' wurj"HflWM ) M > ; MIIii | ffiUmimiKll " w psiw"n - - + * HhHH H | EDITORIAL-SHEEP , FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PAGES 9 TO ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOBNE G , 9 , 1895 TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE < XIY IT EVE ORNT r-- ' Every Department - - / A Bargains Takes a Loss. At the eleventh hour we have decided "We will delay this Closing Out Sale no longer. While the time is ripe We call this remarkable bargain giv cided to fill mail orders at those we will mow clown the price on our magnificent stock of Silks and Wash ing , yet the half has not been to'cl. ' prices. Do not wait for samples , but Many things never find their way in depend on us to send you" a satisfactory Goods , etc. The largest and most complete stock of the West awaits print. Our bargain counter contains ' a variety of odds and ends at exceedingly tory article. It's the sale of the year. your approval. ingly low prices. Swivel Wash Silks , 30 Inches Wide , Fast Colors , 50c 5c Yard , Here In a strllilny Illustration of the way n-chire 1'rlce reductionshaveIllicit effect In mi entertaining Thcilren fnrM in'ilifl'jcr rut lite prices dnrlny tills Tint inn n who looks after the Tea trade Is not behind ( 'oflce prices Join the other things dnriny this ivectf. mowed tinprleei I ray gull' down lower than ever with i-ptclitlprices Here's a tip for close bnpcrs Silk Waists , plnln Kla Ida anil silk crepon , Of > Genuine Jap Silks , In the newest checks , 25G Our COc , 50c , ( ! 5c nil .wool Imported 25c A choice Japan Tea OQ/- High grade Java and Mocha * plain and trimmed with blnck silk velvet. . . jp r cable cords and stripes , for Monday French Challls at . TOO > O < * Silk Waists , of the finest summer silk , chit- > Cheney Bros. ' COc printed India Silks , 1S:5 Our 40c , 4&e , B9c black Mohair 'Alpaca for 29o A good English Breakfast Golden"Hlo25c f&-f f\f\ fen collars , all new designs * designs , Natural Pongee Silks , 49c and accordlart plcuted skirts at 4'i pounds for pX. W atA Children's Wash Dresses of lawn. In attractive - O Colored Wash Silks- Our 75c , S5c extra value French and Storm A fancy Oolong No. 1 Hlo , 2Jc j flfl tractive llgurcs and stripes , worth $1.25 * - * New assortment Serges Monday at 5 pounds for J-\s\s Children's Dresses , 8 to .14 years , checks , Silk Waists , dalk and light grounds , all 35c Black nil wool Moreon , for llnlrtR or under 39c atA good Gunpowder Malt Coffee , a fine drink 1OO stripes , Scotch plaids colors , turn down or crush collars skirts sold elsewhere at 50c , . , , at . Children's Dresses , 8 to H .years checks/Q/- 9-4 Blenched Sheeting , extra good quality All wool Nuns' Veiling , Batiste iind Albatross liopp Portieres We sell nnyNovelty Dress Goods In our SOo stripes , Scotch plaids . . , , . -.v > erC ? Yaid tress goods sold at 50c and COu Double door department for ( per yard ) w- > Our50c , 59cand 65c All Wool Im Irildllloj P heal lie 3lrn and Hoys are offered some exceptional oppor Tjtit H'trki'pi'tcci cannot lie lowered liere. Anollicr Xnnr bttt a big Hlore like our * ytve snsh valnci at such Aof one-Jmlfof the bnryulni cuv fo ted here. What do J > 'o other slore ran inalta such a shoii'ln-j. ll'o hive a tunities now tliuneefor / / ii low prices j/on think rtftlieveprice * iimccderotidto Ladles' and Children's nady- turtle tit or Men's neat all wool light and dark Cheviots Lawn Wrappers , showy , stylish , fast col- Gj-f 25 Outing Flannel" , short lengths . Sic Pique , fant color" , nil the new stripes and ii/ii l. Here Jlnd the niwest slylm , ireiirlny < you * appnr cut to or ? , at $1. 