0 THE OMAHA DAILY IJI3K ; MONDAY , JUNE 10 , 1S05. r Improving RS the drop Conditions BCCOBO Moro Promising. HOPES FOR THE FUTURE ARE VRY : BRIGHT IF Xectlonn Tributary te tUporti from All "riili Miirkel Show Uoneircel Confidence AittonK lIuilnvM Men Value * lu borne Line * Are Aeltnnclng. BATUKDAY , Juno 8. With the opening of the current inontl trade ecnUltloiu bccnmu far more prom luItiB , owltijj to thu Improved crop pros week has witnessed ni poets , nixt Uio past , fcrom ol dtiuiKo in lh * t'ciu-ral situation territory tributary to tlili parts of HIP inarUct the reports arc the same , nil Indl conditions. JJuslnesi eating i-pletitlld crop conlldcnt ever ; men ur ; becoming more clay , and nro preparing tor a. prosperou seaeun to come. The Jobbing trails of this city , after i prolonncd period of .nilel , Is once mor taking on the nppcaranco ot activity While the volume of business falls fa short of what would be expected In an or dlnary Reason , It Is much better than 1 wna H mouth ago. It is not to be under stood that there Is anything like a boon In sight , but only a gradual Improvcinenl which kctps pace with the growing crops Sales of merchandise are fitlll bated vcr ; largely upon the actual wants of consump tlon. tlon.A month ago the dry weather dlscour ngcd buying nnd merchants generally le their slocks run down , and , now that th prospect Is more hopeful , they are force to slock up , and Jobbers , without exccr t6n ! , nro reporting an IncreaseIn the mini ber and sizes of their orders. There Is not very much moro money I clrdulntlun than n month ago , but It 1 generally believed thnt a continuance of th present bright prospects will before Ion bring It out. U > w prices , with the prot pect of an advance , will be a great tcmpto tlon for Investment on the part of thos who have money. I'KICKS G MOWING FIRM Ell. In the line of hardware there Is strengthening of values , and the whol market Is on the upgraele. Nearly everj thing In the line of staple goods , In whlc material cuts any llgure , has advanced to 10 per cent. Ilarb wire has gone u 15 cents per hundred during. the uasl weel It Is figured that the advance In the ra' material , together with the advance I labor , amounts to about 10 per cent , an the manufacturers are forced to put u prices to avoid nn actual loss on the ] goods. Manufacturers of pretty much a staple products nro now running on goo time , nnd some of them turning out SIM piles to almost n normal extent. Incrensln cost of Iron nnd metals Inlluencea hare ware to n considerable extent. In the grocery line the mnrket has bee steady on most lines during the past wee and there have been few features of an great Importance. The prices now beln realized , whllo generally higher than the were at the beginning of May , are ptl below the figures ruling at this time lai year , nml much lower than those curret In May , 1893 , when the period of elepresslc begun. UrocetH In the east arc polntln out that there Is an Increased demand fe fancy groceries , which Is a sure sign e returning protperlty. This branch of tt traele has languished for a year back , hi IH nguln getting Into a more healthy cond tlon , In the east , at least. It Is between seasons with the dry gooe people , nnel no great activity Is looked fo und yet the Improvement In the feeling e : tends to this branch of the trade , as we nH to others. In consequence of the brlgl prospects prevailing In the country , prepa aliens for the fall trade are being made c it Fcalo Indicating that a large business prospected. 1'rlces In dry goods ha > lirmed up , though they are not back whet they worn before the dull times came 01 anil , with the purchasing power of tl people. Inereaseel by u gooel jrnp , the fa traelo In the dry goods line oo.ild htirdl be otherwise thnn most satisfactory. The shoo trade han experienced nbout tl same Improvement as other line ? of tl Jobbing traele. Orders for delivery nt" month , or later , arc being u.-oked vei freely nt the present time. It Is really surprise to Jobbers that thrre vhonld I Buoh1 n sudden Improvement In the feelli In stlch a short space of time. KACTOKY PACTS. The Medessa Mineral Water compar hns erected a building , 25xCO feet nt 1 springs and have put In a complete plui of bottling and carbonatlng mnchlner It has also put two wngon.M on tl street. This new Omaha Industry ttnr out with employing four men and Bevcr boys. The Nebraska Shirt company Is1 turnli oit ) the new uniforms for the Wooelme of the World , nnd they are pronounci very attractive. Aaron Hone and Oscar C. Hcne , tl cigar manufacturers of Burlington , Ir wure In the city yesterday , and have pra tlcally decided to move their factory to th c ty. They will manufacture for the Jo blng traele exclusively , nnd are are mnklt arrangements to employ ilfty men ut tl start , _ A rUTUUB THAT LOOKS IIHIGllT. Ileulncm Is llcttcr nnel Kvoryboely See Signs of I'rotperlty. The local representative of the Snoi Church & Co. , Commercial Agency , In vie Ing the business situation , sums It up as fc lows : The business situation In Omaha nnd N braskn during the week Jusf ending hi been decidedly gooel as compared with pr vlous weeks. The farming comtnunl' ' throughout the state is happy , content ! and Jubilant and the business communlt of course , dependent almost entirely upc the agriculture of the fitute , Is consequent feeling good. The crops are everything i present , nt least FO far us corn Is co ; corned , .that could bo desired , There hi been plenty of ruin nnd none would 1 needed , us we are advised from crcdlinb and reliable sources for ten days or tv weeks. Omaha's trade In the far west is belt pushed very rapidly and large bills a belne sold. The only bael feature thnt v know of In scllinir In the extreme west the largo expense in getting the order Omaha houses Helling in Montana , Ieal ! and Wyoming report payments with a fri degree of promptness. All tines handled t the Onuihii merchants , particularly elrui ! olla and boots anel shoes , show a Katlsfn lory and growing business. There is pra tlcally no chungu in the furniture or liar ware trades. Omahu has Just got through with anoth convention , that of the druggists , and tl members of the association from all par of the stuto report themselves as w < pleased with the treatment the received whllo here. Omaha cannot 1m' lee many conventions. They bring n only the distinct members uf the body the city , but they bring n great mat Btrangera who all do more or less aelve Using for the city. It Is gratifying to note that the head . one of the very largo dry goods houses N w. , } ° .rk " 'Inks well enough of Omaha establish what will eventually grow Into very large department house hero nnd v unelerBtiind that It Is the Intention of th gentleman to open a house with a pr tlmlnary stock of goods of nt least J100.C In value. This certainly shows that Omni must bo considered n gooel point for th class i of business unel it also shows no fei on the part of the projector that Omul la going backwards. It has been general ' Bupposeil thnt the Goldgrabers of Mm'o nnd Kremont were to open this store. Th Is not true. They may have something merely In n clerical c nacUy Taking everything into conslderntlo abundant crops promised and the satlsfn tory condition of business , the outlook certainly encouraging nnd ft Is to be hot * that Omaha and the stuto will receive i jetback nnd. aa fur aa can be Judged i inl,8iUmo.ihcr,0 ' ,8 not even the cloud on the horizon. UliTTlMl TlMis : AUK ON HIE WAY. Tradesmen See n Sky ilmt I * Free from tl ll.ttrk Clmiili. W. II. nobcrson , speaking of the week trade from the point of view of H. i lun & Co.'a Mercantile Agency , Bays ; The weather has a great deal to do wli trade nnd therefore no one cun dlscu" bUDlneFS conditions or prospects wltho predicating his conclusions upon climate ocy and meteorology. The weather U c thnt wo can desire nnd the effects of tl change from drouth to moisture constltu the lias I for our business contldence. The spring grain crop Is not BO serious damaged an was supposed , Ilye will I short and wheat ehort , but oata will rene almost an average In most sections , coi Is making all the progress to be desired ai farmers are now very sure that the seuae will prove profitable. It U HUKKeated that possibly the tone , pe haps the hemisphere nnd possibly the earl nt large Is experiencing- Home sort ' meteorological revolution nnd that we elm tie obllteil to wait a few yeara before v fhull he able to forecast weather ana en col. lHloiix with liny pert cf success. ITlor da ornnKcx wi-rc frozen last winter , nnc Uirthcrn fruits suffered from frosts Inte the present rprlnif. The storm whlcl vrc-i-koel the Collmn wan tinuHUal on tin I'aclllf nnd It cwcpt from the Centra Ann-Mean c-quatorhil belt to the far north PUN ! , losing Itito'.t beyond thu great lakes Kxlrrme heat In April and extreme cole n May , together with many other Incident ! of the ycnr or two past , futrgegt the posl jlllty that Uio pt-tfccnt yours are epocha n climatology. At Houth Omaha Intfliicrr Is extreme ) : lull. One > duy this week thu receipts were Ifty carloadH and the market was s < Istless and Indifferent thnt the shlppei pent the stock on to Chicago. The puckini IOIISCH are open , but they nrc not active and but little- stock U coming In. Wlthli ihlrty days , however , range cattle will bi fnt and elexlrablc. The murkvt will thei awaken and bustne. In the packing suburl will resume Its old familiar proportions Cattlemen Fay that there nro plenty o cattle on the plains nnd they antlclpati n very uctlvf market thlc summer nm fnll. fnll.With With the wholesale hou'c-a everybody feel encouraged. Groceries arc of course In bli demand. The dry goodd people ytate tha their trade was never KO good as ilurlni [ he past wce > k. Several opening stocks am largo sales brought the aggregate up t < a llgure exceeding any previous week. Th lioot und choc houses are enjoying pros nerous trade , but they nro not altogethe hnppy. In fact , among nil the Jobber there Is a sentiment stronger than ever fo another dry goods ) house. Many flrst-clas nien In trade believe that they should tak hold of this subject anel offer a culmldy I necessary In orelcr to add olio more dr gooels house to the market. The grain men of the city are alert ngalr new houses are going Into the business nn efforts are being actively put forth to re open the Idle elevator * . Iluslnc-ps IB reviving everywhere. Who we have more to do we Hhall have less tlm to complain and bo blue. The far wes und lown are still responding with mos generous orders , nnd later In the yea Nebraska , whose storekeepers are FO ! down to { ho limit , will be ordering largcU "We shall nil be happy yet. " St , l.onls Gt'niT.il ST. I-Ot'IH. June8.WHKATOpfn l -v , higher , miel for n abort time the ilnrmnil wa active. Iitu sexm be-unn t > let up , the nmrla wcukeneel nn.l .l.-cllne. ! Ic. milled liter nn llniilly Hiia up ITic. cleiBltnj nt the top nml IS . iiV'.N' ? . ' , nc"n.p < 1 upward , n Bnln In hent ni lUiK tei the Mreneth. Tliu rloi-o wn ( Irm n ; . r v/ic ! ' n'l"vc ' yeeti-relHy. No. 1 mlxe * „ ! 4Sl ( & < : ic : JuVMC | blel ; September , bW . ; . SEED Nomlml ; * i.iu. "A.T > ull > mlt Btl"nK ; ttmithy , S11.00ni3.l ' ' " ' ! , A1/,10' / ' I" > ' - lc7.fJ1i 10.00 this side. I.fiCIH Ixiwer ; Oe fre-uh. LEAD StronK ; > 3.12Vi. ti.VJiVIHlo s I > ' "k' "tnnilnrel mess , Jobblni Il.MU. I inl prime steam , $6.3714 ; chalce. $ ( ; . & 1 aeon , boxed shoulders , J0.25 ; lontrs , J.S7H ( ! .ll . , . ? J.Ltl2ir' ' " ' , * T.I2'.i. ' Iry salt meits. bVxV > . .tlottos ) ; , $ u.3iVej ; ribs , $ G.0 ; short , s.noo ibis. ; whcnt. 3,001 bu curn. f..e ) bu. ; emt , lo.nw bu. KIIII'MKNTS I-'lour , 4.000 bbln.i wheat 230. . tu. ; corn , 1SUW > bu. ; oeitg. 2,000 bu. ' ConVo .Iliirliuc. YOIIIC , June 8-COFFKE-Optlot SL' ' ' 'v-1 ' ntunc''F'-'l ' rrlcec to 10 pin , U-cllne. No ( , nlen until three minutes of cl Itilf. 1-orelKn mlvlcen etiunlly feitureless nr nbsoluti-y no sprculatlve Interest here. Clew , 3n ° ? | ! > I' lc7t ! lo 5 Klnl" ni'vnnc , , , . " ' ' | ? ber"7ii i'nKBi- lne'ullnK September. JH. , October. J14.RO ; December , JI4.75. pot enfTe " ! Nl ' 7 Jll ! mll l , { . > , : < Htenely ; Corelav , , Wnr-liou p ele-llverlCB ypste.-r.la New Y"rk "locft tnila > ' - 2WI.93S baSi , , .e" Bl"ckZ'S. . " ' IWBS : nll.Wt for tl nlte-el Stntes. 27.00) ) buKn ; total visible cum y'a'J 8"1"1 f'MMS 1 > aK" ' "B'llnst Sa,3 IMKB last ijunc 8--Innctlve ; irnoel nvera ! ' ? ' ijunf J'-Ol neel steady. Uf lowi cl < 's < > 1l "lenely , unchanBwi ; sale. " , 3,0 bn 'H rlnin" ' JrUn ( < , r- rlrm : No7 nl ° - Jlc-s : ; : < " " ' " ' " " . * . ° W ' ,2"itM 'S"1"1. " > K ; clenrwl r the t'nlted State . . . 8.000 bnBa : for Kurone , LO baga ; te > ck , 173,000 bngii. I.lvorpnnl AturkctH. nrm ; demand poor ; Cur , Tr" ! ' CI" ' ? 8 lo 30 " " 3l9 ! Bhort ril > 3' 2 ' ' 32 6il ; lontr cleur. llsht. 28 to Iba. , 33 Cd ; lot clear , heavy , K Ibs. . 32a ; short clear lacks. MKI , 18 bs. 34i. ; Bhort clear ml.Mles , heavy. 55 ll SiIS ' " 'Vi' ? " to 1 ( ! " 33fl- Shoulder / . . , ; rviuare. 1 ! te. 18 Ib . . ; , 2Ss. Ham . nhort cut , U nrJi'S" 42i" W 'T ' 1 ' ' ne North America , ; nominal , llief. extra India mn * . 80s ; nrlr ! Iirlinc wcstcm33S t ; * J.I.I.lSB ? sll'.n'I > 'i.dl'm"n ] moderate : tine . whlt.e , 41a ; JInest Amerlcnn , colorc I'KTHOU-iM-llennet'l. ! - . sUil. HI-i-'UIGl-UAT01t : lIKKFil-'orequarters. hlndeiiinrteis , CXd. HOPS At Ijonelon ( Pnclflc coast ) , 2 5s. , NI'3U yOHK. June 8.-SUOAIl-nnw , Head fair refining. 2 1S-16C ; crntrlfuical , 9G test , 3 5-111 sale * 7.S84 biiK centrifURal. 96 test , nt 3 5-16 1.170 loKfl inolasne-s nuitnr. 2 11-lCc ; rellnert , nuk No. C. 4N 3-lCcj No. 7. 3T4WI 1-lCo ; No. 8. 3 11- S41',1,00',0',9' ' 313-"ff < c : No. 10. 3W313-1C No. 11 , 3 ll-neWo ; No , 12. 3 9-lC 3ic : No. 1 3c ; e.ff . A , 4 llilHc ( ; mold A. f lMGfi > W standard A , 4 7-16 4iic ; confectioners' A , 4 5-K 4 , c ; cut louf. r. 1-lCiiiiiJc ; eriishe-d , 6 l-iefiJU powdentl. 4i 4 li-lCc ; Rranulatcd , 4 7-lCEpl'J cubes , 4 11-1C64TSC. Iliiltlinnrr CSraln Alnrlccts. tOUN-Flrmcr : spot. 57Vi f57'ic ' ; month. 67 S'Hf : J"ly. 'T-ilf'SS ' ! August. Ibc bid ; receipt 21.74S bu. ; stock , 300.COO bu. ; southern white , J5i'c. ' OATS Firm : No. 2 white western , 3738c ; N 2 mlxeel , 34834HC ; receipts , 3,213 bu. ; stocl AIlnncHpolli MINNRAPOI.IS , JuneS. WHEAT Firm ; Jun KlHc ; July , SlHffSl ; c ; September. 78c ; i tml < . No. 1 hnnl , 8Sc ; ; No. 1 northern , 82o ; N 2 northern , 81c. FI.OUH StMiilv ; ttret patents , H.15WI.CO ; se end patents , 5).aVfl. < 0 ; nrst clMirs , J3.40Jf3.CO. Milwaukee Murlcrtn. MHAVAfKHR.June S. W1IRAT HlKherj N 2 spring , k2'ic : Ne > . 1 northern , S7c : July , S3Hc. C-OUN Firmly held : No. 3 , S2'.4c. ! OATS Steeuly ; No. 2 white , S3cj No. 3 whit S2HlT3\ie- | . . HAIII.UV Nominal ; No. 2 , 4Dc ; sample , 4C35C I'ltmncl'it .Nine * . IIOSTON , Juno S. ClearlnKB , tl4.9S4.41C ; la nnoes , II.70S.718. For the week , J37,7i 2,2D2 ; bei nnces , ! 