SPB01RL NOTICES. A tlTrrUneinniU for these rolniuni mill | H > I ( km onttl 12130 p. ni. ( or the eTciilnconil until 8 p. in , for the inoruUiK ' ' fcnmlay cillllon. AcIitrtUrrn , by requesting nnmbrrnl ( lirckt cnn Imve unuwcr * mldrr.c < l to * numbered letter In rare at Ihe lite. An- wrrs oo ndilitMcil wilt be ildllrcred upon 1 itM'iilutlou of the tlicck only , Kates , 1 l-2e n word , flrit Iniertlon , lo n word liertafler. Jiotlilnc taken for IIM th n 2Cc for llrnt Innrrtlun 1 lirno itclt rrtlBcinentH must inn ronsccu- UtHy. SITUATIONS WANTED. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS rhA.cc It i\o \ dressmaking July und August for li r board In or out of cliy 8 19 Dee A-SS1-16 * \NTJ.D. . WORK ron IUM or n IN OH oi'T ut the rlty C 1 ! llee ulllc- A M 9 , 16 * WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED , 1,000 MEN TO WHITE ME TODAY for tba receipt ( absolutely free In plain Healed em el ipc ) which cured me of nervous drbllltv , xhaused vitality , etc. Address C. 1 WnlVor. Sax 1.311 , Kalanuzoo Mich II MI3 CUIIAN FRECKLES PURE AND MILD CC. B 184 j WANTED , SMALL. CONCERN PAYING FAIR wapes wnnm first-clans draughtsman , also wood cncmver Stale wages txi > < .cid Ad dress II 60. lice II M70S 13 LABORERS rOH II & M RAILWAY COM- | > any. weM , tl (0 day free transportation * hlp Thuriulaj Kramer & O Hearn llth and Far. Him sire-its B-MS73 13 * \\AMtU , KJK U. b AIU11 , ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the ngca uf 21 and id , citizens of the United States , of good char acter and temperate habits who can speak , read and write Lngllsh tor full Information apply , preferably by letter , lo recruiting tfflcer lit Tor * Omaha , or at 1924 1'arnam street. Omaha , Neb. B WANTED ii.Ul ALE HELP. ARE lou HONEST. feOBEit , INDUSTRIOUS ? If no , encage with us for 1SV5 , (300 a month , S3 COO a 5ear ; you can mnkIt eapy six hours a day Our agents do not compluln of hard times. Why ? They are maklnj money Helling our Perfection Dish Washer , tne ly practical family washer manufactured , n ashes dries and p"H lif Ol h i perfoctl } In two minute * , no erpcrlence necessary , a child of S operates It easllj , cheap nud durable , weight , thlrtae/i pounds , made of anti-rust sheet steel , capac ity , 100 pieces , J10 000 for Its equal , tverj fam ily wants cine : } ou don't ha\c to cam as. as noon as people know > ou have It for sale they "end for a dish washer , each agent's territory protected : no comp-tttlon , we fur nish sample ( weighs six pounds ) In nice case to lady BKenla to take orders with cue agent mada Sill 53 first ten < lu > Address for full particulars Perfection Mfg. Co , hnglewood III GIIlli WANTED MUST 1513 GOOD COOK 2211 1'arnam st -279 \VANTKD GIRL , MUST 11B GOOD COOK. Call nt S7 So 2Jlh ave C SSJ-12 * WANTED A GOOD GIRL I'OU GENERAL housework Apply 118 N. 39th street.C C MSSC l WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK AND care of bob } , reference required 2225 rarnam tr t. C-MSJ3 13 JFOK RENT HOU8h3. IIOUSE8 , F. 1C. DARLING , BARKER BIX > CK. U IU HOUSES IN ALL 1'AIITS OP THE C1TV THE O r. Davis company , lr > 05 Farnam. D 426 HOUSC3 , BENEUA & CO , 108 N. 1STH feT II. E. COLE CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA D Mia FOR WENT DESIRABLE HOUSES. t rooms , 211 b. 24th el. S30 7 rooms , 49)3 Cumlnij St. . t 7 rooms , 626 N ZIth ate K2 M. 11 rooms , 4907 Cass St. , 110. rooms , 4S27 Davenport at. , (10. B rooms , 3420 Jackson st IS C rooms , 3113 Pratt st < 7 Bee Fidelity Trust Co . 1703 Farnam St. D-4J1 RENTAL AGENCY C5J SO ICTH ST. D 7 ? TEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE CLOSE IN , 6-room collate , city watLT , store building , 130 ! 1'amam , Lb , bklnntr , ucent , 310 New York Life D MD2116 10-ROPM HOUSE , MODERN. LOCATED" 2211 Douglas , W T Clark. D MSI C J1S. ' TWO 9-ROOM llItlCK. HOUSES , 1533-41 PARK avenue , facing Hanscom park , nearly new , hard wood llnlsh , first class modern con veniences. Inquire 1115 South 32nd street D MS23 FOR RENT , FLATS NEWLY CLEANED. PA pered and painted at northeast corner llth and Howard , (15 a month Inquire room 314 I'lrst , r National bank building D421-13 < AND 7-ROOM FLATS , WITH RANGE VND all modern con\enlences , awnings , screens and Janitor service. Call ut corner Hat , 701 B 16th Et , , from 10 to 11 and 2 to 4. George Cloiuer D M594 .ROOM MODERN HOUSE , DETACHED , beautiful lawn ; shade trees. COS bouth 28th. Apply ta J. II. I'arrotte , Douglas block D MG19 17 TOR RENT , TINE COTTAGE 1JARN LA | 6 E lawn , on rar line. R. C , Patterson , Ramgi. blk D 407 I ELEGANT 6-ROOM COTTAGES JUST BUILT (22 SO. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam D 642 1'LAT OF 4 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms , very desirable , cheap to right party Apply to owner , G btecl. 2J)1 Fierce street D 756 13 * THREE-ROOM COTTAGE WITH GARDEN. S E Cor 23rd and Clark SU Inquire 1UI Jack son St. D CO FOR RENT , AT REASONABLE PRICE , M\ residence , cor. 24th and St Mary's a\e , fur nlshed or unfurnished , for the summer , or longer. Mrs M , Hellman D 7S9 14 * I-I VIS-ROOM IIOUbE. (10.00. INQUIRE 18 Clark D-M7C7 15- TWO COTTAGES , ONE FURNISHED. MOD ern fjOC S 30th D MS21 16 I-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 29TH ST & POP pleton llartman . Robblns 210 Ilt-e bldg X D S > 24 Jj-9 FOR RENT HOUSE 14 ROOMS MODERN Improvements , also 3 cottages Enquire Ilios Swift. 