5. $148 and ipj- per yard EC to colorings , per yaid IM Boys' Long Trouper Suits , ages 14 to 19 , Our Princess Suit , line organdy lawn , X Outing Flannels , choice styles lOc Percales , In toft or hard finish , great va- ytl the prlceiar.1 c.rtremily loiv i " splendid assortment , now * * trimmed with satin and Val lace * per yard rlety , per vnnl Laundered Waists Ghlldtcn's 2-plcce Suits , very desirable ma- O < * 7 " " ? Boulevard Lawn Wrappers O .5O 32-Inch silk warp White Flannels Light weight Duck Suiting , In colors nearly 100 styles at terlals , stylish , sizes I to 15 " * * Worth $300 , now per yard per yard Wo showing a full line of ladles' Iiwn O- are Children's Junior Suits , ages 3 to 7 , newest f < " , 23c Novels , for summer reading- 7/.c JG-lnch silk warp White Flannels & 1.OO Sateens In 75 styles , worth up to 25c , all goat Dressing Sacquen at $1.10 , $1 C'J and V-- * . , * * J only per yard i at ( per yaid ) . novelties and colorings - Laundeicd Waists , In all colors , at 7Gc.OQr A grand showing of Boys' Knee Pants 60c cloth bound Novels- Trlcora Flannels , 32 In. wide , light blue , Simpson's Prlntc In blacks , grays , linens 8Uc , and iO'I.LJJ > first class quality only pink and white stripes , per yard only or fancy , per yard Handsome Silk Mixed Suits , $1 ZO values , $12. Value , $2,50 I The millinery corners of the store litico made i Thalioolc and stationery counters arc aln-ays attractive It doesn't take a ' 'buryaln" haliter to find bargains dnr- Tills ( ' < Aice iflll hare a special sale of slightly used Such price reductions should prove a blessing everywhere , ' Iny sach a sale asthls. You can. find dozcnsjnst such Inducements " jireiiaratlonii for an Increimeil croml te'th neir thlnyn pianos Let its show you the qualities ments as these We offer here some very attractive Hats , 2 Irish Linen Paper , first clais quality PIANOS Wo are selling Mosquito Net , nil colors 2Hc metal Belts with , heavy buckles nicely trimmed , price durlne sale vpj per pound . closing out at atPIANOS per bolt At $2.DO a splendid showing In a great vaJO rt/1 Irish Linen Envelopes , first class quality t\.W full sized Hammocks PIANOS $40 , ' )0 Pride of the Linndry , yard wide bleached 5c rloty of new designs Hats worth $5.00 for. . S ? " ' * ' * - ' per package . closing out at : , 68c atPIANOS Muslin , yaid Commercial Note Paper PIANOS Cabot yard wide extra good bleached Muslin An offering of gome stylish little Jtonnet for Hushaby. 25c Fancy Veilings r So nt r only ( per ream ) . closing out at ! lin , yard Ladles' and gents' stiffened American < 2. O ft Good quality Envelopes 25c Satin Ribbons I' .00 9-4 blenched Sheeting , can't match else Watches , hunt , cafe , stem wind , worth J10 pr * t fc * at ( per package ) . closing out at where for ISc , yard Uelt Buckles , In 60 styles , worth GOc , "Be Or > Steamboat Playing Cards On Full 200 yards perfect Machine Thread- 2c H'e have a yreiit many tirir 1'lanos at special iirlces. Unbleached Cotton Flannel , best you ever $1.00. choice - t rand - per pack . i'v- ' closing out , per spool .7 1'lanos to rent , 1'lanos tantd , recalled. saw , for ( yard ) 15c Quality Duchesse Jaconet , 7c , 50c Colored Swisses , Seven Shades , ZZJc. One entire floor devoted to Cat-pets and Draperies closing JVoir/irro can saeh a satisfactory shoielny of sportlny The Dray liep't enjoys a very large patronage. Such Jetrdry prices have taken a tumble In sympathy trltlithe Dnrlnit lliefrattseaKonit'ewlll offer fromtline to lime the oat pieces like tha'e onylit to please yon yoods be found. Ao ro > iij < rtllaii. prices as these for the teeclt rest yoods yon want. Here's a Mason fruit Jur chance China nd Japanese Mattings 7T r Fish Hooks Paris Green ' r , 1,000 Shirt Waist Sets , worth $1.50- 75c