Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAFLY IIKE : Till'lHDAY , JUXE 13 , 181)5.
Weak Chide * uud Ealn Influences Onased
Whsat to Decline ,
Home Rxport IIiiilncM Reported from the
BtAto Itonrtl nnil , TIiotiRli It : Uior n Small
Qunntlty , It Win IViUurn lu
HtilU * 1'itvor.
CHICAGO , June 12.-Wliefit dropped , duo
to Influence by the ralnst , wrnk cable * anil
Kencrat prullt taking. Corn closed ? ( . lower ,
oats ' o lower nnd provision ) ! at moderate
decline. ; .
Tlie ruin In tills region , which cnme In
ocprc"H contradiction of the signal Fervlc-o. the liillucncc under which wheat opened
qulto weak nnd from He to ? tc below _ _ ycs-
tetdiiy's prices. July sold at from 73tfcc
ilcwn to 73Hc , with n Kreat deal for nlo by
ono or two heavy communion houfcw nnd
n demand for It all by the local tulrnt. The
liutcr inude a rapid chniiKc of front brforo
tv/o minutes of the ncsslon had puwj-ed and
proceeded to throw over the wheat thny
boUKht at thn pturt. A di-cllno to73'4c ,
with roino Kiles ) ui low n 70'ic , reculted
from the local selling referred to. It beKnn
to crop up ufter that , und In the course of
half nn hour It had touched SO'df. ' The rise
wns due to Information of u reliable ; char
acter ri-Bardlnff the Htatim of the California
rrop , which It Is now wtnbllMied ha l ; c-n
ilaniaKnl by rust to ri ei-rlous extent. Tlio
northwvHtcrn rccolptB wen101 rars at Mln-
imapolla nnd Uiiltuli , compatnd with 2J i on
tlio correspdiidlnB day of the year before.
The cxpoitB ofheat and llfttr from the
principal Atlantic ports were cmnl enough
not to bo worth m ntlonlnK. li.OM bu. rotn-
prlBln all the wheat ami l.i'JO ' bblB. was the
extent of thrHour. . Unltlmoris claimed to
ba within woiklni ? llmlta on some whctt
for expott. HepurlH from Missouri and
Ohio continue to reduce previous estimates
of the expected yields. Fields whli-h ten
dnya HBO ptoml. cd elKht to ten bu. per
ncro tire now considered either entirely val
ueless or promlsliiK not over llvu bu. per
nri-o. Diiltilh reported 125,000 bu. of cash
wheat cold thc-ie G5.000 bu. of It for export
nnd the remainder to n winter wheat
miller. The Liverpool mitrkct wan nulet ,
easier and ' 4d lower. 1'arls , unchanKcd for
wheat but a trllle higher for Hour , and
liurlln up from IVj to iVi marks. The innr-
Itet hero became very weak nnd by 10:40 :
o'clock July wheat wns down to 7'fc ! ) , nnd
after it rally of He It sold nt 79c , from
which there wns another He recovery , fol
lowed by a fresh decline. The most fre-
rmcnt remark heard on the lloor was that
n w wheat would bo available In n short
time , and that would clop all mciulry from
rountry millers nt Chicago , St. Ixiuls , To
ledo and Detroit. The price kept stub
bornly close to 73c up to 12 o'clock , but
after that sold down rapidly until It touched
78VaC. Then there was n moderate rally ,
thn close belns ut 7SMe. ,
Corn , which was thought to have been
benefited to n vast extent by the recent
Kencral rnlnp , wns weak. There wns some
xport business rciwrtcil from the state
board , amounting to twenty-seven boat
loads a Fmall matter , but un Item In
favor of the bulls. The local receipts were
331 cars. July opened at fror * D0c to roc ,
recovered to filc , declined to from 50c to
D0',4c ' and closed nt 50r ; r.
Another active day wns passed In the
oats market. The rain of the last twenty-
four hours started the decline nnd the
weakness In wheat nnd corn was nlso ac
countable for gome assistance. Ualdwln-
Fnrnum were said to have sold a heavy
line they had for Wall street parties. Sep
tember ranged from 30'jc to Klfte , resting at
from 23Ho to 23-liC.
The provision market wns heavy In tone
and dull as to the amount of trade. 1'ork
started with n loss-In value of Tic , declined
another loc nnd nwictra" Gc\ closing with a
net loss of lf > c. Lard dropped Go of Its pre-
VOIIH | value nnd rlbH about an equal
amount. The hog receipts were 20,000 head.
The decline was mainly through sympathy
with the weakness In grain.
Estimated receipts for Thursday : Wheat ,
20 cnrs ; corn , 170 cars ; oats , ISO cars ; hogs ,
20,000 hrnd.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. I Opiii. | HItli. | Law. | doix
Whcnt.No. 2
July " 78K3H ,
Sept. . . . . . . BUJJOH
Coin No.U. .
Juno eou cow en
July. 88' r > \n
Kept 61H
Onls No. ' . ' . . .
Juno 30 2 ! ) > i
July 30 2 ! ) *
Sopl 30 ' 'Oh
Pork nor bbl
July 12 BO 12 no 12 33 12 40
Sept 12 77K 12 74 ! 12 US 12 70
July 0 B7W 0 Wi 0 65 n 67M
Sept 0 77H 0 60 0 77H 0 77H
Shorl nibs-
July 0 SO 0 SO 0 27W 0 27K C SO o Ml 0 43 Q .174
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOI'll Steady , unchanged ; winter patents
$3.9004.20 ; winter straights , $3.40J3.90 : spring
patents , tl.004.35 ; spring straights , S3,10 1.00
bakers. $2.10ff3.30.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 7S'iflSlHc ; No. !
spring , nominal ; Nn. 2 red , 78M79c.
CORN No. 2. EUliQ50 > ; c ; No. 3 yellow. 40c.
OATS No. 2. 2Uic ; No. 2 white , 32',3if3214c ;
No. 3 white , 32132'ic.
RYE-NO. 2. esc.
CHARLEY No. 2 , 12V&063C ; No. 3 , C2SJ53c ; No. 4 ,
"FLAX SEED NO. i , $1.45.
TIMOTHY SEED Prime , t5.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $12.30012 40
Lard , per 100 Ihn. , $6 4Ii.ififi.50. Short ribs , sides
loose , ! G.2 < ) ! SG.2.r > ; dry Baited shoulders , boxed
$5.371495.50 ; short clear Hides , Ixixcd , JC.WfC.G2'i
WHISKY Distillers' finished Koods , per gut !
H nil All Unchanged.
The followlni ; were the receipts nnd shipment !
today :
On tlio I'roliiu .
exclmuo to.lav the butter mar
ket waa Bteady : creamery. 10 < tl7Ko : dairy. 10
Ibc. KireB. Bteadyj IHlllljc. Cliouao , lJ4W7 ! c.
Qnntatlcmi on tliu Com-
miilltlo ( unit ' Inplei.
NEW YORIC. June 12.-FI.OtIR-Recelpts. 13 ,
00 bblP. ; exiwrts , 1.200 Lbls. ; sales , IS.&W-pkBS
market lower to sell on many grades , but heli
steady on better brnnda. Winter patents , JI.W
4.43 ; winter straights , J3.80 4.15. Rye Hour
itriulfi sales , 4SO bbls. ; fancy , J4.4Jff4.W.
. CORN MEAL . null ; yellow western , S1.17ill.l !
- _ - - - . - . . - . - - - . - . , m . . * . . . , . , v. , M.1.11
15-40 dellveii'd.
Options were weakened by gen
crous rains west and consequent Improved ere
news. Ix > cal houses nnd the country mill frel
nnd foreigners put out some wlu-at early. Th
result wns n 22'.ie | break and a heavy close. Th
only bull features were reports of too muc
lain In Fnmce , Ilerlln cables , and les
favorable news from California ; No. 2 red June
\viiUc un tulk of enormous crops , iiteadler o
Kmeihoppcr n-Kirts | nnd light receipts , bu
finally decllne < l with wheat , cioced Ti5ilc lowei
July , S5'keS5Hc. clos l 63'ie ; September. SO'iii
D7e. closed S6 ic.
. OATS--Receipts. ! , . . . JCA IU _ , \ 1 . . . . . 4C.FOO . . . bu. * fAt ; - exports , . none :
33o ; September 32if33\c ? , Vlose
J2'c ,
HOPS 8l ady ; state , common to choice old
3WV ; ; 1S94 , 405Ci 1'acltlo conel , old , 3J5c ; lb l
'HIDES Strong ; wet salted New Orleans , so
lecied. 45 lo 65 Ibs. , 6'ic. nominal ; Texas ! t
! > < cted. 50 to W Ibs. . 7c. nominal ; Huenos Ayre'
dr > ' . 20 to 21 Ibs. , I5c , nominal ; Texas , dry. :
lo SO Ibs. . loC12c ,
LEATHER Firm ; hemlock , Ruenos Ayrei
light to heavy weight. 2C23c ; acid , 2lj2lc.
