* * * # * ft * 3V - 0 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : F1UAY , TUJSTE 14 , 1895. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opened Radically Weak and Closed Uncompromisingly Firm , CROP DAMAGE REPORTS QUITE A FLATURC Corn \V \Venk Until It HcB n to Kccotcr from Its Kurly llroak anil Then Hccntne.il Alt It Iliul Lo t. CHICAGO , June 13-Whcat opened rad ically weak and closed uncompromisingly firm. It reRnlned a loss of lo per bu. , made curly , und clo.'ed with a gain of Ho compared with yesterday's close. Califor nia crop dnmaBo and reported sales for ex ports cnu cd the bulge. July corn closed ' o higher nnd September oat ? nnd provi sions finished without change. Wheat was very weak nt the opening. In the frantic efforts of brokers nt the opening to i-cll out long wheat as near as possible to the top limit of their prin cipals there was a general offering of the stuff down from 77 0 for July , which was the most any ono npkcd for It , to 77'ic ' , with 77 io the most general trading ptlce for a couple of minutes. U recovered to 77&c in nboilt llftecn minutes , but at every recovery there appeared to be lots of long wheat for sale , and at 77ic short aelltrs took a hand In supplying the demand. In about three-quarters of nn hour from the start the price had once more dropped to thu lowest price from the opening , and even for u fraction of a second to 77UC. The Cincinnati I'rlce Current wus Inter preted ns being more favoiubic to the side represented by the bears In Its remaiks concerning the amount of the ciop sug gested by the government report. The rain wus claimed to justify the decline In the price. The loielgn markets gave full acknowledgement this morning to the decline In price Which occurred | hero yesterday. The enjoyment of the bears had a sudden check about an hour nnd n half from the opening. Ihe altered tone was remarkable , und the trend In the prices from downward to upward was sudden and radical. In nbout ten min utes the price of July rose from around 77'Ac to 7S&C. The reported taking of Ilf- teen boatloads for export at New York gave the price Its llrst hoist , which took It to 787ic. Then , after a slight reaction , the crop reports which were being received and shown around we'io of nurti a lugubrious character that they began to alarm the shorts , nnd when , about 12 o'clock , there was received further confirmation from Han Francisco of various damage by hot winds nnd rust to the California crop , the marktt broke bounds and TOKO in n jump to 79ic. It had settled back nsaln to around 7S lc at the ; close. The nominal re ceipts at Chicago were 31 cars , 29 of them belnsr merely trnnffer.M from Irregular houses. Minneapolis and Duluth received 137 cars , against 2G5 one year ago. 'Ihe ex port clearances of wheat and flour from the Atlantic coast ports were again very Insignificant , comprising only 17,171 bu. of wlieat and 13SW ) pkgs. of flour. The corn market was weak until It be gan to recover from Its caily break , and In sympathy with the later rise In wheat , corn nlao recovered the 'sC It hall lost and added another ' , * > c. The opening price- for July was OO'/iC , ns compared with f,0c at the clos-e yesterday , nn'd after recovering to Gl'tc It closed at Me. The day's receipts were 150 cars. Some heavy local shorts were the principal buyers. The market for oats was quiet. Values were weaker during the greater part of the session , In sympathy with wheat nnd corn , but toward the close there occurred an advance. September ranged from 29',4c to 23c , and ended with sellers at 2934c. Provisions had an uninteresting time. The price fluttered n little In acknowledge ment of the fact that there was some activity In the grain markets , but at the close no difference from yesterday's clos ing prices had resulted. Hog receipts were 28.000 head. Estimates for Friday : Wheat. 26 cars ; corn. 170 cars ; oats , 140 cars ; hogs , 21,000 head , The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. I Opaa. | 7ri7h."T Low. | Cloii \Vheiit.No. 2 Juno 7RM 70W July 77K' < t 77 Sept BOH Corn No. 2. . Juno 4CH 50K1 July. , ° ° 8 r Ui 60tf 51 Sept - 62)4 ) Mil 52 Cain No. 2. . . Juno COM 2fia- July 20HBH 201 * Sept 2UH vm Pork per bbl July 12 374 12 40 12 30 12 40 Sept 12 02 12 70 12 00 12 70 Lord.lOOlbB July 0 55 (1 ( 57K G 55 0 574 Sept U 75 U 80 0 7(5 ( 0 77,4 Short Ribs- July B 25 G 274 G 25 0 274 Sept 0 45 G 47U G 45 0 474 Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Firm : winter patents , J3.9MT4.20 ; win ter straights , 13.403.M ! ) ; sprlnK patents , (4 onft 1.33 ; spring BtralRhta , 3.10ii(4.lO ; bakers , > 2 10& WHEAT No. 2 sprlnu , 7Sij'Slic ? ; No. 3 spring. nominal ; No. 2 rtd. 7S'i ' f7SV4C. COUN No. 2. fW'iSSOy.c ; No. 3 yellow. MUc. OATS No. 2. Mtfc ; No. 2 white , 32 ! { )32 > .ic ; ' No. 3 white , SUfci&SS'/ic ' RYE Nut 2. CCc. llARLKV No. 2 , 53c ; No. 3 , nominal ; No. 4 , 62c. 62c.KLAX KLAX SEED No. 1. Jl.CO. TIMOTHY SEii : > Prime. J5.EO. PROVISIONS Mess pork. p"r libl. , J12.30S12 40' lard , prr 10) Ihs. . ! . , , { ( . ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) . JC.20iC 25 ; dry sailed ehouldera ( bosed ) , S5.37iff5.W ! ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , JG.37i.ijf 'WHISKY DIstlllerB' Onlshed goods , per gal. , SITOARS UnchanKe < l. PI/JVKU SEED $9.60. The following were the receipts and shipments today : On tha ProJitaa oxciianro toJ.iv the butter mar ket was steady : creamery , Hial7Kc : dairy , loa lOc. Kegs , steady ; 1 UU mo. Cheese , 0K ! 7)4c. ) NEW fOUK UKNKKAtj A Closing QiioUHoiii ou tha Prlnclpil Com- lliodlllm iinit ! tuples. NEW YORK , June 13.'LOl'Il ! Receipts , 11 , 4M libls. ; exports , 9,000 bbls. ; sales , 17,000 pkKS. ; market Irregular , the bulk of the sprlns patents arriving to trade on contracts made months ago ; bakJhi scarce ; winter straights nieadyt winter patents , ? 4.1"CT4.45 " ; winter straights , J3.80S4 15. Rye Hour , steady ; sales , 2. bbls. ; fancy , 1.450 CORN XIEAlnasy ; soles , 200 bbls. 2000 lacks ! I rnmljwlne , Is.lfffS.OO. ' ' WHEAT Receipts , none ; exports , 1C 700 bu sales , I0.k06.ouo bu. futures unit 12.MO liu. EDO'I" Spot unsettled ; No. 2 red , In store ami elevator' kftlc ; alloat , 82vto ; f. o. h. , 83o. alloat ; No i hard , 6fiMMe. Options declined durliiK tlie fore noon under Rood rains west , unproved crop pros pects and lower cables , but recovers ! siihse- iiueiitly on active covering due to reports of ex port demand here nnd milling demand at Clil- caito , coupled with bullish harvesting leturns. 1'rlces rose 2c u bu. and closed ut RCc net nd. vance ; Junf , closed 81lc , ; July. MKfftSHfcl"sel f''ciiWU ' WMW + r. i'1-H.-U H2'4e ' ; Seplrm- tier. 81H ik3 3-lCo. - closed tzv : October. SIHW B3J4c. closed 83c ; December , KTiesl Il-lCc , closed k4V c. tXRN ) Receipts , 95.60 , ) bu. ; exports , 190)0 bu pales , 3SOoi)0 bu. futures and 2S , ' < J ) bu mot Spot dull ; No. 2 , M'jo In elevatok ; Kl.c alloat' Options opened lower under talk of an enormous crop , but advanced on heavy \cring > in the afternoon , closing ? io higher ; July. Mf.w < LC closed Wiiq ; September , iefiJOIic , closed M = ic ' DATs-Receipts. 33 , X > bu. ; exports. 100 bu weak nt first un crop news , but recovered nnd closed at HO nilvanrc ; June , closed 3"vc July , 32\tf33Uc , closed S3c ; September , SS ijiSlc clewed 33c. HAY-Klrm ; shipping , J5.0066.00 ; BOod to choice , JS.Wift.W. HOPS Stcndy ; state , common to choice old IlJ3c ; 1S94 , 4i)8ej 1'acltlc coast , old , Sfflic ; ' Ii94 liiSc. HIDES Strong ; wet salted New Orleans , se lected. 45 to 65 lb . , 6isc. nominal ; Texas , se lected , CO to 60 Ibs. , "c , nominal ; lluenos Ayres dry , 20 to 24 Iba. , 15c , nominal ; Texas , dry . .1 to SO Ihs. . 10 12c. LEATHER Firm : hemlock , Iluenoa * Ayrcs light to heavy Wright , 22023o ; fflcld , 2IW21c. WOOI Firm ; donu-Bllo fleece , lUSilic ; pulled 19tf24c. 1'ROVISIONS neef.qtilet : family , 111.50813.00 extra. 16.10 ; tn-of hams. | l9.Wifo.tiO ; city , extrs India men , il7.0019.00. Cut meats , steady pickled shoulders. S'.4c. Uird , dull ; westen steam closed at JC.'O neked ; city at 16.1SiC.:5 nales , 150 tierces ; July closed J8-87\i \ , nominal September. > 7.07'i , nominal ; it-lined , quiet. Ut'TTER QuIit ; western dalir , 9Ultc ; west ern creamery , lt.ilSc , wettern factory. S812'jc ' Kleins , ISc : Imitation creamery. lltflSo ; etutt dairy , Ilrl7c ; state creamery , ISc. CHEESl'J Klrm ; laige. CtHHc ; mall , jun 7jc ; part sktms , 2fl4c ; full skims , ll/l'ic. liS : ! QuM ; vlnlt * and Penniylavnla. 