405 N 15th street D MS30 15 * ilX-ROOM COTTAGE , Sl fa 21ST STREET D -Wl 13 FOR RENT DURING JULY AND At'G , I'UR nlshed house ; JiO per mo. to good party A P lukej 818 New York Life D SSS-14 IOK KOOM3 NICE SOUTH J'P.ONT ROOM. WELL 1'UR nUhed , private family. Cull till Cuss ut. _ _ E M4S3 PLEASANT ROOM , 1913 DODGE E M837 rURNISHED ROOM. C2C S. 19TH STREET E M107-J15 * FOH RENT , ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms C04 S I3th E 6 Jj S I NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIOHT houicKci ping 1112 South llth. E 7514' NICFLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE men or married couple OOC Na'lh 17th street. E M&Oi ) 13 * _ I ROOMS IX > R HOUSEKEEPING FOR MAN and wife , rent takrn In board 319 N 17th U-sijl 15 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rURMSHED ROOM. 11A1H , IS. 1S1I FARNAM E -M5J2 11 HOOiflS AND BOaH ] THE ROSE. KM HARNEY. NICE FURNISHED room * with board , specliU rate * to gentlemen _ F t04-J2i' TWO SOUTH ROOMS , SINGLE OR EN SUITL with Unrd , private family , reference 220 K M727 U NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS J0 N 19TI ntfott _ _ _ F M72S tl itOOM AND HOARD AT 212 SO STH STREET I--MS71 IS' _ TO RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with Iw.irU , ternu reasonable Call at 210 IXjuslas. F iSrj FOll RENT- SUITE OF ROOMS. ALSO SIN cle room , with board In private family , refer inces. 211 Farnam F KS-IU * DE3IP.M1LE SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH EX cellcnt table , lawn , etc , 203 N. ISth ! : > - -MM1 16 ICKKKNT STORES AND OFFICE3 rA\O-STORr URICIv. :2XC6 , AND C6 FEET trackac * . 71S 8. 13th , ut jour oun price. 11. Cola Co , 108 N. 1Mb,31. 1 716-Jyt IXU ) RENT. THRIU : STORY AND DAbEMKNT brick Kot" building , 1001 Farnam street. Largt rlevntor ; flr t-claii condition , suitable for any Unit of huxlneki. Reasonable tcinu. Inquire room 814 Fr | t National bank butlJInc. I 420-11 FOTl nnNT THE 4-STORY DRICK RUILDINO , til Farnam trrt. This building haa a Hre- rroof ctment basement , complete ettam heat- inc flxlur * * . water nn all noon , gas , etc. Ap- plr at th * ofllcc of The He * . 1-819 AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. IS TO 119 A DAY AD- < lrci the Handy Heater Co. . U ) New York Llf * tldg , Omaha , Neb J III AGENTS. CAN YOU VISIT STORES AND how our Slcn PrtntUir Machine to merchants * tVrtU quick , Stanip Arc Cu. . Ilnclne. At is WANTED-/TO RENT. VANTED UNFURNISHED ROOM TO BTOnB furniture In Suite terms. Address S 17 Tlte. K S5S-1J * VANTKD TO RI T NINE OR TEN-ROOM house modern , north part of city prtferrnl. S 22 ll < f K MKM 13 * BENTAL AOi-NCX. O. 0 WALLACE , HENTALS , J1Z BROWN 1II.K. L XI705 STORAGE. TORAGE , FRANK EWERS , 1Z14 HARVET. M43J DEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U S rot bond warehou" * : hou * hold iroods stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leatenworth M438 TOVFS STORED DURING SUMMER TEL. KO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works. 11437 ACIFIC STORAGE * WAREHOUSE CO 9TH & Jones sts General storage and forwarding WANTED TO \AVTED TO lit Y A GOOD SECOND HAND roller t > p olllce desk Address b 23 Her nince N Jr < a8 II VANTED A 2-STORY FRAME STORE I1UILD- Inp for purpose of rnovlnu south side \\llliam Fleming llth and Douglas stnets N-MKP3 15 FOK SALli tURNITURE. FOR HALE I1Y A FAMILY MOVING OUT OF the city. 1 Andrews double folding bed , wrltlnc desk pittern 1 Garland range 1 child s play tent tn Its second Reason 1 hard coal stove , splendid heater. Address R 41 , llee office 0-825-16 IUST HE fcOLD I1Y FRIDAY HTH 70 YARDS moquptte can > et ( nearl ) new ) , C piece parlor set , dining room Bet complete , ! bedroom suits , writing desk , kitchen utensils Call at Ml South 2fith ave. O-iVi OR SALE 30 ROOMS FURNITURE. CENtral - tral location 18 Iioardcrs goad riawin for selling , gnat bargain Address S 18 Ite O M870 FOR bALE HORSES , FOR SALE-FIRST CLAS3 FAMILY HORSE , or will exchange for clear lot A P Tukey , Rig New York Life I' 883 14 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IARDWOOD COMHINAT1ON HOG AND chicken fence Chas. R Lee , 9th and Douglas U < 41 THE STANDARD CATTLE CO , AMES NEU . has 400 tons good baled hay to sell. Q M44S FOR SALE A PET DEER. INQUIRE A D IJrandles , Boston Store. Q MC94 CUBAN FRECKLES SOLD KRYWHERE , EC. Q184 J21 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS DR H WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , 6th J ear at 119 N ICth. S4I3 M-flSSAGK. JJATHS. 5JTO. MADAM SMITH 602 S 13TH. 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 , magnetic taper , alcohol , steam sulphurlne and ea baths T M7GS IS * MADAM LA RUE. 1617 HOWARD ST.TS63 TS63 J12 MASbAGE , MADAME BERNARD. 1121 DODGE T MC55 Jy 4 * FINEST BATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS IN city Mme Howell 318 S. S20 S 15th , thorough practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant T MS76 Jj 12 * TURKISH UATHS. TURKISH BATHS , ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles , faulte 109-119 , Bee bldg LADIES' BATHS. 6 FOR S3. MME POST 31314 8 15. 730 PERSONAL THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. street.U U 383 VIAVI CO , 540 BEE DLDG HEALTH BOOK free , home treatment , lady attendant U441 B HAAS , FLORIST PLANTS , CUT FLOtYERS. Banquet , hall residence and grave decoratlo 1S13 Vlnton street. Telephone 77C U M41 BATHS , MASSAGE. MMTi POST , 319fc S. ISTH. U731 CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH 19C FOR 6C. U1E4 J21 PLEDGES NOT REDEEMED OR EXTENDED by June 15 will be sold at auction. Fred Motile. . Farnam. U M243 13 PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURING CON. finement , babies adopted or otherwise provided foi. 2C31 Charles street , Omaha , Neb U M866 JH * UMBRELLAS COVERED AND RE7PAIRED 31C No. ICth Jas. Henderson. U 3S7 J 27 BARGAIN 12 CABINET PHOTOS 12 DA VIES , 113 B ICth street , opposite Boston More U M509 39 A PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN on pianos , jenels , blocles. etc. Business strlcllv confidential. Address Postofllce Box BC U-M702 C M G B1ART. M D . HAS RESUMED practice Practice limited to diseases of the skin. Office hours by special appointment. Tel. 1,843 127 S 25th t U M709 13 HAVE 1OUR OLD CARPETS MADE INTO rugtt , any size you wish. 1531 Lcavenwnrth street. U-M706 y6 _ WILL MR. KEISERLING. WHO WAS TO publish a German paper in this city please send his address to this office. U S59-13 * "MAN CAN Din BUT ONCE " DEFER THAT nil day by toning up the svstem with Clalke's Pure Rf Whisky. It Is the water of life Al ways In bottles. U MS91 13 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N Y. LIFE loans at low ratea for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farm * or Omaha city property , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O F Dat Is Co. , Io05 Faruam st W451 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. 