TUB OMAHA DAILY BIDE : SUNDAY , JUNE 1C , 1805 SPBG1RL NOTICES , AcUcrtliement * lor tlioia coluroru will l > Inlmi ontll 12IHO p. tu. for tlie evtnlncitnel until 8 | . m. for the morning mnii Sanilaj tilltloa , AttTrrtlierf , uj r qnf tlnc numbered tli re tr , tan Imre nnuwcri mlilri-Mcel to n Dnmbereel letter In enr at 'llio tleo. An- wr to RdclrtMctl will be ilMtTercd upon IKlcntntlun of the check only. lliitc , 1 1.2c a word , llr t Insertion , lo n word hcrrnrter. Nothing tnUeii for In * than 2flo lot- lint Inirrllnii. 1 lir e UtrrtlwitnenM mint inn rnniecu * lUely. . SITUATIONS WANTED. rinsr CLASS DTICPSMAKKK v. TS PLACI : ilo tlrtMHiakln * Jul > - ami AtiRiiit for her board. In or out of city. B 1J. B c. WANTif : > . WORK roti BOY or 14 LV OR OUT of the city , c 11. Hoe oinct. A MMi " * WANTr.riT POSITION 11Y EXPttUinNOKD furniture nnLher. Htl.er In facinry or more. Best of retrench. T. Hcott , 1M3 I'0eu | 'w , c. WANTHD , POSITION ON COI'NTHV Nfi\\H- imier | by n frlntii : will wnrk l r tumll wilary mi < l lioiiiil ; can fuinlnh rcfciences. Aililr M H 13. Ilw. A-121 1C VOUNO WIDOW. DAfOHTKR OP MASON and I. O. O. K , ilcslro ultuiitlon nn Inuse- ki-e-per or tnkp clmtiKO of hotel , city or country , or wouM corrcdi'oni ) with view to in itrlmony ; rlileily Rintleincn preferred. Addrci" ) Mr * . Car rie J. Wllburn , 1' . O. Box 1017 , CIilcftKO. 111. A M12I 20 WANTE1J MALE HELP. WANTED , 1,000 MEN TO WRITE Mil TODAY for the rtcdpl ( ulMolutoly fiec. In plnln re ilwl rn\elope ) which cured me of ntivuuit debility , * xh.iu d vitality , tic. Adrtrcst C. J. W.itker . , Sox 1.341. Knlumnroo. Mich. B-MIZl CUBAN TRLCKLIS : : , PURE AND MILD , tc. 1I-181-J21 I100.CO A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAID R.ileimiMi ; no ixpeilrncu required. U. S. Clsr Co. , G3I B. 7th direct , tit. Luuh > , Mo.B B M9& > 21 * BALKMEN WANTED tioo TO jir PER MONTH ami cxpcii en. Wiiriie line. Potlllon nctmincn * , rilCHxnnt and dOBlrablc. Ailrcfs ultli Btiiuip. Klnif MfK. Co. C. 41 , Chicago. B BAI.ISMIN TO unt'O TIIAUI : . HIDE LINE or iithprvvlw. J. W Kn.ght , 117-.23 MuleHt. . , Racine , Wit D-OM-16 * SALESMEN , $200 Piil MONTH TO GOOD MEN to roll nictlc Ice machines for rcfrlBTiitorn , KUHnentecd 73 per font cheiipcr thin Icr ; Hutu n lifetime ; cxclunlvc contiol Ktven , wilte for tcims. Are.llc Ice Machine Co. , Cincinnati. O. E 9G3-1G * WANTED , RELIABLE MAN , PERMANENT position. Stamp mid references. A. T. Morris , cmc this pupcr. U OC6-1C * WANTED AN ENERGETIC MAN TO MAN- ARC an olllco In Oinnlia , Ncli. , foi nn old mtnbllHhed linn. Hnlary , $75 pir month , and commission on nil mles. Mu t ha\e Rood rcfirencm , and JlOO In cash. Capital abso lutely Bccurwl. Address The Nullonal Ct > , DCB MulncB , la. 11-1187-16' _ BAtnsMUN- A wnr.K is orrnituo IIY fake humbug llrmWe pay only what > ou nre wurth. Ntwly Invinted Bclcntlllc pipe called i\wlantlnir : ClRiir , made of tmbontus ; cannot be told from clKnm ; use any tobacco : In Indmtructlble. Wnnt Rood man lo Fell to tradennd connumern. Ill prolll ; luimple nml nilvcrllnlnK matter. 15r : 1 M pur dozen. Pc- cnre torrllory now. Hcferencen , Ilradntroct a nnd Dunn's. Everlasting Cigar Co , Indian- niHillK. liul. _ H-OT9-16 _ WANTID IIY A CHICAGO COMMISSION hounc a nrnt class fiirnlture trn\ellnKinan for the states of Iowa. Mlsiourl , Kunsna nnd No- branka. Only thoie havlm ? un established trade wllh llio best of lUnlcri nnd will state references nnd amount uf pahs per jcnr need apply. C 44 , care I-ord & Thomas. Clilcnpo , H-'JM-IC * HI. to iAioiiniis rou n. & M. HY. co. IN WYO- mlng : free tranxportntlon ; ship Monday after noon. Kramer * c O'Hcarn , llth and Parnntn Btrtet. 11 M100 17 * I YOtINO MKN TolTlTaHT WOItK ; ALSO 1 Kood news agent , day run. Ugbut tt Corlictt , 1314 rnrnam. _ , U 111 16 * AN ACTIVE. PUSHING MAN , WITH PW TO engage In a partnership with a manufacturing house to establish nnd control sub-aguits ; busi ness large and prolltable. Addrcsn Manufac turer , IJox 723 , Ilnltlmorc. Md. U WANTED , nnLIAIILuiCN TO HANDLC AD- Justalle stair for ntllcs. etc : very practical nnd endorsed by architects everywhere : state rights for sale. W. C. Foster , C5 Washington street. Chicago. It-la 16 * WANTED HELP. AH13 YOU HONEST. SOBnn , INDUSTRIOUS ? If BO , engage with ui for ISM ; 1300 a month , 13. COO a year ; you can make It easy : six hours a day , Our agents do not complain of hard times. Why ? They are making money selling our Perfection Dish Washer ; the > mly practical family washer manufactured ; wuslus , dries and polishes dishes perfectly In two minutes ; no experience necessary : a child of 8 operates It easily ; cheap nnd durable : weight , thirteen pounds ; made of anti-rust sheet steel ; capac ity , 100 pieces ; J10.000 for Its equal ; every fam ily wants one ; you don't ha\e to canvas ; as coon as people know you have It for sale they send for a dish washer : each agent's territory protected : no competition ; wo fur nish sample ( weighs six pounds ) in nice case to lady agents to take orders with ; one agent made J214 M first ten days. Addnss for full particulars perfection Mfg. Co. , Unglenood , III. aniiMAN iioiiKKKKin'UR : DON'T OIUCCT to child ; private family cook. J5 00 ; lady cook nnd dining room girl for Colorado. Canadian Ofllce. 1528 Douglas. C M921 16 * _ A NHAT GIHI , roil GUNKIlAIj HOUSHWOIHC In family of two. Inquire of Mrs. II. Ncuman , KS H. Sth nv enue. C M036 16 _ \VANTEDT YOUNa GIIIU WITH EXPEIII- ence , to cnie for a thrc-e-yiar-old child , liefer- rnccs required. Apply at 201 South 25th nv before C p. in. C 050-17 * _ ALL , LAD1KS HAVING A FEW HOUUS leisure each day should write me at once rc- irardlng pleisant home work which easily pn > | U Wfvkly. This I * no deception and will cer tainly pay > ou to Invfstlgute. Hpply with stampetl envelope , Mrs. 8. A. Btebblns. I w- rence. Mich. DCO-ll , * _ WANTED , Gillie TOR GENERAL HOUSE- vvoik. must be a good cook. Apply at 30th and Marcy ms. C 972-16 * _ WANTED. A GOOD GERMAN OIIIU AHOUT IS yean old. Apply at once , 2023 Ohio St. C M9SMS * _ 00. KhNT HOUStd. ' HOUSES. P. K. DARLING , DARKER BIXJCIC. D 123 _ HOUSCa IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O. ! " . Davis company , 1509 Karnum. D 428 HOUSES. BENEWA & CO. , IPS N. 15TH ST. D 427 II. TS , COLE CO. UARQEST LIST IN OMAHA. U MtIS FOR IlENT DES1RAI1LE HOUSES. rooms. 211 a 24th t. . W. T rooms. 420i Cumlni ; St. , } 22. 7 rooms , ! > : < ! N. iUM ave. , | a & ) . I rooms , 4907 Caps St. , J10. > rooms , 4927 Davenport st. , 110. C rooms , 3420 Jackson St. . IS. t rooms. MIS ITntt St. . 7. Bee ridellly Trust Co. , 170 ! Tarnam it. D-431 RENTAL , AGENCY C20 SO. 16TH ST. D 727 TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CI.OSB IN : ( -room cottage , city water ; utore building , 1303 ravnani. U S. Sklniur. agent , :10 New York Life. D M82118 10-HOOM HOUSE , MODERN , LOCATED 2211 Douglas. W. r Clark. D M i .JI > TWO s'ltOOM UIUCK'lIOtlSES. 