14fTt4Kc western fresh , iVitfl3'jc ; iouthem , l14U12 > tc receipts. S.Jlt pkgii. PirrilOLlJl'M SKaily ; I'nllett close. ! at I1.9IV bid ; refined , New York , I7.C5 ; Philadelphia uiu Itnltlmore , (7.CO ; Philadelphia and llaltlniore , I bulk. J5.10. RICU Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4UOC4c ! Japan. S'.OIc. MOLASSES-Steady ; Kew Orleans , open kettle good to choice , J8tf32c , TAI IXW Ua lerj e-lty (13 ( per pke. ) . 4V4c country ( pkica. Tree ) , 4\c , ItOSIN Quiet , etrulned , common to eooJ. Jl.S:1 WJTALS-rig- , steady ; American , J10.004 12 " " C'ippcr. steady ; Lrokern' price , JIO.62'4 ; fXfhnnjr ? jlrlcf , H5..W. Lend , itrerng : brokers price. Ill/ ' * , exchange price , $3.30. Tin , firm ; strait * . llOM Mff.V , fairly active. Ppelter , nulet : domentlc , M.70. Tl'RPKNTINlC HlPAdy , MHCSOc. COTTON SEED OIL A weaker feellnp pr * . vallfd today owing to Increaswl nfferlnKs , natality prime dimmer yellow at 27c ; off crude , 21022c. prime summer yellow , 26H2"c ; off sum rner yellow , O.MAI1A ( IT.NKIl.YL .ItARKET. Couilltlon of Trndo nnil ( Juotr tlon nn Hapln unit I'nncy Produce. The Rcnprnl mnrkct on country produce Is steady , tlure being tlttls or no change In quo tations. In most lines trade U slow and the de mand ralher Unlit. Quotations : iOOS : Cholce stock , lOc. UUTTER-Packlng stock , c ; choice to fancy , IMjlZc : gathered country , 14c ; separator creamery , He. LIVE POt'LTRY-Hens , GJWic ; roosters , 30 4c ; spring chickens , J2.0083.M per tloz. ; ducks , 8c ; turkf-ys , Cc ; geese. &c. VEAI. Choice fat , 70 to 101) Ibs. , Jire quoted at 6Q7c ; large and coaree. 4i7JUc. CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. 9ciuna ; Amcrlcims , lOc ; twins , lie : Nebraska nd Iowa , full cream , lOc : Nebraska nn' ! Sown , pnn skims , Cfl'c ; Llmburger , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ; 8wlf , No. 1. He. . . . , . HAY t'pland hay , I8.M ; midland , > 8 ; lonland , 17.SO : rye straw , j.V color makes the price on liny. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades brlntr top prices. PIOEONS-Per doz. . M.OOfll.M. The prospect Is now that this week will see a cleanup In potatoes , nnd while no material ad vance Is anticipated a Ijetter tone to the mar ket Is expected. Dealers di not look to sec new pottitiK's go abo\e 7re unless It might be a pinch j due to a tcmporaiy shortage In the supply. Prices on a good many lines \egelables arc gradually working P.WIT. Cabbage , string and wax beans are quoted lower. Tomatoes , owing to Ihe large offerings , are dccldfdly lower , Quo- tatlons : CAULIFLOWER Southern stock , per crate , lino. ONION'S Ilermudas , per crate , fl.COfTl.60 ; Cal. Ifotnla , In sacks , per Ib , -c. POTATOES-Western stock , car lots , 7007r e ; ( mall lots. 7075c ; fancy new potatoes , 75c ; choice , 7fic. OLD I1EANS Hand picked , navy , $2.20 ; Lima bcnns , per Ib. , 5i3u' ' , c. CAHHAOE-On orders , Z'4c. fiPINAi-II Per tin. t.asket. . SSfllOc. RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 15020C. OREEN ONION'S Per doz. bunches , 15c. LETTUO'V-Per dor. . , 20JJ23C. | i ASPARAOI'S Choice stock , on orders , We per doz. hunches. PIE PLANT Per Ib. , . , „ . . . CUCt'MHERS On orders , 50r75e per doz. PEAS On orders , per bu. . Jl.W. STRINO HEANS-On orders , per V4-bu. box , 75e. WAX nEANS-On orders , per ' ( , -bu. box , 7'c. TOMATOES Klorlela stock , per 6-baske.t crate. J2.7S : | .er 4-lKisket can1 , Jl.SO. TEXAS SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , FRUITS. There were a few Forl Smith peaches received yesterday , but thu quality of the stock was very poor. The berry market experienced quite n slump yesterday , owing to the large offerings and Ihe > , r qualily of some of the stock. Quotations : APRICOTS California , choice stock , per box , 'M. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per Inx , J2.50. SOCTHERN PEACHES-Per < S-bu. box , ft , APPLES Southern , per ' 4-bu. box , II. STRAWIIERRIES Choice shipping stock , pel ase of 24 qts. , J3.0.1J73.25. CHERRIES California , black , per 10-lb. box , , .35 ; Royal , per Iwx. Jl.f.O. 4 ( KOSEHERRIES Per 24-qt. case , S2.00fl2.2o. SOUTHERN CHERRIES Per 24-qt. case. J2.23. IILACIC RASPHERRIES Oood Block , per 24-pt. ase , f 1.75 ; per 2t-qt. case. J3.0)f < 3 2"i. HLACKREItRIES Choice * stock , per 21-qt. ase , J3.005j3.23. J3.005j3.23.TROPICAL TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES Navels , per box , none ; choice eedllng.t. per tiox , J2.2SJi2.60 ; Mediterranean weets , JS.B ; fancy St. Michaels J3.25. LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , SCO size , J5.S09 00 : 3 < K > size. tC.008G.0. HANANAS-Cholce shipping stock , per bunch , 2.00B2.25. PINEAPPLES-Per doz. , } 1.752.25 , according o size. MISCELLANEOUS. FIOS-Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12813c ; California , ags , 7c. HONEY California. { fle. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , $12 ; Dlxby. 6-gal. cans , $3. NUTS Almonds. He ; English walnuts , soft- helled. 12c : standards , lie ; lllbcrta , 9c ; Brazil uts , kc : pecans , I'c. DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc per Ib. ; fard ales. 9c per Ib. CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $3. half bbl. , $3. COCOANUTS I'er hundied. $4.00. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 Bieen hides , SHc ; No 2 green Ides , Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 8c ; No. 2 reen salted hides. 8'fec ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 is. , SfilOc : No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 12c ; o. 1 dry Mint hides , lOfflSc ; No. 2 dry flint hides. Oc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , lOo ; partly cured Ides , y.o per Ib. less than fully cured. SIIEISP PELTS Green salted , each. 2.TGCOO ; reen salted shearlings ( short wooled early skln i , ach , 5n5c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early kins ) , No. 1 , each , S10c ; dry ehearllngi ( short vooled early Eklns ) , No. 2 , each , He ; dry Hint tfnnran and Nebraska bulcher wool pelts , per ound , actual weight , OS8c ; dry Hint Kansas and S'ebraplea murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual velght , 4fl6c ; dry nin' Cclorado butcher wool ells , per pound , actual weight , 4acve ; dry Int Colorado muirlan wool pelts , per pound , ctual weight , 4Cc. Have feet cut off , as It Is seless to pay fi eight on them. TALLOW AND OREASE No. 1 tallow , WM He ; No. 2 tallow , S'ifHc ; grease , white A , 4 " , ic ; crease , white U , 3Hc ; grease , yellow , 2)iy c ; grease , dalk , 2 < 4c ; old butter , 2i'1,4c ; bees- vax. prime , 17fp20e ; rough tallow , ic. WOOL. UNWASHEIFlne heavy , 6J7o : fine Ight , 8J9c ; qunrtcr-blood , 10i12c ; seedy , burry nd chaffy , Sii9c ; cotled and.broken , coarse , 1Q c : cotted and broken , fine , C8i * . WOOL. WASHED Medium , 15ElSc ; fine. 140 Gc ; tub washc-d , IGfHSc ; Mack. 8c ; bucks , 6c ; ug locks , 2 )3c ) ; dead pu'.led , EifGc. - FURS. FURS Hear , black. No. 1. large , J20.OOIr2S.00 ; ear , brown , No. 1 , large , JM 00025.00 ; No. 1. me- lum , J16 ; No. 1 , small , J12 ; bear , brown , year- Ings , No. 1 , large , J10.0012.00 ; No. 1 , medium , 8 ; No. 1 , small , 16 ; bear , brown , cubs , No. 1 , arge , 57 : No. 1. medium , J5 ; No. 1 , small. 13 ; adger. No. 1 , medium. J15 ; No. 1 , small , JS.OOa 0.00 ; hear , black , yeailings. No. 1 , large , J 12.00' ! 5.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J10 ; No. 1 , small. J7 ; bear ilack , cubs. No. 1 , large. J6.OOfT8.00 ; No. 1 , me dium , J5.OOftG.00 ; No. 1 , small , Jl ; bear , black Montana and Rocky mountain. No. 1 , large , 1800ff20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J14 ; No , 1 , small. 