THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : /SfclRTDAY , JUNE 14 , 1895 , SPEC1RL NOTICES. / OTertlnemrnU for these columns will be lkrn until 1SI3O p. m. ( or the oTcntncnnd until 8 p. m. for tlio morning anil Sunday edition. AdvtrllncTfl , liy rcqnmtlnc i nnmbfirot < lirck , tnn Imrc answer * nildrrMetl to n numbered letter In rnro of the Ilee. An * mrrii no nihtrmocil trill lie elMlvorod npun ] inrntHtlon of tlie clicrk on I jr. lliitrn , 1 l-3c n word , lint Insertion , lo n vrnrd lierenflor. Nothing taken for Iru than USc fur lint Insertion. 1 lirso ndTprtlsomcnU mint lun roniecu- tlTeljr. SITUATIONU WANTED. CIAH8 DHKHHMAKnit WANTS PLACI2 I > do dressmaking July and August for her board. In or out of city. B 19 , Dee. % 7ANTHU. WOUK TOU HOY QV II IN Oil OUT of the city. C 12 , lice olllce. A MS57 15- WANTE1J MALE HELP. WANTKD , 1,000 MI5N TO WIIITI3 MK TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free , In plain cealeil envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility , i-xlmuirrl vitality , etc. AdJrc C. J. Wolkcr , Sox 1,341. Kalamaioo. Mich. CUIJAN mnCKLL'S , I'UIIE AND MILD. CO. It * 1J-18W-JSI 0 i\ionr.n.s FOII n. & M. UAII.WAY COM puny , went ; tl.40 day ; frco tranalxirtntlnn , 'hip Tliundny. Kramer ft O'Hearn , llth nml I'ar nam street * . I1-M873 13' WANTED-1-liSl LE HELP. YOU uoNi'.sT. Bounn. INDUSTUIOUH ? If no , engage with us for n'jj ; JWO a month. ) JGO > a year ; you can make It easy ; uli hour * a day. Our ORt-nls do not cnmplaln of hard limes. Why ? They nro maklne money HCllltiK our IVrfectlon Dl h Washer ; tne only i > racllcal family wniher manufactured , uaslieu , dries nil'I polliihe * dlnlics iierfectly In two minutes ; no eirerlence necessary ; a child of 8 operates It cnnlly ; clifap nnd durable ; wclcht. thirteen jHjumls ; made nf anti-runt sheet steel ; capac ity , 100 pieces ; $10.000 for Its equal ; every fam ily vtanti one ; you don't lime to cnmnn ; as noon as people know you linve It for sale they Bend for a dIMi wniher ; each ngent'g territory protected ; no competition ; we fur nish Knuipln ( wnlBhs six pounds ) In nice cnsa to Indy agent * to take ordi-ia with ; on" nuent made 121103 Hrst ten days. Address for full particulars rerfectlon Mfg. Co. , Unglenood. III. C AH 24 WANTIID , A QOOI ) Clint. IOH housework. Apply 113 N. 30th street. C-MS06 15 A PH18T CLASH Itni'IinSlINTATIVi : 1IY A house publishing hleh cl.lsi works ; Rood pay and permanent position to right per- Him. fall at nmin 12. Crclghton block , I'rlday tnornlnff 9:50. : It. II. Newton. C 903-H * coon emu. . FOII OHNRIIAI , IIOIISRWOUK must come Well recommended nnd 1 > a K o < cook. 2710 HuwanI street. C 11 * IIOITBUKHIH'UIl : DON'T OIUUCT to child ; private family cook. (5 00. lady cook nnd dining room girl for Colorado. Canadian Olllee , 1U2 Douglnn. C M921 16" \ JTOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. F. K. DARLING , HAIIK12H I1LOCK. D 425 IN ALL , PAIITS OK THE CITY. T1IC O. r. Davis company , IMS Karnam. D 426 JIOUSIIS , IJUNUWA & CO. , IPS N. 13TII ST. D 117 II. E. COLD CO. L.AUQUST LIST IN OMAHA. r > Mint TOIl KENT DKSIUAULK HOUSUS. 9 rooms , 211 B. 24th t. , 130. 7 ruoma , 43)5 Cumin ? St. , 122. 1 rooms , U28 N. 2Ilh > e. . J22 & ) . R rooms , 4007 Co SB ai. , } 10. 8 rooms , 4027 Davenport St. . J10. B rooms , S420 Jackson St. . JS. S rooms , 3513 Trait St. , 7. Bee Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Famnm st. D-431 11ENTAL. AdUNCY C20 BO. 1ST1I ST. D-727 TEN-IlOOlt MODKIIN HOUSE. CLOSE IN : t-room cottage , city water ; store building. 130 $ Fa.-n.un. L. B. Bklnncr , agent. 311) New York Life. U-M021 16 lO-HOOM HOUSE , MODUIIN , LOCATED 2211 Douglas. W. F. Clark. D M9V-J1S * JTWO 9-KOOM UIIICK HOUSES. 1J39.11 1'AIllC aretiuv' , facing Hanscom park , near ! ; ' nw ; hard wood finish ; first class modern con- % enlencee. Inuulre 1115 Boutli 32nd street. " D-SI323 ( AND 7-HOOM FLATS. WITH RANGE all modern conveniences , ' awnings , screens and Janitor xtrvlce. Call at corner 1UI , 701 S. Ibtli sU , from 10 to 12 und t to i. George Clouser. D M534 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , DETACHED beautiful lawn ; shade trenu. 665 South 2Sth Apply to J. II. I'arroUe. Douglas block.MC10 ! > -MC10 17 FOR RENT , FINE COTTAGE. 11ARN. LARGE lawn , on car line. R. C. 1'attei.vjn. Ilamge blk D 407 2 ELEGANT 6-llOOM COTTAGES JUST 11UILT , JZ2.50. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam. D-413 I'LAT OF 4 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms ; very desirable ; cheap to right party , j Apply to owner , O. Steel , 2504 IMerce street. 1. / THREE-ROOM COTTAGE WITH GARDEN , S. II. Cor. 23rd and Clark St. Inquire 1523 Jack son St. D COS FOR RENT. AT REASONA11LE 1'RICE , M\ residence , cor. 24th and St. Mary'B avc. , fur nished or unfurnished , for the summer , c longer. Mrs. M. Hellman. D 739 14 * I-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 29TH ST. & POI1 pleton. Hurtman & Itobblns , 214 Hee Mile. D 821-JyD SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 814 a 21ST STREET. D 851-13' FOR RENT DURING JULY AND AUG. . FlIR nlshed house : JM per mo. to good party. A. P. Tukey. 818 New York Life. I > 882-14 COTTAGE. JO.OO ; 837 N. KTH ST. IN , quire South ISth at. D 911-16 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN , NEWLY fmpered and painted ; mantel and grate ; good ocatlim ; near motor , 133) So , 2CU ) street. JIT. 00 ; or for sales , IS.CM.OO. J. II , I'urrotle. Douglas block. D M9i ! 16 _ EIGHT-ROOM MODEIIN HOUSE , WITH IU11N ; take clear lot worth J300.UO for year's lease. J , 11. Johnson , 2 < 2t Maple avenue. D M917 H 1O.K. KENT t UviM JBiiEft aUOMS. NICE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. WELL KUH- nUhcd , private family. Call 2412 Caaa st. _ _ E Mia PLEASANT ROOM. 1319 DODGE. E-MSD7 FURNISHED ROOM. Mil S. 19 I STREET. . E-M107-J1S * FOR RENT , KLEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms. C04 B. 13th. E-C16 Jy2 S NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 1113 South llth. E 735 14" NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE- inen or mariled couple , COO Noith 17th street , E MS'M ' 13 * S ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING FOR MAN and \\lfe ; rent takvn In board. 