10 WALL ST , New York , offer any pprt 100 OJO eastern In vestor's namis , who .iave money to Invest Just compiled Write for particulars W M303 J25 * C1TLOANS. . C. A. STARR , 115 N. Y. LIFE W 0 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought F. O Chesney , Kansas City Mo. VUM CAPITAL , K COO 000 , SURPLUS. { COO 000 , U. S Mortgage Trust Co. , New ork I or 6 per cen loans on cits property apply to Pusey & . Thereat agents , room 207 First Nat'I vank bldgW252 W-252 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rval estate. Brennan. Love fi. Co. , Paxton blk , W447 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA RE VL ESTATE ut 6 per cent. W B Melkel , 1st Nat Ilk bide MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property Fidelity Trust companj. 1703 rarnam \\443 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED C1T1 property , W Farnam Smith & Co. , 122) Farnam \ \ 4iZ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J B HADDOCK , ROOM 427 , RAMGE BLOCK. MONFY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND planoa Fred Terry. 41) Rumge blk X4KJ MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In cltj no removal of goods : strictly conlldentlal , jou can i > ay the loan off Kt any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 300 So. 16th St. St.X470 X470 IFOV HA'E FIRST-CLASS bKCUIUTY 1O1 run ret low rales of Model Loan Co. , room 403 New York LUc. X MJ71 ! ! BUSINESS CHANCES. LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT , PAY Ing well , JSOO R , F William * , Room 411 , Me Caguc Butldlntr. * Y SS3 12 1900 FOR A GOOD PAYING MANUFACTUR Ing tualn-os , must be sold at once. Aildres R SS Bee Y C93 li * HALF INTEREST IN SMALL MANUFACTUR Ing and nholi-ula business. Omaha , makln freud living and capable of large development SZOOO MlmU business JI.MO 5 G Wallace S1J J J Brown blk Y W7-15 FOR BALE. BY ADMINISTRATOR. BAKER and confectionery In a central Nabnitka city o S 000 , doing rood buslnru , prlcr , 1-60 00 , must b sold this month. Address S 2H , rare RM > Y MBJ U BUSINESS CHANCE TO 11ESPONSIBLL party , * lth 15.000 or 110000 to put Into old Mtabllihnl wholesale optical house , located I Chicago , and doing Imslnru In the west , hat IU traveling salesmen on the rvid Addren S Jl. Onulia. Uff 1 M91H ) 18 * NO FUSIL OIL IN CLARKE'S PURE IlYE whl ky U e < l by fiunllleB. It's wend trfu ! I e in beneficial rwults. In battles at th deal am Y-M883 13 FOR SALE MY IXAN AND JEWELMY UUSI ueas. Fred Mohle , lU7h Farnam , Y-MBl-Jlt CIIIAV FHKtKLES. THE ONLY CIGAR. tC. BEST PUREST ANB toll ejeryrrhcre madefy CHICAGO. FOB EXCHANGE. FAIIM LANDS IN NOIlTirYVEST 1IIS OUHI. for Btock of hardware or Implements. Knox & , Itisner , STA Pearl U , Council Bluffs , In _ ZUTJM VILL HXCHANGE MILUNEIIT TOn UANOB coal 1J12 Douclas Etrect M730 n WANTED TO TIIADH NEW STANDARD III- cjcle for draft home welching 1.600 pounrt or more C J Davis 1116 I'arnam st Z 857 'INC rnornriTY , GOOD OFIOEII. PAIS C"Xi " a jcar , trade equity for clear loU or land Ames , 1C1 ? rarnam-st. Z 832 - STORY HOTEL-PART rUKNISHED trade for land Ames , 1C1J Furnam-t-t 7. SS1-U * TO EXCHANGE , A COMBINED STOCK OF times clocks Matches , Jewrlrj hlunk nnd school liooka , wall paper window ehadrs , paints oils , Bias * , etc Will Invoice with fixtures , about K > nee Want improved farm Address A. J 1'ltzcr , Cherrytnle Kansas Z M81 , J10 FOR BALE KKAli ESTATE. ABSTRACTS , TilE BY11ON HEUD COMPANY nn-4 BARGAINS HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM , ale or trade. r. K. Darling Barker Block RU 100 IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprl-w jou. It taken with in 2 weeks J II. Sherwood 421 N V Life RE 1M BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertlca and farms John N , Prenztr , onp P. O RD-151 HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS SELL AND but lots acres farms Garvln Bros , 210 N Y L RE 4(3 ( HAVE 'iOU A CLEAR LOT THAT "SOP would like lo put In as part pajment for H beautiful C or 7 room cuttnjre'te hate Just what you want and can make jou a Bplendld bargain , now U the time to bu > jourpelf a home In Omaha t\e hate had more Inquiries for homes the last week than for any within n jcar Kidellt ) Trust company , 1702 1'arnom RE M792 13 CORNER I LARGE ROOMS NEAR CARS J2 0 cash bal easy , 6 p ° r cent J9 0 Amea 1C17 Tarnain RE 829 14 * NEAT 5-n COTTAGE CISTERN WELL JS01 First payment JJW , Int G per cent Am" * 1 * 17 Farnam RC S2S II * SIX ROOMS 2-STORY , SLATE ROOF. U BLK from motor , { 1,650. Int 6 per cent Arms 1C17 1'arnam RE S2--14 ICO ACRES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA $1 2 monthl ) pas ments | R. F. \ \ Illlams , Room 411 KlcCngue Block R. E. 835 11 160 ACRES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA. NEAR town. Improved , house , stable , well , windmill , 80 acres in crop , purchaser tn cet one-third of crop , HO per acre , easy pa ) mentH.Thls Is surely n bargain It F. Williams. Room 41t McCuguo Building- . R E 834 12. ROOMS. LARGE CELLAR , EAST FRONT city water , ttell,1200 cash , 0 Ames , 1G17 Farnum-st n n 830 H FOR SALE , 4-ROOM COTTAGE FULL , LOT east front , J70000 , terms easy , bargain R C Patterson. Ramge block HE MS44 A Jl 500 LOT 21ST AND VINTON STS . J IT from pavej strtet and car line Muft KO nt awful sacrifice Only J410 , > our own terms JSO cnHh balance per cent , will take It Fi delity Trust companj 1702 Farnam Kt IID-KG-1S FARM LANDS , C F HARRISON " 12 N Y Life RE 837-Jy 10 WE HAVE A PARTY WHO PAID JSOO FOR A beautiful full corner lot that he will trade for a flrst-class blcjcle and KM cash , or one-half cash balance B years 7 per cent Fidelity Trust company , sole agent , 1702 Painam st 11F K6-U LOT WORTH $750 FOR :230 Business lot worth JS50 for JWO House , modern , cost (4 WO for 12,750 Cottace close In , worth J3.0HO. for J2.000 Property renting for J4 0 iwr yeir (3 000 O G Wallace , 312 J J Brown blk blkHE8&515 HE-8&5-15 2 LOTS , CHEAP AT Jl OnO. WILL TRADE FOR blcjcie or horse and bugs ) . M cash and J200 Down town residence , 8 rooms worth ( G 500 nlll take (3,000 In clear outside property and balance mortgage. Good hardware stock , ( G 000 , for clear real estate and some ca h. G G Wallace , 312 J. J Brown blkZ Z f.SC-15 M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 1CTH 464 VICTOR BICYCLES , THE FINEST OK ALL bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co , 3J3 N ICth street 460 STERLING BUILT LIKE A WATCH WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co , 1515 Howard street 4C5 SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Rcla > Special Will Barnum Bro. , 120 N. 15th 407 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO 116 S 15th street 4CS A L. DEANE & . CO . 