxty sets last monlh to slnitla JiitrleU The Diamond Lttho. IMib. Co. , Mlnne.ipoll ! Minn. -Mitt .4 * _ AGENTS WAXTKD EVERYWHERE TO HKU ur automatic skirt clasp : no pins , no jewlnj hulds sUlrt up ; kerpn shirt nulit In pUci Am-nts report ladles buy at ! Rht Poupln I > rlc of lOc. 8. J. & w , O. Simmons. 137 I'cai Mas * . J ilt 5-i * RENTAL AOKNOY. 3. O. WALLACE , RENTAL , 313 I1ROWN HL1C L M703 STORAGE. BTORAOE , FRANK EWERS , 1211 HARNHY. HEflT STORAGE 1IUILDINO IN OMAHA U. S. ROV. bonded warehouse , household goods stored ; 1013-1013 Lcavenwurth. M43 STOVES BToltno" RINOSUMMEP. . TEL. W ) . 1207 Douglas. Omaha Btovu Repair Works. M437 _ PACIFIC BTORAOn & WAREHOUSE CO. , 9TH fe Jones sts. General storage and forwarding , M43S WANTE1J TO BUV. WANTED , six TO Eiairr SECOND HAND xvoodcn or Iron lankn , In Kood condition , having a capacity of &OAIO to 0,000 gallons iarh Ad dress , with p.irtluulats n to present condition , Previous u-o. etc. , Norfolk licet Sugar company , Norfolk , Neb. N MU4 21 GOOD STYLISH FAMILY HOHHE AND 1'HAE- ton , must be cheap. 211 S , 18th St. N 200-22 I'OK SAI li _ UKWITURE. TOR SALE. 30 ROOMS FURNITURE. CENtral - tral location 18 boarders ; Rood reasons for telling ; gleut bargain , Address S IS , Ilee. 0-M870 FOR SALE HOUSES , WAUONS.ET.C I'OH HALE ONE OF MY BLACK 1'ONY marcs. FreJ Mohle. 1317V4 Farnam. 1' 'M SNYDER 1'IIAKTON. A LM OST NEW. AT nearly half price. Drummond Carriage Co 1' il8 27 FOR SALE MiSCbLIiAUEOUS HARDWOOD COMUINAT1ON HOO AND chicken fence. Chas. It. Lee , Oth and Douglas. Q 141 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES , NKI1. , has 400 tons good baled hay for sale. Q M413 FOR SALE. A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Urandlcs , Boston Store. Q M691 FOR SALH , OLD LUMDER CONSISTING OF scantling 2x4 , 2x8 , 2x10. 8x8 , shlplap , sheeting , siding , doors , windows , etc. , at the Associated Charities wood yard , 807 Howard st. st.Q557 Jyl4 * FOR SALE 5 HEAD FRESH MILK COWS ; call afternoon , 5 aril. ZSth nnd Hurst St. Q-212 24 * MRS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , 8th jcar at 110 N. IMh SII3 MADAM E. AUSTIN. TRANCE MEDIUM AND Independent card reader. Room 2 , WJ S. 13lh st. Hamburg hotel. S9.10-2G * M SSAOJi. \'iHa. . KTO. MADAM SMITH , f/2 S 13TH. 21) FLOOR , ROOM 3 , magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , siilphurlnc and ao.i baths. T MJ11 2J * MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1121 DODGE. T MGo9 .Iy 4 * 1NEST UATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS IN City. Mine. Hovvcll. 318 & 3:0 S. 13th ; thoroughly piactlcal chiropodist and manicurist attendant. T MS78 Jy 12 * .IRS. DR. LEON. ELEGANT MASSAOE AND electric bath. ParlorB restful and refreshing. 412 North 14th street. T MXI3 CO * 19 NORTH l&TH ST. . ROOM 1 , SELECT MAS- tngc , mairnetlc and alcohol baths. Anna , from Chicago T M539 30 * TUKKISH BATHS. URICISH BATHS , ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 103-110 , Bee bldg , 133 LADIES' BATHS. MME. POST. 319VJ S. 15TH. 730 PERSONAL. 'HE ' BELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO older from measure. 1009 Farnam street. street.U U 383 CO. , 34S BEE RLDO. ; HEALTH BOOK free , homo treatment , lady attendant. U41I B. HAAS. FLORIST , PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Banquet , hall , resldenco and grave decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone ! 776. U M443 I1ATHS , MASSAGE , MME. POST. 31914 S. 1VTH. U7J1 UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED. 316 No. 10th. Jas. Henderson. U 387 J27 BARGAIN. 12 CABINET PHOTOS. 2 DA VIES , 113 a. 16th street , opposite Boston Store. U M509 30 A. PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos , jewels , bicycles , etc. Ruslnean strictly confidential. Address Fostodlce Bo\ 225. U M702 HAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS MADE INTO rugs ; any size you wish. 1221 I.eavenworth street. U M700 Jy6 ARE YOU SICK ? MEDICINE AND TREAT- mcnt COc. at 203J4 N. 10th St. U 153-Jy-17 * ) RIVH AWAY THE GERMS OF DISEASE BY the use of that great tonic and sickness killer , duke's Pure Rye Whisky. Alwa > s In bottles At dealers. I'M 333 24 MON2Y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO . 318 N. Y. LIFE lonna at low rates for choice security In Ne braika and Iowa farms or Omaha city property W-448 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TIU O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam st. W 151 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO . 10 WALL ST. New York , offer any part 100,000 eastern In vector's names , who have money to Invest just compiled. Write for particulars . W M 303 J 25 * CITY LOANS , C. A. STARR , 515 N. Y. LIFE W 450 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED O or bought. F. O. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo W 453 CAPITAL. I2.000.000 ; SURPLUS. J600.000 ; U. S Mortgage Trust Co. , New York. For 0 per cen loans on city property apply to Pusey & Thomaa agents , room 207 First Nat'l bank Lldg. W-25J MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH ; real estate. Urennan , Love . Co. , Paxton blk MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATI at e per cent. W. B. Melkel , 1st Nat. Ilk blcig W-44S MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH ; property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam W 149 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT1 property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam W-432 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods , strictly confidential ; jo can pay the loan off at any time or In an amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30 $ So. 16th St. . X 470 J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427. RAMGE BI/1CK X 455 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ANI pianos. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge tlk , X 456 MODEL LOAN CO. . 