Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1895, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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ITie Barrinter Lands a Big Pickerel After a
Hard Battle ,
with the Unit 1'Uycri Tlin Itocl ,
tinn nnil IJojt The Sprinter' * Ainbl-
tloii nnil the Weakly Hound-
Vof Sport.
Is cer
tainly no place
within easy
reach ot
Omaha nearly
a o attractive
these splendid
x June days as
Lake Washing
ton , Minn. H
Is but nine
hours' ride and through as lovely
a country as lies out ot doors.
You leave hero at 0:10 : In the evening and
reach Kasota Junction at 4.60 In the morn-
Already this year there has been upwards
of 100 Ornahans at the lake and this month
this number will bo doubled. Just now the
black bass are emerging from the spawning
period , and for the next five or six weeks
will bite voraciously. Pickerel and pike are
also taking the lure with exciting fre
quency nnd sunflsh , Bhecpshead and perch
can bo taken almost at will. Trolling , cast
ing aud sllll-flshlng are now at their height
at these lovely waters , and during thcso
perfect das of Juno , for cither health or
happiness there Is nothing that can surpass
a fishing trip to Washington. The skies up
in that charmed country are always of the
perfect blue , shaded with drifts
of silver , the fields and woods are very
conservatories , with their odorous wild blos
soms and exuberance of tangly verdure.
The air Is always redolent with the sweets
of these painted beauties and the spicy fra
grance of the woods , out of whoso shady
aisles tunics the tinkling call of the oriole ,
whoso orange and black flaihes In and out
among the graceful elms and towering oaki ;
1lio silver chime ot the hermit thrush and
the cackling note of the yellow hammer.
Thcso aio the sweet voices which call to you
to break the bond * of business for at least a
brief season of free life In the fresh air.
Many catch the soothing sounds and respond
to revel In the delights of the Juno days
amidst the perfume of full-leafed woods by
the cool waters of the rippling lake. Lament
able Indeed must It bo to possess a mind
which replies to no caress ot nature , that
feels no longing for the wild world of woods
and waters when the orlolo calls.
Sunrise on Lake Washington !
A goUcn light kindles the long stretch of
rushes and feathery maples upon the south
ern border of the lovely lake ; ono beautiful
BWC P t daik ( .nd light fro fluids and woods
covers the remainder of thu scene , whllu to
the northward stretches the silvery heen of
the bass and pickerels' home. The plcturo
Is soft and rich , and jet with a wild beauty
about It , steeped as It Is In the mellow charm
of dawning day.
Charllo Thomas and the sporting editor
put In a couple of rare days there this week ,
and the reader Is Invited to accompany us on
our early visit after bass.
Ben Roberts Is In the peat and rows away
from Sheehan's landing oft down through the
narrows. On the right Is a Felvcdge of light ,
fluffy reeds and rushes , backed by swaying
maples and an expanse of waving wheat and
rye fields , with graceful wooded acclivities
between. On the left Is the craggy bluffs ,
with their scraggy oaks and glistening boul-
tiers , separating ono arm of the lake from
the other. The breaking sunlight lies llko
n golden mantle over the exquisite scene. Us
soft rays tinging the wllut rose Into dccpt-i
jilnk and making yellow Intaglios of the wlla
clamatls and blossoming moosehead fitting In
the crannies of the abrupt shores. The
narrows widen as we proceed , with thickets of
rushes and beds of aquatic moss lining the
crystal channel , while back of us It dwindles
into a sheeny streak , rolling and undulating
llko a water serpent In heavy herbage. Side
cul-de-sacs entice our little clinker , graceful
as a pike , but Den's steady stroke sends
tier skimming on through the water like R
bird upon the wing.
A thunderpump rises awkwardly from her
morning vigil for tadpole or crawfish In the
tall reeds along the near shore and fans
heavily away1 down the lake with a plaintive
cry , the light touching her slender , brown
ehapo as she bursts Into the fullness ot the
Den finally slows up , as we near the moss
bods. Just east of the red barn , and rests
gracefully on his oars aa Charlie and I pick
up our rods. We both begin trying for glori
ous old mlcroptorus salmoldes at the mouth
of the little bay which opens coyly Into the
staying rushes. Dropping adroitly here , fling
ing there , wo tease the lazy waters , but In
Not a strike rewards our feverish labors.
Den picks up the oars and with gentle
stroke sends the boat up closer , whore the
water is more shallow , the moss heavier. We
nklp our spoons over the rippling surface ,
specking the dark , green , sleepy pools with
thorn , our gray coats glancing like the heron's
back , as we bend to and fro , stoop and rise
In the ardor of our work.
The bull frog croaks amongst Uie floating
lllypads along the marshy shore ; a devil's
darning needle flashes athwart the water In
a prism of royal purple and gleaming violet ,
the kino low on the distant hillside , and the
pestiferous gnat hums and buzzes about our
oars as If In mockery at our earnest labors.
Den sits Idly In his scat Indifferent to ev
erything eave the pearly bubbles eddying
away from the rocking boat's 'side.
Softer still , through the shimmering morn
ing haze , the sun sheds his rays over the
eceno. On the left bank the trees and
alders are thrown In the glassy lake by the
most delicate penciling , forming a series ol
fairy paintings , specked with the topaz ami
the crimson , the garnet and lapls-lazull 01
the glancing sunshine , paintings that can b ;
found In uo Paris gallery or salon. From
the gnarled trunks of the trees to the cu
edges of their leaves , everything on thi
margin Is depleted In the lake as It Its wateri
were 0113 wonderful mirror. Tbo gentle 01
dilations ot our boat fracture these fair )
scenes now and then , but placid welllnc
crystals again and again restore them as II
by Invisible fingers.
Suddenly wo find ourselves moored in i
net work of floating moss , and sallmoldei
makes assault after assault upon our en
tlclng lure , and for two hours the sport 1 :
unexampled. In that time a dozen bass 01
more , In all the blazonry ot their splendh
armor , are flopping and gleaming In the bet
torn of our boat.
There , Charlie's spoon strikes a quiet pool
oack and beyond the first line ot reeds
where the sunlight glares like the orb ot i
"Whoop-la ! " cries the excited young bar
"Steady ! " echoes Den.
"It's a whale , " quoth I.
Off the stricken flsh darts , llko a bulle
from a gun. Down he dives , as It to pene
trate the lako's bottom. Then up he come
again , as If to clear the aqueous barrle
and take a flight through ether. A
his yellow , spotted aides flash in the sun
light wo tee what U Is.
Esox Amerlcanust
A big pickerel , the tiger of the waters !
Hack into the depths he plunges , like
metal projectile. The slender rod bend I
aud creaks threateningly. Charlie Is whit
with excitement. Den and I entranced look
eri-on. There Is no surcease from agony I
the mossy depths , and the big flsh breaks to
the surface again. Hern ho launches out dei
peratoly and spins round with iuconcelvabl
speed. The barrister plays him with won
tlertul skill. Now he gives him rope wit
which to eventually hang himself ; now h
reels in as fast as skilled fingers can wor
the small crank : cllck-cllck-cllckety-cllcfc
lie gives him length again. Charllo has th
rod's butt planttd In the pit ot hi * stomact
while ha holds on deltly with hl left ban
and works the reel with his right. HI
countenance hu a grave cast , but he is coo
collected and reliant , always keeping th
contorting savage ot the lake , like an ol
angler , taut up to the rein.
