TITR mrATTA. "nATIYV TVTCTC ; .STTDAV. .TTTINTR n. ISOrt CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE lusiness Generally Shows Some Improve ment Daring the Week. HOPES FOR THE FUTURE CONTINUE BRIGHT Fnvontb'e Crop Hopnrtu nnd a LouionliiR Up of Monojr In the Territory Tribu tary to Thin Mnrkcl Ilnro u ruTorablo KfTcct Upon Trade. The Kcncral conilltlon of the jobbing trade of this city tlurlnu the pnst week has been fnlrly sntlBfnctory. Theto Is little variation from day to day ns the whole trend of business In this section of the country Is entirely dependent upon crop prospects. So Ions as the weather continues favorable and all danger of damage to the Browlne corn Is out of the Question , business will continue along the same lines aa at present. It can be said , however , that business In this Bectlon , as well ns In other parts of the country , was characterized last week by a continuance of the pradual expansion that has been Kolntr on for some little time. Thenapiwars to be an unmistakable In crease In the confidence that the present Improvement will last and will grow. With the opening of the year business men began reporting Improved feeling un til the mention of "better feeling" came to be considerable of a chestnut. During the past two weeks , however , there has been a change , and Instead of merely reporting1 a better feeling Jobbers are talking about an Increase In the volume of trade. The In crease has not been large , but the fact that there has been a gain in the movement of ntapln good oven , Is a subject for con gratulation. Merchants In the country nro lotnmenclng to have more contidpnco In the ability of their customers to pay their bills and are letting out more goods ; even In cases here the cash Is not Immediately forthcoming. At the same tlmo they are ready to buy more liberally and the Jobbers In the city are willing to carry them to a greater extent than was the case a month ago. In other words , credits are expanding and the volume of trade Is correspondingly larger. Country banks In some sections are commencing to let out money on tlnf grow ing crops and that fact Is producing an eas ier feeling among both farmers and .business As' an evidence of the gradual Improve ment In the conditions governing trade the fact may bo cited that prices on a good many different lines of merchandise are advancing. Some of the heaviest advances have taken place In the hardware market. For example , nails were selling a month ago at $1.20. and today If they were selling on the market , the price would be $2. This enormous advance IH partly to bo accounted for by the fact that when nails were sell ing at $1.0 ! ! they were really lower than the actual market situation would justify and hence an advance has been more easily brought about. In January stuel billets were Belling at Jll.SO and It was possible at that price lo make contracts covering four , or even six months In advance , showing that the manufacturers had no confidence that there would be nny Improvement In the market In the near future. Today the Iirlco quoted Is J18.75 , and It Is Impossible to place a contract extending beyond then current month. This Is an example of the sharp advances that have taken place In the Iron trade. In the meantime the rurfh continues In that branoh of trade nnd has been gaining headway during the last week at a rate which Is commencing to frighten the more conservative. Heports from the largo cities Indicate that the rail- loads have become livelier buyers of rails and that will have a tendency to still fur ther stimulate the advancing market. Glass has gone up with a great big boom , the advance amounting to GO per cent over the prices current at the opening of the year. It was only a few weeks ago that the Omaha Jobbers were selling glass In the country at prices that are now lower than what the same Jobbers would have to pay for stock in eastern murkutri. Ituslness at South Omaha Is very quiet , owing to the light supply of cattle In the country tributary to this market. There are ; however , ' a good many range cattle to come later In' the season , and as soon as they Commence moving1 It Is ex | > octed that business will show a rniitd recovery. Th . fact that HioroUB so little business doing at the present" tlmo In cattle Is the , main ouuse for Huch a large decrease In the bank clearings of Omaha. I'-A.K.MKIt'j ' ' TOO IJUsV TO IJUV UOUUS I'roiponts for a ( Jooil Crop ami a Iloitvy Full Trillin ilrlgltlur. The local , representative of the Snow , Church & Co. Mercantile agency views iho business situation In the following light : The general business situation has not licM quite so good ns that which prevailed ( luring the week ending June IB. There has been no Increase In any lines handled by the merchants of Omaha ; and , without exception , almost all of the wholesalers find fault with the sales that have been made. Hardware , overalls anil shirts are practi cally the only lines In which there has been any Improvement whatever. It might bo argued from this that the conditions which prevail are unsatisfactory. We would , however , not so regard It , ns we believe that the con dition now prevailing aa regards the lack of business Is duo to circumstances. which nro In themsulves favorable. We feel confident that the lack of Improvement In lines of business Is duo to the fact that farmers throughout the state are glvlng'tho closest possible attention to their crops nnd spending little tlmo In their respective towns. They are not patronizing the local dealers because they feel that their crops demand their entire and unremitting at tention. In fact , wo are satlslled that they are putting up with privations , rather than leave their farms. This , of course , will practically account entirely for the Black business. Wo d& not. therefore , re gard the temporary depressed condition of business by nny means as an unfavorable . We stated last week that In some portions tions of the state farmers would be driven to llntl quarters In which to store their grain. This Is not by nny means a rush tttntcmcnt. or a statement inado without duo knowledge , and wo have advices from very reliable sources that In several parta of the state farmers can store their small grain only with dllllculty , owing to the want of space nnd room. Dealers In all lines report collections as very poor and they express the opinion that there , will bo little If any Improvement un til about the middle of July. Wo believe that the poor condition of collodions Is due to the same fact that has made trndo poor ( luring the past week. Relating to crops there Is only one thing to be said , and that Is that the condition today Is such ns to convince the most skeptical that when harvested the crop will bo he largest that Nebraska has ever produced. This , not only ns respects corn , but In a general Way n respects ull other products of the soil. The farmer Is well Justified , therefore , In giving the very clos est attention that ho can to his crop , us It has been a decidedly scarce article with him for the past two years. Wo pec no reason , therefore , for feeling nt this time that the condition Is not In every respect favorable nnd we confidently believe , as etnted In our last letter , that the fall will show a complete revival. Nt. I. "ill * ( li'nnr.ll Murknt. HT. IXDtllS. Juno 22. FI/OUn Dull , nnd lower ; patents , J3.9SO4.10 ; extra fancy , J3.70it3.80 ; fancy , k.lOtn.44 ; choice , IJ.WU3.4U. Itye Hour , JJ.7W l.l . WHEAT The openlntr was weak , morn espe cially for July , which goon declined Jc , Keptem- IMM * KOlntr off Uc , but rallied nnd advanced f4lc. At the. clone them were buycrx lo fi > r July and ic for September liclow yesterday. No. 3 red , riwli. 72Hc ; July , C ? io bid ! September. 70o bid. ( 'OKN Quiet for future * , but Hie tone was tlrm. mtwIl.hDtnndlni : good crop prosm'Otx ; cloned nl th bottom , with July l"jo and rVntember Tic under yesterday , Ncx 2 mixed , ntui , 4lTIIUc ; July , 4S ? c bid ; September. 43Se nsked. OATH \Venk nnd 7 o lower on lirnvy liquida tion ; > | iot , dull , lower ; No. 3 cauli , ! jfcc aaked ; July , ilic oskfd . KeptomUr. 2IHc Mil. IIVIJ Scnrce ami tlrm ; No. 2 spot offerings , Do nald for No. 2 lo nrrlve , eu l track. ItAlU.nY-Noplnnl. KI < AX BEKI ) Nominal , ( IltAHH SUKDri-Nnmlnnl. I'oitN iii-Ai - J.2.ira.3o. 1IHAN Klrm ; Ka met Intel ; . HAV-Ilnri'ly twidy for tlmolliy.vnt JH.OW 1100 en t aide ; pralrli' . fairly active , JS.Wttll.W , this ride. Ilt'TTKIl rnchancc-d. IXJCIS Klrm ; 9 (8ic ! WHISKY II , JS. I.KAI - No * . ! ) ; JJ.07 askeJ. / SPKI.TKIl-J3.474. PltOVISIONS Pork , ulnn.lurd . meci. Jl.l ' ,4. T < anJ. prime atenm. Ji > .M ; cholcn. 