Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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60o Bilks 16c , $1 00 Silks 36o , $2 00 Plise
Waist Silks 75c ,
80o Printed I'lquc * 01-Sc , Now Crinkle
I'nrlii IMIinei Bt-c ! , New I'rlnceu
lre Ouc 0 l-8c , New ShirtIng -
Ing Trliiti 2 l-2c ,
COC Nn\V SILKS , 150.
Striped wash silks , plain taffeta Bilks 1
brcv.ns and all dark colors , bcngallne silk
sv/lvel llks nml black anil colored sura
silks , worth up to COc a yard , KO on sa
Mot day at IDc. . . .
Dollar quality of yard-wide Clilna silk
black and navy blue grounds , with beaut
ful floral design * , taffeta ellks In nil cole
with small woven figures , beautiful strlpi
and plaid taffeta silks for waists , all worl
yard on bargain square for Mo
$1.00 a , go
day at 35c a yard.
I'llsfio silks for waists or entire suits ,
handsome varieties of shades , worth $2.i
a yard , go nt 7iic.
$2.00 DIIBS8 (30003 , COC YAUD.
Wool crepons , pure silk and wool glorln
best quality of black brllllantlne and silk ai
wool Imported novelties , all worth up to $2.
a yard , go In our dress goods departme
for Monday only , at C'Jc.
C9c quality French Imported challlcs , ext
wide , very flue , In light and dark groun
with small lloral designs , go , for Mend :
only , In our dress goods department , at 28c.
Imported pllsses brought to this count
to sell at 35c n yard , In light and dai
colorings , all new , fresh goods ; the mo
serviceable dress material ever manufacture
go In our dress goo Is department nt 12' c.
10,000 pieces of best grade American still
Ing prints , they arc worth 7'/4c a yard ;
tomorrow In the bargain basement at 2V4c.
1,000 pieces of best standard dress -prln
they are In grays and white , and all the m
stripes ; worth SVic a yard , go tomorrow
the bargain basement at S'/lc.
10,000 yards of I'rlnctss Duck , In all t
plain colors , whlfe , blues , tans , reJs and
the fancy light and dark patterns ; worth 1
a yard , go tomorrow at CV&c.
1,000 pieces of those new crinkle Pa
pllBBCs. They arc 19c goods , wo have tin
tomorrow at 8c and 12' ' c a yard.
COO pieces of those fine and popular bl
and white striped lawns , that have crcat
such a furore In shirt waists , tomorrow y
buy them at IBc a yard. The regular prl
Is 40c.
BO pieces of fine colored piques , printed
the Anchor Yacht' and sporting patten
they are the proper thing for boys' yacl
Ing suits. The regular price Is 25c a ya
tomorrow .they go nt GVic.
One- case of the very finest moire llnlni
they are regular Iflc goods ; go tomorrow
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas
Impcxullilii to l.lvu In I'liU Country
Without hearing about the NorthwesU
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for peoi
WILL talk about Its conveniences , tastef
ness and comprehensive up-to-datene
Omaha , 5:45 : p. in. ; Chicago , 8:15 : a. m. V
tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la ca
diners , I'lntsch gas. EVERYTHING. No i
tra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a.
and 4 p. m. dally , Want your trunk checV
at home ?
City ticket office. 1401 Farnam street.
( loving Out.
The Buckeye Buggy company are closl
out Its stock at Fifteenth and Howard ,
stock In every way finer In quality and st
than has ever liccn shown In Nebras
Dealers and city buyers will save from
to. 50 per cent on any prices ever made
so-called closing out sales of the pa t. 1
sale lasts only a few days. Mr. L. C. II
formerly of this city , Is In charge. Pr
pectlvo buyers shoiildjsall at once.
The reputation of Buckeye vehicles t
their signal success over all competition at '
World's fair ls > all that neeJ be said of
merit of their work.
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago ,
clean train , made up and started from Oma
Baggage checked from residence to destl
tlon. Elegant train service and courtei
employes. Entire train lighted by electric
and heated by steam , wllli electric light
every berth. Finest dining car service
the west , with meals served "a la cart
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Un
City Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam street.
8. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Cotirtlnnil llcncli Noton.
Manager Arthur has secured Achlllo P :
lion , the equlllbr st , with pyrotechnic i
play , for Courtlaml Beach ; ulso a troupe
Arabs. Plilllion with.his spiral tower Is
of the finest outdoor attractions known ;
has been seen In Chicago recently by mi
Omaha people , nnd all speak highly of t
marvelous exhibition.
The F rst Infantry band gives a cone
this afternoon nnd evening. The balloon
censlon and parachute ttapeze , contort
nnd tight rope performances take place t
afternoon and evening today.