Now the huK9 pickerel cavorts less dei
Ills movement * are slow and aluj
glih , Charllo reals him eautlouily In. Wo
sea his long , slender , Rolden shape plough *
Ing boatward near the surface. He will
soon be ours. One hioro dciperate , frantic
lunge for the moss bed one more heroic
dash toward the deeper waters , ono more
turn , and the conquering fisherman steers
him deftly toward the boat. Ho Is weary and
drowning. Charllo reels him In cautiously.
Suddenly there Is a glitter ot the boat's
side ; a tpaamodlc flop , n faint outpull. Den
leans over , makes a sweep with his naked
arms ; the net Is ben atli him , and the next
second a seven-pound pickerel Is wildly floun
dering In hopelensneta and dctpalr In the bottom
tom ot our good boat , llio Sea Dull ,
Ttid Ilncl , ( inn nnil ting.
Will and Irvine Gardner , sons of Dean
Gardner , are Latching muscalonge In the
wilds of Wisconsin , near Dayfleld.
Addlson C Thonns , superintendent of the
leased wire service of the Associated press
west of the Alleghcnles , and probably one of
the most skillful fly-casters In Chicago , was
In Omaha Thursday , renewing old acquaint
Itcports this spring from the western and
western central portions of the state where
the shooting has generally been good ot late
years were to the effect that old birds were
very scare ? . This alone would have been
sufllclcnt to have caused poor shooting , but
on top of this tha weather has been against
them. The heavy and continued rains which
have been the salvation ot the crops came
Just at a time v\h n the young birds were
unable to care for themselves , and the damp
and cold has undoubtedly killed largo num
It Is painfully evident that those who love
to shoot over the dog will be compelled to
wait a little later In the season and take
tholr outing with bobwhlte , who promises
to bo more In evidence this season than
ever. Ills cheery call Is everywhere to be
heard , lie has overflowed the confines of the
country , and taken up quarters In the parks
of the city , and the brown October dajs
have glorious times In store for the devotees
of the scatter gun. Not only Is this condi
tion of things apparent In the Immediate
vicinity of the city , but from all over the
state the same reports are sent In by sports
men who keep a weather eye upon the fu
In this year of glorious crop prospects
there Is ono which promises to be a complete
failure , or at best only half a crop that Is
the prairie chicken. Last season was the
most disastrous to these birds of any In the
anuals of Nebraska , and In many places
where they were previously plenty , they are
now practically exterminated. Whether they
died as the result of thirst , or simply emi
grated to more favored localities , has been
a disputed point. It the latter Is the case ,
with the return of more favored seasons
the birds will return also , but If the dry
weather exterminated them , nothing but
the most stringent protection will ever pro
duce good chicken In Nebraska again
TEKAMAH. Neb , Juno 11. To the SportIng -
Ing Editor of The Dee : Frequent Inquiries
from abroad arc made by letter at this office.
Nearly every day I am called upon to answer
such letters concerning Holman's lake as a
resort for camping , fishing , boating , etc. It
Is a splendid body of water , well filled with
bass , perch , croppies , etc. List season the
Stite Fish commissioners planted 5,000,000
pike that arc now two and one-half aud
three Inches In length and spawning. An
other plant of 1,000,000 was made by Super
intendent O'Drlen this year. Large timber
skirts the lake at many places , making
beautiful shade for camping parties. Danker
H. M. Hopewell , brother of Judge Hope-
well , has a crude resort with boats at the
nearest point to Tekamah. As It Is attract
ing so much attention and so many Inquiries
are made , Mr. C. E. Dardwell and I would
be pleased to have you join us In a day or
two In a troll along the moss beds of
lake. Let us know when you can come and
wo will endeavor to make you a pleasant
time. Yours , etc. , W. H. KOUNS.
That will surely be a great dog show In
September. The Omaha Kennel club Is
working hard to this end and already evi
dence Is accumulating that points to a mag
nificent success.
Dllly Campbell and Mrs. Campbell and
Charllo Ross of South Omaha put In several
days at Sheehan's breezy CIliT house at
Ldke Washington last week. They made a
fine catch of bass , pike and pickerel , Mrs.
Campbell outangllng both of the gentlemen.
Don Chamberlain , Jim Dewar and Colonel
Andy Hunt , three pretty hot pieces of meat ,
made It exceedingly Interesting for the big
pickerel at Lake Washington several days
last week. They say that Dewar caught an
octopus , but Don declares It was a mermaid
and that she lived just back of the woods
on the north shore of the lake.
Judge Sam Chapman and Cashier S
Waugh of Plattsmouth have Just returned
from a bass fish at Independence lake , Min
nesota. Of course they made a big catch
and of course they had a royal time.
M , O. Chllberg. wlfo and little daughter of
Kearney are rusticating and flshlng at Lake
Governor Grant of Denver , who Is with
J. J. Dlckey'a party at Three- Lakes , WIs ,
distinguished himself and the entire party by
landing a thirty-seven-pound muscallonge last
Among the prominent visiting sportsmen
who were hero at the state shoot were
Charllo Dudd , Des Molnas , la. ; W. H. Skin
ner of the new American Smokeless Powder
manufactory , Now York City ; Ted Acker-
man , Stanton ; J. W. Den , a crack from
Arapahoe ; George Nlcolal , Sutton ; U. G.
Powell , Fred W. Sharp. F. M. Miller. C. L
Latshaw , C. D. LinJerman , E. E. Ilallett
and A. D. McCandless of Lincoln ; C. W.
Dexton , W. S. Duer , W. S. McKlnncy ,
Hastings ; E. E. Hatrgrove , Sutton ; J. M.
Crablll , one of the old vets , Clarlnda , la. ;
Jack Harklns , Glendon ; E O. Trotter , Kings-
ley , la. ; Fred Gilbert , Spirit Lake ; D. V.
Palmer , Lake Park , la. ; George Slocum ,
Prlmghar , la. ; Tug Wilson , U. Flanders , Lon
Kcmery , Chadron ; Jim Den , Arapahoe. and
the champion of western Nebraska , W. D.
Prultt and J. W. Evans , also ot Arapahoe ;
G. L. Decker , J. M. Drowning , A. P. Dlge'ow ,
OgJen , Utah ; J. G. Hillborry , W. J. Organ ,
Deavor Crossing ; A. A. Glade. W. W. Harri
son , Grand Island ; H. S. Westflcld , M. D ,
Will Pyper , Colonel Holfma > er. Major Dili
Hardln , A. W. Klekman , Council DlufTs ;
Judge Darncs , another hero ot the old days
Norfolk ; O. G. Smith , assistant superintend'
ent , alias "Uncle Den , " Drownvllle , J. S
Hoffman , Atlantic , and scores of others
whoso names were not obtainable.
From ft Tour t * Note llnok.