10 ; bear , black , Montana yearlings. No. 1 , aige , 112 ; No. 1 , medium , JS ; No , small , J.V ear , black , Montana cubs. No. 1 , large , $8.60 ; No. 1 , medium , JI.SO ; No. 1 , small , J3 ; bear , silver tip , No. 1 , large , J20 ; No. l , medium , 112 ; > to. I , small. JS ; bear , silver tip , yearlings , No. . large , til ; No. 1 , medium , } S ; No. 1 , small , > 3 ; bear , silver tip , cubs , No. 1 , huge , Jl.OOffl.SO ; Jo. 1 , medium , 60c ; No. 1 , small , 0c ; fisher , > Jo. 1 , large , JS ; No. 1 , medium , J8 ; No. 1 , small , email , J2S : fox , cross , No , 1 , large , J7 ; No. \ , nedlum. J3 ; No. 1 , Fmnll , } 2 ; tex , red. No. 1 , arge. Jl.f.0 ; No. 1 , medium. > 1.2fi ; No. 1. small. II ; fox , gray. No. 1. laige. "jr. : Xu. : . medium , ae ; No. 1 , small , 40c ; fox kits , No. 1 , large. 50c , No. 1 , medium , 40o : No. 1 , Email , 30c ; lynx , No. 1. large. J3 ; No. 1 , medium , J2 ; No. 1. small. 11.59 ; marten , No. 1 , large , $2 ; No. 1 medium , 11.50 ; No. 1 , smull , Jl ; mink , No. 1 , large , COfc We ; No. 1 , medium , 40o ; No , 1 , small , 35c : mink , dark , No. 1. large , G3c ; No. 1. medium , 40c ; No I , small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect"head nni ) feet , No. 1. large. J1.00C2.00 ; Imperfect skin * . IG.MMr7.flO ; No. 1. small. J5 ; oner , pale , No. 1 , large , J7 ; No. 1. medium , Jo ; No. 1 , small , J4 ; laccoon. No. 1. laige , 0 < HT70c ; No. 1 , medium. " > 0o ; No. 1 , large. 50cJ2.00 ; i-kunk , black , cased , narrow stilped , No. 1. huge , 50c ; No. 1 , me. small. J1.50 ; wolf , prairie , No."T , large' , MJJfOJ ! No. 1 , medium. COc ; No. 1. small. 40o ; beaver , per pkln. No. 1. large. J5.000600 ; No. 1 , medium J4.M : No. 1 , small. J2 ; beaver kits. No. 1. large. K ; No 1 , medium. J1.50 ; No. 1 , smill , 7uo immkrats , winter. No. 1. large , SClOc ; No. 1 medium. 3c : No. 1. small , 7c ; muskrats. fall. No. 1 , large , lytc ; No. 1. medium , 7c ; No. 1 inuill. Cc ; muskiat kits. 2i3c. St. Louis ( iun-rnl Mnrlent. ST. LOUIS , June 13. WHEAT-Oreat wenlfhess was a prominent ffatuie. the maiket declining from * > tifeat the opening till further declines ot Wf'Ue look place. For n time pilces hung Ir. resuluie around the Iwttom , but suddenly phot up. ami haidly ttllh a Iluctnallcn advanced 2c. There was a relapse from this , but the close was ( Inn and 6ic above yesterday. In spot grades bes.des a car of new Missouri red No. S , which brought the fancy price of Jl , a s.ile of regular No. S red was made en call at 83c ; No. 2 red. cash. S3c ; July. SOo bid ; September , 7S'ic bid. l ORN The great weaknr-rs In wheat early In the day gave this market a downward Inclination for a time , but no more was for sale than th& demand easily took care of. The early decline was not over 2' < c , and soon rallied. tln lly sell ing up > ic. The close was firm , with July ' .4SJic above jesiriilay. but September nnly lie higher No. 2 mixed , cash , 47liGlStc ; July , ISUc ; Sep tember , 49 e OATS I'mures weak early ; September sold at He decline * , but recovered this and ' .ic mnrc closed steady with buyers at top ; spot , llrm ; No. 2. cash. J9e bid : June. 29o bid ; July , 2S'.jo bid Seplemlwr. 2SHo hid. CORN MEAL J2.3002.33. IIRAN Steady ; 63c bid. east track. EQins Slow , lower ; fresh , 7MTSc. HAY Steady for all grades of timothy , which ranged from ! . " > .OOii 17.1'5. east side , und J14.503 18.00 this ride ; prairie , more active , firm ; JS.000 12.0t ) this side. WIUKKY-ft.SB for distillers' finished goods. LEAIV-Strong and higher : sales. 6 cars Mia. tcuil at J3.10 , spot , and 100 tons for July al SPELTER Also better ; sales. 2 cars at J1.5I. PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , JlMtttf. Lard , prime steam , 16.25 ; choice , J6.40. nacon boxed shoulders , JG.M ; longs , JC.S714 ; rlbti , 17. shorts , } 7l4 : do' salte'd shoulders , J3.50 ; longi J6.37ii ; ribs. 16.50 ; chorts , J6.C2H. RECEIPTS Flour , S.OOO bbla , ; wheat , 5.000 bu , | coin. 5.000 bu. ; oats. 15.000 bu. 1.1WO SHIPMENTS Flour. J.O'KI ' lbls.j wheat , 14.CKX bu J corn , ! ,000 bu. ; oats. 6.000 bu. ItMlttninru drum Miirbetn. BALTIMORE. June IS. FLOUR Quiet , un. changed , receipts , 11,0(3 ( tbU. ; shipments , 175 ! bbU. WHEAT 1'nsettleil ; stKit and month. 781 > iO79ci July. 79HO7SSC ; August. 80iesoHo ; Septemlwr , SlSJSl'ic ; steamer. No. S red , 7 ! > S&76c ; receipts , 5U bu , ; stovk , 4 < > 456 bu. ; sales. C4.000 bu. ; southern wheat , by sample , SOtfilc ; southerr wheat , on ttrude , 77ti60c , RYi : Inactive. No. 2 , 70c ; stock , 8,438 bu. CORN Quiet ; ( pot and month , W'iQKHo July. 6MuWic : recHpts , 14.0D6 bu. ; shipments 17.1U bu. ; stock , t27tS3 bu. ; * ol . 14.000 bu. southern white corn , 5JG54c ; soulliern yellow , ( Cc. Cc.OATS OATS Firm , al steady prices ! No. 2 white western , J7H lJSc ; No. i mixed , J4i o asked ; receipts , IICOO bu ; stock , 135,651 bu. HAY Firmer ; choice timothy , J1J.OOC13.M. STOCKS AND 1IOXJB. Spccnlatlon In Securltloi Continues to Dis play Same Activity. NEW YORK. June 13.-Rpeculatlon on the Stock exchange continues to display a fair de gree of activity , and the upward movement of prices Is still unchanged. Today's m-jrket , while Irregular at times , exhibited a strong under tone and the short Interest took but little pains to conceal their desire to curtail their outstand ing contracts when the conditions of the market warranted covering operations , There were some stocks which were governed by special condi tions and which moved Independently of the general list. Distilling was a notable example. The Impwdlng decision of the supreme court of Illinois In the qua warranto case , which rumor said would be unfavorable to the trust , rendered the stock weak In the early dealings , when a decline of i per cent was recorded , which , however , wns quickly followed by a rally of Hi per cent. When It was learned that thu court had declared the trust Illegal a reac tion of only * i IKT cent followed , and Ihls wns quickly recovered , as the Judgment had been expected , and It was thought It would not hin der tlm reorganization of the company. A fur ther advance of 1'fc per cent was made , with a final reaction of H per cent , making an Improve ment on the day of ? 1 per cent. The general market opened active and buoyant nnd e-ontlnuel to move upward during the first quaiter of an hour , when on realizing sales a slight reaction link place. This was but brief , nnd the appre ciation In values was icsumed and continued un til after 11 o'clock , the advance ranging up to 2V4 per cent. The most pron mnccd advances were made in the coalers. Sugar. Tobacco , Pa cific Mall nnd ( leneral Electric. SaleH to take profits brought nbrmt another reaction of * H12 per e-ent , but N-fore midday speculation had again taken an upward turn. Frim 1 o'clock tn the close the market was strong , the advance extending to 114 per cent. Compared with yes terday , the closing price * are gene.-ally higher , the chief gains being : Sugar , 2'i ' per cent ; Lackawnnna , 2 pvr cent ; Reading nnd Sui-quP- hr.nna ft Western prefened. IH per cent ; New Jersey Central. Hi per cent ; Central Pacific. Hi per cent , nnd ( Ireat Northern preferm ! , 1 per cent. The trading In ticnds was a rcpetltlan of jesterday's market , to-wlt. marked strength , brisk activity and a wide dlntilhutlon of the dealings. Atchls.m seconds , class A , must re ceipts , were dealt In for the ( list time ut 2SJJ27. Thu sales were J2.5SS.OoO. Among the principal gains are : Soulhern Pa cific of Arizona firsts. 1't per cent ; Northern Pacific secMds. Hi , per cent ; Noithcrn Pacific thirds , 1 per cent : Northern Pacific cunsol S * , 1'i IHT cent ; Northern Pacific trust recelpls , 1 per cent ; Northern Pacific Monlan-i firsts. New Jersey Central 5s. registered. 2 per cent. Seattle , Laku Shorn & Eastern firsts trust receipts de clined 1 IHT cent. The Evening Post's London cablegram snys : The large Increase In the * Ilcnk of England's bullion this week reflects the cash frm the country nfter Whitsuntide , the Imports of gold being only 30 , < Jl ) net. The enrmous strength of the Irani : returns further depressed the din- count market. Stocks were steadier. Americans and mines were filmest. The maiket closed a shade In-low the best. The rise of J2.51) In South ern preferred wns the feature. The continent Is buying. The decline In Paris exchange Indi cates preparations for the Chinese loin. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex- today : AtchlBon W < U.P. . D. AO n Adams KxpreBS. . . 