16.324. llncon. lNr < t idiouldera. J6.W : Ionic. JO. 75 ; ribs. J6.87H ; hnrla. Jil.73. Iloxeil tlmllMere , 50.75 ; longs , I6.I3 ; rlhx , JO 374 ; ahorta , JS-WV , . UlCfKHTd-l'lour , : . ! ) W'K ; wheat , 4.000 bu. ; corn. 2.000 bu. : roitu , SI.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS- , 4,000 bbla. ; wheat , 5.000 bu. ; corn , 11,000 bu. ; oaU. 6.000 bu. llultlniore Grum .Market * . n.VLTlMOUK , June K. KLOt'H-Dull , un. chuiiKvdi rcctlpH. 6,033 bbla. ; ahlpmenta , 9.13 $ bbli. ; alrx , 371 bbla. WHUAT Quiet ; iipot und month. TIOHHcj July. 73O73Uoj Aucusl , 73'W7Jc ; September , T4UO"41 c : Meumer , No. 2 red , 634fl6c. ! ) re- riHpl * . 7S3 bu. ; Mock. 4 < l.34 tu. . ulea , US. 000 Lu. i aouthorn wheat , by sumple , 7387IC. somhein .wheat on grade , WO7JHC. _ . COHN I > ull and eaulfr ; apot , &J'G5JUc ' : month , 6 = 0 Wd ; July , UU < Ji3c. . AUKU I. U o receipt * , J.5M bu. , hlpm nta. 51 4JS tu , , stock. 293,939 bu.v mlra , 2,009 bu. ; southern white corn , BZtfMHc ; southern yellow , 4s 14o. OATH BlXuly ; No. J.while wi trm. 27aJ7i4c > ; No. 2 mixed , I3Htf3lci receipts , 17,0X2 Lu. ; stock , 111SI. IlYK-QulPti No. J , Me ; stock , 7.MJ. HAY Firm ; active demand for choice ! choice llmothy , JI3.tU01l.OiA Tirpiinl MnrlotU , LIVKIIPOOU June 8-WIIRAT-Rpot nulet : cmnnd pour. No , 2 red winter , 6 * 6V4d ; No. 2 d spring , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard , Manl- bir 61 ' .id ; No. 1 California. 5 6V d. Futures o il llrm with neiir positions ' .itf'H higher nnd slant iv ulilons id higher ; business heaviest nn Iddtp iKwltlnns ; June , Cs M ; July , Ss 6Hd ; Au- ust , 5s 7d ; Heptcmber , 6s 7'id ; October , r > s 7ftd ; ovember , 5s 8d. COHN H ; it steady ; Amerlcnn mixed new , 4s Futures closed firm wlih near positions un- igcd tn 'VI higher nnd distant positions Hd Igher ; huslne s heaviest on middle positions ; line. 4s 4d ; July , 4s 4'4d ' ; August , 4s 5.1 ; Septem- r , 4s fId ; October. 4s ! id ; November , 4s GHd. FI/OUK Dull ; demand iioor ; Hi. l < ouls fancy Inter , Rs. I'llOVIHIONH llncrn. dull ; demand nvMlerntei ' iml > rhind cut , 2 * [ it SI Ibs. , 31s ; short ill" . 21 'is. , 31s ; long clear , light , 3S lo 4" , Ibs. , 33.1 ; long par , heavy , fa Ibs. , 32s ; short clear lucks , ghl , IS ll . , 53s ft I ; short clear middles , heavy. i Ibs. , 32s ; clear bellies. 14 to IK Ibs. . 3.1 ; shoul- crs , square , 12 to 1 * Ibi. , 3is ; hams , short cut. t tn Id Ibi. . 13 * Gil. Titllow. llrm. I'ork , prime less , line western , 0 > ; prime medium. 45s Gel. .nrd. prime western , 3.H ; rellned. In palls , 33s Cd. CHRHSH Klrm ; demand modeiate ; llneU Vmrrlcan whltn nncl colored. 4is. llt'TTKH Finest United States' nnd Rood , nom- n l. _ _ I ) Oil , Liverpool refined , ISs. . I'UTItOUH'M It'llnnl. 8 < id. I1KKF rorequnrtcrx , Indiiuartcra , 6d. HOI'S At I ndon d'aclllo coast ) , 2. lutfrii .tliirket. Ni\V YOUK , June 22.-COFKin-Optlnns fienixl dull nt unchanged prices , with no trnnsac- lens , this living , U 1.4 xi\M , the Ilrsl lime In the Istory of the exchange thai u session has passed rlthout business ; fort-Inn news utmost destitute f Interest ; closed dull ill yosterdtv's prices ; spot offeHo ! dull C"onlovn , JI7.Off8.0 < ) ; sulis , none ; Vnrehousp deliveries front New * ork ypstciday , ,73 > ) luga , New York stock today , 22ci.7 ! > 9 bags ; 'lilted States stock , 30J.OG2 bags ; nlluat for tli 'nlted States , 294i > K ) btgs ; total visible for the Tnlteil States , 596,062 bags , axaln.it 3U5.S9J bags tst year. SANTOS * . June 22. Dull , nominal ; good average Santos , r.i quotation ; receipts. 7,0i ( ) > bags ; stock , SC.OCI bags ; cleitrrd , June 21 , G.OoO bags. HAMHUna , June 2i < Julel , unchanged al Vi fg lower ; sal s , 1OW bugs. HAVI113 , June 23. Opened steady , unchanged to if higher ; nt 12 m. , steady , without fuither nances : sales. 4.DO ) bags. IHO lB JANKIHO , Juno 22. Wenk ; . No. 7. llo. JI6.30 ; exchange. 9 9-lCd ; receipts. 4.000 bags ; leared for the United Htrtlw , none ; cleared for luropc , none ; stock , IH.'W ' ) bugs. ( utlmi < inrknt. ST. LOUIS , June 22.-COTTON Quiet ; mld- Illnt , ' , G 13-lOc ; sales , 7UO bales ; recelpls , 21 ! bales ; tuck. 21.933 bales. NKW OHLHANH. June 2J. COTTON-Kutures , asy ; sales , 3VM ( bnl s ; June , > . S bid ; July , O.GJilf.Jl ; AuKiMt , G.7S6.7G ; September , J6.CSIT , r,9 ; Octolwr. JG.G7IiG.83 ; December , J6.C3Wii.GG ; nnuiiry. J6.75flG.7G ; February. JG.7SUC.81 ; March , NBW 'bltLKANS. June 2J. COTTON Nom- nal ; middling- 13-lGc : low middling , G 7-lCc ; Koo < l inllnnry , Gidc ; nel and t'ro.is leeelpts , 17 bales ; exports coni > twle , 43 hales ; sales , none ; stock , l.ti bales. NEW YOItKJimp 22. COTTON Pull ; inlil- llliiK , 7 3-lfic ; net and gross rccdpts , none ; snles , none ; stock , 210,537 bales. Wool Murker. ST. LOUIS , June 21 WOOI < StronB for comb- ngs ; otht-r grades llrm ; Kansas nnd Nebraska , mnlluni , ItfjlSc ; light , line. 75(8c ; hem- } ' , "ne , ilfGc ; Texaw. Arkansas. Indian territory , etc. . full and spring , medium. 12W13c ; coarse nncl low , Scjrl'Jo ' ; llKht , tine , iililOe ; heavy , fine , CJ/Sc ; Da kota. Wyoming , I'tnh. etc. , medium , 012c ; conrso nnd low. 7Se ; llKht , line , 7Ti8c ; heavy. Inc. 5fi c ; tub washed , choice , 20o ; fair , 1701SC , courao iuij low , 13fl5c. .Murknt. NKW YOItK. June 22.-SUOAn-Ilaw , nulet ; . 'air leflnlng , 2TJc ; centrifugal , PG test , 3 6-lGc ; rvllnml , quiet ; No. fi , 41M 3-lKc ; No. 7 , 3 13-1BW Ic ; No. 10. 3 15f3 l.VlGc ; No. 11 , 3 IMGiirS e ; No. 2 , 3 9-lGSTle ; No. 13 , SHc ; off A , 4 l-16tHc ; nulil A , 4 11-lGW4Tc ( ; stnnd.ird A , 4 r.-16 IV4e ; confec- loners' . 4 5-lG < if4U.c ; cut loaf , 5 l-16ifiV4c ; cru hed , 1 1-lWiiJWc ; nuwilernl , 4iijj4 15-lCc ; granulated , 4 7-lCc ; cubes , 4 11-1COIC. \Vlii-ilt and Flour Mnrkct. MINNKAl'OLIS , June 22. WHEAT Weak ; June , 70 ic ; July. 70ic ; September , GS'.fcc ; on : r.ick , Nu. 1 hard , 72c ; No. 1 not them , 71Hc ; No. 2 northern , 70Uc. FI/OUK Steady : llrstt palents. J3.90JJI.10j second - end patents , J3.70@I.K ; Mist clears , J3.D5Q3.Gj. DnliittiVliciit Murker. Jimp 22. WIIKAT No. 1 hard , cash , 72t' ; June , 72 c ; July , 72'/4c ; No. 1 northern , cash. 7H4c ; Juni' , 72c ; July. 7Sc ; Swplember , 70V c ; No , 2 norlhern , cn-sh , G74c ; No. 3. cash. G3ic : re- jectril , C15Jc ; to nrrt\e , No. 1 hard , 73'ic ; No. 1 northern , 72lc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Mllwuukeo < > riiln Alitrknts. MILWAT'KKU , Jun 22 , > VIIKAT Higher : No. siu-lriic. 701ic ; NO. 1 northern , 77c ; July , 77c COHN UnchifngwlrNfr. H. COK OATS Steady ; No. 2 > C0c for white. UYB Dull and lower ; No. 1. Glc. 'Fri < co Wlicut Ouotutloin. SAN FUANCISCO. June 22. WH BAT Steady ; December , JJ.03 ? ; cli-uiv < J , 57.118 centnU wheal. Oil Jliirket. SAVANNAH , June 22. SI'IHITS linn , SGSc ; Bales , 75 bbls. MlmncliU .Nnicl. HOSTON. June 22. Clearings , fie,2.V,8Gl ) ; bal- nnces. J2,1S'.G95. ' ) For the week , JiJ,32aS10 ; bal ances , J9,02G,014. ST. LOUIS , June 22. Clearings , J2,2fil.S15 ; bal ances , tG79fcO ) . Money , 50 per cent. New York exchange. 50c pn-mlum. HALTIMOIIB. June 22. ClPirlnK . J2.400.S02 ; isilancua. JI3ij,103. For the week , clearings , $14- 013,727 ; halnncrH , J1,3S2,032 > June 22. Hearings , J13.0IS- 917 ; Utloncva , JSCS7.5SI. For the w.eek , clcarlnss , J73.572.8iX ) : balances , J11,46 : > .81G. WASHINOTON , June 22. Today's stntemenl of tin * condition of Ihe treasury shows : Available east ! balance , J1S3,374,773 ; Bold reserve. Ji'J,7D4,627. ! eillCAOO , June 22. Clearings. J13.203,00i ) ; total for the week , JS9,8S7 , ) i ) ; correspoiullnic week last year , J80.152.000. Mrnry rates , 4 5 per cent for call loans and 5iiG i r cent for time. New York exchange. G.IO premium. Slerllns , posled rates , J4.Wi nncl J4.ki'i. : NI3\V YOUK , June 22. The exports of specie from this iiort for the week amounted to $12,523 In gold and J742.303 In silver. The Imports were : ( old , $30.ii > ; silver , $19.511 ; dry goods , J2.19G.8G7 ; general merchandise. $7.G09.rGL Clearings. Jl'W- ' 701.007 ; balances , J3 , 75,8JO. Week , J614,812.945 and J36,1U < ) ,914. k'liiancial Affairs. IIKHLIN , Juno 22. Hxchange on London , clsht days' right. 20 marks 4114 ' I'AIUH , June 22. Three per cent rentes , lOlt IVic for the account. Kxehange on l > ondon , 2Jf 20c for checks. LONDON , June 22. Oold is ouoted at Dueno' Ayrvn tixlay nt 294.01) ) ; Madrid , 13.50 ; Lisbon. 