The club members are all pleased with thi
substitute bicycle ordinance as submitted bj
the police committee to the council. The cltj
authorities may feel assured that the club
men will co-operate with them In the carry
Ing out of the provisions ot the ordinance.
Here are a few "Don'ts" that I have Jottec
down which may Interest our club member !
and at the same time prove of a Ilttli
judicious advice. Anyway It would not di
any harm to read them over and remeribe
them :
Don't miss any more club meetings thai
you can help. Something might be done li
your absence which you would object tc
You should be present and enter your prates
at the time.
Don't let tne other members do your rldln
for you. You will be far more benefited b ;
doing It yourself.
Don't air your grievances In the cars o
outsiders. What U said and done lit clul
meetings is for the club members only t
Don't "kick" at the road officers any mor
J. than you can help. Remember that the
, have every member In the club to please an
It Is a big job.
Don't waste your time and energy in de
riding or criticising rival clubs. The earn
time and energy displayed for building u
and betterment of your own club will wor
, wonders ,
o Don't forget to be a gentleman ever or
wheelman always. Your example will al
ways attract favorable attention.
Don't attend club runs in full dress sutti
You will feel much more uncomfortable tha
If attired properly.
Don't tax your strength or jour mount b
trying to climb a hill because some othe
fellow does. U Is no disgrace to walk up
The regular evening club run wa
abandoned last Wednesday evening on a <
count ot rain.
Despite the threatening aspect ot the ovei
hanging clotidn last Sunday morning , som
thirty odd of the club members made U
trip to Missouri Valley. la , In company wit
a half dozen ot the Jolly Turner Wheel clu
boys. The party left Omaha at 9 o'cloc
and reached the Valley shortly after 1
Stop * were made at Orescent and Lovelam
The club * rcxlo well together , the new men
were looked after and encouraged , the entire
party riding Into the Valley In good order.
Arrangements had been made at the Hotel
Cheney for the accommodation of the entire
party by Captain Smith. The hotel people
exerted themselves and could not have
treated them better had they been congress
men with a pull. After a splendid dinner
the party climbed the high bluff back of the
little city and viewed the wide landscape
which stretches away for miles. They
watched the approaching storm with In
terest , as they saw In Its arrival the end ot
their day's nutlng awheel. .Until train time
the hotel resounded with merry laughter nnd
song the old-timers told their yarns for
the edification of the novices and every one
had a good time. The club * returned late In
the afternoon and well pleased with the trip.
As the last Sunday In July Is anniversary
day. the trip will bo taken In conjunction
with the Council Dluffs boys.
Today the club will have an outing at
Dellevue and Tort Crook , providing the day
Is pleasant and the roads rldcable. The
Tort Omaha club will join with us and try
to overcome our young giants at n game of
base ball. The clubs will meet at the
"Pump House" at 8 o'clock , and , with colors
lying , proceed to Hanscom park , where they
will bo photographed by Heyn. From there
they will proceed at once to Dellevue and
return by way of Fort Crook.
Secretary New comb asserts that he will
have to employ a stenographer If the club
membership Increases as rapidly as In the
past few weeks.
Don't forget the Doulevard run this week
under the management of the lady members
of the club. Commencing with next month
the captain will call runs during the week
for the ladles. They will have sole charge
of thcso runs.
Messrs. Dirnum , Douk and Smith , the com
mittee appointed to solicit prizes for the 1895
mileage competition , are meeting great
success In their efforts. Among the con
tributors are Travelers' Accident company ,
Omaha Knitting works , M. O. Daxon , Will
M Darnum S. Dro , Omaha Dlcycle company ,
G. M. Randall , John Harriott & Co. , D. J
O'Drlen Standard Accident company , Referee
Publishing company , Cycling West , The Wheel
Publishing company , Harry Hartry , Freder
ick , the hatter. C. E. Jenkins , H. K. Smith
and the New Haven Silverware company. A
nice prlzo list will be hung up for the club
members , and the committee Is working like
mad to get the ) matter In shape for the
printers before the 20th Inst. , as the pam
phlets will have to bo distributed by the 1st
of July.
The Tourist Meet club would llko to hear
from every wheelman In the city who would
Ilka to attend the Kearney meet on his wheel.
Delegations will bo picked up at Fremont ,
Schujler , Columbus and Grand Island , so
that the crowd will number nearly 100. The
tide , while a long one , will 1)2 made In two
or three days at a pace to suit everyone. Ad
dress John Hyncs , or the club oQlcers for
Chief Consul Ebersole wishes me to state
to the club members that an effort Is being
made to make up a special train for Kearney.
The train will bo ample for the accommoda
tion of every wheelman or wheelwoman. A
car will be attached for the wheels. A num
ber of ladles will accompany the party. Full
particulars can ba ob'alned from Mr. Eber-
solo or the secretary of the Omaha Wheel
Why can't we have a camera club ? Our
runs are routed through some of the pretti
est portions of the Missouri valley , and many
lovely views could be obtained. Work It
up , somebody1
What has become of Jack Culley and Jack
Hynes , Dave O'Drlen , Dllly Darnum and
dozens more of the jolly fellows
menced the season so well. We don't see
your smiling faces on runs any more.
\Vlilipprlllct ul the Wliiiel.
There is a possibility of the Omaha Wheel
club's tamous Googlers changing their name
for the Kearney meet this year on account
of an overabundance of mirth and racket
last season. It has been whispered among
the inner circle had the club had most too
noisy a time packed up In Its little grip last
year , and when they let It out It grew faster
than one of Prof. Hermann's magic boquets.
It fact , It got so big It filled the entire
town In a very short time. U Is needless to
say there will be more hilarity this jear
than last , however , and If I'm not mistaken
the "Pete Wheelers" will lead the procession
very much the. same as last Fourth , only In
larger numbers. Several new members , hot
ones , too , will be In It this season , from be
ginning to end , and If Kearney don't get a
thorough shelling from their many out-of-
town friends and admirers , it will be strange
Indeed. Dut what In the name of Sweet
William Is the Fourth of July for but to
make a racket In , no matter whether In
Kearney or In Council Dluffs. The Wheel
club won't have to hunt far for original
Ideas for their own advertising at Kearney
this year , for several exceedingly bright
schemns have already been proposed , and the
most of them passed favorably upon. "Pad-
dlefoot" Is being kept busy , guessing Just
which he likes best , and It Is possible he
will throw up his hands and take every
thing as It comes. In that case- look out for
new tricks all over town when the turnout
comes. Next Tuesday evening there will be
a postponed meeting at the club house at 8
o'clock , to which all members are urgently
requested to bo present , as business con
cerning special rates , trains , etc. , for Kear
ney , will bo discussed.
This week Is principally Kearney news In
this column , and If any apologies are due
for an overabundance ot enthusiastic talk
regarding the same , let us know , and we
will explain all when the historical meet
Is over.
Nothing could be more foolish than to wait
until the last day or two to decide as to
whether you are going to Kearney or not.