1339-11 PARK avenue , facing Hanscom park , nearly new ; hard wood finish ; first class modern con- venlences. Imiulre 1115 South 92nd street. D-M82J C AND 7-ROOM FLATS , WITH RANOENH all modern conveniences ; avvnlngs , screens and janitor strvlce. Cull nt corner IUt , 701 H. Hill it. , from 19 to 12 and 2 to i. Otorwo Cloustr. U MS'Jl I-IIOOM MODERN HOUSE. DETACHED , beautiful lawn ; shade treou. SC5 bouth Zith. Apply to J. H. I'uriotte , Dauglo * block.DMtlO D-MtlO TOR RENT , FINE COTTAGE. DARN. LARGE lawn , on car line. R. C. rutteraon , Ramge blk , , D-4J7 I ELEUANT C-ROOM COTTAGES JUST UUII.T IZ2.50. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 rarnmn D C < 3 THREC-ROOM COTTAGE WITH GARDEN. 8 II Cor. tJrd and Clark St. Inquire 1U3 Jnck' son El. D Cos I-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 29TH ST. & POP [ pleton. llartrnan & Robblns , 24D lire bldg. U i.t-Ji9 I-ROOM COTTAGE. Jt.00 ; 917 N. J3TH BT. IN quire III South l < th st. D-911-18 EEVKN-ROOM IIOllSE. MODERN , NEWI/5 paix-red and painted , mantel nnd grille ; KOO > location ; near motor , 13 % ) Ho. Kth street. Jl , . > or for rale , U.CiOOJ. J. H. Purrotle. block. _ RENT. B-ROOM HOUSE. 1S15 CAKB hT. D 3.6-lC * SIX-ROOM COTTAGE , 644 B. tlST STHEirr IM27 H * T.m MODERN TEN-ROOM HOUSES ON MOTOI line for rent nt t-UOO per month. E. H Sh-mfi 432 Paxlon block.D M933 it * RENT. TOR TUB SUMMER' . rnd autumn , my rtaldtnce corner of JM an < I ) v niMirl Irrcln , partly furnished II. J Wlndmr. 1CS4 Capitol avcnur U M94S It * _ . . RENT.ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODKR1 improvements ; haul wood flnlili end Ian ; room * . No. 404 N. tJrd. -M105 19 FOR KENT HOUSES. Ccnllnued I'OR RENT. AT RUAFONA11LE PRICE , MY residence , cor..ih and St. Mary's live , fur- nlrhed or unfiunlihrd. for the summer , nr longer. Mrs. M Hcllmnn L > 956-21 CHOICE ElflHT-ROOM 11RICK RESIDENCE , modern , Bhcrwoed nve. , ncnr Hlli nnd Ijikc , renliul clghl-ioom bilck , : : d nnd Cnllfo.nla , WJ.03 Large brlek residence , 23 < 1 nnd California. C. A. Starr , 61S N Y. Life Illdg. D-9S8-17 PLEASANT ) iTATlTEb MODERN 8-ROOM house ; nice lawn , barn. Inquire 2&J3 Pierce st. 1703 TARNAM HTREirT. W. M lingers , 1321 rnrnnm street. rt'RNIHHED HOUSE POIl RENT FOR THE summer. Inquire Mis. J. W. Cotton , 118 So. Uth. lJ-m-SG3-18 * FOR RENT , riVE-ROOM , COTTAGE. 14M Hoiilh 17th llct. Hickory und Center. D. Mo- Mlllan. D76lC * _ _ OirilENT , 7-ROOM. EAST .rilONT. MOI ern. Call SU Nu. 20lh , rent J2501. D- TOR RENT TO 8EPTE.MIIER , MODERN houip , furnished ; ( onvcnlent location , big shady lawn. Addrtts S 34 , Lteo ofn < e. e.D 991 1G * ROOMS FOR IIOUSEKEEI'INO. & rooms , ilrst tluor , or 4 roonu , second lloon city water , bath , barn , etc ; G minutes from postolllcc. 82214 S. 20th street. D MM" 19 * roil RENT , HOUSE fi ROOMS AND Kt'MMER kitchen : : i2 Cnldvv ell street. D-M1UOO 23 * KtNT i ; U im iBllEC i NICE fcOUTH FRONT ROOM. WKLL 1'Ull- nlshcd , private family. Call 241 * Cuss si. M43j PLEASANT ROOM , 1919 DODGE. E-MSJ7 rURNISHED ROOM. 62fi S. 19T1I STRECT. foil RENT , ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms. 6M 8. 13th. E-61CJ > 2 _ 1 ROOMS TOR HOUSEKEEPING FOR MAN and wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. E b84-S * FURNISHED ROOMS COc WEEK. 710 fi. 14TH. n oio-j > i2 * TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS with city water. 2212 California st. E3.9 ! 1C * NEATLY FURNI.SHED ROOM FOR TWO f23 S 17lhstreet. E-M940 28 * _ _ _ NICELY FttRNISIIED ROOMS FOR GENTLE men or light housekeeping. C.6 Noith 17th i-ticet. E-M939 17 * FOR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH loom on car line , cheap , 2227 Luke st. E-OC2-1C * NICELY FURNISHED OfTHIDE ROOMS. GAS , fcte.im he it. 711 Suuth 16th etreel , third lloor , south side. K 990 16 * NICELY Fl'RNISHED ROOM : SOUTH EX. posurc ; also large front room with alcove ; gas , bath. 2009 Cns . E 933 1C * NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS , 204 8. 2.VTH ST. i : M103 19 * FIVE ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- kciplng ; central. S 38 , Uee. E M114 18 * FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOaUD THE ROSE. 2020 IIARNEY. NICE FURNISHED rooms with board ; special rales to gentlemen. F 204-J22 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 206 N. 1JTH stieet. F M72S 21 * ROOM AND HOARD AT 212 SO. 25TH STREET. F MS74 IS * TO RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with board ; terms reasonable. Call nt 2107 Douglas. F 880-23 FOR RENT SUITE OP ROOMS , ALPO SINgle - gle room , with board In private family ; refer ences. 2214 Farnnm. F 1S IS * DESIRARLE SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH EXcellent - cellent table , lawn , etc. 202 N. IStli.F . F M901 16 * NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM WITH board ( or two ; private family ; no other board ers : best home comforts. C14 No. 21st , bet. California nnd Webster. F 904 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH I3OARD , centrally located , modern , 2209 Douglas. F 964-16 * GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE PtlRNISlIK rooms with or without meals at TOO S 17th nv References. r 970-H FOR RENT , TWO LARGE , NICELY rim- nlshed rooms with board , near Han com Park , 1003 Park avenue. I' 979-16 * NICELY FURNISHED. SPLENDID SHADE trees , large shady sard ; board second door , location convenlnet. 2205 Farnam. F 999 16 * FOR RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. 1824 Dlnney street. F M101 22 * SOUTH ROOMS. SINGLE OR ENSUITE , 8UM- mcr rates. 2308 Douglas. F MI20 IS * 607 8. 2JTH AVE , PRIVATE FAMILY. F-M125 J15 * UNFURNISHED KUOMS TO RENT 1 ROOMS , CLOSET. 202C ST. MARY'S AVE. Q M915 20 * 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 209 S. 24th bt. G 954 FIVE MODERN ROOMS , INCLUDING PARlors - lors ; no children ; cheap. 213 S. 24th. U M9S3-17 * EAST ROOMS. J300 AND 16.00 PKR MONTH. COO 8. 2Sllfctrcet. G M113 18 * 1011 RUNT b'JCOKUa AND OFFICES TWO-STORY I1RICK , 22X66 , AND 66 FEET trackage , 718 S. 13th , at > our own price. H. Cole Co. , 106 N. 15lh St. 1 716 Jyfl FOR RENT THE 4-&TORY HUICIC BUILDING , 916 Farnam street. This building has a fire proof cement basement , complete steam heatIng - Ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of The Dee. 1 910 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. TO $10 A DAY. AD- dre the Handy Heater Co. , S'J4 New York Life bldg. . Omaha , Neb. J 913 WANTED. HUNDREDS OF AGENTS TO SELL , "The New Education" to school boards. Men sold sixty sets last month to single districts The Diamond Lltho. 1'ub. Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. J M943 17 * WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL SASH LOCKS and door holders. Sample sash lock free by mall for 2o stump. Ilest sellers ever Invented. Heats weights. J12 00 n day. Write quick , liro- hard & Co. . Ilex 77 , Philadelphia. J WANTED , LADY" AGENTS ; "lIYGEIA COR- KttH aru the Ixst sellers ; big piollts ; easy work. Catalogue fre by sending to Western Corset Co. . St. Louis , Mo. J WANTED , agents for name platen nnd hou c numbers , beveled glass , gold lined , readable In the dark : finest goods made ; sample fieu Dunslan Mfg. Co. , 221 Cth nve. , Chicago. J AGENTS WANTED ENERGETIC MEN TO sell goods by wimple , at home or travel. Easy seller. Liberal salary or good commission. Address with stamp , P. O. Ltox 1103 , New York City. j _ AGENTS WANTED FOR LARGEST LINE aluminum novelties , bar gexxla , tablevvare In America ; profits Immense ; steady work ; sample Wo ; Illustrated catalogue free. Aluminum Nov elty Co. , 335 Uroadvvny , New York. J WANTED , AGENTS. CANVASSEIIS. MALE OR female ; something new In ladles' shoes of great incut ; MK pay und exclusive sale guirnnteed. Adilnss Manufacturers' Shoe Co. , 421 Union St. , Lynn , Mass. J WANTED. AGENTS FOR OUR ABHESTOS clay cooking ware. Wages f3 lo J7 a day. Pay every week. Central Supply Co. , Cincin nati , Ohio. j _ AGENTS WANTED. NEW WALL MAP U. S. nnd world , six fat long , eleven beautiful colors. No experience needed. You cannot make money easier. Send 85o for tuimple or wilte. Rand , McNully & Co. , Chicago. J AGENTS WANTED TO SHOW THE NEW patent reveilvlng1 griddle cake , fish and egg turner ; It Hflls Itxelf ; cample 'Me. L K. Mlckfl. Haveihlll. Mass. J 9S6-1C * _ WANTED. DISTRICT AND CITY MANAGERS Ui r < prei ; < nt llio United Stalin IK-nevolent so ciety ; pajx sick , uccldmt and funeral benefit * . J. II. Pitcher , Eecretniy , Sa lnaw , Easl Sldf. Mich. J MUD 2S * " WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL PATENTED household article ; tell on slghl : entirely new ; 100 per cent profits samples. SSc : pnrtlculare free. AiMn-sa E. R. Vrooman , 301 Medlnah Bldg. , Chicago. J ia 16 * FIRST CLASS. ACTIVE. REHPECTAHI.t aKvntg , city and countiy. to nell IlKht. luirlulh article ; salary , jso week. Addrem S 41 , Bee. J 12G K - LIVE. RESPONSIBLE AGENTS IN EVERY city , to handle small , qulckielllng article ; sal < ary , | 20 vveekl ) . Addrera 8 40 , Bee. J-127 16 * WANTED TO RENT. OR THREE NICCLY FURNISHEC ruoma for housekeeping by two } oune ladles ; references. H K , lice. K M914 16 * WANTED TO RENT MODERN HOUSH OK nine e > r ten nuina for one or two jears. Ad dress 8 32 , llee. K 978-16 * . RENTAL AGENCY. G. Q. WALLACE. RENTALS , 31 ] DROWN RLK L M703 STORAGE. d STORAGE. FRANK EWERS , llli HARNEY. M433 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. B. BO cov. bond warehouse ; household KooOi stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. UUfi STORAGE. Continued. BTOVEB STORED DURING SUMMER. TEL. W ) . 1207 Douglas. Omaha Store Repair Works. PACIFIC STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. . OTH & Jones sti. Central storage ami forwarding. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY A TAILOR SHOP IN small country town' will pay eash. Address 8 28 , Bee oince. N-M337 IS * WILL TRADE CLEAR LOT WORTH $250 FOR horse and phaeton ; must be nice. A. M. fowle , 211 S. Kill stieel. N-SI5-1C WANTED. TO BUY , A GOOD HORSE AND bURRy. Dr. McGrcw , Kill nnd Farnnm. N-973-16 * WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE , NICE HOME. J. I ) . Kittle. Brown Block. N 683-16 * FOR SALE 'ORNITURE. FOR SALE BY A FAMILY MOVING OUT OF the city , 1 Andrews double folding bed. writing desk patlern ; 1 Garland range , 1 ehlld's piny tent In Its second season , 1 hard coal stove , splendid heater. Address R M , Bee office. 0-825-18 FOR SALE , JO ROOMS FURNITURE ; CEN- < rnl location ; 18 tonrders ; Rood reasons for selllnR ; great bargain. Address 8 18 , H < - < 1. 0-M870 FOR SALE , WALNUT BEDROOM SUIT GOOD us new with mattress und sprlnics , 12000. F. J. W , . 1630 No. lOlh SI. O M974-17 * FOR SALE. HOR'SES AND WAGONS HIGH. STYLISH , TWO-SEATED TRAP WITH reversible seat , slightly used. Me Cormlck's barn , 14th nnd Howard. P 953-17 * TWO-SEAT CANOPY-TOP SURREY AND family hot * ! * In KCXK ! condition , nt an extruor * dlnary bargain. 3041 California street. P-102 16 * POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOO AND chicken fence. Chas. K. Lee , 8th and Douglas. 0.441 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES. NEB . has 400 tons good baled hay lo sell. Q M443 FOR SALE. A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Brandies , Boston fatore. Q M694 CUBAN FRECKLES SOLD EVERYWHERE , C. QI84 J21 GOOD SECOND HAND SET LIGHT DOUBLE harness , 15 00. D24 8. 16th st. Q-M916 17 * FOR SALE , NATIONAL CASH REGISTER , nearly new ; be sold cheap. Addiess f * 14 , Bee. Council Bluffs. CJ M917 IS FOR SALE. OLD LUMBER CONSISTING OF scuntllnp 2x4 , 2x8 , 2x10 , ExS , shlplap , sheeting. Biding , doors , windows , etc. , nt the Associated Charities wood Jurd , SD7 Howard st. Q937-J > 14 * PRIZE JERSEY COW , A BEAUTY. BUTTER record , 15 11 . per week. Registered , Bleat pet ; must sell. Address S 33 , Bee. Q-992-16 * PHONOGRAPHS. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS , latest and most Jugular selections ; write us before purchasing ; send for catalogues. Edi son Phonograph Agency , C04 Chestnut street , Philadelphia. Q 118 16 * MISCELLANEOUS. R YOU TIRED OF LATE FROSTS AND early bllzards7 Poated on Uncle Sam's "Italy ? " Rich soli , no freeze , no sunstroke ; modem cities , eastern advantages , perfect cli mate , lllus 86-page look lOc. Why not send today ? . J. K. Reynolds , San Diego , Cnl. Cnl.R THE GEORGIA PEACH CARNIVAL , A LUX. urlnnt exhibition of oil fruits ; July 1 to 20 , 169S. nt Mncon , Ga. , one faic for round trip , sold July u. Geo. W. Duncan , manager. Theo. Ellis , adv. com R CL AIR VOY ANTS MRS DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llable business medium , Eth > ear at 119 N. 16th. S4I3 FORTUNES TOLD THROUGH THE STARS nml through the spirit. Amelia Goodman , Union Depot hole ) , llth and Mason , room 2 , up stairs. S SWS-19 * MADAM E. AUSTIN. TRANCE MEDIUM AND Independent card reader. Room 2. KK ) S. 13th st. Hamburg hole ) . S9JO 26 * JSOSSAGJi. ifATHS. KTO. MADAM SMITH. MS S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , sulphurine nnd sea baths. T MOSO-22 * MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD. H21 DODGE. T M633 Jy 4 * FINEST BATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS IN clly. Mmc. Howell , 318 & 320 S. llth ; thoroughly practical chiropodist and manicurist nltendnnt < T M876 Jy 12 * TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110. Bee bldg. 135 LADIES' BATHS , 6 FOR f5. MME. POST , . 319H B. 15. 730 PERSONAL. THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. street.U383 U-383 VIAVI CO. , 346 BEE BLDG. ; HEALTH BOOK free ; home treatment ; lady attendant. U444 B HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Banquet , hall , residence and grave decorations. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 776. U M445 BATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST , 319M 8. 15TH. U731 CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH IOC FOR EC. U184 J21 UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED 316. No. 16th. Jas. Henderson. U 387 J 27 BARGAIN. 12 CABINET PHOTOS. 12 DAVIES. 