Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , , ! SUNDAY , JUNE 0 , 1895.
Grand Btmmer Bale of Warm Weather
Goods at Reduced Prices ,
Extrn Low 1'rlfcs on Lnillri1 Wrappers
ntul Uuck Suit * Now French Vnlen-
eltnnes I.nccn itnd Inscrtlom
Jiut llecclrod.
Great reduction In prices on silks , dress
goods , waih poods and mitts.
29c for any of our kalkl wash silks , stripes
and checks , 3Sc , 37'/4c and 3Dc qualities.
35c for any of our fancy cord wash silks
45o and We grades.
4Dc for any of our best printed Japancsi
Chinese and Indian silks , 75c , 85o and $ ! < > <
COc for our 27-Inch fancy silk crepes , 75i
2'JC best French challle , all this scason'i
styles , fiOc quality.
33c new sprlnK and summer wool sultlngs-
not shoddy goods , but reliable and sightly It
every respect , 50c quality.
2Gc mitts , black silk mitts , pure silk , bes
dye , 35o quality.SILK
Wo are showing Just now the best valu
In silk mitts , best quality and fashion , 35c
COc , COc , 75o and 1.00.
The best $1.00 glove of this season , "Tyro
Chamois , " 4-button rnousquetalre.
Ladles' pcrcalo shirt waists , with laun
dered collars and cuffs , In all the new pat
terns and colorings , sizes from 32 to 4C
would be excellent value for 85c. Our sal
price this week , COc.
Ladles' fine percale shirt waists , In al
the new dots , stripes and figures , neve
sold lees than $1-25 and $1.35 , choice thl
week 98c.
Ladles' percale wrappers , ten different pal
tefns , all new , with largo sleeves , and mad
very full , worth $1.25 ; this week 98c.
Ladles' Irish lawn and percale wrappcn
colors , blue and white , pink and whlti
black and white , very handsome and a
new , worth $2.50 ; price this week , $1.93.
Commencing Monday , we will offer any <
our duck suits , the regular price of wlilc
were $5 , $ G and $7 , all mode In the latci
style , blazer and wide skirts , choice $3.
All our line white lawn waists , plain an
handsomely trimmed with lace and embroil
cry , reduced from 2G to 50 per cent ; 71
quality now 48c , $1.25 quality now 85c , $2.1
quality now $1.45.
Largo assortment of French valcnclenni
laces and Insertions Just received ,
At 20c , 30c , 35c , COc and 7Cc a dozen yard
Fine point d'csprlt and Oriental laces.
4 , C and 9 Inches wide , at 12V4c , ICc , 25
35c and 50c a yard.
Ladles' corded silk belts , with handson
white metal buckles , at 2'c , COc and 7
Ladles' fine all silk cnrded belts , wl
handsome silver plated buckles , exact copl
of sterling sliver designs , at $1.50 , $1.1
$2 and $2.25 each.
Ladles' combination pocket book , In gral
Russia , seal and smoke leathers , at COc , 7E
$1 , $1.25 , $2 and $3 each.
' Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sts.
Vlu the Wxliitih Itnllrnnd.
On Tuesday , June 11 the Wabash will s
tickets south at half fare. For tickets
further Information cnll at Wabash odli
1415 Farnam street , or at union depo
Omaha and Council muffs.
Shampooing 2Gc , and all work and h ;
goods In proportion. "Rio Miller Hair Dres
Ing Parlors , 1514 Douglas street.
Falconer's ad Is on page five.
Ilulf Itntu * to Hot Sprlnc * , " . f > .
Via the Durllngton route , Juno 7 and 10.
The Burlington's "Illack Hills , Monta
and Puget Sound Express , " which lea\
Omaha at 4:35 : p. m. dally , Is the fasti
as well as best train to Hot Springs.
City ticket ofllco , 1324 Farnam.
Iinpo4jillln to I.lvo In rhU Country
Without hearing about the Northweste
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for peoi
WILL talk about Its conveniences , tastcf
ness and comprehensive up-to-datene
Omaha , C45 ; p. in. ; Chicago , 8:15 : a. m. V
tlbulcd sleeping cars , chair cars , a la ca :
diners , Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. No i
tra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a.
and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk cliccV
at home ?
City ticket otllco , 1401 Farnam street.
Liullus' Turkish Iliitln.
Also medicated , sulphur , mercurial bat
oil rubs , hot milk , perfumed baths ; ma
euro , chiropodist , pedal cure. We are p
pared to do all we agree.
Ladles , have your too nails made to Ic
like diamonds.
One free treatment with every bath.
Special attention to hair dressing.
109 Dee Dul'dlng. '
Falconer's ad Is on page flve.
M. K. A. at Uniivcr , .lnlv fitli to 13th.
The quickest time and best train service
ottered by the Union Pacific System. L
rates and liberal arrangements for a chat
Ing variety of excursions to western resoi
comprising a tour through the fam <
Yellowstone National Park ; trips to
Francisco , Portland and Salt Lake City ;
famous mountain retreats ot Colorado ;
Black Hills and renowned Hos Springs , Soi
Dakota ; the summer school at Colon
Springs , and other attractions. See jn
nearest Union Pacific agent or address
General Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Net
Evliloncn Impllcutlii ! ; Iluwiircl anil I'r.i
In the llrimnllmn KobUory.