Make up your mind and notify any of the
following named gentlemen who have been
appointed a special committee to watch out
for the Interests- all wheelmen who antici
pate going , viz : F. H. Slefken , J. L. Ltve-
sey and J. E. Ebersole. These men are all
league officials who are In possession of facts
and figures that are beneficial In the fullest
sense of the word and It will surely pay to
talk the case over with one ot them. In
case a party of 100 Is guaranteed from Omaha
a special train will bo furnished to run on
any schedule desired. More than that , a
single fare Is to be had only In case this
sized party Is made up , so it Is plain to be
seen that concerted action means much here
Send your name to the wheel club If you
have the faintest ] Idea ot celebrating th :
glorious Fourth with the proper people , and
learn something to your advantage.
Today a regular old time picnic la on the
string and now and old members will be oul
In force. U Is a fishing party at Horsenho ;
lake , and at the time The Dee readers an
eating their breakfast the jolly wheelmer
will either be pulling- out fish or looking foi
the man who stele the glcss. It Is qultt
likely the gun sporta will turn out todaj
too , and a number of guns and a barrel o
blue rocks will occupy a very prominent plac'
In the commissary wagon. Particulars ncx
No wonder Eddie Heyden worked so hard
to make a success ot his recent six-day race a
n the Collsaum. for I sea the foxy Eddie I
now happily married to a charming youni
lady of this city. Three or four thousand del
lar * for a week's sport will pay for a splendK
wedding journey , and I think Ed must hav
h figured It Just that way.
Everybody goes to Kearney the Fourtl
from the Wheel club excepting Doc Kelm
Doc has a contract to watch the janitor o
the Murray flats and ho says It he was awa ;
two days "he really would be missed. " That'
a good story on the genial doctor , and a gooi
cigar alwa > makes him tell It. Give bin
two , for I get half.
They tell a good one on Captain Potter , too
As everybody knows , Dert la a racing ma
and always goes Into training for the stat
race * In a way that means business. Thl
particular day he had reeled off a few extr
miles out over the Dodge street course , an
on his return to the city limits stopped a
the club IIOUM for u rub down. After
very refreshing bath ho looked around for th
bottle of witch hazel which the racing boar
always keeps on hand fop the fast an
mighty men to bathe their muscles wltl
Unknown to him the photographic board o
the club also keeps some bottles up tlier
and It may be the hard names of the chem
cats had something to do with decclvln
him and making him think he was readln
the technical term Inttead ot the commo
every-day title ot Pond's Extract. No mal
ter. Time was precious , and eon Dert'
muscles were warmed up , not with wltc
hazel , but with a bountiful supply ot the vll
liquid the camera ( lends uie to develop the )
pictures. Jutt at this time King Dennis
dropped in. and as Denny U a racing ma
and camera crank too , he noticed sometbln
was wrong and Immediately made up h
d. mind to have some fun. With a long fac
nd a volco InI ) odiplty he told Potter of his
rror and adly Informed him he was pals-
ned by that mnkidereloper , and then kindly
tiered to helpihlm. live awhile longer. Poison
vas a hard word /or Dert and he couldn't
ot the stuff off half fast enough. Then he
nist tea a doctor tin such a dangerous case ,
nd while he lurch t ] out and hunted one King
at down and laughed himself to sleep. Yes ,
'otter got overIt all right , but If you're
ntlclpatlng a conversation with him regard-
ng this don't forgel to go armed from your
and to your shoulder ,
E. R. Smlth'tcok out a party of prospective
.ub members' ' lasr Sunday to Kelly's lake
n a fishing trip , and If Just one-half the
lories they tell aVe true , then I'm sorry I
ann't along , for no one Is more willing to go
ndcr In a good caute than himself , who Is
lyself. They were a swell looking crowd
hen they started out from a Farnam strest
estaurant about 4-30 In the morning , and
II that kept me from going was that there
ere pl-nty without me. I heard all about
" , and I'm going to tell It all , except about
hat they used for breakfast , dinner and
upper , and whenever they were thirsty.
That li not to be mentioned , especially In
he sporting column. The lake was reached
bout 3 o'clock , after a beautiful drive
hrough some of the prettiest country around
> maha , and within fifteen minutes after the
rrlval one man had fallen Into the lake ,
nether had snared himself on a spoon hook ,
nd last , but not least , another had broken the
aucet. Trouble ot all kinds come all at
nee , but of course It couldn't last foraver ,
nd In a little while fishing commenced In
arnest. Dltes were thick everywhere , both
i the boat and In the water , but they didn't
mount to much. Not a fish could bs landed
nd Horton swears that one fish was doing
11 the biting all by Itself. Later on , when
Metchcr lit his pipe , called the flsh names ,
nd got already to He down In the boat for
nap , the catfish came around and mewed
nd purred so loud Teddy decided lu Ret
tan , and went at 'em again , that t'me
vlth better success. In about five minutes
e had 106 , and had Just made up his mind
o quit , when his string broke , nnd all his
in got away except two. Thoroughly dls-
eartcned , he wound up his line , mid rather
han set In. the boat and be guyed , he got
ut and walked to the shore and tot dinner
eady. Just then the rain commnnced to pcur
own so hard It would glance eft , and all
ands pulled for th ? grassy banks to simple
Fletcher's lunch. Over an afler-dlnn r cigar
ho latest and best stories were told , songs
vere sung , and all else known to .imiise
vas Indulged In until some fellows cams
long and Invited the boys to try their hcnd
t spearing. That was Just what they wanted
nd they speared till the tears came on their
rms , but as before , no flsh crowned their
fforts until Gilbert got out of the boat and
aught a few with his hands , and held them
vhllo Eddy stabbed them , to make them
ook as If they were speared. They were
ery accommodating flsh , Indeed , so much
o that they all carrl'd their scales with
hem , which made the weighing part very
asy. And those speckled beauties came
Ight home with the boys , too , to prove Just
ow good fishing was that day. On account
t the fearfully hard rain It was found
ecessary to brjak camp earlier than de-
Ired , for the homo trip was not a pleasant
ne to face , even when wrapped up tight In
lacklntoshes and rubber caps. Through ths
: lndne39 of the Solzman brothers a
ouple of hours were pleasantly whirled
way at their home , where It was "nip and
uck" to see which crowd could do the most
or the other .In the way of amusement ,
-letcher exblMUl Sritli much Pr'lle' ' several
Ine snap shots h * got , and while memory
nd those pictures , last It's hardly likely the
rip will bo forgotten. In the party were
Messrs , Eddy -Flefcher. Smith , Horton and
Gilbert , and li Is a safe assertion to make
hat not a Jollier crowd of boys have left
he city on a/Jaunt for a long , long time.
