Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JU JB 33 , 1805.
New York Department Store Now Ready
for Patronage of the People.
Men , Women nnil Children Attend the
formal Iiiniicurntlon nfn Xew Oinnlia
Untorprlin The More Will be
Mnnnccd l > r J" Uoldcrubcr.
t .
' Thermometers had no terrors lor the bar
gain hunting people of Omaha yesterday
when the doors of the New York department
ftoro swung open for the first time , and an
other mercantile enterprise was born.
The New York department store Is located
ot Fifteenth and Dodge streets , the old Hell
building In a new "suit of clothes , " Including
a coat of paint , and otherwise Improved In
exterior and Interior appearance. Kor five
weeks the carpenters and painters have been
busily engaged In Improving the building for
the occupancy of a firm which makes lt bow
to the people of Omalu and respectfully asks
for a share of the patronage.
The announcement of the opening had pre
viously been made and the public anticipated
it mercantile display fully deserving of a
large attending. In this respect there was
no disappointment The shopping fraternity
of Omaha believed that In business circle !
there was , like a crowded street car , "always
room for one more" Thousands of people
pasocd through the portals of the new estab
lishment yesterday , especially during the
afternoon and evening Attractive displays
In the large show windows were but an lndo >
to an extensive exhibit within the store. He-
hind the counters were handsome younf
women and courteous young men , an Intelllg
gent and urbane start of employe" , number'
Ing 150. Four cashiers were kept busy catch
Ing golden eagles and the wide-winged bin
on silver dollars , while customers carrlei
away their purchases with that look of su
preme sails-faction and Infinite delight wlilcl
conic1" to n man or woman when they reall7i
that they have a bargiln within their grasp
An orchestra discoursed music during tin
.continued grand march of patrons , ana then
were a number of palms and flowers hero am
there to break the monotony of an exhaustlvi
exhibit of merchandise.
In the basement , which Is not fully flttei
up an yet , there will be crockery , groceries
rjueenpwnre and meats
The first Moor contains a complete stock o
dress goods , silks , shoes , hosiery , linens
'notions.1 , gloves , gents' furnishing goods am
On the second floor Is a paradise of carpets
upholstery , curtains , millinery and cloaks
The third fl-or will soon be opened to trad
with boys' and children's clothing and. a stool
of music and musical merchandise.
From cellar to roof , the New York stor
will thus bo equipped with everything In us
In the mansions of the rich and the cottage
of the poor , everjthing worn by nun an
Woman , while the new motto of the ne\
firm Is "One Price , Largo Sales and Smal
Profits. "
The store will be managed by Joseph Gold
graber , who has been a merchant of-Fremon
for eight years and Is associated with Singe
Ilros. of New York In the ownership o
the magnificent new emporium.
A leise has been signed for five years an
the management believes that business vvl !
soon justify an Incrcise In departments an
further enlarged facilities for handling In
Last evening each caller received a bouque
and thuy amid the fragrance of flowers an
inspiring melodies the New York store wa
Inaugurated as an Omaha enterprise , worth
of membership In the sisterhood of successfi
business houses , which 1me braved the m
tlonal depression and stand today as towerln
testimonials of Omaha's prosperity.
Water Hents line ittily T.
Payable at office. Bco building. 5 per cei
discount if paid before July 1. Failure to n
celvo bill will not entitle any ono to dlscoui
after July 1.
Sam'l Durns has a few refrigerators lethe
ho wants to close out at 30 per cent ill
count from factory prices.
Iln I Itntrn to ( Imttiinoncn , Tcnn.
via the nurllngton Koute , June 25 and 20.
Full Information nbuut rcutes , rates ar
tniln Ecrvlco at the city ticket office , 13 :
Farnain St.
Impoiftlliln ( n I.lvn In DiM Country
Without hearing about the Northwester
lino's evening "Chicago Limited , " for peep
WILL talk about Its conveniences , tastefu
ness and comprehensive up-to-datcncs
Omaha , E 45 p. m ; Chicago , 8 1C a. m. Ve
tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la can
dinners , Pllutsch gas , EVERYTHING. K
extra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11 05 a r
and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checki
at hunio ?
City ticket ofllce , 1-101 Farnain street.
Six I'or 1 ivo Doll ir * .
The manager of the bath and complexli
parlors at The Dee building has secured tl
Cervices of a trained masseuse for ono inont
who , by years of cxpcrlenco and caret
study , can by facial massage and mcdlcat
vapors , creams and balms , make the old
look young and the young yet more youthl
all from the remedies nature hcrs <
teaches. Special attention to hair drcssln
Intelligent Trn'iiTH ' Iintrnct Tlioin I
Movements ( lint Are Nutunil In Ill-ill.
A celebrated trainer says"Animals a
never forced to execute , nt the command ni
will of the Intelligent trainer , any mov
m cuts which are not natural to them In
free fctate. " Monkeys love to swing In V
tropical creepers , therefore they nro poc ! <
on a trnpcio , goats seek pointed rocks , hen
they are natural cqulllbrslts ; dogs instln
tlvcly i Iso on their hind legs , so they a
thought to maintain themselves in that pos
tlou. A trainer is guided by tlie forces
fear , devotion , hunger and habit Wati
for these points when you see the Great Wa
leco Shows.