WOOI < Firm ; domestic fleece. 16fi'2Sc ; pullci
PROVISIONS Reef.qulet ; fnrnlly , $11.50ifl3.0i
extra , $8.SO ; beef hams , $19.WHM.W ; city. f\li
India incus. $17.00JT1 ! > .IH > . Cut meats , steadj
pickled l > ellle . $5.75 6.23 ; ptckhil shoulderl
I5.25ff5.50 , I inl , lower ; wentern stenm clou ,
at tti.TO asked ; sales , IS ) ttcrcra at I6.&r > ( ol
pkgs. ) ; city nt $8.2006.25 ; June closed $0.70 nani
nnl , July , $6.15 nominal ; September , $7.05 nom
rial , refined , quiet. l\irk , dull.
Rl'TTER Sti-ady ; western dairy , 9fll4 <
western creamery , lllilSo ; western fnctoo' . 8' '
12c ; Elglns , ISo : Imitation creamery , llfJ15 <
vtBte ilnln * . 1U(17c ; ttate creamerISc. .
CHEESE Firm ; large , 5fl7Uc ; small , 5HS7i <
| \iirt iklms , 2G4'.ic ; full skims , HJlHc.
EQOS Irregular ; itnte mid Pi msylvanli
ll'ic ; weitein fresh , lzU613Hc ; rvcelpts , 9,5
pkk' .
RICE Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4HOG14' '
Jaiuin. JHIilc.
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , open kcttl
gund to choice. 2Sf/32c.
TALLOW Easier ; city ( $2 per pkg. ) . 4H <
country ( pkK , free ) , 4Hc.
ROHIN--Quk-t ; itralneO , common to good , ll.U
Tl RPENTINE-Slendy. .
I'ETROLEUM-Weak. I'nlled rlonnl at 11,41
bid ; rtttned New York , 7.C5 ; Philadelphia u
li.ilMni-ir.v J7.CO , Phllnilclpht.i nnd Ii.nlllmorc. In
bulk r 10. I
PKANt.'T.IFrmj ! fancy h&ndplckrd , 8-4ff4ci
otheii > . Si.iOA'tC. '
MtTAI.S ; Pit ? lion , tlindyi American. JIO.Mffl
12.75. 1'opper. dlpody ; brokris' pricr , JU'.M ; ex-
cluiiKe pi lie , II'i.fA Lrnd , ftinnc ; brokers' price ,
1X1211,1 , FXllinM.'o price , I3.27'.i. ' Tin , llrtn ;
slriiliht ; * , tn.DJ ; lilatcii , nuilket nulet. fii ltrr.
linn ; clomMllc. | S.iO ; el-s on 'chnnite , Is tons
tin , Jll ; IS Ions September tin , 14 ; IS
Ions Otttiber tin. $14 ; 15 tmi November tin , $14 ;
15 lorm Di-cimlier tin , til : IS tons July tin , til.
fOTlON SEED OIIHolds Im own on a fnlily
noo-l d < > mniid , imitly for i-xport ; choicer grndrs :
hnvo the host call ; prices unchanged : prime
s-.immt-r y llow , mostly for cxpurl , nt > ifi27llc ,
and IVt. } \ . of fiimnwr yellow at 27)jc ) ; market
cl'-scj tatiicr fiini. * . . .
Coiidllliin nf Trndo unit ( Jiiatitlon on
M | ile nnil Fnticy Proilttcc ,
The rpcclp'.n of eggs nro not large ami yd any
attempt to fureo the prices higher results In nn
lu-'unmhitl'm of stock. For some little time the
murkfl IMS lemalnrd In the same notch , with
out nny mntciliil chnnnc. Quotations :
KnOH-Choice stock , lOc.
IIL'TTEH Piicklim "lock. Be ; choice to
fancy , loiFI2c ; ( talhercd country , lie ; K-paratoi
rruunery , 14c. . _
LIVE I'Ot'LTRY Hons. GSZC c ; roosters , 3J
4c ; spring ihlckens , J2.001)3.10 ) per doz. ; ducks ,
Sc ; tuikpyn. ic ; ; geese. 5c. . . .
VEAL-Ch"lce fnt , 70 to 100 Ibs. . ore quoted nt
G fJ7c : bilge nnd couisc. 41t5i c.
CHEESE WlrcuoMn full cream. 9c ; Aouna
Amcrlrnns. 10c ; twins , lie : Nebraska nnd town.
ill crcnnt , IDc ; Nebraska nn > ! ! owa , part Bklms ,
l7r ; Llmbnrger , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ;
HAY Upland hay. 18.50 ; midland , } 8 ; lowland ,
.50 ; ryn strnw. $5 : color makes the price on
ijLlKht bales Bell the best. Only top grades
rlnit top prices.
PIC-EONS-Per doz. . ll.tOfll.BO.
CAULIFLOWER-Southern stock , per crate ,
ONIONSRcrmudns , per crnte , tl.COfll.CO ; Cnl-
ninla. In sacks , per In. , if. _ „
POTATOES Western stock , car lots , 70,5c ;
mall Mr. 75fcSOc ; new , per bu. . "Ic.
OLD REANS Hand picked , navy , $2.20 ; Lima
wm . P-r lb. ,
CAIIII.\riI' outers , 3c.
BPINAi'H P < r bu. l ii > ket ,
RAIilHIIEH Per doz. bunches , loc.
ORFiN : ONIONS Per dnz. bunches , 610c.
LETTI'CE 1'er clo * , MB30c.
ASPARAOUS Choice stock , on orders , 30 < 3 < 0o
er dni ! . bunt'hes. '
PIE PLANT Per lb. , ; fllc.
C'I'CI'MHERS On orders , 40SJOC per doz.
PEAS On orders , per tjrlni. box , 60iICOc.
STRINO ItEANS-On orders , ' .4-bu. box , CO ®
: rc.
TOMATOES Florida Mock , per 6-basket crate ,
13 : per 4-baKkrt cafe , J1.75.
WAX IlEANS-On orders , per H-bu. box , 75SJ
Oc ; bu. boxes. t2.
TEXAS SQt'AHH Per dnz. , on orders , 40ff30c.
There were two mole cnrs of Oregon strnw-
ierrlos In th" market today. The local demand
s Kood and the berries are KollliiB at very
iatlsfnctory prices. The arrivals , however.
luiliiK the pant few days have been BO larRp
hat It hits been necebsary let Job BOIII * * of the
x'rrloM and a i"o < l many have been shipped
o Sioux City. Lincoln nnd other surroumllni ;
Itles nnd towns.
The blnckberrles rcc lved yesterday were In
teller condition lor Bhlpplii ! ; .
The ( juullty of the rnfpboriics was not very
The secretary of the Lake Erie association
vrltes : We arc Inclined to think that the
"eports In the pre. s Just following the fieeze
hut shuck us the evcnlni ; of May 12 ( the only
nc dnlnu any damaBc ) were rntlicr overdraxvn.
Tery conservative estimates plncnd the srape
rep dani.iKe at M per cent. Owing to n larpoly
ncrensitl acreage nf vines comlnt ? into full
jfarlni ; In this Immediate \lclnlty this season
ive do not anticipate any particular fulllnR off
n the sii | > ply at this point , but the cntltc belt
ictween Eiie nnd Uuffalo will fall far short of
n nvernKo yield under present Indications.
quotations :
APRICOTS California , choice slock , per box ,
: .ro. ,
HOFTHERN PEACHES Per "i-bu. box. Jl.
APPLES Snuiliern. per i.i-bu. box , Jl.
8TRAW1IERRIES Choice shipping Block , per
ane of 24 nl - , tl.23.
CHERRIES California , black , per 10-lb. box ,
' 1.35 ; Rnynl. per box , Jl.M ) .
OOOSEIIBRR1ES 1'fr 24-qt. case , $2.00J2.23.
SOt'THERN CHERRIES Per 24-ql. case , S2.25.
HLACIC RASPI'.ERRIES Oood slock , per 21-pt.
as. . . . * 2 ; per 21-ut. ease. f3.M.
RLAfKRERIHES Choice stock , per 24-qt.
'nse ' , $3.50.
ORANGES Navels , per box , none ; choice
leedllnRs , per box , } 5.2" > fi2 " 0 ; Mediterranean
iweels. J3.2.1 ; fancy St. MU-haels , tl.23.
LEMONS Extra fancy lemons. 300 size , $5.50 ®
: .00 ; SOO size , 5C.OOffl6.50.
HANANAS Cliolce shipping etock , per bunch ,
PINEAPPLES-Pcr doz. , JI."jS2.23 , according
> size.
FIQS-Fnncy , 15c ; choice. 1213c : California ,
bags , 7c.
1IONEV Cnllfornln. 145J15C.
MAPLE SYRUP Oallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ;
nixbv , 5-gal. cans , $3.
Nl'TS Almonds. 14c ; English walnuts , soft-
shlpd. | . lie ; standards. He ; filberts , 9c ; Urasll
nuts , 8c ; pecans , 9c.
DATES In 60 to 70-lb. boxes. 60 per lb. ; fard
dates , tic per lb.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J3. half bbl. , J3.