14B Northwestern Alton. T. H fil < N , Y. Central . Am. Express 111 ! N. Y. AN. E 44 ! < Ilaltlmore A Ohio. U2 ! < Ontario * W 1SU Canad'i Pacific. . . . 64 Oregon Imp ] 0 * < Canada Soulhern. . f > 4 * $ Orciroii Nav 2Hi ! Central Pacltlo. . . . ini ! O. S. I * A U. N. . . . 7 Chen. A Ohio 2291 Pacific Mall 31M Chicago Alton l.VJ P. D. A E BU C. . a A. Q bBU Plttaburir 157 Chicago Has 7-14 Pullman Palace , . 172 Consolidate.1 Gas , 14S Readlii ? 18H ( \ . C. . C. A St. I , . . . . 4. ' , % . R. O. W IS Colo. Coal i Iron. SH U. O. W. pfd 44 Cotton Oil Cert. . . . -71 * Hock iHland 71 TV Delaware .t Hud. . I''UM St. Paul Del. . Lack. AW. . . lii- _ > do pfd 12m D.AR. O. Pfd St. P.t Omaha. . . . 31H I ) . AC. F. Co dopfa llll Rrle IOH Southern Pacific. . do nfd. ' 2ft ISiirar Rannerv. , . . Kort Wavno Ift7 Tenn. Coil .V ; Iron. ( J. Northern ofd. . . 131 Texas Pacific 12H C. A E. I. ntd . . . . KlO'i ' T. AO Cent. ufd. . 70H llocklnf Valley. . . 'Jtl Union Pacific Illinois Contr.il. . . fl.1 U. S. Express 40 St. P. A Duluth . . . 29 IV. St. L. A P 40XJt K.AT. pfd HUM . elo.oftl. Lake 13rlo & W'eat 24 > t Wells Pineo Ex. . . 10H dopM S'J Western Union . . Oil1 , Lake Shore HH Wheeling A L. B. . 145 LemlTruat doiiid 44H LoiilHvlllu.ti N. . . . 0 ! ) M. & St. L 1UH L. .t N. A 10 D. A R. O 14 < ManhaltimCon. . . . O. E Sftf Mcmuhls.VC in N. L 20 Michigan Cent. . , . 101 C. P. Al 2H1 Missouri Paclfla. . SUM do pfd UO Mobile & Ohio. . . IL AT. C 2 Nashville Chut. . . . 05 T. A. A. A N. M. . . . 2 ( National Cor.tairo. T. St. L. AK. C. . . . dopM do pfd 14K N. J. Central 100W S. R , R 14V < N. i W. via do nfd 41fi Xorlh Am. t'o. . . . Am. Tob. Co. . . Northern Pacific. . do pfd No.Pac. pfd 17M St P. . M. It M 114 The total sales of stack today were 342,310 shares , Including American Sugar , CO.SOO ; Amer ican ToUicco. 12,500 ; Hurllngto. ! , 19,400 ; Chlrair Gas , 41,209 ; DlftllllnK nnd rnttlereeillnp , 24.71" ) l.julsvllle & Nrnhvllle. 3.900 ; Minneapolis & St. Louis. 3.200 ; New Jersry Central , 4,600 ; New York , Husquehnnna & Western preferred. 6,700 Northern Poclllc preferred , 8,000 ; Northwestern , 4,700 ; Pacific Mall , 8WK > : Ilcadlnfr , 35,300 ; Hock Island , 7.00 ; St. Paul , 16.400 ; Silver certlflcntes , 40,0)0 ) ; Southern railroad , 13,000 ; Southern rullrnnd pivfened , 12.SOO ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , 9SOO Wabash preferred , 3,900. New VorK Mom-v Mnrker. NEW YOUK. Juno 13. MONEY ON CALL Kaxy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; close , " 1 per cent. PHLMH MERCANTILE PAPEU 2'i3tt pc " ' "ST'EULING EXCHANGE steady , with nctua business In tankers' bills at tl.WifH.SS'i fui demand nnd ! 4.t > S'i T4.fSV4 for sixty days : postei rates , { 4.1-9 and H.M ; commercl-il hills , Sl.ST.i , SILVnll CERTIFICATES 67067HC GOVERNMENT I1ONIJS Firm : state bonds , without feature , Hallroad bonds , active and strong , florins : quotations on txmua were as follows : U. S. 48. re ? . , new. 123 H O. P. IWHOf 'B4. . . 103 U. S. 48coup.now. 1VUH D. kll. O. 7s . 111) U.S. As. regr 11 'JH D. ill. 0. 49 . 88l U. S. fii.coup Erie 2d . 071 * U.S. 4s , rep U. H. .t S. A. rill . . . on II. S. 4s.coup 11.1 C. H \ . A. " . . . . inn U.S. Us. rez 07 II. Si T. C. BB . now Pacific Us of 'U5. . 100 rtoflt . 1014 Ala.Ola * * A 1(17 ( M. K. & T. 1st 4s. . Hllil Ala. Cl.-ua I ) 107W oVd 4a . BH Ala-Claaa U 117 Mutual Union Us. . 112 Ala. Uurnmcv. . . . 117 N. J. C. Gen. 6s. . . . 117 Ln. New Con. 4e. . 11114 No. Pac. Ists . 110 Mlnaourl Us 100 clo'JdH . N. C. Cs 125 N. W. Consols , . , . N.C. 4n do S. P. Deb. S , S. C. non fund R. Q. Wr.st. Bts. . . Tenn. now net OB , St. P. Consols 7 . . Tenn. niiw not on. 1(10 ( doc. A P. W Ss. 115 Tenn. old Oa UU St L.&I.M.Ken.5. ' Vu. CanturleH. . . . St. L. &S.F.f 3n.'l. 111' dodrforrcd Tex. Pae. 02 Atehlnon 4 75 < 301. Atchlson 2d A. . . . 2.1 U. P. latsor Mfl. . . 1011 Canada So. udi . . . lllS West Shora Is . 107 L. < tN. Unified 4s. Ha ISo. K 11 . 1ISM Itostcm btouk Oiioiacion i , BOSTON Juno 13. Call loann. ' 'ailhi per cent : tlmo loans. UHa.li percent. Closln.'prices .for BtocliB , bonelband mlnliif aharcH : ATT. AS , K W , Kino. tiro. Am. Sugar. Win. Central ' " Am. Sugar pfd. . . . Hen. Eleo Ot' Uav Siate ffaa KdlHon Elea Ills. . UellTulephonu. . . so Atchls in 2dn . . . . liosion AAluany. . 200 Atchlftoii 4s llOBton A Maine. . . New Kncland Us. , C. II. A U den. Electric BB. . . ; t'itohtmrz WU. Cent. IstH . . . , Gen. Klcctrlc Allouez Mining Co Illinois Steel 7UU Atlantic Mexican Central. . 12 ! < Host-in A Montani N. Y.AN. B 44 Ilutto A Iloston. . . 15M OldColonv 177 Calmi'ct A llecla. . 21)11 ) Ore. Short Line. . . Centennial 1 Rubber 41 Kranklln San Utero 41II Keiira.irec Union Pacific 13 Osceola WcBtKnd Chancy 110 West Knd ofd „ Tamarack 13 < l > I Wolverine OK Hnii IfrincNc : > Mliilir ; Scuii : < ( > -itlnai. : . SAN PUANCISCO. Juno . IS.--The oincUl cloj- inv quotationa for mining htockn toJay wore u follows : Alt& 14 Justlcn 13 , AlphaCon 2 Kentucky Con 2 Andes 25 Lady Wash Con. . 1 llelchor 34 Mexican- 52 IJest A Holch r. . . . SH Mono t Ilodlo Con 33 Mount Diablo 15 , llulllon H Occidental Con. . . . 17 Caledonia. U Ophlr 125 Challenco Con IS Overman 17 Chnlliir 20 Potosi 40 , Confidence 79 S.ivairo ; < 2 . Con. Cat AVa. . . , . 230 Sierra Nevada 411 , Crown Point 34 Stiver Hill 3 Exchequer l ! Silver Kin * 12 Oouid ACurry 25 Union Con 2H Haloi Norcross. . 00 UiahCon 3 Julia. . . . 3 Yellow Jacket. . . . 30 Silver bus , 001(9(170. ( Mexicm dolltr.t , 54c. Drafts. lirhl , 'J oi t lerr.iphlo. Bo. An aeseromrnt ot 2Sc a share lias been levied on Host & Delchcr and llulllon. New initlan < . NRW YORK. Juno IS. -Ths fallowing ara the oloslnr iniiiln ; ( ] notation s : Ilulwer 4 Ophir 115 , Con. Cat. * V.v. . . 210 Plymouth , 20 . Ucadwood 35 Quicksilver. . . . SBO ( ioiild4 Curry. . . 20 Quicksilver pfu. . . 1700 llalei Norcrosa. . MS Sierra NoTiuU. . , . 45 llomfilako 1000 Standard 230 Iron Silver 10 Union Con. 25 Mexican 25 Yellow Jacket. . , , 40 Ontario 000 - London Stock Vnoiatlon | . LONDON , Juno 13. 4 p. m , cloilnir : Can. PaclHo 53)4 ) St , Paul coil 70 ; Erie. 11M N , Y , Central 104H ' . Erie'.Ms 00 Pennsylvania. 64U JlLCcntral OHk ! Mexlcanordlnary.lu _ _ Mex. Cuu. new 4a. . 07U HAR S1LVER-50MW per uonce. MONEY U per cent. The rate uf discount tn the open market for ! both short ana three months' bills Is 9-1CVH Per cent. OMAHA LIVE &JBCR MARKET Oattlo Receipts for thO/Ffik / Show a Slight Increase Ovcrjtjist Week * MORE GOOD CATTLE .CCJPG TO MARKET JTesterelnjr'fj OfTirlngi V re SurprUo ID Tlili Line Trailing Pnlrljr Active lloj-i hliiinp a Nlckol Under Loner KoMo'ru'.Aelvlcci , THURSDAY , June 13. Today's receipts consisted of S.M cattle , 1,133 hogs and 330 shccpy ns against 691 cat tle , 4,915 hogs and 1.1C9 sheep yesterday , and 883 cattle , 4,462 hogs and 455 sheep on Thurs day of last week. The receipts for the week thus far are 3,298 cattle , 15,510 hogs and 1,421 sheep , as against 2,881 cattle , I JIC hogs and ' 1,153 sheep for the same four days last week. CATTI.iK There were , nil told , thirty-one loads of cattle In the yards , as against twenty-eight yesterday. Of the cattle here nine loads were billed direct to the local packing houses and were not offered on the market. It was , so far ns numbers were concerned , about the average run of cattle. Good cattle , however , were more plentiful , there being several loads of pretty fair stuff. In addition to the natives there were several loads of good wctterns. The quality of the cattle was something of an Inducement to the buyers , and they bought the most desirable of the natives at n little stronger prices. Common and half-fat cat tle are not In favor , and the market on such can be quoted no more tlmn steady. A load of 1,407-lb. steers sold at $5.25 , the highest price paid for steers on this market since May 29. A small bunch of lighter cattle went at Jli.Oj. Cattle weighing from 700 to 1,200 Ibs. Hold largely nt $ l.50ff4.C5. ( There were a few cows on sale , the most of them on the eommonlsh order , which changed hands. The market on this class of stuff did not present any material change. The amount of business transacted In the feeder division was limited , as usual of late , to the sale of a very few loads. Two bunches of 7W-lb. ! steers brought J3 , and the balance of the sales were mostly of odd : and ends. Representative sales : DEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. 