Only olghtega , days more and the glorious
Fourth of July will bo here. Each year
Nebraska wheelmen anxiously await the
coming of thiij da/ and look forward to It
with a great 'deaf ' of pleasure. Since 1889
the Nebraska division. League of American
iVheelmen , has on/each / Fourth of July hold
Is annual meeting. In 1889 It was held at
Lexington. In ' 90 at Omaha , ' 91 at York. ' 92
at Hastings , ' 93 at Lincoln , nnd ' 94 at
Cearney. The wheelmen of the latter named
city are great hustlers and they have suc
ceeded In securing the "plum" again this
year. They are offering Inducements for
.ho wheelmen to be prcsentlCSOO In prizes
: or the races , reduced hotel and railroad
rates , a grand banquet and ball and many
other things which will lend enjoyment to
the affair. Their race track has been re
surfaced and Is now one of the fastest in
the state , therefore It Is expected that all
existing state records will bo lowered. The
meeting will be called to order promptly
nt 10 o'clock on the morning of July 4 by
Chief ConHul Ebersole. It will be held In
: ho parlors of the Midway hotel and all
eague members will be expected to be pres
ent. The races , among which will be the
state championships , will bo run In the
afternoon at the Wheelmen's park. Chief
Consul Eborsole and Secretary-Treasurer
Slefken are trying to arrange for a special
train for the accommodation of Omaha
wheelmen. It will leave the union depot
[ or Kearney at 6 p. m. on July 3 and arrive
In Kearney the morning of the 4th , returnIng -
Ing to this city on the morning of the 6th.
They must have 100 names ot wheelmen
who will go In order to get the special ami
all those desiring to b "In It" will confer
a favor upon the committee by sending In
tholr names as soon as possible. Special
provision will be made for the ladles and
It Is hoped that there will be many of
them. The cost will be comparatively small ,
the fare for the round trip being but about
$6. The trip can be made on ? 10 and It will
be a "ten" that you will never regret having
spent If you go.
The new bicycle ordinance. * which was
passed by the city council at Its last meet-
ng , Is as follows :
Section 1. It Is hereby declared unlawful
for any person , upwards of the age of 10
years , to rldo any bicycle or tricycle upon or
over any sidewalk In the city of Omaha
Any person over the age of 10 years violating
.lie provisions of this section shall be deemed
; ullty of a misdemeanor , and upon convic
tion thereof shall be lined In any sum not ex
ceeding twenty-five dollars ( $2500) ) .
Section 2. It Is hereby declared unlawful
for any person to ride any bicycle or tricycle
over , upon or along any public street or
avenue at a speed greater than eight miles
an hour In that part of the city of Omaha
bounded by the following streets : Ninth
street on the east , Leavenworth street on
the south , Twenty-fourth street on the west
and Cumlng street on the north or for any
person to ride any bicycle or tricycle over ,
upon or along any public street or avenue ol
the city of Omaha outside ot the above lim
its at a greater epeed than ten miles an
hour. Any prson violating- any of the pro
visions ot this section shall bo deenr < < ! guilty
of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof
shall be fined In any sum not exceeding
twenty-five dollars ( $20.00) ) .
Section 3. That this ordinance shall take
effect and M in force from and after It !
passage. '
Passed June111 , 1895.
The bell and lamp section having been cut
out , this makes the law an easy one to
obey , and wheelmen should t > ee that It I :
lived up to to ths letter Councilman W. A
Saunders offered the following resolution
which was olio adopted >
Resolved , That the fire and police com
missioners ba requested to Instruct the po
lice department tp enforce ordinance No
2,994 , relating to the throwing of glass , tin
and wires In .the streets.
Councilman Sauuders Is proving hlmsel
to be a true friend of the wheelmen. Onl )
last week he , hired several small boys , i
team and wagon , at his own expense , tc
pick up wire , glass , tin cans , etc , In tli <
Fifth ward. The result was that a good
sized wagon load , of this trash , which li
death to pneumatic tires , was picked up
Mr. Saunders will , bo renumbered by thi
"bicycle boys , " and they may be able tc
return him some feVer seme day. It wouli
not be a bad Idea for some of our othei
councilman to take pattern of him , and havi
their respective wards cleaned up.
The Omaha Wheel club will send a racing
team to Kearney to represent the club anc
city In the coming championship races. Lai
> ear Omaha got left on championships , am
they do not Intend to ba caught napping
again this year. The team will probably Ix
composed ot Frederlckson , Gadke , Mach anc
Harry Edghlli wltl do no more racing thli
roaeon. Such are his Intentions and a bushe
ot challenges will not make him Chang
them. He has won bis fame and glory and
Intends to hold on til It for a while a
least. That there are a number of taste
men In the city than he there Is not th
slightest doubt , but they are not going t <
get a chance to take his glory away fron
him this > ear. Wise boy , Harry.
A woman with her flrat wheel or a nev
riding costume l never entirely natliflod ' .vltli
either until ono or both have been seen by
the man she lovca and tha woman she de *
tests the most.
Records are llko wills ; as soon as they are
made , there Is an effort on the part of all
concerned to break them.
To the ordinary man hla tint wheel s a
; rcat deal llko a problem In mathematics
10 doesn't always understand ; It when ho
; ets It.
Just as men are ready to be convinced
lint the woman ot the twentieth century
s to bo physically as well as mentally per-
oct , an eminent physician testifies that the
woman of today Is deteriorating physically
ronv mental strain In girlhood. Ho dors
lot prescribe the remedy a simple one
Ive the girl a bicycle and the rosy checks
nd firm muscles will follow as a matter
t course. An hour or two a day In the
unshlne and fresh air , with the amount ot
xcrclse a pneumatic tired bicycle gives , will
10 moro toward repairing the mental strain
f the schoolroom than a whole pharmacy.
Grand Iontl linen from Omnlin to Cort-
iiinu' * Ktntlon.
The members ot the switchmen's union of
Omaha and Council Dluffs will give a joint
xcurslon and picnic Juno 30 , to Coffman ,
welvo miles north of Omaha on the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Milwaukee & Omaha railway.
Train will leave Droadway and Eighteenth
treets , Council Dluffs , at 9.10 a. m. , cromlnq
ho river via the new bridge at East Omaha.
'rom Webster street depot trains will leave
30 a. m. and 1.30 p. m.
A feature of this excursion will bo a
ilcyclo road race from Omaha to picnic
[ rounds , starting from Twentieth and
Cumlng streets at 11:30 : a. m. , sharp , open to
11 amateur wheelmen , the only requirement
being that every participant must hold a
numbered ticket , price $1 , which can be
md at any blcyclo store. Prizes will be
Iven as follows1
First prize , bicycle suit ; second prize , silk
umbrella and split bamboa fishing
rod ; third prize , saddle and pump ;
ourth size , bicycle lamp ; fifth prize ,
no pair tire protectors ; sixth prize , pair
> edals ; seventh prize , sweater ; eighth prize ,
cyclometer ; ninth prize , will bo given by
David O'Drlen ; tenth prize , necktie.
Game. ) and races will be in progress during
ho day at 'he picnic grounds and prizes
awarded to the winners Prizes are now on
exhibition In Hayden Dros. ' Sixteenth street
1'nlavor with tlin liall I'lnyerf.
St. Joe says she Is not for sale ,
mentlng In , this direction. Rocktord Star.
All of Omaha's pitchers seem to be out of
There will bo a Jam at the fair grounds
: oday.
Shortstop Griffin has been laid off by the
) es Molnes management.
The fair grounds park Is nil right. The
fans are delighted with the change.
Jack O'Connor has only made one error on
.hu Cleveland grounds this jear.
Old Hutch has got his good eye back and
s making t'ae hoghlde squeal.