10,005 , ! > CO. HALTIMOHI3 , Juno S.-ClenrlnK3 , J2.701.43 balances. > 340,4Gt > . For the week , clenrlnKX. JH 3f < ) .2t | ; balances. J2.814.94S. ST. I.OPIS. June 8. Clnrlnirs. Jl,319,670 ; tn unces , JsT.7,772. Meim-y , CiiO | n r cent. Ne Voik exchanKe , We pri-mtum. IMUIjADKI.riUA , June8. . ClenrlnBs , J10,4li CIO-balances ; , 11,4 6,147. For the week , clearing J71,9 .67K ; lulnnc. > i. . J11.202.WO. WASIIINOTON , Juno 8. Today's stntement the condition of the treasury shows : Avallab e-nsh lulnnce , JlG,497,4il ! ; Ruld re-serve , $33 3'J ' ] ! M. M.CHCICAOO CHCICAOO , June 8 Clearlnffs , J13,135rx Totitl for week , J100.078h ; ceim-spondlnic last year , JS5.S38,0 ) . Demand for money Is lilt easier ; rates. 4W)5 per cent for c-ill loans ni r.U i6 IKT cent for commercial pnper. New Yen exchange2.V10o ! premium. Sterling , pjsti rates. J4.90fr4.S'J. . . N13W YOHK. June > 8. The exports of spec fnun Ihu port of New A'ork for the wui amounted to 113,679 In Kohl and JJI38.C72 In sllv * The Imports feir the week were : Gold. J24 24 silver. Jl'3.C40 ; dry Boenls , Jl.95l.OWenernl ; me chandlne , (9.C67.173. ( Cledrlno , Ji701,95) ; balance J5I > 5U.051. For the < week , exchanges. 1577,1W 0) ) balances , J37,790.0C1. nuiiki-'t for short bills Is st-lMiH p'ef ceiTtj fe three-months' bills , U-lC'uH p.-r cent. Till : HICALTY AlAICKKT INSTRUMENTS placed on record June 1S35. WARRANTY DKKDS. K M Held nnd husband to I. II Stephens , 8 J2S fe-t ; und i S1U fet-t of n Mi ! feet of lot 1. Meelay suUllv . . . . . . . . t Daniel farrlKK and wife to John I.lnder. lot 7 , ble > ck 3. Hansconi imrk . . C DKKtJri. Special mailer to 8O llairoe , lota 17 and 18 , block 76. Dundee Plate . t Master In chancery to Jennie 11 Mtxirehrad. IWxKfl feet In lax lot 7. In 2l.tf.13 . . 9Z Shrrirr tik M A Hell , n ' , of lot 5 , block 1) , suUllv of Horbach's 1st add . 2.0 Same to K T Hell , lot II , block tl , Shlnn'n 2 > l add . . . 3J Same to K II Curtis , undlv Vi of lot 2. block 1 , Cunningham's subdtv : uncllv 14 of lot 1 , blcx-k 7 , CunnliiKham'i subdlv : undlv H of lot 1J. ll iyil add . . 2i ! Same to mine , lots 7 and 8 , block 16. Isaac & S's uddi undlv U f lot 3 , block . lot 8. block 4. lot 21 , bl k 13 , lot 1 , block 14 , lot 20 , block U , lot 11 , block 17 Orchard Hill , 28 Same tu same , lot 4. block 2 , Fred Del. tone's add ; lot 3. block 7Vitlnut Hill ; lots 1 and 2. block 8 , Hrellck's subdlv ; undlv 'i of lots 2 anil 3 , block 7 , undlv K of lot 4 , block 7 , CunnliiEham's subdlr ; lot * 7 and 8 , bluck > . lots 1 anel 2 , block K , I a c & S's add : lot R. Mayne'n add to Orchard Hill : undlv U of block 19 , and other properly In Orchard Hill. . . . . . 7f : Total amount of tronifcn Jtl.Si COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opened Quito Weak and Bnd3enly Eecamo Strong , CORN HAD NO INDEPENDENT ACTION It Declined Uhen Wheat WAI Weak nnd Advanced When U Kegnlncd Strength Crop Dnttingo HcporU Again n Feature on 'Change. CHICAGO , June S. Wheat turned from qulfe weak curly In the session today tc very strong nt the close on further crop dnmngo reports , nfter declining Ic pot bu. under Its highest value made. It ! the first Imlf hour It rose 2c nnd closed nl ic for July , which Is l',4c rise since the close yesterelny , and Is the highest eloping price so far this season. Corn , onts nntl provisions sympathized with the strength In wheat. Onts nro le higher , while corr only gained Uc nnd pork , lard and ribs arc but modestly advanced. Although the IIret salts of wheat were nl from l&c to l > 4c over the closing price yes terday , the limit dealings were compara tively tame. There were no new features In the surroundings of the market. The weather was still dry In the. winter whcal area and wet In the spring wheat region The chief Items of earl ; ' news comprlscc the publication of the state crop reiiorts ol Michigan nml Illinois and the particulars ol the week movement. The Michigan repori gave average condition for the state at 73 or nbout 10 per cent reduction for the month. The Illinois report gave the average for the state nt 62. ns compared with 92 pel cent on May 1. These reports , bnel as wni the state of affairs they Indicated , were not quite so bad ns the Imagination of some of the speculators hnel pictured the condl tlons , anel conseeiuentlv their effect wa : bearish rather than buli'sh. ' The Argentine shipments were smaller for the week , uc cording to n private Liverpool cablegram but that also as n piece of news fell tin In consequence of having been expected The week's shipments of Hour anil wheat as publ'shcel by Urnc'street's. amounted fo.i both coasts to 2IS1COO ! Int. , 831,000 bu. o which wns from the Pncllle side. The tola on the week before was 2,402,600 bu. , and 01 the corresponding week of last year 2,742 , 000 Int. The aggregate decreases of whea land Hour In the I'lilte-d States and Canndi for May , ns given by the Ually Traele liul etln , was lD.3M.Oao hti. , nnd eleeluctlng ni Increase of1,000,000 bu. In Europe urn aflont , the net amount of the world's de crease for May was lf > ,3.3OOQ bu. The mar ket ncte > d rather heavy for nn hour or more I'ardrleiee touk a hand In the market , am around & 0c for July he began to feed th- - bulls with short wheat. The price graelu ally but surely declined to SOUc , anel afte hanging between thnt nnd RO'.fcc for a tlm It slid off to 79 'ic. The decline was he'.pei by advices from St. Louis of the nrrlvn there of u carload of new wheat fror Kansas nnd other tolcgrnms relating t threshing returns from the same state which mentioned twelve bu. per acre from i Held of 1,200 acres. Hut there wns nn excellent collent Inquiry for cash wheat , 100,000 bu being taken to go to Toledo. Some car loads were sold for I'lttsburg , nls-'o , am other places which seldom buy direct fror , Chicago. Then came rumors of hot wind . Cnl'fornla ' having damaged crops ther from 15 to 20 per cent , the Modern Miller' estimate of not over CO per cent of nn aver age crop of winter wheat , anil the lust nn < most unkindly cut nf all. chinch bugs li the spring wheat. It was a mere rumoi but It created n commotion In the minds o the traders , while the price was enrout for si-Tic for July , which it reached am where It closed. The corn market had no Independen action of Its own. It declined when whea was weak nnd advanced when It regalnei strength. The crop prospects were ns goo ns ever , but the > receipts nre giving no sign of Increasing. The Inspection In store toda yfL ! ! , icnrs .nml the outward Inspectlo : 348.000 bu. July opened nt from D2-He t D2V c. advanced to CZ-'Sjc , reacted to fror S-'c to & 2sc , .then once more advanced untl It reached KIHc , the closing price beln ; 52Tic , ns against 52c yesterday. I'or a Saturday , business In oats wan ver active. Further reports of crop damage Indicating thnt the condition Is much mor unfavorable than It has been , created som anxiety among shorts , nnd there wns fre buying by them. Trading was heavy an : principally general. July started at fror 30J4c to 3Wic ( , sold at from 30c to sovtc advanced to Sl o nnd closed nt from 31ft to 31V c. The provision market was firmer nnel re covered the light loss of the elny before Hog receipts were only 10.000 , making th week's supply 172,000 , ngnlnst 177,000 a yen ago. The run for next week is not expecte to exceed 145,000 head. Compareel with ve terday's close , pork Is from lOc to izv , higher , lurel 2fcc higher and ribs up Gc. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat cars ; corn , 223 cars ; onts , 200 cars : IIOKS 29 ' 000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. I Opjn. | Hl/li. | ivj.v. | Clou. WhentNo. S June Rl 70 Rl July 71) ) * , Sept : ? bUH 82) ) Corn No. 2. . Juno BlM ® ti July O'JUGtH 6'1 Sept B.IH fit Oats No. 2. . . Juno 30K 31' , ' July 31 ! < soKs 3U < 3 > Se-pt SI ! I'ork nor bbl July 12 02 ! ! 12 70 12 nn 12 07 ! Sept. It ! 00 12 07W 12 83 12 1)5 ) Lnrd.lOOlbs Julv 0 081 0 05 (1 ( (15 ( Sept 0 8& Q 85 Jgjjlj 0 S5 Short nibs- July a 3.1 0 35 0 .124 n 3.1 Sept 0 52d 0 55 u 5u G 65 Cash quotations were ns follows : FLOl'll Winter patents , J3.905iM.20 : wlnte straights. $3.40133.90 : spring patents. $ I.OOft4.3S sprlnp stralKhls , $3.1064.01) ; bakers , $2.10H3.30. \\HBAT-No. 2sprlnc. RHilS4 > ic ; No. 3 sprlnp nominal ; No. 2 red. Slfifl'ic. ' COIIN No. 2. f Hc ; No. 3 yellow. SI Tie. HYE No. 2. ( Mo. lAHWiV No. 2 , 52Mc ; No. 3 , nominal ; No. 4 FI..AX SEED No. 1 , $1.47. TIMOTHY SEED-Prinie. . I'HOVlSIONS-Me-ss pork , per bbl. . $12 EW ! 12.G2'Ijirel. . per 100 Ibs. , $ G.D2',4Ji6.Sr ' , . she.i ribs , hides. lei.no. $0.2WJ6.30 ; dry salte.1 slnul . , . . _ _ , . . _ . . . , . . ,5.37 06.5 , , short ce , , WHISKY Distillers' nnlshed gooila , per gal. St'OAIl ITiichnnBed. The followlne were the receipts and shipment texlay : On the ProJnaj o < cnanje toJav the butter mar ki-t was firm : oreamcrv. 10JJ17M3 : dairy. lOi lUc. tegs , dtciiely ; IHlllV o. Che Ho , UH 7Hc. NKW Yl ItC ; Closing OcmtHtleitu on tli IVInulpal Co.-n- meMltile * i iul htuplen. NEW YOniv , Juno 8. KLOITI Ilecelptg. 21,10 bbls. ; cx.irts | , 7.&W bbls. ; sales , 2,600 pks . Dull buyers generally holding off to await the ROV eminent report ; city mill patents , $ I.SIJ5.5 ] city milt clears. $ UOfl4.40 ; Minnesota patents $4.1W4.65 ; Mlnni'soln bakers , $3.2. ' > ( TI.15 ; wlnle patents. $4.0004.40 ; winter Klralnhts , $3.7584.IS winter extras , JJ.OOflS.W ; winter low urailcs , $2.4 03.03 ; Fprlnu low glades , $2.UOSJ2.M. Rye Hour ' 1M bblS' ' 6Upcrnne' * * .2)O1.2I ) ; fancy CXJUN MEAISteady ; sales. 3X ( ) bbls. ; yellov w tirn $ l.lji&l.llllrandywlne ! , $3. tle.ns were stronif ami fairly active rn bulllsl state rnwrtB from Illinois and Michigan , wm country houses buylmr freely at first , but sub sequemly realising- , which caused a sharp break A partial recovery followed and the close wai at IJTIHe advance. Other bull factors were hlshf rublfs , rumored smull Arsentlne shipments am Increased wevtly wheat and flour exports fron 'his"untry : No. 2 re < l. June , closed at Me July , 82 -lCiS3ttC , clone-el at & 3Sc ! ; August , S3 , , S4c. closed at 83jc ; September. 83 15-lMjM ij.jgc elosed at 54'ic ; Dcctmtwr , 83CSHc. closed a S6C. S6C.CXIUN Herelpts , 6,900 bu. ; exports. 97.900 bu , mien , S45OwO bu. futures and 13.00J bu , spot Spot nrm : No. 2. 67c , In elevator ; Mo afloat yellow , 67ic. Options higher on continued Hull receipts and rather unfavorable crop news , clo InB at S V4c net advance ; July. t7 57V c , closei at 67Hc ; Septcmt > r. WViC.'Shc. closed at fiftc. OATS Ilece-lpt . 2f 6.KX > bu. : exports. l.OX ) bu sales , $0,000 bu. futures and 15.0m ) bu. spot. Spo nrm. No. : , 33Ml34u ; No. 2. dellvere < I , 34UC3JC No. 3. 33e ; No. S white. 36MO37C ; No. 3 white S6c ; track white37C43c. . t > ptlomi ruled llrm with only a light trade , clcmlntr at Sic advance July , 33 03(0 , cloned at 34c ; Stptembtr , 33 > ; ij3tc HAY Firm : shipping. $5.00 .00 ; good tl choice. $6.5Ub7.50. HOPS Sti-ady ; state , common to choice , old 3ft5c ; U94 , 4fiSc ; Pacific count , old , JI < K : ; 1&94 lUnES-StronK : wet salted New Orleans , selected lected , 43 to 6 , ' . Ibs. , 6Vic , nominal ; Texa , e lected. 50 to CO Ibi. , 7c , nominal ; lluenoa Ayres dr > ' . 20 to 24 lb . , 15c , nominal ; Texas , dry. ' to so lb . . io lc. I.EATHEll Strong ; hemlock role , llueno Ay re * , light to huavy wrlghta , Kir c ; acid , : 624c.WOOI WOOIFlrm ; domestic fleece , IGCiSc ; pulled I'HOVISIONS IJetf.qulet ; family , $11.M > Q1100 extra , $ J.80i 1x-ef hntnii. flJI.r.HIJO.CO ; city , rxtrt India me * * , M70W13.C * . Cut inmln , Mendy plrktal bHIIr * M < / c. 4.W d shnuhler * , Mf.Mtc l > lcKlHl hum. * . OtiD'tc. fauiirdullj western strnti closed at f6.7Mi6u. rllA.fjy i July clos * * ! n H.90 nomlnnli September ; VnlO nominal , fennel dull ; continent , 17-15 , 'Spilth American , $7.10 compound , i.l > . Pork , ntm * new mess , > I1.75 < 14W ; famllyt $ l2.COn3.W ; ' short clear , I13.0WI hOTTEn-Slcndy ; western dairy , ! > ( J13c ; went r-rn cre-nme-ry. IStMSe ; ' + re Yern fnctnry , HJlIo KlKln , ISc ; Imitation rrrrrmrry , llftlSc ! lnti iUlry ( 11f17c ; Hate CTf-fiWWV. HP. CHEESE yulcti staleKJA&f. t.0"ci small , K < C",4ci part skims , 2R4c ; full skims , EC1OS Stendyi MuleAM UVnntyUnnln. 14Uf 14'ic ' ; xvestern , frroh , ml4a ; > receipts. 4,163 | . ] < Ks TAIIXW E sy ; city ( Jper PkK4 ) > i 4Hc country lpkn < . free ) . 4'4lritc. ' as ti > cjunllty. I'ETHOI.EUM WrnkjrU'gWeil rlonwl nt 11.41' , Mil ! rellnfd New York. $ ; . & ; Philadelphia nne llaltlmnre , $7.60 ; 1'hllnclrlnbln und Ilultlmorc , It bulk. K.10. , , , , HOS1N Qulc-t ; strained , .common to Rood. Jl.t. Rl.f.74. . , . Tl'IlPENTINi ; Steady , -83 > 4fi30o. HICE Quiet ; domestic * fair to extra , 4lt5C'.Sc Japan , 35 { 7lc. . . . MOLASSES Steady ; New .Orleans , open kcttlr KtHxl to cljolce , Z8fS2c. * * MirTAI * 1'lif Iron. Him : American , ' HO.fOf 12.73. Copper , otenily ; lirokors' price , $10.C2'4 Ix-iul , utrinifr ; brokcm' prlet$3.124. . Tin. l > nr < > l : mendy. tralt , 1I.MI4.10 ; iilntes , i > tcudy Hpelter , flrmer ; dotiiPRtlc , f3.7.'ff3 W. COTTONSRHn Oll < AlKiut flraily. Imt quiet prime crude , 23fi4c : < iff ciude , S'-'HMe : prim summer yellow , 27ii2i'4c ; off Rummer yellow 2C',4'82fic ' ; yellow minmicr grade * , 2SiT ) c ; prim Bummer white , SO.tI31c. o.M.viiA ( II.MKAI : : , MAUKIT. : Condition of Trnilo mid IJiintittlii.il on Mitplo unil I n i if y I'rodncc. KClOS-Cholce stock , lOJ/lOHc. UUTTKll-l'm-klni ; stock , S'.iOSo ; choice t ( fancy , 10S1& ; ; gathered country , 14c ; Kparato creamery , He. LIVE I'OUt.TUY Hens , CflC'-ic ; roosters. Sf 4c ; FiirliiR chlckeim , )2OOQ3.M per doz. ; ducks 7Q8c ; turkeys , Cc ; Reeve , He. VEAlr- Choice fut , 10 to 103 Ib3. , are quoted a GflTc ; large and coaise , ICCUc. Cin-iS12 Wisconsin full crcnm. DC ; Youn ; Americans , lOc ; twins , lie ; Nebraska and lown full cream , lOc ; Nebraska nnJ fowa , pan sklmi tQ'e ; Llmbuiser , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie SwlEB. No. 1 , 14c. HAY fpliiml hay , J8.M ; midland , 8 ; lowland 17.50 ; rye straw , > 3 ; color makes the price o hay. I.lcht bales sell the bcft. Only top grade brim ? ton prices. IMGEONS 1'er doz. . SI.C001.50. New potatoes have taken quite a drop durln the past week nnd there Is every prospect tlm they will BO rim lower In the near futrue. The nia now us clieup an old pcitatiien , Arkansas sloe HpllhiK as low as SOc. California new po'.ntoe uro held at Jl and It looks as If they won I have to give way to Arkansas stock. Toinntnc'H are lower , and It Is expected tlm they will m > w move moro fieely. l otterhas < l'n. of Crystal Spring * . Mli-s. . the lamest shl | ping point for tomatoes In the country , have < -ar tin the road , which Is expected to arrive her < m Tuesday. Crystal Spi Hilts ships car lots i t imutneM to nil the Inrse easti-rti and tiorther cities , but has left Omaha out In the past. It I n < j\v proiiused tu KM ! ; this maiUet u fair trl : and the tlrct cxir Is on the way. StrhiB and wax beans were In better deinan yesterday and what there were here void nt little ( Inner prices. Quotations : CAt'ljirLOWKIl Southein stock , per cralc 5200. ONIONS Ilermuilas , per crate , St.G061.CO ; Ca tfoinla , In tacKs , per Ib , Ic. It/PATOES Western ftoek. car lots , 70SSO < small lots , Kj9ic ) ; new , per bu. , fcOiTtl.Oi ) . OLD HIANS Hiinil picked , navy , ! 