28'x , ; St. Petersburg. 50 ; Athnns. 77 ; Home , lOl.tO ; Vk-nnn. 103. The amount of bullion gone Inlo Ihe Uank of linglnnd on balance Unlay is 5.000. KIt A W1TSKSS. Spcclnl Tnnslon I'liuulncrValto Heavily I'lnAil hy an lo\r.i Court. CUESCO , la. , June 22. Tlie motion for anew now trial In the case of Special Examiner E V. Walte of the Pension department , convicted of Intimidating a witness In the celebrated Van Leuvcn Investigation , was denloJ today , The penalty under the law Is not to exceet two years In the penitentiary , or not to ex ceed $500 flne. Before sentence was passed there was a very dramatic Incident.S'alto arose and In a very quiet but Impressive way asked the court to Impose on him the extreme penalty of the law If the court believed him Ru'.lty. ' Ho prided himself en lis ] good mine and the eentenco would leave a stain upor U , no matter what It might bo. Hence he asked the court for complete vindication or the severest penalty. His dignified and feel ing appeal brought tears to the eyes of more than ono spectator. The court fined him (250. The case has been appealed. It Is fel by the Pension bureau that an effort to convlc \Val.to on the part of the state courts of Iowa Is really an attack on the bureau , brough about by the friends of Van Leuvcn. Walto refused to talk until he U directed to tpeak by Commissioner Lochren. I'nrnl Uunl with n Mfix'c.tn. ' CATORCE , Mex. , June 22. James Atkln- son , an American ore buyer , and Francisco Hernandez , a Mexican ranchman , fought a duel near Cedral , east of here , yesterday , In which Atkinson was killed. The two men were devoted to the bamo senorlta and de elded to settle their love contest will pistols. The American fired three shots a his antagonist , but none of his bullets took effect. Hernandez's eecond shot struck vital part of Atkinson's body. TIIK KKAI.TY .11 UtKr. I. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 22 1S95 : WAllHANTY DKKDS. Henry Uotln and wife to Marx Stuhr. lots S to 24.- block t. Koadyke 1'lace , lot. Jt u > 1'Uca 26. block 3 , FcwJyke J'lace. lot 4. Humboldt 4 A M B Knckler to F 1) Wead , lot 4. block 7 , ll Jfcml I'lace L J Nelson to Itosa Kenncy , i > art lot 2t > . In 15-1S-13 1,500 A M 1'ost and hnnbttml to D r McCarron , lot 3 , block I , Honnoom 1,000 QUIT CLAIM DKIHW. T II Mlnalian and ulf to John Llppi. un.Ilv t U of Intercat In nil unmld lot * In Mahoney - honey & M' lit add to South Omaha , , . , . DHEDS. State of Nebraska to V W Corliss , nenw and c H w IC-li-lO so ; Tutul amount fcf Irvnsfei * , $5,0 : COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Started Violently Bullish and Wound Up Quito Bearish. _ CCRN ( WAS FIRM AT THE OPENING In tlio r.nst Half Hour ot the Session There n nernro llrenk Due to n llenvy Decline In Uali. CHICAGO , Juno 22.-Tho wheat market started In violently bullish ntnl wound up uxtraordlnnrlly bearish. Tlie nrst jirlccs iniido today wuru ut un ndvnncc of nbout Ic per bu. , and the lost nt n decline of u little more lhan that. From the highest price nt the beginning to the lowest near the end there was a drop of 2Vlc per bu. The early advance was owing to the publication of some very strong features of the present situation nnd the decline near the close re sulted from the liberal selling of n few heavy operatora who bought In extensive lines of short wheat the dny before. The break In oats started a decline In corn. Corn nt the close showed a loss since yester day of T4c and onts n decline of l o. 1'ro- vlHlons are not materially altered In value. The market ran Into a pocket of bullish news Items previous to the owning , and accordingly It started strong. The first trading In July was nt from Tl ic to 72c , as compared with "OTsC nt the close of the ses. slon yesterday , and In September the start was at from 72',4c to 73Hc , or un average of nearly Ic per bu. advance. ' Trading was active for a few minutes In both deliveries nt around Tlftc for July and 73Vic for Sep tember , und then both broke nbout } ic In quick order , July to 71o nnd September to TitfsC. On nn advance which followed the premium paid for September Increased to lic. Among the various matters which caused the bullish feeling Indicated by the higher range were the following : The statement of the secretary of the Kuttsnq Hoard of Agriculture , which Indicated n total of between lU.WO.OOO nnd 13.5CV.COO bu. us against n probable 21,00)1 < 0 bu. calculate from the government acreage and condition on June 1. California was also reduced from ibout 44,000,000 bu. , ns Indicated by the Washington authorities , to 35,000,000 bu. , the alter Uradstrect's estimate , as published his morning. The Liverpool market was quoted id higher. The week's clearances * of wheat and Hour were 2,857,307 bu. , com- iared with 1,718,10) bu. on the previous week. The reaction from the Ilrst decline carried he. price of July up again to 714 < - ' and September to 73' c , and from these prices : here was another decline to from 70 ie to 0c for July and 72'XjC for September about I o'clock. It had another V4e > advance and .hen followed a sensational and rapid de cline. July dropped to from GD'-ic to CS&c and September to from 71Ue to 71'Xic ' , and : hose were substantially the closing prices. The selling wns fast and furious , Pnrdrldgc eadlng the raid with heavy short selling. New York was , also a free seller , nnd claimed that foreigners were selling at the seaboard , Corn was firm for a few minutes nt the opening In sympathy with the advance In wheat ut that time. In the last half hout of the session there was a severe break due to a heavy decline In oats , and of course encouraged by the favorable growing weather. July opened at 49c , or ' , Kc higher than It closed yesterday. The decline re ferred to was what took the price down to 47'lc , and -ISe was the latest. The receipts were 153 carlo uls and 21,0) ) bu. by canal , rn 21 cars of the rail receipts were transfcic from unlicensed houses. Oats led the grain markets today In the very heavy feeling noticed. There was very free selling , principally long stuff tlm holders were scared Into dls-poslng qf There were selling orders from Wall strec nnd brokers here readily followed. L'uu any , Gilford , Urosfeau and Norton-Worth Ington were the principal jeMer ? . The crowi In general also sold , an well as took u ) most of the offerings. September startei nt 2Sc , sold at from 2Sc to 28c , dropped off to 20'/ic and closed nt 2CrJc. , Provisions opened up strong nnd ha ( every nppearnce of continuing so until th break In the grain markets induced some selling , nnd closed with the market nt i sllsht decline for the clay. The hog receipts for tlie day were 9,000. nnd for the week 129,333 , compared with 1C3.070 for the corre spondlng weak of the. y.enr before. .Porl started with nn advance of from 7V o to lOc , dropped 20e below the highest poln made nenr the opening nnd closed with i loss of nbout 5c for the day. I ard showoc no change from yesterday's quotations nm ribs were also worth virtually the sam price nt the close yesterday and today. Kstlmatcs for Monday : Wheat , 30 cars corn , 160 cars ; oats , 210 cars ; hogs , 25XX ( head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : Articles. I Onon. I Httlt. I Low. | Clojj. Whciit.Nb. 2 ' Juno. . . . July 7I < M7'J nun Sept. . . . . . . Corn No. ' . ' . . Juno July. 4 < J 411 Sept CO 48H 40S40J Oats No. B. . . Juno 28 * < 27 July gt-pt 01) 48W Pork uor bbl July 11 R7H 11 OS 11 70 11 72 'i Supt 12 10 13 25 12 00 12 02 * . Laid.lOOlbs July 0 50 C 52 n 47H Sept 0 70 0 75 0 USe 0 07H Short Ulbs- Jtily ( t 17K 0 22K o in G Iff Sept , 0 U7K 0 42H ( I 35 U 35 Cash nuotntlons weri > n.s follows ; KLOtIK Winter patents , J3.90W4.20 ; winte Htmlghls. J3.4W3.90 ; spring palenls. Jl.00iff4.35 spring straights. J3.105J4.W ; bakers. J2.10f3.20. WHEAT No. 2 spring. MTieTOTJc ; No. 3 apring nominal ; Na 2 nxl. C9g ( > 70c. COHN No. 2. 47-y4 48 < . - : NO. 3 yellow. 47 c. OATS-No. 2. 27Hc ; No. 2 white. 30'i&3nie No. 3 white , 31J31'.Je. HYB No. 2. ClV4fl62c. IIAHLKY No. 2 , 53c ; No. 3 , SlSM'.ic ' ; No. 4 , 51c FLAX SKKD-No. 1. Jl.M. TIMOTHY SEED Primp , J.-.50. I'llOVISIONS-Mess . . , , , ixwk. per bid. , J11.70iTll.g ) n n.t -t mi\ ! „ * / lyf / i u ni . _ . . . ' . . Jl.2' ' % The following were the receipts and shipment toilayj ArticiftaT ftecolpts. Slilpmcnti Flour , bbls 0,000 3.1)0 ) : Wheat bu 14.UUO Corn.bu , . . , , 7U.OOI ) 24,003 OatB. bu 215,000 lO.t.lllli . bu fl.vo 3ono 2,00i liaricy.bti o.OOO On the Pro Jim otctianre tolav the butter mar ket was wo-ik ; creamery. 