Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1895, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE DAHiY BE ! ! ? : , % SUNDAY , JUNE 0 , 1805.
Improving as the Crop Oonditiona
Become More Promising.
Jteport * from AH Koctlnnn Tributary to
Till * .Market , show Itcnnwcil t'onllileiicii
Ainiini ; Ilinliien * Mon Values lu
boinu I.IIIVH Are Adtunclni ; .
With the opcnliiB of the current month
truilu conditions becnmo fur more prom
ising , owitiB to the improved crop prox-
lxctH. and the pnst week hus witnessed no
chance In thu guncral situation. From nil
parts of the territory trluutnry to this
market the reports itrc the game , oil Indl-
catl'nc fplendlil croj > conditions , lluslnesrt
men nru bccomlnK mote conlldent every
tluy , and uro pruparlni ; for a prosperous
HeiiKon to come.
The jobbing tmdo of this city , after a
prolonged period of quiet , Is once more
taking on the appearance of activity.
While the volume of business fulls fur
Hhort ot what would be expected In nn or
dinary season , It Is muih better than It
wa * a month HBO. U Is not to be under-
Htood that there Is anythltiB like a boom
In sight , but only a gradual Improvement ,
which keeps pace with the Brewing crops.
Sates of merchandise are still , based very
largely upon the actual wants of consump-
" "
" 'month nno the dry weather djscour-
nged buying nnd merchants generally let
their mocks inn down. and. now that the
prospect Is more hopeful , they nro forced
to stock up , and Jobbers , without cxcei-
tlon , are reporting nn Increase In the num
ber nnd slzu of their orders.
much moro money in
There Is not very
circulation than a month ago , but It is
generally believed that a contlnuanco of the
present bright prosm-cts will before long
brine It out. lxW prices , with the pros
pect of an advance , will be n great tempta-
tlon for Investment on the part of those
who have money.
rmciis cmowiNci FIUMEII.
In the line of hardware there Is a
ntrenEthenlng ot values , nnd the whole
market is on the upgrniic. Nearly every
thing In the line of staple goods. In which
Jnatcrlal cuts any figure , has advanced D
to 10 per cent. Itarb wire has gone tip
IS cents per hundred during the past week.
It Is figured that the advance In the raw
material , together with the advance In
Inbor , amounts to about 10 per cent , anil
the manufacturers are forced to put up
prices to avoid an actual loss on their
froods. Manufacturers of pretty much al
staple products are now running on gooil
time , nnd some of them turning out sup
plies to nlmo.-tt a normal extent. Increasing
cost of Iron and metals Influences hard
ware to n considerable extent.
In the grocery line the market has beer
Hteady on most lines during the past week
nnd there have been few features of anj
great Importance. The prices now beliu
realized , while generally higher than thei
were nt the beginning of May , nre sill
below the figures ruling at this time lasl
year , nnd much lower than those currenl
in May , 189:1. : when the period of depresslor
began. Grocers In the east are pointing
i out that there Is an Increased demand foi
fancy groceries , which Is n sure sign o ;
returning prosperity. This branch ot tin
trade has languished for u year back , bill
l again getting Into n more healthy comll
tlon. In the east , at least.
It Is between seasons with the dry goodi
people , and no great activity Is looked for
nnd yet tha Improvement In the feeling ex
tends to this branch of the trade , as wel
ns to others. In consequence of the brl h
prospects prevailing In the country , pn-par
utlons for the fall trade are being made 01
a scale Indicating that a large business I :
prospected. Prices In dry goods havi
firmed tip. though they are not back when
they were before the dull times came on
rind , with thu purchasing power of tin
people Increased by a good 'rim. the fill
trade In the dry goods line oo.di ! haidl :
be otherwise than most satisfactory.
The shoo trade has experienced about th <
name improvement ns other line ? ot th
Jobbing trade. Orders for dillverv na\
month , or later , nre being D.-oke'l vcr
freely at the present time. . It Is really ;
turprlse to jobbers that there should b
nuch n sudden Improvement ; n the f ylln :
In such a short space of time.
The Medesso Mineral Water compan
lifis erected a building , JxCO feet at It
nprlngs and have put In a complete plan
of Irattllng and carhonatlng rnachlnerj
It has ulo put two wagons on th
street. This now Omaha Industry ktart
but with employing four men and seven
The Nebraska Shirt company Is turnln
out the new uniforms for the Woodine
of the World , nnd they are pronounce
vry attractive.
Aaron Hene and Oscar C. Hone , tli
cigar manufacturers of Hurllngtnn , In
were In the city yesterday , ami have pra1
tlcally decided to tnovu their factory to th
city. They will manufacture for the Jol
blng trade exclusively , and nre nro makln
arrangements to employ fifty men at tr
start ,
A 1'UTimi : THAT 1.01)1(4 1IUIUI1T.
llnslnes * Is llettor unit Kvorybodjr Sec
tilcn * of I'ronperlty.
The local representative of the Sno\
Church & Co. , Commercial Agency. In vie
ing the business situation , sums It up as fo
lows :
The business situation In Omaha and N <
braska during the week just endingIK
H ' been decidedly good as compared with pr.
vlous weeks. The farming communll
-I throughout tha state Is happy , contentt
. and jubilant and the business communlt ;
- of course , dependent almost entirely upc
tha ngrlculturc of the Mate , Is consequent
feeling good. The crops are everything i
present , at leant BO far as corn Is coi
I cerned , that could bo dotilred. There hi
been plenty of rain nnd none would I
needed , as we arc advised from credltab
und reliable sources for ten days or t
Omaha's trade In the far west Is belr
pushed very rapidly and large bills n
being sold. Thn only hail feature that v
know of In selling In the extreme west
the largo expense In getting the order
Omaha houses felling In Montana , Idal
nnd Wyoming report payments with n fa
degree of promptness. All lines handled I
the Omaha merchants , particularly dnin
oils n nil boots nnd shoes , show1 a satlsfn
tory nnd growing business. There Is pra
tlcally no change In the furniture or liar
wurt * trades.
Omaha has just got through with anolh
convention , that of the druggists , and tl
members of the association from all par
of the state report themselves ns W (
pleased with the treatment th <
received whllo here. Omaha cannot ha-
too many conventions. They bring n
only the distinct members of the body
the city , but they bring a great mat
Htrangers who all da moio or less adve
tlstng for the dry.
It Is gratifying" to note that the head
out ? of the very largo dry goods houses
New Vork thinks well enough of Omaha
establish what will eventually grovr Into
very large department house hero and v
understand that It Is the Intention ot tli
gentleman to open a house with a pr
Itmlnary slock of goods of at least > 100C
In vnlue. This certainly shows that Omal
must bo considered n good point for tl
clam of business nnd It nlso shows no fi
rm Iho part of the projector lhal Omni
If going backwards. It has been general
tmppoxcd that the ColdKrabcivt of Linco
nnd Fremont were to open this store. Tl :
is not true. They may have something
lo with It , but merely In a clerical c
Taking everything Into eonslderatlo
abundant crops promised and the satisfa
tory condition of bu lnes * . the outlook
cvrtaliily encouraging and It Is to be hop
that Omaha and thu state will receive
setback and , as far ns can be judged
this time there Is not even the smulle
cloud on the horizon.
Trnilciiiien See n Sky that U I'reo from t !
Dark Cloml .
W. II. Roberson , speiihlrg of the wecl
trade from the point ot view of H.
Iluu fe. Co.'a Mercantile Agency , says :
The weather has a ureat deaf to do wl
trade and therefore no one can disci
bustnrss conditions or propecls wltho
prf Jlcatlng his conclusions upon cllmati
off and meteorology. The weather Is i
that wo con desire and the cffrcta of t
chwtiKO from drouth to mol.ittiro ronstllu
tha IwiHls for our bu lne < < conlldeuce.
The vprtng- grain crop Is not no serious
cUmjigrd UK wan supposed. Itye will
nhorl mid wheat short , but eau will n-a
uJmoM an avoruga In most sections , Co
la making- the pros res * ta bo de.ilrod u
f&rnters urn now very iiure that the * eas
Will prove profitable/ .
It l nufTtfcxleil that po slbj- the none , p
h i the hemUphrro and pojMlbly
at largo Is experiencing acme sort
iiMteoro'oglcal revolution ami that we Rhi
b obliged to wait a. few yrura before >
nail bu ublo tJ forecast weather and cr
conditions with any sort ot success. Flor
ida oranges ) were frozen last winter , and
northern fruit * nurrcretl from frosts Into
the present up ring. The Moral which
wrecked the Collma wan unusual on the
1'aclMc anil It swept from the Central
American equatorial helt to the far north-
past , losing Itself beyond the great taken.
Kxtreme heat In April and extreme cold
In May , together with many olhcr Incidents
of the year or two past , the possi
bility that the present years are epochal
In climatology.
At South Umflha business Is extremely
( lull , One day this week the receipts were
fifty carloads and the market was so
llsllpss and Indifferent that the- shipper
sent Hie mock on lo Chicago. The packing-
hotifea are open , bill tht-y nro not active
and but lltllislock Is coming In. Within
thirty days , however , range cattle will be
fat and desirable. The market will then
awaken iitul business In thu packing suburb
will resume Its old familiar proportions.
Cattlemen say thai there arc plenty of
cattle on the plains nnd they anticipate
n very active market this summer and
With the wholesale hou cs everybody feels
encouraged. Groceries are of course In big
demand. The dry goods people stale that
their trade was never so good as during
the past week. Several opening stocks and
large sales brought the aggregate up tea
a llgure exceeding any previous week. The
boot nnd show houses nre enjuylng pros
perous trade , but they nre not ultogelher
happy. In fact , among all the Jobbers
there Is rt sentiment stronger Ihun ever for
anolher dry goods haute. Many llrsl-clnss
men In trade bellove that they should lake
hold of this subject and offer a subsldv If
m'fcswiry In order lo add one more "dry
goods house to the market.
The grain men of the city arc alert again ,
new houses nro going Into the business nnd
efforts are being actively-put forth to re
open the Idle elevator. * .
