THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; , JUNE 17 , 1895. SPEQ1RL NOTICES. Jldtertlcmrnu for these column * mill be tafcrn until 12I3O p. in. for the e cnlne nd until B p. m. for the morninc and Sunday edition * Advertiser * , by reqamtlnj : nnmborert check , can bare answers nddreiied to n numbered letter In euro of 'llto lleo. An- uteri so addrcnacil irlll be ilrllrered , upon 1 mentation of the clicck only , llat-ifc , 1 l-2o a word , flrtt Inicrtlon , la a word hereafter. KothliiR taken for l Mthan2So Tor llrtt Iniertlon. Tlicso adTprtlienicnti roast inn coniecu * lively. 8ITUATIONB WANTED. nrot'NO WIDOW. OAUOHTKR OF- MASON and I. O. O. r.i desires iiltuatlon as 'house keeper or tnko change of hotel , city or country , or would correspond with view to matrimony ; elderly Ki-nllcmcn preferred. Address Mrs Car rie J. Wllburn. I' . O. Uox 1017 , Chlcnmi. 111. A Mill 20 * WANTEI3 MALE HELP. WANTED , MIN TO WRITE ME TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free. In plain sealed envelope ) which cured ine of nervous drbllltjr , xhaused vitality , etc. Address C. J. Walker , Sox 1,311 , Kalamazoo. Mich. D M423 _ CUBAN FRECKLES , PURE AND MILD. tC. B 18I-J21 _ 1100.00 A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAID salesmen ; no experience required. U. 8. Clgai Co. , 614 H. 7lh street , St. Louis , Mo.1J"SI93. 1J"SI93. 21 to LABORERS rou B. & M. KY. co. IN WYO- mine , free transportation ; ship Monday after noon. Kramer Sc O'Hcarn , llth and Farnatri atreet. B-M10C 17' WANTED -FliBlALK HELP. ARE YOU HONEST , SOBER , INDUSTRIOUS ? It BO , engage with us for 1SU3 ; J3W a month , 13,600 a year ; you can mak It easy ; six hours a day. Our agents do not complain of hard times. WhyT They are maklnc money selling our Perfection llsh Washer ; the only practical family washer manufactured ; washes , dries and polishes dishes perfectly In two minutes ; no experience necessary ; a child of 8 operates It easily ; che.ip and durable ; weight , thirteen pounds ; mnde of antt-rust sheet steel ; capac ity , 100 pieces ; J10.000 for Its rqiial ; e\cry fam ily wants one ; you don't ha\c to canvas ; aa noon as people know you ha\e It for sale they send for a dish washer : each agent'e territory protected ; no competition ; wo fur nish sample ( neighs six pounds ) In nice case to lady nRentH to take orders with ; cue nuenl made ttll.M first ten < la > s Addrejs for full particulars 1-crfcctlon Mfg. Co. , Knglewowl IU , WANTED , YOUNO GIRL. WITH EXPERI pncc , to care for a throe-year-old child. Uefer enws renulred. Apply at SOI South 25th av lirforc C | i. m. _ C950.17' WANTED , A aoon HERMAN tiiia. ARom 15 tears old. Apply at once , 2023 Ohio St. WANTii : > . A GOOD dim. . rOIt GENERAI housework. Apply 118 N. 39th street. J70B , BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , P. 1C. DAHLINO , BAHKUR BLOCK , U 4 3 IIOUSUS IN ALL , 1'AIVTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Uavla company , 1505 I'arnnm. D 128 HOUSES , BUNUWA & CO. . J1S N. 1JTII ST. D 127 It. li COLE CO. IJUldUST LIST IN OMAHA D FOR HUNT DESIItAULH HOUSES , rooms , 211 8. 24th tl. . 30. T rooms , 4205 Cumins at. , J22. t rooms , WG N. 27th aye. . JJ2 W. * rooms , 4907 Caes St. , (10. II rooms , 4927 Davenport St. . $10 , E roomo , 3420 Jackson St. . ; S. C roomi. 3513 Pratt St. . J7. _ Bee Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam t. D 1 JIUNTAL , AGENCY 62J SO. 1CT1I ST. D 727 IO-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN , LOCATHD 221 Douglaa. W. F. Clark. D Mr.6-J18 iwo 9-uooii UHicic iiousns. issa-u I'AIU avenue , facing Hanscom park , neatly new hard wood llnlsli ; first Uaea modern con \enlences. Inquire 1115 South :2n < l street. D-&I3M AND 7-KOOM FLATS , WITH RANQn AN1 all moderrT conveniences ; awnings , screens an < Janitor serrlce. Call nt corner flat , 701 3. 16tl U , from 19 to 12 and Mo 4. George Clouser. D M594 I-UOOM MODEUN HOUSE , DnTACHUD beautiful lawn ; shade trees. 605 South 2Stti Apply to J. H. Farrotte. Douglas block.DM610 D-M610 Ton JIENT , FINE COTTAGE. 11ARN , LAIIQI lawn , on car line. U. C. Patterson , Ham ( re blh D 407 S UUJQANT 6-UOO1I COTTAGES JUST BUIL.1 ] JJ2.50. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnan P-S42 THRniMlOOM COTTAGE WITH GARDEN. E K. Cnr. J3rd and Clark St. Inquire 1 23 Jack son SI. D K3 MODERN HOUSE. TH ST. & POF pleton. Hartman & Hobblns , 210 Bee bid * . D-821-Jya ; MODERN TEN-ROOM HOUSES ON MOTO line for rent at JiO.UO per month. E. II. Bhenf 432 I'axton block. D M53S 21 FOR RENT. 8-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODER ! rnprovementn : hard wood finish anil Inn rooms. No. 4M N. 23rJ. D M105 19 FOR RENT. AT REASONABLE PRICE , M residence , cor. 24th and St. Mary's ) ave. , fu nlshixl or unfurnished , for the summer. . longer. Mrs. M. Hellman. D Kt-21 CHOICE EIOHT-ROOM BRICK RESIDENC1 inotlei n , Sherwood ave. , near IGth and Lak 513.0) ) . Central olsht-room bilck , f3d and California , J33. LarRO brick residence. 23(1 nnd California. C. t HlBrr. 615 N. Y. Life Bldg. D 9S8-17 2708 FARNAM STREET. \f , M. Rogers , 1323 Farnarn street. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT FOR TH mimmer. Inquire Mrs. J , W. Cotton , 118 S 18th. D m-30-18' FOR .RENT , 7-ROOM , EAST FRONT , MOE crn. Call 062 No. 20th , rent } ! 5 ( . D M933 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKKEPINC & rooms , first floor , or 4 rooms , second Iloo city water , hath , tarn , etc. : & minutes fro poalolllcc. 822VJ S. 20th street. I ) M997 19' FOR RENT. HOUSE 0 ROOMS AND SUMME kitchen. 2512 Caldwell street. D M1000 23 * BENT 1 URN laHED BOOMS NICE' SOUTH FRONT ROOM. WELL Dished , private family. Call 211 J Casa st. E-M43J PLEASANT ROOM , 1919 DODGE. E-M8S7 FURNISHED ROOM. C2 S. 19TH STREET. E-M107-J18' roil RENT. ELEGANTLY FURNISHE rooms. 004 S. 13th. E-616 Jj2 9 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING FOR MA ; and nlfe ; rent taUen In board. 319 N. 17th. E S8I-1S * _ FURNISHED ROOMS Me WEEK. 710 S. HTI E ! )10-Jyl2 ) _ NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO. ( t B. )7lli street. E-M940 2S _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS' FOR OENTL1 men or light housekeeping. C:6 : Noith 17th strei E-M939 17' _ NEATLY FURNL I1ED ROOMS , IiH S , KTII S1 E M103 19' _ _ F1V13 ROOMS , FURNISHED FOR HOUS1 kepplnci central , a a. Hee. E M1H 18 * _ FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMI HlriGle or ennilte ; can hovuelterii on lit -lluor. lili Chicago street. 1. M130 Is * _ ITJRNISHED ROOM3 AND BOfl.R : THK ROSE. M29 HARNEY , NICE FURNI8HE rooms with board ; special rate : to gentlemen. 1' M4-JI2 * _ _ _ _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. N. Irt ulieet. f MIM 21' _ ROOM AND BOARD AT 212 BO. JiTH STRIJIT F-M 4 IS' _ ? 