A Trench Scl'ntlllc I'urty 'to InvcstlR
Wrnn'lilrlpmil. .
The theory that the great whirlpool
the coast of Norway Is subterraneously c
nccted with the Gulf of Bothnia has foi
many believers , among them the celebrt
Klrchner , vho prepared the archltecti
plans of what the tower of Babel was 1
Yearning for something definite as to i
mystery of nature , however , the Fre
government has nominated a scientific ci
mission to study the celebrated whlrlp
to Investigate Its suggested connections v
the gulf stream and to rectify exist
charts of Its currents.
All the poetry of Scandinavia , says
Philadelphia Record , centers around the
rlblo gulf which expresses the supreme 1
ror of nature. But we live In a more p
tlve age. The whirlpool Is In the vlcli
of the wildest rock-bound coast of Norw
the black cliffs of which have been ca
"the ramparts of the world. " Still tr
are times when the pool Is EO calm ttia
small boat can sail across Its presm
mouth. No ship has ever been sue
down mariners know the currents by tl
charts save that described by EJgar A :
Poe , so full of "creeplness , " nnd where
vessel la conS-crtcd Into matchwood. Of
crew one alone was rescued , a youth of
who , after some corkscrew tossing In
funnel , was thrown upon a beach some m
away , his hair having become as white
enow and he himself a wizened old man
During periods of storm- the niaelst
Is said to r3terbe : ! a futnel , tl e water whl.
Inside a ring of foam ; but the eye can
the descending liquid wall to bo all Jet bl
water. Trunks of trees have been thn
up so split that the natives say they 1
become "mermaids' hair. " Of course tl
are legends of whales having been dn
Into tlio gre\t ( \ race , and that their cries I
been heard above the storm.
What will accrue to tclence from the
suit of the French commission U natui
Impossible to predict. As was cvldei
by the late expedition of a Frenchmar
the bottom of the lied sea to recover tr
of Pharaoh's lost hosts , the Gauls of tc
Imvo a decided fondness for peering
dinners the Investigation of which EC
to bo contrary to the decrees of both I
and nature.
But an outside observer might plain
nllege that a descent Into a volcano to as
tain whence came the IIcry scoria , as
as observations as to the effect of
ejected molten lava upon the clrcumja
ulr , would be quite as easy and of equal
vantage to the world of science as the
posed effort to fathom the mysteries of
maelstrom. The fascination for diving
the unknown Is , however , so great tlia
long as mysteries shall exist somebody
bo found to spend valuable time , valuable
mid valuable means upon their solution.
A cob pipe factory , with a dally outpt
8,000 pipes , will shortly be put In oper :
la Wavorly. Tenn ,
Vlco President Stevenson will speak al
llllnoU Federation of Labor demonstr :
la Cblcago oa July i ,
An Elegant List of Bargains for Thi
New Lncei nml Kmbroldcrlei nt Kpecli
1'rlccs Some Very Choice liar *
CBIIII In the Wnfth GoocU
JDc for ths best quality figured India nn
China silk.
29c wash silk , checks or stripes , 40c qua
350 fancy cord , wash silks , SOc quality.
60c gauflre crepe , $1.00 quality , 27 Inclu
600 best French dyed , 27-Inch Japanei
silk , 85c grade.
75c 36-Inch white Toklo silk , $1.00 qu.illt
2 c challle , challle. COc challle for 29e.
390 black , small figured dress goods , 71
$2.C4 full dress patterns , all wool Scot <
33c all wool mlxEd traveling suiting , CI
25c Milanese pure silk.
Best black silk mitts shown , 35c , COc , CO
75c and $1.00.
$1.00 summer glove , white chamois , styils
four large buttons , mousquetalre.
So much used for trimming dimities , lav
mulls , etc. , at ISc , 20c , 25c , 33c , 40c , 5
and 75c a dozen yards.
Latest novelties In veilings at 15c , 20c , 2 ;
35c and 50c a yard.
Fine Swiss and Nainsook embroideries
the new Guipure and Maderla effects , fro
4 to 8 Inches wide , nt 12 > , c , 15c , 23c , 3
nnd COc a yard.
New dainty Swiss Insertion embrolderl
( with lines of drawn work ) , very fashlonabl
at 9e. lOc , 12V.sC , 20c , 25c a yard.
Ladles' white metal blt buckles , copi
of sterling silver designs , at ISc , 25c , 3 (
35c and COc each.
Ladies' heavy corded silk b5lts , wl
handsome whlto metal buckles , at 25c , 3 !
SOc and 75c each.
Fine printed dimities for house wrappi
12' c grades , on Monday at 8 l-3c.