319 N. 17th. U Siil-lS * FURNISHED ROOM. HATH. J3 ; Ull FARNAM. _ E M9)J ) ll FURNISIIJID ROOMS 50c WEEK. 71 B. 1IT1I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-910-Jyl2 IT7RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD THE ROSE. 20M HARNEY , NICK FURNISHED room * with board ; special rates to gentlemen. V 204-J23 * TWO SOUTH ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE , with Uuid ; private family ; reference. 2204 Douglas. F M727 ll KICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 200 N. 15TH licet. K M724 21 ROOM AND HOARD AT 212 BO. 2iTH HTREKT , F-MS74 IS' TO RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with board , terms r-awmuble. Call at 2107 Douglas. r ss-5J TOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS , ALSO SIN- Kle room , ulili boaid In prh.ite family ; refrr- rmvs , 214 Fnrnam. F (13 IS * DIKIRA11LE SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH EX- cellent table , lawn , etc. 201 N. ISth.F . F M1Q1 IC NICELY FURNISHEDOUTH ROOM WITH board for two ; prl\uln family ; no other board ers ; best home comforts. Oil No. 21 t. bet. California anil Wtbitcr. F 904 _ I.V UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT I ROOMS. CLOSET. S'JO ST ? MARY'S AVE. O-M3I5 20' TOR RENT STORES AND OFFIOE3 TWO-STOHY 1JR1CK , 2i.\M. AND ( i I'EET trarUagr , 711 S. ISth , at your oun price. II. Cole Co. . 1M N. Ulh St. I-718-J > 6 . FOR RENT-TUG 4-STORY URICK I1UILDING. 81 * Farnam strrct. This bulljinj has a Ore- proof rcment baiomtnt. completa team htat- Inc Ilitures , natcr on all floors , ens , tic. Ap ply at th otHce uf The Die. I-S10 AQENTH WAWTE1) . MEN AND WOMKN. J TO Jll A DAY. AD- dreu the lUndy Heater Co. , U4 New York Lift Omaha. Neb. J 911 WANTED TO RENT. TWO on THREE : NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping by Iwo > oune ladles ) references , a Si , ! ) . K-11JU 1C * RENTAL AQENCT. O , O. WALLACE. RENTALS , 311 DROWN DLK. L-M703 STORAGE. BTORAOE. FRANK EWERa , UH HARNET. M435 BEST BTOIIAOE RUILDINO IN OMAHA. U. a KOV. bond nrarrhousx ; household Koodi stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 I.eavenworth. M43 < STOVKS STORED DURING SUMMF.R. TEL. W ) . 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M437 PACIFIC STORAGE A WAREHOUSE CO. . 9TII & Jones sis. General storage nd forwarding. M4M WANT/iD TO WANTED TO llt'Y A GOOD SECOND HAND roller-top otllce desk. Address S 23 , le ! < - ofllce. N-M8S8 II WANTED. A 2-STORY FRAME STORE Rl'ILD- Ing fnr purpose of moving i iiith side. William Fleming , llth and Douglas streets. N-M893 15 FOK SALE ifUKNITURE. FOR SALE IIY A FAMILY MOVINO OUT OP the city. 1 Andrews double folding bed , writing desk pattern ; 1 Garland range , 1 child's play tent In Its second iu > nv > n , 1 hard coal stove , splendid heater. Address R Cl , Dee ultlce O 825-16 FOR SALE , 50 ROOMS FURNITt'UE ; CEN- trnl location , H l ni'der ; goo < l reasons for Belling ; great bargain. Addnss S 18 , Her. , O M870 FOR . " .ALE HORSES , JR SALi-riRST CLASS FAMILY HORSE , or will cxclmnce for clear lot. A. I1. Tnkey , 818 New York Life. 1' R83-14 FOK , BALK MlHChLLiANEOUS IARDWOOD COMI1INATION HOO AND chicken fence. Ciias. R. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q441 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. . AMEfl , NEH. , hai 400 tons good baled hay to soil. Q M44S FOR BALE. A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Ilrandles , lloston Store. Q MC94 ! U1JAN FRECKLES SOLD EVERYWHERE. 6C. Q1SI J21 GOOD SECOND HAND BET LIGHT DOUHLE liarne-w , , J1S 00. C2I 3. 16th st. Q-M916 17 CLAIRVOYANTS ilRS DR. II WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE- llable business medium. Sthjearat 119 N. 16th. SII3 'ORTl'NES TOLD THROUGH THE STARS nnd through tin * spirit. Ami-llu Goodman , Union Demt hotel , llth and Muaon , room 2 , up- atalrs. S-WS-19' M SSAGt. JbxViHb. KTO. IADAM SMITH. 502 S. 11TH. 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , siilphurlne and sea baths. T M76S 15' .lASSAOi . : . MADAMi : UKHNAHD. H21 DODOI2 , T MC33 Jy 4 . 'INIiST HATH AND MASSAGE I'ARIXJIIS IN city. Mine Howtll , 318 & 220 S. Ijth , thornunhly practical chiropodist nnd manicurist attendant. T-MS76 Jy 12' TTJllKlbil iJATHS. TURKISH DATHSj ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 , Dec bids. 135 LADIES' BATHS , FOR Jo. MME. POST , 319'4 B. 15. 730 PERSONAL. THE BELLE El'PERLY CORSET , MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. street.U383 VIAVI CO. , 348 BEE BLDO. ; HEALTH BOOK free ; homo treatment ; lady attendant. U441 B. HAAS. FLORIST , PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS. Banquet , hall , residence and grave decorations. 1S13 Vlnton street. Telephone S7C. U M445 BATHS , MASSAGE , MME. POST , 319 S. ISTH. U731 CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH IOC FOR CC. U1S4 J21 PLEDGES NOT REDEEMED OR EXTENDED by June 15 wilt be sold ut auction. Kicd Mohle , 1517 % Fnrnam. U M241 15 PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURING CON- flnement ; babies adopted or otherwise provided for. 2C31 Charles street , Omaha , Neb. U-MSG6 J14' UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED ; 316. No. ICth. Jas. Henderson. U 337 J 27 BARGAIN. 12 CABINET PHOTOS. J2 DAV1ES , 113 B. 16th street , Opposite Boston Store. U M509 33 A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos. Jewels , blcvcles , etc. Business strictly confidential. Address Postolllee Box 320 U M703 IIAVR YOfll OLD CAIIPETS 1IADR INTO rues : any slzo you wish. lill Lenicnwnrth BtrceU U-M706 Jj5 WILL Mil. KniSEnLING , WHO'WAS TO publish a Reiman paper In this city please send his address to this olllcc. U 858-13 * ANY ONU HAVINO INTOIIMATION OF THI3 Smith boys that disappeared on June 2nd wll' confer a favor by addrcslng 1456 N. ICth. MON.E.Y TO LOAN litAL ESTATE ANTUONT LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for choice ecurlty In Ne braska and lo a farms or Omaha city property , W44S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam st. W411 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. , 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer any part 100.000 eastern In. vestor's names , v.lio Viavo money to Invest just complied. Write for particulars. W MS03 J25 * CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 615 N. Y. LJFI3 INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. K. O. Cliesney , Kansas City. Mo. CAPITAL , 2COO,000 ; SURPLUS. ISOO.OOO ; U. B , Mortgage Trust Co. , New York. For 6 per ceni loans on city property apply to Pusejr & Thomas , agents , room 207 First Nat'I Oank bide.W W 232 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W447 