1. . . . 770 M 23 E..110G$4W SO..1407 } 5 23 S. . . . 54) 3W CO. . . . M5 4 C > 2..1C2J 540 12. . . . 087 4 CO 10..I30S 5 03 COWS. 2. . . . 730 ICO 1. . . . SOO 200 K. . . . 72.1 IK , 1. . . . 980 1C3 14. . . . S.-.2 210 4..SSO 273 2. . . . SOO 175 1. . . . 870 210 5..834 2'JO 7. . . . ' ( if. 1 SO 3..10JO 2 15 1..10SO 3 10 14. . . . 846 J SO 23. . . . CM 223 1..1070 310 1. . . . 900 115 1..1000 230 2. . . . 963 315 1. . . . 810 200 1. . . . SIX ) 2 31 1..1130 350 1. . . . MO 2 00 6. . . . 8CS 2 63 OXEN. 1..1410 2 00 2..13X ) 2 40 CALVES. 2. . . . 150 175 4. . . . 275 250 1..180 423 2. , . . 93 2 00 2 , . . . ISO 323 1. . . . 130 450 3. . . . 208 200 1. . . . 170 400 1. . . . 140 450 3. . . . 340 2 C3 2. . . . 170 401 2..130 450 5. . . . 124 3C ) 3. . . . 130 400 3..1C3 475 1. . . . 170 300 5. . . . 144 400 5. . . . 150 500 1. . . . SO 3 00 2. . . . 11.1 400 3. . . . 173 500 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2. . . . 750 200 " . . . .532 260 2..C53 300 1. . . . 42. ) 223 3. . . . 603 300 1..MX ) 310 2. . . . 450 2 50 43. . . . 750 30) G. . . . 560 315 1. . . . 620 250 23. . . . I'M 300 3. . . . 410 320 2. . . C50 SCO S. . . . 672 300 8. . . . 733 330 1. . . . 440 2 75 G. . . . 373 3 00 MILlvERS AND SPRINGERS. 1 cow ami c.-ilf , 528 Oil 1 cow and calf > < 23 00 1 springer . , . . 3000 HOGS During the past three days the receipts of ) u > gK have iwen iUHfjlityrnl. | . on Tuesday seventy-Fix loads were lecelvfed. which was fol lowed on Wednesdiy by ij. run"of sixty-six loads. Today thu receipts were tlll lighter , there being only fifty-five flesh loads. The quality of the offerings wns pretty good. In fact the hogs nil thlH week have averaged go ( l. Reports from other market centers were f.ar from favorable to the selling Interests anil the trade opened fully 5c lower. In some cases salesmen thought they were asked to lake off inc. The dema.id was Kood , and under more favorable conditions the market trained In strcngthi-iiid closed with the loss mostly regained. TlflS pens were practically e-leiu-Kl nt an early hour. Trie best hogs Fold nt J4.50 , the top price , of the .day , as against M.5 ! yesteiilay. Representative yales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. , No. Av. Sh. Pr. 70 . 172 100 } 4 10 'J : . 2J7 12J J4 35 61. . . . . . . . 177 240 4 10 -.1. . . . 300 . . . 4 35 78 . , .171 2K ( ) 410. . .CO. . " . . 2-W ICO 435 24 . .1C ! ) ' .4 19 ' [ 1 J73I. . 21 - 43 435 SO. . . . . . . . 17912054 10't SfHol . 233 40 4 85 7T. . . . . . . .1ST , ICO 41 j.iIlA7TT . .214 SO 431 84 . 1S1 ICO 415 68 . 22S 200 4 33 77 . HG ICO 4 15 86 . 233 120 4 33 97 . 175 240 4 15 54 . 246 fO 4 31 91 . 199 SO 42) V ) . 210 16) 4 37 ' ,4 97 . 174120 4 20 35 . 22 < 12) ) 4 37' $ 2. . . ' 3 . . . 4 20 6i . 2.V ) 160 4 S7i < ; S4 . 203 ICO 420 61 . 234 UO 440 67 . 219 160 4 22 % 49 . 2SO 24) 4 40 56 . 225 ICO 4 2S',4 B . 241 120 44) 2) . ] 91 . . . 425 68 . 1"i3 210 440 79 . ISC 2DO 4 23 HI . 233 160 4 40 2 . 240 . . . 4 25 65 . 250 SO 4 4,1 87 . 199 81 4 21 14D . 219 210 4 4) [ > S . 194 200 4 21 70 . 226 2JO 4 40 C . 203 . . . 423 85 . 209 SO 4 40 20. . . . 211 40 4 2.1 61 . 257 200 4 40 CG ! . . .179 tO 4 25 77 . 233 240 4 40 70 . 201 . . . 4 27'4 63 . 241 . . . 4 42H 73 ' ' ' 523 40 4 20 75 . 22S 40 4 42' ' 77. . . . 211 80 4 30 65 . 277 kO 4 4 > 72 . 217 210 4 30 63 . 24 ? W ) 4 45 73 . 121 ICO 430 63 . 218 240 445 74 ' ' ' 235 2SO 4 30 71 . 211 80 4 43 ta' . . . . . . ! 218 81 430 CO . 2C5 . . . 445 4 < . 213 120 430 67 . 232 80 445 24 ' ' "OS . . . 4 30 S4 . 280 . . . 4 45 S.2' . 213 240 4 30 CO . 270 . . . 4 45 SI . 195 160 4 32'4 70 . 312 ICO 450 37 . 221 . . . 4 S2V4- S2V4PIGS. PIGS. 1 . 140 . . . 213 4 . 12) . . . 323 SHEHP There wns n load of sheep received today , but It was billed direct to a packer am ! was not offered on the market. A few holdoverr changed hands. Fair to choice natives nra quot able nt from 12.75 to J3.60. fair to good western : at from J2.50 to J3.30. common and Flock bherp a from S2 to S2.75 , treed to choice 40 to 100-lb. Iambi nt from $3.75 to J5.23. Heprctentntlve sales : No. Avr"r - 44 native ewes . 93 $275 26 native lambs . 63 500 CilIO.V.iO : MVri STOCK. For Good Native Cattle the PrlcoV > troncer. CHICAGO , Juno 13. Only about 7,500 cattle nr rived txlay and good native cattle prices wen stronger , the demand being quite anlmatei Common to strictly choice native steers tlm weighed from 900 ti > 1,600 Ihs. Fold nt from $3.CI to $3.80. with fat cattle weighing from 1,350 t 1,450 Iba. Felling around the top. Hulls ne mostly nt from $2.40 to $3.60 , end cows sell nny where from SI. 75 to $4.CO for Inferior to extra ith more pales nt from $2.23 to $4.25 than few days ago. Calves Fell at from $3 to $5.73 chiefly nt $5 und upward. Colce feeders sell from $4 to $4.23. and feeding bulls bring fro $2.60 to J2.S3. Crass Texans sold uround froi $ J to $3.23 , fit ! lots Bi-llliiR at from $3.50 in $4.50. Only ubjut 2S,0 iO hogs were received ti liy , bu thu hi'KS that were left over last night In creiiFtd the supply t3 3'J.OdO heart. Sales- wen not particularly lively nt yesteiday's decline Ir prices. The hogs sold today went at from $4.31 to 54.70 for heavy , from $4.35 to J4.65 for mlxei and ut from $4 23 to $4.55 for llsjht. The bulk o the rales wne at from $4.53 to $4. CD for heav : and from $4.45 to $4.5.1 for light. In sheep the puvply continues much less tha in recent weeks and desirable offerings nri actlvo and tending upward. There Is n cnll fo choice sheep of large size to export , but sue ! uit veihcnrce. . Inferior to fair Fheep sell from 12 lo $2.75 ; fair to choice at flora $3 t.i $4. dlpiKnl lambs at from $3 .to $4. CO , and sprln lambs at from $4.25 to $8. Common Texas nni natlvu sheep are hard to Fell , even nt conces sions llccelpts : Cattle. 7.500 hfod ; CHlves , 1,000 head ; hogs , US.OUO head ; sheep , ii.uiOJieiiU. HI. I.UIIIH l.lvo stork. ST. IX31MS. June IS.-CATTMJ-lleeelpts. 4.700 head ; shipments. 2.000 head ) -market steady , but offerings uere not first class ; beef and shipping steers ranged $4,25i5.40light ! ; Fleers , $3.25Q4.00 ; slockers. $3,2583.00 ; feijdrri * , , $2.75if4.0) ; cows , $2.0043.(0 | ; fed Texas steers. $ : .0084.25 ; grass steers , $2.40jj3.50 ; cows , $2.00fl'2.75. HOGS Itecelpts. 4.500 hpul ; shipments , 700 head ; maiket fell off 5o vdiiy , but was strong later ; top price , $4.60 ; I > U1K of sales , $4.3004.50 ; llk-ht. $42W(1t.SO. fiUKKI'-Hecelpta. 1.400'llend ; Fhlpments. COO head ; market steady for sheep. 25o off for lambs ; native muttons sold nt 53.GM/2.10 / ; lambs ranged $4.25 < iH.63. _ KnniinK ( 'lty l.ivo Mode. KANSAS CITY , June i i'-CATTI.K-Hfeelptn. 2,4'M ' head ; slilpinents , 1,41(1 "head ; market strung to lOo lilRher ; Texas Hi'.Tiij $2.3504.00 : Texas cows , S2.10ii3. < ) ; beef sitn-rg. $3.S5i5.75 ; native cows , $1.00fo4. Si ; itockeril and feeders , $2.0004.30 ; bulls , S1.0off3.50. HOGS Ilecelpts , 7.500 hKid ; ililpmcnts , 700 head ; market opened weak * closed ctronc ; bulk of sales , $4.1584.40 ; henUea. $4.30 4.55 : packers , $4.2 < ) i4.55 ; mixed. H.liT4 < 3 : llghtv , $3.9004.30 ; Yorkers. t4.10 4.30 ; pigs. I3.6m4.00. BIIKUP Hecrlpts. 2300 head ; ( hlprnents , 3,200 h ad ; market steady. Mock In Ileconl of receipts at the four principal mar kets fw Thursday , June 13 , IWi. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. South Omaha . fc53 4,138 330 Chicago . 7.500 2S.CO ) 9.060 Kansas City . 2.4tiO 7.W ) 2,3"0 Bt. I-ouls . 4.700 4.SOJ 1,400 Total . . 15453 4UJS 13,050 New York l.lve Moo'c AlHrknr. NKW YORK. June J3.-nEEVKB-.Hecript , 225 head ; none on tale. European cables quote American steere at 11R12C , dred weight , re frigerator bvtf at i'4UlM40. No ojpoiu today CAbVKS UecrlptK , 260 head , quiet but feteady \eals , poor to prime , ( .00m.i3. UUUEP AND LAilliJ-Uw lpti , 3,817 head ; on ale , ( .000 hcadt ht-ep , hleherj othtrs unctinnRfd ) lain ! * , nrtlve and firm ! over 1,000 hfad common to medium ilierp unsoldj nhccp , pnor tn prlnif , $ .175474.50) ) Utnbi , common to Rood , J I.COS 6.75 ; no prime or choice oftfrtd. HOaB-ltccelpti. 2,672 head ) lower nt JI.7Sa5.00. Liverpool Atarkctn. MVnnrOOU June U.-WlinAT-Spot , .lull : demand , poor ; No , 2 red winter , 6s IMi No. 2 red winter , Cs 30 ; No. 1 haul , Manitoba. 