Figured cotton crepons , fast colors , 2
quality , lOc.
All our fine printed duckings , ICc qualll
lOc.Very finest ducking , In all colorings , on
Figured pique , In rtylUli designs , w
25c. 15c.
French percale , French cambric and t
tiste , formerly 20c and 25c , ICc.
Fancy dress Swiss , in all colorings , a
white dotted Swiss at from 20c to 75c.
Cor. Farnam and 15th Sts.
I.rlinil'n OCPHII Home , Newport , U. I.
The most charming seaside resort
America , bathing , boating , fishing , yncl
Ing , ocean drives nnd cliff walks. S
food a specialty. Rooms can be cngag
of Charles W. Squires , Mlllard hotel ,
Warren P. Leland , Newport. Special ral
for July and the season.
N. i : . A. nt IK-iuor , Julr nth to 13th.
The quickest time nnd best train service
offered by the Union Pacific System. LI
rates nnd liberal arrangements for a char
Ing variety of excursions to western resor
comprising a tour through lha fame
Yellowstone National Park ; trips to S
Francisco , Portland and Salt Lake City ; t
famous mountain retreats of Colorado ; I
Black Hills and renowned Hos Springs , Soi
Dakota ; the sunnier school at Colors
Springs , nnd other attractions. See yc
nearest Unldn Pacific agent or address
General Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Neb
_ _
Do Cue pharmacy , 201 North Sixteen
opened for business yesterday. This di
Btore has the finest fixtures and newest stt
cf drugs. An elegant soda fountain Is a
In the store. The store will be open t
and night , and prescriptions filled by ca
petent pharmacists.
A I'lcnlc for u Dollnr.
The Hayden Bros.1 employes' pier
which takes place at West Point June 2
promises to 1)3 a very enjoyable affair. 1
features of last year will be greatly
creased by foot ball games , base ball , s :
races and a host of other pleasant pastlni
Tha ride Itself to West Point and return
a dollar Is enough inducement to
Tickets can bo obtained from any employe
Hayden Bros.
I.iKllcjt' TiirkUli lltth * .
Also medicated , sulphur , mercurial bat
oil rubs , hot milk , perfumed baths ; ma
euro , chiropodist , pedal cure. We are p
pared to do all we agree.
Ladles , Imvo your toe nails made to li
like diamonds.
One free treatment with every bath.
Special attention to hair dressing.
109 Bee Bul'dlng.- '
Special I'urty for Spirit I.iiko
Will be formed to leave Omaha Frld
Juno 21 , provided enough will go to ( II
special sleeper. If you can go on that d
and train , leave your name with G. F. W >
city t'cket agent , 1401 Farnam street ,
later than Thursday noon.
G. P. AM S. C. & P. R. I
Samuel Burns , 1318 Farnam , will offer I
week a genuine Havlland decorated din
set for $26.00 , formerly ? 10.00.
A hand painted porcela n set , $10.76 ,
mcrly $18.00 ; and a real Brownfield set , $ S
formerly $11.
il See front windows.
Nquolchhi ? Opposition to IIU Amorli
It-nl i : tnto II oa I.
A writer In MeClure's Magazine g'lves
account of the disturbance in the Nnpol
fanmlly caubed by the proposed sale of
Louisiana territory to the United Sta
The writer says :
When Monroe arrived on April 12th , I
Ingston had an amazing proposition to
bi-foro him. Uomiparte wanted to
Louisiana. Whatever opposition Ho
pnrto'H ministers hud made he hnd sllenc
the Chambers he bad not even consul' '
The only cprlous lilnderunco he seeniH
have encountered , was In hla own fam
with Ills brothers Luelen nnd Joseph. :
clen hnd secured Louisiana for France
IbOO by the treaty of San Ildefonso , nnd >
proud of his work. IIo had won rank 11
ts diplomat from the nffnlr as well ns nn
ormoux fortune ; nnd when Joseph came
him , telling him the General was going
pell the recent acquisition , he was nn ;
The two brothers hurried to liomnmrt
remonstrate. They found him In his bn
tint , In th fashion of the day , bo recel
them , anil ut once Introduced the snbj
"Has Jo epb told you I am going to
Ixmlxlnna ? " ho asked of Luelen.
"Yi'f. " answered Luelen ; "but I tin
myself that the cbiimbera will not t
, their content. "
"So do 1 , ns I have told you , " put In
This opposition tired Ronapartc , \
nroinptly assured them that. If he wlsl
10ouhl ee'l Louisiana \\lthout the c
gent of anyone whomsoever.