Evidence Is constantly being accumula
against the alleged safe robbers , Howard i
Frank , and It now begins to look as thoi
they could not escape conviction. How
has been Identified by Pawnbroker Hasi
ot South Omaha , as the man who tried
pawn a diamond belonging to Jim Lowry ,
South Omaha saloon keeper , and which '
ono of the articles stolen from the Anlieui
Ilusch safe.
The diamond Is a handsome stone , with
exception of a slight flaw , exactly In
center * This Is not apparent without a in
nlllylng glass , yet it nerves as a. mcdl
for Its positive Identification.
On tlio day following the Anheu er-Hu
robbery a man entered Hascall's place
asked him how much the jewel was wo :
lUsc.ill examined the stone with a glass ,
tcctcd the flaw , and eald that It was
worth more than $15. He icfused to bu ;
even at that price. He states that there
something about the man's actions I
nrouted hi * luiplcloti ! . HusCall was at
police station yesterday , and dccl :
that ho can swear that Howard Is the t
who offered the diamond for sale.
The HroMilhan women hnve uUo Idcntl
Howard and Frank at the men who rot
their house In South Omaha the mori
before they were arrested. The llltlo
Is also sure that they were the men , as t
f.iailo her get up and show them where
father and mother Mcpt. She had an
opportunity to obst-rve them closely. ' ]
added to the Identification of Ilronlhan
the gold pieces which wcro found lu t
poueulon It thought to make a clear <
esilnst ths prison ? In the Hrouilhau c
Ilometeoktri' Kx cnriluni.
On M y 21 and June 11 , 1S9B. the Ui
Pacific tyitem will icll tickets from Mlsn
river poluti and itttloni In Kanias and
braika to point * south and west In Nebri
tud Kiniai , alio to Colomdo , Wyoming. I
nd Idtho , a l of Weli&r and icuth ot He ;
C ncn , at rate of on * flrit cUii ititidard
for the round trip. Minimum rate. $7 $ 00.
P. Dtuel. city ticket agent U. P. iy t
1303 Farnam ttrtet , Omaha.
Great bargalu , ge ? t'slconcr'a ad , C.U m
Inno Rule of Online 8nU .
During the past two months our tale ot
outing suits has ben unprecedented ,
and wo now find our line ot sizes broken In
some of our best selling styles. To close
them out we will make tpeclal prices this
week. $10.00 will buy ccrge outing suits In
sizes 32 , 36 and 38 , that have sold all season
at $15.00 ; and tor $15.00 you can buy serge
outing suits In sizes 34 , 36 and 38 , that have
told all teason at $20.00 $ , $25.00 and $30.00
Dotted Swiss suits tastefully made will be
placed on sale tomorrow at JO.50 , and another
lot trimmed with ribbon at $8.50. We had
nothing as good last year for less than $10.00 ,
and thought that very cheap.
I awn suits In choice patterns and color
ings , made In a neat style you'll like , will go
this week at $4 98. We say they'll go be
cause the suits are pretty , the price low and
the weather right for tlrm.
We have been told hundreds of times by
customers who have looked the town over ,
ours Is the best assortment of shirt waists In
Omaha ; choice patterns , perfect fitting , with
big sleeves , at 49c , C9c , 7Cc and 9Sc. Our
$3,00 waists we are closing out at $ l.CO.
Duck cults $2.88 something worth having.
Wrappers at 78c and 98c that are sold us
ually for more money. Silk waists at $2.98
and $4.93.
Hlcyclo bloomers made very full , of navy
blue flannel at $3.98 ; made of navy serge at
$4.98. O. K. SCOFIELD ,
Cor ICth and Farnam streets , Paxton Blk.
I.uille * .
If you wish a hath after C o'clock p. m. , please
leave order for same before that hour with
the manager , ladles' Turkish bath , 109-110
Hee building.
Iloinrscnknrit' Cxcumlnn.
June 11 "Tho Missouri Pacific Railway"
will sell tickets to Arkansas , Kansas , Indian
and Oklahoma Territories , Louisiana , Texas
and southwest Missouri at the low rate ol
ono faro for the round trip , limited twenty
days , with liberal stop-off privileges. Foi
particulars call on or address city offices
northeast corner Thirteenth and Farnatr
streets. Depot , Fifteenth and Webstei
streets. Thomas F. Godfrey , P. and T. A.
J. O. Phllllppl , A. G. F. and P. A.
Mrs. lllucklUrn' ) California I'nrty
Will leave for Los Angeles via the Hurllngtor
route at 4:35 : p. m. Monday , June 10.
Through tourist sleeper.
For berths and tickets call at the clt ;
ticket ofllce , 1324 Farnam st.
Samuel Burns , 1318 Farnam , continues hi
dinner set sale another week.
bummer Tourn.
You can get more for your money In th
sure return of health and enjoyment at an ;
of the many resorts on the Union Pacific sys
tern than anywhere else on this continent
See your nearest Union Pacific agent. Sum
mer tour tickets on sale to Sept. 30.
v Gen'l Pass , and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Falconer's ad Is on page flve.