0 RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with board ; terms reasonable. Call at 21 Dougliu. F S FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS. ALSO KlT el room , wllh board In private family ; refe cnces. 82U Fnrrum. F tl IS' _ * NicEi.YTimNisnnr > SOUTH ROOM WIT toarU for two ; private family ; mi olhrr boon en ; best home comforts. ( It No , 2Ut. b < California and Wtbiter , F 504 FOR RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS , WIT board. 1C4. Rlnney street. F-M1C1 ' BOUTH ROOMS. BINGLB OR RXSUtTD. PU ! mer ruin. 1308 Douglas. F MIS ) l $ _ M7 S. tiTH AYE. PRIVATE FAMILY F-.M1M J15' I ROOMS. CLOSET. Kit ST , MARY'S AVB. ' S OK S UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENTJI ; 0 > B. 14th BL FIVH MODERN ROOMS. INCLUDING PAI Ion ; no chlMrea ; chtgp. til H. Itth. ' * U-MSM-1T EABT UOOUa. H.OO AND M. PKH MONTI , fw a Mmsirm. . u-sms u JOE RENT STORES AND OFFICES TWO-STORY IIRICK , 22XM. AND M FEET trackage , 711 8. 13th , at your own price. H. Cole Co. , 106 N. 15th Bt. 1 716-J-8 FOR RENTTHEBTORY DRICIC BUILDING , til Farnam street. This building has a fire proof cement basement , complete steam heat ing fixtures , water on all floors , gait , etc. Ap- plr at the office ot The Dee. 1 910 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN , S3 TO J10 A DAY , ADdress - dress tha Handy Heater Co. Kit New York Llf bldg. . Omaha , Neb. J U WANTED , HUNDREDS OF AGENTS TO SELL "The New Education" to school boards. Men nold sixty sets last month to single districts. The Diamond Lltho. Pub. Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. J-M043 17' WANTED , DISTRICT AND CITY MANAGERS to represent the Unltrd States llenevolont > clely ; pays sick , nccklont and funeral benefits. Addresi J. H. Pitcher , secretary , Saulnaw , East Side , Mich. J Mill 22 * RENTAL AGENCY. G. O. WALLACE , RENTALS , 312 BROWN Ilt.K. L-M703 STORAGE. STORAGE , FRANK EWERS. lll IIARNRY. an 35 BESTSTORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. a KOV. bond warehouse ; household goods stored : lowest rales. 1013-1015 Lea verm orth. M4M STORAGE. Continued. STOVES STORED DURING SUMMER. TEL. MO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Store Repair Works. M437 'ACIFIC ' STORAGE A WAREHOUSE CO. . 9TH & Jones sts. General storage and forwarding. M43J FOR SALE FURNITURE. FOR SALE , 30 ROOMS FURNITURE ; CENtral - tral location ; 18 boarder- ) ! Rood reasons for selling ; great bargain. Address S 18. Bee , 0-M870 FOR SALE. WALNUT BEDROOM SUIT GOOD as new with iruxttrcss and springs. > M 00. F. J. W. . KOD No. 19th St. O M954-17 * FOR SALE. HORSES AND WAGONS UGH. STYLISH , TWO-SEATED TRAP WITH reversible seat , slightly used. ; Mc Cormlck't torn , 14th nnd Honard. P 9M-17 * FOR SALE M.I8CKI/LANEOU8 HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AND chicken ( cnce. Clias. lu Lee , tth and Douglas. Q441 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. . AMES. NEB , has 400 tons good baled hay to sell. Q M442 FOR SALE , A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Brandies , Boston Store. Q MC94 CUBAN FRECKLES SOLD EVERYWHERE , 6C. Q1S4 J21 GOOD SECOND HAND SET LIGHT DOUBLE lint-ness , J13 00. 624 8. 16th st. Q-M910 17 FOR HALE. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER , nearly IIPW : bo Bold thtmii. Adilresa (5 14. Bee. Council Bluffs. Q-M947 13 FOR SALE. OLD LUMBER CONSISTING Or scantllnpr 2x4. 2x8. 2x10 , 8x8 , shlplnp , ftheetlnK siding , doom , windows , etc. , lit the Associated Charities wood yard , 807 Howard st. Q957-Jyl4 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , Sthjearot 119 N , 16th , S1I3 FORTUNES TOLD THROUGH THE STARE nnd through the Kplrlt. Amelia Goodman , Union Depot hotel , llth and Mason , room 2 , up. stairs. S 90S-19 * MADAM E. AUSTIN. TRANCE MEDIUM AND Independent cnrd reader. Room 2 , & S istr Bt. Hamburg hotel. S930 2C' , . JJATHS. KTO. MADAM SMITH. M2 S. 13TH 2D FLOOR , ROOJi 3 : magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , uulpluirliu and sea baths. T M9SO-22 * MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD. 1121 DODGE T M639 Jy 4 FINEST BATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS It city. Mme. Howrll , 318 & 320 8. 15th ; thorough ! practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant T MS70 Jy 12 * MRS. DR. LEON. KLEGANT MASSAGE ANI electric bath. Parlors restful and refresh Ing ; . 412 North , 14th street. T M1S2 23 * TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN Cm exclusively for ladles. Suit * 109-110 , Bee bldg 135 LADIES' BATHS , 6 FOR 5. MME. POST , 313V B. 15. 730 PERSONAL. THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE T ( order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. street.U U 383 VIAVI CO. , 840 BEE BLDO. ; HEALTH BOOH free ; home treatment ; lady attendant. U414 B. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS Banquet , hull , residence and grave decorations 1S13 Vlnton street. Telephone 77C. U M443 BATHS , MASSAGE , MME. POST. J19H B. 15TH U731 CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH IOC FOR 5C U184 J21 UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED tie. No. 16th. Jus. Henderson. U 387 J 27 BARGAIN. 12 CABINET PHOTOS. 12. DAVIES 113 S. ICth street , opposite Boston Store. U-MWD 30 A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAr on pianos , jewels , bicycles , etc. Buslnes strictly confidential. Address Postornce Bo : S26. U-M702 HAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS MADE INT < rugs ; any size you wish. 1321 Leavcnwnrtl street. U M70S JyO A LADY THAT LIVES ON CAPITOL AVENtl : wishes to see that tall gentleman that aske her to get married last September and sh told him that "she was afraid he would M her. " Address S 26 , Bee. U 323-17 * WANTED. HAS ANY PERSON A NUMBER 1 dictionary ? Advertiser Is short this numb and wlshct to "complete set. Apply at buslnes olllce of The Bee. U M932 17 NONE IN THE RACE WITH CLARKE'S PUR1 Rye Whisky. A family medicine. Absolute ! pure. In bottles. t U MI2S 17 MONEY TO LOAN KfcAL ESTATI ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Ion a farms or Omaha city propertj W4M MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THI O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam St. W431 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. New York , offer any purt 1M.OOO eastern In \eslor'B names , who Via\e money to Invest Just compiled. Write for particulars. W M303 J23 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. CIS N. Y. LIFE W450 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED O ! or bought. F. O , Chesncy , Kansas City , Me W453 CAPITAL. J.000,000 ; SURPLUS , 1600,000 ; U. i Mortgage Truit Co. . New York. For 6 per cer loans on city property apply to Pusvy & Thoma : agents , room 07 First Nat'l Dank bldg.W25S W-25S MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH. real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , I'axton blh W447 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA RKAL ESTATI at 6 per cent. W. B. Melkel , 1st Nat. Bk bids W448 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH , property. Fidelity Trust company. 