Iltislncss is reviving everywhere. When
wo have more to do wo .shall liavo less time
lo complain nnd bo blue. The far wesl
nnd Iowa are still responding with most
generous orders , and later In the year
Nebraska , whose storekeepers are Fold
down to the limit , will be ordering largely.
"We shall all bo happy yet. "
Ml. l.nnls ( Mnrknt.
HT. I.OITIS , June 8.-WltiAT-Opened fcc
higher , anil for n short time thi > demand wvm
active , but Bi m began tlet up. the market
weakened and declined 1c , milled I HIT and
finally wild up lc , closing at tlin top and I'S.c '
alHive yesterday ; ND. 2 red rnab icuJniv '
' ' '
SHe ! ; Sepiembi-r. 8lc.
COIIN Inclined upward , a gain In wheat ad
ding to tlm strength. Tlm close was firm at
tin * top anil ic iilxivc yeMrnHy. No. 2 mixed.
cajh , W.SflSc ; , July , Mo bM ; Bentcmber. SlVie
OATS Dull and heavy for futuren early , but
later llrmeil when other nitirketn mlvnnnil , clos-
nt ; Ili-ni , me. above ycntpnlay. No. 2 cash , 23Uc
3lv ' SWo tlll : July' Wi ° WJ : Seiilember ,
Jl'Mf ! ! UUlli Cio ( tv"1 'rack. ' Backed.
FI.AX HKKD-Nomln'l ; 11.40.
IIA\ Dull , but strong ; tlm > thy. 111.0001300
"TtiAy" ' , "rnllle' " " > . this Vide.
I'XlnS IxnviTr 9c fiesh.
MIAI ) Strong ; } 3.12'i.
" " >
. .rilP 'X'ON-- ' ! . -tandarl ! mess. Jobbing.
SI2.8IIIjinl. . prime slenm. $6.3714. choice. 16.00.
I aeon iHixiM shoulders , $ i.25 ; longs , $ rN87'4 ;
ribs , J7 ; thorlH , J7.I2V4. Dry salt mi > its , boxed
Bhoulders. $5.W ; longs , $6.37Vi ; ribs , $6.50 ; Bhorts ,
ilKC-KIITS Flour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 3.000 bu , '
corn , B.iioi ) bu. : oat * , 10.00 < ) bu.
SIIII'MKNTH-Flour. 4.i ) bbls. : wheat , M.CkX
DU. ; corn , 18,000 bu. ; oata , 2,000 bu.
CiifTi-e .Market.
NWV YOHIC , June 8. COFFKK-Optlom
opiv-iod dull nt unchanged prices to 10 point !
decline. No sales until three minutes of CD
. ' . ' ' "reign nilvlces equally fejturelcss am
absolutely no speculative- Interest here , riosei
IS" " 'ilr.l1.n Ln" . . . " ! > f. ' " ' ' . I"1" ' " advance
Salfij , 2.W ) IIBBB. IncliiillnR Soptemlx-r , Jli.7 ;
Octobo JH.SO ; IVccmber. { 11.75. > W coffee
' ' ' ' N T'JI6 m" ' ' ' '
SANTOS , Juno 8-Inacllve ; good avcragi
Santo * , nominal ; no qujlatlons ; rccclpls , 3.00i
( mien ; slock. 147.000 Ings.
lIAMIII'lin , June 8.-lull. unchanged to ' , ;
pfc lower ; sales , none.
IIAVIIK , Juni * S. Opened sle.-idy. ijf lowe
" * ni < > cll ) ! " ' < 1 Htiiuly , unchanged ; sales , 3l
Ilio , Juno 8-Flrm ; No. 7 Rio. $16.83 ; ex
clmnice , 9 3-16.1 ; receipts , S.OiJO IKIRS ; cleanil fo
Ilin fulled Slates. 8,0i bags ; for Kurone , 1,00
bags ; slock , 173.000 bags.
Liverpool Alnrkct .
I'ltOVISION.S Itacon , firm ; demand i > oor ; rum
biTland cut. ft tl ) 50 Ibs. , 31s ; short ribs , 28 Ilia
32 * 6d ; long cli-ar. IlKht. 38 to 43 Ibs. . 33s Cd ; lom
cli-ar , heavy , K Ibs. . 32s ; utiort clear backs , llchl
M Ibs. , 34. * ; Bl rt clear mldrllos , heavy. 3 , ' > Ibs.
KM ; clear twlllew. u to IS ! ! > . , 33 . Shoulden
iu rc. 12 to IS ll . . . 28 . Hams , short cut , 11 t
Id Hw. , 42s ftl. Tallow , fine Norlh American
nominal. lluf. . extra India mess , S0. ; prim
moss , 6Tis Cd. I/ird. quiet ; prime western , 33s Cd
reflneil. In palls , 31.1 6,1.
CIIMIOSK Stonily ; demand mmlcrate ; One ?
fs American , white , 41s ; finest American , colon * '
ft 12s.
t IllITTKIl Finest Unltwl Stoles. SCs ; goo.1 , 40 ,
' . COTTONHKKD Oil , i.lverinwl rcllned , 18s'3d.
a I'KTItoi.KUM-Iteflneil , S'.Jd.
1 ItKFIlKlKltATOIl IlKI-.F-Foreqnartors.
hlndqii.trterB , 6Hd.
U HOI'S At London d'aclflc coasl ) , 2 3s.
[ J ! iiur .Mnrknt.
Nnw YORK , June 8. SIJOAn-Tlaw. iteadj
fair reHnlng. 2 13-16o ; ei-nlrlfUKal , 9 te t. 3 S-KV
sales. 7,8SI 'haBS centrlfUKnl. 1W test , at 3 0-16 <
1.170 bags mola cs siKrar , 2 11-lflc ; renneil , qule
No. 6. 4M 3-lCc ; No. 7. 3'i l 1-lCc ; No. 8. 3 11- '
< f l l-6c ! ; No. 9. 3 l3-lB ? 4e ; No. 10. 3WJ 15-ir
No. 11 , 3 ll.lMlSTlo ; No. 12. 3 ic ; No. 1
3J4c ; nit A. 1 l-ir. | * 4c ; mold A. I 1l-li > fl-'t | <
Mlandanl A. 4 7-lWmc : confectioners' A , 4 .VIB
4V4e ; cut loaf , 5 l-16ff3lc ! ; crushi'd , 3 l-ICffaVii
pnwilernl. 4\i i'l I5-16c ; Rrnnulatcd , 4 7-16 © IS1
cubes , 4 ll-16nc.
llnlllniorn flrnln .tlnrkotH.
nALTIMOHK. June 8. WIIKAT Steady ; rrx
and month , SIHWSlHc ; JUly. 81T tt82c ; Augus1
82 82V4c ; SepiembiT. S2 ! < , { i82y1c ; uti-amer. No.
retl , 7S'Sffl78c ; receipts , 164 bu. ; Hlook , 4ir.01
bu. ; sales , 7it.OOO bu. ; southerli , by mimple , SO'
S2e ; southern , on grade , 7HSi' ' 2e.
fOUN Firmer ; sixit , G7'.4il37'ic ( ' ; month. r.7 (
57V1C ; July , 67f < Mc ; Annual , D < c bid ; n-celpti
21..IS bu. ; stock , 300,000 bu. ; southern \vhllt > , :
OATH Firm : No. 2 white western , STifflSc : Ni
2 mixed , 3Hj3t'ic , ; receipts , 3,213 bu. ; mocl
136,597 bu.
MlnncnpolU Whent
MIKNKAI > OMR. June 8. WHBAT Firm ; Jun
July , 8 i Slu ; September. 78c ;
tnu-k. Nix 1 hnnl , 82ylC ! jjo. 1 northern , 8'ic ; N
2 northern , 8tc.
Fl.OI'It Stendy ; first patent * . JUSOI.M ; se
end pattiils , JI.OilH.t'J ' ; Ural clears , 3. lOQ I.CO.
Milwaukee .Market * .
2 uprlnB , S2 > , c ; No. 1 northern. 87c ; July , S314C.
COIlN-Flrmly lu-Id ; No. J. 52Vic.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white. 33c ; No. 2 whit
Is UAItl.KY Nominal ; No. 2 , 43c ; mmple ,
Ir DOSTON. Jiuie S. ClearlnKS. )1I.9S4.I18 ; tn
Iry ncn , I1.7WJ.71S. Far the week , ja7J2,2 2 ; Iw
s , anceH.
c- nAI.TIMOHU. Juno S.-CIearlnR. , JJ.701.43
cB - balances. $240.4Cd. For tlm week , clearings , ill
B1 - 3OT.204 ; balances. 2SHai9.
ST. I-OI'IS. June. 8. Cleirlnga. } I,319.C70 ; t < \
pr ances. $ . 37,772. Money. Sfl per cent. Ne
10 Yi > rk exchange , GAo premium.
ts rilll.ADHI.I'HIA. June S.-CIearlngs , no.44 !
tsII 6ID ; balinceii , $ l.vs , H7. For the week , clearing
> IIy J71.929.S7S ; l Uncf , ll,2i)2OM. )
re WASHINGTON. June 8. Today's statement
at Iho condition of tin * treasury ihows : Avallal
to i-ash bjlance , JlSC.I'JT.t'Jl ; gold reserve , J'J'J.33 ]
fK .
CHCICAnO , June . Tlentlngs , JI3.133.Oi :
Total for wei-k , > | i , D78,0 > ; corresponding wei
Ia > l year. JSi.MVii'J. ' Ormand fi > r money la lilt
easier ; rates , 4iS3 ! per cenl for c.ill loans at
5 < s4f * per rent for commercial pjipor. New To
"xchamte , 23OIOu premium. Sterling , p ti
rates , | 4.)0tt4. ! ) ! > ! > .
NUW YOHK , Juno 8. The exports of spec
from thft poU of New York for llu > wet
ainounled to J13.Cn In gold and $9)S.C72 In Bllvc
The Imparts for the week were : Oold. $ : i.21
silver. JM.r.l'l ; dry gooils , Jl.S..l.ikV ) ; ceneral mo
ch.imllM * . } 9.C07C7X ClearliiE * . m. n.M ) ; twlanct
ij.KUl.O.-.l. For the week , exchanges , > 577,1W ,
balances , I37.TJ0.001.
rinunclul Noics.