Dlcls are solicited until June 15 for prlv !
leges of selling ice cream , lunch , cigars , beei
operating bowling alley and shooting galler
at the switchmen's picnic. June 30 , at Cor
man station. For particulars address or It :
quire of M. R. Welch , 1510 Ohio stret.
! S
Six Tor Flvit tJolliim.
The manager of the baUi and complexlc
parlors at The Heo building has secured U
services of a trained masseuse for one montl
who , by years of experience and carefi
study , can by facial massage and medicate
vapors , creams and balms , make the old i
look young and the young yet more youthfi
all from the remedies nature hcrse
teaches. Special attention to hair dressln ;
Great bargains. See Falconer's ad , Ctli pag
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , magnetic eclect
physician ; health restored and again reai
for business. 119 N. 16th st. , room 2.
( ommcncemcnt Exnrc ! c nt the No
Initltuto I'rlilay.
About 500 Omaha people were present ;
the graduating exercises of the Nebrasl
School for the Deaf Friday afternoon.
st Upon entering the crowded audience roe
one would think the glorious Fourth was
hand. "Old Glory" was everywhere , wl
bunting and stars and crescents and flowc
and sweet children In profusion. Nothli
de was left out to make It n great gala di
il- for the deaf pupils and their Invited guesl
A school exercise of very small chlldre
conducted by Miss McCheane , was the fir
to on the program. These children had bc <
taught by speech and hearing methods. La
fall they were practically deaf and duin
ed With nine months' training they can he
and speak several hundred sentences. T
cars are trained to catch the dlffcre
sounds ot bells , whistles , voices , etc. , a :
the lips taught to speak. These little tc
spoke In each other's ear , and repeated se
is ,
il- tences after each other In a way that seem
to a stranger marvelous. Little Bess
Speaker of Omaha Is one of these "flue
ok talkers. "
Miss Rcgnler's class came next. Th
have had two .years' drill In the sar
manner , and can do one year's more talkl
than the primary class. After a wonderl
showing of hearing and Up reading and tal
Ing , they went through a flag drill , keepl
step to music , followed by a pretty lit
colored girl dancing a Jig to "Yank
Is Doodle. " Daisy kept good time , In li
JW head , for she can't hear. In this cla
nits Mabel Scanlan talked through an imaglna
ts , telephone to her papa In Kearney and tc
him what was going on. She said : "I ha
the floor now , " and repeated In a go
voice "Now I lay mo down to sleep. " Hel
talked In her car , and together they show
much training and great Improvement.
, do
Miss Connett's class , third year , reclt
a geography lesson by speech , and It v >
noticed that though "deaf mutes" It w
all done with no signs , and as any speakl
school would recite , provided the hearl
school had an up-to-date teacher.
Another class , taught by Miss Itudd , ma
a fine showing. Miss Huili ) Is totally d <
herself , and teaches by the manual methi
She had a pantomime , In which Sir Wall
Ilalelgh was smoking , und his Ignorant a
ted new servant , thinking ho was on ( Ire , pout
nil water over him. This little Incident was pt
igh tomlmcd by two boys , written out In ci
ird reel Hngllsh by the teacher , taken In quid
by the class , erased , then written out
a moment by the pupils. This Is one w
10 of giving the children a knowledge ot U
Ihe guage , called the complete thought mcthi
and has proved a great help In sccurl
good English , free from dcafmutelsms. M
Rudd has been In the school from her chl
hood , Is a fine talker , an expert lip reai
and a wonderfully successful teacher.
The graduates who are totally deaf a
ng- have never been taught speech were : Miss I
um tclle Forbes of Omaha , MUs Marie Donne
of South Omaha , and Mr. John Flood
ECU Sydney. Miss Donnelly's oration on "Erl
ind was read by Mr. Stewart , while she i
th. llvorcd It In signs , a beautiful exercise , i
de. Joyed by all.
net Mr. Flood's subject was "Cyrus. " read
netIt Mr. Moscly and signed by himself. T
vas showed that the deaf graduate was not c
hat whit behind the more fortunate hearing t
the In the public schools.
res Estclle Forbes had the valedictory. I
thoughts were beautiful and gracefully
fled The sign singing , as usual , was an Int
bed estlng feature of tbo exhibition. Th
Ing songs , always touching , bring tears to
Rlrl many friends -who follow the progr
her iiey through , with wonderment , sympathy t
pie love.At
At the close the uiperlntrudent asl
ind the audience to eland and elng the doi
idt ogy , while the pupils , too , Joined In i
a e Klgn language , Then the great audience v
tie. Invited Into the art room , where the accc
pllshrd artist. Ml 6 Murray , received th
and exhibited her chlldron's work , 1
walls of the room wore covered with beat
Ion fill studies In all , crayon and water cole
lurl nicely mounted and ready for framing ,
He- la claimed that work
no so good can
shown In any ot the public nchoolt. Th
connected with the educational departm
are In the Nebraska nhool are Mr. Moiely , 1
areH. Stewart , Mli > s Rudd and Mm. Camp In
rm , deat dfpartment , Mr. Taylor. Mrt. Tayl
Mini Conceit , MUf Ilegnler and Ulai 1
Chcuue In tbt auricular and oral depi
Befnnding of Money for Poor Farm Lota
Urgently Insisted On ,
If nil Kxtrn I-CTJ U Not llnde Mnmlamui
I'roccedlnc * MMJT lie HCKUO Snturdiiy
Halt Holiday fur County Kmplojrei
Furn Is Decapitated.