1116 1'ARNAM STREET. 463 WEfaTERN BICYCLE & . GUN CO..2U5 CUMING 470 MANTELS , GKATi'fa AND TILES. WOOD MANTLES , GRATES. TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibule * and large floors , write for catalogue Milton Rogers & . Sons , Omaha. 471 BUILDING &LOAN ABSOJIATIOW. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. S. B ASS'N PAY C 7 , S per cent when 1 , : , S jenrs old always redeemable 1704 Farnam st Nattlnger , Sec 4SO HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURK GOOD Intent on savings. Apply to Omaha L. S. B Ass'n , 1704 Bee Bldz Q M. Nattlnger , Sec 4S1 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES , 4304 Burdette DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES Fit and st > le Guaranteed Address b 13 ! ! > < . 623-16 * OAKPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E MORRILL PAPER HANGING , HOUSR slen paint Inc. brick work , plastering , off. R 1 , Barker blk. ; tel 7J5 , shop HIS N 24th Kt SHORTHANJD AWi ) TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , 113 N. Y LIFE PUMPS AND WINDMILLS. C. H. BOYDEN. PUMPS AND WIND MILLS. all kinds of pump repairing Lcate order * with Clmrchlll Pump Co Telephone CM M 1 CU/S.L. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office to 208 8 ICth „ Brown block. 476 A GOOD TIHNG-I USH IT ALONG. MAY BE Ui la lent slang iihntie , but that's ji t what we're dolrc with SHERIDAN COAL. 000 ton old In Onuhn lait jcar. We glte you 2000 Ibs. of the belt Wyoming reeking coal for 14 ST. Victor Wblte. tner , , IWj Ftmara U Tel HOTELS. HOTEL , DARKER. 1JTH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at tl 60 per day M rooms at 12.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room n board by week or month. Frank Hlldlteh , macajrar. 471 AKTNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. Utt > and Dodsc. Iloom * by day or week.47J LOT FIVE DOLLARS WILL BE PAID FOR THE return. In Rood condition of cash book be longing to Stanley Baker V S Isavj which WHS In trunk sold at Union Pacific unclaimed bagKap- nile In October 1S93 A Trajnor , G U A , Council Bluffs , la. Lost 714 13 LOST , NEArfTmt AND IKH'GLAS STREETS , ladj a guld watch and chain h s lady's full name inside back cover , Marparet Weiss Finder will receive liberal renaid bj returning to the Burlington ticket orllcc , cor 14th and Farnam streets Lost MS49 LOST GRAYIIOFND. SIX MONTHS OLD. RE turn to 3408 Farnam Et. Iten ard. Lost 8".4-13 * LOST SATURDAY EVENING IN THE Schlltz cafe or roof gard n a purv contain ingmonc ) R R pasies capli etc Finder tan keep monev but will confer a favor h > returning purse to The lite SCO 12 * IF THE LADY 1VHO U AS SEEN TO PICK up a watch on 14th and Douglas sts Mondaj afternoon will return the sime Immodntcly In The Be < - office a literal reward will be paid and no questions a Ked Lost * 8S-14 * MEDICAL. LADIES' CHICIIESTER S ENGLISH PEVNY- rojal Pills ( diamond brand ) are the best safe reliable take no other , send 4r stamps for particulars Relief for Lndles" In letter by rtturn mall At druggists Chlchester ChemIcal - Ical Co Philadelphia Pa MEDIUMS. WHOEVER SEES THIS AND IS IN AN\ trouble , send a stamp lo the onlj great clal- tojant and medium for free advice , but n k no questions , don't be humbugged by travel ing fakers located for jtars. I never fall Wm Garfleld C39 Cth ave. , Dos Moines la Thl offer three weeks C22 14 * PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N 1C Rt 451 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 100 ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PASture - ture for horses board fence spring water , Barton & Phelps. Gllmore Neb or A W Phelps & . Son 207 N Y Life bide , Tel 105U 478-Julj 1 * PASTURE , CATTLE S. HORSES T MURRAY DOS-J15 UNDERTAKERS ANJJ EMBALMERS H K. BURKET FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embtlmer 1C18 Chicago st telephone 90 47. ! faWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINCS TEL. 10CO 473 M O MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer - er , 1417 rarnam st , t telephone 225 474 C. W BAKER. UNDERTAKER , CIS S. 16TH ST 471 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. MRS FANNY1 ADLER PIANO TEACHER graduate Vienna Conserv atjrj SOS So 16th st 638.JV9 GEORGE F GELLENBECK. BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cas street. M 109 DANCING. MR. AND MRS MORAND WILL GIVE PHI me lessons In dancing at their home L90i > Dodge street , during the summer 223-J23 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants anil all kinds of electrical construction Western Elec trical Supply Co 1515 Howard st 4S2 BTJBINiiSd NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N 16 OB DENTISTS. DR. PAUU * ll-T. 8020 HURT ST. 437 ) -awycrs and ecJlcltois. SUES & CO. Uce BcSIdine , OMAHA , Neb. Advice FUEE. RAILWAY TIM CARD Leaves .1JURLINGTON i MO im ER I Arrives UmahuiUuluii Depot , 10th Ac Maaun tfta { Omaha lO.l&am Denver Kxpreas. . . a 40am 4 35pm Blk. Hills Mont i. Putet BnJ. Ex. 4:0 pm 4.5 l > ra . . Denver Express . . 4 Ouimi 0.4opm Nebraska Local ( except bunday 7.4upm Sljam. : . Lincoln Local ( txcept bunday ) ,11.20am 2 4jpm 1 ast aialliror Lincoln ) daily Leaves ( CHICAGO. IJURL1NGTON i Q ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , linh A. Maaun Bla I Omaha 4 45pm Chicago % estlbule H ouam 9 50am . .Chicago Express . . . . 