IXNDON ) , June S. Oold Is quoted today i
lJucni Ayrej at 217 ; Madrid. 11. W ; Lisbon. 27V
Ht , 1'etersburir. G4 ; Ath-ns. 77 ; Home , U4. ( ,
Vienna. 103. liar llver , a d per oa. Mone
Per cenl. The rain of discount In the opt
market for short bills Is S-16CH per cent : f
three-months' bllla , 9-lOSft rx-r cent.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno
1C i : neld nnd liu lund to L , 15 Klewhons.
6JS frrt anil s 3IU feet of n J6U fi l of
lot 1. Mcday'u But-dl\r 5
Dunlel Canliir aixl wife to Join I.ln.U-r ,
lut 7 , block 3 , Iluo-imi iiark , {
C ] . BprcUI master to H { llagoe. lots 17 nrui
H. bkx-k. 75. Dundee Place !
ituntrr In chaiu-cry In Jennie H MboreheHd ,
Ih ICixKO feel In tux lot 7. In 21-15-13 9,5
PS Hheriff lo M A ( tell , n > t ot lot 3 , block ,
Ham * In B T Dell , lut 12. bUxU : O , Hhlnn'a
2.1 add jtj
Same tn 1C II Curtlv undlv ' .4 of lt 2.
block f. Ciinnlnalinm' nNllv ; nndUU
of 1.4 t , blck 7. Cunningham' * kubillv ;
uiullv ti , v ( kit U , Uiyil o-lil . 1 : . !
Bamo In vumi * . Iota a'ml X. lUicU M.
fraae Mr S' add : nn.llv li of lot 3. block
b 8. 1,4 > . block 4. lot 21. blork 13 , lit I.
block II. lot ? ) , blcxk. lX lot tl. blouk 17 ,
Orchara lllll .
. . . if
rn Kame l < > turn * , lot 4. LUvrW 2. Fred Di'l-
id nihl , lot 1. block 7. Walnnt lllll ;
lota I and ! . tiUk ! . Il . .llk'j .uWlr ;
un.llv ' , ol lota 2 and a. blrwk 7 , undlv
r- \t of I > l 4. block 7. CunuliiEhaiu'k aubillv ;
thor lo' 7 and 4 , block ) , lot * I und S. block
14 , Imiio H' . h . . '
or B.M. < t 22. M.irn.'s ndd
ti > Orrhanl lllll. widlv > > of bl.Kk .
ill un < J other property In Orchard lllll. . . . . . 7,8
Total amount of tranxfo * . . . . , . tl. * , :
Wheat Opened Quite Weak and Suddenly
Became Strong.
It Declined When WliontVm Weak and
Advanced When It Ilrgiilnoil .Strength
Crop Damngo Ht-pnrls Agntn
a rentura on 'ClmiiRo.
"CHICAGO , Jiinp 8. Wlirat turned from
quite weak early In the session today to
very strong nt the close on further crop
damage reports , ufter declining Ic per
Ini. under Its highest value made. In
the first half hour It rose 2o and closed at
81ic for July , which Is l&c rise since the
close yesterday , and Is the highest closing
price so fur this season. Corn , oats and
provisions sympathized with the strength
In wheat. Oats are Ic higher , while corn
only gained Uc and i ork , lard and ribs are
but modestly advanced.
Although the first sales of wheat were at
from > 'sc to l c over the closing price yes
terday , the llnal dealings were compara
tively tame. There were no new features
In the surroundings of the market. The
weather was still dry In the winter wheat
area and wet In the Hprlng wheat region.
The chief Items of eaily news comprised
the publication of the state crop reports of
Michigan and Illinois and the particulars of
the week movement. The Michigan report
gave average condition for the state at 7:1 : ,
or about 10 per cent reduction for the
month. The Illinois repirt gave the average
for the slate at 62. as compared with 92 per
cent on May 1. These reports , bail as was
the state of affairs they Indicated , wcru
not quite so bad as the Imagination of some
of the speculators hud pictured the condi
tions , and consequently their effect was
bearish rather than bullish. The Argentine
shipments were smaller for the week , ac
cording to u private Llvcn > eel cablegram ,
but that also ns a piece of news fell Hat
In consequence of having been expected.
The week's shipments of flour and wheat ,
as published by Urnilstreet's , amounted from
both coasts to 2.391,000 btl. , 801,000 bu. of
which was from the Pacific side. The total
on the week before was 2 , 102,600 bu. , and on
the corresponding week of last year 2.742-
000 Ini. The aggregate decrease of wheat
and Hour in the United 3tate < t and Canada
for May , a.4 given by the Dally Trade Hul-
letln , was bu. , and deducting-
Increase of 4,000,000 bu. In Europe and
alloat , the net amount of the world's de
crease for May was 15,353,000 bu. The mar
ket acted rather heavy for an hour or more.
I'ardrldge took a hand In the market , and
around 80c for July he began to feed the
bulls with short wheat. Tlin price gradu
ally but surely declined to SO'/ic , and after
hanging between that and RUVic for a. time
It slid off to 79-ttc. The decline wan helped
by mlvleea from St. Louis of the arrival
there of a carload of new wheat from
Kansas and other telegrams relating tc
threshing returns from the same state ,
which mentioned twelve bu. per aero from n
Held of 1,200 acres. Hut there was an ex
cellent Inquiry for cash wheat , 100.000 bu
being takx ri to go to Toledo. Sonje car
loads were sold for IMttsburg , als ) . am ;
other places which seldom buy direct frorr
Chicago. Then cumo rumors of hot winds
In California having damaged crops there
from 15 to 20 per cent , the Modern Miller's
estimate of not over Co per cent of an average -
age crop of winter wheat , anil the last am.
most unkindly cut nf all , chinch bugs Ir
the spring wheat. It was a mere rumor
but It created a commotion In the minds ol
the traders , while the price was enrouti
for 81-Tic for July , which It reached am
where It closed.
The. corn market had no Independoni
action of Its own. It declined when wheal
was weak nml advanced when It regalnei
strength. The crop prospects were as gooi
as ever , but the receipts are giving no lgn :
of Increasing. The lnsp ° etlon In store todaj
was 22S cars nml the outward Inspectlor
348,000 bu. July opened at from Ej'Ve tc
r > 2Vic , advanced to 52ic , reacted to fron
52c to 52c , then once more advanced untl
It reached 53' < , c , the closing price beltu
52V.C , OB against 62c yesterday.
Kor n Saturday , business In oats was verj
active. Further reports of crop damage
Indicating that the condition Is much mon
unfavorable than It has been , created sotm
anxiety among shorts , and there was frei
buyingby them. Trading was heavy art *
principally general. July started at fron
SOVit * to iOc. sold at from ic to SOHc
advanced to SIVic and closed at from 3l',4
to 31(4c. (
The provision market was firmer and re
covered the light loss of the day before
Hog receipts were only 10,000. makingth
week's supply 172,000 , against 177,000 a yea
ago. The run for next week Is not expectei
to exceed 155,000 head. Compared with yes
terday's close , pork la from lOc to 12U
higher , lard 2V4c higher and ribs un 3c.
Kstlmatod receipts for Monday : Wheat , 4
cars ; corn , 223 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; hogs , 29 ,
000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
Artleles. I Opjn. | HI in. | L-JW. | Clou
Wbeat.No. 2
Jnun 81 70 Rl
July SOM3H HIH 70H
Sept. . . 8m BOX 8' ' ?
Corn No. ' . ' . .
Juno Si !
July. B' ' !
St-pt 5.1H Cl
Onlfi No. ' . ' . . .
Juno. , 3l'i MH i !
July 30HWH SOH' i 31MO !
Sopf. S1U ; llli ! Jl'
Pork per bbl
July 12 112 12 70 12 fiO 12 (17 ( !
Sept 12 00 1'07 12 85 12 1)1
Jnlv. . . , o enG t ) CO
Sept. . . . . . . G 83 U BJ
Short nibs-
July. . , 0 3 ! a 33 fl S2V 0 S3
Sept. . . . It 32 0 52 13 51) 0 83
Cash quotations wereas follows :
FI-nmt Winter patenls , t3.9tfH.yti wlnU
slralxhts. f3.4Hft3.90 : spring pale-its. $ I.OO 4.3. :
spring straights. $3.10@4.00 ; bakers. $2.10 3.30
WHKAT No. 2 prlmr. Riy4 f84Sc ; No. 3 uprlnf
nominal ; No. 2 rod. 8Ui81V4c.
CORN No. 2 , 32rc ; No. : t yellow. SIWo.
OATS Ni > . 2. 3I'4c ; No. 2 white , 33j33'ic ; Ni
3 white , 32 (733r.
c- ItYIi No. 2. COr.
I1A1U.BV No. 2 , C2O o ; No. 3 , nominal ; No.
40r.FI.AX SEED Nr > . 1. J1.47.
TIMOTHY SEElPrlme. . j.23.
PUOVISIONS Mesii i > - > ik , iwr bbl. . HS.KI
12.C24. Ijird , per 1V ( ) Ibs. . $ fi.,2ie .5) . Shoi
ribs , sides , loose , JB.2r.5TC.30 ; dry salted sluu
ders. lioxed , JS.37i6l.C' ! ) ; short clear sides , boxei
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cal
J1.2I1K' .
SITOAU Unchingnl.
The. following were the receipt * and ahlpmenl
lod-iy :
On the Pro Iii39 exclisnio to l.iv tlio bnltsr mat
Jot wan firm : creamery. Ki l7He : dairy. 10i
lllo. Kre * . Mcady ; ItailHr. Checso , mi 7Hc.
Closlnc Quotwtloni on tlm Prlnulptl Co n
nioilltlm nnd Sfiiplns.
NK\V YOIUC. Juna S. FLOUn-Ilecelpts , 21.K
bbls , ; exporu , 7.O bbls. ; sales , 2COi ) pkics. Dtil
buyer * generally holding oft to await the go\
cmmont report ; clly mill patents , J4.81Oi.1l
city mill clears. $1.1081.4Mlnnenola ; patent. .