Eighty-five thousand dollars of Judgments
In a single bunch came Into the hands of the
county commissioners at their meeting yes
terday afternoon. These Judgments are ren
dered In favor of twenty-one distinct
plaintiffs , being those parties alone repre
sented by Judge Doane and C. B. Keller.
Attached to the list of Judgments was a
communication Informing the board that the
parties mean business. After referring the
county board to the particular sections of the
statute under the title of "Revenues , " dealIng -
Ing with the method which the county must
pursue to pay Its debts , when In the shape of
Judgments , the creditors go on to state that
they are Informed that a rumor Is current
that the board Intends to make no extra levy
above the ordinary levy made latt January ,
the amount of which It Is supposed would
Just pay the current county expenses , besides
being up to the full statutory limit. The
creditors ask the county to divest Itself of the
notion that nothing will be done by them If
on extra Judgment levy Is not made and cite
law to show that the county has full legal
authority to make such a levy to pay Its
These Judgments are a portion of the poor
farm Judgments. The commissioners express
themselves variously upon the subject as to
what can and will be done to meet these Judg
ments. A mandamus suit Is threatened If
nothing Is done In the way of a levy.
The board determined to allow county em
ployes a Saturday half-holiday. Commis
sioner Jenkins offered a resolution fixing the
hours In the court house on Saturday from S
to 1 o'clock. Chairman Williams opposed
the change on the ground that there was nc
distinction between raising salaries and cut
ting hours. Jenkins , Llvesey and Sutton , tin
balance of the board present , favored the Idea
calling attention to the city ofllces , banks
etc.The sheriff asked for more clothing for th <
prisoners. Objection was made to allowlni
the clothing because he has Hied no In
ventory of stock on hand.
The South Side Improvement club sent twi
reprsentatlves , Isaac Hascall and Ernes
Stunt , to push the claims of the proposed ex
tension of South Thirteenth street from th
city limits to Fort Crook. They asked count ;
aid to the Sarpy county 1 no , after whlcl
they said they felt assured this drlvewa ;
would be properly attended to by Sarp
county. Friday afternoon the club will b
granted a hearing.
In the Interest of widening the roadwa
leading from Center street to the east gat
of the fair grounds and thence to the count
road , John A. Wakefleld presented a petltlo
to the board. Adjacent property owners hav
waived all rights to the land and ask for
sixty-six-foot road. The commun.catlon wa
referred to the roads committee.
On motion of Commissioner Jenkins th
official head of J. W. Furnass was rcmovei
He has been Inspector of tlie poor all wlnte
having been employed In ferreting out at
tempted frauds upon the county store. Tli
demand for relief has reached so low
point that his services were no longc
Rev. J.V. . Ingles and his congregat on ei
tered a complaint stating that year afU
year the assessor persists In assessing u
taxes against the church property situate
dn lot 82 , Hartman's addition , and asking f <
Its cancellation. ,
The board refunded.W > H. Schllep the su :
of $51.20. This Is the amount of asse.ssmei
6n some church property which Schlle
bought up. He afterward discovered thi
the property could not legally be sold.
It Commissioner Jenkins was given a thn
Ita weeks' absence on account of sickness. li
goes to Hot Springs.
A resolution was passed appropriate
money to send Frank James , who has gor
violently Insane , back to his home at D
h trolt.
The board meets Saturday at 1 o'clock.
You Cnn I > a So by 1'urchaslii ) ; n Copy <
"Mornn'it Dlctloimry uf ( hlcago. "
This handsome little book is the recognlzt
and only standard "Guide" of Chicago ar
la the most compjete work of the kind cvi
published. It Is alphabetically arranged ar
contains everything of Interest pertaining
Chicago , Including a splendid "Map" of Ch
cage , also handsome Illustrations of all tl
World's Fair Buildings.
Persons contemplating a visit to the wes
em metropolis should avail themselves
this opportunity to secure a copy of th
valuable work.
For sale by George E. Moran , publlshe
sutto 212 Herald Building , Chicago , 111. , at
by prominent newsdealers. Price , 2Gc pi
copy. Morocco-bound copies In "gilt , " $2.1
Persons ordering copies will please rem
by postal note or In postage stamps.
Summer Tourlit Tickets vlt the VVub.n
Are now on sale ; for folders giving route
rates , etc. , call at Wabash ofllco , 1415 Fa
nam street.
Tl the I'alllmoro A Ohio It. R.
On Juno 11 the Baltimore & Ohio rallroi
will sell 30-day excursion tickets to points
Virginia on the Harper's Ferry & Valli
branch , south of and Including Winchester ,
rate of one fare for the round trip. E
curslon tickets will also be sold to points
the west , south and southwcat at very Ic
rates , good for return 20 days from date
For further Information call on or addre
any B. & 0. ticket agent , S. P. Kretzer , lai
do and Immigration agent , Philadelphia , Pa. ,
at L. S. Allen , Ass't. Gen'l. Pass , agent , Cl cage , III.
nd Sec Falconer's advertisement on page 5.