403 NEW YORK LIFE. X ISJ-JylG * BUSINESS OHANOE8. 112.000.00 STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN BE81 town In eastern Nebrabka. ( or land and cast or equivalent. Address S 29 , care Bee.Y Y M034 WANTED A DENTIST OCCUPANT FOR Till beat location In South. Omaha. 8. W. come 21th and N streets. Apply at C. A. Melcher. Y MS3-2J ELEVATORS FOR SALE-FIVE ELEVATOR near here for Kile or exchange ; wire or writ ot once , control territory , prospect fine. C. 1 Wardl.iH" , C'hadron , Neb. Y M304 " 5 * FINEST DRUG STORE IN HASTINGS. NEB for sale , costing 1S.OOO two years ago ; can noi bo had for Jl.ooo cash , as I have oth r buslnesi John V. Hair , Hastings , NcU. Y M3M 25 * 3 SOLID INVESTMENTS : BRICK 11U8INES block , water power flaurinir mill , fine Ice bus ness. II. C. AUer & Co. , SherlJan , W > o. Y MM8 HOTEL FOR HENT. THE BRICK HOTEL A Neola , la. ; good opportunity for experience pel son. Address J. P. Organ , Council Bluffs Y-MJ23 26 * FOR SALE , NEWSPAPER ; A HALF INTEI o t In an old established Black Hills vvrekl ] it'publlcan , KOCH ! chance for practical print * nllh a little journallstla and Dixlncis ablllli terms easy. Addreis J. Henry , Spearrlili. S. I Y M33 S5 * CONVALESCENTS AND THE AGED WIL rmd Clarke' * Pure Ry Whisky peculiar ! ndaptod to thslr needs. Always In battle * . > dealers. Y 331 24 FOR SALE. ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN A ! I.lectrlcal Manufacturing plant , of a hundrt per cent proilt ; one who u capable of takin ch rge preferred. S C7 , cwo Be office , Y MS37 FOR SALE , AN INTEREST IN A Nl'MBK on * , good paving manufacturing business to man who can ntv > U his time and attrnttoi It Is open to Investigation to any one meanln business. Addrrts a U , car * lie * ulllce. ulllce.YMSII Y-MSII FOR EXCHANGE. V > ANTED TO TRADK NEW STANDARD BI cycle for drift her * weighing 1.600 pounds o mor * . E. J. Davis , lilt Faroam st. Z-SS7 FOR EXCHANGE. Continued. HARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI for stock of hardware or ImplenunK Knox & Hinder , 37U Pearl st , , Council Bluffs , In. Z 4 17J 20 WILL TRATnTcLEAll RENTAL PROPERTY' In good town for equity In Omaha dwelling. Room 401 , N. Y. Life. . Z M1C3 o HORSETO EX- olmnirp for a blcvclo. S. P. Bostwlck , Fidelity Trtnt Co. , 1702 Fainum st. 7TMf'W ' _ " " _ _ " TO EXCIIA"NGE A "COMBINED STOCK "OF drugs , clocks , watches , Jewelry , blank and school books , wall paper , window shades , paints , nils , clans , etc. Will Invoice , with fix tures , about to. 000. Want Improved farm. Ad dress A. J. Pltzer , Chcrryvale , Kansas Z-MS47-JJ10' I WANT MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOR real estate and cash , H , A , Wagner , Omaha. Z MIO ) FOK SALStc.Au ESTATE. ABSTRACTS , THEBYRON _ REED COMPANY. RE 1:8 _ BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. RE tCO IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise you , If taken with in 3 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 123 N. Y. Life. RE 159 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertles and farms. John N. Frenier , onp P. O. -461 -OMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Garvn | Bros. , 210 N.Y. u. RE 463 'OR SALK 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FtJLL LOT , east front , J700.00 ; terms easy , bargain. R. C Patterson. Ramge block. RB MSI4 'ARM ' LANDS , C. F. HARRISON , 9IJ N. Y. Life. RE-8J7-JylO * EAD1 READ ! READI BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! We will sell for the next ten days Inrgalns : n Rees Place , between Georgia and VlrglnU , ves and Mason and Pacific sts. , the most do- _ lrnble p-irt of the city , fine natural trees , ele gant > 15 000 homes just started In this block. We will build If parties desire. This property will never ba as cheap again. We have the cheapest house In the city. New , 7 rooms , bath , cemented cellars , within , -alklng distance of the city , good neighborhood. Come In and we will tell you all about It. Corner lot on Cumlng St. . 4Sxl0 ft. If vou have any nerve come In and make in .n offer. CO ft. on 10th st. , close to depot , worth J7.0M Will trade at one-half Ita value. Do nit get scared because w > * give you a chime D make a growing Investment , but be "Uio to nvestlgate. Fidelity Trust Company , sole agents , 1702 Far- im st. J 249 oO .VANTED-TO . SELL MY RESIDENCE PROPerty - erty located In lot 5. Aldlne Square , w.ilch Is No. 1514 North 22nd street An eight-loom cot- ngB with all modern conveniences. A baigiln for any person who may want a lovely cottage home. Apply by letter to W. S. Seavev. Colnn- ude Hotel RL 217-21 EXCELLENT BARGAIN IN BEAUTIFUL residence or business property , at 13th and Vln ton Htreets , best offer ever made , sea the owner , WIlllamM , on place , or at room 411 McC.iguo building. HE 2HW4 I1G PARKER ST. , SOUTH FRONT , 0 ROOMS , line cottage , city water , Jl.OOO cash. 1" K Daillng , Barker block. RE 211 21 BEST FAMILY BOARDING IIOt'SE IN CITY for s.ile ; all modern conveniences , li t location In city ; reasonable rent , thoroughly istab- llshcd ; ovvnciH have all made mon y S EO. Boo RE M257-24 * 'OR ' SALE-M-ACRE STOCK AND GRAIN farm 100 miles east Council Bluffs , 15 acres In bearing orchard , In all Is one ot the choice farms of western lovva , will make very low price and might take small piece Omaha prop erty as part paymen , a chance not often found Several farms near Omaha. Ljm.in U'-ilnnmn , N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-223-22 AN YOU BEAT THIS ? TWO CHOICE LOTS just west of limits , close to paved street , only J200.00 each. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life Bldg. Ill * 3j ! ilUST BE SOLD AND WILL ALMOST GIVE away ; full east front lot on 42.1 street , between I avcnvvorth and Farnam street motor lines , only $15000 , If you want it write S " > 5 , Ben of- lice. UF.