113 B 16th street , opposite Boston More. U M503 30 A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos , Jewels , bicycles , elc. Business strictly confidential. Address 1'ostolllce Box 826. U M702 HAVE TO tin OLD CARPETS MADE INTO rugs ; any slza you wish. 1521 Leavcnwnrth street. U M708 J 0 A LADY THAT LIVES ON CAPITOL AVENUF wishes to see that tall gentleman that nskei her to get married last September nnd sh told him that "the was afraid he would kll her. " Addre-s 8 26 , Bee. U 92-17 * WANTED. HAfi ANY PERSON A NUMBER 2 dictionary ? Advertiser Is short this numbe and wishes to complete sel. Apply at buslneF olllce of The Bee. U M932 17 * MEN AND WOMEN TAUGHT TO MAKI crayon iKirlralls In npaio hours at th lr home by n new , copvrighted mMhotl ; those learning my melhod will be furnished woik by me by which Ihey can earn IS 00 to 116 W ) per vveok Send for particulars. H. A. Gilpp , Gemini artist , Tyrone , Pn. U ATTENTION LADIES' "EMMA" BI'ST DE vele-per will enlarge jour bust 5 Inches. Guar nnteed. Sealed Instructions 2c , or 24 page lllus truted catalogue 6c , by mall. Emma Tulle Bazar. Boston , Mass. U BORN AGAIN. NEW LIFE IS GIVEN Busing \ using CInike's Puic Rje Whisky. In bottles At druggists and dealers. U iCO-10 " " * DO""YOU SPECULATE ? THEN SENDFOR our book. "How to . peculate Succi-Kfully ei Llmlttd Margins In Grain and Slock Markets. ' Mailed free. Comxtock , Hughes & Co. , Itlalt Building , Chicago. U 167-16 * SUPERI'Ll'OUS HAIR-WRITE FOR FREI Information how to remove tmlr pernuncnti without slightst Injury to rkln , supersede elcctroljsln. Curtis Co. , 1S6 321 t > t. , Chlrneo. U 9C8-16 * BABIES' FLANNELS PROPERLY WASHED Address 1213 N. 2ith. U-977-16 * INFORMATION WANTED ABOUT OLOF MOR tcnson , age 41. 5 feet 7 Inches In helghl medium sire , light complexion , red numlache cooper by trade , last heard fiom May 2.1 fron Sioux City ; any Information OH to his where ahouta will be gratefully iccvlved by his wife Mrs. Mortunson , 203 Chestnut St. , Chicago. III. U 101 16 * MONEY TO LOAN KfcAL ESTATE ANTHUNT LOAN & TRUST CO. , J1S N. Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa faimi cr Omaha city property W4W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. r. Da\U Co. ) IMS Farnam t. \V411 INVESTORS DTllECroilY CO. . 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer any purl lw,030 eastern In ventor' * iianun , who iiave money to Invest ; Just compiled. Write for particulars. W-M303 J25 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , MS N. Y. LIFE W450 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES I.OANKD ON or bought. K. O. Cheiney , Kansas city. Mo. W4i3 CAPITAL , I..POO.COO ; SURPLUS. | ! 0000 ; U. B. Mortgage Tru t Co. , New York. Tor C per cent loam on city property apply to Pu < y & Thomai , Ktnti , room 207 Flrat Nul'l tiank Lldir.WSS W-SS MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAII. real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk W447 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATb at per cent. W. 11. Melk l. 1st Nat. Bk bld < \V441 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam W449 LOANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Suilth & Co. , 1JJ Karnsin. TylONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. B. HADDOCK , ROO.\J , C7 , RAMGE BLOCK. IONEY TO LOAN ON jFf RNITURIJ AND pianos. " Fred Terry , 4f1Ti { nce blk. X4M IONEY"TO IXJAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , at i lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; itflotly conndentlal , > ou can pay Ihe loan off tit any time e/r / In any amoun MonTaAjn txAN CO. . tW So. 16th SL I X479 CUSINES3 OHANOtS. UBAN FRECKLES. TMDvONLY CIGAR , 5C. \ 1S4 J21 PP1NES3 CHANCE ' "TO RESl'DNSIULE party , with 5,000 or MJ < IO to put Into old- fitnbllnhcd wholesale wllcul house , located In Chlcaio , nnd doing buslriert In the wcsl , hn\e flvo Irnvellns salesmen on the rood. Address B 21. Omaha IJee. 1 Y-M900 18 * "OR SALE A HANDS0ME7 DRflO STORE IN Ion a ; Finn ,1 amount of rtash necessary. Addrea S 2 , lice. Y 903-W OR SALE AT A HARGAIN : (6,000 00 Flock of new nml second-hand furnl. ture , cook stove nnd crockery and pawn uml- ncrs. nnd watclus , rlliK * . etc. , Oolnn n huslncts of 11,60000 above expenses per > ear ; Imvn a two story nnd basement brlek building 90 feet deep , tent , > 30 00 per month ; can do FtornKe enough to pay lint ; elevators to basement nnd second floor ; huslnois been established 11 jcais , Imvo n 6.600-pound bur nr-proof safe , cost ISO ) 00. steel chest Inside , welnhs 1.00 ; have alFo some real ( state : will sell chep or trade , stock of Roods must be pot cash , nnd It will pay to Investigate. I 1me 5-jenr lease on build. Ing , Addrees L. C. Rrovvn , Gland Iflnml. Neb. Y M923 16 * V STOCK OP SHOES TOR SALE AT IMS- count. Address 8 27 , life onTce. Y931 16 * VANTED. PARTY TO TAKE IIAU * INTER- eel In manufacture of air cuvhlons nnd life preservers In Omaha. Good article ; protected b > patent" . Address Matthias Abents , Lnmott , Jnckion Co. . lown , Y M9I1 17 * 12,00000 STOCK Of MERCHANDISE IN REST town In eastern Nebrnrkn , for land and casher or equivalent. Address S 29 , care Dee. Y-M131 XCfRSIONS ARRANGED TO THE GULK coist of Texas : are > ou seeking a home or In- \eslmenl ? Send slamp. William Nelson , room 222 Tlrst National bank building. Y M933 16 * LD ESTAULISHED MEAT MARKET AND grocery for sale cheap. Address S 31 , Hoc. Y-935-17 V GOOD SALOON TOR SALE IN OMAHA AT a bargain. Address 8 30 , Lice. Y 931-17 * HERE ARE TIMES WHEN A PURE STIMU- lanl Is needed In every family. Your physician will saj : "Clarke's Pure R > e Whisky. " In bet tles. At the druggists and dealers. Y 961-10 * roil SALE TNO TRADE)7"A ) DRUG STORE IN western lo\va doing n ruttHng good business. Owner Is In poor health , which Is the enl ) reason for selling. This li n splendid chance for some one nnd will bear Investigation. No dead stock. Address P. O. box No. 7(6 , Den- nleon , Iowa. Y 971-10 1ONEY IN CATTl.E , SNAP. PRACTICAL man wanted with cash to stock and manage 1,000-ncre Irrigated ranch , cash to go Into steers. Will Incorporate. Cut this out. R. M. Lewis , EvniiBlon , Wyo. Y M991-18 * 4rt ) AVERAGED KACH WEKK LAST YEAR by placing 110. Dividends puld weekly ; can withdraw any time. Chance of a. life time. C. E. Cooper , 123 W. 5th St. , Cincinnati , O. \ -9S8 " 16 OR SALE. A SMALL DRUG STOCK IN THE best suburb of Omaha. Addieps S 36 , Omaha Roe. Y 107 16 * OR SALE OR TRADE , ESTABLISHED COAL business In a large Nebraska , town ; excellent ttnckoge facilities ; a bargain. Address 8 37 , Rce. Y 117 16 * FOR ji WILL EXCHANGE MILLINERY FOR.RANGE coal. 1612 Douglas street. Z M730 21 WANTED TO TRADE NEW STANDARD 111- cycle for draft horse welKhlng 1COO pounds or more E. J. Davis. 1116 I'arnam st. Z 837 FARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI , for stock of hardware'or Implements. Knox & Kisser. 3T,4 Pearl st. , Council Blurts. la. , , . Z417J29 TO EXCHANGE , A COMBINED STOCK OF drugs clocks , watchen , Jewelry , blank and school books , wall paper , wlridow shades , paints , oils , glass , etc. Will' ' Invoice , with fixtures , about J9.000. Want improved farm. Address A. J. Pllzer , Cherryvole ' , .Kansas. Z-M847 JylO' ' FURNITURE OP A SOTIOOM HOUSE , MODem - em fixtures , tilled with No. 1 boarders , well located. House for r nt.i J. H. Pnrrotte , Douglas bloek. In t K923 16 I WANT MERCHANDISE IN EXCHANGE FOR real estate and carh. H. A. Wagner , Omaha. > i Z 11100 FOR BALE rcAHi .ESTATE. ABSTRACTS , THE UYRON.REED COMPANY. > m I 4 RE 458 BARGAINS. HOUSESn LOTS AND FARM sale or trade. r. K. Darling , Baiker Block RE 460 IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise you. If taken with in 2 weeks. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE 459 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP , erties and farms. John N. Frenzer , opp P. O. nn 46t HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Garvln Bros , 210 N. Y. I. RE 463 FOR SALE , 4-ROOM COTTAGE PULL LOT. east front , $70000 , terms easy ; bargain. R. C. Patterson , Ramge block. Hi ; MS44 FARM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON , 912 N. Y. Life RE S57-Jy 10 * FOR BALE. AT BED ROCK PRICES , 100 IT. Park avc. . comer fronting Hanscom park , 100 ft. , corner , name block east front ; W ) ft. , Pnrl nvp. . east front , no of park ; quick buyer gets a bargain. Call on or address The Hyron Reci Co , Omaha , or J. H Sullivan , Drovers' Jour nal olllce , Chicago , HI. RE FOR SALE , TWO SPLENDID NORTHWEST Missouri farms , near R. R. and Iowa state line at > 20 and } 2T , per acre , pait cash , bal ance > early pu > mcntp. Clear Neb. farm land to trade for gorxl resi dence lot. Clejr Nel > land to trade for deslrnble Inside Improved property In amount froni 115,00000 to WO.000 00. A. P. Connett , 903 New- Yolk Life. HE 973-16 * FOR SALE , DELIGHTFUL MODERN COT tnge home , near N. boulevard , 12,50000 ; Jl.lXK ) 0 cash , balance easy at 6 per cenl. Addreps S 3 Ree. RE-993 18 LISTEN TILL I TALK 75 feet east front on Georgia nvenue , just north of Leavroworth street , house , 10 rooms , a line home , told recenlly nt J13.000 ; my price , J6 500 small pajment down , balance easy , C'4 per cenl House nnd lot out on Davenport Htieet ; con $ . ' itOO ; my price , 56WO , on easy terms. 8 rooms too. too.Hoii'C nnd lot on South 25th avenue ; house and lot cost f3,000 ; my price , J1.K.O. House nnd lot In Sherman avenue park , 1700 JiSOO down , balance 110 to , no interest , Plenty bargains In other parts of the city. Vacant corner on South 24th street. 60x150 cost (3,300 ; my price , Jl.WO. Fine east front lot east pork , worth J3.000 , this week at IIUK ) Th only linn corner left near pail. , east front , n S2.S.X ) . 3 lots In Harlem lane , cost tS',0 cosh my price , > 2UO for all. If sou want to veil senc mo ( u complete description ; I can sell them. FARM LANDS. SO acre farm In Monona. county , la. , all tillable $500 ; easy terms. SOO acres. 22 miles pouthwes of Omaha , at 120.00 per acre ; Improved. 320 20 miles from Omaha , partly Improved at a sue rlflce , only W4 09 per acre. 400 acres , twi-nl miles out Houth ; a complete farm home ; bar gain If taken quick. ICO acres In MIsHjurl t e-xchango for outside lots nnd cash , send de scrlptlon of what > ou want to sell or exchange I Inure * to rent. 1.5 man Waterman , $22 N. Y Life bldg , RE M10S 17 NEW COTTAGE , COR. 30TH AND HAHT RI slreets ; cellar , cistern , city water ; only S1.2SO Samuel Burns , 1313 Furnam , RE llj 16 FOR SALE , CHEAP , THE REST BUHINES nnd residence property at Ixmg PlnC. Neli free from encumbranc i would exchange fo ( Vmncll Bluffs or OirMha property. Addits Mrs. N. T. Ryan , 512 South Seventh stnet Council Bluffs. -l IU116 K M. O. DAXON , 402 N. ? 6T1I. 481 VICTOR BICYCLES , THE FINEST OF ALL blcjclen. Omaha lilcjcl 'Co . 323 N. 16th streel , , - . . . STERLING BUILT LltfR A WATCH. WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co.1515 Howard itreei. v" . < SEE THE VISIBLE UALL , BEARINGS ON Relay fcpeclal. Will Bafnum Bro. , 120 N. 15th REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. 116 S. 151 li street. t i u 463 A. L. DEANE & . CO. , 1M6 TARNAM STREET i ' . 463 WESTERN BICYCLE & , RpN CO .2U5 CUMINQ i 479 MANTELS. OltATab AND TILES WOOD MANTLES. GRATES. TILES FOR FIR : places , vestibules and large floors ; write fo analogue. Milton Rogeri & Sons , Omaha. 411 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4304 Burdette. MS 30 * DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES Fit and st > le guaranteed. Address B 13. Bee. J23-16 * DRESSMAKINn AT HOME OP. IN PRIVAT1 families. 2110 J etrett. South Omaha. 112 16 * CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORIULU PAPKR HANGING. IIOIJ8I sign palming , brick woik , plastering ; off. R. 1 barker Ilk. ; UI. 73S ; shop J13 N. 24th t. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. MRS. FANNY AULER. PIANO TEACHER graduate Vienna Conservatory. 803 Bo. Kth st. S3-Jy9 EORGE F. OELLENlinCK , I1ANJO AND rultar teacher. 1911 Con itrttt. M-109 H'SIC FURNISHED FOR ALL OCCASIONS BY J. F. Dlmlck , IMS Cans tired. M92I 16 * l SONP IN THE AlfForMMtOlO-ENoTtAV- Ing ctily during Die months of July nnd Auguxt , For terms apply to ' 'telnhaii" En graving Co. , 634 1'axton Block , Omahn , Neb. 9SI 16 * BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. HARES IN MUTUAL L. A B ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2. S jears ohl , alwajs redeemable. 1701 Farnam it. Nattlnger , Sec. 450 IOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Intern on savings. Apply to Omnhix I , . A U. Ass'n , 1701 Bee Bide. U. M. Nattlncer. Sec. 481 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMER3 I. K. UURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbnlmer , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone I ) . 472 WANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO. 1EI. . IOCO 473 I. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM , cr , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 223. 474 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 16TH ST. 473 PASTURAGE. VB HAVE 160 ACRES OF BLUE ORAPS PASture - ture for horses , board fence , spring natcrt Barton & I'lielps. Gllmore. Neb. , or A W. Phelps & Son. 107 N. Y. Life bldg. . Tel. 1WI , 478-July 1 * 'ASTURE , CATTLB & HORSES , T , Ml'RRAY. 90S-J15 IORSES AND CATTLE : BLUE GRASS : sprlnir water. II. H. Harder & Co. , Bee bldg 907 MEDICAL. LADIES ! CIIICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY- rojnl I'llls ( diamond brand ) are the beet ; safe , reliable ; take no olhcr ; send < c , stamps , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mill. At drugfrlsts. Chlchcster Chem ical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. UIEUMATISM AND GOUT CURED RY Clark's Red Cro-w Mineral Water ; never falls , cures sciatica nnd all kidney. User nnd bladder troubles ; good money to agents ; write for terms nnd pamphlet , rish & ViiURhin , genernl agents , 41DO Collage Grove avenue , Chicago , III. COA.L. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAI. office to 209 8. 16th St. , Drown block. 476 GOOD THING I USH IT ALONG. MAY RE the latest slang phrase , but that's Just what we're doing with bHERIDAN COAL. 8000 tons sold In Omaha last year. We give jou 20 < x > Ibs. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for It 5J. Victor White , mgr. , 1603 Tarnam st. Tel. 127. 401 HOTELS. IOTEL DARKER. 13TII AND JONES STS. ' 5 rooms at $1 (0 per day. X ) rooms at J200 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Rorm and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch , mpnngar. 