2.20 ; I.lm beans , per Ib. , &ttR ! > Uc. CAIIIIAOK On ciders. 3c. SPINACH Per bu. basket , SWIOc. HADISHL'K 1'er doz. bunches. 15c. OHR15N ONIONS I'er dciz. bunches , GSlOc. LETTUCE 1'er 1107. , 2.i30c. ASPAHAHt'S Choice stock , on orders , 30iff4 ( per doz. bum-lies. TIE 1'hANT-l'er Ib. , iClc. Ct'Cl'MIItniS-On orders. 40 ,00 rer doz. I'KAS On ordeis , per 'A-bu. box , COilCOc. STItINO DEANS-On orders , V4-bu. box , Mi 7Sc. 7Sc.TOMATOKS Florida clock , per C-baskct cmt' ' $3.50 ; per 4-backet case , $2. WAX HEANS On older * , per ' /S-bu. box , 7.1i OOc ; bu. boxes , (2. i , TEXAS SQt'AKH Per dnzt on orders , Flll'ITS. There were only a few Missouri strawberrlc on the inatket. but the'Mernnnd was not largi as Friday's car of OiCKun li-irles had tilled u the trade. . ; „ - - Haoplierrles wele In g oil demand at stead prices. There Is said td be' ' ft KUcmp ! at shli plnK polntf. n i i An occasional ease of blacKberrks Is received. In spite of the frost , which destroyed some f the ( rult In the noitlu-m patt of the state , tl ; fruit crop In California , .tlilF year promises I be an Immense one. Tliouwinds of acres of ne mchaids will come Into liearlrig ( Ills Heasoi Advices from Sun I-'ranfclMd slate that the 71 ventilated cars ordered vonie ttlme KO , In antic patlon of Increased shipments In this line , ai nearly ready for use. In fact , some of tl cars ai.e colng wes ; now. The rush of hustne ! In handling California ( rultwill not Ix-Kln li fore the middle nf Jtmet JCor six weeks aft < that date the powerful wiBmes on the rnountal division will be Ksted ftni their full capacity I haullnKi the fruit tn'i-rr.thq hlllHon fust tlm Quotations : , STHAWIIBnniES ChniCfi shipping stock , pi case of 24 qts. . { 3.5004.00. CHEUHIES California , black per 10-lb. bo ) U.23 ; Hoyal per box , { l. O. OOOSKIIKHHIES Per 24-nt. case. J2.00R2.23. SOUTH BHN CHEHHIIIS Per 21-qt. case , J2.2 : HIJACK nASI'IlEIUUES Good fUick , per 24-p case , { 2 ; per 24-qt. cat-e , J4. 1U.ACKHEH1UES Choice stock , per 24-q case , $4. TIIOPICAU FIU'ITS. Advices have just come to hand from tl Earl Fruit company Indicating that there Is possibility of the frelRht on oranKes being n duced to } 1 per cwt. to all points which no take the rate of J1.2' per cwt. Thlfl rcductlti would make a difference of about 20c per box I the freight charges. The. . present charge Is 9 < per I ox and the dollar rate would make tl : freight 72c per box. Reports fiom Florida rather Indicate that hi palmiest days In orange growing ale over for tlmo nt least : Of course there will lx > lots c ornnKes shipped from that state so long r orangea are grown nnywhere , but It will t some time before Florida will bt > what It tin been In past years , so far as a heavy yield concerned. The big ficeze of last winter ws the straw that broke the camel's back. A grer many of the groves there have been owned ti nonresidents , who hired minagers to look aftt their projwrty nnd In some Instonces the mm aper would have a half dozen groves tu lee after for us many different owners. For tl last three or four years , when the crop did m suffer from frcst or other drawback , price ruled ton law to place the cultivation on a pa ) Ing basis and many of these nonresident ownei began to gt discouraged. Then came the bl frost last winter , which not only destroyed year's crap , but In many parts of the state tl trees aft well. Since then these parties ha\ withdrawn from business , have nbandonc their holdings and arc offering orcliards at lo prices. Quotation * : TROPICAL , FHUITS. CHANGES Navels , per box. f3.2f3.W ; ci,0c , | seedlings , per box , J2.fl2.W ; Medltcrranea sweets , I3.2.1 ; fancy St. Michaels , { 3.25. LEMONS Extra fancy lemons , SCO size , JS.M C.OO ; 300 size , J0.00fj6.50. HANANAS Choice shipping stock , per buncl J2 OOW2.25. PINEAPPLES Per doz. , $2.0002.50. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fnncy , 15c ; choice , 12SJ13c ; Callfornl : bags , 7c. HONEY California. HfflSc. MAPLE BYHUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , 11 Hlxbygal , cans , S3. NUTS Almonds. He ; English walnutn , eof shelled. 12c ; standards , He ; tllbcrtu. He ; Drai nuts. Sc ; pecans , 9c. DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c per Ib. ; fat dates , 9c per Ib. CIDEH Pure Juice , per bbl. , S3. half bbl. . j : COCOANCTS Per hundred. S4.W. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 8'ic ; No 2 gref hides , Sc ; No. 1 green salted hides , 9c ; No. green salted hides , 8',4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to : Ibs. , SUlOc : No. 2 vnal calf. 8 to U Ibs. , 12i No. 1 dry Hint hides. 10ic ; No 2 dry ( lint hide lOc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , lOc ; partly cure hides. He per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Qreen salted , each , 25JCO < git-en baited shearlings ( short wooled early skins each , W1E.Cdry shearlings ( short wooled earl skins ) . No. 1 , each , 57flOc ; dry shuarllngii ( shni wooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each , Cc ; dry till Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , p < pound , actual weight , SfiSc ; dry Hint Kan BOS an Nebniska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actui weight , 4jCc ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wo , pelts , per pound , nctual welnht , 4fC'ic ( ; ill Hint Colorado murrlan wool pelts , per poum actual weight , 4ii6c. Have feet cut off , us It useless to pay freight oh them. TALLOW AND OHKASE-rNo. 1 tallow , 4'Ji ' 4Wc ; No. 2 tallow , 3',4W4e ; grease , white A , 4' ' 4ic ; grease , white IIuSUe ; grase. yellow , 24' ' 3c ; grease , daik. 2V4c ; olU bntur , 2 2'ic ; beei wax , prime , 17O20c ; rough talluw , ic. WOOL , UNWASHED-Flne heavy. 6n7c : nr light , 8J79c ; quarter-blood , 10ftl2c ; seedy , bun and chaffy , 8Ji9c ; cottedpnd broken , course , 7i 9c ; cotted and broken , fine , MiSe. WOOL. WASIIKD Medlurrl , 1518c ; nne. Jl' ' 16c ; tub washed , 16 T18d | black. Sc ; bucks , 6 ( tag locks , tJ3c ; dead tmllei ] , FUHS- near , black. Nql lx large. S20.0032J.CK bear , brown. No. 1 , large.1 * IM 00825.00 ; No. 1 , m < dlum , S16 ; No. 1 , srnalli i12 ; bear , brown , ytai lings. No. 1. large. SlO.WKjiUiOOo. ; . j. medlun 58 ; No. 1 , small , S6 ; Nar , brown , cubs , No. large , S7 ; No. 1 , metllum ! S5 ; No. 1. small , r badger. No. 1 , medium. S15 | No. 1 , email , 18.00' 10.00 ; b ar , black , yearlings , . No. 1 , large. S12.K > 15.00 ; No. 1 , medium , SIO ; f > o. I , ginall , 17 : bca black , culis. No. 1 , largv , S6.00ir8.M ; No. 1. mi dlum , t5.0016.00 : No. 1. mall , Jl : bear , blacl Montana and Ilocky mountain , No. 1 , [ arm J18.WBM.OO ; No. 1 , medium , S14 ; No. > , imal SIO ; bear , black , Montana yearlings. No. : , , , No. 1 , small , 18 ; bear , silver tip. yearlings , Nc 1 , large , Jll ; No. 1 , medium , 14 : No. 1 , urnal S5 ; bear , vllver tip. cubs. No. 1 , Urge , Sl.OOfil.K No. 1 , medium , COc ; No. 1 , small , 50c ; flihei No. 1 , large , J8 ; No. 1 , mrdlum. J6 ; No. 1 , ernal S4 ; fox , Kllvsr , ai to color , according to Ix-aut ) No. 1 , large. JlOOf No. 1. mrdlum , SCO ; No , : small , ISO ; [ ox , sliver , pale , according to beaut ) No. 1 , large. JW ; No. 1 , medium , S30 ; No. ! mall. S3 : fox , cross. No. I. large , S7 ; No. : medium. S3 ; No. 1 , ( mall , Jl : fox , red. No. : large , Jl.W ; No. 1 , medium , S1.2S ; No. 1 , imal Si ; fox , gray , No. 1 , lare . ' * " * . : Xo. 1. medluir OOc ; No. 1 , small. 