-23C 22 * , VANTED , GOOD LOT FOR CASH. Wanted. JG.iWO to J10.000 place for cash. Wanted , Improved property for ucrcs. Wanted , SO acres for cash. Wanted , 40 acres for cash. Wanted , hardware stock for cash. Wanted , large farm for cash. Wanted , land for J20.000 worth of good * . Wanted , to borrow J5.000 on land. Wanted. 13,000 place for cash. Wanted , to rent 110 house Wanted , equities for clear lots. Wanted. 2) acres for cash Wanted , to loan H.OOO on land. . . . . C. F Harrison. 912 N Y. Life. RE-2..0-22' BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON. 403 N. 1CTH. 464 VICTOR iflCYCLES , THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 32.1 N. 16th street. 466 STERLING BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street. 4G3 SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barnum Bro. , 120 N. 15th. 467 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. . 116 S. 15th street. 46J A. L. DEANQ & CO. . 1116 FARNAM STREET. 469 , WESTERN BICYCLE. & GUN CO. , 2418 CUMINO. 470 MANTELS , GRAT.S3 AND TILES. WOOD MANTLES. ORATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules nnd large Hours ; write foi catalogue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha. 471 LOST. LOST. AN ENGLISH GREYHOUND. WHITE , with brlndle coloring , 1 year old , tinder will Ve rewarded by communicating with 1616 N 27th , or 1403 Harney. Lost M227 24 MEDICAL. LADIES ! CIIICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( diamond brand ) are the beat ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , foi particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chenv leal Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. UNDERTAKERS ANU EMB ALMERS H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANE cmbalmer , 1G1S Chicago at , , telephone 90. 472 SWANSON fit VAL1EN , 1701 CUMING. TEL. 10f , , 473 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM , er , 1417 Farnam St. . telephone 223. 474 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 16TH ST , 473 GO/11- D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAI oMtce to 20) S. 16th St. , Brown block. 478 A GOOD THING-PUSH IT ALONG , MAY III the latest slang phrase , but that's just wha we're doing with SHERIDAN COAL. 8,000 ton : Bold In Omaha last year. Wo give you 2,00' ' Ins. ot the best Wyoming cooking coal for J1 CO Victor White , mgr. , 1605 rarnam st. Tel. 127. 401 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4304 Burdetle M3 J30 * CARPENTERS AND BTJII/DERS. C E. MORR1LL. PAPER HANGING , HOUSI sign painting. brlcU work , plastering ; off. It. I Barker blk. ; tel. 735 ; shop 813 N. 24th st. 481 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. MRS. FANNY ADLER , PIANO TEACHER graduate Vienna Conservatory. SOS So. ICth st 83S-Jy9 GEORGE F GELLENBECK , BANJO ANI guitar teacher. 1311 Cans street. M 109 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N 1 A1 8 , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , olway redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec. 4SO HOW TO GET A HOME OR ViECURE OOOI Interest on ( avlnrn. Apply to Omaha L. & B As.Vn. 1704 Bee bldg , G , M. Nattlnger , Sec. 481 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACRES OP BLUE GRASS PAS ture for hoises , board fence , spring water Barton & Plielps , Gllmore. Neb. , or A. W 1'helps S. Sou , J07 N. Y. Life bldg. , Tel. 1051. - 478-July ! GOOD PASTURE FOR HORSES. 11.00 PEI month , per head. Charles Cans , Bt. Paul , Nel IM DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MORAND WILL GIVE PRI vat * lesson * In danclnf at their home. > DoJ * itreet , durlor th * summer. XU-JZl ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES fl. 1-1 tr - _ „ . , _ , _ iiiimMiM ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors tor electric light a d motor plants ami all kinds of electrical con iniHon. | Western Klec- trlcnl Supply Co. , 1513 Howard si. 4J3 CARPET OLSANINO. OHAMI'lON STEAM CAttPKT ANDRUO Cleaning Work * do tholr work the best nnd cheapest. 71S-20 S. lllhi HI. , Tel. 655. U. a Q. Kuhn , manager ; PutrUlc Ward , foreman. < 2:0 Jy-20 HOT&L , * . AF.TNA IIOUHi ; ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. CCR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms \ij day or week. 479 SHOKTHAND A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFK. M-49S BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MinilOIlS HESILVEHED. 715 N 18 490 DENTISTS. DIl. PAUL. DENTIST. 2021 lit IIT ST. 497 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAIKMVITZ LOANS MONEY. 4H N. 16 ST 433 H OF 1'UHLICATION. Olllco of Auditor of Public Accounts , State of Nebraska , I-lncoln. June 21 , 18JT It N hereby certllleil thiit the Hank Clurks' Mutual Llenellt association of New York , In the Htnte of New York , lina compiled with the Insurance law of this Btato iuid Is nil- thoilzi'il to transact the bil'lnesof us'wss- nicnt life Insurance In this state for the cur rent year. \Vltnuss my hand and the seal of thn auditor of public accounts the day and year above written. EUGI3NK MOOIU : , Auditor of Public Accounts. J2I Mlt ma A SPECIALTYft& tlary syphilis purmunontlr cured In 15 to 35dayp. You can bo treated at homo fet the earns prlcotindarEamoRUnnint } ' . II youprcferto come hero uo win contract to pay railroad farn and hotel bills , und no chnrge.lf wo fall to euro. If you have taken iiipr- cury , Iodide potash , and ptlll have aches and pains , Muctiiis 1'ntcbrs In mouthSciroThroat , 'I in pics , Copper Colored hpotn , Ulcrro on DT part of the bodr. Ili > lrorHypbr < iw rulllni ; jut , It IB this Syphilitic I1I , < )6l > I > < ) I SUN thn ! tve Kuarnntco to euro. Wo solicit the most ubitl * fintu cases and cliullonKO the world for n CUHD vrocunnotctirn. 'jlili dleaso has alnra-a bullied tl.n skill of the tnimt eminent plij fl- cluns. f > (5OOOO ( ( ) capital behind our uncondl * lonal guaranty. Absolute proofroom sealed on application. Address < H > UK ItllAIKUY 4JO. , 3U7 Mnsoaln Xouinlo. CHICAGO , IIJU -nwyers mid solicitors. SUES & CO. Uee R , OMAIIA. Neb. Atlvico PUEB. RAILWAY TIME CARD a\es lUUHLlNG'lON & MO. LIU.Arrives ( injhal Union Depot , 10Ui i. Maaun Ma. | Omaha 0.15am Denver 'Express. ' . " 7.77 .T D.lOain" 4J5pm : B1K. Hills. Mont.t& i'uget Und. C * . 