4.1upm 7 DOpm..Chicago and at Luuls Express . IS It jam 11.35am . Paclllc Junction Local 0 3)pm . . Fut Mall 2.4 pm ( CHICAGO , MIL Ac bT PALL ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th i. Mason Bis ( Omaha C 00pm Chicago Limited * 30am ll.liam . Chicago Kxpresajex bun ) . . . . 6 00pm Leaven ( CHICAGO & . NOIfimv EaTN I Arrives Omaha ! Union Depot , loth A. Mason MB I Omaha 11 05am . . Lantern ExprLss 6.3 > pm 4.00pm . Vestlbuled Limited . . . . S 40im C & 5am Mo Valley Local . . . .10 30pm 6 4jpm . . . .Omaha Chicago bpeclal . . . J 16pm LeavesrfCHlCAGO7 R I & PACiriC 7Afrives Onmh.ilUnion Depot , loth . MUKOH bis 1 Omaha EAST. 11 OCam .Atlantic Express ( ex Sunday ) . . . 6.5pra 6ZOpm . Night Express . . . . U.ISara 4.30pm . .Chicagoetlbuied Limited . 1 \VHST 6.or > pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex Sun1 10 Sjatn 1 40pm . .Colorado Limited 4 00pm Leaves I C , ST P. . U S. ( J lArrlte : Omahal Depot llth and yebsler SIB [ Omah , 2am Nebraska Passenger ( dally ) d 15pm 4,30pm Sioux City Exptebu ( ex. bun ) .11 Mam St. PaUl Limited. . . .1 < 3.am Leaves"l' i : 4 jicT"VALLEi _ Omahu | Depot , ISlli nndVfebsler _ 2.11pm Tast Mall and1 Express Z-10pm.ex ( batW > q. Ex.ex. ( Hon. ) t.Ojam .Norfolk Express tex bundmy ) 6.10pm . . . . bt 1'am Express _ Leates I K C , ST J. Jk C II IArrives OmahalUnion Depot , IWIi & Maaon Sl . | Omaha 8.50am . Kansas City" rtat" Express . 5 SOpm 4-pm K. C. Nlfht Ex Via U 1 * . Tran 6 00am Leates I MISSOURI JtAClFIC. ( Arrive * OmahaJJtiepot , JJth and .Webster Sis I Omaha 10 40am. 7. St. Louis Express . C.OOarn 6 30pm . . St , Louis Eipreis . , C.Ovpm 3 30pm .Nebraska Local ( ex Hull ) _ . _ > .0pam Leaves I SIOUX'CIT'iKCciFlc ; JArrlves Omahal Dppot. llth aiyl , Webster bt I Omaha JC.lflpm . Bt Paul Umlted . _ .10 Siarr Leaves I SIOUX CITV i PACIPIC1 ( Anlves pmahaJUnlpn Depot , 10th & Mason Sta | Omaha C.Sfjirr. . . . .Slnux City Pansenqer 10 Vnm t'Mpm . Et. Paul Limited . . .I2.:5pn Leaves I UNION PACIPIC IA7rlv"eT OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th . Mason Sis I Omaha 10:00am : . . . , Krarnej Express . . 3 45pm fOOpm Overland Flier . C 3Spm 2 ( pm Heat'c * & Stromsh'n ; Ex ( ex. Sun ) 5. 15pm 7 30pm Pacltlc Ilxpresa . . . . 10 Kurt . _ . . . .rant Mall. . . . . . . . . 4 10pm Iatn f WABASiniATL AV ( Arrive ! " _ qoiar-ttnlon U r.ot. 0ih & . Mason Sts I Omaha i-SSpra . . Su Louis Cannon Ball. . . . 12.33pm Putlllr Loiit Jlutlclai ) I'cntl. SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 12 Prof Charlc Geoffrey , at one time one of the best known musicians in the world , died at Frulttal Sunday and tvat burled here today. He wa a natlte of Germany , where he was born li the city of Anheim 74 jears ago. Althoug he made considerable money and was famou In his time , Geoffrey died In comparatlv poverty and obscurity. TORTURED IN THE PRISONS Eesideut of Turkey Furnishes Information on the Armenian Question , AS'ATCISM ALLOWED TO RUN RIOT Vrmc-nlan Chrtttlan * Croiritcd Into 1 lltlir llitncpoti * Without Sullltlrnt Piioil mill llaltrvntril In Krcrj \ \ nj llmt Durel- lull lucenulty Cnn BOSTON . June II A reliable American resident In Turkey In a letter about the situa tion in eastern Turkey received here , says' "The question now pending holds within It the life or death cf Oriental Christianity. Are those wicked aid godless fanatics to be permitted to dip their swords further In the blood of Innocent Christian * . , not only In general massacres , but on hlghwavs , In their own homes , In the fields , and e\rn worse than all In the prisons bj the hands of the government Itself ? Daj after day the pitiful story Is told over and over again of pillage burning torture , murder , violence , rape , ab duction , confiscation , desecration of churches , etc. Mere human aid Is entirely insufficient , the intricacies of the political question in- tolted put the solution of the problem far beyond our reach. " The letter gltes a new story concerning .he state of Turkish prisons. In the Bltt- Is prison there are seten cells , each one arge enough for ten or twelve persons There are between twentj and thirty crowded nto each one There are no sanitary ar rangements. Armenians often have to drink the "Khulitch" water This Is the water of the tank where Turks perform ablutions 'or prajer Kasper Khapoan of Avzood til- .age had his head and arm broken by the irlson keeper with an Iron shovel Senor ilanoog'an ' of Volctennes tillage was strangled by Zabtlons Goopo , the rats of Aharouk tillage , of Khle ° p died In prison 'rom the effects of Ill-treatment and 9 found on his person was appropriated Aghajanlan and Serop Malkhas ! an of Avzud tillage were beaten Into a fa'ntlng condition Malkhas- slan was burned In eight places and Serop In twelve places with hoi irons , Hagop Scropln of Atzood tillage was bea' a till he fainted and then a girdle was thrown around his neck and he was violently forced to the Zap- tef office , where nu was branded In sixteen places with red hot ramrods He was Kept on his feet for fite dajs and nights without food or drink He was also subjected to violent beatings and plucklngs out of hair DIED ntOM THEIR INJURIES Korken Mardolan of Zemal village of Shad- akh , was subjected to tlolent beatings pluck- "ng out of hair and forced to remain standing 'or twentj'-four hours at a time Then Mula zln Hadji All and the prison keeper , Abdull Kader , forced him to perform the shalantopee Satan's ring ) The hands are tied together , Ihe feet forced through between them and then fed together by the great oes Slmonlen of Khass village wa ; beaten for nine nights by zab- tlehs by the order of Mugo Tohauosh and Captains Eskendr and Hadji Taleem They liound him hand and foot , resulting in his death Sojo Shawaln of Altason of Moosh was kept In Moosh prison in an iron collar of nine spokes and heaty chains on his teet Ho was brought to Dlttlls prison In handcuffs , where he was kept three an" ! a