O'Drlen's batting Is ns hard and timely as
over. He Is very popular with the fans.
LeRett should soon regain his old form.
If he had Kllng's nerve he would be a star
all the year round. Rockford Gazette.
Petlo Lehman is deserving of the most lav
ish pral e. He catches day In and day out
and never flags In his Interest In the game.
O'Drlen leads the Omaha team at the bat ,
Marcum the St. Joes and Van Duren the
Duckerlno has sawed off his mustache and
this afternoon when the Omaha's get
through with him he will saw oft his leg.
"Deam is a coming pitcher. " John Clem
ents. Ho appears to bo a long time coining ,
Canavan of Indianapolis Is laid up with a
spiked foot.
Managers Rowe and McVlttlo have met
with many adverse experiences , but are
working hard and will come out right side
up In the end.
Grasiliopper Ulrlch still continues to play
good , hard ball. Ho can recover himself
after a fumble and throw his man out quicker
and better than any man In the business.
Comlnsky threatens to move his St. Paul
team to some other city it he is not allowed
to play Sunday games there.
Charley Rellly Is playing short stop for
the Phillies , taking Joe Sullivan's place , on
account of the latter's Illness and enforced
lay-on .
Manager Nlcol of Rockford has signed
Third Baseman Holland of Terre Haute and
Pitcher Horton.
Joe Dattln has blossomed out as a Western
league umpire. He Is giving general satis
Omaha would like a good , hard-hitting
The ladles of Rockford take more interest
In the game than the ladles of any city In the
league. Star.
The St. Joes are Improving In their field
play. In one of the games with Lincoln
they made seventeen errors , and the next
day only made eleven.
The Jacksonville Journal says the only re
deeming feature of one of the recent Jackson-
vllle-Peorla games- was when the umpire
was hit In the head by a thrown ball.
Some Qulncy poetry :
The boneless bams of Rockfortl
Have met their worthy fate.
The lunatics picked up their sticks
And pounded out three straight.
There Is mourning In dim Rockford
And there's crape upon the door.
They'll never win three games again
And the fans are dreadful fcoie.
The Sunday Rockford Republican sings :
Our upward stride has now been stopped ,
And victory's chain Is somewhere broke.
Perhaps the Rockford base ball team
Have got their batting clothes In soak.
What's the matter with Cholly Shaffer.
His fielding- has been unaccountably ragged
for two weeks past. Brace , Shafc , give
us a sample of your ante-season work.
There are certainly a lot of patriots down
In St. Joe. They swear the Saints will bo
In the championship push yet before Sep
tember dawns. Hope so , anyway.
There are now two pitchers and a fielder
named Roach In the association. Qulncy
has one and Des Molnes has signed another ,
who conies from Chicago. Jacksonville has
signed the third Roach to play right field.
Even base ball writers exaggerate some
times. A St. Joe paper says Manager Al
berts is playing with his right hand torn al
most to shreds. The society for the pre
vention of cruelty to children should look
Into this.
The Qulncy Herald has some pleasant
things to say ot the Rockford team , with a
few fairy tales on the side : "If Captain
Lirocquo plays second base and tells his
men ( Like Captain LoRett of Rockford ) what
to do , Uie boys will win more games. " *
"Tho result of those three1 games proves
that both Qulncy and Rockford have the
strongest teams In the association , with per
haps I'eorla pushing them hard. It Is a
toss of a penny which will win a game
when they meet. The Rockfords have two
or three long distance batters that leat
everything In the association They also
play a hard uphill game , and never let do\vi
or weaken for a minute. "
Pap Larocquo Is the best jollier who has
been seen hero In many a day. Ills Tolce
wouldn't entertain an audience at a phonographic
graphic exhibition , but he always keeps It
agitated , with good results. Mertes Is too
funny to be a fielder. He ought to be a
song and dance man. Every time he catches
a fly ball ho goes through a form ot allegec
funny motions , Qulncy humor Isn't appre
ciated In Rockford. Mr. Joseph Vlsncr pre
sents his most distinguished compllmentiT to
Pitchers Abbey and Hlckcy. Only two
homo runs and the Hon. Joseph wasn't feelIng -
Ing well either. Coaching Is all right am
Jollying up Is encouraging. Dut the Qulncy's
overdo it. They probably Imagine that the
diamond Is a Qulncy beer garden. Larocque
was so mean that he refused to pick up the
ball and return It to the pitcher , and LeRett
bad to leave the bench and go after It
Nothing but an umpire named Ward , who
has a penchant for stealing games , kep
Rockford from making it three straight a
Qulncy. Is Abbey an exploded phenom'
He wa > taken out of the game In time to
save him from slaughter. Rockford Star.
Well , what do you think ? Wo came home
In iait place , and now we are In flnt place
writes a Peorla correspondent. In fourteen
games we have lost but two. Tha boyi
are playing great ball , and If they keep up
this pace they will have the rag sure. O
all the first basemtn wa have ever had , Hal
er U the best. Ho pity * the tame gutne
orery day , and hl coaching li above the
average. Onuln lias just left ui , and It
hey keep on playing the dirty ball they
are now playing , they will make many ene
mies. In one ot ( he recent Omaha-Peorla
tames Shaffer , who one time disgraced
'eorlH In left field , and who Is now doing the
nine for Otnulia , made an exhibition ot
himself which should have mot with tin
1101 severe censure from the umpire. In
he sixth Inning he picked up the ball and
lelllierntely threw It over the fence. The
plm paid no attention to this , but when
n the hMt of an argument Hnller called
ilcKIunon n "tlob , " he promptly clapped a
Ina of | 10 , and declared It vvuuld stick ,
icltman , a JounR twlrler from the ills-
> anded Western Interstate ICMKUC. hnx been
signed , and Ins proved to bo a lucky finder
or Charlla Fljnn. Charllo I'bnn hm signed
a new twlrler by lh name of DoWald. He
comes from the Ulue Grats region , ard seems
to bo a good man , with lots of p ed and
; oed control. S'hlcr li developing Into a line
litter. In the three OiiMhi-l'eorla games
10 went to bat seventeen times and got three
ionic runs , right t\ro-bise hits , four singles
nnd got his biso on balli twice. That Is the
> e t record ot the ea on. We tlilnklots of
Davy , as he Is n Peorla boy , and we like
'o see him do well.
Toot llnll lii tlin MomitMln.
It Is finally a settled fact that a foot bull
team will go from Omaha to meet the
champions of the vest at Dutte , Mont. , on
: he Fourth of July. As there Is no orgmlzed
team In Omaha at this time of the year
Jharles L. Thomas has consented to under
take the task and will get a team together
under the auspices ot the Unh orally club of
The Dutte bojs are not only a gentlemanly
set of fellows , but thorough sportsmen and
not only guarantee nil expanses for the trip ,
but pay for it In advance and are going to an
expense of over Jl.OOO to prepare new-
grandstands and blc-cchcrs so as to be able to
handle the crowd which they expect.
William Gardner , whoso golden locks and
good playing captured the whole town
of Dutte last Thanksgiving , Is fishing at
present In the wilds of Wisconsin , but ho lias
been telegraphed for and will bo hero In time
to prepare for the fray.