4:0mn : 4&pm Denver Ufprt&D 4uOpm : pin..Nebraska Local ( except Sunuay. . 7:4 : um ani..Lincoln Local ( except bumlay.ll'jam : 2ljl : > m..l'a3t .MalKfo LUiuim ) dally. . . . _ _ Leaves ( CHICAGO , llUULlNiTON & ( J.IAirlves OinahalUnlon Depot , lath & . Muaun Sla I Omaha 4:45pm : Chicago Veakllnile. a.10am 9M.iln : Chicago Impress 4.15pm 7.00pm..Chicago and St. Douls Kxpress. . S.w.un l:3Sam : 1-acillc Junctlun Louil S.UOuin Leaves [ CHICAGO. MIL. [ ST. PAUL.Aulvcs | OmahalUnlon Depot. IJJlb A.Maaun Sla I Omaha 0.00pm ClflcrfgoTninTled.Y. 9:30am : ljlCam..Chicago : Express tex. Sun. ) . . . . ( > : Wpm eaves [ CHICAGO Ac NOiavnVEsl'iN.IAirlve OmahalUnlun Depot , luth At Mason Sia.f Omah liOoam Eastern. Uxuiesa 5:30pm : 4:00pm : Vcatlou.rtl Limited 9:4Um : ( 6:55am : Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm : 6:4oinr : Omaha Chtoigoibpei'lai : :15pm : Leaves I CHICAGO. Il.I.PACIKIC. . lAirlvcs OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th. & MJBUII bla. | Oinaliu " " llVam..Atlantic ( ) Kxprcas ( ex. Sunday ! . . . 5:55pm : G.Zbpm NlRht Hxprcs.s aC5jm : 430pm..Chicago ! V < llbuiid Limited. . . . t,35pm " WEST. O'SOiim. Oklahoma & THXHB ix ( ex Sun ) 10'Soam Ii40pm Colorado LlmUeil 4uOpm : Loaves I C. , ST. I' . . M. . O. lArilves Omahal Depot , loin and \Vebsler Sjs. ( Omaha 8'25am..NehiaBka I'lisseneir vdally ) . . . . h.lSpin l:30pm..Sloux City Einicbs ( ux. dan.H.G.ui > 6:10pm : St. I'aul Limited . . . . .li' Siani L veT' ' v"r:7" & Mor VA'LLUV ; lArriTcT Omahal Depot , Ijtii unfl Webster bt , _ K > maha _ Z:10p"m : rniit M l' ' ? nd ixnress : . . 4pm 2:10pm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. ix : ( ex. Moi. . . < . ; jpm 9:03am..Norfolk : Kxpress ( ex. Sunday ) .lu.SOam 610prr. ; St. I'aul l ipreas. . . . . . . .10.3jjni Leaves I K. " C.7 ST. J. & c7 IS. JArriveT OmahaJUnlon Depoi. ICth & Mason Sm. ( Omaha > 7Mam Kansas City Day Uxpreaa 5.30prri j45pm..K. ! C. NlglitJE . _ \rlaJJl'Tran . 6:00am : Leaves I MISSOURI 1'ACIKIC. lArrlvea OmahaDepol | _ , 15th and Webster Sla. | Omaha 10.40am St. Louis nxoress C:00am : 9:30pm St. Louis Hxpieaa COSpm : J0im : NebrnBka Local ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 9OCam : Leaves | SIOUX CITT""PACIFl5 ( Arrlvea Omahal Depot , 13lh and Webater Sla. I Omaha " : lOpm. . . . . . . . .St. Paul Llrnlted. . . . 10:33ain : leaves I SIOUX CITY * PACIFIC. JAnlvea OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & MaaonJJts LPmah " : S5arr. Sioux City Paasenw 10VDm [ .Mpm St. I'aul Limited I2:35pm : i7ave3 | UNION" PACIFIC JArrlvea" OniahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis | Omaha IDlOOam Kearney pxpress 3M5pm 2:00pm : Overland Flyer S : pm 2 OOpm.Beat'ce & Stromsb'ir nx. ( ex. Sun ) . 3 : < 5pm 730pm Pacltlo Rxpresa 10 : ! am 815pm ; Fast Mall 4:10pm : fiaveal WABAS1I RAILWAY. ( Arrives Oir.al-ViJnlon Depot , 10th & Mason ats.l Omaha lMrm : St. Louis Cannon lull 12:3pm : DEATH VALLEY. The Famous I > p ort tnnt Countu Its Victim : by the t'cnrr * "I don't know where It got Its name , " saii Jerome Fuller of Keeler. Inyo county , to tin San Francisco Call , "but It Is well named The Spanish called It Death Valley long be fore the American occupation of California and I am told Hint the Indians had a name somewhat similar , only the word -they usec meant quick death , Instead of death. " Mr , Fuller was speaking of that desert o horrors In the southeast corner of California near the Nevada line , known and dcslgnatei as Death Valley. "Tho deposits of borax , ' continued Mr. Fuller , "would seem to Indlcati that this waste spot was once a lake , tin waters qf which were heavily charged will sodium. It was In all probability of volcanli origin. I suppote that there Is no place 01 the planet so near to the popular conceptloi ot hell as this awful valley. "I have been told by travelers who havi visited the Dead Sea region that It Is a para disc compared with this pestilential spot , I'm homo of venomous reptiles and vermin , am shunned alike by man and beast. Its bakec and blistered soil breeds only noxious am venomous things. About the place there 1 ; something weird , uncnmiy. grim and ghoul Ish. Even the reptile * llfo Is of the mos ghastly shape , of rancorous nature and dla bollcally ugly. Its d ead , do not decompose but are baked In the ( scorching heat of count less bcorchlng days. No tree , or flower , o shrub , or sign of vegetable life relieves fin prospect of this drear waste spot , which lie 200 feet below the level of the sea am stretches away to thfysquth for a distance o 40 milee. There Is no sjiade and net a dro ] of moisture ever falls to cool this tracklej waste of salt and EarM'shimmerlng under i sun that kills and then petrltles. "Some of the California 'pioneers have gooi reason to j-emember Deiti | Valley. In 18Si an emigrant train bound for Sacramento , am composed of about thirty persons , attemptei to cross the death trap. Only one of then lived to tell the story. The others parlshei from heat and thirst. The cola survivor o this Ill-fated trcln brought out a etor ; of a gold discovery which , during th ten years following the death of hi companions , lured many to deatruc tlon In the burning sands of th valley. Something over twenty years as Lieutenant Wheeler of the army , while on a exploring expedition , ordered the guide t cross the valley. The guide , knowing some thing ot the treacherous pit , refused to obe the order. Then Wheeler ordered two sol dlera with fixed bayonets to compel the ic luctant native to take up the trail , The started out , the guide and his armed ea corts , but In about three hours one ot th soldiers returned and staggered Into cam unabto to articulate. A