A 1'mv ildviintiiip4
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee- &
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago.
clean train made up and started fro
Omaha. Ilaggago checked from residence
destination. Hlegant train service ai
courteous employes Entire train lighted 1
electricity and heated by steam , with electr
light In every berth. Finest dining c ,
service In the west , with meals served '
la carte. " The Flyer leaves at C p. t
dally from Union depot.
City ticket Office , 1501 Farnam street , i
8. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Lour Hilci to Had Oi k , lot * t ,
Via the Uurllngton route , June 25 to 29 , a
count race meeting at Pactolus park.
Allx , llobert J , Ulrectum , Hal Pointer 01
til the other famous pacers and trotters
the country are entered.
The Darlington's 9 50 a. m , train fro
Omaha arrives at Hcd Oak at noon and
tpeolal train for Council muffs will leave Hi
Oak at 7 p. ni. . Juno 25 to 29 , enabling 01
to spend practically the whole day at II :
Oak and to reacb homo the aame evening.
Tickets and full Information at 1324 Fa
ram street.
The Windsor hotel , 3 blocks from unit
depot. $1 50 per day. A. R. IIool , prop.
Our "Dargaln floor" Is where a flrst-cla
Vehicle can bo bought at a third-class prlc
I 1GOS-10-12 Harney street.
Ilargalns In Uit year's styles and slight
shop worn vehicles of our celebrated mak
See them at our repository , 1GOS-KM2 , Ha
* bummer Tour * .
Yea can get more tot your money In tl
iuro return of health and enjoyment at BEet
ot the many resorts on the Union Pacific sy
\en\ than anywhere elio on this contlnen
B e your nearest Union Pacific agent. Bun
mer tour ticket * on la to Sept. 30.
, ' Olty Ttcfcsl Aijept , 1392 Firotm St.
Besides the Grand Bargains { n Onr Half
Price Sale We Offer
$100 SILKS 29C , 50C SILKS 12 1-2C
700 All-Wuol Imported Clmlllcn 2Bc ,
lllcached Mtullns 2 l-2c , 1'rlncem Uresi
Duck 3 l-2c , Mlnck and Colored Snttcn
Gc , Turucjr Itcd Diimnik lOc.
Yard wide China silks , black and navy blue
rounds , with lloral designs , changeable tat-
etas , In all Imaginable colors and designs ,
lain black China silks , black and colored
hlna sllk.3 with woven designs. These ellks
re positively worth up to ? 1 a yard ; they gen
n bargain square at 29c.
Wash silks In stripes and checks , benga-
ncs and printed Chinas , all worth up to GOc
yard ; po at 12MiC.
75o Imported , all wool challles , light and
ark ground ? , In ttrlpes and floral design * ,
iorth 7Gc a yard , go In our dross goods do-
arttncnt at 2iic. . , .
Dollar quality of extra line black brll-
antlne , the most stylish dress eklrt material
hero Is. go at GOc a yard
10-Inch , all wool novelties In whipcords ,
enrlettas and cashmeres , in all the newest
hades ; real value 49c a yard , go In our dress
oods department nt 25c
G4-lnch nngllsh waterproof storm serges In
avy blue , also silk and wool Imported novcl-
les anil silk glorias , all worth up to $1 GO a
Small checked ginghams In hem-stitched
fleet , organdy lawns In stripes , checks and
loral designs , light and dark grounds ; great
ssortmcnt of pllsses , all worth 2Go yard , for
Monday lOc _
Yard wide good bleached muslins , worth
. ' % c a yard , go at 2'-ic. One case only. It
von't last long
Navy blue and tan colored princess duck ,
Vfcc a yard.
Plain and colored Henrietta sateens , Gc n
yard , worth 15c.
White , lace striped apron lawns , 19c qual-
ty , go at G'XsC
lOc quality of unbleached all linen towllng ,
Gc n yard.
G.OOO dozen turkey red fringed napkins , Gc
a dozen.
Turkey red table damask , 2Gc kind , lOc a
Pure all linen buck towels , 7c kind , go at
2'X.c each.
Ready made pillow slips , worth IGc , go
at Gc.
The best grade marble table oil cloth ,
worth 20o n yard , go nt 7c.
Best grade thirling prints , 2'4c a yard.
N. W. corner IGth and Douglas.
t InittiiiionKit null Kotimi.
The Missouri Pacific railway will sell round
trip tickets to Chattanooga at ono fare or
Juno 23 and 26. Kor tickets and full In
formation call or address company's office ,
N E. corner Thirteenth and Tarnam , or depot -
pot , Fifteenth and Webster s ree's.
A. G. 1 < \ & P. A. P. & T. A. IXCIHISION SOUTH
\lit tliutihi4h Kiillrnnil ,
On Juno 25th and 2Gth the Wabash vvll
sell tickets to Chattanooga and return at on <
faro. This Is the shortest and qulckes' '
route For tickets and full Information cal
at Wabash olllcc , 1415 Farnam street , 01
wrlto G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agt , Omaha. Net ) .
Sam'l Burns has another Invoice of thosi
$10 hand painted dinner sets.