The team will be composed of many of the
same men who took" the trip Inst fall , but
Waltemcyer , Wood and Myers will bo missed
greatly and their places wilt have to be filled
as best they can.
The Dutte team has been greatly reinforced
and strengthened by practice and games ,
while the Omaha team Is wholly out , of
training and practice , but Mr. Thomas hopes
to round them to by the 4th.
The Dutte Miner says editorially : At last
the Dutte athletes are to have another go
with the Omaha foot ball team , which swept ,
or kicked everything before It last year. It
will be remembercd that the Dutto team met
the Oniahas on the athletic grounds In this
city on last Thanksgiving day and that after
the game tlin Dutto team had nothing to give
thanks for save the rapid approach ot dark
ness. It will also ba remembered that the
Dutte team was sorely crippled In that con
test , several of Its best men being absent
from the game. Now that the Dutte team Is
In good form the admirers ot the sport are
anxious to witness another struggle between
this city and Omaha and It Is safe to predict
that the crowd which will visit Athletic park
on the glorious Fourth will be the largest
ever gathered In this region. Not only tins ,
but from the time the game starts until It
ends and during the remainder ot the dty
until the dawn ot the powder-burnt 5th , the
American eagle may take a vacation. The
screaming will be done by as enthusiastic a
multitude of cranks , screechcrs and patriots
as ever gathered under the canopy of heaven
to wake the echoes , startle the hills' and jar
the blinking stars. This will be a Fourth
with a 'rah for > ou.
Air. Brent \Vnnta n "Feot" UUCP.
OMAHA , Juno 13. To the Sporting Editor
ot The Dee : Please Insert the following
challenge In Sunday's sporting columns and
oblige several of your regular readers :
I hereby agree to back M. R. Sloufer to
run Tommy Menzer a 100-iard foot race , ho
to name a time and place , for $25 a side.
Man and money can be found at 1322 Douglas
Questions nnil Ainwrrs.
CLOVER HILL. Neb , Juno 10 To the
Sporting Editor of The Deo. Please answer
In Sunday's Dee (1) ( ) slnco dbgs have been
made personal property can they bo killed
If tax Is not p-ild : (2) ( ) Do not the earns
laws that protect other personal property ,
such as cattle , horses , etc. , apply also , since
the law has been passed , to dogs , and must
they not bo assef.-eil as other i crsonal prop
erty and tax bo based on asse&sed value ?
Evana Cramer.
Ans. (1) ( ) The dog catcher can Impound
dogs on which the taxes have not been paid
(2) ( ) Yes. (3) ( ) Yes.
OMAHA , June 10. To the Sporting Editor
of The DeeWill jou In your Sunday's
column kindly tell an admirer of one of
your recent articles on fishing the way to
get to Lake Washington , and whether train
service and hotel accommodations are gcoJ ?
Gordon Clarke.
Ans. A brief description ot this charming
resort , with directions for reaching the same
and accommodations after arrival , will be
found in the sportsmen's column ot this Issue
NORTH DEND , Neb , Juno 11. To the
Sporting Editor of The DeoWill you kindly
tell mo In next Sunday's Dee how they catch
English sparrows for shooting matches ?
w. w. n.
Ans. In the cast they Iran them using a
largo sieve covered box raised on a stick
over the bait of crumbs and bits of chopped
meat. A hiring Is attached to the stick
and when tlin birds congregate beneath the
box this Is Jerked out by the trappjr , tccreted
conveniently near. The roosts of the birds
are also robbed and big catches made.
ASHLAND , Juno 12. To the Sporting Ed
itor of The Dee : With n base runner on
first base , the pitcher gives the ball se
cretly to first baseman , and takes his po
sition as defined In rule 29 , and makes base
runner believe he has the ball by holding
both hands up In front as If In the act ol
delivering the ball , the base runner attempts
stealing second , but Is deceived by pitcher
not holding ball and Is touched with ball
by baseman. Is base runner out ? Or la it
a balk , by rule 32 , section 1 ? Please
answer by Sunday's Dee. John D. Robblns.
Ans. The runner Is out. H Is an old
threadbare trick.
LAKH STATION , la , Juno 12. To the
Sporting Editor of The Dee : Will you please
let mo know In next Sunday's paper where
Is J Munyun , P. Doyle and n. Seery and
Woods of last year's Omaha team ? A Sub
Ans. Munyun Is with Evansvlllo , Seery
with Terre Haul. Doyle with Scranton and
Woods with Flndlay.
KANSAS CITY , June 14. To the SportIng -
Ing Editor of The Dee : What combination
makes a count ot 25 In the game of cribbage -
bage ? Please answer In The Sunday Dee
and greatly oblige A Friend.
Ans. You can't score 25.
LINCOLN , Juno 14 To tbo Sporting Ed
itor of The Dee : Enclose find two ball
scores. Will you please answer In the next
Sunday Dee which of the two clubs played
the best game ? Subscriber.
Ans. Can't answer. Neither score com
LEXINGTON , Neb. . Juno 12 To the
Sparling Editor of The Dee- Hose com
panies No. 1 and 2 agree to run for a purse
No. i picks a Judge , No. 2 picks one and the
two select a third judge. Companies run
and tlo on time No. 2 makes proposition
to dlvldo money. No. 1 says "No. " No. 2
then reports to Judges ready to run at once
No. 1 leaves the ground and declare they
will not run. What should Judges do ?
Hose Cart.
Ans. There Is no way to make No. 1 run
again. U Is a tie and a draw.
OMAHA. Neb. , June 14 To the Sporting
Editor of The Dee : Will you kindly answer
In next Sunday's Issue of The Dee following
question : Five parties are playing the game
of razzle dazzle with 102 points comprising
a gamo. One player stands scored 101 and
another 92 points ; former Is outbid by latter ,
who makes Uie trump clubs , ot which former
holds the deuce and pla > s It on first trick ,
whllo the bidder makes the remaining points
and both go out. Which wins the game ,
the bidder , or player holding the deucn ?
Also p'.ease say If same rules governing high
five govern razzle dazzle * Subscriber.
Ans. Low gees out. Yes In a large mean ,
ure. The game U a mongrel game , for
which there are no established or regular
rules. One place they play It one way , and
another , another.
Fifth Assembling of Nebraska Division of
the League of American Whcolmen <
lluitllng Dny * In the llcnntlfut City on th *
1'liUto I'n in ( i in Itncori Who
lie Ihrro I'lill Program
ot the Aloeti
KEARNEY , Neb. , Juno 13. ( Special Cor
respondence of The Dec. ) On July 4 and 5
next promises lo bo the greatest bicycle
touinamcnt and race meet In the history ot
the western states , nnd the five tried and true
committees of the Kearney Cce ! > and Park
association are at work early nnd late per
fecting every arrangement for the comfort
nnd pleasure of the 2,000 whcclnipn that wilt
licro assemble to witness the struggle of the
giants for the championship honors and the
supremacy In the class D ranks of tbo west
ern country.