COCOANl'TS ' PIT bundled , t4.00.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , S'ic ; No 2 green
ildes , Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides , Oc ; No. 2
green salted hide * , SVfcc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to U
His. , S ? 10c ; No. 2 venl calf. 8 to 13 Ibs. , 12c ,
No. 1 dry Hint hides. 10JJ12c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides.
0c ; No. 1 dry sailed hides , lOo ; parljy cured
iildrs. Ho per lb. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green palled , each , 23iUCOc ;
green called shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
each. G015c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , DBlOc ; dry shearlings ( short
wooled early bklns ) . No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry Mini
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , pei
pound , actual weight , GftSc ; diy Hint Knnsns anil
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , aclunl
weight , 4&Cc ; dry Illn * Colorado butcher woo ]
; > elt , per pound , actual weight , 4fG ! c ; < lr >
Hint Colorado murrlan wool pelts , per pound ,
actual welghl , 4JCc. Have feet cut off , as It li
useless lo pay freight on them ,
TALLOW AND OIlEASE-No. I tallow , 4',1 ]
4c ; No. 2 tallow , CVj rlc ; grease , while A , 4Si
4Uc : grease , while H. 3Vic ; grease , yellow , 2HO
3c ; grease , daik , 2VJc ; old butter , 2W2'ic ; bees
wax , prime , 17ftN20c ; rough tallow , ic.
WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy , 6 70 ; fln <
light , SflOc ; quarter-blood , 10S712C ; seedy , buirj
nnd chaffy , Siifle ; cotted nnd broken , coarse. 74
Oc ; celled nnd broken , tine , CBSe.
WOOL , WASHED Medium , ISIHSc ; nne , llfj
ICc ; lub wnslied , 16flSc : black. Sc ; bucks , Co
lag locks , 2SSc ; dead pulled. SgCc.
Wool Murker.
ST. IXDPIS , June ll-WOOL-Qulct , but nrm
Missouri , Illinois , etc. , fancy combing , l&c ; comb
Ing nnd cloth. HifeiftUHc ; medium. 14c ; conrsi
nnd brnld. lIUWH c ; light , line. He : heavy , tine
S'.bHOc ; Kansas and Nebraska , medium , 11ftl3c
llKht , fine , 7fi8c ; heavy , nne , Mite ; Texas , Ar
kansas and Indian lerrllory , full nnd eprlng
meillum , lOfilOc ; coarse nnd low , SfflOe ; Hshl
line , imilOe ; heavy , line , CifSc : Dakota , Wyoming
etc. . Oj12c ; conrw > nnd low , 7fiSc ; light , tine , 74
Sc ; heavy , line , StfCe ; tub wabhed , 20c ; fair , 17 { ,
ISc : conrse nnd low. 13i15c.
I1OSTON , June 12. The American Wool am
Cotton Repoiter will sny tomorrow of th < woo
trade : The market In Hoston Is stronger thnn I
was u forlnlEht ago. The sales for the week wll
make an aggregate of nearly 4.000,000 Ibs , Whlli
the demnnd has been pretty general , fine wool :
coming In fur a shaie , the Inquiry for mcdlun
nnd low stock , conrse , medium and quarter-blood ;
dCBfrved parllctilar attention. At least 2WO , >
Ibs. of iloniokttc stocks hnvo been moved slnci
last wei-k. This included a great amount o
territory , Texas nnd California , nnd moic thai
KOO.M ) Ibs. of scoured. Manufacturers are be
glnnliiK to manifest considerable Interest Ii
various kinds of stock. The trntllc In forelgi
wool , though not In volume nuitu up to tin * las
week's record , nevertheless makes n very gnoi
Hln.wlnK. Auslrullnn nnd Cape lines arc belni
Ittken In large sized lols. und several hundiri
thousand pounds of carp1 ! wool has chanirei
hands. The sales of the week amount to 2.i70.j !
Ibs. domestic nnd l.CS,000 Ibs. foreign , making i
total of 3 , $32,744 lh . . against n total of 3.115 00
Iba for the previous week nnd n total of 2.1M.OO
Ibs. for the coriespondlng week last year. Th
wiles Flnce January 1. UK3 , amount to 73.CS7.21
Ibs. , against 53,077,700 Ilia , a year ago.
t otliiii .Murker.
NEW YORK. Juno 12. COTTON-Qulet ; mid
dllnir. " 7 ! c ; nel receipts , none ; gross , 4,112 bales
exports to Orent Itritaln , 3.727 biilis ; to the con
tlnnnl. 593 bales ; forwarded. l.SCO bales : sale
1.2.V ) bales ; splnnrrs , 250 tiales ; stock , 2I9.3C3 bale ;
Futuies closed quiet nnd steady ; enles , 91 , lie
bales ; January. t7.32 ; Ffbumry. $7.32 : Marcli
17.42 ; June. t7.CS ; July. t7.10 ; August , t7.13 ; Sep
tember , J7.17 ; AUKUSI , t7.K ; December. 17.27.
middling , 7c ; low middling. C'ic ; good ordinal- }
0 r-lCc ; net rwelpts , 116 balrs ; gro s. 117 Imlei
exports to Oreal Ilrllnln , 2.COO bales ; coaslwtst
l.toi bales ; sales , 000 bales ; flock , 13S.045 bales.
ST LOL'IS. June 12.-cOTTON-Qulet ; no Bale
rrporteil ; receipts , 2CT bales ; bhlpments , 1,1 !
bales ; stock , ,590 bales.
llnltlimiro ( irnin .MnrltPts.
RALTIMORE. June 12. FLOt'R-Qulet , ur
cliungcd : receipts , 5,592 bbls. ; shlpmenls , K
bbls. ; rales , 726 bbls.
WHEAT Weak ; siwt nnd month , 79'ifi'70Uc
July. kOliesoiic ; August , SlSl | > ic ; Septembei
SlH-fiSI'ic ; sleamer. No. S red , 7 ' J7CV4c ; iloeV
4DO.OT l i. ; sales , 4C.OOO bu. ; soulhern wheat , b
sample. toflSJc ; s-mthern wheat , on grade , 77flSl >
XlRNVak ; spot nnd month. 55iff5aHc ; Julj
NfMu'le ; receipts , 50,730 bu. ; stock , 421. 32S bu ,
sales , ! > 8.00) bu. ; southern white corn , We ; soulli
ern yellow , W4T57C.
OATS- Firmly held ; No. 2 western , 374C3Se !
No. 2 mixed , 34'ic asked.
RYE-yulet ; No. 2. 70c.
NEW YORK. June 12. StTOAR-Raw , eoslei
fair rf lining , 2'xc ; centrifugal , M test , 3 5-lf <
ales , 2,900 bojrs centrifugal , t'O ' lest , nt 3 6-16c
1,700 tons and 1,740 hags Muscovado , (9 test , ( i
27 , c ; 3,224 IHIKII molasses sugar , S'J test , at 2"l (
refined , moderately active ; No , 7. 3 15-lN 4te !
No. 8. S IMCfll M6c ; No. 9. 3 13-168 Ic ; No. ll
3 ; & 3 15-16e : No. 11 , 3 H.lGj31 c ; No , 12 , S 9-1W
S'jc ; No. 13 , JKc ; off A , 4 l-l 4Sc ; mold Jt
t ll-K ? 4lc ; rlandartl A. 4 7-16tI4 > , c ; conf
flonere' A , 4 5-16Q4Hc ; cut lonf , 5 l-16&5' c
cru hed , -16fr5Uc ; powdered , 4i6l 15-1C <
Kranuluted , 4 7-16tMHc ; cubes , 4 H-lCQ4Hc. > oie * .
ROSTON. June 12-Clearlngs , tl7,1SISW ; ba
aioes , 12,637,219.
ROSTON. June 12. Clearings , 117,151,816 ; La
ancen. $2,637.219 ,
HALTIMORE. June 12. Clearing ) , 12,602.99 ]
balances , $370,674.
PHILADELPHIA. June 12.-Clearlncs , til , S3 1
37K ; Ulanrri. t22S.5C9.
CHICAGO. June It-Clearings. | 15,413 , < XK
Uonvy , iiiX. per cent on tall ; 5' 'u per cent o
tlnm. New York exchange , 2Sc r mlum. Sterling
exchange , posted rales , fl.DO nnd I4.W.
BT IXt'I8. June It ClearlnKS , $ lSS , S81i l < ol
nnw . t620. 49. Money. 5ff6 per cent. New York
exchange , Me premium bid.
WASHINGTON , June 12. Today's statement nf
the condition of the treasury shows : Avnllnbl
cash balance. $ I83C82,077j gold reserve , M,404,794.
NEW YORK , June 12-Tho Wcstem Union
TeltiTnph company has declared Its quarterly
dividend of 1'4 | "T cent , payable on July 15.
Clearings , 190,998. 6 balances , $6,117,87 ! ) .
Trndlnj Wns Quito Active In ( tie Security
.Mnrlicl Vi'dtcrdir.
NEW YORK. June 12. Trading was quite
active In the slock maiket today , but the up
ward movement was not quite so general In
character ns on yesterday. There was some
realizing , nnd the benr clcnwnt wns more ag
gressive , but still mast of Ihe lending stocks
show gains on the day. London operntcd on both
sides of the market , but chiefly ns a seller of St.