A Few Advantage *
ir. Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago.
clean train , made up and started from Omati
Baggage checked from residence to desttn
tlon. Elegant train service and courteo
employes. Entire train lighted by electric ! and heated by steam , with electric light
ng every berth. Finest dining car service
the west , with meals served "a la carte
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. in. dally from Unl
City Ticket Office , 1604 Farnam street.
Dds S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
! s-
iiy Want ! Twoiitjr-SIx Tlmuiaml.
of Mrs. Salome Emmlnger has sued the str <
n" railway company for $26,000 damages for I
le- Juries sustained on Sherman avenue , wh
getting off a car March 8. She claims t
car started before she was barely off , thro
hy Ing her to the ground and crushing ti
its ankle. She laid eight weeks In the liosj
Mnjor Suluritn Iteturm to Omnhu.
Major Schwan has again become adjuta
general of the Department of the Platte. 1
arrived from St. Paul yesterday , whe
he was stationed as adjutant general of t
ise Department of Dakota , having been trai
bo ferred from here.
im The major was warmly greeted by an
ud and civilian friends.
ol.ha TIQHU V. J , . ased 44 years.
ha Funeral Monday , June 10 , at 8:30 : a. t
as from the residence of hU sister. Mrs. Hoc )
m- 2236 Larlmorc avenue , to Sacred Her
im church. Interment ut St. Mary's cen
'he ' tery. South Omaha. Mr. Tlglie has llv
In Omaha twenty yrara , und was In bi
IIr - Inesa live years In tin firm ot Tlghe
r . Duffy. He than sold his Interest and w
U travelingGaUsman for Robertson On
be when he took alck. He went to St. Jose
hospital and had an operation performi
ise from the effects of which he died. 1
leaves two brothers. Martin Tlghe , In t
Jr. Union Pacific car ahopi , and M. J. . In t
tire department , and two listers , Mrs.
or , Q. Martin and Mm. Roche , to mourn 1
Iota. Mr. Ttrhe wa a prominent meml
tort In the Samoiet Kvioclatlon while he llvi
rt- Plttitown. Pa. , and Byracuje , N. Y. , papi
please copy. ,
Today the memorial-services of the Wood
men of the World , arrangements for which
were first begun a nutnbor of weeks ago , will
bo held at Hanzcom par * . Everything Indi
cates that the day will be the most eventful
In the local history ottha order. Members ot
the order from out ofi town points to the
number of 1,500 are. expected and will make
their headquarters In. A'pha ' camp's rooms In
Myrtle hall In the Continental block.
The program at the park will comprise the
beautiful ceremony of monument unveiling.
Selections of music will be given by several
bands , and Alpha camp's qyartct will also
toke part. The addrees of the day will be
delivered by A. W. Jcffcrls.
Preceding the ceremonies at the park a
parade will past through the city. Over 2,600
men will be In line. The procession will
form promptly at 1 o'clock at Fifteenth anJ
Douglas srfbetp. The line of march will be
cast on Douglas to Eleventh , south on Elev
enth to Farnam , west on Farnam to Six
teenth , north on Sixteenth to Capitol avenue ,
countermarch on Sixteenth to Leavenworth ,
west on Leavenworth to Park avenue and
scuth on the latter street to the park.
The line will bo formed as follows :
First Division Forms on Douglas street ,
right wing on Fifteenth street , facing cart ;
platoon of police ; sovereign officers In car
riages ; band ; Woodmen of the World pioneer
corps ; Alpha camp No. 1.
Second Division Forms on west side of
Fifteenth street , right wing resting on Doug
las street , facing south ; band ; Rosewood camp
No. 27 ; Council camp No. 14 ; Lincoln camp
No , 6 ; Dennlngton camp No. 62.
Third Division Forms on Fifteenth street ,
right wing reeling on Dangle street , facing
north ; band ; Ilcechwood cjmp No. 5S ; Cedar
Wood No. 19 ; DCS Molncs No. 18.
Fourth Division Forms on Fourteenth
street , right wing resting on Douglas street ,
facing north ; band ; Columbus camp No. C9 ;
Komemlus camp No. 76 ; Soblesky camp No.
75 ,
Fifth Division Forms on Fourteenth street ,
right wing resting on Douglas street , facing
south ; band ; Robin Hood camp No. 30 ; Druid
camp No. 24 ; Seymorc camp No. 57.
Sixth Division Forms on Thirteenth street ,
right wing resting on Douglas street , faclnp
south ; Salem band ; Salem camp No. 10 ; Ver-
don camp No. 11 ; Stella camp No. 12 ; Au
burn camp No. 33 ; Nebraska City camp No ,
The following committee will see to the en
tertainment of the visiting members : J. A
Debel , J. D. Sinclair. J. H. Minds , A. II
Rawltzer , George S. Meek , F. A. Savage , O
P. Hlack. M. Kelser , August Schommcr , I
Levy , G. Drucggeman , Kirk , F. Meyer , J. D
Burns. C. Shlcrsteln , C. D. Uruckshelm ant
N. J. Wellor.
This afternoon the Nebraska delegates ti
the supreme lodge of the Ancient Order o
United Workmen will leave for Chicago , tin
nlace of convention. The session will convcn
on Tuesday morning , and It Is Impossible ti
tell when it will adjourn , ns there Is mucl
Important business to consider. The delegate
are Dr. S. R. Patten and J. W. Carr of thl
city anO R. W. Laflln of Lincoln. Gran
Master J. G. Tate of Lincoln , who Is the su
preme overseer , and H. W. Cole of McCoolt
who Is a member of. the committee on rltua
will also attend.