40c ; fox kits. No. 1 , large , Ulc No. 1 , medium. 4ic ; No , 1 , ( mall , SOc ; lynx , N < 1. large , S3 ; No. 1 , medium , S2 ; No. 1 , rmal Jl.W ; marten , No. 1 , large , J2 : No. 1 medluir Jl.W : No. 1 , imall , SI ; mink. No. 1 , large , CO : 65c ; No. s , medium , 40o ; No. 1 , email. Me : mink dark. No. 1. large , Cc ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; N < 1 , imall , SOc ; mountain HOD , perfect head an feel. No. 1. large. SI.P04J2.00 : Imperfect Bkln > . 1MO&7.UOJ No. ] . smnll , JS : utter , pale. No. 1 , large , J7j No. 1 , medium , J5 ; No , 1 , nm ll , SI ; rnccoon , No , 1 , 1ntR9. W < | 7V ( : No. 1 , medium , 50c , No. 1 , large , ? -OcQS2.0 < ) ; rkunk , black , cnrod , narrow striped , No 1 , laige. f-Oc ; No. 1 , mn dlum , 40c ; No , 1 , small , lie ; broad striped. No. 1 , large. ZOC25c ; wolverine. No. 1 , Urge , Si ! No. 1 , medium. 3 ; No. 1 , email , II ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 , l.irge , S3 ; No. 1 , medium. S2 ; Nn. I , small , SI.60 ; wolf , I mil to , No. 1 , large , CJtJPOtfi No. 1 , medium , COc ; No. 1. smnll , lOcj beaver , per kln , No , 1. large. S.VOOlj8Mi No. 1 , medium , S4.W ; No. 1 , small , SJ | beuvcr kiln , No. 1. IniRf , S2 ; No. 1 , medium , Sl-M ; No. 1 , small , 7c ; muskrati , winter. No. 1 , large , StflOc ; No. 1 , medium , 9c ; No. 1 , smnll , 7c : tnui > krnts , fall. No. 1 , large , 4Cc ; No. 1 , medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Cc ; tnufkrat kits. ! JJ3c. STOCKS AMI ItONOS Security Mnrltct Opened Dull with Some IrrpBiitnrltr ni in 1'rlcei. NEW YOIIK , June P. The slock market opened dull , with tonic lirrgulntliy ns tu prlcem Advances wheic recorded were of n modest frac tion , while Colton Oil prefirie.1 and Sugar do- cllned * i per cent und llubb- - ? i pr cent. Sub sequently Ilulilicr rtillled 1 p-r cent. During the last hour of business there was 11 goneini Im provement In prices. Sugar iulvniu-ed ' 1 per cent , but receded TS per cent In the Until sales. Su ( | Uehenna \ Wcslern preferred gullied % per cent and reacted > , ! per cent. Thu ntjirket closed strong and In the main hlghn- . Speculation during the we l ; wa * at limes ex tremely apathetic , and while somewhat Irregului lhe movement of prices was In the main down ward. The oHIclul declaration f u ledilcllon In the Northwestern dividend rule Imd a tempo rarily depressing Influnue on the stock and the market In gcnnnl. The nellon tit the Sugar di rectors In declaring their regular dividends had an enlivening effect on the stoek , which made u material tid\am-c un the Utiununeement , but Inter reacted. Notwithstanding the better lone of the crop news and the receipt uf a numlier of tralllc returns showing Increased earning" , the bears seemed to have little opposition In forcing down prices. The local operators weic aided con siderably In their efforts by the attitude of the foreign tiaders , who were mostly sellers. The pales of the week were 1.109,500 shares and 159 Ftoe-ks were dealt In. The trading In Kinds during the shnrt session today was active and generally strong. The total sales were SI.U90.OJO. The trading wn In a great measure conllned In Issues of the s , eculatlve class nhd marked declines were developed therein , particularly In the Head ing mortgages , In which the recessions were of u pronounced character. Compared with last Saturday , prices are In the main lower. The sales of the week were S9.77H.OOii. The followlnB were the closlnt ; quotations * on the lending stocks of the New York ex- flinnge today : The total wiles of gtocka tenlay weie > 04,748 shares , Including American Sugar , l. > .r,00 ; At- chlson. 4,400 ; llurllnBtem. l. ! 0 ; Consolidated Gas , 2 iVW ; Dlstllllntr nnd Cattlefee-dlnir. r.,50J ; ( jcnfral Klectrlc , 2 400 ; Uiulsvllle , New Albany & C'hl- capo , 1W ; New York and Southwestern pre ferred , 2.800 ; Heading , 3,9M ; St. I'uiil , l..iOO ; Tennedsec Coal and Iron. 14,200 ; United States Coidane , 2,400 ; Wahash. l.SOO. Nrw York AliMiey .tlnrbet. NEW YOIIIC , June 8. NOON MONUY ON CAII.r Nominally at lffl4 ! per cent. I'RIMK MKUOANTliaj' I Al'KIl 2UR3 > 6 pel ST'nmINO KXCllANGn Dull nnd steady , with actual business In bankers' bills nt t4.C9Vi < 3 4.6H4 ! for demand , and } 4.RSif4.S8Vi ! for sixty day ; posted rules , t4.fc9fi4.90 ; commercial bills , } 4.87',4 { < 4.S7i. SII.VKIl e'KnTIKICATKS-G7i ( 7& : no sale * . IIAll SII.VKn 67. MEXICAN DOLLARS-i3K. aOVEIlNMHNT HONDS Steady ; state bonds , dull ; railroad bonds , llrm ; 1T. K. new 4'a re r. , 123 4 ; U. 8. new 4's coupon. 123 4 : S' rrg. , 116 ; r'H coup > n , 116 ; 4's leg. , IHTi ; 4's coupon , 113 ; 2's re-R. , 7 ; 1'aelllc 6'n of 'S5 , 100. Cloying quotations on bonds were as follows : cuttuei .tinrket. NEW YORK. June 8. COTTON-Qutet nnd steady ; mleldllng , 7ic ; net receipts , none ; Krn , 32 bales ; exports , to Great Ilrltaln , 1K bales ; forwarded , 32 bales ; nalc-a , none ; stock , 212.WJ Ditirn. NEW OHLEAN8. June S.-COTTON-r > ull ; middling , 7c ; low middling. CHc ; KCKM ! ordinary , 6 tVlGc ; net and gross receipts , 21 bales ; exK > rts , to Krunce , 3,141 bales ; ceiastwlse , l.b'Jl bales ; sales , 75 bales ; steick , 141,7fi9 Iwiles. ST. I.OIMS. June 8. COTTON-Qulet ; no sales reported ; middling. 6T4c ; receipts. 617 bales ; ship ments , 450 bales ; stock , 27,611 bales. Oil Mnrkets. CHAnLESTON. June 8. TURPENTINE Freely offered at 26Hc. IIOSIN Firm at $1.10. WILMINGTON. June S. ROSIN Firm ; eood. $1.20 ; spirits. 26\4c. \ TAll Steady at $1,25. Tt'HPENTlNE yulet ; hard , $1.20 ; soft , $1.60 ; virgin. $2.25. SAVANNAH. June 8.-BPIIUTS-Flrm at 27c ; salts , 151) bbls. Duluth Uheat Market DL'LL'TH , June 8. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , B2'/ic ; June , KKc ; July , WSc ; No. 1 northern , ciuih , 81 : ; June. 2c ; July , i2 ic ; Seplemtx-r , SOHc ; No. 2 northern , canh , 78',4c ; No , 3 , cu h , 74Hc ; rejected , 72'/ic ; to arrive , No. 1 hard , 83Uci No , 1 northern , fcZHc. TrUce WlifH > t Quotation" . BAN FnANCISCO. June 8. WHEAT-Flrm ; December , ! . < * % ; new seller , | 1.01 ! ; nvw etlk-r , storage , Jl.WH- OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Closes with a Light Run , Leaving n Deficit AH Avonud , GOOD CATTLE STILL V RY SCARCE Ilemnml Aliu Minlleil Hint 'fruiting Dull on Narrow MUCH * n < l Lower I'rlcet fairly Active nu < ! All Throuch. SATUUDAY , Juno S. The receipts today numbered 653 cattle 3.C3S hogs and 021 sheep , ns against 7C ( cattle , 3.2SO hogs and 061 sheep on yester day , and SOI cattle and 0,707 hogs on Sat urday of last we-ek. WEEKLY HKCKlt'W. Cuttle. Hog * , Sheep. lieelpts thin week 4.Mi 2J.731 2.43' ItecclptB hut week 6,9.10 S8.33S ] ,4M Sunn- week It > ! ) | 17,050 57.C57 4SO ! Same Werk 1S93 i.OW 52.265 1.1M Same wee-k IK > 2 10.702 3S.M7 701 OATTM-J Tlurnttlo market of the pnsl we-ek has been far front satisfactory to the selling Interests. The receipts of cattle til all kinds have been light , especially goot : fat beeves , but that fact was not KttllU-lenl to hold