Paul nnd Louisville & Nashville. The grangers
were lought by commission houses nnd good
orders In these shares were roiwrtctl from Ihe
wesl. The markel opened slrong nnd moved up
a fraction In the early dealings ns to the active
list , while Susquelinnnn & Western rose 1 per
cent and Susquehnnna & Western preferred 3
per cent. Defore long , however , n realizing
movement set In and a reaction took place , In
which Susquehanna & Western preferred lost
l1 ! per cent , Sugar and General EU-ctilc I1 *
per cent , Chicago ft Eistrin Illinois nnd Colorado
Fuel 1 per cent nnd the other shares Haded In
"f % per cont. The lower HKUICH ntttactcd pur-
asers ami before noon vntues had again taken
in upward turn. The Impiovemcnl continued In
orce In the afternoon to Z o'cl ick , nl which time
IKI earlier tosses had hetti regained nnd n higher
langc of prices established ,
During Ihe last hour the market was Irregular.
Init In the main heavy. A tppiirt to the cffccl
lint n decision In the Distilling quo wairnnto
: asc wns lendetrd Hiherse lo Ihe company was
jlrculatid nn the exchange In the last Inilf hour
and ciitised a rnld on the stock , which fell Hi ,
| ier cent , with a final rally of * i per cent. Com
pared with the final wiles of yesterday , the
closing prices today nre IrifRUlnr , hut a greater
number of the shares dealt In MIOW gains
rnther ttmn losses. Thp market closed some-
vhal heavy in lone. The Ix id markel tcnlny
vus stnuiK nnd nnlmated with a wldo rnnite of
dealings. The aggregate sah-s went2,70SnO. ( .
The Evening Post's Lend in cablegram says :
The stock markets wore quid but tlrm ted > y.
The settlement was concluded. There were small
.ituiert , chiefly connected wllh the > Knlllrs.
mcrlcnns nre Inncllvi- but go.-nl , and especially
He ginngers on the crop report. Knllirs ale
showing a betler tone. There wns n rise In city
of New York bonds. The Rank of England Is
said to be buying , but II Is Impossible lo con-
nrm this. The rumors that the bank may reduce
Is rate of discount are discredited.
The following \\oro the cloning quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York exchange -
change today :
AtchUon 10K Northwestern HN'4
\dnniBKxpreS9. . . 1 IT. N. W. cfd 14B' ' {
Mtoil.T. R fll N. Y. Cuniral Id'.JS
Am. Express 11H N. Y. AN. R 44
laltlmore A Ohio. lll : Ontario A W
Janndi I'pclflo. . . . 84 Oregon Imp
Canada Southern. . Oreron Nar
Central Paclllc. . . . O. S. L A U. N. . . .
'lies. A Ohio I'.iclflo Mall
Chlc.iEO Alton 152 P. U. A E fiV ,
C. . n. A Q hCifi Plltsuurt167
Chlcaifo Ua 72H I'ullmaii Pal.tca. . 17i'H
Consolidated Gas. 147 ! - Kondlnir lir-4
' . .C. . C. A St. L. . . . 45 ' H. O. W 18
Colo. Coal A Iron. It. O. W. pfd 44
: otton Oil Cert. . . . Hock Island 71'
) clawaru A Hud. . St. Paul tirtK
) el. . Lick. A W. . . do pfd 1214
) .A H. O. pfd St. P. A Omaha. . . . : ) '
) .AC. P. CO 1HX dopfn 11(1 (
Krlo Southern Pacific. .
do nfd. ' ll'jflnory. . . . llN'i
'ortWnvne 187 Twin. Coil A Iron. 3'Jjj
J. Northern uM. . . lilllj Texas Pacific
3. .t K. I. nhl 1 ( ) ( ) ' < T. AO Cont. tif.l. . 7UX
locklnsr Valley. . . Union Pncllic '
lllnol * Oontrtl. . . U. 8. Express 40'
= t. P. A Uuluth . . . W. St. U A P 0
{ .A T. pfd ilontd 1074
, nki Erie A West i ! I Well * Kill ro Ex. . ins
do pfd hI : Wchtern Union . .
lake Shore Hh- < Wheeling A L. E. . 14U
.ead Trust MM. * ilonM
x > ulhvllleAN. . . . M. A Ft. L is' < -i
U A N. A " 0. A R. O 14 <
Manhattan Con. . . . MS" G. K 3f. 4
McmrjhlH.t C ' N. L I'll
Michigan Cent. . . . loi' C. F. A I
MIsRourl P.ieifle. . c.v
Mobile A Ohio. . . H. O .
ftiRhvlllGCIiat . . . T. A. A. & N. M. . . . BJ <
National Cordaja T. St. U , VK. C. . . . ll
docfd ( loptcl .
V. J. S. It. H .
N. A W. pfd donfd IH <
forth Am. ro. . . . Am. To ! ) . Cu .
Northern Paclllc. . SI rtopM . 11.1
No.Pac. pfd HUk St I' . . M. & M . 114
U.P. . D. AO 54
The total salfH of stocks today wi-re 33I.8O
share ? ; : American PiiRar , 26,000 : AtchIson -
Ison , 18.200 ; HurllnRton , 38,000 ; ChlcaRo Oas , 11.000
Cleveland , Columbus. ClilctiKO & St. IxUl9. 3C < X > ,
Distilling nnd CattlrfprdlnR , 27.SOO ; ijenoinl
niectrlc , 6.2CO ; Kansas & Texas preferred. 3.TCO ,
Lrfnilxvllle & Naolivllle , 9.COO ; Manhattan Con
solidated , 3,000 ; Missouri I'acinc , 6.600 ; New
Yolk , Susriuehanna it Wcstein , new. 3.SOO ; New
York , Husquchanna & Western pieferred , new ,
83W ( : Northwestern , 7,300 : I'acltio Mall , 0,509.
Uenilini ! . 14.400 ; Hook li-lnml. ll.MK ) ; Kt. 1'anl ,
40.700 ; Southern Hallroad , C. 00 ; Houlliern HH- | |
road preferred , 19,700 ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron.
9,701 ; Wabash preferred , 4,700 ; Western Union.
New York Mnniv .Market.
Easy , nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed ,
, 444 .
PARIS , June 12. Three per cent rentes , 102
70o for the account. Exchange en I/onJon , 3
Ho for checks.
LONDON' . June 12. Oolil Is quoted at Rueno
Receipts for Tbrco DsrfyLtont the Snmo as
for La&Wfcefc
lluslticii a Little MeTe Acllrn nnil Prices
About Stciuljr wltltjfrucidny Demand
for llo | { SlitUM Mp Sumo
mill I'rloff'uroUi
9 > U
WEDNESDAY , Juno 12.
Today's run of stock , consisted ot C91 cat
tle , 4,915 hogs , 1,109 Ftser > and 43 horses , as
against SC2 cattle , 6,304" * hogs yesterday nnd
73S cuttle , C.07S hofs and 450 sheep on
Wednesday of last week ,
The cattle run wns not much different
from that of a week ago so far us numbers
were concerned. While the receipts of hogs
were fairly liberal , they felt considerably
short of the large run on Wednesday of lust
For the week thus far the receipts amount
to 2,387 cattle , 11,372 hogs nnd 1,161 sheep , ns
against 1,998 cattle , 11,354 hogs and C'JS sheep
the Ilrpt half of last week.
CATTLE There were reported In the
yards today twenty-eight fresh loads of
cattle , as against thirty-one cars yesterday.
Among the offerings there was a little of
everything and not much , of anything. In
the way of beef cattle there were a few
pretty fair steers nnd gomo that were con
siderably less desirable. The market did
not show any material change from yester
day. The buyers picked up a few head of
cattle In the morning nnd Fomrcalcstnen
thought that the trade wns a little more
active than yesterday. Nearly all the sales
of stcerH were at $4.0 > J71.90.
There were a few loads of cows nnd
heifers which sold at about yesterday's
There was a little more doing In the
stocker nnd feeder division , but not enough
I0..1 Imlch of n "sore. One bunch of
l,14u-lb. feeders sold nt $1. Representative
sales :
No. Av : Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr.
8..102. , $3 M 1G..12S9 J4 03 II..1223 $4 CO
31..IMS 3 f.- 22..12.IS 110 16..1281 4 K
10..1117 3 S.1 10..1169 413 32. . . . 121 491
. . . . ' 400 8..100.1 430 32..1332 4 M
17..1145 400 12..10.V 430 35..1301 4 W >
1. . . . 7SH 1 00 3..10M 210 3..1020 290
2. . . . * 20 1 M 1..10.-0 210 1..IOO 303
1..1110 1 GO 1. . . . SCJ 223 12. . . . Ml 313 .