N. I' . , \ . lit hcnter July fitli In 12th ,
The quickest time and best train service 1 :
offered by the Union Pacific system. Lov
rates and liberal arrangements for a charm
Ing variety of excursions to western resorts
comprising a tour through the famou ,
Yellowstone National park , trips to Sai
Francisco , Portland and Salt Lake City ; thi
famous mountain retreats of Colorado , thi
Black Hills and renowned Hot Spr.ngs , Soutl
Dakota , the summer school at Colorad
Springs , and other attractions See you
neareit Union Pacific agent or address
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam St.
I. idlnt TurKlxli Hill In.
Also medicated , sulphur , mercurial baths
oil rubs , hot milk , perfumed baths ; manl
euro , chlropoJIst , pedal euro. Wo are pre
pared to do all wo agree.
Ladles , have your too nails made to lee !
Iko diamonds.
Ono free treatment with every bath.
Special attention to hair dressing.
109 Boo Building.
City loans. Powell & Potter , N. Y. Life.
Cnllffiriiiu or Trxi .
For lowest rates on tickets and best ac
commodatlons call on or address E. 1
Palmer , P. A. Santa Fe Route , Room 1 , Firs
National Bank , Omaha.
Hamilton Warren , M D. , magnetic eloctl
physician ; health restored and again read
for business. 119 N , IGth St. , room 2.
Tin : itit ) OAK. KICK * .
Special Train Vln the Iliirllngton Itoui
Tnmduy , Jumi 2.1.
Leaves South Omaha 9am , Omaha 9 1
a. m. Reaches Red Oak In time for dlnnei
Tickets only $200
The Red Oak meeting promises to bo th
most exciting of the year ; $20,000 00 In prizes
All the famous trotters and pacers ot th
country will appear
Get tickets from W B Cheek , agent Bui
llngton Route , South Omaha ; at the Burling
ton city ofllce , 13.M Farnam street , or at th
Omaha and South Omaha depots.
T lt.tirtt\t I T , I.VS7J < .S.
OMAHA , June 21 To the Editor of Th
Bee : The now system of transfers on th
street railway line Is snld to bo glvln
greater satisfaction to patrons thun the ol
system Bee , Juno 21 , 1SS5.
What new system Is referred to , an
wherein docs It differ from the old system
is a query to all patrons of the Sherma :
avenua line.
The patrons of this line cannot get neare
to the city hall and court house than flv
blocks , and four blocks from largo offlc
buildings of The Bee and New York Llfe an
the same dUtanco from Boyd's theater with
out paying two fares , notwithstanding th
fact that the Omaha Street Railway compan ;
has lines passing the doors of every buildln
The northeast part of the city Is entire !
shut oft from transfers to any other part o
the city. They cannot transfer to Hanscoi
park , West Farnam street or Walnut Hill
Other lines have these privileges and we d
not know why the patrons of this line elioul
bo discriminated against.
Urgent requests have been frequently mad
to the Street Railway company and the enl
councilman we have from the Fifth war
has been repeatedly urged from time to tlm
to bring the matter before the council , vvhlc
has full power , but all without avail.
The aid of The Bee will have to be Invoke *
to assist In getting us a service equal to tba
given residents of other parts ot the city.
O ill cor I'lej'oimn's ' Poor Marksman hip.
Nelse Allen has been arrested time am
again for petty offenses , but has alway
managed to wriggle out of anything tha
threatened serious results. For some tlm
the merchants ot the city have beet
annoyed and subjected to no Inconslderabl
loss by the frequent Inroads of som title
upon their delivery wagons. The method
adopted were to watch for a wagon belni
loaded with goods to be delivered , and li
th6 temporary absence of the driver , svvbe ]
down and carry oft what packages wer
moit available. Yeeter y Officer Rle
glern"an discoveredAlT _ n In the act of "steal
Ing" a bundle trSm tne w > THfl ) tronl "D
Dennett's , and although prb jprln taction \
the pilferer gave him th ' 'hot foot'r am
got away. The officer fired a oouplel
shots at the fleeing senetamblan , with ni
other effect , however , thin accelerating hli
A Ohnnce for Old Fellows , Little Follows
Ladles and Children.
Though the Sun llns Nothing to Do with
the tntc , nt the Same Tlmo It
llns All to Do
with It.
"How under the sun am I going to get
tanned If I don't go out In the sun , or If
I carry a sunshade when I do ? "
Easiest thing In the world , but of course
It will cost you a llttlo something all good
things do but what of that.
In the first place , to get artistically tanned ,
from a light creamy shade to a bright rod ,
you'll have to go to the trouble of coming
down town Tuesday morning not till Tues
day and be with the crowd that's sure to
bo at 1419 Farnam rtreot , where the IJrcxel
Shoe company Is going to almost give away
tan shoes They have to charge you a little
something but not much. If they don't tan
a thousand men , women and children before
night Tuesday it'll bo becau'c there I n't that
many dollars In town , for , be It understood at
the first , this sale Is for cash. You can't
expect pecplo to slash prices as they will
unless they arc pild for It at once.