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. B. Melkel , 1st Nut. BU bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 170i Farnam , W4I9 LOANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1329 Farnam. . W413 "A LITTLE FIRE IS QUICKLY TRODDEN out , which. ItfMne nattered , rivers cannel quench. " Trod out disease Ln time by using Cfarke's Pure Rye Whisky. It never falls. Al- way In lollies. U M912 14 _ LIFE OFTEN DEPENDS ON A PURE STIMU- lant. Users of Clarke's Pure Rye Whisky have .found It so. In bottles always. U M313 14 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. D. HADDOCK. ROOM 427. RAMOE BLOCK. X455 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry , 41) Ramgo blk. X4:6 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. . .nones , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of foods ; strictly conlldentlal : you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30 So. 18th St. St.X470 X470 IF YOU HAVE FIRST-CLASS SECURITY YOU can ( n > t low rates of Model Loan Co. . room 403 New York Life. X M918 15' BUSINESS CHANCES. HALF INTEREST IN SMALt , MANUFACTURIng - Ing and whole-idle business , Omaha , making Rood llvns | ; nnd cnpabl ? of large development , 12.000 ; whole huMneaa JI.WO. G. G. Wallace , 312 J. J Bronn blk. Y 887-1S FOR SALE. BY ADMINISTRATOR , BAKERY and confci tlonery In n central Nebraska city of 8.000 , iMng good buslnera ; price , S000.00 ; must be sold this month. Addiess B 20 , care Bee , Y MSS9 15 IR'.HTNESS CHANCE TO RESPONSIBLE party , with K.OUO or | l , oo4 to put Into old- rstabllshrdholesaln optical house , located In Chicago , und doing business In the west ; have live traveling- salesmen on the n d. Address B 21 , Om.iha Bee , Y M900 IS' ran SALE MY LOAN AND JEWELRY BUSI- ne < s. Fred Mohle , 151714 Farnam.YM8J1J14 Y-M8J1-J14 CLBAN FRECKLES. THE ONLY CIGAR. BC. Y184 JJ1 TOR SALE A HANDSOME DIU'U STORR IN Iowa ; small amount of cash nece a < y. Address S 84. Bee Y-903-16' FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! A J8.000.W stock of new and second-hand furnl. ture. book store and crockery and pswo busi ness , and watches , ilngs. tic. , doing a business of 11,800.00 atxne expenses per > enr ; have a tn o-stary and basement brick bulldlnr 90 fe t deep ; rent. JMOO per month ; csn do storage enough lo nay rent ; elevators to baiement and second Moor ; business been established 11 years ; have a 6,500-pound burglar-proof safe. cost SMO.OO. steel rhmt * Inside , weighs 1,500 ; hava nl o Kima real estate : will sill chcp or trade ; stock of goods must be p t cash , and It will tuty to InvestlKate. I have C-enr lease on build. Ing , Address L. C , Broun , Grand Island. Neb. Y M 3 1C' FOR EXCHANGE. : - STORY HOTEL PART FURNISHED , trade for land. Amei. HIT Farnam-st. Z Ul-ll * Have a Shampoo ? When you do , have it \ fttPearlinc \ \ , It's delightful. Not only "leans your head , but clears yolir braTl ? . It's good for your hair and scalp , too invigorates them , just as a bath with"Pearline in vigorates your body. v You're missing half tint luxury of oathing , if you're doing it without Pearl- inc. Moreover , you're-not getting quite as clean , probably , ' 'h you might be. This may surprise you but . it's so. and some unscrupulous ( jroccrs will tell you " lliis is its rooil as " Ihe same as 1'carlinc. " IT'S FALSE 1'carline is nc\cr peddled. if "D I. . a"d if your grocer sends you something in place of 1'carline. bo JDclCK. honest tenJ it kick. 4- JAMES PYLE , New York FOR EXCHANGE. Continued. WILL EXCHANGE MILLINEHY FOR RANGE coal. 1512 Douglas street. Z M730 21 WANTED TO TRADE NEW STANDARD Bi cycle for draft horse weighing l.tOO pound * or more E. J. Davis. 111G Fitrnam st. / S37 FINE PROPERTY ; GOOD ORDER ; 1'AYS t < WO a year ; trade equity for clear lots or land. Ames , 1617 Furnam-st. Z-S32 11' FARM LANDS IN NORTHWEST MISSOURI , for slock of hardware or Implements. Ktiox & Rlsser , 37V4 1'earl St. , Council Blurts , la.ZI17J23 ZI17J23 'O ' EXCHANGE , A COMBINED STOCK OF drugs , clocks , uatches , jewelry , blank and school books , wall paper , nlndovr slvd"S , paints , oils , class , etc. Will Invoice , with llxturvs , about JS.OOO. Want improved farm. Address A. J. 1'ltzer , Cherryvale , Kansas.X . X M847 JylO' TOP BUGGY FOR SALE CHEAP OR WILL trade. Make offer. 2W1 I'lnkney st. FOB SALE KKAIj ESTATE. ABSTRACTS , THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 4JS BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARM ; sale or Irade. F. K. Darling , Daiker Block. RE ICO MPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise you. If taken with in 2 weeks. J. 11. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE 459 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- crtlcs and farms. John N. Frcnzcr , oj > p P. O RE 401 IOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. SELL AND buy lots , acres , farms. Garvln Bros . 210 N. Y. L RE 463 CORNER. B LARGE ROOMS , NEAR CARS. tXO cash , bal. easy , 6 per cent , tVM. Ames , 1617 Farnam. RE-829-14' NEAT 0-R. COTTAGE , CISTERN. WELL. J801. First payment J2X * ) , Int. 6 per cent. AHUM. 1B17 Farnam. RE-8S-1I SIX ROOMS. 2-STORY. SLATE ROOF , U BLK. from motor , Jl.COO ; Int. C per cent. Amoi , 1C17 Fnrnam. RE 827-14 * ROOMS ; LARGE CELLAR ; EAST FRONT , city water ; welt.$200 cash ; WO. Ames. 1617 i'arnam-st R. E. 830 14 * FOR SALE. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL LOT , east front , $700.00 ; terms easy ; bargain It. C Pattersin. Ramge block. RE MS4I A 11.20) LOT 21ST AND VINTON ST8. . 2 FT from paved street nnd car line. Munt go at awful sacrifice. Only J410 , > our o\\n terms , $00 cnh , balance 1 per cent , will take It. Fi delity Trust cpinpany , 1702 Farnam st stRE85513 RE-855-13 ARM LANDS , C. F. HARRISON. S12 N. Y. Life RE-137-Jy 10' , VE HAVE A PARTY WHO PAID SSOO FOR A beautiful , full corner lot th.U ho will trade for n flrst-c'ass bicycle nnd 1250 cash , or one-half canh. Imlnncu 5 years 7 per cent. Fidelity Trust company , sole agent , 1702 Fnrnnm st. RF 856-13 LOT WORTH J7W FOR J250. Business lot worth ! &M for \'M. House , modern , cost J4,5' ' . for (2,750. C'ottage , tlosu In , worth 13,000 , for * . ! .000. 1'ropcrty renting for J4V ) per year. JI.O'W. ' G. G. Wallace ; 312 J. J. Brown blk. blk.RE RE 813-15 I/ITS. CHEAP AT JlXJfiO , WILLTRADE FOR bicycle or horse and buggy , > 50 cash and J2M mortgage. Down town residence. 