47S AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 479 PUMPS AVJJ WINDMILLS. I. H. BOYDEN. PUMPS AND WIND MILLS : all kinds of pump repairing. Leave orders with Churchill Pump Co. Telephone 665 M-165-J21 * LOST. LOST ST BERNARD DOG , CLIPPED , 1 YEAR old. light brown , white markings under neck , collar with tag marked "Ynrl" Lincoln Neb Ltbeial reward. Address S. Shears , 2707 Daven. poit Lost952-16 * ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES CLECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and molor plants and all kinds of cleetrical construction Western Eleo trlcal Supply Co , ISIS Howard st. 482 DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MORAND WILL GIVE PRI ate lessons In dancing at their home , 290t Dodge street , during the summer. 223-J23 FOUND. FOUND. JUNE 15. ON KARNAM STREET , A sum of money. Call on J. Ha > thorne , 605'i N , 17lh. 993 16 * SHORTHAND A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 113 N. Y. LIFE M 493 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 18 * t 4S.1 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 713 N. 11 49J DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. T" 't-T , 2020 BURT ST. . 497 OPTICIAN S. OMAHA OITICAL , CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS , Ujes tested flee. 222 S. 16th street. 109 16 * IT'S JUST HEBE In regard to our stock of PHAETONS , SURREYS , CARRIAGES. No ono in the city shows a lar ger or finer line of 1895 STYLES Nor sell for loss money. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO. , 18th and Hartley Sts. Opp. Court House. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ( BURLINGTON it MO. 1UVLR. I Arrives UmuhJlUnlon Depot , Wtli At Mitaun btii. | Omaha 10ir.am : Denver Express 9:10am : 4.jpm.Blk. Hills. Mont. & 1'ugct Bnd. Ex. 4:0 : pin 4:33pm : Denver Express 4.01pm C:4pm.Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday. . 74opm ; EUum..Lincoln Loeal ( txtcpt iunOa.llJlam : 2.4jpm..Fust MalKfor Lincoln ) dally. . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.Arrives ( Omahul Union Depot , lutli At Muuun Hln.lOniaha * 4:45pm : i..Chleago V'ebtlbule 9 : oan 9.Mam Chicago Expieb * 4llpm ; 7Mpm..Chicago : and tit. Louis Express. . S.lWam ll3Suni ; 1'acltlc Junction Local D.JOnm Fast Mall..i. . . . .1.2j4 pm Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST , I'AUL.Arrives ( OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th ti Mason Bia.l Oinalia 6.00pm Chicago Limited 9:30am : lUlOain..Chicago Expreta ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . e.Oupir Leaves ( CHICAGO & NORTH\\E.S1"N.Arrives ( OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th At Mason 8ls. ( Omaha 11.05am Eastern Exprcu * t > : Supm 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited 9:40am : 6um : Mo. Valley Local 10:3upm : E:45pm Omaha Chicago Special 2llpm : Leaves | CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. | Arrlve OmahajUnion Depot , lOlh & Mason Bln , | Omaha EAST. ll:00am..Atlantic : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . & :15pm : 6t'jpm : Night Expreis aC5ara : MOpm..Chicago Vettlbuied Limited. . . . lJapm : WEST. 6.00pm.Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sur..10.3Sari : l40pm ; Colorado Llmllcd 4.00prr leaves ( C. , ST. P. . M. . O. ( Arrives Oinahal Depol , Ulli and \Vtlmler Sle. | Omaha * 925am..Nebraska Passenger ( dally ) . , , . blpm : 4SOpm..Sioux : City Expreim lex. dun ) . . , ll..0ani tUOpin St. Paul Limited lo-3ium Leaves { f. . E. & MO. VALLE1. i Arrives Omahal Depot , ltli and Wtbsty bis. [ Omaha * ' 2:10pm : Fast Mn'll ana Exprtsi 4V'pm ; Z:10pm.ex. : ( bat. ) Wyo. Ex.iex.Mon.i. . . . 4Kpm t.OSam..Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday.10:30an : CilOprn. . . . St. Paul Eipresn. . lO.&aii iJeaveiTj K. c77 ST. " J , & C. II. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , I0th & Mason 81s. | Omalia " "Warn Kansas" City Day Expre'ss S:30pn : t:45pm..K. : C.J < lght Ex. Via U. P. Trnn. . 6:00am : Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha ) Depot , 15th and \ \ ebater 81s. | Omaha ' lOMOam . . .St. Louis Express 6,00am SlJOpm Bt. Louis Expresi 6:0ipm : t.SOpm Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) 9.tOaii Leaves I SIOUX CITY . PACIFIC. [ Arrives Omahal Depot. 16th and Webster Sis. [ Omaha ' ' ' : ' Limited' . . . 1035an ! Cm."ti'i rjy ? ! Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. JArrlves OmnhaJUnlon Depol , IMh i Mason Sis. ( Omaha .5Sain . .Plcux Clly Pawienirer in Sr'i > m UMprn . . . .St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . ; Leaves ( i"'T3fON PACl1 > ia ( Arrives Omnlial'nlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Bis.I Omaha I000am ; Kearney Express , , 3:45pm : Z-.fOpm Overland Flyer t:3ipm : t oopm.lieat'c * & Stromsl/ir Ex. { ex. Sun ) . 3 : pm T 30pm . .Pacific Express ,13Uam ; tUpm..i.ir..1..FaitMall. : . . . . 410pu ; f av7ri WA'BASir RAILWAY JArrlveV flm l'-iiJnlon Uepol. 10th & Mason Sla.l Omaht tUtDj..St. LouU Cannoa Ball. . temrtrkablo Etcnmboat Trip Down the Upper Enako River , DESCRIPTION OF A PERILOUS VOYAGE Tlio Moit Dnncrrnni Stretch of Inlnnd AVnlers In the Kiirlhvmt Itnpldi , Fftlli and Whirlpools In Con- tlniinuii Siiccciilon , A stcnmboat trip which for excitement , peril and dlvplay of eUlll Imn Bcldoni , If ever , > ccn equnlcil In tlio history of river nnvlgn- lon In tlio United Stntcp , h.iR Just been con cluded on the Upper Snake rhorvtltcs a conespondent of the aiobe Democrnt. Tlio N'ormn , a pinall stcrnwliccl bout , lm nmdo lie run Ironi Huntliigton , Ore. , to I.oulston , iliiho , over about the worst stretch of Inland water to bo fcmn.1 In the nest. Tliu N'orinaNIIS built seven years ago by Jacob Kninm nt this city , at Huntlngton , and was Intended for the trade between that point and tlio Sex.cn Uovlls mining countty. The mining boom soon played out , and the boat vuis tied up at Iluntlngton , titter nmXIng only two trips. During ths | utt tew months t has become evident that there would not jo enough boats on the Lower Snnko to landle this year's crops , and Mr. Knmm de termined to bring the steamer down to what s going to bo a profitable field. Tlio N'orma was absolutely useless at Huntlngton , and liu argued that ho would not bo out anything If she were wrecked on the down trip. U was not particularly nn owner's risk , but It was a hazardous ono for the olllcers and crew to undertake. JJut men were found who were willing to malto the Journey , and preparations wcro be- ; un. The steamer's hull was bulkhcaclcd tore and aft , and athwartihlps , and her cabin and upper works thoroughly braced. THE STAUT. Eirly on the morning of May 1G the Norma cast off her lines from the Iluntlngton land ing , and. In command of Captain W. P. Gray , with Captain A. W. Gray as pilot and Charles Jennings as engineer , started on a trip the like of which will In all probability never bo undertaken again. For the first few miles the river was smooth , but small rapids soon began to appear , and before the etcamer had gene six miles she had ran on a submerged reck and toro her rudder off. It was necessary to beach her , and two dujs were consumed In making repairs. With a fresh