Of course , there's method In this seeming
madness Heretofore It has always been the
rule to cut the prlco of tan shoes along In
he latter part of July , because then the saa-
ion Is marly over , and as a general thing
iou don't want a pair of tan shoes then
You probably don't want a pair right new real
bad , because you think It may bo a little
early , but after you've heard your neighbors
alk about how they got tanned at Drexel's
on Tuesday , you'll bo set to get a pair your
self. Of course , you'll wait till Wednesday
and not exactly get left , but you won't have
near as good a lot of shoes to pick from as
ou would If you come Tuesday , for , as sure
as ycu live , there'll be over a thousand pairs
ot tan shoes sold on Tuesday , If they have
o hire every shoo salesman In town The
Drcxel Shoo company's advertisement Is on
page 13 of this Issue , b Ucr look It ever.
You Cnn Do So liy I'urclmalnK n Copy nf
"MorHii'H Illctloniiry of I lilcuijo "
This handsome little book Is the recognlzet
and only standard "Guide" of Chicago an.
the most complete work of the kind over
published. It Is alphabetically arranged am
contains everything of Interest pertaining to
Chicago , Including a eplcndld "Map" of Chl-
< Mgo , also handsome Illustrations ot all the
World's Fair Buildings
Persons contemplating a visit to the west
ern metropolis should avail themselves o
this opportunity to secure a copy of this
valuable work.
For sale by George E Moran , publisher
suite 212 Herald Building , Chicago , 111 , anJ
by prominent newsdealers. Price , 25c per
copy. Morocco-bound copies In "gilt , " $2 00
Persons ordering copies will please reml
by postal note or In postage stamps.
Krply to i oln'H I tniitichil school.
The hit of the year is "Coin at School In
Finance" The following letters , one fron
the editor of ono of the leading democratic
papers ot the country , the other from a re
publican United States senator , prove Its non
partisan cMarcter , and also Us high merits'
Louisville Courier-Journal , Editorial Ds
partment , Louisville , Ky. , May 1G , 1895 W
II Conkey Co , Chicago. Ill , Dear SirsTh
llttlo volume published by you , "Coin a
School In Finance , " bcems to me to bo s
valuable to the cause of sound money Olat
would like to arrange with you for the publl
cation of as much of It as you arc willing t
have reprinted. Please favor mo with a
earlv response. Very truly , A. Y. Fort
managing editor.
I have read "Coin at School In Finance1
through twice with great Interest. It Is n
contribution to the education of the peop'e
who are Inquiring Into this question Uiat is o
great value. It has clearly shown the falla
clca of Mr Harvey , set up In his book , whlcl
he has put In such shape as to make aitractlv
to the casual reader. John II. Gear , Unite
States senator from Iowa.
The book IS sold on trains and by news
deilers , or forwarded by publisher , at 2
cents. _
I'crionilly Conducted tsiunmrr VnciUlOi
Fit u r * .
A personally conducted excursion the firs
of a series of three arranged by the Burling
ton route will leave Lincoln at G 10 p. m
Thursday , June 27 , for a nineteen days' tou
of the west.
Denver , Colorado Springs , Manltou , th
Garden of the Gods , Pikes Peak , Marsha
Pass , Glenwood Springs , Salt Lake City , Og
den. Butte , Helena , the Yellowstone park an
Hot Springs , S D , are Included In the itln
The cost of the trip has been fixed a
$190 and covers every expense of travel-
railroad , sleeping car and stage fares , hotel
carrlag ? rides , meals , etc.
Full Information at the city ticket office
1324 Farnam street
Determined to Get Kid at Fathers 1'ltz
RorHld Riid Murphy.
The dispatch published In The Bee of las
Wednesday announcing the revocation b
Mgr , Satollt of the order of Bishop Bonacun
dispensing with the service of Father Fltz
gerahl of South Auburn and Father Murph
of Tecumseh Is confirmed by the b'shop.
In a letter to these clergymen , dated Jun
15 , Bishop Uonacum recalls -the order , hi
supplements the order with another , Invalldat
Ing their priestly faculties at noon , July in
unless they comply with certain conditions o
a financial nature. Should they refuse com
pllance with the conditions Imposed the blsho
says that. In addition to the above pcnalt ;
"I shall take the proper steps to remove yo
from your mission , and with the consent o
the sacred congregation of the propaganda-
to dispense with you services In this diocese
Bishop Bonacum charges Fathers Murph
and Fitzgerald with Insubordination , malice
neglect In making contributions to dlocesea
funds and with "living In open defiance o
my authority. " The priests have replied I
the letter by demanding a retraction vvlthl
five days , otherwise they will Institute actlo
against the bl hp In the pipal court In Wash
Ington. The five days expired yesterda ;
Thus the matter rests
An Important point In the letter of th
bishop Is the reference to the sacred congro
gallon of the propaganda , which indicates hi
purpose ot Ignoring the apostolic court.
1'f.UOKl ) ILLV A TOlt V ,
ArchuUhop Corrlgnn 8iy t'nthollo Vount
Women Muy Itlde Illorclnt. -
NEW YORK , June 22 The story tha
Archbishop Corrlgan would promulgate ar
edict next Sunday forbidding Catholic youn
women to ride a bicycle has been published i
a Brooklyn newspaper and credited to a we
"known buslnes man , prominent In Catholl
church clrclei , " A reporter found. Arch
bishop Corrlgan Just as ho returned from SI
Joseph's Institute for the Deaf and Dumb a
Fordham , where he had confirmed forty-nln
of the Inmates. His eyes twinkled merrll
when the reporter asked him about th
bicycle story.