6s Scl ; No. 1 California , 5s Dd , Tuturen opened iUl | t , but > ady , with near and dlttunt positions I'.id jwer ; cloFdt steady with near und illstnnl o ltlons IHd lower ; business about equally dls- Ibulrd ; June. 5 O'jd ; July , 5 * 9i < lj August , 10'id ' ; Heiitember. 5a lO'id ' ; October , ts 10d ; ovemlxT , fin lid , COUN Hpot weak ) American mixed , new , 4 il. Putures opened dull with nonr ami distant oslllons ld lower , closed quiet nlth Jtmn id ) tr , and other months % d lower ; burlneFg eavlext on eiirly positions ; June , 4 6'dd ' ; July , * 5 < id ; Auguit , fm 5id ; Sfptembcr , 4a C'.id ; "ctolr , 4s 6 > 4il ; November , 4s Cld. l-'UU'Il rirm ; demand , fair ; Hcely supplied ; I , Louis fancy winter , Ss. 1'HOVISIONS llucon , steady ; demand mnder- I" ; Ciimbeilnnd cut , 2 to 30 His. , Sis ; short l > , 2S Us. , 32s M ; | - > ng clear , light , 38 to 45 IK. , 33s fid ; long clear , heavy. f > 5 H'S. . 32s ; short ear backs , light. 18 llw. , r4 ; short char middle * . eavy , 55 Ibs. , 32a : clear bellies , 11 to 16 Ibs. , S3s. ihouldem , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. . 2c. Hams , shoit tit. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 43s Cd. Hecf , extm India mess. Os ; pllmo mess , 62s fid. I'olk. prime mess , fine .I'stein . , COs ; inline medium , 52i 61. Ixnd , dull , rlmn western. 33s fid ; ullned , In palls , 34s. I'HKKtfK Finn ; demand fair ; nnest Ameilcnn hlle , 43s ; finest Anieilcan coloicd , 43s ; oidl- iary new , SCs. Hl'TTUH Klnest t'nlted Ptntes , nomlinl ; good , lomlnal. CO1TON 8KiD : -Mverpool lellned , ISs 3 > 1. MNHKKI ) Oll 21s 9.1. . PiTHOhir.M-ltellned. : Slid. lir.rUKJHUATOH UllKK-Korequarters , 3d ; IndquarteiH , 6'4 < l. HOI'S At Ixind.m ( Pacific coast ) , 2. Coffee MiirKct. NEW YORK. June 13. COFFEE-Optlons pened steady nt a putlal advance- . June no- em ruled dull the rest of the day and closed ulet at unchanged to 15 points net advance * . Hies. 5.2iVi tings , Including March , tl4.45ni4.5l ; uly. J14.SO ; Octnlvr , J14.70 , and December , J14.55 ri4.fr ) . Sixit e-offee , RK quiet ; mild , dull ; Cor- iiva , J15.IM0H.75. Warehousp deliveries from few York yesterday. 7,106 bags. New York t-x-ks today , 249.212 lugs ; United State stock. (12.213 l i s ; allitit for the United States. 27G , ( > ) ags ; total visible supply for Ihe United States. 78.213 bags , against 2M.452 bajrs last year. SANTOS , June 13. Quiet ; good average Snn- , nominal ; receipts , 8,000 bags ; stock , 144,000 ags. HAMHURG. June 13. Steady ; U pfg. decline ; alt3,000 bags. RIO , June 13. Steady ; No. 7 Rio , J1G.GO ; ex- hange * . 9Vid ; receipts , 0,000 bags ; cleared for the 'nlti-d States. 1C 0"fl bngs ; cleared for Europe. , r < K ) bans : stock , IIS.O'HI bags. HAVRE , June 13. Opened quiet , unchanged ; t 12 m. , quiet , unchanged : at 3 p. m. , quiet ; losed quiet nnd unchanged for the day. Sales , ,000 bags. 1 IVnrlu MiirkcU. I'EORIA , June 13. CORN Slow ; No. 2 , CO'.fcc ; Jo 3 60c. e1ATS-DullNo. ; 2 white , 31j31Ue ; No. 3 white. RVE Scarce ; No. 2. rJCGc- , WHISKY Him ; finished goods , on th ? basis f SI.21 for high wines. RECEIPTS Wheat , 3,000 bu : cam , 3iO ) bu. ; am an cm bu. ; rve. none ; barley. l.fo bu. SIIIPMENTS-Wheat , CO ) bu. ; corn. 1.3'tO ' bu. ; ats , 45.000 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 1,400 ml. NEW YORK. June 13. SUOAR Raw , dull ; elliu-d. quU-t : No. 7. 3 l.-lGfflifcc : No. , 3 11-1C4 1-lGc : No. 9 , 3 13-lCIMc ; No. 10 ifj3 15-lGc : No. 11 , 3 H-lCfMTic ; No. 12 , 3 9-1TO "HeNo 13 , 3 ic ; off A , 4 l-l 14 ( , c ; mold A. ll-lCW4c ; standard A , 4 7-16 4'.4c ; confer , loneis' A , 4 r-lCfl'4c ; cut loaf , 6 l-lCfi5'Jc ; rushed. 6 l-16SfV4e ; powdeieil. 4'jffl 13-16c ; lanulated , 4 7-16Hc ; cube ? , 4 H-lGff4l c. Oil Muriel. LONDON , June 13. TURPENTINE-Splrlls. Tfl * M ' CHA'RLESTON , June 13. ROSIN Firm ; ft. 'urpentlne ' , freely offeieil at IC'&c. ' & WILMINC.TON. June 13 ROPIN Firm ; tialnedJ1.15 : good , J1.20. Spirits , steady ; 26lAfJ | 7c. Tar. steady ; J1.23. Tuipentlne , firm ; hard , 1.20 ; boft , J1.M > ; virgin , J.25. IMHlVHlllt ( .Mnr < et . MILW/UKEE , June 13. WHEAT Lower ; Jn. spring , ROc ; No. 1 n irthern , Me ; July , Sic. CORN-Ix.wer ; Ni . 3 , SlUe. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 while , 32c ; No. 3 white , 1IARLEY Nominal : No. 2 , 49c ; sample , 4S { ? RYE Lower ; No. 1 , CS'jc. Iliiliith \ \ heitr Mtirkot. DT'LUTH , June 13. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , S'ic ; June , SOc ; July , 80Uc ; Nn. 1 not them , "ash , 79V4c ; June , 79'ic : July , Mc ) ; Stptember , Sc ; No. 2 northern , cash , 75'4c ; No. 3 noitheni. . 'Ic : rejrcteil , CUHc ; to eirrlve , No. 1 hard , Sic ; < o. 1 northern , kO'ic. IMIiiiiciiiiill | < IVho t Mnrker. MINNEAPOLIS , June 13. WHEAT Firm ; une. S > f > c ; July , SOc ; September , 7G1 < ; C. On track : N'o. 1 hard , SlVlc ; No. 2 northern , SOiic ; No. 2 . Jt ady ; first pat nt , Jl 15fT4.Cl ; second mtents , J4.054(4.4) ; lirst clears , J3.50j3.00. i jitloii Market. NEW YORK , June 13.-COTTON-Qulet ; mid- dllng , 7'ic ; gross receipts , ! 0 bales ; sales , So" bales all spinners ; stock. . 52 tmles. ST. IX5UIS , June 13. COTTON Quiet ; no sales reported ; receipts , 170 bales ; shipments , 2)3 bales ; stock , 2G.DC1 bales. ' 1'r ! . < < > Whe-nt 4Jur > t tl"ii . SAN FRANCISCO , June 13. WHEAT Dull ; December , Jl.OC'.i , ; cleared , COl.tii centals wh-a * . Teireilcn 1'iiinne-iiil Affulrs. 11ERLIN , June 13. Exchange wi London , eight elaj-B' sight , 20 marks 44Vi pfg. PARIS , June 13. The weekly statement of the ll.ink of France Ipsued today shows the fol lowing changes , ns compared with the previous iccount : Noes ; In circulation , decrease , 22.7.V- OoOf ; treasury ncciunt , current. Increase. 15.C75- JOOf1 gold In hand , decrease , 3.575.l Xif ; bills dis counted , Increase , 12.125,0 < wf ; silver In hand , Increase crease1.350.KKf. ( ) . Three per cent rentes , 102f 72V4C for the account. Exchange on London 25f 2H4c for checks. LONDON , . .luni13. . The Rank of England's rate of discount lenmlns unchanged nt 2 pel today shows the following clr nges , as com pared with the previous nccuunt : Total reserve - serve Increase , 008,000 : circulation , decrease , . ' .92 000 ; bulllen , Increeisc. { 375.852 ; other seTiirl- tits Increase. 90 , ( iO ; oher deiMslts , Increase , 1 730 ' ODO- public deposits , decrease , 624,000 notes'reHTVf. . incieape. tMC.)00 ! ) ; government se curities , Increase , 10,000. The proportion of the Hink of I iKland's re-servo to liability , whlcl la.it week was C2.18 per cent , la now C2.S3 per cent. f „ _ _ I'lnuilcl-U .Nines. I1OSTON , June 13. Clearings , J15,13S,217 ; bal mces , Jl,733.835. RALTIMORE. June 13. Clearings , } 2,37C,99S balances , J331.131. NEW YORK , June 13. Clearings , 105.C00.593 balances , J7,55G27. ! ' PHILADELPHIA , June 13. dealings , J11.15S , 037 ; balances , Jl,028.520. ST. LOUIS. June 13. Clearings , J4OJ2.f2G ; bal mces , J577.44G , Money , 5BC per cent. New York xchange. Dflc ptemlum bid. WASHINGTON , June 13. Today's statement n the condition of the treasury shows : Available each balance , f 183,318,074 ; gold reserve , J59.r. .9,4lG CIIICA(5O , June 13. Clearings , J15,5C3,000 Money , easy ; rates , 4tfi5 per cent on call ; 5' tfi IHT cent for commercial paper. New York HX change , 25c premium. Slerllng , posted rates J4.90 for demand , Jl.W for CO days. MI'S Ciiyfeird'H Lrcture nn Girls. Miss I aura Cnyford , who has been dolni such excellent rescue work at the Twelft Street Rest , delivered her lecture "SI. Classes of Girls , " at the YoungMen' Christian association hall lust evening tea a fair audience. Misses Wood , Tuttle and 1'ennock helped entertain the audience with Instrumental and vocal music. Miss Cuyford's lecture WIIH enjoye-d by all , ami Is of u refining , poetical character. She lectured under the Joint nutplces of the Woman's Christian association und the Wo man's Christian Temperance union of Omaha. Mnrr.iiKn Lie-en * ? * . The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county Judge : Name and address. Age. Carl V. Carlson , Wayne county 25 Hllma C. Christopher , Mollne , 111 25 Phillip Geil , Omaha 21 Maria Grabsnhorst , Omaha 19 Kelwanl J. Tracy , Omaha , " 1 Kittle lioyer , Omaha 17 Till ! REALTY MARKET INSTRUMENTS placed on record June 13 1S95 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Conrad EUele to Maria Wilson , lot 3 , block C , Omaha View $ 6 * Samuel 1'ruyn and wlfo to MnrRJrel E An- gtl , e ! i lot 5 , block 3 , Patrick add 7 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. W H RutseH and wife to C A Ix-uthstrom , n 60 feet Io4 11 und 12 , Marlon Place G3 A C Foster , et nl. trustees , to Hanncom I'ark Methodist Eplncopal church , lot 13 , block 13 , Haimrom Place H M lloardman and wlfi > to K E Holloway , loin 0 and 7 and n 5 feet lot 8. block 1 , i'ntter & Co.'s add to South Omaha Q H Wagner to August Watmi-r , undlv V , of o 52 feet of s 160 feet , l t 8. block 5 , Park Place , lot 4 , blocli 7 , Orchard Hill , lol 2 , block 7 , Albrlitht & A'B odd , lot 15 , block 8. Albright's annex V O ( Wagner et 1 to earne , same O 8 Ooodrlch and wife to H K Kfad. lot 15 , End add 3 00 ° block 4. Went ; ; ; ; > O 13 YMintf el ul to M E Young , lots 10 end 11 , black 4 , Crelghton Heights DEEDS. Sheriff to J l < Olson , n ' .i lot J2 , block ID , First fldcj tn South Omaha 4 Q T Edney , guardian , to E T Mclaughlin , e i lot 2. block 40 , Omaha * .70i Special master to N Q Ournsey , lot 8 , block J , Monmouth park J * * > Total amount of tran f rs. , . . , .18.4 lUltl'ltV AMI TJIKCOItX 1'ltOI'AO I.VW.I CHICAGO , June 11. To lite TMIlor of The ee : I feel that the western people would ko to hear from mo a few parting words In cgard to the corn propaganda which I had ic honor of Inaugurating In Ktiropc nearly Ino years ago. Two years after I started iy work I was honored by our late greatly nmcntcd Secretary Husk by an official reo Bnltlon as a representative of his depart- icnt In Europe , he realizing the Importance f the work I was trying to do tinder very dverso circumstances. This official status , owovcr , Increased the scope of my useful- ess and gave to It a dignity which always ollows official distinction. My efforts were rst confined principally to the United King- om , where I met with considerable FUCCCJS , specially In the International exhibition held t Edlnburg In ISflO. Thousands were In- erested In my exhibit , which was consld- red by many Important Europeans as worthy f their serious attention. A year after thl. . was ordered by Secretary Uusk , during Hit- liortago of the rye crop , to proceed to Oer- lany. and , If possible. Impress upon the mlll- ary authorities the advisability of using our ndlan corn as a ration for their army. It an be very readily understood the dlfllcul- les I hail to contend with , I might say , HIP rejudlco of centuries among a people who onsldered our Indian corn as a food fit only or animals. The press of Germany , how- ver , gave to my work a helping hand by lie agitation which followed. A royal com- ilsslon was appointed by the government to cclde upon the cereal best adapted as a mix- ure with their rye for bread. A most se- ere test was made , the authorities remaining n council from time to time. After six lonths a mojt complete official report was Iven to the people , and It was decided that ndlan corn was the best cereal known for mixture with their rye for the army. Many romlnent papers throughout the empire dvocated KB use , and the eminent scientists nd privy counsellor of the emperor , Dr. 'hlele , was ordered to give a lecture In one f the large worklngmen's halls In Uerlln. fhereln I had cooked and handed to the 'eople ' many varieties of our corn food. Dr. 'hlele strongly advocated the use of maize s human food , and among the many reatous e gave for Its adoption was that by using imerlcan corn In time of short crops the Oerinnn people by so doing would become In- 'epemlent of Russia for their bread supplies , "hree mills were erected In the city of Hain- urg alone during that year , which ground \merlcan corn for bread , and had a large de- iinnd. In the city of Dresden one miller ; round "SO tons , which was baked Into bread , n Hanover and other cities of Germany nany bakeries were established for the sale f maize bread. The plentiful harvest which ollowed would make It natural to conclude hat the demand would fall off. Hut one hlng remains certain that there Is now no gtiorance In Germany as to the healthful- icss and desirability of our food when clr- umstances demand It. Hut what I regard as the crowning success 'f ' the government was Its efforts In Scamll- mvla , a country which Is or has been but Ittle traveled by our exporters , who drop heir efforts generally with middle Europe , 'revlous to the giving of the corn banquet by the Agricultural department In the city if Copenhagen , manufactured maize was not ibtalnable In the kingdom of Denmark , and our minister , Mr. CJrr , who represented our ; overmnent , was obliged to send to New "ork for what he required for the use of his amlly. Now the traveled American , In regard to ils food , can feel quite at home in the Danish 'apltal. After fourteen months of hard labor , now nearly every variety of manufactured corn can be seen displayed , and extensively so , In the principal metropolitan shops. Also California wines , fruits , American oysters , vhen In season , cranberries and other pro- lucts. Thirteen of their largest breweries u e our corn and brew by American methods. \s several of our largo milling firms In \inerlca can testify as to the very large shipment they have made Into Denmark , ivhcre previous to my work they had not a 'oothold. As time rolls on our exports will ncrcase , but never decrease. I regret to say that Secretary Morton closed he foreign work on January 1 , 1895 , and I vas reluctantly obliged to withdraw from a service which was ever congenial to mo and wherein I have used every honest endeavor o make my work tell In the Interest of American agriculture. I must not close this without making especial mention of Belgium and Holland , where the work of the Agricul tural department made excellent strides. H ivas my privilege to be a delegate to the International Chemical congress , which as sembled In the city of Dniisels on August ast , where delegates from nearly every Im portant country of the world were present , I aelng the only American , was asked to de- Ivor a lecture on the possibilities of maize for human food and for brewing. It was well received. The seed hns been sown on good ground In hote countries , and. for the sums approprlat > l ay congress a good harvest has been reaped. This work I have made , In one sense , espec ially my own , and shall return to London In the Interest of agriculture , and there locate my olllce , but will travel Into the various countries where American products now go and their sales can be Increased. Lately Governor Jackson has honored me with the appointment of commissioner for the great state of Iowa In Europe. This official distinction will strengthen my hands and en able me to pursue my work under most fa vorable circumstances. Secretary Morton closed the foreign work for ( Jie reason of our scarce corn crop of this year and the high price which prevailed. I should not forget to mention that at the Edlnburg exposition I received for the excellence of the corn food by my exhibit there , the first prize , a silver medal , the only one ever received on foreign soil for Indian corn product as human food. CHARLES J. MURI'HY. FOUGHT IN AN ALLEY. Case In Which Asn ult und Larceny Arc Well Adzed Up. On Wednesday evening a colored man named Taylor and a white man named P. J. O'Nell finally came to blows over a garden plot. The plot has furnished a bone of con tention between the two for some time. Taylor claims that on the night In questlor he went out Into the alley between the prem ises of the two and that O'Nell shortly cumo out armed with a hammer. He says that O'Nell remarked that he Intended to settle the matter right then and there and struck at him with the hammer several times Taylor Jerked the hammer from him am felled him with a blow of. his (1st. ( On the other hand , O'NpIl claims that he was out In the alley and that without any provocation Taylor struck him with something and he fell. Yesterday O'Nell swore out a complain against both Taylor and his wife. The body of the complaint charges Taylor aivl his wlf with assaulting O'Nell , but