relief party brough lu the other soldier In a stricken condition The nulda went crazy and vrander d anay t die alone- ( C1. pj right , 1S9J , by Ir\lna llarheller ) CHAl'TIJH I. Tiin iionuuii of Tin : LKAU HII.LS. It was at the change house of the "King's Ilest , " at the entering In of the pass which leads to the lead mines of tlio Louther | ! llta that Sir James StamlsfieUl and I foregath ered. I had been down In the shire ot Dumfries , whlre In the pirlsh of Morton there was word of a vacancy , owing to the Ill-doing ot the incumbent. So , having some luniieiicd with Drumlanrlg , who had the cli.ef say In the matter , through my mother hav ing been a servant with the laird , I Jour neyed down with water to push my claims. In the days of my youth It Is Iruo that I had companled with the hill folk , but long ago I d.scerned the error of my ways , desir ing to bo married und seeing no piospict of It , fcave In taking of the Test , and after ward , by moms of Drumlamlg and the bishop ot Oalloway , gelling a parish In which lo settle don n. "And how go the curates ? " cried Sir James ) , as soon as ho taw me , fur he was mostly a Jovial man and had nou a glass ot strong waters before him. "How go the curates of Dumfries ? Ilavo they all been rabbled since the king's popish proclama tion , or have they yet learned to read with out their linger at the line ? " "There Is ono of them out of place , and that Is In the good parish of Morion. " Fad I , "which It Is my hope to obtain by the good will of Drumlanrlg. " "Yo are some Kin to him , I have heard tay ! " said Sir James , pawklly. "No kin whatsoever , " I made answer , with some heat , "save that my mother was tome time maid to the old Ltdy Urumlun- rlf. " 'And left of her own accord to b nnrrled to Glbby Hell , the Muirkirlc catrler well Uo 1 inml of It , " said Sir James. So.e had bite of bread and stoup of ale together , and were merry In tor and Hedato fashion , bpoaking chlelly of the evil state ot the country , of the exactions o ! tlio king's men , which waxed woiae and woise , and the frenzy of the fanatical party that threatened to turn the world upsulo down If they had their v , ill. Presently the lats of the change house , u comely one and plump , to whom , for my shaming , Sir James slandeied me , telling her that I was a merry curate and game some , opened the door and came ben to us where wo sat at table. "Gentlemen , " she said , speakng very well and cleaily for a country lass , "bear with me If I say that It behooves you to bet out ere it be dusk , for there are 111 folk about and you might come to an Injury. " "Which , " said Sir James , "you wish not to BO sportlvoaiad as th's ' , my friend here , and one that hath a beard to his face wherein there Is not yol a hair of gray. " 'Indeed , " said she , turning on him with spirit , "I ice nought the matter with the young man's beard , nor yet seems he to merry as those whose beards are grayer , and therefore might have more sense. " "And well said for a bravo lass ! " cried Sir James. "Tho maid had me on the hip that ttime and has thrown me fairly. Here is a "And well said for a bravo laps ! " t-.lvcr shilling for you , Marget What hast thoti to say to that ? " The plump , well-shapen maid servant took the silver piece between her teeth and bit upon it sedately. "I say that your silver Is batter than your wit ( which Oed mend ! ) , Sir James , " she said , and looked at me as she said it In a way that was not becoming to reply to. So that Inftcad I looked with modesty upon the ground. Then with that and no more wo mounted and rode away , both of us being well horsed , Sir James riding upon a hackney of gray and I on a roan , which Drumlanrlg had given me from a whlg's farm house one of the Welshes of Scaur , as I learned atterward , when they came upon mo to malto ms re store it. It was by a solitary piss .that broke a way through the hills , where the waters ran up Into the heart of the blind "Hopes , " that Sir James and I were riding slowly , talking peaceably and taking solid comfort In our conversation. For Sir James had ever o leaning to the things of the ItlrU , and , II his star had risen In the right season , he had made pone so 111 a minister. So wo diS' cussed of foreknowledge , of the right of tht civil magistrate , and ot the Urlm and Tlnim- inIm , which were all vexed and dlfllcult questions , so that it was a great pleasure tc me to dispute with one PO learned and dis creet as Sir James , though he was , to my thinking , ever a little over-whlgglah In hi ! beliefs , and , as I knew , had no great oplnloi of those ministers who had taken the test. We went thus daintily and cosily alonp pacing upon our ambling palfreys , when all o a sudden "crack ! " There went off a shot behind us , and Sir James horse set Its head down and spread Its heels In the air. I looked over my shoulder and saw a tall young man , riding upon a heavy cart horst as It had been fresh from a plow tall , am ! with a pair of pistols ready bended In liU hand , pursuing after us with u dark and fear some countenance. At this I had very great fear , for I had heard the stories of the 111 folk that cotniunled about the rootos of thi hlllls and waited the passage ot thosa tha1 were honest. I looked to see Sir James face about am draw weapon of war upon the assailant , nil he was already setting spurs to his horn and dashing headlong dawn the ravine , mak < Ing speed , and not steel , keep his head. So being by my cloth no man of war and will no weapon hut a riding whip , I put my horst to his stride and drew ahead of the youn ; man upon the work her But the clappering of the broad hoof ) pounding behind me sounded eo perilous am made mo eo 111 at ease that wlmn wo pasaci a little runnel of water , with fern am bracken thereabout. I thought It fitter Ilia I should cast myself from my horse and tali refuge under the green covert. This I dli with ease , for the beast I rode was