Mason Fruit Jars- 7Oc During this sale 8c , lOc , 12&C J-tJ * > four for per pound , { < , . . . per set Pints , Finest Mattings made Qr Fish Lines- Bed Bug PolEon Cake Baskets , worth $3.00 1.5O 200 to * tH * fiom 2c to Corrosive Sublimate per pint r , choice & . Mahon Fruit Jars- SOc Lace Curtains In endless-variety f Or Fish Rods Persian Insect Powder V. * -Or > Butter Dishes , worth $3.00 150 Quarts per pair tH/O Lip from 15c to per pound ? . Ot o choice , . , . , Mason Fiult Jars- OOc Lace Curlans 55 * > Ofl Spoon Baits Sticky Fly Paper Tanglefoot r Sugar Bowls , worth $3.00 1.50 Half gallons Some excellent values nt $1.60 to * it- ' * ' atArtlllclal per box small size choice „ Tin Top Jelly Glasses 25c Rope Portieres Q Artlllclal Minnow Baits O / - , n-rt Sticky Fly Paper Tanglefoot rtfip Pickle Castors , worth $3.00 150 per dozen Single door " " ' from 'OO lip per box large size tf\s * ' choice , , One Case Ladies' ' Summer Ventilating CorsetsJ75c ] Quality , 29c , Jersey. Ribbed Vests , 4c , v Bargains of all kinds. low Where prlccm else can jou find reliable groceries at such very Bargains of all kinds , . Bargains of all kinds. Bargains of all kinds. PIANOS ' " ° Good Ilalslns 5G Packing Camphor 15c Turkish Towels , 28 by 45 inches- 1OG A Coffee Pot- . . . 7c at $175' per pound per pound each only worth 23c , for. atTeniilH Racquets- 3.50 2-pound can Table Peaches 121.G Best Tonic 2Oo Fancy Towels , In huck and damatk 89c Blacking . . lOc box for worth $000 go for. , per bottle worth from S9c to GO a Tennis Racquets 3.OO 3-pound can Tomatoes 6lc Hunyadl Water f 2Oo Ice Cream Freezers , the Iceland- Tumblers- . worth DC each , for worth $500 go for , . per can per Lottie 2.1 Best made Good Soap Javanese Wilton Carpets Sponges- Complete Kitchen Lamp- Laundry Tennis Hncqutts 2.00 So 5Oo 5Oc . ! , for worth 7 worth $ I.OO-BO for. , per bar er yard , each > c Tennis IlHcqucts 1.5O 3-pound can Baked Beans So ? 'oison Fly PaperDutcher' - ' Summer Flannel Skirt Patterns 25c A Can Opener- worth $3.00-go for. per can three sheets , \ . each only worth 16u , for Hires' ' Root Beer,15c , , Screen Doors , 5Qc , Window Screens , 20c , Horsford's ' Acid Phosphate , 40c , * Bargains of all kinds. Bargains of all kinds. of hardware. Price reductions have reached our big department tiono If you would would compare read ttic with nd\crtscmcnt our cut ! prloesi lu other cities , Bargains of all kinds. Tennis Balls 7Oc Mortice Door Locks , In sets , worth 60c 1,000 kegs of Wire Nnlls -jir Lawn Mowers fl2 75 . A Set of Tea Spoons- 13c ' mm. f worth 60c , for < ' from -t - ' only . > . . . per pound ejch > > mfff Bats 15o Mortlco Door Locks , In sets , worth 75c 39G Screen Doors , worth $1.00 5Oc Lawn Hose 7 * ' * .G A Set of . Table Spoons- 2Gc -w worth $1.00 , for lOa and for . . . . only only , per foot. 7c , 8c , - Mortice Door Locks , In sets , worth $1.00 5OG Rim Door Locks , worth 40c 71G 2-foot Carpenter Rules , worth lOc * ? Q A Set of Knives and Forks- 35c ,2Oo up only > only , , each . w worth 75c , for Bicycle Playing Cards 15G Mortice Door Locks , worth 40c 7/.o Double Iron Jack Planes , worth $1.00 ' & 5G A Butcher Knife- 18c gssr. per pack only , each -r-'jr worth 25c , for 20Gup choice Syrup Pitchers , worth $3.00 Mortice Door Locks , In sets , worth Keenly 19G each Double Iron Smooth Planes , worth 75c 3fQ worth A Pudding lOc , Pan- for 2.c ! Fresh Country Butter , , . 7c and 9c , Separator Creamerv , I5c and lie , 3-lb Can Lard , A 25c , No. i Sugar Cured Hanis , 9 0. Salt Pork , 6 c. Sugar Cured Bacon , c ° rn Be6f SG- Young America Cheese , Soda and Oyster Crackers , 50. Ginger Snaps , 7c. Brick Cheese , loc. Swiss Cheese , izj c. Limburger Cheese , 8c.