1703 Farnam W443 IXJANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CIT property. W. Farnam Smith Co. , 1320 Farnan MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 417 , It AMU E BLOCK X4U MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ANI pianos. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge tlk. X4M MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; jo cn pay the loan off at any time or In an amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 308 80. Hth fit. fit.X47) X47) BUSINESS OHANOtS. CUBAN FRECKLES. THE ONLY CIGAR. SC Y1S4 JH BUSINESS CHANCE TO RESPONSHJL party , \\llh Si.000 or 110.000 to put Into oh ettablUhrd wholesale optical house , looated I Chicago , and dolnj business | n the west ; ha % flv * traveling saleimen on the road. Addroi , Omaha Be * . Y MM ) tS _ _ WHOM TUB LIVER DOKS OT CT rKor wly III * , whole system Is il rane l. Nothln will restore that organ to Its proper function no quickly ni CUrko's Putt R > Whliky. Bol at dealers. -Mm 17 WANTED. PARTY TO TAKE HALV INTEI ! Mt In manufacture of air cushion * ana 111 prtserrtra In Omaha. Good article ; protect * by patents. Adrireu Uatthlaa Abrnli , Lamoti Jacluon Co. . loir * . Y N ll IT * A GOOD SALOON1 FOR SALE IX OMAHA A A4 < Jr i a > 0. Do * . Y-fSt-lT- BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. $12,000.00 STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN BEST town In eastern Nebraska , for land and casher or equivalent. Address S 29 , care l ! e. OLD ESTABLISHED MEAT MARKET AND grocery for sale cheap. Address 3 31 UPC Y -951-17 MONEY IN CATTLE , SNAP. PRACTICAL mnn wanted with cash to stock nnd manage l.O'W-acre ' Irrigated ranch , cash to go Into uteers. / Will Incorporate. Cut this out. R. M. Lewis , Evanston. Wyo. Y M991-H * HALF INTEREST IN SMALL MANUFACTURIng - Ing and wholesale business , Omaha , making irooil living and capable of large development , J3000 ; whole builness JI.WO. U. G. Wallace , 312 J. J. Brown blk. Y 887-15 FOR EXOHAMO& . WILL EXCHANGE MILLINERY FOR RANGE coal. 1512 Douglas street. Z-M730 21 WANTED TO TRADE NEW STANDARD Bi cycle for draft horse weighing 1,500 pounds or moro E. J , Davis. 1115 Furnam st , Z37 FARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI , for stock of hardware or Implements. Knox & Rlsser , 37H Pearl st. , Council Blurts , In.Z117J23 Z117J23 TO EXCHANGE , A COMBINED STOCK OF drug * , clocks , watches. Jewelry , blank nnd school books , \\nll tmper. window shidrs , paints , olH glass , etc. Will Invoice , with fixtures , about 19.000. AVnnt improved farm. Address A. J. Pltier , Cherryvnle , Kansas.ZM84T Z-M84T JylO * 1 WANT MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOR real estate and cash II. A. Wagner , Omaha. Z-M100 2 LOTS. CHEAP AT JI.OOO. WILL TRADE FOR bicycle or horse and buggy , JK ) canh and 1200 mortgage. Down town residence. 8 rooms , worth JO.MO. will take (3,000 In clear outside property and I > a1anre mortgage. Good hardware stock , 56,000 , fo' clear real citato nnd some cash , O. G. Wallace. 312 J. J. Brown blk. Z-S86-15 FOR HALE ne.Ali ESTATE. ABSTRACTS , THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE la BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARM ; sale or trade. F. 1C , Darling , Barker Block. RE 4CO IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise jou. If taken with in 2 weeks. J. H. Sherwood , 4H N. Y. Life. RE m BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertlea and farms. John N. Frenzer , opp. P. O. RE Ul HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Garvln Bros , 210 N. Y. L RE 103 FOR SALE , 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT , i-nst front , $700.00 , terms easy ; bargain R. C. Patterson , Raingt * block. RE MS44 FARM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON , 812 N. Y. Lift RE B7-Jy 10 FOR SALE , DELIGHTFUL MODERN COTtage - tage home , near N boulevard , (2,50000 ; JI.COUK cash , balance easy at G per cent. Address S 2\ Bee. RE 093 IS LISTEN TILL I TALK 'S feel east front on Georgia a\enuo , Just nortli of Lcavenworth Btreet , house , 10 rooms , n lint home , sold recently nt 113,000 ; my price , ( SMI , sm.ill payment do n , balance easy , 6i4 l > r cent. House nnd 4ot out on Davenport street ; con I $2.000 ; my price , $ WO , on easy terms. 8 rooms , too. House and lot on South 25th nvtviuc ; hous ? nnil lot cost $3,000 ; my price , $1C50. House nnd lot In Sherman nvenue park , J700 $230. ) down , balance $10.00 , no Interest. Plenty bargains In other parts of the city. Vacant corner on South 24lh street. COxlM , cost J3.300 , my price. $1,500. Fine eait front lot , east park , worth $3.000 , this week nt $ ltW ) . Tin only ( Ino corner left near park , east front , nl $2bOO. 3 lots In Harlem lane , cost JS.VI cash my price , $200 for nil. If jou want to soil sent me a complete description , I can sell them. FARM LANDS. 80 acre farm In Mnnona county , In. , all tillable , $500 ; easy terms. 300 ncres , 2. ! miles Boulhnenl of Omaha , at $2000 PT acre. lmpro\eil 33) ) 20 miles from Omaha , pirtly Improved at a sic rlflce. only $14.00 per ncre. 400 ncres , tvipnt ) miles out south ; n complete farm home ; bar gain If taken quick. ICO acres In MlBaJuri u exchange for outside lots and c. > sh. Bend de scrlptlon of what you want to sell or exchange Houses to rent. Ljmnn Waterman , 822 N. Y Life bldg. RE M103 17 LOT WORTH $750 FOR $230. Business lot worth $ S50 for $300. House , modern , cost $4.EOO. for $2,750. Cottage , close In. worth $3,000. for $2.000. Property renting for $410 per year. $3,000. G. G. Wallace , 312 J. J. Brown blk. blk.RE8S515 RE-8S5-15 ElCSTCUEb. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. ICTH. 461 VICTOR BICYCLES , THE FINEST OF ALI bicycles. Omaha Ulcjcle Co. , 323 N. ICth street 46C STERLING BUILT LIKE A WATCH WEST crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street 465 SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS O > Relay Special. Will Barnum Bro. , 120 N. 15th 467 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. 116 3 15th street. 4C8 A. L. DEANE & CO. , 1116 FARNAM STREET 469 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO.,211 ! CUMING 470 MANTELS , GRATi'S AND TILES WOOD MANTLES. ORATES. TILES FOR FIRI places , \estlbules and large floors ; write fo catalogue. Milton Rogers & . Sons , Omaha. 471 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4304 Burdette , 803 J30 * CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS , C. E. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING. HOU8I slzn painting , brick work , plastering ; off. R. I Barker blk. ; tel. 735 ; shop 913 N. 24th ut. 4M fllUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. MRS. FANNY ADLER. PIANO TEACHER graduate Vienna Conservator ) ' . 803 So. Hth st 83S-Jy'J GEORGE F. GELLENBECK. BANJO ANI guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. tt 109 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION , SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B ASS'N PAI 6. 7 , B per cent when 1 , 2 , 3 years old , alvta ) redeemable. 1701 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec 480 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE OOOI Interst on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B Ass'n , 1701 Bea BMg. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. 4S1 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERE II. 1C BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANI embalmer , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 472 SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMINO. TEL. IOC 473 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM er , 1417 Farnam at. , telephone 225. 474 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER. 613 S. 16TH ST 475 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS ture for horses , board fence , spring water Barton & Phelps. Gllmore , Neb. , or A. W 1'helps & Son. ii)7 ) N. Y. Llfo bldg. . Tel , 1031 478-July ! PASTURE. CATTLE & . HORSES , T. MURRAY 90S-J15 HORSES AND CATTLE' : BLUE GRASS spring * water. H. H , Harder & Co. , Bee bldg 807 MEDICAL. LADIES ! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal Pills ( diamond brand ) are the best ; safe reliable ; take no other ; send 4c. stamps , fo particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter b return mall. At drugglits. Chlchester Cliem leal Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. COAL D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COA1 oHlce to 209 S. 16th st , . Brown block. 474 AY. BF the latest slang phrase , but that's Just wha we're doing wlih SHERIDAN COAL. 8.000 tom roW In Omaha last year. Wa gl\e > ou 2001 Ibs. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for $4 51 Victor White , mgr. , 160J Farnam ot , Tel. l 7. 4J1 PUMPS AND WINDMILL U. H. BOYDEN. PUMPS AND WIND MILLS . .II kinds of pump repairing. Leave order with Churchill Pump Co. Telephone C6S M-16J-JI1 * HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 11TH AND JONES BT3. 73 rooms at $1.60 per day. EO rooms at $2.00 per day. Special rates to commercial traveler * Rorr and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch manager. 47 $ AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COB IStli anj Dodie. Rooms by day or week. 479 LOST. OMAHA. NEB. . JUNK 15. 1893HAVING LOST a number of note * by theft , which were ( lain ut LouUrllle. Ky. . exenuted by fharlra P Jonei In rar favor , and endorsed by me. htrtby warn all persona again * ! purchasing th wie. RicluM James , Lost -Mill Hi . ELEOTRIOAE.ffUFPLIEa : ; ELECTRICAL ENOlNEBUfl AND CONTHAC- tors for electric light anil , motor plants and all kinds of electrical wnstHiMton Western Elec trical Supply Co. , ISlV Krfinrd it. 48 ! DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MORAN > f..WILL GIVE Pill- nte lessons In dancing , at their home , 29M Hedge street , during ( he summer. 223-J23 SHORTHAND A.NQ'1'YgJS , WRITING A. C. VAN SANTS SCljO j. 513 N. Y. L1FE _ PAWNBROKERS. I. MAROW1TZ LOANSMONEY. 418 N. U nt * BUSINESS NOTICES. JAMAGED MIRRORS RES1LVERED. 719 N. H 491 DENTISTS. DR. PAUL , n IfT , 20W BURT ST. . 437 Lawyers nnd solicitors. SUES & CO. Ltcc UuHdliig , OMAHA , Neb. Advice Kit EM RAILW Arip Cil _ _ Leaves IBURL1NUTON In. MO. 1UV t-KArru | - Omaha ) Union Depot , 10th u Muaun Sti | Omaha ' 0:1 : Jam . Denver Express. . . . 9.40am 4Upm.Blk. Hills , Mont. & Puget Bnd. Ex. 4:30pra : . Denver Express . 4:05pni : C:4opm. : . Nebraska Local ( except Sunday. . 7:4jpm : 8:15am. : . . Lincoln Local ( except Sun < lay.ll25am ; 2:45pm..Fast : MalKfor Llnwln ) dully , . . . _ Leaxes ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ic Q.IArrlxes OiiialialUiilon Depot , IJth & lUmuli Sts.l Omaha l:45pm : , . . . . . . . .Chlcagu Vestibule. . . :50am 8:5 : < ) mn . Chicago E\prej . 415pm 7 :50pm. : . Chicago and St. Louis Express. . 8ixinm : ll:35am . Pacific Junction Local . 5:30pm : _ . . . . . . . . . . .FMt Mall. . . . . . . . 24upin ; Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL.IArrlves OinahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sis , ( Omaha G.OOpm. . . . . Chicago Limited . 9:30am II ; lCam. . . . Chicago Express ( ex. Bun. ) . . . . bUOpin ; Leaves IUH1CAUO & NORTH Vt EsrN.tArrtvca OmahalUiilon Depot , loth & Mason Sts I Oinjha l:05am : . Eurtcrn Express . 6:3t : > pm 4:00pm : . Vcstlbuled Limited . 9:40am : 6:15nm : . Mo- Valley Local . 10:30pm : li45pm . Omalm Clilcatf' ) Special . 215iin | Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. iArrUes OmJhnl Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Un-.aha EAST. ll:00am..Atlantic : Express ( ex Sunday ) . . . 5J."ipm : 6:2.ipm : NlKht Expr M ti:35am : 4'JQpm..Chicago vjstlliuied Limited. . . . l:35pm " WEST. 6:00pm..Oklahoma : & Texas Ex ( ex Sur..10:3jam ; : l40pm ! Colorado Limited 4.Mpm Lea\es I C. , ST. P. M. & O. JArrhes Oinnhal Depot. 15th and \\cb3ler Sin. [ Omaha 9'25am. . .Nebraska IMs enner ( dally ) . . . . s:13pm : 4:0pm..Sioux : City Expiesa lux. Sun ) . . .ll , ' > 5am 6:10pm : St. Paul Limited . . . . .M'3nm * Leaves ! F. . K. & MO. V'ALl.El. lArrtves Omalia _ [ Depot. 15tii andWebster _ _ S13.J Omaha 2:10pm : Fast Mall and Express. 4 : . " > 5pm 2:10pm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex ( ex. lion. ) . . . 4.55pm 9:0Jam..Norfolk : Express lex. Sunday.10:30am : CllOpm . .St. I'aul Expreaa 10aiaiii Leaves ! K. C. , ST. J. & C. li. ) Arrl\es OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 9.50am Kansas Clty Duy Express e:3Upm : ! 4opm..K. C. NlKht Ex. Via U. P. Tran. . 6:00am Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. JAirlxes Omaha ] Depot , 15th and Webater Sts. [ Omaha ib:40am : St. Louis Express 6:00am : 9:30pm : St. LoulA Kxprcss cOSpm : 3:30pm : Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) 8:00ani Leaves I SIOUX CITY , &J'AC1F1C. lArrlves Omalial Depot , 15th anaL Webster Sla. [ Omaha 610pm ; St. I'aul I fnTlted 10:3.Um : I.ea\es I SIOUX CITVi arfPACIFIC. lAnlves OmnhalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.Omaha [ G'Wam .Sioux C\ff \ I'rtNMcnper ILl'mm C:35pm . . . .St. I'aul Limited . .12:3Spm : Leaves I UNiON"t ? AJf3iiTc"lArrUea Omahaltlnlon Depot , lDtli , , .Mu8on Sts. | Omaha 6ipm. ; ! . " 1..Fasi MaSl 4:10pm r . - - rJ-j - > * - - . - . . . . . . WAUASH RAILWAY. lArrlves mah i Union Depot , 1M ) > &jM.tson Sta.l Omalid 3:5Cpm : St. Louis Cannon Ball 12:35pm : THE FREE PplT PROJECT. 