a llttli roan of Galloway ; and I being long of thi limb let myself off without peril and la ; safely , darned among the undergrowth. Fo the safest course and the most peaceable wa ever the sweetest to me. I peeped out and saw the young man lool about htm to see If he could spy me , am right glad was I that ha could not. Ilut observed him pursue Sir James with mor deadly fury , and spur his hor. e to Its gpoed Nevertheless Sir James , on Ills light roan had easily the heels of him. And at this saw the young man stop till beast , and wit ! his elbow for a rest take a deliberate aln at the back of my companion. At tha nols of the pistol I closed my eyes. For EO tende wan my heart that I dared not look out les I should see the good man , my companion dead upon the heather. Hut presently heard the young man return , cursing am swearing , and saying , "The devil rive him Curse on the falsa aim , the deceitful bullets the evil fate " Whereat I Judged that liU cruel Inten could not have sped well. So by mlaadvua lure I raised my head and looked about mo. And lo ! there standing upon the heather \\ltliln a dozen yards of me was tlio robber with lih iccMng pistol yet In his hand. "Ho ! ho ! What have we hero ? " cried he , coming up to mo with his pistol upon his arm. arm."A poor son of the church , " I told him , "that had not the worth of a great about him , and nought ot value save his poor prayers , which , If he were spared , would be put up for the man that prolonged his life. " "Poor prajeis , Indeed , " Raid the young ninn ot the dark and fierce countenance ; "craven piayeis are ever poor prayers. Rise up , man , and take jour blii'ltle. I soughl the lion's lite , not that of the ass which brays at his tall. " Bo saying he mounted again on his great Flanders mare. "Get up , Kutphcn , " said he Had It not bcon for these great lounderlng pile-Jrl\lng feet ot yours , 1 had been hawking n hole for both the lion and the ass. Well for you , cravn dog that the gray carried your mas- ter \ ell , or 1 I , > * bi i o In > t to put jou In the ditch with him , to Uip jour totiguo fiom telling tales which U all that It Is good for. " So the ribald young man rode away , und I got up and went to catch my roan a work of time and much dlillculty. And as I pursued my beast over the mods hags I saw the younn man Using ami falllnt ; upon his sodden and pacel'ss horse. Anfl I blessed the beast , because his manifest defects had saved two honest men's lives that day. Nevertheless , I came not up with Sir James all the way to my o\\n house In ndlnburgh , so well had his good gray carried him. him.The The vmornlng of the next day I repaired to the lodging of Sir James Standsllold , which was In a close at the head ot the West Llovv , where there are many godly people dwelling Though some ot them , alas ! for the sake ot he times and the favor of the magistrates , nake a pretense ot ungodliness , saying 'Devil take" and "Zounds ! " loudly In the street when a notable person passes by. Forte to ii"e oaths Is counted the mark of n woll- affectcd person by the government of this time. time.When When I entered 1 found the worthy knight with lil ? head fallen upon his hand , and a little red took before him of a square shape and well bound In leather. His tears were falling upon the pages , as I judged , to the hurt of the printing. I was for drawing back , for I thought that I had found my friend at his devotions. Hut his tears In clined mo to stay that I might comfort him with the apples of pertinent advice. "A good morning ! " 1 bade him , speaking softly and putting my hand on hid shoulders. Ilut he never gave me a word of ansvvoi , but to sigh and groan and read upon his book. "He ot good heart , Sir James , " I said to him , "for I am going to fie town's authority and the privy council , with whom I am In good odor ; and , with their help , wo Mull soon have yon knave by the heels. I saw him so close , and held such dlscourso with him , that I can description him to a hair. " Dut Sir James was no ways encouraged. "For , " said he , "It Is all worse than use less ; my shame sits heavy upon me. I am not a man to make complaint , but yesterday I was hurt to death In my tenderest part. " "Why , " said I , "tho knave surely shot not true. You are not wounded. You rode away briskly enough. " "Yea , " said Sir James , "wounded am I to the heart ; for he that shot at me with Inten' to take my life was my eldest son , I'hlllp. " At hearing of which , the life as It were went from me. anil I had e'en to sit down on a settle to keep from falling. For then , liuleel , I knew that my friend , who scorned so mirthful and full of good cheer , had at the time a canker-worm gnawing at hla heart At last he lifted his head , and I eaw that the book he read In was Ilurton's "Mel ancholy , " the little square book of the earliest Imprint , which so many count next to their bibles. Yet I Judged it to be mightily unsuitable reading for one so aflllcted as he ; therefore , as the right of mine office was , I directed him to lay It aside and turn to suitable passagss of scripture. And In especial I counseled him to meditate upon the mystical meaning of certain verses In Cantlcks and In Kzeklel , upon which I had preached with great comfort to myself for one year in my last pastoral charge. I was proceeding to expound some of these to him when he broke out upon me In a way that was certainly not well becoming in a man of his years and profession. "Tut , tut ! " he said ; "ye are over much given , Mr. Dell , to speak upon matters yo have small understanding ot. I find more egg-meat In a page ot honest Durton than In all the songs of King Solomon who to my mind might have employed himself bet ter ! " "You speak as a carnal man , and not aa an elder , Sir James , " I said to him , for 1 was ever lirm with him ; "know you nnl that these things are to be Intrcproted after the spirit ? " "Hide ye , Master Hell , till ye ken