8 rooms , worth } 6.50i > . will take > 3,004 In clear outside property and Good hardware stock , $6,000 , for clear real estate nnd some cash. G. G. Wallace , 31 ! J. J. Brown blk. Z-S3C-13 M. O. DAXON. 402 N. 16TII. 461 VICTOR BICYCLES , THE FINEST OF ALL blc > clcs. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 16th street. 4CC STERLING BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1513 Honard street 463 SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barnum Bro. , 120 N. 13th. 467 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUX CO. 116 B. 15th street. 46S A. L. DEANE & CO. , 1116 FARNAM STREET. 463 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO.,211 ! CUMING 470 MANTELS , GKATJib AND TILES. WOOD MANTLES. GRATES. TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large floors ; write foi . catalogue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha. UNDEKTAKEKS AND EMBALMERS II. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 161 ! Chicago St. , telephone 00. 472 SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMINO. TEL. 1000 173 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM , er , 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 223. 474 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 16TH ST. 473 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec. 4SO HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Intent on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Ass'n. 1704 Bee Bide. O. M. Nattlnger , Sec. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 4304 Burdette. 503-J30 * DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES. Fit and style guaranteed. Address S 13. Bee. 823-16' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORRILL , PAPER HANGING , HOUSE sign painting , brick work , plastering ; off. R. 1 , Barker blk. ; tel. 735 ; shop 913 N. 24th ut. 481 SHORTHAND AND XVTPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. M 433 TTMP3 AND WINDMILLS. i HJYDEN , PUMPS AND WIND MILLS ; . . . kinds of pump repairing. Leave orders with Churchill Pump Co. Telephone C63 M-163-J21' COrt.1. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL omce to 203 B. 16th ' . . Brown block. 176 X GOOD THING-PUSH IT ALONO. MAY BE the latest slang phrase , but that's just what we're doing with SHERIDAN COAL. 8.000 tons sold In Omaha last year. We glv you 2 000 Ibs. of the best Wyoming cooking coal for It 51 Victor White , mgr. , 160S Parnarn st. Tel. 127. 401 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER , 13TH AND JONES BTS. 73 rooms at 11.50 per day. 50 rooms at 12.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltcn. mrnager. 47 $ AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. litb and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 473 PASTURAGE. WB HAVE 160 ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PASture - ture for horses , board fence , spring water ; Barton & Phelps , Oil more. Neb. , or A. W. 1'helps & Bon , 20T N. Y. Life bldg. . Tel. 1061. 478-July 1' PASTURE. CATTLE & HORSES. T. MURRAY. 803-J15 HORSES AND CATTLE" ; BLUE " OR AKij sprlno wal r. II. II. Harder & Co. , Bee bldg , W7 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED M1RROR3 RESILVERED. TU M. 11. 4M DENTISTS. Oil. PAUL. DiM'lfcT. 2030 HURT ST. . i)7 LOST. FIVE DOLLARS WILL BE PAID FOR THE return , In g < > d condition , of cash book be longing to btiinley Baker , V 8 Nay , which was In trunk sold at Union Paclllo unclaimed baggage Mle In October. 1893. A. Trojnor. G. B. A. , Council BlulTH. la. Lost 711 13 LOST , NEAR 14TII AND DOUGLAS STREETS , lady's gotil watch and chnln : has lady's full name ln < tldp back cover. Matvntet Wcls * . Finder will receive liberal reward by returning tn the Burlington ticket , cor. 14th and Farnnm strt > et . Lost MS43 LOST , GRAYIIOUND. BIX MONTHS OLD. RE. turn lo 3108 I'arn.UH st. Ilcunrd. Lot-83l-13 * IF THE LADY WHO WAS SEEN TO PICK up n watch on 14lh nnd Douglas sts. Monday afternoon will retuin the same Immedately to Tin- Boo otllce n liberal reward will lie paid nnd no questions asked. Loat SS8-I4' MEDIUMS. WHOEVER SEES THIS. AND 13 IN ANY trouble , send n stamp Id the only great clnlr. voynnt nnd medium , for free ad\lce , but nsk no questions ; don't be humbugged by trnvol. Ing fakers , locatixl for years. I never fill. Wm. Oarfleld , 639 6th ave. , De Molnes , la. This offer three weeks. 62. ! 14' PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWITV5 LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 nt MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. MHS. FANNY ADLER , PIANO TEACHER , graduate Vienna Consenatorj. 803 So 16th st. 83S-Jy3 GEORGE F. OELLENBECK. BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1311 Cass street. M 103 Ml'SIf FURNISHED TOR ALL OCCASIONS BY J. F. DlmlcK. 1518 Cass street M33) 1C * DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MORAND WILL GIVE Pill- ale lessons In dancing at their home , 290& Dodge street , during the summer. 223-J23 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants anil all kinds of electrical construction Western Elec trical Supply Co. . 1513 Howard st. 4S2 CKHTIFICATB OP PUBLICATION. OHIco of Auditor of Public Accounts , Slntc of Nubr.iRka , Lincoln , June 12 , 1K95 It la hereby ccrtlllml thai the Lawyer's Surely company of NpTv1 York , In Iho stale of Now York , has .Compiled wllh the In surance law of this Stiltc0 nnd Is authorized to transact the business fit surely Insurance In this state for tlio rrtrrcnt year. Witness my hand and' the seal of the auditor of public apcpuiitH the day and year above written. . , ( Seal. ) T l/qCN'K / MOORE , Auditor < jf Public Accounts. , . J14-MU Lawyers and solIcItor's 'SUES & CO , lie" Hcildiug , OMAHA. Ntb. Advlco KUEE. RAILWAY 11ME CARD Leaves llJUULLVaTON iMO. ItlVEU.Arrives ( Oinaha ] Union Uypot , IQtli . Maaun Sta.l Uinqha 10lSnm Denver Kxpret.3 9IOain" : 4o5pin : lllk. Hills , Mont. & 1'uget Snd. Ux. : 4Upm : Denver Kxpress 4uOpm : CM pm..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday. . 7:4jpm : Si.ini..Lincoln : Loial ( except Sunday ) . . . 2 : | > in..Fabt Mallfor Lhiuoln ) dally. . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. 11UULINGTON- . I Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , lotli & Maajn iita.l ( Jinaha " 4Mopm Chicago Vestibule 3.un 9Wum : Chicago Kipreaj 4lipm : 7Miim..Chicago : and St. L.uula Bxpresa. . liUuam : ll:35am IMclllc Junction Local 5:30pm : Fast Mall 2lupm : Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. I'AUL.Arrives [ OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th At. Mason Sla.j Oinaha C.OOpm Chicago Limited 9:30am : 11 iKam..Chicago Lxpreaa ( ex. tiilii. ) . . . . 