"Nonsense , " he said. "Tho story Is ab
surd. Nothing of the kind , I assure you
There Is a little common sense left In th
world yet. " And the archbishop went upstair
"Well , that Is comical , " raid Father Connolly
nelly , his secretary , who had remained be
hind , "That U not the way the church
deals with puch questions or any other ques
tlon. Bicycle riding for women U a very
recent thing and the church like the govern
ment does not rush ahead In such matters
It Is very conservative. The story of hi
grace luulng an tdlct against women olcfc
cling li simply absurd. " ,
lUnlh of a lUilroad Blun'i
MILWAUKEE , June 22. Mrs. W. P
Myers , wife of the secretary of the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul road , died last nigh
liter an Illness ot two weeki.
wi.'itn itiaicr IN ir.
ohnion & Ooodlett , C002 nml 2001 I.nko
Our new venture purring a success. The
i'orth Side Big Cash Rracery and Meat Mar-
cet and Department ) Store. The best and
heapcst place In the' ' city to trade.
Largo muscatel raisins , Cc per pound.
Strictly fresh country eggs , He.
Very finest countryIbntter , IBc.
Good butter lOc ana OS'/jC.
Cooking butter , 8c.
Creamery butter , 19cu
20 pounds granulated > ugar , $1.
Sweet corn , Oc per.cno.
Clothes pins , Ic per dnz.
Soda crackers , Oc pot ( pound.
Cream toast crackers , lie per pound.
Oat meal , 7'/4e per package.
Mustard sardines , Sc per can.
Oil sardines , 4o per can.
3-pound can California peaches , plums ,
apricots , green gages nnd grapes , 12&a per
Best cracked Java coffee , 17c.
Arbucklcs coffee , 22c.
Gunpowder tea , 25c per pound.
Japan tea , 2Gc per pound.
Wheatel , lOc per package.
Mocha and Java coffee , 33c.
Dolling beef , 4c to "c.
Salt pork , Sc
Round steak , lOc.
Pork sttak , 8c.
No 1 sugar cured bacon , lie per pound ,
4-quart coffee pots , lOc.
10-quart dish pans , lOc.
17-quart retlnned dish pans , 23c ,
Wash basins , Cc.
Egg beaters , 3c
Glass oil cans , 2r c.
Market baskets , 3c
Hardwood tooth picks , " 'XjC per package.
Wafch boards , lOc.
Fire crackers , Zftc per package.
Satisfaction guaranteed In everything or
noney refundedJOHNSON
Tel. 1575.
Filed In County Court with 1'otitlon for Ite-
npciilni ; Mit'lur KfttHtu Cuno.
The long lost will of Maria Mailer has
jcen discovered , and Leopold Guggenbuhler
of Germany , nephew of the deceased woman ,
lias filed a petition In probitc court , asking
the judge to revoke the decree which estab
lished another and prior document as the
will of his aunt * and allow film to come Into
court and have the more recent will offered
for probate
The lately discovered will of Mrs Mader
places on entirely d ITerent complexion on the
affairs ot her cttatc. It cuts out Mrs
Rosa Schmltlt without n cent , but remem
bers the two children of Edmund Peycke of
Omaha and various Omaha friends , the bal
ance , after being thus distributed , going to
make gl id the heart of Ella Stung , as
residuary legatee. But what Is of the great
est moment , the newly discovered will sets
nt rest the hitherto undecided question ,
which has provoked already much lltlgaton
In probate court , concerning the monument
which Is to adorn the grave of Mrs Madcr
The will provides for the erection of a suita
ble monument over Mrs. Mador's grave , Jusl
as her friends have flow the start contended
was her wish upon the subject The will
further provides that aiEiim be used to keer
the burial lot of herself and husband "fresli
ind green. "
Ono of Mrs Mailer's wills was executed
in 1888 , while the ibonds of frlendsh p were
strong between ihcruelf and Mrs Rosa
Schmidt This will was offered for probate
und as an unsuccessful-effort was made lasl
January to find a later document. It was
admitted Mrs Schmidt received all tin
money of the estate , the amount being $3,000
The matter having thus been adjusted U
suit Mrs Schmidt's desires , It was proposei
that a large monument be erected over tin
grave of Mrs. Tilader , . sumo of Mrs. Schmldt'i
bequest being used for this purpose. Till : hotly contested
W 0 Gilbert , the administrator , has beer
hunting evidence since last January , am
now announces to the court tjmt not only hat
the real lost will of Mrs Kinder been dls
covered , but he has also-found tlifl witnesses
F J. Peddle and S. J. Corn , the latter hnvinf
been located In an out-of-the-way vlllagi
ot Montana. A showing has accordingly beer
filed , asking Judge Baxter to reopen tin
" .hole case from the start.
riauijY or J.\AI 111:1 r AII.D IN coimi
\ \ lfonn Too Slow In StnrtltiR Her Dum-
iigo Suit.