1. . . . X3Q 173 1. . . . Ml ) 223 41..I'M ' 315
. . . .700 173 4. . . . M2 223 G..1131 325
L. . . 030 1 K 19. . . . 846 2 25 20. . . . MS 3 21
2. . . . 7S 1D ! 0. . . . SCO 231 . . . . 0 333
I..1031) IM 13. . . . f.23 2 10 1..10IO 3 M
L. . . 1C ) IM 2. . . . 811 2 CO 1..11131) ) 3 CO
2..WO 185 1..1100 275 2..1190 3 W
4. . . . 9W 20) 16. . . . 8.0 2 7.r 2..1203 375
L. . . BIO 201 9. . . . 770 2 2' 1..701 275
S. . . . 512 203 13. . . . 433 2 23 G..S33 3 G3
1..1140 175 1..1010 241 1..1S31 2 M
1. . . . 740 210 1..HW 240 1..13M 2 ( M
1..1330 225 1..140) 243 1..171,1) , 301
1..1340 225 1..1ICO 245 1..2100 313
2..1140 230
3. . . . 340 1ST 1. . . . 100 SCO 2. . . . 123 4 CO
L. . . Zi 225 1. . . . 110 30) ) 1. . . . 210 4 C,0
1. . . . ro 2 .M 1. , . . 3:0 : 3(0 2. . . . 18) 451
6. . . . IM 25. ) ] . , . . W 3 00 S 1S2 473
L. . . 201 251 3. . . . 2IS 4 OJ 1. . . . 15) 5 W )
L. . . 821 273 L. . . 120 4 23
2. . . . 511 225 1. . . . 7.0 2 S3 L. . . 731 323
L. . . SW S 51 S. . . . 453 3 ( " ) 2. . . . S21 223
15. . . . 4X1 2 C.i 4..GS7-3U ) S..112' ' ) 3 M
3. . . . 493 2 Si L. . . 62. ) 310 G3..11I6 400
6. . . . K : , 2 ! s5 19. . . . 4ST 3'Z )
1 cow- and calf n. . . . $28 CO
1 springer 27 Co
1 cow and calf , . . . . ; 1'S to
1 cow- und calf , 2'J 0)
1 c-o\v and calf 30 CO
1 8irlnKcr | . 31 00
HOGS Today's hog arrivals fell somewhat
bhort of yi-otPiilay'H liberal run , there being
alxty-ffix loads in tiiday nnd-seienty-slx yeste.-
day. The quality of tl Yitt | ; was Road todav ,
n fact , Just as K od as yesterday , hut not no
ipavy. While Fnli-imnj hailK" < d stuff to of-
'er , the situation was , iiot ( uv.irnblo. as other
naikctH were reporting a lituvy drop In prices.
The trade here opened iwljh [ salesman generally
itklng steady prices , hut they were lorced lo
icrcpt u i eduction of _ 5c til lUc. When one *
under way the IrodlnsMwnij fairly active and
: he market cloyed early , with the pens cleared.
Tile host hops WCIP y-jld at J4.53 , which was
: he top. as against $4.63yesterday. Representa
tive sales :
No. A\v Sh. Pr. - - * ! . - Av. Sh. Pr.
13 171 210310. . . -,74 , .S21 120 { 4 85
17 137 . . . 300 lI73 209 ICO 435
3 270 . . . 4 CO C7 218 40 433
.5 . 150 . . . 4'10 72 219 . . . 435
il 179 . . . 410 GU 211 120 435
2 170 . . . 410 80 215 1GO 433
M 17C iOO 413 73 218 . . . 435
1S7 ICO 4 15 73 23 IM 4 40
175 40 415 47 274 ICO 437' , !
45 IS ) ICO 4 2i ) G3 214 . . . 440
8 1 % . . . 4 SO 10 211 . . . 4 40
i9 1S3 40 4 20 6 2S6 . . . 4 40
91 UG 240 4 13 7 2.8 . . . 4 40
47 204 120 420 71 237 . . . 440
78 201 SCO 425 5 27G . . . 440
207 00 4 23 G3 213 200 4 10
207 160 I 25 75 212 40 4 40
184 200 4 25 78 233 200 4 4)
1C 173 . . . 425 73 245 200 440
6 210 . . . 425 49 229 . . . 440
4 187 . . . 4 2.1 2 230 . . . 4 40
43 li > 7 SC ) 423 C3 241 ICO 440
10 126 . . . 427IJ 78 229 60 440
f,4 247 210 480 18 308 . . . 440
181 SO 4 30 4 342 . . . 4 40
2-3 SO 4 'M 3 513 80 4 40
t\2\i . . . 4 SO 0 27G . . . 4 40
GO 217 ICO 30 71 31 fO 4 V )
12 2IG . . . 430 78 211 120 440
G 220 . . . 4 CO 71 2S3 400 4 41
3 mo SO 430 77 236 SO 440
; 2 197 120 130 Kl 2M 40 440
53 i'03 1GO 4 30 3 323 SO 4 40
CS 212 iO 4 30 6 210 . . . 1 40
Kl 201 SO 4 30 135 210 SO 4 40
G7 207 2SO 420 7tl 230 . . . 4 42 <
jl 8J2 SO 4 30 70 243 SO 4 I2'J
! ! OC KO 4 SO 76 219 . . . 443
„ 1G2 ! ICO 4 CO 63 : S3 ICO 4 43
3 , SOI 120 4 32'i 18 211 80 445
5 248 . . . 4 35 71 237 . . . 4 43
3 S.G . . . 433 70 222 240 445
4 "CO . . . 43.1 4 327 . . . 445
18 235 . . . 435 09 211 120 445
5. . . .2)1 ) SO 435 G7 241 40 443
4 . . . . .427 . . . 4 35 Cl 22 0 450
1 200 . . . 433 M 293 . . . 4 M
S3 110 200 435 . CO 31S 1C1 4 CO
77 . . .215 80 435 CO 325 40 4 M
,1 , 23S 80 433 CO 2SO . . . 4 M )
.3 213 160 433 49 311 ICO 453
! KB 240 433 48 29'J . . . 455
ia" . . . .221 120 135 til 314 SO 455
. , 2 53 1 2X ) . . . 3 DO
40 2 M 2G 153 SO 3 CO
"Wfi2.75 ; good to Vholce 4V tu IW-pound Iambs ,
Demand Mil" Ac ln Very Poop for lilt
CHICAGO , June 12. For big , heavy cattle tin
demand was acaln very poor , und nil comtnor
half-fut imd greasy slock moved oft slowly u
weak prices , but * * lo choice stecis of medlun
weight were In very coed demand at stead )
x alues. Some choice beeves were sold early n
J3.S2 nnd 12 cailouds of tine Iowa steers wen
told In a bunch at 15.70. From these prices salei
were innda all l ho way dow-n to $3.50 for staff
and coaree wi'Stfrn * . with tile of the trans
actl-ins at from 14-50 ta1 $5.$0. $ $ Calllo wclghlni
1,50. . ) to 1.G.V ) II * . were dlftcrluiUiatiil acalnsl am
sold nl fr.m J5.10 to 15.23. Sti-era that sold be
low 15 were opt to sanw. wtnkne-Bs , and tin
nlwrest droves were v 'iy ; , hard to sell. Cowi
weie plentiful and fairly jiftlve ut current prlc.-s
with mlfB at from ll.70.lo .41.50. chli-lly at fron
12to 13.00. Hulls sold M ff > m | 2 to I3.C3. am
calves of Ihe better clars ild up to from J5 I
13.75 , rullnu hlKher than yesterday ni'u-nlni ;
There wns u fair tnide-'lii Mockeis and fwili-n
ind ralt-H weie made al.frnui ! 2.35 to 14 , n fev
choice lots selllnfT nbovu 14. . Texas cattle wen
lilrntlt-r. tha receipts amounting to about 2,50
head. There was u falrdii aiid and eulrs wen
made at unchanged prlci-s , few going as hlgl
Only about 29.000 hogs arrlv < il today , ns agnlns
ncaily 38OuO a wrek ago , but c-noiigh were lef
over from yesterday to * w ll Ihe supply to 34W
head. Tim Rcneral demand was | nior and price
droppwl do per 100 Ibs. ht'loW ymlerduy's cloolni
quotation * . Sales draggtM and u gojd man ;
hogs were left over tonleht. Heavy hogs soli
nt from 14.30 to M.75 , mixed Ht from J4.41 t' '
14.65 and light at from 14.30 to M.GO. Thw bull
of the rnli-H were at from 14.GO to { 4.70 fo
hf.ivy and ut from J4.45 to 14.00 for light.
Tixlay's sheep arrivals were esllmatt-d at 10,00
head , a n-ductlon of nearly t.w > head from th
anlvaU on la l Wednesday. There was a goi
demand for denlreblo lols and prlci-H wer
stronger , but other kinds were dull nnd weak
Inferior to choice heep were salable at fror
ttW to J3.SS ; fancy export wethers at from I
to 14.25 ; clipped litmbv at from t'J to (4.M , an
spring limbs at from < t to JS.
Recelpls : Cattle. 11.0"0 h id ; calves. WO head
hogs. 29,0-JO head ; sheep , IQ.uml head.
Now York Live siurk Mitrket.