6UQpin : leaves ( CHICAGO & NOKTHWUa'rN.IArrUes OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Ma on Sts.l Omaha Uastern Express 4:00pm Vestlbuled Limited 9(0am 69um : Mo. Valley Local ] Q:3upm : 545pm ! Omaha Chicago Hp'eclal ilitim Leaves j CIliCAGO7"ll. I. & "TPACIKIC. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Manon St . | Omaha EAST. ll:00am. : . . Atlantic Kipress ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 6Wpm : 6Z ; > pm . Nlglit Cipreaa . 9I5am : 430pm. ; . . .Chicago Vestlbuled Limited. . . . lMpro _ _ _ _ t:00pm. : . Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sun.10:2oan ! : IMOpm . Colorado Limited . 4mpin : ) eaves | C. , ST. P. , SI. & O. ( Arrives Omaha ) Depot , IStli and Webster Sis. I Omaha 9:25am..Nebraska : rossenger ( ilally ) . . . . 8:13pm 4:30pm..Sloux : City Cxpiesa lex. Hun..lliam . . . . . .St. PauI LImtted l' < 3Jam Leaves ! F , E. 3c MO7VALLE1. ( ArrUes Omaliul Depot , lltli nnd Webster ata. I Omaha 2:10pm : . Fast Mall and Express . it pn 2:10pm.ex. : Sat.Vyo. . llx.lex. Slon.l. . . 4:5Jpm : 9:0jam. : . . Norfolk Express ( ex , Sunday ) . . .10:30am : 6:10pm : . St. I'aul Expraaj. . 103j ! , > ni Leaves I K crrsTr 3r& C , U. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sta.l Omaha S.loani . KaiiBan City Day Express. . . . 5:30pm : a:45pm..K. C. Night Ex. VU U. 1' . Tran. . tiOOam Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaluil uepot. JSth and Webster Sts. I Omaha 10:40am : 7..St. I/iuls Express 6:00am 9SOpm : St. Louis Express COSpm : S:30jjni : Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) 9OQjm : Leaves ( RIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha ) Depot. 15th and Webster Sla. I Omaha 6lQpm ; . .St. I'aul Limited Leaves | SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. JAnlvcs OmahaJUnJon Depot , 10th & MaiionJJIs l niaha 6:5Sarr. : . . . .Sioux City Passenger . WTiom : E3Jpm ; . St. I'aul Limited . 12:35pm : UNION" PACIFIC OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sis. I Omaha I0:00am : Kearney express 3 : < 5pm 2:00pm : Overland Flyer 5l : > ptn 2-OOpm.Iteafce & Stromsh'B Kx. ( ex. Sun ) . 3l5pra 730pm Pacltlc Kxpress 10:50am : 6l5pm ! fast Mall 4:10pin leaves' ! WAhAiBll'riXlLWAY C\rrlveT" Omahiitlnlon Depot. 10th & ilai.on StB.Omah- | > S:55pro St , Louis Cannon Ball lS:33pm A/sir roKK'a XK " ILUJI IIOVSK Athletic Club to Ilavn an I'.lRlit-Story iloino of .Mnilqmrttjlu. ) NEW YORK , June 13.At a general m et- Ing of the New York AlUl'etlc club held at the club houie It was decldd to build an eight Instead of a seven-atoryuclub house on the property at Flfty-nlfjth' ' street and Sixth avenue. President , \Vhiteley was In the chair , and about 350 tnpi berj were present. One of the signs of the /acting In the organ ization was a cable menage receive 1 from George J. Gould offerine-to subscribe $20,000 toward the fun4 for | n w building. After a short discussion Itwas decided to accept Mr. Delmont'a resolutloa > 'approvlng ' the pro ject of a new bulldlng b'nd empowering the governors to take the necessary steps toward carrying forward the'iilans. The resolution provides for the raising ; fit $450,000 on first mortgage at 4W per cent and $300.000 on second mortgage at G per cent , and the sellIng - Ing of the Flfty-flfth street property. The Hat of subscriptions to the building fund were then opened and $10 J X)0 ) was speedily subscribed. It was said that these figures would have reached $200,000 at once had It not been that several members willing to put down their names as largb In vestor ] , one of them'to the extent of $50,000 , are awaiting the decision u to the plan for the new edifice. If a patlifactory plan la agreed upon they will como forward at once. Wholeialo Sliou Denier ! Fall. ST. LOUIS , June 13. The Dlasland and Parcel's Jordan company , wholesale shoe dealers , gave a deed of trust tp W. J. Hat- Held yesterday to protect creditors , whose claims aggregate J87GOO. Pronounced the finest whlilcey In the east Silver Age Rye. TEXAS LAND COMMISSIONS Trouble Between Two Ooip nations Being Aired in JuJgo Ambrose's Court. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS INVOLVED Southern I.nud Company ai Annlgnro of on Immigration I'lrni Wants Tons I.iuul nnd Cnttlo Cumrmtiy 12njnlnnd from l'uyln to Othur Creditor * . A fight between two corporations and a umerous array of creditors Is now on : i Judge Ambrose's court room , the subject f the controversy being the right to the lossesslon of some $50.000 of real estate commissions arising out of some extensive 'exas ' land transactions. The Southern Land company has asked for perpetual injunction against the Texas Land nnd Cattle company , and others , for ho purpose of preventing the money which s In the hands of the Texas company and no Jenberg & Kylandcr , or itself as as- Ignee , from being paid to creditors of cnberg & Uylander In preference to itself. In the year 1892 the Texas Land nnd 'attlo ' company owned several counties of and In Texas , having what It called the K. ranch , situated In Jackson and Wharton counties , which It desired to cover with cttlers. The company heard of the exten- ive operations of Jenberg & Hylander of Chicago , who , up to Iho time of their 'allure , were engaged In importing lni- migrants from Europe und nettling large colonies on western lands. A bargain was truck In September of that year , whereby ho Chicago firm agreed to first settle up 10,000 acres , the company to net J4 an acre ; hen a plat of 30,000 acres , the company tenet net $5 an acre ; then a plat of 40,000 acres , ho company to net $0.50 an acre , and then 0,000 acres mor m a body , the balance laving already been three-fourths settled up. Pho company was to net on this last body if land $7 an acre. The method wf colonization pursued by the Chicago firm was to send agents to Knrope , ivhoro Imml rants were enlisted. To still 'urther hasten the settlemp * hu firm em ployed sub-agents , among tteso being the Southern Land company , the present pla.n- Iffs. Jenberg & Uylander were to get a com mission of $2.50 an acre and were to have .he land all sellled up on April 1 , 18D3. K\- curslons were run and the business was kept up nl a land oillco rale. Supplemental agrec- nenls wore made from lltne to time and Ihe olal commissions earned reached $ G2,09G , on which it Is