George Jay's wife has played haroc wltl
the affairs of the estate , and completely
spoiled the hopes which the Jays have ci\- \
tertalned for several years past of securlnf
a $5,000 judgment against the Missouri Pa-
clfic railway for having caused the deatl
of Jay in 1891 , while he was crossing the
railroad tracks near East Omaha In an Ice
A woman , calling herself Mrs. Jay , In 1891
applied to the probate court for lottcrs o
administration. Two years passed and noth
Ing was done Then Ralph Gaylord appllec
for , and took hold ot the case , the famllj
ot Jay backing him up In this move. /
$5,000 damage suit was started , but Gaylori
left for parts unknown This necessltatei
the appointment of another administrator ii
order that the case might not lapse , and C
S Elgutter was named. The Missouri Paclfli
company at once attacked the legality of tin
original application for aifmln'stratlon madi
by the woman In the cas3 , contending tha
If she was a fraud there really was no ad
mlnlstrator for the estate , and the damagi
suit was not brought within the period o
one ycnr , and so had lapsed The court sus
talned the position of the railroad company
onvntcd of Forcery , Ho In femitcnced ti
llm Penltcntlxrr.
"I was convicted on perjured evidence am
am to be separated from my home am
family on this account. " Edward Morearty
lawyer and ex-councilman , told Judge Blal
this when called before the court to recelvi
his sentence for forgery.
Once before Morearty was convicted , bu
the verdict was set abide. Judge Blair re
fused to do so n second time and gavi
Morearty one year In the penitentiary and i
fine of $100. "I will appeal to the supremi
court , " said Morearty as he took hi :
seat , much chagrined.
The crime of which Morearty was con
vlctcd was that of having forged a con
stable's name nnd so procured a trunk whlcl
was held at the time. In the custody of tin
law Hi * forgery -was not denied , bu
Morearty sought to escape the effect of lil
act by pleading that ho did It to protect <
hrntonco Diy kn Criminal Court.
The criminal section of the district cour
put In time yestenliy distributing prizes
to criminals in t lie * shape of sentences foi
crimes committed. Kd&Mason a few month !
ago sought the affections of Hattle Greer
and was shot kat by ahe woman. She wai
sentenced to ono year. John D. ElAs , foi
running away with ia Knights Templai
outfit , got five years "C C. Gibson recelvei
three years for hlsfcway robbery. J. W
Hayes , two years fbr stealing a bicycle
Mlko Stokes and Ittdtiard Rice were giver
thirty days each. Qua Berg and Join
Barton , for petit larocpy , secured ten dayi
each , and Ed Tuttlemas given three monthi
and $100 fine for breaking Dr Clark's leg.
Ilolra Try I nc tciO t the Iliulmiid.
Heirs ot the estate oC Mary Faust are try
Ing to oust the huubiiad , John Faust , fron
acting as administrator. Henry Sprleck hai
filed a petition with 'Judge ' Baxter , In whlcf
ho recites that John Faust has an excessive
appetite for mixed drinks , on which accounl
he Is most of the time In a condition suet
as would unable him to attend to the es
tate's affairs.
Minor Court .Mutters.
Rose B. Howe has tough t a divorce In dis
trict court from Charles H. Howe.
Sheriff Drexel has returned from the Inter
state meetings of sheriffs at Spirit Lake , la
He was elected a vice president.
Judge * Blalr refused to disturb the findings
Ot ) jury by which Ml&s Anna Gelger won c
judgment for $3,000 s gainst Edward
Schmelser , a local -editor who won her hear !
in Vienna , A.ustrla. He refused to granl
flnojlef trial.
The South Omaha commission men won the
Holt county cattle case In Judge Keysor'e
court. The jury found that O'Nell , the
partner who mortgaged the stock , had permission -
mission to tell , so the Interesting legal ques.
tlon Involved for a time can not be settled
by tali suit.
tilllon nnil lilt Spiral Tower with the
Itiiynl MoorUh Arnbi.
Thls < nfternoon at 4 o'clock the big attrac-
lens at Courtland beach open for the first
Imc. They arc , without doubt , the two
greatest drawing cards ) that Manager Arthur
could possibly have obtained , and such a
variety of gladiators has never before ap-
learcd at ono performance.
These two mammoth aggregations consist
of Achlllo 1'hlllon , the only real equilibrist
he world has ever known , and the Bcnl Zoug
Zoug Arabs , the royal Moorish troupe of
Arabs under the personal management of Slo
Hassan Ben All , who controls and manages
every Arabian athlete and acrobat In this
country. The Slo has consolidated In this
Courtland beach group the best athletes from
! our distinct troupes and today these Arab"
; lve a performance that was never equaled ,
even In Buffalo Bill's Wild West , of which
: heso Arabian Jugglers , tumblers and acrobats
bats were one ot the principal features
Million's performance consists ot standing
erect upon a hollow wooden globe only twen
ty-eight Inches in diameter , which ho rolls
up a runway that Is perfectly flat , not be-lng
concaved In the leas t , to the top of the tower
This runway Is only eighteen Inches wide
and circles around the tower from Inse to
dome. On arriving at the top of the tower
Phlllon continues across an Imitation cable
stretched a distance of seventy feet and over
forty feet above the ground Ho then re-
crosses his cable , and at the night perform
ance will dcpcend the tower enveloped In a
brilliancy ot pyrotechnics , which for the
time being Is ono of the grandest sights ever
vvltnoo&cd. It Is almost Impossible to thor
oughly describe this great performance , as
Phlllon works his glebe In every conceivable
way , forward , backward , sideways , turning
and pirouetting , constantly propelling the
globe with his feet Admission to the grounds
as usual , 10 cents , amphitheater , 15 cents.