103l7 o ; dairy , loa luc. ECEB , steady ; 10)4'jlH4c. ) Clieesa , NK\V YUltliuKMJUAL . JI.VKItKT. Closing Quntntlon * on Iho 1'rlnclp l Coni- imxlltlo * an it Staples. NEW YOUK , June 22.-rLOUR-Hecelpls , 1 ! l ) bbls. ; exports , 9,900 this. ; anlea , 3t pkgs Market was fairly steady for winters , bul weak for springs ; demand light , both for local am export nccounl ; clly mill patents , JI.f3B3.I5 winter patents , J4.20S4.43 ; city mill clears. J4.101 4.40 ; winter straights , J3.SO4.13 ; Minnesota pat cnts , Jl.1084.50 ; winter citrus , J3.30Sj3.73 ; wlnte low Krailes , J2.30S3.GO ; spring low grades , J2.0 , ) { % 4 ii ° ' ' ' Upelllne'2l8 .23J fancy COUN 'MEAL Quiet ; sales. 200 bbls. ; yellov western. JI.16 ; llrandywlne , J2.90. \ \ HHAT Itecelpts. none ; exnrt | , 4.1O ) bu aales. 4.35jl o bu. futures and 16.000 bu. spot Spot. dull , closing easy ; No. 2 red , In store anc elevator. 74 : ; nlloat. 75Hc ; f. o. b. . 7 Sc. alloal No. 1 northern. 787ic. delivered ; No ? l hard ' " . ? udHlv'r" ! > . ° l'"on' opened stronger on n Kansas state report , coupled with large weekly wheat and flour e.\poits , reduced Argen Una shipments nnd local covering. An tiregulu market followed , with n nn.il break , leavlni. at 7 Uc. COUN Hpcelpts , 23.W bu. ; exports. 8.W ) bu. sales , 273,000 bu. futures und K.O0 bu. spot Spot , dull nnd easier ; No. 2 , 32' MHc In eleva tor ; 63Titf54-Ho nlloal. ; yellow , 53Vic" Option showed early Hrmnsss with wheat , but llnall weakened decidedly undar heavy selling ordw nnd closed nt He net decline ; July. 63'4OM\c closed nt 53110 ; August. 03TitfS4 ; c. cloned u MTic : September , 64\W55c , closed ut 54 ic -.9AT.'h ; S l ! > .t.8' . ? . " " : r P ? ' . non. . wnte , w jc ; iracK , mliru western , 3'JJj33c ; track white , 39041C. Options quiet and weaker ; cliue , tic lower ; Juno closed at SOVtc ; July. so nsiVic closfil at WHc ; SeiUcmber , 31Hff31Hc , closed u 31 Ue. HAY Quiet ; good to choice. J6.50fl7.50. HOI'S Dull ; slate , common lo choice , old 33 Sc : 1S9I. 4 8c ; Tacltlc coafl. old. StfSc ; U94 , 4&Se HIDKS Firm ; wet salted New Orleans , e. lecloi , 45 to M Ibs. , 6'jC , nominal ; Texan , at * lected. 5 < ) tu Co IbH. , 7c. nominal ; lluenos Ayrei dry , * ) to 24 Ibs. . lie , nominal ; Texas , dry , 24 lo 30 Ihs. . iR13c. LKATHKIl Slrona ; hemlock solIluenos Ayres. light to heavy weights. I'U23c ; ncld. Jl ( ji'c.VOOLKlrm ' \VOOL-Klrm ; domestic fleece , KS2Sc : pulled 19 < 24e. 1'ItOVISIONS Itocf. quiet ; family , J11.5iaiJ.M- extra mem , J17.0 > ) 19.00. Cut meats , steady' plcklo.1 iMllles , J5.7&V < S- i pickled shouldtrs. U6 > plckluj hams. J'J.UO < j9.:5. Lard , steadier ; wrst- rn sieam cl ? d at J4.20. nomlnul. city , tafi'/ ' , sales. 1O ) tierces ; July closed ul 1C.71. nominal : September , J6.95 ; refined , tlrm ; continent , J7.C3 , South American , J719. compound , BO3V c. 1'ork. dull , new mess , JU.OOO1I.73 ; family , JU , short clear. J1J.OOO15.CO. HUTTKIl Slwdy , western dairy , 90142. west- creamery. 12Wl c ; meolWn factory , SS7I2HC ; ISC , Imitation creamery , llulSc ; state airy , IHlKc ; state creiuiury. liMRISc , t'HKKSB Qulel ; minllti ; full skims. 1H < Y ' ' kli ( i S tiu let ; Yin if , 1J VioTiVfi't er n"f re'sli. "i i 40 5c ; receipts , 3,937 pkcs. . , , , .TALIXJw Dull and easy ; city , 4 < ic ; country , l'KTUOMtfM-Q. letfiVli7lli'.I : closed nt JI.73 ruined New York , II.- , , HO81N Steady ; Bttnltml.-if-immon to good. JI.49 MICE Steady ; donicit Gfuir to extra , 485'ic ; apan , 3HQ40. , , , MOI.A.HrtES-QulM ; New Orleans , cpen kettle , : t lo choice. 2 < flJ'.V. , . . METALS Pig Iron , htm' ! American , II4.&OO 3.i . Copper ' quiet ; brokers * price , J10.50. Ix-nd. ull ; bn > kers' price , J3.J2HT ; Tin , firm ; Straits , 10. 4 ; plales , market firm , , Spelter , llrm ; do- c'oTTONSEKD OIL Mafkk dull ; prime crude , 23lf2lc ; off crude , 2l022c. _ OMAHA OK.NliK.VL MAHICKT Condition of Truilo mid ( Jiiotittloas un Staple mill Fniior I'r.nluco. There Is a little weaker feeling In the marketer or packing stock butter. Quotations ; liOdS Choice stock , lOo. HUTTEH Packing stock , 8e ; choice to nnry , lOfflic ; gathered country , lie ; separator cicamery , 14c. LIV13 I'OULTIlY-IIeni. C30',4o ; roosters. 3ci Hiring chlckemi , 2.00if3.W per doz. . or luiflse pur b. ; ducks , So ; turke > . GlfTu ; Kecw , Co. \KAL-Cholce fat , 70 to 1W Ibs. , are quoted nt -f7c | ; luiKe und coarse. 4f31je. O11KI2HI- ; Wisconsin full cream , 9e ; YounB Vmerlrnn * , luc ; In-lns , lie ; .Nebraska and Iowa , ull cream , lOc ; Nebrutika nnd Iowa , part skims , itle ; LlmhurKer , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie- , Swiss , No. 1 , He. HAY Upland hay , $8.50 ; mldln'nd , t3 ; lowland , 7.SO ; rye straw , J5 ; color makes ttie price on hay , , lghl bales sell the beat. Only top gindea bring .op prlctM. iJiONS-l'er doz.-1l.OO I.W. VKU1JTA1ILKS. The potato market i * HO high that It Is dim- cult to * * eo the top. An already explained shlp- nents have been cut or ! In the Houtli by heavy ind continuous rains. The resull ImH been a : cmponiry scarcity ut this point that ha sent > rlces out of slithl. Uealeis expect larger re ceipts and u drop In the market the first of the veek. The potato crop promises to be large In most western states. Potatoes In the northwest ur- loing well In alt states. Home of the early ilanted were. cut ilown by frosts In May , but iave come forward welt since. The acreage Is inilersttiod ti > bo lurifcT than usual. Uarly ] K > - atoKS u\v reHirted In ROW ! condition In all parts of Wisconsin even In the dry sections. Over h greater part of the state the clop never ooked better. The acreage Is large and about 'our-llfths ' of the correspondents rfmrt | "no > utrs. " The early planted are In bloom. In South Dakota all tepoits say the potatoes arc lolnc nicely und piomlne well , with a larce icieaije , Klatterlnn repoits are sent In from all counties In North U.lkotu Indicating n tine pros- ioct for itotntoes wlt.i acreage IK < ? er than tifeual. Tim early planted wenilmimKed some by frosts n May but they have onnie on well since and them nrv Indications of it lurse yield. IteportH if n most eneouruiflng character are received rein all parts of NebuiPku. A noticeable feature s the scarcity of IIUKS which are generally the subject of much complaint nt this time of the year New potatoes are now III for table usp and a good many of the early varieties are al ready In market. lleporls from all over Iowa mllr.ite an Increased acreage and prospects for i hcxivy yl ld. HUBS nnIn this mute. also , conspicuously ubscnt. In MIchlKan , whom pota toes enter mine Into competition with north western stock than any other state , the prospect Is not so tlntlerlnir. The early potatoes suffered from frost as much as did those In the north west. but there the fro ls were not follnwcd by sulllclent moisture to bring the ciop out and Hie planting of the later \urletles has been re tarded by the drouth , so that a larse part of lhi > seed Is scarcely sending sprouts out of the wound , and reports from some sections Hay that u latge pail of the seed put In late has decayed , not KcttlnK moisture enough to cause germina tion. Quotations : i OTATOKS Old stock , C3J75c ; new potatoes , choice stock , Jl.W. ONIONS llermudas. per crate , Jl.GOSl.CO ; Cal ifornia , In sacks , per bu. , Jl.OOiU.13. Oll ) 11ISANS Hand plowed , navy , J2.20 ; Lima beans , per m. , uv tiiic , . L'AIIHACU : On oidcrs , S'.ic. SPINACH Per bu. basket. 5 : _ UAD1HHES Per dnz. buiu'hes. 15I20c. OIIEEN ONIONS Per UO.A bunches , l c. LKTTVCE Per tloz.'S < l'nc. ASPAllAOL'S Choiceutoivk ; , on orders , 500 pet doz. bunches. FIE PLANT Per lli.- CUCUMHEHS On orlfeiwXtG5c ) per doz. PEAS On orders , pi > r'bun JI.50. RTIIINU 11EANS On orders , per > /f.-bu. box , GOGGOc. WAX 11KANS On orders ; per ' .J-bu. box , f.O . TOMATOES Florida ) stunk , per 6-basket crate , J1.5D ; per 4-basket crate , $ n23. TEXAS SQUASH Per iIAz. , on orders , Firnrrs ; nED HASPHEItniE * Vtt 24-qt. case , $1.60. PLUMS California , | r Uix. chofco stock , J1.2 : C1.50 ; southern , per cnt.32.0i)5f2.25. ) APIliroTS California , choice stock , per box. Jl.40gi.75. CALIFORNIA PEACH KHTWor box. J1.23. SOl'THKHN PEACHES -Per ' ,5-bu , box , 73c. APPLES Southern. pri-lU. box , 75C0J1.00. Case of 24 qtsJ2.76ff3.00. . STnAWIiKltlllES'-ChotrTr-BhtppIng- , per case of 24 qts. , H.lc ) . I'HKIUUKS California , per 10-lb. IMX. Jl.fiO. OOOSEHEItniES Per 24-qt. case. J2.00 2.23. SOUTHERN cnEltniES Per 24-qt. case , J2.CO. HLACK IIAHPIIKHHIKS Per 21-qt. case , J3.00. IlLArKIlKIlllIKS Choice stock , per 21-qt. case , J2.75. THOPICAL. FRUITS. OnANORS Navels , per box , none ; choice seedlings , per box , J2.50- ; Mediterranean swcels , J3.2.1 ; fancy St. Michaels. J3.25. LEMONS Hxtra fancy lemons , SCO size , J3.MSJ 6.00 ; 300 size. SG.OOS6.6' ' ) . IIANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch , J2.00t2.25. PINEAPPLES Per doz. , Jl.7Itff2.2j , according to size. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fancy , 13c ; choice , 12013c ; California , bags , 7c. HONEY California. MAPLE SYIIUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ; Dlxby. 6-gal. cans , $3. NUTS Almonds , lie ; Kngllsh walnuts , eoft- shelled. 12c ; standards , lie ; tllbcrta , 9c ; Brazil nuts , 8c ; pecans , 9c. DATKS In 60 to 70-Ib. boxes. EC per Ib. ; fard dates. 9c per Ib. CIDKIl I'nre Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3. COCOANt'TS Per hundred , J4. HIDKS AND TALLOW. The opinion Is expressed by those who have hpcn In close touch with the market that hides have reached the high point. HIDES No. 1 ereon hides. SHc ; No 2 green tildes. Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides. DC ; No. 2 green salted hides , SVie ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 13 Ilis. , SWlOo ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 lo 15 Ibs. . 12c No. 1 dry flint hides , 12fl4c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 12c ; No. 1 dry galled hides , 12u ; partly cured lildes , He per Ib. less lhan fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Oreen salted , each. 25GOo ; reen salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) each , 5O15c ; dry Hhenrllngs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , CttlOc ; dry shearlings ( shor wooled early Eklns ) , No. 2. each , 6c ; dry Mini Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pel pound , actual weight , > ffSo ; ury Hint Kansas nnr Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actua weight , 4gCc ; dry Illn * Colorado butcher woo pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4fGl4e ; dry Hint Colorado murrlan wool pelts , per pound actual weight , 45J6c. Hnvo feel cut off , aa H la useless lo pay freight on Ihem. TALLOW AND OUEASE-No. 1 tallow , 4U0 4V4c ; No. 2 tallow , SliiMe ; grease , white A , 4i 4ic ! ; grease , white H. 3Kc ; grease , yellow , 2U Sc ; grease , daik. 2V4c ; old butter 202',4c ' ; bees wax , prime. 17if(20c. rough tahow , Sc. WOOL. UNWASHED Flno heavy , GfJ7c ; flna llghl , E5T3c ; quarler-blood , lORISc ; seedy , burry and chaffy , Sfi9c ; celled nnd broken , coarse , 7i 9c : colted and broken , line. 6ii8e. WOOL. WASHED Medium , lIBlSc ; fine , ItJJ I6c ; lub washed , IMMSc ; black. Sc ; bucki , Gc tag locks , 23c ; dead nulled. tJJCo. FUUS. FURS near , black. No. 1. large. J20.C032J.OO bear , brown. No. 1. large , VM OOQ3J.OO ; No. 1 , me dluin , J16 ; No. 1 , binnll , J12 ; bear , bro n , year lings. No. 1 , Urge. J10.00ai2.00 ; No. 1 , medium JS ; No. 1 , small , J6 ; boar , urown , cubs , No. 1 laige , J7 ; No. 1. medium. J5 ; No. ] . small , S3 badger. No. 1 , medium , J15 ; No. 1. small , SS.OOl dlum , J5.00ftG.OO ; No. 1 , small , Jl ; Lour , black Montana nnd ItocUy mountain. No. 1 , large JlS.M9kO.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J14 ; No. 1 small J10 ; bear , black , Montana yearlings , No. 1 large , J12 ; No. 1 , medium , JS ; No. small. Ji bear , black , Montana cubs , No , , 1 , large. J6 50 ; i No. 1 , medium. JI.50 ; I.o. 1. small , JJ ; bear sliver tip. No. 1 , large. JJ ) ; No. l , medium. JI2 : No. 1. small. J8 ; bear , silver tip. yearlings , No , 1 , large , JU ; No. 1 , medium , JS ; No. 1 , small J5 ; beur , sliver tip. cubs. Xo. 1 , targe , J1.00 rl.50 ; No. 1. medium , coc ; No. 1 , small , soc ; Usher No. 1 , large , JS ; No. l.rmVdlum , J6 ; No. l , email J4 ; fox , riher , as la color , according to beauty No. 1 , large , J100 ; No : l , medium. $ ; No. 1 , t > mall , JJO ; fax , silver , pair , according lo beauly No. 1 , largo. JOO ; No.ll''meoium. . J30 ; No. l ! small. J29 ; fox. cross , No. 1 , large , J7 ; No. 1 , medium. $3 ; No. 1 , > n > all , J2 ; fox , red. No , 1 , large , Jl.M ; No. 1 , mnllutn. J1.25 ; No. 1. imall , . JI.50 ; No. 1 , small. i mn. o. . arge. C5c ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , email , 33c ; mink , dark , No , 1 , large , We ; No. ' 1 , medium , 40o ; No 1 , amull , 30c ; mounlalp 'lion , perfecl head nnd fe < t. No. 1. large , JI.09O.00 : Imperfect skins. J6.0iWi7.X ) ; No , 1. small , J5 ; oner , pale , No. 1 , large , 20023c ; wolverine. No. 1 , large , (4 ; No , 1 , medium , 3 ; No. 1 , email ; J3 ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 , large. J3 ; No. l , medium. J3 ; No. J , small. JI.50 ; wolf , prairie. No. 1 , large , 65f0c : No. 1 , medium. 60o ; Nn. ! . small. 40c ; beaver , per skin , No. 1. large. J3.00O5.00 ; No. 1. mrdlum , JI.50 ; No. 1 , ( mail , J2 ; beaver kits. No. 1. Urge , J2 ; No. 1 , medium. Jl.CO ; No. 1. small. 75i ; muskrati. winter. No. 1. large , ( QlOc ; No. l , medium. 9c ; No. l , small , 7c ; muskrsts. fall , No. 1 , large , 4 < ? 6c ; No. 1. medium , 7c ; No. 1 , tmall. Cc ; muikrat kin. ! SSc. Jfmv York Dry ( inoil * .Mnrkot. NKW YOItK , Juno 22. The dry KUO < ! * market quiet ; half holiday. No Imslneaa of ImixirUincf. Therw was a free movement of gonls as tu re- culpta of the lending staplu atufta wer illitrlbuted as quickly as possible. Priming clolhs. qulcl , at Jl .1-1 Co lid and declined. FALL lllVI.-H. Muw. , June 2.-llu ln w tn the print cloth market has been quiet during fi w ek and ull lo. > trading was done In ndds. lluvi > r cvldinttly did n"l want regulars at 2' c , and they were not no anxious to buy them at lower prices a t > make a determined efToit to force price * down. Tn only bidding for reg ulars was 2 U1&and It nas noi uuda until Friday , when u single Ihotiuind. just rnoufh 13 make H nrw prlcr , was sold at 2 13 IGc , While buyara are not mllnflt-1 with the market at 2r , the tnanufacturrrs generally da not accept S 13-lfc an a fair price , liven though tbe dcmund U light , they are tlow sellrrs , and the market Is qu at t I3-I6C. The od > ! mid arc nearly nil It li made , nnd dellverlen nn to run three months. The deliveries fell off , allowing In- Teases In the stocks of both odd * and regulars. STOCKS AND 1K1NDS. Security Mnrkot Opened with n rmr Decrro at Aiilinnilim Ycttenlny , NKW YOUK. June S2.-The stock market > I > pneil with a fair divtve of animation to > lny , ml prices wore generally n fraction lower. New England . , liowcvrr , was strong and nn advance ot 1 per cent was noted. Up to 11 o'clock specu- ntlun lirofH'tited but few features of Interest. ; > urlng the timt liour the- market wan heavy and hw licura made a determined attack uinm Sugar , which bnjko 3 in r cenl under heavy sales , 'Hie gtiiieml I Lit also yielded n fmcllim. while New York CVntntl and Tolmccn dcvllm-d Hi per cenl and Susiuehajinn | Western prefetnM 1 per cenl. n Ihe specialties Dutulh , South Shine ft At- ajillc preferred ndvnnceil 2 per cenl and Chicago : Alton sjld up In 150ii , ncnltHt l.'iO the last ( vvle. Al Ihe close , however , only 153 was offenil 'or th * tock. The maikct cltwd weak and gen- rally UiffiK | x-r cenl lower. A feature of the .railing duilng HIP week wns Ihe unusual nctlvlly ind Rtrcngth of ttu * Imv priced shares. Fnvontblc vlKirts wen- received toiiclitng m.iny of Ihesc iniiKrtlcs and the dealers hM > kpd uion | them ah iffording better opportunllles for making great in.Ills < m the bull side of tlie market than the high iirlced stuck * , which Ind nlirsidy ni | ir Hlated largely. Pm > ls were formed In purchase several of tlnw stocks. adjournment of the 1111 nols legislature was legnrded by friends of th * Pullman cnrjinmtliin as n favorable Incident , In- ismuch 11 * It precludeil any unfavorabla nctlcm against HIP company for the present. On this | tnt the stock Jumped BU per cent , to 17SS. The subsequent call finn reassembling nf the legislature guve rlw to talk of imsslble unfnvnr able measures being pnimulgated and the prlee recede ! In 171. Tlie general market was Irregu ! ar and llu > active list shows looses on tlm week. The mure lm | rtnnt changes are ; Declines. Susquelnnna A ; Western preferred , Luclede Oai. 4 i per cent ; Lnolede ( Jus prefern-d , 3 per cent. Ohio Southern 4s , Sugar. 3 i per cent ; Northern Paclllc tin-form ! , 2 % per cent , and Erie preferred , 2 per cent. Advnnci-s : Chicago .t Alton. 