in the title they are charged with larceny. Consequently when the warrant was Issued It charged th two with larceny and In this shape It wa placed In the officer's hands for service. IMAMU IX .1 bUllOUL JtUUM. Plastering 1'ulli from u CelliiiR , Injuring i Number of I'lillilren. CHICAGO , June 13. In a panic at the Eaa Sldo school In Evanston , 200 children wer badly frightened by the falling of a section of plaster from the ceiling of one of th rooms , and the following were Injured : Frances Wlllard Singleton , 7 years old head cut In two places ; very serious. Richard A. Smith , 8 years old , head cut. Cameron Ovcrbache , C years old , head cut It was In the room of Mlts Nellie Sick Is who teaches the first grade , that the plaste fell. There were lorty-flvo pupils unde Miss SIckels , ranging In ages from G to i years. They had Just finish.d singing a song and were taking their teals when th crash came. lellevo ! tlint Oulln Will I'nll Soon. NEW YORK , June 13. A special to a loca paper from Panama saya : There is llttl confidence that the Ecuador government a Quito will last much longer. The patriot are. securely Intrenched at Guayaquil am are only waiting for Alfaro'a arrival to con tlnuo their victories. General Ramon l.'loa ' la persuaded , at least he acts u If he wer persuaded , that Quito will fall soon. Contract I.rt for n lllc DUlllltiry. TEHRE HAUTB , Ind. , June 13. The con tracts for the erection of the now anti-true distillery were tlgned last night. The dls tlllery will be the largest ID the world. AKSARBEN KNIGHTS MEET lokl Secret Conclave Respecting Shows for the People in September. JALL FOR' FEAST OF MONDAMIN BALL Mnn to lie Croirnol Klnc , baf the tjticcu li tn Co mo from Another Illy rinmilng to Itrlng Splen dor from Myntcry. The executive committee of the Knlghti f Aksnrbcii held the first secret meeting In ts history at the Commercial club last even- ng. The- line was drawn on reporters , and vcn Commissioner t'tt was compelled to Ive the pass word before be ng admitted , 'hero was a full attendance of the commit- ee , Ami It was rather late before the mys- erloiis sons of autumnal festivities got down o business. There was some discussion on communication submlttert by Commissioner 'It. The IS.'i costumes recently received rom New Orleans were accepted. It was cctded to give four parades , and ono night f state fair week will bo devoted to a dls- lay of floats representing the various cltlet f the state. It was further decided to col * cct the subscriptions as soon as possible. It Is said on good authority that many ol ho floats purchased at New Orleans must mvc considerable attention from the palntcrt nd carpenters before they will bp In pro- cntablc shape for the parade , but that the oats generally are In fair condlt'on and will nake a good showing. The committee Is considering where to mid the Feast of Mondamln ball , and It U egarded as possible that the new Crelghton heater will secure the honor. In point of puce the Coliseum Is urged as the best ilacc for GOO couples to dance to the tuna if the consolidated orchestras of the city , nit it Is thought that the location will belie lie determining point against U. Doyd'a heater has been mentioned frequently for he big event , and it Is n certainty that one f the three places will bo chosen. From the drift of gossip among the "com- nlttee of the order of the golden key" It Is losslblo an Illuminated b cycle- parade will 10 given. Each wheel will bo decked with apaneso lanterns and dressed tn gala at- Ire. IMooniers will be permitted In line , otwlthstamllng the objection of a hopeless nlnorlty of the committee. H Is rumored that Rex will bo ono of thrco nen , Colonel W. F. Cody , Lou s Ithczin or V. A. L. Gibbon. This 1ms not been yet dc- Idcd and Colonel Cody has positively de- lined the honor. The queen will bo so- ected from ono of Nebraska's other cities. I'liius of htnto Kulr Promoter * . The Omaha Speed nnd I'alr association met t the Commercial club yesterday to agitate irompt collection of local subscriptions to lie state fair and ra so the money nt f nco necessary to make the fjlr a success. The State Kalr Board uf MaiugJ-'s held a brief neetlng at the Mlllard yesterday and ac cepted a suggestion to go to the grounds n the afternoon with a delegation of Council iluffs Implement men. FlItKK CO.VT.IA UK. cmisylvuiilii Still UO.IIR Dcvnstutcil by the Itimint ; Flump * . BRADFORD , Pa. , Juno 13. Forest fires continue to destroy property. Last night at 2 o'clock word came from Simpson stating that the llames were dangerously near to the wells of Urquhart & Lavens and that It would be dlflicult to save the property from destruction. Yesterday a force of 150 men md a hard fight with the destroying element near Lafayette Corners. Nearly 2,000,000 feet of lumber at W. D. Johnson's mill were destroyed , entailing a oss of $15,000. The lumber was partially nsuretl. The mill was saved. Another flro near Talntor's destroyed a large quantity ot wood for Harlln & Knowlcs. Fires ore re ported from various other parts. Slio\Ycr und Warmer In Western Ncbratkn Tmliy. : WASHINGTON , June 13. The forecast for Friday Is : For Nebraska Showers ; warmer In tha western portion ; southerly winds. > For Missouri Fair ; easterly winds. For South Dakota Fair ; warmer In the southern irartlon ; easterly winds. For Kansas Showers ; slightly cooler In the eastern portion ; southerly winds. For Iowa Fair ; southeasterly wlnda I.nciil II cord. OFFICK OF THE WEATHER HUREAU , OMAHA , Ju.io HI. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with tha corresponding day of the past four years : 1&95. ISO I. 1893. U92. Maximum temperature. . . . 84 SO M fcj Minimum temperature. . . . 67 70 Ct ! CH Average temiMiraturc 70 W ) 73 74 Precipitation 18 . ( .00 .8 ! Condition of temperature nnd precipitation ut Omaha for the day and since March 1 , lS9.r , : Normal temperature 71 Deficiency for the day J Accumulated excess since March 1 32J Normal pieclpltatlon 19 Inch Deficiency for the day 01 Inch Total precipitation slnco March 1 7.23 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4.15 Inchci Jtuports friiui Other Htutlimi itc K 1 * . M. f ! HTATE Of n a s WKAtUEU. Omatia 81 .00 , Clear , North Pl.itto H4 .on cloudy. Valentine 60 .1(1 Halnlnif. Uilcau-o h-2 .OlUlaar. Si. Louts 811 .Oil Clear. Sl.l'um 74 70 .00 Clear. Ujvriiporl 7H St .0(1 ( Cluar. KIIIIHUH City 80 H'J .00 ( Mear. 70 70 .Od Par l cloudy Denver 74 KO .OUiClear. Salt Lake City HV ! KU .00 IMrt cloudy lllhinarck 74 78 .oojclouily. St. Vincent ( IH 71 .oil part cloudy Chuyennu 78W T1 Cloudy. Mlk-H City W ) .01) , Clear , UnvlilClty 8t . 'in ' , Part cloudy Gnlvcuton 81 .00 PartclouJy "T" indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH , Observer. Is the result of the usual treatment of blocd illeonlcrp. Tlio system Is lllleel with Mercury ut.il Potash remedies more to bo dreaded tlmn Ilia dUcusc nnd in u fhort ivhllo IB In a far woreo condition than before. The common result U ' a for which fi 9.P. U the most reliable euro , A few bottles will nfTonl relief where all e ] o has failed , I suffered from a Fovero nttackof Mercurial ItheiimutUni , my anna ami Icga being swollen to twice tlielr natural size , caupine the most excruciating pains. I spent hundreds of dollars without relief , but after tnkhiB n few bottle * of I Improved rapidly nnd am now awellman complete- Iy cured. I can heartily recommend U to any era ButTcrlng from this painful dlceow. W. F. DALEY. JlTOoklyn Elevated U It , Our TreatUe on Blood tml Skin Dltmtt nulled free to iflf ddicu. WIFT Sl'CCIFIC CO. , AlUnt .G . F. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) ) 8. M. STANFORD F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and PROVISIONS Room 4. N. Y. I.lfc Kldi. ( , Oinaltn. Ilrniuh onices at Tremont and Culumbus. All orders place < l on the Chicago Hoard of Trade. Correspondents : Schwartz. Dupeo & Co. , Chicago cage ; Schrelner , Flack & Co. , Ht. Ixiuls. Refer to Plrst National Hank , Omaha , MA ltd IN No matter hi : booklet un spec- TUAIilNfl ulullon j ju may have rt-ad it-nd f ° r "U"1l'lch ' l > NEW and fOMPLETE. H cleaily t-xplaln * martin trading arid UEKINEH ALL MARKET EXPRESSIONS. 11' . free and will teach you fciime-ihliiK. AIUIOCJAST 4t CO. , U Trader * Uulldlng , Chicago.