See Falconer's advertisement on page G.
It TOIICB Upitho1 Kttfltprntrg.
Ex-Senator Paddock , who Is now In Nei
York , In writing to a friend in this city take
occasion to remark that there Is a remarV
ably good feeling all through the east cor
cernlng the crop prospects in Nebraska. Mi
Paddock adds that some of the press dh
patches conveyed the Information that croi
would be almost a failure. He realized thi
thef-e reports Injured the country , and Itnim
dlately thereafter Mr. Paddock took occasic
to counteract the false reports by glvin
publicity to the crop report which was put
llslitd In The Bee and which had been ser
special to a number of the eastern papers.
i\Vo nlmeii of- the World.
Members of Alpha camp No. 1 are r- -
quested to meet at their hall Sunday , Jut
9 , 1895 , at 12:30 : p. m. , to take part In tl
memorial service and parade. By order i
Omaha Optical Co. , leading optician
Eyes tested free. 222 South 16th st.
See Falconer's advertisement on page 5.
I'KKiiOJt.lL I'.lll.KHC.ll'JIS
. Max Adler has been admitted to the bar.
J. D. Kllpntrlck , New Castle , Wyo. , Is
Paxton guest.
M. Grecnbaum Is registered at the Bark
from Chicago.
M. F. Leech , Boulder , Colo. , Is register !
at the Paxton.
o Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Plank of Lincoln ai
' " at the Mlllard.
F. H. Cheshire Is registered at the Barki
from Des Molnes.
C. D. Harrington Is registered at the Ba
ker from Hastings , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Armstrong of Butte a
guests at the Merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Busher of Decatur , II
are guests at the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams and E. I
Howe of Norfolk are guests at the Mlllard.
T. W. Nellson , T. S. Crulkshank and
R. Cantlln are registered at the' Barker fro
Webster. Neb.
H. A. Schultz , D. G. Spencer , C. H. Wa
and M. M. Myers arc registered at the Bark
from Kansas City.
Rev. A. J. Turkle will leave on Monday f
a three-months' tour through Englan
France , Switzerland a'nd Germany.
, d T. H. Norrls , E. T. Moorby , W. C. Norrl
C. K. Cralle and Mr. E. R. French are ma
Ing the Barker their permanent headquartei
Mrs. M. W. Ensign and daughter , Mrs.
Wcstertnann and H. T. Westermann of LI
coin came to the city last evening for t ]
Ysaye concert. They are at the Paxton.
Dr. Mead , superintendent ot the Sou
Dakota Asylum for the Insane , located
Yankton , Is In the city. The doctor Is a
companled by his wife. They are the gucs
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wolworth , 1809 Pin
ney street.
Misses May Morse , Loulso Cassldy , EU
Welch , Sonettc , Sullivan , Coates and Messt
Sanky Hamilton and Frank Woelber cot
prised a party from Shenandoah , la. , th
came to the city last evening to attend t
Ysaye concert.
At the Mercer C. R. Williamson , Chlcas
J. H. Brandlmore , Chicago ; George L. Re
erts and wife , Philadelphia ; A. Emerson a
wife , Denver. Colo.ylH. P. Strahl. Chlcaf
111. ; H. M. Bostwlck , Woodbine , la. ; P. ]
Prue , Woodbine , Ia.7 William Tetzer , Cou
ell Bluffs ; C. B. Oausaen , St. Louis ; J.
Wright , Chicago ; S. n. Mamaugh , Portlan
J. W , Cryer , CremoravFarm ; F. Day , Gra
3. Island ; W. L. Cuddr. Idaho.
Ni'hr.ilUniMlit Ilia lloteli.
At the MerelmnU T. E. Welsh , Cliarl
N. Kenney , SheltonuO. W. Phelps , Ol
own ; E. De Geller. > Oolumbus.
At the Arcade- . IH. Cralger , H.
Henry. F. M. McCunn , St. Paul : J. C. H
lick , Hlalr ; ChnrJc * J. Duuan , Norfolk.
At the Uellone F. H. Vlvyan. Llncol
C. A. PeKnu. Herman ; J. S. We.iverllr
Norfolk ; U. P. KenoRy , Crete ; Charles
Wilson , Shelton ; O. T. Hlllhoun , Crclphtc
Many people use two pa
of glasses. Our now patoi
combines the two in one.
Mr. J. E. Stccco , with Paten
l.t ton & Gallagher says tin
ie , are the finest glasses 1
rte ever used.
eMl Dr. E. E. Sherwood , N. "
& Ltfa BuihUng , says : "I u
as them all day , both for rca
is. Ing and walking.
A. ll8 lie THE HLOt & PENFOID CO ,
erd. Leading Sclendflo Optlclnng ,
fdOS FaruamSt'i Opp. Paxton Hotel.
Ilihop NoiTimin Upturn * from the I'ntt
Wtirrn Hn Held Conference.