$1.1034.03 ; Minnesota bakrr , $3.2'i 4.15 ; wlnU
patenls , J4.WOI.40r winter slralnht , $1.73fJ4.i :
winter extras. $3.00O3. . ' . ) ; winter low srade , $2. <
C2.0i ; aprliiK low Rradea , $ : .0 < ) Q2. ) . Ilye Houi
'lrr" ' : Jnj . I * ) bbls , ; superllne. $ .2)8l.2i ) ; fancj
t ) N 1IBAU Steady ; naif * , 3 * ) bbl * . ;
estern. $1.1761.19 : Jlraniiywlnc , $1
Y.n . . . . _ _ , . _ .
( -t "
lions were strung nnd fdlrly'a'clTve'oii "bulll *
t t rri irt from Illinois and Michigan , wit
country houses buying freely at first , but sill
oquently reallzlnir , which cuux-d u sharp breul
A parllal rvcovery followed and the close .ws .
at < 4 ( * iCBdvanc * . Other bull factors were hlghi
cablr * . ruiiKirnl imall Arimitlno shipment * an
8. Increased wwkly wheat and Dour export * fnn
this country ; No. 3 re.1 , June , closed at M <
July , K 15-I6fiM'ic , rloaeil nt 8JW ; Atlitust , 83H
Me , cloil at 83ic : HepteimVr. n li-lti/8 ! 1M&
cIofU nt S4VjOi December. Uft < GKc , closed i
iciiov.- , ei'iiijpuon.i manor on cominimi iiui
ron'lpts cn < l ralhvr nnfavornblo crmi news , do
In * nt ; f ' n net ailvan '
< -e : July , 57ir37' c , clew
t 67IVC ; September. SSV.'Wr.SHc. ' . closed at Hc. ;
OATV-Hw ilpts. : s.00i > bu : exiwrts. l.tMO'liu
al s , M.OOO bu. futures and IS.OOO bu. spot. Sp <
firm ; No. t , W\f : ic : Nit , 2. dellyrred , 3l\4i3.V
No. 3. i3c ; Nn. \vnll0. . M'.i 77o ; Nu. 3 whit
SCo : track , wlilitv , 37i > 4M Optkimi rul l llrr
with nnty a lithe trade , closing ut lie ad vane
July , 33 ( T34c. closed at lie ; September , 33UVH
D rl "l at 34 < - .
HAV-FIrm : lilM lii . $ J.W804 ; gooj
f holce , M.5 < M > : W.
Iiopjt stfady ; Blat . fontmon tn choice , ol
I.V * ; US. . 4ij1c ; 1'acltlo cuait. old. Miio ; 189
u iav.
IIIDITS-Htrong ; wet ulted Now Orleani.
Kflwl. 4J to * 1 Ibs. , * Ho. nominal ; Trxa * . u
l.-v-lnl. SO tn m Ibt. , 7e , nnmlnal ; Hnrno * Ayre
Ory. 20 | it Itv-i. tic , nominal ; Trxa r dry ,
la 31 Ilia. , loOli- .
I.KATHfrt-8tron : hemlock tofe , Dnen
Ayms llnht to heavy irelght * . 22023c ; add ,
\VOOlf Virm ; domettle flrer * . UQ2lo ; pull *
W rROn3rONS-B * f.q'jI t ; family , JltCOfflJ.C
Mtra. tS.90vt ; humii. tl9.RftflW.CO ; city , extra
India m w , tK.OOOt VKOJCul mraU. Menjj-i
plcklnl ti ltle , rUe < ; pkktf < l nhoulder * . 6C3Ucj
plckleil hnnu. f Hc. , tan ) , dull ; western dram
clowl * t l .7Wr .lU : Qlylls o , July cloi M nt
JS.W nomlniU. Hcptem vxlO nominal ; rennnl ,
dull , continent , I7.0C. fHith American , I7.M ;
ci > nin > und , $ ! . . Tork. dull ; new nip m I13.7MJ
ll.W ; family , | 12.WU > COt- short clear , II3.0i > i >
n.rxi ik-
llt'TTKH-etendy : wfitim dairy. 9W13c ; west.
orn ctvHtncry. 12WHc > M > vd tern farti > r > ' . SirlJcj
KlRlns , 1S < - ; Imltatlonlii'rertmery. IHrlSc ; Mate
il.ilrr. Iltfl7c ; state cram-'O' . 1W.
rilHI'ISi : yulet ; Mflti-J ! lajgr , MfTc ; small , C.I
I87'v ; part skims , Zt/lo ; full skim * . Url'ic.
KlIOS Stwuly ; slate- HtidI'ennsylvunlii. . II'IO '
14'tc ; western , fre h , I3 M ( * , recelptH , 4.HH pkxs.
TAI.l/\S'-insy : ; city 'IM POT pkn. ) , 4i W4Hc ;
country ( tikux. free ) . 414WlSius to citinllly.
I'l-n'ltOI.Mr.M Wi * . 'Unlliil closed at Jl.D'4
1 > M ; refinril New Yolk , J7.C.1 ; 1'hlhulolphla ani >
lUltltnore , $7.0) ; llillnilriphla and llaltlmore. In
bulk. H.10. ' ! ' ' M
HOrtIN < JulPl : stnilrleil , common to good ,
H1CB < lulet ; domestic , fnlr to extra.
Japiin , 3\Wlo.
MOIjASSlIS PlonilV : New Oileans , open kettle ,
KK > 1 to choice. ZMfS c.
MI3TAIJ4 IMS lii.n. fr" ( > : American. J10.OW
12.7.-5 Copper , steady ; brokers' prlro. JIO.SJ'4.
l ul. Blronc : brokers' price. 3.12H. Tin , Ixirely
rtcady ; stnillji , $1I. X/H.10 ; l-l.iten , stendy.
Spelter. Hrmer ; ilontpstle. 13.75513 SO.
I'l/rTONSI-iMI ) OIIAI it stiiiily. but quiet ;
print * cruJi * . 23'clJk'i "ft ciinlr. KUilc ; | irlm
sumimv yi-Mow , 27Sfj4e ; off summer yellow ,
a > V'flG\ic ; yellow summer ftnulM , SStfKic ; prlnia
Hum'mer while ,
Condition ot Tnulo and < J-inIi\tlr n on
Miiplo nml I'nncy I'roiliicc.
r.aOS-rholce stock , 10810V4C.
UfTTKIl racking stock. 8H09e ; cholc ? to
fancy , lOffllc ; entliercd country. Ho ; wparatot
creamery , lie ,
I.IVK IHJfl.THY HctiB. CiJCiic ; roosters. 3g >
4c ; sprlm ? chickens. JZ.0083.W per doz. ; ducks ,
7(8c ( ; tin keys , 6c ; BCCSI' , 6c.
VEAI * Choice fat , 70 to 10) Ibs. , are quoted at
& 0i7c ; I.ITRC nnJ coarse , 4g5V4c.
rill-IIMK Wisconsin full cream , ! ) c ; Youns
Americans , lOo ; twins , lie ; Nebraska unJ lown ,
full cream. lOc ; Nebraska and Iowa , part skims.
GiI7c ; LlmburKcr , No. 1 , lOo ; brick. No. 1 , lie ,
.Swisi. No. 1. He.
HAY Upland hay , J8.M ; midland , 13 ; lowland ,
$7.0 ; rye striiw , jl ; color make * the prlco on
hay. I.lKht bale * sell the best. Only top guides
brlnt- top prices. .
I'HIKONS 1'or iloz. , tl.C09l.EO.
New potatoes luive taken quite a drop durlnK
the past week nnd thetv IH every pnwpect that
they will KO still iDwer In tin1 near futrue. They
are now a * cheap as old imtatnea. Arkansiis mock
selllns as low ua Sic. California new potatooa
urn held at Jl and It looks us If they would
have to Rive way to Arkansas stock.
Tomatoes nre lower , nnd It In expected that
they will now n\3\-a morefieely. . lyottorlum &
Co. of Crystal HprliiKS , Ml * * . , the laiRe t shlp-
plntt point fritomutoid In the country , have a
car on the nmd. whlcli I * expected to arrive here
on Tuesday. Crystal HprlnK * ships car lot * of
lumatm'H t all the larRo wistern and northern
cities , but has left Omaha out In thu past. It l
now proposed to Klve this market n fair trial
nnd the Mint cur Is on the way.
Sit Ini ; mid wax be.ins were In wtter demand
yesterday and what there were here * old nt n
little firmer prices. Quotations :
rAULIl'lAJWKll Southern stock , per crate ,
12 00
ONIONS llermudas. per crnte , Jl.COftl.CO ; Cal
ifornia , In sacks , per lb. . Zc.
IvyrATOKS Western Stock , car lots. TOwsOo- ,
small lots. 80 ? 9'\ ' : ; new , ) > er bu. , 83) ) > l.i .
Ol.I ) HHANS-Hand picked , navy , W.20 ; Lima
bean * , per lb. . & 'iffoic ! , .
CAWIAOK On onlera , tc.
SPINACH Per bu. basket , 3.W40o.
KADISHER I'er noz. bunches. 15o.
OHI2EN ONIONS I'ei * ( loz. bunches , MflOc.
LITTHCK rer noz . zs soc.
ASl'AHAUUH Choice itouk , on orders , 30940c
per iloz. bunches.
1'II-i 1'I.ANT I'er II ) . , SOlc.
CUCUJIIIKHK On prtlers ; 40S'riOfl ' per iloz.
1'KAS On orders , wrKin. . box. S057COC.
ST11INO I1EANS Oh . ) rd ! > rs , ' ,4-bu. box , WS
'TOMATOES Klorlila stuck , per G-baskct crate.
$3.W ; per 4-basket cas ; } 2.
WAX IIKANS On ordern , per 14-I > U. box , IVt !
90e ; 1m. boxes. J2. '
TI-JXAS SQUASH Ivr do * . , on orders , 401f50c.
There were only a few 'Missouri fttmwberrlcf
on thi > market , but tl > e demand was not large ,
OH Friday's car of Oregon berries had fllled ur
the trade.