lialf months Often he was force ! to stander [ or a long time hungrj and with beating When he would faint water would be poureu on him to ret It e him , when the beating would be renewed Hs hair was plucked out and he was burned with hot irons Mar- kar Maoogian of Vertannes of Moosh , was violently beaten bj zabtlehs in Mushagh" and then hanged Saghatlel Merzolan of Ho-h- geldi village of Bavinak , ttas kept standing without food anJ drink for long periods at a time , his hair plucked out , violently beaten , choked with ropes , three times thrown into a. faint The prison keeper caused him to be bound to a ladder and belt him with his shoo on the stomach , back and head , and then spat in his mouth Sunday morning , April 25 on the entry on one of the Protestant chapels was found a dog's head with J cross attached Upon the upright part cf ( his c-oss was wrl ten Enpl sh , Trench Russian. American , German and Ar menian Upon thecrosa p'eco ' was written "Ye infl-'eli , jou hate become rebellious In a short time you will see what will become of you Oh' You trattrrs against the gov ernment" In the Gregorian church was found the rest 01 the dog with a c-oss tied to Its tall , upon which was written the names "Bulgarian. Italian , Greek " In ad dition to these upon the Protestant cross the threats were greater " "The Armenians hate grown rebellious and others , tco but It is the turn of the Armenians to be punishel vvl'h the sword Tour fate has come. He tvho accepts the true faith is safe " OMAHA , June 12 To the Editor of The Bee If It is true , as you saj , that the governor of Wjomlng Is not in position to form an unbiased judgment on the question of woman suffrage , then Is It not equallj true that any officer , chosen by the people in any state , Is unable to give an unbiased opinion on an > subject regulated bj the laws of the state in which he has jurisdiction ? rull suffrage was granted to the women of Wjoming territory in 18C9 As the gov ernors of territories are appointed by the president and not eltcted by the people they are not dependent on the votes of women , and therefore , the testimony of the territorial governors of Wyoming is unbiased Governor Campbell , two jears after the passage of the act granting to the women of Wjomlng the right of representation said "The women have conducted them' selves In every respsct with as much tact sound Judgment and good sense as men ' Two jears later he said 'Our Bjstem o Impartial suffrage is an unqualified success Governor Thajcr tald "Woman suffrage has been beneficial , and Its Influence fat era ble to the best Interests of the community Governor Hojt said "Since the women have had the ballot we hate better laws better officers better institutions , better morals and a higher social condition in general than could otherwise exist" Governor Hale expressed a high apprecia tion of the t\ork of women in politics Gottrnor AVarren said "Both politica parties hate found themselves obliged to nominate their best men In order to obtain the support of the women " VIOLA KAUFMAN. Dlphlhrrln Dlsrot creil. When a case of diphtheria Is reported the whole town is in an uproar It is wise to be prepared for all tuch emergencies ! There is no cause for alarm If jou have Allen's Hj glenlc Fluid at hand Contagion Is Impos Elble when it Is used It is a pieventlt medicine disinfectant , deodorant and germ killer , and has a remarkably agreeable taste and odor It not only prevents disease , bu is cleansing and healing. Hcflned pcopl everj where use It o Cmifrtseil to un Old Aliirdir. PORTLAND , Ore , June 12 LouU Smlthle who was arrested last Saturila } for the lar ceny of a cow and has been confined sine then In the count ) Jail , has confessed that h murdered George Young In August , 1892. a Mott , a fimall town In northern California Acting on this information received from Smltble , Sheriff Sears arrested Mrs. Retta Young , widow of the murdered man Sh was found in a log cabin near Portland where she has been lit ing for a ) car wit Smlthle and her four children If Smltble' statement Is true they brutally murderei her husband Elmply to get him out of th way. One bottle full standard quart cf Sllve Age Rye Whiskey ls worth a barrel full o Bourbon. Tuo More Survivor * Reported SAN FHANCISCO. June 12 An Examine special from Manzaulllo ESJS that a lette recelted by the agents of the Pacific Mai here states that tv.o women and one man Americans and Collma passengers landed a Naragastilla , fifty miles southeast from Man zanlllo on May 28 , and hate been nursei by the Indians They are now on mules o their way here. The story la corroboratei by A. Daana Martima , the customs cole"to ! at Manzanlllo. Rata and cockroaches killed by million Kith Steirn' Electric Paite ; ZCe. ffopjrlijht ISM ! > J Inlncr lti < hcllort CHAPTER V The emperor had committed hlnuelf 10 ly care The emperor was dead Thn'i- ere the two thought * which clangd In m\ icad until 1 had no room for an ) o her onei lo had co in o with me nnd he was dead 1 lad done what he lad ordered when living had revenged htm wht-n dead But what f all that ? The world would look upon in * s responsible. The ) mlqht even look upon 10 as the a 3acsln What could I prote' Vhat witnesses had I * Might I not hate een the accomplice of these wretches' YPS of , I was ctc-nally dishonoroJ the lowes * nosl de'plcable creature In all France. This , lien , was the end o ( rtiy fine military ambl- lens , of the hopes of in ) mother 1 laughed Itterly at the thought. And what was 1 o do now * Was I to go Into rontalnebleau 0 wake up the palace , and Ho Inform them hat the great emperor had been murdered vlthin a pace of me I could not do It no could not do it ! There was but one course or an honorable gentleman whom fate had ) laco3 in EO cruel a position I would fall ipon m ) dishonored sword and eofhare , since rould not atert. the empsror's fate 1 10 e llth ni ) nerves strung to this Inpt piteous eed and as I did so m > cea fell up.n EOIIIP- hlng which struck the breath from mj lips The uuperor was standing before me He was not more than