NEW YORK , June 12. REEVES Receipts
2.10U hew ! : on eale , 75 cars ; slow ; gond cattle
steady ; others lOc lower ; native ftcpr * . poor I
prime , (4.60Q5.7S : dlntlllers , I3.Kiit.G5 ; oxen , I3.C
tfl.kS ; bulls , I2.7CO4.15 ; dry cows. $ : . < ) < (3.M ( ; Eu
roptMn cables quote American ttecri at 11@12 <
dreurd weight : refrigerator brtf , UUftlOUc ; ei
ports toilay. 2,340 minrtfrs nf beef ,
SHEEP AND LAMIJS-RecelpU , 7.S7I heoJi 01
ate , 44 cars , rhi p , dull ; taints , active nnd
> cadyj Bhtfp , poor to prime , J3.0094.l)0 ) | lambs ,
onimon to choice. Jl ift T.OJ.
HOGS-Rccelptii , 11.271 hcnd ; hlshcr at 5U f
Inughtcrlnjt fur the U'rrk MIOWII n Sllfrlil
1'ntllns err In Numliprs.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 12. ( Hpsclnl Tele-
: ram. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will my :
Vestcrn packing returns Indicate S3S.OOO lipgn
or the week , csmpnrwl with S83.000 the prc-
edlng week nnj S 5 , " ln t year , inaklng a
otnl of 4,05i,0oo since March 1 , ngnlnst'X )
year ago. Prominent places compare ns fol-
ows :
Places. js. isil.
. , , .
Canxas City . . . C23.IKM 660.00J
Omaha . SOS.ftM .r > J
Ht. Lulls . 241. W ) 2t . < iO
Cincinnati . . . 14C.W. ) 124.010
ndlnniuiolls . IM.CKKi 131,000
Illwnukee . 172.1KK ) 120,000
Cedar Rapids . . 101,000 61.000
t. Josepli . f2.l 11H.W3
loux City . f.S.O'M M.'XK )
St. Paul . 10ii.i ) SO , M
Ottumwa . . . . . . S7.00J S4,0 )
M. I.otilit l.tvn MIIIIK .lliirMrt.
ST. I.OfIS , June 12.-CATTLE Recelptu , 4.10)
lead ; chlpments. 1,00 ] head ; maikel for 111111x03
shade higher un b-ft Krndes ; beef and shipping
leers range. J4.OIJJ5.40 ; light steers , J1.2t'i)4.W ' ,
lockers nnd feeders. 12 231J3.S3 ; cows. JiOOiiJ.Ol ;
ed Texas sleers. J2.l l4.25 | ; gluss steels , j.Mj )
M ; cows , } 2.WiI72.75.
HOOy Ilrrrlpm. 0,70) head : Ehlplnrnls , f >
cad ; nmrket f > c lower ; best heavy , } l.&iffl.G3 ;
uekers. J4.30)4.33 ; light. JI.20W4 4' ) .
HHEEP Receipts , 4.410 head ; shipments , 330
end ; lambs In active demand , hut sheep dull
ml hard to sell ; good lumliM sold at JI.2iT5."U ( ;
nixed native cheep , J2.75ft3.bO ; southwest stuff.
2.23Q2 73.
Kuimiin City l.lvntorlc. .
KANSAS CITY , Juno 12. CATTLE Ri-colpls ,
,500 head ; phlpniPiils , 1,200 Market stendy
ut very slow ; Texan hteeis , J2.&Ji)4.0'J ) ' ; Texas
ows , J2.5"fI3.3' ' ) ; heef steers , > : l.SOin.75 : unlive
"Ws , Jl.50 4.10 ; ( .tockeis and feeders , J2.0l'34.20 ;
mils , Jl..Off2.M. !
HOGS Receipts , 11.9.10 head ; shipments , COO
end. MaiKet weak to 10c * low'Lr ; bulk of sail s ,
4 rtfil.AO ; heavier. J4.40ffl.3i ; packers , Jl.Wtff
.53 ; mixed. ! 4.23T(4.43 ( ; IlKhts , J3.00B4.23 ; York-
rs , Jl.ltfil. 23 ; pigs. } 3.7'ti4.10.
SHEEP RecclptH , 1,700 html ; shlpmui'.s , CO )
lead. Market steady.
Mock In Might.
Record of lecelpts nt the four principal mar-
ets for Wednesday , June 12 , 1S93 ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
= ! outh Omaha . 01 4.S43 1.1C9
hlcngo . 11.000 S9.000 10.010
{ aiisus City . 4 , 500 H..iOO 1,700
t. Louis . 4,10) 6.700 4,100
Totals 20,291 52,543 17C3
St. I.onfo ( leiiirul M-irkot.
ST. LOl'IS , June 12. WHEAT Weaker , lull
leculrdly nervous and unsettled , with n notable
ack of active Iradlng caily. IheaRHng of drouth
n various H-ctlons had a bearish effect ; ninikct
iwned 1c lower , and was followed by u furlhci
lecllne of l < Hc , but llrinc.l . up later and closed
vlth buyers % 'itlc below yesterday ; No. 2 red.
ash , hlglier , S3c ; July , Til'jc hid ; September ,
CORN Depressed condition continues on re-
icrts of drouth broken. Theie was not much
iressiiic to tell and shorts covered at Uc de-
'line that opened th ? markel. Luter there was.
L decline , and the market , after firming up
omenlinl , doted Ufi'.lc. below yesterday ; No. 2
n-.xed , cash , 43'Jie ' ; July , 47 * Q'47ie bid ; Septcm.
let491,40. .
OATS Woalt on futures , which , on heavy
iressure to tell , declimd r&c. Spot grades dull ,
o er ; No. 2. cafh , i2".c asked ; June , 23c ; July.
"S'.ic ' ; September , 2SHC.
11RAN Easier ; Gjc bid for sacked , cast track.
HAY Illuhir for timothy ; prime to extra
fancy , haled , tl2.OJ5H7.00 , east fide ; pralrlc , mor
r.olhe. JS.Huni.CO , this clrtc.
EOQS Lower ; freph , Sc.
WHISKY $1.25 for distillers finished goods.
LEAD Lower , except tor chemical , for which
J3.10 was bul and refused ; sules. 100 tons desll-
erlzed leaves St. Louis at J3.07'4 : to tons Mis-
'jurl , S3.0J. Spelter , stronger , $3.50.
PROVISIONS Potk , standuid mew. jubblns.
12.70. Laid , prime 8l nm. $ G.2 5 ; choice. JG.40.
I-iccn , boxed slmuldrs. J6..10 : longs , $5.87'4 ; libs ,
57 ; shot is , J7.12i.j. Dry pall meats , boxed shoui-
dels , $3.50 : longs , $6.371,4 ; libs , 50.50 ; thorts , > G.75.
RECEIPTS Flour , 3,100 bills. : wheat , 20,030
bu. ; corn , 8,000 bu. ; nats , ll.fCO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flout , 1,000 bbls. ; wheat , 11,000
bu. ; coin , 10COO bu. ; oats , 3 , < KM bu.
Llverponl .1iiir.os.
LIVERPOOL. June 12. WHEAT Spot , quiet
jut steady ; demand poor ; No. 2 led whiter , Cs fid ;
No. 2 red spilng. Cs 3'4d ; No. 1 hard , Manitoba
is 3'4d ; No. 1 Cnllfcirina. 53 19d. Futures opened
lUlet. with near and distant positions 'Id lower ,
-losed dull. w-th ; near positions Id loner and dis
tant p-.Biilons 1'id lower ; buslne.'s heaviest on
early pjstttons ; Jtini * . 4s lid ; July , 6s ll'id ; Sep
tember. 6s : October , 6s Ud : November , Cs Hd.
CORN Spot , dull ; American mixed , new , 4s 7d.
Fiituies oiKllfd numlnul. with near and distant
lioKitlons 'id lower ; business nboul euually dls-
irlliuted ; June , 4s Gd ; July , 4s CVid ; August , 4i
! V4il ; September , 4s 7d ; October , 4s 7Vid ; Novem
ber. 4s 7lid.
1-"LOUR Firm : demand fair : freely supplied ;
St. I.otrls fancy winter , Sd.
PROVISIONS Hacon , firm : demand moderate-
Cumlerlnnd cut , 28 to SO 11 * . . 31s ; short ribs ,
2 ? llm. , 2L's Gd ; long clear , light , 38 to 45 Ibs. ,
SSs Cd ; long clciir , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 32s ; shorl clear
backs , llKiit , IS Ibs. , 34s ; shorl clear middles ,
heavy. 55 Ibs. , T2s ; clear bellies , II lo 16 Ihs. ,
C3s. Shoulders , uqunre , 12 to IS Ibs. . 2Ss. llama ,
short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 43s Gd. Reef , extra India
mess , 80s ; prime mess , C2s Gd. Pork , prime mes. .
line western , GOs ; western medium , 52s Gd. Lard ,
dull : prime western , 33s Gd ; refined , in palls ,
31s Gd.
CHEESE Firm ; demand modeialej finest
American , white , 43s ; finest American , colored ,
13s ; oiilinary. new. 5Gs.
COTTONSEED Oil. Liverpool refined , ISs 3d.
PETROLBFM Relined. S'.fcd.
REFRIOERATOR UEEl--Forequarlers , Gdi
hlndquai ters , CVid.