supply of cordwood the \oyago was ro- sumeel through a barren country and a cranky current. At Brownllo ferry a stop had to bo made , as the wire which holds the ferryboat had to bo lowered In order to let the steamer pass over It. The Norma re mained at that point one night , and Captain Gray obtained some valuable Information concerning the Great Vex canyon , through which the boat was soon lo pars , from the few stockmen who Inhabited the lonely re gion. gion.At At daybreak the start was made. A run of three miles brought the vessel to the mouth of Wild Horse creek , and as she rounded a bend Wild Horse rapids came In sight. The river at this point narrows to about two-fifths of Its former width , the fall Is very rapid , and to make matters much worse , the stream has three abrupt curves , Its contour forming a letter Z. The Norma shot Into the rapids and the surging , twistIng - Ing , foaming water washed over her deck. She missed the rocks with which the stream abounds and was coon In clear water. The next rough place was Lookout rapids The river was narrow , but Its course was tolerably straight , and the little craft shot through without trouble. Immediately below was Horseshoe bend , where the river doubles Itself within 1,200 feet , and the peninsula thus formed stands 300 feet above the level of the water. Hounding the bend , ths voy agers passed Eagle Island , where the gov ernment fcuney ends , and he who would navigate Snake river further must dopsnd entirely upon his knowledge of swift waters. A few miles Into the unknown region and Black Point was passed , where the river takes a drop of six feet In 100. A mile or two further and the frail boat entered the famous Box. BOX CANYON. The scenery hero Is unsurpassed on the continent. As the stream enters the mouth of the canyon the banks begin to narrow until the water Is compressed between walls of solid rock , not over 100 feet apart , which rise perpendicularly out of the water to a height of perhaps GOO feet , and then slop ? backward and upward until their snow-clad summits seem almost to pierce the sky. Towering abo\o the rher , the crags take- most fantastic shapes. At one point there appeared to bo a castle ruin , while reaching downward toward the river , though several hundred feet above , was terrace above ter race covered with beautiful grasses and mosses , row after row of apparently well- trimmed trees and exquisitely curved road ways laid with solid granite , all as true to geometrical lines as the skill of any civil engineer could possibly make them. Again , across the face of a gigantic precipice was seen a perfect Etone fence , and were It not known that It was Imposbiblo for man to scale thesa mountains , one would fain be lieve the fence was fresh from the hands of the stonemason. At each turn of the river a new panorama presented Itself , each apparently striving to outdo Its neighbor In point of grandeur. The rher from Its entrance In the canyon for a distance of twenty miles Is a succession of rapids and sharp bends , jutting rocks and protruding bowlders , where for miles at a stretch even a small boat could not effect a landing , and where the current Is so rapid that a steamer "backing hard" still makes good headway. A landing was finally made at Steamboat Bar. Captain Gray went around the hills , and , with the aid of power ful glasses , made a thorough inspection ol Copper Creek falls , the most terrible part of the whole wicked stretch of rapids , whirl pools and cataracts. On his return he set the crew at work , and the fore-and-aft bulk head was run In the bilge of the Norma's bow. The hold forward of the fire room was filled with cordwood to resist the shock when the steamer struck , and all hatches were nailed down. Then the crew turned In on what , for all they knew , was their last night In this world. OVEH COPPEH CREEK PALLS. Captain Cray was thoroughly satisfied after an examination of the falls that a boat ol the Norma's dimensions could not bo taken over without striking the bluff bomculiere. The river here runs though a channel aboul 120 feet wide. Largo bowlders line the Oregon gen shore , and on the Idaho Elc'e rises a steep cliff fifty feet high. An ugly reef , twenty ftet across and eight feet under water , stands on the brink of the fall or run , about one-third of the way across from the Oregon side. H makes a broken drop and throws the current against the cliffs on the Idaho side. When the captain told the crew that It would be necessary to strike this wall of lock , some uneasiness was man ifested , but from what they had already parsed through their confidencj In him wag unlimited. In the morning when everything was ready Captain Gray called tlio men forward and tald to them : "I will not say there Is no danger , for there Is danger to the boat , but not to life. If she should strike hard enough to knock her fide out , or even break In two , wo can take the small boats and make the shore before she tin ! ; * . Don't get excited. Obey orders and don't Jump overboard under any circumstances , as that Is certain death. Stick to the ship. " A few minutes later the Norma dropped Into midstream , shot through a swift rapid that anywhere else would be regarded as Impassable , came out Into comparatively clear water and In another moment entered the draw of the falls , about fifteen feet from the Idaho cliff. It was a moment of Intense ex citement. As she broke over the falls her timbers creaked and groaned. When she took the final plunge the captain cried "starboard , " and with the weight of himself and asslitants at the wheel the spokes fairly flew around. The englnei were backed and the cliff was frowning over the boat. She f awycrs and solicitors. BVK8 & CO. Uee Oulldluc , OMAOA. Neb. Advlco FUED. struck It with her itarboartl guard and sectucd to hang ( or a moment while th waves broke over her deck. The curt flylnc back from the cltrt drenched the men In the pilot house. Then the IIUlo boat bounded nvvny to nilj-channcl llko a titnd ball. Ths engines were ( topped nnd the Nornia drifted down the rUcr with the crew yelling like demons , the happiest men In two states , who nil an experience that will lust them for a lifetime. The steamer's noting was smashed tor about two feet and three deck beams wcro raised a few Inches. Othcrnlso the did not suffer from her battering. mit , CANYON. Just below the falls the boat steamed through Hell cans on , a place about ZOO feet In length , where the overhanging cliffs seem to come within n few Inches nf meeting directly over the river and hundreds of feet above. During the next ten minutes she shot over four ilirreretit taplds , where the water ran HKo a race horse. Then the chan nel nirrovvcd to Illty feet and tlio current sped along twenty miles an hour. One place was encountered where the river ran stralghtcr nnd swifter limn a mill race for comethlng like two miles , und In covering the illstanco the engines wcro not moved nor was the pilot wheel touched. So the Great Itox canyon of the Snake was passed and the Norha came Into com * paratlvely still water at what Is known as the head of navigation on Snake river. At noon