ten ) ards oft , with ho moon shining straight upon his cold pale acp He wore hip gray ove-coat , but the lend was turned back and the front open , 5.0 hat I could see the green coat of the GuUcs and the white breeches His hands were clasped behind his back , and hl chin sunk orward upon his breast in the way that was isual with him ' Well , " said lie , In hi * hardest and most abrupt toice , "vvha ( account do ) ou give o' ) oursclf" I believe that If he had stood In silence or another minute my brain would have given wa ) But those sharp , military ac cents were exactly what I neided to bring mete to niself Liting or dead , hetc was the emperor standing before me , and risking me questions I sprang to the salute "You hate killed one , I p e , " said he , jerk- ng his head toward the beech. "Yes. sire " "And the other escaped * " "No. sire , I killed him also " "What1" ho cried "Do I understand that ) ou hate hilled ttvm both' " He approached me as he spske , with a smile , which set his eyes and tefth gleaming In the moonlight. "One body lies there , sire , " I answered , "the o'her Is In the toolhouse at the quarrj " "Then the brothers of Ajjccla are i o more , " lie cried , and , after a pause "The shadow tias passed me foreter" Then he belt for ward and laid his hand upon ni ) Fhoulder "You have done tery well , in ) ) oung friend " said he "You hate llteJ up to ) our reputation " He was flesh and blood , then this emperor 1 could feel the little plump palm that rested upon me And ) et I could not g t over what I had seen with in ) ovtn ers and so I stared at him with such bewilderment that he broke once more Into one of his smiles "No no Monsieur Gerard , " sa'd ' If0 , "I am not a ghost , and ) ou hate not seen me killed You will come here and all will be clear to you " He turned as he spoke and led the way toward the great beech stump The bodies were still lying upon the ground , and two men were standing beside them As we approached I saw from the turbans that the ) were Roustem and Mustafa , th two Mameluke bod-servants The emperor paused when he came to the gray figure upon the ground , and turning back the hood which shrouded the features , he showed a face which was tery different from his own "Here lies a faithful Bert ant , who has ; lten up his life for his master" said he ' Monsieur de Gondln resembles me in figure and in manner , as jou must admit " What a delirium of Joy came upon me when these few words made everthing clear to me He smiled again as he saw the de light which urged me almost to throw my arms around him and to embrace him , but he- moved a step aw a ) , as If he had divined ni ) impulse "You are unhurt' " he asked "I am unhurt sire But in another mlnuto I should In m > despair" "Tut , tut1" lie Interrupted "You did very well He should himself hate been more on his guard I saw everything which passed" "You saw It sire' " "You did not hear me follow you through the wood , then' I hardly lost sight of ) on from the moment that ) ou left ) our quarters until poor ile Gondln fell The counterfeit emperor was In front of jou and the real one behind You will now escort me back to the palace ' He whispered an order to his Mamelukes who saluted In silence and remained where they were standing Tor my part , I fol lowed the emperor with my pelisse bursting with pride My word , I hate alwab carried The rmiKror was islanutnK bt-fjre me in > self as a hussar Ehuuld , but Lasalle lilm- self never gtrutt d and swung his dolman as I did that night' Who should clink his spurs and clatter his saber If It were not I 1 , FJtlcnne Gerard the confidant of the em peror , the chosen swordsman of the light cataliy , the man who slew the tvould-be assassins of Napoleon , nut he noticed my bearing and turned upon me like a blight "Is that the way to carry yourself on a secret mission " he hissed , wltli- that cold glare In his eyes ; "is It thus that you will make your comrades believe that nothing re markable has occurred Have done with this nonsense , monsieur , or you will find yourself transferred to the sappers , where you would hate harder work and duller plumage " That was the way with the emperor If ever he thought that any one might have a claim upon him he took the first opportutiltj to show him the gulf that lay between. I saluted and was silent , but 1 must confess to jou that It hurt mo after all that had passed betttecn us He led on to the palace , where we passed through the side door and up Into his own cabinet There were a couple of grenadiers at the staircase , nnd their eyes started out from under their fur caps , I promise you , when they saw a joung lieutenant of hussars going up to the emperor's room at midnight I stood by the door , as I had done In the afternoon , while ho flung himself down In an armchair , and rcmatnrd silent so long that It seemed to me that ho had forgotten all about me. I ventured at last upon a blight cough to remind him. "Ah. Slonnleur Gerard , " laid he. "You are tery curious , DO doubt , as to the mean ing of all thlr. " 'I am quite content sire If It U jour pleasure net to tell me" I answered "Ta ta , ta. " said he Imratleutl ) Then" are only words Tie moment that you * re outside that door jou would b-giii mailing Inquiries about wlial it all nn n In two days jour bret ter officers woulJ knrvv ab ut It , In thrte daj > it tvcuH b all r\T I\n talnebleau and It would be In Par.s en IV fourth. Nou , If I tell jou enough to up. a c jour curiosity there In some rcasonab'p hop that you may be able to Keep the matter to joiirplf HP did not understand me this empsror , and vet I could enl > bow and be silent 'A few words will make It clear to you , " said he , speaking terj swiftly and pacing up and down the room "Thej were Corsl- cans thi e two men I hnd known them in in > jouth We hid belonged to the same nocletj Hrothcrs of AJarcln. as we called ourselves U was founded In the olJ Paoll dajs , jcu understand , nnd wo had some strict rules of our own which were not In fringed with Impunlts " A terj grim look1 came oter his face UK ho spoke , and It