some thing about It , " said he ; "till yo are a mar with a family and no comfort In them your homo a perpetual brawl , your son : either dogs that blto or curs that snap your wife perpetually peevish of countenance , acid of tongue will you then bide It all meekly as a stranger tyke that claps its tall between legs and scurries down the public way when other mcssans yelp. I ken yov ministers , specially the younger sort of yet that have rolled 'Tests and Indulgences. ' like sweet morsels , under your tongues ; ye would take It upon you to pi escribe for death- uounds from your experience of the achlnf of your o n little fingers. " Now during my life , which after all has been but forty jeara , I have found greal benefit In km.wing wliPii to forbear speech and when to Joke aside and let the angr > jaw go by. This I did at thU present , know ing that like the scent of rose water ani balm after a shower In June , eo the pleasant countenance of my friend would again bt turned toward me. And 0 It pro\cd. for In a llttli. ' he turned his eyes upon me , having shut his book. "I pray jou pardon me , good fnend , " IK said , "my black rholer hath Inferted mj lir.irt. an > l my ill-lempcr.-i brcaU out most reallly on tVm tl.at I love the * most. " With that IK > put fortli his hand ( o me , and beli.g of an easy hejrt , I took It In mine am was affected ID toard. So our friendship wai made up of new , and that never to IJH brukui up any more. He was silent a long season but at the last hu found liU ppoecli. "Mr. Hoil. " fcaid he , "I will bo plain will you , for plainness Is best among friends. J have too Ions let my heart know Its own bH terness. I wl.l no longer make a urangcr o you. It Is not my debts , as many think , Ilia trouble mo ; for slnco these Kngllshmfn , cloth weavers and mechants , Umphray Spurwaj and his folk , have come out of Yorkshire they have put me In a good and easy wa ] of life. It Is that I have no comfort In mi family. My wife loves mo not , but cries on upon mo continually that I am hard to thi children. My eldest you have seen punui mo to the dcal'.i , and now my younger , ti wliom I hai } conveyed my eitote , having dls herUhcd my ton I'hlllp , li become even as th other. And this U the morn bltlor to mo be cause that my heart and my hope \vero se upon him , Now his brother , who Is the mos debauched man In four counties , haa 10 in fccted John that of late ho lias outlines com home lu drink even aa the other. Tell me was ever man no driven by hU own ? " Then I counseled him to try If lliprct wa not yet uoine hope of winning hla heart. "I will come with you. " I aolil to cncourag htm , " and It may bo that his heart may b < moved by my dvlco , especially nder the mis * carriage ) ot his evil pntctprlso upon Uio Lead HI1K" Hut Sir James shook his head. "Tho Ud Is too bitterly joined to his Uoln. Once ho took cervlco In the Scots regiment abroad , and 1 thought that would settle him. but ho was confines ! In prison , and I got hint delivered by my Influence with our ambas sador at The Hague. Then he was condemned to death nt Trevc * , and 1 provided money whercwllli ho bribed his jailers and so mad < his osr-np ? . I have received him Into mlno own house since his return. And otter nil my care and tenderness It Is como to that pass of It that when I go lo my own flrcnlda I know not whether I shall get my supper era a musket shot In my wnme ! " 'Ti evidence- may ) et soflcn his heart , " I said , though Indeed I saw no great prospect , "Ay , " replied Sir James , "It may. 1 thought that a good wife ml it do that ovoir better ; but slnco I got I'hlllp. my son , mar- lied to n decent hs , I have just another mouth to foci ] , and It makes no difference ) to his debaucheries " "NovelIhe-less. " said I , "I will come to Now Mllns with jou. Who knows but that wo may bo nb'.o to do something ? " "Well said , minister , " nald Sir James ; "yo were not greatly bauld on the mulr. but , let mo tell yon , yo were a deal safer with n good sht'ltlu under jour hip and the heather afore yo than sleeping In your naked bed within my house of the New Mllns. " " 1 have no fcir In the pith of duty , " said I. ( font I mini Tuesdty ) JKIllliti .I.V/I rmtl < H > IG.ll.N. HISTORIC DOW1TS AS TO Till : EXECU TION OF MAIISHAL NUY Ily James A. Weston. Cloth , $3. Thomas Wfclttnkcr , New York. Whatever verdict the reader of thla boole may arrive at as to the actual fate of Mar shal Noy , ho wilt find Mr. Weston's book to be apart from other considerations , exceed ingly entertaining. The story of the llfo ot this famous marshal of France Is Itself fas- rinalini ; , embtnclng an utmost unbroken suc cession of thrilling Incidents. The main In terest of the book , however , centers In the cvonta and circumstances surrounding the hero's sentence and execution. Reviewing nil the details ami Incidents touching this por- t'on ' of Ney's career , the author makes a powerful argument to show that "tlio bravest of thf bravo" was not mercilessly shot down In cold blood by his countrymen nud fellow Boldlcrs , wlici fairly Idolized the man , but that ho was assisted to escape and a corpa substi tuted and afterward Interred to conceal the acl Having disposed of thp accepted ac count ot history that Ney hud been shot , the author traces the arrival of a strange per- bon In Howan county , N P. , who first ap- pen3 theio In the year 1819 in tlio capacity of u schoolmaster , and whoso facial nppoar- anc" , demeanor , statute , character , military carriage , wonderful powers of mind and close knowledge of military affairs touching t'no Napoleonic era , who himself asserted ho was the foimei French marshal , whoso chiro graph even bears close ro'emblance to that of the latter , and who o library contained books beating footnotes showing a remark able Unowlpclgo of detail Incident to the era In question , all combine to Identify this person who bore the name of Peter S. Noy ns the former marshal of Franco. Ono Important matter In II > evidence , liowc\er , militates strongly against such a supposition , and that IH tlio fact that Peter S. Ney spoke with a slight Scoti/a-Jrlsh brogue. Had Mr. Weston bhnvvn him to have acquired his English surrounded with a proplo speaking a strong brogue of this kind , his argument would bo almost conclusive. As it Is , the fate of the great general will probably remain surrounded , with moio mystery than ever. Peter S. Ney died In 1S4G and Mr. Weston , his biographer , had been ono of his pupils , writing much fiom pcisonal oxperk-ncn with his subject and with those pel00113 who knew the man. HOOKS UKCniVED. FAHMnil HAYSIinn IN TOWN : OH TUB CLOSING DAYS OF COIN'S FINANCIAL SCHOOL By L. O. Powers. Paper , 25 conts. The Industrial Publishing company , St. Paul. Minn. ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY Hy John Macruo. A. M. Edited by Emerson n. White. A. M. . LL D. The American Hook company , Now York. SISTER GRATIA Dy C. Edgar Snovr. Paper , 25 cents. Charles H. Kerr & Co. , Chicago. WASHINGTON ; OR , THE REVOLUTION. A drama Hy Ethan Allen. Cloth ; 212 pages. F. Tennyson Nroly , New York. MAGAZINES OF THE MONTH. The color plates glvon as a supplement In the June number of the Art Amateur are "American Henutj' Hoses , " by George Ilouard , and "JJutterflleV by Helena Magulre. A largo Installment of fresh designs for pat terns , rovlovvs ot art exhibitions , papcw on art topics , criticisms , otudlcs in painting and decoration for the household , besides hints for the treatment of designs , unite In making of this number an excellent family art Jour nal. Montague Marks , 23 Union Square , New York. * The Juno Donalioe's Is an excellent num ber , containing an assortment of popular ar ticles. David Mitchell contributes a valuaba ! and nractlcal anaylsls ot "liullalng and Loan Associations ; " "C-cinatlon In the Peat , " by S. IJarlng-GouId , tells the history of the In cineration of the dead among various peoples ples ; "Ktihktn as a Poet" Is dlscussol In a paper of much literary value by Rev. John Conway , A. M. The Intorcit recently re awakened In the "Execution of Mrs , Surratt" for the murJcr of Prruldent Lincoln , Is well crystullzeil In an Illustrated article by Charles S. O'Neill. James Madison Foley punctures some tables of New Mexican hia- torj , and In "Three Artist Monks of Flor ence" Julio Caroline O'Hara tells of th artistic glories of that city. There are a num ber of other sketches , and the Illustrations are attractive Donahoo's Magazine company , Gil Washington street , Iloston. A portrail of Mrs T. O. II. Cralglo ( John Oliver Hobbes ) la presented ae a supplement to the Juno number of Hook News , which give * Its readers also a brief outline of the career of the distinguished author , The usual "Notes from Hoston. " coupled with com ments on books and authors , the. excerpts from new books and tin bookland gossip , all unite In forming a delightful number. John Wan- amaker , Philadelphia. The Philistine Is a new voice In the wilder ness of literature. It Is a voice of protest , so the title Informs us and the name Infers. It lias many a saucy word to utter against shams and the worship tf custom and form and wears the style of the cheap book , with the exception of a novel cover that Is unique. The road of the kicker la usually lined with , briars ; we trual the Philistine will gather at least a rose here and there. The Philistine. East Aurora , New York. Uathlng at the continental seashore resorts Is described In the Juno number of The Cos mopolitan by J. Howard Adams. The Chau- tauqua movement Is reviewed by Helmcr Horth Ilojcsen , while a very attractive and liberally Illustrated paper by Charles Yrlarta Is devoted to "The Paris Salon of ' 35. " The subject of "Whist In America" Is treated by Frank W. Crane , and the statement Is author itatively rnado that a higher standard ot whist Is playnd today In the United State * Ui an In England cities. Joseph Ifroaka de scribes "How Successful Plays Are Ilullt , " maintaining that "good plays , plays that suc ceed In pleasing and drawing the public , are , nnd always have been , almost without excep tion , built In the theater , " or. In other words , that the real essence of a drama lies In Its structure. rath r than Its dresp , the writing being merely subordinate. The Cosmopolitan Magazine , New York. Thn EKclrlc-il Journal begins Us career with the Juno number , bringing with It a handsome supplement , bearing the title , "Tho Layers of the First Atlantic Cable. " In which are found poitralts of D. 1) ) . Field , Cyrus Field , IVtpr Poop-r. Chandler WSilte , S F. H. Morse , Moses Taylor , Daniel Huntlngton , Marshall O. Roberts and WlUon U. Hunt , Tim Journal Is In a.l respects a creditable production. The Electrical Journal Publish ing company , H-7 Monadnock block , Chicago. "Tho Modern Use of Injunctions" Is very ably expoundol In a paper written by F. J. Sllmsoii In the June number of Political Sclenco Quarterly. Mr. Kllinaon , In a very lurid manner , feliow * that the popular fear of abuses growing nut of the adoption of the now method IB not without foundation , Lester F. Ward , In a paper entitled "Static ana Dynamic Sociology , " advocate * a bubdlvUlou of scclnl nclencc Into two branches , the static , relating to operutloim having but cur rent effect , and the dynamic , rohtlng to acts whoio offsets become continuous Prof , K. R , A. Sellgman ttiou.s the results ot careful In vestigation and recearch In a paper on "Colonial and State Income Taxo ; " S. E. Muffctt dlscuaSM tha question , "Is tlif Scnatn Unfairly Constituted ? " Prof , J , H. Moors presents thi * second pm of a series of papsr on "ICnsmith tlio Revolutlonltt , " and Pharle * M. 1'latt dlacusse * the relations of "State , Sovereignty Government , " A record of po litical events Is contributed by Pro' . Wllllim A. Dunning. Glim & Co. , 7 , 9 and 13 Tretnont Place. Design.