up the market. The week openee' with a llrm market , but values wcakencel 01 Tuesday and the downward course ol the market commenced In earnest or \\ednesdny. For the week the decline amounts to nbout SOc on an average. He- Hides being lower , the trade has been slow and dragging every day , with the buyers In different. As noted above , good cattle have not been at all plentiful anel the niches ! price paid elurlng the week was JO.lO foi 1,350-lb. cattle on .Monday. As high ns Jo.U was paid on Wednesday , but there have been very few cattle In the yards gooe , enough to touch J5. ' Today's receipts numbered tlilrtv-ntm loiiels , n gain of twelve loads over yester- elay s run. There were a few pretty de cent steers among the offerings , but noth ing very choice. The market was ver > slow nnd dull and there wns not much change In the situation as compared will yesterday. Some 1,261-lb. beeves , the bcsl cattle In the yards , solel nt JI.SO. while n few other loads went at from $4 to $1.50. There were n few small bunches of cows and heifers , which sold nt about steady prlres. ' The trade In stockers nnd feeders did hoi ' " " - ' supply' to the light DEED' No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Ay , pr. s : : : : ii5j as ? 4oiw7'JSS : : : : wi isio'lsS 17..1058 390 1S..11CO 433 COWS. | : : : : Bi8 t.B8 : : ? 8 i : : : : ! ® IS 4. . . . ,00 1C. . 2. . . . 950 250 1..11UO 3110 i..Ml 1 SO 1. . . . 820 250 3..1153 3 Ol ) 5..740 195 1..KM 2M 19..1081 310 1..11CO 2W 1. . . . 010 2 f,0 , G. . . . OL'fi 310 's--'SiJ ' ; " 1..1110 260 1..1001) 3 60 " " 1""IK:0 2W 7..11S4 3C5 . 9bO5 HEIFUns. J' iK H'J ' J ' 5M 275 1 . 470 3M ! : : : : ibo ii tY--.U1 V 2l""M5 3S5 BULLS. 1..1250 200 2..1050 230 1..1470 28.1 1. . . . 020 220 1. . . . 8T.O 260 1..1400 325 1..1020 223 1..14SO 2 W CALVES. 1. . . . 330 200 2. . . . 120 375 1. . . . 140 4 7B 11. . . . 344 223 1. . . . 130 400 1. . . . ICO 60) 2. . . . 75 260 4. . . . 157 450 1. . . . 2:10 : 523 1. . . . 220 275 2. . . . 12) 475 4. . . . 217 5 2' ! I. . . . 2 < > 0 32- , 2. . . . 215 475 1. . . . ISO 525 C. . . . 105 360 5. . . . 202 4 75 KTOL-KEIIS ANIJ FEEDERS. , CO. , 2C5 7. . . . 458 305 C. . . . 460 315 . CSS 275 1..1030 310 4. . . . 975 335 . &M 2 75 4. . . . 452 3 13 5. . . . 916 360 HOGS Toelay's offerings of boss consisted ot fort-fight fri-sh leuuls und fourteen loads held over from ye > stenlay. or a total of sixty-two loads. Of the fresh receipts four leiaels were c-on- flKneel ellrcct tn a packer and were- not offered on the market. The quality of ( he hops was abjul the same ns yesterday , there behiK < | Ulte a BUOI ] many Rood IciadH. The market opened with UK demand Rood , the packers all being In need ol IIOKS , and the trading was fairly active. The bulk of the IIOKS wild early and the pens werf practically cleared some time before midday , lhe prices paid were about the s.ime as yester day , the Kcntral market behiK steady. OVK ] heavy anil mlxe-d loads sold at from $1.45 to $4.50 , with the ItKhler and mixed loads at from J4.3C to $4.41. The bulk of all the hogs here sold ul from $1.35 to $1.40. lleprcsentatlvc sales : . . . 8HKRI1 There were three doubledecks of westerns - erns on the market , but buyers wanted them way lower find holders Mould not ae-cept th < * bids , As a result there was nothing ? doing em the mar ket. Fair to choice natives are quotable at ftoii ] J3 to J3.73 ; fair to Be > d wcste-rns at from J2.5 ( tn J3.40 ; common and stock sheep nt from f2 tr $2.70 ; Kooel to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs at I run J3.75 to J5.2G. CHICAtlO I.IVi ; nTOCIl. Ill the Absence of n Pulr .Supply Very l.lltln 'I r n el I MEn * Done. CHICAGO. June 8. In the nbseneo of a fair supply , ve-ry little trading was elono today. Prices closed lOc per 100 Ibs. higher for Rood beeves than a week ago , but common lots closed from 15c to 20o lower. The week's cattle re- celptB were 10,000 head less than last week , nnd 12,000 less than for the corresponding We-ck last year , For eximmon to choice native drrsseel beel and shipping steers , weighing 900 to l.COO Ibs. , prices langcd at from S3.60 tn J6.00 , but very few uro choleo enough to bring J5.SO , nnd sales arc largely at from J4.25 to J5.50. Far away Idahei Is sending sonic S&S to 975-lb , wheeit and oat fet ) steers hire and sales are- made ut from J3.25 ta I3.S5 Stockers and feeders eire selling more freely ni Miine hnt ktronger prices , sales being mostly at from J2.40 to J3.05. Texas cattle re ceipts this week art * about 1T..5' ' ) head , against 9VK ) head last week and 5,000 head the corresponding spending we-i-k lafct year. At the short de-clliie' that hns taken place In these cuttle this we-ele there Is n fair demand at from J2.SO to J3.60 for grass steers , with fed t > Uers selling at from Jl to I4.GO. In hogs this week's receipts were 162,600 heart , C.W" ) rnoro than were received l-.st week and alxjut 15.000 less than e-uiuo In elurlng the cor responding week last year. There wan an active local demand and prices were strong fe > r light , while tsi l , heavy hoKS commanded nn advance of , ' . Heavy hogs s ild at from J4.30 to J4.75 , light nt from J4.25 to 14.50 , mixed at from J4.3S to J4.C5 , and pigs at from J3 to J4.20. Trices closed nearly the same us a week ago and 15c lower than a yi-ar ago. The supply was pretty well dlapoKc.l of. the bulk Felling at from J4.M to J4.65. Light weight he > gs sold moro slowly than hvnvy , owing ta a poor shipping demand for the former. Alxjut K.Gf" ) sheep were received today , makln : fu'G50 head for the week , a reduction of 8cXJ ( bend from the numN'r received lust week eind 14ouo head h-ss than arrived In the same wi-vk lust year. The offerings again conslste-d mostly nt undesirable Krudt-s and trade was extremely dull nt yi-stereUy's low ranee of prices. In- f PI lor tn good fat native i > lieep sold at II , Texan * at from J3 to Jj. Oregon sheep at J3.2J , laiiilm nt from J3 to J4.75 , nnd spring lambs nt from J5.25 to JS.tO , a few selling at fiom J2.25 to J4.75. Ilecelpls : Cattle. 300 head ; calves , 150 head ; hogs , SIM ) head ; sheep , 2,000 head. Knnmip City Live Mock. KANSAS CITY. Juno S. CATTLK-llecelptH , 300 he-ad ; shipments , 1,100 head. Market nom inally fleady ; Texas steers , J2.103. ' , < 0 , Txai cows , J2.i : < j3.00 ; beef steers , J3.355.43 ; native cows , JlTOfM'i ; stockers and feeders , f-i.GOft4.25 , bulls. J2.bO4.00. | IlOGS-Itrcvlpts , 3,300 head ; shipments , 96C head. Market strong to lOc higher ; bulk ol sales , ( .KxfH. ; heavies. JI.40A4.33 ; packers , J4.201J4.U ; mixed. Jl.lOf < 4. ) ; lights , J3.75l'4.2 ' ; Ye.rki-m. JUKI 1.15 ; pigs. J3.00i4.00. SHIJKT Ilece-lpts , 3.0UJ head ; shipments , 1.90C head. Market steady. MocU In Me hi. rtecord of receipt * at the four principal mar. ki-ts for Saturday , June 8 , U ! > 3 : Cattle. Until , fihefp South Omaha V35 3.C3.1 C2I Chicago SO ) W ) 2GO ) Kanvus City 3M 3,300 3ew > tit. Louli 300 yil Totals 1,831 8,138 8,121 nt. l.nuli Live NtonU .llitriiet BT. IXDl'IS , Jun 7. CATTLIItecrlpt8. . lot head ; hlpmenU , 1,400 head , > ui > | > ly too light It make a markt-t , medium native steers uf 1UV. II * . average soli ] at J3.90 , and sumo wclghlnH M lit. went for IJ.W ; Ttiiu > tecn averaging M ! ) Ib * . rId nl03. . und some uvrtnRlnfi ( tl lh ! > , at J2.3.V I HOtlSReceipts. . > < X ) hrnrlj fllllnncnlB. l.ro - lifid , only twe > butirhen of hogs fold , they com * tirlnliiK 2 0 bead nvrniplnt ; 19 ] Ibs. . nt JI.40. HIliirItecelpts : , none ; uhlpmentr , t.W > he-Aill Rixil demand fur native ihcep and lambs , but. none to buy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > ' New York llr.v UnuiU Alnrknt. ' Ni\V : YOHK , Jimp f.lluslncv s of th niixlerntr volume iifiml ta Sntuixtay at thin p i loel of the year. The prrc nnl nnd innll onb-r demand wns of vat-lablo proportions nnd foe , purely summer fabrics. There was n set Inquiry for autumn stuff , hut m > business was leportru. The market for cotton ijoods was > cry strong. especially for brown und bleached need * . PrintIng - , Ing cloths steady ut t U-lCa , ' U'niit MnrkPt. ST. 1.01'IR. June > . - . \ VOOIVnehnnRrt1. . e > x. ccpt for fancy combing , which li quoted nt Ifio. liven n'.ts riur : Trlrnto Letters of Mitt ItnrrlnRlon Itenel ' nt thelniilest | , SAN PUANCISCO , June S. A witness has been [ omul who enw n man nt the door ol Miss HnrrltiRton'R flat nt 12:50 | i. in. on tha day she wns murdered. The witness Is n 12- ycir-oUl boy residing In the flat below the scene of the traRcdy. The man's back was turned to the street nnd Uio hey did not tee lily face , so that he can give no description. There U every reason to bellevo that this man , who was In the net of rlnclni ; when ob served , is tliu murderer , but thu ixjllco have paid no attention tn the lad as a witness , not' even Interviewing hint. , At the coroner's Inquest , which was begun today , the private correspondence uf Miss Harrington wns produced In court nnd threw no light on the traKcHfy , nor did the letters prove as gcnsatlonal an the detectives had In timated. The writing on several tiotea was Identified by Frank M. Iluck as that of his father , Senator Duck , who died as a result of an accident a few days ngo. The notes were addressed to "My Dear Noll" nn.l were signed "Nell , " one being signed "nvcr Your Darling" Nell. " The only letter produced significant of improper relations between the two was dated Chicago nnd written on n letter head ot 1'orter liros. The penmanship was not posi tively Identified as that of Huck. Krank Duck , when asked to explain the familiar way In which his father addressed Miss Harrington , frankly plated that It was because ot liU great affection for her. t V.IT.1.S IT A JIVMl' C'OM'UXTIOX. > AilinlnUtrntlon Olllchits Not Atnrmcel Over tlio Springfield ( Jiithorlng. i IIOSTON , Juno 8. United States Assistant Treasurer Joseph O'Nell Is not disposed to attach much Importance to the free silver convention recently held In Springfield , III. , nor to take seriously the otatcmcnt that It its action shall bo followed out to Its logical conclusion the democratic party will be In danger of disruption. He says that any con vention that may he calleJ by the silver men If they were to Ignore the authority of the democratic national committee would be but1 a "rump" convention und would not bo rep resentative of the democratic party. Al though he admits thcro Is a strong feeling In the south one ! west In favor of free coinage - ago of ellver , Mr. O'Nell says the views ot\ \ the extremists who were present at the Springfield coikvention do not represent thcx sentiments of the majority of the people or the country nor even u majority of the demo cratic party , "If they persist In their course , " eald Mr. O'Nell , "In my belief It will result in the , further degradation of silver rather than Its advancement , because the more this question la discussed before as an Intelligent jury as the people of the United States , it seems to me the worse It Is for the extreme advocates' of silver. " > Suit to t\lnel Up u livings Institution. > ST. PAUL , June 8. The state of Minnesota , ' through Its attorney general , says that the Tontine Savings association of Mlntjeapolls Is a swindling concern and a gambling schcmo , and has applied to the court to have Its' huslncs wound up , for the appointment of a receiver and for an order restraining the oul- cers of the association from performing any. of their functions. The legal proceeding instituted in the United States district court before Judge Otis are to be heard one week ; ' from today. While the principal office was1 in Minneapolis , it Is alleged , that the prln- , clpal business In carrying out the swindling and gambling scheme was carried on In Chicago cage , where a Jlargc number of bonds were fcold. S. W. US. Devore Is president and general manager of the association ; H. M. Sweet , vice president : N. A. Strong , secretary , and treasurer , and W. D. Duller , actuary. There are outstanding 3,941 bonds , with a lia bility of J3 , < )44-000 ) , with assets of $60,000. , UliinlpeK's OIllulul Crop Itcport. WINNEPEQ , June 8. The flrst official crop bulletin of the Manitoba government was Is sued today. The estimated Increase In acreage - age for the year Is 2yu,380 , of which 130,000 acres are In wheat. The total wheat area is placed at 1,140,270 acres ; oats , 482.CG8 ; barley , 153,859. Correspondents of the de partment are unanimous in their reports that the crop prospects were never brighter at this season of the year than they were on June 1 , on which date the reports were for warded , o Invritlgntlni ; thu drain I ? ovators. ST. LOUIS , June 8. In accordancs with an order from Governor Stone , the Doard of Hallway and Warehouse commissioners haa Issued Instructions to State Grain Inspector O'Shea to weigh up all the grain elevators of the United Elevator company that are on | this sldo of the river. The company has' live largo elevators on this side and six on' the Illinois side. Four ( llrls Drnwncel Whllo lluihlntr. ftunoiS , Ta , , June 8. Sadie and Dora Anthony , Sarah Hooth and Rosa Hlmer were drowned today whllo bathing In Stump creek , near here. They were wading together when they sank in a deep hoe. ( The four bodies were found together. The ages of the girls ranged from 14 to 17 years. Overgilt Silvcriti-s Cull a Convention. ATLANTA , Ga. , June 8. The free silver league committee met at Griffin today and called a state convention to meet here on July IS to discuss the best plan to pursue to obtain the free coinage of silver. Griffin la twenty miles below Atlanta. Atchlinn ItcarKHiilrntlem Cnmp'ote > . NEW YOHK , Juno 8. The Atchlson reor ganization committee has declared the plan ot reorganization effective. The securities de posited under the plan Includes $90,000,000 general 4,3 , $45,000,000 seconds and 500,000 shares of the stock. HEALS RUNNING SORES CURES THE SERPENTIS STING ( QNTAfiiniK In a" lts Etasc3 HUHI ftUlUUd compieteiy eradicat- BLOOD POISOHedbySSS obsti ! . MK.WWV viwviv nate BoreB anrj ulcers yield to its healing powers. It removes - moves the poison and builds up the system Vtlultlt Ueltlte en lhe dltcno ind III treilmenl railttij lit I. 6WIFT SPECIFIC CO. . Atl iiU , C . K. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) ) S. M. STANKOIID F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and PROVISIONS Room 4. N. Y. I.lfo Hldg. , Omnltn. Ilranch olHces nt I'remont anil Columbus. All r.rders .placed on the Chlcau'i Itoaiel of Tiailc. CorreBpnnelents : Schwartz , Iupee A C'o. , Chl t-nce , ; Hchielner , Kluck A C'o. . St , Ixiuls. Itefcr to l-'lrst Nutloiml Hank. Omahit. MANniN N ° nia'tler win" booklet en cieo TUAIHNfl ulatlon > ou mu ] I.live reuel mini PXI'I . AINU I ) tor num. which U NEW ana I.AI i.Ainnii , . t-OMi.1JTi. | ; . n dearly espluln inarKlu trndlnif unJ UEKINES ALL MAHKEt EXI'ltESSIONS. It's freet end will tiochui | somethme. AI111OGABT 4t CO. , 21 Tradcrl Uuliainif , Chlcato.