The debute grew warmer. Joseph rus
, .i to the tub where his brother wns t
merged In opaque water , and declared If
to dared attempt such n thing he would h
celt mount the tribune In opposition. lie
parle , furious , sprang up , exclaiming , ' "
nre Insolent ! I ought" but slipped nnd I
deluging Joseph In perfumed water ,
breaking up the quarrel.
An hour later Bonaparte and Luelen
dinned the conversation in the latt
ily study. Luelen contended that tbe sale
unconstitutional , llonnparto taunted
with the term. , told him that ho had Irss
he spcct for the constitution on the ISIh * 1
nt malre. Luelen. Incensed , Informed the C
ntd era ) that If he were not his brother
do - would bo his enemy : and Bonaparte ,
ohe cited , dashed his snuff-box to the door ,
he claiming : "You my enemy ! I would bi
ito ion ns I do this box ! " These scenes v
as repeated more than once before the ni
111 tlutlona were tlnlfchtxl , but they seemed
to Imvo caused any hesitation on Hi
Ife imrte's side , for In eplte of nil opposlt
the negotiations were finally complc
and Louisiana was ours. the. price b
of Mxty million francs , we to asiume , In
cllt'.on the spoliation claims of our cltl ;
Franco up to the amount of twenty
lion francs Bonaparte was rejoice : !
! , „ i was an n-lmlrnble war measure , and ho
, one of bin councillors in glee , "I h
" i Kiven KiiKSnnd a maritime rival that koi
I or later will humble her power. "
Geo. W. Cook & Son's Omaha Bankrupt
Shoe Stock on Sale Tomorrow
The Molt htnrllliiCt I-'xcltlne , Ecnintlonn
nil Original Ilnnkrupt Sale of
felloe * Kver Known to
llo Hold.
Showing with trfmcndoua force the vat
difference between Boiton store's method c
selling a bankrupt shoo stock and that c
other people.
Boston s'oro will accomplish in a few day
what others could not do in fix month * .
In other words. Boston store will close on
the entire bankrupt shoe stock of George \ \
Cook & Son In less time , with more excite
mcnt and satisfaction to the public than nn >
body ever dreamed of.
Tomorrow wo will offer Cook's finest men'i
women's , boys' , youths' , misses' , children' '
and Infants' shoes all the way
It Is a well known fact that when Messn
Stacy , Adams & Co. etarted up the Coo
store again they put In an immense lot c
new goods , Intending to carry on a buslnc :
no heretofore. They had sold out all the ol
stock and undesirable gooJs and restockc
it completely , making the Cook stock , at th
time of our purchase , one of the largos
finest and best selected stocks In the Unite
Never , amongst all the many bankruj
stocks we have bought , did we ever con :
across a stock so well known , so well 01
sorted , or one regarded with such confldenc
and favor by the Omaha people as this banl
rupt shoe stock of George W. Cook & Son.
To give the ladles a clear Idea of how we
this shoe stock had been filled up , wo woul
say that amongst the other shoes we find
quantity of the very latest style Toklo shoi
for ladles , a lot of new sldc-laco shoes , at
Mich novelties as ? button oxfords , Corea Ji
llets , and In men's shoes there are elegai
lines of tan and russet shoes , fine calf , co
duvan and kangaroo shoes , and a splcnd
line of boyt > ' and youths' shoes. In mlssc
and children's shoes the stock had been r
markably well refilled.
Bo sure to bo on hand early tomorro
morning to attend this sale at.
N. W. corner IGth and Douglas.
MonilnjSpecluln. .
Crepon skirts , all lined , $2.48.
Mohair skirts , all lined , $2.48.
Mohair skirts , all lined. $3.98.
All wool serge skirts , $4.50.
Special values In skirts , all lined , $5.00.
$7.50 silk waists , $5.00.
$1.50 shirt waists , 79c.
Children's sailor suits $1.48 , value $2.50.
1511 Douglas.
Six I'or rivn Dollar * .
The manager of the batJi and complexk
parlors at The Bee building has secured tl
services of a trained masseuse for one mont
who , by years of experience and caref
study , can by facial massage and mcdlcati
vapors , creams and balms , make the old
look young and the young yet more youthf
all from the remedies nature horse
teaches. Special attention to hair dressln
It would bo hard to find another army
employes , the size of the force carried 1
The Great Wallace Shows , which would
so universally courteous. All questions a
answered cheerfully and politely. No mi
In Mr. Wallace's service ever gets a seco
chance to bo brusque to his patrons.
Spirit l.iikp , Spirit l.nko , 'plrlt T.nko.
Through sleeper via the Northwestern Lii
commencing June 28 , leaver dally for Spii
Lake at C:10 : p. m. from.Webster street depi
The lake Is the same , accommodations a I
tlo better , fire a llttls lower. City offlcs , 14
Farnnm sticet. Depot , 15th and Webst
streets. J. R. BUCHANAN , G. P. A.