Niitc ( hiincii In Tlm" .
Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific for Lincoln ,
Falrbury and points south and west leaves
Omaha at G 30 p m dally , except Sunday.
ilildgo Kcynor Hold * AKifnit NcnrnpitporH
Hint i\lt for n Dny.
Judge Keysor rendered a decision yesterday-
morning concerning a newspaper which was
once published In this city and called the
Nebnska Democrat.
Henry M. James had been trying to fore
close a claim of $753 , secured by mortgage
The notice of rale was published last spring
In the Democrat as a paper of general clr- .
dilation. The judge holds that this piper
Is a fake. It ran fur a few months to get a
few advertisement * It claimed to have a
circulation of 300 , part of this being dls-
trlbuted over several states , but if this Is the
case , the circulation then must have been
exceedingly small. The judge further held
that the question of circulation was a matter
resting In thecourt's discretion for deter
mination , and he would not hold a paper
to have a general circulation If It was not
designed to circulate among all classes He
Intimated that a weekly paper In a city
where everybody read the dally papers would
not answer the purpose If the publication Is
of a special character The parties must
readvertise in this case.
tunvlctcd Criminal * bontuncod In the
Unltrd st UPH Court.
Yesterday afternoon Judge Dundy of the
United States court sentenced the prisoners
convicted at the present term ot court.
Charles Shepherd and Gilbert Wallenz ,
counterfeiting , ono year each in
the penitentiary at Sioux Falls , S.
D ; Walter Ogen , sending an obscene
letter through the malls , twenty days In the
county jail , 0 car Gibbon selling unstamped
cigars , $100 fine and six months In the county
jail ; J. H. Crawford , sending an obscene let
ter , six months In the county Jail.
buys IIIK .I.ilin Dttl It.
Big John Holmes was arrested yester
day on suspicion of being the party who
robbed Gardener Williams In McGu nibs
saloon yesterday. Williams claims that he
was In a game of cards , and while thus en
gaged had $200 "lifted" from his upper vest
pocket. He charges Big John with doing
the elevating.
Miminor 'lourUt Tickets T ) t tlm "i\ i' n
Are now on sale ; for folders giving routes
rates , etc. , call at Wabash office , 1415 Far
nam street.
COOK'S gn.oo snois. :
Ahunlntely ttlTen Avrny.
1'rrn I or Nothing ,
Ono lot of small-sized shoes and slippers ,
which Cook sold for $3.00 , $400 and $500 a
wlr , will bo given away , free of charge ,
to ladles ( not children ) who can wear them.
All the rest ot Cook & Son's bankrupt
Dmalia stock of fine shoes go at
Nearly half price , or less than half price.
Cook's men's fine shoes , halt price.
Cook's ladles' fine shoes , half price.
Cook's misses' shoes , halt price.
Cook's chllds' flioe < , half price.
No store In the world gives you such bar-
Kilns in shoes ns wo do
Where everybody buys shoes now.
N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas.
Augusta Johnson' * Dreuin of Wedded IHlsn
11 ill n Undo Avv ikrnlni ; .
Mlsa Augusta Johnson's feelings have been
trifled with MK ? Johnson until recently
was employed at the Reed hotel at Valley ,
this county , in the dual capacity of dining
loom girl and cashier , and among the stcaJy
boarders at the hcuso whcro Miss Johnson
presided , was Prof. G. W. Dale , principal of
the Valley schools , who divided his time be
tween teaching the Valley urchins reading ,
writing and arithmetic and making love to
Gu'ta. The professor Is ncarlng the fortieth
mlle stone on his Journey through this vale
of tears , but that cut no Ice with Gustn. She
was ready to quit working out long ago , nnd
when the nnn of letters suggested that they
wed and undertake the laudable task of raid
ing a family , she acqulc ed very willingly
A few weeks prior to the close of licC be-
trotlicd's school , she resigned her position at
the hotel and commenced work on her wed
ding trousseau. The last day of school finally
arrived , and as the wedding day was pot to
follow that event , Just as soon as the pro
fessor could go to Omaha and have a suit
of wedding clothes built , the bride expectant ,
wa rapturous
Pending the completion of the professor's
wedding clothes the two candllatcs fcr mat 1
monlal honors did a lot of billing and cooing
and a certain talloilng establishment in this
city , for not getting the clothes out on time
vva roundly scored by Dile Finally he con-
cluled to conic to the city to stay until the
clothes were llnlrshcd , and then return to
the scene of hlo conquest and do the proper
thing A whole week has elapsed and Oueta
Is patiently waiting and watching for her
lover's return , but ho comes not And it
Is not likely that ho will appear at Valley
again coon , for a prominent business mm or
that town met him here on the s re t one clay
last week and the school teacher announce 1
his Intention of going to Denver , where h"
would attend an educational convention , and
then , after con-ortlng with the birch wlel e r
thcro assembled , ho thought he wouU go to
Miss Johnson Is almost distracted over the
turn affairs Invo taken , for she fully realize *
that her fair name Is stigmatized by a de
s'gnlng ' man's rcrfldy.