9'i pel wit ; Tennestw Co.il. 4 % per cenl ; Colorado . 'uel , 4 per cent ! Wheeling * 1-rfike Erie pie- ferred , 3Vi per cent ; Wheeling , "i Lake Erie com mon. IU | T rent ; Cleveland , Columbus. Chicago K St. Iouls preferred 3 > i per cent ; Mlnnciota Iron , 2H per cent : Mlnneiipulls & St. l/oul second ptefcmxl , Kansas At Texas preferred , Long Island Traction mid Dululh , South Shore & Atlonllc , 2'A pnr cenl ; Duluth , South ShonA Atlantic preferred , 3V4 I XT cent , nnd Ijike Shor * . Missouri Pacific ami Hocking Vallt-y preferred , 2 per cent. The ( sales of the week aggregated 1,47X , X > shnrcH , and 1.W mocks werf dealt in. Th bond market was dull , the total rales be ing only J7G1.0X ) , but Ihe trailing was llrm In lone nnd prlci-s generally advanced. The Iwnd trading during Ihe week was rather llghl In volume , bill the inarKet was chanictei Ixcil bj consldernblf htiength. Advances were as follows. Susqueliannii * : Western general 6f , G jver cent , Mahonhig Coal to , 5' . ( , per crnt ; Northein Pa- clllc ivrlp 6s , St. I/iuis & San Francisco Irtift 5s and Oregon Improvement consol Ss. 4H per crjit ; De Mnliu-i & Furl Dndge 2'is. 4\ per cenl ; Tcnnc.wo Coal ilrsts , Illrmlnglmiii division , nnd I < eng Island consol < H I per cent ; Penury- ! vanla 4 i , mrlslpn-il. 3'i per cent ; St. Jot- . < : C.runcl Island tlrsls , trust receipts. 3'i per cent , Cincinnati , Sundiuky * Cleveland Ilrsts. St. Pan Duluth si-cunds nnd Virginia Midland general „ per Cnnt. Declines : Union 1'aclllc cnll.itPinl Irust 4Vis , Irust receipts , 4Va IH.T cent ; Missouri Paclllc Uusl OH , 4 per cent , and Liclele Onn 5s , 3 per cent. The stles of the week were Jl 1,655,00) and 2S2 lionds llguied In the dis-illngs. Government l > nds weie neglei'leil , the rales retching only J2t .000. State securities In small demand , sales only J70.0'ii ) . The sales of sllvei certlllcatPH were 10.O ( ) at G7. The following were Ihe closing quotations on HIP lending Blocks on the New York exchange today ; Atchlnon OH Northwestern 0 ! ) Adams Uxurcss. . . 14U doptd Mi : Alton. T. II N. Y. Uontral ItllM Am. Express N. Y. AN. K 4l ( ! < lialtlmoro iOhlo. Ontario , tW 173J Canada Pacific. . . . Orojron lint 11H Canada Soutlinrn. . Oronou Nav L'H Central Paclnc. . . . O. S. L & U. N ! ' < dies. A. Ohio Paclllc Mall 304 Chicago Alton 15t : P. 1) . , t K 01 0. , 11. ft. Q Plttvbun 137 Chicago ( iao Pullman Palace. . 17tttt ConBolldntnd Oas. 145 lleadlmr 17V > C..C. . C , A.St. L. . . . ISM K. R. W 17HS Colo. Coal .V Iron. II. O. W. nfd 44 Cotton Oil Ccrl. . . . -i > Hock Inland 'M Uclawaru&Ilurt. . 120U St. Paul 07'fi Do ! . . L-tok. i W. . . 1U' ! > 4 do pfd 121 ! D.A.H. O. pfd 4(14 ( ' ' ' D.AC. VCO "OJ4 dopfa . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Krle U4 ! Soutlinrn Paclllc.4' < do pfd. ' 20 Sugar Hnllnnry , . . . 1M ? ForlWayno 1S7 Teiin. Coal ft Iron , : IIIM G. Northern uM. . . Texas Haulllc 1.1K C. A B. I nfd H'JHi T. AO Cnnt. tifd. . 7lH % Hocking 1I 1 Valley. . . ' 'Oil Union Pacific l-)4 ) IlllnolH Contr.ll. . . OJ U. S. Kxprost 411 St. P. &Dulnlh . . . 30 W. St. U A P iW K.i T.pfd do Dfd 2Hs Lnko Krlo .V Wott L'4f ! Wclli Kai co Kt. . 110 do pfd \Vc6torn Union . . U'J LakoShon ; Whcoling & U E. . 15 < < donfd 47' ( LoulsvIllo.VN. . , . 674 M. 4 St. J " U A N. A D. A 11. O Ul Manhattan Con. . . a.K a.ijj MeniDliln.VC in N. L ! l ( ) Michigan Cent. . . . . saw Missouri Paclflan dOpfd . - . 7J5 Mobile Ii Ohio. ' . . II/iT. C 7J5j NnHlivllln Ch.lt. . . . 08 T. A. A. A KIM. . . . j 08IH National Cord.io. IH T. St. L. i K. C. . . . t ! doofJ : i doptd 14H N. J. Central 100 S. K. l.W N. & W. pfd dopfd 41M North Am. Co. . . . Am. Tob. Co 11:1 : Northern Pacific. . do pfd 1I4U No.Pac. Dfd St P. , M. A M 115 U. p. . D. iU Nrw York .Money .Miirkot. NEW YOUK , June 22.-MONUY ON CALI per cent. IMUMB MEUCANT1LB I'ArUU-SliffSii per nXCHANOR Firm , with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.69V45f4.wri for di > - mand and S4.S'iV4f4.SS % for nlxty days ; posted rates. J4.S94.VJH and J4.90W4.90j. ( < XJMMKHCIAL IIILI.S-J4.87iU4.SS. : } ( HAH SILVKIl-CaUc. MRXIC-AN DOLLARS 53c. OOVKUNMKNT IIONDS Strong ; stn'o bonds Inactive ; railroad bonds llrm ; new U. S. t's. reg. , 121 % ; new I' . S. 4's , wupon , 123Vi ; 6'i . n-tt. , 116 % ; f's , coupon. 116 % ; 4's , reg. , 112 ; 4'H , coupon. 113 ! : 2'H. reic. . 97 ; Pnclllc 6's of ' 95 , W ) . Closing quotations of bonds were as follows : U. 9. 4H , rnr. , now. ; . } ' . latiof 'L'5. . . Hi ! U.S. 4s coup. now. D. & It. O. 7s 11 B IT. S. As. re ; . I ) . AH. (5. 4 H'J IT. t ) . Sa.coup . Krlo SM H'JHI U.S. 4s , rez . O. II. AS. A. OR . . . ill ) U.S. 4s. coup . u.m O. II AS. A. 7n. . . . U.S. Vs. ros . t > 7 II. AT. 0. Oi Pacific Oi of 'U5. . 101) do On Ull ! Ala. Cl.w A . 107 M. K. AT. 1st ti. . HUM Ala. Clisill . 107 do'-'d Is 1)7 ) Mutual UnionOi. . 110 Al.t. CurrKiioy. . . . U7 N. J. C. O u. 01. . . . 11H La. Now Con. 4s. . 117 No. Pac. laU Missouri Us . HID do''ds N. C. ( Is . 1S3 N. W. Consols. . . . HI N.C. 4n . doS. I' . Dab. rn. ID ! ) S. C. nonfimd . n. G. Wot. loll. . . 7II ) Teiin. now not Ot. St. 5' . Consols 7s. . I'-'H Tonn. nuw sot r . iloO. A P. W 31. llfi Tciin.ulilDi . St U A I.M.fS ri. 5. 70W Vt. ; Centiirloi. . . . St. L. AS.V.In. ( I. 1084 dodoforraj . Tnx. I'ac. Ists Atuhlson 4s . 7S1 ( dn''ds sr Atciilwin A. . . . J.1H U. P. Istsot 'JJ. . . id.i . Canada So.NU . . . ist Shorn 4s 1 7U L. AN. UnllloiUs. So. H U O.K. AN. iHls . . . . Hnitiin Stunk < > ili > t itlo'it D09TON. Juno 'J'--fall loini. 233 n r csnt : limn lo.ms , Bl3tK per cont. Closlitf pm3i for tocllB , Oo.ids.tnd mluliu ulnr.n : A.T. AS. f 10 Am. Stif.ir. 114M W. KlPl' . Bill 3:1 : Am. Siiirar pfd. . . . Wli. O.mlr.ll . ' . ? UavSlatoOas ( Ion ? : i o. pfd O.-i IlvllTolophoiia . . Edison Kino Ills. . 13 : Iloaton AAlo ny. . S0l ! ! AtclilHin ads U7 > lloHton AMaluo. . . un Atchtson 4 it 7. ) ( ! . ll.AU K4K Now Knglanil ( ) . . 11.1 Kltchhur- Don. Kloctrio fls. . . n Gun. Klentnc Wls. tVnt. IstH. . . . EliH IlllnolH Htnol 73J , Atlantic. . . : HI Mexican Control. . Uosfm A Monta-.ii fial N. Y. AN. K Matin A IJoUou. . . 1-1 ! OUColonv Caluii'ot A Hoclt. . ? 0a Ore.Short Lino. . . Fr.lilklln ir > Rnblwr. San Ulero ti Oacoola Union Vncltla ! ? ! { Tamarack Ilia WcstKnd 7luVolvorlno Weat End nfd DO I Hun Fr.iuoUo > .Uium j nijc < > ititlo u. SAN FUANCISCO. Juno 22.--TI13 o.tl3ltl clot- In ? quotations fur mining HIOCIM toil/ won ai follows : Alta Ul Halo A Norcrosa. . 80 Alnlia Con : i Julia. Annos SH JllHtlUH 13 llelcher HH Kontnckv Con Belli ! iHle CO Lady \Vasli. Con. . llest X Iliilchur. . . . ! I.1 Mrxlcnn. U'J Ilodlo Con 11 Mono U'JS llulwur Con ! > Mount Diablo IS Caledonia. 7 Occidental Con. . . . 1(1 ( Cliallenco Con 25 Ouhlr 11.1 Chniinr Ul ) Overman .Ml Conlldence 'Ji : I'OtOBt 4 ! ) Con. Cat A VIL. . . . ' . ' 33 Savatro 4'J Con. ImtiHrial 1 Slnrra Nevada Ul Coa , ti < w York. . . U Silver Hill ? Crown I'omi 28 Union Con ' , Kxchoquer t ! Utah Con S Uoulil X Currr Ui : Yullow Jacket. . . . 43 Silver bin , doltiri , Sic. Drafts , s tulozr.iplilu , 3j , London Htook ijuniutloiif. LONDON , Juno ' _ ' - ' . 1 | i. in. cloilirri Can. 1'acltla SIW St. Paul oo'ii i)1 ! ; ) Erlo 0)5 ) N. Y. Central 1U4 Krie''dn 0-J PeiinxylvanU . . . 04' ' 111. Central UK- ' Mexican ordinary , 1 ! ) Mux. Oun. now Is. . G7 > IIAIl HILVKIl solid per ounce. MONBY ! i per cent. Tlio niln of discount In the oiwn market fo nlmrt bills U Hi Iier ci4it ; three inontha' lillln 9-16 per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nnir Ynr.c ilininj IJ uicitl ) u , NKW YOitK. June 2J.-T.JJ folio win ; tirj lu ! eloslnr iniuuu iuo.itno K : Hulwer. 2 Onhir 141) ) Con. Cn' . A Va. . . . 210 Plymouth . . . , uo Uradwoon , . 40 QiilclditlTar. , . 273 Uould & Curry. . . : i ( ) Qulclti.il ver pfu..1 UOl ) Halo A Norcruu , . H.1 sierra Noradi . . . ri llomeiitaio | 9oo Standard .MS Mexlcaiu , . , AD Union Con. : I3 Ontario . . . Hilt ) Vnllow JikcUut. , , . 40 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Unsivtisfactory Couditions Prevail ThrougL- out the Week in the Cattle Tndo. RECEIPTS LIKELY TO CONTINUE SMALL Junllty of HUSH Itnrdly V\i \ tn the Average n a IVIiolo Mnrkct n l.ltllo All Around Only One l.o.nl of Mieci | In tlio Yarda , SATtTUDAY. June 22. The receipts today numbered 47i cattle , 2.RX ) hogo. lOfi Bin-op and 15 horses , ns against 3SO cattle. 