DLshop John P. Newman has Just returned
rom an extcnJcd visit In the cast , where
o held three conferences , two In Pennsyl
vania and one In New York state. The
bishop said yesterday :
"I have traveled over 2,000 miles within the
nst week and will leave for Lincoln tomor-
ow. I go to Lincoln to visit the university
nd will deliver a college sermon and trans
act business with the board of trustees. My
line this summer will bo devoted to uni
versity work anJ I will return to Omaha In
he autumn and hold four conferences In Nc-
braeka. I will visit Uloomington and other
; > ! aces In the meantime and also make a tripe
o Mexico.
"I find that hard times have advanced re-
Iglon and we have gained over 100,000 In
membership during the depression. The
benevolent work has not eufft-red , and , In
Tact , while people are fighting over the
money question , the church Is being
benefited by new recruits. Hard times have
caused men who cre previously In a wild
'cramble for wealth to pause and think that
heir Creator should not be forgotten. I
find a general feeling of hope In the revival
of good times prevalent In the east , and
furthermore the eastern people are being
educated to a restoration of confidence In
Nebraska Investments. The wild reports
'hat went out from Omaha recently had a
cndency to create the Impression that the
state was doomed , but persistent dentals by
'oyal citizens has to a largo extent re-
rleved the reputation of the state.
"I believe that the day of theatricals Is
about over , Judging from surface Indications
n the east. The public Is demanding the
ecture bureau and seems to be drifting to
lectures and muslcales In preference to plays
ludglng from opinions expressed to
me by leading men down east , who ought
'o be posted. I nnd that there Is a decided
rlvlval In public Interest for lectures.
The money question is the absorbing
topic everywhere , but I believe that the
American public Is able to settle It and
settle It right. "
A dinner was tendered Dlshop Newman at
the Commercial club yesterday noon by a
number of his Omaha friends.
Wnn Frank Diiim' * Slutor.
Francis Dana , formerly of this city , but
now located In Chicago , received the sad
Intelligence last week that his sister , Mrs.
Whiting , and her two children were lost on
thn I'aclflc Mall steamship Collma , which
went down off the coast of Mexico. Several
years ago Prof. Whiting resigned a chair In
the faculty of Harvard college and accepted
a like position In the University of Cali
fornia , being Induced to make the change by
rcnton of 111 health.
See Falconer's advertisement on page C.
I.uit llnninceUfiV Kxcumloti.
Tuesday , Juno 11 , the Durllngton will sell
round trip tickets to southern and western
points at ono way rate.
Call at the city ticket office , 1324 Karnam
street , and net full Information.
J. D. REYNOLDS , City Passenger Agent.
A summer school will bo opened next Mon
day morning at the Omaha Commercial
college , over Doston store , for public school
children and teachers.
I.nrgo DelcRAtlon Will tlo to Itcilrk Turn-
rent nt I'lntUiuoiitli.
The turntcst ot the Nebraska Turnbczlrk
will this year be held at Plattsmouth , com
mencing Juno 28. U will last for three
days. The program recently received by
the Omaha turnvcreln shows that the com
mittee on arrangements has done Its work
well. The program Is :
Friday evening ! Heceptlon In honor to
the guests and visitors nt the Turner hall.
Snturdny forenoon : Wettturner of nil
the societies taking part In the contest.
In the afternoon : I'urmlc , nnd nftcrwnrd nd-
drecfcs to the turners bv Mnyor Newell
of Plnttsmoulh and Matthew Qerlng. Sin
gle turning. In-the evening , social enter
tainment ntul grand ball In honor of the
turners ftotn abroad.
Sunday : Turning In groups , nlso gym
nastic exercises by the bears and the
ladles' class. Concert.
The Omaha turnvereln will bo represented
by the largest delegation of all the outside
turners attending the turnfest.
rinnot I.odgo Will Not Soertlo.
There was n rumor afloat that the German
members of the Knights of Pythias of this
city would follow the example of their
brethren In some other places and withdraw
from the order , at the same time joining the
recently established order of Knights of
Pythias In Indiana , The latter , as will be
remembered , was founded shortly after the
last convention of the supreme council de
cided that the work In all the lodges of the
order should be done In Kngllsh. Planet
lodge of Omaha , composed solely of German
members , has recently resolved to stay w < th
the old order.
I.trilcrkrnnr. I'lcnlo Tnclny.
The Llcdcrkranz singing society has made
arrangements for a picnic today at Frahm's
park on the Military road. With weather
favorable , the affair will no doubt bo a suc
cess In every particular , as It Is well known
hat every festival given by the Llcdcrkranz
s sure of a large patronage. The place can
bo reached by the Walnut Hill and Uenson
motor lines. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Turnvoruin'i bummer School.
The Omaha turnvereln , In order to glvo Its
members a chance to have their children edu
cated In German , has established a day-
school , which Is placed under the manage
ment ot Miss Thcrcso Lucke , and will be
conducted during the months of June , July
and August , Instruction being g.vcn dally
between 9 and 12 a. m.
. Excursion.
One faro for the round trip Juno 11. On
the above date tickets will be on sale to all
points In Colorado , Utah , Oklahoma and
Texas at one faro for the round trip. The
"Hock Island" Is tbo only line running
through chair cars and sleeping cars to
Colorado Springs and Pueblo without change.