Summer Tourist TlcUoti vl i Ilin lVnt '
Are now on sale ; for folders giving routi
rates , etc. , call at Wabash ofPc& . 1415 Ft
nam street.
VU.IXVJS fUIi fllKK SlM'Kll aiEX.
OMAHA , Juno 14. To the Editor of T
Bee : I am now negotiating with a firm
well known New York brokers to seci
for the silver republicans of Omaha and t
west the best opportunity of their lives
obtain a profitable Investment. Though r
as yet In a position to publish full details
will give you a little Idea of what It is ,
that republicans who arc all right on sill
may get In ahead of the silver dcmocn
and pops. The goldbugs won't , of cour
have anything to .do with Jt , and had
ought to.
There has Just been organized In N
York City a Joint stock company with
Immense' paid up capital to operate In p
ductlve mining and agricultural 'lands
countries using sliver an primary mon
When enough land is bought and paid
it will be mortgaged and bonds sold to p
cure working capital. Everything will
fair and square and the security A No. 1
Among other purchases they have secui
a very largo tract of the most product !
coffee land In Mexico at n very low pr
for cash. Ten millions of three-year bon
to bear C per cent semi-annual Interest , v
be Issued on this property. They will
In denominations of , $100 each , and payat
principal and Interest , at the compan
office In Mexico In Mexican standard slli
dollars. They will be said only In I
United States , price 53 American standr
silver dollars each , or $56 each IT guarant :
by and payable at the New York ngency.
Now the present very favorable prot > pe
for the restoration of silver to the old ra
by this country at about the time they f
due will make these bonds excellent pr <
erty , and will positively guarantee the ho
ers a net gain of $47 on each $33 Investme
because , though payable in Mexican sllv
that money then will be Just as good
gold. Even If by any possible chance fi
coinage should fall to restore the price I
bondholder would anyway get 100 Mexlc
dollars In payment. They would exchai
for 100 silver dollars at our mint. The 1
ter would be good onj where In this couni
In payment of debts and would have c
' only $53 in the start.
Who loses the $17 the bondholi
gains Is not quite clear to my mind , but
the transaction takes place between
American and a foreigner and the Amerk
Is ahead , I don't care. C. FIt
Wi > are not glvpn to Mowing
much aliottt our business Imt
wo can't help fooling elated
ovur our past vmik'H.lniHlnesH
In Klmlmll I'lnnos < ljic , proli-
ulily , to the low price for .Mine
niul the easiest Ulnil of terms.
It'u the sweetest touiul piano
on earth.
A. HOSPE , Jr.
Music and Art ,
It IBM Don alas.
The Big Department St6ro to Open at 16t
and Badgo.
With a Comp-teto Btock > . .ofAll Now Good
l-'rculi from tin \Vorlil' * Molt
I'limoitt Mfcitir on fenle
The New York Store will open for buslnei
next Saturday morning , June 22 , at tli
northeast corner of Dodge nnd 15th strec
They will occupy the entire building froi
cellar to garret with one of the best chose
and lowest bought stocks of everything eve
brought to this city , or any other for tht
matter. The stock consists of dress good
silks , domestics , linens , notions and In fai
everything pertaining to a regulation di
goods store , besides cloaks , the largest I
the city , millinery , shoes , carpets , tea
coffees nnd so on ad flnltum ,
The opening1 day , next Saturday , will I
celebrated with the advent of prices ne
to this community , without In the leai
affecting the high standard of quality tin
will bo easily recognized when the goods ai
placed on sale.
Neither time nor money have been spare
to make the old corner meet the domain
of the New York Store , until It now , (
will , Saturday , when they open , bo one of tl
best appointed large stores In the countr ;
An army of clerks are working with mlgl
and main to place the stock In position , son
Idea of the magnitude of which may 1
gained from the fact that over 200 peep
are already employed.
Owing to the fact that the buyers for tl
New York Store reached the market at tl
time when manufacturers wonted to unlo ;
and as they had the cash with them , tin
were enabled to so buy and select their gooi
that the people of Omaha will be able
buy fresh new goods at less than the reguli
wholesale prices. Hest assured that wh
they advertise will be In the store and at tl
prices stated , no matter how ridiculous
small those prices may seem.
The New York Store opens Saturday mor
Ing , June 22 ; don't forget the date , Saturda
June 22.
Watch the papers for particulars during tl
coining week.
Appointed Hint In the ShiT.