11.515 hogs ntul 410 sheep , -estertlay. nnd 730 cattle , 2.371 hogs nnd Ml nt the close of last wei-k. Weekly ecclpts : , Cattlo. Hogs. Slicrii. Itccclpta this week 4(171 ( W.tfS 2i7S ! ' lleco'ipts lust week lr.S2 20C7ii : t,516 Sniiui week lust year. . . S.DK1 43,512 2,013 Hliico the Ilrst of the year there have. Jeen rocclvetl li > SOtM cnttlo , fill.'SG IIOKS , 92- 23S sheep , 2,127 horses and mules , showing a. loss of 161,172 cattle , 231,20 : ! IIOKS. 2D.622 sheep nnd 1.1SS horses ntul mules ns com- ijired with ISM. CATTIjli The cattle market of the imst week has been characterized by n coutlnti- ir.ce of the very unsatisfactory conditions wHeh Imvo governed the trade during the mst few weeks. H Is very evident that the cattle have been cleaned out of the country nnd that the present light run will continue until range cattle commence ! moving , owing to the small number of beef cnttlo avnllnblo nl this point the packing houses were forced some tlmo ago ti > give up much of the meat trade which hud been supplied In the past from South Omahn. The result hn.s been a dull und dragging market much of the time In Bplto of the llRht nITvrliiga. On .Monday and Tuesday there was a little In the matter of receipts nnd the run was the heaviest of the month. AM to l > rlces , the market had an unusual upward tendency on Monday and Tuocday , but the gain was all lost on Wednesday. Thurs day s market was about steady nnd on Friday there was not a fat bullock In the yards. The deinnnd for butchers' stock , cows , heifers , etc. , has been good all the week and fully equal to the receipts. Stack ers and feeders have been In light receipt nnd light demand , as usual at this season of the year. Today's receipts of cattle numbered twenty loads , as against twelve loads yesterday , the largest run since Thursday. Among the offerings were some good beef steers. One bunch of good 1,21Mb. steers touched $5.05 , und another bunch JI.80. The demand was very fair and the buyers picked up most everything reasonably early In the day. The prices paid were steady to strong us ccmpared with yesterday. Cows and hnlfers sold about the same as yesterday. There was practically nothing doing In feeders. Kepre ! > eiitatlve sales ; JIKKlSTEKHS. . S'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. N'o. Av. Pr. 8. . . .1KB 13 40 2. . . .1090 Jl 23 57. . . .1233 J4 75 12. . . .1030 370 42. . . .1239 4 V5 31. . . .1211 503 I2..12 ) 4 SO COWS. 1. . . . K30 140 1. . . . 9SO 2 O'i 1..970 2 40 1. . . . S.10 140 II. . . . 769 210 1..9'H ' 2 W ) 2. . . . 930 1 ( VI 2. . . . 1,90 213 S7. . . . ! > 01 263 2. , . . 905 IKS 6. . . . 815 22) 4. . . .10) ) 263 1..105) ) 175 1. . . . ( .5) ) 2219. . . . .112. ! 275 1..1I10 173 3. . . . 910 2 ! . " 1..1IM ) 2 " 5 1. . . . 890 173 1. . . .1I1JO 223 1..79) 273 1. . . . 8SO 1 H ) 2. . . . SOI 2 2'i ! ! . . . . InOI 273 2. . . .1030 ISO 1..1130 223 l..lW 3 O ) 1 - UOO 2 00 1..WOO 2 40 2. . . . GSO 160 1. . . . 470 2 CO 2. . . . 415 350 1. . . . 710 2 31 L. . . 7JO 270 1. . . . 720 40) S. . . . 480 2 W 8. . . . CIS 3 03 HULLS. 1. . . . 700 173 1..1130 231 1. . . . 780 2 CO 1..1270 2 2T , 1..1330 211 2..1380 2 C3 1..1220 225 1..1110 2-10 CALVES. 1..A S 425 1. . . . 110 4M 1. . . . 210 500 1. . . . 131) 450 7. . . . 131 500 1..1CO 500 FEEDERS. 4. . . 5 283 10. . . . % 3 2 S3 1..S70 230 IIOOS There were thirty-nix fresh loads of logs In the yards Hi.lay , as against thirty-two loads yesterday. There were u few pretty good loads , but the quality was hardly up to Ihe average earlier In the. week. The market was u little alow to iU'n. but the. movement was fairly active after the. trade was once under way. Th > s sales showed n lltllihtmnncr raaikel all around. The best heavy ln > xs sold al 14.M , which was the top yesterday , while the heavy mixed went prin cipally nt J4.W. The light and light mlxi-d hogs sold at J4.35 to J4.4T , for loads uviMaglng 2tlO pounds and upwards. flood lends averaging under 20 < > pounds slid at J4.2.1 to JI.30 , bul prin cipally nl Ihe ( alter pi Ice. everything was suld and the yards cleared at an early hour. The hog market during the past week has been In good shape no far as demand was concerned. The packers have wanted the hogs and it has been no trouble to dispose of everything le- celved. The hade has been fcatuielefs nnd thine Is practically nothing to be Bald except that receipts met with ready Mile at the ruling prices. During the ilrst two days of Ihe week ihe niaikil Irad nn upward tendency , but the g.tln wus ull lo. t on Wednesday. On Thursday prices lemalned stationary but tlie day following there was a drop cf 5c to lOc. The market as a whole ranged \ery men during the week. The lop hogs sold nt J4.G3 on tlm that four d.t > H of the week and nt Jl.fil on the Insl two. other grades showed 'the same eveiincus In price. Hepresentallve pales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 51 1.14 . . . Jt 15 71 21'J K,0 Jl 40 77 173 W 4 20 70 212 24' ' ) 140 9 24S . . . 421 72 214 2sn 140 4 2W . , . 423 9J 233 XO 410 2 19,1 . . . 4 IT. S3 23i ! 310 440 23 179 124 25 77 231 160 4 4. 4 01 197 ISO 4 M . 72 210 1GO 4 43 81 HI IPO 430 67 237 120 413 71 l'J7 Si ) 4 3) 77. . : 23 0 4tt 71 181 W 4 30 70 221 SO 4 43 3J 191 . . . 430 71 22) ) 01 445 CO 193 4W 43214 5S 211 83 441 77 l'J8 ISO 43.1 fd 2i3 1IW 443 97 SKI 40) 333 74 219 . . . 443 73 203 . . . 43.1 GS 221 SO 443 41 219 1IX ) 1ST 61 231 . . . ' 4471,4 70 207 320 431 4G M ! SO 4 17'i 8 21G . . . 43.1 G5 272 213 450 74 rs 40 435 D3 211 M ) 450 S3 20S 240 435 CG 243 SO 4 W 0.1 232 ISO 4 ) Gt 217 . . . 4M 4 2S2 . . . 440 72 210 SO 4W 11 23G . . . 4 40 61 VJ2 , . . 4 US 77 210 1GD 4 40 GS 2W 120 4 53 SKIP ! ) AND CULLS. 7 ISO . . . 250 1'IGS. n 112 . . . 340 12 127 . . . .ICO 1 KM . . . 3 M 23 110 . . . S 8.1 SIIHUP Then- wax only out- load of nhwp here nnd It changed hands. Themaikct v > n.s weak In oymtmthy with other maikrls. Thenlias IN-HI considerable doing In during the | ul week , considering the llghl re ceipts. The fact , however , that prices IIHVH bivr very low hu mudilioldurn icluctnlit tn sell , an the wmwiiuentv" has bn'ii n dull and dingglnit nvirkit. While prlce are low , they ale n. lower at thlH iwlnt than at other markets. Pair to choice natlvc.t are quotable nt J2.753. 0 ; fnlr to4:011 westerns at } 2.503.00 | ; nuninnn and Block sheep , tl.73fC2.SO ; KOM ! In choice 40 to IDO-lli lambs , JJ.75rtfS.23. Heilesentallve | ualea : No Wt. Pr. 12 culls 73 Jl 50 94 native mixed W 220 CllIOACt ) l.IVK nTUOK. Cattle ncinand Fair at I'rlilny' * 1'rlrps Dili ; Vnliu'i Not Ouotalilv Higher. CHICAGO , June 22. The demand for cntllo was fair at yesterday's prices , and Hume dealers thmiiit ) heavy liceves , regardless of quality , wrr from 23c to 30c per 100 Ibs. lower than a week aK" . while common nnd nvdliim kinds were called from lOc to 15c lower. On the other hand , itood to choice handy cattle were Bellini } from lOc to 13c better lhan nl lh close yf last week. Common to extra cbolca native alters were nil able al from > 3.Gi to JO , with few aolllnit under J4 , and transactions were laruely between JI.IC und J..OO. Iiutchtrs' nnd c.mncrx' muff KolO from lee to 2'klower than n week IIKI > . 'ows ami heifers H111111 ; Ki'iiernlly at from tl.75 to J3.75 and bulls at frum ? 1.75 tu JJ..VI. There \sas no cli.iliKe In veal calves , nale.i belni ; on n basis of fioni 3 to 16 pw 10J IbM. . ncoidlnit lo rpulliy , and ntock- i-rs and feeders eru ateady al from $2 l.i lo 14 2" > The we k' receipla of Texas cattle foot up ulKjiit 7,001) be.id , iiKiilnat . & head lasl week. TliohB ivceivcd lud.iy weie In demand ul steady prices , em stci-ra beln held ul frum 1310 lo 13 60 wnlbt choice ful Ktock was wuith as JilEh us 13 10. dram c > a nnd hHffis fiom Tuxns wer < steady at from 12.23 to J2.75 , and choice corn- f l lots nt f l oin 3.5) to $3.76. Hccollits of ln'US tills wi'k habeen nlioul the sarno In niunlMT an lasl week , nlioul 130.000 head bul abmt lij'll leas than urrited III Bumv work last year. Todiiy'H recelpm were c mated at barely . < nrt IIOKS , nnd the entire nipply of fiesh and mill" l"ia was Iocs than U.OOO head. Thre was a Ko ° d ilemand nil local and tdilppim ; account nnd prices ruled utronuei- , but nol iU | < il- ubly lilKber l.inn on yesteida > . SalCi were made of heavy IIOKS ut frum 14.35 lo 4.kO , imxeil nt from | 4.M to It.SS nd llitht at from 14.9) ) tu 14.10. Three thounand nhecp wc-ro reoelveil Inlay , brlmtliiK tb" week's supply up to nlwul 71. > head , nn Increase of ll.mrt head over tlio precul- ini : werk and 31 0 ) head over the corresiuindinK wuok last j ir. There w.ia a fair Saturday tru li nt depn-Hs-d pi Ices , or ut u decline , as compair' with H week in ; ' . of from 2Sc In We for lumba and y < o t-ir - hep. Inferior lo choice hep HI-IC In r me l ul from JI.10 to $1.73 and sprlm ; lambs weni nunlitl at from JJ to Ji.70 for iMmr Ii choice lots. Texas nherp are veiling at from f. " : Cuttle , l.Ort h ad ; caUeM , 20 linul hogii , ! > . ' > W linailj aheiii , 3,000 heud. M. l.ouls l.lvu MIIUK .Maruet. BT , I/ll'IB. .lune U.