ItasplxMTles weru Itv RAM ! demand at stcaily
prices. There Is Bald lo be ji go > l crop at ship
ping points. J ' '
An occislon I case of blackberries Is received.
In splto of the frosts wliloh ilestroye.1 some ol
the fruit In ( he northern purl of thK state , the
fruit crop In Cullforrtln Tjils year promises tc
be an Immense one. Th ilfands of acres of new
orchards will conn- Into Tearing this tieoson
Adylces from San I'mnclseo state that the 70"
ventllatuil cars orderiil some time ago , In nntlcl
patlon of Incrpasul shipments In this line , an
neatly ready for use' . In fact , homo i > f thf
ciua are going west no\\vThe rush of buslnes-
In , hnndllnK calfornh | | .fruit will no I UKlnlo
fern the mlrfdlo of June. . .For six weeks 'aftei
that date th powerful iMiKlne's on OILmountalt
division will bc tested to their full capacity' Ir
hauling the fruit over the hills on fast time
Quotations ;
STHAWHEUniliS Choice shipping stock , pc
ca of 54 qts. , J3.W94.Oi ) .
CHKUIUKS California , black per 10-lb. box ,
11.23 ; lloyjl per box , 11.60.
OOOSEHKHIUErt Per 24-nt. case. I2.00ft2.-'i.
SOUTHEHN CMKHRIKS Per 24-it. | case , J2.25 ,
IH.ACIC ItASI'llRHKlKS ( lood slock , per 24-pt
case , 12 : per 24-qt. rase , 14.
III.ACKIIKHIHKS cnrolco stocU , per 21-qt
CaS ° ' * 4'
Advices have jut come to haml from th
Ea.rl Fruit company Indicating that there I * i
possibility of the freight on oranges bolns re
duced to Jl per cwt. to all points which nov
take the rate of 11.25 per cwt. This reductloi
would mnke n difference of about 3)e per box li
the freight charge * . The piesent charge Is 90
per lx > x and thu dollar rate would make th
freight 72c per box.
Ileports from Florida rather Indicate that he
1 > almlest days In orang growing are over for i
tlmu nt least. Of course there will be lots o
oranges hlpwd | from that state so long n
oranges are grown anywhere , but It will b
some time Ix-fore Florida will IH > what It ha
been In past years , so far aa n heavy yield I
concerned. The big freeze of last winter wn
the straw that broke , the camel's hack. A grea
many of the groves ther have been owned b
nonresidents , who hired nunaKcrs to look afle
Ihelr property and In some Instances the man
nger would have a half dozen groves lo lool
nfter for as many different ownets. For th
last three or four yenn * , when the crop did nn
suffer from frost or other drawback , price
ruled ton low to place the ctiltlvallon on a pay
Ing bnsl * and many of these nonresident owner
began to get discouraged. Then eame the bl
froM last winter , which no < only destroyed
year' * crop , but In many part * of the state th
tree * an well. Since then these turtles hav
withdrawn from business , have abandone
their holdings nnd are uttering orchard * at lo ;
price * . Quotations :
GUANOES Navels , per box. J3.2Wf3.50 ; cholc
seedlings , per Iwi , J2.254i2.M ; Medlterraneai
sweets. .26 ; fancy St. Michaels. H.2.1.
L.F.MON8 Exlrn fancy lemons , 360 lze , tS.W <
C.OO ; 300 size , JG.OOnG.SO.
ItANANAS Choice shlpplns stock , per bund
PINEAPPI.ES-Per doz. , J2.0002.W.
FIOS Fancy , 13c ; choice , U@13c ; Callfornlc
bag . 7e.
HONKY California , 140(3c
MAI'LB SVHUl'-aallon JURS , p r doz. . $1 !
Illxby. 5-fral. cana. $3.
NUTS Almonds , He ; English walnuts , BOfl
shelled. 12c ; standards , lie ; tllberta , 9c ; Brai
nuts , 8c : pecans , 9c.
DATKS In CO to 70-Ib. boxes , tc per lb. ; far
dates. 9e per lb.
CinKH Pure Juice , per bbl. , $3. half bbl. , $ :
COCOANltTS Per hundred , $4.00.
IIIDKS No. 1 Bren hides. 8 < 4c ; No 2 frree
hides. 8c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 9c ; No ,
Kreen mile.I hides. S'.ic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to :
Ibs. . SfjlOr : No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 13 Ibs , , 12i
No. 1 dry flint hides , IWlc ; No. 2 dry flint hide
10o ; No. 1 dry B'llted h.ldt , lOc ; partly cure
hides. We per lb. less than fully cured.
SIIRKP PELTS Green salted , each , r COi
creenailed shearlings ( short wooled early aklns
each , 5 < ? ? 15c ; dry shearling * ( abort earl
Bklnn ) , No. I , each. 6W10e ; dry shearling * ( she
wooled early skins ) . No. ,2. each. 5c ; dry till
Kaunas and Nebraska , butcher wool pelts , IM
pound , actual weight , Mi'Scdry Hint Kansas ar
Nebraska murrain wool nell-i , per pound , actui
welKht , 4 < U6o ; dry flint Colorado butcher wo.
pelts , per pound , ap/MI' .weight , ifiiVi < ' ; ill
Hint Colorado murrlari w eel p lt > , per ( mini
actual weluht. 4B6c. Have reel cut off , as It
useless to pay freight nn thj'm.
TAM.OW AND OllICAaK-No. 1 fallow , 4'/
4V4C , No. 2 tallow , 3'4 4c. ; grease , white A , 4
4Uc ; Brease , white n , SJJcJ Kreane , yellow , 2i
3c ; grease , dark. 2Vic ; . old-butter. 24jNi',3o ; bee ;
wax. prime. 17f20irough ; tnllow , Sc.
WOOU UNWASHED-rl'Ine heavy. 8O7c ; nr
Ikht , 8 < i9c ; quarter-bluv'l , Wrllo ; seedy , bun
and chaCTy , S'nOc ; celled ant broken , coarae , 7
9c : celled and broken , nnf6 8c.
WOOU WASlIKI.r .llum. 13ffl8c ; fine. II
Ita ; tub waihed , ICSrMot I.Uck. 80 ; bucko. 6 <
tag locks , 'Jic ; deaditw'.leil , MJCc.
FtmS-near. black , "N . J. large , J20.00W25.0
bear , trown. No. 1. large , 'j:000i.iO ; No. 1 , m
dlum , JI6 ; No. 1 , * mallr 4121 In-ar , brown , yen
lings. No. 1. large. JU.OKNKOO ; No. 1. medlur
J8 ; No. 1 , small , 16 ; b > nr , < Urown , cubs , No.
Urge , (7 ; No. 1 , medium.No : ; , 1. small , J
badger , No. 1 , medium. Mi No. 1 , small , JS.O )
10.00 ; bear , black , yearllngsr No. 1 , large. tU.00
li.00 : No. 1 , medium , llO ; Ni > . 1. small , 17 ; lx-a
black , cub * . No. 1 , Unre. J4.00O8.00 ; No. 1 , in
dlum , tJ.OOQiI.00 ; No. 1 , 'tmall. II ; bear , Mac
Montana nnd Rocky mountain. No. 1. larg
IHOKraiW ; No. 1 , medium. J14 ; No. 1. sma !
J10 ; bear , bUck , Montana yearling * . No.
Nu. 1. Bmall , $8 ; bear. Bllvcr lip. yearling * . N
1. large. 111 ; No. 1. medium. $ S. No. 1 , ma
15 ; bear , silver tip. cub * . No. I. large , ll.tOflt.i
No. 1 , mvtllnm. 80c ; No. 1 , small. Me ; rUhe
No. 1 , larer , $8 ; No. I , medium , $9 ; No. 1. ama
$4 ; tux , Ulv r , to color , according to beaut
No. 1 , largo. $100 ; No. 1 , medium. $40 ; No.
mall. $30 ; fox , silver , pale , according- beaut
No. 1. Iarg . $ SO ; No. 1 , medium. $30 ; No.
small. * 29 ; Ian. , trait. No. 1 , large , | 7j No.
nwdiura. 13 ; No. I. amall. $3 ; fox. rtd. No.
large. II.W ; No. I , medium , ; No. 1 , ama
It ; for , irrar. No. 1. larc . 73r : . < o. 1. medtur
See ; No , 1 , mall , 4oo ; fox kll . No. f. law , M
No. 1 , medium , u ; No. 1. amall. lOc ; lynx , N
I. large. $3. No. 1. medium , $2 ; No , 1. mna
II.W ; martrn. No. 1. large , $2. No. t m-sllui
II.VI : Nil. 1. imall , $1 ; mink. No. t. large. CU
Jo ; No. 1. medium. 40o ; No. 1 , amall. Ke ; mln
dork. No. 1. Urg , Mt. Nn. I , medium , 0e ; N
I , amall. Ma , mountain lion , perfect head at
feet. No. 1 , Urge , tl.00flt.00 ; Imperfect skin * .
I4.OOO7.00 ; No , 1. pmall. J3 ; otter. Mle. No. 1 ,
Urge. } 7 ; No. 1. medium. 13 ; No. f , inwll , 14) )
tftccoon. No. 1. Utge. OIOTOc ; No. 1. medium ,
50c ; No. 1 , larK * . SOclfK.W : skunk , black , cased ,
narrow striped. No. I. large. 60c , No. 1 , me
dlum. 40c ; No. 1 , small , 2.V < broad strlpiM , No. 1 ,
large , iVUSc ; wolverine. No. 1 , Unie , Jl ; No. 1.
nwilltim , 1 ; No. 1 , small , J3 ; wolf , mountain.
Ko. 1 , largo. 13 ; No. 1 , medlntn. r. , No. I ,
small , Jl.W ; wolf , prairie , No , 1 , Intge , CAffCOci
No. 1 , medium. Mo , No. I. rms.ll , 40c ; benver.
per rkln , No. 1. large , Jl.OKfSOO ; No. 1 , medium , ) ; No. 1 , small , JJ ; benver kit * . No. 1 , Inrce.