General Copplnger returned Friday nig
from a tour of Inspection of the army pos
In the Department cf the Platte. Yesterdi
he named as one of hid aides First Lleutc
ant Groto of the Ninth cavalry , who Is al
appointed chief ordnance officer and I
spcctor of small arms for this departmei
Lieutenant Qrotona for four years adj
taut at Fort Robinson.
VnliiB of n Curio.
OMAHA , Neb. , Juno10. . To the Editor
The Bee : I notice In The Bee an accou
of a newspaper published In Vlcksburg Jt
2 , 1S63. Please Inform me whether there
onyvalue _ " _ attached to > this paper as
curiosity , and If you know any collect
who deals In curios of thfs kind. X. Y. I ) .
There Is some commercial value attach
to original copies of. the paper , but a vc
indefinite one. Do not know of any c
lector dealing In curios of the kind.
Bummer Toum.
The tourist rates 'Offered ' by the Burllr
ton route for the summer of 1S95 , are
attractive , In their way , as the resorts
which they apply.
Practically , every resort In the country
embraced In the Burlington's tourist tlcki
ing arrangements.
The rates to the Yellowstone Natlot
park , Hot Springs , S. D. , Estes Park , Col
the fishing nnd shooting grounds of norl
crn Wyoming are particularly low.
City ticket office , 1324 Farnam street.
I'ytlihta Moniiiniit Services.
This evening the Knights of Pythias
this city Join In memorial exercises at i
Mary's Avenue Congregational church , whi
Ilev. S. Wright Butler will deliver an i
dress upon Pythian memorial topics. L
Sunday was spent by them In decoratl
the graves of those members of the on
who have gene before , and the exercl :
tonight are In their memory and will ms
an Important annal In Pythian hlsto
All knights In the city and their frlet
are Invited to be present.
Open all night. Do Cue's pharmacy , :
North Sixteenth.
You C'tin Ho So by I'urclmslnp ; a Copy
"Murim'd Dictionary of Chicago. "
This handsome little book Is the recognl :
and only standard "Guide" of Chicago i
Is the most complete work of the kind c'
published. It is alphabetically arranged t
contains everything of interest pertaining
Chicago , Including a splendid "Map" of C
cage , also handsome Illustrations of all
World's Fair Buildings.
Persons contemplating a visit to the we
ern metropolis should avail themselves
this opportunity to secure a copy of t
valuable work.
For sale by George E. Moran , publish
suite 212 Herald Building , Chicago , III. , a
by prominent newsdealers. Price , 25c i
copy. Morocco-bound copies In "gilt , " $2
Persons ordering copies will please rci
by pasta ! note or in postage stamps.
Duck Skirts
Different colors
stylish shupo
lined throughout
Black figured Dt
throughout , k$4.U
Duck Suits
Wo could sny
whole lots tibc
these suits , but w
leave it for you
tD'gay ' when you f
Wo have others
82:98 : and 8J.OS uvo
Silk Waifcts
The same kit
that have 8' '
'or ' J5.00 to $7.i
Closed out b ;
tuieo of mar
fncturorfl sti
ours n 1 1
with them <
price lor choi
$3.9 *
Croner ICth nutl Fnrnutti St. ,
Paxtoa Block. O.MAH
e. r. Muiij-r. uuv nouns co.
I'orclnc Out tlie Cliltm to Make Iloom for
the Urocerlci ,
The groceries are coming o mnny of
them , In fact , th&t we find we'll have to cur
tail the cpaco occupied by the China depart *
mcnt oven more than wo at first Intended ,
Wo'vo been making .some radical cuts In
china and glassware within the last few
days , but these prices will bo nowhere to
those wo make from now on , The whole
stock Is before you at less than the cost ot
making ; all the fine Imported goods are In
cluded In this great clearing tale.
Como and see the Rhapo we are In , and
you will recognize the Importance of our
closing out at least half o' ' " china jnil tin-
100-plece dinner sets ,
Elegant 6-plece toilet net , Jl.GS.
Nice 10-pleco toilet set , $2.20.
Fine 12-plcco toilet set , ? 3.S5.
No. 1 sun lamp chimneys , 1 cent.
No. 1 sun burner , lOe.
Kngraved table tumblers ,
Whlto granite tea cups , 2c.
Mohair for bathing suits , 25c.
$1.00 navy blue Forges , COc.
Ulnck 75c Nuns veilings , 45c.
The best French challlcs , only 25c.
Light weight , all noel dress goods , COc ,
TCc and $1 quality ; one lot at 29c.
4G-ln. Imported silk and wool plaidsCOc.
48-Inch light weight clay worsteds , 98c.
40-Inch wool crepons , evening shades , COc.
40-Inch all wool albatros , all colors , 3 ! > c.
25c dimities , In all colors , ICc.