1 I'-in i Preliminary Step * la' am Important Com- mercliil Kn rprlHO. The first step toward the estaUllsliment o a free port near New York City was taker on the 1st last , , when the Long Island rail road extension to Montauk Point was com pleted. A few clays before the purchase o 5,500 acres of land skirting the Point am Fort Pond Hay was effected and deeds filed The property was secured by Mr. Austlt Corbln , president of the Long Island railroad and Mr. Charles M. Pratt of Brooklyn. Before the design of a free city can bi carried out , says the New York Sun , congress gross will have to act , as the new port , I established , will have to be under the gov ernment's supervision ; but long before tha' ' plan can be fulfilled a summer community Is likely to grow up on this almost un Inhabited neck of land. Fort Pond Bay slt < Is all that could be asked for the purpose o a frco port. On Its western side the lam narrows to a neck about a quarter of a mill wide. On the south or ocean side no piers can bi built , as the coast Is open to the Atlantic The conditions are the same at the east end the high bluff on which Is the Montaul light. On the nortli side there Is a natura deep water harbor , protected on every sldi but one , and that can be provided with i breakwater. The point Itself protects It 01 the south ; the main body of the Island am the north fork , or Orldnt Point , and Sheltei Island on the west and northwest , and ot the nortli It Is open only to the sounds. Fron the cast , however , the Atlantic has a goot sweep by way of Block Island sound , whlcl Is the broad way between Montauk Poln and Block Island. A breakwater would havi to be built , probably , on that side , In vcrj deep water Montauk Point proper Is a big promontory about ten miles long. Once , It Is thought , I was not a part of LongIsland. . While thi Island Itself Is all sand , and at the easten end generally level , tne Montauk penlnsul ; U a bluff of clay and gravel and grea boulders. It Is supposed to have been landct there after the glacial period and in thi times when portions of the earth's crust : were carried away from their former lodg ments. Separated from Long Island at first , It wai so washed by the sea that the sand wai piled up until the Nepague beach \va : formed , connecting the big Island with thi mainland. For the first three miles tin Point is wooded. Then the trees cease , tin land begins to rise , and there are wtdi stretches of salt hay. Then begin the foot hills of Montauk , and from there to the em of the Point there Is a series of rolllnf uplands , fifty or sixty feet above the set level , with some hills about 250 feet high. The steamship line Included In the genera plan Is to be American "but nothing can bi done so far In advanceIn ; connection will the general plan theTe' ' mist be conslderei the engineering projoiifj proposed regardlni the Long Island railroad , the East rive ; bridges and elevated /structures / , connectlni the Long Island road's ! tracks with the Ncv York Central's , and a tunnel beneath thi North and East rivers,11 and through Man Italian Island , connecting the Long Islam road with the Jersey linos. The first necessary > vprk on the govern ment's part to compet | < x the natural harbo : at Fort Pond wouhf be Uie building of i breakwater , and U li'safil that the govern ment had been askctl 'Id ' do this. Senate Chandler of New -Haoipihlre , where Mr Corbln has one of hUndiunlry seats , vlaltei Montauk a short time atfo , In company will Messrs. Corbln and Pratt , and It was salt that he went In behaif at the government. n hcmrlrt I'cvcr tcim Up , The prevalence of ricarlet fever or an' other contagious dlseasd need not alarm yoi if you use Allen's Hyglen'c' Fluid. It Is th Ideal preventive medicine cleansing , purify Ing and healing. No household should b without it. _ _ Mr. f'U'TPlnmt Make * .More troublr. Chicago Tribune : "That Cincinnati lawyer,1 remarked the exchange editor , "was made at torney general , I suppose for the purpose o Harmonizing the cabinet. " "He wasn't needed for that purpose. " cb served the financial editor. "The cabinet al ready voted as a unit. " "How was that ? " , "All-nay. * "That's the most Limontabla effort I eve heard. " retorted the exchange editor , and th two glared at each other and breathed hard Captain Sweeney. U. S. A. , San Dlegc Cal. , iijra : "ShIIoh'i Catarrh Remedy U th - medicine I have ever found that wculi e any good. " Prlw cOe. LOST MAN'S LANE. ; , HY ANNA KATIir.RINH ORIiliNR. ( Cop > Tlsht , ms , liy Irving llachcller. ) CHAPTER III. How I found my way out ot that room and tow I at last stumbled Into my own , Is ot malt Importance. What I should tell U that ust as I crossed my darkened threshold I caught , tar down the hall , a passing glimpse of Lucetta , carrying a lighted candle In her hand. After that short \lew I remember nothing. Yet I must have undres-aed myself and gene to bed , for when I woke In the nornlng I was between the shi-c's. and the After that short \low I remember nothing. bed was pushed back In Us place against the wall. It was a maid who woke me. 1 had seen this woman before , and had rather liked her appearance , which was that of a strong and kindly woman. She was building the ( Ire when I opened my oyee , anil the cheerful glow produced quite a strange effect upon me. The vision * of the night seemed to re cede , and for'a moment I bsllcvod myself to have been merely the victim of a horrible nightmare. Her face , as she turned toward me , added to this feeling , It was so frank and cheerful. 'Ah , MUs Grant , " she cried , "Mise Knollys sends her love and hopes you luve passed a pleasant night. " I was dumfounded. Either her assurance was great or my Imagination had Indeed played mo a fearful trick. Djtermlned to esttle the matter at once , 1 Inquired as lightly as I could what had happened In the night to keep the family up. To which she re sponded that Miss Lucetta had been ill ( a palpable falsehood , If I had really seen her passing down the hall with a lighted candle in her hand ) , adding , as I showed surprise In my manner , "Lucetta Is often 111. Many IE the night I have to sit up with her. " "But I saw her , " I began , and stopped. Had I In reality seen her , or had I been la boring under an hallucination which brought her Imago up before me , and If her image had been .in hallucination , why not thai other dreadful thing which haj made the night a horror to me ? Changing my asser tion then into a question , I asked if hei young mistress was better , to which the woman replied that happily she was , ant having finished her work at the