-l'ATTI-U-Ilecclptii. ' . ' 00 head ; ahlpmenta. ICO head. Kuiplx | llKlit u usual nn Hatunluy und market iiuiet ill prevtou nui > tatlons. Unly u retail trade done , 1IOOHllrcelpla. . COS head ; Bhlpmenta , I.S'i hMid. Hupply very > mall and prlcva a uliad lower. Top * went at Jl.CO. nnd bulk of eule at I.'OCI.W. ' 40 lirad uhltmienU , none s'ot nimiKh i > ld to mnkn n market. The f < n hat chiuiK" ! hnjtda vrrnt at iinchnnireil price * . 4 C'lly l.irn Mock. KANSAH . nTii June 88. TATTI.n-Ilc-c , KM hend ; shipments. 2,10) head : market nomU ally Meiidv ; Texas Me < < m , $ i.1MJI.8J ; Texus ows. JJ.OiiyJ.50 ; Iwf strem. J3.7SOS.M , nntlvo "own , J1.85jf . .80j'jitiickers" nliil"feetiein , IKHIS Ili-ce'lpls. Sll head : ahlpmenU. 1.4M did ; niarkM stnmK to i r hlnlipr ; bulk of aulju. l.iM.M ; hravlcs. Jl. 3.104.75 : packtra. J4.20J/4.70 : ilxp.1 , l4.Mff4.40 ; llRhts. JI.15O4.40 ; Yorkers. M.W 4.40 ; plita , J3.7W4.15. Slock hi . * Ilcconl nt receipts nl the four principal mar- els for Saturday , June 21 , Isi.V Cattle. Hogs. Shetp. nuth Omaha , 472 1.690 101. lilengo l,0i S.OiW S.OUO TanMtit City 9HD J.1CO , , . t. Louis 900 GOO 6 ToUals 3.27J 15.390 S.OH mint .ti'i-Kit fjt.v yitttis. \inerlcitn llltlirn linprlioncil In nit I'ngllsli .lull OhlitliK Ills freedom , 1'AWTUCKKT. It. I. , Juno 22. Through ho efforts of ex-Mnyor Hugli J. Carroll ol his city. John Ctirtln Kent , nn American Itlzcn Imprliionol In nnglnnd on the clmrgo f being a dynamiter , eleven years ngo , has cen released through the Intervention of tlio tuto department. Tills Infcriuallon was nmilt nown through a letter received from Socro- ary of State Olnoy Inst evening. The story f Mr. Kent' . ? Incnrccrn lun was as follows : IClevcn years ago. at the tlmo of tlio Fenian prising In Knglaml , when ninny arrests ol llogcd dynamiters were made , Mr. Gulla- ; hcr of Brooklyn wns arrested In that conn- ' ry and convicted on tlio charge of being a 'ynamlter. lie wns sentenced to Imprlson- ncnt for life nnJ Is now serving his sentence. 'ho police arrested John Ctirtln Kent for otiipliclty and sentenced 1dm to the fnmo crni. Kent was an American citizen as well D nallngher and It has always been claimed hat ho was Innocent of nny complicity and hat he knew nothing of any plot , being ar- osted because ha was a friend of Gallagher. Tbo Irish National league became Interested n the case and retaining Mr. Carroll to rep- esent it , the latter worked through the Slate epartiucnt and his final success Is shown In Ir. blney's letter. Word comes from Knglaml that Mr. Kent u very III nnd It Is doubtful If ho can llvo iinny months. He will bo cared for by 'lionins Homnlno of New York , well known iy Irish nationalists , mil word to this effect vlll bo bcnl to England at once. Ad.llXST fiKCHKT SUCIKTIKH. Irchblshop Hiiln Torrud tn Publish the Tit put ( 'iinilpiniiiitliiii. ST. I.OUIS , June 22. It Is stated that th promulgation by Archbishop Kaln of Home's locrco condemning the OJil Kcllows , the \nlghts of 1'ythlas nnd the Sons of Temper ance , was against his wishes. Ho said to ho priests In retreat at Kcnrlck seminary "rhlay that the decree was effective. Ho las said on several occasions that ho would 10' promulgate the condemnation of the hreo societies , nnd ho stated that he bo- onged to the majority of the archbishops . vho opposed the ban. Home has forced \rchblshop Kaln Into line. Through Mgr. latolll. the papal dclogate at Washington , ho ece-lvcd notice from the pope a few days ago to act at once. Archbishop Kaln was brief , but pointed. In ils remarks to the priests about the decree , or he felt that ho was acting against tils leslres and promises. Ho told them that hey must not refuse the sacraments to persons belonging to the condemned societies f a withdrawal from membership meant loss of position or serious temporal Injury. Aroh- ilsliop Kaln reserved to himself the decision of these cases. lie directed them to an- lounce to their people nt their earliest con- enlonce that the three societies stood con demned In this diocese. IWKIl'K irtMf/i.Y WILT DKClltK , Ircach of rroinlii , Cuio Will lln Tried Ho- foru it I'oniiilc .Inry. LOUISVILLK , Juno 22. Kentucky Is soon o enjoy the novelty of a woman jury trylnfj the suit of a man for breach of promise against a woman. W.rC. Stivers , -widower and prosperous farniEi 'of Gnrrard couhty. ms Instituted proceedings for damages for ircach of promise , and named as defendant Miss Katherlno West , a school toaclicr of 25 fears. He nvcrre'd that he had proposed and ) Den accepted , and that even the day of the iveddlng had been set , when she refused to marry him. The Jutlgo before whom the case will bo tried la M. C. Sanlley. of the 3nrrard circuit bench. Judge Sanfley saya 10 will try the case before a Jury composed of women. Under the new constitution they are eligible for Jury service. OfJ , " JIV JI Cnloruiln Ci-ASHhoppers llolnj Ititpldly Kllloil liy C'lintiigloiu Dlxiiiip. DKNVEU , Juno 22. Prof. S. P. Dlllotto. cntomolpglst of the State Agricultural college , after an examination of the fluids of Eome of the millions of grasshoppers that have died near Ilrlghton , llnds that they are dying , not troin the attacks of a parasite Insect , but from contagious disease caused by mlnuto germs similar but not exactly like the germs that cause such diseases as cholera , anthrax , tuberculosis , etc. , In higher animals. It Is hoped this disease will destroy the greater proportion of the grasshoppers that threatened to be a scourge In eastern Colorado , Nebraska and Kansas this season , l > ! 'i troiu Hmi Him-iii In .M liinoiotii , ST. PAUL , Juno 22. Another disastrous hailstorm la reported from different sections cf the state as Imvlnu occurred Thursday night. ' A Morris , Minn. , special to the I'lonecr 1'rcss says a destructive hall storm struck the southern part of Stevens county last night , doing much damage In the towns of Horton , Synncs and Darren. The crops on a atrip of land ona tnllo wldo and six miles long were v > lped out , about 2,000 acres of grain being destroyed. A Fergus Palls special reports an ccjually disastrous hall Btorm In the township ai Oscar and Kllza- bcth , Otter Tall county. All of the wheat In a strip of country two miles wide and ten miles long was pounded Into the ground. l.niinithn 1 tlm Noiv Kivniiiiu J'uttur. DUIJUQUK. la. , June 22. The revenue cutter - ter William Wlndom was successfully launched at the yards of the Iowa Iron works this morning In tlio presence ot hundreds. The launch was expedited on ac count of fear of falling water and as soon ai tlio holler la loadoj she will be taken down the river. Her extreme length is 178 feet 8 Inches. She has a 27 foot beam , la 13Vi fet In depth and will regls. tcr about 412 tons. Her power Is two triple-expansion engines and she will malco about I'lxtcon knots. She Is a lundsjmo boat and a credit to her builders. CrnlitciAt'imtx \VIII Awiilt Orilnri. Ni\V : YOKK , June 22. The United Stales cruiser Atlanta from New London , has ar rived nt the Brooklyn Navy yard , where nlie will coal an 1 await orders from the Navy do- partnicnt. YOU CAN'T LOSE If you us ( h" proper facilities nnd Information - formation und solec-t the right brcikf-rs lo handle your business In the Htoclc maikel. This may seem to bo a broad ji acr- lion lo make , but our Imalx of cus- lomers mo willing lo testify lour re- llahllliy. Juilgnient and cunnervatlva handling of tlu-ir Invrntmciils. Send for our booklet un how to speculate , which will bo mailed un application. E. D.THORNBURCH & CO. Muliiborii N. V. Ccin < , Stork l-.xiiliiiugu 41 nrotidwqy , Now York. 10 to 207o per Month cnn ba nmde by our method of oni-mtlnir In OHAI.V AND KTOflCH. I'losprclus ulvlnif full Inforiniillc.ii of perfect nyalem nulled flee. K-nJ your builneiui only to u financially re iKin lbl * llOUriO. I > luk Ull Up. IIAMI'DIi.N I' . THOMAS K CO. , Qmln , Stocl ; and llond lirokera , l : i Cli tintinr nl oiiiniK.Ti' , < IIICAK ) MAIIUIN No muturvtic : booklet on l > ec. TIIADIN'Cl ulullou ) ' 'U muy have rrad nclld AlNl'i'ur oum , which It lixi'i lf " NUW uml "ix > Mri.KTIi , It cleaily vxpUIni mttrs it trailliuf end UKKINH8 ALU MAIIKBT LXl'llKHSlONa. Ji' free and will teach you aoimHhing , AHHOaAHT t T/ ' . , II TraJtn Uuli-iinc , Chlcaxa-