J3 ; No 1. medium. Jl-M. No. 1 , smalt , . : . < !
muskrats , winter , No , 1 , tame , SfMOc ; No. 1 ,
medium. 9c ; Nn. 1. small , 7c ; muskrnts , fall ,
No. 1. large. 406c : No. 1 , medium , "c ; No. 1 ,
small , Co ; nuukrat klls. Stile.
Socurltr .Mnrkot Opcnnl Dull vrlth Some
IrrrRiilnrlly n * In 1'rlcrs.
NEW YOUK , June S. The stock market
opened dull , with some Irrcgularlt ) as ta prices.
Advances where recorded > \ere of a molest frac-
tlon , while C'lttcii Oil preferred nnd Sugar d
clltied TN per cent and Hubber 4 per cent. Sub *
Heiiuently Itubber milled 1 p-r cent. During the
last hour of business there was n gen Till Im
provement In prices. Sugar advanced H per
cent , but receded % per cent 111 tin1 final sales.
Susiiuehenna Western preferred gained % per
cent nnd rvacted 'i per cent. The market cloned
strong and In the m.iln higher.
Speculation during the we < 'k was nt times ex
tremely apathetic , nnd while somewhat Irregular
the mmemenl of prices nas In tin * m.iln dawn ,
ward. Tlu oillclnl derlnrntlon of a reduction In
the Northwestern dl\ldo > d rule had a temi -
Rirlly depressing Inlluence on the stock and the
market In general. The action of the Sugar di
rectors In deelailng their regular dUldends had
un enlivening effect on the stock , which made a
material ndvnnre on the nnoiutncement , but
later reacted. Notwithstanding the bett-r tone
of the crop news nnd the receipt of a number of
trnllle returns showing Increased earnings , the
liears seemd to hnvi- little opposition In forcing
down prices. The local operators weie iildeil con
siderably In Ihelr efforts by the iittltude of the
foreign traders , who were mostly sellers. The
sales of the week were I.IO1. ! . ! ) shares nnd IM
stocks were dealt In. The trading In lionds
during the slmrt session loday wns nctlve nnd
generally strong. The total sales were Jl.iv. , i > ) .
Th" trailing was In n gient measure cnntlned lo
Issues of the srecul.itlve ilass and inirknl d-ellnes ,
were develojieil therein , pnrtleularly In the HiMd-
Ing mortgnRes , In which th" ii-cesslous weie of
a pronounced character. Compared with lasl
Salunlay. prices me In the main lower. The
sales of the week were $3.779. ; n.
The followltiK were the clo.'ltiR quotations
on the lentllns stocks of the Now Vork ex
change today :
AtchtRoii 0)4 ) tforiuwi'Mcrn. . , , *
Ad.imBKxprcas. . . 145 N.V. . pfd 144't
Alton. T. II OH N. Y.
Am. KxprcBS 1U ) , Y. AN. K
Itnlllinoro A Ohio. il'J Intarlo A W IBM
C.itiiulu Paoltlo. . . . 82 Oregon Imp I'-'H
Canada Southern. , f > aM Orejon Nar
Central 1'aoltlo. . . . 184 O. S. 1 * A IN. . . . .
Chea. ft Ohio 22M P clBo.Mill
Chicago Alton lut ) I' . I ) . A E
. . II. A Q hlH l'lttsb\lri
Chlcauo Uas ' 1:14 : 'Hitman ' 1'alacc. . 172
Conaolldatnd Oaa. 1484 Ileadliiff. . .
C..C. . C. ASt. 1 , . . . . 444 n. O. W 1HI <
Colo. Coal .V Iron. 84 K. O. W. pfd 41
Cotton Oil Cerl. . . . S7W Uock Islnnil U8U
Delnwaro A Unit. . 128H St. I'Aiil UllH
Dal. . Lack. AW. . . llM" UopfJ 1S1
I ) . A H. O. pfd 47 St. P. A Omaha. . . . Wide
I ) . AC. F. Co ' . ' 0 do vfo. 11:1 :
Krlo 11 Southnrn I'acltla. . V.tM
do nfd. ' 23 Snirar Uotlnory. . . , llRJii
Fort Wayne 147 Tenn. Coil A Iron. SI'H '
G. Northern ufd. . . 128 Texas IMciric 12
O. AK , I. nfd . . . . - " T. A O Cunt. pfd. . 7HK
HockliiirValloy. . . Union P.iclno. . . . . 1:1 : hi
IllliiolB . . 1154 U. a K.xurosi 40 o
St. P.ADuluth . . . 2'J W. SI. U & I * HS
K.AT. lifd li < doofd 10H
Lnko Krlo .V U'oit 2IH : Wells FairoRx. . . 108
dopfd SHI Weslarn Union _ l)2 ! (
Lake Shore 140'4 Wheeling A U E. . 13U
I.oail Trust : I5H iloiitd 4'J
LotilBvllloAN. . . . 084 M. A St. 1. : trt
I A N. A tJ ) <
* ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Manhattan Con. . . . ] 33 O. K I' . . . . . . . . . SUM
MomulilBAC 15 N. li 28.4
Michigan Cunt. . . . 1004 C. F. AI 2HK
Missouri 1'aiiltto. . i"j dopfd 1)5 )
Mobile A Ohio. . . 24 II. AT. C ! )
Nashville Chat. . . . 05 T. A. A. A N. M. . . . VH
National Conl.ije. 14 T. St. U AK. C. . . . 04
doufd S do pfd 13
N. J. Central 0B ( < S. U. R ! : > * <
N. i W. pfd llh doufd S8M
North Am. Oo. . . . r-H Am. Too. Co 1:13 : * <
Northern Pacific. . S dopfd 11:1 :
No.l'ac. pfd St. P. , M. A M 113
U.K. 1) . A < 3
The totul Hali-s of stocks today were 04,74 ?
shares , Including : American Hu nr , 13.501) ) : Al-
clilHim , 4.400 ; HurllnRton. l M ; Coimolldated faa ,
2.5 < ; Dl.illlllnt , ' and Cattleieedlng. T.Jt ) ) ; Oenrrat
Klei-tric , 2,400 ; Ixiulsvllli1 , New Alhany & Chicago
cage , 1,700 ; New York and HouthwoHtern pre
ferred , 2.8i > ) ; Heaillncr , 3 , ! * ; HI. Paul. 1.9' ' ;
Tennessee foal and Iron , 11.20) ; United States
Cordage , 2.400 ; Waliaah. lgi)0. )
Now York Mime Markot.
CALL Nominally at HC1V4 Pfr cent.
I'UIMK MintCANTILB l-APKIl 2 > iQ3U per
STKULINn KXCHANOK Dull and Ktearty ,
with actual InislneH * In bankem' lillln at M.S9Wr
4.SSH for demand , and l4.8HUS4.8SVi for Blxty
day.s ; ponied rates , $4.VJfH.U < ) ; commecvlal lilU.s ,
M.87HU4.87 % .
SILVKU CHnTiriCATICSQiriH ; no sules.
HOVKHNMKNT 11ONDS Htendy ; Htnte Innds.
dull ; railroad bonds , ilrm ; U. S. new 4' reic. .
123 % ; I' . S. new 4'n coupon. 123Vi ; 5f ri-R. , 116 ;
5'H c.iup n. 110 ; 4'H reff. , 11IT ; 4'a coupon , 113 ;
2'8 reg. , 97 ; Paeltlc 0' of "IIS , 100.
Closing quotations on bonds were a > follows :
U. a 4s , ro * . , now. 1-JJH U. Alt. I ) . 7s
U. S. l coup. new. D. JtlLO. 4 * 87f4
U.S.JH. TCI ll-J Krlo 'JJ 03,4
U.S. 0.1.coup lit ) U. II.AS. A. tla . . . 0 ! )
U.S. 4sree (5. II A 9. A. 7s. . . 100
II. 9. 4 , coup II. AT. C. Sade 110
U.S. Vii. rat 07 do 8s
PscinoUlot ' 03. . 101) M. K. AT. 1st 4s. . H51
Al . Clann A 107 do 3d 4n B7H
Ala , Claan II 1117 Mutti.1l Union ) ) . . ion
Ala. Class C 1)7 ) N. J. C. Ooa. &a. . , .
Ala. Cilrrnucy. . . . 1)7 ) No. IMc. Istl
L.1. New Con. 4d. . DO
MUHonrt Us 100 N.V. . ConsolB. . . . 140H
N. C. Ill 134 do S. V. Dob. &s. 1)0 ( (
N. C.Is 101 n. O. Wont. lsf . . . 77M
3. C. noiifnnd St. p. Consols. 7s. . 128
Tfinli. now not Us. doC. A P. W Ct. 111
Tonn. nuw net 38. 101) St r * A LM.nan. S. 78
Tcnn.oMUs uo St. I * AS.K.Ojn.1) ) . 111
V.I. Conturlea. . . . IVJ Tox. Pao. lat
dodflforrnd.- til doSds
AtohtRon 4 7 : U. P. latiof ' 1)8. ) . . 11)0 )
AlchlBon M A. . . . 24K West Shora 4) 1011
Canada So. ! 2da. . . . 103H So. H. U OOH
o. p. i uor 'C3. . . 103
llniton Htoolc ( jnotntinni.
BO3TOX. Jnn 8. Call loan * . 2(33 ( par cent ;
lima loans , 'JU'444 percent. Closlnpriooj for
atoclca , Donasandmlnlnf shares :
Snn Kr.tncUoo .Milling stoox (
SAN KUAJ4CI3OO , June 8.--Th onislil nlo
Ing qnotattoua ( or uilnlng sioc' < * toJ-iy WJPJ
follows :
Alia ID , 11
AlphaCou I ! Kontuulty Con. . . .
Andes 2 Lady Wash Con. ,
llolcher : U Mexican . 31
licbt & Uolcner. . . . 40 Mono- . . . S
Uoillo Cuit aJ Mount Diablo . 15
Bullion 8 Con. . . 111
Caledonia. , 0 Oohlr . 123
Cli.-illonfo Cot Id Overman . Id
Chollar 10 I'otOM . : it :
ConlUleaeo. 7ft . . . 31
Con. Cat Se Va B'JO Sierra Nnrada. . . . 47n
Crown Point 44 Sliver Hill . n
Kxchequur 1 Silver Klu ; . 20
Could ACurrr . . . . ' . ' 1 Union Con . 24
Halo A Norcross. . 8t ) Utah Con . 24t :
Julia. 2 Yellow Jaelcot. . . 40
Silver bira. (37 ( < 4H7Ko. Muxtciu dollari , 53 ( .