Regular SOc dotted Swisses , 15c.
Checked and striped muslins , 7o up.
35o French organdies go for 25e.
CongrrRntlonnl Cliurch I'eiiplo Ilia Them-
nrlvrn to the Country for n liny.
Nearly 300 members of the congregation
and Sunday school of the St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church went by special train
yesterday to South Dend , where they spent
the day. The picnic was given by the
Men's club of the church and every arrange
ment was made to Insure an enjoyable
holiday. The train consisted of five coaches
which were barely sufficient to hold tin
party. They pulled out of the union depoi
at 11 o'clock and the return trip was made
Immediately after bupper. A program ol
athletic sports , which Included a game ol
base ball and numerous races , occupied thi
afternoon. The excursionists were acconv
parted by an array of baskets and boxes
which seemed amply sufficient to Insure
them against starvation during their sojouri
In the country.
Decrease ot J.nmU and Lots In Donylin
Ciiunly ,
The compilation of the assessors' return ,
on the lands alone of Douglas county Indl
cato that there Is a decrease In valuation ;
under this title of 5.6 per cent , or $183,919
Seven country precincts show an Increasi
The balance of the county has decreased , tin
largest slump appearing In the Sixth ward
which had a falling oft of 27 per cent , o :
$59,000. The ward marking the best showlni
Is the Ninth , which only fell off C per cent
Lands last year were valued at $3,2-73,021
In personal property and lots the largest de
crease In the assessments Is looked for , land
being regarded the most stable In value.
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , magnetic eclectli
physician ; health restored and again readj
for business. 119 N. 10th st. , room 2.
Cltr loans , Powell & Potter , n. Y. Life.
So Significant n * to lt coma Uronml for
Alklnir NIMT Trlnt In ( lie linker fin * .
The Ilakcr-Uabbltt libel suit promises to
eclipse the record In criminal cases for start
ling developments. The deportment ot the
Judge who sat to hear the Hakcr-Uabbltt
libel case has been assailed. The attorneys
for the defense charge Cunningham II. Scott
with conducting himself \ rhlloinon the
bench In a manner wholly prejudicial to
their client , and In cuch a way as to cower
the Jury Into rendering a verdict of guilty.
In support of this charge , one of the forty-
t\\o reasons advanced for the granting of a
new trial rets out In detail the facial panorama
rama which wns exhibited to the jury while
the Instructions were being read. They al
lege that the whole proceeding was charac
terized by gross Irregularity.
After detailing the usual run ot errors , the
only difference In this case being that If
anything the number predicated Is greater
than In most criminal cases , the motion for
a new trlnl recites that there was gross
Irregularity In the proceedings and an abuse
of discretion by which the defendant was
prevented from having a fair trial , In this
to-wlt : "For that his honor , Cunningham H.
Scott , the judge who presided at the trial ,
herein delivered the Instructions to the
jurors In a loud and commanding tone of
voice , making gestures now and then , using
facial expressions and speaking and looking
at the jurors and emphasizing parts of the
Instructions In such a manner as would tend
to Impress the jurors with the Idea that the
court believed the defendant to be guilty ,
and as would tend to Impress them unfavor
ably towards the defendant , and as would
tend to Impress them ulth fear of the court
If they should find th : defendant not guilty ,
and In such a manner as to cause them to
find the defendant guilty , as charged. "
This motion will have to be presented to
the judge who Is charged with having made
the facial exhibitions. .
At the time the Instructions were de
livered , and this occupied about ono full
hour , the judge sat within six feet of the
jury on a low platform. Ills voice , how
ever , could bo plainly heard at the other
end of the building and soon attracted a
large crowd. In this connection It Is Inter
esting to note also that several of the
Jurors have already stated that they con
cluded that the court thought the man guilty
and so feared to render any other verdict
than guilty , should they have thought It
Verdict \Vltl II ilet A * do
"I would not bo doing my duty as a
judge if I did not set this verdict aside , "
JuJgo Ferguson remarked yesterday In the
case of Charles M. Schneider against the Com
mercial National bank. Schneider had ob
tained a verdict for $4.450 on a claim for
$11,441.C5 , the latter being a sum alleged
to be duo over and above $20,000 realized
from the sale of a stock of goods. On the
first trial the Jury could not agree ,
Schneider's attorneys had a $1,000 attor
ney's Hen on fllo then. Since then the Hen
has been Increased to $2,500.
Truimferrnl to thn PnciHc Const.
Gilbert I ) . Tccdrlck , who has for several
years represented the Pennsylvania lines for
Nebraska and South Dakota , with head
quarter ! ; at Omaha , has received notice ot his
transfer to the territory of Southern Cali
fornia , with cadrtiurtcrs at Los Angeles.