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2os.
NEW YORK , June 12. COFFEE Options
opened steady nt a partial decline of D point ? ,
the decline being due to Hnvre advices. In thr
afteinoon pilcis weie n shade better on covering
and closed quiet lit unchumcd ; to 5 points net de
cline ; sales. 4,730 bags. Including : March , J14.4V
July , ll4.4Mill.59 ; Septemb-T , fll.GO ; Oclnber ,
J14.i ; Ueof-mlr. $14.50. Spot coffee , dull : No. 7 ,
J15.S7V4 : mild , quiet ; Cordova , $15.2391900 ; ware
house 'lell\erlcs from New \ork jcsleiday , 8,119
b-igs ; New York slock today , 179,439 bags ; fnlteil
Stales stock , 233.4SO bags ; allnat for the United
Stntm , 331.00 b.igs ; total visible for the Fnlted
Stafs. rS4,4M ) bags , against 2S3.432 bags lust year.
SANTOS , June 12. Quiet ; good average Santos ,
nominal ; lecelpts , S.OW tmF'i ; slock , 147(01 tmcs.
HAMUFIK1 , June 12. S.c-ady ; sales. 7.COO bags.
RIO DE JANEIRO , June 12. Steady ; No. 7
Rio , $16.70. Exchange. 9VI : lecelpts. 7,000 bags ;
cleared for the United States , 20.00) bags : cleaied
for Europe , 1.000 bags ; block , 137WO bags.
HAVRE , June 12. Opened nl Uf decllnf. nl
12 m. . qulel ; al 3 p. in. , steady ; clos-cd stead )
at Uf decline for the day ; talcs. ll.COO bags.
P. nrlii .Miu-Ki'ti.
PEORIA , June 12. CORN Maiket easy , lower ;
No 2 , 50ic ; No. 3 , 50c ,
OATS MmKet lower : No. 2 while , Sl'.ic ; No. 3
white , Mi3K- .
RYE Nominal ; No. 2 , Cr.CG.c.
WHISKY Market llrm ; finished goods , on the
basts of tl.23 for high wines.
.MIluMilIt-'n Miir. < oti.
MILWAUKEE , June 12. WHEAT Lower ; No.
2 lipring , 79'tc ; No. 1 northern , S5c ; July , Will'- ' .
l URN Dull nnd lower ; No. 3. Sic.
OATS Lower ; No. 2 white , 32e ; No. 3 white ,
ijARLEY Nominal ; No. 2 , 40c ; wimple , CO'-jC '
ilVE Quiet ; No. 1 , 'O'.iiC. _
Uiei4t MurUnt.
June , 79c ; July , 79'i 7ic ) ; September , 77'iic ' ; un
Hack , No. 1 haul , tO'.tc ' ; No. 1 northern , if'ic
No. 2 noithern , 78 % - .
FIX3UR Steiuly : llrtl patents. Jl.ljff4.CO ; second
end patents , J4.Wifl.40 ; flrsl clears. J3.4' ' ) 33.CO.
.Vc\v Ytirx IM-.V Ci in l < llttrhi't.
NEW YORK. June 12. There 1ms been mor
Interc-st In the market In consequence of many
vislllliK buyers , who have looked ufter all de-
Eeriptl'.ns of cotton goods. Prices are very Btnnit
thibiixhnut. and advances are anticipated for the
\c-ry near future. _
llillutli \ \ limit .Marltct.
DULUTH , June 12 WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash
northeici , 79ie.
' ( rlo'o Wlirnt ( InotRltniK.
December , Jl.OO ; new teller , J1.02'i ; May , } 1 13'i.
Nothing Is put In Cook's Extra Dry Im
perlal Champagne to make It ferment , the
effervescence la natural ; Its boquet unrivaieJ
INSTRUMENTS placed on recoril Juno 12
1S95 : ,
R A Morris to C S nnd Suvlah Joslln ,
trustees , t-14 lot 7 , block C , Isaac Ac K'
ndd . I 3KX (
Mary llurdlrh nnd husband to M J Cuff ,
lol 13. Ford's Saratoga add . S0 (
Sarah Hesse and husband to Perry Russell ,
lot "A. " Moiton's sul-llv . 2.0CK
Fanners nnd Merchants bunk to O W
Springer , n 9 feet lot 1 , block 1 , C E
Mnyne's 1st add to Valley and strip adjoining -
joining . S3
E S Flor and wife to tame , lots 13 nnd 11 ,
block 7 , same . K-
Pioneer Savings and Ix > an company to J W
Robblns , lot 10 , block 1 , Cherry Hill . ! 5 (
W H Harris to J A Harris , loin 27 and 28.
Omaha IJulIdlnir and Saving association
add . 3l l > '
Henry Rleck und wife to M M Rlcck , lot
15 , block 5 , Bhull'B 2nd ndd .
Sheriff to Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Tniit
cumiiany. e 30x100 feet nnd w 120x100 feet
lots 23 and 21 , block 19 , Hanscom Place. . . . 2.90
Total amount of transfers
Verdict Reached After a Long Wrangle and
nnd Fifty-Nino Ballots.
One Juror .Vdiulti Hint Itcllgloim Qnoitlon *
\Vcrc TnUcti lulu the Jury Itiiom Itc-
ninrkitblo ll'illnit > ( the Court I'ur-
iililicRdrouuds foruu Apprnl <
Tlio n kcr-llabbltt libel suit was ter-
nlnated yesterday by a verdict being
endered , finding Uakcr , the editor of the
Gretna Ileportcr , guilty. Tlio jury had been
ut since Monday evening , unable to agree ,
nit after an Immense amount of wrangling
lie txvclvo men reached n conclusion late
Tuesday night , though the fact was uot an-
icunced until court convened.
A Juror was asked how It was that the
ury had reached this conclusion under the
vldence. lie replied , "We had Judge Scott's
ustructlons with us. There were twenty-
wo pages of them , and wo spent hours In
reading them over , and took them hn-
illcltly as the law. "
The Instructions referred to are said to bo
ho most remarkable of their kind extant ,
loth for length and the manner of the
rcatment of the subject. One attorney. In
ommcntlng on the burden of the Instructions ,
expressed surprise that the Jury held out
EJ long as It did , as In his opinion llakcr
md but few chances under the court's con
struction of the law of libel.
When the verdict was returned the fea-
ures of the criminal Judge overspread with
i smile , nnd lie thanked the Jurors and of
fered to excuse them for the balance of the
lay , or for the rest of the term , Just as
hey wished.
The charge Is made that a religious war
vas carried on behind the doors of the Jury
room , the friends of Babbitt rallying to his
support on account of alleged A.
. * . A. proclivities. A member of
ho Jury , who begged that his name
should not bo used , has admitted that the
religious question , as he put it , "for a time
Igurc-d In the case. "
This will be made n prominent feature In
he motion for a new trial , which Is being
ircpared , and within three days will bo died
n the criminal court. In addition to this ,
some features of the case will be brought
ip In support of this motion to which allu
sion has been made heretofore , especially
the peculiar ruling of the court in per-
nlttlng Ilabbltt to give testimony to conver
sations which the defendant was not allowed
o call his witnesses to testify to. This
ruling was brought out In the course of the
estlmony of Miss llurton , a woman from
N'lnth street , with whom Uabhltt had an In-
ervicw while he served on the grand Jury ,
invlng gone down there late at night. The
defense desired to ask Miss Durton what
conversation Uahbltt and she had hid. The
only thing she was permitted to testify to ,
lowevcr , was certain acts of freedom oti
Babbitt's part. Later Babbitt was placed
on the stand , and Judge Scott allowed him
to go Into the entire conversation. On this
account tha attorneys for Haher claim that
on tliU Important part the jury only heard
one fide of the case.
The suit In brief grew out of an article
which appeared In the Gretna Reporter , pub-
Ished by W. S. Raker , In which It was In-
.Imated that Habbltt visited Ninth street
n Omaha while serving as a grand Juror , at
a time when the best method of dealing
with the social evil was before the grand
[ ury , and alleging that the visit was made
n the night season.
In the course of the trial It was proven
beyond a doubt that Babbitt had not only
visited that section , but witnesses were
called to show that he desired to go to only
certain houses , anil stated , when others
were mentioned , that he "had already been
there. "
When the Jury got Into the Jury room and
read the Instructions of the court several
Jurors said , "If we bring In anything but a
verdict of guilty Judge Scott will fine us
for contempt of court nnd perhaps send us to
Jail. " The jury spent all Tuesday night readIng -
Ing the Instructions , certain J irors refusing
to look at the case from any other point of
view than that outlined by tlio Judge. On
the fifty-ninth ballot the twelfth man gave
In and the verdict was agreed upon.
Pending the motion for a new trial Raker
Is released on $1,000 bonds.
Cnli ! l'rnprty tlio Issue.
Charles R. Perkins , as plaintiff , and Benja
min Melqulst and F. C. Wcymuller , as de
fendants , are discussing a cold subject , hav
ing mutually agreed to make an Ice
contract the burden of a law suit.