83je. ! Drafts , aluht , 24u ; talorraphlo , 5o.
New York .Uimtg : < J lot -
NKW YORK. Juno 8.-TH9 fullawliu arj th3
clOBlnf liunlnf ( inouuoi : * :
nulwer. : Ontario 800
Cholor. IS Ophir ' . . . . 12O
Crown Point Hfl Plymouth UO
Con. C.i1. A Va. . . . Sl Qulclcillvnr. . . . ,10J
Dead wood 'M Qulckitlver pfa. . .170. )
( Jonld.t curry. . . 13 sierra NovatU. . . . 4S
Halo \ Norcross. . H.-5 225
Hometttaka IfllH ) Union Con. 21)
Iran Silver Mil Yellow Jucltut. . . . 43
Moxlcan ill )
Cotton .M
NF3Hr YOniC , Juno 8. COTTON-QuIct an <
xteady ; mlddllnir. 7Ue ; net rerelptM , none ; Rron
21 bales ; cxportM , to Great Ilrltaln , 1,040 lialen
forwarded , :2 link's ; nates , none ; Block , 2I2V > J
mlddllnir , 7c ; low mlddllnir , CV.o ; KOO ! ordinary
6 SlGc ; net and grow * receipts , 21 lialen ; exports
to France. 3.HI Intles ; roastwl e , l.VJI bales
BAleii , 75 lialeM ; tttock , I41.7G9 t > aleii.
HT , unvia. June ft.-CCrrTON-Q.nlet ; no Hale
rep trtedi middling , Cc ; reralpts , 1,17 bales ; ship
ments , 4j ) Imles ; tock. 27,1)11 ) hales.
Oil .ilurKuts.
C'HAni.KSTON , June 8.-TUIU > ENTINi-
Krr ly offrred at 2 Hc- .
HOHIN-KIrm at tl.10.
WILMINHTUN. June . IIOHIN Firm ; goo ]
! ! . ? > ; plrlts. KVto.
TAIt-Hlraily at M.S.
Tlini'KNTlNl'J-tJalrt ; hard , ILW ; soft , Il.tQ
vlrnln , C.IV
8AVANNAU , June 8. SPIHITS-I'lrm at Tc
salra'J ) bbls.
, _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
UuluthVhe l Markat
DULUTII , June 1. WHEAT No. 1 hard , < > !
\Vfo ; June , 8ic ; July. B3o ; No. 1 northeti
raxh , ttf ; June , Ka ; July , IVtif HepUmb *
% < ; No. 3 northern , cash. 78Uc ; No. 1. c l
7l % : rei-cte < 1 , 72c , to arrive , No. 1 hard n <
No. 1 northern , B ? ! e.
PrUro Wheat Qiiotiittont.
* aaoa
Week Closes with a Light Eun , Leaving a
Deficit All Around.
tlcmnml Also Limited nml Trading Dull on
Narrow l.liirs nml l.mvrr Prices
1'nlrljr Active ami Meaily
Alt Through ,
8ATUUDAY. June 8.
The receipts today numbered Wo cattle ,
3K1S hogs and C21 sheep , as against "CO
cattle , 3.2SO hogs nml CM sheep on yester
day , anil SOt cattle and 0,707 hogs on Sat
urday of last week.
WliKlvIA" RKCKIf IV ? .
Catlle. lions' . Sheep.
Iteoolpln IHI week 4r > 75 2J.7JI 2,4.15
Ilecolpla l.ut ttiek 6.H.M S.1M : ! 1.4SO
Same \\erk IS.H 17.0M ; r,7.I..YJ 4M1
Sain , ) week lsi3 : S.6JO 22 , 5 ll t
Same week l ! 2 10.70.2 3S.9J7 700
OATTI.B-Tho cattle market of the p.tst
week has been far from satisfactory to the
selling Inteiests. The receipts of cattle of
all kinds have been light , especially good
fat beeves , but that fact was not sulllrlent
to hold up the market. The week opened
with n firm market , but values weakened on
Tuesday and the downward course of
the market commenced In earnest on
Wednesday. Kor the week the decline
amounts to about 30o on an average , lle-
flldes being lower , the trade has been slow
and dragging every day , with the buyers In
different. As noted above , good cattle have
not been at all plentiful and the highest
price paid during the week was $ r > .lo for
1,350-lb. cattle on Monday. As high as { T > .03
was paid on Wednesday , but there have
been very few cattle In the yards good
enough to touch jr. .
Today's receipts numbered thirty-nine
loads , a gain of twelve loads over yester
day's run. There were a few pietty de
cent steers among the offerings , but noth
ing very choice. The market was very
slow and dull and there was not much
change In the situation as compared with
yesterday. Some 1,201-11) . beeves , the best
cattle In the yards , sold at $1.80 , while a
few other loads went at from Jl to JI.60.
There were a few small bunches of cows
and heifers , which sold nt about steady
The trada In stackers and feedera did not
amount to much , owing to the light supply ,
llopresentatlve sales :
No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr
I..1WOW6I ) W..1105JI 00 19. . .J2.-4 l W
39..1133 n G5 40..10U7 4 * ) ID. . . . 1230 4 80
17..1058 3W IS..1163 433
. . .873 1 BD 2..1000 230 1..1120 283
. . . S70 1 m .1..1118 243 1..10W 290
. . . . 7W 1 . - , 2. . . . ! > M 250 1..IHW .100
821 ISO I. . , , g-l ) 250 3..1133 30)
. . . .74 i 1 9.1 1..1WD 2M 19..101 310
. . . .1ICO 2l 1. . . . 910 2 M ( > . . . . 1I28 310
. . . . CVJ 215 1..1110 2 ft ) . . . . r ) 3W
. . . . 77S 22.1 1..102J SW 7..11SI 303
. . . . 9SO 2 25
. . . .4 * ) 210 4. . . . Mo 27. ' . 1. . . . 470 3 M
. . . .720 223 r. . . . . 4(0 JO ) 21.043 383
. . . . 80) 2 25 C. . . . 914 3 23
. . . .1230 2I 2..10W 230 1..1470 283
. . . .103) ) 22 > ) 1. . . . 8.10 2 M 1..1WO 323
. . . .102' ' ) 2 23 1..MSO 2 (0
330 200 2. . . . ISO 3 7S 1. . . . 140 473
344 223 ] . . . . 130 400 1. . . . 100 5 (
. . . . 75 2 M 4. . . . 1S7 IM 1. . . . ! ' ) B 2J
. . . . 22U 273 2. . . . 12) 475 4. . . . 217 521
2SO 323 2. . . . 215 475 1. . . . ISO 523
. . . . 103 350 B. . . . 262 473
. . . . COS 2G5 7. . . . 4 8 303 C. . . . 4CO 315
. . . . MS 273 1. . . , 1D34 311) 4..S75 333
. . . . WM 275 4. . . . 452 315 C. . . . 1)16 350
. . . > ( PiS 2 Ki
HOdS Today's ofrerlnRa of IIORS consisted ol
riy-olRlit fresh lonils and fourteim loads ln-lil
iver from ye.ilerilay , or a , total of lily-twc
> ads. Of tlie frrali rrwlpta four loads wro i n-
IKIIPC ! direct to a | > ack < "r nml wen- not offpri-il on
ho luarknt. Th > iiuallty of llu- hops WIIH ultout
he Hainins ycntcrday , there N-IIIK quite a good
nany K'uxt lonils. 11\c mnrkot OIOIKI | | with the
Ipinniid Rood , the packem all liclnir In need ol
iocs , mm the trading wan fairly active. Th <
jiilk of the hogn Bold early and the pens mrc
linictlcnlly denied dome time before midday ,
"lie piloi jmld were ahout the name aa yi' ter-
ay , th Kdieral market beln stoady. fl
leavy and oilxtil loailit Hold at imm ) l.4 > to )4.r,0
, vlth the lighter and mixed loailH lit from J4.S (
o J4.41) . The buUc of nil the hogs hrre Huld ui
'rom 54.K to 14,40. ItoprcvutHtlvu
' There were three douhledecks of wesl
erns on the market , but buyers wnnled thei
way lower and holders would not accept the bid'
Afl a rrault there wa nothliiB dolnir on the mai
ket. Kalr to- choice natives are nuolablo at fror
M to $3.7.1 ; fair to KI X ! weHteniH at from $ : ' . . :
to 13.40 ; common nnd stock nheep nt from $ - ' t
12.75 ; RniKl to choice 49 to lUO-lb. limbs at fret
$3.75 to $5.23. _
In the Absence of n Fulr Supply Ver
I.lltio TrudlUR Vint Done.
CIUCACIO , June 8. In the absence of n fa I
pply , very little tradlnc was done toda >
Prices cloned lOc per 100 lb . hlRlier for BOO
than a week ago , but common lots close
from lie to 2ie lower. The week's cattle n
were 1 ' > . ( ) head lens than last week , nil
12,001) leas than for the corresponding week Ihi
year. Kor common to choice native dresHed be *
and hlpplnif steers , weighing . > ) to 1,000 Ibx
prices ranxeil ot from < I.f > to $ C.t , but very fe-
are choice enough to bring JV80 , and pales ai
Jargely at from 11.23 to $3.30 , Far a way lilah
Is sending some SKi to U7.ll > . wheat and oat tt
steers here and cales are mule at from $3.23 I
$3.85. Htockers and feeders are selling moi
freely at somewhat stronger prices , sales beta
mostly at from $2.40 In $ J.9. " > , Texas cattle n
celptx this week are ubout U.IOO head , main :
9. & head last week and 5.000 heail the CIITI
spondlng week bat year. At the short .deellr
that has taken place In thw ralllu this wet
there Is a fair demand at from $2.80 t $3.60 fi
grans Hteurs , with fed steers selling at from
to $1.50.