hearth , shi rose and with an amiable air , inquired If sh ( could do anything for me. I told her I wanted more light , and whet she moved to arrange the curtains , I re marked on the size of the house an ! aBke < how many tnero were In the family. She mentioned the three young people , i man servant and herself , and then added "Thero ate not many of ut but enough ti make use of the house and to keep most o the rooms stirred up. " "And was there no one elae In the housi last night ? " I pursued. She turned sharply , looked at mo with dlt pleasure , and quickly replied ; "Why , yc were here , wore you not' " I laughed , but did not demist. "And no o . else' " She seemed embarrassed at my pors'slence but answerd emphatically enough : "No. n one else. " At which I made up my mln that I would try some time through the da ; to see all the persons she had mentioned , am If I found them all well , to regard my ad venture as no more than an unusually vlvli nightmare < > s possibly it was. The woman herself at his moment uncon sclously emphasized my decision. "If might bo so curious , " eald she , "I would llki to ask why you look BO palo this morning Does a wakeful night clwa > s affect you It this way ? " . , , , , , "No , " said I , "not when I am not fright oned. " "And you were frightened ? "Very much so. " "That is too bad ; what could have doni it ? Miss Lucetta'B sickness ? " "I thought. " paid I , rising on my elbow so as to look her squarely In the face , "tha some one came to my door at midnight am locked It softly on the outside. " "Dreams , dreams ! " ejaculated the woman "That later , two hours after , perhaps , thi same person came back and as softly un locked It again. " "Mero fancy , child , mere fancy. "And do you mean to say , " I cried , start Ing up. "that no one did do that ? " "I do certainly mean to say that yoi dreamed all t'als or that your Imagination reived you. We had no time to como to you dcor last night. " "I will ask Miss Knollys. " I cried. "I can not believe I dreamed that. " But hero the woman assumed a very serl ous air. "I would not disturb Miss Knollys If were you. Stio has her troubles and is ven anxious about her sister and not well hersel besides. H would be cruel to bother he with silly fancies Just now. " Jt was not a silly fancy , for I knew I ha < experienced that part of my night's adven ture If no more , but I was not untouched b : the woman's appeal , so I let a little laugl escape me , and , charmed at the beam o sunshine which at that moment poured Inti the room , I answered In qulto a dlfferen tone of voice : "Well It Is morning now and matter * lool very different by daylight. PeiSiaps no om did como to my door. At all events I wll try to think so. " Ileforo I was quite dressed Miss Knolly came for me. She looked tired , but not m careworn as I expectedi/lndeed , there sccmei to bo a. slight lifting of the shadow that hai been on the brow the day before. Seeing it I became puzzled again , and resolving to Ig nore the night entirely , I greeted her pleas antly and scarcely changed color when h said : "Matilda tella me you did not sleep we'.l li spite of my assurances. Is that EO , Mis Grant ? " "Jt Is so and It Isn't so , " I laughed ; " slept some and I was awake some , but tha was to he expected In a strange houte. But feel very well this morning , better than Lu cetta , I fear. I hear that she was quite II In the night. " "Lucetta has heart complaint , " answers Mlis Knollys , with a curious tone of de plslon In her voice. "Dut you will find he clttlng In her usual placj at table this morn Ing. " And I did. I had determined on rising to cut m ; visit short and leave the house before th day was out. Dut as the hours went by found ttila becoming more and more dim cult. The girls showed me so much kind ness and the brother such a new Interea that common gratitude kept me from show Ing the extent of my feelings by a sudde departure. Besides those feelings had , be come much modified by the sunny nspec of the day and by a long drive which Lti oitta had given me In the early forenoor The man whom they called Big Bob ha brought round the horse , and thus havln setn all the members ot the family allv and well , I felt sure that the horror of th night had Indeed been bat * a dream and the It would be both unwise , a , 4 rldlculou * t dwell any longer on what k perfittly * an mind would dismiss at once. Yet when the shadows brgl.i to le.ngtbe and I found thil no change bad been mad In ray apartment , and that I wa likely t sleep again In that remote room , I felt 'aclded return of yesterday' * apprehentlor Miss Knollys , whose face had grown graver as the evening advanced , showed that she appreciated my secret dread , and , with a glance at her sister , put her arm round mo as she led mo down the hall , vaylng that on ho morrow she would be nhle to nuke dlf- crent arrangements , If I would only excuse her for this one more night. I returned her embrace and answered as ultably as my fears would allow , and malt- ng n great effort over myself did succeed n falling asleep much more quickly after icr departure than I had anticipated. Hut I was not to rest. The horrors of ny short stay In this house were not ypt over , and some lime In the night , I never { now nt what hour , I was again nwnkoned ) > the sound of a gliding step , a hntid on .ho lock , and the turning of the key , which 'or the second tlnui made mo a prisoner. So alt thut I had suffered the night before had not been a dream ! Something strange , something which they feared to have mo witness , was going on In this liotiso of seemingly Innocent young people. What could It be , and what connection would the events of this night have with those of the one before ? Listening Intently. I hoard first the .rampllng of several feet down the corridor , : heii a prolonged silence , and then a second trampling , measured In Its tone , as when saveral men carry a heavy burden. In stantly I seemed to see again that out stretched form and clay-cold face I had touched the previous night , nnd with my tialr rising on my forehead I hearkened to the diminishing sounds till they dually ceased In what Deemed to me to bo the direction of the staircase. Horrified beyond all precedent , and feelIng - Ing myself Involved In the perpetration of some unknown crime , I sank back on the edge of the bed , asking myself whether I should light my little stump of candle or no. Hut Just then n stir somewhere below me drew my attention to the window , and aban doning all thought of a light , 1 sprang to the curtains nnd drew them , only to find mylov shut out by two blank shutters. Desperate now , nnd con vinced moro and more that there was something to bo seen from this window , I pulled nt the fastenings with my whole strength , and finally succeeded In