stated there Is a balance still .1119 of $54.7.11. The Southern Land com pany In course of tlmo grew anxious to supplant Jenberg & Hylander and had them assign Iho r big land contract. The present suit Is for the money earned under this assignment. The Texas corporation offers to show as a defense that the assignment of the contract was a fraud and studiously concealed from It , Inasmuch as It was In contravention of the stipulations. A number of creditors hold iidgments against Jenberg & Hylander. They are endeavoring to shut out the South ern Land company from getting any com missions whatever. SOU1CTI1INO OP AMtLY UOW. .Miller Clninli that Huliitlnn * Imp iifMl Upon HlH lfTtlUrl11Cr. Before a Jury In Judge Hopewell's court room a son-in-law hast won a suit against his father-in-law , and has been allowed a Judgment for $ GOO. The death of Mrs. Andrew Miller occurred several years ago. She , her husband nnd family , were living on a farm of ICO acres n the western part of the county at the time. After her death Miller continued to cultivate Iho land and ; pocket the profits , such as accrual by. reason of his labors. His son-in-law In Ihe meantime' had himself ap pointed administrator of the estate and guardian of his brother-in-law , "William. He and his wlfo both thought themselves en titled to part of the proceeds of the farm and demanded $990 In settlement of the claim for crops. On February 26 , 1894 , the family finally got together , and Miller slgnsd an agreement to pay $000 In cash In full of the claim , and Machehnan was to withdraw from the obnoxious position of guardian. When It came time to collect the money Miller refused to pay. He declares that he cannot read or write English , and was Im posed upon , the contents of the agreement being misrepresented to him. Twice ( nnvlrtuil 1111 tlui MIIIIO ( lurgn. Edward P. Morearty , an Omaha ex-council man , and an attorney , was convicted of for gery yesterday In JuJge Blair's court room. The case had been taken there on a change of venue from the criminal court. This was the second trial that Morearty has had o hfs case , each tlmo being convicted by a Jury of having forged a constable's name , about two years ago , lo secure the return of a trunk of his cllenl. The trunk was held under replevin papers by a man named Hogers , and Morearty told his client that he would get the trunk back , which he proceeded to do by means of the written order , which he forged. The constable was Frank McKenzIe. The affair occurred In East Omaha. Iteanlt of lUUIIni : an Onion I'lo'd. The onion patch of 0. Lou-s , a farmer re siding north of Florenes , promises- bf the cause of considerable legul grief. Louii Charges three of his neighbors' sons with raiding the patch last fal' . A few days ago the parties met and fell lo discussing the reports which Louis had circulated concern ing his lost onions and the turtles who knew what had become of them. Hraufoid Charles and Francis wound up by having a fight with , their alleged det'amer. Warrants to keep the peace were swora out. Justice Smith has admitted the boys to ball. Gave the ! . ! < lo ilio Attorney. Excitement ran high for a time In Judge Ferguson's court yesterday. Frederick Newman man was placed on the witness stand to testify In a land contest. Ihe plaintiff la\lr.g finished , A. C. Baldwin for Iho defense began cross-examination. Newman grew angry al being Interrogated and wnun asked if he knew thai the parties to the mil had tnado a contract In 1SS2 , ho pas-i-'J the lie to the attorney. . The court told Nowmin lie muil bo milder In his expressions or ho wud ! send him to Jail. Ileitor In Now a free Man , A default Judgment has b.'en granted Abraham S. Hester against his \\.ts , Subar E. . for a failure to appear 'n district enui and defend a divorce case pending acaln : her , In which she charged with havirg deserted her homshold nnd family for a period of two years and wl'.lnut j'is ' . caure The Hesters were nnirk" ! In Michigan In 1882 and continued t * > live as husband and wife until March , 1832. The Lmllce. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladles may use tbo California liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs , under all conditions , makes It their favorite remedy. To set the true and genuine article , look for tbo name of the California Fig Syrup Co. , printed near lha bottom of the package. IIlK Victory for n Woman Linvjrer. COLORADO SPIUNOS , Colo. , June 13 , Tlio district court has granted Mrs. Julie A. Sherman Holies of California a divorce with $75,000 alimony from Richard Johnson Holies , a wealthy mining man of this city , on the ground of desertion. Mrs , Clara Foltz , the female lawyer of San Francisco , appeared for the complainant. Karl's Clover Root wll purify your blood , clear your complexion , regulate your bowels and make your head clear aa a bell ; 25 c , 50c and $1.00. _ Attorney * ' I'eei Liberal SAN FRANCISCO. June 13. Judge Slack today allowed the attorneys and administra tors of the Fair estate fees aggregating $55- 000. The Judge first allowed the attorneys and administrators $137,500 , but upon more mature consideration fixed the sum at $55,000. The glow at the tea rose Is acquired by ladles who use Pozzonl'i Complexion Powder. Try It. r D LOST MAN'S LANE. ( Cop ) righted , CHAPTKU I. My destination was dishing , a small town some fifteen miles ( ram Hartford , nml my errntul there can bo best explained by the ( allotting letter received at police headquar ters In the latter town : "Oontlemeir Throe men have disappeared lately In our parts. Two of them were strangers , and one n well known , half-willed peddler , accustomed for several > years to wander from house to house In Ihls vicinity. As this district Is n lonely ono and not In Immediate connection with any , the mutter has not attracted much attention outside - side of this place. Hut here there Is much cxcllomcnt , nnd It you think It worth while to send us a detective I shall bo glad to give him such details as may further his In vestigations. Obediently yours , . "OIIADIAII THOI1M. " The last charge which my superior hud given me was to move warily In this nffalr. I therefore concealed my Identity nnd en tered the tavern In Ciuhlng with a survey or's Instruments In my hand. My llrst talk was with mine host , a kind- faced , Jovial man , whoso lonk Inspired confi dence both In his honesty and discretion. The topic which I naturally chose was Mr. Trohin. Was he an accessible