In hogs this week's receipts were 1C3.COO hea <
6,000 mor than were recelvcil last week ai
al ut 13.00' ) lens thim came In during the tii
reMjiDndlng week last yeai. There W H an OftM
local demand nd prices were strong tnr llgli
while go < x1 , heavy hogs commanded un ndumi
of V. Heavy hogs Dld at from * ! . : < ) to $1.7
light at from $ l.2.i to $4.50. mixed at from M.
to $4.C3 , ami pigs Ht from $ . ' 1 to $1,2' ' ) . 1'rlr
closed nearly tlio dame us n week ago and 1
liwer than n year ngo. The supply wns pret
well dUpimed of , lhi > bulk selling nt fror. ) $1.
to $4.63. Light weight hogs sold more slow
than heavy , owing la u poor shipping dvmai
for the former.
About" ) sheep were received loday , mahli
MJM head for thf * week , n reduction of 8'J
heml from the numl > er received last week nt
ll.uijo head less llun urilved In the same wei
last year. The offerings again consisted most
of undesirable grades and tradn wns extreme
dull ut yesterday's low innge of prices. I
ferlor to good fat native sheep sold nt I
Texans at from Sto $1. Oregon sheep at $3. :
Iambs nt from 13 to $1.75 , and sprint ; lain
at from $5.25 to J3.l , a few selling at fro
IJ.r. to $1.73.
llecelpts : Cattle. 3' head ; calves , 151 lien
hogs , 9,0 > liead ; sheep , 2,500 head.
Hniisus City l.ivnMocU.
3' head ; Hhlpments , 1,100 head. Maiket nin
Inally meady ; Texas sti-ers , It.lOiiJ.V ) : Tex
cows , 2.1JT < 3i < } ; bevf steers , H.IMJJ. 13 ; nail
cuws , $1751(4.23 , Btockers and feeders , J : . 501/1.1
bulls , ll.url. , < l .
ItOtlH llecelpts. 3,300 head ; shipments. !
heud. Market Hi rung to )0o higher ; bulk
sales. $1.25 1.45 ; heavies. Jt.WKI.V ; p.ickei
II.LinjI.M ; mixed. JI.KK/MO ; Huhts , $3.75 < iM. :
Yorkers. JI.1IWI.M ; pigs. $3.001(4. IM.
KIIKKP It ce4pts. l.OOi ) head ; shipments , ] , !
heud. Market steady.
block In .Slant.
Record of receipts at the four principal rot
ket * for Saturday , Juno 8 , 1S95 :
Cuttlo , HOKS. Shei
ftiulli Omaha . . . . 933 J , H I
rhicasr"/ . 30i ) J.I
Kansas City . . . . . , . . , . , . , , . . . , . 3 ) > .3 > J , '
at. 1-ouH I.I re Stock Jlmrwet
HT IXl.'IS < Jun 7 C'ATTr J Kecelptd ,
shipment * , 1.4W headj supply lou light
make a maikvt , medium native tleeis of I ,
Ibe. arrrava sola $3.W , and som wtlghl
M llm. Went for $ J.M ; Texas uleeni
fit ) Urn. p , > ld s.t UOO , uid some avrraglnr M
Hat. st JS.r
IUKlH-Iteo > lpts. KO heart : shipments. l.JW
henilj only two bunchr * of hogs sold , they run * .
prMn * a lieod nvernglng 1M ll . . nt $1 10.
HHKKP U'vHpIn , none ; shipments , JW ) hea'lt '
KKI | demand for native sheep anil lambs , but
none to buy. _
Now York lrr OooiM .itnrket.
NR\V YORK , June l.-Uuidncs was of thil
moderate volume u usl to Hntuid.iy nt Ihls
p rt < Ml ot the year. The pcr"iml nnd mail ord T
demsnd was of varlabln proH | > rtlons ninl for
purely summer fabric * . There was a wt inquiry
for autumn Finn , but no business win rrportetf.
The mntket for cotton goods was very strong ,
especially for I'liuvn and blenchnl g\K < ds , 1'rlnt-
Ing cloths steady at 2 13-lCo.
\\ool .Mi.rlirt.
ST. I.OflS , Juno 8. WOOIrncliangeil , PX-
cepl for fancy combing , ulilch Is iitiotol nt 13hc.
< ioitf < ir .imnrr Aornn
The Ilookntnn tdls a story at Mr. V.
Cope \Vliltcliotiso , who rceontly spent flvo
years In Ktiropo. Ho hail liocn IOIIK In
cnntllct with both llrltlsh anil KRyptlnn
atithorltlos on the Question of Irrigating n
cortnlu illstrlct , nml foiinil them almost
enunlly coniervatlvc. After n time ho met Cromcr , Just nrrlvcil In the country ,
nnd wns rocolvvil with n chilling coolness.
" 1 really cut not go Into these matters with
you. " alil Lord Cromer , "because 1 hoar
that you treatnl my predecessor with firont
illscotirtesy. " "Discourtesy ? Dlscottrtosy
ot what nature ? " "Oh , 1 am Informcil that
you ncctisod him of cr In fact , that you
Insinuated he was untruthful. " "I ? Oh ,
tlenr me , no ! Not at all. The truth of
the matter was Just this : I bail to charac
terize his attitude In BOIIIO way. Now ,
you ee , I couldn't sprnk of his simplicity ,
because It would not be exactly compli
mentary. Of course , I couldn't speak of
his multiplicity , because that wouldn't bo
true , you know. So , naturally. I had to call
It duplicity , don't you see ? U really was
forced upon me , you understand. "
Senor Canovas , the prime minister of
Spain , rojtilcrs , according to a New York
Tribune contributor. In the nickname of
"Tho Monster. " From the purely physical
point of view he merits the soubriquet , for
he Is without exception the "ugliest states
man of any prominence In the Old World.
Short , siniat , awkwardly built , a clo/e-
cropped , scrubby mustache falling to conceal
his Irregular and discolored teeth , coarso-
( caturcd nnd squinting violently , ho adds
to all these attributes an almost ungovern
able temper and a most undisguised and
unmitigated contempt for his fellow-croa-
tnrcs. "
Canovas , It seems , began life as a subor
dinate railroad employe ; then ho tried Jour
nalism as a profession , next ho drifted Into
law. and then Into politics. Ho has won
derful powers of oratory , which stand out
pre-eminent In a country where all are elo
quent , and his patriotism Is described as
"above reproach. " The prlmo minister of
Spain does not "hit It off" very well with
the queen regent , owing. It Is said , to the
brusque and Inconsiderate way In which he
behaved toward her at the time of her hus
band's death.
Nor docs the premier stand high In the
good graces of the little king. Entering tha
royal lad's presence some weeks ago , the
conservative leader addressed him nH llubl ,
the pet name used by his mother. The
familiarity greatly offended the 8-ycar-old
monarch , for , with an air of disdain , he exclaimed -
claimed : "I am only nubl'for mamma , for
you I am ol Hey ( the king ) ! "
A resident of Cincinnati who knew Sousa ,
the bandmaster , when ha wns a boy In
Washington , says : 'Ills mother was a Ger
man and his father a Spaniard , and though
they hod other children Mrs. Sousa would
always talk of 'my Chonny , " as If ho was
the only one , 'Chonny1 had every whim
gratified. Ho wanted a piano , and got It ;
a. violin , nnd got It ; a drum , got It ; n horn ,
got It. His parlor was like music store.
He played everything with ease. H " 'as
at flrst a drummer ! x > y In the army , but
Inter got charge of the Marine band , whether
by Influence or merit , I do not know. That
gave him room to develop , and he did to an
amazing extent. He Is now handled by a
syndicate , which furnishes him musicians ,
pays all his expenses nnd gives him a net
salary of $0,000 a season. Besides ho hag
the profits from his musical publications.
Ills managers arc making money on him ,
and Sousa Is enjoying the tour , for ho nan
absolutely no responsibility but the con
ducting of the band at concerts.
In the English Protestant cemetery , writes
a Homo correspondent of the Cleveland
Leader , and but a few feet distant from the
tombstone of Shelley , lies a marble slab
over the grave of a well known authoress.
In former
She was a Cleveland woman
years , and many arc the admirers of her
numerous writings. AH I looked upon her
grave I could not but regret her untimely
taking off. for her llfo gave still greater
promise of usefulness In the literary world ,
nut God's finger touched her , and she slept ,
nnd the Inscription upon the stone Is :
Constance Konlmoro Woolson.
The Inscription Is stifllclont. No laudatory
epitaph of high-hounding words Is required ,
for her writings and a beautiful llfo have
reared for her a most fitting monument ,
which will outlast bronze and marble , which
Is perishable.
Miss Ume Tsuda , head of the Kngllsh de
partment In the Peeresses1 school. Toklo ,
Japan , tells In the Independent a touching
story of the aged mother of Sakamoto ,
commander of the war ship Akngl , who was
killed in the thickest ot the fight during the
great naval victory of the Yellow sea. Com
mander Sakamoto left an aged mother , a
wife and three young children. As soon
as his death was officially ascertained n mes
senger was dispatched from the Naval de
partment to convoy the sad tidings to his
family. The communication was made duly
to the wife , nnd before the messenger had
left the house It had reached the ears of the
old mother , who , tottering Into the room
whom the officer was waiting , nalutcd and
greeted him duly , and thun , with dry eyes
and clear voice , said : "So It Booms by your
tidings that my son has been of some aervlc *
this time. "
Admiral Meade , says the Chicago Times-
Herald , Is first cousin to General George
Gordon Meade of Gettysburg fame , and Is
known as one of the Implacable union men.
Ho belongs to n class of which Congress
man Boutelle of Maine , himself a former
navy man , Is a typical representative , Bou
telle Is one ot the best follows In the world.
He Is bravo , manly nnd generous. Yet for
the life of him he cannot get over tt certain
feeling about the former officers of the con
federate army. Notwithstanding his servlco
In congress and friendly relations with any
number of rebel brigadiers , good , patrlotlo
men and true friends , the old feeling come *
to the front evnry now and then In con
gressional or social circles ,
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