unclosing ons of the shutters , which fell slowly back. Immediately a wide scene opened before mo of stark black trees and whlto wastes ot new fallen snow. Nothing elae , strain my eyes as I would , till suddenly warned by a slight sound from the corner of the house , 1 leaned out as far as I dared , when I saw the moving shadows of four proplo ( oyly the shadows , the people themselves were not visible ) staggering under a load , the size and shape of which were sharply delineated on the snow. The burden was a coffin and the bearers you can understand my terror when I say this were not all men. Two had skirts on , and If I was not greatly mis taken In the slight and dellc-to form of the hlndermost. It was Miss Knolly-t herself who thus helped to carry an unknown body to Its probable burial. Overwhelmed by this 'confirmation of my ftrange experiences of the night before , and yet enough mistress of myself to wish to gain all the Information I could on this mys terious subject , I watched the shadows as thpy wound their dreary way Into the leaf less forest , and never moved from my station till they had all disappeared In the obscurity Then I sank back Into the room , winding the heavy curtains about me to keep out the deathly chill , both of my thoughts and outside air , waiting and watching for their return. H came In about an hour. First the delicate form 9 They wen.- staggering under n load. of Miss Knollys appeared , then the heavle ; ono of the maid who had visited my room and then those of two men , ono very largi and one slighter. In other words , nig Bol and young Mr. Knollys. Lucetta ovJdentlj had not accompanied them. They came bac ) more quickly than they went , for they hai left their burden behind them. Before the ; entered the house I was already again li bed , and not ten minutes after the fron door had closed I heard the sly siep agali at my door and that light turning of tin lock which proved that the business of tin night wag over. ( Continued Tuesday. ) DHUNKENNES3 AND CRIME. J'rccoiitflvecl lileni Omrturiieil by Hrltul Mnlistlcs. Crlmlnologlsts have hitherto complained says the New York Sun , that but llttlo as slstance Is obtainable from Kngllsh Judlcla statlstlce , these being untrustworthy In re epcct of the conclusions oHlclally drawn am defective even as regards the volume and ac curacy of the data collected. The prescn home secretary , Mr. Asqultli , has Instltutei a reform In this matter and the latest rcpor as to the statistics of crime. In Kngland am Wales is a model document of Its kind , th facts having been compiled with care am then subjected to scientific revision nnd ex position at the hands of expert statisticians The result is eomo curious furprlsas will referencs to the supposed relations of crlm to drunkenness , to pauperism and to urbai conditions of life. The slock charge of the professional pro hlbltlonlst U that Inebriety U the prolill parent of law breaking. Mr. Troup , tlii editor of the report Issued by the Horn ofllce , says In his Introduction that , so fa as England and Wales are concerned , ho I unable to detect any connection between th variations of drunkenness and crime. On th contrary , Pembrokeshire , which la on th black list ot convictions for drunkenness , I In almost every other respect consplcuou among exemplary counties , while crimes o violence or against morals ore still rarei Let its glanrn at another point The social Ists tell us that could wo extirpate povert ; wo should FOOD tee crime die out. Mi Troup doe * not find In his statistic ? any con flrmatlon ot this tenet. The facts obtalnci do undoubtedly show that the marriage rat varies Inversely with pauperism , but n casual or sinpathctlc relation can ba trace between the fluctuations of pauperism am crime. If the data , Indeed , establish any thing , It It the paradox that some crimes In crease In years of prospcrlly. Anotlior preconceived Idea , namely , tha great cities arc nests oflce. . will be shake by these etathtlcs. Mr. Troup finds that th countloi wliere offenses ugalnit moraln pn vail most are 'in the agricultural district : Rome traditional notions , also , In regard t the geographical dlntrilmtlon of crlmo tur out to bo nrroni-nui. Taffy , the Welihmar for example , Instead of being a thief , us th nursery rhyme asserts , proves upon Investlgi lion to bo a pattern of honmty. Krom thl point of view , Conilthmen , who nro brothei to Welshman , occupy the very highest placi In Cornwall the proportion of crime property to population la only 43 per KM.OOi Wo note , finally , that , nt regards the rtli Uon of crime to tea icons ot the year , M Troup'a. conctaibns confirm the result * ni rlvnl at by etaUitlcUns In xithcr Haropoi countries , vli. , that all otftmei ngtlnil tti person ire most common In r.imrnir , will tbo aealnit property are most rifa in tt cold weather , JtUOICN AXlt I'KttWntOAtS. Chips for June la unique , ns usual , and every page 1s an artistic gem , A quaint portrait of Joaquln Miller , drawn from ft recent photograph , Is one ot the fcnturp . The Chips Publlihlng Company , 1918 DownIng - Ing Building , Fulton Street , New York. "In the Convent Garden , " R reverie by Rilwnrd Horfnmn , "Le Htilsseau. " written for the piano forte , by John Wlegand , nnd "Enterprise Cadets' March , " by J. C. Macy , nrc tin co pieces ot music that Imvo Just been Issued by Lyou & Ilraly , Chicago muslo publlshrrs. No other fashion designer ot the day hat set forth such a practical and artistic nrrny ot models for outing gouns ns those shown In Jcnncss Miller Monthly for June. Mrs. Miller herself opens the book with a charm ing article on bicycling , throwing n new and even poetic light on the best known nut ] most popular sport of the day. JomicM Miller Monthly , 114 Fifth Avenue , Now York. "Quid Hotilbutton Domino" Is the title ol a new piece ot nncrcd music for alto solo nnd quartet or chorus ( mixed \olccs ) mil ta ble for Catholic choirs or for use nt sacred concerts. The production is by a member ot the Order of Mercy , Providence , 11 , I , , nnd Is published by Lyon ft lloaly , Chicago. "Tho Meadow Drook Hunt , " a two-step piece of music by Helen Francis Lowe , nnd "Tho Colored Four Hundred March , " a two- step march for banjo solo or duct , arranged by Lnunce Knight , have Just been Issued by Lyon & Henly of Chicago. The current Itsuc ot the Financial Chroni cle Is accompanied with n street railway supplement containing some hundred pages relating to the capitalization , earnings , etc. , of street railways , This supplement is Issued quarterly , being one of the series ot supple ments furnished to the Chronicle subscribers. The series now comprises the Investors' sup plement ( a quarterly ) devoted to the finances of steam railroads and the Industrials , tha state and city supplement ( annual ) , the street railway supplement ( quarterly ) and the quo tation supplement ( monthly ) . The require ments of the Investment public \\ould appear to bo entirely met by the publishers of the Financial Chronicle. William H. Dana com pany , New York. The Juno Overland Monthly Is preeminently nently a Hawaiian number , the major portion of Its space being devoted to these tropical islands. Sunford U. Dote , president of the lUwallan republic , writes on "Hawaiian Land Tenure , * ; " W. N. Aimsttong , ox-minis ter to H. 11. H. Kalakaua. Describes Kala- kaua's trip around the worlJ , detailing Its causes , Incidents ami results ; N. U. Emerson gives the. tcader n peep Into ancient Hawaii In n paper entitled "Pakim , the Outlaw ; " Hugh Craig discourses on "The Hawaiian Cable ; " John D. Sprockets tells of "Hawaii for Tourists , " H. P. Baldwin contributes paper on "Tho Sugar Interests of Hawaii , " while Charles D. Miller Interests the reader In "Coffee Planting In Hawaii. " Overland Monthly Publishing Company , San Francisco. A very strong paper In the Juno number ol The Amerlcin Magazine ot Civics Is en titled "Tho Issue in Ninety-Six. " by General A. J. Warner , president of the lllmctallto League. Mr. Warner attempts to show thai tlio tariff can not become the main Issue In the coming presidential election. Prof. John H. Commons furnishes a very Interesting dis cussion of "Progressive Individualism ; " Klla W. Winston arraigns tier sex In an artlcla entitled "Woman's Part In Political Sins ; " H. M. Irwln eulogizes Hon. Joseph C. Siblcy In 3. paper on "Presidential Possibilities ; " Hor- ioo F. Cutler presents an able argument In f.ivor of "Jury Reform , " nnd Henry Hamlall Walto Ph D. , TC\ lows the "Decennial of the Vmerlcan Institute of Clvlcj , " Andrew J. Palm & Co. , 38 Park How , New York. Kach number of "Curient History" covers he whole world , and neglects no Interest ot .mporluii . c the diplomatic ntaiiKlcmenta if nations ; policies of governments ; onnct- nentH of legislatures and courts ; develop * ncut of political parties ; social , economical and icforin movements , business and Indus- rial Intel ests ; scicntlllc , literary , and artis tic progress , etc. , etc. , being Included In 1U scope. The numbers follow a unltorm plan of arrangement , nnd arc intended to be preserved - served and bound In annual volumes , as a copious detailed Index Is furnished , which makes reference to any desired topic very easy. The present number which appears in a new and nttractivp cover , contains 2B8 lages of reading matter , and forty-four por- .rolls of celebrities. The topics to which , among many others , most space Is devoted , are the Japan-China . ; r ( seventeen pagca and map ) ; "Currency Problem In the United States , " "Working of the Now Tariff Law , " 'Alllanca Incident , " "Cuban Revolt. " "Ha- rtallan Insunectlon , " "Nlcaroguan and Ven ezuelan Imbiogllos , " "Silver Question In tha United States , " "Work ot the Fifty-third Congress , " "Brooklyn Trolley Strike , " "Mu nicipal Heform In Now Yoik. " "Manitoba School Question in Canada , " "Newfoundland jilsls , " "Election of a New President In France , " "Armenian Atrocities , " "Discovery of Aigon , " and "Anti-toxin Treatment of Diphthcila. " An ably written review of the lemarkablo career of the late Frederick Douglass accompanies the Iul"page frontls- ? leco portrait of that reformer and orator , jnrretson Cox & Co , Buffalo , N. V , One of the leading articles In the Jung Forum 1s contributed by General Francis A. Walker , president of the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology , who traces the "Growth of American Nationality , " attempting to show how and when the United States became a nation , and that It has all the characteristic * of well defined nationality , lie saya that the most powerful personal Influence on the de velopment of American nationality was the character ot Washington. "Tho Free Silver Argument" Is discussed by Mr. W. II. Harvey , author of "Coin's Financial School , " from the standpoint of the frco silver ad- \ocates ; on the other hand , Hon. John D.a Witt Warner of the sound currency comi mlttoo of the New York Reform club points out what he regards as "Tha Grotesque Fallacies of the Froa Sllvpr Argument. " Dr. J. M. Rice , author of "Tho Public School System of the United States , " severely criticises the report of the committed of fif teen on elementary education , and ad vocates "A Rational Corralatlon ot School Studies. " Mr. B. V. Powell lays down the conditions which should govern "An Ameri can Educational System In Fact ; " the prin cipal condition ho thinks to be the con solidation of smaller colleges with Urger ones , and a system ot state control ; and ho urges millionaires to give to colleges already established , Instead of founding new ones , Dr. Charles L. Dana , "Are We Degenerat ing ? " criticises Dr. Nordau's book on "De- cenoratlon" from the btamlpolnt of an alienist. Dr. Dana < iyn that the chief valua of Dr. Nordau's book Is that It teaches us tq discriminate In our search for art ami aesthetic Impressions. Mr. Fletcher Osgood , an authority on voice culture , explains why "The American Conversational Voice Is Had , " and the number clusc.i with an encouraging ; though conservative article on "The Im proving Condition of Business. " The Forum Publishing Company , New York. MAGAZ1NKS RECEIVED. CASSELL'B FAMILY MAGAZINE Th Cas- sell Publishing Company , Now York. TDK CHUnCH AT HOME AND ABROAD Presbyterian Board of Publlcatlpn an < l Sabbath School Work. Philadelphia. TIIU AMERICAN PHILATELIC MAOAZINH Parmel-e & , Brown , P. O , Box SCO Omaha DOANK OWL Doane Owl , Crete , Neb. THE USOTKIUC Ksoterlc Publlihlng Com pany , Applosate. Cal. a CURRENT LITERATURE Current Litera ture Publishing Company , 62-54. Lafayetta Place. New York , THE -BOOK BUYEH. Charles Scrlbner'o Sons , New York. THE NORTH STAR. North Star Publishing Company. WcMtfleUI. Mass. HOME AND COUNTRY. Jon. W. Kay , 149- 1C3 Leonard street. New York. THE STATE'S DUTY. W. II. Moore , 105- IDS Pine htrert. St. Louis. Mo. MKEHA.VS MONTHLY. Thomas Mftlian & Sons , Gcrmantown , Philadelphia. 'llin Strmicott Mm Uruir \ > cak Sometimes. The short cut to renewed Tlgor I * taken by those sensible enough to use Hos teller's Stomach Bitters systematically. It re-establishes Impaired digestion , enables the system to arslmllate food , and combines the qualities ot a fine medicinal stimulant with those of n sovereign preventive remedy. Ma laria , dyspepsia , constipation , rheumatic , nervous and kidney complaints are curej and averted Ly II , JSThn Baby wan < Iok , wa gat o her Castcrio , When she IMS Child , * ! in cried for Cist rU- When she brrjiraw Mlix , 1 > 0 rlua ; ( o Caxiort * . \7htn : * ; had ChMrva , ho garothem easterly