Perkins began by claiming $317 under
and by virtue of an agreement In
writing , settling a dispute between the
parties. The defendants allege that they
ran under the name of the Gate City Ice
company ; that they harvested lee In 1S'J2 and
agreed to sell 500 tons of It to Perkins for
$1,000. Part of it they delivered. They aver
that Perkins refused to accept It. The Ice
melted , though the balance , the defendants
state , they are willing at any time to de
liver , but want an equitable price. They
deny the force of the stipulation settling the
case. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
flly Anlin ii ll < tinlMi : > .
'A ' coal dealer follows a useful occupation but
ho Is liable to bo tempted to defraud people ,
and so should bo subjected to nn occupation
tax. " In answering the suit of Harmon and
other coal dealers who sue the city for a
refund of ocupatlon taxes which they have
paid the city ot Omaha , the city tells this
fact to the court. The city asks to bo dis
charged without paying back $2,400 of
licenses collected , alleging that the money
was paid Involuntarily under fictitious pre
tenses of the dealers , who desired In reality
to thereby test the city ordinance In court.
righting thn Payment of thn ( Malm.
Emma Hargrave In Judge Duffle's court
room Is seeking to recover the sum of $500
from the Home Fire Insurance company.
February 3 , 1&90 , she Insured a lot of house
hold goods and a brick dwelling , which was
partially consumed by fire on July 2S of that
year. Suit for the Insurance was brought
fourteen days later. The company combats
the claim on the ground that it should have
had at least elxty days to Elze up the loss ;
also , alleging as a defense , that the property
was Incumbered , which fact greatly Increased
the risk.
They Appear Only nn n Mup.
Judge Ferguson and a Jury are considering
the question of townslte maps. Fred Streitz
Is suing A Kaderelt to recover possession ol
parts of certain lols In block 433 , Grant
View addition. Kadcrclt claims ho has llvei
on the properly for more than ten years Ii
peace and quiet. If the lots to which Strcltz
alludes In his petition arc located anywhere
they are located on some real estate ngcnt'e
map. The men do not agree as to the de
scription of the land.
IVnuil Alleged In tuTransfer. : .
A. U. Wyman , as receiver of the Ne
braska Insurance company , has asked the
court to declare a transfer of the property or
the northeast corner of Fifteenth and Dodge
streets , made by L. B. Williams to Mar
garet Trlpp , as fraudulent to the rights ol
To know how succ > sfully nnd to deal with n
financially responnlble house Is important , \\rite
for our book Just Issued. Mailed free.
Grain , Stock ami Dond Rrokcrs.
1SH CliHinlier ut CciinliKirc'C , UIIICACO
F. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) ) H. U. STANFORD
Room 4. N. Y. I.lfo Hldn. , Oitiahn.
Rranch oflices at I remont and Culuuibus. All
orders placeil on the Chicago Huard of Tra.le.
Correspondents : Schwartz , Dupte ti Co. . Chicago
cage : Schrelner. Flack & Co. , Ht. Lout * . Refer
to First National IJank , Omaha.
MAIlfllN No mutter win. ' , booklet on spec.
AIilNn ulallon you m r have read em
j.ri ; . jt cl arly
nmrRlli tradlni ; and DEFINES ALL MARKE1
EXPRESSIONS. It's Ires and will leach you
something , AltllOGAST & CO. , ii Trader !
Uulldlnc. Chlcaeo.
Tlio company , t nn IntcrYcnor In
o itilt. rccka lo enforce a JC.2U judgment ,
cl.ilmlnit Hint the property trnnifcrrcd Is
worth $50.000.
Cliilin Hint Ilia ilniler I nckril Aulliorltj' .
The authority of the receivers oppolntcJ by
lie Jti'lge ' of the criminal court to administer
on tlio affairs ot tlio Hcyn 1'lioto Supply
company had keen nttockcil by one of the
cmlllor ? , the IJnutch Optical company. It la
clnliiKd by this company , which has a clnlm
rcprctcntctt by n rlmltcl niortR.igc , tlmt ths
appointment wns made without authority ol
aw and ( or no good cause.
\\lto C'i lin t/'nilrr Ihn Pollcf.
The Independent Order of the Trcubund has
jeen sued for thu mm of $1,000 by Mrs. Adele
DcliK'in.iu , wife of Kred Oolilemnn who , nt
the time of his death , on January 1 , Inst ,
was a member of Omaha lodge , No , Co. Mri.
OoUloman wants the money on n life Insur
ance policy , h'-ld by her husband. Ha
olned the order Inst July.
.MUMnin rrclM-il In .tinny I'lnce * .
LONDON' , June 12. A dispatch to tha
Times from ShnnRlial says the Kngllsh.
Canadian nnd American missions were
wrecked at Chcnc Tu. Kln-TlnR , Va Chou ,
I'lng-Shan nnd Plu-KlnK. Some of ( ho mis-
slcnatles nre missing , but no llvos arc known
; o have been lost. Sul-Ku and Tii-Cltou nro
threatened. A rlct la considered Incvllablo
nt Chung-Tang. All the whites left Cheng.
Tu yesterday. A firm policy la now moro
than ever necessary.
I'roprrty of Foreigners Doitriirril ,
N'K\V YOnK , June 12. A spclal dispatch'
: o the World from Hnkow , China , tayst
Illots nra scneral in the province of Szchuit
anil In at least six cities all foreign propsrtyi
lias been destroyed. Others are threatened.
3o far as can bo learned the foreign In-
iiabltants nro all safe , but they nro hurriedly
: cavlng the province.
Hhot Ills \\lte , Then Hlmnrlf.
NEW YORK. Juno 12. Slgnniml Scheldler.
3(5 ( years of age , of 210 East IClghty-fourth
street , shot Ills wlfo In the forehead today.
Inflicting fatnl Injuries. Ho then blow out
his own brains.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
butcher's Castoria.
Iy purchasing Rooila mnilo nt tlio following
Nebraska fnctorlcs.llf you cannot lliul what'
you want , communicate with the manufac
turers as to what dialers lianJle tliclr goods.
JIAd.1. HUK1..1P AXll TMM.VIi
Manufacturers of nil kinds of cotton and bur
lap ImKS , cotton ffour sacks and twlno a spec * '
laity. C1I-C1C-C1S S. llth-St.
Car load shipments made In our own refrlrc (
rater cais. IJlue Hlbbon , Elite Export , Vienna
Export , nnd Fnmlly Export , delivered to nil
Ii.11 la of city.
Coffee Roasters , Splco Grinders. Mnnufnctur-
era German linking Powder and German Ur
Hop Yeast , 1411 and 1110 Harncy-st. , Omaha ,
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. n
C. E. Illnck , Manager. Omnhm
Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture , Lounges ,
Dining Tables and Folding IJitls. 2Slh ave.J
lloyd to Shaler Sla.
1VK .t.\l ) CO.l
Domestic and Steam Coal. We have the best
QIIIco 1GO1 Farimm-st. Telcphiinu : Olllce 373 ,
yaid , 17GG. J. A. Doe , General Manager.
Jlnnufarluilnff and Repairing of all kinds ot
machinery , cnclnes. pumps , elevators , printing
preses , hangers , shafting nnd couplings 140 < l
nnd 140S Howard-ft. , Omaha. i
Fire Hydrants , Water nnd Gas Plpes.speclalu ,
IJoller Frunts nnd Klttlngs. Street r'y. en *
wheels. Aichlttctural Iron works. Olllce,307 H" *
ICth-st. , Omaha. i
Manufactureis of Archllectural Iron Work.
Geneinl Foundry. Machine nnd lllacksmltli
Woik. I'lnitlnucrs and Contrnctuta for Hro
Proof IlulMlngs. Olllco nnd works : U. P. Ity.
und So. 17th stici't , Umaha.
Manufacturers of Fluid Extracts , Ellxln i
Syrups nml Wlnrs , compressed trlturatfs hypo-
dernilc tablets , pills nnd scientific medical nov
elties. Omaha.
Jl.ffritKSSKli , CUT.f , Vltlll.'i. '
Manufacturer Mattresses , Sprlns Reds : Jobber
Feathers nnd Pillows. N. llth nnd Nicholas
Sts. , Omaha. H'ATKlt.
209 So. Hth ft. . Tel , 234. Mcdessa Mineral
Water , Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for table
use unsurpassed.
The only perfect protc-cllon lo properly. Exam
ine It. Rest thing on earth. ) Reduces Insur
ance rates. 1501 Douglas-si.
Ol'hHALI ,
Manufacturers of Men's and Roys' Clothing- .
Pants , Shirts and Overnlls.u2-212 | B. 12th t.
JKIXJ : * .
Manufacturers of nil kinds of Pdper Roxet ,
Sli'If lloxes. Sample Cases , Mailing Tables , etc.
WoldlnK cuke and fancy candy iKixes , diugglst
und jewelry lioxen. Il'u3-10 Jonen-it , Omaha.
Exclnrlve cuntom shirt lallom.
1511 Farnatnt..Telephone 908.
fiTitiifiiii jtitivif.
Factory In Loulivllle , Cam C.o Quality of brick
guaninU-ed as good as any manufactureil
outaldo of thli uutt. Ileary Ilolin.