on May 1M the steamed up to the wharf at Lcwlston and moored beside the big wheat boils of the lower river. This renmKiiblo Journey occupied eight d.ijs , of which twenty- eight hours was the actual traveling time. The distance liom Huntlngton down to the "head of navigation" Is about ISO miles. Once before was the trip ninclo , but never aguln will any ono bo foolish enough to. build a boat on llio upper waters for the sake of bringing her down over Copper creek run to a Held of usefulness. Some twenty-fixo years ago the steamer Shoshone - shone came down over the course followed by the Norma and the \ojago was made without serious mishap. She was over a jear In making the trip , however , for she tied up at Steamboat liar for twelve months , her crew refusing to run Copper Creek Falls. A HANDSOME MAUSOLEUM. Granite Itocrptnclo tor the Itonmln * of Ocorco U. Chillis. Occupjlng a beautiful and picturesque loca- tlon In Central Laurel Hill cemetery Is a mausoleum erected for the reception of tha remains of the late George W. Chllds , tay the Philadelphia Ledger. Tbo site , on the upper terrace of the cemetery , faces the stone bridge which connects Central and South Laurel hill , and was chosen by Mrs. Chllds , who also selected the design of the mausoleum. The structure IB built entirely of granlto from the Millstone Point , Conn. , and Qulncy , Mass. , quarries. H Is In the Grecian style of architecture , and while not showy , Is neat and rich In Its ornamenta tion. The exterior dimensions are 17 feet front by 2G foot deep. The door sill , a mas sive block of Qulncy granite. Is 17 feet long , 4 feet wldo and IS Inches thick , and IB approached preached by another block of the pamo gran ite , which extends from a curbed walk through a small grass plot to the sill , the width of the doorway. The doorway IB of chiseled and carved granite , with neat moldIng - Ing and is flanked on cither sldo by three highly polished columns , the bases and capi tals being carved , but not polished Tha pedestals supporting ; tlio columns are orna mented with opciv wreaths of ollvo leaves and ribbons In bas relief. Hosting upon tha columns Is a broad frlczo , upon which. In Hainan polished faced letters Is the name "George W. Child * . " Above the frieze , with Its neatly carved shell molding. Is a pedi ment , across the face of which Is another open wreath of ollvo leaves In baa relief , with , other carvings In oak leaf and scroll work. The exterior walls are of rock face finish. At each of the four corners nre two pollb'iieel pilasters , with ono In the center of each oC the two sides. In the rear are two circular windows , one In and the other below the pediment. The upper one Is covered on the outside by bllndwork of bronze. A circular window of colored glass containing a richly , colored crown , surrounded by a band of open work , Is placed back of the blind The lower window contains a representation of one of the cvangcll < ts and a scroll , upon which la Inscribed the text : "And now abldeth faith , hope , charity , these three , but the greatest of these Is charity. " OuUlilo of the glass la a bronze grill of delicate pattern In scroll work. Each stone used In the construction of the mausoleum Is pelf-supporting , and those rncte faced on the outside extend through the wall. Passing through t'lC" handsome bronze doors R chamber nine feet deep , and the width of the structure Is reached , where the walls from the roof level to the door nre highly , polished. Facing the door are the crypto , four In number , each having a face or seal ot bronze. Of the upper two the ono to tlie left on entering has upon the seal the Inscription In raised letters : "George W. Chllds , Born May 12 , 1829 ; Died , Teb. 3 , 1804. " The roof of the mausoleum Is comi fscd of blocks of hammered granite , extending the full length and overlapping each other. In front of the mausoleum arc two graps pints , one on each side of the cntranca , each being flanked on the outer side by massive blocks of granlto. suitably carved. On lop of tha wall , which extends at right angles from the mausoleum on both fcldea , ore two masslvo urns. urns.Mrs. . Chllds visited the mausoleum about a week ago , and , although It was not then quite finished , she expressed herself as highly , pleased with Its appearance. THE COPPER'S LirrL3 JOKE. It AfTonlml Him l.cki Tun nt IIIVlfe' Kxpanso Tlinii Ho Ilnil Counted On. A great deal of amusement was caused on an castbound electric car the other afternoon by a waggish policeman , who selected hla wlfO'tor his victim , relates the Loulsvllla Courier-Journal. The policeman had done duty at the ball park , and his wife had been to eee the gamo. While the crowd was leav ing the woman stood about the front of the park and waited for her husband to ride up town with him. Ho finally arrived , and the pair boarded a crowded car. Doth wcro young and only recently married , and they , enjoyed themselves hugely on the way. The woman wore a handsome little gold watch , evidently a present from her husband. While half the people In the car were look ing , and \\lillo his wlfo was speaking to a woman acquajntancc outside the car , tha policeman deftly took the watch from his wife's pocket and transferred It to his pistol pocket. When the car reached niehteenth street the policeman remarked that It was a few minutes patt C o'clock , and everybody In the car looked at the policeman's wife. Ot course sha did what every one In the car expected she would. She felt for her watch. H seemed as If a sudden violent pain had attached the woman'u heart. Her face became very palo and her eyes dilated. Her husband seemed greatly alarmed , and aukcd her what the matter was. She looked over the crowd In the car llko a frightened fawn. It was a full minute before she could speak. Then she whlepcrrd In her husband's ear loud enough for the Intensely Interested spectators to hear "I havn been toucheJ ; some one Ian stolen my watch. " Her eyes begun to grow dim , and before the policeman could answer a big tear rolled down her cheek and fell Into her lap. "Here Is the watch : I was only Joking with jou , " and the policeman felt back for his porltct. Thru u look of dismay overspread his face. The watch had disappeared. Ho felt In first one pocket and then another , and finally turned all his pockets wrong sldo out. Ho worked rapidly toward the lart and perxplretl a gocd deal. His wife looked on In openmouthed - mouthed astonUhment.So did the other people In the ear. All had mulled and looked out the windows of the car when the woman first discovered that her watch was gone , but when her husband failed to produce It , after having told her that ho had taken It. the people sat upright and watched the hunt for the misting timepiece with great Inter est. Finally a quiet-appearing young man , who sat In the rear of the car , aroxo and handed the watch to the policeman' * wife. "I just wanted to teach your husband a lesson , " he tald , And the crowd of passengers gave vent tea a prolonged hearty laugh , and the policeman and hli wlfo finally Joined In the merri ment , though they were a llttlo alow to JH predate the joke.