For full particulars call at ticket offlce , 1G02
Farnam street.
s' Kxcnralon.
Tuesday , June 11 , one faro for round trip ,
minimum round trip rate $7.00 ; limit , 20 days.
To all points on the F. H. & M. V. It. U. In
Nebraska , Wyoming and South Dakota.
Ticket ofllco 1401 Farnam street.
General Passenger Agent.
The best of all headache remedies Is Dr.
Davit' Anti-Headache.
98c Dp.
Handsome White Silk Parsols at $1,25 ; with chiffon
fen ruffles , $2.00.
Very handsome ones , $3.75 and $390.
With crepon ruffle , $5,00.
Mitts with improved thumb will give extra wear
and fit. Prices , 25c , 35C , 500 and 750.
Pure Silk Gloves. SQC up.
Double tipped finders , 750 and $1.00.
Laces and Embroideries in all the new styles.
Flax , Ecru and Champagne colors.
Belts , Buckles and Waist Sets.
The latest creations of the best makers , sent to
us direct as soon as they're ready for
the salesroom. See the styles ; let
the price do the talking ; we'll take
your verdict.
Ladies' Belts.
Silk webbing , 2Vfc Inches wide , with white
metal buckles , worth COc , on sale at 25c.
Extra quality silk webbing , In all colors ,
fancy buckles In most stores they're $2.00 ;
during tills Mile they go at 49c.
BUCKLKS In the newest and most de
sirable patterns. White metal buckles at
lOc. Initials and other styles , the usual
Wc ) quality , at L"2c.
Sterling silver buckles , beautiful designs ,
regular $1.50 goods , nt 74c.
SHIKT WAIST SKTS-The most exact
ing person can bo suited from our stock.
Oxydlzed sets In fanciful designs , the set ,
ffic. Fine enameled bets , the usual $1.00
quality , the set , 49c.
Como tomorrow the quantities arc not
largo and they'll go quick.
99-Cent Farnam
es Store. * * * tr Street.
ilII. - . JJn/1/l/W/W/Wf T/lflfW IfllflIMWWffWS'K
n ;
A Household Set of Bottles for Root Beer , Fitted With
The Lightening Stoppers.
Thus entirely overcoming the dllllculty und trouble In putting up Root Hucr
We will Bell two dozen Quart Bottles put up lu u neat case delivered at youi
door without extra chnrge-for S2.65. Think of it , only Ho a bottle
The two dozen quart bottles will Jtmt hold the five millions of beer one puckagi
of the extract Is designed to produce. Telephone 1037 nud we will send u bo :
direct to your house.
China , QU * ware , 1514 Paraam St
Lawpt * , EtSUtCj , QATCH & LAUMAN , ,
Vus n Nchrntlm 1'lonctr unit Once United
htntrn Mnnhnl.
Information comes from Alliance , 0. , cl
lie death there , Juno 3 , of J. T. Hollo. Mr.
lolle was ono of Nebraska's pioneers , II
as a member of the territorial legislature
nd In 1869 succeeded Caspar 11. Yost aa
Jnltcd States marshal , a position which ha
leld until 1S73. Poor health Induced him
ot long alter the expiration of his term
o return to his old home In Ohio.
Great bargains. See Falconer's ad , CtJi png
City loans , Powell & Totter. N. Y. Life.
Hurrah for the Kid -
The Western I'nlon Kid
Iliirriih for the Khnball
Tlio Klinlmll piano.
They can't be headiMl off
they must bo lit the head of
the procession. The only dif
ference between them Is that
the Klmbull Is for sale on very
easy terms.
A. 1IOSPH , Jr.
Music ntiil Art ,
1513 Douglas ,
a Gasolene Stoves.
Are Just the thing for this hot
weather. They're economical in the
use of fuel , they're perfectly safe
and they're built for wear. You
don't have to be an engineer to run
a Jewel. They're simple. Prices ,
$3.00 to $28.00.
Wo also have other makes at $2,50
and $2.75 for two-burner stoves.
That's cheap enough , Is It not ?
2107CimiingSt. Tel. 1110
6p 6O
M nor cent less Ire will run It. 25pnrl
cunt Ics money will buy It. ! > ce sample I
ntuut door. j
Win , Lyle Dickey & Co. ]
Hardware , Sto\cn , Tinware ,
1403 Douglas Street.
The accepted arrangement or scheme of
furnishing In nearly every library today pro
vldes for a line of low bookcasei , leavlnc a ,
wall apace for pictures ! to at least
three-fifths of the total height of the room.
Such low cases , finely made throughout , ,
and with little or no adornment , are rarolj )
found In the stock of un ordinary furntura
store. They can always bo procured of u > ,
however , and al about half the price you
would pay for building them to order.
Tliey ore \cry stoutly and strongly Joined ,
volumee. The doors are triple hinged and
volume * . The doors are tripe hinged and
dufttproof ; they cloie tightly again/it a cental
mulllon , which obvlatci tbu clumty Inildf
hook or bolt formerly ured. Ilemembor that
these cabinets are very Inexpciitlve.
Clias. SMverick & Co. ,
1200-1208 Douglaa St.