man , and was ho likely to have any property lo sirll suit able for a largo manufacturing plant * Mr. Simmons ( for that was my good host's name ) opened his eyes In amazement. "Well , no , " said he , "ho Isn't. " And then he explained to mo that Mr. Trohm owned no land save thai on which his house was built , and that , for ono who had neither wlfo nor child , he loved his home and clung to the fmv acres surrounding II with ix pertinacity more marked than was shown by any ono else In the community. "Never mind. " said I , "I am going to see him. Perhaps he can point out to me some available property In the vicinity. " "Perhaps. " rejoined the other. And not being of a suspicious temperament , the good man went on talking about Mr. Trohm llll I had learned enough to be satisfied that 1 should have no trouble In approaching thU gentleman , as he was one of the most genial and hospitable of men. "Though he keepj no servant , he makes everybody welcome , " was Mr. Simmons' assurance , "and for a bachelor , makes them mighty comfortable , too. " As all this showed a certain amount of esteem for the man , I felt my confidence In him Increasing , and prepared at once to visit him. Hut when I asked the landlord where Mr. Trohm lived , and If It was within walking distance , a very decided change passed over the good man's face. "Uo you want to go there now ? " ho asked. "If so 1 will see If I can find one of my meti to accompany you. " "Hut Is that necsssary ? Cannot I find the house alone ? " "Why , yes , " he answered , cheerfully , but still with a vague tone of alarm In his vole""but It's out of the way like , and I have known follows , no bigger than you , who don't like woods. " "O It's In the woods ? "Yes that Is , the road winds through the woods , and It Is a little dismal , you know. But Mr. Trohm'8 place Is. very pleasant. In deed. Only I wouldn't go any farther than his front gate If I were you. The road Is a long ono and well , you had betler coma back the way you go. " This was all very suggesllvo to my curi osity and highly provocative of a number of questions , but I was determined to get my first Information from Mr. Trohm , and so passed vlio matter off as a kindly hint , which I secretly did not mean to take. The landlord seemed satisfied with my manner , nnd , seeing I did nol want a com panion , did not urge his offer further. I accordingly btnrted out alone , alter receiving minute directions as to the course I should take. Gushing has but ono street , but half way down this a road branches off In a wide curve , and on this road Mr. Trohm lived. The trees , which were sparse near the vil lage , increased In number rapidly as I ad vanced , and by the time I had gene a quar ter of a mile I found myself In a veritable wood. Not a cheerful one , either. The'o was marsh under foot and withered boughs overhead , producing an effect that was any thing but cheerful , although the sun shone brightly and the air was balmy. I was therefore both ourprlsed and gratified to sec the chimneys of a bright and most attractive looking old house rlso suddenly before me , with a charm about Its trim doorstop and flower bordered walks that Is only to be found In very eld places that have been ap- prerlatlvoly cared for. A fence painted white enclosed a lawn like velvet , and the house Itself , shining with a fresh coat of yellow paint , bore signs of comfort In Its whlto curtained windows not usually to bo found In the solitary dwelling of a bachelor. Would the man correspond to his home ? As If In answer to this Inward query , Iho door before me swung open nnd I saw In the gap thus made the tall and smiling figure "I remember two other caacs. " of a man , older than I had anticipated , but with fully as much dignity as his letter had led mo to expect. "Has Providence been so good as to bring me a guest this line morning ? " was his ami able greeting. "I am sure If you have como to relieve me of a rather tedious half hour , you are very welcome. Hut Is It Obadlah Trohm you have come to see ? " "It Is , " I returned , bowing with all the re spect his appearance called forth. "And If I need any Introduction myself , let this letter answer for inc. " And I handed him the epistle signed by his own name which ho had sent to me to Ihn office nt Hartford. The sinlle with which ho regarded mo from the llrst changed from the mere con ventional expression to one or heartfelt sat isfaction. "I am glad to see you , " ho gravely re marked , his eye wandering from my face to the beauties of the garden beside us. "Will you come In or will you sit down here ? " ho asked , pointing to two scats on each side nf the porch , on which we stood. "You will find either place equally secure from Inter ruption. I keep no servants nnd whether out or In find myself wholly at home. " From the look which I have Just men tioned a peculiar look full of the gloating delight of possession I Judged thai he would rather remain within view of his ( lower beds. And Indeed I afterward heard that he wns seldom found Indoors. I therefore answered his genial Invitation by bitting down on one or the seats before us. lie Immediately took possession of the other , and with an ex pectant air waited my questions. "And so these woods hide a mystery ? " I boldly ventured , with a gesture toward the cast , where the Irees blood thickest. "Have the disappearances of which you hare writ ten occurred lately ? " "One of them took place about Chrlitmai time , Ihe other two but a few weeks back. The first one attracted no attention , nor the second , I may say ; but when that poor boy , silly Hnfus , dropped out of sight and ound. people began to wonder and recall the fact that the two stranger * I have mentioned hat ) also vanished from our midst In a very queer and unexplained manner. And I , " here the old gentleman became Impressive , even going to the point of laying his hand on my knco , "and I remember two other cases , a year aback , of person. ' who cjine Into this road who were never seen to Uiue from It , or at leant I am assured by an cir friend of mine , who lives Just whcr ? thU road runs Into the main nn : , Dut whether all this means crime I cannot tell. Can you ? " The question came to suddenly I ttartcd "It certainly has Hint look , " I remarked , "Aro there any tlinlitlu ! characters In this neighborhood ? " "No , " ho answered , brooding n mlniito ovci my words. "His any ono In the vlll.ige-- yeti have spoken to the folks there , of