seemed to me that nil that was I'rcnch had. gnne out of him , nnd that It was the purs Corslcan , the man of strong passions and o ! strange revenges , who stood before me. Hla memory had gone Lack to those early dajs cf his. and for five minutes , wrapped In thought , he paeed up and down the room with his quick little tiger steps Then with an Impatient wave of his hands bo came back to his palace and to me. "Tho rults of such a socletj' , " he con tinued , "are all very well for n private citizen In the old dajs there was no more IOJA ) brother than I lint clrcumstnncei change , and It would be neither for m > wel fare nor for that of Prance that 1 should now submit mjself to them The ) wanted to hold mo to It , nnd EO brought their InU upon their own hcaJs "These were the two chiefs of the order , and thej had come from Corsica to summon "You cann il fl < > that ' said the emptror "you wen. a lleulemnt then me to meet them at the spot which they named I knew what such a summons meant. No miui had cter returned from obeying one. On the other hnnd , if I did not go , I was sure that disaster would follow I am n brother mjself jou renumber and I Know their ways ' Again there came that harden ing of his mouth and cold flitter of his eyes. "You percelte mv dilemma. Monsieur Gerard , " said he "How would jou hate acted jourself unicr such circumstances' ' " "Giten the word to the Tenth Hussars , sire , " I cried. "I'atrols could hate swept the woods from end to end and brought these two rascals to jour feet " He smiled , but he shook hla head "I had tery excellent reasons why I did not wish them taken alive , " said he. "You can understand that an assassin's tongue might be as dangerous a weapon as an as sassin's dagger I will not dl'gulse from you that I wished to at old scandal at all cost That was tvhj I ordered jou to take no pistols with jou That also Is why my Mamelukes will remote all traces of the affair , and nothing more will bi heard about it"I "I thought of all possible plans , and I am cent Inccd that I selected the best one Had 1 sent more than one guard with De Gondln Into the wpods then the brothers would not hate appeared They would not change their plans or miss their chance for the sake of a single man It was Colonel Lasalle's accidental presence at the moment when I received the summons which led to my choaslng ono of the hus ars for the mis- slon I selected you , Monsieur Gerard , be cause I wanted a man who could handle a sword , and who would not pry more dpp'y hfto the affair than I desired I trust that l-i this respect jou wilt gratify my choice as well as you have done In jour bravery and skill' "Sire , " I answered , "you may rely upon it" "As long as I live , " said he , "you will netcr open your lips upon this subject , " "I dismiss It entirely from my mind , slfe. I will efface it from my recollection a If It had nnver been I will promise jou to go out of your cabinet at this moment exactly as I was when I entered It at * o'clock" "You cannot do that , " said the emperor , smiling "You were a lieutenant at that time You will permit me , captain , to wish jou a tery good night" ( The End ) j.rri'.ci or J'lti.n OMAHA , Juno 12 To the Editor of The Hep u is BO pers.Etently and positively proclaimed and trumpeted by the 1C to 1 free tihcr people that the opening of our mints to their pet metal on equnl terms with gold will at once cause coins of both metals to circulate at par all over the United States and the bullion value of both to equalize to the 1C to 1 point everywhere , that It might be well to Inquire if they hate not greatly underestimated the strength and ent rely misunderstood the nature of the op posing forces It Is entirely correct to ray that against their "unlimited demand" for Ellter nt our mint they will arouse an unlimited demand for gold cterjwhere cUc. Ilut while the unlimited demand for silver will consist only in an unlimited opportunity to change the form of that metal free of cxpen e , end shove It off on Borne luckless creditor at double Its value , the unlimited demand for guld nlll mean business It will mean that goods and propertj of every description will be offered In exchange for It on as favorable If not more favorable ternii than ever be fore Silver Is property equally with any other metal or thing In the universe , and th * result of free coinage tvould be a probable tcmporar ) fall In Its price. Instead of a rise , as fondly hoptd The opposition vlll Include otery gold standard couiitrj In the world , and the entire - tire hanking , debtor and commercial classes of every diver ttamlard country as well. Doubling ellver suddenly , or In a short time. In the latter countries would throw their business Interests Into the utmoit confusion , If Indeed it would not result In very severe commercial distress Their circulating currencies being silt or , would at once double In effective purcbailng power , but not debt-paying power One ef fect , strange to relate , v ould be the big lurk of the foreign bondholder He would be right In it , without any effort cr expectation on his ovn part The silver countries don't teem to be worrying tery much however , notwithstand ing the great effnrU Mr Urjan and his as sociates teem to be putting forth The only fear thej hate Is that some few of the \ery large and Increasing number of their citi zens who hate business relations with tills country may not be able to pull out In time to save themselves from the final squeeze which li sure to come should we cter At tempt to put the free coinage Idea Into ef fect , and the mulling bad effect such lossei and failures will have upon their own busi ness lntere > ts at home C. T > rrniu IVopIo And those who are all tired out nnd hav that tlrel feeling or sick headache cnn be rclloted of a I those symptoms by taking Hood B Sart-iiiarllU , which gives nerve , mental and bed ! ' ) ktrtniUh and thoroughly pirlfioi the bl ) Od U alRo creates a good nr ; > tlte cuns ItrfiKceUori , heartburn And dje.cp la. I * 'is n 's lire uagy to t&ke , cany tn * lien n (1 euro in effect. 2 c.