This change has been brought about on ac
count of Mr. Tfedrlck's health. Ho had
hoped that frequent visits to California would
prove beneficial , but coming back to Omaha
has demonstrated that the change had many
111 effects and he has therefore reluctantly
decided to take up his abode on the Pacific
coaet. Ho leaves Omaha with the best
wishes of every railroad man hereabouts. A
new man wll bs appointed to fill the vacancy
caused by thlp transfer.
Special Cut Prices for This Week.
See our White Silk Pasnsols for $1.2" ) . never sold before less than S2. . " > 0
Fine quality of Silk with Chiffon ruflle , $2.00.
Crepon olTccts , J3.f > 0 to $3.00.
Cut Prices on many lines of goods for n few days.
Check 'vnsh Silk * 2oc yard.
Jotted Collarettes $1.00 pieces for
$ ! . ! ) . > ; $2.00 pieces for 9Jo.
LJlack Luce Collarettes with colored
ribbons ; worth $2.00 , for $1.50.
( Rlc Chiffon Stocks for 35c
Children's White Dresses , 2 and 3
years , $2.00 for $1.50 ; $1.23 for Doc ; $1.00
for Oile.
Ladle's colored linen canvas waists ,
$2.2. > for $1.50.
Ulaek and white striped percale ; $1,50
for 87c.
Special line of colored waists , 2oc and
White for Goc nnd 48c , reduced from
$1.00 and $1.25.
$3.50 P. D. French Contil Corbels for
$1.95sizes : 25 to 30.
Odd lotsot $2.00 Corsets , all sizes , for
$1.25 Foster Lace Gloves , broken
bizcs. 33c.
All our French Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs above $1.00 25 per cent off.
Are you
Going to
the 4th of July ?
We know it's early to talk fire
works , but It's "the early bird that
catches the worm , " and we're after
the worm. We've got a long pole
that Is baited with the lowest prices
ever head of. We want a chance to
figure on country or city celebrations ,
largo or small. We're In a position
to give more celebration for the
money than any other firm In this
Price lists for the asking.
The c 131 ? i
99-Cent Farnam ;
Store. Street ,
0 Id 15Hl\irnamSt.Oniilii
ijk CHINA ,
nee Hone Howls , We , 75e , Jl.OO.
o Hud Vason , We up.
Virginia Vases , Me , We. Jl.OO.
Venetian Vanes. Jl.OO , > 1.W , (2.00. (
Sec Our New Lines of
Toilet Sets ,
leu C I earn Sets ,
Dinner Sctn ,
\\otor Sctu ,
Salad Bets ,
Herry 8ctn.
Hammock * at Actual Co
Ideal Silver I'olish U a llrst cla
\ . natural polish at an ordinary prlc
Sacrifice Sale.
Several thousand stylish hats ,
very latest trimmed and un-
trimmed. Must go at about
half their value. Largesf
and choicest stock.
1512 DOlHil.AS ST.
fa Another Hardware More opened.
Hardware of every rti'ncrlptlim wo lire ]
now offering for salu ut reduced prices.
The place to buy llanluarc Is wberotlicy
sell the best goods cheapest.
Win. Lyle Dickey < S Co.
140.1 Douglas Street.
Tiint's the price at which you can buy
outs of those oolobmteil "Siberia Re
frigerators. "
If von wunt u larger size it will cost
you a little more. Why not call and
select while the assortment is complete ?
They're certainly the most economi
cal , easiest cleaned and purest dry air-
refrigerators mado.
John Kussie Hardware Co. ,
s for JEWKL fins and Guso-
Icim Stoves.
Trusses ,
Supporters , .
Batteries ,
Atom'zcrs ,
Bed Pans , .
Air Pillows ,
Rubber Goods ,
Medical Supplies.
THE LION Dltro llOUSi : ,
1408 Farnaia HI. , opposite 1'uxton Hotel.
The accepted arrangement or scheme ot
furnishing In nearly every library today pro-
video for a line of low bookcases , leaving a
wall apace for pictures equal to nt least
thrco-nfha.ot the total height of the room.
Such low cases , finely made throughout ;
and with little or no adornment , are rarelK
found In the Block of an ordinary furnturo
store. They can alwayi bo procured of us.
however , and al about half the prlco you
would pay for building them to order. - . < I
They are very stoutly and strongly Joined
volumes. The doors are tripe hinged ani
dustproof ; they close tightly againat a centej
mulllon , which obviates the clumsy Inside )
hook or bolt formerly used. Hemember that
these cabinets are very Inexpensive. ( .
Chas. SMverick & Co. ,
1206-1208 St.