The track Is receiving a large amount ot
attention , and promises to be In most ex
cellent condition , with a sand and clay sur
face , when the bell taps for the novlco event
on the "day wo celebrate , " which Is the flrst
day ot the meet. Already this season the
lialf-mllo competition record and the mile
paced have fallen a couple of notches under
the sprinting abilities of Grand Island's "star
of cyclcdom , " Ora O. Hayman , and this upon
a Nebraska manufactured racing machine In
his possession but two days before the per
formance , so he that can not read the doom
of "J4 records must bo dull Indeed.
At the state meet In this , "tho state meet
city , " last jcar every state record went a
glimmering into oblivion with from ton to
thirty seconds wrenched from Its tall , and
jour correspondent predicts that history will ,
as usual , repeat Itself this year by another
big smash at the records , and to this end thu
lzo committee has raised a $2.000 prlzo
list , which will consist ot high grade wheels ,
big diamonds , sterling slheruaro , champion
ship medals etc. , and It Is within the range of
possibilities for a magnlflc'iit piano to bo
added , by the assistance of Omaha's leading
dealers in these high-priced and much
sought-after instruments. Should this latter
materialize , It will be offered to the winner
of the onemllu open , class D , and It will
bo a race for blood , from start to finish.
The Omaha Wheel club Is negotiating for
a special train , with every prospect ot suc
cess , as the same train would secure largo
delegations from Fremont , Columbus , St'iiuy-
ler and Central City , leaving Grand Island
to secure an exclusive train to transport tha
entire city , as they are arranging to repay
Kearney for the big delegation sent from
this city to their race meet Tuesday last.
The Tourist wheelmen of Omaha will come
overland a-wheel , gathering recruits nil
along the route , and will no doubt roll Into
this city several hundred strong
Lincoln , York , Hastings , Deatrlce , Stroms-
burg , Red Cloud , Falls City , Superior , David
City , Dlalr , Wa > ne , Plattsmouth , Lexington.
North Platte , Gothenburg , Holdrege and
Mlnden have notified the association that they
would send good delegations , and the hotel
accommodations , aided by the opening of
private homes , will barely give shelter to the
vast multitude of cyclists coming.
The Ladles' Tourist Cycle club of Grand
Island , with a membership ot over forty of
that city's most prominent ladles , will make
the journey a-wuecl , a distance of forty-two
miles , wearing the rational bloomer costume
recently adopted by their organization.
Nearly every city , town and village In the
state Is bringing forth ono or moro candi
dates for championship honors and those that
need watching are as follows :
Edghlli , the "Western Union Kid" ot six
day fame of Omaha Is a "good mi" and no
mistake. Tessler ot Sutton , "tho giant , " who
dished up the little surprise party to the
Llncolnltcs at their annual Decoration Day
Race meet. Hayman , the Grand Island (
cracker jack who rung In the "cako walk"
on all competitors and lowered two state
records at the Grand Island meet of the
Oriental 'Cycle club on the llth Inst. , will
give any man In the state a good race for tha
class A championship.
Carter , a new man with a mighty mean
sprint , won many friends by his excellent
head work In the mile open at the same meet
and they will watch him throughout tha
season with every expectation of his making
a flno showing. Ho halls from Lincoln.
Hastings comes forward with a possible
winner In their man Jacobson , who Is In
active training and from the best authority
It Is learned that his abilities are such as to
merit the confidence of his club mates for
his success on the track.
Kearney In the meantime will contribute
her share of riders and banks heavy on Col
lins , the "hot tomale" of the town , who
subdued the Denver flyers In the mlle open
and at the same time reduced the Colorado
siato record to 2 13 , which will stand for a
few days at least.
In addition to the above there will lie the
following men who will no doubt enter and
an untold number of "dark horses , " who are
laying under cover with the expectation ol
getting a large slice ot handicap from
Drother Llndsey , but the probabilities are
that very few men will get the limit thlt
year simply because they have never been
In a race for the reason that new men will
be required to state their weight and gen
eral build In their entries.
Helnzman , Gadke , Holton , Coulter , Staley ,
Hynes and Plxlcy of Omaha. Yule brother !
and Bank ? ot Lincoln. McCall , Boelini ,
Welter , Edwards , Kanort , Christlaraon ,
Wlndolph and Whltson of Grand Island
Cowden and Miner of Red Cloud. Tlmmer-
man ot Superior. Dottenficld ot Nelson
Nlchol of Stromsburg. Smith of Lexington.
Hoagland , Murray , Friend and Ell ot Nortn
Platto. Sabln of Deatrlce. Hymer ol
Holdrcdgc. Miller , Swltz , Pierce brothers
Earley , Carson , Jackson , Downing , and
Keens ot Kearney.
In class D we confidently expect and In
fact have received notice that wo could de
pend upon their presence the following , with
but one or two exceptions : Mockett of Lin
coln , Fredrlckson of Omaha , Hlmstrect , Dolof ,
Rutherford , Danks , Pugh of Denver ; Mills
and Ashley of Kearney and others.
Mr. Roberts of Gothenburg , a one-legged
rider of almost national repute , challenge !
any man In the state to meet him. in a mile
event , his competitor to use but one pedal ,
and same has been accepted by C. W. Ashley
ot Kearney. The association has therefore
decided to put up a suitable prize and make
the race open to all that wish to enter.
The total number of entries will exceed 150 ,
making It necessary for trial heats In the
morning of each dayt giving two solid days
ot good racing. Entry blanks and programs
upon application to F. M. Hartcr , secretary.
Following Is a Hat of the events , sixteen It/
number , eight each day :
One mile novice , class A.
One-quarter mlle open , class A.
One-half mile open , class II.
Ono mile open , class A.
One-half mile ( boys under 16) ) , class A.
One mlle open , class D.
Two-mile handicap , class A. i'l '
One-quarter mlle open , class D.
One-half mile open , class A.
Two-mile handicap open , class D.
One-halt mile , state championship.
Five-mile lap race open , c'ass D.
One mile , state championship.
Two-mile open , class I ) .
Two-mile , state ( Aiamplonshlp.
Five-mile handicap open , clans A.
' "Twill be a corker. " Can you afford U
miss It ?
The Kid Krnpoiul * to I.eon.
GRAND ISLAND , June 10 To the SportIng -
Ing Editor of The DeeI noticed In Sun
day's Dee a challenge for me from Leon
Loilcr for a fifty or seventy-flve-yard foot
race. Losler Is well aware ot the fact that
I will not run less than 100 yards. If he
really wants a race , and means business
( which I doubt ) , I will run him 100 yard * ,
pistol shot start and Sheffield rules , during
the month of July , for any amount. If the
above suits him let him send on his cash ,
for until he does , I will pay no more atten
tion to him whatever. He also makes note
of the fact that I am entered In the light
weight 100-yard championship race. Loiler
Is eligible. If he U so swift why don't
he enter ? Oh , no , those bays are a little bit
too speedy for Leon. They may prove to ba
for me , also , but I will tackle them , at any
rate. "Better to have tried and lost than
never to have tried at all. " It Lozler lendit
you forfeit for above , I wilt cover It Imme
diately , FRANK J. SULLIVAN.