A Qupntlon Hep ,
OMAHA , Juno 20 To the Editor of The
Bee Plea'o answer the following questions
1. Who arc the members of the president's
cabinet ?
2 How many members In the United States
hou e of representatives ?
3 Hoimny republicans sent from Ne
hraska to United States congress ? Who an
they 1
4 How many state representatives sent to
Lincoln ?
G. Who arc the state officers7
1. The president , recretary of state , secre
tary of the treasury , secretary of war , secre
tary of tha navy , postnnster general , secre
tary of the Interior , attorney general and
secretary of agriculture
2 Three hundred and fifty six.
3 Six. George D Melhlejohn , Omer M
Kem. Eugene J. Halner , David II Mercer ,
Jessie B Strod" and Wllllim E Andrews.
4 One hundred representatives and thirty-
three state senators
5 Governor , lieutenant governor , state
treasurer , secretary of state , state auditor
attorney general , commissioner of public
lands and superintendent public Instruction
are the elective state officers.
ip\rorlh : I'fiiRiio ( linitiinoocH Convention
Special party for Chattanooga leaves via
the official line ( Chlejgo & Northwestern
Railway ) at 5 45 p m , June 25th Full In
formation at city olllce 1401 Farnam St.
One Week Only , Commencing J ne 24.
M. H. BLISS , 1410 Farnam.
How About the Glorious4th ?
There's but one headquarters on all goods per
taining to a proper celebration of this great
day. Everything to make the small boy happy
and the old folks young again
and a full assortment of general fireworks for
large or small celebrations. We will be pleased
to furnish estimates on displays of any mag
Wholesale or Retail.
The 1319
99-Cent Fnniam
Store. Street.
. . .
Successfully Pitted by W. J. 8BYMOUR.
ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , 1408 Farnam-st. .
Lhnnccft ContempUted by the lloitrtl ot
Kdnrntlnn Are Muilp.
The course of study In the Omaha publla
rchools for 1S95 was Issued yesterday. It com
prises a volume of 1GO pages , with a very
detailed plan of the prospective work In th
various grades , The most radical change la
the substitution ot the vertical By stem oC
pet manshlp for the old method. This has
l > ccn under contemplation by the Board. oC
Education for some time and will now * bo
used exclusively.
Another Innovation In the course Is the
addition of a considerable * amount of natural
science. Superintendent Marble Is a strand
advocate of this sort of Instruction and most
of the work la laid out according to his
suggestions. The work In arithmetic ls mad
a trifle easier , as It has been proven that III
exactions wcic somewhat too great In com
parison with the progress In oilier studies.
The High school course and that In iiinsla
nnd drawing Is the same us In previous ,
y cars.
Mudo Ills Kncupa.
A burglar attempted to enter the resi
dence of W. H. llrodrlck at 2212 Spencer
ftroct Trldny night at midnight. The occu-
pints had left the house during the early
pirt of the evening , nnd when they returned
they discovered n man In the kitchen They
locked the door and thought they had hint
in u trap The police were notllled. but when
the patrol wagon arrived no burglar could ba
found although the house was thoroughly
Hplrlt l.nkp , Spirit l.nt < i > , Spirit Lake.
Through sleeper via the Northwestern Line ,
commencing June 2S , leaves dally for Spirit
Lake at G 10 p m from Webster street depot.
The lake Is the BEIH , accommodations a llt
tlo bo'ter , fjre a little lower City ofllco , 140L
Tarnim sticet. Depot , IGth and Webster
streets J n I1UCHANAN. 0 1 > . A.
Cut Hits out
Wrap it .11 < nirid your ( Intror
Tie a jcllow strinjj around it
A vliito onu will tlo
It's to ioinind jou to take in
our f-alo this vieck of Kimball
pinni B the sweetest toned on
ctirtli , on the eablost kind of
tot ins.
Another piano for $05.
A. . HOSPE , Jr.
" Jewel' '
Gas Ranges
The nbove popular pattern four Imrnora
on top , two ovens ono for baking , the
other for ro istlnjr or broiling set up Irt
your house , conncLtcd complete , for
Jpvvel Gas Stoves use less fuel than anyr
other nnd meby far the finest looking1 , !
best mndc stoves on the inaiket. \
M styles and sizes from
75c to $40.00. /
Remember tlmt VVP arc nlso agents for
the celebrated JEWELL GASOLINM
STOVES , known to users ns "thoso sate
toves "
2407 burning St. Tol.
Catch & Laumaii
1514Farnam St.
und recommon led l/y h-adlng JftweU i"
ers J > J
I'rorturp * n better polish with lisi Jnbp *
and wear thun any other polish , M
V Natural I'ollbhContaining neither acJJI
nor nlkull '
Put up In 10o 25c and 50' p
I Be Poisoned
illy rtrlnkluif unniK rod water when ourl
JNow Mokcl i'Utcd Tlltem cnn bo had for )
uf , Mo fatally cm afford to bo with-
Joutone. The price of a doctors tUU
Ibuyaone. Abiolutoly germ proof.
] wm. Lyle Dickey < S Co. i
1403 DotiglQB Street ,