coursn mentioned any name wllh suspicion ? " "I Imvo not talked nbout It. I preferred to broach the subject nt once to you. " He seemed surprised , but thuuod his recognition of my courtesy by a bow. "I supposed you would lime first wished to have obtained a confirmation of my stale , mcnt from Ihe general gossip of Ihe town. Hut It Is of no ronsMjuence ; you can hear them talk later. " And ho again let hit cyo roam appreciatively over his ( lowers and shrubs. "Have you any plan of procedure ? " ho suddenly asked. "I must first find out It there lias been an ; crimp , " 1 replied , letting my eye follow hla over the lop of a long well-sweep that was one of the chief ornaments of the place to that dismal lurn In Ihe road , which I hod been warned from pursuing. "Are Ihere any oilier houses on this road besides yours ? " I now put In. recalling hh glnncs back to myself by a gesture. Ho looked at mo seriously. If not nnxlous'y , for a moment , and then eald almost lee In differently for the tcm | > ornry embarrassment ho had pluiun : "Oh. 1 don't hold a monopoly of this by way. There Is another duelling on It wmo half mile further on. An eqtm ly old duelling wllh Ihls , but more fully occupied , " ha smiled. "A brother and two sisters remain to the Knollys family , while I am the slngU representative of the Trohms. " "A brother nnd two sisters1" I repeated , astonished at his visibly nervous manner , "How old n brother and what-kind of sis ters. I prny ? " "Oh , young Knollys Is about 24 ; n sluplJ fellow , but good , I suppose ; while the girls "Then jou shall not go alone. " what shall I call tlio KlH' ? " he mused , \\ltli an c\lilont nlr of wlslung to ttrlko the happy mctllum between justice and candor , "Nice girls , of course , \ \ cciluc.ileJ \ \ , roflnpd and all llml. but ( inccr yea , ( jiu'er , as girls nra apt to be wlo live In a den like that" "Den , " I repeated , wondering as much al his manner us Ills words. "Oh , any house Is a den where lloweri don'l grow , " Uo laughed , leaning over lo plucl a spray of honeysuckle from the vine that curled aboul Ilio columns of Ihe porch. " 1 llko punshinc. beds of roses , fountains , and I sweep of iLwn like lhat wo tee before us. " "And Iho Misses Knollys have no such adornnipnU to their hou'c ? " Ho shruKRcl Ills shoulders. "Why Inlh about Ihe Knollys. The subject you havt como lo dlbcuiM Is much more Interesting- , It is two weeks now slnco 1 saw silly Hufiu leaning over the fence there , cpuntlng th < blossoms on my oleander , When I looked again ten minutes later ho was gone , and lhal Is Ihe last thai any of us knovv abput h'm. " "Ho might have strayed Into the \ypSds , " "Wo have searched the woods. Silly Ituftii was a favorite In these parts , nnd his fat has aroused much Inlerest. Oh , wo lmv looked for him far and near , but wo havi not found him and never will , I am think ing. " "Hut what motive " I began. Hut suddenly Mr. Trohm's eyes had become - como Impenetrable , and I saw there wal some underlying reason on his parl for pre serving a cerlaln rellccnco concerning hl suspicions. Could they have reference to the Knollys family ? It seemed n preposterom imposition , and yet I felt Impelled to changi ny question Into Iho remark : I'erfecl frankness on your part would b gieat abslstanco lo me. The leasl clew a valuable in such cases. A doubt , a surmise -ven , yes , whether It bo true or false , will 3ften pill a delectlvo on the right track. 1 hould bo obliged to you If you told mo whj 'on so often Blanco down the road toward ho past. " "Well , 'o he frank , " he laughed , "I can' lot tell you. It Is Involuntary on my part , crimps because I nm as much perplexed ni on. I feel that death and dancer lurk In his neighborhood , but I cannot locate where , crimps you can ; at all events. Hint will 10 your business for the next few days. " Seeing by this ho had reached hla limit , 1 roso. Instantly the hospitality of the man assorted Itself. "You must not RO without some refreshment , " ho said. "Will you Btep nto the house nnd have a glass of wins or I see your eyes roaming longingly to wards my old-fashioned wol ) would you Iko a draught of fresh water from the ) ucket ? " I assured him that I did not drink wine at which I thought his eyes brightened bul that neither did I Indulge In water when In _ heat , as at present , at which ho looked disappointed , and accompanied mo to tha ; ate , with every appearance of cordiality. Hut when he saw mo lurn resolutely toward the east , ho called out quite Imperatively : Where are you going ? Don't go that way ; the other way , my good fellow , the other way. " 'Dut my duty leads mo casl , " I cillcj bark. 'Then you shall not go alono. Walt * moment and I will accompany you. " Hut I declined this attention , which woul < liavo greatly hampered me , and , tapplni my breast significantly , I cried- "Oh , 1 am not alone , " and bowing a las ! farewell , hastened on , leaving him frownln | at the gateway. ( Continued Saturday. ) X lliiiiKirniM I'lirt About Hood's riarsaparilla It expels baJ humor and creates good humor. A Latth for blood Is what Hood's Sarsaparllla vigor ously n lils. nnd It is always vlcfrJoui IE expelling foul taints and giving the ylln fluid the quality ami quantity of ported health. It cures rcrofula , salt rheum , bolli and other blood diseases. Honod'8 I'llls act easily , yet promptly nnd clHclcntly CM tine bo\\cla and liver. 25c. llreil of tlin rrllurx til it ( lull. Alice Wallace , residing at Thirty-ninth and Marcy streets , secured a warrant yester day for the arrest of her husband , charging htm with assault. She claimed that he waa a worthless fellow nnd asserted that ho had beaten her regularly during Iho entire nlno years of their married lit ? . Wednesday night ha went after her with a brd cord and beat her until she was black and blue In a dozen place. , and now the declares she has had enough of It and propaici ) to obtain a dUorto , Kvury ono should have a bottle of good v , hlakpy * ut home get the boat Silver ASO Hye. Minor I'ultra Alattnr * . John Fitzgerald and I'ele Curry , who were arresled is suspicious characters a day or two ago. were released yesterday. They were arrested for a Job al South Omaha , bul as Chief Ilreunan said he did not want them they wrre given their liberty. vThsn Baby was lcV , wo ga o lirr CattorU. When tlio WOK a Child , xho cried for Cuatortu , When tha became JIlss , t > ho clung to Costorla. Mftn ; ba had Children , she gawthem Castor !